Explore tagged Tumblr posts
merakiblr-blog · 8 years ago
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– Thursday, 10 August – heyyyy guess who’s back!!!!!! it’s been a while since i posted for the last time, but now i’m planning to start posting again. however, thank you for 3K!!! + this is a page from my brand new bullet journal 💓
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intellectys · 8 years ago
Band :D I need music in my life to survive (+ I have a concert in two weeks and I’m about to die a very slow and painful death but oh well)
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scrubstudies · 8 years ago
something i love starting with M: mildliners omg
send me a letter & i’ll answer with something i love starting with that letter!
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studyingjessie · 8 years ago
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{19/02} Day 4/100 Days of Productivity
Today I studied with a friend a news subject I’m going to have this semester called Science of Languages 101. It’s actually pretty interesting, so far. I hope you have a productive week because I plan for mine to be! 
xx Jess
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stariistudy-blog · 8 years ago
Relaunching my blog!
Hello everyone! 
So like a month ago I started this studyblr and to be honest it wasn’t really thought through, so I have decided to revamp and relaunch my blog. 
Here’s my new and improved introduction! 
you can call me Celeste
I post study-related things like my bujo, notes, tips, aesthetics etc. 
Still trying to figure out life 
I really want to stay motivated and network with the studyblr community!
please message me if you wanna chat, tell me about your day or just have an online friend :) 
My fav studyblrs are: @studyblr @sootudying @studyquill @academla @acadehmic @universi-tea @lycheestudy @mujischolar @apricot-studies @elkstudies @elainestudyblr @em-spacestudy @merakiblr @isabella-study @kathistudies @artstdy @studyscribbles  
Your blogs are honestly so awesome! Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for my existing followers for welcoming me! 
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equaticns · 8 years ago
『17 things to accomplish in 2017』
This year is definitely gonna be my life changing year and although 2017 has just started i can sooo feel the difference!
These are 17 things i want to improve on/accomplish in 2017 [MAJOR THANKYOU TO @serotonindiaries FOR TAGGING ME, ILYY]
Be more spontaneous  Spending too much time trying to make the correct decision usually leads to overthinking hence the frustration ._. Libra Problems Stop procrasting (or atleast procrastinate less xD) Value time, once gone, it never comes back Stay hydrated 💦 Water water i love water. Sometimes it works better than coffee to keep me awake Do enough and a little more Enough said Learn to say NO when you should  When a friend says ‘i think you should change this about yourself, i don’t like it’ just say ‘fuck that’ and move on, your friends should accept you for who you are and shouldn’t try to change you Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow I leant this from the book ‘The power of now’ by Eckhard Tolle and I am applying this in every moment of my life since i read the book Celebrate every little achievement  This motivates me to do better everytime in order to celebrate a little more Have a clear idea of your goals and if you fail to meet a goal just continue working towards it instead of giving up Limit internet usage you’ll automatically stop complaining about ‘lack of time’ (this is how i waste time on the internet- music, weheartit, tumblr, anime, idol photos, memes and then there’s this moment where you start out searching for integration of log x^sin2x + log(cosec x) and end up watching meowing cats on YouTube. I mean HOW (Do not try to solve that question lmaoo) Learn more languages bc why not Resume learning japanese and start learning chinese, spanish by the end of the year (i hope i can) Avoid negativity+ listen to your intuitions  Stay away from people who give you negative vibes bc u don’t want that negative shit in your life right? Start playing tennis again I stopped playing all sports last year due to academic pressure. I can’t stress enough on how important sports is!! Find time to travel the places you’ve been daydreaming about ( ૢ⁼̴̤̆ ꇴ ⁼̴̤̆ ૢ)~ෆ Make yourself your priority!  You can’t give anything to others without filling your own cup first bc umm.. your cup is empty? Learn to express yourself It’s okay to let out your feelings, cry if you want to, shout if you want to, just let it all out but then compose yourself again. Stay positive and help spread positivity This is on my Goals to Accomplish for the Year every year and i really enjoy this one (✿◠‿◠) Don’t take stress, stay calm and composed bc life is 99% a game of nerves, 1% random shit (the original quote was life is 99% common sense, 1% intelligence but who cares ha)
I tried to keep it short but i guess i failed lmao Anyways, I’d like to see the following do this tag - @yxnggong @universi-tea @studykouffee @study-owlet @colllegeruled @emmastudies @greyworks @livsdesk @nocturnal-studyblr @sofiestudy @studink @studyquill @merakiblr
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merakiblr-blog · 8 years ago
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This is me trying to be productive by studying in the afternoon and planning at night. Anyway, i’ve been really busy deciding what i’m gonna do next year, since it’s my last year in high school. Now that i’m pretty decided, it’s time to start working harder and focus! Keep going, I hope you guys are doing the best you can!
~plus, i’m considering starting the 100 days of productivity challenge again!!!!~
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netflixndstudy · 8 years ago
Tag game!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
♡ tagged by @merakiblr ♡
nickname? mari.
starsign? leo.
height? 5′3.          
last thing i googled? “how to earn money online”
fave music artist? ed sheeran.
song stuck in my head? shape of you by ed sheeran.
last movie i watched? eu fico loko. 
last tv show i watched? grey’s anatomy.
what are you wearing right now? pajamas.
when did you create your blog? january 2016 i think. 
what kind of stuff do i post? things related to studies, stationery, lists... 
do you have any other blogs? yes. @alastrar 
do you get asks regularly? no :(
why did you choose your url? bcs i love netflix and studying
gender? female.
hogwarts house? gryffindor. 
pokemon team? team mystic.
fave colour? blue.
average hours of sleep? 7.
lucky number? 22.
fave characters? katherine from tvd, izzie from grey’s, blair from gossip girl, evil queen from once upon a time.
how many blankets do you sleep with? one.
dream job? surgeon or actress.
following? 274.
♡ i tag: everyone hahahhahaha idk really! feel free to do it! ♡
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studyingjessie · 8 years ago
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{31/01} Day 1/100 Days of Productivity
(yes, I’m starting again because I’m a failure)
Tomorrow is my German exam. I did a lot of practising today, but I’m not 100% sure I can pull this through. I’m so nervous, and the fact that I’m going to have to get on a train and walk over an hour to get to the university just for this exam isn’t helping at all. I hope you have a great day tomorrow, and wish me luck!
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vestiblr · 9 years ago
é tão maravilhoso ver que vc conseguiu, sabe, agora ver seus posts e saber que vc está cursando o que queria e lembrar de todo o seu esforço. Te desejo muita sorte! obrigada por nos motivar tanto e por existir 💟
Ahhhhh ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Esta mensagem fez o meu dia, sério. É muito maravilhoso saber que eu motivo alguém. Muito obrigada ☺️
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getstudyblr · 9 years ago
Oii Ravena, tudo bem? eu gostaria de saber se você conhece alguma apostila boa de matemática para comprar? tipo, que tenha tudo explicado sem aquela linguagem matemática que fala como se eu já tivesse que saber tudo etc... Muito obrigada!
Hmmmmmm tem o do Guia do Estudante e “Matemática para Leigos”, porém eu pessoalmente prefiro o primeiro (pois foca mais no vestibular/enem)
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merakiblr-blog · 8 years ago
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-- Saturday, 11 March -- I've been working on my bullet journal and i'm really proud of how it looks! 💘
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revisicn · 9 years ago
I follow you because your blog inspires me! 💕
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tbhstudying · 9 years ago
I really like your new theme! 😍
ahh i’m glad! somehow the html editor got a little weird and i couldn’t see my blog so i was hoping that the code got pasted in correctly!i’m still looking for a really nice theme tho haha
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studyingjessie · 8 years ago
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{01/02} Day 2/100 Days of Productivity
So, today was my German exam. I was a nervous wreck, but it all went fine. It was exactly like the second test we did during the semester! I still can’t believe it. This means I’m free, I can finally relax for a bit, omg, go me
Pictured: my final review before the exam at the café from uni
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merakiblr-blog · 8 years ago
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It's been really hard to study on my own... send me motivation if you can, please!!!
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