#melone x prosciutto
theclockworkkidart · 4 months
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(JJBA) Happy Pride Month! Drew these two and my headcanons.
While Prosciutto I see as transman, Melone is like a Schrödinger situation where sometimes I think he is as well and sometimes not.
Second pic is sexualities btw (pansexual and bisexual).
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gothearts · 1 year
could i request some melone/prosciutto please? i adore your art style so much <3
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Aaaa thank you!! Of course!
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sbokkosm · 1 year
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
Things you do that make their heart melt
(La Squadra x reader)
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Author's Note: Those are random but that's the point. I tried to be a bit explicit for those who are at the start of Jojo part 5 and maybe don't remember each character's Stand name or ability. I couldn't write this only for my 3 darlings from La Squadra as I started it because I love them all too much. Proud La Squadra stan. Excuse any grammar mistakes. Enjoy!
Risotto Nero
- How you can balance being serious and being affectionate so easily. This is something he admires a lot and wishes to be capable of too sometimes. Yes, he's a serious and stoic man but the whole La Squadra knows just how big his heart is. Sometimes Risotto wishes he could show a bit of affection to the ones dear to him. Risotto is a softie inside but the nature of his occupation forces him to be as reserved and stern as he is now.
- How you can protect yourself. Being a hitman is tough, nothing new under the sun, but being the leader of the team is even worse. It's hard to watch out for others when he also must make sure that everything is working out smoothly. But he cares about you and your safety so damn much it's almost dangerous. So seeing you handle enemies alone helps him fall asleep at night with fewer worries. Also, watching you fight and come up with strategies makes him smile slightly and so subtly that of course, no one can notice it.
- How you look dressed in black with silver accessories. Aesthetically wise, black is one of his favorite colors and no one can tell otherwise. When you decide to match him with a dark outfit, his gaze will follow you more than usual. Be sure of the fact that he'll use his Stand, Metallica, to give you subtle signals, or not so subtle, by pulling onto your belt or necklace.
(it's loving Risotto hours)
- How you calm yourself down after an intense moment. Prosciutto himself is not proud of when he snaps at people, thinking that it's not graceful behavior so he starts studying you from afar while calming down. He analyzes your soft tone, your calm face but alert eyes after being harsh, to learn from you but he finds himself falling for it. Like his brother, he also craves a bit of softness in his life but will never admit it, not even to himself so seeing you simmer down and transform into someone calm and understanding makes him want your presence more.
- How you counter him when he is too cruel to his brother. He is harsh with Pesci and he knows it, but he thinks it's only for good. It's not about how you're stubborn enough to argue with him but about how it reminds him that if something ever goes wrong with him on a mission, someone else will make sure that his brother is still alright and progressing. Also, as you two are arguing, things get pretty heated in no time and as the distance between you closes in, everyone knows that it's better to leave you two alone.
- How focused you look when deciding on an outfit. That and how you ask him for an opinion. You can see him leaning back in an armchair just looking at you searching through your clothes with an amused but admirative look on his face. Prosciutto likes to make himself look presentable and if you do the same, he can't help but find that fact attractive. Plus he can play dress up with you without you even suspecting it and he can't get enough of it.
(why is he like that? Love him though)
- How you let yourself be angry sometimes. To him, almost anyone seems calmer than him, but seeing someone being as furious as him from time to time and that someone being you? That's new. It doesn't happen often and in some odd way, he finds it fascinating. As much as he enjoys teasing you, he'll never be the type to say "Just calm down" or "You're exaggerating" because he knows how much it enrages someone already angry to hear this. He will be very understanding when you're like that. Plus, if someone or something gets you angry, he gets angry too so it will end up with the two of you being a scary couple.
- How your eyes shine when you smile and your smile in general. He is baffled by how when your lips are curved into a smile, your eyes are radiant too. Usually, he uses this expressiveness of yours against you, teasing you about it but when you smile so warmly, he feels like he's looking at the sun and that's unnerving because it makes him blush. He can't understand it.
- How your nose scrunches when you get a brain freeze from consuming something cold. This along with how your cheeks and nose redden when you're cold. He rolls his eyes at himself for like such a shallow and obvious thing but can't help it. It's not how adorable you look it's more how no one notices such details but him. It's his guilty pleasure. He has a kink when it comes to your reactions to cold temperatures.
(ugh I love him so much it's pathetic)
- How you encourage him randomly sometimes. Pesci's already having a hard time adjusting to hitman life and constantly being scolded by his brother. At first, when you encourage him, he's stunned, flustered, embarrassed even but in time he starts to feel so much better overall because of it. His stress goes down and he gets more confident and sure of his actions because of your praise.
- How you're kind to the innocent - animals, kids, etc. Since he followed his brother and joined the team, the shock from seeing so much violence in his life all of a sudden left a mark on him. When he notices you being soft to the innocent and helpless while still being a hitman, he starts to heal. His only wish is for you to keep this side of yours so he can keep his too.
- How peaceful you look while sleeping. Again, being in an Italian hitman team is not easy, it distorted any perspective on peacefulness he had before. Seeing you rest without a frown on your face reminds him that there still is peacefulness in this way of living.
- How you're intelligent enough but don't flaunt it. Sure, he likes good looks but that's not as important as intelligence, any type. Melone is a bit of a sapiosexual, he knows it. If you come up with smart questions during meetings, his attention is immediately on you from that point on until the end of the meeting. Also, if you're genuinely curious about how his stand, Baby Face, works, it only adds to your charm.
- How you pick up on his "di molto" catchphrase. Melone works a lot. I mean A LOT. Besides progenation, he's skilled at finding out hidden info about the target, too. But usually, he does it alone, no one accompanies him and sometimes he can't help but feel slightly ignored. So when you start spending enough time with him to start using his phrases, he starts to feel less alone.
- How you walk. Simple as that. He has been caught many times staring at how some people walk, it's a well-known fact. So if you walk a bit slower and move your hips a bit more intentionally, making it look natural, he's dead. To hell with the mission for a few moments of pure admiration.
- How confident you are. You don't need him to hype you up and he won't, but you'll always catch him looking at you with a proud look on his face. However, not everyone can be confident all the time and Illuso knows it very well. When he finds you letting your guard down and looking disappointed with yourself, he'll act right away. He hates seeing you struggle with shallow insecurities as you are just so wonderful in his eyes...
- How you take time to relax. He always insists on you taking everything a bit more slowly, so when you finally do it, he's more than pleased. He likes to see your facial muscles loosen up, causing a relaxed expression. He wishes to see it more often and he wishes for you to prioritise taking care of yourself.
- How you study yourself in the mirror while getting ready. He will use his Stand's ability to enter that mirror's dimension just to look at you from that perspective. This applies to intimate moments as well, just a heads-up. However, his favorite moment to do that is when you're fixing your hair, there's something about it that he finds so damn attractive.
- How you focus on the mission at hand. That, and how serious you look while doing it. Don't get it wrong, he's also focused on the missions but he looks more laid-back, like a natural. He finds it funny and adorable how you look so stern and even suggest him to pay more attention.
- How you always mention Sorbet and Gelato after their death. Everyone knows that Risotto said to forget about it after the funeral to focus on getting back on track as fast as possible and avenging them afterward but to Formaggio, this never felt right. So when you mention a memory from time to time to everyone, his heart feels a little bit lighter.
- How you dance to your favorite songs. He thinks that the majority of members of La Squadra are too stiff and grim sometimes so catching you dancing around alone to your playlist makes him smile. For him, it's like a breath of fresh air. Expect him to join you.
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vixensmart · 3 months
La Squadra x Reader: Watching Your Drink
A/N: CW for drugging/slipping things into your drink.
Context: You and your S/O decide to go out for the night to a bar. For a moment, you excuse yourself and ask them to watch your drink while you're gone.
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Risotto Nero
Risotto places his hand over your drink and pulls it closer to him. He knows he looks scary enough to deter any potential creeps from even thinking about slipping anything into your drink, but he's still vigilant. He's got a deadly stare going on, ensuring he intimidates anybody with ill intent from an attempt.
If anybody has the balls to try and slip anything into your drink, they're dead. You'll know it was Risotto's doing, too. The person will have razor-blades growing out of their eyes, or a pair of scissors stuck in their throat, or something of the sort. He commits these acts quite coldly and calmly, which frightens the other patrons at the bar. However, no one really has sympathy for someone who was trying to spike a drink, so the creep is quickly forgotten about.
When you return to your seat, Risotto will pass your drink back to you. It was well protected. But the rim of your glass is warm.
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Prosciutto takes your drink and places a napkin on top of it, keeping a watchful eye over it. He neglects his own drink for a while, feeling as though he might forget about yours if he indulges too much. Anyone who seems suspicious, he keeps an eye on.
If he finds someone trying to get to your drink, he'll use Grateful Dead to age them to death. And not quickly. Prosciutto is not one to throw any punches at the creep. He much prefers to make them suffer for ever thinking they could drug his S/O and try to harm them.
Prosciutto removes the napkin only after you've sat down again. He reassures you nothing happened to your drink while he kicks some dust under the bar.
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Ghiaccio takes your drink into his hands after you excuse yourself. He thinks about freezing it, but remembers alcohol can't exactly freeze. Instead, he freezes the condensation on your glass and turns it into a protective barrier. Nobody is getting past that. Not on his watch, at least. Anyone whose eyes linger on your drink is getting the signature Ghiaccio death stare, which is usually enough to deter any creeps.
If someone is desperate enough to bring a heat gun or a hair dryer to try and spike your drink, Ghiaccio still has the situation under control. Unlike Prosciutto and Risotto, he won't kill them. Rather, this hot-head will scream at the top of his lungs and bring all the attention in the room towards the offender. Most likely, no hands will be thrown. The offender is usually so startled and embarassed, they get the hell out of dodge.
Once you return, Ghiaccio unfreezes the ice around your drink so you can continue enjoying it. You're astonished at the fact that your drink feels a lot colder than when the bartender served it to you.
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Like this asshole wouldn't just let your drink get spiked on purpose
Illuso is quite nonchalant about the whole thing. He doesn't cover your drink with anything, or make any moves to pull it closer to him. You worry he might not be paying attention, but he is. Illuso is confident he can keep your drink from being messed with without much stress. He's using the mirrors around the bar to watch any person who might be eyeing your drink a little too hard.
If someone should attempt to put anything in your drink, Illuso will catch them and pull them into the mirror world with him. He won't kill them, but he will rough them up a bit and frighten them. He's a big man, and he knows he can handle it if they should fight back. After a little beat down and a couple threats on their lives and families, he'll toss them out of the bar himself.
Illuso will proudly tell you about the poor excuse of a human he just tore a new one. All while he has a new drink for you, instead of the one you had been drinking. He won't admit he took his eyes off of it to beat the hell out of the person who tried to spike it, and forgot someone else could have tried to spike it while he was busy.
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Pesci goes all out when protecting your drink. He keeps it with him at all times, and never takes his eyes off of it. He places a coaster over the top, and covers it with his hand for good measure. Even given all the protection he's given your drink, he's still nervous about someone trying anything. He doesn't want you to get sick, or hurt. Anybody who looks suspicious gets watched like a hawk.
If someone does try to distract him to get something in your drink, he won't let go of the damn thing. You entrusted him with the safety of not only your beverage, but you as well. He's not going to start a fight, but he will tell the bartender (and maybe Prosciutto) what they're doing. He'll get them kicked out so you won't have to deal with them. Even after the creep is gone, he's still apprehensive that he might have taken his eyes off your drink for only a second. He asks the bartender to get you a new drink, just in case.
You'll return to the bar with a brand new drink waiting for you, and a nervous and flustered Pesci explaining the events that just transpired.
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Formaggio places a relaxed hand over your drink and won't stress over it being tampered with. He doesn't think anyone will mess with it if he's got it. Plus, his hand is over it, so he thinks he'll feel it if someone tries to put something in it.
If someone does try to mess with your drink, they'll be caught by Formaggio. At first, he'll tell them to fuck off and shove them away, still remaining quite pleasant. If they don't take the hint, he'll get a bit more aggressive. If they still insist, he'll shrink them down and, quite hilariously, drown them in your drink. He can't contain himself. He's laughing like a maniac, but everyone around him can't really tell what he's laughing at. The patrons and the bartender are a bit weirded out, but they resume their own business, thinking he's just drunk.
You'll come back to a new drink. When you ask Formaggio why you have a new one, he'll brush it off by saying it spilled when some guy tried to mess with it. He won't tell you
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Melone (the reason you need to cover your drink)
All jokes aside, Melone, as lascivious as he might be, will take your drink and place it next to his. He might take a curious sip of it to sample the taste, but that's the extent of his tampering with your drink. He keeps the glass close and watches it. Any suspicious faces at the bar are noted, but he doesn't watch them intently.
If someone tries to spike your drink under his watch, they can expect Baby Face to visit them later. Melone doesn't usually opt towards physical confrontation, but he won't sit idly by while someone tries to take advantage of you. He'll find a way to injure them after confronting them for their act. Once he's got a bit of their blood, they're history.
You come back to a very relaxed Melone, who passes your drink to you. He'll tell you that someone tried to spike your drink, but that they're nothing to worry about anymore. With a sly smirk, he'll admit to taking a sip of your drink, and offers you a taste of his to make it even.
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berylcups · 4 months
La Squadra X Reader
What’s their sleeping habits like?
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CW: sleep paralysis, sleep talking, lingerie, boners 😳
Notes: hey, here’s another HC with some X Reader elements mixed in! I hope you all enjoy! If you enjoy these types of posts please feel free to send in an ask! I could always use more inspiration! 💜 Beryl
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: Being a leader it’s hard to stick to a routine but unless it’s critical, his team urges him to have a scheduled bedtime for his own health. He typically goes to bed around 1 AM. This is late enough where he can help out some of the night owls and able to get up early enough to help the daytime loving teammates.
What time do they prefer to get up?: since he's on a schedule, he gets up around 9. If he’s extra exhausted no later than 10:30 am.
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He goes around checking on everyone who’s still up and makes sure they’re okay and don’t need anything before he goes to his room. He brushes his teeth aggressively, the bristles on the toothbrush are fucking frayed. He's too tired to shower at night. The last time he did that he fell asleep standing up and you had to get some help dragging him out of the shower into bed. 😬 he’s a morning shower person now.
What position do they sleep in?: he sleeps on his back. He won’t voice it but expects you to treat him like a body pillow or sleep on top of him. He’s too broke for a weighted blanket and you're the best alternative. He’s completely at peace feeling you up against him and will wrap an arm around you as if you were his own teddy bear.
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: he has nightmares that he doesn’t remember and he sleep talks… it would be no problem if what he said wasn’t so cryptic.
“They come at dawn…” “The secret society smells your fear” “the night sky has eyes…they’re watching.” 😰
What do they sleep in?: surprisingly more clothes than when he’s awake. He wears his favorite Metallica shirt and pajama pants. He doesn’t like being cold when he’s sleeping
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: if he doesn’t have a busy day he’ll go to bed at about 2 am. If he has a particularly tough mission, maybe 11pm at the earliest.
What time do they prefer to get up?: if Prosciutto isn’t around, 12 PM. But about 10 AM. Pros won’t let anyone sleep later than Risotto!
Do they have a bedtime routine?: routine? What routine? Luckily you’re the one to put him into a routine. He has his nighttime shower that he INSISTS that you join him on. Fun and games is fine but make sure he remembers to actually wash up! He’ll brush his teeth and loudly gargle his mouth wash. Don’t let him snack afterwards or else he’ll have to brush his teeth again! 😩 Cavities are no joke Maggio!
What position do they sleep in?: He starts out on his left side while spooning you. It’s good for your stomach and he loves being the big spoon. If he snores you’ll have to gently roll and nudge him on to his back so he’ll stop… he sounds like a chainsaw. 😖
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: well he snores and he’s a bed snacker. Make sure he doesn’t bring any snacks into the bedroom. We don’t want crumbs in the bedding! He’ll whine and beg to eat chips/crisps in the bed but you gotta stay firm. No snacks in the bed!
What do they sleep in?: just his boxers. He’s a simple man. Why does he need to spend money on clothes to go to bed in if it’s just you and him? Boxers it is! Besides…he hates getting too warm when he’s sleeping.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: 11 PM. He’d like to go to bed a bit earlier but his shows come on later at night and he doesn’t want to miss them so the minute they’re over he’s ready to go to bed.
What time do they prefer to get up?: 7AM he wants to get up earlier than most of the others so he can steal all the hot water when he showers. So rude 😤
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He has his extensive 7 step skincare routine. He includes you in it because it’s good for your skin and for your self esteem. He likes to brush your hair and demands that you undo his pigtails and brush his hair too. He won’t admit it but it’s very obvious but brushing his hair makes him all soft and lovey dovey.
What position do they sleep in?: it starts out on his right side spooning you but as he falls deeper into sleep he sleeps on his belly…if it’s hot out he starfishes his entire body over bed and you have to either sleep on top or under his arms and legs. 😅
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: he gets…nighttime wood 🪵 he doesn’t do anything rude but having something stick you in the ass while you're spooning and trying to sleep is kinda uncomfortable 🥴 other than that he’s perfect! No snoring no sleep talking no tossing and turning no nothing! Just don’t bring his attention to it… it’s uh, embarrassing. 😳
What do they sleep in?: just a pair of breezy lounge pants. Definitely plaid or some other unisex pattern.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: 10PM going to bed early means for a more productive day tomorrow! He’s a workaholic and if he’s not working a late night he wants to be in bed.
What time do they prefer to get up?: no later than 6:30 am. He’s a strict 8 hour a night man. He doesn’t let anyone sleep in past Risotto. He thinks it’s downright disrespectful and lazy! Risotto is working his ass off and you’re still in bed? Not on his watch.
Do they have a bedtime routine?: he undoes his hair ties and brushes his hair. He uses all his fancy overnight face and hair products to go to bed in. He invites you in on the night time ritual as well as long as it works for your skin and hair chemistry. And just riiiight before sleep he gets his nightcap in. 🥴 he loves his fancy booze , helps him sleep 😴 not very healthy but there’s worse things he could be doing
What position do they sleep in?: he sleeps on his left side. He's really picky about what position he sleeps in. He has his left arm under his pillow and his right arm around your waist. Even when sleeping he feels the need to hold and protect you. 💕
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: if he sleeps in any other position other than his left side he gets sleep paralysis. He won’t admit it but it really unnerves him. Not being able to control your body and hallucinating God knows what will stay on his mind the entire day, maybe days. No wonder why he only sleeps on one side. He won’t let you know if he had an episode but he’ll be a little more quiet than usual. Don’t bring it up but give him a big hug and kiss to comfort him. ❤️
What do they sleep in?: he sleeps in fancy name brand silk button up pajamas. No patterns, just dark colors like navy blue, forest green, and burgundy.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: 10PM, Prosciutto expects him to go to bed and get up at the same time as him. 🥲 poor guy never has a say in anything
What time do they prefer to get up?: 6:45 AM, it takes a little while for prosciutto to get up and get ready so he takes advantage of that by sleeping in an extra few minutes.
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He always has a warm glass of milk before bed to help him wind down. Then he likes to brush his teeth and take a bubble bath 🧼. He’s pretty big but if you wanna join him he’ll do what he can to make room. Just make sure it’s just for washing and relaxation…anything lewd will give the poor boy a nose bleed and make him faint! 😰
What position do they sleep in?: He sleeps on his right side in a fetal position. You get to be the big spoon! 🥄 no matter how big or small you are, knowing you’re right behind him makes him feel cozy and secure. 🥺
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: his legs are a little restless so they twitch every so often and he drools just a teeny bit. Not a lot like some others ! It’s hardly noticeable!
What do they sleep in?: He has his favorite T shirt and pair of silk pajama pants that Prosciutto gave him. He has a matching button up pajama top but it’s too warm and too restrictive for it to be comfortable for him.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: sleep? What sleep? This sex goblin pulls all nighters. Once you’re able to wrangle this self destructive nut, he’ll go to bed around 3 AM.
What time do they prefer to get up?: 9 AM, he doesn’t require as much sleep as others.
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He takes a shower with a 4 step shampoo/conditioning system and an exfoliating moisturizing body scrub. And don’t forget about the body butter when he’s done. The water goes cold before he’s done with everything! You’re more than welcome to use his products but…in what order do you use all these things???
What position do they sleep in?: on either side with you facing him so you can wrap each other's limbs around one another. He just loves being as close to you as possible!
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: he drools…quite a bit. 😬 his pillow case is always a little moist. He needs it to be extra cool in his room or he has a habit of kicking the blankets off.
What do they sleep in?: just his underwear. 😳 particularly a thong or a pair of your underwear that he took of yours.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: 9 PM He goes to bed the earliest because he expends so much energy mentally and physically. He's exhausted by bed time. You can tell when he’s tired because his rants are less animated and aggressive. Also he rubs his eyes when he’s tired.
What time do they prefer to get up?: 5:30 AM he gets up way before anyone else. Early mornings are good so he can get his cardio in. He also needs his quiet time without anyone around to bother him…and he needs to get that hot water for a shower before illuso steals it all. 🙄
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He does a few stretches to get out all that extra nervous energy, he kinda looks like a cat when he makes a big stretch and yawns 🥱. He brushes any knots out of his soft blue curls and then he aggressively brushes his teeth with an electric toothbrush. The bristles get frayed way before the brush head needs to be changed. 😭 he really likes it when you run your hand through his curls and gently scratch his head. Don’t call him a kitty boy, that makes him spicy.🌶️ and not the fun kind of spicy 😔
What position do they sleep in?: fetal position and he wraps himself around your body. He likes intertwining his legs with yours. You're his self warming body pillow. He’s a light sleeper so if you leave his arms it’s gonna wake him up and get a little crabby. But what are you supposed to do? Pee the bed? He expects you to have all your affairs in order before bed so you don’t move out his arms and wake him up!
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: he sleep talks. There’s not a single part of his day where he’s not vocal. Hope you’re not a light sleeper because he talks a lot. But you should have known that already when you started a relationship with him! He has the oddest arguments. You don’t know what he’s talking about but it’s pretty funny at times!
“Ramen is not a pasta shithead…”
“We’re out of butane.”
“Thank you…come again.”
What do they sleep in?: t shirt and thick lounge pants , he’s always cold 🥶
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twiixr4kidz · 1 month
had a specific vision of giving the members of la squadra hugs......... have me being sappy over my boys
shoutout to those of you who followed during my naranchuu days when i was just a jjba blog LMAO (when my requests open back up please send me jojo asks i miss writing for jjba) (also assume that sorbet and gelato are still together in this i just wrote them seperately for the sake of giving them personalities outside of each other)
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risotto nero:
a hug from the capo is a special thing to get.
they're suffocating in the best way from just how tall and strong he is
he'll let you bury your face into his chest as his fingers run through your hair
he always smells so comforting; he smells like home
some of his hugs will be coupled with a kiss on the forehead
others will be coupled with a "you're alright, i've got you"
he says he's not a hugger, but the fact that he indulges so often says otherwise
prosciu's hugs are tender; so impossibly calming, you could melt in his arms
he keeps a hand resting on your lower back, the other running through your hair
he smells like fancy wine, expensive cologne, and cigarettes
he rocks you back and forth, telling you how much he loves you and appreciates you
although nervous about them, he's such a huge hugger
he's big, warm, and so fucking cozy
pesci truly gives some of the best hugs imaginable
he hugs you to make sure you know you're safe with him; he'd never let anything bad happen to you, and if something bad DID happen, he'd make sure it'll never happen again
his fuzzy coat is just a plus!! take advantage of it and nuzzle your face into it, he thinks it's adorable
he's a big hugger, and all of his hugs feel almost playful
he likes to jump out at you and tackle you to the floor, peppering your face with kisses as he tickles your sides
formaggio hugs you a lot for his own comfort
he likes to shrink you down when he hugs you - it's like he's trying to swallow you whole
he's always so warm and cozy, and you if you aren't standing up, you'll be able to fall asleep on him
believe it or not, he's shockingly clingy.
yes, he's a giant, cocky asshole who thinks he's better than everybody else. no, he can't get enough of your touch. those concepts can coexist...................
he likes to pop out from behind dark corners and wrap his arms around you tightly
illuso will bury his face in your hair, mumbling what you can only assume are compliments that he's too embarrassed to say out loud
his hands press tight against your sides, thumbs rubbing small circles on your waist
he gives some of the most comforting, genuine feeling hugs
sure, he might seem a little creepy on the outside, but he can read you like a book
he'll come up from behind you and wrap his arms lazily around your neck
"come here, tesoro. i know you need it."
and he's right damn near every time
sometimes he'll give you a gentle kiss on the cheek before wandering elsewhere
other times, he'll drag you to the couch and force you to cuddle with him
he's not good at hugs; he gets nervous and then he stiffens up and freezes
ghiaccio gives you the biggest hugs when you come back home from rough missions, though
his arms wrap around you tightly, face buried in your neck as angry worries pour from his lips - he thought you were a goner
he's scared that you're going to disappear on him, but hugging you makes him feel better
he's nice to hug in the summer months when the heat's getting to you
he's always nice and chilly and if it's you asking, he's happy to oblige (but he'll never say it)
similar to risotto, sorbet's hugs feel like he's suffocating you
he's built like a fucking wall; tall, broad shoulders, wide chest, very muscular
his hugs are few and far between, but he always hugs you like he's trying to kill you
he likes when you're giggling over being stuck in his arms, playfully scratching him and begging him to let go
he gives you a tight squeeze before letting you go, ruffling your hair before wandering off
he gives some of the most playful, gentle, warm hugs you could ask for - ironic for such a cold-hearted killer
he likes picking you up and spinning you around before pulling you into his chest
he'll tickle you side with one hand while the other arm stays wrapped around your body so you can't escape his torture
he also likes to bite :3 every hug comes with a little nip on your neck just to hear your squeal
he drags you to cuddle with him after every hug though - you're just sooooo cute and cozy, he can't help it
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soupbabe · 8 months
Could i request La Squadra reacting to their s/o, also part of the team, being super affectionate and loving while drunk? Like they're generally stoic with the hitman temperament, but still soft with them
Pls and ty!
Drunken Affection with La Squadra
- I feel as if there's two main groups these men fall under: there are those who love it and those who are deeply concerned
- Formaggio, Melone, Pesci, Prosciutto love to see you so clingy and lovey dovey!!
- It's no secret that the first two listed are also clingy and like to see it reciprocated
- Formaggio and Melone love to take as many pictures and videos as they can so they can tease you for it later, especially if you don't remember much of the night before
- They absolutely revel in it, all the times you pushed them off your lap means nothing to them if you're the one climbing into his for one night only
- Pesci and Prosciutto are just as happy about it, but it takes them a while to fully lean into your sudden shift in personality
- For Pesci it makes him nervous. He's never been composed when it comes to affection, he has to have a couple of drinks himself to build up some confidence
- Prosciutto just has trouble letting himself let loose and embrace your bubbly nature
- Illuso, Ghiaccio, and Risotto are a lot more wary of your behavior
- Seeing you so drunk immediately makes Ghiaccio and Risotto concerned, seeing this new side of you is, and I mean this in the best way, unnerving.
- If you're out at a bar or in public, it is their sign to take you home and help you sober up
- They can't deny it's a bit funny and you'll still manage to fluster them, but their first concern is making sure you're actually okay
- Illuso is still concerned, he isn't the most outwardly affectionate and prefers a partner just like him, but he's a lot slower to react
- Unless you're trying to make friends with some strangers, he will sit back and observe the drunk version of you.
- If he could he'd put you in a glass jar and watch you. He can't deny it's amusing.
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tangytiramisu · 6 months
La Squadra React to Reader Crushing on Ghiaccio
Because I love him so much 🥹❄️
CW: None
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Risotto Nero
Is pretty indifferent to it. As long as it doesn’t get in the way of your work, it’s fine with him.
Though he would be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little curious, since most people are put off by Ghiaccio’s aggressive personality but you’re an exception.
Being the observant person he is, Risotto notices your blush and every longing glance you give Ghiaccio. That’s how he knows you like him in the first place.
He may be serious but he’s still caring, so if you seem to be struggling to get closer to Ghiaccio, he will give you advice from time to time. Listen to him. It always works.
If you follow his advice and it works he’s like a silently proud dad.
Why Ghiaccio? Sure, he is a good looking guy, but you could have chosen someone calmer and more sophisticated. At least in his opinion. (This is Prosciutto we’re talking about)
But regardless, he isn’t really one to meddle in people’s romantic affairs. The most he’ll do is cast judgement.
Though we all know that he’s quite caring, so if you need advice, he will give it to you. But he’ll make sure you know that your duties come first.
He definitely lifts you up if you’re nervous or feeling down!
He will be protective if Ghia is rude to you for any reason.
He’s very supportive!
He may be a little surprised that you chose Ghiaccio, but he won’t question it.
Ghiaccio kind of scares him, but Pesci will be there for you if you need advice! He is also very good at comforting you if you doubt yourself for some reason.
Very sweet and routes for you 100%!
10/10 Wingman!
Oh he’s having a heyday!
He’s the most obnoxious yet enthusiastic wingman you could ask for. You like his best friend. Of course he’ll want to help.
He will want to know everything. Why do you like Ghiaccio? Is it his cute curls? His glasses? His handsome face? His muscles?
He will tell you whatever you want to know about Ghiaccio. Even information you may not have asked for, like the color of his briefs.
Will definitely ask you if you’ve had sexual fantasies about Ghiaccio. Even if you have don’t tell him about them.
Will constantly make dirty jokes when you and Ghiaccio are in a room together. It lowkey feels like he’s hitting on Ghiaccio for you…?
If you need serious advice he’s actually pretty good at it. He knows Ghiaccio the best out of everyone, so you can rely on him.
Melone will basically tell you to just go for it. Tell Ghiaccio how you feel because he appreciates honesty and straightforwardness. If it doesn’t go well, Melone will gladly make it all better ;)
He’s a little indifferent to it. You like Ghiaccio? He’s a little surprised for the same reason as everybody else, but hey, you do you.
He will tease you a little bit though, but it’s all in good fun.
He makes sure you know that you can come to him for advice.
Like Melone, he tells you to approach Ghiaccio. His methods may not be too helpful though because he recommends flirtation, and Ghia is not the best at handling flirting.
If you and Ghia end up together he’s happy for you! If you don’t, he’ll swoop in and get with you himself ;)
Oh he knows before any of the others. Why? Because Man in the Mirror.
He scoffs. Ghiaccio? The ice brat??? What’s so special about him?!!
He’s mostly indifferent but it will cost you half your bank account to keep his petty mouth shut.
If you piss him off he will threaten to tell Ghiaccio. Will he go through with it? Who knows.
Look he may be book-smart but bro’s dense as hell when it comes to romance.
Don’t let him catch you staring at him. He will blow up at you without hesitation.
He will notice if you act differently around him but he assumes it’s because you hate him or something. He’s used to people being scared of him but that doesn’t make him any less angry.
Probably treats you as if you’re a nuisance because of it.
Eventually if the secret comes out and he doesn’t feel the same way, he’ll be flustered but may avoid you for some time. But if he reciprocates your feelings, he’ll practically melt.
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 24 days
la squadra as 'babe im at the hospital' texts 🏥
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theclockworkkidart · 7 months
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ProMelo content. Melone looking for some loving while Prosciutto is busy reading the newspaper.
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rae-pss · 1 year
my beloved (<3).
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 7 months
Can i request like la squadra and their s/o but they are the complete opposite of them?
Like Risotto is stoic and his s/o is emotional or Ghiaccio who is short tempered and his s/o is calm and very nice
ooh this is actually a very cool prompt to write - personality descriptions in prompts make writing feel way less daunting but I understand if readers may not like a less applicable reader. Oh well, gonna write anyways.
You're finicky, on-edge, and I suppose a bit of a perfectionist(?)...maybe "control freak" is a better way to word it? Either way, you need things to go right, perfectly as you plan.
Not to say Formaggio is careless, but he does things on-the-go (you telling me he planned to jump into the sewers?) and doesn't mind if things get messy.
You two are each other's reasonable thoughts. If you think one of his ideas is too risky and need him to weigh the consequences he'll listen to you completely, and in return he opens you up to just...letting some things happen.
He eases your anxieties when they're excessive, but is beyond attracted to your work ethic and smarts. He'll hold your hands and listen to your every idea if you'll listen to his.
Soft-spoken and definitely not a confident one, it's difficult for most people to look at you two and understand how you could've ever gotten together in the first place. Maybe you even have these doubts yourself.
But he never lets you feel those doubts for long. At first he honestly probably wasn't the nicest! But when you managed to capture his heart and hints of a connection began to show, he allowed himself to slow down a bit and really understand you. Care about you.
And when you feel anxious about the relationship, he always reminds you how much he loves you (take it sexually if you want, but I don't mean it like that). Just...only in the mirror world. Trust me, he's not embarrassed about loving you, it's just more comfortable for both of you. His image and your nerves.
In the privacy of his own safe world, he doesn't need to worry about how vulnerable he is, and he can praise and encourage you as much as you need. A moment for him to feel softer and you to feel stronger.
You must be Pesci's twin or something - difference is he isn't as harsh with you. Sensitive and a follower, not a leader, maybe you feel security in Prosciutto's straightforward, no-nonsense demeanor.
Prosciutto is good at seeing the strengths in someone and raising their confidence as we see in canon, and he surely does it with you. He can see how gentle and well-meaning you are in everything you do and he reminds you of your greatness whenever you fear being "too soft"
In turn you offer the quiet he needs sometimes. He is relatively fine with spending a life alone, but a balance of peace and your company is better than he could've imagined. And don't worry about not being good at comforting others with words, he was never one to enjoy that kind of comfort anyways.
I don't know how else to end this section so....imagine him holding your hand :) DO IT NOW
If someone were to describe you, they sure would call you brave, headstrong, and....maybe not the brightest? You aren't stupid! You just...aren't the smartest, and it's very clear. However, your open nature makes it easy for Pesci to talk to you.
You see the sides of Pesci that a lot of people take way too long to notice, like how observant and clever he can be. You don't see him as too soft, you know that he takes his job as seriously as he can.
While his meeker nature doesn't do much to dilute your chaos, he never feels bad about it! You're the light of his life, and honestly he really looks up to you!
If you want to stand up for him when his teammates pick on him, go ahead! I mean, the only thing you'll achieve is becoming their second target, but uh....maybe it's a bonding opportunity?? Even if nothing comes from it, he will love you forever.
What a fucking prude you are. A prude based on NOTHING. My goodness. Were you a sheltered child perhaps? Jokes aside it's a miracle you two can stand each other. Melone isn't picky with partners but someone like you? You're so incompatible at first that the gang assumed he had other plans for chasing you.
Emphasis on at first. Maybe you were a challenge to him, a "passion project" to see how much he could open you up one way or another. I can't say which ways it worked or not, that's for your own interpretation, but in time you became the most annoying couple the team had ever seen.
If you weren't teasing each other, you were bickering in a tease-y way. And if you weren't bickering, Melone was teaching you some sciencey shit in a voice so syrupy sweet that Ghiaccio's practically retching.
Maybe you try to flip the script, try to pick his brain and open him up like he tries to do to you; oh you're lucky he loves you so much, you're the one person he will do anything for.
Growing up the way he did, he learned that everything about him is wrong, and everyone is a threat at worst, liability at best. Even you, with your patient smile and kind words and....how you actually...listened to him rant.
He's scared of you, then pissed at you, then so confused by you he doesn't know what to do. If you didn't make the first move then a relationship just isn't happening. While he's the more assertive of you two, you'll have to do the heavy lifting just that once.
Falling for a person so different is easier, but maintaining the relationship is harder on his end, I'm not even going to lie. Sometimes he's frustrated by your unconditional love, sometimes there's a savior-like feeling he has about you, sometimes he fears these ever-changing feelings, and tried to distance himself from you. But you...always help him through it.
And don't think it's only you changing him, he also encourages you to stand up for yourself, to speak your mind, to put your own mask on first sometimes. (insert italian screaming)
He's not emotionless, at least...he doesn't like to think so. But in this line of work he needs to keep a tight lip and blank stare. Something he's perfected. So when he watches you openly sob at a movie, curled against his body as you sniffle and choke, he doesn't get moved to the same extent.
Do you get to see Risotto's true emotions? Yes...in time. You've both got targets tattooed to your back, so if he ever thinks it's safe enough to get close to you to the point of being openly emotional, it's because you've spent several YEARS together.
But he understands you, he feels the same as you as you shout or grin or cry. Not only does he understand your emotions, but you may be secretly amplifying his own. There's no tears, but a tearing, clawing feeling in his heart. No smile, but a fuzz in his face that he can't clear out.
You are the ocean and he is a rock, standing strong through every storm and watching both the rage and the calm with equal admiration.
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lady-of-endless · 4 months
What they do for you after a rough mission
(La Squadra x Reader)
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Summary: You, their lover and teammate, get back to the hideout, exhausted and disheveled in the middle of the night after a rough solo mission.
Author's Note: My second La Squadra x Reader. I love them so much that it's ridiculous already. If you're interested in the other one, you can find it here
- He is always waiting for you to get back no matter when, both because he needs to know how the mission went and how you are feeling, of course.
"You're back..." He speaks in a calm tone, staring at your slightly torn-up clothing and tired expression from where he was sitting. Seeing how you're not that reactive, he gets that the damage is more profound and his gaze softens. "It's over now. Join me for a moment, tesoro." He says gesturing to sit next to him.
- Unfortunately, you must tell him the details, he is the one who needs to know, it's expected. However, Risotto is patient and gentle with you, not questioning anything, waiting for you to start when you feel like it. As you speak, he will push a strand of hair behind your ear and pull you closer to him by your shoulders. He will get you anything you need as long as you say it. He wants to be helpful and efficient for you but wants to know exactly what you need.
- He's not the one to praise you after such a mission because he feels guilty. Strong, guilt that clings to his heart as he looks at the state you're in. He feels guilty for not protecting you, for sending you out there alone, and more than anything, for making you live this way when all he wants for you is a peaceful life, happiness, and nothing like his way of life. You can explain that it was your choice as much as you want but this guilt will haunt him forever no matter what.
- Will tell you that you have a day off tomorrow, no other objections or questions. What happens with your tasks? He handles them himself without you knowing it.
- You'll find him sitting in an armchair with a glass of wine, making it look like he wasn't waiting for you but just relaxing. As you enter, he doesn't say a word at first, which is rare for him. He gets up and slowly makes his way over to you, observing the state you are in, with his glass of wine still in his hand.
"From the looks of it, e chiaro how the mission went. You should change, you look more like a mess than a professional assassin." He says coldly but there is worry in the way his eyes are searching for yours. "You shouldn't let the others see you like this." With this, he hands you his glass and grabs your shoulders, walking you to the bathroom. You might be too exhausted to notice it but there's a certain gentleness in how he holds your shoulders, his thumbs slightly rubbing your skin. This might be the first time he sees you like this, which could be the starting point of him being more affectionate towards you.
- As you finish his glass of wine, he runs a warm bath for you. At this point, you start to wonder what has gotten into him. Prosciutto will sit by the bathtub on a chair, watching over you in case you fall asleep but not only because of that. He even helps you wash your hair, but you need to stay silent and not say anything about it, his condition. He'll wash your hair and shoulders gently to get you to relax and tells you how God damn spoiled you are. However, as he keeps washing you, you can't see his soft gaze. He's relieved that you came back to him.
- The next few days, he'll be attentive to your needs, and moods, to make sure you got back on track and more importantly for him, that you're alright. The treatment you got from him after that mission will go unsaid like it never happened. He doesn't mention this but be sure that he will repeat it anytime it's needed without excuses but with some teasing of course.
(ugh I love him sm)
- Jumps from the couch as soon as he hears the door. His eyes move frantically over your figure, noticing your weary expression and the damage to your clothes, and become a stuttering mess.
"You... look like a mess." He says, hesitantly and timid for stating this. "D-did you have a difficult mission?". He's so worried that you'll have to calm him down first.
- After calming down, Pesci gets determined to make you feel better. He provides your favorite snacks, favorite movies, and basically, anything you want. On this occasion, you notice how attentive he is always to your preferences. He waits for you to tell him what you need like a sweetheart that he is. He stays up all night with you until you finally start feeling better, no excuses.
- The next day, if his older brother comments on you and how the mission went, he won't hesitate to stand up and counter his older brother. This attitude is so rare from Pesci so it shocks both you and Prosciutto especially (he's secretly proud). Pesci won't let anyone talk badly about you because even when you were a mess, he admired you so much for going through it and handling it the way you did.
- While you are gone, he is not worried about you getting it done, he knows your strength but he feels worried to the point of anger that he's not there to fight next to you. He waits for you, tapping his leg, grunting as he looks at the clock. Of course, he will deny that he waited for you out of worry, he'll say that he just wanted to make sure you got it done. As you enter, he automatically stops moving and silently scans your body for injuries first.
"Cazzo..." He curses seeing how you are a mess. "You look like you went through hell and back."
- Seeing how you don't even have the energy to respond with a comeback, he sighs and shakes his head. Ghiaccio pulls you to the bathroom motivating you to at least take a shower to wash everything off you. He waits outside, secretly leaning against the door with his arms crossed at his chest and listening closely in case you collapse out of exhaustion. Once you're done he hands you one of his clean shirts because he refused to go to your room and search through your clothes. Whenever you thank him, he looks away and tells you not to mention it. Another thing you shouldn't mention is how soft he is in this situation.
- For him, the lack of your usual attitude and teasing way of being towards him, is the thing that scares him more than he thought at first. If that passionate flame of yours that frustrates him is gone, he gets uncomfortably worried for you. He knows that something is bad but he's more motivated to find a way to help you with it. Ghiaccio is extremely frustrated that he's not good with empathy and can't feel what you go through but he tries his best to understand. He starts asking details about the mission but don't take it the wrong way, he just wants to know more before deciding on the best way of action. If the mission didn't end well and you didn't get the target eliminated, the next morning, the target is found dead. Ghiaccio was busy after you fell asleep. He tells you to shut up about it and tell the others that you did it. He didn't want you to keep feeling bad in the morning when you had to report to Risotto. Plus, no one messes you up like that and sees the light of the next day with Ghiaccio.
(his ability is ice-based but he surely makes my heart melt)
- He stays up all night every time you're out on a mission alone and he's not even hiding it, it's a routine. You coming back to the base is the highlight of his night. As you enter, he instantly looks up from his computer and takes in the damage you sustained. He sighs seeing how worn out you looked.
"Oh, cara mia, you look terrible. Come here, let me take a look at you, and tell me where it hurts." He says sweetly.
He seems calm and laid back but inside, he is so damn worried because he has never seen you so drained before. He doesn't know what to do in this situation so he initially analyzes and tries to guess your needs. Distractions? Silence? Rest? Shower? Intimacy with him? No, cut that. At first, his mind seems to run on algorithms like his Stand. However, he starts to understand that for you, it's better to go with the flow.
- It's easy to open up to him because of his affection and you'll be surprised by how much of a great listener he is. Melone uses this even during missions as an advantage but not with you. With you, he listens because he wants just to know how you feel. He won't give you advice, won't criticize your strategy of choice regarding that mission, won't encourage you. He'll just listen, tell you that it's important to recover first, and caress your cheek.
- Melone waits to see what you need at that particular moment. But, just so you know, he has everything prepared just in case and he won't say a thing. In the morning, there might be someone else asking why the hell is the bathtub full (he ran a bath just in case but you didn't feel like it and of course, he forgot about it). Melone is there to simply spoil you and make you feel that he will always have your back.
- As soon as you enter, no matter in what state you're in, he immediately gets up with open arms.
"Still looking good, gattina!" He welcomes you and already tries to lighten the mood. However, he hugs you tightly and runs a hand through your hair. You can feel and hear him sigh deeply. "What did you get into?" He whispers in a gentle tone.
He pulls you to the couch and has in plan to hold you tight the whole rest of the night, waiting for you to open up about it. He provides the warmest embrace.
- He needs to see a smile, even a faint one to be sure that you'll be alright. He works hard for it. He tries joking around but it's not working. Has the idea to put on an entertaining movie but you're too tired. Tells you some things that happened while you were gone but you don't seem to listen. After all those attempts, Formaggio naturally resorts to telling you how he felt on his first missions ever when he was a total mess while holding you and untangling your hair. Is surprised to see that you slowly opened up about it after he was the one to do it first without it even being his intention.
- He won't let the others tease you about it the next day if details were heard or if they saw you in that state. If they do that, they will see another side of Formaggio, a side that makes Risotto interfere before the conflict escalates. The others start to get how protective he is over you. As tense as he is from that heated moment, his expression changes immediately when he sees you, smiling warmly like nothing happened.
- He welcomes you warmly with a smirk on his face, secretly excited that you're back. His smile drops gradually, seeing your loss of reaction to seeing him, looking rather out of it and lost. He understands right away what's wrong as he looks at you from head to toe. He walks over to you and grabs your wrist to guide you to the bathroom. He does this without any words, not being sure of what you want to hear.
- In the bathroom, he gets the water running at the sink and you get his idea. However, Illuso stands behind you and grabs your hands in his large ones. He washes the dried blood off your hands with gentle moves. He knows that the intimacy of this gesture will keep your mind off the mission.
- He thinks some praise can always help and that's what he gives you. He leans down and puts his chin on your shoulder as his hands slide over yours and starts whispering praise close to your ear.
"There, there...you did a good job. You held your ground out there, and you came back in one piece. You gotta have some skill for that, you know."
He tells you and watches your expression in the mirror from above the sink to see if it's working. He didn't feel worried for your state even when seeing you come back like that after the mission. Illuso knows that you're strong enough and you'll recover, you also got him and won't need to go through it alone. This and especially because what he felt was deep relief because you came back after all, alive. His worry was alive only for before he heard the door and your footsteps.
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nicherayyy · 3 months
can you do headcanons with La Squadra with a member that's like Power from CSM? 👀
La Squadra & Power-like teammate hcs
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No one in La Squadra really expected their new teammate to be this UNHINGED
And here they thought that they saw everything with Formaggio😭
Like, the newbie gives no shit
But as long as Risotto pays them, they’ll just do their job
Honestly, I’m wheezing just imagining this interaction
Risotto: So, tell me about your stand. Because I hope you understand that if you want to join the team like ours you need at least—
Reader: Yeah-yeah my stand is super-duper cool you have no idea. It’s like much better than yours in every way. So.. how much do you pay?
Prosciutto is still shocked that Risotto hired them.
I imagine that reader wouldn’t even care about bonding with their teammates at first
Seriously, you’ll only see them on mission
And MAYBE, JUST MAYBE you might see them on the meeting
If you do count your lucky stars
You’ll literally never see the day like that ever again
(Yeah Prosciutto made them go)
Most of the time La Squadra doesn’t even know where they are
They just randomly materialise smelling like they were dumpster diving😭😭
Illuso: is that… a piece of salami on your shoulder?
Reader: …mind your own business
So yeah I feel like it would take at least a few months before they bond from anyone from La Squadra
And it would look like:
“Yeah you’re kinda cool I guess, so.. wanna hang out?”
(I’m sure that’ll be Formaggio lol)
He’s like the only person I could see this happening with
Yeah, he’s probably the only one who finds their shenanigans funny
Prosciutto would definitely hate the way they smell
Prosciutto: don’t you know what a shower is?
Reader: shower is for loosers, like you for example
After that he force-sprayed them with a garden hose.
Ghiaccio thinks they’re weird, illogical, rude, dumb, crazy, unprofessional, uneducated—
When the newbie realised they could make Ghiaccio rant about anything and everyone ohohohohhhhh
Reader: no it’s not
Pesci is kinda scared of them
So he tries to stay away as much as possible
Illuso’s another person who’d hate their smell
I can see him gifting his teammate a bar of soap
The teammate ate the soap. In front of Illuso.
In all honesty it was a nice soap
Melone finds their weirdness funny
But he definitely won’t hang up with them
But I mean, they’re kinda funny when the two of them paired together on missions
Another thing is, he finds their unhingeness interesting
He likes not knowing what they’ll do next
Eat another bar of soap? Burn the house down? Commit an arson?
The possibilities are endless
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berylcups · 2 months
Heya. Can I ask for La Squadra with a shy reader that hides from everyone on their daily basis? Like in the closet, or under the table. Just weird and various places to avoid talking with anyone, so it's really hard to even find them (could be an effect of a Stand).
Thank you 🤭
Hey there! So sorry for the long wait! I hope it’s worth your while! I had a lot of fun coming up with a bunch of bizarre scenarios for each character 😄
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La Squadra X Reader that hides and is shy
(Cue Man in The Box -Alice in Chains) 😄
CW: melone being melone, alcohol
Notes: Sorry for the delay everyone! I hope you all enjoy! 💜 Beryl
Y/N was a little unusual…but who in the hitman team wasn’t a little weird? Y/N was very shy, they liked to hide in the strangest of places and tended to have moments where they couldn’t speak…or just refused to speak. It was hard to tell. The team somehow just coped with their odd behavior because out of all the team quirks theirs was the most tolerable! Unfortunately for Y/N, they were needed often by their team for various reasons…
“We’re going to have a meeting in 30 minutes. The boss sent in a new hit and I want everyone in here by that time” he announced to the room scanning his eyes around for a head count. As usual, you weren’t there. “And that includes Y/N.” He said it loud enough for you to hear.
He knew you were in the room but he didn’t know where. With your stealthiness and way of contorting your body you could be ANYWHERE.
He could feel a sense of excess iron in kitchen… he look around and—nothing. He would have to start checking the drawers and cabinets again. He checked and checked… until he looked up on top of the fridge.
“Ah, Y/N. There you are. Just in time.” Risotto said, relieved while holding back a snicker. “Come on down now. It’s time. I promise it won’t last long.”
“…” you were curled up with hands on your knees and you tilted your head at him. “..?”
“We are not going to argue over this. It’s time to come down.” He sighed.
You shook your head no.
“I will make sure nobody makes eye contact with you if you come down. And you will get the couch to yourself.”
You finally hopped off the fridge and sat in his chair. Everyone felt awkward and averted eye contact.
“Okay as I was saying…” he began.
Drinking a bunch with the guys gives Maggio the munchies. He was looking through the pantry and moving snacks around only to make eye contact with you.
“Woah! Oh…hey Y/N! Uh…didn’t see you there!” He felt his soul almost leave his body when he saw you. He should of known you’d be in a strange place, you been a gang member forever it feels like!
“*munch munch* …” you just stared at him while eating potato chips.
“Are those the BBQ flavored chips?” He asked.
You nodded your head yes.
“Can I have some?” He asked.
You gave him the bag only leaving him with crumbs.
“Aw come on Y/N. You could have just said no. I don't want no damn crumbs!” He whined.
You pointed at the garbage can and he looked over towards where you were pointing.
“You just gave me your garbage to throw away?! Unbelievable! You’re lucky you are cute Y/N or else I have some choice words for you!” He groaned.
“I’m taking these snack cakes.” He swiped the snack cakes above you, making you frown.
You were hiding in the closet today. The guys were getting rowdy and drunk and you didn’t want NONE of that. So you were playing a game boy with a flash light so you could see the screen. You felt a bright burst of light sting your eyes making you hiss.
“Found you~.” Illuso said smugly. “Well I wasn’t looking for ya but finding you is like finding where’s Waldo so I’m pretty lucky today!”
You hissed at him again.
“When oh when are you going to be brave and just come out of the closet already???But no seriously. Jokes aside, I need my jacket.” He said reaching his arm in.
You slapped it away.
“Hey! Let me have my fucking jacket!” He barked and reached for it again.
You slapped his hand harder this time.
“Ow! What the hell?!” He rubbed his hand. “Hey Prosciutto! Y/N won’t give me my damn jacket !” He yelled.
“Well then go without it!” You heard a voice yell from downstairs.
Pesci insisted on having a massive fish tank to liven up the base. But nobody wanted to deal with all the exotic fish and feed them daily so it was up to him. If he was lucky maybe just MAYBE Risotto or Sorbet would feed them, but that was about the extent of the care given to these poor fish.
He went to grab the supplies under the fish tank to clean it by opening the drawers to where the cleaning solution was located only to be met with you curled up under the fish tank calmly listening to the aquatic sounds.
“Eeek! Y/N!” His heart almost jumped out of his chest. “ how did you get in there?!”
You simply responded with a yawn.
“D-Don’t tell me you were planning on taking a nap in there?!” He stuttered. He knew you were a little strange, he didn’t judge but that’s no place to nap!
You just rubbed your eyes and made a soft whining noise.
“Ok I’m sorry-I’ll leave you alone. I’ll clean the tank in a few hours when you are done. But can you hand me the fish food?” He asked politely.
You gave him the fish food and turned your back to him and continued with your nap.
“Thank you Y/N.” He whispered and closed the door.
Prosciutto needed a drink after a long day and went toward the bar to look for his favorite liquor. …it’s missing.
“Which one of you assholes took my shit?” He angrily mumbled as he exhaled his cigarette smoke.
“*cough* *cough*” he heard a noise under the bars’ bottom cabinet.
“I caught you!” He quickly opened the drawers revealing a tipsy you drinking straight from the bottle.
He scrunched his nose in annoyance and quickly snatched it out of your hand.
“Do you realize how much this stuff costs??? More than you can afford clearly.” He sneered.
You hiccuped and gave him the finger, clearly not caring about what he has to say.
“Eugh! How dare you!” He clutched his invisible pearls. “I’m letting risotto know about this!”
“I already know…if it makes you feel any better Y/N taste tested all the liquor we had and is probably going to get the worst hangover of their life.” Risotto said overhearing the conversation.
You were texting and hiding behind the curtains. It was a nice rainy day out and you wanted to be close to the rain drops but not get wet.
“Hmm… it’s so dark in here. We could use some natural light.” Melone mumbled to himself.
Before he drew the curtain he saw a pair of feet and tried not to snicker. He always thought of you like an aloof house cat.
He went to grab the curtain string and you quickly took a death grip on his hand.
“Ow ow ow - Y/N let gooooo~” he whined in pain. He never knew you could squeeze that hard! But…he shouldn’t be too surprised with you being a hitman and all… you need good hands to strangle with.
“I’ll leave you alone! I’ll just use the shitty lamp instead.” He sighed rubbing his wrist.
“You know those hands could probably give a very goo-“ he got cut off by getting a Nokia phone thrown at his head. You weren’t letting him finish that cursed thought.
Ghiaccio was brushing his teeth. His eye felt a little blurry after waking up. He’s a little grumpy since he overslept and somehow slept an hour through his alarm.
“This is bullshit…” he muttered while brushing. You couldn’t understand a single word he was saying through a mouth full of toothpaste and an electric toothbrush being noisy.
He hasn’t noticed yet but you were hanging out in the air conditioning duct. Your eyes were peeping through the vent. Why were you watching him in the bathroom? That’s a good question… you planned on snaking your way back to your room because you didn’t want to be seen. You just needed to wait for him to leave so you could jump out of the air vent and get to your room right next to the communal bathroom.
One of the screws were loose (and probably a few in your head are loose too but we don’t worry about that) and dropped on to his head making him jump.
“What the fuck was that?!” He quickly scans the bathroom…nothing.
“My head is messing with me again..”he grumbled as he spat out his mouth wash.
Another screw fell landing in front of him this time.
“A screw..?” He looked from where it landed it up to the ceiling to air duct to see… two round eyes peering down at him.
“Gesù Cristo!!!” He screeched at the top of his lungs. You never heard his voice crack that hard.
The panel became unstable and you fell through the air duct. You cringed in pain from the short fall.
“Y/N what the fuck?! Why were you watching me?! No—screw that. Why were you in the damn vent?!”
“You didn’t want to talk to anyone so you decided to go through the air duct to get to your room and you were waiting for me to leave?!”
You nodded your head yes.
“You dumbass! What if I was shitting?! I can’t get no privacy in this damn place! Nobody has any respect I swear to —“ he ranted on and on. You got up and dusted yourself off ignoring him and walked out going to your room.
Finally. All alone now. 😌
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