#mercer skyrim
wellthebardsdead · 11 months
Clockwork Heart pt37
Part 36 here
Kaidan: *sets a number of drinks on the table for the group as they settle in for the night at the bee & barb* from what we found out the only way into the ratway is through a door near the docks.
Nerevar: alright, we’ll head in there tomorrow. Wyrm and Voryn will stay here with-
Wyrm: I’m going. *reaches to the tray grabbing the smallest cup of wine*
Nerevar: No you’re not Wyrm. Not after-
Wyrm: I wasn’t asking ata.
Everyone: *awkward tense silence*
Wyrm: *sighs and sips the wine, grimacing at the taste but finishes it* if all of you keep protecting me I won’t stand a chance against alduin… Im the one his death falls on… not all of you. But you’re all the ones getting hurt trying to keep me safe… I want to help, I want to find answers… *sets the cup down sliding out of his chair* and im tired of people trying to stop me from finding them. *walks off*
Nerevar: *realising just how much he and voryn had been coddling him rather than teaching him* I- W-Wyrm where are you going?
Wyrm: I need to pee. *walks out of the inn and to the outhouse*
Kaidan: his moods deteriorated as the day went on… I’ve never seen him drink before…
Inigo: he’s been lost in his thoughts since we entered the marketplace today… maybe last night is still bothering him?…
Caryalind: come to think of it… Kaidan… you mentioned he seems to handle traumatic events, uncomfortably well. Why is this effecting him just now?
Kaidan: I don’t think he actually handled any of it… I think he just let it built up.
Taliesin: … *gets up* I’ll go talk to him.
Nerevar: *watches him go and looks at the cup* …Have I been holding on too tight?…
Wyrm: *sighs fixing his robes after doing his business, his mind wandering back through his memories, recalling the pain he’d suffered and feeling oddly numb as he recalls it, and all the instances were they ultimately lead to him needing to be saved* if it’s so important I stay alive… why did you make me so helpless?… *turns and stares at himself in the cracked mirror* why won’t you tell me?… I tried to come to you myself. I came to the dream sleeve myself to see you, and you pushed me away… why are you always pushing me away? Where are you trying to guide me? If you want so desperately to be understood then why won’t you let me in on the purpose of my very existence?
Wyrm: … *places his hand on the glass feeling no response from his reflection, sotha sils presence in his mind and soul, silent* I don’t even have a say in my own fate… do I?… you just wanted me to think I did… *sighs* am I truely just… doomed then to your desires?… just another thing you made to fulfil a purpose?…
Wyrm: …Why am I not allowed to just be happy?… you made me to always be happy right?… to be the opposite of you?… so why?… why do you keep… making me sad?…
Wyrm: …I’ll behave… please don’t hurt them… don’t hurt voryn, don’t hurt neht, don’t hurt my friends please don’t-… dont… hurt Taliesin… don’t hurt my heart… I won’t cause you anymore trouble… *walks out of the bathroom and immediately freezes as he bumps into a tall red head in black leather armour* … *sighs*
*a few minutes later*
Delvin: Brynjolf I’m telling you take the lad back now or you’re in for it for real this time!
Brynjolf: *carrying Wyrm over his shoulder with ease* What’s up your ass today delvin? He owes us a debt by not giving us his eye. Besides, did you see the lot he was travelling with? I think we can get a lot more out of them in exchange for him*
Wyrm: An ass whooping is all you’re getting out of them…
Brynjolf: *gives him a gentle slap on the thighs* what was that?
Delvin: the truth Brynjolf, I’m telling you’re going to regret this you don’t know who he is!
Brynjolf: worth a lot of money is what he is. *sits Wyrm on a chair in the flagon*
Wyrm: y-you’re going to be in big trouble if you don’t let me go right now!
Brynjolf: and a smart mouth too it seems. *leans in* go on precious, tell me how much trouble I’m in-
Wyrm: *grits his teeth and grips the chair, fed up with being helpless* FUS-
Brynjolf: What the-
“RO DAH!!!!”
Taliesin: *kicks open the door to the flagon with his dagger drawn in time to hear his beloveds thuum and witness a huge splash hit the ceiling of the open space* Wyrm?!
Nerevar: *runs in with his lance poised for bloodshed* WHERE IS- *pauses watching a red haired nord surface from the water gasping for air as he flails in shock*
Delvin: *walks to the broken railing with Wyrm by his side as he looks over the waters edge* I tried to warn you. *looks up to see the group* oh! You’re definitely the lot Enthir told me about.
Wyrm: my friends! Ata! Tali!!!
Nerevar: WYRM! *runs around the waters edge and up into the bar with the others* are you hurt are you okay?
Wyrm: *nods and hurries to his arms* I’m okay- Mr Mallory made sure of it.
Delvin: I’m so sorry about my associates behaviour. I tried informing him who you lot were but he wasn’t having it.
Kaidan: *looking past him to the waters edge, and the veteran high elf pacing it like a tiger* oh… oh he’s having it alright… the minute he gets out of the water.
Wyrm: *looks over and immediately blushes watching Taliesin twirl his dagger as his eyes remain locked on Brynjolf as the nord tries to get out of the water and avoid death* o-oh.
Brynjolf: *running out of stamina as he treads water trying to find a way past him* f-fuck! *pushes off the wall as Taliesin reaches to grab him*
Taliesin: *scowls* keep swimming. I’ve got all day.
Brynjolf: … *just sinks under the water*
Kaidan: is he hiding?
Delvin: that or attempting to drown himself.
Wyrm: *turns and immediately hides behind nerevar seeing another dark armoured figure step into the flagon*
Delvin: Sorry boss, Brynjolf causing trouble with Enthirs son and his companions. Little fella has quite a set of pipes on him. Launched him into the drink with one breath. *looks at Wyrm then at the group* This is Mercer Frey, leader of the thieves guild, an old associate of your dad as well.
Mercer: Enthir huh?… *looks at the group quietly before locking eyes with nerevar and feeling a shiver run down his spine* which one of you is it then? Who sent my second in charge into the- *looks over to the waters edge hearing splashing and panicked screaming as Taliesin suddenly rips Brynjolf from the water threatening to kill him* is it him?
Brynjolf: *still gasping for air after holding it for so long* F-fu-uck! Help!
Wyrm: *ignoring the chaos as he slowly peers out from behind nerevar* n-no it’s me.
Mercer: *looks back at the group hearing the voice and expecting there to be someone at least bosmer height standing there, only to look down further to see him* Oh- talk about pocket sized. And here I was thinking niruin and etienne were short-
Wyrm: Etiennes alive?? He made it back safe?
Mercer: Huh. So you’re the short dunmer who saved him… looks like the guild owes you a debt then. I’ll see if I can come up with a way to compensate you then just- can you call your friend off now? *looks over again to see Taliesin holding Brynjolf down as he tries to stab him*
Wyrm: oh- um, tali- *hiccups and wobbles a little*
Kaidan: oop. There’s the wine.
*a few hours later*
Wyrm: *sitting on his bed in the bee & barb, pouting as Caryalind braids his hair* I’m-im not drunk! I can still help! *hiccups and falls back into him as Taliesin walks over with his night shirt*
Taliesin: your highness can you hold my drunk little silk moths arm up please?
Caryalind: *nods doing as asked* this drunk after one glass of wine?
Lucien: *getting ready for bed too* and I thought I was a lightweight. Do you think he’ll get a hangover from this?
Taliesin: *pulls the shirt over Wyrm and pulls his hair through the neck hole as he adjusts it* I hope not, he’s been through enough pain already- I- Wyrm sit down. *grabs him as he tries to get up again*
Wyrm: *whines kicking his legs* Taliii! You’re being mean!! I wanna help find Esbern! *slips out of his arms and runs to the door hurrying out* …
Delvin: *offered to guard them as an apology from the guild, suddenly walks in holding Wyrm under his arm* caught him. Surprisingly hard to keep ahold of him.
Taliesin: *sighs* you have no idea. *takes the small dunmer from him* thank you again for keeping watch…
Delvin: From everything you told me, it’s the least I can do. Especially since he’s enthirs boy… *looks at wyrm, then Caryalind, then voryn as the poorly chimer rests* Lot of valuable people in this room, and a lot of people in this city alone who’d benefit from doing them harm… You have my word I’ll keep you safe from them.
Taliesin: thank- WYRM!!
Wyrm: *slipped out of his shirt and making a break for it again*
*1 hour later*
Wyrm: *still tipsy but no longer intent on streaking down to the ratway again, now trying to get comfortable against Taliesin as the alcohol keeps him wide awake* … *shifts a little in the high elfs arms earning a soft moan in response, his lover fast asleep and clearly enjoying being in a real bed after days on the road*
???: the boss find anyone for the goldenglow job yet?
Delvin: Goldenglow? Nah. Even lovely Vex barely made it out of there alive.
Wyrm: huh?… *shifts to get up only for Taliesin to hug him closer* …aw biscuits…
???: I could do it-
Delvin: absolutely not sapphire. You’re great with a blade but there’s hundreds of mercs crawling that place. If you get caught who knows what they’ll… they’ll do to you… I don’t want you to go through that again.
Sapphire: *sighs* I know… but who else is willing to try it then? All you have to do is burn the bee hives right?
Delvin: and get the documents out of the safe that Maven wants. Vex tried going in through the sewer route but got caught on her way in… barely made it out alive.
Wyrm: … *looks back at Taliesin then down at the dwarven spider in his bag* pssst. Mr wrench.
Mr wrench: *activates and sprawls out his legs* ???
Wyrm: *slides out of taliesins arms putting a pillow there before pulling on his robes and boots* I’m done making everyone protect me. *picks him up and walks to the window, peering out of it nervously before climbing out onto the roof* We’ll be back before they wake up.
Mr wrench: *suddenly pops his legs up making them spin around rapidly as another two poke down for handles*
Wyrm: *grabs on as the spider takes flight, the magicka within the spinning blades strong enough to carry him off of the roof, and out of the city to a little bee farm in the middle of the lake* let’s go.
*meanwhile down in the ratway*
Nerevar: *sheaths his sword kicking the severed head of a thalmor agent out of the way as he walks to a heavy iron door* Esbern!!! By order of the blades I demand you open this door or I’ll break it down myself!!!
Esbern: *from the other side of the door* what? Who on nirn are you?! Go away!
Nerevar: *eye twitching as he pulls his lance from his back* Boethia. Guide me.
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counterspelling · 4 months
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Endless Bells Hells
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nauteno · 1 month
Day2. secret or and golden / Mercer Frey&Skeleton Key(TES:V)
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You can't hide any secrets and coins from him🤔
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argisthebulwark · 2 months
Pretty Please?
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summary: Asking them to let you tie a bow around their bicep💕 gn reader, no gendered pronouns or y/n used. feat: Farkas, Vilkas, Brynjolf, Miraak, Mercer warnings: some swearing, unserious threats (Mercer) masterlist
"Oh hell yeah." Farkas isn't ashamed to admit that he flexes just a little when you wrap the cute ribbon around his bicep. He loves the excited gleam in your eye and the shameless way your hands linger on his muscles even when the task is complete. "Now what?" He laughs, enjoying the satisfied smile on your face. "You keep it there." "For how long?" "Until it falls off, I guess." You shrug, allowing his arms to wrap around you. Farkas can't help himself from drawing closer to you, there's something magnetic about being in your presence. Any silly little joke is worth seeing you smile. "What if it breaks?" "How would it break?" Oh, you've played right into his game. Farkas flexes his triceps, feeling the flimsy ribbon strain and snap around his muscles. He adores the pout you force to cover up the clear amusement when you pluck the pink fabric from his arm. "You just wanted to show off." "C'mon, tie another one. I promise to leave it all day." Of course he's true to his word. Farkas double checks your knot on the second bow, strangely invested in this one staying as long as possible. He's thrilled to talk to the new recruits about his lovely partner who'd placed it there, fingers brushing the soft fabric sentimentally each time he thinks of you.
Vilkas grumbles something under his breath, eyes never straying from his book. Behind the locks of dark hair you spot his expression, noting the lack of real annoyance. Fighting back a grin you play along with his obligatory protests. "It's just a cute little bow." "What purpose does it serve?" "I can ask someone else." You sigh theatrically, turning on your heel. Right on queue Vilkas huffs, a strong hand closing around your wrist and tugging you closer. "Just put it on." He growls just as you'd expected. He thinks he's so scary, but Vilkas sits eerily still and allows you to tie a pretty pink ribbon around his bicep. Despite his protests it remains there all day. One sharp glare shuts down the giggling from a group of whelps resting in the main hall, though the older Companions are harder to quiet. Farkas nearly combusts when Vilkas breezes past him without saying a word, his gleeful expression matched only by yours. After a few boring meetings you scurry down to the marketplace in search of your partner, thrilled at the sight of him pawing through bits of armor while merchants and civilians stare pointedly at your ribbon. It had started as a funny suggestion but seeing him now makes your heart melt. Fully aware that you're killing his tough persona, you skip closer until Vilkas' large hand instinctively reaches for you. He continues haggling with the merchant, seemingly unaware of the pink ribbon flapping in the gentle afternoon breeze. "You doin' this for all the lads?" Brynjolf smirks, holding his arm out to you. "Why?" You hum, so carefully tying a perfect bow over his muscled arm. He isn't sure why you've chosen to add a pink ribbon to his armor but for you he'd do anything. "Would that make you jealous?" "Oh, desperately." He deadpans, enveloping you in his arms. Brynjolf relaxes when you brush through his hair, grateful for the distraction from the endless stacks of paperwork towering on his desk. "Just you, Bryn." You assure him, adjusting the bow until it's perfect. "Thank the gods for that - but did ya have to choose such a bright color, love?" "Some of the recruits have been eyeing you a bit too much for my liking." You admit, sinking deeper into his touch. "Had to stake my claim." "I live and breathe for you, love." From a man who's spent decades lying and stealing, those are the truest words he's ever spoken. Brynjolf loves the excited way you fuss at his bow, ensuring it will stay in place. "What if I get called on a job? This frilly pink'll surely get me caught." "Good thing you're the best there is." "Aye, love. Got that right."
"Absolutely not." Miraak lies, resolve already cracking. He can never say to no to you for long. "Why not?" "Why should I allow this?" "I think you'll look cute." He groans at your words, fully aware that he can not resist that sweet tone of your voice. Dropping whatever tome he'd been reading for far too long he allows you to crawl into his lap. It's painfully difficult to not just give in to you. Miraak knows that his intimidating persona is all but shattered in your presence but that does not stop him from grasping at its last remaining shreds when he can. "I have slain thousands. I could end you with a word. I am not cute." "Fine." You huff, still clutching the frilly piece of ribbon. "You're pretty, is that better?" "It is not." He grumbles, putting up no fight when your fingers dance up his arm. "Would this please you?" "Greatly." His heart swells at that smile, the one you've only shown him. To the rest of Tamriel you are a being of myth, the Last Dragonborn, the only one who holds the world's fate in the palm of your hands. You could save or condemn continents with a word. Yet here you sit, face cupped in Miraak's gloved hands and pouting over a cute pink ribbon. He sighs, unable to maintain the act any longer. "As you wish, my Dragon."
"Try it and I'll gut you." Mercer grunts, content to ignore your request - until he sees the disappointment shimmering in your eyes. That excited smile fades and your hands fall to your sides and oh, the guilt kicks his ass. He turns behind the desk, disgusted by how badly be wants to please you. Wordlessly, he raises his left arm. He glares down at the list of recently recovered oddities without absorbing any information when you happily bounce closer, touch featherlight as you tie the scrap of fabric around his arm. "You markin' me for some sort of hit?" He snarks, attempting to distance himself from the sheer pleasure of you leaning so close to him. "There's easier ways to kill you, honey." Your voice is light, unaffected by his refusal. "I'm goin' away on a job for a while, I just figured you'd think of me when you saw this." Mercer grunts noncommittally once more, swallowing the words threatening to escape - you think he requires a silly bow to think of you? Every moment you're away from the Cistern he's worrying over your safety, counting the hours the job should take until his chest is tight. He doesn't mention it again, though after your departure he catches a few other thieves snickering behind their hands. He strides through the Flagon without looking at them, summoning the most cutting voice he can before speaking. "Say another word and you won't live to see sunrise."
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"Statue of the Snow Prince" - Note the statues facial similarity to the "degenerated" appearance of Falmer as opposed to the traditionally handsome depiction we see of the Snow Prince statue in TES V.
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Art by Adam Adamowicz
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mukuuji · 5 months
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I found an exciting drawing game on X and gave it a try! It was really fun!!!😂
"My Likings Panel Trap!" (the original title is 性癖パネルトラップ)
1. Make a secret list of your favorite things and assign each a number.
2. Let your friends choose a number and suggest a character.
3. Draw the character based on their choice.
4. Have fun with it and bask in the joy!
Here's the game's original post:
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babyblueetbaemonster · 8 months
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skyrim-forever · 2 years
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the-elder-polls · 22 days
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 10 months
Vex: I really like this whole "good guy, bad guy" thing you guys have going on.
Mercer Frey: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Brynjolf isn’t.
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vinndas · 5 months
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guy invented cringefail
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Confession: I hate the Thieves Guild in Skyrim. Every member is either an absolute asshole, or a sex pest. I have no idea how they're the most popular faction and I judge everyone who likes them in any way that isn't "it's a good questline". I would tap Mercer Frey though
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sweetpeauserboxes · 1 year
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[id: a light green userbox with a pastel green border and pastel green text that reads “this user thinks mercer frey is a little bitch..” on the left is an image of Mercer Frey from Skyrim. /end id]
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nauteno · 8 months
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My last weekends mood and doodles📝😠
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argisthebulwark · 6 days
Hey.... You Up?
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summary: sending a 'you up?' text at midnight is totally innocent, right? smau gn reader, no gendered pronouns or y/n used feat: Miraak, Brynjolf, Mercer, Teldryn, Vilkas, Farkas warnings: suggestive & explicit sexual references, minors should not read or interact masterlist
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