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canalmenorca · 5 months ago
La BARRERA MENORQUINA de Ullastre para delimitar propiedades
La BARRERA MENORQUINA de Ullastre para delimitar propiedades
Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de canalmenorca.com (@canalmenorca) La BARRERA MENORQUINA, son puertas de madera de acebuche (ullastre) que se utilizan comúnmente en la isla de MENORCA para delimitar propiedades, campos de cultivo, cami de cavalls o áreas de pastoreo. Sirven para controlar el paso por los “portells” abiertos en los muros de ” ” (piedra seca) que…
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lolaalmagroshoes · 17 days ago
El Mediterráneo ha sido cuna de innumerables influencias en la moda, el arte y el diseño. Su rica historia, su clima cálido y su estilo de vida relajado han dejado una huella imborrable en la estética contemporánea. Dentro del mundo de la moda, el estilo mediterráneo en el calzado para mujer se ha convertido en un referente de comodidad, frescura y elegancia natural.
Otra información que te puede interesar:
menorquinas originales
menorquinas con plataforma
sandalias planas de cuero
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hablandoele · 7 months ago
Episodio 41
41. Bebidas Tradicionales de España: Sangría, Tinto de Verano y Más… Cada sorbo de estas bebidas es un viaje con destino a España, un pasaporte directo a su historia y a tradiciones que han resistido al paso de los años. Hoy, les invito a descubrir los secretos detrás del refrescante Tinto de Verano, la emblemática Sangría, la deliciosa Agua de Valencia y otras bebidas icónicas de España. ¿Por…
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useless-catalanfacts · 1 year ago
A traditional Christmas carol from Menorca (Balearic Islands). Like many Christmas songs from the Catalan Countries, the song's lyrics focus on the shepherds who celebrate the day.
Original lyrics in Catalan and translation to English:
Jo som es pastor més gros qui venc per entre ses murtes amb ses faldes curtes, curtes, i es mostatxos plens d'arròs. I am the biggest shepherd I have come here between the myrtle trees with very short skirts and the moustache full of rice. Toca timbal, toca Pascual, toca Regina, tot són festes d'alegria ses de Pasco i de Nadal. Play, drum. Play, Pascual. Play, Regina. It's all festivities of happiness, those of Easter and Christmas. Jo qui som es quart pastor que no tenc més que una coca i me la llev de sa boca per donar-la al sant minyó. I am the fourth shepherd I have nothing more than one flatbread and I take it away from my mouth to give it to the holy child. Toca timbal, toca Pascual, toca Regina, tot són festes d'alegria ses de Pasco i de Nadal. Play, drum. Play, Pascual. Play, Regina. It's all festivities of happiness, those of Easter and Christmas.
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fucktalunyafucktugal · 1 year ago
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Buscando en el baúl de los recuerdos, uhúhu... 🎵🎵
(Va de lenguas nazionalistas)
¿Por qué no encontramos hasta 1.510 ninguna Academia de las letras, o de la lengua Catalana? ¿Será que dicha lengua no existía?
Antoni Elías i Rubert, en 1817, como secretario de la “Academia de las Bones LLetres de Barcelona”, pidió a todos los miembros componentes de dicha Academia, si le podían conseguir una Gramática antigua de la lengua catalana. No pudiendo conseguir ninguna, encargó a Pere Pau Ballot que redactara una gramática de la llenga Catalana.
¿Por qué será que todos los miembros y el secretario de La Academia de las Bonas Lletras de Barcelona, no pudiera encontrar una sola gramática de la llengo catalana, en 1817? ¿Será por que no habían tenido ninguna gramática hasta esta fecha?
Antoni de Bofarull y Mariano Flotats (catedráticos de la Universidad de Barcelona y archiveros de la corona de Aragón) en 1848, tradujeron al castellano y editaron “la Historia de la Vida del Monarca don Jaime I de Aragón, el Conquistador”. Como hacen constar partiendo de la escrita por el mismo monarca en lemosín.
Pompeu Fabra, en 1.913, editó el “Diccionari de la Llenga catalana”. (Diccionario que había robado a mossen Antonio Mª Alcover y Sureda, representante de las diócesis de Baleares y al representante de las diócesis de Valencia padre jesuita Luis Fullana Mira). Diccionario, que tenía que haber editado el propio Pompeu Fabra, como diccionario de las Lenguas Valenciana-Catalana-Balear, que habían patrocinado las Diócesis de Valencia, Cataluña y Baleares.
¿Por qué lo tenían que denominar valenciano, catalán, balear, si todo era un mismo idioma, el catalán?
Manuel Azaña, presidente de la república española, el 21 de noviembre de 1936, ordenó la creación de la cátedra de la lengua Valenciana. ¿Porque no ordenó la de la lengua catalana?
¿Por qué será que tantos escritores en tantos escritos, gramáticas y diccionarios dicen y afirman ser de las lenguas lemosina, Valenciana, Mallorquina, o Menorquina, y tan poquísimos lo dicen, o afirman de la catalana?
Lo que no puede ser, no puede ser, y además es imposible.
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playviajar · 6 months ago
Información útil folletos viaje Menorca 2024 - PARTE 1
En en bonito pueblo de Alaior, hacen este espectáculo nocturno.
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Buen chiringuito para ver puestas de sol, muy conocido en la zona y mucha afluencia de gente. Acercarse si se está por la zona de Ciutadella.
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Es un Beach Club, al lado del Hola Ola y también se pueden disfrutar de las puestas de sol, en cambio en este lugar puedes degustar de una cena placentera.
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Hotel Restaurante Bahia, situado en una cala con preciosas vistas, se recomienda ir a cenar para disfrutar de una puesta de sol.
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Información para visitar las calas tan afamadas de Macarella y Macarelleta, solo se pueden hacer en autobus, desde Ciutadella salen constantemente.
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Si se viaja con menores a Menorca, este es un buen plan para visitar el zoo.
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Marca menorquina donde podrás acudir a una quesería para disfrutar de una experiencia única en la isla.
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Restaurante de cocina gastronómica típica de la zona.
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Fabuloso hotel en zona Ciutadella, Cala en Bosc con bonitas vistas al mar, acceso directo a playa de arena y zona tranquila.
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Vive un día lleno de experiencias con excursiones marítimas en Menorca.
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Otro plan de visita a una quesería menorquina.
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Excursiones en barco.
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botiga-sabate · 10 months ago
Menorquina Cuña, Nellakis, 552 Marca Nellakis. Model 552 Sandàlies tipus Menorquina feta a Espanya de pell ecològica i amb falca, còmodes i ideals per al dia a dia. Disponible en colors bàsics vermell, blanc, marró i negre llis per combinar. Alçada de la falca de 3cm. Temporada Primavera-Estiu.
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christianlanden · 1 year ago
La Menorquina relaunches its business plan with the support of Taconic Capital and Cheyne
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It expects to grow 25% at the end of this year and exceed pre-Covid 19 sales
Obtain financing to continue with your activity and refinance your working capital
Farggi , the Catalan company known for being the owner of La Menorquina ice cream , has reached an agreement to obtain financing for its business plan, on the one hand, and refinance its working capital, on the other, after reaching an agreement with the debt fund American Taconic Capital. The horizon of the company, which during the pandemic received the support of the Cheyne Capital fund , its main shareholder, is to reach 105 million euros in revenue by the end of 2023, the year in which it will also end with 22 production lines and one extended presence in 40 countries.
After this operation, advised by Arcano's debt team, the Catalan company achieves more visibility to undertake its strategy. To begin with, in January of this year it managed to get Cheyne, its main shareholder, to approve a contribution of more than 12 million euros to cover its working capital needs and prepare this year's campaign.
Of the total amount, the majority was achieved through a participatory loan and the remaining amount through lines of credit with financial institutions and with a guarantee from the fund itself. "With this financing, Lacrem (Farggi) will be able to continue responding to its clients and capture the good growth prospects it has for the coming years ," company sources explain.
Now, Taconic is breaking in to relaunch the company's business plan, although it has not participated alone in the operation, sources with knowledge of the matter say. This debt fund is known in Spain, among other things, for having become the largest creditor of the highways that were privatized and later bankrupt. The American group has also obtained credits from financial entities in other projects, such as the unpaid debt of the Valencia Marina.
Farggi results
From January to March of this year, the company's results have improved and even exceeded the figures previously budgeted for this year. Thus, in 2023, Lacrem has managed to close the year for the third consecutive year with growth equal to or greater than 25% and achieve sales 1.8 times higher than those recorded in 2019. "This high growth is the fruit of the effort made in the recent years to consolidate itself in the Spanish market as the first Spanish own-brand ice cream manufacturer," Lacrem sources add in this regard.
This milestone has been possible thanks to a plan executed by management, which ranges from improving industrial costs to greater efficiency and productivity of manufacturing lines or reinforcement of supervisors' manufacturing lines, according to the latest report. available in the Commercial Registry.
In the same documentation it was already revealed that Farggi was evaluating new financing models to strengthen its structure and renew the debt with banking entities on time , as well as allow the necessary financing due to the "high growth" that the company was experiencing.
Farggi, which was founded 80 years ago by the Catalan family that gives its name to the group, the Farga, now closes a new milestone after having overcome the turbulence of the coronavirus , which forced its current owner to explore a loan of up to 70 million through the fund articulated by SEPI (Fasee) for strategic companies.
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lindaboggers · 1 year ago
La Menorquina relaunches its business plan with the support of Taconic Capital and Cheyne
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It expects to grow 25% at the end of this year and exceed pre-Covid 19 sales
Obtain financing to continue with your activity and refinance your working capital
Farggi , the Catalan company known for being the owner of La Menorquina ice cream , has reached an agreement to obtain financing for its business plan, on the one hand, and refinance its working capital, on the other, after reaching an agreement with the debt fund American Taconic Capital. The horizon of the company, which during the pandemic received the support of the Cheyne Capital fund , its main shareholder, is to reach 105 million euros in revenue by the end of 2023, the year in which it will also end with 22 production lines and one extended presence in 40 countries.
After this operation, advised by Arcano's debt team, the Catalan company achieves more visibility to undertake its strategy. To begin with, in January of this year it managed to get Cheyne, its main shareholder, to approve a contribution of more than 12 million euros to cover its working capital needs and prepare this year's campaign.
Of the total amount, the majority was achieved through a participatory loan and the remaining amount through lines of credit with financial institutions and with a guarantee from the fund itself. "With this financing, Lacrem (Farggi) will be able to continue responding to its clients and capture the good growth prospects it has for the coming years ," company sources explain.
Now, Taconic is breaking in to relaunch the company's business plan, although it has not participated alone in the operation, sources with knowledge of the matter say. This debt fund is known in Spain, among other things, for having become the largest creditor of the highways that were privatized and later bankrupt. The American group has also obtained credits from financial entities in other projects, such as the unpaid debt of the Valencia Marina.
Farggi results
From January to March of this year, the company's results have improved and even exceeded the figures previously budgeted for this year. Thus, in 2023, Lacrem has managed to close the year for the third consecutive year with growth equal to or greater than 25% and achieve sales 1.8 times higher than those recorded in 2019. "This high growth is the fruit of the effort made in the recent years to consolidate itself in the Spanish market as the first Spanish own-brand ice cream manufacturer," Lacrem sources add in this regard.
This milestone has been possible thanks to a plan executed by management, which ranges from improving industrial costs to greater efficiency and productivity of manufacturing lines or reinforcement of supervisors' manufacturing lines, according to the latest report. available in the Commercial Registry.
In the same documentation it was already revealed that Farggi was evaluating new financing models to strengthen its structure and renew the debt with banking entities on time , as well as allow the necessary financing due to the "high growth" that the company was experiencing.
Farggi, which was founded 80 years ago by the Catalan family that gives its name to the group, the Farga, now closes a new milestone after having overcome the turbulence of the coronavirus , which forced its current owner to explore a loan of up to 70 million through the fund articulated by SEPI (Fasee) for strategic companies.
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georgeschuylerfinance · 1 year ago
La Menorquina relaunches its business plan with the support of Taconic Capital and Cheyne
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It expects to grow 25% at the end of this year and exceed pre-Covid 19 sales
Obtain financing to continue with your activity and refinance your working capital
Farggi , the Catalan company known for being the owner of La Menorquina ice cream , has reached an agreement to obtain financing for its business plan, on the one hand, and refinance its working capital, on the other, after reaching an agreement with the debt fund American Taconic Capital. The horizon of the company, which during the pandemic received the support of the Cheyne Capital fund , its main shareholder, is to reach 105 million euros in revenue by the end of 2023, the year in which it will also end with 22 production lines and one extended presence in 40 countries.
After this operation, advised by Arcano's debt team, the Catalan company achieves more visibility to undertake its strategy. To begin with, in January of this year it managed to get Cheyne, its main shareholder, to approve a contribution of more than 12 million euros to cover its working capital needs and prepare this year's campaign.
Of the total amount, the majority was achieved through a participatory loan and the remaining amount through lines of credit with financial institutions and with a guarantee from the fund itself. "With this financing, Lacrem (Farggi) will be able to continue responding to its clients and capture the good growth prospects it has for the coming years ," company sources explain.
Now, Taconic is breaking in to relaunch the company's business plan, although it has not participated alone in the operation, sources with knowledge of the matter say. This debt fund is known in Spain, among other things, for having become the largest creditor of the highways that were privatized and later bankrupt. The American group has also obtained credits from financial entities in other projects, such as the unpaid debt of the Valencia Marina.
Farggi results
From January to March of this year, the company's results have improved and even exceeded the figures previously budgeted for this year. Thus, in 2023, Lacrem has managed to close the year for the third consecutive year with growth equal to or greater than 25% and achieve sales 1.8 times higher than those recorded in 2019. "This high growth is the fruit of the effort made in the recent years to consolidate itself in the Spanish market as the first Spanish own-brand ice cream manufacturer," Lacrem sources add in this regard.
This milestone has been possible thanks to a plan executed by management, which ranges from improving industrial costs to greater efficiency and productivity of manufacturing lines or reinforcement of supervisors' manufacturing lines, according to the latest report. available in the Commercial Registry.
In the same documentation it was already revealed that Farggi was evaluating new financing models to strengthen its structure and renew the debt with banking entities on time , as well as allow the necessary financing due to the "high growth" that the company was experiencing.
Farggi, which was founded 80 years ago by the Catalan family that gives its name to the group, the Farga, now closes a new milestone after having overcome the turbulence of the coronavirus , which forced its current owner to explore a loan of up to 70 million through the fund articulated by SEPI (Fasee) for strategic companies.
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canalmenorca · 1 year ago
Menorca. Tradiciones. Barrera menorquina
De ullastre o acebuche
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lolaalmagroshoes · 1 month ago
En este artículo exploraremos la historia, el origen y la evolución de este icónico calzado, así como su impacto en el mundo de la moda actual.
Otra información que te puede interesar:
Menorquinas originales
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saltygardenerlove · 1 year ago
La Menorquina relaunches its business plan with the support of Taconic Capital and Cheyne
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It expects to grow 25% at the end of this year and exceed pre-Covid 19 sales
Obtain financing to continue with your activity and refinance your working capital
Farggi , the Catalan company known for being the owner of La Menorquina ice cream , has reached an agreement to obtain financing for its business plan, on the one hand, and refinance its working capital, on the other, after reaching an agreement with the debt fund American Taconic Capital. The horizon of the company, which during the pandemic received the support of the Cheyne Capital fund , its main shareholder, is to reach 105 million euros in revenue by the end of 2023, the year in which it will also end with 22 production lines and one extended presence in 40 countries.
After this operation, advised by Arcano's debt team, the Catalan company achieves more visibility to undertake its strategy. To begin with, in January of this year it managed to get Cheyne, its main shareholder, to approve a contribution of more than 12 million euros to cover its working capital needs and prepare this year's campaign.
Of the total amount, the majority was achieved through a participatory loan and the remaining amount through lines of credit with financial institutions and with a guarantee from the fund itself. "With this financing, Lacrem (Farggi) will be able to continue responding to its clients and capture the good growth prospects it has for the coming years ," company sources explain.
Now, Taconic is breaking in to relaunch the company's business plan, although it has not participated alone in the operation, sources with knowledge of the matter say. This debt fund is known in Spain, among other things, for having become the largest creditor of the highways that were privatized and later bankrupt. The American group has also obtained credits from financial entities in other projects, such as the unpaid debt of the Valencia Marina.
Farggi results
From January to March of this year, the company's results have improved and even exceeded the figures previously budgeted for this year. Thus, in 2023, Lacrem has managed to close the year for the third consecutive year with growth equal to or greater than 25% and achieve sales 1.8 times higher than those recorded in 2019. "This high growth is the fruit of the effort made in the recent years to consolidate itself in the Spanish market as the first Spanish own-brand ice cream manufacturer," Lacrem sources add in this regard.
This milestone has been possible thanks to a plan executed by management, which ranges from improving industrial costs to greater efficiency and productivity of manufacturing lines or reinforcement of supervisors' manufacturing lines, according to the latest report. available in the Commercial Registry.
In the same documentation it was already revealed that Farggi was evaluating new financing models to strengthen its structure and renew the debt with banking entities on time , as well as allow the necessary financing due to the "high growth" that the company was experiencing.
Farggi, which was founded 80 years ago by the Catalan family that gives its name to the group, the Farga, now closes a new milestone after having overcome the turbulence of the coronavirus , which forced its current owner to explore a loan of up to 70 million through the fund articulated by SEPI (Fasee) for strategic companies.
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bertrhert · 1 year ago
La Menorquina relaunches its business plan with the support of Taconic Capital and Cheyne
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It expects to grow 25% at the end of this year and exceed pre-Covid 19 sales
Obtain financing to continue with your activity and refinance your working capital
Farggi , the Catalan company known for being the owner of La Menorquina ice cream , has reached an agreement to obtain financing for its business plan, on the one hand, and refinance its working capital, on the other, after reaching an agreement with the debt fund American Taconic Capital. The horizon of the company, which during the pandemic received the support of the Cheyne Capital fund , its main shareholder, is to reach 105 million euros in revenue by the end of 2023, the year in which it will also end with 22 production lines and one extended presence in 40 countries.
After this operation, advised by Arcano's debt team, the Catalan company achieves more visibility to undertake its strategy. To begin with, in January of this year it managed to get Cheyne, its main shareholder, to approve a contribution of more than 12 million euros to cover its working capital needs and prepare this year's campaign.
Of the total amount, the majority was achieved through a participatory loan and the remaining amount through lines of credit with financial institutions and with a guarantee from the fund itself. "With this financing, Lacrem (Farggi) will be able to continue responding to its clients and capture the good growth prospects it has for the coming years ," company sources explain.
Now, Taconic is breaking in to relaunch the company's business plan, although it has not participated alone in the operation, sources with knowledge of the matter say. This debt fund is known in Spain, among other things, for having become the largest creditor of the highways that were privatized and later bankrupt. The American group has also obtained credits from financial entities in other projects, such as the unpaid debt of the Valencia Marina.
Farggi results
From January to March of this year, the company's results have improved and even exceeded the figures previously budgeted for this year. Thus, in 2023, Lacrem has managed to close the year for the third consecutive year with growth equal to or greater than 25% and achieve sales 1.8 times higher than those recorded in 2019. "This high growth is the fruit of the effort made in the recent years to consolidate itself in the Spanish market as the first Spanish own-brand ice cream manufacturer," Lacrem sources add in this regard.
This milestone has been possible thanks to a plan executed by management, which ranges from improving industrial costs to greater efficiency and productivity of manufacturing lines or reinforcement of supervisors' manufacturing lines, according to the latest report. available in the Commercial Registry.
In the same documentation it was already revealed that Farggi was evaluating new financing models to strengthen its structure and renew the debt with banking entities on time , as well as allow the necessary financing due to the "high growth" that the company was experiencing.
Farggi, which was founded 80 years ago by the Catalan family that gives its name to the group, the Farga, now closes a new milestone after having overcome the turbulence of the coronavirus , which forced its current owner to explore a loan of up to 70 million through the fund articulated by SEPI (Fasee) for strategic companies.
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botiga-sabate · 10 months ago
Menorquines de Pell, Talles 39-46 Sandàlia tipus Menorquina talles disponibles 39-46, fabricades senceres de pell. Tacó pla. Plantilla de pell reciclada. Estil clàssic de lestiu. Colors blau Marí, marró i blanc. Fetes a Espanya.
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craigmyersfinance · 1 year ago
La Menorquina relaunches its business plan with the support of Taconic Capital and Cheyne
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It expects to grow 25% at the end of this year and exceed pre-Covid 19 sales
Obtain financing to continue with your activity and refinance your working capital
Farggi , the Catalan company known for being the owner of La Menorquina ice cream , has reached an agreement to obtain financing for its business plan, on the one hand, and refinance its working capital, on the other, after reaching an agreement with the debt fund American Taconic Capital. The horizon of the company, which during the pandemic received the support of the Cheyne Capital fund , its main shareholder, is to reach 105 million euros in revenue by the end of 2023, the year in which it will also end with 22 production lines and one extended presence in 40 countries.
After this operation, advised by Arcano's debt team, the Catalan company achieves more visibility to undertake its strategy. To begin with, in January of this year it managed to get Cheyne, its main shareholder, to approve a contribution of more than 12 million euros to cover its working capital needs and prepare this year's campaign.
Of the total amount, the majority was achieved through a participatory loan and the remaining amount through lines of credit with financial institutions and with a guarantee from the fund itself. "With this financing, Lacrem (Farggi) will be able to continue responding to its clients and capture the good growth prospects it has for the coming years ," company sources explain.
Now, Taconic is breaking in to relaunch the company's business plan, although it has not participated alone in the operation, sources with knowledge of the matter say. This debt fund is known in Spain, among other things, for having become the largest creditor of the highways that were privatized and later bankrupt. The American group has also obtained credits from financial entities in other projects, such as the unpaid debt of the Valencia Marina.
Farggi results
From January to March of this year, the company's results have improved and even exceeded the figures previously budgeted for this year. Thus, in 2023, Lacrem has managed to close the year for the third consecutive year with growth equal to or greater than 25% and achieve sales 1.8 times higher than those recorded in 2019. "This high growth is the fruit of the effort made in the recent years to consolidate itself in the Spanish market as the first Spanish own-brand ice cream manufacturer," Lacrem sources add in this regard.
This milestone has been possible thanks to a plan executed by management, which ranges from improving industrial costs to greater efficiency and productivity of manufacturing lines or reinforcement of supervisors' manufacturing lines, according to the latest report. available in the Commercial Registry.
In the same documentation it was already revealed that Farggi was evaluating new financing models to strengthen its structure and renew the debt with banking entities on time , as well as allow the necessary financing due to the "high growth" that the company was experiencing.
Farggi, which was founded 80 years ago by the Catalan family that gives its name to the group, the Farga, now closes a new milestone after having overcome the turbulence of the coronavirus , which forced its current owner to explore a loan of up to 70 million through the fund articulated by SEPI (Fasee) for strategic companies.
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