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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
☝️ true that! Always!
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
Knowing that there is an imbalance in your life is the first step toward changing it.
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
I am enough
Today I wear this ring to remind me I am enough. Sometimes just a little good thought in the morning can boost your mood, maybe not a lot or everyday but sometimes it does. I don't know if it's the temperature , hour change or what is affecting me, but these last few days has been a bit harsh emotionally. I am trying to remind myself that it's ok, everyone has bad days and that I am enough even if I sometimes don't think I am.
Be positive and remember to be around people that helps lift yourself back up. Sometimes the person will just say "I need a hug" well give them that hug you might think it means nothing but to the person it does, it means everything.
So my today's reminder, I am enough and you are too.
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
Growth 💟
We all do, we all need it, we all go through it no matter what.
We all go through it differently, some have it easier then others. But it all just makes us stronger in the end even if it doesn't seem like it.
You matter!
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
Always remember to take time to take care of yourself!
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
Don't try to be somebody else. Always be you, for you!
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
Already December. Where has the time /months even this year went? Honestly I don't know cause I feel as if I didn't see any of it.
Honestly for me personally, this year has been great, started working from home because of the pendemic which made my health even better so in other words my IBS has been good to me, I do still have days here and there but alot less. Finally been diagnosed with vaginismus late last year (after years of pain and my dr brushing it off) and finally this year got the help I needed for it, I am not completely cured but it is coming along.
This might not be alot for someone but for me it's the world. I am hoping tough that everything that is happening in the world stops, there is way too much stuff happening that is not even right and I so wish I could do something about it but yet again we can only be positive about the outcome of it all.
Hoping everyone stays safe and gets good holidays but also that you guys get all that you ever wanted. Even if you think you're not going anywhere, check again cause you are climing that mountain my dear, it might be slow but you are getting there. Hard work pays off.
Be kind to everyone, be positive and work hard.
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
No one will ever do it for you.
Do things that makes you happy, dream big.
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
Today, I decide to love myself. Take time for you. Self care.
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
You're a diamond dear, they can't break you!
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
Self care
Today I had a tuff day. After work I decided to go take a bath to relax, I usually go on my cell (I know I shouldn't and I know that ain't really relaxing). I did go on it a little but after I actually layed down in the bath to relaxing and do some breathing. After I got out. I did a face mask which is really rare I do so.
I realized that I need to do that more often. I was still out of it because of my day. But I did feel a bit more relaxed and it helped my dry skin on my face. Then I watched an episode of friends. It's my go to when I'm happy /sad /sleepy/ depressed you name it. After that episode with my bath and face mask included I felt much better and I was also in a better mood.
Self care is a must and it's something I really need to put in place. I don't do it has a should and I realized tonight that it helped a whole lot.
Remember, your health wether it's physical / emotional / mental you name it. It's a must. Because if you don't take a break at some point. Your body will for you.
Learn to relax / breath / take time / meditate (again something I should do more often) do something that makes you happy for once.
Let live ❤️
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
Haven't posted in a while! Work and holidays keeping me busy!
Hoping everyone is doing well 😊
👇Have you taken a deep breath today? If not, now would be the time to do so! Take care of yourself.
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
This is something I never do!
After I got up this morning instead of sitting on the couch on my phone or watch something on tv. I sat down at the table with my coffee and wrote quotes that I want to share and idea's of stories I want to share. I'm working really hard on this and I hope you enjoy it and that it helps someone to brighten up your day!
Always wanted to do this but never took the actual time and didn't know where to start. Well this is my start!
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
You matter in life! You matter to someone!
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
~ One day you'll realize your worth. It just needs to be with the right people.~
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anxiouslydry · 4 years ago
You are a bright star in the universe, don't let people tell you otherwise
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