#meltdown alphys
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beejuicey · 1 year ago
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Still with my friend @yeshellosup haha. My favorite dino girl!!!
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boneheadboner · 5 months ago
Depths in Despair; Megalosomnia
Deep Down Deep Part 2/2
Things don't pan out for the Good doctor the way he had hoped. And under a mountain of work, it's no wonder a Slate fell by the wayside.
Fun is what he would have had…. Had he the chance to. 
Not long after she succumbed to his control, he brought her back to the lab and got her initially checked in. He took a few spare moments to check over her memories… Merely out of curiosity, to determine how long she evaded him.  And found that what was going on in her head was far more concerning than he initially thought. If the voices that spoke to her weren’t signs something was off about this woman, her memories certainly would have told him. It was as if swiss cheese had a love child with patchwork. Many memories of things that he’d not believe were he not able to observe them in her mind. And so, so many significant gaps. Troublingly so. Memories of her life on the surface were rare, and far more frequent were memories that… Held familiar faces, and yet so foreign. Even those were addled with holes and gaps. It seemed that Sonia hadn’t been underground long, and her time wandering through it before meeting him was the most clear any of her memories were. 
He’d dealt with subjects that had portions of their life locked away in their memories, as a result of traumas they had endured in life. It was always a case of finding what helped pull them forward, finding a key to that lock. This…? There were no locks to hide memories, there were no closed doors to memories too harsh to remember. 
Just complete sizable absences and gaping holes where memories should have been. Nothing to tether one memory to another. As perplexing as it was to analyze and assess, he was interrupted by Alphys. 
Something else demanded his attention more, which required he leave the new human to Cecilia to process further. Cecilia could handle it, after all. The blasted CORE. Another failure in sector B28-21. Always sector B28… If it wasn’t one problem there, it was another. 
Of course, being part of the CORE that distorted atoms to radiate ambient magic throughout the underground? Made it one of the primary necessities to keep running.
If so much as one sector went down, it could throw the whole CORE out of balance and cause a catastrophic meltdown. If it wasn’t such a boon to have in the first place, he’d happily track down the person who designed it, and throttle them.
If anyone even remembered WHO designed the thing… 
His last foray of frustrations towards the CORE’s creator, and desire to seek them out? Left him without any answers, and a week worth of time wasted for it.
Still, he wasted no time…
– … Because there was never any time to waste. Once the CORE was sorted out, which took him four days to narrow down and solve, due to juggling what other pressing issues he was presented with, there was another issue.
And another after that.
And another after that.
Resources distribution. 
Five hours, two cups of coffee. One tasting flavorful and robust, the second tasting quite obviously as though the assistant who brought it to him reheated it in the microwave. He’d have words for them later.
Tracking movements and changes in the underground. 
Two more births in Snowdin, fortunate news. A Falling Down in Waterfall, another lost to dwindling HoPe. Three moving from Hotland to Capitol. 
Seven hours, six cups of coffee. 
The first tasted so weak that Baggs questioned if he was drinking water and not coffee. The following three were of more serviceable quality. The remaining two tasted like tar, and were it not an invigorating tar, he’d have refused it. And Baggs made the decision that Casey was no longer allowed to bring him coffee after discovering he was responsible for preparing the last two. Bright as the man might be, he’s better suited to helping study the barrier than preparing coffee. 
Keeping systems in check, ensuring security detail is up to par. 
Two new humans were caught and transported to the lab. Cecilia reported that the two were significantly xenophobic, and hostile. Thus would be housed on Floor 18, Block 10. Block 10 was designated for more aggressive and dangerous humans, to be studied on how to rehabilitate or utilize even aggressive members of the species. 
Twelve hours (until interruption). Sixteen cups of coffee.
The first five, typical. With a far more bitter flavor at the fifth. Noted.
The sixth. It took him twenty minutes to try his first sip, so focused on his work that he hadn’t taken a sip until then. 
It felt like a heady jolt of energy flooded his body, the notes of the clearly fresh brew rising up, as if to sing to his senses. And the warmth as it melted into his magic thrived in his body, relaxing him far more than a cup of coffee typically did. 
He’d not seen who brought it, but he did make note of the sound of their walking. It did sound different from the usual assistants who brought him his coffee, but he didn’t think it important at the time. 
Perhaps one of the other scientists decided to brew him something nice. It couldn’t have been Alphys, as it had the lacking anxiety he could always taste in coffee prepared by her. 
No matter, the identity of the one who made this would be revealed in the next cup, he was certain. 
And disappointed with each proceeding cup brought to him over the hours. 
Seventh, from the same pot, but not prepared and delivered by the same hands as the one before. He could tell by the intentions that bled into the brew. The assistant who delivered it unintentionally let their emotions seep in and altered the feeling within the coffee he drank. 
Not the same. Not bad, but nowhere near as good as the prior mug. 
The assistant, a young whimsun monster named Fen, had panicked over his expression of disappointment… But, he reassured them and sent them on their way. The eighth, to the thirteenth, much the same. Decent, but disappointing by comparison. Fortunately a fresh pot was brewed by the tenth. 
Fourteenth cup of coffee, Baggs nearly spat it out. And demanded to know who prepared it, to find he was 13 minutes late to fuss at the one who concocted the nightmare that barely resembled coffee.
Fifteenth cup. Cecilia, It was fucking Cecilia. 
Not the one who brewed bliss in a mug, but the one who concocted terrors unknown into a coffee.
He had the good fortune to be done sending out a U-mail to ‘recommend’ a security plan for Waterfall, when the fresh cup was placed down, ready for him to take his first sip of it. And nearly spat it out again, placed the cup down roughly, and turned towards the offender. Reddish hair, tied in a bun, eye bags that rivaled his own hidden beneath reading glasses, and a look that held more contempt for humankind than any Monster was capable of. And she was human.Perhaps humans simply don’t know how to not brew a cup of coffee that tastes like every agitation in their present mind. 
“Cecilia, what is this supposed to be?” Perhaps his tone was far less reserved than usual, but he did imbibe something foul that masqueraded as coffee. The woman just looked at him flatly. Her response was equally as dead in tone as her gaze. “Coffee, sir.” She retorted, Baggs was no stranger to her sass. Usually it made days entertaining. 
Those days were not ones he was served bad coffee. “My dear, did you even try a cup of that? That is death in a mug.” Baggs fussed. 
Cecilia looked at the cup, and then at Baggs. Her expression was perplexed. He pried at her mind, to determine whether or not she realized she almost poisoned him. Only to find that she was genuinely confused. “... You mean that coffee isn’t supposed to taste like shit?” An exasperated sigh, and a shake of his head. “Cecilia, you are henceforth banned from preparing or bringing anyone coffee. That tastes so bitter, I’d dare not have another monster drink it, lest they dust on contact.” “Fine by me, sir.” Cecilia responded, before placing some papers on his already tall workload of information to analyze. “What is–” “The information regarding the new ones.” Cecilia sighed, before turning to walk away. 
Baggs gave pause for a moment. New… Ah, right. Humans. “Oh, uh. Sir? There’s been a mag-lock failure on Floor 17, Block 8.” Baggs sputtered, shooting the woman a glare. “And you thought to mention this in passing, why?!” he blurted out. 
Cecilia stared at him, before offering a shrug. “The one contained there is a non-issue. She’s not going to cause anyone problems.” If he didn’t trust Cecilia’s judgment when it came to her fellow humans, he’d have far more words for her. 
But for her to make such a statement? Meant that the human contained in such a cell was likely terrified of her, and would make a whimsun look brave. 
“Ugh… I’ll send a U-mail to request immediate work on it.” Baggs scoffed. “Don’t you mean E-mail?” The red-head looked at him, with a sly smirk on her face. Baggs certainly didn’t have the time nor desire to get into this with her again. “You’re dismissed, Cecilia.” “Understood, sir.” Cecilia smirked, before she absconded. 
Likely to do her damn job and oversee Floor 16-18. And fortunately not to unleash terrors unbeknownst to monsterkind by trying to fix someone a drink. And it was imperative that he have that Mag-lock issue sorted out. Were a human to get out, and find a way out of the labs? It would be absolute chaos. 
With another 11 U-Mails sent out, two specifically to make demands regarding the mag-lock, and one to Asgore as an update on matters that he wanted to know about. Another cup was brought to Baggs. 
He had noted the click of heels upon the floor, and the cup being set down. With a heavy sigh, he took a drink of the fresh brew as the clicking of heels started again towards the door. The invigoration, the warmth– “WAIT!” Baggs nearly shot up as he called out… And spilled some of the blessed brew on himself in the process. He could mourn spilled bliss later. Barely catching a glimpse of the taller woman before casting his gaze downward at the spill on his labcoat in frustration. “M-Master!!” The clicks sped towards him, before the owner of them dropped to her knees. As a kerchief was very hastily applied by gentle hands to soak up as much of the spilled coffee. “Master, are you alright? Oh s-stars, you didn’t get burned, did you?? I’m so sorry…!” The woman’s voice was wrought with anxiety.
Stars, he should know her name, shouldn’t he? Especially with how wonderfully she addresses him… And perhaps stroked his ego just right.
“I– No, I’m fine. I merely wanted to–” Auburn brown hair, tied in a bun. Large glasses. Green eyes. Pale complexion.
“I– Y-Yes master?” She halted her fretting over his wellbeing to look up at him. 
The human he brought in nearly a week ago. He didn’t immediately recognize her, she looked so different in formal attire. A white coat cinched tightly around her, accentuating her curves. A simple black pencil skirt, sheer pantyhose with black stockings on top. And a pair of white pumps.
Baggs found himself immediately remembering that he sorely needed to alleviate stress–
A rough clearing of his throat was necessary, business before pleasure, he reminded himself. 
He still had to thoroughly examine her and ensure she wasn’t a risk, by… Ensuring she was loyal, before she was permitted to walk around the labs. Baggs kept his tone gentle, remembering how skittish the woman was when he had first met. Given that he hadn’t had the chance to fully condition her, it’s entirely likely she’d be just as nervous. “Aehm… How, did you get out?” Baggs softly queried.
Sonia bit her lip, and looked away meekly. “Um… I… A-Asked very nicely…?” “Mmm hmm…” His tone was that of disbelief. She began fidgeting with her hands. “O-Okay so um… There was an issue with my door… It uh… Doesn’t close like everyone else's…” Ah, so this was the person who had been designated to that cell. With such a timid disposition, it’s no wonder Cecilia let it slide. “But..! It made it so I could actually help out, a-and help out Ms. Cecilia! She’s scary a-at first, but she’s a good person. She even helped me get new clothes on my second day here..!” Sonia explained, a warm smile on her face.
That solved that mystery. Did Cecilia dress her that way on purpose, just to fuck with him?
“I see… And the coffee?” Sonia lit up with excitement, he could feel it from her. “Oh! Yes! See um… E-Earlier in the day there was some fuss regarding the coffee maker making a weird noise.. So I thoroughly cleaned it, checked it to e-ensure that there was nothing loose or damaged… Aaaand brewed a fresh batch, to test it~! Suffice to say, problem solved!” She beamed with pride, satisfied with her small victory.
That sort of satisfaction and fulfillment certainly explains how that earlier cup wound up so potent. 
“A-and, well… Since I got to fix it, I… Wanted to deliver a cup specially for you…” Her voice shrunk so much, as she idly twirled a strand of her hair and averted her gaze. 
Oh. Oh.How curious.
“Well, I HAD meant this cup, but it is nice to know that you’re the one who brought me coffee earlier.”
“Oh… This time? um! Ms. Cecilia requested a fresh batch of coffee. Something about you b-being in an awful mood! So I… Well. I wanted to make sure I made the best cup I could, to… Well, bring a little sunshine into your day?” Sonia looked up at him, with such a gentle and hopeful look. 
“Well, then I personally shall–” It looked as though something clicked in her head, and the woman was back into an anxious rambling mess.  “M-Master, am I in trouble? I k-know I’m not supposed to be out b-but I only wanted to help– I m-mean it’s OKAY if I’m in trouble, I promise I can handle it if I need to be p-punished. I d-don’t mean to tell you what to do, but if I’ve personally upset you, I–” “Sonia.” “Y-Yes Master.” A simple word, and the human woman fell quiet, wincing her eyes shut as she lowered her head.
Baggs cleared his throat. “While you are not in trouble for this, there are questions I have regarding… Well…” Baggs trailed off. Where to even start? It was a significant security risk for a human he personally hadn’t cleared to be running around. Gentle or not. Furthermore, being permitted to bring him coffee that they could have theoretically and literally tainted is something that can’t be overlooked...
“Well… I suppose those questions are more for Cecilia…” Baggs mused out loud, frowning. 
“Then… What questions do you have for me, Master?” Sonia asked, tilting her head in confusion. The one that was confusing the moment she started talking to him. 
Her apparent loyalty. “I… You seem so… Eager to call me ‘Master’.. And yet I’ve not asked you to. It piqued my curiosity.” 
And Baggs would love to hear what manner of reasoning she would have for that. After all, he hadn’t really subjected her to the conditioning he’d need to for such loyalty to become second nature. 
Sonia blushed, before looking down. “... I felt it.” 
Baggs raised his browbone at the statement.
“When you silenced all those voices I… Felt it. Your magic… How it called to me. How it called for me to serve… To obey…” Sonia shivered a bit, her blush deepening. 
A wry smirk grew on his face. “And you… Didn’t even try to fight it~?” Sonia looked up at him, with a frustrated pout at his accusation. That was expected.
“After all the good you’ve done me?!”
Her words? Were not. Baggs was taken aback, looking upon the human woman before him. It was possible he looked like a whimsun caught doing, well… Anything, with the expression of sheer shock on his face. “Since the day I woke up, everything has been loud. Everything has been loud for as long as I can remember, for all I can remember…!” Her voice was filled with pain and confusion. “I can breathe, I can think without h-having to worry about being overwhelmed by all the things I’m hearing that make no sense, I can make my own thoughts about whatever I see, without hearing twenty different voices loudly arguing over what choices I make and what things I say…” Sonia carried on, before looking up at him. The tears prickling at her eyes were visible, but it did not make their presence any less surprising to him. 
“I’m thankful, Master. And I am happy to help you in any and every way I can. You’ve brought me something I never knew I needed. You brought me peace, Master. I only hope that I can even begin to return the favor.”
Baggs had conditioned many humans. His experiments required both willing and unwilling participants, and spanned many methods. All to further monsterkind’s safety and hopeful co-existence with mankind. 
Even Cecilia, who despised her own species, required conditioning to become loyal to him. So he would know that she wouldn’t, couldn’t betray him. To have a human kneel before him on their own full volition, after a mere few hours of his magic several days ago? He’d have never considered it. 
And yet, here one was.  
Something like this was… Simply put, too good to be true. 
And so he peered into her thoughts, there had to be some manner of plot something she was planning–
A memory. So close to the forefront, he could tell she was remembering it fondly.
An expanse of dark blues and blacks, splayed overhead, pricks and pins of white in the ceiling.
“... Y’know, before I met you, I… I always kinda took this for granted.”
Her voice, carrying on. Not echoed or reverberating in the room. 
Chirps of crickets abound in the grass around her.
Another voice, deeper in tone. Familiar.
“heh… well, you coulda fooled me. you never took our stars for granite.”
Those… Were… Stars??
“Well–” a pause, before she snorted, and giggled. “Nice~... Well, there’s nothing wrong with feeling sedimental about yours. I mean, a dazzling ceiling full of sparkling gems? Kinda rocks~.” 
“heh, not bad. but don’t be too rough on yourself. for you? a sight like this was just a stone’s throw for you to see.” the other voice responded.
Seems that Sonia and this other person had a sense of humor…
“Yeah, but you literally had to move– out of – a mountain to see this!” Sonia lightheartedly fussed. 
“heh… and you had to fall into a mountain to see things crystal clear.” the other voice responded. “Yeah… Well…” She trailed off. A somber note in her voice. “At this rate, it’s like Sisyphus for you to even enjoy this.” 
“... and it doesn’t stop being worth it. trust me, nothin’ peats this”
Wait… Had she known even back then that he’d be–
Sonia looked over at the other person. A skeleton, with a blue hoodie, white t-shirt, and black basketball shorts laid lazily in the grass. His arms folded behind his head. 
What….?? That… That looked so much like him, before he…
Sonia stared at him, staying silent for a few moments. “... sheesh, was it that bad?” 
“... I promise you. No matter how many times you have to push that boulder back up…? You won’t ever have to do it alone again.”
“hey, now. don’t go promising things you might not be able to keep.” “I won’t promise you then… I’ll pumice you.” A look of surprise, before the both of them devolved into giggles. 
“oh man, that was so bad…” 
“Look, with a last name like ‘Slate’, you think I’d have to dig for rock jokes? I learned them real early.” 
“.... like ‘archeology’ early or?” An exasperated gasp, before she looked over at him. 
The skeleton started laughing. “Y.. You! I’m not that old!! I’m 27, going on 28! Not 27 going on 200!!” Sonia fussed. “you sure about that? how long have you been 27 going on 28?” He asked through laughs.
“You know that’s a loaded question! How am I supposed to keep track of how old I am if things keep RESETTING?” …!! She… Knew about that? Nevermind, she’s experienced that??
“heh, now you know why i took so long the first time you asked me, ‘sans, how old are you?’.” “Hmph!” Sonia fussed, before rolling over and pinning her hands on each side of the ground next to the skeleton’s head.
He… didn’t even flinch?
“oh, wouldja look at that. ‘view got even better.” the lazy smile tugged up more, as did his eyesockets. 
“If I’m ancient Egyptian artifacts, then you’re dinosaur bones, you dork!” Sonia huffed. “... like… cretaceous period or triassic period? the difference there is pretty jurassic.” he gave a wink. 
“... I mean it though… As long as I can be there for you? I will be. As long as I’m alive, you won’t have to face this eternal hell alone. I promise.” A firm sense of confidence and determination.
A soft sigh escaped the skeleton, as he looked up at her.
“... thank you, sonia… you… don’t know how much that means to me…”
“Master, are you alright???” -
“Master! Please, speak to me…!!”
Baggs gasped as he snapped back to reality. Stars, that memory was so vivid, it practically pulled him in… And left him with more questions than answers.
“Oh thank goodness. M-Master, you zoned out there for a moment… I was worried! D.. Did I offend you? Or… Oh stars, um… Listen, I… I don’t know what happened? B-But I’m here for you.” Sonia offered, her tears overflowing. 
When did his vision get so blurry?
Was he…. How was he going to explain that one? “I… You’re fine, my dear. I was… Simply moved to tears by your display of such… Such inspiring loyalty.” 
It wasn’t a complete lie.
“Oh… I.. Oh gosh, I… I didn’t think it was that special, but…” Sonia averted her gaze, shrinking a bit. “More special than you know…” Baggs gave pause, to compose himself. 
“Now, you are not in trouble. However, there are procedures for handling new humans, as I’m sure you’re aware. To ensure that you’re in good health, and that you’re properly documented as safe to roam.”
Sonia blushed a bit. “O-Oh! Gosh… I’m so sorry… I-It’s been awhile, and I didn’t mean to skip any sort of line… I’m sorry.” She looked sheepishly guilty. 
“No no, you’re fine. I’m the one who must conduct these procedures personally, and there were many things that came up of critical importance, and… Admittedly your processing fell by the wayside. But, rest assured. I’ll handle that as soon as I am able to.” Baggs explained, watching how her gaze fixed onto him as he spoke.
Fascinating. “Oh! So… I think I understand now. Thank you, Master. Shall I return to my cell and um… Remain there until further orders?” Sonia queried. He did need time to think about the new information he obtained from her. The surface… Somehow, someway, she had seen someone like him, with his name, on the surface… And they spoke of the RESETs…
“Yes, I think that would be perfect. Worry not, it won’t be much longer, pet.” 
The last word slipped so easily from his mouth, he furrowed his brow as he realized what he said by mistake.
But he did not miss the squeak she made, or how her lip quivered and her flush deepened at that single three letter word. 
Well then. That explained her eagerness to call him such a title. “I… Y-Y-Yes, Master. I’ll be patient. I um, I hope you e-enjoy the coffee. I-If you ever need any when I’m able to roam, you n-need only say the words…” Sonia shakily stood up. With a coffee as resplendent as she prepares? Stars… The amount of work he could get done with ease… 
“Oh, rest assured. I won’t hesitate to call upon you if I’m in need of a cup.” The warm smile and light giggle that escaped her was like sunshine. “You are dismissed.” Baggs calmly waved his hand. A simple nod, and he could hear Sonia’s heels clicking with vigor. “Don’t run in those, you’ll break your ankles.” He swiftly chided.
“Y-Yes, Master!” 
And with that, his new pet– subject left. 
Baggs sighed, there was certainly going to be much to study with her, he could tell. He returned to his chair, to finish what information he needed to dispense with the remaining U-mails. As he took a sip of his coffee, feeling that warmth and invigoration flood his body, he pondered a whirlwind of new questions and information to mull over.
Frankly, he’d been quite lucky that it was her cell that had the mag-lock failure. Had it remained in tact, he might not be blessed with such a reprieve from the usual, much less comforted from the catastrophe that was Cecilia’s coffee. 
Upon consideration, added another question to the pile;
What sort of emotions did she feel when she made this coffee?
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patrik6090 · 2 months ago
@patrik6090 sans(deltarune)
@pennyroyald Noelle
@mariyoursweetheart alphys(Undertale
@importantpeachfury temmie
@hawaii-official monster kiss
@system-of-cats 's minty river person
@manicali asgore
@plutowhoops Asriel
@groggle catty(deltarune)
@mango-mentally-ill mad mew mew
@stargazing-with-friends mettaton ex
@ms-macintosh spamton
@lunaxio Susie
@f4y3w00d5 The king
@canisnebular papyrus
@sarrinight Undyne(undertale)
@crispyasaurusxx berdly
@asqadia-banthen Kris
@eirxair ralsei
@losairr chara
@official-saxony the underground
@letmeoutofthebasementplease burger pants
@illusionsignmisdirecti0n papyrus(deltarune
@weenietickler seam
@thatonelemoneater the player
@wyfy-meltdown queen
@not3catsinatrenchcoat aran
@mersinia catti
@roeldraws so sorry
@sentientballofpeas froggit
🤹 perseverance
Girlkisser god of hyper death Asriel
Puki anon The knight
R.S flowey
I'll take deltarune sans!!
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arak-the-other-kara · 3 months ago
. . . "That was Endogamy. None of the Amalgamates... are Dangerous to be honest. Though they can certainly look creepy." I note the voice as Kindness... what are they doing here? "The worst your going to get is a jump scare. Unless you look the scary one."
(Alphys) "They're right. The amalgamates are very nice when you get to know them."
*They go into the room of beds and finally find Kanako as an amalgamate*
(Ceroba) "Who is that? Poor little thing. *Kanako up to Ceroba* Why did you come up to me?"
(Arak) "That, is Kanako."
(Ceroba) "*Was in a state of shock. Every emotion flooded her. Pure joy, anger, hatred, and love* She's... my... Kanako?"
(Alphys) "*nodded her head*"
(Ceroba) "*She says calmly* You turned her into this, didn't you? My poor Kanako should've at least seen the pearly gates. Why did you want to play God?""
(Alphys) "*went into tears* I thought that it could save them! If we figured out a way to give them determination, maybe we could've broken the barrier."
(Ceroba) "I hope you understand that for Kanako, I would let us stay here for 30000 years. I just... *Almost fainted* I don't even know what to say."
(Martlet) "It's ok. You're allowed to hate someone. Just please don't hurt her."
(Starlo) "*Put down his hat just to comfort her* Martlet's right. You've got Kanako back. She's still alive even if she is a spoon."
(Ceroba) "Stop trying to console me."
(Starlo) "*Put his hand on her hand* I know you want nothing more than to jump right into action but you have to find a way. It'll be alright."
(Ceroba) "*On the verge of a nuclear meltdown* How can this be alright?"
(Starlo) "You're right this isn't alright. It's a terrible and horrific atrocity. But it was an accident. She didn't mean to turn Kanako into this."
(Ceroba) "She could've at least told me!"
(Starlo) "What then? You're acting like it would've made you any less mad."
(Ceroba) "It's still wrong!"
(Alphys) "I'm sorry."
(Ceroba) "*That is what tipped her over the edge* Sorry? You're sorry huh? Oh, thank god she's sorry for this one. *Grabbed her staff* I will see justice. For you Kanako! *Aimed her staff for one big hit and*"
(Starlo) "NO! *Grabbed it in the middle of the wind up*"
(Ceroba) "LET GO!!!"
(Starlo) "I will never let you do this. You're a good person. You shouldn't have to resort to killing her. What'll that solve?"
(Ceroba) "If you don't move I might do something I regret."
(Starlo) "Every monster deserves a chance at redemption."
(Ceroba) "I'm sorry. *Kicked Starlo dealing 45 damage* I have to do this."
(Starlo) "*Let go to recover* Please Kanako. Is this what Chujin would've wanted?"
(Ceroba) "This is about what's right."
(Starlo) "Yes. So I guess I have no choice either. *Shot Ceroba making her let go of her Staff and dealing 20 damage*"
(Ceroba) "*Went to the ground wounded* Why couldn't you just let me kill her?"
(Starlo) "If you don't get it by now, you'll never get it."
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starrysnowdrop · 3 months ago
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Good morning everyone! Happy Monday and Happy December to you all!!
Well, Monday has hit my son way too hard, as he had a very bad meltdown this morning when we were trying to get him ready to go back to school after his Thanksgiving Break last week. He was very upset and couldn’t calm down, so I decided to keep him home one more day, because if I tried to bring him to school in full blown meltdown mode, I likely would’ve had to turn right back around and bring him home anyway. Ehhh but that’s it for IRL news.
In the meantime, I’m simultaneously working on my first Sohna x Alphi fic that I hope to have it out soon, and I’m also working on Sohna’s character profile. I also have some asks in my inbox to answer that I’ll get to hopefully in a little bit.
Anyways, that’s all I’ve got for now. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day, evening, night, whatever!!
💖 ~Hali
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 11 months ago
I happen to be ~both~. And I can talk at length about both ships, so. I will be kind and use a break! Because I assure you, this shit is going to be L O N G.
The tl,dr though: dusk/estinien and dusk/farron both make me very happy whee
First, Dusk's NPC ship:
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These two fucking dorks. I started shipping them as a bit of a joke. Dusk is this big helpful golden retriever weirdo, and here this edgelord wannabe batman comes flying out of nowhere, insults him, and then leaps away like he thinks he's cool. Estinien's introduction for me was hilarious, and I decided I absolutely needed to mentally push these two barbies together and make them kiss.
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Even Nidhogg shipped it.
What was delightful for me was that I felt like the game kept ... agreeing with me, in a way. Estinien being Way Too Intense About Everything while also trying to Keep His Distance made it feel like he was struggling with getting too invested in this big stupid blonde, that he can't help but blurt things that are meant to sound bad-ass and important but come across as the world's edgiest flirting. You don't tell a man it's destiny to defeat your biggest adversary together without it meaning something, not when you have literally spent your every waking moment since your family died thinking about how you're going to murder the shit out of that dragon. You don't add an extra person into that revenge fantasy unless there are feelings, I'm sure of it.
I had no idea how important he would be in the actual MSQ, so I was a little sad at the end of the level 50 dragoon quest (I hadn't even finished 2.0 yet when I finished DRG's quests), where he has his little meltdown and disappears. Imagine my delight when he strolled back onto screen, trying to be so cool and mysterious. Imagine how he was probably privately dying inside, thinking to himself, fuck, it's that guy, that guy who saw me have a little Nidhogg Episode, that guy that I definitely do not have a crush on. Imagine him realizing wait, THAT guy is the guy Aymeric's been talking my ear off about any time I visit his office? Fuck!
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That's right, play it cool.
Anyway, I was definitely pleased to see him again, and pleased to see he was still this tremendous way-too-intense weirdo. Forget the other elezen boyfriends being tossed Dusk's way, I only had eyes for the murder hobo in the silly armor whose face I'd never seen. Because their early dynamic kept making me laugh, the way they had very different ways of interacting with the world, yet still had enough stuff in common to Get Each Other. Even their stupid armor reflected it, since I insisted on glamming the blue dragoon set onto Dusk for most of HW. Dusk is much more cheerful and optimistic than Estinien, but ultimately they're both Ishgardian Intense about protecting people, and that was good enough for me to be entertained, at first.
And then the asshole did this, after Alphie says Ravana isn't a problem, because Dusk will murder him:
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This was one of the first times anyone had suggested that maybe deciding "it's fine, Dusk will fight it" without knowing much about the threat, or volunteering Dusk without even asking, isn't cool. It meant a lot to Dusk, way more than I think Estinien would ever realize.
And just like that, the ship turned into a serious one for me (although it still makes me laugh sometimes, of course). Because it drove something home for me that I'd already been thinking about. At this point in the story, Estinien is pretty much the only person Dusk knows who kind of understands what it's like to be the Warrior of Light, since he's the Azure Dragoon. They both get a lot of expectations piled onto them that they're expected to just accept without complaint, to be the best living weapon they can be. Neither one is technically fighting their fight alone, but they're each respectively The Guy. And it's just ... nice knowing there's someone else who understands what it's like being The Guy.
And I think that's why he's the one who gets Alphie to realize how he's been kind of a shitty friend to Dusk with this comment. I know Alphie talks about the firewood all the time, but I think this is the actual first Big Influence Estinien has on him, the firewood is just the stand in because he can tangibly show having learned that at the drop of a hat. It's a lot harder to show 'I realized I was treating this person I admire like a tool and taught myself to stop doing that.'
I could write a lot about Heavensward in general and why that made me go ride or die for this ship, but suffice to say, I really enjoyed Estinien's devotion to protecting Ishgard extending beyond 'murder dragons,' even if he wasn't very patient with 'hang out with a heretic and try her plan first.' He still did it. I enjoyed that he told everyone they weren't allowed to come on his dragon killing date with Dusk. I appreciated that he didn't fight accepting the truth of the war when it was revealed to him, trusting what Dusk told him he saw was true, even though it meant what he'd been honed into was based on a lie the entire time. A lot of people wouldn't have.
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I spent most of Heavensward expecting him to turn somehow, especially since I knew he'd lost it once already in the DRG quests, and was ready for some Dusk Angst to come from it. But he never really did, he was fully committed the entire time, and you could tell he trusted Dusk completely (and Dusk trusted him). At the end of Heavensward, I let my guard down about two seconds before Estinien himself did, which made that hit harder. Got my angst after all. :D
I have already rambled at length, and I don't really need to go over Estinien's whole arc. I think he's had a lot of growth since we met him, while keeping stuff I have liked about him since the beginning. And the game gives me every reason to think Estinien and the Warrior of Light are close, if I want to, and I very much do want to. For me, even if I look at the relationship platonically, I think they helped each other grow. They'd both been seen as tools to solve problems with, and had both gotten more complacent with the idea than they should've been. It's easier to see how unfair that is when it's happening to someone you're friends with, rather than yourself, and I think seeing that reflection in each other was really important for both of them. And that's going to form a certain kind of bond they just do not have with anyone else.
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But also you can't have these two keep looking at each other like this every time they see each other for the first time in a while and expect me not to ship them. You simply cannot.
I won't ramble quite as much (probably) about Dusk/Farron, because I am way more likely to talk about that ship in general.
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So I've been close friends with @petitfarron for years now. We met each other not long after we started playing FFXIV in early 2019 (I started in February, he started in April). Sometimes you just meet someone you click with, and Petit turned out to be one of those someones.
About two years ago (god), he was starting to get back into RP, and wanted to 'practice,' for lack of a better word. I hadn't RPed in FFXIV at all, but I was happy to volunteer. I had been learning anamnesis making silly shippy pictures of Dusk and Farron already, and he's always liked Dusk as a character to start with (I didn't RP, but I sure did talk A LOT about Dusk as a character to anyone who would listen), so although I said it didn't have to go that route if he didn't think it would make sense, the ship between Dusk and Farron set sail pretty much immediately.
And I'm really glad it did! First, there's the shallow, obvious reason. They are simply adorable together:
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But I also really enjoy their relationship, because I think they compliment each other really well. Since the RP is just the two of us, Petit encouraged me to RP Dusk as the Warrior of Light instead of Random Adventuring Elezen #9263586. Farron, on the other hand, is just a guy. A guy who met Dusk after 6.0 ended, and got to know him as Dusk, rather than The Warrior of Light, and that is incredibly important to Dusk.
He can pipe up with is opinion if he wants, but from my perspective, Farron helps remind Dusk that he's actually still a normal person, capable of just doing normal things, with normal person wants and needs. He's protective of Dusk, worries about people starting to treat him like the solution to their problems again, worries about Dusk feeling pressure to fling himself into danger. At the same time, he loves how easily Dusk gives his time and care and kindness and love to people, and he trusts that Dusk truly wants to help them.
Dusk loves that Farron is kind, in spite of all the shit Farron has been through in his life. He loves that he's so curious about the world around them, and the people they meet. Dusk is too, and he's excited to share those sorts of experiences with Farron. He even loves visiting places he's been that Farron hasn't, because he gets to learn what Farron thinks of those places, and it gives him a new perspective on them! He loves that Farron's a stubborn optimist too, and that while he worries about Dusk, he will never try to convince him to be someone he simply isn't. He'll never ask him not to help, not to adventure, not to fight. He'll only make sure it's something Dusk really wants to do, something Dusk wants people to consider.
I also just enjoy poor normal-ass Farron learning to deal with his partner's extremely not-normal life. He's doing his best!
For a while, these two ships existed in different spaces for me.
In MSQ-land, Dusk and Estinien are ... complicated, never saying outright how much they care about each other. There are times I was like 'oh they totally made out here,' mind you, but I also think that after it was out of their systems, they go right back to pretending they're just bros, and thinking they're definitely pulling it off. They are wrong, of course, but no one's had the heart to point it out yet.
In RP-land, Dusk and Farron are engaged and nigh-inseparable. They're rarely apart, and most challenges they face are external, rather than conflict between them or their relationship styles. They're very much on the same page, and so fuckin' happy and sappy with each other. They are free serotonin for me, always.
Keeping them separate makes sense, right?
Except Petit and I will definitely be writing a lot of RP stuff based on whatever happens in Dawntrail, so it'll be MSQ-tastic.
Except Petit has also really loved the Dusk/Estinien ship, ever since I'd started talking to him about it years ago.
Except I have always thought of Dusk as polyamorous, ever since I made him up for a completely different game.
Except Petit thinks of Farron as polyamorous, because of how viis and viera are.
Except Petit also really loves Estinien as a character.
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So fine, the two concepts can collide a bit. As a treat.
Another random WoLQotD/OC question
I thought I'd ask this while I worked on my other questions. :)
If you're a WoL x NPC shipper, what drew you to that ship and why? What makes that ship the pinnacle for you and your oc? Is it that you love the canon character you write them with, you find their dynamic interesting or something in between?
If you're not a WoL x NPC shipper, but you have a ship with another person, how did that come about? What makes that ship fulfilling for you? Has the ship impacted your relationship with that other person? Feel free to gush, I wanna hear it!
Oh, and pictures are a must (if you have them).
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the-irreverend · 2 years ago
In Defence of Growth Spurt
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Well, this has been quite the last quarter of the year…
As if we Undertale fans haven’t already been spoiled enough, the beginning of October blessed us with the triumphant return of one of the most beloved UT comics in the fandom. From the cold ashes of a long hiatus, Growth Spurt rose like a glorious Phoenix, treating us to 29 panels of vibrant colour schemes, sharp writing, and one of the most unique art styles this godforsaken site has ever known, an art style that this godforsaken artist has taken a lot of inspiration from.
But as great as this page was, it did leave me a bit stunned as it unveiled a shocking twist…
...that Alphys is not a good person.
Pardon my hyperbole and lousy humour, but I knew from the moment I read this that some were going to discuss how Alphys is depicted in this page, and I understand why. 
I know how easy is to dismiss these kinds of viewpoints, especially since the excessive idolization and demonization of morally complex characters is a bit of a tradition here, and the Undertale fandom is no exception. Trust me, as a person who’s been part of the Chara fandom, I know from experience (who was also exceptionally well-written in this comic by the way). 
I’m very glad I didn't talk about this immediately because it’s given me some time to think about this scene and you’ll be relieved to hear that I no longer have an issue with this page. But I still understand why people would take issue with this. Because hey, at one point so did I.
But to say that everyone who has a differing opinion is just a salty Alphys stan is nothing short of tasteless. That’s why I am going to explain the best I could criticisms that someone might (and that I used to) have, before explaining why I decided to abandon said criticisms.
To give a brief recap, the Matainence/Defect Arc centres around Alphys and Asriel, along with Frisk and Undyne as they attempt to fix the CORE which has suffered from, would you believe it, a defect. In addition to repairing the CORE, Alphys must also repair her relationship with Asriel, as she’s haunted by the creation of Flowey, and dreading what might result from it.
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Wholesome family-friendly entertainment, am I right?
Fast forward to where we are now, where we see the CORE starting to break down completely, along with Alphys’ and Asriel’s emotional state. While starting to doubt if the meltdown can be stopped, she argues with Asriel that it may be better to just give up on their efforts, and when she’s confronted with the possibility of fatalities resulting from that course of action she says this:
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As I read this panel, which did give me a bit of a shock, these were my first impressions, which I must re-emphasize are impressions that I NO LONGER HAVE.
There’s a difference between saying “we can’t save them all.” and “it’s just a few deaths.” It’s the same reason people were left reeling when Superman asks his dad if he should’ve let the kids die to protect his secret identity, to which he replies "Maybe." I understand the feelings behind what’s being said, but to articulate said feelings like that wouldn't sit well with some people.
But the real reason I had doubts about this scene's direction was not that it highlighted a flaw in Alphys’ character but that it, as it seemed to me, potentially undid Alphys’ progress in overcoming those flaws. Let me better explain.
It should go without saying that Alphys isn’t the greatest person in Undertale. I mean, no one is. This has more to do with just her checkered past with Amalgamates as she does possess personal qualities that… aren’t the best. Just look at her true motivations for helping Frisk get through the underground.
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But while she’s not the greatest person, she did become a better one by the end of the Pacifist Run. Yes, she didn’t exactly get a complete redemption arc, but she’s in a better position than she was now. She did find the courage to release the amalgamates and confess to her former king and queen about her role in creating them, which gave her the honour of becoming the former royal scientist. 
So for Alphys to be beside herself with regret about what she did to the Amalgamates AND Asriel only to later be seemingly unconcerned with the deaths of people (AS IF SHE WON'T REGRET IT LATER), while also reducing their demises to being “outliers” just didn’t click right with me… AT FIRST.
But eventually, after a little consideration, I eventually came to accept this scene, and realize that this panel in the Defect Arc is anything but a defect. All you have to do is look no further than to the panels that followed it.
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You don’t need to express indignation about what she said because Asriel already did. Of course a well-deserved chastising should follow that line, but what makes Asriel’s lecture that much more impactful is not just because it’s just a well-deserved reprimand, but because of what it does for Asriel’s character development.
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Keep in mind the previous page saw him asking Alphys not to call him by his title because he felt he didn’t do anything to deserve it. And yet one page later, he displays qualities that show that he does. But what makes this scene even more memorable for me is what came before the reprimand:
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See? Right before he proceeds to humble the good doctor, he takes a moment to EMPATHIZE with Alphys plight and shows that he fully understands that this isn’t worth “taking at face value”. Though he still rakes her over the coals for her statement, he still takes a moment to show that he fully understands why she made it.
It’s while I was re-reading this scene that I realized something: if Asriel can learn to understand Alphys, then why the duck shouldn’t I?
This is what continues to draw me and many others back to Growth Spurt to this day. It’s more than just the comedic one-shots or sadistically revelling in Asriel’s teenage angst. 
The story didn't need grand clashes, shadowy conspiracies, or inter-dimensional antics (not that there’s anything wrong with that). It’s just the main cast learning to confront their past. It’s so simple, yet so impactful, just like the art style.
I’m not concerned about what Alphys is like here because I know where she’s going to end up. Just look at what happened with Toriel!
Remember this scene where she completely attempts to shut down Asriel as he attempts to get her to talk with Asgore? 
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It’s not a good look for her if you just cherry-pick these panels, but look where this scene eventually led up to. Only perhaps my favourite story arc that I have ever seen out of any Undertale comic period, and one of my favourite comic scenes!
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Seriously how can you not get teary-eyed looking at this?
I save the can't even-ing about this particular arc on another post, but for now, all I know after reading this comic is this: sometimes when a character’s progress takes a step back it’s because it’s about to take a bounding leap.
Because in the end, that’s what Growth Spurt is all about: GROWTH.
So don’t judge a book by its cover...
...and don’t judge a character arc before it’s finished.
Thank you for reading the incoherent nonsense I've typed here. I look forward to hearing your own insights.
Growth Spurt AU belongs to @potoobrigham // @potoo-reblogs
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justali-anne · 2 years ago
I've said this before and I'll say it again. THE CAST OF UNDERTALE. THEY ARE DRAMATIC. AS. HELL.
Here are a few examples. First we have the obvious:
Mettaton - This man oozes dramatic hilarity. It's his literal being, after all. His PERSONA. (Though I have noticed he has a more sincere side that shows that he does care about others deep down... apart from Burgerpants.) Literally every scene he's in is over the top and entertaining. He's oddly underrated...
Papyrus - "LISTEN UP! I AM GOING TO OPEN THE FRIDGE!" And that's just scratching the surface.
Undyne - Stalks and attacks you through Waterfall, attempts to give you a dramatic speech when she FINALLY catches up to you, and then the helmet comes off... No wonder she and Papyrus get along so well!
Flowey - Admit it, he LOVES to ham it up. Take his Photoshop Flowey fight, for example! Near the end, he starts feigning a meltdown as he's defeated... and then gives you a troll face. And then has a real meltdown not 10 seconds later. (He's also a sore loser, hmm...)
Then there's the less obvious ones, but they can still be dramatic:
Alphys - She strikes me as the type to come up with all sorts of dramatic romantic fantasies in her head. Though I do want to see more of that. Mostly she's just anxious and self-depreciating. I hope she gets better.
Sans - He's more subtle than Papyrus, but he is capable of being dramatic. Besides the whole "Y o u ' d b e d e a d w h e r e y o u s t a n d" thing, he also "had to" go outside in the rain in that cool way where you can't tell if he's crying or it's just water when he was called a noob. I like @supermary64's interpretation that Papyrus thinks Sans is the more dramatic of the two.
So, yeah. I'm sure there's more outside the main cast, but that's all I can think of for now.
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the-river-person · 4 years ago
End of Days
It was growing colder. Snowdin was unlivable now, the weather was no longer a snowstorm, but simply frozen and dark. There were parts of Waterfall that still had water, but it was all still, the falls no longer cascaded from above, having dried up or frozen solid in ice. Closer the chill crept. It had long since taken Home and New Home, Waterfall and the Depths below the Lower City on the Cliffs, and the Snowdin Caverns had been the very first place to fall. Hotland alone was still warm. But the magma had cooled and solidified on the surface of their burning lakes, leaving only what lay deep beneath. It was there the Monsters huddled. The Fire-Monsters at their center, those most susceptible to the cold. The darkness was oppressive, and only the light of these monsters, and their tiny heat, was keeping everything at bay. Keeping the darkness from falling. They’d searched for Sans and for Gaster, but there was no sign of them, they were gone. They searched every journal and book and file they could find in hopes of finding anything that could call the Ship back or open another Rift to the Void, but they found nothing that would help them. A day went by, exactly as it always had. And then another. And another after that. But the days were numbered. Three weeks before a Reset. And the first had been nearly over. Sixteen days. Sixteen days was all they had left. Fifteen days. Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve. Asgore spoke to the crowd outside the castle in New Home, telling them of the strange pall of darkness that always fell if they waited too long after the three weeks to Reset. No stars, no water, not even the garbage that fell endlessly from the falls, piling up into the Dump. It all just... stopped. And from what he could tell, the outside was cold. If one stood near the barrier, just as the time limit ran out on Tripplenight, when everyone was celebrating and holding feasts and parties, one could see glittering frost coating the rock outside, lit only by the barrier’s light. Eleven days. Toriel suggested a night to spend reading and playing and telling jokes. Everyone came. But they couldn’t bring themselves to tell any jokes, or read anything, or play. The Queen tried to read some old Monster Tales to them, but she could hardly get through the story where the Destined Heroes of Light fall into a Kingdom of Darkness and meet a lonely Prince of the Dark. And when she reached the part where the Hero tore out his very soul in despair and rage, she broke off, unable to continue. Ten Days. Nine days. Eight Days. The Core was unfixable. Alphys had everything she could ask for, the willing help of any Monster she could possibly turn to. But the explosion that resulted from its meltdown had been so hot that it melted much of the machinery and blasted other sections to fragments of metal. She was unable even to figure out why it had reacted so violently in the first place. It had been maintained until the last moment, when the engineers had headed out to evacuate. It should have been fine. What did it matter? Should have been, would have been, could have been. They couldn’t fix it, so how it got destroyed didn’t matter. Seven Days. Six Days. Five Days. Tempers running high, Undyne destroyed her own house, leaving it flaming and stuck with spears. She said she couldn’t stand being alone there. She and Alphys have taken to wandering Waterfall, speaking in low tones and sharing kisses in the soft blue light of the waters and echo flowers. Four Days. Snowdrake, Lesser Dog, and Heats Flamesman had a breakdown. Asgore found them at the Barrier in New Home, beating on the magical wall with their firsts, bodies, wings, and claws. They screamed and screamed, calling out for someone to hear them. For someone to come. They didn’t want to go with Asgore, didn’t want to go. They wanted to someone to come. Anyone. Just let them out. But nobody came. Three days. Gerson had woken a little during the evacuations, sensing that something had changed. In the terror of the moment he’d woken all the way. Now he was sinking back into despair, becoming harder and harder to speak to, to wake, to communicate with at all. Two days. Monsters want to know what will happen to them. Want to know if help is coming. If someone is coming. If they can call someone to come save them. The ship, Sans, Gaster, anyone. No one can answer their questions. Asgore and Toriel look grim, and Alphys is pale. Never had any seen Undyne cry, tears running silently down her face, her expression never wavering, her stoic stance as strong as ever. Only Gerson could really remember the last time he’d seen tears from her, and that had been when she was very small. One day. Dread. The waiting is the worst thing. Knowing you cannot prevent what is coming, and you are afraid. Mettaton had tried desperately to bring some last bit of laughter to them, but the robotic body is running out of power, and without being able to charge, since the Core was the source of the Underground’s power, they had to shut down to preserve power. Only the sad ghost was left behind, and it seemed that all the others had gone, managing to get aboard the ship. The stars are gone. The light is gone. The warmth is gone. And only the darkness remains. The darkness and the cold. Still they pushed on, refusing to give in so easily, though many were close to Falling Down. Water was stored from the river until it froze over, there was no sign of the River Person or their ferry, the Monster must have escaped into the Ship on time, though nobody could recall having seen them waiting in line, or ever having left their ferry for that matter. Days went by, at least they were almost certain it was days and not weeks or hours. The only change was that the darkness got deeper and deeper, and the cold grew and spread. When Waterfall froze over completely the light from the Echo Flowers faded, their last whispers nearly one with the silence, unheard by any living being. “But nobody came.” ... ... ... It was the End. They could hardly keep the Fire-Monsters alive, burning themselves as they pressed closer and closer together around them, staying warm and keeping in the warmth as much as they could. Any food they had left had run out, monster food, human food, it was all gone. Even the water in their storage containers was in danger of freezing over. The Underground was silent. Waiting. “It was...” said Asgore, hesitating, his voice quiet and his expression unbearably sad. “It was so nice knowing all of you. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you from this fate. I failed.” Toriel embraced him, and the sight stirred what little of the light and love that was still in the hearts of the Monsters who watched them. “No! No! You have not failed!” they cried. “You did everything you could. You did more than we could have ever asked!” Mettaton turned his body back on, to use the remaining few hours of power as best he could, rushing to and fro, finding wood from houses and fences that could be burned. Seeking out forgotten bits of food that could be shared. Each moment was borrowed, but it was another moment. Crystal, Snowdrake’s mother, was snuggled up to her husband. Toriel had asked if she was alright, but the kindly monster had said that her Snowy had made it aboard just in time, pulled up by Papyrus himself in the last few moments. As long as he was safe and away from here, then she could be happy even in the face of death. As the last of their lights flickered out, leaving only the fire-monsters to light the caverns, Crystal turned to the monster she’d lived in the same town as for years and years. “Grillby,” she called out. He looked at her, waiting. The bar owner had never been much for speaking. “Do you remember when we were in year seven of secondary school? When old Maggie insisted that everyone in her classroom had to try out for Choir in order to get a grade?” Grillby nodded, looking slightly annoyed by the memory. Old Maggie hadn’t been the best at teaching, and while everyone had cared for her, they were all very relieved when she had finally retired. “I remember you didn’t want to, because you didn’t want to sing. But she made you and you got upon on the stage and looked so frightened. Nobody had ever even heard you talk before, so we didn’t know if you could sing or not. But when you did...” she paused, a light smile on her face as she remembered. “You sang like the Angel themselves. Couldn’t you sing like that again for us now? As a favor to an old friend?” A smile flickered upon Grillby’s face, hidden deep among the flames, and he nodded indulgently. Silence fell over the monsters as he stood tall and prepared himself. Only a very few had ever heard him speak at all, and when he did it was brief and to the point. What could his voice be like? The first words startled them. In a voice that rose in volume and soared through the dark empty caverns like a light he sang the first words of a familiar song. “Ebbot’s Angel hear our prayer. Are you out there somewhere? Often we have called your name, but then nobody came.” The song itself was a grim one, with all the sorrow of those first years of being trapped Underground woven into the lyrics and tune. But it was a song that everyone knew. From youngest to oldest, each Monster learned it while they were still small. Taught by parents, friends, siblings. It was a song of games played in the snow and on sidewalks, it was a song whistled by old Gerson whenever he was doing spring cleaning in his shop, it was the song Undyne had first learned to play on the piano, it was the song of the music box for the Waterfall puzzle she’d made and left near the old memorial statue, it was the song with a million covers on the Undernet by a thousand aspiring musicians who started out with a song they were most comfortable singing, it was a song that Asgore had hummed while gardening, and Toriel had sung wordlessly while baking. One by one they joined him in singing, each voice adding something indefinable yet vital to their choir. Those Monsters who could not speak simply hummed the tune, and those who could not even do that made noises in accompaniment to the tune as best they could. It was called “The Angel’s Prayer” by many, or “His Theme” by those who remember it being played by a little Music Box at the baby Prince’s first introduction to the Kingdom. He’d been upset to be at the center of so much attention and had even cried before the Captain of the Guard, old Gerson himself, had presented him with a tiny music box he’d made that played the tune. Asriel had been enchanted; cooing and gurgling happy at the music as he tried to reach for the box. But the song’s true name was written down in the oldest books, on nearly faded music sheets, and in the Histories of the Underground. It had been named “Memory”. “On the slopes we fought our war; lost all we’d known before. Humans, Monsters; who to blame? The end is all the same.” A light blossomed in the distance, over the massive stalagmites that made the border between Hotland and Waterfall. A blue light, very faint, but undeniably there. Echo Flowers. The Echo Flowers were singing with them, echoing their song so that it reverberated off the walls of the cavern and back to them again and again. “Long ago we walked with you, ‘Neath stars of many hues. You promised us you would return, and for that day we yearn.” And softly another melody was weaving its way into their song, even as Grillby sang out high, another voice was singing along with him, wordless, and a different song, but it harmonized so easily that they almost didn’t notice its presence at all. When she recognized it for what it was, Toriel stopped singing, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. She knew this tune as well. In fact, she had written it. Years and years ago for her children. For Asriel of course, but also for Chara. “Once Upon a Time”, that was its name, because she had written it as a lullaby to use after telling them a bedtime story. But where was a it coming from? She looked around, trying to see its source in the darkness. “Soon the darkness will draw near, and all light disappear. Is that when you’ll come once more? Just like you did before?” They all stopped singing as another light appeared from the shadows, and though they stopped short, the song continued without them. With their own voices the Echo Flowers continued on, repeating endlessly the grim words with a hopeful melody. And the light before them was from a Door. It stood alone in the dark, tethered to nothing at all. On either side rose stone pillars, and above the door mantel was carved the Deltarune. It looked very much like the doors found the palaces of New Home and Home. Very old gateways and posterns meant for special people to pass through, such as the Royal Family or any humans who fell down from above. Yet unlike the purplish stone of Home or the pale white marble of New Home, this was dark and nearly black. How they could see it at all was a mystery, yet it seemed to give off a strange light. And as the Echo Flowers reached the last verse, the Deltarune above the door began to glow. The song Toriel had heard, it was coming from there, from beyond the door. And everything in her longed to go and see what lay there, on the other side. To see who was waiting for her. Perhaps Frisk, or maybe even Chara. And she could wait for the others too, and for Asriel. Oh, he liked to be called Realis now, didn’t he? A soft sigh seemed to come from the door as it creaked slightly open, a fine white mist piling up from behind it until it spilled over into a drifting wave towards them. Like a breath of fresh air. That’s what it felt like. Sunshine warming you after you’ve been inside all day long, and the splash of streams and song of birds. Perhaps its too late for it here, but somehow, somewhere, it is a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. The perfect weather for a game of catch. ... ... There is a prophecy. The Angel... The One Who Has Seen The Surface... They will return. And the underground will go empty. Only a pale white Void is left behind, like a page in a book that has not yet been written in, or a blank canvas that has not yet been touched with paint, and that too will fade to nothingness. Emptiness remains, no one is left here, except... “YIP!!!” A little white dog barks excitedly. It has several possessions it has considered bringing with it. A sock it liberated recently from its longtime home of the floor, several bone based special attacks that were absolutely delicious, a brick-like cell phone that it used to make wonderful music sometimes, a real live actual bomb, and a salad. But it left its bag at home when the world ended and now it has no choice but to go on without it. Oh well. It barks at the door, which opens slightly, and then rushes through. With a sharp click the door closes. And there is nothing more.
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dr-alphys-lizard-mug · 3 years ago
I just remembered a couple of deltarune and undertale related dreams I had, hold on:
[These are just all the snippets that i can remember lmao]
- i was talking to ink and he compared meltdowns to tantrums. I woke up incredibly annoyed with him
- i didn't diffuse all of Mettaton's bombs in time and instead of Alphys deactivating it, the big bomb exploded and Mettaton went flying off the screen (to the right, i think) i was incredibly disappointed when i learned that this does not, in fact, happen
- i don't remember why, but i was dressed up as spamton. I was pretending to be him. So he decided to let me go deal with (a meeting?) because he didn't want to do it. I remember telling him "The audacity of us both is astounding [right now]" like, that quote is basically the only think i remember and i just find that really funny for some reason.
I know i have way more bc my dreams are a mess i just can't remember them >:( if i have any more [preferably interesting] dreams, I'll update this post
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undergroundroyalscientist · 5 years ago
(( describe your muse’s smile and how your muse responds to anger ))
from character headcanons
Describe your muse’s smile
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Alphys has too much social anxiety to smile. Except maybe in front of her own timeline’s Undyne, but in that case it’s more like she’s constantly grinning like an idiot without noticing she’s doing it. Don’t mention it to her unless you want to witness a major meltdown.
How does your muse respond to anger?
Responding to someone else being angry at her or her own anger at something?
If the former, she would completely shut down into quiet resignation. She already has enough self-esteem issues as it is, with all of her failed experiments, so someone getting angry at her would only serve to corroborate and amplify those feelings.
If the latter...
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* What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Royal Science Institute, and I've been involved in numerous secret projects under the King, and [...]
Of course, she would only post something like that online on some anime forum or something.
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abimee · 5 years ago
Since you headcanon some of the ut/dr characters as autistic (iirc), would you share some autism-specific ideas about them-assuming you haven't already?
I hc a lot of them with it but at the same time I haven't put much time into crafting any concrete autistic hcs for them because autism is a backburner disability for me --- i tend to like to focus on my other disabilities and disorders that need more love and care put to them, or a """coping"""" if you will, so I tend to project abd craft my other ones on characters while just letting "they're autistic" be suffice for me.
Everything I can think up is just small bits scattered really. Undyne makes uncomfortable eye contact that she will rarely break even if you look away. Chara exhibits such severe echolalia that they even mimic the vocal cadence and accent of those they're echoing. Alphys has an alcohol problem due to her autism heightening her risk for addiction. Papyrus has a photographic memory and can replay TV episodes in his head. Toriel's automatic reaction to any inconveniences is to start crying because all emotions are so overwhelming to her that they all just morph into a meltdown. Etc etc
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get-rammed · 6 years ago
I'M TALKING ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BEASTTALE THAT I CREATED A FEW YEARS AGO, AND STOPPED DOING A YEAR AGO. This is aimed at the Beasttale tag, as I know a few have cropped up since I iced mine. So I don't want anyone to think I'm attacking them or the AU they like
A lot of my stuff has been removed from the Beasttale tag making it harder to find me and the things I made. It's annoying. Or been buried. So if this does go into the tag and anyone checking it out sees this, hi. I'm Ram and once upon a time I created a Beasttale and it used to terrorize the tag. It was the most popular version of Beasttale at the time and since has been laid to rest allowing different beasts to grow.
Anyone who grows curious about my AU. It isn't like the current popular one. Mine is unkind and violent. It has its soft moments with my boys. But for the most part it's not for the faint of heart. Don't go in looking for a gentle but scary Sans. You'll come out scarred 😂 Bomber was gentle at times, but he would 100% eat your guts.
I know the 4 of you left from my reign of terror are asking me, "Ram, why the f*ck are you doing this now??" Because I'm bored as f*ck and it's always bothered me that the story I wanted to tell, never came about.
So I'm going to basically explain what the story I had planned was. This will be confusing as I'm going to go over ideas I teased and or introduced, but either didn't explain well enough, or did nothing. Also some ideas I never talked about. I'll do some fun facts at the bottom about Boys that I designed, but never implemented, and some other odd ideas I had.
Tldr; Bomberboy (Sans), was an experiment of Gasters. He had a human soul shard (Perseverance) along with 4 other monsters in his soul and brain, which is why he's a mess. BB shoved Gaster into the CORE, which corrupted the dimension. It made everyone big and a little meaner. But not too far as at the time I was too scared to go too far on anyone but Sans and Alphys. After that it's just basic Undertale plot. I'd do it all differently now. Tone down the violence and edge a bit…but increase the beast design a bit. But not too much. I'll explain later. 
I’m just going to warn everyone now that is about as professional as literally anything else I have ever written. Sorry. It goes from explaining sh*t to like, almost storytelling and whoops. I'm not very good at this. Imagine a lot of hand motions as you read. This is years of story that I've been sitting on. Just. Work with me here. A lot of these ideas are very very old. The original name for Beasttale was Testtale. Name got changed because me and a friend couldn't stop laughing because testicle. We're adults I promise. 
This whole thing takes place over nine years in universe. So I condensed the sh*t out of my ideas and it's all very rushed and bad. Forgive me. This isn't supposed to be written like a story. It's supposed to be written like I'm explaining things at him point 😂
Alright, alright, alright. So to start off. After reading the entries you can find in the hidden lab, and the idea that Gaster wrote them, I came to the conclusion that he was a massive asshole. As you do. Which is why Bomber hates him, and why I personally made him a massive prick. I like the idea of Dadster, but like, I had edgy designs, I had to have a reason for them. I had to have a reason for the scars Bomber had.
After an unknown helicopter pilot crashed ((this character does not exist in the universe of Undertale. She was made for this AU)), and subsequently went into a cave for safety, only to fall into the Underground, she was killed by Asgore. She fought as hard as she could, but she could do nothing against the powerful monster. Her soul was safely harvested and stored.
Asgore made the lie about needing 7 souls, which Gaster said he would corroborate if he was allowed access to one of the souls as they had 6 at the time. ((Another perseverance SOUL bearer falls shortly after. Which is how there are 6 SOULs by the time Frisk rolls around)) Asgore had two choices. He could deny access, in which case, Gaster tells everyone that any boss monster could easily open the way. Or allow him access. Of course Gaster reminded him that if the soul goes missing, then Monsters are trapped longer, which is what Asgore wants. Soul goes “missing”, Asgore claims it’s due to a small leak in the container, Gaster gets his soul and his plan goes into action.
A lot of Monster children just wander freely around the Underground because it’s safe! Monsters wouldn’t hurt other Monsters. Right? Well. Gaster is his own kind of breed. He’s very jaded from the war. Mentally broken. Saw a lot of good Monsters slaughtered. Has no empathy left for anyone. He casually snatches two kids that wander too close to his lab. A little skeleton, Sans, and a small lizard with no arms, Alphys. Something of note. I liked the idea of Alphys being Monster Kids older sister. So she lacks arms for this first bit. This was literally never mentioned at any point and if I do DeltaBeast stuff, Alphys will lack arms. It was a mistake on my part to give them to her in the singular piece of art that exists at this time.
Alphys is locked away as Gaster focuses on the mouthy little skeleton. Experiments on the kid. See how much he can handle before he needs a break. Then push him further the next time. Gaster is trying to make a monster that can break the barrier, and destroy humans. Sans, or J-5, as he was called in those years trapped with gaster, was hopefully going to be that monster.
Basic details for this as the actual details of the experiments were never really thought out. But I guess they could include. Breaking his bones and seeing how long magic took to heal them. Forcing him to fight rabid animals and see what he would do (mind you Sans would have been 10 when Gaster traps him). He fights them to protect himself. Physical attacks hurt. He's got a lot of tiny scars from them. Force him to fight for his life against half melted monsters. These he doesn't fight. Mentally and physically beat it into the kid that he fights or Gaster will hurt Alphys ((Which during this time she was just subject to SOUL testing as Sans always offered himself for the harder stuff)). All to get him to a fallen state so he can alter his SOUL. Things get worse later.
Sans isn't considered a boss monster here, and Gaster knows this. Giving Sans a full human soul would just kill him. Can't have that. Gaster has put too much time and effort into this experiment at this point. It's been a good three year of nonstop tests and beatdowns for Sans. He's ready. Gaster pulls out Sans soul and tears part of it away, slowly, carefully. Then wedges the human soul in its place. The piece doesn't fit right, but Sans also isn't dead yet. But blah blah blah, he's not strong enough to hold it and he starts melting down. Perfect. Time for phase 2.
Experiments J-1-4 were all failures. Note. It varies on AU on how many extra monsters were added to the boys. The monsters inside is what defines their heat form. Anyone remember that post with their forms that had some floating heads around them? Yeah. Extra note. The four monsters in Sans do not have names. They have designs, but any personality or names do not exist. Nor will ever exist. None could hold a shard of the human soul. But. Five monsters together trying to hold a soul? It might just work. Which it does obviously. He's kept all the failures in a state of falling down but not dead. Similar to the abominations in the lab currently. Alphys followed Gaster on accident. Just in a nicer way.
Sans is unconscious the whole time and remains as such for a few days. Gaster now waits as the tiny skeleton is reformed. It's boring. He's going to start up experiments on him when Alphys basically tells him to f*ck off and leave Sans alone. Which is when he turns his attention to her. 
Now he wants a fair fight for Sans when's out and about. Sans needs a watcher or guardian ot some form to regulate his ideas. So now it's Alphys' turn for the f*ckery. Beat the snot out of her. Pitch her against other monsters. See how well she fights. Similar to Sans, she refuses to fight. When she can't take anymore Gaster stops the fight. Casually pops her soul out and just as casually slices it up and wedges the little piece of Sans in. Forcibly bonding the two in a way no one else understands. It's not like a mated bond kinda thing. It's a connection akin to siblings on the same wavelength.
This finally wakes Sans up. The whole time he was stuck in a dream with the new voices in his head. They're all super unhappy and they all want to use Sans to get back at Gaster. The sudden added weight of Alphys' fear and anxiety gets him on his feet. Alphys can feel the terror and confusion from Sans. She can't feel the others, just him. Gaster f*cks about with her soul and essentially her DNA. She's got arms now. They're painful and new. She hates them. Gaster did what he set out to do that day and tosses Alphys back in with Sans. Mostly to see what happens.
Sans is on his feet, but he's lost and with so many trying to fight for control right now, he's basically stuck where he stands. He wants to move to comfort Alphys, his friend is crying and needs comfort. The way she comforted him every day. Every voice in his head is screaming to attack. But he doesn't. He's stronger than them. It's his body dang it. Comfort that crying lizard. It's like a mutual thing. She feels better, so now he does. Gasters happy. Alphys can still be used as a safety shield then. He lets them rest. The coming years have a lot in store.
Honestly he lets them rest for a few days. But when he thinks they've had enough, barges in. At this point Sans is halfway to his Meltdown form. A form that has never been posted or ever mentioned. So don't go looking. I might post art of old concepts if enough people are curious. Teeth growing out of his head, fur and slime showing up all over his body. He's beautiful to Gaster. It worked perfectly. Keep in mind a lot of ideas for SOULs I made on my own. SOULs would kind of be like their whole genetic code, but you can easily alter it if you know how. Which is what he was testing on Alphys for. 
Alphys sprouted feathers where her spikes used to be down the back of her head. Sans is now considered a Boss monster and Alphys a significantly stronger monster.
Sans has the strength to pull out of Gasters grip. Which gets him chained up. Which is how he got the scars on his wrists and ankles. Sans can't really do much besides pull away or mutter. Too much noise in his head. He can barely walk and is basically dragged. Alphys is trying her best to break out of Gasters grip because she has no idea what the plan is. But she knows it's not going to be good. Both her and Sans are different now. She's terrified. Sans just kinda stops and this causes Gaster to basically trip and nearly fall. Loses his grip for less than a second and Alphys tries to take off. Gets her new much longer tall grabbed. Scars from that.
Yay finally testing room. Seat them both in separate halves of the room. They can see one another, but can't hear the other or get to them. Answer some basic questions. How are you feeling and sh*t like that. Alphys is currently mortified and can't speak. Sans just can't speak. He can't even focus on anything. The person asking the questions is told to be ruder, ask more invasive questions. Things to rile up either of them. Nothing. "What would your parents think of you now?" Alphys starts crying. Gaster is testing for something specific right now. 
"Do you think they would recognize you?" Crying harder. "What do you think your little brother would say?" Now she's mad. Looks through the mirrored glass and tells Gaster to leave him out of this. Ranting. Years of pent up anger and frustration. Guards are coming in as she threatens the scientists and guards with her chair. Sans starts purring and chattering on his side. The panic is evident on what remains of his face. Alphys calms down out of her rant as Sans continues to calm himself. Gaster is mentally fist bumping himself. Perfect SOUL bond.
"They're both calm. Go back in and do what you have to, to get number five to break containment." Guards go back in and well. Sorry Alphys. Few more scars and another beat down. 
Sans is pretty quick to get up. Easily nudging his scientist down out of his way. He realizes he can't break the glass or break the wall with physical attacks. But magic. He got that good burn in his gut and zoop. He's got the ability to teleport now. Not what he was aiming for but it works. Gaster is so excited he might just do a little dance.
Easily knock the guards out of the way and hiss at them. Then comfort friend. Gather her into his arms and scooch into a corner where no one can touch her. Gaster is pleased with the results found, but he wants to do some physical testing with J-5. Instead of like, asking him to come along, Gaster goes the harder route. Uses a hook he's used before to move experiments. Hook it on their mouth and  pull them along. Well. J-5 is a little...soft inside right now. The hook slides through the roof of his mouth and just knocks right through his right lateral incisor. Which is how Bomber lost that tooth :) also why he's not keen on it being touched. It still hurts him a lot.
To the absolute horror of everyone in the room, including Gaster. J-5 starts bleeding. Blood just pouring from his mouth. Everyone is a gangster until a magic monster starts bleeding red blood. No one wants to touch him or the blood. Gaster basically grabs the broken tooth and acts like he didn't just internally scream. "Recontain them. Quarantine J-five. Decontaminate J-six and quarantine it as well."
Gaster does some testing and yeah, the blood is human and Sans' bone is partially human. So now he can survive at least some physical attacks from a human. Which funny enough. One just fell the other day. ((This Human has no name, and isn't important outside of the thing coming up))  The Guards are having issues locating the Human as they seemingly "vanished". Gaster literally just stood outside of Toriel's door and waited till it closed to grab them before the guards got there.
Sans is just tied to a bed. Chilling. Left alone with the new guys in his head. They want to dust everyone. They just keep chanting at him to kill. Kid is thirteen. He doesn't know what to do here. Maybe he should do as they're saying. Human in his head is like "dude. f*ck those guys. If you wanted to kill everyone you'd have done it. Just hang tight. We're all in this together now whether we wanted to be or not. We'll get out of this." Thanks dead human lady :D
Others don't listen. They're J-1,2,3,4. They've all lost it. They over power Sans internally and now he enters Meltdown mode. Full Meltdown. So he's an abomination of parts and teeth. He's f*cking strong. I mean, come on. Scientists had him held down with some cheap rope. Should be happy it held him down as long as it did.
Meltdown can't walk to save their lives. So they crawl. Large sticky arms that drag the dead weight of the legs and tail. Someone is trying to figure out how to leg while everyone else focuses on crawling to the door. Legs are moving. They use the door as leverage to help them up to their feet. Wobbly but they can move and attack efficiently.
First scientist spotted is blindsided. Meltdown crashes through them and immediately dusts them upon contact. Some others see this and the laboratory enters shut down. Gaster is alerted. Meltdown has killed a few more and is shambling around trying to find more to kill. There are thick plates going up their back. The ones near the tail are glowing purple. It's slowly traveling up their back through the spikes. I'm sorry but the effect looked really good in the most recent Godzilla movie.
Gaster finds and corners them when the glow is at the base of their neck. He immediately recognizes this is going to be bad and ducks out of the hall. Glow is all the way up and a purple laser beam shoots down the hall where Gaster had been standing. It hits a few people further down the hall and kills them. Melts through the metal at the end of the hall. This attack tires Meltdown out and brings Sans back to pilot his own body.
After that incident Sans is muzzled, chained, and monitored at all times. He's kept sedated until Gaster needs him. Like literally the day after the incident he throws Sans into a cage with the Human they had nabbed. Gaster tells the Human if they want to live, they have to fight the abomination in front of them. Sans tries to convey that he doesn't want to fight, but you know how people can be. Hits Sans pretty good in the head with a metal bar. The attack incites Meltdown. Which leads to a big laser beam, a very dead Human, and very shattered SOUL. 
Three years later, Sans is 16, and is basically stuck in the back seat of his own body. The other four have had the controls basically since the Human test subject. Gaster just wakes Meltdown up to test the laser, and take some notes. Then knocks them out again. Notes have been used to make the Gaster Blasters. They're not ready to be used. Get to that in a minute.
While Meltdown is unconscious, Gaster has been teaching Alphys her duties. She's basically there to make sure Meltdown doesn't have another, well, meltdown. There to offer energy and help if needed. There to keep the beast under control. She can be replaced is what he always told her. Reality is, she couldn't have been, because any more chunks of SOUL taken from Sans would have killed him. 
With Alphys finally brainwashed, she had no moral support the last three years, he moves onto Meltdown. Alphys is the only person Meltdown will listen to and the only one they will not attack on site. She can easily get them in and out of testing chambers. Get them to cooperate and not hurt anyone. To Gaster they're almost ready. He just needs to finish up his weapons. 
Next three years, both are 19, and are a lot calmer. With the both of them listening and cooperating at all times, Gaster is able to focus on his Gaster Blasters. He's got an ego. It took the past three years to build the shells and make sure the laser function worked. Once he was ready he did a test. Added what remained of J-2's SOUL to the machine. It worked, J-2 was within the Balster, and was awaiting commands. Perfect. But they didn't listen to Gaster. Instead stared at him until he gave up. Muzzled the massive skull and went to find Alphys.
The skull acknowledged her, but wouldn't respond to her commands. J-2 doesn't acknowledge or respond to Meltdown. It's highly annoying to Gaster as part of who is controlling Meltdown is literally in the Blaster. J-2 won't acknowledge anyone in the laboratory. Even tried a few civilians under the guise of it being to open the barrier. Nothing. King? Nope. His guards? Nada.  Gives up for now. He has to do something else. These Blasters were supposed to be his weapons of mass destruction, but they listen to no one. 
Except for when one little badger skeleton walks in. He heard about the big skull and he wanted to see what the fuss was about. Says his name is Papyrus, who is 17. J-2 responds to the name and acknowledges Papyrus. Doesn't listen to him, but it's something.
Gaster is very friendly with Papyrus. Trying a different tactic. J-2 follows Papyrus around, sniffing him, but still won't listen to him. Gaster decides to ask around. Having two little animal skeletons can't be just a coincidence. Asks around, and no one knows where they came from, and a lot of people have just been taking care of Papyrus when Sans went missing. Papyrus is treated like a guest not an experiment. Even helps Gaster produce three more Gaster Blasters.
Gaster takes a few more months to figure out that maybe he needs Sans, not Meltdown. Tries a kind tactic to help Sans become himself again. Both physically and mentally. Doesn't work real well. Sans has been just existing for the last 3 years. He's not strong enough to fight the other 4. Gaster figures maybe they want some revenge. Some dust. Gathers up some poor monsters and throws masks on them that match his own. Let's Meltdown loose. *jazz hands* lots of innocent monsters die in a pretty bad way. But Meltdown calms downs a lot after.
A lot of the extra monster bits melt back down and Sans looks like a human skeleton now. He's kept the sharp teeth, little tail and claws. Sans doesn't remember how to walk or talk anymore. It takes a few weeks to get him to walk again, and a lot more to talk normally. Alphys is very happy to see him and helps out where she can. She can feel that Sans is just playing along with what Gaster wants, waiting for his moment. She says nothing to Gaster. 
Sans is very very unhappy when he finds out about Papyrus being there now too. Gaster of course has been very kind to Papyrus. Which helps keep Sans calmer. But now he really wants out. Gaster tries out the Blasters with Sans.
The Blasters listened to him. They did everything he asked. Gaster isn't an idiot, he's in a different part of the lab, and Sans is down in the CORE. It takes a few weeks, but Sans can control the Blasters almost perfectly. Power cuts out because another Human has fallen. Gaster of course books it down into the CORE. Bad move.
Sans is ready for him and ambushes him. Shoves Gaster to the edge of the magma, but he manages to save himself from falling. All the skulls are pointed at Gaster. Gaster taunts Sans and tells him he never had it in him to kill someone. It was never him who hurt anyone. He's too weak to finish this now. Well. Sans has had a lot of time, he has no issue shoving Gaster into the CORE. Gaster's claws just hit Sans' right cheek as he falls. Earning him his other facial scars. Very sensitive ones that hurt on cold days. 
Gaster fell right as the human did. It f*cked with the code of the world. Gaster couldn't actually die. He's stuck in a forever melting loop. His hostility and actual monstrous form infected the code of the world. Everyone gets much bigger, much more edgy, and a whole lot more aggressive. Gaster is forgotten and the history of the world has changed. Since Sans was the one there the whole time, he forgot nothing.
Sans wakes up in Snowdin. Wearing a sweater he's never seen and pants he didn't like. He tries to find Alphys. He's terrified. She can tell and makes her way to Snowdin. He asks what's going on and she's very confused. Walks him back to the lab. It looks nothing like it just did for him. It looked so small from the outside. Inside was so tiny. There was nothing there but some robot parts.
He has a breakdown and Alphys hugs him close. When he's feeling better he explains what's going on. She stares at him for a few minutes just blankly. Her eyes saying she's reliving everything, but eventually she smiles at him and says she doesn't know what he's talking about. She can't explain her scars. What are you talking about, she's always had her arms. She offers for him to stay the night and have dinner with her. To see if he feels better in the morning.
Mettaton comes by. He's a super early model and has a few issues. Mettaton is offended Sans is there, but ignores him to whine to Alphys. Sans mumbles out what Alphys can fix to make the weight lessened. Everyone is surprised. Sans most of all. He's literally never worked in robotics. Mettaton laughs because everyone knows Sans is a lazy f*cker. No way he does robotics. Alphys shoos Mettaton away.
For the first time since he first ended up in the lab. He cried. Cried for all the years he was stuck inside his head as a passenger. Cried for everything that happened. Cried because he doesn't know where he is. Almost doesn't even know who he is. Alphys held him tightly the whole time. She doesn't know what's going on. He's never had a fit like this before. Small ones, but never this bad. 
He ends up crying himself to sleep and Alphys makes him some food for when he wakes up. Checks his numbers while he sleeps. Yeah, what he said could actually lessen the weight a lot. Crazy dude. 
To Alphys this is strange. Sans was his normal hostile and idiot self yesterday. Today he's intelligent and an emotional mess. She can't explain it, and just leaves it how it is. Reality is that Gaster is chilling behind her muttering things she can't hear out loud so she thinks a certain way. 
He stays a few days until Papyrus comes and finds him. Sans doesn't feel much for Papyrus as for Sans, it's been years since he saw Papyrus. It's only been a few days for the tall now human looking skeleton. 
Sans starts to realize over a few weeks that some days and moments seem to repeat. But he's still fine the whole time. Papyrus doing the same exact thing every morning. The people of Snowdin doing the same thing. He doesn't think anything of it until a big f*cking plant attacks Snowdin, killing everyone but him. He manages to keep the roots away with a stick when a little sh*tty flower pops out.
"Who in the sandy f*ck are you?" Flowey isn't super happy because everything is supposed to always be the same. There is no way in heck this guy has ever once been outside of his house during this attack. Flowey knows something is wrong. This guy isn't normal. Even when the world is paused, this skeleton is moving away from him. Time to f*ck with him.
Sans ends up dying a lot to Flowey over the next few months, which is just the same week on loop. Until Sans figures out, well sh*t. This guy has time powers or something. He's also had enough. He can't watch his friends die anymore. He has to teach this little brat that he's not the only one who can do neat tricks. Flowey pops up to greet him only to get laser blasted and the world resets back to the start of the week. Sans starts keeping a journal after that. Things he notices, things that don't change, things that do. Also starts seeing just how powerful he is. He's got plenty of time as Flowey keeps away from him now and is messing about with someone else now. 
Sans figures out he can teleport on accident. He trips and accidentally teleports to the waterfall area. He thinks it's activated by severe panic. Until he starts experimenting a bit and realizes he can activate it whenever. First time was when he encounters the void. The dark space between areas. The stink of wet earth and whatever else I said the void smelled like. That's the first time he sees Gaster again. But the guy is now a pile of goop with a mask melted to it.
Gaster has nothing worry to say. So he just watches. Then in his left eye hole is a bunch of tiny eyes that open to stare. Which scared the ever loving sh*t out of Sans. More Gasters appear in the void over time and he starts seeing different versions of himself. He tried talking to one once, but the Gasters started shrieking. He doesn't stay too long in the void space after that.
Sans finds out about his gravity powers on accident as well. Papyrus falls and Sans tries to catch him, but misses. His power activates obviously. Papyrus is confused but also super excited because yoU CAN DO THAT TOO?! Papyrus teaches Sans how to properly use the ability. Sans finds out through this that Papyrus has anomalous abilities as well. Papyrus is able to defy gravity entirely and walk on air. But the biggest punch to the gut is that Papyrus can summon and use the Gaster Blasters. He doesn't like to because they're so devastating, but he will if he absolutely has to. Papyrus has no soul damage at all, so he just befriended the Blasters so they come to his aide.
Sans is unable to defy gravity as Papyrus does, but he can float just a bit. It tires him out pretty quickly. He finds that a lot of things do. Sleeps a lot of days. Finds out the hard way that he only has 1 HP left after everything that's happened to him.
Sans has been living for five years in this crazy loop thing. But it's only been 2 years in reality. He's 20 now. Going to be 21 soon. But he's tired. Broken down to the skeleton we know. He's got no fight left in him. Flowey is bored of him and bored of everything, so he finally let's time move normally.
It's September 15th and a human has just fallen. Word spreads pretty quickly. Sans is curious. He wants to meet this one. Mostly because he's never seen Flowey panic before. He wants to go inside the old ruins, but he's never met Toriel and from his understanding it's her home. It would be weird.
So he just hangs out in some trees outside the door, waiting. He finds out that his sense of smell is crazy strong pretty early on, but he didn't know he could smell humans so strongly. He recognized another scent on the human before they even made it to the door. Dust. This human had killed monsters on their way here. Now he's worried. 
This human seems off somehow. Like they're not in control of themselves. He accidentally falls out of the tree making a fair bit of noise. Now he feels like he has to introduce himself because they're 100% staring at him rn. 
He's super friendly and tries to be nice. But this kid is weird. Stares through him and doesn't take his offer at a hand shake. He sees them pull out a knife and easily dodges the attack. In a panic he attacks back. Which yeah. That early on a Blaster shot would kill Frisk. 
He's reset to his home. It's the same moment from when the Human fell. Which it doesn't take much for him to figure out the kid has the time powers now. 
And after a few attempted Genocide runs, a few attempted Passive runs, Frisk finally does the good ending correctly. Sans is pretty friendly through the whole thing as he doesn't fully grasp that Frisk can reset to the starting point whenever they want. Flowey only did week or month loops. Frisk does years. He can't remember exact things like he could in Flowey's days. He can only remember ideas and some people. He writes a lot of things down after that. Important information. Dangerous people and things like that. 
He's happy and everything's fine until he wakes up standing on his porch in Snowdin one day. Frisk is doing a Genocide run and that's when Sans learns that there's nothing he can do. So he gets into a routine. Figures out how each possible ending goes. Sticks to a script. Gets a lot more aggressive and starts to lack empathy with each passing run.
Until he meets you on an off chance in a good run. It's random locations. Never the same. But something about you always draws him. Like you're something that can make him happy again. He's not excited about it though. It won't last. Frisk will just take it from him one day. Yet he still runs into you every good run somehow. He does get excited for good runs after a time just because he wants to see you.
And that's essentially the story I wanted to tell. The messy slapped down quick version anyhow. It's confusing sorry, but ahhhhhhhhh. 
FUN FACTS (Aka I ramble about sh*t that is not actually fun)
Unorganized because that's my life.
The monsters that become J-1, J-2, J-3, and J-4 I'm aware I said this up top just hush do not have names or personalities. They have designs made up, but they weren't ever properly introduced literally at any point. GG me. Honestly at this point they're just aggressive blobs anyhow so….
So all the Beasttale's I saw in the tag have the Gaster Blaster heads. An now I know none of you care, but I'm telling you anyways on why I personally didn't do it. Keep in mind my Beasttale was created a few months after Undertale came out. At the time, there were no Gaster Blaster head AUs or if there were, they weren't popular yet or I didn't know about them. Bomberboy was originally a bara Sans. Which is why he was never beasty looking outside of the claws, teeth, and tail. Plus this bit*h couldn't draw animal heads at the time. For me now it seems like a cop out. Slap an animal head on and bam. It's a beast. That's no fun. For me it seems lazy but I understand why with beast in the name. I personally like the idea of beast being a more metaphorical thing.
Bombers design came about in an art trade. I didn't like the idea of just scaling Sans up to make a bara version, so I made my own. Used the design until I figured out his name and an arbitrary AU name to slap on him. At the time Beasttale was nothing more than a place to stick my own bara Sans. People started asking about him and the others, and so it expanded from there :’)
Bomberboy got his name from an unused AU idea I had about planes. Don't talk about it. He got his name from a bomber jacket...anyways I dropped the AU in favor of drawing large monsters. Bara Sans was popular at the time which is how I started.
I have literally no memory of why he was ever drawn with scars. I think to make him more intense maybe? Idk??? Either way they spawned the story I was aiming for but never got to.
The g*re/hard v*re aspect was never originally intended. I posted art saying something like ‘you have a 50/50 chance of dying when f*cking him’. I honestly don't remember why I added that comment, but either way everyone immediately hit me with that ‘OwO what's this?’ and it went downhill from there. 
I never meant for Bomber to be as violent as he got. Again it kinda went downhill really f*cking fast. It'd be something that if I made him right now, I'd have scaled back on. I just wanted him to be an a*shole and he shot past that marker 😂 I did however make sure he was never r*pey, or physically abusive. He was a horny boy, but never super forceful. He was however mentally manipulative as at the time I had a lot going on. He's gross and he was designed that way.
There was a Glitchboy, who would be a BeastBoy of Error. His design was finished, and I fully intended on introducing him, but by the time I was going to, I found I didn't really care for the original, which made it hard to love my version. I think I was just going to do it to show how the power works in my Beast AUs. Which is why I was never attached. First to last created is how it works. First being strongest, last being weakest. Cherryboy (Beastfell), Bomberboy (Beasttale), Hotboi (Beastlust), Canine (Beastswap) and Loverboy (Horrorbeast) ((Canine and Lover were made too close together for me or Sil to remember who came first, so they are tied for power)), and finally Towelboy (Dancebeast).
I liked Alphys, and the idea of her and Sans being friends. Which is why she is featured heavily in the ideas for the AU, and why I've drawn the two together so often
Bombers distaste for other AUs comes from me. Some AUs I take a liking to, but after seeing some content I don’t really agree with coming out of most AUs, I kinda dipped on them. Which is why he can tolerate Beast versions, but not their normal OG counterparts.
I had started a comic for the origins of Bomber and Alphys, but if you’ve been here a while, you know I’m f*cking lazy when it comes to my art >:'D
At some point there were like, ancient versions of the main crew. They were Gasters friends and upon their death he turned them into Alphys, Sans, Papyrus, and Undyne. The idea was scrapped and the designs were reused for Beastswapfell. 
Speaking of which. Beastswapfell was always intended to be an unstable weird AU. The regular fellswap or swapfell never appealed to me. Plus cross too many AUs and things get unfocused. 
Frisk always in any Beast AU has red eyes and Chara has brown. Why? The one time we see Chara up close, they have brown eyes. When Frisk opens their eyes in the bad version of the good end, they have red eyes. I know it's to show them being evil or whatever. But it's more fun to imagine them always having red eyes
It annoys me to no end that Sans got the cool beast thing going but no one else did. But, no one came to me for a beasty Alphys or Toriel did they. We're all here for the chunky skeleton. It's actually why I had to create a reason for Sans being how he is. He's the only one like himself. Which wasn't the original plan, but by the time the heat form rolled around, I had so many different designs for so many different characters that I wasn't about to do that to myself…
A lot of stuff was created while listening to Lauren Bousfield and Andrew Jackson Jihad (AJJ for the newer fans). So like. Yeah.
Sans and Papyrus would have been animal skeletons as kids. Sans a cat and Papyrus a badger. Magic just kinda, gave some skeletons life. This plotline was scrapped forever ago. I don't remember why. 
Bomber doesn't drink ketchup. He did it to f*ck with Frisk. Across multiple timelines because he's f*cking bored. 
I made it canon at one point that Bomber can snap and will kill everyone before Frisk does if certain requirements are met. His fight is unbeatable then. He's LOVE 20. Frisk is 0. Fight doesn't go well.
The boys heat forms all vary because drawing 6 giant pointy skeletons is f*cking boring. Go big or go home.
Canine when in heat would have sounded like  OG King Ghidorah. Love me some f*cking BIDIDIDIDI
When Sans or Papyrus die, the Gaster Blaster eye that correlates to them, will have an X in it. When looking directly at the Blasters, Gasters eye is in the center, Sans on the left, and Papyrus on the right. Gaster's eye has a pointy oval shape with a dot in the center at all times.
Monsters in this AU are incredibly lightweight. Sans would weigh all of 50 pounds. Monsters are made of magic, which has little weight. They have to eat physical things to gain some mass. Before the underground the monsters ate humans as a retaliation and because humans contained magic nutrition and physical nutrition. Older monsters still have cravings, but almost all current Monsters don't have any interest in humans for food. Sans is just ravenous and always hungry. He won't go out of his way to eat a human, but if the opportunity presents itself well...yeah.
Papyrus can and will use the Gaster Blasters if Frisk does at least three genocide runs in a row. He doesn't know why, but he just knows he has to stop them before they hit him. So he lasers their a*s the second they enter his fight. Beasttale has unfair moves in the fights 😂
The world can glitch and you are able to fall down at the same time as Frisk. Because of plot, you override Frisk and their abilities. Which forces them to tag along you and your choices. Bomber is always hurt seeing you coming out of the ruins with dust on your pants. You don't encounter him until you're at the castle if you hurt Monsters on your way. No dust means he basically glued himself to your side. Partly to keep an eye on you, partly to get close to you.
Bomber and Frisk have a rocky relationship. He knows they've done bad sh*t, but he can never remember what. This distrust can be overridden with a few good runs in a row. He forgets. Or acts like he does. He's got his journal. Says on one page that Frisk aggressively ran in circles until Monsters checked to see if they were okay. Only to be attacked by Frisk.
The picture in that you can find in the game doesn't have whatever the speculation was. I think people thought it was the good end picture that Sans has. For Beasttale it's the four monsters that now reside in Sans, posing with Gaster. They're happy. Don't know what they're about to go through. There's an old picture on my blog somewhere that looks like this, but the picture isn't canon anymore as it has Sans and Papyrus. It follows a different plot point that was scrapped shortly after the art was made.
Less of a fun fact and more of a flex. I never got any hate or flak for my choices with my AUs. Which I mean, is super surprising. Seriously. Not once was I sent a hateful message in my whole time of having this blog. I feel like that says something about my followers then and now. So thank you for suffering through my AU with me 💕 I'm sure after reading this whole thing you'll feel like you wasted your time and you're welcome. I'm glad I can still waste people's time 😂
You know who's cute? The girl I forced to beta read this 👀
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uselessundertalefacts · 6 years ago
I do want to say something about autistic characters in undertale and deltarune actually (cw for ableism)
In both games, but especially deltarune, there are a lot of characters who are outsiders. People call characters like Papyrus, Lancer, Kris, and Susie weird, strange, and childish, and say that “no one really likes [them]”. They’re isolated, and in most cases have few friends who aren’t related to them.
And in one way or another, all of them have neurodivergent traits. Papyrus has an idiosyncratic way of speaking, has special interests, and wears the same outfit for weeks. Lancer has an idiosyncratic way of speaking like Papyrus, strange interests like cartoon sound effects, and gets lost easily. Kris alternates between being sensory avoidant (dislikes hugs) and sensory seeking (huffs markers, sticks their fingers through park bench holes), and seems to be mostly nonverbal. Susie has two incidents that closely resemble meltdowns (the scene outside Alphys’s classroom and her fight with Lancer), eats non-food items (this could be partly a sensory thing), and struggles with solving puzzles, which could indicate a learning disability.
Looking at all of this together, it feels natural to say that all of these characters are coded as autistic. It isn’t just that they have autistic traits, it’s that in-universe, other characters treat them the way autistic people are often treated in real life. It’s the same reason mutants in the X-Men universe are considered to be LGBT+ coded. It isn’t that they are literally LGBT+, it’s that they fill the same social role. I don’t just relate to characters like Papyrus and Kris because they have DSM-V autistic traits, I also relate to feeling lonely and isolated and trying to get people to like me, or not bothering with other people at all.
So why does this matter? Well, I think it’s worth noting how Undertale’s approach to portraying autistic characters is different from Deltarune’s. It’s not a coincidence that Papyrus’s interests are mostly things people consider childish, or that he wears a costume. That’s a pretty common stereotype. Autistic people are assumed to be childish and wear weird clothes. I wouldn’t call Papyrus negative representation, but I won’t pretend that there are no harmful stereotypes being invoked here. (Undertale generally uses stereotypes to build its characters all the time, Alphys is a great example of this, but that’s a whole other discussion.)
Deltarune, on the other hand, has three autistic coded characters, and all of them are main characters, and all of them are completely different. None of them easily slot into a stereotype. The ways Susie and Lancer are undermined by society is the driving force behind them becoming friends so quickly, and their friendship is the entire plot of Chapter 1’s dark world section. When we aren’t in the dark world, we’re focused on Kris and their isolation in Hometown. It would be completely fair to say that Deltarune, or at least Chapter 1, is About how neurodivergent kids are left behind by society. Basically Deltarune doesn’t just use autistic coding to build its characters, it has Something to Say about how autistic people are treated in real life.
Part of the reason I’m bringing this up is because I think it’s really cool that Deltarune goes there. It’s not uncommon to have stories about a friend group of “weird” kids against the world or anything, but I haven’t really seen that in the context of a video game except for maybe in MOTHER 3, which seems to be a big influence on Hometown. I also want to bring it up because I think we need to think more critically about how we talk about autistic coded characters in fandom. I’m hardly the first person to bring this up, but this fandom has a big problem with infantilizing Papyrus and treating him like a symbol of purity and innocence, which kind of sucks when real disabled adults are objectified this way in inspiration porn. There’s also a lot to be said about how characters like Kris are (often literally) demonized for having neurodivergent traits, like not wanting to be hugged. Treating neurodivergence like a horror movie trope is another pervasive real life problem with serious consequences. (This doesn’t affect autistic people quite as much as it affects, for example, psychotic people, but plenty of charity organizations have run ads that frame autism as an evil force that steals children and ruins marriages while deliberately invoking horror movie tropes, so it’s relevant.)
I don’t know how to end this, so.... I’d talk more about Alphys but she deserves her own post. Maybe one day.
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sansy-fresh · 6 years ago
Made Whole Again chap. 9
next to last chapter!
Tags: Honest Communication, References to Bad Communication, Hurt/Comfort
ao3 link
Wringing his hands, Papyrus decided to start from the beginning. “When we moved here, I was so happy, Sans. We were near your work, nearby the local park and I can walk anywhere I need to.”
Something flashed over Sans’ face at that, but Papyrus wasn’t sure what it was, so after Sans said nothing about it, he continued.
“All of my greatest friends are close by, and I can be with them any time I choose to.” Looking down at the floor, Papyrus sighed. “Sometimes, I was so lonely that was the only option to abate the nasty feelings.”
He could feel Sans tense up beside him, likely about to say something, but he was not about to be derailed.
“Because you were gone. Always gone, never home, never here with me, to spend time together, to go out on the town, to make love and smooch and do all the things couples and best friends do.” Papyrus paused, closing his eyes as tears began down his cheeks. “You weren’t ever here , Sans, and it hurt . It hurt so badly, why were you never here?”
Looking up, he found Sans staring at him in a sort of mute silence, tears in his own sockets and something like guilt on his face. Still, he stayed silent until Papyrus finally waved his hand, chuckling, “Yes, you can talk now.”
Sans laughed, the noise humorless, before he turned his head down to the floor. He was silent for a long moment, before his shoulders slumped, misery filling his expression. “I really… I really thought you were happy.”
Papyrus was confused, but he didn’t have to wait long for Sans to continue.
“I’ve been working on several extensive, involved projects at work, most of which have to have someone there with them at all times or else there’ll be a meltdown. Alphys couldn’t stay because Undyne finally introduced a curfew, and some of the other guys just didn’t want to do it, so…” He stopped, rubbing his hands over his face, as Papyrus continued to watch him.
“And some nights, when someone else was watching it, the others would ask me out for a drink or to get something to eat, either for celebration or just because, and I… I went with them.”
Papyrus swallowed, hands still fidgeting in his lap as he asked the question that burned his soul as he thought about it. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
Sans glanced up, miserable. “I thought you knew? I guess? Or that you were still understanding and happy and that you were just having a good time with your buddies and I just…” He stopped, choked up, before he looked away, guilty. "I came home and saw you happy and healthy and thought... you didn't really need me anymore."
Silence followed, neither of them breaking it for a moment. It was a terrible excuse, Papyrus knew that, but Sans seemed to know it as well.
After a long moment… Papyrus spoke again. “Your scent is no longer on me.”
It would have been an invitation, at one point, the welcome of a pun about intercourse and they’d head to the bedroom but… now it just seemed to make Sans even more mournful.
“I’m… saying I’m sorry isn’t going to fix this, saying I was wrong won’t either but I don’t know what else to do.” Sans finally said, Papyrus nodding in agreement.
“It… helps. It doesn’t fix it, no, but it’s a start.” Papyrus sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing his face to scrape away the tears. Glancing over at Sans, he confessed, “I went to Fell’s last night.”
A sheepish grin came over Sans’ face. “Yeah no, I know. Red, uh… Red came to pay me a visit.”
Papyrus closed his mouth, eyes wide as he imagined just what Red might have had to say to his brother. Silence followed, the two of them awkwardly staring into space, everything explained, everything discussed. Or at least, so Papyrus thought.
“So uh, those scents on you last night, those were the rest of the PapSquad?”
Papyrus squinted at his brother, studying his face, but it didn’t appear that Sans was being accusing, so he slowly nodded. “Yes, we spent the day yesterday together. At the arcade.”
Sans nodded, seemingly thinking about something. Once he came to a decision, or what looked like one, he turned back to Papyrus. “Its okay, y’know.”
Embarrassed, Papyrus looked away… but nodded.
“I know.”
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squidy-scribbler · 6 years ago
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Since it is November 1st (or at least November 1st in central america which right now it’s like 8am. (WHICH MEANS I CAN FINALLY POST THIS, I GOT UP EARLY AS FUCK JUST FOR THIS. I left my laptop in sleep mode just so that I could easily post this and not ruin Toby’s request ouo) believe it’s time to talk about this theory I have. 
I believe Delta Rune takes place in the timeline where “Chara” and Asriel succeed in getting the monsters above ground or in a timeline where Asgore succeeded in getting 7 human souls much earlier then in Undertale. Which can be validated by the fact that him and Toriel seem to be divorced by this point and that he keeps colored flower’s under glass in his room which could be memorials to the fallen children that he took. I however am going to go with the first part of this..mainly because of the title of the game it’s self Delta Rune as in the same Delta Rune that held the prophecy about going up to the surface which I think that Asriel and Chara both fulfilled. And that the red locked door by it’s lonesome is the exit from the underground to the surface.
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So let me explain my findings~
First we are introduced to Kris who is Toriel and Asgore’s “child” along with Asriel who is at college right now. Kris is definitely in Chara’s outfit and is taller then both Chara and Frisk so they’re older. and from the ending…..it’s safe to assume that Chara and Kris are the same person. Chara has never been explicitly called Chara in the game undertale..their name has always been the player’s name and the fandom labeled them as Chara due to data mined sprites labeling them as such. I can hear it now though..“but then why is it when you type in “Chara” for your name it calls the game calls it “the true name”? cuz it’s literally short for character..the true name of any person in a game is that they are a character in that game..and without our influence as a player I think that “Chara” could have easily been given the name Kris.
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There’s also the fact that Bratty/Catty are enemies and Alphys/Undyne do not know each other. The second of those two options being much more interesting since it implies that Alphys was never the royal scientist and never spent much time in the dump to help those two develop that friendship and also therefore never met Undyne in waterfall or royal guard. Supporting this fact is that by knocking on Napstablook’s house can get the voice of someone calling you darling and Beautiful along with saying that they are a nobody. Assuming this is Mettaton they definitely would be a nobody had Alphys not made them a robotic body.There are also two graves found in the graveyard by the church that are for the ice bird’s mom and for the dog’s pack leader which both had died but had been brought back as amalgamates via Alphys’s experimenting so that never occurred.
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So when did they leave the underground exactly? Well as much as I would like to find a more exact time based off of these character deaths the problem of how monster’s decompose is an issue. They turn to dust..so who’s to say that the monster families didn’t just keep the dust in a jar and bury it in those spots at a later date? Another issue with this logic would be that they could have died on the surface. So until further details I can’t base the timeline on that.
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However I can base it on how Toriel and Asgore act along with Alphys non royal scientistness that I discussed earlier. Asgore and Toriel are divorced in DeltaRune from what I can tell since it seems like Asgore lives in his flower shop which means that by this point he has probably killed a couple kids one way or another. This along with the fact that Alphys is not the royal scientist can mean only one thing. They had to have left the underground when WD Gaster was presumed to be the royal scientist…and judging by the fact that we have yet to see him it’s safe to assume everyone left the underground shortly after he disappeared.
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Another thing to note is that Sans can be talked with as Kris is returning home and he says that he’s new in town. How is it that they were much later then everyone else in getting to the surface? One of the main fan theories is that Sans and Papyrus are fairly new to the underground and were made much later in Undertale’s timeline so by this logic they would have been born or made shortly before or after Alphys was named royal scientist which means this would hold true in the DeltaRune timeline. Meaning that right now the DeltaRune timeline is taking place right around when the skeleton brothers first came to Snowdin in the Undertale timeline. Side note this is nice to know since it could also tell us how old Asriel and Chara/Kris would be if they were alive when Frisk would have gone to the underground in Undertale, of course adding a few years to let the skeleton brothers settle in. Though there is one thing that could throw a wrench into this line of thinking and that is Gerson’s grave.
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Gerson is definitely alive and well in Undertale well past when Sans and Papyrus first moved into Snowdin so why does that no longer hold true in the DeltaRune timeline? It may just be an assumption but i’m going to say that the reason for them leaving the underground so soon may have resulted in Gerson’s death. Otherwise this new timeline would have a lot of explaining to do about Sans and Papyrus. Which frankly we need a lot more of already but for now we’re trying to stick to the order of events as Undertale portrays them to be and would most likely happen across all other timelines as well. 
With all this in mind what could cause such a need to get out of the underground so quickly? Why would Chara and Asriel succeed this time and not the time they tried in Undertale? and why is Gerson dead? My answer…of course involves our mysterious friend Gaster. Now we have yet to see any inkling that Gaster is alive or dead in this timeline and given that he’s definitely connected to the skeleton brothers i’m going to assume if he had survived that he would be with them. Since he’s not mentioned by Sans (or frankly anyone) as of yet i’m going to say that the event that made Gaster into what he is was in Undertale happened in a different way this time around and somehow Gerson was involved. I’m supporting this with the fact that two of his followers are now normal in this timeline and the fact that Undyne still has her eye. It has been said in Undertale that her and Gerson were close so his involvement allowed for the followers to keep their non Gaster filled lives along with making sure that Undyne never got injured in the eye.
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Since Gerson was once a warrior and knows a lot about monster history I would think that having his involvement would mean that the event that made Gaster in Undertale probably was much more of an emergency in the DeltaRune timeline and required the aid of an experienced human monster war veteran. There are also a lot of strong theories that Gaster turning into what he is involved the core so i’m going to guess that since the monsters got out early, this time the event that made or caused Gaster to change resulted in a core meltdown. This would make it easier for Asriel to attack the humans of the surface rather then take their blows since otherwise all monsters would be doomed to die if the core was going to erupt, die, meltdown, etc. This could also explain Kris since Chara’s spirit could latch onto Frisk..so who’s to say Chara didn’t attach to Kris after they separated from Asriel? Or Kris is one of the human’s Asgore killed and Asriel infused Chara into Kris’s dead body before they left the underground? Hell Chara might not have even died this time and their real name could've been Kris all along in both timelines and Chara’s just kinda a place holder name (like Character) as they may have forgotten their real name after dying. But that's all just wild speculation with no evidence. We’ll hopefully find out more later. (Going off from the beginning say Asgore did get 7 human souls early.This could also explain why he did it so soon. He took Toriel’s advice of just using a human soul to pass through the barrier and then come back with 6 more since everyone would die otherwise. Which would explain the divorce but again I still like to think that the Delta Rune prophecy still came true some how).
In conclusion I looked way too much into this and I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts and opinions going forward. This is just how I interpreted all of these elements of DeltaRune and hopefully we’ll know the full story soon enough :D for now I await this chapter 2 and hopefully it’ll bring more answers.
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