#mer may has been so good for my creativity
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Watching the sunset
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sizzleissues · 5 months
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Its May.
Okay so this is in the same AU I had last year its just changed and evolved while also being the exact same. Except now I have 15,000 words of it written, like 7,000 words of planning and lore and hours upon hours of research that I will be pointedly ignoring. Will be posting more stuff this month about the AU and my hopes and dreams for it
Also slight art improvement check? I’ll put their original mermaid designs below the cut.
It’s Marinette as a mermaid and … its not Adrien or Chat Noir but a third worse thing (Catwalker but in the purest manifestation of it being a curse and not who he wants to be) I will be making designs for mer!Ladybug, and mer!Adrien as its own thing later on.
Okay if you want to indulge me look below the cut
Old mermaid designs first. I am going to be talking about my design thoughts, thoughts and ramblings about this AU and what I’ve been up to. You have been warned
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As you can see, some things have changed but neither design I hated, I just wanted to go further with it.
My brain is quite specific about mermaids and how I want them to generally look. I wanted to distinguish biological merfolk from transformed humans by having them being anatomically different. So Adrien has a vertical tail instead which is also way faster underwater. His transformation is quite distressing for him and very chaotic. Of course when he accepts it he’s not so raggedy.
Marinette similarly avoids her life as a mermaid by becoming human and I wanted her mermaid design to hint toward her fascination with humans. She wears a top she fashioned from human fabric she found in a sunken merchant vessel. In general all other merfolk either forgo clothes or wear things fashioned from materials available to them. There’s deep fear of humans and human things so even though human clothes are available to them (off dead bodies but…. Whatever) they choose to difference themselves as much as possible. The same taboos don’t exist for them and their bodies are already adapted from the temperature of their environment. Adrien has stray bits of netting and seaweed on him because he’s not exactly the best at controlling his speed and often crash’s through fishing nets and patches of seaweed resulting in stuff being caught on him.
A lot of their designs are still being worked but I’ve definitely pushed them the right direction!
On to the AU. You might have seem me cryptically talk about something I’m writing the past few weeks. This is because it’s been in my brain since last May and been on and off writing it since then. I decided I’d talk about it once May came back around but and then when I finished writing it, start posting sneak peaks and more spoilery art until it was fully edited and I felt confident in it to post with an aim for it to finish posting once May rolled around again. Oh god.
It’s set in the late 1700s in a fictional version of France that’s actually fragmented over a bunch of islands. I have done more fashion research than I ever thought I’d do and in the end we will still be taking creative license but know I do know what they actually wore! I ALSO did a butt tonne of research about sailing ships and turns out they are super complicated and now I know too much and yet too little still about them. It should be super fun and action packed if I can manage. Have some really good scenes already in my head I know you’ll love. We’re already three ships battle deep and I’ve only written four chapters. (It chills out for a bit after that)
This is entirely self-indulgent by the way. I’m writing this for me, you guys are just a bonus. I literally don’t care as long as it satiates my rabid need for the fic that only lives in my brain at the moment. Saying that, I do want to put my best foot forward.
The next thing I will be posting for this is their human forms and more blabblerings about that. For I am insane and all.
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ivesambrose · 9 months
⚜️ 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 ⚜️
December 31st,2023 - May 1st, 2024
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These are based on Sidereal transits 💛
If you'd like an even more personalized reading in regards to this or anything else from my list of services DM or email me with your query at [email protected]
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You'll feel more decisive about your goals and your life and actively move forward in regards to it whether you have a plan or not you are aware that even if you take one step in regards to your desires every single day, even if it's a change of lifestyle, habit or mindset, they will all up.
You may have felt rejected or feared rejection in the past that has made you question your self worth immensely, it has made you shut down that tender part of you, it only comes out when you're by yourself or the few people you know and trust. You'll be slowly letting go of that wound of feeling rejected, unseen and unheard. You may be drawn more towards your faith at this time but it won't be a surface level thing, you might want to learn more, pray more or do more devotional acts as you'll realize that a lot of your prayers are being answered.
You're no longer the damsel in distress or someone who can be easily taken advantage of either. You'll likely attract a few people who are a bit obsessively drawn to you, some may have good intentions but others would want to control you or have ulterior motives, so please use your best judgement and listen to your gut.
You'll likely become more social, recognised for your words or the way you express yourself or teach things which make others feel comforted and heard. You might also begin expressing yourself in the form of writing, singing, photography, vlogging etc
You'll want to indulge in the luxuries life has to offer even more. There is also possibility of travel within the country for starters and a lot of back and forth.
Be more protective of your energy as well otherwise you'll feel moody and depleted.
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You might feel like you're in the spotlight or you'll be fixating on the bigger picture of something and nothing else. A path you had chosen months back has led you to where you are right now, good or bad, you'll make peace with it once you realize that it's on you to change your direction or do what's need to be done to steer your life in the right direction. There's a sense of enlightenment that will feel very personal and spiritual to you, it will lead you to drop the act you had been partaking in for long.
You may have rejected help and guidance in the past that may have come to bite you and kept you in the same cycle, you'll feel inclined to revisit the guidance and break free from this chain.
Some of you might find a home, change homes, start working from home or finally feel at home where you can drop your mask and finally be yourself.
You'll stop being double minded and finally see yourself blooming in different areas of your life be it studies or career or both. Like minded people will come to you. You might find love but some of you might let go of it as it could feel suffocating or restricting, you will feel sorrow but I also see you being held by someone either a friend or a new lover when this happens. Your needs will be mer regardless.
You'll be aggresive in your pursuits and some of you might finally step into the shoes of being a leader instead of following orders. You'll find your people and may also go to different festivals, fairs, exhibitions etc
Avoid overly physically exherting yourself and spicy food, Avoid lashing out at people. Stay hydrated aswell.
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Too many choices in love, studies, career direction, hobbies etc you might feel a bit overwhelmed at first since the energy might feel scattered, so you'll proceed to expressing yourself more creatively and openly because of your new found confidence in your body and enthusiasm towards life. A lot of your creativity will come via your dreams, or engaging in fantasy literature and media or meditating or simply day dreaming.
Your creativity as well as beauty will draw in more career opportunities as well networking with people. You will also be actively addressing the ways you engage in self sabotage and it will be your responsibility to work through the same.
You'll be blessed with a wish or a couple of them being granted, you'll be in your receptive state. You might just accept the "delulu is the solulu" (I can't believe I typed that) saying or to put in better words, you'll simply allow your desires and dreams to manifest without you attaching conditions to it or thinking of the what ifs and how's etc
There will be deep transformation for you, big ones. Be it the way you look, dress, are living your life, your existing relationships, your job etc
You'll find unlikely resources or finances from unknown/hidden means or in form of inheritances.
You can look forward to a sense of peace you've been lacking. You might be prone to astral travel, intense dreams etc avoid or at least be mindful of recreational drug use or drinking, as well as water bodies.
Some of you might be traveling abroad for cultural exchange or studies or even for love. Do embrace the love that comes your way.
Picture 4
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The courage and resources to get up and leave. Simply rising above something successfully no matter how weighed down you feel or have felt till now. You might also be juggling multiple things at this time (jobs, work and studies, hobbies, ideas, investments, applications etc) you'll find more balance somehow you'll also find clarity in your next steps.
You'll also be more assertive and stand up for yourself against someone who has held some form of power over you. You'll also realize that projecting omeone else's anger, mindset or bullying, towards yourself or others is not going to break the cycle. There is a theme of walking out, away and relocating heavily for you. But there is inevitable triumph in the path you're taking. Maybe in the past you've been procrastinating on it but that phase has come to an end.
A select few of you might also be going through your saturn return at this time so you might feel tested but you're simply having a period of shedding old skin and rising from the ashes of what was barren all along. You'll bring in more structure and discipline into your life in the process which in turn will reward you with joy and being content with your achievements instead of looking at your to do list for the next big thing.
Try engaging or creating things that make you feel light-hearted or entertained or it was something that was taught to you as a child, I feel you'll find the 'lost art' to something and recreate it.
Let yourself have fun and feel joy for what seems like the first time in your life. You'll realize life wasn't just unrewarded labour, that was an old way of being and you're stepping into a reality that feels a lot more comforting and compassionate than the one you're leaving behind.
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mediocreanomaly · 11 months
Creature!Vash train continues! :D
May we have some nsfw with mer!Vash please?
Authors Note: Yes of course! Sorry for the delay my creative brain was fried. Also theres alot of build up so uh...smut with feelings? Sorry if thats not your jam but Mer!Vash has customs you know. Enjoy! GN!Reader!!! I don't go into detail about the readers uh...equipment so you can read it as either or
Read the SFW Pt.1 Here!
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Mer!Vash X Reader NSFW
•It had been a tedious process for Vash to court you. He was doing everything in the book to show off how good of a mate he would be.
•He brought you lots of fish (dead this time after the last incident) to show he could provide food
•He scavenged lots of shiny objects to show you how good at finding resources he was
•He'd make you sit at the rocks and watch him swim for hours to prove how strong of a swimmer he was, and despite his missing arm he was in perfect health! He'd be a great mate for you, see?
•You seem receptive enough of the advances, always eagerly accepting the courting gifts, bringing him new foods to try when he visited, you had even bought a few cook books to figure out what he liked and although you hadn't gotten him a courting gift since the gold ear ring that currently hung proudly from his ear lobe he knew. It was time to make you his.
•There was one final step, a courting ritual custom for merfolk to see if you'd finally take him to be your one and only mate. He was equally nervous and excited pestering all the other merfolk he considered himself close with about it for days on end.
•Wolfwood is admittedly uninterested not caring about anything human related in the first place, luckily Meryl and Milly are more on the excited side letting Vash ramble away about his perfect future mate. Meanwhile Nai is fully against it, angrily telling him off anytime Vash even brings it up… but you can't please everyone!
•So Vash steels himself, pulling himself up on the rock the two of you have deemed your meeting place, only this time he has something special planned
"Come here!" He calls to you in his own choppy mimicking of human language, although he was getting better at it, he still preferred merfolk speak.
•You hear Vash’s voice and trail out of the lighthouse, confused why Vash is calling you out so late. Vash makes an excited chirp noise when he sees you and slaps his tail against the rock to encourage you to come closer
•You laugh and stagger over the rocks to get to him but before you can reach him he dives into the water, swimming under into dark. It's hard to see him this late at night but you sit down on the rock trying to make out the outline of the merman
•You were admittedly confused at the mermans antics. Vash had become more and more clingy lately, although you secretly didn't mind. You enjoyed the company more than you probably should and luck for you Vash seemed to enjoy you just as much if the increasing visits were anything to go by
•You were a bit confused on what he was trying to do though. Waiting for him to resurface so you could sheepishly admit that you couldn't see whatever it was he was doing under the water
•That is until you do see him. Bioluminescent markings beginning to shimmer through the water, a light blue running along his body showing the intricate patterns that Vash swims in. Your eyes go wide, watching as he swirls around streaks of blue dotting through the water. He moves so gracefully, it's mesmerizing. You can't seem to take your eyes off him when he begins making noise
•It's high pitched, but it's sweet. Like a lullaby you had forgotten, was he singing? He must be. You had heard him make all sorts of chirps and trills but this one was different, more melodic and pleasant. You let your eyes flutter shut as you listen to the song. For some reason you feel like you know the tune despite having never heard the song in your life
•After a couple minutes of listening to his song you hear the sound of splashing. You peek your eyes open to see Vash has popped his head above water, he looks...confused? Or maybe expectant? He sings again letting his song fill the air around you then he pauses looking at you waiting. You blink dumbly at him for a few seconds before you find your voice
"...oh! It was very pretty Vash I didn't know you could sing like that, is that all you wanted to show me?" you ask.  Vash blinks at you before his brow furrows as he makes frantic chirping noises. You startle, slightly caught off guard by the mermans distress. Did you say something rude? Before you can get an answer to that question Vash's glowing tampers off and he dives into the water leaving you alone on the rocks. You wait for a moment wondering if he'd pop back up after half an hour like with the earring, but hours pass and the dark is starting to make the air around you chilly. You frown and count your losses wondering what had gotten Vash so worked up.
•Vash is heartbroken. Had he miss read the signals? You didn't seem reciprocate his mating dance or his mating call at all! He had tried so hard too! Was his song not good enough? He was sure he didn't have the prettiest voice out of the merfolk but surely it was decent enough, right? Or maybe it was the dance? Perhaps he should have swum a different pattern? He had been practicing for weeks though...
•Nai is the one that finds him pouting making weak sad chitters as he lays dramatically on the sea floor.
•Nai is no help. Telling him the merfolk equivalent to "I told you so" and suggesting he just find another merfolk to court if he was so desperate to have a mate.
•But he wasn't desperate to have a mate, he was desperate to mate you. For the next few days Vash is a sorry sight, slowly drifting around the ocean, frowning every time he finds something shiny since he'd usually just give it to you. He just doesn't understand what went wrong...he shakes his head, he couldn't give up that easily, he had to try again, you were the only one for him, he was sure of it.
•You wait on the rocks till sunset again, hoping to see Vash swim up and explain in broken English that he had been busy or that he was off collecting rare human items. Then at least you could scold him for worrying you, then at least you could see his face
•Ever since that night Vash sang to you, he hadn't come around. You still weren't sure what you had done to upset the merman so much but whatever it was you didn't think it dictated getting the cold shoulder
•You began to wonder if maybe you were boring him. He was always coming here, sitting on the rocks, or pulling himself into the sand to entertain you. Since you weren't merfolk there was just some things you couldn't do, maybe Vash was starting to realize that, maybe you hadn't tried hard enough. You stew in the fact that maybe you and you alone was what had chased Vash off
•It's two weeks later when you've determined Vash isn't coming back that he shows his face again. You aren't even looking for him, instead coming back from the night market when you hear a familiar chirping noise coming from the light house
•The second you hear it you take off down the gravel path to your home racing to see if it's who you think it is, and there he is. Perched on the rocks, blonde hair, red tail and that damn gold earring still hanging from his ear, he looks apologetic and abashed as he makes soft cooing noises towards you which you think is supposed to be an apology.
•You dive for him, wrapping your arms around his wet shoulders trying to starve off the sobs you feel building in your throat.
"Vash! You scared me half to death! What if you had got poached! Or hurt! Or-"
•Vash cuts you off by nuzzling closer to you making a quick series of chirps with broken "I'm sorry’ s" mixed in. You grumble not yet ready to let this go but your more than glad he's safe. You sigh and run your hand through his hair and he gives you puppy dog eyes and a toothy grin. Idiot.
•Just as you get used to the weight of him laying against you, he shifts against the rock to get your attention before diving into the water. Again, his body begins to glow, the light glimmering under the surface, and again his song begins. The soft melody filling the air
•Ah, he was...playing again? You take a deep breath not wanting to disappoint him this time, you stand up on the rock and it seems you’re doing something right because Vash looks up at you excitedly, he sings the melody to you again then watches you, you blink and he grimaces before repeating the same notes-
•Wait a second. You tilt you head and try singing them back, mimicking the tune to him. His eyes go wide and a smile breaks out on his face and he makes a loud trill noise swimming in an excited circle before singing again, now that you know what to do you laugh and do your best to sing along
•He swims in lazy figure eights and you walk forward dipping your feet in the water, despite still swimming Vash keeps his eyes trained on you as if waiting on something, you pad into the water giggling thinking you finally understand this weird merfolk game when about waist deep in Vash grabs you
•You yelp as Vash drags you deeper into the water, trying to keep your head up. He's making excited noises nuzzling against your throat, you feel his tail begin to wrap around your legs as he presses you up against the rock, his clawed hands reach down the swipe along your shorts ripping them off in a single clean motion
•Oh. Oh. Everything clicks in your head all at once, the weird gift giving, the flustered state he was in when you gave him the earring, the dance the singing, Vash didn't see you as a friend, he saw you as a mate
•You blush at the idea but your mind is currently reeling from the merman currently being very eager about running his webbed fingers over your sex.
•You moan, a little nervous about the claws his nails tamper off into but it seems he’s also mindful of that, using his tail to keep you up in place against a flat rock as he focuses on pleasing you, making soft coos and trills as your writhe in pleasure under him
"V-Vash don't tease" you manage to whine out, pawing uselessly at his shoulder. He mimics a human laugh, and nuzzles against you, but luckily complies, he ruts against you and from the slit that sits pretty along his tail, what you assume to be his cock emerges, it’s a bit different than a human one, longer, thinner at the tip but it thickens up the further down the shaft it goes, and it's coated in something slick he seems to be producing
•It makes your mouth water, and you wonder what it would be like in your mouth...another time maybe, you'd have to ask him about it. As of now Vash lines the tip of himself up with you and you’re a little apprehensive about the fact he's about to do this with no prep, Vash seems to notice your apprehensiveness and makes comforting cooing noises before purring lightly and nipping gently against your neck, the vibrations flowing from his chest serve its purpose as you relax in his grip
•Slowly he presses in, it's actually not bad, the further he sinks in the more noticeable the stretch is but he goes slow enough that it's more erotic than it is painful. Vash finally bottoms out, pausing and cocking warming himself with you for a moment while you adjust, he makes various clicks and chirps that you’re pretty sure translate into some sort of merfolk praise. He could probably talk if he wanted to but from the way his irises are blow wide with lust, you’re pretty sure his minds too far gone to try and mimic any English right now
•After you settle and the ocean water lapping at your body begins to get a bit cold from the lack of movement you pat the blondes shoulder to try and signal him to move, he chirps and begins to slowly pull out, you whine at the loss now used to full feeling Vashs cock was providing you but it doesn't last long, as soon as it leaves he's thrusting back into your warm heat
•You aren't sure what you expected, perhaps considering the gentle way Vash treats you you had expected something a soft and slow. Something that, in foresight you should have known would be a falsity considering he was acting on instinct. A fact that was becoming evidently clear as he growled, movements fast and a little sloppy as the clawed hands holding you up begin to lightly sink into your shoulder and hip, the snarls only broken up by needy keens as he ruins you
•It's hard to think like this, the sounds of the waves mixed with the equally wet sounds of you and Vashs body meeting repeatedly is making your mind melt in the most wonderful way, the cold of the water, the warmth that’s blooming between your legs, you don't even realize your drooling until Vash moves his arm away to reach down and touch where you need him most
•You wail, scratching at his back while he makes equally loud noises, somehow speeding up even more as he chases release. You feel yourself teetering on the edge, near your tipping point as your body tenses in what’s sure to be the best orgasm in your life when your feel Vashs sharp teeth clamp down along your neck and- oh fuck
•You scream his name as your body milks him for all he's worth, mind blanking as you cum, Vash finishes with you, pressing in as far as he can as thick ropes of cum are pumped into you filling your impossibly fuller. He doesn't seem eager to let it escape either, staying in you even after he finishes trembling slightly from the over stimulation when the waves jostle your bodies together and licking over his mating bite in apology, purring and cooing at your body he carefully cradles in his arms
•You groan, recovering from...well everything when you lazily turn your head to look at the cursed merman, he offers you a sheepish smile a bit of your blood still staining his lips but the pride that's currently shining through his eyes lets you know he doesn't feel that guilty about the situation in the slightest. You huff in mock annoyance and kiss him, something he eagerly accepts, chittering happily against your lips only to sport a dopey grin when you part, causing you to laugh
•Well...there’s plenty fish in the sea, you're just luckily you ended up with this idiot
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Can I request something for yandere merman Kakyoin? :>
My idea is he not actually a merman but a sea witch with octopus body, just like Ursula in My little mermaid. He use his potion to turn into a merman to attract his darling because he know their darling will be afraid of his real form. He want to capture darling to be his mate forever.
Well that's my idea, feel free to be creative with the plot :D thank you so much
Never thought our boy who looks like Ariel was Ursula the whole time... now that I think about it Hierophant Green works perfectly with this. Kakyoin is a mimic octopus which allows him to change his skin and body to look like other things, which combined with magic you really don't stand a chance. This is from Kakyoin's perspective mostly. Reader is gender neutral but more feminine presenting because who doesn't love a pretty enby. I also do masc and andro too but why not mix it up. If you want a particular gender don't be afraid to ask!
Merrow=Nonbinary mermaid
Reel You In
You were perfect...
Bright (e/c) eyes, wide smile on your plush lips, shiny (h/c) hair
A true gem, a real pearl if you will
His treasure
His pretty little merrow
How did he mean you in all your divinity?
Kakyoin was taking stock of his ingredients, after all his magic still required special herbs and items of the deep. His green and white striped tentacles filtered through the vials and drawers. He was low on whale fat and Leviathan scales. Kakyoin sighed it would take him ages to find these rare ingredients. Leviathans aren't usually fond of getting rid of their scales. He'll have to scour the specialty market for these ingredients. The unfortunate thing is it only opens when the ocean is darkest. He gathered his cloak off the large mer skeleton it was hanging off of. He put on his cloak and swam into the darkness.
The market was full of sketchy characters per usual, nobody good came to the Night Market unless they were desperate. It was swarming with thieves, witches, and the usual assortment of outcasts and criminals' merfolk told stories of to make their fry behave. Of course, he was one of them so there was no room to complain. He was browsing the stalls when a heavy force knocked into him. His amethyst eyes filled with annoyance, someone was already trying to rob him, and he just got here. He snatched his satchel back and glared at the offender who apologized?
"I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't watching where I was swimming. Did you lose anything from your bag?" Intriguing. Looking at the figure in front on him he could tell they didn't belong. (h/l) (h/c) styled with a pretty white ribbon (if bald or hijab its tied around your neck). Wide (e/c) orbs full of innocence he'd not seen in a while (your innocent compared to him bro). You were very attractive in his eyes as it's not often to see someone be so decent in his line of work.
"Sir? Sir? Oh no did I hit you too hard?!" The merrow's worried voice broke him out of his thoughts. "Oh, no I'm fine no harm has been done. Mx. ..." You laughed which was a genuine laugh, not one full of malice, just pure joy. Kakyoin wishes he could capture that laugh and put it in a jar. "(Y/N) my name is (Y/N)." Oh, they were so trusting, the naive little thing. "Kakyoin, but you may call me Noriyaki." (Y/N) grinned at this and swished their shiny tail back and forth. "Okay Noriyaki it's so very nice to meet you! Oh no I need to go before the market closes! See you, Nori!" The cheerful merrow swam off leaving Kakyoin paralyzed in awe. Suddenly, finding those materials didn't seem so interesting.
Kakyoin hadn't slept well in a while, thoughts of a special little merrow kept him awake. Your beautiful face invaded his dreams, your laugh haunted his every waking moment, your coquettish smile taunted him so. Oh, you had no idea how much you drove him crazy! He had been neglecting his work to watch you from his seer glass. You were even more irresistible in your day-to-day life.
You were coming back from shopping eagerly talking to yourself about the new tops you bought when you bumped into a cecaelia. You were rather clumsy, weren't you? Now you would apologize profusely and offer this merfolk your aid. What shocked Kakyoin was when you froze at the sight of the person before you and swam away in a panic. How unusual of sweet little you. What could cause such a reaction? He hadn't seen you act so rashly even with the most intimidating fish folk but this ceacaelia made you swim away with fear he has never seen before. Does it mean?
You were afraid of cecaelia.
You were afraid of him.
Kakyoin's fantasy of finding you again and courting you was ruined, all because you were afraid of cecaelia. He was spiraling fast. He smashed bottles and flipped his cauldron over in a fit of rage. He never hated having tentacles in his life but now he wanted to rip them all off. His blue blood leaking from his hands reminding him of his physical imperfection. If only he was born a merman like you... then I idea struck him.
Maybe reaching you wasn't impossible.
Pain, throbbing pain was all Kakyoin felt. His tentacles felt like they were ripped clean off, but it was worth it for the emerald and silver fish tail he had now. Kakyoin was stumbling around like a guppy trying to get used to their fins for the first time. It was taking some practice, but he was getting used to it. Soon he'd be perfect. Perfect for you. Once he's reeled you in, he'd show the real him, but by then
You can't escape
Kakyoin was positively giddy with all the feelings of love he felt for you. All he needed to do was find his beloved but make it seem like a coincidence. After all, you were naive but a bit skittish. All the more reason to keep you safe from dangerous creatures of the ocean and take a delicate approach to get to you. After observing you for so long he knew where you liked to go and when. By now you would be gathering human trinkets at the abandoned ship you frequently explored. He couldn't care less about humans and their dirty little tools, but you loved them so and he loved you. He received a particularly shiny trinket from a recent customer (victim), a shining bejeweled brooch. Something irresistible for a little merrow such as yourself. Kakyoin could practically see the big sparkling eyes you would make at such a priceless treasure.
Kakyoin swam over to a lopsided piece of wood to hide behind and think of how to approach you organically. Muttering to himself plan after plan unaware of the curious merrow eyeing the distressed merman. Kakyoin felt a tentative tap on the shoulder. He flushed as he made eye contact with his darling, who smiled so brightly at him. They were so beautiful when they smiled so sweetly at him. "Did you need help-oh you're that guy from the market um... Norisaki?" You remembered him... sort of. What a wonderful thing!
"Noriyaki, I'm surprised you remembered me." Kakyoin chuckled to himself. You smiled at him before blushing slightly. "It's kind of hard not to since our meeting was so embarrassing." You were the type to allow embarrassing moments to dwell in your head long after they occurred. It was quite cute. "It's quite alright neither of us were truly harmed. Are you usually so hard on yourself?" Your flushed face grew even more red with the last sentence. "Um...I hold my silence?" Kakyoin laughed at your meek response.
"That's quite alright... you know between you and me I happen to come to this sunken ship for human treasures." At the words "human treasures" your eyes lit up like bioluminescent phytoplankton at the thought of finding a kindred spirit. "I didn't know other merfolk liked human things, most of my friends call their things garbage." You looked down sadly as you finished your sentence, tracing the water rotted wooden beam in your hand. Kakyoin placed a hand of yours and stared at you with his mesmerizing purple eyes. "Some people don't understand something's value if it isn't immediately obvious." Kakyoin pulls out the glimmering brooch that shone in the filtered light of the ocean, bringing out the (e/c) of your eyes.
"It's absolutely beautiful." You marveled at the brilliant emeralds and rubies that made up the serpent pendent. In all your trips here, you had never found something so opulent before. Only thing close was a rusty spoon. Kakyoin noticed your eagerness with a tender smile. "You can have it if you want." You looked curiously at the merman seeing if he was being serious. "I'm not going to bite you; you can take it." Kakyoin smiled as the merrow hesitantly took the brooch from his outstretched hand. Yes, everything was going to plan, he imbued that brooch with magic so he could track where you go. Like the serpent in mythology, Kakyoin was not to be trusted.
"Thank you so much Nori!"
"You're welcome, my darling."
His plan was working smoothly as you were practically eating anything he told you straight from his palm. You were so sweet and trusting, it made his heart melt from fervent worship. He adored you more than anyone ever could, that alone should make him worthy of you. However, his fish disguise wore off after 48 hours and he'd be put through hell again to bring back the illusion. It wasn't the slightest bit healthy to keep this act up, but it would be all worth it in the end. When he had you safely in his arms.
His precious little mate
He'd find a way for you to have children, through magic or adoption. That way when you accept him you would be fully bound to each other. Forever. A blue flush covers his faces as he giggles to himself, oh you two would have so many wonderful years together! Just you and him and no one else.
Of course, there were a few road bumps Kakyoin needed to face first.
Your friends were skeptical of his intentions towards you as he looked familiar to a certain sea witch who was known for taking advantage of the poor souls who came to him out of sheer desperation. He couldn't let them continue to poison your mind with their deceitful words (where's the lie tho?). His amethyst eyes glinted with sadistic glee as one by one your friends were placed under his thumb as they came to him for help for problems he caused.
Poor darling, you had no idea why all your friends suddenly disappeared without a trace. The towns people became suspicious of you, thinking you were the reason all these merfolk disappeared. You were ripe with insecurity for Kakyoin to harvest. You fit perfectly in his arms as you sobbed about how life seemed to dole out more that your fair share of problems. "Kakyoin I don't know what I've done to deserve this, do you think my friends hate me?"
Hate you? No one could be capable of hating you, and the wretches who do will be swiftly dealt with. "They aren't worth your tears; good friends wouldn't disappear without telling you. Besides I'm here with you, aren't I?" You gave him that adorable grin that he loved so much. "You're right I have you."
Kakyoin was positively giddy as he swam around his lair, cleaning as best as he could. He convinced you to seek out the guidance of the Emerald Sea Witch, and you took it like the naive, trusting little thing you were. He couldn't wait to show you his real form and seal your souls together via contract. Humming a hypnotic tune to himself and swaying his tentacles sensually, he heard a sweet little frightened voice call out. "Hello, I'm looking for the Emerald Sea Witch."
Kakyoin swam to the darkest corner of his shadowy lair and grinned to himself. His hard work was paying off. Now to reel you in. "You've come to the right place little merrow." He purred sweetly to you. You looked confused as you heard the familiar voice, why did the witch sound like your friend. "My friend told me you might know about the recent disappearances of the merfolk."
He couldn't hold back his chuckle, he had to restrain himself from holding you in his tentacles and peppering you with kisses. You were just too precious. "You'll have to be more specific darling; merfolk are always going missing." You back into the merskeleton where he hangs his cloaks, causing you to squeak with fright. He should have put that away. You were trembling with fear, yet you balled your shaky fists with resolve. Turning to the direction Kakyoin was lounging you spoke shakily. "The merfolk who went missing were my friends, I would like to know if they are alive." The last part made your voice crack with sadness. Seeing you waste your tears on such scum made his cheeks color with rage.
Kakyoin steadied himself and spoke once more.
"I'll make a deal with you little merrow, I'll find your friends and even let you see them..." Your eyes lit up with glee before turning a bit skeptical. "What do you want in return?" Kakyoin smiled widely in the dark, just a little bit more and you'll be in his tentacles. "I want you to give me rare treasure." The treasure he was referring to was you, but he knew that you would foolishly think the pendant would suffice.
"Excellent, just sign here." Kakyoin snapped his fingers and a golden contract appeared in front of you. If you were smarter, you would notice the fine print entailing that the treasure in question, was your soul bound to his for eternity. You took the quill without hesitation and signed your name on the dotted line.
He did it!
You were his!
"Now where are my friends?" Kakyoin rolled a single vial to you, inside were the trapped souls of your friends crying for you to help them. You gasped in terror and attempted to flee. Two tentacles wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards him. "Not so fast my dear you haven't finished your end of the deal; I want my rare treasure."
You sobbed in terror at the appendages you hated your entire life, octopus were your kind's natural predator. "Take it, just let me go." You grabbed the broach out of your worn satchel and threw it in the witch's direction. "I thought you'd be smarter than that (Y/N)." It clicked as to who was the sea witch. "No." You wanted to curl up into a ball as Kakyoin laughed at the misery in your voice. "Now (Y/N) is that anyway to speak to an old friend."
Kakyoin stepped into the glowing light the cauldron produced making you cry out in fear, anger, and betrayal. "You're not my friend, you lied to me!" You pulled further a the grasp of the tentacles attempting to escape the red head, but he pulled you closer and nuzzled his face into your neck. "I know that I have been a bit dishonest with my method of courting you, but I promise to be more honest in the future." "People will come looking for me and you'll be sorry then!" Kakyoin looked you in your frightened (e/c) eyes and frowned. He then plucked the white ribbon from your hair and sent a magical current towards the town.
"No one will look for you if they think your dead my treasure." Kakyoin cooed gently. "Now then lets finish this courting process, I want us to officially become mates." This statement caused more sobbing from your end as a silver collar appeared around your neck.
"Why?" Was all you could muster. Kakyoin swayed hypnotically with you in his arms. "How couldn't I when you reeled me in."
Sorry if the ending sucked I just wanted to make room for new requests and start working more on my reincarnated sins posts and a cult village story with my own yandere ocs. I hope you enjoyed
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bluebeesknees · 5 months
I'm not interested in jjk and I appreciate that previous person's ask, as well as your answer. I agree with all their points. I've been holding on in hopes that you'll be completing the taegi mermaids comic as promised for a really long time now and not only has that not happened, the entire focus of your patreon has changed from bts to jjk. It feels a bit like I've been strung along to be quite honest. I joined your patreon when you paywalled that content specifically so I could see it and keep updated on it, and it hasn't been updated since dec 2022 and the last doodle we got related to it was august 2022. It's my favourite bts au ever, and you've promised multiple times it'll be completed, but it's been over a year and a half and i'm frustrated i'm paying a monthly subscription for something that isn't happening, and to content that has zero interest to me even if I think you're a wonderfully talented artist.
I understand and I apologise to you as well. I love that au very much and I feel super guilty for letting it drag on for so long. Doesn’t excuse it of course, I got very in my head about it and wanted it to be good which just caused me to avoid it. Considering the many frustrations both me and my patrons have had with this, I’ve decided to dedicate the entire month of (Mer)may to this au and just work through all the stuff I started and just power through the dumb anxiety about it. Jjk was the first thing since BTS that really interested me and I needed that new creative wind, but it was wrong to just toss whatever I had of them on Patreon and call it a day.
I am very sorry, you really didn’t have to stay and I took it for granted. As said in my previous answer, I’ll be making an announcement concerning future plans as soon as possible, I do take this very seriously 😤
Thank you for taking the time to write me, I really do appreciate the honest feedback!
Love, Bee 🐝 💙
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 years
❤️ Madde, dearest Madde 🥹 😭
Janogy's unexpected rescue: "It was really cool"
When everything crashed and went black, it wasn't the goals that brought Madelen Janogy back to the soccer field.
It was the painting.
- It was my free zone where I didn't have to think.
Madelen Janogy rummages through the closet in the hall of the apartment in southern Stockholm, where she lives with her partner.
It is full of pens, blocks, beads and other creative things but there are also traces of the footballer Janogy. On a shelf are three tampons. 
- That's it, maybe I'll take those back to training, she says before picking out what she's looking for. 
It is a large pile of papers that the 26-year-old takes with him and enters the combined living room and kitchen.
A colorful pile that symbolizes the way out of the darkness. Because all of a sudden, Madalen Janogy's everyday life was pitch black.
- It can go fast obviously because I had no idea before I just crashed, but it also shows the beauty of being able to come back.
It was in the spring of 2020 that she chose to break her contract with the big German club and move back home. In the beginning, everything was difficult, even the smallest everyday thing.
The 26-year-old hardly wanted to get out of bed in the mornings. She didn't see the point.
- It is clear that you have felt bad before, but not at that level. I remember my psychologist saying to take a walk, but I can't even take a walk. Get up and make breakfast. Why should I make breakfast? I'm not hungry. What should I do then?
The walking thing didn't work. However, the painting did.
On the round black dining table, she spreads out the paintings.
- Anything can happen here, she says and starts to browse:
- Here we also have a lot of stuff that we have painted with the national team. I think Curmark has a board around here somewhere. She painted a MER bottle.
Very true, it doesn't take many seconds before the bottle appears among the images.
- I still think that since it's the first time, it's good, says Janogy and shows the next one:
- This one has been made by Benni. Very good. She hasn't drawn before either.
The 26-year-old from Falköping puts down the picture depicting a woman's face again and continues to look through the pile, which is so much more than just paintings to her.
But something is missing.
- It would have been fun to see the pictures from when I started painting, but the question is where I have the small block, she says and starts frantically searching the apartment.
- I started with a small block once I started painting. Where I just drove. The question is where do I have it?
Janogy goes out to the cupboard in the hall to see if she might have missed something, but no there is no block there.
- So it wouldn't surprise me if I accidentally threw it away, she says and looks beyond the pictures on the table again.
Then she suddenly comes to another place where it could be. She gets down on her knees and starts looking under the large couch next to the dining table.
- Yes! Wait! I think I may have found it…
With a triumphant expression on her face, she takes out the block, but the big smile quickly disappears. There is not much left in the block. Most of it is torn out.
At the same time as she slightly dejectedly begins to tell about those first pictures of colorful Disney characters, black and white motifs and faces, she flips through the pile on the table.
- No, but here! Here they are!
Janogy proudly displays a picture in pink and yellow showing two familiar faces from The Lion King.
– Timon and Pumbaa. This was sort of the beginning. When you just sat and drew, she says, continuing to flip through the A4 sheets.full screen
- This is actually very... When I look at these pictures, it's the start of painting and my rehab. This is how it started. I remember how proud you were when you had drawn these in the beginning. It was pretty damn cool.
In the beginning, she often painted. The 26-year-old could sit at the table for hours and just paint and paint. Finishing a motif could be the goal of the day.
PLUS: Payroll 2022: This is how much the players earn in the women's league
- It was very important for me to find something so that it didn't just happen that the days go by and you don't do anything, because that didn't make me feel good, she says.
- Now when I look at them like this, I'm happy. I think it was kind of like my free zone, where I didn't have to think. You found something that you think is fun because in the beginning it wasn't that much fun. When it was the toughest, like, but this I remember I thought was very funny.
There is no doubt that painting and well-being go hand in hand. The better she felt, the bigger the paintings became.
Now some of them are posted on the white walls of the renovated two-room apartment.
- I think my first painting was actually that one, she says, pointing to a colorful painting.
It depicts an African woman and sits on the wall by the couch. Under the shelf with the WC bronze from 2019 and the Olympic silver from 2021.
- I remember sending a lot of pictures to my closest friends and being so proud. Check out what I have set up!
It is noticeable that she is reminded of that feeling because it perfectly shines about her when she tells the story.
- What I mean by looking at this today, it makes me see how far I've come. I remember when I sat and made them where it is so far from where I am today. It's awesome.
Now she doesn't paint as much and as often. It is no longer needed.
- In the beginning it was very much that I needed to get home because I was quite tired mentally. Now I have a lot of other things that take up time and that I want to do, so I don't have the time that I had before.
Despite the tough blow that the last professional adventure entailed, she is eager to try again.
- Yes, I absolutely feel that I am. I'm in a completely different place and I've learned a lot about myself as well so I'm not afraid of that anymore. It feels very nice to feel that I want to go abroad. I'm not afraid of it. 
- Now I feel that if I were to go abroad then you have to take it for what it is because you never know how it will go. I'm not so afraid of failure and I don't think it can go as wrong as it did last time because now I'm more prepared and have keys.
At the beginning, were you afraid of not daring to venture out again? 
- Yes, absolutely, but above all that I wouldn't come back to football at all. I didn't want to play football either. That was probably the biggest fear because it has been such a big part and then I just rejoiced that I didn't have to play.
But she managed to get back.
After being completely away from football for a few months, the news came that Janogy would make a comeback in Piteå in August 2020, the club she had won SM gold with two years earlier.
- There were probably many who wondered why I went to Piteå, but it was so important that I went there. It was close that I didn't go there, that I went to another club.
She takes an art break and thinks, thinking back to that summer two years ago. Then when she had actually made the decision to go somewhere else.
- Then I went to bed and just felt that no, it doesn't feel right. I just got the feeling that no, I'm going to Piteå, then I called my agent and said I'm going to Piteå, that's the right thing. It was just a gut feeling that said no, it doesn't feel good, I want to go to Piteå and it was so important that I went there and not somewhere else right then and there.
When Madelen Janogy describes what she has learned from this trip, a lot is about being here and now, but also being confident in yourself.
- For me, it's just been about not giving up on anything all the time, but always doing everything at one hundred percent. I've always been able to trust that if I do that and just work hard, I know the rest will come.
But that security has not always been there. She thanks Piteå's coach Stellan Carlsson for that.
Last season, however, Janogy chose to move south, among other things to be closer to family. When we meet her on a chilled Kanalplan, it is clear that it is an environment she thrives in.
- If I speak for myself, I think it flows and I enjoy it. Then in terms of the team, it really feels like we have found the right place, even if we don't get all the results, we play very good football and are where we want to be.
After an injury-filled spring, Madelen Janogy was left out of the Swedish EC squad. A tough message to receive, but if there is anything the 26-year-old has learned, it is to deal with defeat.
- I don't like being in adversity, but I can still feel a sense of calm in it. If I do the right things, I will shift up. It will also be a bit of a spur for me that I have nothing to lose now. I'm down, I'm injured, I got poked, I broke my contract. Now damn, now we drive, now we go. You are a fighter as well. You shouldn't be so afraid of it.
And during the autumn, she has taken back her place in the Swedish national team.
- That's where I want to be. I am not satisfied with anything else, so I am very happy and proud that I made it back. That was the goal.
Janogy has been selected for the two national team gatherings that have been after the EC and in the training international match against France, she immediately showed that it is not only at home at the dinner table that she can paint. The striker barely managed to be on the field more than three minutes before she scored her sixth national team goal in her career.
- It was tough not to come but I've worked incredibly hard so it's a sign that I've done something good and that I've taken it the right way because I'm here now and I got to play. It feels incredibly good for me that I handled it in the way that I thought was the best.
Now she is looking forward to the end of the season. Hennes Hammarby has four matches left in the women's league, then Janogy's contract expires.
She confirms that she is in talks with the club, but that she is in no rush or will make any hasty decisions. If there is one thing the striker takes with him after these tough years, it is to listen to his gut feeling.
- I will always do that. I will never do anything that doesn't feel right in my gut. Never again.
The 26-year-old had to learn the hard way that what in the eyes of many looks like a dream can rather be a nightmare.
- Did I do it for me? No, I did it because people said I should and it was the best thing for me without them knowing.
She often returns to that gut feeling thing. Now too.
If she had trusted it, there would have been no move to Wolfsburg, because it didn't feel good in her stomach.
- No, it didn't. I'm always good at listening to my gut, but I didn't do that and it didn't turn out well either. So I won't do it again. I know myself and I know what I need and I think that is important for everyone, to dare to trust that. Dare to feel what is best for me.
Whether it is in Sweden or abroad is of no great importance to Madelen Janogy. Nowadays, she knows what is important when making her choice.
- Now I'm really enjoying myself and feeling well. I really want to continue with that, to be injury-free, enjoy and constantly develop. I have big goals with my football and dreams, but I believe that everything will come at the right time as long as you do the right things and do it one hundred percent.
- I want to win titles. I want to play in the Champions League and try to be as good as I can be.
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thecelestiallegacies · 9 months
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Sul Sul Simmers! How was all that? It feels like a lot happened to me. What a year. It feels like a big shift is coming now that Grace and Lucy are teenagers, but below the cut I wanted to throw down some things I had written, that didn't really seem to fit anywhere in the queue. I figured it'd be good to get them out now so I'm not carrying them with me through the next arcs for this family.
Sweeney Todd, the master vampire, was slain by a hunter. In this altercation, she killed the hunter as well. That hunter was none other than Thorne Bailey, Vulcan and Hermes' paternal grandfather.
Knox Greenburg, Fatima and Venus Witherspoon all died in a tragic plane crash and I didn't want to write about it because Vulcan has been through so much tragedy I didn't have it in me to go into more detail on it.
Breaking up with Bella was rushed in because Vulcan literally did it in game on a whim. Like rolled into Creekside Smooth at 2am for guys night and just decides he wants to dump her. He just really, really wanted to be single. Uncertain if she'll get picked back up or not. Canonically she is an alien but because she wasn't raised on Sixam she doesn't know how to use any of her special abilities.
Mabel writing in her journal and reminding herself that she'll be a vampire by the end of the year. The early breakup changes nothing. The day after Harvestfest, the 13th year will befall Vesper and Fortune and their fate will be decided.
Brandy loves dancing. Tempted to make her a vampire hunter like her father, Thorne.
Vulcan is still brutally famous but his reputation is going down due to all the relationship drama.
Venus Generation Requirements (teen) New Trait- Romantic Aspiration- Serial Romantic [ ] Keep a retail job for 3 days. [ ] Have 2 romantic flings.
Fortune and Vesper count for this generation until they don't count.
Brandy is not part of this generation and will get a random trait when she ages up. May do a poll and let the readers choose her trait and aspiration.
Isla, the mermaid from Vulcan's summer in Sulani, has gotten into the gardening career and has flower arranger vibes. It's yet to be determined if that relationship will be revisited during Vulcan and the twins' week on the islands.
Also Mer-teens have been added in Sulani. A lot coming up.
I hope that was a good throw on stuff that I take random creative notes on while I'm playing the game that creates the stories you read. I really do appreciate it so much when I see the same handful of blogs liking multiple posts, and knowing that you're reading and loving this little nebula as much as I do means so much.
I might experiment a bit moving forward because this is my first time really rotating through multiple teenagers and getting through high school (though I got some practice with my vampire teens) I'm open to exploring other story telling devices.
And always, a special thanks to the CC creators and pose creators that allow me to tell the stories I do. I regret not exploring poses with Marisol because she absolutely deserved to be in some fun day time television interviews. Thank you creatives for doing what you do.
Onto the next season. A week in Sulani with Vulcan, Grace and Lucy where they'll explore ancestry, culture, celebration and the first crushes of teenagers on mythical creatures, all wrapping up and getting back home to Willow Creek just in time for PRIDE. The following Monday, Lucy and Grace start high school.
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thewriterowl · 3 years
Ok owl, I challenge your incredible creativity and ask you for some Mermaid!Luke headcannon.
Din could be a sailor, a marine biologist, whatever you want, Grogu obviously loves fish.
ooh ok, so much yes.
So Luke has a bit of Ariel in him. He's just a very curious guy and loves to learn about new things. Now it's in the modern era and mermaids are far more aware of humans and their lives and try to steer clear of it. Things are so polluted and there are so many greedy things that is just no worth coming out to meet them (and can't blame them really). But Luke is fascinated!
So he lives on the pacific west coast, maybe by Oregon and Washington. OR even he's a cold merman and lives in Alaska. Probably Alaska...Din really seems like he'd be an Alaska guy. Either way, it's somewhere a little more quiet and remote and not quite as dirty. Well, Din is a close-shore fisherman and maybe owns his own little pub where he sells his fish and cooks them too. He is saving up money so Grogu could leave and go to college (probably to become a marine biologist himself cause he does love the water and the animals) when he is older...not for a long time cause Grogu isn't even three yet...but by god, Din is gonna get this kid the best life and options there are.
Luke sees Din a few times on the boat and he's infatuated instantly. He watches over what he does and how he treats his son when he is on the boat, teaching him everything of the sea and how to take but also respect and give back. His deep voice rumbling out wisdom to the child just makes Like head over fin.
Now, mermaids can use magic and grow legs but they can't be out of the water for more than two days or they'd start to get weak and could die pretty fast but painfully. Some days he is very tempted to do that and go and meet Din but other days he is too shy and too worried about fitting in. He had been taught to, as there may be time for him to do so, but he wasn't sure he could manage.
But one day it is just becoming too much and he has to be able to say hello to the man, at least once. So he speaks with a contact on the shore who has a life, a merman who married a human and was exiled for it (but was very happy), to get advice. Kenobi is super happy for his good friend Luke to want this and offers to take him into town at Din's place to give him a bit of a taste of the human life and be close to the man. His husband (Jango or Cody, have your pick) is a bit protective and goes with them. Boba (son or nephew) is close friends with Din and so that would give them an in. They would call Luke a family friend just visiting. Perfect! A quiet in and a quiet out (yeah, right, if Jango/Cody knows anything this will not be simple or quiet and Luke would be very, very noticed).
So they come in, and Luke is clinging to Kenobi's shirt, looking round all wide-eyed, probably looking more city boy than anything. Kenobi sat them down in the corner to just let the world sink in.
Luke is chatting excitedly, enjoying his first time on the surface but was a bit woozy for his first time out of the water and so on. But he is pretty much beaming and he hasn't even seen Din yet.
Well, Din certainly has seen him though, and is probably about to catch everything on fire because he is not paying any attention. He was completely out of touch when he sees Luke come in. I mean how could he not? Luke looked to be practically glowing (and he is, his skin does that, in the right light you could probably see glistening blues and purples and greens under his eyes, around his jaw, or on his neck), with pretty pale-blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, and very lovely arms and waist. Who the hell could pay attention with that around?
Din is finally dragged from the back to the table to meet the strange little blonde. They boy got really flustered around each other and looked away and Kenobi, the brat, gets out of his seat and pushes Din to sit down and now they have no idea what to do.
They talk and Luke doesn't really know what to say since, you know, his history is involved living in the sea and all that. Kenobi fills in pieces and just pushed the fact that Luke is a bit shy and all of that. And hey, you probably should get back to work now, eh Din? How about you come for a visit tomorrow and bring Grogu? And Din, still blinded sided by Luke, just nods and agrees.
So, they come for a visit and then Din keeps coming to visit Luke...and it's like an every day thing. And Luke visits him and Din takes him on the boat and Grogu is just in awe over Luke who makes up the most amazing stories about the sea and palaces under water and sea-creatures that were big like monsters but super nice and...ok, so Din may be a little in love.
My belief is that one day the waters get really choppy and a storm hits out of nowhere and Grogu is knock off the boat. Din tries to get in but Luke dives in first. Grogu is saved but because Luke is back in the water his form reverts and now Din is gaping at the man (who looks even more ethereal) with a tail as blue as his eyes where his legs had been and...ok, he might faint. He does faint.
Kenobi explains everything to him while Luke kind hides out in the water, panicked and thinking Din was going to hate him. Din is just like, "What do you mean my not-quite boyfriend, someone I so have not been planning our marriage since the start, who of course I haven't thought of asking about moving in and adopting about three more kids, who may or may not, but totally not, owns my heart and I'd kill for, is a friggen MERMAID??....WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE TOO?!"
Jango/Cody just smacks him upside the head. Kenobi says that's hypocritical cause he didn't handle it much better (but it was better!!) either.
Well Din goes to find Luke and is able to, and is still sort of struck by how pretty (and crazy) he was in his mer-form and promises he doesn't hate Luke nor is disgusted he was just schooled...and his kid had nearly drowned so it wasn't just Luke having a tail.
Maybe for drama Giedon finds out and steals Luke but doesn't know about how Luke needs to be back in water or will die and now Din has to go save him or Palpatine is some cruel sea-witch who wants something of Luke's and all sort of stuff could be added in.
Either way! They do live happily ever after on the coast, Luke teaching Grogu so much about sea-life, and him able to get into the sea anytime he needs to, and Din just growing accustomed that he has married a merman and he's all good with that. Kenobi and his husband are neighbors and everything is wonderful and domestic and fluffy.
Also what I love? SelkieLuke too--that has a lot of possibilities!
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children-of-subcon · 3 years
yes im very sure! i dont really care about it being complete i just like to read
okok here we go I’m putting ‘em under a cut
I love Frigid by ImmortalCoalecanth, the characterization is great and I’m a sucker for MC teams up with a boss :)
Who Doesn’t Like Hat Kid? by MonsterMonsoon is super fun and WE GET SOME BIRD BONDING TIME YEAHH— I think it’s incomplete but the chapters are somewhat self-contained so it’s not too bad?
Little Deals by Insecuriousity is an unexpected but not unwelcome backstory for the Walrus Captain’s ship, involving a certain ghost ;)
Warm by Skippyin is a unique take on Snatcher’s backstory!
Illiteracy by eggsinsunnyside features Hat Kid not knowing how to read, the perfect excuse for some bonding huehue...
A Little Hatted Borrower by MonsterMonsoon is that borrower fic I mentioned, I love it so much 😭 Sometimes I still go back and reread it even though I know it cuts off right when it picks up hhh
A House Full of Monsters is also by MonsterMonsoon! It’s an AU where the bosses (and some others) are secretly monsters, and also roommates :DD Plenty of found family, although it too is unfinished.
A House That Walks by Drakka is inspired by the last one, but contains violence/blood so be warned.
Into the Lions’ Den by Krekka01 features Hat Kid getting some closure with Empress post-Rush Hour!
la loi, c’est moi by MiniNephthys is hilarious and has some actual lawyer Snatcher which is great :)
The Puppeteer by ZurielWritings23 has Moonjumper, boss fights, and possession, oh my!
Empress’ Revenge, also by ZurielWritings23, includes another very well-written boss fight, plus some momma CC and dadtcher as a treat.
We also have From the Stars by Yacer_Sho, which gives a very creative backstory to Hat Kid and has three whole endings! I won’t spoil anything else ;)
Loopholes by Fruisun is very cute and features Snatcher being a big ol’ tsundere ^^
Christmas in Subcon Forest by DeckofDragons is short and sweet, although it is still June...
I like the characterization in Tired by StellaHope, and it also includes some lovely art at the end!
The Harsh Winter’s Creep by SmugSpecter has a good mix of fluff and angst, and I must admit I‘m also a sucker for protective dadtcher 👀
Quality Time(pieces) by automatonBoy has some cool headcanons and my beloved Snatcher + Hat Kid interactions <3
Rest by DeckofDragons is kind of a sick fic but PLOT TWIST it’s Snatcher who’s sick-ish!!
I’ll save myself some time and recommend the whole series Tales of the Fire Spirits by SilyaBeeodess! It gives the fire spirits some amazing lore which I don’t remember seeing anyone else do before.
Music by DeckofDragons is part of that phase where everyone on Ao3 wrote about Snatchman playing the violin bc of that one artwork lolol
lovely little glass roses by schrodingers_cat is a history of Vanessa, and BEAUTIFULLY written!
gilt edges, traitor hearts by noxes involves a mer AU by MonsterMonsoon, and some Dadjumper!
You’re My BFF by automatonBoy is adorable and we finally get some genuinely nice Moonjumper on this list :D I also absolutely love that one line about Hat Kid being able to tell Snatcher’s general “kid” from his secretly affectionate “kid” hvhjgh ❤️❤️
Bad Place for a Window by Cardigan_Quincy is short, but has some great characterization :)
Captured by DeckofDragons! What’s that? More protective dadtcher? Don’t mind if I do owo
Revenge and a Little Bit More by owlcakes has a similar premise, but DANG it’s long. To summarize, Empress gets REKT lmbo
Reliving An Old Nightmare by Erekio is about Snatcher suddenly finding himself human again... and back in the past. There’s an element of mystery to it, so I won’t say much else, but every chapter is accompanied by illustrations! Erekio has redrawn a few of them here on tumblr :)
Dwellings of the Ancient Gods by Nosferatank is super well written, and involves some Twilight Bell shenanigans :)
Chapter 3: Contractual Obligations by Ina (CosmicKouhai) is part of a larger AU where all the bosses go into their respective Purple Time Rifts with Hat Kid, I think? It’s pretty cool!
Snowcon Forest by ImmortalCoalecanth is AMAZING and I definitely recommend you read it!! It was one of the first things I read for this fandom, and what got me into dadtcher <3
Best in the Business by MysticDoodle is a Mandelorian-inspired AU! (You don’t need to have seen the Mandelorian to enjoy it, I haven’t haha) It’s very creative, and I like the characters so far!
Beware the Frozen Heart by NanixErka is a cool concept, wherin the thing that happens to Anna in Frozen basically happens to Hat Kid D:
Do you think your love could transcend time and space? by twip/twipsai is a soulmate AU with tons of found family and fluff that I‘m sucking up like Rumbi ;w;
Familial Obligations by BumblingBriars is about Snatcher finding Hat Kid as a baby, and raising her :D It indirectly inspired BGDC! But that’s a story for another time, haha.
The Girl And The Ghost by phantomthief_fee is a Beauty and the Beast AU, but with friendship in place of romance! =)
I like the concept of Sinking Feeling by ThunderDragonFruit, and also agree :’( @ Gearsforbreakfast more CC content pls
The Forest is calling (can’t you hear it whisper?) by Kayuri and Mint_Mint features sentient Subcon and OCs turning into canon characters! I’ve never seen something like it before, but it’s written very well 👍
Nothing Special by ToothpasteDragon is based on MonsterMonsoon’s borrower AU so you know I’m gonna eat it up :’)
Also Wrong Place at the Wrong Time by ToothpasteDragon, based on MonsterMonsoon’s monster AU! (There’s a bit of blood in this one)
Recall by Galakii features a time loop, which is cool!
What’s in a Name by Raeolu involves shenanigans with the pronunciation of Hat Kid’s real name. Always a fun one ^^
The Part-Time Puppeteer by Erekio is also pretty funny! It’s based on the puppet AU by Fedoraspooky which I love <3 Aaa musical theatre and theatre in general is my favorite :D
I’ve also been following A Cloak in Time’s Trials by ElectricBlaster, which gives Hat Kid a shipmate for her adventures! It has a large focus on an OC, Cloak Kid, which may not be for everyone, but I like him :)
And FINALLY, be kind (rewind) by fivers, featuring another time loop and four whole dads! Have I mentioned yet that I am also an absolute sucker for found family 👀
(I’d also like to mention that idk if they count as fanfics but I enjoy MysteryMan_17’s AU Concept write-ups :D)
Phew, finally! I probably forgot at least one tbh, if I remember any I’ve forgotten I’ll edit this ^^ AND, absolutely no pressure to any authors of the unfinished fics to complete them! I completely understand losing motivation and/or interest in something, and your mental and physical health are more important than any silly fanfiction ^^
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yukipri · 4 years
Oh! Here's a question! In the Mer AU how does Deuce fit into the crew? I know he's in a similar vein of Zoro in he designation Lifeguard for Ability users with less than 1 braincell and occasional mount, but how does he fit in the crew as a whole? Because he's basically creative free reign for you. How does he get on with the OG crew? Does he have a role other than co 1st mate and life guard? How's his relationship with Luffy? (This is an "everyone likes luffy au") aaand I've gotten carried away
Thanks so much for sending this in, I know it was literally ages ago *SWEATS*
I actually had this in my drafts for months, and was using this ask to kinda  brainstorm how I wanted to answer this, because you’re absolutely right! Deuce IS in many ways creative free reign for me! Like we do get a decent amount about his personality/past from the Novel A’s, but we only ever see his interactions with Ace and the Spades and WB, not even any direct interactions with Thatch I don’t think. And he’s most certainly never met Lu or the other canon Straw Hats!
But the more I thought about it, the more complicated my answer got, because Deuce actually is, in many ways, the exact kind of figure who could really change up crew dynamics. This isn’t to say that Ace and Thatch don’t! But some things to consider about Deuce:
1) He’s a strategist. He was the brains behind the Spades, and a GOOD brains too. He may not have Nami’s genius navigation skills, but he has experience using everything and anything around them to win, and is used to being in a leadership position (first mate of the Spades). Every single time the rookies think “WTF DO WE DO,” they now actually have someone to turn to.
2) He’s a doctor. Or well, specifically a med-school dropout, but he’s had formal medical education, which is more than most doctor charas have, and that knowledge was enough for him to act as medic of the Spades, and for him to later be a part of Whitebeard’s medical division. He may not be a genius like Chopper (tho tbh, I kinda feel he is, he just doesn’t think of himself that way), nor does he necessarily dream of being an amazing doctor, but he’s more than capable of patching up his crew.
3) He’s got impressive construction/shipwright skills. He’s probably nowhere near a professional like Franky, but he still designed and helped build Striker out of nothing with Ace, and that is impressive. Both in terms of the actual skills needed to construct it, but also in terms of sheer creativity. He could probably help fix and assess Merry’s damage far better than Usopp alone.
4) On top of the above three points, which makes him extremely well-rounded and versatile, he’s a self-proclaimed non-combatant. Like sure, he can hold his own in a fight, but generally speaking he would prefer to leave that stuff to Ace and the other fighters. But he’s also CLEARLY, undeniably useful and depended upon. Just imagine what this could mean for Usopp in particular.
5) He’s a permanent member of the crew from the start. Thatch’s role is a bit more ambiguous, as you’ve probably seen from other AU posts, as are Sabo and Koala’s. But Deuce has already long decided that where Ace goes, he follows. So even though Zoro is very much Luffy’s personal right hand man, in terms of actual crew authority, even Zoro will defer to Deuce as the “first mate.”
So taking these things into account, I feel like Nami, Usopp, and Chopper would be especially close to Deuce. He’s a voice of reason, he likes planning, and he values preparation and information, unlike the two Captains, and he has the experience and rank (if you could call it that) to use it all. True, this means he often comes off as a nagging mother-hen figure, but someone’s gotta be responsible here, and at first Deuce may have had hopes that Sabo could fill that role, but turns out the Revolutionary’s just as batshit crazy as the rest o them.
Are I guess so me really loose thoughts! ^ ^;
I also started a little Deuce-centric story series that I’ll be posting the first part of tonight, to help people learn a bit more about him especially if they haven’t read the novels, and to allow me to explore his role in the AU deeper! I hope that’ll be of interest <3
Thanks so much for sending this in!!
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
New X-Men Xtrospective Part 1: E is For Extinction “They Will Need Us”
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I am SO fucking excited for this one. As might not be obvious to ALL of my readers but should be obvious to some, I fucking love the X-Men. They are one of my favorite superhero teams period as are several of their spinoffs such as X-Factor (All versions), New Mutants, and Marauders. I love the wide cast, the hugely vast universe within the already vast and wonderful marvel universe, and the sheer amount of GREAT stories. I own all 11 movies, have several action figures, and two posters from Jonathan Hickman’s current and utterly dynamite run right above me right now as I work, as well as a marvel 80′s themed poster behind me that’s at least half x-men for good reason. I love this gang of mutants and I have not talked about them enough. 
I”ve done some X-Men stuff sure: I’ve talked about hickman’s time as head writer of the books a year in earlier this year, I did a few scattered reviews back when I did single issues of comics, and then we get to the one I beefed big time: covering ALL of X-Men evolution. While it’s a noble endeavor I freely admit to overexerting myself: I recapped the episodes way too closely, gave myself no real schedule and did so while I was already covering two shows a week at the time. My point is it was a good idea, but the timing was REALLY fucking bad and if I do it again, I intend to do it right and iwth a proper place in my now properly paced schedule. I also planned to do the movies which, unlike evolution, I have solid plans to do once I clear out some of my projects. Point is I burned bright and then exploded and took a whole projecet with me phoenix style. 
I had until this moment yet to do a really big x-men project, something digging into the comics, something that could help fans both of the comics and not get familiar with something really good, and help me dig into both the good and bad of something. I jsut needed the right start. 
Then Christmas gave me that spark, that project that gave me the idea for a butload more x-men content on here and was the perfect starting point for some. See my friend Marco lives in Honduras, and so since i couldn’t afford to send him anything for christmas in the mail, as i’m not exactly rich, I instead offered him three reviews of anything.l He still hasn’t taken up two of them, nor one I gave him for graduating college, but the first one was a doozy, something he hadn’t read due to not liking the art, which is fine as I have some art in comics I don’t like everyone has diffrent tastes, at least for the first arc, and something VITALLY important to x-men as a whole and that’s the backbone of hickman’s current run: the first arc of new x-men, e is for extinction. And given New X-Men is one of my faviorite comics of all time I not only lept on it.. but decided fuck it I’m covering the whole thing. So every so often on here from now until I finish, i’m going to be covering Grant Morrisons ground breaking, mind shattering, status quo destroying run on the children of the atom. This.. is going to be fucking awesome. Buckle up. 
New X-Men came about in 2001. Stop me if you heard this one: The X-Men, once marvel’s best selling title and one of i’ts most beloved, had been set adrift in a seal of editorial bullshit, bad writing, bad storylines and a stale continuity where not much could change or grow and things always reset to about the same place it was last week. If this sounds familiar it’s because it somehow happened AGAIN thanks to Ike Perlmutter’s bullshit, hence the current hickman run, but we’ll get into all of tha tsome other time. Point is as it was in 2018, so it was in 2001: The x-men were in bad straits and marvel reached out to a host of various creators to swing for the fences and find a new direction, something to bring sales and life back to the book. To my shock they actually took a LOT of diffrent pitches in before Morrisons won and from huge names: Geoff Johns, who had not yet returned to DC never to leave, Alex Ross, Keith Giffen.. all huge creative types. but in the end the best man won.
For those unfamiliar with him, Grant Morrison is a gloriously batshit scotsman with a long, storied and delightfully insane history in comics, mostly at DC before and after this comic. This is for good reason: DC scouted Morrison specifically because of his early work at 2000ad. See at the time Alan Moore had hit it really big with Swamp Thing, taking a d list, so so book and making it into an utter masterpiece and giving it thoroughly interesting mythology. Given it was a blockbuster hit that’s still widely loved and discussed, as it should be today, DC decided to repeat the strategy of asking British indie comics creators to come do the same to another property. This same experiment is why Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman exists, so.. yeah it was actually a great strategy and naturally Grant had their first big hit with Animal Man, a metafictional take on a b-list hero that made him a loveable family man, while also putting him through hell and playing with the medium and dc’s vast history, the last two being Morrison’s trademark from then on out.
 They’d next go on to reinvent one of my other faviorite teams: THE DOOM PATROL!  The patrol are a bunch of victims of strange accidents who got powers out of them that are basically curses... and Morrison solidified that concept, taking over after a weak run that ironically enough was trying to imitate the x-men’s success at the time. Instead Morrison just went all out with his weird shit for the first time and made them a team of broken but likeable people with weird powers fighting just the weirdest most incomprehensible shit, a run i’ll likely be digging into eventually along with the team as a whole. It’s also, along with Gerard Way’s recent run, the bedroock for the current and utterly masterful doom patrol series I need to catch up on. They also apparently once wrote a satrical comic starring and lik mocking hitler... a fact I somehow JUST learned but naturally doesn’t surprise me at all. 
Morrison’s career at dc, after doing some creator owned stuff there when Vertigo opened up, hit it’s peak in the late 90′s as they were given the go ahead to reinvent the Justice League, with the wildly successful and awesome JLA, another book I probably need to take a look at that put the big 7 back into the team.  And by now your probably getting the point of me covering his career pattern.. besides giving morrison the praise they deserve, and they’d have some really great runs after this.. and some terrible ones but no one’s perfect. My point is that at this point in their career Morrison’s greatest skill was taking something that had grown stagnant or been forgotten, blowing it up and reworking it into something glorious and new. Taking what worked, scraping away what didn’t and on the whole making something fucking glorious out of it. So here we are. The X-Men needed a new coat of paint and uncle grant had their lcd laced psycadelic paint bucket and brush shaped like a pidgeon at the ready. And for better, way better and admitely sometimes here and there worse,they changed the x-men for good. Some changes were rolled back out of spite, others finally got their chance after said rollback recently, and some were just outright thrown on the grown and smashed with a hammer. But for the most part Grant left a huge impact on the x-men and i’m here to show you why, warts and all. To me my x-men, this is new x-men.  Now naturally there’s even more exposition but i’ts more in what COULD’VE been. Originally while Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey and Professor X were all part of the team the other two members of the slim roster for this run, Beast and Emma Frost.. weren’t. Originally Morrison was going to have Colossus and Moira Mactaggert, long time team ally, token human until very recently, and now thanks to hickman one of the most important x characters peirod and long before that a fan favorite of mine, on the team, with Moira taking over for beast. 
This.. didn’t pan out since Marvel apparently either didn’t give a shit about their plans or already had things in motion as the climax of the longtime legacy virus storyline killed both off. Colossus until Joss Whedon, bastard he may be, brought him back for his terrific Astonishing X-Men, and Moira SOMEHOW stayed dead until House/Powers of X. See this speaks to one of the big roadblocks morrison faced: Jonathan HIckman currently has absolute power and all his writers working in concert, a new way of doing things comic companies shold honestly copy en masse as it’s really working wonders. Grant.. was just one of many writers and one of three main x books the others being Chris Claremont’s XTREME X-MEN, basically “let the legend do what he wants since he can’t get freedom on the main book” and another writer on uncanny... before eventually chuck austen took over and I will tackle that horrible mess some other time. Point is while Morrison was setting the tone, costume style and making the big waves, they still didn’t have full power and thus had to play nice with eveyrone else.  So their next idea was Rogue, making mer more like her x-men evolution version.. except Chris wanted her, so that was out, though being a decent enough guy he willingly gave up Beast since the moira thing meant Morrison needed a science person. As for Colossus replacement, as it turned out a fan had suggested Grant do something with Emma Frost since Gen X was canceled and while Morrison had zero intention for it clearly Emma clicked with hthem and she was soon both a main part of the cast and one of their biggest contributions to X-Men as a whole.
As for what I think of the needed changes.. they ended up being for the best. I do like Moira... but Hank ended up being a much better fit for the team dynamic wise and power set wise, while Emma was the same. While Colossus, Rogue and Moira are all fantastic characters, I think what we ended up with was just a better mix overall. I DO think the team is incredibly white, but that’s a general x-men problem, even with having an assload of diverse and intresting characters, so it’s not entirely his fault. All in all it’s a fantastic roster: four of the x-men’s best, their leader in the field for the first time in forever, and a new and intresting wild card. IT’s a nice ballance of characters and we’ll get more into it as we go. Now all the expositions done, we can finally dive head first into new x-men. I hope you survivie the experince under the cut. 
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After an utterly gorgeous and striking cover, the one used up top, we get one solid page to introduce us to Morrison’s mission statment, how  they feel and how good Frank Quitely’s art looks
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I cropped it best i could for tumblr but this one image immidetly says a lot. Our heroes are just.. easily taking down this sentinel, an old model... the same one we’ve seen a dozen times. What were once the grim, possible destroyers of an entire race of beings in days of future past and devistating killing machines in the present.. had become stale easily defeated murder bots There had been noble attempts to really make the sentiinels work again like the horrifying omega sentinels, humans forcibly converted into sleeper agent killing machines, during operation: zero tolerance, but otherwise they were mostly just a prop for the x-men to knock down. And that.. really is morrison’s whole point. Lampshading and mocking the fact the x-men had grown stale, things hadn’t really progressed.. and that it was time to move on. But to Uncle Grant’s credit, they not only uses this as a mission statment but it’s plot relevant: this mission will both be explained soon and explains why Logan and Scott are out and about enough to end up where the plot will soon need them. It also helps, via the sight of the syndey opera house establish something Morrison made a staple of their run: the X-Men going global. While the x-men were never really NOT global post claremont, Morrisons run has them handling rescue missions and what not worldwide far more often than most runs before it sans Claremont, and really made it feel like they weren’t just another super team but a global force of good with a specific goal and mission. More on the global aspect next time, as that’s where it really comes in but I felt it was important to show it was there for minute one. 
So yeah before we move onto the first full scene of the run, let’s talk about the costumes. 
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We’ll talk about Emma’s later since she’s not introduced to the story for a while but yeah. There’s a sharp, obvious and immediate change just in the outfits, which take after the movie’s more military look, having the x-men not only look more like a unit but more like a professional orginization. Someone to come and help when needed. While this would take on more siginifigance in a bit, we’ll get to it, it also fits Morrisions own views that the x-men were less of a traditional superhero team and more something different on the edges that fought things out there, sorta what like he did with doom patrol. And it’s honestly a valid interpretation as the x-men are often seen as outlaws and misfits by society for beingn well.. mutants. Not as trusted as the avengers. So having them adopt this look played into that: Having them look more professional and focused as The X-Men have a less blanket mission statement than the avenger.. but also mildly threatning. Something to alarm the humans. It’s an utterly brilliant look thrown best together by the big yellow x’s, still giving it a nice flash of color to show off and show this is still a comic and this is still damn colorful.. this just isn’t your AVERAGE supherhero comic or the x-men your used to. IT’s a real shame the only fox x-men movie to use it was fucking dark phoenix.. a film where it didn’t even fit as xavier was getting flashier and more reckless so why wouldn’t he have more garish and colorful and more traditional superhero outfits. They did look good in their variants in first class though. Props there. Point is this is a classic, utterly stunning look, and tha’ts coming from someone whose fine with goofy superhero outfits and perpetually bitter hawkeye is almost never allowed to wear his actual comic outift and is instead stuck with shades instead of you know.. a mask. Or anything resembling an actual good looking costume. This though this is how you do a less superheroy costume: practical and realistic, but still cool looking and comic book friendly. 
We cut to a mysterious lady, we’ll come to know her as Cassandra Nova and while I know her origin... i’m saving it for later as the comics themselves explain it eventually, and a simpering dolt she brought with her, Donald Trask, a distant relative of the creators of the sentinels who, via holograms she’s showing cro magnons slaughtring the neanderthal. Her point is that Mutants are going to do this and she’s clearly fearmongering him and trying to talk him into genocide: to wipe them out before they wipe out humanity. And it’s here we get one of hte most important plot points of Morrisons run and one of the most intresting: according to cassandra’s research Humanity will be no more in 4 generations. Mutankind is on it’s way to overtaking them at last.. i’ts still a few decades off.. but it’s coming. It’s sometihing that the whole decimation nonsense sadly snuffed.. and John Hickman has thankfully brought back. I’ll get to his run once i’ts complete in a few years, but point is it’s an utterly marvelous plot hook: Humanity, whose already attempted genocide a few times, is now in real danger of what their petty, racist, fearful attacks have been about: being replaced. It’s one of the central themes of the work the other two being “Just what IS mutantkind and what will it be”. WHat are they as a people? We’ll dig into these as we go but the threat of exctincion is the backbone of this arc... and will lead to something truly ghastly. 
It’s then we get our title page.. which nothing really to add it just looks really good and helps show off who are cast is and what they can do with striking simple art. 
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And since we’re already talking the art of the book, let’s take a moment to discuss an intresting detail of this run: despite it’s short length there’s quite a few diffrent artist, who we’ll talk about of course as we get to each one. The most common and notable though is Frank Quitely. Frank Quitely is one of Morrison’s closest and best creative partners, having a unique, squishy art style.. i.e. the one my friend didn’t like which is why i’m covering this. And while I like the art style quite a bit, I do get why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea: His art is squashed, weird, and admitely some faces can be good god no incaranate. But it’s also why I like it: his characters feel unique, each body and figure feels like it was custom made and thus feels.. real. Like this is a person before you. And given comics can often surrender to having everybody look the damn same, this is nice. His faces may sometimes look similar but his bodies are where the action is. But while having a realistic feel his work also has a weird alien quality that perfectly fits Morrison, and thus his run on x-men. I will say while I love All-Star Superman, his art fits less there in the more hopeful silver agey story, so he’s not an artist for EVERY STORY OF EVERY TYPE.. but when it comes to sci fi weridness, he fits it like a glove so i’ts unsuprising he and morrison are practicaley soul mates, nor that his art sets the tone perfectly for the run: this is something new, diffrent and strange.. and what says x-men at it’s best more than that?
So after our opening titles we cut to the mansion where Hank is showing off his latest and greatest invention: Cerebra. Cerbebra is a massively upgraded version of Cerebro, aka Professor Xavier’s iconic helmet that allows him to track mutants to help them out.. and covertly backup their conconousness for his long game plan, but shhhh, don’t tell anyone yet that’s not going to be retconned in for a few decades. Though i’m damn certain if Morrison has heard about the current era of x-men and how it both builds on what he built, shatters the status quo and is incredibly weird, he’d be damn proud. As for how it’s diffrent Cerebra not only has a large dome around it but said dome allows the machine to amply Charles powers to a global reach. He can now see mutants all over the world anywhere in the world, something I didn’t realize wasn’t ALWAYS a thing because it seems so simple. It’s also likely to bring it more in line with the movies. And while marvel has done TERRIBLE with bringing things in from the movies or in line with them in recent years, i.e. making star lord more like his movie self while forgetting that’s how he already used to be in canon before later writers thankfully did hte better step of merging the two, Hawkeye’s outfit, Cap’s outfit or Nick Fury Jr.  But for every mistep there’s also been tons of times it’s worked out really well such as here, as well as bringing hulk into the avengers for the first time since the founding, making tony stark more like the mcu version and less like a nightmarish self righetous dicktator who rightfully gets beat up and called out a lot, making Scott Lang prominent since he became prominent in the MCU, Wakanda being a major force in the marvel universe as it always should have been and various titles that have popped up to tie into movies, often bringing back a team or property that hadn’t had a book in some time like Ant-Man, Black Panther, and Shang Chi just to name a few. It’s not always hawkeye looking all jeremy renner is what i’m saying.. though thankfully comics clint isn’t that uninteresting. Hopefully the series will change that. 
So yeah along with a bigger shinier cerebro we’re also introduced to a big change in Hank whose taken on his lion form rather than his classic gorilla with a weird haircut or his return to that except bald. Here he’s more like aslan in a human body and I.. love it. It looks great, helps sell hanks delima of being brilliant while looking like a beast and makes sense: he kickstarted what was likely his own secondary evolution by drinking the potion that made him bestial, so it only makes sense his body wouldn’t be all that stable even if it took years to change again. And even that makes sense as hank was breifly turned back to his original hairless ape mutation during x-factor, easily one of the books.. worse decisions honestly and one that louise simonson thankfully later undid. That probably bought him some time hence why it’s only mutating further now.  It also adds an intresting wrinkle which the run will explore further: how far does this go? Will he regress? and how much hank will be left? And how will society treat his new form? 
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For now he’s actually extatic. While he’s going through hormonal changes, and giving out some excellent banter with Jean
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Which also includes one of the greatest lines in comic book history, one that’s been in my head for decades and made me absolutely love henry mccoy. 
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He’s just great is what i’m saying. As you can tell it’s stuff like this why i’m glad Moira fell through. While I love her.. Morrison’s hank is just a delight and one really questionable subplot aside, we’ll get to that, he’s one of the highlights of this run with an intresting internal struggle, and great chemistry with EVERYONE. And that is the main reason i’m glad Moira fell through as his history with everyone but Emma, who he still has a great raport with, means each interaction has weight. He’s close friends with both scott and jean and thus serves as their needed confidant, while still being able to buddy and banter iwth good old weapon x, and speak with his mentor charles as an equal. While I love moira... Beast just fits into the cast too perfectly and I 100% suspect Morrison was only using her because, while she’s awesome, Claremont wanted her and thus gladly snapped her up when he no longer had a science person. I’ll get into his Jean soon enough but she’s likewise fantastic and easily my faviorite version of the character.. not that until very recently there was much honest competition. 
So Cerebra fires up showing a massive cloud of mutants, showing just how much of a huge spike theirs been with Xavier wondering what it all means.. and Hank seeing a weird flare on the mointor for just a second with his special eyes. But since Xavier isn’t stupid and isn’t the kind of idiot who just dismisses it as a fulke, and since Scott and Logan are in the field, he decides to confrence call them in to see if they can go take a look. 
And naturally we get to see what their up to and get context for what the hell happened in the first page. Our heroes were on a rescue mission to save Ugly John, tha’ts what people called him, a three faced mutant who ends up passing out as they head out of the atmosphere for a second. Wolverine is regenerating and smoking out of his neck becaue he could still smoke back then before marvel decided “he’s setting a bad example”.. in a comic meant for teens and adults. 
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I mean I get it on some level as the x-men cartoon was a huge thing in the 90′s and Ben Grimm is basically a giant children’s toy with the mind of a surly 40 year old jewish man from yancy street, but stilll it’s just.. why. I may not like smoking but it’s not like it was SPIDER-MAN saying
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It’s a grown man.. whose not a sterling roll model and who Claremont went out of his way to have Logan point out his healing factor means it really dosen’t hurt him in the long run and when Kitty, an actual teenager, tried one of his cigars she choked. I know it’s a weird thing to get hung up on but while i’m all for keeping kids from smoking, this was a really clumsy way to try and hehlp that that made no sense and will never make any sense. 
One tangent later we find out that Cassandra was showing Trask a simulation on a flight to, unsuprisingly, south america, to a sentinel blacksite. Between covertly funding civil wars as they do, the US Goverment naturally founded an experimental sentinal project, and a second master mold during the production of the first line... when larry trask asks where it could possibly be well...
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Subtly was not the trasks strong point.. or common sense... or.. not realizing their creations would dominate humanity too or not dying. 
Anyways we then cut back to the x-men, as their having a psychic zoom meeting with Charlie giving one of his patnted big speeches.. and like a lot of this comic it’s too damn good not to use 
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The reason I couldn’t should be obvious: This one speech sums up the x-men, why their great and why their necessary in a nutshell: in a world full of prejucided morons.. there’s plenty of scared kids who NEED the x-men to protect and guide them, and with a surge in the mutant population, their needed now more than ever. We also get a good explanation in universe for the uniform change: Charles had them in the superhero outfits hoping humanity would accept them if they were packaged as something they know. Since that clearly hasn’t worked he’s trying new ways to reach out and thus going with a diffrent more rescue team approach to the uniforms. He assigns Wolvie and Cyke to go check out the flair as you’d expect and the meetings over. On the blackbird we get our first hint at a subplot as Logan noticed Cyclops couldn’t wait to get out of there, and is being a tad distant to his wife. He actually has reasons for being kind of cold for once instead of just bad writing as he just came back from being possed by apocalypse. Yeah that happened. So the experience has rattled our boy some what. More on that as we go. But Jean ducks the subject with hank but does breach the fact that Charles has been going kind of crazy with the spending, new uniforms and ambition lately. Hank explains it perfectly: After all the death, suffering and misery the x-men have endured lately, the aforementioned deaths I talked about that took Colossus and Moira off the roster, have lionzed Charles to make sure it was all worth something and look towards the future. 
But enough hope time for horror as Cassandra makes her first direct move, trying to take over Charles brain , make his body her own and use cerebra to kill lots and lots of mutants. We then get one of the best moments of Morrisons run with Charles response to a horrifying monster trying to take his brain
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While it is shocking to find out Charles has a gun..it’s a grim but kind of understandable precaution. The guy once got fully taken over by a brood, assembling the New Mutants in part because the brood wanted to create more of i’ts kind with more super powers. You’d be paranoid too if some of your beloved students were brought together partly due to your good intentions and partly because a space monster wanted to make more space montsters out of helpless teens, and even horribly gaslighted one of them. We’ll get to that some day. Point is Charles brain is one of the greatest weapons on earth and if the wrong person got a hold of it, it’d be the end of said earth. Thankfully Charles does not need plan gun, as Jean yanks Cerebra off him but the sheer HATE Charles felt from Cassandra, the sheer power has rattled him.. and also told him she’s in Ecuador and his X-Men need to be warned NOW. It’s a great way to set up just HOW powerful Cassandra is.  Speaking of which as our first issue of the arc ends, we find out two things: Cass faked being int he government but really just used dead soldiers as prop.. and just what kind of sentinels are out there.. wild sentinels. Easily my faviorite variant of the old killing machines and one that’s barely used despite being really damn awesome. Their adaptive killing machines, designed to mutated just like their pray and take tech from around them, as a result they look like a jumble of guns and parts.. but not only does it give them a unique, cool look.. but it makes them ten times deadlier as instead of being big bricks of robots that while intimidating, the x-men know how to kill... their unpredictable variable killing machines. You can figure out how to kill one sure.. btu the next might be entirely diffrent. They are one of morrisons best creations and I hope someone uses the idea again.. aka hickman. Please use it jonathan I know your focused on nimrod but come on. 
And we end on one of the best lines of the entiire run as we close out the issue
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Yeah it goes without saying but i’ll say it anyway; Morrison is really damn good with dialouge and being damn quotable. 
So we open with another great quote “When I got up today I didn’t expect to kill 20 million people”... and Cassandra being aware Wolverine and Cyclops are on their way and sending the Wild Sentinels to dispatch them. Also our heroes brought Ugly John along while while a dumb move, Wolvie does point out how dumb it was to divert to Ecuador with a civlian in tow.. after the plane crash of course. As for “wait what plane crash’, the sentinels attack and start picking it apart... and since letting them have such good tech is a terrible idea, Scotty blows up the damn plane. So to recap our heroes are stuck in ecuador, surrounded by murder machines, and oh look their there and knock off cyclops viser. Fantastic. So yeah our heroes are fucked. And naturally captured by the enemy.
The rest of the x-men are doing SLIGHTLY better. While beast makes a note for his girlfriend, more on that later on, Charles is in bed, half alive, explaning the rationale I gave for why he has the gun with Jean refusing to let him get back out of bed and you know.. put on the device that just nearly killed him. But when beast announces they lost contact with our boys.. yeah that ceased being an option. 
Back in the Ecuadorian Genocide Factory, Cassandra does the obvious and kills donald trask as his real purpose..was to stick around and be stupid for a bit while she copied his dna so she could have full control of her new murder toys.She soon uses them, having a horrifying death chamber slaughter john.. or at least flash fry him. Wolverine takes it how you’d expect and since the sentinels need to “perserve trask dna”.. they can’t fire on him without killing her. Scott escapes.. and in a heart wrenching scene mercy kills john.. before getting badass. 
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To anyone who says Scott Summers is boring, unintersting, or a stupid asshole idiot head I present exhbit shut the fuck up. Morrison gets scott just right, deconstructing his emotional suppression, while showing him off as a dedicated, companionate man who gets the job done and who seconds after tearfully having to mercy kill an innocent mutant whose death was partially his fault, wastes no time making it painfully clear to the person responsible she WILL die if she tries that again. Logan however realizes she’s already won in some fashion as she’s grinning.. and yeah never a good sign when a genocidal madwoman is grinning like a loon.. and when we find out why.. it’s even less good>  We cut to Genosha. A lot of you probably know what happned to Genosha but in case you don’t know what it is it was once a horribly racist country that genetically enslaved mutants and used them for slave labor. It was freed, but still struggled to truly move on.. till Magneto showed up, took the country for himself and made it a home for all mutants. When we last saw him he once again tried to take over the world leading to Logan seemingly killing him. Right now though Emma Frost finally enters the scene teaching some mutants.. when a young one named Negasonic Teenage Warhead.. yes that one and yes she was entirely chosen for deadpool for her name, reveals, via precognition, that their all going to die.. right as the sentinels attack. 
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Genosha.. is gone. In an eyeblink 16 million mutants are dead, a possible future gone, and one of their greatest leaders is no more. Yeah Magneto WAS alive.. but paralyzed so he could do nothing when his island was utterly slaughtered. Only a handful of mutants will be revealed to survive. Humanity had done a lot to mutants before .. but for once.. they’d succeeded in wiping a massive chunk out. What was an x-men location for DECADES at this point.. was now a smoldering crater. A what could of been that would hant the x-men ever after, even now into utopia it remains the darkest day in mutant history outside of hte decimation. It is a truly horrific moment.. and if the changes already hadn’t made it clear this is morrison saying “NO character is safe, nothing is safe, and nothing will be the same and I damn well mean that”. In one act of hate the world has changed. And it hasn’t finished changing yet. 
Issue Three opens hammering in things, as Jean and Beast are in the ruins of genosha, with Xavier having found ONE surivor among the rubble, and our heroes sturggling to find even them, though Jean eventually picks them up and uses her TK to sift through the rubble. 
They find Emma who emerges from a bunker in shock, clutching NTW... and not realizing she’s dead until later and revealing she now has diamond skin, her own secondary mutation. Secondary Mutation was a birlliant idea, new powers sprouting up within established mutants.. it’s just morrison barely used this great idea as did hardly anyone else. Only X-Men Blue ever really dug into it and those were artifical at that. IT’s a great idea..it’s just barely used and at most heavily implied to explain changes in powers like Jamie Madrox Multiple Personalities later on or Doug Ramsey’s vast increase in power. Disapointing. 
While Charles takes in the tragedy and the fact his old frienmie is dead, the x-men wonder what the fuck Cassandra is and what to do with her.. why did she kill 16 million people, and what the fuck is she. I mean I know, but as I said i’ll explain that when the story does.  IN the other room Beast tends to Emma who wants none of not fucking killing Cassandra.. and is utterly right. Bitchy, because i’ts Emma, but right: she killed 16 million people. Say what you want but while it may not be up to the x-men to kill her.. she shoudln’t be living much longer. She commited genocide. Emma decides fuck that and prepares to leave summoning a cab and making peace with being a glorious living fabrige egg. Emma did apparelty change in generation x.. but Morrison is responsible for returning her not only to being a bitch, but a gloriously delightful one And really I don’t think they reset her character entirely: she’s not the heartless monster she started out as: she has empathy, grace, and caring.. she just buries it under a lair of absolute bitch and after you know, surviving a fucking genocide who can blame her? And honestly.. I love their verison of her. She provides a nice contrast to the more idealistic, even logan, x-men and a nice contrarian voice in the room without being obnoxious and her style and sacrastic swagger makes her endlessly entertaning. Thanks to morrison she’s stuck around to this day and went from a pretty good character.. to a great one. And what makes her this way, or as jean puts it “such a bitch?”
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With that settled, Hank explains what Cassandra is: a competing species. As he puts it sometimes evolution takes a quantum leap forward.. and Cassandra is the result. Thus she wants to wipe out the compettition and is so far above humanity, she dosen’t need them... especially since she knows what Hank now knows: humanity is at an end. As hank puts it we have an E Gene, one that basically shuts off a race.. and thus the x-men now know what we learned earlier and that cassandra wasn’t lying: in 4 generations there are no more humans and something has to repalce htem. And Cassandra wants it to be her. 
Before Logan can do what he does best, and asks why she looks like charles, Cassandra escapes, and Scott briliantly urges them to fight only on instict as she’s a telepath. A damn awesome fight insues including Cassandra donning Charles Psoonic battle armor, Scott being put in his black bug room and the general good looking chaos you’d expect from a superhero fight. While this goes on Emma has an ephinany and realizes she likes to teach, the x-men have a school.. and she shoudln’t give up on helping kids just because of what happened and turns around. 
Cassandra is near victory, slipping her way to Cerebra.. and planning to kill only one mind before getting to the millions she wnats, a horrifying slug manifesting around her.. only...
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So the x-men accept this and cassandra rises.. seemingly saying “I am charles” Huh... and then charles uncaracteristiacally shoots her saying things must change
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We’ll get to what all of that means next time as we close on Jean and Scott in bed. Scott explains why he’s been so distant as what I said earlier: fighting off apocalypse stripped away a lot of illusions about himself and he’s having a hard time walking back from that but Jean is willing to help.. but before they can resolve their  issues.. charles has an annoucnment to make and grant has one last whopper of a suprise to end his opening arc on, and just like genosha...it’s a game changer of titanic proportions
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No longer is Xavier’s School hidden. Their walking into the light now and so is charles. Hope they surivive the experince. Obviously this move is brilliant: while it removes the veil of saftey the x-men had it also brings on tons of new possiblities and unlike secondary mutation, this one not only stuck but would impact the x-men for good: no longer would they hide and cower.. their mutant and proud.. and their here to stay.  E For Extinction is one of the best x-men stories period. Blisteringly paced, full of great character, great concepts and utterly terrifying and terrific moments that would impact the x-men all the way to present day. It’s beautifully drawn, well paced, and a masterwork. I highly recommend it and it’s a great kickoff to a great run. Shame the run couldn’t of ended on this kind of high but.. we’ll get to that. For now this is a masterclass in how to start a run and if you haven’t read it do so NEXT TIME ON NEW X-MEN: A bunch of weirdos try to harvest mutant organs, the x-men get a brain in a jar and a new teamate, and Scott maybe cheats on his wife. Until then, goodbye goodbye goodbye. 
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craftypeaceturtle · 4 years
Sanders Sides Fic Rec
As a heads up! It’ll be very obvious that I prefer Virgil angst and so there will be a definite bias. Just a heads up! All of these will be on AO3 because... it’s the best haha! Also, I’ve only just noticed that a lot of these aren’t necessarily shippy but hey ho! Anyway, here we go! 
What Students Teach- mt_reade, 4,000 words.
Hello! My name is Thomas Sanders, and I just finished my first year as a teacher.
I taught a grade one class this year, at a relatively small school. I’ve known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was young, and babysat for the first time. I just love kids so much, and I remembered how much my teachers had an influence on me growing up. I wanted to be able to do that for others. I’ve known for a long time that teaching is the right job for me.
But, what I didn’t know, is that the teaching goes both ways, and the lessons that my students have taught me this year are more valuable than any of the things that I taught them. I’m writing this now to share with anyone who reads this, just precious few of the things that my students teach me.
(I came across this recently but I just love how simple and sweet this idea is! I love how they characterised all the sides in the perspective of children, especially Remus. I feel like it would be easy to write as absolutely ridiculous but he feels still realistic while still being very much Remus!).
I'll Stay Awake (cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight) - starlocked, 2,000 words, Anxceitmus
Virgil doesn't get to meet his soulmates each night. No, he has nightmares. His roommate decides to stage an intervention.
(I just love this take on the soulmate idea of meeting up in your dreams. I also like that it was no one’s true fault. It would’ve been easy to say that it was all Deceit’s and Remus’ fault for being terrifying but it’s more nuanced than that! There’s not a lot of shippy-ness but it’s still a soulmate au so there we go!)
(don’t) take this the wrong way- delimeful, unfinished, 7,000 words.
Local shark mer Roman finds a tiny mermaid tangled up in a net in his territory, and enlists his siren friend Patton's help to find a way to free the little guy. Unfortunately for Logan, they end up 'borrowing' a human to assist them in untangling the net. Virgil just wants to get out of this nightmare of a situation.
(Maybe I’m just a sucker for merpeople aus, but this is such a good story immediately. Instantly engaging and I’m keeping an eye on it for any new updates. I may also just be a sucker for misunderstandings which is the main conflict so far haha!)
Centaur AU- KieraElieson, unfinished, 10,000 words
Thomas is hired as a centaur groom very abruptly, and is just a little bit lost, but trying his best.
However, when you think of centaurs more as people with animal-like bodies, and everyone else thinks of them as animals with human-like bodies, disagreements are bound to come up.
(So far it’s pretty much setting up the context and characters but it’s done so effectively! The trauma of the characters is handled so well, hinted at and clearly effecting their behaviour, but not so obvious that you immediately know what’s happened to them. Despite being tagged as ambiguous time period, you don’t even really question when the story is set! It quickly grabs your attention and you focus on the story more than any tiny ambiguous details.)
No Longer Alone- Amydiddle, 3,000 words
Anxiety has been living in the basement of Thomas' mind space for almost two years now. A place were all the host's darkness resides. The small side has learned how to take care of himself and how to avoid the sides whenever he goes upstairs.
Tonight's midnight food run goes a bit differently.
(I am so weak for stories about how all the sides formed and first interacted! I think I just fell in love with this concept! Simple but such an interesting fun read!)
The Worst Thing in the World- Arwriter, 6,000 words
Everyone knows Virgil needs to be handled a little differently. He might not like it, but that’s the way it is, and living with the light sides won’t change that. After all, it’s common sense.
(The first part in a slowly expanding series, the entire series is sooo good so if you like this one then definitely continue reading! It’s such a well written look into their lives, how they handle conflicts and grief. I love Virgil angst where the others get a look into his previous life, no matter how small and sad that look is.)
tales of reverie- cattonsanders, 40,000 words, offscreen Logince. 
Roman loves to read bedtime stories to his kids (even if Virgil says he’s grown out of them), but soon Patton and Virgil discover that the story book their dad has been reading to them is actually a portal to the very kingdom they’ve been told about- not only that, but their dad is the prince!
What else will they find as they venture deeper into this new world they’ve found themselves in, and what other, much darker secrets are being kept from them?
(SUCH A CREATIVE IDEA! I love how the plot always kept me guessing but never in a way that felt cheap or misplaced. Characters were introduced and you were left piecing it all together to figure out if they were trustworthy, which is what the main characters are also doing! Will always recommend)
Caught Red Handed- Wholesomereader, 20,000 words
Virgil doesn't like his dad, runs away, and 'accidentally' steals from a local bakery.
Then, the owner of said bakery hires him.
He's in so much shit.
(I love how this is paced and written out. There’s a lot of themes and relationships being built but it still feels easy to keep track of everything and nothing feels swept to the side or neglected.)
Slither Into Your Heart- Jungle321jungle, 6,000 words, unfinished, Anxceit
Deceit didn’t bother to knock as he slammed the door open and glared down to where Remus sat on his bed polishing his morning star. 
“What did you do?” Deceit hissed. 
Remus gave him a large smile as he looked him up or down, “Do you have the snakes just up there or are they down below too?”
If asked by Patton later, Deceit most definitely did not try to strangle the other side in that moment. Not all.
Also known as:
Deceit is turned into a Gorgon.  And the new annoying little snakes on his head seem to have an annoying obsession with Virgil.
(Amazing idea, amazing writing, sweet scenes and just! It’s just a nice read! I love how they write Deceit to be this cool tough persona but also named all his new snakes!)
Wings of Anxiety- ShadeCrawler, 7,000 words
Virgil normally kept his wings pressed tight against his back. He never let them out to stretch when he was outside his room. Yes, they got sore after a little while and yes, it rustled his feathers to the point that it took forever to groom them.
But, he couldn’t take them out. He just couldn’t. Dark Sides didn’t have wings. Only Light Sides did.
(Love me some Virgil angst, add in some wings and I’m in! I also love this idea that Virgil was supposed to be a light side all along but circumstances weren’t as fair. Strong self hatred to make a compelling story! Just yes!)
This isn’t what I wanted, but I’ll take it- Simpleton_Cat, 17,000 words, unfinished.
Thomas didn't think he would ever get pets, much less a cat. But here he was, having four cats, Logan, Patton, Roman, and Remus. And then Remus (God, please exorcise the demon that is most definitely in his cat body) brings home two more and then suddenly he's back at the Vet.
Or in other words: Everyone is a cat and Thomas is their owner.
(Again, such a cool idea! I love how this new context for the characters allow for so many new ideas and characterisations. I love Deceit and Virgil’s relationship and how that has shaped, especially how Deceit’s link to lying is written!)
Changing Tides- LadyoftheWoods, 6,000 words.
Virgil ends up overboard of his father's boat during a storm, and expects to drown in the sea. Instead he is rescued by merpeople, in more ways than one.
(Virgil angst plus merpeople- well hello! I love the slowly forming family relationship between the characters. I also love how Virgil reacts to finding out merpeople exist, feels genuine but not too drawn out.)
A Fanciful Dream- AceDetective, 20,000 words, Prinxiety 
Virgil could say with certainty that he was no prince. Found by King Thomas’ chef, lost and with no memory of who he was, Virgil spent his childhood running errands in the halls of the castle. When a young King visits and claims Virgil is his brother, Virgil must determine if this is truth or a young King’s hopeful dream.
(While this is very fast paced, everything feels justified and well explained. The confusion between both Virgil and his brother feels so genuine and well written. The quiet slow reaching out makes sense for the both of them!)
Ten Things- LostyK, 30,000 words, unfinished, Anxceit, Royality
When Roman Prince learns that Patton Foster isn’t allowed to date until his older brother, Virgil, is, Roman is crushed. Roman’s twin brother Remus, however, comes up with a plan: find someone who is willing to date Virgil.
And who better to ask than Janus Verona, who according to rumours is willing to do anything for the right price?
(This is one where I kept a close eye to see if it updates, while a silly idea, it’s so well  written! I love how Deceit is written as slowly caring and falling in love while still maintaining his persona, just like Virgil! I also love how Virgil is characterised as his usual anxious self but a bit more persona based like before accepting anxiety) 
You Can Picani Family You Want- DramaticGarbage, 20,000 words, Analogical, Royality.
Emile finds himself in charge of two small boys who need somewhere to go. It’s going to be a learning curve for everyone.
(If you love found family stuff then this is it! It’s a series of oneshots about different parts in their lives but I love the themes and how the characters progress through each moment. It’s so sweet and rewarding. Plus it has big boi Roman which is always a plus!)
Fatherly Sides- Bright_Sea, 60,000 words, Moceit
There are good and bad days when it comes to being a father. Deceit and Patton learn all about it while raising their four boys.
(Similar to the one above, lots of found family sweet moments all connected by the larger plots and themes. The angst of the larger plot is given the seriousness and gravity that it deserves. I love how trauma is talked about and dealt with in a healthy manner. Everything feels so genuine and realistic!)
Colors- Badgermole, 49,000 words (21 works), Logicality.
A collection of stories where Logan is a young Virgil's dad. Virgil happens to be autistic and has a fascination with colors. Unless otherwise stated: Virgil is aged around early elementary school age with Roman 2 years older.
(Again, with the sweet family moments with minimal angst! I don’t have autism so I can't say whether it’s realistic or not but it’s very well written and covers a lot of autistic themes and everyday life. Actually, read pretty much everything by badgermole as their writing is so good and they tackle a lot of disabled issues!)
Powerless- patentpending, 187,000 words, Logicality, Prinxiety.
“People like us,” Logan had once remarked to Virgil. “Are statistical anomalies.”
(Almost)  Everyone in the world has powers.  As for those who don’t, well, they’re such a small part of the population - only 0.04% - why would anyone care about them?
Ever since he realized what people mean when they call him Powerless, Virgil Sanders has tried to fight back against the system that oppresses people like him, Patton, and Logan.  When Patton’s bakery is targeted in a hate crime, he finally snaps.  With the help of a mysterious sponsor, Virgil becomes a villain, ready to remake a broken society.  The only thing standing in his way is the world’s most Powerful (and infuriatingly charming) superhero: The Prince, who is hiding the fact that his gilded life isn’t as perfect as it may seem.
(So well written! While fast paced, everything feels so well balanced. Main characters and their plots balanced with new OCs that don’t feel too much and justified in being there. The plot kept me guessing while still feeling justified and interesting.)
Grounded- InstantFire, 18,000 words
No matter your age, punishments are no fun. Despite being no fun, would you be willing to do anything to avoid said punishment?
(I don't know what it is about this piece but it's just sooo good! I’ve reread it so many times, it just won’t leave my mind! I love how it’s carefully written where we don’t quite exactly know what the misunderstanding is until it’s stated out loud for all the characters. Maybe I just have a weakness for Virgil angst and misunderstandings but so worth a read!)
Snow Day- RandomSlasher, 8,000 words
Every year, the sides go to Roman’s realm and spend a few days enjoying the snow. Well…most of the sides. Set pre-Accepting Anxiety.
(SOOOO GOOD! The found family is so well written. Actually, while this is the only mention of Random Slasher because I don’t want this to be too long, read everything and anything by Random Slasher. So well written with some amazing ideas.)
Looking for the Light- OreoButter, 30,000 words
Remus, Deceit and Virgil Dark are Brothers. They had an awful home and now are in the foster system. After being passed from family to family they finally end up with Thomas. Remus is gross, Deceit is a compulsive lier and Virgil has crippling anxiety. Virgil will do anything to protect his brothers, at any cost. The family of three will have to face trial and the truth as they search for the light.
(I absolutely love found family if you couldn’t guess already! But I love how they wrote the sibling relationship between the dark sides, feels so genuine and justified. There is shipping but it feels more like a side plot so!)
Sightless- riverblujay, 9,000 words
Virgil is blind. It's not a big deal though, right? But he hides it, because if the other sides knew they would push him away again. And besides, he's pretty good at faking being sighted...
And the other sides are also more observant than he realizes.
(Again, this is another fic that I keep returning to! Also, I’m not blind or have any partial sight so I can't so whether this is realistic but the conflict and comfort feels so genuine and justified.)
The Black Hole Group Chat- Greenninjagal, 26,000 words, LAMP.
Cat_feelings: [I just have a lot of feelings for you Logan]
Anxi_Tea: [platonic?]
Cat_feelings: [does it matter?]
Anxi_Tea: [you’ve known him for twenty five minutes.]
*** aka a text fic where Logan texts the wrong number and everything goes downhill from there.
(I know text fics can be a little hit or miss but the chemistry feels so real and fun. The characters are still very much themselves, a lot of text fics can feel out of character. I also adore the fact that Virgil is mute so the fic has a reason for why the group chat is used despite them all meeting in person. So good, will always recommend!)
April Fool’s- feduphufflepuff, 5,000 words
This is Virgil's first April Fool's Day with the FamILY, and he has no idea what to expect.
(Love me some Virgil angst and misunderstandings so here ya go! The found family vibes and the comfort and just ah! So good, just go read!)
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mystiika · 3 years
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re; mermaids
   since i’m working on a meta/information post about atargatis, here’s just some general notes about mermaids/related goddesses i’ve found in my research !
   so while atargatis is the first known recorded story of a mermaid in   human history, the first known mention of a human figure with a fish tail is from about 5000 b.c.e, where babylonian mythology of the god ea was described as him having the body of both a man & a fish. ea was later known by the greeks as oannes, & by some semitic tribes as dagon ( which is actually the name i know him by ). but ea was never actually considered a mermaid ( or merman technically ).
   in general, mermaids have been part of human culture for thousands of years, with the most major influence from greek & roman mythology ( god they’re loud lol ). but tales of mermaids has also been greatly influenced by many other cultures across the globe — both before & after the greeks & romans.
   mermaids have been seen as forces for both good & evil from the earliest known depictions, & this tradition continues to this day, although the general tendency in current culture is to regard them as mostly benign, beautiful, attractive, independent & as interested in humans. they have evolved into symbols of ocean conservation, marine species conservation & the responsible & sustainable care of ocean ecology. on the other end, mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks, & drownings while in other folk traditions ( or sometimes within the same traditions ), they can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowing boons or falling in love with humans ( but goddesses, of course, bring much much more ).
   depictions of entities with the tails of fish but the upper bodies of human beings appear in mesopotamian artwork from the old babylonian period onwards. but despite us being more familiar with the term mermaid & the femininity that goes along with that. these mesopotamian figures are usually mermen. mermaids do occasionally appear but not nearly as much as mermen. & the name for the mermaid figure at the time may have been kuliltu, meaning “fish-woman”. these figures were mainly used as protective figures & were shown in both monumental sculpture & in small, protective figurines by neo-assyrians.
   the french words for “mother” & “sea”, mère & mer respectively, are virtually & very appropriately the same. this is also echoed in names of other primordial mother & creator goddesses who are actually the ocean itself, & whose names literally mean “sea” or “ocean”, such as tiamat, thalassa, & slightly less directly, yemaya.
   yet in most ways tiamat & thalassa ( like the frigid norse ran ) are not often considered especially maternal in the warm & approachable sense that most anthropomorphic mother deities are. they are massive, wild forces & elements of nature that destroy as frequently & readily as they create.
    while other on the other hand, there are sea goddess such as mazu or mami wata whose names are primarily based around the meaning of “mother” ( or a derivative thereof ), who focus more around the more nurturing side of goddesses ( many of whom absolutely still have their dark sides ), as such as we find in atargatis. & in the case of atagatis ( as with many nurturing mother goddesses ), we see a more humanised & approachable representation of the divine feminine & the creative, healing & restoring powers of water.
   & fun fact, the letter “m”, such as in “mother” & “mermaid”, originates from the egyptian hieroglyph depicting water:
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   it went through a few alphabets to get to the letter we know but it’s cool that it came from water, really feels like it came full circle in this context
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Seeking Literate Partners!
Greetings! I go by Zibiqi, Z, or Dragon online, whichever tickles your fancy. I’m 19 years old and reside in the Central Standard Time Zone. I can’t recall exactly how long I’ve been roleplaying but it’s somewhere along the lines of six years, give or take. On top of that I write poems, short stories, and am currently in the process of writing a book or two, so I think it’s safe to say my writing skills are plenty developed for roleplay standards. Over the years I’ve explored this hobby on a rather narrow selection of platforms and am trying to expand that in hopes of discovering a different (or perhaps more suitable) type of partner. Below I’ve compiled the necessary and relative information that will hopefully be easy to navigate and understand. Hope to hear from you soon!
My Roleplay Style:
I write in third person as well as past tense, always have and always will. My replies average from 300 to 500 words a reply with a three paragraph minimum, but I can write more if my partner wishes and provides adequate material for me to work with. Also note that I heavily favor male characters for my own use and will not use a female unless I feel particularly inclined to do so. (On that note, please do not request for me to use one, for your request will be declined immediately.) My rate of reply averages at one reply a day, but I may reply more or less depending on the day, what I’m doing, and even the roleplay itself. I do have a trigger or two and those lie very closely if not solely within the limits of self-harm and suicide, in which I will not roleplay under any circumstances. (However, they are alright to mention/exist given they bear importance to the story or character.) On one last note, please know that I have no experience doubling, I’ve only heard of it. So if you ask me to do so, please keep in mind my inexperience, as I will not decline for I have yet to actually do it.
What I’m Looking For:
Age & Gender: Age does not matter to me as long as my partner can keep up with my writing style, unless there is romance involved, in which you must be 18+ to request. I don’t believe that a good story requires a romance sub-genre (for I do not roleplay romance as a main genre, please note) to be good or interesting. To me, it’s just spice. And as far as gender goes, you could be a toaster for all I care.
Co-Development: I can and will come with plots, but most of them will be incomplete. Don’t make me do all the work! If I wanted to do that, then I’d just write a short story on my own instead of roleplaying. Let’s collaborate and make our own, one-of-a-kind story.
Originality: There’s nothing I love more than an original character and an original story. I do not like canon characters, either playing them myself or playing against them. All of my own characters are original themselves, so I’d like to see some creativity in return. It’s more fun that way, don’t you think?
Fandoms: Though I don’t care to roleplay with cannon characters, I certainly don’t mind using other universes! I enjoy things such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Sword Art Online, and even The Legend of Zelda. Most of my fandoms span across books, video games, and a few fantasy shows and anime. There are far too many to list them all so if you’re interested in one in particular, just ask!
Out of Character Communication: I very much enjoy connecting with my partners even if its just the occasional hello. In these regards I like to have a second, separate chat from the roleplay to discuss things with, for if we need to discuss something related to the roleplay, having a second chat helps keep discussed details from being lost in the threads. But! This is, of course, completely optional and is not a must-have to roleplay.
Pairings: In the case that romance is involved (18+ required) I do prefer to roleplay MxM pairings. I will not put anything else out of mind because I’m fairly certain that this is an issue many fix with the “doubling” I have heard of, but in this case, again, please keep in mind that I am inexperienced with doubling.
Current Cravings:
I do have approximately three original plots that I am craving to find a “golden” partner for, as I have searched long and hard only to be disappointed with the results of my searches. Most of these plots are malleable and can be adjusted to suit both my and my partner’s cravings and preferences. Below I will provide a brief summary of each, and the rest will provided later! (Cravings are listed as of August 2020, for they may change later.)
Dragon Rider RP: Dragons cannot communicate with many species other than themselves, so they took on compatible companions who could speak for them while they spoke telepathically. Practically dragon riders, these warriors partner with dragons to protect the balance of the world. When the balance is threatened and the apocalypse can be seen on the horizon it’s up to a dragon-less rider to find the last of a rare species and fight alongside it to keep the apocalypse at bay and restore the balance—if it can even be restored. (My muse will be the dragon.)
Merfolk RP: Mermaids are real, and they live away from the world’s notice in the city they lost long ago: Atlantis. When the secret is out that they exist, the prince of the lost city himself ends up the center of attention. He cannot hope to survive without a friend in this world above the water. (Can go multiple directions, my muse will be the mer.)
Post Fantasy War RP: Strange, creature-like super-soldiers were created to win a massive war between humanity and anything that wasn’t human. With the war done and humans standing victors, the soldiers were no longer needed, and so were sentenced to their destruction. Though they were supposed to be mindless tools, that seems to not be the case after all when the hunt begins and something of an eighth of the massive army scatters into the wind like rabbits with dogs on their tails. Like many others, a soldier who had avoided capture for years finally finds itself in chains. The only way out is with a friend, but who would befriend such a magic-born creature as this? And should help come, then what?
Other: I also have an original creature that I would love to use as either an experiment in a sci-fi plot or an original god in a thriller or horror plot (I’m not entirely sure what the plot I have in mind would fit into but that’s close), or even something akin to a dark circus plot. In my google drive archives I have a multitude of characters who also come with their own plots so I literally have plenty of ideas, and my ideas can be combined with others to make something new and even more creative. (I enjoy trying to fit two characters together sometimes too and going off of that instead of a plot. It’s a different sort of challenge and oft provides a different kind of story.)
Currently I am roleplaying out of three different platforms so feel free to use any of them, or even more than one if that’s what suits your tastes. The last of the three is an app that should be available to most phones and has been the place of my roleplaying for many years if anyone is interested in poking around.
Discord: ZibiqiGodslayer04#6074
Virtual Space Amino: http://aminoapps.com/p/4nk4u1
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musesbyarya-a · 5 years
SIDEQUEST: La rhétorique du peuple | Debate and Discourse
(Note: Translating the French text into English, the names of the NPCs may be different to best match the meaning they have in this version).
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Amaurotain amène : Hé, petit... Tu es venu ici pour débattre, pas vrai ? Et si on s'en payait une tranche, toi et moi ? Amaurotain amène : Tu ne veux pas ? Dommage... En fait, ça fait des heures que j'attends un ami. Mais comme il ne vient pas, je suis bien obligé de chercher un autre partenaire de discussion. Amaurotain amène : Si je comprends bien, tu es là en touriste ? Tu veux peut-être que je t'explique dans quel genre d'endroit nous sommes ? Amaurotain amène : Le forum des Éloquents, c'est le lieu de rendez-vous de tous ceux qui veulent échanger leurs opinions, sur n'importe quel sujet. Tu peux t'exprimer en public, louer une salle privée, ou encore consulter les transcriptions de grands débats qui ont marqué l'Histoire. Amaurotain amène : Moi, j'en ai soupé de ces vieilleries. Ce qu'il me faut, ce sont de vraies joutes verbales sur des sujets d'actualité ! Mon ami adore ça lui aussi, j'espère qu'il ne s'est pas trouvé un autre adversaire... Tu ne voudrais pas aller le chercher pour moi ? Amaurotain amène : Il ne doit pas être bien loin... Ramène-le et je te laisserai assister à notre débat. Comme ça, tu sauras comment les grandes personnes expriment leurs opinions.
Affable Amaurotine: Hey, little one... You came here to debate, didn't you? Why don't you and I have a good laugh? Affable Amaurotine: You don't want to? Too bad... Actually, I've been waiting for a friend for hours. But since he's not coming, I'm forced to look for another discussion partner. Affable Amaurotine: If I understand correctly, you're here as a tourist? Maybe you want me to explain to you what kind of place we're in? Affable Amaurotine: The Hall of Rhetoric is a meeting place for anyone who wants to exchange opinions on any subject. You can express yourself in public, rent a private room, or consult the transcripts of great debates that have marked history. Affable Amaurotine: I've had enough of this junk. What I need are real verbal jousting matches on topical issues! My friend loves that too, I hope he hasn't found another opponent... Wouldn't you like to go and get him for me? Affable Amaurotine: He can't be very far... Bring him back and I'll let you attend our debate. That way you'll know how adults express their opinions.
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Amaurotain disert : ... Ce qui me gêne avec le bureau des créations, c'est l'effrayante précision avec laquelle les concepts y sont consignés. N'importe qui peut ensuite les répliquer au détail près, ce qui pose à mon sens un grave problème de créativ...
Amaurotain disert : ... Euh, tu permets que je finisse ? Je suis au point d'orgue de mon argumentation, là.
Amaurotain disert : ... Je ne dis pas que c'est mal de reprendre une idée existante. Mais en supprimant l'aléa, on ferme la porte à la sérendipité, à cette part de divin qu'on retrouve dans tout processus créatif...
Amaurotain disert : ... Dis donc petit, j'en ai connu des gamins, mais jamais d'aussi collants. Y a pas le feu au lac, que je sache ! Amaurotain disert : ... Zut, je l'avais oublié, celui-là. C'est vrai que je lui avais promis un échange enflammé... Tant pis, je vais devoir remettre cette passion- nante discussion à plus tard.
Loquacious Amaurotine: ... What bothers me about the Bureau of the Architect is the frightening precision with which the concepts are recorded there. Anyone can then replicate them down to the last detail, which I think poses a serious problem of creativ ...
Loquacious Amaurotine: ... Uh, do you mind if I finish? I'm at the climax of my argument here.
Loquacious Amaurotine: ... I'm not saying it's wrong to take up an existing idea. But by removing the randomness, we close the door to serendipity, to that part of the divine that we find in any creative process...
Loquacious Amaurotine: ... Hey, little one, I've known kids, but never one so sticky. There's no fire, as far as I know! Loquacious Amaurotine: ... Damn, I forgot about that one. It's true that I promised him a fiery exchange... Too bad, I'm gonna have to put this exciting discussion later.
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Amaurotain amène : Merci de m'avoir ramené mon ami retardataire. Notre échange d'idées va pouvoir débuter. Surtout, n'hésite pas à réagir à nos propos. Amaurotain amène : Avant tout, mettons-nous d'accord sur le thème du débat. Personnellement, j'aimerais aborder le sujet brûlant du moment : la cité d'outre-mer, qui à l'heure où je te parle est sur le point d'être rayée de la carte. Amaurotain amène : La question est : devons-nous porter secours à ses habitants ? Amaurotain amène : Moi je pense que oui, ne serait-ce que parce que la catastrophe qui s'est produite là-bas est tout à fait inédite de par sa nature. Amaurotain disert : ... Je ne suis pas d'accord. Ce serait prétentieux de vouloir les sauver. Amaurotain amène : Hmm... Je ne vois pas ce qui te fait dire ça... Amaurotain amène : Demandons à notre jeune invité ce qu'il en pense... D'après toi, on sauve la cité sinistrée ou on la laisse disparaître ? WoL: On les sauve, bien sûr! Amaurotain amène : N'est-ce pas ? Un désastre d'une telle ampleur, c'est l'occasion rêvée de mettre à profit notre magie créatrice. Il n'y a rien de plus gratifiant que de déjouer le destin de ses propres mains. Amaurotain disert : Et que faites-vous des populations locales ? Vous leur ôteriez le privilège d'affronter eux-mêmes l'adversité ? Nous sommes assez sages, il me semble, pour ne pas commettre cet impair. Amaurotain amène : ... Ton raisonnement se tient. Mais l'on ne m'enlèvera pas que c'est un véritable gâchis d'ignorer un phénomène aussi spectaculaire, surtout pour nous qui avons à peu près tout vu en matière de catastrophes naturelles...
Affable Amaurotine: Thank you for bringing my late friend back to me. We can now begin our exchange of ideas. Above all, don't hesitate to react to what we say. Affable Amaurotine: First of all, let's agree on the theme of the debate. Personally, I would like to address the hot topic of the moment: the overseas city, which at the moment is about to be wiped off the map. Affable Amaurotine: The question is: should we help its inhabitants? Affable Amaurotine: I think so, if only because the disaster that has occurred there is quite unprecedented in its nature. Loquacious Amaurotine: ... I do not agree. It would be pretentious to want to save them. Affable Amaurotine: Hmm... I don't know what makes you say that... Affable Amaurotine: Let's ask our young guest what they think... Do you think we should save the city or just let it disappear? WoL: We save them, of course! Affable Amaurotine: Right? A disaster of this magnitude is the perfect opportunity to use our creative magic. There is nothing more rewarding than thwarting fate with your own hands. Loquacious Amaurotine: And what about the local people? Would you take away their privilege to face adversity themselves? We are wise enough, it seems to me, not to commit this blunder. Affable Amaurotine: ... Your reasoning holds up. But I won't be denied that it's a real waste to ignore such a spectacular phenomenon, especially for us who have seen just about everything in terms of natural disasters...
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Amaurotain amène : C'était un débat plutôt constructif, et ce n'est pas mon camarade qui me contredira. Amaurotain amène : Évidemment, la question reste entière, mais ce n'est pas un problème. Si nous confrontons nos points de vue, ce n'est pas tant pour savoir qui a raison que pour nous donner matière à réflexion.   Amaurotain amène : Nous autres Amaurotains considérons le débat comme un moyen noble d'aiguiser notre esprit critique, et d'échanger des informations diverses et variées. Amaurotain amène : Tout cela doit te sembler un brin compliqué... Ne t'en fais pas, petit à petit, tu apprendras à exprimer tes opinions de façon précise et convaincante. C'est tout le mal que je te souhaite, en tout cas.
Affable Amaurotine: It was a rather constructive debate, and it is not my comrade who will contradict me. Affable Amaurotine: Of course, the question remains, but it's not a problem. If we confront our points of view, it is not so much to find out who is right as to give us food for thought.   Affable Amaurotine: We Amaurotines see debate as a noble way to sharpen our critical thinking and to exchange a variety of information. Affable Amaurotine: All this must seem a bit complicated to you... Don't worry, little by little you will learn to express your opinions in a precise and convincing way. That's all the trouble I wish you, in any case.
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