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fabiansteinhauer · 1 year ago
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Der Memory-Styx-Atlas
Der Mnemosyne-Atlas ist der Memory-Styx-Atlas, wenn er so gewendet wird, dass ein stolzes Gedächtnis auch kurz sein kann. Der Atlas von Warburg kommt mit Löchern daher. Wie man Kaffee "mit ohne Sahne" bestellen kann, kommt er auch mit ohne Bildern daher, er ist auch bildfrei
Der Mnemosyne-Atlas kommt cum-ex daher. Warum sollte man sich auch dem Gewaltmonopol eines Staates und dem Monopol der Sätze unterwerfen, wenn es doch diesseits und jenseits der Staatsgrenzne Schlupflöcger gibt, man selbst davon ausgeht, dass der Staat und das Recht aus einem Loch geschlüpft seien, weil es vor dem Staat keinen Staat und vor dem Recht kein Recht gegeben hätte und weil Staaten begrenzt sind, schon damit man aus Staaten flüchten kann, zum Beispiel in angebliche Steuer- oder Asyloasen oder, wie Aby Warburg, sogar ins totale Asyl, eine geschlossene Anstalt, falls die Staaten und Rechte insgesamt im Krieg ist und überall in der Welt zuviel Welt und Recht und Staat und Gesellschaft und Familie und noch und noch soviel zuviel und zuviel ist. Der Staat ist begrenzt, damit man über seine Grenzen hinweg in eine dunkle Opiumhöhle schlüpfen kann oder in Kreuzlingen etwas feiner auf einem Privatgrundstück eine Opiumkur machen kann, wie das Aby Warburg gemacht hat. Man spricht von einem Recht auf Nichtrecht. Die Rede von einem Recht auf Nichtrecht sitzt auf, ihre Genaologie und Archäologie endet nicht bei Cicero, der die Formel summum ius summa iniuriae schon als alten Spruch beschreibt. Die Antijuridismus und der Juridismus sind den Zügen nach, jenen graphischen und choreographischen Akten nach, die Form und Formlosigkeit durchziehen, identisch.
Der Atlas von Aby Warburg bietet eine private Praxis öffentlicher Dinge an, keine Unterwerfung, keine Subjektivierung, keine Objektivierung, kein souveränes Prinzip. Der Atlas ist nicht nur schön, nicht nur häßlich, nicht nur gut, nicht nur böse, nicht nur rein, nicht nur unrein, nicht nur dieseits und nicht nur jenseits. Am ehesten ist er noch prds, also Paradies und Paradas.
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apiswitchcraft · 1 year ago
the greek/roman gods
Format is GREEK NAME/ROMAN NAME: description
starting at the beginning,
CHAOS: the void, everything and nothing, sometimes a deity, sometimes a stasis.
then there were the Primordials, that arose from Chaos and were more concepts than gods,
EROS (the elder)/PHANES: love and procreation
TARTARUS: the original deity/representation of the underworld
GAIA/TERRA: mother earth, the ultimate creator
EREBUS: darkness
NYX: night
AETHER: child of Erebus and Nyx, day
HEMERA: child of Erebus and Nyx, light
MOROS: child of Erebus and Nyx, doom
THANATOS: child of Erebus and Nyx, death
KER: child of Erebus and Nyx, violent death
MACARIA: death of the blessed
HYPNOS/SOMNUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, sleep
MOMUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, mockery and blame
GERAS/SENECTUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, old age
OIZYS/MISERIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, misery
NEMESIS: child of Erebus and Nyx, retribution
PHILOTES: child of Erebus and Nyx, affection
APATE: child of Erebus and Nyx, deceit
ERIS/DISCORDIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, strife
MOIRAI/PARCAE: child of Erebus and Nyx, the three fates
CHARON: child of Erebus and Nyx, ferryman of the Underworld
CHRONUS: the elder primordial of time
OUREA: created by Gaia, the mountains
NESOI: child of Ourea, the islands
PONTUS: created by Gaia, the sea
THALASSA: child of Pontus, a sea goddess
NEREUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, god of the sea
CETO: child of Gaia and Pontus, sea goddess
THAUMUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, a sea god
IRIS: child of Thaumus, goddess of rainbows
OURANOS/CAELUS: created by Gaia, the sky
TYPHON: son of Gaia and Tartarus, volcanic forces, the father of all monsters
CRONUS/SATURN: son of Ouranos, god of the harvest, slayed/castrated his father
then came the Titans, the children of Gaia and Ouranos (unless specified otherwise),
RHEA/CYBELE/OPS: goddess of fertility
OCEANUS: god of the oceans, conceived the Oceanids with Tethys
TETHYS: god of the rivers
TYCHE/FORTUNA: one of the Oceanids, goddess of good luck
STYX: one of the Oceanids
HYPERION: god of light, but more in a sunlight sense
THEIA: goddess of light, but in a light of the blue sky sense
HELIOS/SOL: child of Hyperion and Theia, god of the sun
SELENE/LUNOS: child of Hyperion and Theia, goddess of the moon
EOS/AURORA: goddess of dawn
CRIUS: god of the constellations
EURYBIA: child of Pontus, sea goddess
ASTRAEUS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of stars and planets
PALLAS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of war
PERSES: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of destruction
THEMIS: goddess of law and order
IAPETUS: god of mortal life
ATLAS: child of Iapetus and Asia (an Oceanid), carried the celestial sphere, god of astronomy
PROMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of foresight, creator of man and giver of fire to humans
EPIMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of hindsight
MNEMOSYNE: goddess of memory
COEUS/POLUS: god of the celestial axis
PHOEBE: a moon goddess
LETO/LATONA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of motherhood
ASTERIA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of falling stars
HECATE/TRIVIA: child of Asteria and Perses, goddess of magic, ghosts, and necromancy
ZEUS/JUPITER: god of sky, weather, and kingship
then the "modern" Pantheon,
ATHENA/MINERVA: sprung from Zeus' head, goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts
APOLLO: child of Leto and Zeus, god of the sun, healing, prophecy, music, and poetry
ASCLEPIUS/AESCULAPIUS: son of Apollo and a nymph, god of medicine
ARTEMIS/DIANA: child of Leto and Zeus, goddess of the moon, hunting, and the wild
HERMES/MERCURY: child of Maia and Zeus, messenger of the gods and patron of thieves and travellers
PAN/FAUNUS: child of Hermes, god of nature and shepherding
DIONYSUS/BACCHUS: child of a mortal and Zeus, god of wine, festivity, and madness
DIKE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of justice
EUNOMIA: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of good laws
EIRENE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of peace
HERA/JUNO: goddess of women and marriage
ARES/MARS: child of Hera and Zeus, god of war and courage
EILEITHYIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of childbirth and midwifery
HEPHAESTUS/VULCAN: child of Hera and Zeus, god of blacksmithing and fire
HEBE/JUVENTIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of youth, cupbearer of the gods
DEMETER/CERES: goddess of agriculture
PERSEPHONE/PROSPERINA: child of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of springtime and queen of the Underworld
POSEIDON/NEPTUNE: god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
TRITON: child of Amphitrite and Poseidon, messenger of the sea
HADES/PLUTO: king of the Underworld and god of the dead and wealth
HESTIA/VESTA: goddess of the hearth and home
APHRODITE/VENUS: sprung from the sea foam created by Ouranos' body being thrown into the sea, goddess of love, beauty and pleasure
HERMAPHRODITES: child of Aphrodite and Hermes, god of androgyny
EROS/AMOR/CUPID: child of Ares and Aphrodite, god of love
NIKE: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of victory
ZELUS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of zeal
KRATOS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of strength
BIA: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of force
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corpserots · 2 years ago
Adding some things
As we all know, after the battle of Manhattan Percy was offered the gift of immortality, but he refuses in order to stay with Annabeth (I could write a whole essay on why this wasn't the best choice but we're not here for that). But he does ask the Gods to swear to grant whatever his wishes are if they are within their divine powers.
He asks that they claim their kids, allow the minor deities cabins, and that they free Calypso. From my hazy memory, which may be altered due to the many fanfictions I've read, he makes them swear on the Styx. Oaths on the Styx are binding and not even the Gods can escape them, and that is why Percy used this specific swear. In the final book of ToA, Lester/Apollo escapes his supposed punishment because he had finally understood what it meant to keep one's word. And Lady Styx probably figured that he had had enough torment thanks to Zeus.
So, other than plot convenience leading to the inevitable romance, why was this promise not honoured? The Gods have obviously not forgotten, there are telltale signs: they heeded his first two wishes, and some Gods are odd to him, feeling slighted that he turned down such a gift as divinity.
The only way would be that it wasn't within their powers.
How so? Perhaps Zeus decided she still had wronged them and her punishment needed to continue. After all, her father Atlas still held the sky. But really, he saved Olympus and (allegedly) defeated Chronos. Why is it so hard to let go of a millenia old grudge for the sake of peace? Percy wasn't pleased to know she had still been kept there.
(Before die-hard fans attack me for my 'allegedly', Luke was really the one to defeat the Titan. He delivered the blow.)
So it was merely a plot device so Leo could get his trophy for his selfless sacrifice glorified suicide and so the fans could get closure for Calypso's story that never got a proper ending. Also a money grab (the whole HoO was a money grab so he could have enough for ToA because compare the two and one is obviously better written) and letting fans know he listens to requests, even though it was probably girls who are in love with Leo using his potential partner as a self-insert. Many fans hc as aroace so this decision was definitely influenced by Twitter.
Please correct me if it wasn't the Styx, and feel free to add more.
Any comments? @thatonefandomjumper
The issue with Caleo
(This took me a couple of day's + actual research, so I hope it turned out fine)
I remember reading The House of Hades for the first time. As Leo had become my favorite character at that point the thing I was most excited for was his landing in Ogygia to meet Calypso
I had high hopes for that plotline. I was excited to see their relationship develop throughout the books. But when I finished the chapters, it left a bad taste in my mouth, and I couldn’t quite place why. Said bad taste only got worse after reading the Blood of Olympus.
I told my friend about my confusing feelings for the ship and they assured me that they'd have plenty of good moments during the Trials of Apollo.
They didn’t. They got actively worse. 
It was at that point where I started pinpointing reasons as to my dislike of the ship. Both by finding people on the internet who shared my opinions and by talking about it with friends, the issues with the ship itself just kept piling up.
So why is the ship so bad? And why do many people still actively enjoy it? 
I've decided to compile as many reasons as I can to answer these questions, particularly the former and compile them together in this essay while also asking the question of “How to fix it?”
The two most common criticisms I’ve seen of the ship are “It was rushed\Came out of nowhere” and “The age difference.” For the first one: Yes. It was most definitely rushed. But that didn't have to be a bad thing. 
If I’m being totally honest, I don’t think Leo was written to end up in a relationship. His characterisation in tLH and MoA didn’t feel like they were building towards a romance, or at the very least, it being an afterthought. 
A piece of evidence I have for this reasoning is Percy making the promise to free Calypso. Riordan had presumably made the lost trio by this point as the books were only a year apart. Why would he make it so the gods didn’t honor this specific promise? Yes, they're jerks who don’t keep their promises, but for this particular one it always felt more like an excuse rather than an actual plot point. 
My personal theory for Calypso being reintroduced at all to be Leo’s love interest was the fault of fandom. Yes, the fandom now seems to be more self aware of the fact that teenagers don’t need to be shoved into relationships to feel fulfilled but back then, there were a lot of memes and demands to give Leo a girlfriend. Which is something Riordan seemed to take active notice of. At least on Twitter.
Back to the topic of it being rushed, I would like to compare it to another rushed ship; Solangelo.
Now, before the Solangelo stans come after me, the ship did come out of nowhere. Will was just a background character that was revamped to become Nico's boyfriend. But the relationship itself was expanded upon in ToA in a mostly positive way.
Caleo did the same thing but worse. It expanded upon the ship in a way that was primarily negative. 
But at this point I may hear you asking “Okay, you have only been expressing distaste about the ship instead of giving any actual reasons as to why it’s bad?”
Which brings me to the second most common criticism: The age difference.
Leo is 16. Calypso is over 4612. I think you can immediately spot a problem there.
Now, Calypso is stated to be mentally and physically 16. The physical part makes sense, cuz, well, gods and stuff. But I’ve got a few bones to pick with the mentally one.
When they say ‘mentally 16’ I assume what they mean is that her brain stopped developing when she turned the titan equivalent of 16. That still doesn't mean that she’s lived the years that she did. The fact that her brain stopped maturing doesn't mean that she’s not thousands of years old.
In all honesty, I hate this trope so much. The concept of characters being ‘mentally younger’ is just there to excuse pairing them up with minors. It’s gross.
But for the sake of fairness, I’m going to be ignoring the age difference for the majority of the rest of this essay. Because even without it, the ship doesn't work. In the case of a ship like Sanubis, if the age difference was removed, I’d enjoy the ship a lot more.
The same can not be said about Caleo.
Let’s start with an order of events.
Calypso was cursed after the first titan war to be confined to Ogygia and was forced to fall in love with the men that the gods sent to her with them inevitably leaving her in the end.
We first meet her in tBotL when Percy washes up on her island. Were sympathetic towards her. Her situation is tragic. Percy is also a naturally caring person so he obviously wants her to be okay.
So one of the few promises he makes the gods swear is that they release Calypso.
Flash forward to HoH and Leo lands in Ogygia.
They have a rough start with Calypso immediately getting mad at him for breaking her dining table and then cursing the gods for having the audacity to send someone who wasn't handsome.
It is worth noting that Leo is often insecure about his scrawniness and Calypso is rubbing that fact in hard. But we can sort of excuse it since it makes sense. Calypso is frustrated that despite Percy’s wish, she’s still trapped and men are still being sent to her island.
It is pretty unclear how long Leo spends on her island. Some say around a week. Some say a month. Time in Ogygia is established to be quite unclear and to work differently from normal time. So the in-universe length they got to get to know each other is pretty hard to pin down but we can safely conclude that it wasn’t long enough for Leo to immediately swear a death oath for her.
I honestly don't have too much to say about their interactions in HoH. It was mostly just Calypso being rude to Leo while he actively avoided her. (There was the scene where Gaia tells Calypso to kill Leo in exchange for her freedom and Calypso rejects. I just want to say that Calypso hunting Leo for sport would have been a lot funnier than them entering a relationship.)
In my opinion, the biggest casually in their relationship were their character arcs. More specifically, Leo’s.
And I’m not trying to downgrade the fact that Calypso’s arc was also ruined. But Leo is a main character. Calypso was only brought back to be his love interest. That, mixed with the fact that she changes personality with every book she’s in, it’s pretty hard to pinpoint a character arc of her own to begin with.
But Leo’s? Oh boy.
Despite everything we know about him, Leo’s backstory is a little unclear. Sure we know what happened to him, but none of the details. 
Hera, his mothers death and his aunt’s rejection of him are the ones we know the most details on. It’s his time being homeless and in foster care that raises questions.
He ran away six times between the ages of 8-14 where he was eventually sentenced by court to go to the wilderness school. 
Pretty much all we know about the details is that he slept in sewers and had an abusive foster parent at some point? But running away six times??? Even without the details it is safe to conclude that things weren’t pleasant.
All of this is heavily woven into his personality. Or at least, was. 
The Lost Hero and Mark of Athena are definitely the two books that portray Leo’s character the best. In tLH he says that humor is a good way to hide the pain which is something he demonstrates quite often throughout the two books, especially tLH. In HoH beyond however, it’s not like it’s completely forgotten about, but it takes a big backseat to Calypso.
I think, at least character wise, this is a stupid decision. Throughout the two books, Leo is shown to be desperately lonely. He self isolates quite a bit while constantly doing maintenance and building the Argo and that causes him to grow more distance from his friends. (To be fair, Jason and Piper didn’t make much of an effort either but I think that is something the three of them should have had a conversation about.)
Leo desperately wants a girlfriend. Being surrounded by couples constantly and with the "help" of Nemesis he falls into his whole "seventh wheel" mindset. He flirts around with people way out of his league, mostly so he doesn't end up truly falling for someone. 
I never really saw his constant flirting as sincere. It can be interpreted as him being desperately lonely and trying what he could to find someone or some sort of self aimed internalized homophobia. 
But he appeared to think that getting a girlfriend will solve most of his problems, which is by all accounts, a bad thing. Convincing himself that finding a romantic partner is the end goal of finding happiness is a mindset that is inherently toxic and he should learn to grow out of.
But no.
Instead he just… gets it???
He gets together with Calypso without getting any healthy way to deal with his loneliness.
And oh boy do I think that impacted him negatively.
In BoO a big majority of Leo’s internal monologue is about Calypso. It’s supposed to be sweet, him caring about her so much. But honestly? I found it a bit disturbing.
Not in a “creepy stalker” way though. It was more that it showed just how bad his mental state had gotten that he was willing to commit suicide for a girl he bearly knew because she showed him any form of romantic attraction.
I often find myself thinking about Leo’s sacrifice in general. I think that whole ordeal was handled pretty badly for many different reasons, but for now, all I will be touching on is Leo’s motive. I think Leo would have planned to die, even if Calypso wasn’t in the picture. But making his death about her was a bad move.
In tLH and MoA we get pages upon pages of Leo’s internal monologue about how much he appreciates his friends (especially in tLH) with them not reciprocating. Sure, they care about him a lot, but no to the same extent that he cares about them. Making his death about saving them, especially Jason, would be much more of a gut punch than a person he spent four chapters with.
And I feel that it could directly tie into his friends' arcs (mostly Piper and Jason’s) where they truly learn to appreciate him as a person and as a part of the team. 
I have so many issues with Leo’s death, especially with the aftermath and double especially with the reaction to him coming back. Like… a punching line? Really? I get it’s suppose to be a joke but literally all everyone talked about is how sad Leo’s death made them feel, insted of the fact that he essentially committed glorified suicide with a respawn cheet code that he wasn’t even sure would work.
There is also the issue with the fact that Leo has canonically been abused. A line of people punching him with that information is just… it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
That’s not what this essay is about but I had to get that off my chest.
Let's go back to Calypso.
I honestly don't think Calypso ever truly loved Leo, but rather the freedom that comes with him. She never had a choice. When someone washed up on her island, she was cursed to fall for them. Same with Leo. You may say that she eventually learned to love him without the curse, but I don't think so.
Off the top of my head, I can think of three pleasant Caleo scenes. Three. The first one is where Leo is sent back from her island and they have their first kiss. The kiss always felt a bit manipulative to me. She only kissed him to make sure he came back. And he did! I don’t think Leo thought about her in a romantic sense until that moment. Sure, she called her hot in his mind a few times, but thinking someone is attractive and being so madly in love that you would die are two different things. I’m also not saying that Calypso was an ‘evil manipulator’ or something like that. I just think she was desperately lonely and was trying to find a way to escape off the island.
The second one is the scene where Leo picks up Calypso from Ogygia after having just died. I don't have too many issues with the scene itself, more with the consequences of it.
The third one is in The Dark Prophecy, whereas Leo and Calypso sit Apollo down to tell him that they're going to stay together at the Waystation and try to make their relationship work. But like… They haven't given me a single reason to route for that relationship. Especially not in tDP. Every other scene with them was arguments (although the arguments were mostly one-sided) or them just happening to be in the same room together.
And those arguments were… Well, I felt a bit uncomfortable reading them. In probably the most memorable one, Calypso was calling him out on the fact that he jokes while stressed and that he uses machines as metaphors for real people. The two of them + Apollo are discussing how to save Jo and Emmie’s daughter, Georgina. Leo mentioned an idea for an invention he and Jo could make to find her. And Calypso snaps at him and says he is looking at people as if they were machines.
Her reaction is just… so odd to me. Yes, Leo has a tendency to reduce everything to programs in his head, but in this case he was literally not doing that. He was trying to come up with ways that he could help find Georgina and his speciality is machines, so of course he’d try to find a solution within his skillset.
And then there is the fact that Leo is neurodivergent. Some Nd people tend to think in different ways from others and Leo clearly does so by imagining the world as one big machine. And there is really nothing wrong with that. It’s literally just how his mind works.
So I truly don’t understand the point of this ‘argument.’ Was it to create drama? Was it to establish Calypso's new characterisation??? I truly don’t see the point.
It’s like every conversation they have is just Calypso putting Leo down. Insulting him on his looks, jokes and ideas. It is incredibly rare that we ever say anything genuinely nice about him.
That is not to say that Leo is blameless. The mamacita thing? Yeah, no. That shouldn’t have been there. For those who don’t know, here is an explanation on what mamacita means: The literal translation of mamacita is "little mother" but the figurative and more accurate translation is "hot momma." The word is inextricably linked to a man's perception of a woman as an object of sexual desire.
I don’t think I have to go into why that’s bad. Especially when she told him to stop multiple times.
To be fair, Leo does get called out on it in ToN, and I am happy that he was. But at the same time it frustrates me a little bit, because Leo is being rightfully scolded for not respecting Calypso’s comfort zone, but we never see Calypso get called out for the same thing.
Both Leo and Calypso felt very out of character to me in tDP, the book that is supposedly supposed to sell you on their relationship. 
Leo was a lot more of a comic relief character than he usually is. Sure, he’s not the most serious character, but he had depth. I suppose that I can excuse that a little bit though, as we're seeing him through Apollo’s pov, and from the vast majority of povs besides his own, he is just that one funny friend who cracks jokes. It’s only from his own pov that we really see his struggles. But it still frustrates me because it was never resolved. His trauma is made clear to is it tLH and then it’s never fixed or even acknowledged beyond Leo’s internal monologue and like… two sentences where he briefly talks about it with someone?!?!
Calypso, on the other hand, has a very noticeable personality change. In BotL she is caring, kind and sad. She didn’t have much of a personality and was mostly there to make Percy question the gods and Luke’s motives.
In House of Hades, she is completely different. She’s some form of mad, annoyed or rude throughout the entirety of the book. And in The Dark Prophecy, she’s put up more of a “bad girl” persona.
My only real guess for her sudden change in personality is that Riordan either wanted Caleo to be more like Percabeth or he wanted her attitude towards him to be funny.
Neither of which succeeded.
Then there is the topic of Calypso's curse.
Calypso’s damn curse.
I've already touched on a few aspects of it in earlier parts so I'll try to not repeat myself too much.
But Calypso never had a choice on who came to her island. The gods always sent someone. So the fact that she ends up with the one guy who came back for her just… doesn’t sit right with me. It’s almost as if Calypso owed Leo a relationship for saving her.
And in a narrative sense, it almost felt like a reward for Leo, “Well kid, you've successfully defeated the big bad. Here, have this girlfriend as your prize.”
If Calypso were to decide to break up with Leo, there would always be an air of “But he saved you. You have to be with him.”
And for Leo, this is a literal goddess. The queen of Ogygia and a titaness who has lived literally thousands of years and is older than his dad. Yes, she becomes mortal in The Dark Prophecy (Which I personally think is a stupid decision.) but that still creates a big power difference.
Another thing I have an issue with relates to the fact that Calypso seems to be the priority in the whole relationship.
What I mean by that is that Calypso has been trapped her whole life. She’s never seen the world and decades have passed with her doing nothing but sitting on her island hoping someone would free her.
Leo on the other hand, has been on the run his whole life. He’s never truly had a place to call home after his mom died. He’s been sent to foster home after foster home running away every time. Whether they'd be from the police, the family he previously stayed at or child services, he’s always running.
What Calypso needs is to travel and see the world. What Leo needs is stability and a place to settle down and call home.
And yet, Leo’s absolute first priority in the end of BoO is to show Calypso the world, completely disregarding his own needs. 
He does semi get that ending in ToN where he is seen living at the Waystation, which did make me glad. Calypso is at band camp during that time however, taking a break from their relationship (and god I hope that’s permanent) to experience more parts of life.
Then there is something I don’t think I’ve seen anyone talk about.
In The House of Hades, Calypso mentioned having skimmed through Leo’s life with her magic.
That’s… kind of a huge breach of privacy. Sure, she wanted to know what outfit to make, but how much else did she see?  Some things Leo might not have been comfortable with her knowing, or at least not yet. 
You may look at this as a “She loves him even after having seen his flaws, ” but may I remind you that she literally had no other choice if she wanted to escape her prison?
And after finally escaping she doesn’t treat Leo well at all. 
I've noticed a very specific distinction in canon Calypso and fanon Calypso. There are two main versions of fanon Calypso. One who thinks Leo is charming. She laughs at his jokes, looks at him fondly and the two of them are happy together. The other one loathes him, constantly wondering why she’s dating him. Getting irritated at the smallest joke and it all being excused because ‘Leo likes her.’
Both of them are wrong in their own way but the latter is sadly more accurate.
Canon Calypso seemed genuinely irritated every time Leo cracks a joke. It’s not a ‘she secretly likes it and is pretending she doesn’t because tsundere or whatever.’ She seems to just genuinely dislike them.
Leo uses his humor as a coping mechanism. He’s been through a lot of bad stuff and the only way he knows how to handle it is to laugh it off and crack jokes. I’m not saying that its a good coming mechanism and that he shouldn’t try to get help, but I think that constantly being told that the way you deal with your trauma is stupid is not a good way to go about it. At all.
“But Calypso may not have known about his trauma!” She went through his memories. She is bound to know something.
I haven't even touched on Calypso cursing Annabeth. I get that she was sad, but aiming her anger at Annabeth instead of Percy? Someone he wasn’t even dating yet? Yeah, I think Percy fully underreacted when he met her again.
Now, I wanna take a minute to talk about the Odyssey. It is referenced several times when Calypso is brought up. The narrative of the Odyssey seems to be a bit different from the actual book by Homer and the one we have in the riordanverse.
In that book, we first meet Calypso. When Odysseus arrives on her island, it is made very clear that he is a prisoner. In some iterations, Calypso... does some very very bad things to him. He is kept there for seven years until Athena asks Zeus to send Hermes to ask Calypso to free him, which she reluctantly does.
This seems to be a bit different from the version in pjo where Odysseus supposedly stayed there willingly.
I just question the decision to make someone who was, in their original telling, an immortal kidnapper( along with other things other things), a ‘menatally 16 year old’ who then moves on to enter a relationship with one of the more traumatized 16 year old leads.
You may bring up the argument that the gods were also heavily sanitized, but at least none of them actually entered relationships with children.
But despite all of this, I see the appeal in the ship. I understand why so many people like it. I originally only had a vague idea as to why but I asked a few Caleo shippers why they enjoyed it and the explanations do make sense.
It’s a classic fairy-tail trope with the not so classical protagonists. Leo is not the typical prince charming. He is a scruffy kid who just wants to help someone he cares about. And Calypso, though she could definitely have fit the stereotypical disney princess archetype in BotL, her revamped HoH self is nothing like that. She’s rude and angry most of the time unlike the usuals damsels that need saving.
The main points of enjoyment seem to be the opposites attract trope (personality wise) and the little moments. Leo calling Calypso sunshine. The two of them, planning to open a repair shop together.
And I get it. I really do. Those things could make for cute scenarios.
People use fiction to escape reality. Not enjoying certain parts of it would break the immersion quite a bit. So looking at Caleo as the author intended is what most people do, and that way, they enjoy it. Looking past the author's intentions and not liking what you find is not fun. Heck, I wrote a whole essay about how I dislike a ship that is canon and I know for a fact that if I liked Caleo, my enjoyment of Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo would go up by quite a bit. 
But I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t care about the series and It’s characters.
And so, with that said, we've reached the question of “How to fix it?”
Calypso should have joined The Hunters of Artemis. 
It was such an obvious direction for her character to go that I can’t believe some people haven't thought of it. Whether it was after Leo saved her or if the gods let her out, this is what I think should have happened.  Calypso has been trapped her whole life, the only people besides the gods that she interacted with were the men she was cursed to fall in love with, so she is both constantly heartbroken and lonely. And after she finally is free from her island prison she expresses her desire to explore the world she missed out on. But she’s also scared of losing her immortality and becoming mortal.
The Hunters are a group of girls who travel the world together and always have each other's back. They are granted immortality upon entering and swear in oath to never date men. I honestly think it speaks for itself just how perfectly Calypso’s arc would have been wrapped up if she joined them.
For Leo, this question is a bit more complicated.
I’d say there are three ways Leo’s romantic ‘arc’ can go. 1. He doesn’t need a love interest to be a good character and learns to love himself and the people around him. 2. He gets another love interest that doesn't have the same problems. 3. Or he and Calypso do get together, but it is treated as a bad thing.
I like the first one the most. Leo is incredibly self-loathing and thinks having someone to call his own will fix that. Him getting the support he needs or realizing on his own that he doesn't need ‘someone’ to be happy would be a perfect way to wrap up his character. It would also make his ‘sacrifice’ more impactful, as it would be a 100% his own choice with no outside factors guiding him.
The second option is a bit trickier, but if I had to give him any other love interest, I’d probably go with Nico. Now, before the solangelo shippers skin me alive, let me explain my thought process. To keep it short, Leo and Nico are very much ‘the loners’ on the Argo. The only two without a romantic partner. They also mirror each other pretty well. Nico, an extrovert, became an introvert due to trauma. And Leo, an introvert, became an extrovert due to trauma. It would be a good way to help each other heal. Also, Leo being attracted to men in some capacity could be a good explanation for his over the top insincere flirting with women. I could honestly make a whole nother essay on the lost potential of Valdangelo.
The third one would be quite interesting. I could honestly see their relationship being the exact same as it is in canon, but this time, the plot and the other characters actually acknowledge the bad parts. Calypso could realize that she doesnt need a man to make her happy. Leo’s friends could actually notice how bad his mental state is and try to help him.
These are, of course, not the only options. I've heard of some other good ideas out there.
If you still enjoy the ship after all of this, then more power to you. I am not here to tell you what you can and can’t ship. And I am glad you can find enjoyment in something I can’t, especially since it being a canon ship, enjoying it would bring the overall enjoyment of the books up. I’m pretty burned out on this ship in all honesty. I think I’ll take a break from thinking about it for a while, in both positive and negative ways.
Hearing other people's opinions on it helped me realize why the ship appealed to as many people as it does. But me? I don’t think I’ll ever warm up to the ship. I think it’ll alway be, in my opinion, the worst canon pjo ship.
(4840 Words. If you have any thoughts or opinions feel free to share them!)
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beetolbugs · 2 years ago
What's maps to the stars? (I think that's what it's called? Your oc thing). I don't think I've seen much for it before.
So, Maps To The Stars (usually abbreviated as MTTS) is a OC story written by @hello-naptiime and I! Most of the content for it is on Twitter, but since we've both been more active here Tumblr is ALSO being subjected to it.
MTTS is a multi-plot, ridiculously over detailed, VERY LONG, sci-fi / romcom type story that centers around the multiverse, how it works, and the people in it!
There is a Twitter Moment of art we've posted, and Naps has made an Animatic of some of the story! Also have Toyhouse refs for the main cast!
Doing a lil read-more cause oh babey this is going to get long and im not even going to be fully explaining everything
So! I will try my best to explain as simple as I can
This story features three plotlines that INITIALLY start out like this:
A Plot : Slice-of-life romcom, following a group of four neighbors (named Atlas, Mira, Rhea & Sirius) and their life in a small town in Northern Massachusetts. And eventual falling in love.
B Plot : A group of tech college students (named Wolfgang, Everett & Hawkings) from the 80's, try to build a machine that can travel the multiverse with the spare time they have. Also cool junkyard lady (Laika!)
C Plot : Comes much later, follows a ex-hunter from the multiverse government (Charon) and the multiverse's top wanted criminal (Styx) and their adventures and shenanigans whilst working together!
Some of these characters ARE interchangeable to the plotlines (ex. Charon actually is initially introduced as part of the B plot BEFORE he becomes C)
There is multiverse government corruption drama. There is ridiculous romances. There is trauma and stupid decisions. There is memory loss. There is Space Jam. Miku Garfield is a canonical thing. This story is the light of my life.
The main plot takes place over 4-6 years. The overall story is 24-26 years long. There is, in fact, over 100 characters designed for & involved in the story In Total and there is still more we need for the world building. According to Naps, the folder with all the OC art in it is nearing 1k images because I literally did nothing but draw them ALL last year and a good portion of this year.
There is TECHNICALLY two docs written that explain the plot, but I don't know if Naps will let me share it in case we actually commit to making this a comic or animated series BUT
Let me tell you. I made the first doc in October 2021. I stopped updating it in April 2022, and last I edited it, it was at 21k words. That doc is well outdated.
I rewrote it in April to properly format it, simplify it (cause it took like 2-3 hours for our friends to read it), and update it. It is currently near 11k words. It still needs an update to current lore. Two characters who were SUPPOSED to be side characters are now part of the main cast cause we accidentally made them too important. I am terrified for whatever absolute monster this thing will continue to become and it is also my baby.
I will happily talk about it more but I don't want to make this Extremely Long so I'll leave it at that gjsbdghbd
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seattlesea · 4 years ago
Why Percabeth Isn’t a Good Ship (Sorry 2x)
I’m definitely getting cancelled- 
1. Annabeth is physically abusive. The fandom makes this point seem controversial and debatable, but it’s really not. The definition of abuse is hitting someone. Annabeth hit Percy. Therefore, Annabeth abused Percy. Is that really that hard to understand? Annabeth hit Percy for the first time in The Titan’s Curse when she, Percy, and Thalia were looking for the di Angelo siblings. She punched him in the gut when he asked her who he should ask to dance with him. Annabeth knows that Percy can be oblivious at times...but punishes him when it benefits her? The second time was in The Mark of Athena, when she judo-flipped him because she missed him. That’s...what?? Usually when people are worried about someone else, they hug or kiss them, not flip them over their shoulder. And yes Annabeth kissed him first, but the judo-flip was completely unnecessary. Annabeth punished Percy for ‘leaving’ her despite him being kidnapped and his memory wiped. And everyone’s like ‘But Percy didn’t feel any pain!!11!!1!’ The chapter wasn’t in his point of view, so that claim is a guess. Just cause he didn’t say ‘Ow’ doesn’t mean he wasn’t in pain. Also- Annabeth slammed him on a stone pavement on his back. That definitely hurts, even if Percy is a demigod, physically strong, and has gotten hurt a lot. There’s a difference between ‘playful hitting’ and actually hurting someone. Yes they trained a lot, but this isn’t training. This is Annabeth punishing Percy for being traumatized with yet another life-threatening quest and being kidnapped. I don’t remember Percy judo-flipping Annabeth after he saw her again when she got kidnapped in TTC. Besides, the Romans were about to take out their weapons when they saw Annabeth attack Percy, so if all of them thought it was an attack...it was most likely an attack. Even Annabeth said herself “I only attack my boyfriend like that”. The thing is, if it was Percy who flipped Annabeth over his shoulder and slammed her on her back or punched her in the gut, all the fans immediately would’ve freaked out and cancelled him, calling him a horrible and abusive boyfriend, but because it’s the girl hitting the guy, it’s fine apparently. Nothing wrong with it, right? And then Riordan (and the fandom) had the audacity to romanticize that abuse. Abuse isn’t a sweet, romantic gesture. Stop making it seem like it is. That’s disgusting. 
2. Annabeth is also verbally abusive and toxic. Annabeth canonically lowered Percy’s self-esteem, constantly insulted him and his intelligence despite knowing he was insecure about it and always getting kicked out of schools and getting bad grades (even with her so-called ‘endearing’ name for him ‘Seaweed Brain’), and the overall idea of Percabeth is a super smart, pretty girl making a guy with below average intelligence feel insecure about himself. Percy’s self-esteem has plummeted since he met Annabeth and her behavior is never called out or even noticed, which implies some manipulation going on. Annabeth is shown to be extremely capable of manipulating her enemies and anyone else she pleases, and there are quite a few signs she’s using it against Percy (his feelings of obligation, fear, and guilt of and over her, questioning himself, having strings attached, always only thinking of her and no one else in his life, etc.), especially since Percy begins to gradually stop noticing Annabeth’s wrong and toxic behavior as the story progresses. 
3. Annabeth only likes Percy cause he’s the chosen one. Annabeth only hung around Percy since The Lightning Thief cause she thought he was ‘the one’ and so she could finally go on a quest. She literally used Percy to go out to the mortal world and ‘prove herself’ cause really, all she cares about is glory, which is shown multiple times throughout the series with all her pride and ambitions. Plus the fact that Chiron made Annabeth swear on the River Styx that she would keep Percy from danger is a pretty clear sign she didn’t stick around him just cause she wanted to, but because she felt obligated to and cause it would benefit her. Take all of this and it’s kind of obvious Annabeth only hung around Percy cause he was the chosen one of the prophecy, a son of one of the Big Three, and was destined to go on multiple quests and play a big part in the mythological world, which is what she always wanted since book one.
4. It was forced. Since the beginning of book one, it was so obvious that Percy and Annabeth were going to get together that their relationship ended up being boring, dull, and flat. Riordan made it so obvious they were going to be a couple that nothing that happened to their relationship really mattered, cause everyone knew it would work out in the end (which is probably why everyone *wrongly* hated on Rachel) so what happened in between didn’t matter. Their relationship was the typical ‘male lead and female lead’, ‘bad boy trouble-maker skater and nerdy good girl’ power couple that was way too clear. And Riordan made it worse by pushing their relationship and shoving it into the readers’ faces way too much. In MoA Annabeth states that she’s always had a crush on Percy (since they were twelve) which immediately rips all the development their relationship (which was supposedly ‘friends to lovers’, but not anymore) had away. Riordan made up a bunch of honestly dumb scenarios that were legit cringe to make Percabeth seem like ‘OTP’ that really didn’t make sense.
5. It ruined their characters. Percy and Annabeth would’ve been way better off as just friends. After they got together in HoO, all their personality and everything else that made them independent was destroyed to make room for more ‘Percabeth’. All of Annabeth’s skills, bravery, intelligence, pride, ferocity, judgmentalism, and all the other traits and flaws that made her a well-written character were never utilized or even mentioned. All she thought about was Percy, and the same goes for him. His loyalty, sarcasm, humor, obliviousness, etc. disappeared to make room for arrogant Annabeth fanboy. In PJO, they were amazingly well-written and great role models for younger readers (especially Annabeth), but in HoO their characters were exclusively ‘Annabeth’s boyfriend’ and ‘Percy’s girlfriend’. Their characters were completely dependent on each other, and they were way better off as just friends. 
6. Annabeth is way too possessive. And creepy. It’s fine and honestly normal for people to get jealous when another person likes someone they do, but Annabeth’s jealousy was downright creepy. Not only did she not know if her feelings for Percy were reciprocated or not, but she also didn’t know if Percy and Rachel liked each other, either. The very first time she met Rachel she immediately hated her. That’s not ‘I’m jealous cause this girl likes the guy I do’, that’s ‘I’m jealous cause the guy I like has another female friend’. She had no reason to believe that Rachel and Percy liked each other and has no say in who they can like, either. She thought that she and Percy absolutely had to be in a relationship and that he couldn’t even have friends with different genitals than him. And remember when Annabeth literally stalked Percy in The Sea of Monsters? Like when she creeped by his window, constantly watched him, and kept tabs on him just cause she ‘couldn’t find the right time’ to tell him something cause he was ‘never alone’ despite him being alone multiple times and despite the fact that she literally could’ve just knocked on his door like a normal person instead of creeping around his cabin and staring at him through the windows? Again- switch the roles. If it was Percy who was stalking Annabeth, everyone would’ve immediately called him a creep. If- according to Tumblr and almost everyone who read Twilight- Edward is a creep for stalking Bella, then Annabeth is a creep for stalking Percy. 
7. It’s mostly fan love. Honestly, the fandom is the only thing that fuels Percabeth. Riordan just destroys it. He shoved it down the readers’ throats, forced it way too much with really dumb and honestly unrealistic scenarios, and made it abusive and toxic. On its own, Percabeth freaking sucks. The fandom’s version of Percabeth is 1000x better than whatever the hell Riordan was doing, but even that version is toxic. Like, I’ve seen way too many jokes about Annabeth hitting Percy (as if abuse is hilarious and amazing meme fuel and not an extremely sensitive topic that triggers multiple people who actually went through it). Half the time, the fandom fixes Percabeth and the other half of the time they over-glorify and ruin it. The fandom over exaggerates and over glorifies it way too much. It’s not that great of a relationship, to be honest. Most of y’all only like it in the first place cause Riordan made it canon.
8. It was cringey. Like I said above, Riordan wrote some really dumb scenes for Percabeth. I mean- the matching gray streaks in their hair despite Atlas and Artemis not getting any? Percy’s tie to the mortal world while bathing in the River Styx being Annabeth and not his mom, Grover, etc.? Percy only remembering Annabeth, the girl he’s only known for four years and not his mom, the only woman who actually cared for and took care of him or Grover, his best friend who protected and continuously cared about him? Percy turning down immortality only for Annabeth and not even bothering to mention the pain of leaving behind his life, friends, family, memories, etc. behind if he accepted it? The romanticized judo-flip? The whole ‘dark-haired rebellious bad boy/nerdy blonde good girl who can be bad’ trope? Even the boring predictability of Percabeth is cringe. 
9. It’s a bad influence on younger readers. Basically the lesson of Percabeth is ‘Once you get a love interest nothing else in your life matters’. Besides that one single scene that took like three lines in The Son of Neptune, Percy never even thought of his own mom, nor did he think about any of his friends or passed allies like his dad, Rachel, Grover, Paul, Silena, Luke, Ethan, Bob/Iapetus, Tyson, Calypso, Charles, Michael (whose death he accidentally caused), Bianca, Zoë, etc. Even when in Tartarus with the curse of the Arai being forced to remember all the people he forgot and feeling guilty about abandoning Bob and Calypso, all he thought about was Annabeth. Even when faced with the man who broke the heart of the girl who sacrificed herself for him, Percy didn’t even think of her, only his jealousy of Jason. Same thing with Annabeth. She never thought about her mom, Luke, Thalia, her step-mom or step-brothers, etc. It was all about Percy. Cause yes, Riordan, that’s exactly the lesson you should teach your younger readers- forget everyone you ever knew the moment you get a partner. Besides that, it also teaches readers that being rude to people who like the same person as you is completely okay cause no one will care and once you start being rude, bitter, and possessive you’ll get exactly what you want (that’s literally what happened, with Annabeth and with Calypso, too). He also teaches that after you get a partner, everything that makes you you will disappear and you’ll be completely dependent on them and nothing in your life will matter, even your own independent life and personality. 
10. The fandom tries to excuse and explain Annabeth’s behavior??? What??? Since when does explaining and excusing hitting people put you in the right again? And the excuses aren’t even good, too! Percabeth fans use-  Annabeth was full of emotions/mad and doesn’t know how to deal with emotions. Annabeth really loved Percy. It was only one time. Annabeth was worried about Percy and mad that she left him. Annabeth didn’t mean to hurt him. Annabeth didn’t know what she was doing cause she was full of emotions. ??? Annabeth was full of emotions/mad and doesn’t know how to deal with emotions- Annabeth was seventeen years old, the daughter of the wisdom goddess, and is supposedly the smartest character in the series who is shown to be extremely good at reading people and their emotions. And y’all are really trying to say she doesn’t know how to deal with her emotions?  Annabeth really loved Percy- SO? A mother might really love her child, does that excuse her for hitting them for dumb reasons? It was only one time- actually, it was twice, and so what? If someone was slapped across the face ‘only one time’, does that mean they weren’t abused? ‘Abuse’ doesn’t mean ‘hit constantly’, it means ‘hit’. If someone was hit, they were abused. Is that really not a known fact in this fandom? Annabeth was worried about Percy and mad that she left him- last time I checked, people didn’t hit others when they were worried about them. If I was worried that my friend was going to get hurt, I wouldn’t hurt them myself. That literally makes no sense. And again- Percy didn’t leave Annabeth. He was kidnapped. Do y’all not know the definition of that, either? Annabeth didn’t mean to hurt him- yes, cause that’s why she decided to flip him over her shoulder, slam him on a stone pavement on his back, and punish him for ‘leaving her’.  Annabeth didn’t know what she was doing cause she was full of emotions- Annabeth??? the daughter of the wisdom goddess??? not knowing what she’s doing??? huh??? I mean, would any of you really, legitimately try to use any of these dumb excuses to excuse a man from hitting his wife? Hopefully not. And if you did, you would immediately get hated on and legit cancelled. So what makes this any different? Also- I see the excuse ‘Annabeth didn’t know Percy lost his Achilles Heel and thought he was still invincible’. Under different circumstances I’d accept that, but Annabeth knew that Percy’s Achilles Heel was on the small of his back...BUT SHE SLAMMED HIM ON HIS BACK. If Percy hadn’t lost the Achilles Heel, Annabeth literally would’ve killed him. Abusive enough for y’all? Or is attempted murder excusable and still ‘OTP’? 
11. They had no chemistry whatsoever. Was I the only one who felt...absolutely no chemistry between Percy and Annabeth? Like some of their moments were cute, their friendship was really good, and they had a lot of potential, but they didn’t feel right for each other. Remember- opposites don’t attract (they just argue, and no one has ‘another half’ that needs to ‘complete them’, everyone is their own person), they cancel each other out. I mean, Reyna and Annabeth had more chemistry in that one chapter of the New Rome tour in MoA than Percy and Annabeth had in 12+ books. They’re just...not right for each other, I guess. 
I’m definitely getting cancelled-
Edit 2: Sorry if I offended anyone with that last note. Just wanted to let y’all know that I am not here to start any drama, hurt anyone, or disrespect any Percabeth shippers. I respect your opinions 100% and only ask you do the same for me. Like I literally only wrote this at 12 am when I was bored and had nothing else to do and couldn’t sleep (same goes for pretty much everything else I write about PJ). Besides, why argue and start drama over dumb stuff like that when we can just find something we agree on? Don’t like Piper McLean? Let’s talk about that. Think Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano is a queen? Let’s talk about that. Think Nico di Angelo is freaking amazing? Let’s talk about that. Think Theyna would be adorable? Let’s talk about that. Want someone to vent to about writer’s block? Why the hell not? Want random writing advice and tips for writer’s block? Sure, I got plenty. Instead of arguing and starting beef over trivial fictional ships. 
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cheesewelsom · 3 years ago
Percy jackson next Generation cause why not?? Characters :
Victoria Reign
Powers include : Teleportation, Aerokinesis, Seeing through peacock feathers, talking to animals ( mainly lions, cows, peacocks ), Summoning a peacock feather out of nowhere, Emotional Manipulation, take out memories, can make anyone go crazy, Pathokinesis, Geo - Thermokinesis ( lava ) Geokinesis, breath underwater, ink manipulation ( or more like being controlled by one ),
+ knowing which demigods godly parent is, they can detect love, they know who's going to get married, they can create bonds with people to be friend or to lovers, knows about women.. alot, knows the gender or sexual orientation of that person
+she loves toddlers, babies, knows how to cook, clean, do the dishes ect. They're domestic, they know how to take care of kids.
+ 1815 - in tartarus : ( because her friends got kidnapped by a magician / she was stuck in tartarus for 3 months 1 month getting lost and getting to know the place better ( and trying to survive the heck there, and 2 months fighting monsters, titans and magicians )
+she was currently running for her life because of random monsters then suddenly fell into the river of Lethe and her right hand was on the corner so her right hand didn't get a bath.
+ she then ran towards the wizard who switched their bodies and gave her a moving tattoo ( that kinda acts like Eraser heads, MHA: binding cloth) the wizards body just disintegrates and the wizard was in her body and she was now currently just moving ink. So she binds her ink into her own wrists and beats the crap out of the wizard.. well not until her friends die. She's now in her own body again with the curse on her neck
Her friends dead, she got the attention of two titans, they duke it out, she traumatized them so much hyperion made a constellation just for her called ' Victorious ' by scientist. (It's actually a warning for the monster's if this mother fucker is using her powers
It looked like a straight line with one arm on it's upper half and the straight lines was carrying what looks like a sword ( comedic because this mother fucker knows how to use every weapon but the sword )
She also got special powers from the monsters, like a cool left burning red eye, her right eye is currently out of commission because it was slashed in half. She is also currently bleeding half of her body parts and lost alot of hair, then tartarus shows up, she beats the crap out of him and he gives her access to use the lava of Phelegethon. ( He made her promise in the river of Styx )
( it was like giving a child of Hephaestus a new birthday present. Lava )
( Zeus trying to kill her attempts ↓
Anyways one time she was chained to the sky : ordered by Zeus was stopped by hera
One time she was forced to hold the sky for 3 weeks : also by Zeus ( her ability to urinate was taken away from her earlier, and the ability to hold liquid in her body so she was just forced to sweat an large amount of water.. and blood ) ( he kidnapped atlas and hid him ) was also stopped by hera
Was stuck to a chair for 2 hours, stopped by herself
She's insanely beautiful ( because like, before Aphrodite she is named the most beautiful goddess ),
she was convinced the same way Annabeth was.
Has black hair and brown eyes, fair skin, she could be a idol, model and everyone would agree, she's 2 inches shorter than Leo ( not everyone could be 6'1 people. )
Age : 3,827
Birth : 1800th / 18th century
Currently : 2027
Has a golden lasso that can change shape into any weapon, and you could just randomly take a chunk of it and create two shape-shifting golden Weapons, can expand to whatever and how far.
She was a slave and mostly played with wolves or bears until she got adopted at 9, then she learned etiquette and at age 10 was molested by her mother, at 13 raped by her brother and had a baby boy, and also got molested by her father then was shipped over to another man, she escaped and found camo half blood, and at 14 (before going to tartarus ) she went tl visit her family, once she got there a prominent lightning bolt crashed into her house ( so she never got to meet her son )
At 15 after the whole tartarus thing she literally drags/ claws herself out of there, drank alot of healing potions until she could feel her legs then walk off..
Until 2 hours in to the forest she saw her brother with am axe and just runs towards her yelling ' i want immortality, give me your blood ' she runs to the cliff and jumps.. not until her brothers axe meets her neck.
( she remembers the time when she was turned into a doll and a baby snapped her doll versions head off and once she was human she got so traumatized by that moment she cried )
Then meets the river.
(then hera casts a spell on her that once ahe wakes up, her whole body will be fully healed )
She is the reason why camp half blood and camp jupiter has a strange relationship in the first place. ( In one of her quest's she was forced to fight a whole battalion of camp Jupiters strongest army, she won and left them black and blue and left no joint unbroken )
+ she kinda loses half of her powers
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unwelcome-ozian · 3 years ago
Could you say more about Greek programming, specifically the titans? Also of note is we have a Charon (ferryman of the dead in mythology) who looks after dead alters but are dead alters even possible?
There is a vast amount that occurs during programming. I can’t go into great detail due to the amount of time and length it would take to cover.
Please feel free to ask more specific questions.
I’ll give a brief overview.
Titans were the deities that preceded the Olympians. They were the twelve children of the primordial parents Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), with six male Titans: Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus, and six female Titans, called the Titanides: Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys. Some descendants of the Titans (second generation), such as Prometheus, Helios, Atlas, and Leto.
Some places/levels in the system could be:
The Titans who were based on Mt. Othrys.
Tartarus is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titansbelow Hades, in which Zeus imprisoned the Titans.
There are six rivers that are visible both in the living world and the underworld.
The Styx It's known as the river of hatred and is named after the goddess Styx. This river circles the underworld seven times.
The Lethe is the river of forgetfulness.
The Phlegethon is the river of fire.
The Cocytus is the river of wailing.
Oceanus is the river that encircles the world, and it marks the east edge of the underworld, as Erebos is west of the mortal world.
The Acheron is the river of pain. It's the one that Charon, also known as the Ferryman, rows the dead over sometimes it is the river Styx or both.
Dead Alter- A alter hidden from the rest of the system, or may hide from others in the system. They may have a memory of a trauma in which they felt they were being killed. A child who has a near-death experience may develop a dead alter to hold the memory, and experience.
If you would like the underworld map/structure please send an ask.
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we-eternal-rp · 3 years ago
Which of the titans would you best like to see filled? or if not titans i really like the nymphs
—  ☄ anon !
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hi anon, so so many of them, i adore the titans actually more than the olympians and i have no idea why !  the titan gods are all awesome and so varied, so here are a few of my favourites (and some of the collective repeat faves from our members):
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atlas: elder titan god of daring, endurance, and the art of astronomy.
cronus: king of the titanes, the elder titan god of time, in particular time when viewed as a destructive, all-devouring force
hyperion: the elder titan god of heavenly light, and of the cycles of time measured by the lights of heaven; the sun, the moon and the dawn
coeus: the elder titan god of the intellect.
rhea: the queen of the titans, the elder titan goddess of female fertility and the mountain wilds.
themis: the elder titan goddess of divine law order, the traditional rules of conduct first established by the gods.
mnemosyne: the elder titan goddess of memory, remembrance and the inventress of language and words. one of the titan-muses of music and she is the mentor of the nine olympian muses.
eos: the younger titan goddess of the dawn, created at the same instant as fellow younger titans helios and selene. she, together with fellow younger titan god astraeus, created the sky gods of the four directional winds known as the anemoi.
lelantus: the younger titan the god of the flow of air, moving unseen and a hunter’s skill at stalking prey, his daughter is the younger titan aura.
metis: one of the elder oceanid nymphs, and the younger titan goddess of good counsel, planning, cunning and wisdom.
perses: the younger titan god of destruction, sacking, burning, and the summer drought. father of the goddess hecate, with fellow younger titan goddess asteria.
selene: the younger titan goddess of the moon, created at the same instant as fellow younger titans eos and helios.
styx: the younger titan river goddess of the underworld, the personification of hatred. the river styx runs in the realm of hades, one of the elder oceanid nymphs and the trainer, with the titan god pallas, of the goddess nike and daimones kratos, zelos and bia.
and as for nymphs, here are some that we live for as well as the types of nymphs where you could create your own original nymph based on the type !
nephele: a nephelae nymph, created by zeus from the clouds in the likeness of a beautiful woman/
chloris: one of the oceanids, also known as the goddess-nymph of flowers.
daphne: a naiad nymph, transformed by gaia into a laurel tree.
herkyna: the naiad come underworld nymph of the river herkyna, who’s name harkens to “guard dog” or “she who wards off”, is known favourably by most deities who associate their image with dogs.
NYMPH TYPES; create your own, perhaps?
the anthousai / anthousae nymphs: collectively, the nymphs of flowers, however their group was comprised of oceanides, naiads, epimelides and leimonides.
the nephelae nymphs: nymphs of the clouds, numbered amongst the oceanids, related to the nymph nephele.
the aurae nymphs: nymphs of the cooling breezes, numbered amongst the oceanids, related to younger titan aura.
the meliai / melaea nymphs: nymphs of honey, bees and honeydew, also dryads of the mountain ash tree.
the lampade nymphs: torch-bearing nymphs of the underworld, under the training of the goddess hecate, and dedicated to the train of the goddesses of the eleusinian mysteries: both persephone and hecate.
the bacchae / bacchic nymphs: wild, orgiastic nymphs of the train of the god dionysus, this troupe consisted of a mixture of both dryad and naiad nymphs.
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pyroclaststan · 3 years ago
CW: body horror, gore, graphic depictions of injuries, Nanosurge event
The two of you had been running and you made it so far—you were going to get away, you were going to make it, but then Syrah started screaming.
She hit the ground flailing, howling, peeling apart. It was like her skin was disappearing from her limbs, and she kept yelling, pieces of her mouth starting to disappear, too.
There are no words you could ever use to describe the noise of someone gargling on blood and bile and those things as they ate through her lungs and chest and throat.
To describe the sight of your lifelong best friend sloughing apart and disappearing before your very eyes as she tries to scream and call out, only to be unmade.
In her final throws she reached out for you.
It hurt.
Now it feels like burning, and stinging, and itching all at once.
You cannot look away as the horror settles into you, freezing you in place. You watch as your left leg peeled, layer by layer, and eaten like the many before you—like the many around you.
It hurts, but you cannot scream, you cannot sob: you saw how they got into your best friend’s mouth that way. It ended quicker for her than the others but you do not want an end at all.
You kick the remnants of your leg in futility, as if to shake them off with sheer willpower as they eat their way closer. It’s all you can do. The swarm on you is multiplying; you see them like a hive of ants, now beginning to eat away at your fingers.
No one will be coming for you.
There is a chorus of screams a few yards away.
“NO!” a bloodcurdling howl of a voice echoes out.
It is the wretched, horrible scream of someone desperate out there, and your head whips around for the source despite your situation. Someone is close enough that they might see you—you might live.
Further across the field three—no, a body, just two—of the Rangers are gathered. One of them is actually not a Ranger at all but that vigilante you’ve seen, Sidestep, who is standing over the writhing form of Marshal Charge, hands out.
In the fields around you, you see the swarms of those creatures coalesce and gather, all stopping mid air before moving towards Sidestep, floating up and over their head like a rippling ball of shimmering black water. A river Styx of souless little creatures.
Looking down you realise that your leg is no longer being flayed by the microscopic monsters, flesh and bone gone like it was never there; your hands shake as you desperately peel off your shirt to tie around the stump, hoping through your panic it stems the bleeding as your adrenaline fades. You’ve never done anything like this before—your hands are shaking awfully. Blood loss and possible shock making you run cold.
In the few minutes more that follow the pause of those things, as you clutch what’s left of you, you hear more screams and the sounds of heavy footsteps: everyone left is being evacuated and before you know it Charge himself is beside you, scooping you into his arms before sprinting along with the crowds of survivors as if he weren’t screaming earlier. You were just close enough that he saw you; you clench his shoulders with your tremoring hands, unable to stop the tears that pour down your sweating skin. You’ve never known death this closely. You don’t know if your fear or relief is greater.
Surrounding the two of you are the desperate, the pleading, the injured, but you cannot tear your eyes away from their target to see all of them. Your hearing is muffled by a ringing of tinnitus, even as Charge hands you over to another person before running back to save others struggling out there. As all the heroes get to work while they have this new advantage.
You can’t stop watching Sidestep.
They stand there, alone, hands held to the sky as if to hold a barrier around the writhing mass of murderers. You think of the class last week: the Titan Atlas holding up the heavens. You see the way their arms and legs shake, muscles sure to be straining, their heavy breaths under their super-suit. There is no dramatic lighting or music to highlight their effort, this dire situation is all too real. They’re too close to those swarms but they don’t budge an inch, a hand coming to their head as they let out a bellow of pain.
The man holding you is trying to flee with you, but you can’t stop twisting in his arms—you need to see this: you need to witness what Sidestep is doing, what Sidestep has done. Someone needs to remember that they are alone amongst those… demons.
Others are watching too, crying, and after some time when Sidestep’s knee buckles and their hands fall to brace themself the entire crowd flinches as one. The swarm wavers looking like they might escape and spread again, but Sidestep’s hand quickly rises back up and they fall back into their synchronised swim. The terror is palpable, the air is thick, the smells of the dead nauseating in the breeze, but you all cannot stop watching. Even the reporters are keeping a silent vigil, unable to believe any of this.
A hero is saving you.
Time passes and you’ve all huddled together, taking care of each other, locating family, slipping out silent prayers. A nurse who was among the survivors has helped you with your leg so far: medical should be arriving soon, you won’t be saving that leg. You might have lost too much blood, or you will. She’s just waiting for the shock to set it now, holding your hand so you’re not alone through it.
But you don’t care because out there so many have lost more than you. Others are still fighting so you all don’t lose more, even now. And one is stemming the tide.
Charge is behind Sidestep as they keep on despite being brought to their knees and struggling, posted like a sentry but gripping his own arm, and you can almost make out the look of abject horror on his face as he watches the swarm hovering before them; small flickers of static arcs when the hive moves or breaks synchronisation.
Medical has arrived and you are being carted off to a rescue vehicle while containment is still on the way, but you still don’t look away—you can’t look away. It has been hours and they are shaking and they are struggling but they are holding. You burn that sight into the back of your head before the ambulance doors close. Your hero.
Your dream always ends there: you were gone before they’d collapsed. Before it was over.
Today is the anniversary of that awful day; the persistent nightmare that haunts even your days through all the scars. It’s hard to go outside most days, hard to watch the news and catch a glimpse of that silver woman that scares you so much. It’s hard to do much of anything that isn’t sitting locked in your workspace, building, tinkering, or fixing. But this day is an exception to all those great fears.
You stop by the florist with the modded hand: she remembers the day as well as you, sometimes the two of you talk about it while you work on her hand. She’s bundling up Syrah’s yearly bouquet, handpicking each flower by some meanings you’ve never gotten around to learning about them, stopping only to help a haggard looking man she also seems to know well with a bundle of white chrysanthemums. You can smell the alcohol on him from here, but that’s none of your business: today is a hard day for more people than you and Maritsa.
She tells you to give her love to your old friend; she never goes herself, no matter how much time passes. She lost too much to that nightmare—a wife, two kids, some family.
Your eyes linger on one of the few white chrysanthemums that man left behind, scratching the scar tissue buildup on your finger’s skin weave, something telling you to pick one of those up, too. Her garden hardy mums cost a lot but you know anything she grows in her greenhouse is well worth the price.
Heading out with your newspaper bouquet in hand, you fall into step with the Los Diablos crowds, easily able to pick out who in the crowd is headed the same way as you. You can see it in their heavy steps and weighted shoulders and you wonder if you show it, too.
The memorial isn’t a plot of headstones—too many were lost for that—but instead a large stone and steel wall, covered from one end to another with names and birthdays of victims. Flowers, candles, teddy bears, liquor, and photos rest on the ground here every year, and every year the crowd and offerings grow smaller. Everyone eager to forget.
You take your place in front of Syrah’s name, fingers sliding quietly against the stone that’s too cold for having sat in Diablos’ heat as long as it has. To your right you see Desiderio placing his usual marigolds—also from Maritsa’s—against the stone, then falling into prayers as he always does. The flowers in your hands begin to feel too heavy so you set them down, quietly sit in prayer with Desi, and hold each other once the tears that always come arrive.
It’s a small, distant family you’ve made out of this place and the only other people who could understand your loss; no matter how much time passes between gatherings you all know you have each other. But you cannot stay all day, lost in the memories: you have one more important stop to make.
At the gates of your destination a man in a grey hoodie and a larger man in a blue one passes you, and once again you are hit by a wave of booze. Looking after them, you notice the back of the smaller, hunched over one: it’s that man again, being escorted by someone you hope is his friend. A few moments more and you draw in a deep breathe, gathering resolve before heading in.
So here you are at yet another memorial. Not the memorial to that scarred, barren earth you pointedly avoid looking at but the memorial to the hero you’d lost, gone after another even that shook the city to its core before they ended it. The hero this entire city lost. The dark headstone that’s all that’s left of Sidestep.
The black and teal hoodie you’ve worn in over the years always feel likes the only thing appropriate to wear as you sit here, sitting before the looming stone in your usual spot, staring at the bundle of white flowers and the half-full beer can beside it. Chrysanthemums bundled up with Maritsa’s trademark twine. A smaller bunch of white lilies next to it, from somewhere else. That man’s modded friend maybe; you know the signs like you know the smell of the dead. All too well.
You scratch the phantom itch crawling along the former calf and thigh of your modded leg, unable to chase away the ghost of a life past. Unable to turn back the clock. Unable to say thank you.
You set your flowers down next to that man’s, hoping that he found peace in his visit here like you do. Hoping that someone’s there to help him through that event and its scars, too. You really hope that was a friend.
The picture of your masked hero is peeling from all the rain and heat, the flowers and offerings dwindling as folks try to forget those terrible events, but you remain. Year after year.
Living is the only thanks you can give them.
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ktheist · 5 years ago
the astral that maps the sky.
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synopsis. ironically enough, the succubus would fall on his knees and become your loyal devout - if only you could love for a full cycle of the annular eclipse.
alternatively, when all jimin wishes for is the star herself.
muses. succubus!jimin x goddess of stars!reader
genre. angst
words. 3 078
note. albedo (n. light). astraea (n. name of the goddess of stars)
“the universes seem quiet.” seokjin murmurs - his never-audible footsteps have always unnerved you. granted, walking on the ground would be an insult to the gods that bequeathed him golden plated wings, “for the reckoning day’s eve, that is. do you think they know?”
“shall i take a closer look at what they’re up to?” you say from the divan, collected from the first dusk of dawn and wound together into a throne - a gift from one of your lovers, jungkook, the captain of the flight squad.
the floor ripples when your feet touches the ground. illuminating in aqua and sea green as you tread towards the edge of the waterfall where the marble of blue and white swirls aligns in the cosmos.
“i suppose it’s your last chance to look for a poor lonely soul and leave them with a happy memory,” he chuckles, bells chiming somewhere in the hallway.
a pair of garnet red eyes flashes at the back of your mind. all of a sudden, you’re back in gehenna. the air stale and scalding against your skin - it’s a different kind of warmth compared the light that engulfs you in your descent to earth. but the running water from the styx made it bearable as your lover then, held you in his arms and trailed kissed down your body.
that was a few eclipses ago.
you’d found him on earth, wearing human clothes and living a human life. those garnet eyes had looked past you like he’d had his fair share of celestials dusting off the remnants of halo off their shoulders.
“jimin,” he had taken a minute to ponder on your simple inquiry for a name to put on that devastatingly handsome face, “you can call me jimin.”
“it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, jimin,” you had fixed him with a smile that mimicked seokjin’s. as much as you didn’t want to have anything to do with the aforementioned angel, he had been the closest maternal figure in the cycles you’d spent growing up.
if you’d showed anyone your true self, your smile - they’d fall to the ground and began weeping as they clawed at their eyes until their lives thinned and they wither away.
but jimin wasn’t just anyone. the flowers next to his shoes wilting and drying out, had not gone past you but you’d come to stand in front of him and revived them with your life essence.
and the fact that you’d shot through the stars and landed on perfectly on your feet, had not been mentioned by him even once. 
it didn’t sit right with you - could he have found another star, perhaps one of your disciples, and fell in love with her albedo? a soul only falls in love with a star once in their lifetime.
you’d wondered less as you started to fall into a semblance of normalcy as you’d wandered the earth. travelling from city to city. but you’d always end up in that country where jimin was.
it wasn’t hard to find him. someway, somehow, you’d always cross each other at something o’clock at night. when the vehicles with artificial albedo built inside them ceased on the roads. when the streets were bare of bodies that always seemed to have somewhere to be - things to do. when the world falls asleep - you’d stop six feet apart from each other, taking in the other as though to say oh, you’re here.
as human as jimin seemed to be, he had also seemed every bit less human.
you found out why when you’d walked by his side, hands brushing against each other’s as he brought you to the outskirts of town where the forestline began to spread out and the skycrapers began to dwindle.
a portal laid in one of the hollow trees. he’d spoken words you grew up learning to be forbidden before the silhouette of the tower appeared, you wondered what was the name of the star that blazed behind it that looked so much like the sun. it made your own seem like that of a newborn.
“tau ceti, she fell in love with chaos and chose to abandon her galaxy for him,” jimin had answered your wonder while he drew circles down your bare back, his other arm propped underneath his head, equally naked with a thin layer of sheet draped just below his waistline while you sat up, gaze thrown towards the albedo that poured light into jimin’s room like it was day time yet the there was never a moment where the skies lightened. 
“it must be lonely, being cursed to be the light of gehenna for an eternity after her lover’s fall,” for the first time in your existence, you felt your chest cave and your breath falling short - something wet had stained your cheeks. you’d flinched at the icy cold liquid that had trickled from your ever-burning existence.
“hey, don’t cry - it happened a long time ago, i doubt she even remembers him,” jimin had gathered you in his arms and for some reason, that made your body tremble more, the icy liquid cascading down your face freely and cast a blanket of glacial over your skin.
but that’s the thing about eternity. even though she’s molded into her true self, bound by the red strings of betrayal - she still remembers. jimin had fallen asleep with his arms around you (he confessed it’s been awhile since he was able to) but you were still awake, listening to the silent cries of the only other star that came close to the sun’s brilliant rays.
you’d swore to yourself you’d never stick around for longer than a cycle of annular eclipse.
when you returned to the celestial palace, it had only been a mere half an hour as your disciple gathered in the atlas room to resume the lesson. no soul was aware of your descend to earth in your long for an escape.
perhaps it’s the realization that you could have spent what felt like multiple cycles in human years on earth and come back as if nothing had happened, that you allowed yourself the luxury to return to earth.
this time, you’d made it a point to avoid jimin at all costs.
you’d made sure to navigate your descent to countries half way across where you knew jimin would be. perhaps looking up at the sky, waiting for a shooting star. or perhaps he’d moved on, found another soul to take to his bed and showered them with kisses.
but it did not appear so when your eyes fell on a pair of familiar garnet red eyes and the lightest shade of blonde tresses across the street from the restaurant you and your new lover, taehyung, were having what the human would call brunch.
taehyung was a half-pixie with molten gold eyes that reminded you of the river that runs across the magnificent structures of the celestial palace. you’d spent several nights in paris, on the eiffel tower, simply holding one another, before he’d kissed you goodbye because he didn’t wish to aggravate the demon he pretended to be oblivious to then.
“i spent months searching for you- blaming myself for something i didn’t know what,” jimin’s gaze is more focused - on you - when you’d confronted him in the splendor of the cathederal of notre dame. his eyes were wide and his cheeks appeared hollower than you last saw him. you couldn’t tell about the rest of his body because he had an all black suit donned, but you hoped he’d been feeding off the pleasures of other men and women he’d been with, “why did you leave after the years we’d spent together?”
“i don’t -” you shook your head, eyes screwed shut as though willing him to be but a figment of your imagination and disappear once you opened your eyes, “i don’t know.”
you did.
you just didn’t want to tell him the reason that was so materially absurd and laughable. it was cowardly, but you didn’t want to let him go and you couldn’t bear to tear part of your self, one by one, until he had all of you and bound you to gehenna like your predecessor.
“there has to be a reason,” you could feel his gaze drilling holes inside your head, “and it is my own shortcomings to have made you feel like you could not tell me.”
“please, forgive my sins,” a thud had echoed off those ancient walls as jimin fell on his knees, shoulders hunched and hands clenched together until the scent of blood hit the air, “i can’t- i can’t live without you, my astraea.”
“jimin, they’re not mine to forgive,” you’d cupped his face and searched his eyes. they were aflame with the passion and anguish running through his veins. it’s then, that you felt his life force seeping out of him like the styx that kept flowing without any means to stop it.
“you...” eyes wide, you’d trailed off as realization began hitting you like a brick, “you’re so weak -  when was the last time you’d been with a lover?”
the succubus had tore his eyes from yours, as though by doing so, you wouldn’t be able to find the truth that lies within the windows of your soul. being this close, his dissimilar scent had engulfed your senses. he smelled like citrus and a trace of charcoal. there was no other being’s scent on him like the first time you’d met him.
the hand on covering your own brought your attention back to him, his eyes burned almost as bright as your halo, “never mind that. i’ve found you now - i - i don’t want to walk the face of the earth wondering about when the kingdom would come - i want to start living every single day of it... with you.”
you’d retracted your hand so fast - like he was lava that boiled from the core of his earth. feet tumbling backwards until your back hit the wall, until you had nowhere else to run to but your throne. so high up, he wouldn’t he able to chase after you.
by the time you realized your conscience had aligned the path to the celestial palace, you couldn’t do anything to stop it.
“i’m sorry, jimin,” you pleaded, tears beginning to prick your eyes as your albedo began to surround you and the lightweight sensation of your ascend begin to surround you, “a few visits are fine but i cannot fall from the graces of the gods and be bound to one universe - not like her.”
and then you were back at the palace. falling unceremoniously onto the rippling ground - a contrasting difference from earth’s still soil and stiller colors. yet it was never more beautiful.
you’d visited every few hundred years (that was tens of cycles in annular eclipse) and jimin would be there, waiting.
neither of you spoke of the future anymore. nothing about life on earth together or on any other planet. the humans had began building machines that would occupy the entire skies. they’d began exploring said other planets. some fell in love and settled with their foreign partner and others returned to earth because terra was the only planet where the grass was green and the sky was blue (though it was getting more hazardous with the hope engines popping out of the factory every few days).
it’s been a full cycle since you’d seen jimin - rules were enforced pertaining the visits to plants.
“seokjin, what of your elven queen?” you look at the man’s ever smiling feature - if not for the tiniest twitch on his eye, you would have thought he was like you. an unwilling slave to love, perhaps secretly wishing to be rid of feelings all together, “shouldn’t you be with her in the universe’s last hours?”
“she chose her husband over me - i suppose i was away for too long,” he chuckles but the bells are silent this time and his eyes are tiredly marveling the blue and white swirls of the marble a few light years away, “sometimes i wonder if it was a curse that i hadn’t been born a star - at least, if i was, i’d be able to hold her heart until she breathes her last breath.”
“is it not cruel - to hold another’s heart without giving yours back?” your own writhes in your chest. something in the pit of your stomach bursts with a desire to jump without summoning the path of the cosmos to align. without your halo to cushion your fall.
“on the contrary, ___, you’ve already given your heart to them the moment you decide to keep going back to them - no matter how many light years away, no matter how many cycles it’s been.” he looks at you with that eyes of a mother and a wisdom of a father.
“h-how did you know?” there’s a sort of tremble in your voice - a kind of fear you never knew you’d feel until you realize that jungkook and his squad might be rounding the palace as you speak and the fact that you wouldn’t be able to see jimin again.
“i just knew - since the beginning of time.” the way he tilts his head to earth makes your heart skip a beat. a smile on his face somewhat telling you that you weren’t the only one who viewed your relationship so fondly - perhaps, seokjin did consider you his own, “go, he’s waiting.”
so your feet carries you along the running river and over the edge where earth seems to beam at you the brightest. the fall is searing. there is no blanket of halo to protect your skin from the glacial that latches onto your lips and the tips of your fingers. yet they melt from the forming force that seem to grip you as you enter earth’s atmosphere.
your landing is every bit unceremonious. crashing against the ground, the impact dragging until a few feet before you roll to a stop. your pixie dusted satin dress tattered but strong enough to withstand any human weapon, girdle holding the loose fit material from slipping off your body completely.
it is a moment later, that you pick up the blaring sound of the vehicle you crashed against billowing. flashes of artificial lights going off from a rectangular device the humans are holding - those wretched, self-absorbing phones. language you barely recognize echoes in shouts in the air. 
your feet carries you away. the grains pokes against your sole - it would have been better if you had a pair of those foot covers the human invented. their grounds are not as smooth as the palace’s.
time runs faster here but at this moment, you feel like you’ve been running for hours upon hours. not knowing where to go but somehow, someway, you end up in front of the forestline. shoulderline rising and falling. heart palpitating against your chest. but for some reason, you can’t go any further.
it’s grappling fear that latches onto your limbs and roots you into the soil - fear that the portal won’t be there anymore and you’ll have no other way to get to jimin. just like how he couldn’t ascend the astral to find you.
but just as the earth is about to open up and swallow your existence that goes against the cosmos - you see him.
lightest blonde tresses atop perfectly sculpted features, garnet eyes that seem like they’ve stood against the test of time for long enough. the pristine white shirt hangs loosely around his body and tucks itself within the waistline of his fitted pants. if there’s anything you commend the human existence for - it is their creation of attire that never seem to fail to accentuate jimin’s physique.
as though something inside you begins to burn - you find your foot stepping forward. then you’re running towards him with mud stains on the hem of your dress and soul. traces of albedo reflecting off your olive skin.
“jimin!” you leap straight into his arms - and only then does your shoulderline relax but your hug is firm. but it is short lived. you push yourself off him enough to search his eyes, “i have to tell you something - the world is ending-”
“i felt your presence,” he smiles, hand on your cheek.
“-the horn will blow sometime after first light - we don’t have much time.” you hold his hand that is on your face, demanding his attention because his gaze is glazed. as though he isn’t really seeing you - as though he’s dreaming.
“between the present and the end of the world,” he says simply, “that’s all the time i need with you.”
almost as though a rock has lodged itself in your throat, you find yourself unable to say another word back. the serenity in his eyes is the most ethereal you’ve ever seen. perhaps, if he were born a star, he would have been the next closest to the sun - rivaling that of tau ceti.
but you know, he isn’t always like this - no demon breed is. he’s done things - things he will never say and things you will never ask.
only celestials like yourself are born pure. raised pure and some even vanish in that veritable state.
had they chosen to remain within the palace where the river running through sustains their albedo until the end of time.
but you’re a fool who realizes too late, that it is not truly living, if your heart remains somewhere in one of the marbles of the universe than inside the palace.
“if wishes do come true then mine is to remain in your arms until the end of eternity.” you whisper, underneath the moonlight, in the thinning mist of your albedo and the distant cavalry in from the cosmos as they prepare to bring the kingdom.
“they do,” the corners of jimin’s lips quirks in, “mine did. yours will too.”
his lips are soft against yours - just like 23 cycles ago when he first kissed you under the meteorite shower. and you understand now what you couldn’t understand then, what jimin was telling you.
you’re the astral that maps my sky.
note: this fic got me feeling sum typa way even though i’m the one who wrote it and i shouldn’t be affected by my own writing lmaooo. like literally, the angst got to me no cap it affected my productivity today. idk i think this concept is awfully sad. this is why i don’t like writing angst lmao anyway, i do not endorse any form of ghosting and leading someone on. thanks for reading!
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fabiansteinhauer · 8 months ago
Symbolische Ordnung
Was hat es eigentlich damit auf sich, dass man von symbolischer Ordnung und nicht von diabolischer Unordnung spricht? Das Gedächtnis ist stolz oder kurz.
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Styx und Lethe
Was hat es eigentlich damit auf sich, dass man sagt, Styx und Lethe seien verwechselbar?
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Ignore please
The first:
Gaia - earth
Tartarus - eh... Underworld I guess?
Nyx - night
Erebos - darkness
Pontos - oceans
Uranos - sky
Ourea - mountains
The twelve Titans:
Cronos - time
Rhea - motherhood
Okeanos - sea
Tehtys - water ?
Krios - south
Mnemosyne - Memory
Koios - north
Phoebe - Prophecy
Iapetos - west
Themis - law and fairness
Hyperion - east, light
Theia - clear sight
Other Titans:
Klymene - glory
Atlas - uh... he Held the sky?
Selene - Moon
Helios - Sun
Hecate - Magic
Leto - Motherhood
Maia -
Metis - clear sight
Asteria - stars
Perses - Destruction
Pallas - Warcraft
Lelanthos - Air, stalking prey
Aura - breeze, morning
Eurybia - master of the sea
Aristaeus - Stars, planets
Styx - hate
Anchiale - heath of fire
Menoetios - violent anger
Dione - Oracle of Dodona
Children of Rhea and Cronos:
Hestia - Home and Hearth
Demeter - Grain
Hera - Marriage
Hades - Underworld
Poseidon - Sea
Zeus - Sky
The twelve Olympians:
Ares - War
Athena - wisdom
Apollo - Music, Archery, Healing, (sun)
Artemis - Hunting, (moon)
Hephaistos - forge, fire
Aphrodite - Love, Beauty
Hermes - Thieves, Traveling,
Dionysus - vine
Children of Hera and Zeus:
Hebe - youth
Eileithya - Gebären
Enyo - bloody melee
Children of Zeus being a whore:
Aletheia - Truth
Ersa - Tau
Pandia - Light
Nemea - nemeischen games
Pasithea - Calmliness
Children of Nyx:
Hemera - day
Aither - sky
Nemesis - rage, fairness
Hypnos - Sleep
Tanathos - Death
Geras - Age
Eris - Discord
Ker - Destruction
Moros - Verhängnis Untergang
Oizys - Depression, Anxiety
Achlys - miserabel
Kreres - brutal death
Apate - Fraud
Oneiroi - Dream
Momos - tadel
Philotes - Friendship
Lyssa - rage, madness
Children of Aphrodite:
Eros - Love
Phobos - Fear
Deimos -
Harmonia - Harmony
Anteros -
Priapos - fruits, lifestyle
Hermaphroditos -
Children of Demeter:
Persephone - Spring
Despoina - secrets of arcadian culture
Arion - a fucking horse
Children of Apollo
Asclepius - medical arts
Aristaios - cheese
Children of Asclepius:
Hygieia - cleanliness
Iaso - recuperation from illness
Aceso - healing procress
Aegle - good health
Panacea - universal remedy
Children of Styx and Pallas:
Nike - Victory
Zelos - eager rivalry, zeal, jealousy
Bia - Force
Kratos - strenght, power
Children of Persephone:
Melinoe - Ghosts, nightmares
Makaria - blessed death
Other gods:
Khloris - Flowers
Aergia - sloth, laziness
Atë - Verblendung
Dysnomia - Gesetzlosigkeit
Ananke - necessity, inevability
Horme - Impulse
Hedone - pleasure, enjoyment
Peitho - seduction
Adikia - injustice, wrong-doing
Arete - Tugend, güte
Homonoia - Harmony
Kakia - badness, sin
Fama - Rumor
Galene - calm sea
Elpis - Hope
Aeolus -
Zephyros - West wind
Boreas - north wind
Notus - south wind
Euros - East wind
Morpheus - Dream
Children of Hephaestos:
Philophrosyne - kindness
Euthenia - prosperity
Eucleia - glory, good reput
Eupheme - good omen, applause, praise
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mythologicc · 4 years ago
Titans and Titanesses
The Titans were the pre-Olympian gods, born from Uranus and Gaia.
First generation:
Coeus - Titan of intellect and the axis of heaven around which the constellations revolved.
Crius - Implied to be the Titan of constellations.
Cronus - Titan of harvests and personification of destructive time. The leader of the Titans, who overthrew his father Uranus only to be overthrown in turn by his son, Zeus.
Hyperion - Titan of light.
Iapetus - Titan of mortality.
Mnemosyne - Titaness of memory and remembrance
Oceanus - Titan of the all-encircling river Oceans around the earth.
Phoebe - Titaness of the "bright" intellect and prophecy.
Rhea - Titaness of fertility, motherhood and the mountain wilds.
Tethys - Titaness of fresh-water, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and clouds.
Theia - Titaness of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky.
Themis - Titaness of divine law and order.
Second generation:
Asteria - Titaness of nocturnal oracles and falling stars.
Astraeus - Titan of dusk, stars, and planets, and the art of astrology.
Atlas - Titan forced to carry the heavens upon his shoulders by Zeus. Presumed to be the Titan of endurance and astronomy.
Eos - Titaness of the dawn.
Epimetheus - Titan of afterthought and the father of excuses.
Helios - Titan of the sun and guardian of oaths.
Leto - Titaness of motherhood and mother of the twin Olympians, Artemis and Apollo.
Menoetius - Titan of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality.
Pallas - Titan of warcraft.
Perses - Titan of destruction.
Prometheus - Titan of forethought and crafty counsel, and creator of mankind.
Selene - Titaness of the moon.
Other Titans:
Dione - Titaness of the oracle of Dodona.
Lelantos - Said to have probably been the Titan of air and the unseen.
Metis - Titaness of good counsel, advice, planning, cunning, craftiness, and wisdom. Mother of Athena.
Styx - Titaness of the Underworld river Styx and personification of hatred.
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corinthbayrpg · 5 years ago
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"...they writhed gasping as Scylla swung them up her cliff and there at her cavern's mouth she bolted them down raw— screaming out, flinging their arms toward me, lost in that mortal struggle."
The storm has finally stopped. The wind and rain battered town of Corinth Bay mostly held up against the onslaught, with debris from the mountain side littering the lower parts of the city. Since most of the houses were remade with stone and concrete after the earthquake, they stayed intact against the powerful gusts of winds that made their way through the narrow passageways of the city.
The ruined temple of Apollo, situated at the top of the hill overlooking the city, remained unusually dry. The few stone pillars that still stood among the ruins were stark and warm to the touch; not a hint of the dampness that would have settled into the stone from the endless rain was felt. It was a vision of this temple combined with a ghastly scream that awoke Atlas Rose the morning of March 13th. The coven of Delphi’s oracle had been plagued all night with a dream that he could not awaken from; a vision of a woman with dark hair and dark eyes walking into the shadows of the Temple of Apollo. She disappeared, and the young witch was left with more questions than answered. The only noticeable features she had were the green scales that trailed up her arms, but every time the witch attempted to remember her features, he found he could not recall them. His only options were to tell the coven – and the chief of police. 
However, not a moment past five thirty in the morning, it was Connor Morgan who found her first. The hunter was a frequent visitor to the quiet temple, situated by itself not far from the town. The first sight of blood had the man pressing forward, until the sight he came across was one that made him call Asher Gaines before he could get much closer to investigating the scene. 
A woman was sprawled out, laying against one of the broken pillars. Blood was spread over the crumbling stones and the dry stone beneath her feet. Her dark hair looked almost like a halo, spread evenly around her head. Her eyes were open and unseeing, the reptilian like irises now a dull green. It was the police chief who had an innate feeling within his chest; Asher knew who this was: Scylla, the mother of all reptilian and water shapeshifter lines. Her arms were covered in glittering green scales, the only other hint to her shifted form. A terrifying Hydra was one thing, but the broken corpse before them was simply a shadow of the creature she was supposed to be. The Morgan hunter was the one who removed the blade from her chest, a jagged thing made of bone that had torn her chest cavity apart. The damage was brutal, and calculated, but messy. 
The news spread not an hour later – the temple was blocked off, all people were to remain as far away from the scene of the crime. Though a sketch of the woman was released to the public in hopes of generating more leads, flashing on every working television in the town. It was one of the first homicides to be broadcast throughout the city in the past few years; things like this didn’t happen in the small Greek city. 
It was then that the features on the screen became familiar to a few who had noticed her the night before. She’d been in Styx Nightclub; moving through the crowd like she had been the one who owned the place. In passing, she’d locked eyes with Antonia Gregor and Ara Mayer – two werewolves, her brother’s descendants. With that look, she shared a piece of the future, contained in their pockets as a small green scale. She was a distant memory in the mind of Kasandra Rosales and Winter Dupont – a brief conversation about the variety of drinks, and a green scale in their pockets before she was gone. 
The last to see her alive were Silas Kyun and Safiye Basak– a flash of dark hair, a smile and a promise of tomorrow as she walked by them down the street, then nothing more but another pair of green scales. It was Clayton Scotts who saw something else that night – someone fleeing down the mountain, not long after midnight, their eyes flashing a brilliant blue before disappearing into the night.
Beyond the veil, however, it was Circe and Artemis who had a reckoning for the town. Their sight had been blocked by the attacker; whoever had murdered their daughter – a creation of Circe’s own magic and tasked by Artemis herself – had been invisible. With no one to stop them, it was Circe who tore the veil open wider, unleashing the ghastly Eidolon’s back into the city of Corinth Bay. The Eidolon’s were tasked with one thing – to find the person responsible. The entire town was susceptible to their pain and suffering; Artemis cared little for who stood in their way. Someone had begun this war, and they were nowhere near finished.
Scylla, one of the original shapeshifters, was found murdered in the temple of Apollo.
Artemis and Circe released Eidolon’s into Corinth Bay. An Eidolon is a spirit-image of a living or dead person; a shade or phantom look-alike of the human form – and they’re taking the forms of people that your character has lost, or even murdered. They are not friendly spirits, however, and will do anything to drive their victim mad. 
If your character is a shapeshifter: they would’ve woken up in the middle of the night if they were sleeping by immense pain, or if they were awake, it would’ve felt like an invisible punch to the gut. They will just know exactly what happened, and are unable to explain it. 
If your character has a green scale from Scylla: their memory from March 12th has been tampered with. They remember seeing a woman, but the rest of the day is gone. It feels like a gaping hole in their memory, and the scale is something they have become possessive over in a short amount of time. 
If your character is a genasi: they are able to see everyone’s Eidolons. While this is very concerning, they are also being haunted by their own personal Eidolon.
The Argos Pack and the Coven of Delphi are on high alert. They are looking for a way to send the Eidolon’s back into the rift.
From now until Sunday, March 22nd, your character will be haunted by an Eidolon. Any other species beside a genasi will only see their own personal spirit. Please feel free to write threads about this, self-paras, we can’t wait to read them! We’ll post a follow up and end to the event on the 22nd. 
Please tag all pre-event threads, you do not need to stop any threads that you currently have going on, just tag them appropriately! If you are making a starter for this, please make sure you reply to any event starters posted before yours. 
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arkadialatreia · 6 years ago
The Greek Pantheon
Aceso- Healing, Curing Achelois- a Moon goddess Achelous- Shark spirit Acheron- Woe Achilles- a Deified mortal Achlys- Posion, Misery Achos- Trouble Acratopotes- Unmixed wine Adathodaemon- Luck Adephagia- Gluttony Adikia- Wrongdoing Adonis- the Circle of life Adrastea- a goddess Aegaeon- Violent sea storms Aegle- Radiant health Aeolus- Ruler of the winds Aergia- Sloth Aether- Light, Atmosphere Aetna- Mt. Etna Agon- Contest Aiakos- a Judge in the underworld(europe) Aidos- Modesty
Aike- Prowess Aion- Eternity, Time Aisa- Fate Alabandus- a Deified mortal Alala- the Warcry Alastor- Blood feuds Alecto- a Fury Alectrona- the Morning Aletheia- Truth Alexiares- Fortifies towns Amechania- Helplessness Amphiaraus- Chthonic oracle Amphictyonis- Wine Amphilogiai- Debates Amphitrite- the Sea Anaideia- Ruthelessness Ananke- Inevitability Androktasiai- Slaughter Anetheusa- Fountains Angelia- Messages Angelos- Chthonic Ania- Ache Anicetus- Fortified towns Anteros- Requited love Aparctias- the North Wind Aphaea- Agriculture Apheleia- Simplicity Aphrodite- Love, Beauty, Desire Aphroditus- a deity Apollon- Music, Art, Healing Aporia- Difficulty Arae- Curses Ares- War, Violence Arete- Virtue Argestes- the West/Northwest Wind Ariadne- Mazes Aristaeus- Bee-keeping Arke- a Messenger Artemis- Hunting, Archery Ascelpius- Medicine Askalaphos- Tends orchards in the underworld Asteria- Stars Astraea- Justice Astraeus- Celstial bodies, Astrology Athena- Wisdom, Strategy Atlas- Endurance, Astronomy Atropos- Fate Attis- Vegetation Atë- Delusion Aura- Breeze, Fresh air Auxesia- Fertility Auxo- Spring growth Benthesikyme- the Sea Bia- Violence Bolina- a Deified mortal Boreas- the North Wind, Winter Britomartis- Nets Brizo- Sailors Caerus- Oppurtunity Caicias- the Northeast Wind Carme- Harvestt Castor- Boxing, St. Elmo’s Fire Ceraon- the meal, specifically, the making of the wine Cerberus- Guard dog of the underworld Ceto- Dangers of the ocean Chaos- Nothingness Charites(p)- Charm, Creativity Charon- Ferryman of the underworld Charybdis- Whirlpools Chione- Snow Chiron- a Centaur Chloris- Flowers Chronos- Empirical time Chrysothemis- Harvest Circe- a goddess, a Witch Clotho- Fate Clymene- Renown, Fame Coeus- Intellect Comus- Revelry Corus- Surfeit Corymbus- Fruit of the ivy Cricios- the North/Northwest Wind Crius- Constellations Cronus- Destructive time (king of the Titans) Cyamites- Beans Cybele- Mountains Cymopoleia- the Sea Damia- Fertility Deimos- Fear Deino- Graeae Deipnus- the meal, specifically, the making of the bread Delphin- Dolphins Demeter- Grain, Harvest Despoina- Mysteries Dikaiosyne- Justice Dike- Justice Dione- Oracle of Dodona Dionysus- Wine, Madness Dolos- Trickery Dynamene- Ocean swells Dysnomia- Lawlessness Dyssebeia- Impiety Eidothea- sea nymph Eileithyia- Childbirth Eirene- Peace Eiresione- the Olive branch Ekecheiria- Truce Eleos- Mercy, Pity Elpi- Hope Endymion- a Deified mortal Enyalius- War Enyo- Destructive war Enyo- Graeae Eos- Dawn Eosphorus- the morning star, Venus Epidotes- a deity Epimetheus- afterthought Epione- Soothing pain Epiphron- Prudence Erebus- Darkness Eris- Strife Eros- Love, Attraction, Intercourse Ersa- Morning dew Eucleia- Good repute Eulabeia- Discretion Eunomia- Good order Eunostus- the Flour mill Eupheme- Good omens Euporie- Horae Eupraxia- Well being Euronotus- the Southeast Wind Eurus- the East/Southeast Wind Euryale- Goron Eurybia- Mastery of the sea Eurynome- Wateer, Meadows (ex-queen of the Titans) Eusebia- Piety Euthenia- Prosperity Gaia- Earth Galene- Calm seas Ganymede- a Deified mortal Geeras- Old age Gelos- Laughter Glaucus- Fishermen Glycon- a snake god Hades- Wealth (lord of the underworld) Harmonia- Harmony Harpocrates- Silencee Hebe- Youth Hecate- Magic Hecaterus- Hekateris Hedone- Pleasure Hedylogos- Sweet talk Heemphroditus- Andrgony Heimarmene- Sharing Helios- the Sun, Oaths Hemera- Day Hemithea- a Deified mortal Hepheastus- Fire, Crafts Hera- Marriage, Women (queen of the gods) Heracles- Strength Hermes- Travel, Messages Hesperus- the evening star, Venus Hestia- Hearth, Home Hilaera- a Deified mortal Himeros- Sexual Desire Homados- Battle Homonia- Concord Horkos- Oaths Horme- Impulse Hybris- Outrageous behavior Hygeia- Hygeine Hymenaios- Marriage Hyperion- Light Hypnos- Sleep Hysminai- Fighting Iapetus- Mortality Iaso- Cures Ichnaea- Tracking Ino- a Deified mortal Ioke- Pursuit Iris- Rainbows Iynx- the Love charm Kakia- Vice Kalokagathia- Nobility Karpo- Fruits Keres- Violent Deaths Keuthonymos- Chthonic Koalemos- Stupidity Kokytos- Wailing Kratos- Strength Lachesis- Fate Lampsao- a Deified mortal Lelantos- Air, the Unseen Lethe- Forgetfulness Leto- Motherhood Leucothea- the Sea Limos- Hunger Lips- the Southwest Wind Litae- Prayer Lupe- Pain Lyssa- Rage Ma- a goddess Macaria- Blessed deaths Machai- Fighting Mania- Madness Matton- the meal, specifically, the kneading of the dough Medusa- Gorgon Megaera- a Fury Melinoe- Offerings to the dead Men- Lunar god Mene- the Months Menoetes- Herded cattle in the underworld Menoetius- Anger Methe- the state of being Drunk Metis- Good council Minos- Judge (final votee) Mnemosyne- Memory Momus- Mockery Mormo- Chthonic Moros- Doom Neikea- Quarrels Nemesis- Retribution, Revenge Nereus- Old man of the sea Nesoi(p)- Islands, Seas Nike- Victory Nomos- Law Notus- the South Wind Nyx- Night Oceanus- the All-encircling river Oizys- Woe, Misery Oneiroi(p)- Dreams Ophion- Ruler of the Titans (overthrown by Cronus) Orithyia- Mountain winds Orthosie- one of the Horae Ourae(p)- Mountains Paean- Physician Palaemon- the Sea Palaestra- Wrestling Palioxis- Flight, Retreat Pallas- Warcraft Pan- Shepherds Panacea- Healing Pandia- sky deity Parthenos- a Deified mortal Peitharchia- Discipline Peitho- Persuasion Pemphredo- Graeae Penia- Poverty Penthus- Grief Pepromene- Share Phaenon- Saturn Phaethon- Jupiter Phanes- Procreation Pheme- Rumour Pherousa- one of the Horae Philomelus- the Wagon, the Plow Philophrosyne- Kindness Philotes- Friendship Phlegethon- Fire Phobos- Fear Phoebe(1)- Prophecy Phoebe(2)- a Deified mortal Phonoi- Murder Phorcys- Hidden dangers of the sea Phrike- Horror Phthonus- Envy Phylonoe- a Deified mortal Pistis- Trust Plutus- Wealth Poine- Retribution Polemos- War Pollux- Boxing, St. Elmo’s Fire Ponos- Hard labour Pontus- the Sea, Sea creatures Poros- Expediency Poseidon- Earthquakes, the Ocean (lord of the sea) Pothos- Yearning Praxidike- Exacting justice Priapus- Fertility Proioxis- Onrush Promtheus- Forethought Prophasis- Excuses Proteus- Herdsman of Poseidon Psamathe- Sand beaches Psyche- the Soul Ptocheia- Beggary Pyroeis- Mars Rhadamanthys- Judge (asia) Rhapso- Sewing Rhea- Fertility (queen of the Titans) Roma- Rome Saloazios- sky deity Sangarius- a River Scylla- the Sea Selene- the Moon Semele- a Deified mortal Silenus- Wine press Skeiron- the Northwest Wind Sophrosynee- Moderation Soteria- Safety Soter- Safety Stheno- a Gorgon Stilbon- Mercury Styx- Hatred, Oaths Taraxippus- a Ghost Tartarus- Tartarean Pit Techne- Art, Skill Telesphoruus- Convalescence Telete- Initiaion into the Bacchic cult Tenes- a Deified mortal Tethys- Fresh water Thalassa- the Sea Thallo- Buds Thanatos- Death Thaumus- the Wonders of the sea Theia- Sight Themis- Devine law Thetis- Marine life Thoosa- Sea currents Tisiphone- a Fury Triptolemus- Farming Triteia- the Sea Triton- the Sea Tthrasos- Boldness Tyche- Fortune Uranus- the Sky Zagreus- first incarnation of Dionysus Zelos- Rivalry Zephyrus- the West Wind Zeus- Weather, Lightning (lord of the sky, king of the gods)
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rayne-storm · 5 years ago
10/14 - First - Previous - Next
You could rattle the stars if you so wished,
You could shake the earth from Atlas’ shoulders
Could freeze the Styx and retrieve all the lost
Memories stolen by the river of souls
Perhaps you could even return them
Learn a million histories from a billion lost souls
See the birth and death of stars, learn the secrets
Of a time before time was recorded
All through memories once lost
When you return those lost memories, friend
Be careful you don’t give away your own
Hold tight to these two things when you quest:
Your name and heart. Your heart beats your story, and
There is a power in names
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