#meme || would you rather
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symphonicsoul · 1 year ago
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Would you rather... || Accepting
@dont-call-me-a-lyre asked:
would you rather be forced to give up your crown or forced to give up your sielun värit?
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ The question strikes him like a blow to the chest. To give up his crown or instead his ... his - his hand is resting gently on his throat at the thought. To give up his crown is to abandon his oath to his people. His Oath to serve them and that his life - his soul belongs to them. That his live is meant to live only in service to them and none other. His crown is - his crown is the symbol of that Oath. He - he belongs to Misterica and all who hail from her. He made an Oath to them.
He pledged his life to them. He lives in their service. If he gives up his crown then ...
His hand never leaves his throat as he thinks about the idea of his sielun värit no longer being there. It is his essence. It is the colors of what makes him manifested in a way for all to see. It marks him yes. It marks in the Celestial Mother's colors so that all may see just exactly what and who he is. The Child of White - Lady Tiamat's holy son of the colors of all. He is her vessel and his sielun värit tells the world, neigh, the universe exactly that. It is sacred and to remove it is... a Misterican did not simply remove it unless ritual dictates...
It has been around his neck since he was just a child and it was the one thing His Excellency had allowed of him to keep of his culture. His crown was another story and he kept it safely hidden from sight beneath a curtain of white.
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"How could you expect me to be able to choose between my Oath and the essence of my soul? That's what you're asking. To choose between my people and my place in society. Between my vow to serve and the shine of who I am. That is the truth of what you're asking."
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"So I choose my people. I will always choose my people. I am nothing without them. Even as things are now. My life and my soul still belong to them even in their passing. So in turn that means I choose my crown. It is not a marker of power or my position over another being as it is to that of the humans or other planes of space. It is an Oath I swore to serve them to my dying breath. So I suppose that I would - I would part with my sielun värit even if it would pain me to do so. The Universe only need that I serve them properly - they need not know who I am."
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daftpatience · 1 month ago
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slow down for your disabled friends. thats like a bare minimum kindness that we shouldnt have to ask for. i love that youre so quirky and walking fast is a cool personality trait to you and all that but i bet you can count your physically disabled friends on less than one hand
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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Get Souped!
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memeclassheroes · 10 months ago
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fellow trans people who are remaining trans:
you will support detransitioners or you will die by my sword.
regardless of whether they're doing it temporarily or permanently. for safety or for a better understanding of themselves or out of boredom or bullying or any other reason. you will support them regardless of whether they're doing some fluid or multiple gender stuff and also being their original gender, or if they're fully wholly just cis again.
you WILL support people who detransition. for any and all reasons. or else
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runespoor7 · 6 months ago
hiii! for the ask game, an au where jc gets de-aged post-canon to his freshly traumatized 17 year old self? playing happy family in cloud recesses, wwx is brutally pulled out of his ‘the past is in the past’ bubble when he finds out. for extra knives, maybe wn tells him
1. I think it should be JL, and not WN, who tells WWX. JL is invested in JC (and in JC and WWX’s relationship)! WN is mostly invested in #getwreckedSLJ.
WWX doesn't really understand what JL expects of him - WWX’s heart leaped when he understood the content of JL’s letter, and his belly twisted as though he was going to be sick, but he managed to calm down enough to write a reassuring letter back to JL. (Surely that was what JL expected, right?) WWX had to sit on his own hands to keep from doing something stupid like grabbing a sword and flying off, and then he had to ask to LWJ to distract him, because it keeps buzzing, buzzing under his skin.
There's no new letter from JL. WWX forces himself to think it means everything went back to normal. And makes himself distracted (he loves his husband!) before his mind trips down the path of what if not. (JL wouldn't write then. He'd show up.)
2. There’s no second letter but JL shows up. WWX, who's been thinking that there was no reason for JL to come but if things had gone worst with JC, doesn't know what he looks like when he sees JL and doesn't really register the sound of people sliding their swords out.
“You have to come, why didn't you come! I had to leave jiujiu because you weren't coming, and I'm going to have to return to Jinlintai once I’ve brought you back, so grab your things, shibo. Oh, you don't need to take much, LP will put you up with what you need. What matters is going back so jiujiu can see you.”
JC is alive. JC is alive. Once the news break through the dull rushing sound in WWX’s ears, tension he didn't know had frozen his body seeps away.
The Jin disciple accompanying JL puts his sword away, under the misapprehension that WWX isn't ready to leave right away. LWJ says WWX’s name and presses his arm, and WWX nods fiercely. No time to waste, is there? Now JC wants him there.
3. There’s a disciple of YMJ as a welcoming committee when they fly down, or maybe two; WWX doesn't pay attention, he leaves JL and LWJ to deal with them - “hey, wait!” JL yelps, “do you even know where you’re going?”
WWX’s feet slow, stop. LP is changed. WWX isn't even sure JC left the infirmary where it once was.
JL catches up with an annoyed, worried huff. He sounds just like JC. “Here, this way.”
4. JC looks– JC looks.
WWX’s legs give up from under him.
JC looks at him with an intense frown, features almost twisted in desperation - WWX’s name on his lips. WWX scrambles on the ground, knees banging on the polished wood, fingers feverishly untangled as he reaches for the long-lost shape of WWX’s shidi, crumpled as discarded hopes, slight as a memory.
“You– why are you here?” JC's words fall like stones on WWX’s bones before WWX can reassure himself JC’s real. “They told me you live in Gusu. You don't even look like yourself, why did you come back?”
How like JC! One thousand words to cut through WWX like one thousand blades. WWX ignores him, fists his hands in JC's robes, presses his face against JC’s thighs. He needs to feel the warmth of JC’s body, make sure he’s not a ghost, not a dream.
JC's hand on his shoulder, shaking. WWX is suddenly reminded of JC’s hands pushing him down, this same JC throttling him. It feels like the last time they touched, did JC ever touch him after that, did WWX let him?
5. “I’ll fix it – I promise, JC, I’ll make it right,” WWX breathes, recklessly, helplessly. How easy it is to fall back into these old, dizzying habits!
JC’s eyes are full of shattered distrust and cloudy hopes, like he’s been told WWX lies, like he still believes WWX first.
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fingerprint-insurance · 2 months ago
would you rather have a
gay son or a thot daughter
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symphonicsoul · 1 year ago
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Would you rather... || Accepting
@dont-call-me-a-lyre asked:
☀️☁️ + would you rather be locked in a room with all of pilvi's teachers for a day or locked in a room with all of usva's teachers for a day? you cannot pick a third option. lady kuu is not one of the options. taivas cannot let you out of the room. no tricks. only two options.
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✩°。⋆☼⋆。°✩ He shifts a moment eyes falling to one side and then the other as he thinks before his arms finally cross over his chest and he looks back to the stranger with such odd options. They knew so much about his life and the names of both his sons. That makes sense he supposes considering their position in society.
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"I supposed I would choose Pilvi's teachers but hear me out for my reasonings before you judge me. I say this because they ... well... speak to me. Usva's do as well but they do so differently. Usva's instructors speak to me as their King and none else. They speak to me as their Lord and the ruler of the King - where as Pilvi's teachers. I am largely Pilvi's father to them before I am their ruler.
They will speak to me openly and equally. They do not speak to me as their Lord as much as they speak to me as a fellow man and a father. They see me beyond my crown. So I think I could have much more lively and open conversation with them as opposed to the others. Usva's teachers all also largely keep to themselves and don't even speak to each other much where as I have noted that Pilvi's binds have meetings and check in on each other often.
Sielu and Sydän are siblings, while Valo, Aamunkoitto and Palo are long time friends. Kukka is Sielu and Sydän's cousin and I believe that they all probably have very interesting stories to tell. I would love to have a day to hear them all and not have to worry about the meetings and toils of the kingdom. Just for one day...though being away from my children and my wife - that would prove quite difficult."
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filledwithpotassium · 5 months ago
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peony-plum · 2 years ago
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Who would you marry?
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smak-annihilation · 1 year ago
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solarpunkani · 2 years ago
Psst, hey.
Hey you.
Come closer.
Listen to what I'm about to say good and well, alright?
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rookeryyy · 3 months ago
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i mightve made the fatal mistake of thinking and talking too hard about yttd again. Gin Ibushi Webfishing
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pinkd3mon · 2 years ago
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This had context but I refuse to tell anyone
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runespoor7 · 7 months ago
hello!! for the ask game -- any more details about that post where wei wuxian finds out that wen ning and jiang cheng are hooking up post-canon 👀
the background for this is that WWX hears about WN/JC a while after WN/JC has been a thing - they've had time to phase out of the hate-sex phase, the phase where they're surprised that they have a cordial acquaintance interspersed with moment of kinship outside of sex, and are in the phase where they're willing to see where this takes them. it's been a few years since the end of canon, so WWX and JC have crossed paths since then.
WWX goes through some truly embarrassing denial. Because clearly what WN and JC gave been having isn't sex, it's not like, y'know, sex-sex. They must have been cutely holding hands and cuddling.
or, well, actually WWX isn't even thinking about that part too much either because the idea of JC cuddling makes his heart twinge and his throat go tight and actually what matters here is that what WN and JC are doing is fake sex and can't be real or correct or good!! They're probably too embarrassed to even hold hands, WN's too nice to push and JC is awful!!!
for the record LWJ hates this and is glaring at WN whenever they meet because WN is the one who stumblingly and delicately mentioned that he and SLJ are seeing one another, thank you WN.
2. for a while WWX manages to keep his obnoxiousness under enough wraps that WN can ignore it.
then one day WWX makes the mistake of switching targets for his random bout of fretting, and instead of bothering his husband he talks at WN about his ConcernTM regarding JC having sex WN having sex WWX not being there JC not being good at cuddling while WN needs someone who'll be nice to him.
WN awkwardly conveys the information that oh, hm, actually, that is not an issue, JC is a very good cuddler.
and then some demon must have taken over WN's mouth for a moment, probably invited by WWX's moue of disbelief because WN adds, very neatly cutting through WWX's exclamation that ah, that's just like WN to be so nice, but he's just saying that because he doesn't know better, because in fact--, "i just get him tired enough."
3. denial comes crashing down violently around WWX's ears and so does his peace of mind.
(there's a lot WWX hasn't made his peace with. JC never let him cuddle when they swapped handjobs as teens.)
suddenly WWX starts treating WN like a rival. it's unexpectedly thrilling for WN, and the fact that WWX's moods make it clear that in WWX's mind, WN is winning, makes it even sweeter. WN isn't used to winning. (WN wouldn't have thought of JC as a prize, it's complicated, the thing with JC. and yet. WWX thinks of JC as a prize. Even if he's not admitting it to himself.)
(LWJ is hating this even more but if he'd made a habit of trying to enforce his boundaries with WWX he wouldn't be WWX's regular, would he. he does try to distract WWX! with his dick! it has admirable success for the duration of coitus and then WWX starts getting the same look again. Distracting WWX with a mystery and a night-hunt just ends with WWX musing about looking up specific legends in YunmengJiang, at which point LWJ recognizes that they're going to have to go to Lotus Pier and hope for the best.)
4. They go to Lotus Pier, where: JC has so far been blissfully ignorant of this entire farce.
There's some new tension between he and WN because JC misinterpreted some mentions of WWX WN made, and WWX is an extremely fraught topic between them, one that they've avoided since they rolled out of their hate-sex phase. Originally JC doesn't link WWX's visit to WN's presence, he's too busy being taken aback (and distrustful) (and happy) at WWX being there, WWX trying to recall their history, WWX acting almost as close as they did once.
WN - who was already here! funny how these things work out! - is wincing throughout out these proceedings. WN himself isn't invited to stay in Lotus Pier proper, it's one of these things. YMJ doesn't have dogs for SLJ to unleash on WN, but he wouldn't want to take the risk, it seemed like a boundary worth respecting. There's something particularly awful about seeing WWX ingratiate himself - the word that comes to WN's mind is woo, really - with JC with JC unaware of the reason why it's happening.
Telling JC the truth keeps being the role WN stumbles into, time and again. At least this time he isn't trying to hurt JC on purpose. Even though talking about WWX is another of those boundaries of JC, another of those things that WN knows hurts JC, but--
at least this time he didn't wait years before telling JC either.
5. JC reacts by immediately being furious at everyone involved, but mostly at WWX, and there's a HUGE DRAMATIC SHOUTING MATCH.
JC acts like WWX returning like that, because of this, is some horrible betrayal.
WWX is outraged that WN told JC. (WWX's actual problem is that he's atrociously jealous of someone, anyone, getting somewhere with JC that he never got, by which I mean not just sex but also cuddling and a stable relationship that you can tell the people close to you about, and desperately needs to be higher in JC's priorities. he knows better, he really does, but WN's revelations turned his world upside down and.)
JC is also outraged that WN told WWX about-- *angrily cuts himself off* "--about you two fucking," WWX finishes, so incensed he's that close to calling JC by his courtesy name. And how is that any of WWX's concern exactly, to which WWX retorts something along the lines of "making sure they're not hurting one another," or something equally untrue. There's accusations of WWX playing games (JC - about WWX's return; then WN - about WWX trying to seduce JC, which gets JC snapping at WN and LWJ grimly nodding), there's an attempt from LWJ (who is throwing poisonous looks at both JC and WN) to convince boo that they're not worth it, let's just go, and WWX spits out in a fit of atrocious jealousy that it's his business because they're his, WN is his, and WWX had JC first, so why does JC let WN cuddle him--
at which point JC throws everyone out for the night. WWX and LWJ have to find a room at an inn, and WWX feels the disgrace acutely from having a guest room. (LWJ is indispensable in dragging WWX away, for the record. LWJ doesn't drag WWX all the way back to Cloud Recesses, because WWX "needs" to have JC, as he stresses to LWJ. But he thought about it before WWX started tugging on his heartstrings.)
5.5 - that same night
WWX slinks back out of the inn and beelines straight for LP. he needs to talk to JC, to fix things - JC always thinks the worst of things, it all went topsy turvy. There were too many people! This conversation he should have had without WN. (there's another conversation he needs to have with WN, but WWX's been putting that off forever and isn't going to stop now.) Even LWJ, bless him, of course JC would take everything the wrong way, given how he is with LWJ around.
WN intercepts him just as he's about to enter LP. And isn't budging on not letting him in. ("He said no, Wei-gongzi.") there's something very ironic about WN acting like JC's watchdog without being asked but WWX isn't unpacking all that - it feels like if he did he would entirely unravel.
A couple of WWX's arguments erode WN's resolve - "he threw you out too; you know you need to convince him to take you back or he'll keep a grudge and he won't take you back before forever" and "WN, we both care about JC," and "we need to dissipate this misunderstanding" - and if he'd had just a little more time he's sure he could have gotten through to him but JC finds them before that can happen. (people who trust in WWX's ability to take no for an answer: 0) Eyes slit, looking unhappy, all "what are you doing here."
"We came to see you."
Grudgingly, JC takes them in.
(He, too, thinks it's something unfinished. And his weak point was always fear of abandonment. What if he pushes away too much. They returned tonight. It would be foolish to push them away again; what if they change their minds?)
they're more tired than earlier, and quieter, so despite JC taking them to his office and not his bedroom after the confessions of caring and hurt they'll manoeuver themselves into a successful threesome before the night is out. (despite WWX tempting fate or at least JC's temper by asking whether it's truly so bad that WWX didn't say why he was back now? and no, for JC of course it's not, it's about WWX never telling the truth.)
After all, they came back.
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kibibarel · 2 months ago
hi i'm watching a good response to a bad YouTube video but the guy doing it isn't defending my blorbo valiantly enough. saying that Lusamine's motivation is "just vanity" is kind of like saying Moby Dick is about a whale. it's like......you're not wrong. but also i'm pretty sure there's other stuff in there also
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