#merlin bingo 2022
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earlgreyinpajamas · 2 years ago
Any more love spell or fake dating fic recs for merthur? :)
love spell
Kiss Me Now (Kiss Me Forever) by pendragonally (@pendragon-ally)
When is a love spell not a love spell? When it’s just Arthur trying (and failing) to express his feelings— not that Merlin knows this, of course. Figuring it out leads to more than one revelation.
technically not a love spell fic, but also,, like merlin i was also firmly on the oh yeah he's enchanted camp dhfadjlhk so im counting it
2. Book Of Love by messandahalf (@messandahalf10)
Arthur has just lifted the ban on magic, and despite having Merlin around to answer his questions, he decides to try to do some research on his own. Books on magic are scarce in the castle, so he digs around in the library alone one night. What he ends up reading has some… interesting consequences.
love spell makes arthur obsess over his true love. hmmm wonder who that is
3. Call It True Love by orphan_account
Arthur falls under the effects of a love potion. Merlin has a headache.
adfhjkhfd poor lancelot
fake relationship
I Want Love, I Want Us, I Want Peace by InkThroughHerVeins (@ink-through-her-veins)
The Queens of Albion throw a ball every year for noble families to introduce their eligible sons and daughters. Except Camelot doesn’t officially have a queen. So, Arthur makes Merlin help with the planning.
Written for Merthur Week 2022. Each chapter uses one day’s prompts.
merlin being queen before even being queen!!!
2. For You, For Me by Camelots_Daffodil (@camelots-daffodil)
Merlin and Arthur are taken captive by a slaver with slightly deranged tendencies, and in order to save Merlin's life, Arthur claims that he is his consort. Their captor decides he wants to test the strength of Arthur's love for his supposed consort.
Written for Merlin Bingo 2022: Misunderstandings
fake relationship for a cause!!
3. Charting Stars On A Stained Glass Ceiling by mornmeril (@mornmeril)
Merlin leads a relatively content life - or as content as is possible under the rule of a magic-hating King. When the arrogant son of said magic-hating King starts becoming a regular at his coffee shop, Merlin is a little puzzled. When said Prince prat then proceeds to ingest a love potion on Merlin's watch that results in him having to move into the Royal Palace as Prince Arthur's (fake) boyfriend, Merlin wonders which deity he has angered. Things only get more complicated from there.
“Welcome to The Drip and Grind, what can I get for you?" “The same thing I always have,” Prince Arthur says, sounding vaguely disdainful and unbearably posh. “One would think you’d remember my order by now." Merlin scowls. He remembers His Haughtiness’ order perfectly well, but sees no reason to inflate an already unbearably large ego. “You’re not my only customer,” Merlin keeps his voice coolly polite; barely. “You realise that’s not the proper way to address me?” And is that a smirk at the corner of the stupid prat’s, stupidly gorgeous mouth? “Apologies, your High-and-Mightiness. Now do you think you can tell me your order or must I divine it from my crystal ball?”
excellent, spectacular, life changing, loml
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many-gay-magpies · 4 months ago
Fanfiction Writer Bingo!
Tagged by @shadowquill17, thank you so much!! Getting tagged in ALL the tag games it seems today lol
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(Question marks because idk that I’ve fully BETA’ed for anyone before, but I have been a second pair of eyes for stuff pretty often and given feedback? So maybe? Then question mark on wanting to be a professional writer because man idk. Maybe?)
Fandoms I write for: right now it’s pretty much just Dead Boy Detectives, but I’ve also written/may write again for Teen Wolf, BBC Merlin, and The Sandman! Honorable mention to the one random Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance fic I posted in the middle of watching the show in 2022.
Tagging: @babyseraphim (one I can tag you in finally!!), @blusandbirds, @edwinspaynes, @deadtwinksdetectiveagency, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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orion-lake · 1 year ago
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Happy 2024! I hope you all have been celeb rating or at least enjoying the holiday season.
I wanted to shoutout my favourite posts from 2023 - that just means I reblogged them during 2023 and I like them.... ALOT!
You may have seen the posts I do monthly, I am going to continue to do so and I released the December one yesterday, you can find it here.
I scrolled through all my posts (archive...shhh!) to find my absolute favourites from this year. I am sorry if I missed you....I reblog a lot of content and I have about 400+ in my current queue. I can't wait to see what next year has in store because I am sure I won't remember a lot of what I have queued up for us all.
If you would like to draw my attention to any posts your create. feel free to tag me #usernae.
I want to say thank you to my fellow content creators that make this site such a joy to be on, and be in awe of. You are all crazy talented and I am always surprised by the style, concepts, and skill so many of you display.
But mostly, thank you for all the time you put into making these creations - I want to acknowledge the effort and resources put into this kind of fan art and content creation.
To get the show on the way...
(P.S. some of these posts have reblogs/likes so low it is criminal - have a look through these posts and show them some love.)
Please find all of my favourite posts from 2023 below the cut.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUFFY ANNE SUMMERS  | January 19, 1981 by @spuffygifs
ORANGE & PINK + ENID SINCLAIR by @rainbowgifs
yeah i bruise easily. by @ayoedebiris
↳ wednesday & enid in gets so uptight for @enidsniclair by @yenvengerberg
And I will not be afraid of your scars… by @scullys
TOP 2022��SHIPS AS VOTED BY MY FOLLOWERS ↳ 2. Wenclair (Wednesday) by @arabellas
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo • typography by @toplines
—Arabella, Arctic Monkeys by @userblorbo
Morgana Pendragon | Merlin by @cinematv
↳ margaret tudor & mary tudor + parallels by @cesareeborgia
Favourite costume 🎪 Circus Ringmaster 🎪 by @antoniosvivaldi
My world only makes sense since you’ve come into it. by @edwinadaily
Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) event: Favourite Speak Now Vault Track by @antoniosvivaldi
🎀 SEX METAL BARBIE 🎀 In This Moment #MetalMonday (ins.po) by @x--daughters-of-darkness--x
ICanSeeYou(Kanthony’sVersion) by @chrrispine
YELLOWJACKETSAPPRECIATIONWEEK | favorite dynamic by @saws2004
BRIDGERTON LADIES APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 ↪ Day One: Favourite Character(s) by @snikkts
@pscentral​ event 03: team colors  ↳ Kathani “Kate” Sharma-Bridgerton + Orange 🧡 by @cal-kestis
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themerlinlibrary · 1 year ago
Favourites Friday (Jan 2024) – Bingo Fill 2023
TML Favourites Friday round-up! January 2024 round 1
What is Favourites Friday? – The Basics
a different theme is announced on Friday each week; FF recs must match the theme of the week
only one FF rec per person per week/theme
FF recs must be unique within that week/theme; no double-posting the same fic for one theme!
no self-recs during regular rounds
only self-recs during self-rec rounds (last Friday of each month)
Theme for week 1: Favourite Merlin Bingo Fill 2023!
Stay by Seravia T, 11k, Merlin/Arthur Modern Era
and you held me tightly ('til the morning) by Imagined M, 16k, Merlin/Arthur Canon era, Arranged marriage
In the Eye of the Beholder by SlantedKnitting M, 2.2k, Merlin/Arthur Modern AU, Artists
If I Had a Donut (I'd Eat You Instead) by Sage_Owl E, 2.8k, Merlin/Arthur Modern AU, smut and humour
is it raining with you? by Sage_Owl M, 6.3k, Merlin & Arthur Future fic, Merpeople
a tale of paws, trust, and hearth by fabledfrog T, 12k, Merlin & Arthur Canon era, cat!Arthur
A masterlist of these round-ups [2024 and onwards] can be found here. [A masterlist of the round-ups from 2022–2024 can be found here.]
If you want to make sure you never miss a FF rec, or would like to participate and share your own favourites; join us on the Discord TheMerlinLibrary! Happy reading!
About the FF round-up lists:
Recs are listed in the order they were posted on the Discord; the order does not imply any sort of ranking.
The pairing given in this list is the main pairing of each respective fic – please read the tags for any possible minor or side-pairings, as well as any potential warnings or triggers.
Pairings and Eras are given as tagged in each respective fic. (?) signifies that the tags were unclear and I do not know enough about the fic to fill the gaps.
Round-ups are compiled on the weekend of the week after the respective theme of the post (when the new theme has already been anounced), to avoid omitting potentially belated FF recs.
The weekly round-up is not a guarantee! I'm running this alone, so it can only be posted for weeks when I have enough time on my hands to compile a list. If you'd like to help out, feel free to contact me on Tumblr ( @zaharya ) or Discord. Thanks to @ravenwilds for helping me out with these round-ups, and to Chel for making a whole-ass bot to make it easier!
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bunnimew · 1 year ago
We were tagged by @9haharharley1 and @overmooneleven who could not have foreseen what a production this was going to turn into 😂 Thank you!!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
*Gets out the record player* There's required listening while scrolling this list...
Now that the mood has been appropriately set, here we go!
Warm Bodies 10 Edit9It'sYourBoyJackFrostAightSo High Seas Hijinks pt 2 Android Pitch Neon Ideas Von Kaiser Mix Tape If you don't dance, no romance Jack Frost and the Quest for the Stanley Cup Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide YA Novel Merman/Nature Elf Baby It's Cold Inside Everything but the fresher sink Halloween bodyswap Saiyuki Fantasy AU Coffee and Fruit Snacks Untitled Document Blackice ABOlive Garden Concerned Neighbor AU Obsolete Force Monsters Donut Saga 2022 RotG Bingo RotG Bingo 2021 Free Day Light Magic Soulmate AU Sleight of Hand Android AU Wing fic space vampire arranged marriage fake ppl scifi book pogo kylux AU Hope Week 2022 Let's Play AU Clydeland Ghost roommate Omega hux Techwear AU Original magic apocalypse Holiday kylux Pink hair hux Goose steals the staff Quarantine Kylux twitfic college au ST/Kylux Omega hux sequel cyborg hux Fuck this I'm outtie hux Loud AF kylux Loud AF blackice Every floor is Loud AF Loud AF Zag and Than Angel/Demon AU Gymnast hux Parkour hux 5 times hux blows kylo A/B/O Hades Kylux A/B/Olive Garden Disney Princess Hux Hutt slave Mitaka Femlux Afterlife Bloom Halloween2020 sen aid + sen kid kylux Trivia and Other Flirtations Gertrude Pink hair Jack + Hux Teacher/Teacher Merge ST and EU frank/strange Bingo Fancy Dinner Matchmaker Cape Selection AU Senate Takeover Manny Moonbear's Pizzaria Guardians in Black Party fancy pitch Jasper/Lapis Suzalulu week 2016 horror ideas Untitled Terminator Game Terminator Ideas Frank/Strange coffee shop au Ideas for erotic stabbing Suzalulu week 2017 Zell birthday Gratuitous sleepytime Lulu the professional hand model au Peter has two dads au RotG Coffee shop AU Veelamate AU Sorceress Jack Guardian of the D Blanket Scenario i think Saiyuki bang 10k Clover AU Wizards unite AU X/1999/RotG [Redacted] Pitch's New Groove PoGo AU spacerace magic repo RotGRepo! Colormate AU Overqualified Merlin Caffeine and High Fructose Corn Syrup O2: Teammates Spideypool Bingo 2019 B1: Personal Trainer Spideypool Bingo 2019 Spideypool fairy AU Tie fix Soulmate tattoo AU 3 5 10 AU idea Silent Hill AU O1: Met at the Dog Park Spideypool Bingo 2019 ff8 werewolf au Buffate 2 Kink series Dance All Night Let Me and Your Body Talk Pounded in the Butt by the Physical Manifestation of the Fear That I Will Never be Good Enough While He Tells me I am Good Enough Also He's British  Silent Hill AU Bathtime Evening Horror Husbands Fic art 1 Morning cuddle Fic art 2 Spinel Jack Cover art Croptops Spiderman kiss Gargoyles
We literally do not know as many people as we have WIPs. I'd have to pull out the yearbook and start tagging people from high school and we're not going to do that. But we do have to tag @seekerseekingsomething for reasons they will understand and @askmyname @quillienvii @pheasantmadness for Other Unsaid Reasons ❤
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magicinavalon · 3 years ago
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- The Archer by Taylor Swift
For Merlin Bingo prompt: Self Doubt
+ Bonus Prompt: Julyrical
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lemissingmask · 3 years ago
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[ID: Sketch of Sir Leon dressed in full armour for a joust with a lance in one hand. His lance, tunic, and the fabric over his horse are all in the ACE flag colours. His visor is flipped up and he's smiling proudly. End ID] -
In Camelot, Pride is celebrated with a joust :)
Prompt fill for Merlin Bingo 2022: asexual character
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mumble-draws · 2 years ago
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Me @ Morgause: 😳😳😳
for my Merlin Bingo 2022 square 1G "Morgause"
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camelots-daffodil · 3 years ago
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Family Line - Conan Gray
Merlin Bingo 2022: Hatred + Julyrical
I thought I’d try something new :) (shout out to people who can make gifs bc this took me forever and the quality is so low?? Never again)
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thefollow-spot · 2 years ago
TheFollow-Spot's Merlin Bingo 2022 Masterpost
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I completed four fills and zero bingos due to my abysmal lack of square planning lmao!
Regardless, I had a lot of fun with this event by @merlinbingo, and am particularly proud of my Mordred fill (which I believe has the least reads, go figure). Here are all the fics I posted for Merlin Bingo 2022, including the NSFW fic (under the cut) which I posted to my alt AO3. If you are looking at my NSFW fic and know me IRL, uh, no you don't!
A Rising Sky | (G2, Non-Sexual Intimacy) Relationship(s): Merlin & Arthur Pendragon Rating: G Tags: Canon Divergence - Episode: s05e13 The Diamond of the Day, Arthur Pendragon Lives, One Shot, No Plot/Plotless, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Canon-Typical Homoeroticism Summary: "Arthur’s hair was cooling-wet: a combination of sweat, the morning air, and the lake water. Merlin reached out a shaking hand and brushed it off Arthur’s forehead with his thumb. His touch was like every one before it." | Finale AU; Arthur lives. Canon-typical homoeroticism ensues.
⭐ Hooded Vagrants | (A5, Mordred) Relationship(s): Mordred vs. Original Male Characters Rating: T Tags: Pre-Canon, BAMF Mordred, Character Study, Short Fiction Style, Dark Past, Canon-Typical Violence, Mordred-centric, One Shot Summary: Ever since his father died, Mordred has been running. He has been hunted. The world is a turbulent ocean and he’s been tossed about in it.
Perhaps (Dawn) | (M2, Merlin/Lancelot) Relationship(s): Lancelot/Merlin Rating: G Tags: Courtly Love, Queer Courtly Love, merlin deserves to be happy, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Tenderness, Romance, One Shot, Canon Era, Lancelot Lives, Intimacy Summary:“I wish I could marry you, my love,” Lancelot says. | It's dawn, they wake together. Literally just 1,300 words of tender, plotless Mercelot fluff.
Lampblack Consequences | (I2, Humping) Relationship(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: E Tags: PWP, Sub Merlin, Cock Cages, Bondage, Orgasm Control, Anal Sex, Canon Era, Spanking, Consensual Sex, Dubious Safety, Begging, Top Arthur Pendragon, Dom Arthur Pendragon, Dry Humping, Desperation Summary: Of all the ways he’s tried to punish Merlin, this seems to be the only one that gets him to know his place.
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earlgreyinpajamas · 2 years ago
do you have anymore love spell/potion recs? it's such a great trope!
The Kissing Fever by Camelots_Daffodil (@camelots-daffodil)
It's spring time in Camelot and you know what that means... love is in the air! Only Merlin thinks that there might be a little too much of it when everyone in the land seems to be unable to stop themselves from kissing whoever is closest. As usual, it's up to him to fix the magical issue before anyone can realise that there's a magical issue in need of fixing.
Written for Merlin Bingo 2022: Under a Spell
i laughed so hard reading this fic, 100/10 would recommend
2. Not Just a Kiss by Sorceressofdragons
Though Arthur hadn’t felt it, time had passed while he’d been with the Sidhe after Camlaan. When he returned to Camelot, fully healed and with Merlin at his side, it was to find Gwen remarried and with a family. He grieved but stepped aside, only wanting his one-time queen and love to be happy.
Several years later, he and Merlin are bespelled by a dying witch, who insists they are both fools. They soon learn that if they don’t kiss every few hours, they are stricken with a severe illness. Knowing it will put the crown at risk, they keep it secret from all but a select few and quietly adjust their lives around it. Soon it becomes apparent that there is only one cure for the spell, but Arthur has long since come to terms with his unrequited love for his manservant and is afraid of all that will change if they go through with it.
ok not necessarily a love spell, but a you have to smooch spell, which equally slaps just as hard
3. does he know? by a_written_dream (@a-written-dream)
Merlin and Arthur encounter a sorceress with less than good intentions in the forest. Her scheme doesn’t go quite according to plan, though, and Merlin is pretty sure Arthur is now enchanted to be in love with him.
So why isn't Arthur acting any different?
ahhh so fluffyyyyy and cuteee
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mumble-muse · 3 years ago
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I'll Know It When I See It (1602 words) by mumblemuse Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Lancelot (Merlin), Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Geoffrey of Monmouth (Merlin), Gaius (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crack, everyone lives au, Artist!Lancelot, literally what it says on the tin Summary: Lancelot accidentally draws porn, and everyone helps him get away with it.
For Merlin Bingo 2022 square "Pornstar AU"
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themerlinlibrary · 1 year ago
TML Favourites Friday – Round-up Masterlist 2
A masterlist for the TML Favourites Friday round-up posts! [Sorted newest to oldest!]
March 2024
Theme 1: Mythology Theme 2: God Merlin Theme 3: Golden Age Theme 4: Druids Self-Rec Round: Magic Reveal
February 2024
Theme 1: Different First Meeting Theme 2: First Date Theme 3: Valentine's Day Self-Rec Round: Pining
January 2024
Theme 1: Favourite Merlin Bingo Fill 2023 Theme 2: Hero/Villain AU Theme 3: Academia AU Self-Rec Round: Longest Favourite Fic
December 2023
Theme 1: Kid Fic Theme 2: Sibling Relationships Theme 3: Reunions Theme 4: Holiday Fic Self-Rec Round: Family Dynamics Bonus Round: Favourite of 2023
November 2023
Theme 1: Queer Themes Theme 2: Disability/Neurodiversity Theme 3: Mental Health Self-Rec Round: "We're Projecting, Babes"
October 2023
Theme 1: Ghosts Theme 2: Fae Theme 3: Horror Self-Rec Round: Whump
September 2023
Theme 1: Omegaverse Theme 2: Fairytale AU Theme 3: Sci-Fi AU Theme 4: Modern with Magic AU Self-Rec Round: World Building
August 2023
Theme 1: Love Spells/Potions Theme 2: Curses / Enchantments Theme 3: Creature Fics Self-Rec Round: Drama Scenes
July 2023
Theme 1: All-Time Favourite Theme 2: Soulmates Theme 3: Established Relationship Self-Rec Round: Favourite WIP
June 2023
Theme 1: Enemies to Lovers Theme 2: Friends to Lovers Theme 3: Slow Burn Theme 4: Fake Dating Self-Rec Round: Pride
May 2023
Theme 1: Gen Fics Theme 2: Roundtable BFFs Theme 3: Magic BFFs Self-Rec Round: Favourite Friendship(s)
April 2023
Theme 1: High School / College AU Theme 2: Roommate AU Theme 3: Sports / Olympics AU Self-Rec Round: Favourite Modern AU
March 2023
Theme 1: Spymaster Merlin Theme 2: Pre-Camelot / Pre-Merlin's Arrival Theme 3: Memories Theme 4: Arthur Returns Self-Rec Round: Oldest Favourite
February 2023
Theme 1: 50 to 100k Theme 2: over 100k Theme 3: Valentine's Day Self-Rec Round: Merlin Bingo Fills
January 2023
Theme 1: up to 10k Theme 2: 10 to 25k Theme 3: 25 to 50k Self-Rec Round: Shortest Fave
December 2022
Theme 1: Angst Theme 2: Humour Theme 3: Hurt/Comfort Theme 4: Fluff Self-Rec Round: Favourite Ending
November 2022
Theme 1: Rated E Theme 2: Arranged Marriage Theme 3: First Date Self-Rec Round: Getting Together
October 2022
Theme 1: Rated G Theme 2: Rated T Theme 3: Rated M Self-Rec Round: Fics that deserved more love/attention
September 2022
Theme 1: Taverns and Feasts Theme 2: Quests and Missions Theme 3: Dragons Theme 4: Outsider POV Self-Rec Round: Original Character(s) | Favourite OC
August 2022
Theme 1: BAMF Merlin and/or Arthur Theme 2: BAMF Gwen and/or Morgana Theme 3: BAMF Knights of the Round Table Self-Rec Round: Action Scenes
July 2022
Theme 1: All Time Favourite Merlin Fic Theme 2: Druids Theme 3: Court Sorcerer Merlin Theme 4: Noble Merlin Self-Rec Round: Canon AU
What is Favourites Friday? – The Basics
a different theme is announced on Friday each week; FF recs must match the theme of the week
only one FF rec per person per week/theme; actually pick a favourite!
FF recs must be unique within that week/theme; no double-posting the same fic for one theme!
no self-recs during regular rounds
only self-recs during self-rec rounds (last Friday of each month)
If you want to never miss a FF rec, or would like to participate and share your own favourites; join us on the Discord TheMerlinLibrary!
About the FF round-up lists:
Recs are listed in the order they were posted on the Discord; the order does not imply any sort of ranking.
The pairing given in this list is the main pairing of each respective fic – please read the tags for any possible minor or side-pairings, as well as any potential warnings or triggers.
Pairings and Eras are given as tagged in each respective fic. (?) signifies that the tags were unclear and I do not know enough about the fic to fill the gaps.
Round-ups are compiled on the weekend of the week after the respective theme of the post (when the new theme has already been anounced), to avoid omitting potentially belated FF recs.
Since I am running FF alone, it is not always possible for me to have the round-up list up immediately – please be patient.
The weekly round-up is not a guarantee! It can only be posted for weeks when I have enough time on my hands to compile a list.
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highfunctioning-clotpole · 3 years ago
i wrote a new thing for @merlinbingo !!
hope u enjoy if you read it ✨🌻🌹
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xviruserrorx · 3 years ago
Title: "Turn Off The Lights, I'm In Love"
For Day one of @camelove and for @merlinbingo and day nine of @fluffbruary as well! 😃
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Fandom: BBC Merlin
Prompt(s): "OTP", I5 "Breakfast", " Poppy"
Relationship: Mordred/Daegal, Mordred & Daegal (can be read however!)
Rating: Gen
Word count: 2,335
"Did you mean what you said last night?"
Mordred's expression softened, "I always mean every word I say to you."
"I know just…" Daegal opened and closed his mouth with an ache in his throat.
How can you love me?
Continue reading below over on Ao3
With the start of the day, the sky was overcast a milky blue with a tinge of grey on the edges. The air held a subtle crispness that lingered on the skin and on his breath. So much so, Daegal found himself catching his cloak as Merlin tossed it to him on his way out the door.
All of Camelot was still fast asleep aside from the few servants that roamed the halls with platters, clothes, and pots full of warm rocks. The sun had yet to come out of the clouds and illuminate to its full potential across the sky. Leaving the few chirps of the waking birds and falling leaves that scratched against the incoming breeze like a ripple of applause, the only prominent noise.
His footsteps echoed as they pounded down against the stone in rapid succession. He caught the only pair of open windows by the edge of his sight, briefly turning and leaving a glance before he continued running.
Once loud steps became dampened by the forest ground, every so often being caught in the splash of a puddle caused by the downpour of the night before. He jumped over small streams, pushed past bushes, ducked under vines and branches. He lined up his feet, one behind the other as he balanced along a fallen log over a shallow river.
His destination was met at the other side, in the calmness of a memory and ghost presence before being plucked from the earth. Gathered in a fond grip of a blood-red feathery silk touch. The traces of the forests followed back over stone grounds once again and into the castle.
The hustle slowly became more and more as others awoke. Missed platters and wine-filled decanters were ducked under as he finally reached the kitchens where the platter was. Topped with fruits, bread, meats, and cheeses; he placed his items in hand beside the assortment of food as he dodged and made his way out of the kitchen
Knocking was long forgotten as he pushed open the familiar door and saw the comforting sight. Windows from earlier laid open as Mordred peered out them from the ledge. His attention was caught on the open book in his lap, though it quickly switched to Daegal as he entered and set down the platter on the table.
Mordred smiled, "You really don't have to do this every morning." He stood up with his book in hand.
Daegal shrugged his shoulders, "I enjoy it." He popped a couple of grapes into his mouth and sat down at the table, "besides, it's my excuse to see you every morning."
His hair was ruffled as Mordred passed by, the book set down as he stared down what was beside the platter. "Poppies." He picked one up, bringing it up to smell it before he admired it once again.
"I'll put them in some water." Daegal got up and quickly replaced the flower's in a vase on Mordred's desk from the day before with the fresh red ones. Yellow daisies had occupied the previous day with one being snatched away and kept by Mordred. And the day before held its own unique pick of flowers, as did all the days before.
"Thank you." The platter was pushed more towards Daegal as he sat back down.
He plucked another grape off the vine and into his mouth as he tilted his head at Mordred's book laying on the table. "New book?" He questioned. He grabbed it and quickly realized it was indeed new from the few pages marked that were read.
Mordred nodded, "You would like it, I'll read some of it to you tonight?" His words ended with a raised eyebrow giving Daegal his own choice to make.
He flipped through a couple of the pages seeing only blocks of text that just looking at them lost his interest. He shook his head and passed the book back with a scrunched up nose.
"Bring your normal book then," Mordred chuckled, "we'll read that."
And as Mordred said, he kept to his word. Daegal returned as normal back to Mordred's chambers that evening with the book in hand. A collection of short fables that Geoffrey had given him one of the times when he helped every so often in the library.
Dinner was had there as he didn't stay with Merlin for the meal before he became engrossed in the book in wait. Tucked into Mordred's side in his bed as he was told of splendours unheard of. Story after story, many told from previous nights before, were revisited in fragments. His excitement started high before turning in contentment, somewhere which he felt safe and allowed his eyes to droop close as Mordred's words blurred into something soothing that lulled him to sleep.
A few more seconds of bliss passed before the short story came to its moral ending. Mordred ended it in a soft The End muttered as he saw Daegal's sleeping state. His arm now stuck with his refusal to move Daegal, the few flickering candles were put out with a quick spell of magic. The book was softly closed and put aside, while he pulled the covers up and over both of them as he situated himself as carefully as possible.
He let a few seconds linger with his hand busy moving Daegal's hair from his face before he softly pressed his lips to his forehead.
"I love you," he said. There was a soft whine in response that he lightly chuckled and took as his answer.
Daegal shifted, his head tucked under Mordred's chin and arms scrunched up with hands balled in Mordred's nightshirt. Safety allowed as arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer for deep slumber.
They both woke as normal; Mordred up far too early for Daegal's liking as the knight quietly had escaped to the window sill edge with a book in hand once again. Daegal was behind a few hours as he was greeted with a soft good morning before heading to the physicians' chambers to let Merlin know he was okay.
Though all through getting changed into clean clothes and forced to stay to eat breakfast, he found himself thinking of Mordred's words the night before. Words that he found sounded foreign in Mordred's and Merlin's mouths when spoken to him despite all meaning and intention present.
"Hm?" The older man hummed through a mouthful of food.
He pushed his food back and forth around his bowl as he pressed his lips tight together.
Merlin stopped as he swallowed and focused all his attention on him. "What's wrong, Daegal?"
Daegal let the spoon rest in his bowl and his figure slouched as he took a deep breath. "Why do you say you love me?"
Eyebrows furrowed as sympathy laid in Merlin's expression. "Because I do."
"But why do you say it?"
Merlin cleared his throat as he reached across the small table and covered one of Daegal's hands with his, "I want you to know I do, Daegal. Sometimes people worry when you don't know these things."
He almost hated the sombre look Merlin was giving him, the one he often got when he asked certain questions. Things he felt he should know or understand but didn't.
"Just me saying it isn't the only way for you to know though," he continued. "Everything, all the little things like this," he gestured to their breakfast and his hand over his, "are also ways to show that you care and love others."
A small smile slowly climbed on his face as he nodded.
Merlin returned the smile, "Why do you ask?"
How can you love me? He wanted to ask. How can Mordred? He shook his head as he returned to his breakfast with a concealing smile, "no reason."
He lied through his teeth with a heavy heart. A content okay returned from Merlin made him swallow hard through a forced smile.
He abandoned the rest of his breakfast after a few bites so Merlin wouldn't bother him about eating. The sun told him to hurry as he found what he needed all in time as he made his way back to Mordred's chambers.
Once blood-red flowers were replaced in a quick manner before Mordred had to rush out of his chambers clad in chainmail and armour. Blue Cornflowers sprouted from Daegal's hands as he held them out, catching Mordred momentarily off guard. One was plucked from his hands with a quick thank you and a bashful smile before a billowing red was the last thing he saw.
Mordred's words replayed in his head and intermingled with Merlin's as well as his own thoughts. What they meant tangled with what he thought they meant, nothing exactly clear in the end.
His prior sleepiness of the night before led him to believe it was just the beginning of a dream but a part of him knew that wasn't true. He tried to keep his head down throughout the day, contemplating things he tried hard to understand and find a meaning to. Yet his coyness to act okay but hidden at the same time soon came to its fault.
"What's wrong?"
His head snapped to where Mordred was changing out of his armour from training behind the screen. The rustling came to a stop as Daegal sat up from where he was laying on the ground by the fireplace.
"What's wrong?" Mordred walked out. "You've been quiet all day, you're never this quiet. Well… at least with me." He closed the distance and slipped his palm over his forehead, "You don't feel warm or look ill for that matter."
Daegal shook his head, "none of that."
A grimace appeared on Mordred's face as he kneeled to the floor, "what's wrong then?"
He shrugged, "just…" he couldn't put together the right thoughts and words to say how he was feeling. He fidgeted his fingers before looking Mordred straight on, "Did you mean what you said last night?"
There was a momentary blank before what Daegal was talking about resurfaced. Mordred's expression softened, "I always mean every word I say to you." He spoke in surety.
"I know just…" Daegal opened and closed his mouth with an ache in his throat.
"People do love and care about you, Daegal," Mordred said. "Me included. And just because I say things doesn't mean you ever have to say them back, okay?"
To say words in their full nakedness and honesty, with nowhere to hide, scared him. But not knowing another's honesty scared him even more. He knew every word Mordred spoke, he knew the compassion that laced his voice, that lingered in echoes even long gone to be unheard of. Yet to fathom genuineness of actions and words for only himself, he didn't want to.
He nodded his head, "Okay…"
The night came quickly as he found himself sitting in front of the same fire from hours before. Though the night brought its chill, making the stone floor colder than before as he opted for the chair rather than the floor. The crackling filled the air along with the soft brush of pages from Mordred's book.
Every few minutes, despite his lulling eyelids, they would flutter back open with every flick of a new set of pages. He tried the comfort in the lone fire but couldn't without hearing of Mordred's presence. Even when the pages closed and the rustle of the bedclothes followed, bare feet met the cold floors in a sultry longing that made Daegal smile at the uncommon habit.
A soft bout of silence lingered between a small thump of the book returning to its rightful place and the warm arms that wrapped around him.
"You should get to bed, it's late." Soft words were muttered as he tried to regain some semblance of consciousness. The billowy light sleeves from Mordred's tunic tickled his bare skin, almost mocking his night tone of voice.
"I can always stay here?" He muttered, lifting his head as Mordred's arms left with more pattering of his feet. He heard the sheets flourish and hit the air, a small quick breath before they landed softly in silence.
"I don't want you in the antechambers," came Mordred's voice, "it's far too cold in there."
He stretched over the chair before turning to face Mordred.
The top blanket was thrown back as Mordred patted the right side of the bed, "Come on."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh, Like we haven't slept together before," He teased. The previous night and many nights before all evidence of his words.
He got up as Mordred went to his wardrobe, grabbed a nightshirt and quickly disappeared behind the changing screen. Shoes were discarded on Daegal's part along with the layers he wore over his tunic.
Mordred appeared again, extinguishing the rest of the candles aside from the one by the bedside. All while Daegal sat at the edge of the bed, his mind wandering once again before his restless notions made themselves known.
He quickly got his attention as Mordred continued to move around.
Words formed to come out but stopped in his throat. "I…"
As if he read his mind, Mordred gave him a fond smile before walking to his knight attire that was still hanging from the changing screen. He reached into the inside of his gambeson and pulled out the blue cornflower from that morning, "I know." He twisted it between his fingers as he walked closer. Laying the flower on his bedside table along with the previous days.
The sheets were pulled back as he slipped under them and held open the other side for Daegal to climb under.
He held no hesitation, allowing the blankets to cover him and his own selfish conceit in Mordred's warm embrace. His actions spoke for him even if he struggled with his words.
He received a drowsy smile as the last words were spoken between them both.
"I love you too."
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magicinavalon · 3 years ago
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5x1 - Arthur's Bane Part One For Merlin Bingo prompt: Protectiveness
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