#merry Christmas my friend!
ragewerthers · 2 years
Mission: Yuletide
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Summary: While decorating the house for Christmas, Loid and Yor discuss some of their childhood holiday traditions. When Loid mentions trying to make the season extra special by dressing up as Santa for Anya, Yor decides Loid may need to practice on one very important laugh.
A/n: Merry Christmas @soft-tk-fluff!!! 😊 I'm your secret santa this year and I hope that you enjoy this Spy X Family fic! Hopefully it brings you some holiday laughs and you can enjoy their shenanigans and all the fluff they deserve! And I'd also like to thank @hypahticklish for hosting this wonderful event this year and for making things run smoothly and checking in on us! Merry Christmas to you too, my friend!
Word Count: 2414
The enticing scent of cinnamon, brown sugar and peppermint was already starting to permeate the apartment from the cookies and cocoa Loid had set out on the kitchen table.
Operation: Yuletide was finally commencing and Loid knew that he wanted… no… he needed everything to be perfect.  Creating Christmas magic for his family would definitely help keep everyone happy and thus would keep his other endeavor, Operation Strix, safely on track.
“Loid-san can you pass me some of the candy canes?” Yor asked, drawing Loid from his thoughts as he stood in front of the newly erected Christmas tree.
“Oh!  Of course.  Here.  I got both Spearmint and Peppermint ones,” he offered with a soft smile, passing the boxes over to her and watching her eyes light up at the sight of the candy.
“Miss Anya is going to love them!  She was just telling me yesterday how much she was looking forward to helping decorate the Christmas tree tonight!” Yor said gently, setting the boxes of candy canes next to the tote of baubles, tinsel and lights nearby.
While Anya was away at school finishing up before Christmas break, Loid had decided it wouldn’t hurt to get started decorating the apartment with Yor.  It would also allow him to gauge her own feelings on the holiday and ensure she too was feeling that merry Christmas spirit he was looking to bring out in everyone. “DId you and your brother enjoy decorating when you were younger?” Loid asked offhandedly as Yor moved away from the Christmas tree ornaments to start hanging garland on the mantle around their family pictures.
“Oh yes!  It was always one of the best times!  We would put Christmas music on the radio, decorate the house and when we were done I’d sit down with Yuri and we’d write our letters to Santa.  That was always the most amusing part.  He’d get so nervous trying to figure out what to ask for!” she chuckled, turning to face Loid.  “What about yourself?  Have you always been one full of Christmas spirit?”
Loid gave a small smile at the question, trying to figure out how best to answer.
“Christmas has always been special to me in some way.  When I was younger I was like your brother.  I was always excited to write my letter to Santa, but I never quite knew how to compose it.  I didn’t want to seem like I was asking for too much… or like I was demanding things from him lest I get nothing but coal in my stocking.”
Yor laughed at this and shook her head.  “Well what about Miss Anya?  What are her thoughts on Santa Claus?”
Loid looked over at the envelope on the kitchen table that contained a single piece of paper that Anya had furiously been scribbling on for the better part of two days to get ‘just right’ in her own words.
“Judging by the intensity with which she wrote out her Christmas wish list, I’d say that she is firmly in the same camp as your brother and I.  Trying to find just the right words to not upset Santa,” he said with a little chuckle before shaking his head.  “But hopefully, even if she doesn’t get everything on her list, I can still make sure that this is a good Christmas for her.”
Yor’s smile grew at that and she nodded.  “I’d love to make this Christmas especially lovely for her too!  What are you planning?”
“Well… you know how we were talking about our memories of writing to Santa?  What if we took it a step further and Santa came for a visit?” he asked, the idea bouncing around in his head as he tried to plan the most effective way to bring holiday cheer.
“Oh?  You hired a professional Santa?!” Yor asked, her excitement almost palpable.  The sheer joy she seemed to be feeling only bolstered Loid’s confidence in this idea.
“No, no!  I was thinking that I could definitely pull off being Santa,” he said with a little nod, his mind already making plans on how to craft this newest idea.  He wasn’t a master of disguise for nothing and surely this would be a pinnacle for him to pull off.
However, before he could finish trying to figure out whether Santa’s gloves should be red, leather or white, his mental gymnastics were paused when he heard a little snort followed by soft giggling.
Looking over, Loid saw Yor with her head turned away from him, shoulders shaking in mirth.
“What?  What’s so funny?” he asked, both curious and perhaps a little offended.
“I… I’m so sorry, Loid-san!” she continued to giggle, wiping away a few tears of laughter.  “It’s just… there is no way you could be Santa!”
Loid actually gasped at such an accusation, his pride taking a small hit considering he was truly a genius in this particular field.
And that wasn’t hubris, that was FACT with actual results to back him up!
To be fair she had no idea of his disguise genius, but still!  The audacity!  The unmitigated gall! “I could be a great Santa!” he retorted, trying his best to not let his hurt feelings show.
Yor smiled gently at that and moved closer, a playful look on her face.  “Is that right?  How are you planning on getting a believable white beard, hmm?  And have you worked on the Santa laugh?  What about getting a belly like a bowl full of jelly?” she asked, moving to give his stomach a playful little poke.
Loid had been so focused on trying to figure out how to rebut her questions that he hadn’t been prepared for the innocent touch and thus couldn’t stop the little jolt and small huff that left him as he took a step back from the contact.
Everything in the apartment seemed to go still at that moment.
Yor’s hand was still extended and Loid could only stand there with eyes wide as his hand covered his poor stomach.
“But I think…”
“It’s not what you think.” “It’s better than what I think,” Yor teased, the playfulness only growing in her smile as her tone turned mischievous.  “I think I know how to help you, Loid!  I’m gonna make sure that you’ve got that Santa laugh down to a T!”
Loid could feel his heart rate start to speed up as he heard that and took a step back, then another as Yor’s eyes followed him.  Let it never be said that Agent Twilight wasn’t a brave man.  But even he had his limits to standing his ground.  
“Yor!  Yor… listen to me!” he tried to barter, watching as she slowly began to move closer and closer, her eyes instantly becoming laser focused on him.  “Y-You know… maybe a… um… a professional Santa would be per-NO!  STAY BACK!”
In a flash Yor had sprang into action and began to give chase, giving Loid only a second to turn on his heel to flee.
Thank god for his increased reflexes or she would’ve nabbed him from the start!
“Loid!  I’m only trying to help!” Yor chastised playfully as he made it around the kitchen table to put some space between them.
“I don’t need any help!  And how would this be helping?!” he asked, his eyes glancing around the room to find the perfect exit or a way to distract the woman now intent on making him a target! “The one thing that stands out about Santa the most is his laugh, Loid-san!” Yor argued lightly.  “So to make sure Miss Anya is completely positive that you are the true blue Santa we have to make your laugh perfect!  Besides, you don’t get near enough practice.  I don’t think I’ve ever really heard you laugh.”
“That’s nonsense!  Of course I’ve laughed before!  And I don’t think anyone can practice a la-NO!”
Once more, Yor was giving chase and somehow, Loid felt slower than before!  How was she so fast?!
The only chance of survival he saw was to make a mad dash for his room, but sadly, it wasn’t meant to be.
Before he could process what was happening, he found himself almost instantly rugby tackled onto his stomach on the living room sofa.  The force wasn’t as harsh as the time they’d fought for Anya in the castle, but it was still enough to momentarily shock him.
“Now, let's see how we can help our dear Loid-san!” Yor chirped above him, settling herself easily on his back as Loid attempted to wriggle his way free.
“Yor!  You really don’t have to d-do thihihis!  Ah!” Loid choked out, feeling her fingers gently skittering along his sides and instantly making him draw his arms close against himself. “What?  What was that, Loid?  Did you say something?” Yor asked, her fingers slowly starting to spider upward toward his lower ribs and making the secret agent snort against the couch cushions where he was trying to hide his face.
“N-no!  Nothihihing!” he squeaked out, already starting to feel his composure crack as Yor’s fingers continued to wriggle and circle against his lowest ribs.  Little ticklish, electric currently zipping up his spine with each brush of her fingers.
How could he have gone through so much training in interrogation, but all it was taking was a few soft, tickly touches to completely break him?!
“Uh oh!  I think I heard a little giggle in there!” Yor teased and Loid could instantly hear the fiendish older sister she probably used to be to poor Yuri. He felt a bit more sympathy for the man now.
Loid opened his mouth to try and say something eloquent enough to get him free of this debacle, but that seemed to be the opening that Yor had been waiting for. In a flash her fingers shot back down to Loids sides, her hands wiggling just slightly between him and the sofa to allow instant access to the sides of his stomach.
And Loid couldn’t hold back any longer.
“NO!  Y-Yor plehehehehease!  Stahahahahap hehehelping!” he cackled brightly, the laughter easily breaking free of his chest as he felt her fingers vibrating quickly against his poor stomach.
“There it is!  Oh Loid your laughter is so sweet!” Yor cooed above him.
Loid could feel his cheeks starting to burn almost as brightly as his blushing ears and shook his head, shimmying back and forth to try and get her tickling fingers to cease their attack.
“No it’s nahahahat!” he tried to argue through his laughter, taking a deep breath and reaching out for the arm of the sofa to try and pull himself to safety.
A horrible mistake that his tickle addled brain didn’t quite recognize until it was too late.
In a flash, Yor had moved one of her hands up and quickly began fluttering her nails right in the center of Loids exposed underarm.
The rather uncharacteristic shriek that escaped him was something he would deny until the day he died.
Unbeknownst to Yor, and something Loid had himself forgotten, was that he was horribly ticklish there and now he was paying for his earlier escape attempt.
Quickly retracting his arm, he only managed to keep her hand snuggly caught there as she continued to flutter and spider her fingers quickly against his most ticklish spot, sending the poor agent into absolute hysterics.
“NOHOHO!  I CAHAHAHAHAlN’T!  YOAHAHAHAHAR!” Loid laughed loudly, his legs kicking out behind him as Yor stayed firmly seated on his back.
“Oh Loid you were so close!  It’s ‘ho ho ho’, not ‘no no no’,” Yor teased, moving the fingers of her untrapped hand down to squeeze along his hip and make Loid snort at the newest sensation.  
“I cahahahahan’t!  I cahahan’t do ihihihihit!  I y-yeieheheheheheld!  Unhuhuhuncle!” Loid squeaked out, voice pitched higher in his laughter.
And just as quickly as the attack had happened he felt Yor’s fingers stopping their tickle attack, his body still tingling from the sensations causing him to remain in a fit of hysterical giggling.
“Oh!  Loid-san!  I-I’m so sorry!  I hope I didn’t go too far!” he heard Yor’s soft voice stuttering slightly from above him.
Shaking his head slightly he gave a tired wave of his hand as a smile still remained upon his own lips because even if she had been ruthless… did he dare think that there had been something slightly fun about all of this?
“I-It’s fine.  I promise,” he panted softly, still feeling the blush on his cheeks as he rested his face against the cool part of the sofa cushion. “A-are you sure, Loid-san?  I could get you water!  Or a cookie?  Would a cookie help?!” Yor asked, quickly getting up and rushing over to the plate of cookies that still rested on the kitchen table from earlier. Loid gave another little snort and couldn’t help laughing again as he slowly sat up.
“I promise, it’s alright, Yor.  That was… fun,” he said gently as she returned with said cookie, a soft blush on her cheeks as she sat down next to him. Seeing that she was still feeling flustered, Loid felt his expression soften as he reached over and plucked the cookie carefully from her hands.  “And… I think you really did help me find my perfect Santa laugh.  Here, what do you think?” he asked, clearing his throat and holding the cookie aloft like Hamlet would in a great Shakespearean play.  “Ho ho ho!  Merry Christmas!” he said with as much vibrato and gusto as he could. Yor instantly brought her hands up to cover her mouth, giggling softly into them at Loids ridiculous display and instantly coming back into her more relaxed state.
“Oh yes, Loid-san,” Yor said brightly as she lowered her hands, smiling softly at the agent and making Loids heart feel like it was growing three sizes bigger.  “I think you will definitely bring Miss Anya all the extra holiday spirit with your impersonation of Santa!”
Loid smiled brightly at that and nodded his appreciation, taking a bite of his Christmas cookie.
Operation: Yuletide was definitely going to be a success… but perhaps the best part of the whole plan was now knowing that even though this was for a wider cause, he was still going to bring joy to two people he cared so deeply about.
Two people who definitely deserved to feel the joy, wonder and happiness of the Christmas spirit.
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0rangejulius · 2 years
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I made this little piece for @introvertedwolf! If you haven’t scrolled through his stuff you really should! His art is super cool and unique, plus he has a side blog @shortoutau (which is where the Papyrus is from) which is filled to the brim with awesome storytelling and angst to boot!
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1071png · 9 months
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madalenadrops · 10 months
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theguardianace · 9 months
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aroace tsukasa take 2: return of the king (merry christmas @aroace-polysho!!!)
[ID: A digital drawing of Tenma Tsukasa, referenced from his "Brand New Style!" card. He is drawn exclusively in the aroace flag colors. /end ID]
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weaver-z · 1 year
Dudebro comic fans: Why are you calling Spider-Man a Jewish superhero? He never says he's Jewish.
Every other line of dialogue in Stan Lee's run of Spider-Man: Oy vey! Doc Ock and his mechanical tchotchkes are ruining a nice afternoon in Forest Hills, Queens again! And I'm low on energy from not eating food today (the 26th of September 1974)!
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clovencraft · 9 months
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🎄 Happy Holigays! 🎁
(they got eachother new stockings)
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navybrat817 · 9 months
Hubby not only got me the one thing I asked for, the sweatshirt, he gifted me with a soft blanket and sequin pillow. 😂 That's love. ❤️
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I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Sending all the love. ❤️
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bowserbabe · 9 months
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naivesilver · 9 months
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when the one who's burned turns to pass the torch
Joan Tierney (@filmnoirsbian) / Paul And Storm / Daughter / Nick Cave / Eric LaRocca / Silas Denver Melvin (@sweatermuppet)
(Merry Christmas, @lysgiovedi 💗💗💗)
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thankstothe · 3 months
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dragonsbone · 9 months
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abrogail strong + aegon targaryen
strap the wing to me death trap clad happily with wax melted, i'd meet the sea under sunlight ( x )
this was meant to be a very belated bday gift, but now it’s a christmas gift to my lovely friend @emilykaldwen​ !! i appreciate you for being so patient with me and i really hope the wait was worth it !! thank you for being such an incredible friend, for supporting me through some of the shit i went through this year, and giving me such amazing and useful advice no matter if it’s in regards to my personal life or fanfiction. you are such a light in my life and im very very very thankful to call you a friend. i love u and i hope u like your gift <3
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happyfoxx-art · 9 months
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I bring an immense dump of all the art i did in the month of december as gifts for my dear friends! I am far too lazy to tag everyone im so sorry T_T
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whyoneartheven · 9 months
Merry Christmas @isasan347!!!!
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here is the man, the myth, the Legend himself :D
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chsims · 9 months
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Merry Christmas from Aisha & Blair 🎄
Blair by @biancml ♡
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bookinit02 · 9 months
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Struggling to adjust to new surroundings—or to escape old ones—tensions come to a boil. Dustin takes the lead, Max investigates, and Will comes clean. A miraculous escape might just lead to another trap.
click here for the playlist!
click here for the comment-free pdf.
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