#merli sapere aude season 2
measuringbliss · 2 years
Thanks @dance2xrevolution <3
I always love to see you around.
favorite time of year: Halloween actually! It's fun to see the decoration and stuff, watch tons of horror movies, dress up, etc. I also love summer nights (when not trying to sleep), and when it's very sunny but there's also wind so the sky is beautiful but the wind helps tame the heat.
comfort food: fajitas, fried chicken, risotto, curry, soup... if I love it, it's comforting!
favorite dessert: concorde chocolate cake, île flottante, chocolate mousse
things you collect: at one point I was collecting the Umineko manga collection because I was in my Umineko era, but there were 21 omnibusses at 25-30 euros the omnibus if you were lucky. eventually decided it was much more handy (and cheaper) to have them digitally instead.
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See the issue?
If you're curious, my physical collection comprises of the first two Episodes, Legend of the Golden Witch and Turn of the Golden Witch. Then digitally (through Kobo), I've got the third Episode (Banquet, vol. 5&6), Vol. 10 (first vol. of Episode 5, End), the sixth Episode (Dawn, vol. 13-15) and the eight and final Episode (Twilight, vol. 19-21). My reasoning was that I wanted to go chronological, but I was already not fond of Banquet (though with distance I can appreciate its chaotic approach), then I think Alliance mostly sucks. End is great but I never re-read it, Dawn is great too, Requiem (Episode 7) was perfect when I read it in VN but I never felt the need to read the manga, and Twilight is a good Episode and most importantly, the manga version actually adds stuff for the better!
So I've got 13/21 volumes.
I also collected a few Spider-Man comic books. I'm not a big collector in general but I *would* have an entire room dedicated to Virtue's Last Reward if I could and wanted to.
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Hi baby
favorite drinks: Cherry Coke, Milk + Strawberry Syrup
favorite musician/band: CAPSULE (Japanese electro) is regularly something I come back to, but nowadays I'm much less fixated on specific bands. I had a Jamiroquai phase but I was so into it that nowadays I pretty much can't stand it.
Now if we're talking *composers*, I'd say Masafumi Takada and Shinji Hosoe are mainstays.
last song listened to: Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes
last movie watched: A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge! Very gay, enjoyed it much more than the first one.
last series watched: I recently finished She-Hulk, absolutely loved it. I'm also rewatching Glee.
Also this wasn't asked but video games are an important component of my life so I very recently finished Metroid Dread and loved its challenge. Also going through Picross S, it's great but literally lead me to stay up all night hahaha
currently watching: DS9 (less than a season per year lmao), Merli: Sapere Aude (love triangles, bisexual protagonist, philosophy...), Spider-Man 1994 (almost finished with S1 and very impressed), Brideshead Revisited (I think I stalled it).
current obsession: Glee, in a way. Bears. Buffy still? Kind of. I mean I just bought a magazine about it.
dream place to visit: Nothing! I'm pretty content with where I went. I think I realized that no place will ever be as charming as you could dream of. I'm very happy with where I am right now, where I was last year, and I don't feel the place to go anywhere specific.
places you wanna go back to: Austria, where I was last year. I miss my city very dearly. I also enjoy the south of France in small doses. I'd like to go back to Saint Emilion because it's very charming.
something you want: nothing again! I feel pretty content in an achievable category of things. I don't think I let myself want anything I can't have.
but also I really want Adderall (or Ritalin, whatever).
project working on: Another fantranslation (ugh), the Glee Rewatch project (link on my pinned masterpost!), maybe a fanfic, maybe video essays... mostly I just finished an exhausting week so I'm. sleeping. or trying to.
I'm tagging anyone who sees this post and wants to participate!
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the worst part about all of this sapere aude drama is how the writer used the storyline to sort of get revenge on David. I don't care that you don't like an actor, you should still care about how your storyline flows together and just completely eliminating Bruno from the 2nd season and even from the big finale shows a lack of work ethic. Also the treatment of Bruno in S1 feels like a sort of smack towards David for changing his mind so many times...
That’s it exactly. I mean, S1 is the origin of all of these. If S1 Bruno was written better, had more development as a character, had some real storylines of his own, I’m sure David would have been interested in coming back to see what was next for Bruno. I mean, I don’t blame him AT ALL for not wanting to come back. Have you watched Bruno in the S1???? The only thing he does is eat cake and pine for Pol... It’s a caricature of the character. Where is the S1 of Merli Bruno????
Also, as I already said, if you cannot have/don’t want to have David on the show, there are other ways to include Bruno in the plot. Minor details, like a text, a call, a mention by Angel, for example or just some other actor from behind... you really don’t need David to have Bruno. I mean, he’s your character, you can do whatever the fuck you want with him. It’s laziness or lack of ethics from your side not to find a way to make this work. And the easiest way, the most comfortable thing for you to do is to blame the actor. Way to go, Hector.
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mereth · 3 years
As I said I haven't watched season 2 yet but I need to check something. After Pol gets the results. Does he really call everybody *except* Bruno?
I know David isn't there but not even mention he warned him? Can anyone confirm?
Because that's another level of assholery
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tinglingpeter · 4 years
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Carlos Cuevas en el rodaje de Merlí: Sapere Aude T2 en Barcelona (septiembre 2020)
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skam-luart-mix · 3 years
I'm watching season 2 of Merli Sapere Aude at last.... Omggg Pol looking with great brazenness at the art restorer
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if you want a story about being hiv+ that's pretty well done, i really recommend merli sapere aude, it focuses on the character of Pol and in season 2, an ex reaches out to him about his recently discovered hiv+ status.
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scottsumrners · 3 years
i didn't watch the 2 seasons of merli: sapere aude, but i read spoilers about how it ended and what happened in season 2, and i have to say... it's insane that this dude sold the premise of this spin-off as "here is the road to bruno and pol becoming canon, and what happened in the years between merlí's death and the epilogue", and then..............he drops bruno out of the second season completely and the show ends with pol with a different dude?
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Ok guys... Season 2 English translations of Merli Sapere Aude...
Anyone find any?
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niccolofares · 5 years
Merli: Sapere Aude S1 in Spanish
Alrighty, I’m currently re-uploading all of the episodes so I’ll post all of the new links once they’re ready. Here are all the links for the first season of Merlí: Sapere Aude just in Spanish for anyone who wants to watch them but doesn’t know where. Once the subtitles are ready I’ll re-upload all of the episodes again but with the English subtitles. Episode 1 
Episode 2 
Episode 3 
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
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I want to marry this review.
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mereth · 3 years
No quería llenarte el post de comentarios jaja pero si quería comentar que David le dijo a Héctor que no se podía comprometer con una segunda temporada cuando estaban terminando el episodio 6, y Carlos Indriago, Pablo Capuz, la mujer que interpreta a su tía, etc dijeron en diferentes momentos que tuvieron que reescribir los últimos capítulos (Carlos I dijo por ej que la escena de la fiesta terminaba radicalmente diferente en el guión original y que se borraron MUCHAS escenas). También dieron a entender que a Axel lo escribieron para reemplazar a Bruno así que tampoco iba a aparecer en un principio 😅 Supongo que lo que quiero decir es que si David no se hubiera ido/no se hubieran peleado a muerte meses después quizás habríamos tenido una temporada 1 algo diferente y no estaríamos viéndolo arrastrarse por Pol mientras el está con Axel (de hecho por algunos comentarios del cast muchos meses atrás estoy bastante segura que Bruno y Etienne iban a ser pareja en la temp 2). Habiendo dicho esto, no justifico como dejaron parado a Bruno en la temp 1 ni como no se lo menciona ahora, me da mucha rabia. En fin, estoy viendo la segunda temporada así que si queres saber algo puntual podes preguntarme 😊
🤣 llena de comentarios lo que quieras, no me molestan, al contrario. A ver, si David dijo al final del 6 que no se podía comprometer a una segunda temporada y ya se modificó la primera en consecuencia...¿¡A QUÉ VIENE PONERLE AHORA VERDE!? Entendería el cabreo si les deja tirados antes de empezar a rodar la segunda pero si era algo que ya se sabía WTF Héctor.
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I miss Bruno... so much.
I don't quite get that in the 10 first minutes of the episode, Pol is already in love (flowers, unicorns, butterflies and violin music) with a perfect stranger and he kept saying that he wasn't in love with Bruno for 4+ years...
Maybe Pol Rubio doesn't recognise love at all.
Second episode and Pol doesn't even pretend to call Bruno to tell him so that Bruno can act accordingly (but of course, he tells Étienne because he is just so important...) Mindblowing gap, sorry to say, Hector. You didn't need David for that.
Another fun fact: Oriol or whatever's name is Oti's boyfriend (or something) has more lines in these two episodes than Bruno in all the first season :-P.
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So, I already watched this week's episode (I had my hopes high since I read somewhere that it was the best of the season... oh boy, if this is the best, I don't know about the worst...).
I will be doing my sum-up some time in the afternoon-evening, since I have a busy day at work today.
Let me say 2 things:
Minerva is recalled once more.
Arnaud and Amy already have more screentime than Bruno last season.
Bonus thought (specially for @mereth): at the end of the episode, Pol says he is not going to fall in love EVER... Just indulge me in proving him wrong :-P.
OK, ready or not, here I go, you can't hide...
First edit, intro:
Angel is working at the Satanasa (waitering not so well, to be honest).
He and Pol meet up to go together to the Philoparty. Pol arrives at the bar with Bolaño and introduces her to Dino, who is already charming her. Seems like Pol has told him a lot about her. (Truth to be told, it's just AWESOME to see Poncela and Pujalte together...)
Pol and Angel leave for the party in Pol's bike (very resemblance to the episode 8 temp 1 scene after he gets the bike and after Bruno leaves... yes, I have to squeeze Bruno somewhere... your problem, not mine!). Pol is eager for things to come back to normal. He wants to tell everyone about the HIV.
Second edit:
They get to the party (all dressed up in Louis XV and Marie Antoniette costumes...). They put on some costumes.
Biel is already there, as well as Arnaud, Amy (I don't know why but yeah.... and Pol is really happy to see Amy, don't know why either) ... and Oti appears going down the main stare like a queen.
Rai's palace. Rai wants Alfonso to iron one of his shirt for the party before going home (Alfonso was just leaving but has to stay to do it....).
Some Vicky and Alfonso bonding.
While he is ironing the shirt, he opens a closet to find all the suits and clothes and watches and hats from Rai's father.
Third edit:
Bolaño and Dino talking and the Satanasa. Really the best part of the episode. They talk about life and kids and stuff... If you had to watch just one part of the episode, I'd chose this one and the one with them at the park....
Back to the Philoparty. Oti wants to take part at the Plato's Symposium debate at the end of the school year.
Biel is A JERK. I preferred last season's Biel. He is really stupid this season.
Oti gets mad with Biel because he thinks he's better than her.
They are going to do a high heels race... all very original and new *sarcastic cough*
Rai arrives and he is very uptight and defesive towards Pol, who is trying to make peaces with him for not having been around or in a good mood for quite a while...
Pol doesn't understand what's going on with Rai.
Biel goes to appologise to Oti. Blah blah blah... Biel wants to have sex with her again. Blah blah blah... I don't really know if Oti says no or maybe...
Fourth edit:
Vicky has vertigo (like meeeeee!!!! it really sucks when it happens!! I pitty her so much). Alfonso has to stay to take care of her. He tells her that he also suffers it. More Vicky and Alfonso bonding.
Back to the party. Normally, I don't say anything about these things but this one is fucking outrageous. Amy is saying that rural Spain reminds her of Arkansas but Cataluña has so much personality... So, fuck you Hector... I mean, Amy....
Pol is trying again with Rai but he's just as hurt as before.
Biel is drunk and talking about love vs sex.
Back to the Satanasa. (Mejor frase de la noche: "¿no te encantaria tener un "cal" en español?" :-D :-D :-D) Dino wants to do a makeover to Maria.
Back to Rai's home. More Alfonso and Vicky bonding but Vicky catches Alfonso trying one of her husband's suits and gets mad... very ridiculous all...
Back to the party. Everyone is drinking too much, including Pol. Biel tells Rai that he had a thing for MINERVA. Biel doesn't have feelings for her anymore but Rai does.
Maria's makeover. She looks really pretty. They have a heart to heart about their hopes and wishes...
Party again: Pol is drunk and so is Rai. Rai feels isolated by Pol because he hasn't been around lately. He's even "jelous" of Axel and Rai ends up in the patios' pond, all wet.
Pol tells Oti that he doesn't feel alright and he thinks it's because of the medication, so he has to tell her.
Rai calls Alfonso to bring him some dry clothes to the party and asks him for Pol's clothes because otherwise, it would take too long (Hector had to have an excuse for Alfonso to sneak into Pol's drawers and find the pills... which of course, he does).
Fifth edit:
Pol tells Oti and she asks him if that the reason he's not with Axel... he just nods.
AND HOLD YOUR FREAKING PHONES!!! Pol says: "Thank god we didn't fuck that day at my house...." mmmmmmm.... hello???? you know who you fuck in those days at his house....????????? YES, EXACLY, VoldeBruno... This is ridiculous.
Back to the conversation. Oti tells him that she'd love for him to fuck her now. Pol looks at her and, surprise, she introduces him to the term "condom", which apparently, Pol has forgotten it exists. Oti tells him that for her he is the same person and that she is proud of her friend...
The high heels race, which Biel wins.
And one more punch to the gut: A "La casa Azul" song sounds... I hate you, Hector.
Pol's room. Alfonso asks Gloria if she knows what the pills are for and why Pol hides them. They look at the name in internet and they find out what they are for. Alfonso is really really angry/sad. He wants to confront Pol about it but Gloria asks him to wait for him to accept it and once he has it assumed, to go to Pol and ask him.
Back to the end of the party, they decide to go to the beach to see the sunrise.
Pol and Rai are friends again.
Maria and Dino having chocolate con churros for breakfast.
Alfonso cannot sleep.
Maria and Dino having another amazing conversation. And here is where the episode title comes from: Dino making Maria cry and laugh at the same time: TO CRAUGH.
At the beach, they are all talking about nonesense and planning to travel and to go to Argentina to see MINERVA (another punch!). And Oti tells that they are going to fall in love in each country that the go to. Pol is really pensive and out of it, AND THAT'S WHEN HE SAYS: "I will try not to fall in love. It's better being around friends".
And final punch in the gut: again "La Casa Azul"....
Ok, so so so many wholes... but the bigest one is 1'78 meters, slender, beautiful as fuck and it responds to the name of BRUNOOOOOOO. I even have a pic, Hector... look.
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Mmmmmmm quick question, though. Could anyone tell me if the thing with Efra was before or after Merlí and Pol donated blood? When Merli told him that he was very important for Bruno. Because if it is after then it's a huge huge huge error... Pol should already have known about THAT because the blood is analysed before sending it to the blood bank... JUST SAYING.
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