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pridebicons · 5 months ago
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meowmeowgender cyn pride icon
requested by anon
like/rb if using + credit
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io-archival · 1 year ago
[PT: meowmeowgender ! /end PT]
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meowmeowgender !
made for my friend
this is a gender that can only be described as feeling like a lil meowmeow
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cocajimmycola · 10 days ago
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VS miku is amasui, polyamorous, nonbinary, mspec, aroacespec, cistrans, monoconcious median system, who has bpd, autism, and adhd. she uses she/her pronouns.
L/n miku is transmasc, polyamorous, aroallo, lesbian, transmasc girl, girlthing, lesboy, miku4miku, amasui, and dichotique. they have autism, ocd, and are hypoempathic. he uses he/they/it pronouns.
MMJ miku is gay, acespec, flomnugender, femme, intersex and experiences amasui. she has npd, dpd, autism and adhd. she uses any pronouns.
VBS miku is bi, trans, unlabelled gender, and experiences amasui. she has hpd, bipolar, and autism. they dont really care about pronouns.
WxS miku is transmasc, bigender, abro, polyamorous, nonbinary, pangay man, mspec, risusaean, transfemmasc, girlthing, boything, catgender, carnivalcoric, nascisilly, sillyvalper, freelekour, sillyfag, genderclown, humorandrogynous, minalence, ridiguygender, playmatelexic, alienantennaeic, apricozyboy, meowmeowgender, whimsylexic, goobersonic, araeshian, miku4miku, amasui, alterhuman, and it has ocd, npd, bpd, autism, and adhd. he uses any pronouns and any neopronouns!
25ji miku is transfem, polyamorous, girlliker, gaybian, femme, etlexic, daydream and amasui. she has ocd, mdd, avpd, and autism. she uses she/they/it pronouns.
they are all dating!
tagging @en8y @losergendered @queersekai
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gendernivata · 2 years ago
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Row 1: Baabaagender + Alt. Flag Row 2: Oinkoinkgender + Alt. Flag Row 3: Meowmeowgender + Alt. Flag
1. Baabaagender - a gender that is connected to the sound of an animal baaing or animal baas in general. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
2. Oinkoinkgender - a gender that is connected to the sound of an animal oinking or animal oinks in general. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
3. Meowmeowgender - a gender that is connected to the sound of an animal meowing or animal meows in general. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
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Row 1: Baabaagender + Alt. Flag Row 2: Oinkoinkgender + Alt. Flag Row 3: Meowmeowgender + Alt. Flag
1. Baabaagender - a gender that is connected to the sound of an animal baaing or animal baas in general. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
2. Oinkoinkgender - a gender that is connected to the sound of an animal oinking or animal oinks in general. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
3. Meowmeowgender - a gender that is connected to the sound of an animal meowing or animal meows in general. It can be masculine, feminine, etc.
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neopronouns · 3 years ago
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barcode header for anon! flags in order are wizardaesic, acespec, cosmiaustric, arospec, trans, pan, lexecryptidaesic, netellionic, staraesic, and meowmeowgender.
image id: the listed flags arranged side-by-side. they have been rotated 90 degrees so that their stripes are now vertical and have been resized so that each stripe is the same width. end id.
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Eridan Ampora from Homestuck is an autistic syllelois chronoalterni alternidernic vincian-angled aroace gendersylphen genderhoarder genderverse royalirisic psyschiyk stickynotic postickynotic negstickynotic axolumin lovenightcoric guroliminic stellarosic sugarpopic uvcoloric citipluvic cretasiderium oldmagicgender meowmeowgender woofwoofgender wizardaesic prielementic subterroric beachesqe biotijelic clearswimmic murkyswimmic exspiravitgender villaroyagentic gothfashionaesic aquafoggic stormynightaesic runrunsongic thisdayariasongic mosfnafsongic heprincessic theyprincessic psymagix blacklightgender vivino prihopeasic hopeasicesse royalhopeasic alternic princlasic princlasicesse royalprinclasic lovecoregender dersegender obscurderse trollgender prosekaigender achillepoemic okeyemojic florivintic liminalgender mikuberryfem fempupnightic sharkcorfishean analogcatgender emptillnohin prianitronic anitronicesse royalanitronic biocealovecoric hemocoric (op spelt it as hemocoriic) homestuckgender realityglitchic nostalmoonic bluehouraesic laumazeia seancegender celesistarcomfic fluffcomfaesic sofstrawbmewic pastrafriendic rawrgender obsesscoriccatbackroomic lavenskystellic llunure rainsoundic astrostarlic cosmicdocgender cosmodeic dieufilleix killic gnawstimmic vamprian seaic loverboy with BPD, NPD, DPD, HPD, schizophrenia, PTSD, OCD, hypersexuality, and depression who uses all pronouns, but heavily prefers he/him, it/its, and space-, horror-, and sea-themed neopronouns!
Glub is matesprits with Sollux Captor, an autistic syllelois chronoalterni alternidernic polysexual beegender technogender honeygender transgender hazardgender xenoboy with bipolar disorder, ASPD, and depression who uses he/him, it/its, they/them, buzz/buzzs, bee/bees, two/twos, 🐝/🐝s, and 🔴🔵/🔴🔵s pronouns!
Glub is also matesprits with Equius Zahhak, an autistic equusagender robotgender milkgender horsetix transmasculine litvoidgender bluegender rainbatbluic troll with DPD, hypersexuality, and HPD who uses he/him, it/its, neigh/neighs, milk/milks, horse/horses, they/them, 🥛/🥛s, and 🐴/🐴s pronouns!
They're all very close and help each other cope with their respective disorders!
dni link
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
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Diya from Butterfly Soup is a selectively mute autistic doggender pupgender woofwoofgender pupcute pupstimmic mutedgender demigirl lesbian with social anxiety who uses she/her, pup/pups, woof/woofs, dog/dogs, and no pronouns, and pup’s dating Min-seo, a neurodivergent butch trans nonbinary genderpunk agender ahauntic les4les lesbian who uses any pronouns! They’re both friends with Akarsha, a bisexual nonbinary genderfluid girlflux boyflux demigender catgender genderpurr meowmeowgender ciellagender weblinguic lexefunkyic person with ADHD who uses she/her, he/him, cat/cats, and web/webs pronouns, and Akarsha is dating Noelle, an undiagnosed autistic transfemme questioning lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Davepetasprite^2 from Homestuck is an autistic queerfuck autikenic gendernovaie kenoboötesen lunei celeduvoiden neutronstellaia protostellaia redwarstellaia whitedwarstellaia mainsequenstellaia supergistellaia saturocki kenochoric 2000scenearcadic gemcatgender PLURgender kidcoric rainbowgender rainbowcoric vaporwavecoric deathcute autisunixic cutegender excikittyic scenecoric scenecatian prettycatboygender catpawgender femascdox ravefelic sparklefurgender meowmeowgender [2000s]animepinkgender catgender mewygender phoscosmoial phosnightial phosneonial phosarcadial phosolclipsial phostarrial phosgalactial phosmorilial phosmagial phosmagigirlial phosbiolumial phoscometial phosblackholial phostvial phosiridescial phosflickerial phosfulgurial phosglitchial phosesterial phosarcolorial phoshazarial phosirisial phosdiscoial phosvaial phosholoial phosprisimial phoscrystillial phosboomial phosrosial phoswispial phosgeoial phoseldritchial phospotial phosfractial phosledial phosdoxial phosglowial phosdimensial phosuvial neonlexic spiralexic lovestickeric frogkidmasc felisprinklic sugarpopic kaleidoscopegender astronomique skrunklygender critterlexic sillykittygender genderpunk cringecoric trendercoric glitchcoric nostalgiacoric dreamcoric weirdcoric 90scoric 80scoric eldritchcute kittyaesic scemoartic transqian webcocatgender sprite who uses nya/nyas, it/its, they/them, and kitty/kittys pronouns!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
Eridan Ampora is a gendersylphen, genderhoarder, genderverse, royalirisic, psyschiyk, stickynotic, postickynotic, negstickynotic, axolumin, lovenightcoric, guroliminic, stellarosic, sugarpopic, uvcoloric, citipluvic, cretasiderium, oldmagicgender, meowmeowgender, woofwoofgender, wizardaesic, prielementic, subterroric, beachesqe, biotijelic, clearswimmic, murkyswimmic, exspiravitgender, villaroyagentic, gothfashionaesic, aquafoggic, stormynightaesic, runrunsongic, thisdayariasongic, mosfnafsongic, heprincessic, theyprincessic, psymagix, blacklightgender, vivino, prihopeasic, hopeasicesse, royalhopeasic, alternic, princlasic, princlasicesse, royalprinclasic, lovecoregender, dersegender, obscurderse, trollgender, prosekaigender, achillepoemic, okeyemojic, florivintic, liminalgender, mikuberryfem, fempupnightic, sharkcorfishean, analogcatgender, emptillnohin, prianitronic, anitronicesse, royalanitronic, biocealovecoric, hemocoric (op spelt it as hemocoriic), homestuckgender, realityglitchic, nostalmoonic, bluehouraesic, laumazeia, seancegender, celesistarcomfic, fluffcomfaesic, sofstrawbmewic, pastrafriendic, rawrgender, obsesscoric,catbackroomic, lavenskystellic, llunure, rainsoundic, astrostarlic, cosmicdocgender, cosmodeic, dieufilleix, killic, gnawstimmic, vamprian, seaic, loverboy, syllelois, alternidernic, chronoalterni, angled aroace vincian troll who has autism, BPD, NPD, DPD, HPD, schizophrenia, PTSD, OCD, hypersexuality, depression and uses all pronouns, but heavily prefers he/him, it/its, space, horror, and sea neopronouns. Glub is matesprits with Sollux Captor, a beegender, technogender, honeygender, transgender, hazardgender, polysexual, syllelois, alternidernic, chronoalterni xenoboy with autism, bipolar disorder, ASPD, and depression who uses he/him, it/its, they/them, buzz/buzzs, bee/bees, two/twos, 🐝/🐝s and 🔴🔵/🔴🔵s and Equius Zahhak, an equusagender, robotgender, milkgender, horsetix, transmasculine, litvoidgender, bluegender, rainbatbluic troll with autism, DPD, hypersexuality, HPD, and uses he/him, it/its, neigh/neighs, milk/milks, horse/horses, they/them, 🥛/🥛s, and 🐴/🐴s. They are all very close and help each other cope with their respective disorders!
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neopronouns · 3 years ago
can i get a barcode header of the trans flag, the arospec and acespec flags, the pan flag, fairytalelexic, cosmiaurastric, meowmeowgender, lexecryptidaesic, wizardaesic, netellionic, and staraesic? thx! ^_^
do you have a link or coiner username for fairytalelexic? if not, i can just do this without it!
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
davepetasprite^2 is a queerfuck autikenic gendernovaie kenoboötesen lunei celeduvoiden neutronstellaia protostellaia redwarstellaia whitedrawstellaia mainsequenstellaia supergistellaia saturocki kenochoric 2000scenearcadic gemcatgender PLURgender kidcoric rainbowgender rainbowcoric vaporwavecoric deathcute autisunixic cutegender excikittyic scenecoric scenecatian prettycatboygender catpawgender femascdox ravefelic sparklefurgender meowmeowgender [2000s]animepinkgender catgender mewygender meowmeowgender scenecatian phoscosmoial phosnightial phosneonial phosarcadial phosolclipsial phostarrial phosgalactial phosmorilial phosmagial phosmagigirlial phosbiolumial phoscometial phosblackholial phostvial phosiridescial phosflickerial phosfulgurial phosglitchial phosesterial phosarcolorial phoshazarial phosirisial phosdiscoial phosvaial phosholoial phosprisimial phoscrystillial phosboomial phosrosial phoswispial phosgeoial phoseldritchial phospotial phosfractial phosledial phosdoxial phosglowial phosdimensial phosuvial neonlexic spiralexic lovestickeric kandilexic frogkidmasc felisprinklic sugarpopic kaleidoscopegender. nya uses nya/it/they/kitty pronouns, and is autistic!
queerfuck davepeta req anon here, forgot 2 add astronomique!
davepetasprite^2 anon here again , i forgot skrunklygender and critterlexic!
.......davepetasprite anon. again. its also sillykittygender.
♌^2 anon
hiii hi hi. adding meteorun 2 the davepeta ask
♌^2 anon
adding genderpunk cringecoric trendercoric glitchcoric nostalgiacoric dreamcoric weirdcoric 90scoric and 80scoric 2 my davepetasprite req!
♌^2 anon
......... also adding eldritchcute 2 the davepeta req-- so sorry :[ /srs
♌^2 anon
hi! if it isnt a problem, could you add kittyaesic, scemoartic, transqian, and webcocatgender to my davepetasprite request? thank you!
♌^2 anon 
queued! i couldn’t find meteorun, so if you or anyone else has a link/coiner username/etc. just lmk
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
Diya from Butterfly Soup is a selectively mute autistic doggender pupgender woofwoofgender pupcute pupstimmic mutedgender demigirl lesbian with social anxiety who uses she/her, pup/pups, woof/woofs, dog/dogs, and no pronouns. Pup’s dating Min-seo, a neurodivergent trans non-binary genderpunk agender butch les4les lesbian who uses any pronouns. They’re both friends with Akarsha, a non-binary genderfluid girlfux boyflux demigender catgender genderpurr meowmeowgender ciellagender weblinguic lexefunkyic bisexual with ADHD who uses she/her, he/him, cat/cats, and web/webs pronouns. He’s dating Noelle, an undiagnosed autistic transfemme questioning lesbian who uses she/her pronouns.
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plushself · 4 years ago
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meowmeowgender !
made for my friend
this is a gender that can only be described as feeling like a lil meowmeow
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