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soupercatte · 3 months ago
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I wanted to draw out some of my personal headcanons for Miqo'te that I have, starting with "Mi-kittens"! These are just some fun things I like to think about, so maybe you all will like them too :>
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Carry me home
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apathmakerstale · 2 months ago
I enjoy that in ffxiv that Primals aren't really a threat anymore almost solely due to the Warrior of Light. Like there aren't any in Tural or were introduced in Dawntrail, (partially for lore reasons if I remember right, something about less aether than Eorzea) and they're kinda replaced by Vidraal.
Like yeah, it's died out since the Grand Company of Eorzea is working to improve relations with the Allied Tribes and the Ascians are mostly dead, but like, most people know by now that if you summon a Primal then the WoL's gonna hunt them down. Like they still do get summoned, and the Summoner corps of Ul'dah and people like Fordola and other Scions take care of some of the weaker ones, but it can't be on a grand scale otherwise it'd bring down the WoL on top of them an no one wants that.
We are literally the natural predator to them by now.
Ifrit, Titan, Garuda, Leviathan, Ramuh, Odin, Shiva, Belias (From the Summoner questline), Phoenix, Bahamut, GOOD KING MOGGLE MOG XII, Enkidu, Ravana, Bismarck, Knights of the Round, Alexander, The Warring Triad, Susano, Lakshmi, Shinryu, Tsukiyomi, The Eden Primals, Elidibus' Warrior of Light, The Lunar Primals, Queen Gunnhildr, Daivadipa, The Magus Sisters, Anima, Asura (From Hildebrand questline), Hydaelyn, and Zodiark.
That's like three dozen, and what's more is that most of them we canonically solo'd and slayed multiple times. Plus we can even summon them ourselves too, and even fuse them together like with Solar Bahamut.
We are the Maker's Ruin after all, making a World Without Gods.
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dovalore · 4 months ago
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vrtra in a cat sweater
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bloodsworn-marshal · 5 months ago
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Putting this on my more popular blog but--
Rejoice! Unofficial new lalafell clans made with the help of the community with extra ways to express your character and lore in the shape of Seasfolk and Snowfolk! I tried to make it look as close to what you might see in the encyclopaedia eorzea books and hope it comes across well... thank you for taking a look at my passion project and big thanks to those who contributed to this creation!
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akirakirxaa · 5 months ago
For absolutely no reason at all please reblog if you think grey or blue skinned Duskwight based characters can be Ishgardian.
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1driedpersimmon · 4 months ago
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Wayyy WAAAYYYY back in time :)
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galacticsabc · 7 months ago
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Here, have some dawntrail memes, now that the spoiler embargo is up.
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magitekconveyor · 11 months ago
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At long last! Who The Fuck Is Aulus mal Asina The Powerpoint Presentation: The Tumblr Post.
This was a long labor of love, combing over every piece of lore I could find in-game and in the Encyclopedia Eorzea. I initially made this because whenever I mentioned Aulus, I inevitably got met with "who?", so I thought I would have one place that contained all his lore and how it relates to MSQ as a whole.
For ease of access, here is the twitch link. It goes to a clip from 2018 Fanfest where they discuss Aulus. If you listen veeeeery carefully after he says "He's dead", you can hear a faint "Noooooooo!" in the audience. That...was me. I was actually there for that question and let me tell you I've never had so many heads whip around to stare at me all at once.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and have learned something new about my favorite FFXIV character.
Edit: Coming back since this is gaining a bit of traction to add, if you like what you see here, please check out my friend's FFXIV fangame Indagator , where you can either romance or betray Aulus. It builds off of a lot of the info from above and masterfully expands on it. Mind the tags.
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thegreatyin · 1 year ago
ffxiv really is just an oc maker that happens to be prepackaged with a jrpg mmo. after playing it for long enough you automatically sign a waiver saying you are now emotionally attached to this jrpg protagonist you made up. and you are
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janzoo · 5 months ago
Hello fellow FFXIV gposers! I've made this post to pass along a few tips for working with Aymeric and a few quirks of his model. Both of these tips were picked up along the way - I want to send a thank you to those who gave them to me so I could give them to you.
I'm working with Brio for this. Hopefully they are still applicable to other programs, as I'm not familiar with them.
First: Aymeric's earring. As many of you have seen, his earring is "attached" to his armour, so changing whatever is in his "body" slot removes it. But there's a quick fix:
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Simply enter "86" into the first section.
Second: His hair. It clips through hats and other headgear.
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That is, unless you switch to the player version of his hair, which is number 150 in the hairstyle menu.
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Voila! Aymeric can wear hats now!
That's that. Two easy fixes to make gposing with Aymeric that much better.😄Thanks again to those from whom I picked up these tidbits. I list them here only in the hopes of spreading them to as many people as possible. (And to make an easy reference for myself lol)
Take care, and happy gposing!
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soupercatte · 3 months ago
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I didn't expect these to take off so much! There were some things that didn't fit on the first sketch page (and I had *a lot* of people asking for the extras) so I wanted to try and get some of these out before I moved on to other headcanons about teens/adults.
I also kinda wanna toss up some for other races too :eyes:
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mrlarkstin · 11 months ago
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missazurerose · 3 months ago
Man, how do au ra hear?
Is it lore compliant to say they have ears? Some googling says their ears are their horns. But whispering into someone's horn sounds ridiculous. Or is that how people write it? Lizards do have ears so it's probably not biologically incorrect to say an au ra has ears of some kind. It just feels strange. If you take the more reptile path, whispering into someone's ear hole sounds even less appealing than whispering into a horn.
The fandom had to have discussed this before right? Probably at length. I'm just too new to the fandom to have seen the lore debate. Can an au ra get an earache? Do their horns just hurt? Is it understood that if you say someone is whispering in an au ra's ear, they're murmuring close to like the base of their horns?
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honoura · 6 months ago
Shaaloani: The Land of Enchantment Part One
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Hello again! It's another lore-adjacent post from me about a niche special interest of mine. This time it's Shaaloani, the American Southwest/Northern Mexico inspired zone in FFXIV's Dawntrail.
I want to disclose a few things right at the start just to temper people's expectations: I will not be definitively ID'ing any of the indigenous-inspired structures or visuals as inspired by any specific tribe. That's not my lane! I'm going to link to things that they remind me of, for sure. But otherwise my hyperfocus is going to be on the physical environment, some animals, and the ceruleum as petroleum industry. It's what I recognize best! And what I know best, truthfully.
"Hon why are you doing this?" A variety of reasons honestly. After DT dropped I saw a lot of folks who did at least one of the following:
Commented on the Old West theme park aspect
Called it "miqo'te Texas"
Generally just called the whole map "Texas"
And if I'm honest... it bugged me! Not because I thought anyone was being malicious about it (it's mostly pop culture saturation I'd suspect), but to me it stung a bit that this zone, which I grew up on the fringe of, was... kind of flattened by a lot of people?
I don't know, the response to me just felt like people assumed they knew everything about it because they'd seen it already in movies or TV or Red Dead Redemption rather than the same open-mindedness about what was presented in places like Urqopacha.
This zone isn't just Texas -- yes there are some bits and pieces here (because it's pulling from the Chihuahuan Desert and the Sonoran Desert), but so much of it reminds me of New Mexico, Mexico, and Arizona. There's some Colorado, Utah, and Nevada there too! And the background story going on there is something that still happens in a lot of those states, by both the government and corporations alike.
That variety deserves to be celebrated! So come learn with me about the inspiration for Shaaloani!
Shaaloani Geography
Shaaloani has three major regions in the zone -- Eshceyaani Wilds, Pyariyoanaan Plain, and Yawtanane Grasslands. To get this out of the way, I'm going to tell you the one that reminds me most of Texas.
Lake Taori of the Pyariyoanaan Plain.
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It's river-fed, with canyons on both ends of the Niikwerepi. The trees crowding around it are cypress trees, as you can tell by the little nubby off-shoots called knees. To compare, here is a photo of cypress trees along the Frio River:
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This is also reminiscent of places along the Rio Grande and Pecos Rivers, two significant water sources in West Texas. I also would not call them bayous! Bayous typically have brackish water, are slow-moving, and are way too far east.
However, it could be partly considered a ciénega -- which according to its wikipedia article:
"Ciénagas are usually associated with seeps or springs, found in canyon headwaters or along margins of streams. Ciénagas often occur because the geomorphology forces water to the surface, over large areas, not merely through a single pool or channel."
As a caveat, ciénegas generally don't have trees around them, but I also know that you can't really drown a cypress and they love sunshine. Regardless -- if you see trees in the desert they are typically growing along a water source. Balmorhea State Park has some cottonwood trees native to the area that are going strong.
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Yawtanane Grasslands reads as a mix of the Chihuahuan Desert and the Eastern Plains of Colorado. Both are rather arid and home to a variety of grasses that can thrive in such a climate -- which has historically made both areas home to large cattle industries (whether or not this was ever a good idea is debatable, since cattle are very thirsty animals).
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Meanwhile the Eshceyaani Wilds looks similar to the Sonoran Desert -- the red-hued soil and rocks, the abundance of cacti with the scrub brush and some drought-tolerant grasses. Here's a shot of the Sonoran within Saguaro National Park in Arizona:
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Saguaros also only grow in Arizona in the States! As well as the organ-pipe cactus, which you see in Tender Valley. And prickly pears grow just about anywhere they can get a chance -- as well as barrel cacti, both of which we see in Tender Valley (along with what could be agave!).
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You could probably make a case for it being a piñon-juniper scrubland -- everything's very short compared to those cypress trees, including the juniper trees! Piñon-juniper scrubland's found throughout the Southwest. There are also piñon-juniper savannahs and persistent woodlands intermixed in the same places. The difference lay in what plants you find with the piñon pines and junipers.
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Visually, aside from the Sonoran Desert, I can also see a lot of New Mexico, like the Ghost Ranch in Rio Arriba:
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It matches up with the mountains you can see, and both Yowekwa Canyon and Tender Valley. And of course, Tender Valley is likely a Grand Canyon reference, going by the sheer height of the cliffs. But you could also make a case for Canyonlands National Park in Utah.
There's a shot from Grand View Point Overlook within the park -- the closeness of the canyon walls and the warm earth tones also evoke Tender Valley!
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There's also a lot of these sandstone formations in Utah that better fit Shaaloani -- like here in the Valley of the Gods:
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Shaaloani Structures
I also at this point want to call attention to one of the two sites with cliff dwellings & adobe structures. We just saw Tender Valley above, which is confirmed to be old Yok Huy structures. But check out these Tonawawta buildings below.
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As I stated before, I don't want to state which tribe these two styles remind me of. But I do want to say this again strikes me as another New Mexico and Arizona callback; both the Gila Cliff Dwellings and the Puye Cliff Dwellings are found in two different areas of New Mexico. And the Gíusewa Pueblo, also in New Mexico! Montezuma Castle is found in Arizona, and is pictured below! Look at that rich reddish earth color.
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I also want to call attention to the place of worship for the Tonawawta in Yowekwa Canyon:
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When I saw it my kneejerk response was to call it an ofrenda. But that's ultimately an incomplete response -- that was just the vibe I felt after seeing them during my life! What it also reminds me of are pictographs and petroglyphs. You find these all over the Southwest (the climate helps preserve them!), but I'm going to link some really great examples. I won't provide images to all though!
Crow Canyon Petroglyphs:
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Piedras Madras Canyon at Petroglyph National Monument (New Mexico) Petroglyph Point Trail at Mesa Verde National Park (Colorado) Petroglyph Panel at Canyon Reef National Park (Utah) Nampaweap at Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (Arizona) Horseshoe Canyon at Canyonlands National Park (Utah) and the Hueco Tanks State Park (Texas)
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In contrast, I don't want to spend a ton of time on the boom town structures in this zone; they are pretty straightforward references to mining towns during the different resource booms (gold, silver, copper, oil).
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Similar blocky shapes, built out of wood. One thing I noticed as a neat addition are the decorative patterns painted on it -- again, I don't want to presume if there's a specific tribe tied to this. But I do think it's a neat touch and I want to think that's a design choice to convey the underlying theme that this is a zone at odds with advancing technology and wanting to keep hold of important traditions.
I WILL talk about the ceruleum wells and pumping though. Mostly because I'm impressed that they went with structures that so closely resemble early 20th century oil derricks. Those were also predominately made of wood (including the barrels, yikes!). The pump part of what's called a pumpjack were covered in the old days -- the ones we're most used to seeing now are made of metal and are thus left uncovered.
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However, as you can see from this century old rig, even the wheel's made of wood:
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I don't think ceruleum gushes the same way oil did -- it seems to behave more like natural gas. However, most natural gas pipelines do burn off excess, which can be seen as a little spout of flame atop.
Oil's occupied an awkward spot in the Southwest, and still does. Aside from the heinous crimes committed in Killers of the Flower Moon (where members of the Osage tribe were murdered for their oil shares in Oklahoma) and the Teapot Dome Scandal, oil is just... well.
Bear with me, I'm about to rag on Koana a moment.
The people who make the most money and have the most power over the average roughneck's life never live in the Southwest. They work in the c-suite and have more money than sense.
I find it very fascinating that DT chose to recreate this dynamic, this uncomfortable push-pull of a region rich in a resource, and it's being harvested at the suggestion and behest of a power that is physically removed from the area. And to some NPCs it's with a certain level of disregard to traditions and practices in place before, with the focus on the nebulous quantifier of 'progress'. Progress how? It depends!
But the folks at the highest seat of power never have to grapple with those questions, because to them it's a fairly cut and dry answer. This is the way to proceed, and if they want to take this nation into the "future", then this is the clear way to do it. It speaks to Koana's fixation on foreign technology to the point he de-values his own (partly due to his childhood trauma, which kind of prepped him to be susceptible to it).
Meanwhile the locals are the ones grappling the most with this change -- how it affects their plants and animals. Sometimes pits open up in the earth and ceruleum burns (which, Santa Rita New Mexico sank multiple times into the earth thanks to copper mining). On the map there's even discolored plants -- and they only occur in the vicinity OF the bulk of the ceruleum pumps.
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This is at odds with core beliefs, keeping up with traditional practices. It puts people in the place of 'do I participate in this system, which promises work and the means to take care of my family, even as it pits me against my cultural heritage?'.
Growing up in West Texas, one of the weirdest things to me (to this day) is how many people will claim they love the land. They do! They love the outdoors, they worry over how certain species of animals have become scarcer. But they also work in the single most damaging industry because it pays the most money. It lets them cover bills and give their kids what they never had.
That same push-pull is in Shaaloani narratively; when progress has been thrust upon you, how do you survive it? How do you make sure what's dearest to you comes along with you?
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In Conclusion
I want to call it here for Part One -- Part Two after this will cover more observations I had regarding flora and fauna in the Shaaloani zone, and how that also shows the attention to detail given this zone! It's a good time! There will be dinosaurs!
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plantb0t · 11 months ago
I am still obsessed with the fact that the warrior of light canonically carries up to 2000 smartphones on their person at any given time and uses them like money to pay for stuff
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