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jon-no-h · 2 years ago
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TIS THE SEASON TO BE MERRY!! In the spirit of the 12 days of Christmas, we will be doing three days of giveaways!! The rules are simple: Follow us @herobarbellco on IG and tag a friend in the comments! We will draw the winners on the 18th (HERO Weight Belt), 19th (HERO Duffle), and 20th (HERO Barbell)!!! So tag away… PS There will be a bonus giveaway if we get to 3,000 followers!! MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS from all of us at HERO!! #12daysofchristmas #12daysofgiveaways #merrychristmas #merryliftmas #herobarbell #herobarbellco #thelegendbar #riseofthephoenix #andreaismyhero 📷 Credit: @mayorcamedia and @jon_no_h Pictured: @aenisler and @a_rod.25 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpW5WFpNjv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ironville-clothing · 6 years ago
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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from all of us here at Ironville Clothing Co.! • Post your holiday videos, pics, & IG STORIES wearing our gear & tag @ironville_clothing • • • #powerlifting #ironville #deadlift #weightlifting #gains #xmas #squat #merryliftmas #Christmas #lifting #elf #skull #strength #squats #gymrat #physique #powerlifter #muscle #lift #strong #liftheavy #bench #shredded #fitnessmodel #legday #bodybuilder #weights #aesthetics #gymelf #ironvilleclothing (at Madison, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br0U116gffz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qdiqv8hdhmxb
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itsjasperblue · 7 years ago
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Did 2 @crushfit mass effect workouts today because the preworkout made me do it. #wearecrush #crushmasseffect #merryliftmas #girlswholift #fitchick
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solesrchr · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @nick_shappee_wnbfpro (@get_regrann) - 1st comp‼️ Went 3/3‼️ Posted a comp PR‼️ Had a blast‼️ I’ve posted about @babybaker92 before but this weekend she made a big jump into the competition world. I mentioned competing to her before but never pushed it. So 2 weeks ago she tagged me in the @_vikingstrengthsports competition which worked perfectly since we just ended our DL cycle and that’s all the competition was. I told her many times how proud I am of her accomplishments and she should be too. Her family is slowly accepting her journey now and that couldn’t make me any more happy. HER RESULTS: Attempt 3: 110kg (243lbs) Attempt 2: 102kg (226 lbs) Attempt 1: 107kg (236lbs) Thank you @_vikingstrengthsports for hosting this competition. I can hear all the support in the background. It was amazing to hear and I wish I could have made it. Alexis congratulations again, I’m super proud let’s compete again ‼️ #powerlifting #weightlifting #vikingstrengthsports #powerliftingcompetition #girlswholift #girlswholiftheavy #strengthisbeautiful #workharddreambig #fitness #shappeefitpersonaltraining #shappeefit #family #deadlifting #pickthingsupandputthemdown #merryliftmas (at Viking Strength Sports) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6LMVxdpWGJ/?igshid=133c0ygqhnmc1
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mromegafit · 5 years ago
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Stop in today!! Drink: Shot in the Dark. #merryliftmas #bagofgains #bestcoffeeintown (at Caffe Barista) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5psZw-A7Nd/?igshid=807xuze9sypi
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top-form-fitness · 6 years ago
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Merry #Christmas everyone! #MerryChristmas #MerryFitness #MerryLiftmas #HappyChristmas #SeasonsGreetings #HappyHolidays #Santa (at Top Form Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br0Nr1Ln3h2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ufirerc2gvux
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elliotdole · 7 years ago
MERRY LIFTMAS! #happysquaterdays #merryliftmas #happychristmas #jackedaclaus #partyhard #party #andrewwk @andrewwk
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someawesomefella · 7 years ago
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Holiday Pump #merrychristmass #happyholigains #merryliftmas #sundaymass #sundayfunday #swoleyspirit #growingseason
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irondisciplineco-blog · 7 years ago
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Not too late to show your Christmas spirit by ordering this tee for you or a gym partner. #merryliftmas #merrygainzmas (at The North Pole)
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Merry Liftmas!!!! See what i did there? Off to work now where I'll guilt ppl into tipping me lol. Jk. Mostly. . I had to take a rest day yesterday. my heart demanded it. It's pretty common knowledge I'm doing all this with a heart condition so i may not always finish with everyone else but i WILL finish!! . Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas today. All the best. And Thanks for being a part of my journey. . Love, Harmoni . . #harmonisjourney #fitness #fitnessjourney #workout #cardio #girlswholift #weights #weightlifting #fitspo #fitspiration #motivation #followback #followforfollow #followme #iamawarrior #iamsupergirl #Supergirl #iammyownsuperhero #nevergiveup #stepbystep #weightloss #letsdothis #higherfurtherfasterbaby #donsaladino #toneupwithdon #suitupwithdon #merrychristmas #merryliftmas #sebastianstansoldierprogram (at Fit4Less) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gXkVXDJcg/?igshid=10porng23a8uq
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taylorannesmind-blog · 8 years ago
#merryliftmas #soyouworkout #nobodyneedstoknowthat #youtool #noonecares #keepittoyourself 
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forgestrong-blog · 6 years ago
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🌟Merry LiftMas!! 🎄💪🏼♥️🥁❄️ I haven’t missed a Christmas since 2014!🌟-> to day was Quad Day with a quick Sumo Deadlift at 380lbs PR (BW145)💪🏼whoop whoop! Have a magical, merry, bright, and joy filled day everyone!😘😘😘 ________________________________________ #merryliftmas #merrychristmas #snapleduc #victoriassecret #victoriasport #gains #xmasgains #muscle #11weeksout #workfuckinghard #power #strongwoman #delts #biceps #quads #quadday #merryandbright #december #leduc #780 #587 #leducalberta #leduccounty #gymlife #gym #crushthecompetition #naturalbodybuilding #naturalbodybuilder #figureprep #figure (at Snap Fitness Leduc) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br05GsuAnpn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w3sti27alxha
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top-form-fitness · 6 years ago
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#JackedSanta wishes you a #MerryLiftmas ! https://www.instagram.com/p/BrwFvLtj_WK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5e6rkzycf0jk
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someawesomefella · 6 years ago
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Holiday Chesticles . . . #aestheticphysique #sundayfunday #sundaymass #swoleyspirit #merryliftmas #happyholigainz #bodybuilding #stillnocalvesthough #fitfam #fitspo #noexcuses #workharder (at Onelife Fitness - Vickery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brvki4gnA7t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ueehtog5f4l2
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itsjasperblue · 8 years ago
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Merry Christmas! Worked out and ate cinny rolls and now I have to go to work 😫
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