#mercury x zoisite
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senshixshitennoulove · 7 months ago
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by art_k_ark
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redfirerose-blog · 4 months ago
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Masquerade ✨
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cursedwithgloriouspurpose · 2 months ago
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Starting the year off right with a bit of Sen/Shi shipping. Ami Mizuno and Zoisite, of course. I figured it was appropriate to start with them, first, since they were the first of the set I drew two years ago when I started getting back into art. Also... I just really wanted to draw an underwater scene, and who better, right?
Unfortunately, I had to crop it down a bit a so that tumblr's compression didn't eat it. You can find the larger image in my kofi gallery (linked in source along with my commission info)
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senshixshitennouweeks · 7 months ago
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Next set of prompts up! Hope you all enjoy :)
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vifetoile · 9 months ago
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Clearing out my old laptop, so you, my faithful readers, get to enjoy these banners I made for my Sailor Moon Senshi x Shitennou series, The Bells of Hikawa Shrine
I'm not going to work on them any more, and hey, the s x s fandom can always use more adoration
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daeva-agas · 1 year ago
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Day 7: Umbrella
Aaaaahhh I'm late!!!
I tried to participate in but even with the 2 months ahead warning, what my actual planned creation wasn't done yet. I couldn't even finish this one in time even though it's relatively simple...
Usa and Nephrite are the pranksters
Mamo and Mako probably tried to stop them but failed
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shadowsphere21 · 1 year ago
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Next Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon PC Engine Game 30th Anniversary drawing in progress! Initial sketches and line art, as well as coloring progress, up on my Ko-Fi for monthly supporters! #2 of four
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sailormoonandme · 1 year ago
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Summary: Beginning in the Silver Millennium, two souls have encountered one another over and over again. Mixed Anime/Manga/PC-Engine Game Canon.
Ao3: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/50099263)
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14279347/1/Ripples-AmixZoisite-Week-2023
Author: AlEvans26
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom(s): Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Mizuno Ami/Zoisite
Characters: Zoisite (Sailor Moon), Mizuno Ami, Tsukino Usagi, Mizuno Saeko, Kunzite (Sailor Moon), Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion
Genre/Tags: One Shot, Reincarnation, Canon - Anime, Canon - Manga, Canon - Video Game, Redemption, Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Love, Chess, Strategy & Tactics, Water, Rain, Umbrellas, Enemy Lovers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crystal Tokyo Era, Silver Millennium Era
Words: 3,907
**Just to let you know I am involved in a discord called 'Moonlight Legends' which is dedicated to sharing all sorts of Sailor Moon fanworks, including other fanfics. If you would like to join so you can share your own work, get help with your current projects or just connect to other fan creators shoot me a PM and I'll send you an invite. All are welcome!** 
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senshixshitennoulove · 9 months ago
by LadyMako
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Princess Mercury & Zoisete
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senshixshitennoulove · 4 months ago
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By fmfm1106
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cursedwithgloriouspurpose · 2 years ago
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Some Ami x Zoisite content for my lovely @quicksilverblue. Not quite her version of Z, but I always loved her idea of giving Z predominantly ice powers that work well with Mercury's water.
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AxZ Week Day 5: Poetry
In Silver Millennium, Serenity hands her a slip of parchment, claiming she found it tucked into the hollow of a tree where she had met with her beloved Endymion (she suspects that she was simply playing matchmaker).
The words compare her to a pool of water on a hot day, keeping refreshing, serene, and reflective in pleasing rhyme and meter.
Though it’s short, it’s words stir something in the princess of Mercury and she wishes to know who made such lovely phrases on the tiny blue planet that Serenity is so fond of.
Soon, Serenity brings her more messages that flatter her about her mind and her ambitions, mentioning her beauty to punctuate the writer’s fascination with her.
She never finds out who it is, though. The Silver Millennium falls soon after.
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He’s in the library, looking for inspiration for a new energy gathering scheme for their great ruler. His last plan had backfired spectacularly (Video rental stores were not an antiquated idea; it was novel and retro!) and he was going to find something full proof. Beryl was getting impatient.
He pulled a book from the shelf and opened it. A piece of loose-leaf paper, folded into eighths fell from between.
Curious, he picked it up and unfolded it.
I wish to share my words, read the lines of text, to let others know my dreams.
The words stir something in Zoisite and, against his better judgement, pulls out a pen and scrawls a reply, trying to match the number of syllables and give it some kind of rhyme scheme.
Your words have found me now, and filled my heart to the seams.
It’s a simple poem, nothing he’d want to show anyone, but at least he got it out of his system. Putting the paper in between the pages of the book, Zoisite puts the book back and heads for the music section. He’d always been interested in that, so maybe something would inspire him.
Just as he turned the corner, a girl with short dark hair and blue eyes turned the corner and took the book he had just replaced.
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The two of them stand awkwardly a week after their second (really third) meeting. They could sit down in one of Crown Arcade’s many booths, especially since it was a slow day, but that would mean sitting across from one another or, God forbid, beside one another.
She’s still not sure trusting him is a logical decision.
He’s still not sure if she even wants to talk to him.
The tension is thick and cloying, a sensation like wearing an old frayed sweater by a campfire.
“So… um… you like to read?”
It’s a dumb question. Between the three books she’s carrying and the reading glasses in her pocket, anyone could see that.
“Yes,” she answers simply. There’s no malice in her voice, but no feeling either. It’s a simple fact.
He retreats to his room when he returns home, trying to write his heart out on a yellow legal pad and trying to take his mind off how Mizuno could even tolerate him ever again.
It’s all chicken scratch though. Even simple fluff poems about flowers being pretty seem to be hard for him to write.
A call from his prince draws him out of his stupor and into battle against a leftover creature.
It’s a bulky, bulbous monster called a Daimon that was apparently made by science.
“Are we winning?” Nephrite calls after his sneak attack completely fails.
“Do you want the truth or one of those little white lies to make you feel better?”
Jadeite’s frustration is understandable, if the improvised bandage on his leg is anything to go on. Mars’s fire seems to have no effect on the creature, Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon are pinned by the Daimon’s onslaught with Nephrite and the other senshi are still trying to make their way across town.
“Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!”
Glittering streams of water streak at the creature, enveloping it in ice and suddenly, Zoisite’s mind fills with descriptions for the attack and for the trickling otherworldly harp strings that accompany it.
Even when Sailor Moon purifies the creature in a dazzling display, Zoisite’s attention is still on the Senshi of Water.
The muse has struck him hard and maybe he can work up the nerve to thank her.
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She recognizes his words when he submits to her, on a sheet of green paper, a poem about Hermes.
He recognizes her’s when he sees her handwriting in her little blue notebook.
Soon, little notes are passed between them. Verses plucked out of the ether to make little compliments.
Soon, they’re talking at length of wordsmiths and writers; who they like, who has the best descriptions, which would fit with music, which writer sounds like they would have voted for Shinzo Abe. Soon, it grows more intimate. Love poems, shared between the two of them, games that become heated the more passionate the poetry.
And the two of them begin to wonder when their games will be played to a work of their own composition.
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senshixshitennouweeks · 2 years ago
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senshixshitennoulove · 8 months ago
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by Pillara
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AxZ Week Day 3: Cherry Blossoms
She was like a cherry blossom.
Most people would probably compare Ami Mizuno to a different flower. Maybe a hibiscus or a water lily, but for Zee
In the dead of winter when everything was bleak and drained, there she stood. Pastel vibrance even when it was unseasonal.
He still remembered when he first saw her in his past life. In Silver Millennium.
Bracketed by sunlight, her attention fully on some ancient tome that no doubt excite the most inquisitive of minds; maybe some multi-faceted fiction or some charismatic treatise on newly uncovered facts.
But what it was hadn’t mattered; all that had mattered was that moment, as fleeting as a falling cherry blossom, had stuck in his mind and in his heart long after the kingdoms of the moon and earth had fallen.
And even now, after being freed from that witch, here he sat with her, on a blanket, beneath dozens of blooming cherry blossom trees, neither of them saying a word, just reading together.
A biography of Beethoven she’d picked up once she’d heard good things about it.
“Do you think Mozart really met Beethoven?” she asked absent-mindedly.
He had to smile. Of course her wonderful mind wouldn’t blindly accept a highly contested fact.
“Who can say,” he replies, turning the page, “but the story of one genius recognizing another… it’s inspiring, isn’t it?”
Ami chuckles, a sound that sends his heart fluttering like a boozy butterfly.
“Are you referring to yourself?” she asks.
He smirks.
“We’ll wait and see what history says about me.”
The two of them lean in and share a kiss, surrounded by beautiful pink blossoms carried by gravity and the breeze
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master-ray5 · 1 year ago
The Kunzite/Venus one is my favorite. Nothing like the strong stoic character nuzzling into their head against their lovers chest in a needy way.
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by nads6969 (inspired by ASH artworks)
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