#melkor: well i mean kinda yeah but that’s not—
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winds-of-zephyr416 · 3 months ago
The part of the Silm they don’t want you to know about: Melkor’s horrible, awful, no-good pickup lines.
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perlen-gold · 2 months ago
Holiday Special 🎄
Somewhere in Arda:
Manwë: Oh, I love presents. Let us see what... AAAHHH!!!!
Varda: Darling, are you okay? Are you hu- YUCK!!!
Yavanna: Oh, another present? And it's green and gold! How nice! I wonder what's insi- OH NO!!!
Aulë: I've never got mail before.
Yavanna: *wheezing* DON'T-
Ulmo: Darling, did you get this for me?
Uinen: *feeding the fish* What do you mean, honey?
Ulmo: Well, there's a wetly wrapped package washed up here bearing my name.
Uinen: Oh? Why don't you open it?
Ulmo: Alright, let's see ...
Uinen: OH MY-
Ulmo: HOLY SHIT WTF!!!!!!
Nessa: Oh, a present! How nice! *smiling* Thank you so much, dear, I didn't know you had it in you.
Tulkas: Hmpf?
Nessa: .... oh?
Nessa: Dear Eru!!!!!!!!
Vairë: Aww, look Mandos, something wrapped in weaving wool and all black! I wonder what's.... EEEEEHHH!!!!
Mandos: THAT'S IT, SOMEONE HAS TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile somewhere in Mordor:
Mairon/Sauron: I confess, my lord, participating in this mortal holiday was a delightul idea.
Melkor: My precious, there is a present for you as well.
Mairon/Sauron: Oh?
Melkor: Come on, open it.
Mairon/Sauron: ...
Melkor: Merry Christmas, little flame.
Melkor: *proudly* Yeah, I know.
Mairon/Sauron: But- but- how- WHERE DID YOU FIND IT??????!!!
Melkor: Oh, I found it just outside your doorstep among a tearful and a fat hobbit and an ugly gangly creature which kinda looked cute.
Mairon/Sauron: These - I hope you KILLED them!!!
Melkor: No.
Mairon/Sauron: N-No...?
Melkor: Nah. They're in the dungeons awaiting whatever torture of yours you devise.
Mairon/Sauron: Oh MELKOR!!!
Mairon/Sauron: I might have a present for you as well, my lord...
*some earthquakes later*
Melkor: Holy Void, where did you learn THIS???!!!!
Mairon/Sauron: *flirtatious smiling* I invented it myself.
Melkor: BEST Christmas ever!!!
(AKA how Melkor popped out of the Void on Christmas Eve)
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wowstrawberrycow · 2 months ago
Reading the Silmarillion part 2 (#2) The Electric Boogaloo
So had to give my mind a break boy howdy this is a lot. Hopefully I'll get through the last of this part tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. For now enjoy more of my take aways!
Here the audiobook again this is part 2 still. I just have to break it up into parts.
-We return to your current scheduled program-
The otaku spat continues!
Aule: Oh yeah well your favorite characters from Iluvatar's anime still suck too Yavanna! So suck it!
Yavanna: Fuck off! They'll only suck if that damn JoJo's villain wannabe Melkor fucks up the story line!
for shadowing??? *Spooky ghost wooohhh~*
Yavanna internally: I really hope the writers don't screw us all over...
-Later on who the fuck knows when-
Yavanna sends fan mail to the writers and starts her bitching
Yavanna: Y'all aren't going to fuck up my shit right?
Manwe: Uh actually yeah. Why???
Yavanna: ..... Well Fuck. This is the best anime on Crunchyroll. Don't fuck up the characters!
Manwe: Look lady I didn't make those decisions. I'm just answering the mail. Iluvatar's the original manga artist anyways. Go bitch at him! Besides how would you write these characters??? Hmm? Any bright ideas???
Yavanna: While I agree everyone has an important part to play in the story, I still like all those problematic anti environmental characters and their messages to take a hike! Preferably through the woods.
Yavanna: *continues to bitch* I speak for the trees this, and the lorax that n shit.
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Manwe: *rolls eyes* fuckin weird ass hippies...
Yavanna continues ⬇️
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Manwe: Ok! Ok! Fine! Just quit your bitching!
-And then-
Here come bishi boys and a Bara Bro in bondage
I mean of the coming of elves and the captivity of Melkor.
We start with this kinda shit again⬇️
Yavanna: Fb status is depresso espresso.
Meanwhile at the North Pole before Santa moved in
Also Melkor⬇️
Autunno and his balrog summoning ass spreading fear⬇️
Melkor straight up has a creepy crew of monsters now⬇️
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Oh yeah and Sauron's here too.⬇️
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Together at Angbang Angband they are this⬇️
Here's the other parts - part 1
Part 2- #1 , #3
-Stay tuned after a short break-
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lamemaster · 1 year ago
I Dropped College to Become a Dark Lord
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Genre: Crack, Modern guy in Middle Earth
Pairing: tbh
Summary: At first look, Melkor’s form seemed to be devoid of any sort of essence. A chill ran through the Valar as they considered the possibility of his escape. Tulkas and Orome had almost packed up for their adventure to Middle Earth. But then they had felt it. A sudden surge of life.
AN: I think I am kinda funny. Nothing more.
PART 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
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“So, am I the bad guy?” Derek asked. They had somehow managed to reign in the emotions that ran wild in everyone’s mind. Introductions had been made and Derek got to know that Melkor is the name of the body he currently finds himself in.
“Yeah, no shit Melko- “
“Mandos!” the sky bluish light, who he had come to know as Manwe exclaimed.
Much to Derek’s dismay both the Vala switched back to the horrid Valarin. For beings who were the very source of music, one would expect a language calming, soothing, and sweeter than any other. Valarin…was horrendous. It stung in his ears like the noise of thousand nails scratching a blackboard.
He could understand it but trust him it was not worth it. It was the worst culture shock…worse than finding out his body’s origin.
Melkor, the body he entered, is none other than the ultimate bad boy of this world. A criminal who just barely got his parole on nepotism basis at that. Too bad he isn’t here to rejoice or anything. Derek wondered if the dark lord died or the worse possibility, Melkor switched bodies with him.
It was an amusing thought to imagine the dark lord as an engineering student. If there was anything worse than the endless void, it had to be the dark alleys of STEM. Well, he was glad that the report due the next day was not his problem now.
A distant, saner, part of Derek’s mind was still in the midst of processing the fact that he might indeed be dead in his world. His parents, his siblings, or roommates would find out and they would grieve for him. Or if they would delight in the chance of meeting his dark lord version.
The name Illuvatar had remained in Melkor’s memories, the only name that remained. All else was gone with him and so Derek tried it. ‘Umm…excuse me…Illuvatar are you there?’ Derek tried to talk to the possible god and his creator in this world. He had to be the one who must have had any idea of the stupid situation. ‘Am I still Derek? Or am I truly Melkor with an identity crisis or wait am I future Melkor and I time traveled back here. I mean it would be quiet a fall for Melkor to end up as an engineering student but hey it is a possibility.’ he tried asking, only to ramble and sound stupid in his inner monologue. None replied. Head empty no thoughts.
Well damn. This one’s got to have some daddy issues for sure. Derek wondered as he telepathically tried leaving a message for Illuvatar (don’t ask him how. He’s new to the whole thing. Trust the process).
‘ To Illuvatar, I do not know if this is you or not, but I must tell you I am not Melkor. Like I am in his body and it’s super weird. I don’t know if your feral son is dead (if he can die…) or not. I am just kind of in his body. I hope you can like tell me something about this all.’ P.S.- it's kinda urgent.
Hanging up the metaphorical phone Derek became aware of the quiet room. Manwe was staring at him again. It was the same look. Those puppy dog eyes just screamed of younger sibling energy. The look that siblings got seconds before they burst into tears. A precarious look for any older sibling ever.
Manwe was…bright. It was difficult to imagine how he was related to Melkor. Long white hair, glimmering blue eyes, and blue robes to maintain the angelic aesthetic. Manwe was pure innocence and uncorrupted power at the same time.
Melkor on the other hand. Well… Derek kinda could see himself without a mirror or anything. It was a Valar thing. A perk some would say. Just closing his eyes and he could see his form. He had almost screeched at his own reflection.
Melkor was…handsome. Sexy in the ‘I’ll be your fall from grace’ way. Dark black hair, the darkest there could be. Eyes bright like Manwe’s yet, there were glowing golden with the fervor of molten lava buried in the depth of the Earth. And contrasting such stark features was the palest skin ever. It was unlike Manwe’s healthy and flush tan. No Melkor was the supreme edge lord.
“Brother can you still not hear it?” Manwe asked. Derek, who had zoned out, realized that the focus from the previous quarrel had shifted back on him.
“Hear what?” Derek questioned. Was he supposed to hear something? Oh shit! Did someone call Melkor? It was hard remembering to respond to people when they called someone else’s name. Plus, he wasn’t that keen on the idea of discussing this weird possession with the guy who quite literally was a major simp for his brother. The idea of Manwe finding out his brother’s soul was gone was something scarier than Valarin.
With a barely concealed wince, Manwe replied “Do you not hear the music? The song of Arda? What about Illuvatar can you sense him?” Yikes, am I supposed to Derek wondered? To say or not to say, that is the question.
“I think don’t he can Manwe.” Another one of the Vala spoke instead of Melkor. If Derek remembered correctly, he was Ulmo. The Vala of seas, oceans, and rivers was visible in every facet of his personality and looks. Dark blue hair in the very predictably wavy in the fashion of waves, not that Derek disapproved of it. His first impression of Ulmo was that of the quiet kid who actually turns out to be really smart. The quiet kid you should not mess with. ‘Poseidon, Aquaman,’ Derek’s brain unhelpfully listed.
By the looks of it, Ulmo’s words did not sit well with Manwe. “I mean it is not difficult to see Manwe.” Mandos, the Vala who hated Melkor the most, added in support of Ulmo. It was surprising that even Derek felt the heavy animosity. And Derek was nothing if not dense.
Manwe continued to ignore Mandos and Ulmo collectively. “Can you truly not hear it Melkor?” he asked with an uncomfortably consistent eye contact. From his peripheral vision, Derek could see Varda take a step towards them.
“No,” Derek replied. “I cannot hear music or the song you speak of,” and the air in the room stilled. Everything fell silent as Manwe nodded in acceptance. However, Derek was not done. It was time to rip the bandage.
“I don’t remember anyone. I don’t know you or as matter of fact myse- “
“YOU MORON! WHERE IS MY MAIA?” before Derek could have completed his sentence he interrupted and was then promptly strangled by an unseen force. He truly had not seen it coming.
Put back the bandage he distantly wondered.
The room erupted in Chaos as Varda jumped in to save Manwe, who jumped in to save Melkor, who was attacked by Aule who was simultaneously being pulled away by Yavanna.
Chaos came to Valinor. Yet not the chaos that rained destruction but the chaos that mingled with the order to retain the world.
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“He…he has returned.”
In the darkest canopy of unvisited forests, a voice whispered with a trace of hysterical joy. The sole existence of those woods. A shadow that lamented in unlit lands.
Once glazed eyes caught the first reflection of the light they once held. Ashen gray hair ignited as if a fire rekindled. Hair that now changed into the blistered red shade of flames. Gone was the lament and mourning.
Mairon had come to life.
“Master Melkor returned,” the silent trees of bleak woods shivered with fear as the fire captured them in its grasp.
With a crazed smile, Mairon wondered if it was time to go get his master back to their lands. Utumno would be rebuilt, and order would be restored.
So, it began as Mairon started making his way to Valinor.
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child-of-hurin · 2 years ago
some replies:
@ytdn said:
I feel like Tolkien never quite worked out how the Valar fit into his moral universe, in earlier writings they seem a bit like greek gods in the Illiad and he slowly softens the edges to make them more "correct" but it never really quite fits. Also I think he actually disliked the idea of truly active gods in his legendarium, partially because it felt like a mockery of religion but also because I think he had a real dislike of absolute power
(Disclaimer: I probably used the term “catholic” here in many passages where I should have used “christian” – but I’m not familiar with any protestant theology and I’d rather not do generalizations, so…)
I'm only really familiar with the matter of the Ainur such as it appears in the Silm (+UT+LOTR), but I believe you, because it seems to be a larger tendency in this man’s work – his uncertainty and ambivalence about the cosmology he’s creating ends up not just reflected, but straight up incorporated in the text in the form of contradictions, conflict, hear-say, etc – and the text becomes much richer and more interesting thanks to it… 
In the previous post, I said in the tags that the most catholic thing about the Valar is that they have free will – expanding on that idea to the whole world and its other inhabitants, I think it’s the (catholic-)christian concept of “faith” reflected in the inner workings of Arda… Meaning, there is a (Valinorian) doctrine that teaches of Eru and of the Music, but there’s no materiality to it. That’s what Tolkien means when he writers about Estel and Amdir*, and later trashes that whole piece of writing; “Estel” could easily perceivable as an analogue to the catholic concept of “Faith”.
(That rings hella catholic to me, but at the same time – doesn’t function as a ‘gotcha’, as the basis for a hypothesis of analogues, since, though we have the ‘faith’, we still lack: the essential messianic element, the revelation, the proselytism, the holy mother church/Mary. TBH, the fact that Tolkien puts the concept of ‘original sin’ in an Edainic story and that of ‘faith’ in a noldorian story fascinates me whenever I think about it!)  
But for real, Tolkien doesn’t give proof of Eru beyond (Herodotus voice) what the Noldor say that the Valar say, and he puts this – and every single other of his contradictions in his own work all the time, and he never gives us a straight answer in the materiality of the work itself. There are people who are so annoying in their insistence that the Silm is like a christian parable of what’s good and what’s right, but I honestly think that reflects their own limitations, because the text itself leaves plenty of room for the readers (and the characters) to question and to act according to their materiality or spirituality; and in the first age, Tolkien makes his war against evil a material war as well as a spiritual one, so that what you have is that putting your faith in the Valar/Eru (the Gwindor option) and taking matters into your own hands and fighting back (the Túrin option) are both wrong, but so is capitulating and allying with Melkor (the Maeglin option). The survivors of Beleriand are not receiving their due reward for their spiritual integrity/faith/whatever. It’s very clear to anyone not too brain-damaged by Feanorian Fandom/Noldor Bias that this is not a cautionary tale about not fearing god/skipping catechism.
@vardasvapors said:
it’s really cool and fitting tbh……i think it maybe fits lotr best? like ‘there’s past-the-Edge out there, we sing to her (elbereth) for the the most tangible+eternal presence of it, she’s ours not bc she intervenes benevolently to help but bc she made the stars visible to us’ etc. kinda old-drafts earendil-ish? where he wasn’t at all responsible for help coming but his story and his visibility is vital anyway…? but yeah unique! only ivana has written a god like this-ish :P
ok that’s overselling the comparison LOL. but i was thinking about the lotr presence specifically.
THAT’S also something that appeals to me immensely and I agree it fits more LOTR – “past-the-Edge” is such a good way to describe it too! There’s a sense of longing-that-isn’t, right? Because the gods have not abandoned anyone; even though they aren’t There, there isn’t in the characters a sense of ‘absence’ or ‘abandonment’; “she’s ours not bc she intervenes benevolently to help but bc she made the stars” is really IMO bulls-eye…  I like how the author seems always very aware of the character’s (feelings that we normally organize under the name of) spirituality and it’s constructed in different ways, but more often expressed in arts (like singing or crafting) :) Idk I just think it’s neat!
Man, I really think half the meta I come upon regarding the Valar... are less about the Valar as they are, and more about the reader's struggle to place them within more familiar frameworks for the divine
The Valar/Ainur are unlike any pantheon or divinity I can think of; they're not effective, they're not self-aggrandizing, they're not authoritative but also not benevolent per se; they're rational but more often cannot be reasoned with; they receive their own authority from a Higher one that they do not speak for, or even "obey"; they have the Divine Right to kingship but they don't enforce it; more importantly, they are perfectly capable of humanizing traits such as meaning well & making judgement mistakes -- not just according to their own goals, but also according to a wider, moral order.
They were not created by Eru so they are not one of the Free Peoples of Arda, but they are not bound to it either. They are not gods, or beings that rule-over-something. They created many things and they have much power of these things, but they don't control them, and they're not a metaphor for them. They are creative beings, and sometimes they're even surprised by the outcome of their own creations. They're don't have to be faithful to the concept of themselves.
There are takes that frame the reader's dissatisfaction with the Valar as the result of a fault of Tolkien's text, often supposed too catholic in essence -- and I disagree completely. I don't think the Valar's presence in the narrative functions catholically, neither in effect, intent, or aesthetic (-- although I think it's obvious that they reflect a Western* moral cosmos). But there's nothing essentially pagan** about them, either. It's strange!
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years ago
No, actually, I want to talk about how most of my tolkien "unpopular opinions" and dislike for "everything's not so simple" comes from russian fandom.
When I only started getting into the fandom, russian really was my only way to do so. Ukrainian fanfiction was fairly underdeveloped (or I didn't have the skills to find better sources), and my knowledge of english was... poor, to say the least. So, yeah, russian fandom that is.
And boy, oh boy, what an experience that was. Russian most popular trope, unsurprisingly, was "everything's not so simple".
Kinslayings? Not so simple, Feanor was justified. Lay of Leithtian? Beren is a monster and should be burnt; Luthien is a naive girl who travels naked, actually; Celegorm and Curufin are her noble resquers; Finrod deserves to die for his idiotism. Miriel & Indis? Why is it even a question, of course Indis is an evil stepmother, of course Miriel is pure and without a flaw, of course 2nd & 3rd houses shouldn't have existed!
The Valar? Hey, did you know russians have "The Black Book of Arda" - a book that is basically about poor little Melkor being right and cruel and scary Valar being mean to him?
I read many fics, but there were three that stuck to me the most (i don't remember their names, though): the one that wanted to retell the silmarillion in the "right" way, the one that basically said C&C were right for capturing and threatening Luthien, and the one where everyone was evil, except elves who lived in Beleriand.
The first one... the first one was basically a huge Feanor apologism, even though the author claimed that they were "just adding nuance" and that "you should always look past the text implications" and that "you can't be in the right if you don't spill a bit of blood, actually". I mean, even if at one point author implies that yeah, 2nd and 3rd houses shouldn't have really existed, it's a huge red flag for me.
The second one, well - the plot goes like this: C&C capture Luthien; C&C talk with Luthien; the talk goes basically like this: "Look little miss, you are your father's daughter. Your father has an army. What we're saying is, you marry Celegorm, he won't love you, you won't love him, yeah you'll be unhappy, your Beren is dead anyways, all we need you for is basically your dad's army." And it is painted as a right decision for Luthien to forsake Beren and marry Celegorm. When someone in the comments said "hey, don't you think what the feanorians told luthien was pretty off the rails?", the author exploded, saying, again, that we should see nuance, and that luthien made the right choice not retrieving the silmarill that would cause 2nd kinslaying and that C&C are much more well-thought that Finrod, and that yeah Finrod is an idiot and the fact that he and Beren will now inevitably die and his death will be pointless - well, sucks to suck, I guess.
Brr. I still get flashbacks from that comment section.
The last one basically shitted on humans. Humans? Oh you mean magicless filthy creatures who only lie, insult and are parasites that need to be destroyed? And everyone who's not an elf should die? And the elves under Valar influence should die, too? And Valar are actually parasites? And Eru is a myth? Yeah. Yeah you know what.
Russian fandom yells about "nuance" but their nuance are just sides switched. Black becomes white, white becomes black. And if you disagree, well, you clearly can't see past the 2nd-3rd Houses biased Noldor propaganda and should therefore be destroyed. (Ha. Seeing some paralels with real life now, honestly.)
That's why I left, kinda. I just felt so tired, all the time. This is why I prefered LoL as a fairytale, and this is why I mostly prefer following canon. Because for me Tolkien was an escapism, first and foremost, but I felt like I needed to have entire essays at hand just to defend my love for it.
In conclusion, I was an unprepared Ukrainian thrown in the mist of Misterious Russian Soul™ and was gradually taking 1d4 confusion damage, until I was so tired I left entirely. And I'm glad I did so, because English fandom is so much more chill, and when people say/criticise something, they do specify that it is just their opinion on a fictional world and people don't have to wage wars and write multiple essays to enjoy their fave.
P.S. My biggest beef to this day is Finarfin being portrayed as a tiny whiny man unable to raise his voice. Whenever I remember that fic I immediately want to bite. But it's just me, probably.
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elrondsscribe · 2 years ago
So, an inevitable side effect of being obsessed with RoP is that I went and did a skim of the Akallabêth, which I hadn’t read for a while.
Buckle in cuz we’re going for a RIDE.
So first off, yes, I’m aware this is Tolkien’s Atlantis. Doom and drowning were always going to be involved. But can I just say that the Downfall of Númenor makes a pretty good case for the Valar being unfit rulers? Their handling of the situation is abysmal from the word go.
They start off by giving the Edain and Elros an archipelago away from Middle-Earth. Sweet. It’s also within sailing distance of Avallónë, the edge of Aman. In theory that’s nice, cuz the Elves can come visit relatively easily, but it also means that Aman is technically visible from Númenor at all times.
Also, Elves from Avallónë visit the Númenoreans (at least initially), but the Númenoreans are banned from going to Avallónë.
So. Not only can they actually see this place they’re not allowed to go to, they also REGULARLY GET VISITORS from there? Whose bright idea was this??
The text tries to frame the Númenoreans as ungrateful, but why wouldn’t they start resenting death? Especially given their proximity to immortal people and lands.
And I’m super unimpressed with the Valar’s response, which is basically “it’s over our heads but we still rule you so you have to obey us 😠”
And the Númenorean King makes a solid point — framing death as a Gift is bullshit. Dying permanently from a world that you’re naturally inclined to love is a shit deal. It just is. And the deathless Valar are the ones who make the rules, and then get to say “well u just gotta accept it cuz we say so, obey and have Faith 😇”
And then, later on when Númenor starts dividing, the Valar-faithful faction tell the Elves what’s up, and they tell Manwë. So he gets all mad at Númenor at large for their lack of worship and just. Stops sending messengers and ships. The Elves just stop coming.
To recap. The Valar saddle the Númenoreans with a situation built to breed envy, get mad when the envy happens, and just up and abandon their Faithful right when they’re getting pinned to the fucking wall?!
Because as the generations go by, Númenor starts coming down hard on ‘the Faithful’ — the ppl who still revere the Valar and their teachings. The later Kings, and the majority of the people they rule, get increasingly Faithful-hostile. Yeah, Ar-Inziladûn/Tar-Palantir is Faithful, but Míriel gets usurped* by Pharazon, who goes right back to anti-Valar rule.
So Ar-Pharazon goes off to Middle-Earth in a colonialist kinda mood (forgot to mention that the Kings of Númenor have started doing settler colonialism in ME while they’re turning away from the Valar), and Sauron comes tripping in. Yippee, doom has arrived.
Sauron comes to Númenor ostensibly as a vassal to Ar-Pharazon, but of course he’s there to do mischief. He gets everybody high on Númenorean exceptionalism, but also tells them negative stuff about the Valar … and the text wants to make out that he’s lying, but would he have had to lie that much to get the anti-Faithful, anti-Valar sentiment going?
So they start doing human sacrifice to Melkor (their colonialism escalated to the point of ACTUAL ENSLAVEMENT!), and the Faithful start getting even more pressed. And again, no fucking help from the Valar or any of their messengers. Just radio silence from the Powers of the World while their worshippers and unwilling slaves get tossed on sacrificial altars.
And so finally, feeling the end of his lifespan coming up, Ar-Pharazon decides he maybe wants to go do some war on Valinor … and NOW the Valar wanna show up! NOW they wanna send storm birds with lightning and thunder under their wings! And to be clear, the Valar are striking first! Ar-Pharazon only sets out for Valinor in all his colonizer entitlement after the Valar show real force!
So Ar-Pharazon gets to Valinor with a host, and that’s when the Valar really start going to town. The world gets broken, the other ships get sucked into the falling sea, Ar-Pharazon and his men get trapped in the caves, and Númenor drowns (except for the Faithful remnant).
And while all this rebellion shit has been stewing, the Faithful leader Amandil has also sneakily set sail to try and see if he can get the Valar to spare at least some of the Númenoreans. And he fully expects the Valar might kill him for going to Aman!
To recap: Amandil has to sneak out of Númenor because leaving makes him a traitor, and he’s risking the Valar’s wrath because he’s breaking their ban to plead for the lives of Faithful Valar-worshippers!
Yes, the Valar end up sparing Elendil and the Faithful, but it’s the LEAST they could’ve done.
The text doesn’t even confirm if Amandil got through or not! It just says ‘no one ever saw him or his ship again.’ Usually I like mysterious fates. But the implication here is that, faced with one of their last Faithful worshippers who’s risking his life to plead for the lives of the others, they might not have punished him.
Fucking hell—
Isn’t this the kind of behavior you’d expect from gods worshipped by colonizers? Quick to punish insubordination harshly, while slow to reward (or even protect) their most faithful worshippers? How ironic, then, that Númenor does colonialism while falling away from the Valar.
Actually, that’s where I wanna end: my final disgust with the fact that the people from Middle-Earth, whom the Númenoreans enslaved and brought to across the sea by force, all got the exact same Doom as their enslavers. Ar-Pharazon’s ship was rowed by slaves who disembarked with his army at Valinor, and guess what? They got buried alive too.
… the justice of the Valar, everyone!
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maglors-anion-gap · 3 years ago
"Is it entirely fair to let someone undertake something unfathomably painful just bc they (tulkas) agreed to it in your name? things to think about..."
especially because Tulkas didn't necessarily agree or at least isn't noted as agreeing. Manwë offers this in his letter to Melkor and whether or not Tulkas was asked or consulted ahead of time is left up to the imagination!
and of course as we don't know exactly what being given to Melkor's power and pleasure means, it's even more difficult to guess whether Tulkas knew what he was potentially getting into. it’s not being naive but he has a sort of idealism, I see it most notably in BoLT (part one) when during Melkor’s trial Tulkas opts to unchain him THEN fight him and that always stuck with me because this was after Melkor had Tulkas bound so I just felt Tulkas offering even Melkor this courtesy shows something profoundly decent about him which I imagine Melkor heard that and smirked. HE would think it was naive; “oh you want me to be unchained so you can fight me? That is SO adorable Don’t you realize I would never even consider showing you the same courtesy?” - Melkor
I don't know if this makes sense, I apologize if it doesn't!
I'm really fascinated by the Manwë/Turgon connection!!
@outofangband yeah! That totally makes sense!
Oh man, yeah you're right! It's kinda fucked up that manwe really could have just said "hey Tulkas we're using you as bait." Like, sure, you could argue that Tulkas agrees to it in as much as he's not noted as kicking and screaming on the way to Utumno, even if Manwe is the one to come up with the idea, but again. It sure says something to ask that of someone.
Yeah, Tulkas really does have a sense of profound decency. And it's so subversive too, because Morgoth really thinks he's The Shit, like he's got it all figured out and he's the strongest and he'd rather use cruelty than kindness... and Tulkas is like "You know, I was willing to chain myself to defeat you, but I still wouldn't ask you to put yourself in my place." Which is like.. woweeeee. Idk I feel like acts of service are a central theme in the legendarium - things that are undertaken for the benefit of others succeed where things undertaken for the benefit of the self fail. And just in terms of general decency, Tulkas is willing to offer mercy when others are not. And Mercy always wins. Of course, he's then furious beyond belief when his good intentions are scorned (same, dude, same). But yeah, I interpret that as Tulkas having at least some understanding of what being chained would entail, and deliberately choosing to reject treating another person like that - though you’re right, melkor would view that as naïveté.
regarding Turgon and Manwe, I always felt like Tolkien set up that parallel on purpose. The eagles are denizens of Manwe, and Turgon communes with the eagles. It’s so interesting to me, especially as turgon sends Mariners to ask Valinor for aide! Ulmo literally tells him hope will only come from across the sea! And it doesn’t! Not in turgon’s lifetime! Not until earendil sails over there and risks literal death (Namo wants to kill him for his impertinence iirc). So turgon basically has a hotline to the gods (the eagles) and gets … radio static. Now turgon is in some ways incredibly rebellious (being one of the most moved by Fëanor’s speech) and also kind of pious (willing to follow ulmo’s advice and disappear off the face of the earth to wait for salvation, closest to manwe’s eagles etcetc). So we have this parallel between manwe and turgon as people who enact judgement (especially as turgon enacts judgement upon eol as well, not just hurin - the question is not so much if a murderer deserves death so much as if one deserves to take the life of a murderer). I do kind of see a parallel in the dynamic between manwe and tulkas, manwe and turgon, and turgon and hurin. Basically, a dependency of one on the salvation/aide is the other. Tulkas seems to trust manwe to follow thru with his plans in bolt to rescue him. Turgon trusts the valar to save his people if he waits long enough. Hurin trusts turgon to accept him into gondolin a second time. All three relationships are predicated on trust, sacrifice of a vassal for their lord, and some degree of broken trust/ inequity of who gains and who loses.
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shadow13dickpistons · 4 years ago
Uhhh do SHADOW for the ask meme
Oooh, what a fun idea!
Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
I had two asks with Ss in them, but no prompts! So, okay, there’s the obvious ones, (Aldarion spending so much time in Middle-Earth because he’s giving the D to Gil-galad, Sting as originally being a dagger for Idril), now I’m really scratching my head....OH! Here’s a controversial take and something I was thinking about today: Fingon and Maedhros not being married, because of the cousin taboo. 
Alright, alright, alright, so: Fingon’s rescued Maedhros, the rift is healed, yay everything. Fingolfin pulls Fingon aside and is like, “Son, you know I need you to marry. Preferably a woman.” Argon is dead; Turgon will have no other children beyond Idril; Fingolfin has the preternatural knowing that he will not survive against Morgoth - their people are going to look to Fingon. And what will he then do, marry his own cousin?? How can he do this, the Noldor need him. 
Yeahhhh, it’s angsty. All about how Fingon does what dad wants, marries a Sindar of Cirdan’s people, has Gil; but still goes to Maedhros at the drop of a hat (oh, they fuckin’). But yeah, the metas on why Russingon doesn’t violate the cousin taboo are valid, but imo, it’s impossible for Fingon and Maedhros to have any kind of happy ending, and I am firmly in the Gil-galad-as-Fingon’s-son camp. (This got longer than anyone expected.)
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
I’m not sure I entirely understand this question, what kind of fandoms do I gravitate to? Cause “source text” to me is, like......what sources do you site in your fan participation. If the former, idk, anything that strikes my fancy. The latter, specifically for Tolkien (because that’s all I care about anymore), I’m one of those tiresome people who prefers the books to the films, so first and foremost the actual text. For easy retrieval, I tend to use Tolkien Gateway, but about the only thing I strongly disagree on with that is their take on Gil-galad, so there you have it. The One Wiki to Rule Them All is good, not quite AS good for book stuff, but great for film and game stuff. (But then again they have the “correct” take on Gil-galad, so.)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
-rubs hands in glee-
Okay, okay, okay. So.......this is just Tolkien. Cause that’s all I care about now. But, in no particular order (caps are “I will lose my mind over this ship,” non-caps are just “I like/write for it.”):
I....oof, look, it’s not that I LIKE Turin/Nienor it’s that.....I’m so compelled....like a fuckin’ train wreck, yo.....too fascinating....
Frodo/Sam/Rose (also acceptable: Frodo/Sam, Sam/Rose. My only OT3 ever, really.)
Boromir/Theodred (also acceptable: aro/ace Boromir)
Celebrimbor/Fem!Narvi (this could quickly veer into I will lose my mind territory)
Is it weird I’m kinda into Elrond and Gilraen comforting each other and being a lowkey couple?
I can’t believe I almost forgot Sauron/Melkor, the OG power couple
I think that’s.....more than plenty.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
God I want to like Caranthir/Haleth. Well, I DO like Caranthir/Haleth. I just......I just really believe Haleth likes the ladies.....Fully here for Caranthir realizing he’s pining from afar, though. Like God, this should really be my type, but I just.....
I’m not as into Russingon as so much of the fandom is, but I don’t dislike it. But I’m really not part of the Feanorian hype train, don’t fully get it. 
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
God, I don’t have all my music on my laptop and I don’t really use Spotify, I’m not sure I CAN do something random.....Let me see.....RANDOM PANDORA??? 
Niiiiice, “Rebel, Rebel.” Damn, you know, I feel like I just had a thought about this the other day.....Let me think here.....Yeah, sorry, I got nothing. If you want me to redo this one, by all means.
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Oh man, oh man, oh man. Uhhhhhhhh. God, it would really help if I were kinkier.
Bilbo/Thorin and I don’t know how to explain this one, but like.......power bottom Bilbo??? Like, sure, it looks like Thorin’s in charge, but whose hand is he eating out of, does that make sense?
NO, SAME ONE AGAIN, SEX ON THE THRONE DURING THORIN’S GOLD SICKNESS, THAT HAS TO COUNT AS A PUBLIC SEX KINK. Not, like, IN public, like at night, but they could get caught.
.........................same one again, banging on the gold, Bilbo only wearing the mithril. I’m not sorry.
If I say Gimli/Legolas can I just say “all” for kinks? I mean.....................leather, for a start. 
You know what, I’m going to throw a curve and say “Ar-Pharazon and Sauron, bondage. But the whole time, Sauron is plotting in the downfall of Numenor and dreaming of sex with Melkor.”
“What about Aragorn/Arwen?” He’s a virgin until the wedding night, give him a SECOND.
Omg, that was so fun, I hope it wasn’t boring. Keep ‘em coming, guys!
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atariince · 5 years ago
Read your opinion about L&B, It Is really interesting and I agree :) my question Is why do you think the feanorians did not dare to atack Luthien while she had the Silmaril? This has always been a mistery to me
Hi ! Thanks a lot for your positive feedback!
Your question is a very good one and we can only speculate and come upwith our own answers. I have a few hypothesis of my own, but there’s no way toascertain any of them.
But first of all, I’d like to emphasize the fact that this idea that the Fëanorians did not attack Lúthien once she had the Silmaril is an important part of the plot – I mean, beside the fact that it is a useful narrative tool which allows the second kinslaying to happen in Doriath and to involve Lúthien’s descendants, it is also useful for the characterization of Lúthien and it develops her legend and the way she’s regarded by the other characters.  
Anyway, here are my main hypothesis, in no specific order, and please keep in mind that they’re not incompatible and do not exclude one another.
1. The light of the Silmaril enhances Lúthien’s power
It’s hard to assert that the Ainur are actually more powerful in the light of the Trees, but you cannot deny that their relation to light is somehow remarkable. We know about Melian that “the light of Aman was in her face” and that it made her stand out in the dark when Elwë meets her, and this makes me believe that maybe, the Ainur kinda absorb the light; could they feed off on it? I have no idea, but that could be a possibility. This sole question deserves a whole post in itself, and I’m not doing that. Yet, I’ll just point at what is said in the Quenta about Lúthien wearing the jewel:
“And it is said and sung that Lúthien wearing that necklace and that immortal jewel on her white breast was the vision of greatest beauty and glory that has ever been seen outside the realms of Valinor and that for a while the Land of the Dead that Live became like a vision of the land of the Gods, and no place have been so fair, so fruitful, or so filled with light”.
We have the first words “it is said and sung”: no assertion – a legend, a saying, a rumour. No one witnessed it save Beren, Dior and possibly a few elves of Ossiriand. So, who knows? Now, all doubts put aside, this image of Lúthien gives way to many assumptions, including that of her power and the idea that the jewel indeed increases it. “Glory” here doesn’t only refer to beauty or fame, it is really a word that has to do with majesty, if not power. When we speak of the glory of the Valar, with speak of their majesty but also of the very might of their presence. This etymological point is very interesting, so I just drop that here and leave it to that because there would be too much to say. Anyway, it is obvious that the jewel allows Lúthien to enjoy the full might of her power (even though she’s a mortal at this point), and indeed, the sight of her in this situation must have been very impressive… to say the least.
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So, we can easily imagine that, with the light of the Silmaril reflecting on her face, Lúthien appears not only lovelier than anything in the world, but also more powerful (after beauty and power are close intertwined n Tolkien’s lore). And maybe she is indeed more powerful while holding a Silmaril. Or maybe she just seems to be more powerful, but that would be enough for the Fëanorians to stand back.
2. Námo roots for her
The Fëanorian must have heard rumours about L&B’s miraculous returnfrom Mandos. They must have guessed that, whatever happened there was unusual, and that she benefited a very unexpected support from the Vala, that same Vala who actually cursed the Ñoldor. There’s no denying that Námo resents greatly the exiled Ñoldor, and surely the latter know they’re in his black book. Therefor if they know that Námo favours Lúthien, they wouldprobably be very careful in their dealing with her.
It could be both of those hypothesis, because in the end, the Fëanorians haven’t met Lúthien since her return, but they’ve heard rumours of her power, of her greatness, of the kind way the Valar treated her. They know just two things for sure: she could be dangerous, but she’s mortal now. Just. Be. Patient.
Which leads to my final theory:
3. The Fëanorians know nothing at all, and the narrator fills the gap
The Fëanorians might not be aware that Lúthien has the Silmaril; They might just know Doriath was ransacked by the Naugrim, and that Thingol’s treasure has been looted, including the Silmaril. So they’re looking for it, but they don’t know where it could be. And indeed, it’s only when Dior inherits the necklace that the Fëanorians learns that “A Silmaril of Fëanor burns again in the woods of Doriath” while the narrator explains that the attack on Doriath is due to the oath waking up when they hear of the “renewal of Doriath and of Dior’s pride”. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me because, well… when Lúthien wore the Nauglamír, if they knew that she did, there would have been something like “a Silmaril burns in Tol Galen”, and the oath would have been rekindled at this point… right? But no, it only happened afterwards.
Moreover I can’t believe that they went for a kinslaying partly because of “the renewal of Doriath”. I mean, even if the Fëanorians had their feud with Thingol, Doriath itself is more a shield against Melkor than an impediment in the war against Angband…they should be somehow relieved to see it back, don’t you think? So yeah, I’m not digging it. Consequently, it is possible that they just didn’t know Lúthien had the Silmaril, and only heard about it when Dior wore it, and Dior refused to surrender it and that caused the Second Kinslaying. 
The tricky bit is the actual journey of that Silmaril; there are severalversions which make it hard to follow, so I’ll go for a quick sum up:
In the published Silmarillion: the Dwarves loot Doriath, leave with a Silmaril; Beren and the elves of Ossiriand stop them on their way to Nogrod and Beren gets the necklace back.
In The Nauglafring : after the plundering of Doriath, Huan (stillalive in this version) leaves Doriath and finds Beren and Lúthien,who immediately understand what happened. Beren and his rangers march forth to stop the loiterers at the ford of Aros. Beren kills Naugladur and takes the cursed necklace to bring it back to Lúthien. Gwendelin (=Melian) comes to meet them and “she cried as in amaze beholding the Necklace of the Dwarves that hung about the white throat of Tinúviel”. Also, in this tale, after Dior’s return to Doriath, Maidros (Maedhros) “called to his brethren […] and he said to them how it was known to him that a Silmaril of those their father Fëanor had made was now the pride and glory of Dior of the Southern Vales.” Obviously, it seems theyhad no idea where the Silmaril was before that moment, that is when the “fame of that jewel spread like fire through all the regions of the North, and the Elves said one to another: “a Silmaril of Fëanor burns in the woods of Hísilómë”.” So they discrover the Silmaril with the rumours of the return of Dior.
The Earliest Silmarillion explains how “the dwarves are ambushed at aford by Beren and the brown and green Elves of the wood” and how Beren “takes the Nauglafring”. We also learn that “Melian warned Beren of the curse of the gold and of the Silmaril […] but the Nauglafring remains hoarded secretly in Beren’s keeping.” The idea that he kept it “secretly” is interesting; who knew about it? Surely not the Fëanorians, even though they might think it possible that the jewel is with Lúthien. But would they make war upon her if they’re not sure she has the jewel? I think not. Here, we don’t know how or when they heard of the return of the jewel in Doriath with Dior, only that “after vain bargaining the sons of Fëanor made waron him.”
In the Quenta, Melian warns Beren of the presence of the Dwarves’host; he fights them and takes the necklace. Then, “Melian warned them ever over the curse […] yet the Silmaril they retained”. Dior goes back to Doriath as king, L&B die, Melian leaves to Valinor, and as Dior wears the necklace “the fame of that jewel went far and wide.” And that’s how the Fëanorians seem to have learned about the Silmaril.
The Earliest Annals of Beleriand tell us again that it is Melian whosends Beren to stop the dwarven host; he takes the necklace and keeps it until he and Lúthien die; Dior is king of Doriath, Melian goes back to Valinor and only then “the sons of Fëanor hear tidings of the Silmaril in the East.”
In The Later Annals of Beleriand, Beren again “overthrew the Dwarvesat Sarn-Athad as they return eastward” and he took the Nauglamír and the Silmaril. We also learn in this version that it is after the death of L&B and the departure of Melian that the Fëanorians “heard tidings of the Silmaril in the East, and they gathered from wandering and held council together” which also seems to point toward the idea that they knew not where the jewel was after the ruin of Doriath, because if they did, they would have “gathered from wandering” much earlier and took council to decide if they should attack Lúthien whilst she had the jewel. 
The Tales of Years which accompanied the Annals of Beleriand is maybethe more complicated text, since Tolkien rewrote it several times.
the first draft reads: “the dwarves invade Doriath. Thingol is slain andhis realm ended. Melian returns to Valinor. Beren destroys the Dwarf-host at Rath-Loriel.” 
The second draft was altered and enriched: “the Dwarves invade Doriath. Thingol is slain and his realm ended. Melian takes Nauglamír to Beren and Lúthien and she returns to Valinor. Celegorm and Curufin destroy the Dwarf-host at Sarn-Athrad in Rath-Loriel, and are wroth to find the Silmaril not there. Dior goes to Doriath.” THIS is an interesting element for many reasons, and in the matter at stake, it means that the Fëanorians knew very early on what had happened in Doriath and they believed that the Dwarves had the Silmaril with them. However, even if they come to realize their mistake, it does not mean that they will understand that the jewel is now with L&B… they could guess it, but again, it would just be a hunch. Do you make war on a hunch? Especially after the vain killing of the dwarf’s host (because obviously they only killed them because they thought they had the jewel…); would they do the same mistake twice?
Likewise, the next stage gives: “The Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrodinvade Doriath. Thingol is slain and his realm ended. The Dwarves carry off the Dragon-gold, but Melian escaped and carried off the Nauglamírand the Silmaril, and brought it to Beren and Lúthien. Then she returned o Valinor; but Lúthien wore the Silmaril. Now Curufin and Celegorm hearing of the sack of Menegroth ambushed the Dwarves at the ford of Ascar and defeated them. but the Dwarves cast the gold into the river, whichafter was names Rathloriel. Great was he chagrin of the Sons of Fëanor to discover that the Silmaril was not with the Dwarves; but they dared not assail Lúthien.” Here for the first time we have hints of the Fëanorians knowing, or at least guessing that Lúthien has the jewel.  
The next step is basically the same, but what comes later is relevant: “The sons of Fëanor hearing news of the Silmaril that it is in Doriath hold council.” So, again, they dared not attack Lúthien, butit’s only after Dior’s return that they hold council? Hm. I’m not convinced.
What could we conclude after all this? Well, nothing for sure.
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But! we see that nothing guarantee that the Fëanorians knew exactly where the Silmaril was after the sack of Doriath – even in the versions that involve Celegorm and Curufin: the boys were certain they would find it with the dwarves while Melian had it, but when they realise they were wrong, how could they be sure it is in the hands of Lúthien? They can’t. In the versions in which Celegorm and Curufin don’t appear, it seems that they all only learn about the jewel when Dior is back in Doriath, while some elements seem to indicate that L&B would rather keep it secret whilst they have it.
Besides, the narrator’s line concerning their refusal to attack Lúthien could be just an invention to increase her aura, to make her appear, through a simple narrative trick, much more impressive, like, “wow, look! even the fell Fëanorians wouldn’t attack her! The girl must be fucking savage”.  (And guess what, it worked.)
Actually, I think that if the Fëanorians had known about it, they’d have sent, at least, an embassy to L&B– after all, in the Naugalfring, they sendCurufin to Dior to discuss the jewel-issue, and in most versions they sentmessages to Dior. I’m pretty sure Maedhros wouldn’t have missed that opportunity to discuss the matter with her, precisely because she’s supposed tobe devoid of greed… but then again, I don’t think they exactly knew what toexpect from her, and of her actual power. So yes, it is possible that theyindeed feared her, precisely because they had little information about her.
There are two main elements that makes me favour that third theoryabout the Fëanorians’ ignorance of the position of the jewel: The first being the recurrent line referring to the fact the oath was awoken when they heard about the Silmaril being in Doriath. If they had known where it was before, why would the oath be awoken only then? The second element is more about the characters themselves, and one in particular… guess whom?
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*Curufin*. He had been humiliated by Beren, completely, utterly humiliatedand despoiled. I’ve written enough about this character to have a rather good and full idea of him, and yes it is my own, but come on, don’t you think he doesn’t want to avenge his honour? I actually believe that if he had known for sure that Beren had the jewel, it would have been a very good justification for a gruesome revenge. And he wouldn’t have hesitated to ride to Tol Galen, not only to get the Silmaril, but also to make Beren pay for the disgrace (using the oath to justify it) (Curufin and the art of killing two birds with one stone).
But, those are mere speculations. The more I think about it, the more I believe it could be a bit of all those points that prevented the Fëanorians from attackingL&B. Now you can choose which theory you prefer, or you can come up withyour own 😉 Thanks for your attention!
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And after that one post about Bella thinking the Cullen are a polygamous sex cult and wanting a hot piece of that...
The role of women in the Shadow of Mordor series.
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Look at them! Gondorian Soldiers under siege by orks, instructing their women on how to shoot their enemies due to the lack of manpower! Does this remind you of anything?
Specifically, that one post about Elrond asking Aragorn to strengthen their ranks with as of yet unseen and unexpected troops and Aragorn mistakenly assuming he wants him to recruit the women while Elrond was actually suggesting for Necromancy.
And not just that!
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Look at her! No boobplate, the same armor as her fellow Gondorians, and an instructed sergeant! Admidetly, she is the daughter of the top general and I assume lord regent of Minas Ithil AND her main role is mostly to guard the Minas Ithil historical archives and catalog their junk (basically, a glorified librarian with a sword), BUT Eowyn was also the daughter of the King of Rohan, yes she had to disguise herself to join the fray, this woman has rank, she has men working under her, she was at the head of a raiding party in the slums of the city defending the population during the evacuation from the Orks!
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And look at her! The Blade of Galadriel! here pictured about to snap to Grandpa Magpie after he just found some new shiny trinket to steal!
(”She has the light of Galadriel Talion, take the Light of Galadriel from her Talion, we must get the Light of Galadriel Talion, stop making goo goo eyes at the elven assassin that recently stabbed you to death Talion, she is not going to fuck you Talion, just take the new shiny weapon Talion, I must have the new shiny weapon Talion...!”)
She is a kickass assassin! With a diverse cast of supporting Uruk Characters! And admittedly a boob plate BUT STILL! SHE IS A WOMAN! WHO KILLS PEOPLE! WITH SWORDS!
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Oh yeah, also Shelob is being played by Yennefer of Vengerberg in this game, and used to fuck Sauron because she apparently is an all seeing eldritch beast daughter to some kind of cosmic deity or some shit, not so sure about that one. She is also here, giving vague hints and visions.
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And how to forget Lithariel and Queen Marwen from the first game! Because Shadow of War sure did, with them being sir not appearing in this game, and Queen Marwen being possessed by Saruman for most of her time on screen and Lithariel filling the role of Talion hot blonde warrior princess gallivanting around him as he contemplates whatever or not to fuck with her and Celebrimbor, ever the Pragmatist, reminds him that his wife and son were killed not even a couple weeks ago and he might be a bastard overlord but “MELKOR’S BALLS, TALION, AT LEAST WHEN MY FAMILY WAS KILLED BY SAURON I DIDN’T TRY TO GET MY DICK WET WITH THE FIRST “WILDLING WARRIOR PRINCESS” I FOUND”!
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Also, the “press X to kiss wife” wife of Talion. She also briefly exists before being brutally murdered in order to give Talion a flimsy, easily forgotten motivation to begin his revenge.
You see where I’m going with this?
The female characters of Shadow of War MIGHT, in theory, appear “strong:” They are warriors in a Tolkien setting, everyone loves warrior women in Tolkien setting, right? I mean, this is centuries before Eowyn even came to be, yes, so having the armies of men all about gender equality when their King will one day prefer necromancy over conscripting women, but still, “strong” female characters right?
Eeeee, not really. Their role in the story is minimal (I mean, it has to, The whole point of the game is about the Orks really, the supporting characters are mostly filler at this point), aside maybe from the Blade of Galadriel, who still not only manages to come off as highly unsympathetic after Isildur’s Banishment, but also Drags Down Galadriel with her minor appearances as a highly out of character manipulator and schemer. and Shelob is a spider with boobs and fulfill the classic manipulative woman in a position of power role. Most other female characters are non entities, there either to hint at Talion’s dick getting wet or to give the lord regent of Minas Ithil a excuse to give away the city and the Palantir to the Nazhgul. They are devices to the story of men, who have embraced their role as warrior, yes, but not in a way that truly matters.
So, anyway, the female characters in this series are lackluster.
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At least the first black gondorian in the series is hot a fairly interesting and well written character tho, even if his DLC kinda fucks over the spirit of the game when you play as him (as in, capturing and controlling orks + death and rebirth mechanic, here replaced with hiring mercenaries and a roguelike state of the game but, hey, he has no ring of power or grandpa magpie to use, so it kinda makes sense), and they do sell his brother (a greedy mercenary captain) into slavery at some point, but hey, at least HE wasn’t the spy, I fucking trembled when they said there was a spy in Minas Ithil and a silhouette in shadow was shown, wouldn’t put it past them to make the first Black Gondorian in this series also a bloody traitor.
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exid-though · 6 years ago
EXID members as Valar aka I need a life and some friends this is actually a long cry for help thanks
Solji - Nienna and I almost had Nienna for Jeonghwa but idk anyway Nienna is “acquainted with grief, and mourns for every wound that Arda has suffered in the marring of Melkor.” which sounds depressing but this isn’t just a long joke about Solji crying too easily and too much okay listen “But she does not weep for herself; and those that hearken to her learn pity, and endurance in hope.” AND THEN Nienna goes to the halls of Mandos so like the dead person place and “all those who wait in Mandos cry to her, for she brings strength to the spirit and turns sorrow to wisdom” like what did Solji’s unstoppable ass teach us when she got pushed back so many times when all she wanted to do was be a singer? People were like “yeah be a singer here’s 23 albums and a duo partner. oops none of these are gonna be successful at all”, “oh you’re not gonna give up? You’re just gonna be a vocal coach on the side so you can make money to continue to be in this unsuccessful duo? here’s a coworker guy to tell you it’s basically too late for you to be an idol because you’re not pretty enough to be your age and a newly debuted singer” AND THEN “you’re gonna join another group now? okay that group is gonna be unsuccessful for 2 years then you’ll have success for 2 years but then you’re gonna be diagnosed with a life-altering condition and be left to rest on hiatus another 2 years. have fun” like girl never gives up and remains grateful and gorgeous. and she cries a lot moving on. 
Elly -  Ulmo? Idk if Ulmo is more Elly or Lini but I’m picking Elly rn. Ulmo just kinda goes with the flow pun intended I’m so sorry but like that’s funny okay shut up so um? anyway okay Ulmo like is obviously a good guy, powerful, like only behind Manwe level cool dude you know but he kinda just chooses to be wherever he wants in the moment and doesn’t only stay with other Valar and it’s not like because he’s some emo “I’m an outcast” person he’s still very much with the rest of them and is super involved obviously when it’s very necessary with everything but he prefers to just be in his ocean and come and go as he pleases. He “never abandoned” elves/humans “not even when they lay under the wrath of the Valar”. So pretty much when I picture Ulmo it’s just this dude that wants to chill in the ocean and obviously be there for his friends when he needs to but he’s not about to like obsessively watch or follow anything or anybody and he can make his own decisions he’s just independent and wants to live his life making pretty water music and helping out when he needs to. Elly “I go with the flow” (pun intended once again) Ahn  is Ulmo until I change my mind. I mean she set this up when she literally said “I like to live freely, go with the flow, I’m like that” I mean she was talking about her AND Hyelin but like still
Hani - Aule which might seem kinda odd but like hear me out read me out Aule is the “craftsman/smith” of the Valar and he loves making things and creating things. Also he “desired to make things of his own that should be new and unthought of by others, and delighted in the praise of his skill” but also he “did not envy the work of others, but sought and gave council”. Even if Heeyeon isn’t really I guess the inventive type really I think she fits this one more than others because of how she is with her projects meaning her dancing/singing/studies/etc. She’s a major perfectionist yeah but she also just has a lot of fun learning stuff and she also loves sharing the information she takes in and she gives pointers anytime like how she helps the other members with their facial expressions on stage/during performances and talks with Elly while Elly makes music. Idk if I’m making my point very well I don’t think I am at all but like maybe you get what I mean anyway like even if she’s not really the “craftsman” and more the of studious scientist nerd lmao she kinda still fits personality wise I think. 
Lini - Tulkas not only because Tulkas is “greatest in strength and deeds of prowess” and ”delights in wrestling and in contests of strength” and Lini is weirdly strong for being so tiny but also because Tulkas “laughs ever, in sport or in war, and even in the face of Melkor he laughed in battles before the elves were born” like this dude not only just runs instead of rides a horse cause he’s quick like that anyway, not only, and I quote, are his hands his weapons, he’s just generally a beast of a dude and he laughs at what some might say are inappropriate times and like I’m sorry I went through some other options but Lini’s purely chaotic neutral energy cannot be matched by any Valar other than the guy that showed up to fight and laugh in Melkor’s face and these are facts. 
Jeonghwa - I kinda wanted Jeonghwa to be Nienna cause like girl has so much empathy and Nienna fits her too I think but also Jeonghwa’s lowkey fits too many like Yavanna loving all that grows from the Earth and miss “in light is her power and her joy” Lady of the Stars, Varda. She could also be Este very easily? Like idk about Jeonghwa she’s just a sweet heart that wants to enjoy life but also wants everyone around her to enjoy life a lot like it’s not so simple as just saying she’s the youthful bright one or the wise one like she’s just??? both? idk bro anyway 
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swilmarillion · 8 years ago
Hey I just read all of fyd and I'm not tired that the words are blurring, but that also may because of the tears because, hey, melkor, wtf???? I was not expecting that plot twist (yet kinda was? I dunno looking back it was very subtly set up) but anyhow why did you do this to me?? On another note characterisation + merging of the silmarillion plot with a modern day setting was incredibly well done. I don't usually like modern aus, but this has definitely changed my mind. Hell fucking yeah.
Ahhh the highest of praise!  I love to convert people to the ways of the modern AU :D  hell fucking yeah, indeed.
I love that Melkor being an ass was both unexpected and sort of expected (I did drop some hints in the previous chapter and hoped it was subtle–glad you noticed :)  I know I say this a lot, but it means so much to me when people say they like silm elements I throw in.  I try to put a lot of thought into how I make the crossovers, so it’s always really great to hear that it works out.
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erotetica · 8 years ago
top 3 feanor quotes
@vardasvapors as someone who literally just called him Dickweed I meant to take him less seriously, but why would I do that when I could open my mouth and release 10,001 bees?
(disclaimer for the opinions–he’s such an unreliable narrator?? There’s canon, there’s my headcanon, and there’s what the boy genuinely believes. wtf kid.)
1) Fëanor looked upon Melkor with eyes that burned through his fair semblance and pierced the cloaks of his mind, perceiving there his fierce lust for the Silmarils. Then hate overcame Fëanor’s fear, and he cursed Melkor and bade him be gone, saying: ‘Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos!’ And he shut the doors of his house in the face of the mightiest of all the dwellers in Eä. I love this because of the eye-burning, I really like it when his being named Spirit of Fire is taken as a literal, physical thing, as opposed to only a prophetic ‘he’s gonna be an arson when he grows up.’ Also, because while a lot of shit comes from this interaction, for now it’s just *insert metal AF electric guitar riff*
2) Fëanor spoke then, and cried bitterly: ‘For the less even as for the greater there is some deed that he may accomplish but once only; and in that deed his heart shall rest. It may be that I can unlock my jewels, but never again shall I make their like; and if I must break them, I shall break my heart, and I shall be slain; first of all the Eldar in Aman.’ So this is probably Tolkien making a point about how the little shit’s misguided, and how Arda is supposed to build good things from evil. And if not it’s just SO DRAMATIC, he’ll just DIE like an overstimulated proper southern plantation lady. He might have been the king of the Noldor for five minutes but he was king of pretentious, melodramatic artists for long enough. 
There’s also this pet theory that I never validated one way or the other but like anyway: We assume he’s Special because he’s got more fea than other elves? Sources: the mothername; being shinier; his body combusting as his spirit left it. So what if he maybe…put the excess into the Silmarils? I’ve seen the theory bandied about by others, it’s kinda feasible. To be clear even if he did that he wouldn’t die breaking them. But consider: this is the chucklefuck who’s existence revolves around production, 40% because of an insatiable personality and 60% because he’s so insatiable–in part–because he siphoned some extra spirit off his mom and killed her, was replaced by his half-siblings, and has nothing to prove. What are you talking about. You might as well just accuse him of having mommy/daddy issues, I mean honestly. Anyway the point is if breaking the Silmarils loses him that excess spirit, isn’t he basically dead? It’d be a great Dagor Dagorath fic, where the whole of Arda is ~blissful again~ and this ass has to go and Find Himself because he’s Ordinary Now.
3) Then Fëanor rose…and he cursed also the summons of Manwë and the hour in which he came to Taniquetil, thinking in the madness of his rage and grief that had he been at Formenos his strength would have availed more than to be slain also, as Melkor had purposed. Then Fëanor ran from the Ring of Doom, and fled into the night; for his father was dearer to him than the Light of Valinor or the peerless works of his hands; and who among sons, of Elves or of Men, have held their fathers of greater worth? We assume Formenos is nowhere near the Ring of Doom? But yeah kid just…fall over topography you can’t even see so you can witness your dad spattered on what’s left of the city you built before your traumatized kids can clean it off. Also where the FUCK is the version where people worry he ran away to kill himself? Same vibe, more clarity.
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a-weird-rusted-android · 8 years ago
I have a bunch of those11 questions meme behind so I guess I’ll just mass post the answers here.Sorry I’m not actually putting in new questions but it took me 1 hour and a half just doing these and I kinda have to study
Tagged by @therandommeerkat
1) If someone wrote music about you, what genre do you think it would be in? Be as specific or as vague as you want. Not necessarily a style you favour, but one that would suit you (though these will probably align, but maybe not) Idk maybe I'd be some kind of folk song? I'm not even a big fan of folk but I feel like it would suit me somewhat
2) A place that, ideally, you'd be most at peace. Don't be afraid to be mundane A nice cozy room with a fire and me buried under a ton of blankets. The TV is on as almost background noise and I have a cat on my lap
3) Describe an artwork you'd like at your house. Maybe include a picture. And/or a story. Why that artwork? It doesn't have to be deep I'd like to have one of those Escher drawings that make your brain stop working like it's a room that expands forever but it also inside itself. I think they look really cool
4) If you could create your own social media site, what would it be about? Or your own webthing, more widely speaking Dunno. Maybe some sort of forum for people with common interests but I'm not sure what kind of mechanics I'd put in
5) A pet peeve, something that just gets on your nerves. The more pointless, the better I have this teacher who doesn't have any sort of accent at all, except for one word. The word “libro” (book). She says it like “libbro”. And doubling the b's is like a common accent in some areas of the South but she never does it on any other word than that. If she had an actual accent it wouldn't bother me but this is terrible. It's like if someone with a perfect English accent used y'all'd've
6) If you could spend a day somewhere in the past an no one would question your presence, where and when would you go, and what would you do? I could give a thought-out, serious answer to this but I'll just say I'd like to see a dinosaur
7) Describe a sensory feeling or memory of meaning to you I don't remember the name but there are these sort of cherries that are very bright red and they aren't sweet but kind of sour and my grandma used to have a tree of those and in spring me and sometimes a friend would try to take as many as possible of those while being too short to reach most of the branches and unable to climb up on the actual tree. Good times
8) Do you keep a diary? No. Never really seen the point
9) Do you have a collection of anything? If you had unlimited funds, would you start one? The only collection I have are the Pokemon cards I used to buy in elementary school and if I had unlimited funds I think that's what I'm most likely to start collecting again
10) If you could specializa in literally anything, like, on a college level, what would it be? ...but what about a degree in Pokemon
11) And last, and most morbid, how would you like to be remembered when you're gone? On a physical and an intellectual level There is a monumental tomb in an old cemetery. It is made of strange, black stone. Some being that could be an angel if angels were raffigured as they are in the Bible is on top of it, looking down on humanity with empty, eerie eyes, too many eyes. No one knows who let that thing be built. There is no picture of me, only my initials carved in a corner. No one is sure what my real name was. No one is sure who I was, or how I died. There are multiple legends going around, including that I was the spawn of an eldricht being that came from another reality and that the statue is in truth a representation of my real form, and that it comes to life every second Thursday of the month, to find those who blemish the existance of pizza with pineapple and turn all of their socks into sentient creatures
Tagged by @morganalefan
1) Post-apocalyptic universe, fantasy world, hyper technological future or anywhere and anytime you want in the past: which do you choose? Hyper technological future where we also developed magic and found aliens so it's some sort of futuristic fantasy instead
2) If you knew a ghost was haunting your home, what would you do? I would be terrified but also not enough to be bothered to do something about it
3) Whitches: do you think they are valid, do you not share their beliefs but still respect them, or are they just some delusional airheads? (answer sincerely. Don't worry, I'm bound not to harm anyone with my craft ;3 ) Oh well I don't really believe a lot in this kind of things but I see no reason to not respect other's beliefs
4) Let's talk about food: does it make you happy? Is it just a mean to survive? Do you have an unhealthy relationship with it? Food is fucking important to me ok
5) What's your plan for the zombie apocalypse? Do you even HAVE a plan?? ...I'll figure it out when the zombie apocalypse comes. I'm shit at sticking to plans anyway
6) Think any given race an any given class of any given rpg you have ever heard of. Which do you choose? You must stick with it forever! Well Pokemon is an rpg too so yeah I'm going to be a Pokemon trainer. You have awesome pets and travel around and get paid a fuckton of money for everything you do
7) You are given an unlimited amount of money and no restrictions to create your own tv series! What is it about? Do you both write and direct it? Do you call famous actors you like to starr in it or do you cast some promising aspiring actors the world had never heard of? I was hearing a while ago this idea of making a tv series of the Silmarillion and yo. I would fund the fuck out of this. First season is all about the Valar and Melkor arguing and repeatedly fucking shit up and then we have like a lot of other seasons for the real thing. Because let's face it if we gonna do this we have to make things a lot less fast paced than that book because it would be a mess. Well I'm fine both with new and famous actors. I mean for Galadriel I'd still probably want Cate Blanchett because I can only see her that way now but maybe also another actor for when she's younger
8) What's comforting to you? Knowing this Friday and Sunday school's gonna be closed. Very comforting
9) Do you fear climatic change and natural disasters? Yes
10) I want you to feel good about yourself: tell me something you like about yourself. It could be a personality trait, a physical feature, a specific talent you have, something you did you are proud of... Aw thank you. Well the other day I was at my aunt's and she has this cat who is kinda shy around people and I managed to get close to it and pet it and I felt really accomplished
11) And now, tell me something about one of your passions! Anything! (I can't think of any other questions...) (kiddin', I care about you) I love writing. I really love it. It's beautiful how stories just come to life under your fingertips. I adore writing. I don't have about 50 word documents with maybe one sentence written absolutely not
Tagged by @thxstral
1) What TV/book/movie character do you think you're most similar to? What character to do you wish you were more like? Most similar to... I don't know. I'd like to be someone more like Clint Barton. Not the strongest person around and overall pretty chill but willing to lend my help when there's need for me
2) What was the first career you wanted as a kid? I'm not really sure... Maybe superhero or something
3) Would you rather have magic in an ordinary world, or be ordinary in a magical world? Ordinary in a magical world would also kinda imply I would still have some sort of magic so I'd go with the second one. On the other side, I could actually be a superhero if I went with the first one. Mmm
4) If you could live in the world of any music video for a day, what would it be and why? Do anime openings video count as music video for the song because I might just throw myself in a random YuGiOh opening
5) Who was your childhood enemy? (or frenemy) I wasn't cool enough to have an enemy tbh
6) If you could gain any skill with no effort on your part, what skill would you want and why? The skill of remembering things perfectly after having read them once. Why you ask? I'm a student that's why
7) Can you speak any languages besides your native language? Well my native language is Italian so. I mean. Yeah
8) What was the last book you read cover to cover? Ugh I haven't had time to read a lot of things recently. I can tell you what the last book I started was (Licia Troisi's new book) but I'm not sure I remember the last book I actually finished reading. I think I reread the first Harry Potter a while ago but
9) Would you rather be roommates with a ghost or an alien? Depends on the ghost, depends on the alien. Like if it's vendicative murderous ghost vs Spock I'd say Spock. If it's the ghost of Oscar Wilde vs Alien then I might prefer the ghost of Oscar Wilde a little
10) What do you think your superpower would be vs. what would you want them to be? I mean probably I'd have the power to turn invisible because of course I'd have something that can't actually be useful unless I do something like going around butt naked in the middle of winter. What I'd want is probably just some good old super strength. It seems damn useful both as a potential superhero and in my day to day life
11) Someone offers you a briefcase full of cash in exchange for you faking your death and going completely off the grid. Would you take it? GIVE ME THE MONEY
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vardasvapors · 8 years ago
more meme replies
anghraine replied to your post:                a bunch of replies                
   Yeah, I was definitely thinking that it’s Éowyn as the lone major female character that would make a fighting institutional misogyny+renunciation narrative uncomfortable no matter how it was done. But it could certainly be /less/ so on the writing level, and alternately ‘more women’ would go much much further than any individual character really can.    
Yeah that makes a lot of sense. And def with you on ‘more women’ being a much stronger and more effective fix than any single brilliantly-written woman. Low numbers of women + expected expanded coverage of roles is really just...the goddamn scourge of writing female characters in large casts.
simaethae replied to your post:                 a bunch of replies                
   right, like, i’m super inarticulate rn but the problem with viewing evil as an inherent character trait rather than specific actions taken at specific times… and then if you know someone’s not Evil you can’t reconcile that with their behaviour so have to impute an external explanation, or something.   
   i was going to be like, obviously viewing people as objects that are acted upon rather than making their own decisions is kind of insulting, but maybe the Valar don’t even think of themselves entirely as people all the time?   
   idk let’s pretend i’m making sense. *crawls off to bed*    
No it makes total sense! And I agree with you re: evil being defined as people’s actions, for sure, I mean...I was thinking about it more as in...how like, the Valar, and a lot of other characters in Tolkien’s universe, seem to conceive of Evil, as being more of a tangible corruption or defect in reality, with evil actions being the result of, the interaction of Melkor’s influence on the Music of Arda + individual people’s free will determining whether or not they succumb to their inborn temptations or tendencies to Do Evil or whatever. And like, it doesn’t actually jibe with how I interpret the concept of evil IRL so sldufhsudfbj when I talk about this kind of stuff it all like...has a tendency to get wayyyy too hypothetical and caught up in the philosophy/theology Tolkien laid out. But YES I was definitely thinking of Aulë being sort of, unwarrantedly proprietary, well-intentionedly patronizing, whatever, in this...it’s more of a headcanon than an opinion haha. And amusing myself at the idea of Sauron being like “ughghghgghhhh.” But maybe for kind of understandable reasons given that Aule presumably remembers how the music was marred and blames everything wrong with the world on Melkor or like...WHATEVER. How do you psychoanalyze a demigod character ANYWAY I’m just kinda torturing myself here lol.
gurguliare replied to your post:               🔥 like, elrond? Tell me about elrond                
   i do think the healing focus is kind of implied in staying, in the same way ‘building’/visionary creativity is implied by elros leaving? but also i loooove that image of elrond’s adventuresome young adulthood, alone for the first time    
Yeah I did agree with this on, like, SECOND brush (er, my first read of the Silm was like 3 years ago, whereas I only got into any sort of tolkien fandom about 1 year ago) but just, it was amusing to come into the fandom going like… “oh. yeah. he did do healing stuff didn’t he oops it completely slipped my mind because I was so busy fangasming about the idea of Elros’s powers lasting all the way to Aragorn!!!”
gurguliare replied to your post:                   🔥 like, elrond? Tell me about elrond                
   post-apocalyptic loremastery defs an indiana jones thing    
Do Not Photoshop This. You know how much I can’t stand Weavingrond. Photoshop sparkly haloed bearded dude from that animated movie I have never seen.
imindhowwelayinjune replied to your post:              🔥 like, elrond? Tell me about elrond                
   this is beautiful meta but also ‘unlimited diems to carp’ better be plastered on every wagon bumper from here to numenor    
.....WOW I wonder what the hypothetical second age elf renaissance was like. Was it like a mid-life crisis or not.
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