#melissa x cece
giflxndia · 7 months
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natsvenom · 8 months
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Jason DiLaurentis x fem!reader
SUMMARY: You’ve spent the past few days being distant with your boyfriend, Jason, after you and the liars are go to a coffee shop in town and run into his ex-girlfriend Cece Drake.
WARNINGS! Age gap, slight angst, alcohol ingestion, reader has an eating disorder (anorexia), body shaming, etc.
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You and the liars walk into the Apple Rose Grill. Everything was stressful, per usual. Garrett had been let off the hook for murder and now Wilden was trying to make Hanna look guilty. There was currently a court order out for them to take a sample for Hanna’s blood. That would’ve been fine, knowing Hanna isn’t guilty. Except A has a way of making an innocent person a guilty one.
“Take it from me, you’re always better off with a really good lie.” A feminie voice said from behind you guys. You physically felt your heart stop in your chest. The voice was insanely similar to Alison’s.
“Is it just me or did that sound a lot like…” Emily mumbled. Younturned around to see a blonde girl standing at the register. There was no way that could be her, right?
“…Alison.” You guys said in unison.
The girl turned around with a smile on her face, but it quickly faded as she saw you guys staring at her like she was ancient relic, “Something wrong?” She asked.
“Oh, no, sorry.” Aria apologized, “You just sound a lot like one of our friends.”
“Hope she’s brilliant.” The girl said, “What’s her name?”
“Alison DiLaurentis.” You told her, staring at her like she was a lost dog.
She looked at you guys in realization, “You were friends of Ali’s.” She says, “Me too, I’m Cece.” You had heard that name before, you just weren’t exactly sure where from.
“Spencer.” Spencer spoke, greeting herself.
“Melissa Hastings little sister.” Cece noted, “Ali talked about you. She talked about all of you. A lot.”
“How do you know Ali?” You dared to ask.
“Before I moved to L.A our families rented summer homes in Cape May. We went through an intense couple weeks together. I dated her brother, Jason. She never mentioned me to you guys?” Cece explained. You suddenly felt tense hearing the mention of Jason. You could only imagine what she meant by an intense couple of weeks. But there was no need for you to be jealous, right? Jason was with you not her. But in the moment you couldn’t help but notice how incredibly gorgeous Cece Drake was. She had beatiful blonde hair, blue eyes, easily a size 4, and not to mention her confident outgoing personality. She was everything you weren’t.
For some reason this realization made you sick to your stomach. She looked perfectly healthy, while the reason you had looked the way you did was from practically making yourself sick. Almost your whole life you had been worried about your appearance; making sure you never ate more than 1000 calories a day, over exerrting yourself, and excercising till you felt your body break down.
You knew you were destroying yourself, but you wanted to be pretty. You wanted to be like the girls at your school who all the boys fawned over. You wanted to be the girl who was always picked first for group projects. You wanted to be the girl who wasn’t afraid to wear a crop top in public. You wanted to be like Alison, beautiful and destructive.
Alison had told you something that’s always stuck with you, “You’re pretty, but sweetie you need to drop a few pounds.” When she was alive you easily weighed 130 pounds. By the time your family moved back to Rosewood, you weighed 100, and now you weigh 110. everyone had noticed the dramtic changes over the years. Your family had done nothing but worry about you, the boys at school would whistle at you and make inappropriate remarks, Hanna was someone who you could relate to, and Jason was someone you could rely on.
Before you guys started dating, he found out about your eating disorder. At the time you and the other liars were still questioning if he was A, but after he had helped you get better you never once thought about him being A again, and dismissed the girls when every they tried to convince you he was just being friendly to get information. Luckily, things were different now.
You wondered why Jason had never brought up Cece Drake before. You silently wondered if there was any part of him that still thought about her. I mean she’s gorgeous, who wouldn’t be thinking about her.
You had been zoned out for so long you hadn’t even been paying attention to their conversation until you saw her about to leave, but she stopped in her tracks, “Do any of you girls know if Jason is seeing anyone? I hear he looks really good now-a-days.” Cece asked.
The rest of the girls looked at you subtly before turning back to Cece, “No clue.” Spencer said quickly, shrugging her shoulders. Cece nodded her head.
“Well if you see him tell him I say hi.” She said in flirtatious tone, making your skin crawl.
It had been two days since you last spoke to Jason. You spent the last couple of days worrying about your body, spiraling back into that same old self concious loop you had been so familiar with. He was starting to get worried about you. He had absolutely no idea what was going on with you.
You sigh, sitting in the driver’s seat of your car. You know you shouldn’t do this, but you really needed something to take your mind off Cece Drake.
Jason sighed as he sat down on the front porch of his house. He had absolutely no explanation for what was goingon and it was driving him crazy. He turned his head when he heard footsteps walking up to him. He had hoped it would be you, but was met with slight disappointment when he saw someone else.
“Hey.” Spencer greeted softly, walking up the porch to sit by her brother. He simply nodded at her, looking down at the cement floor, which suddenly became very interesting.
“I met Cece Drake this morning.” Spencer revealed. Jason looked up, a confused expression on his face. He hadn’t heard that name in so long, nor thought of it. Spencer could see the gears turning in his head.
“What?” She questioned.
“Was y/n with you?” He asked, looking at her desperately for answers.
“Yeah, why?” It suddenly clicked in his head what was going on with you. You weren’t ignoring him because you were mad at him. You were ignoring him because of something she had said.
You sat on a hard red stool at the bar, thanking Alison internally for getting you a fake id. All you had to do was flash it to the bartender and he came back with exactly what you thought you needed. Alcohol.
You had only drank a little bit, but you were already starting to feel tipsy. You were clearly a light weight, and almost everyone knew it.
“What’s a pretty girl like yourself doing here all alone?” A masculine voice asked from beside you. You turned your head to see a man sitting next to you, a glass of something that was defintely stronger than what you were drinking.
“I’m wondering the same thing myself.” You heard another voice say from behind you. You didn’t have to think twice about it to know who it was. You spun yourself around in the stool and were met with his warm green eyes. You groaned dramatically, pushing youself off the stool. You forgot that the stool was hightened, and practically fell right into Jason’s arms.
His arms wrapped around you quickly, pulling you back up straight. Well, straight as you could get in that moment, “I’m taking you home.” He said strictly, making you giggle. It wasn’t really funny, but right now everything seemed comical to you. You pushed past him walking out of the bar. You felt the cold night air hit your face. It felt good at first, but then it made you feel sick. You threw up into the bushes right outside the bar, right before warm hands pulled your hair back for you.
“I don’t feel good.” You mumbled, wiping your mouth off.
“Mm, I wonder why.” Jason quipped, rubbing your back as an attempt to soothe you. You groaned, shoving your head into his chest. He put one of his hands in your hair, rubbing your head comfortably.
“You smell good.” You mumbled into his chest, making let out a breathy laugh, “Can we make out now?” You asked, pulling him down by his jacket. He kissed the top of your head.
“Not right now pretty girl.” He said softly. You groaned, the annoyance making you roll your eyes. You pushed away from him, walking through the parking lot, Jason following closely behind you.
You stopped in the middle of the parking lot, looking at a group of trees intensly, “Hey, who put those there?” You wondered, observing the trees like they were the most interesting thing in the world. Jason came up behind you, shrugging his jacket off and putting it over your shoulders. He didn’t say anything, knowing that explaining the process of the life cycle of a tree to a drunk person would just end up with and endless amount of stupid questions.
“I think you should take a nap and then google it in the morning.” He said, intertwining his hand with yours as he walked you to the car, opening the door for you and helping you get in. The car ride home was relatively quite, but it wasn’t uncomfortable silence, it was nice.
When you got to the DiLaurentis house, Jason’s hands stayed on your waist as he guided you up the stairs. You plopped down on his bed as he pulled something out of his closet for you to wear. He helped you unzip your little black dress and pulled his hoodie over your head. You yawned as you threw yourself back onto his bed. He sat down next you, pulling the covers over you and placing a gentle kiss on your head.
“She’s pretty.” You mumbled into the cold pillow, grasping it in your hands. Jason sighed, knowing this conversation would end up happening one way or another.
“Whose the girl that I let sleep in my bed everyday and steal every single clothing item I own?” He teased, making you smile into the pillow. You knew he was right.
“But nothing. I love you, and only you.” He assured, pulling you into him as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. You cuddled into his chest, grasping his shirt in your hands.
“I love you too, Jase.” You yawned.
“I know angel.”
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bombonvermilion · 2 years
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#Credits  #eXxEsS #Catori
♥eXxEsS: Set No.1  [Lara] ♥Available in Store♥
♥.catori. destined darkness tattoo {BoM} Available in Store♥
♥Hair: ♥DOUX - Cece hairstyle
♥Piercing: PUNCH / Devil {wear to unpack} (unpacked) ~~Ysoral~~.:Luxe Piercing collarbone Alexia.(Legacy) ~~ Ysoral ~~.:Luxe Piercing Anita:.(Legacy) PUNCH / Spiked Nose Stud {wear to unpack} (unpacked) 03~~ Ysoral ~~.:Luxe Cleavage Piercing Laureen:.(Legacy)
♥Skin: ♥TRES BEAU - Lelutka EvoX - Melissa Skin (2.7) ♥VELOUR: The "Ipanema Body" for Legacy (CHOCOLATE)
♥Shape: ::Midori's Store:: Zuri Shape (Lelutka Briannon 3.1 Evo X)
♥Head: LeLUTKA Briannon Head 3.1
♥Mesh Body: [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition (1.4)
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caramelcal · 4 years
The Truth Hurts...{part nine}
Every time your soulmate lies, a mark presents itself on your body. In a world like this, people normally told the truth so that their soulmate didn’t have to deal with the consequences. But your soulmate? They seemed persistent to make your life hell, and mark your body until there was no skin left.
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n: i just finished this but im not gonna keep you guys waiting...i aint saying no more...
Taglist:  (comment if you want to be added, or you can message me) @itsjustmeiguessallrightthen​ @moonbeams-stuff  @cece-lives-here​ @aprilfire18​ @adrianaprox​ @slytherinrising​ @deadric
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, betrayal, and swearing. 
disclaimer: i do not condone plagiarism on my work at all, this has not been posted on any other platforms, or on tumblr anywhere else but my account (rosemoonmist) if you see anyone plagiarizing mine (or anyone else’s account) please inform the rightful author ! thank you lovelies x
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Corey was dead and now that you stood in the Sinema, seeing the needle go in and Hayden’s eyes fill with mercury, you couldn’t help the shout that came out of your mouth. The Dread Doctors hadn’t been seen in five days, no new chimeras and no deaths but every sense of security that you had felt in Beacon Hills over the past few days was hopelessly ripped away from you at that moment. Not caring about the foe there, you ran towards Hayden who fell to the floor.
Hayden was holding her neck when you and Liam had rushed over to her, her eyes no longer filled with mercury.
“Her eyes,” You spoke, your voice wavering as Scott and Theo came running in, body drowning in worry for the younger girl as you spoke, “they filled with mercury. I saw it, a-and now she looks fine but her eyes-”
“It’s okay, she looks fine, maybe she’ll heal,” Theo replied reassuringly, making you turn towards him. He immediately picked up on your worry, pulling you closer to his side whilst you looked up at him.
“None of the others did, Theo. I can’t deal with another body,” You whispered back, peering up at his blue eyes, making him form a small frown. He knew what you had been through, he knew the pain and suffrage between dead bodies and new threats. He hadn’t seen the pain these troubles inflicted upon you when you first met, but now it was clear as day. The more he got to know you, the more he seen what a toll the bodies took on you, the way the supernatural secret depleted your mental health.
Maybe he should’ve stopped. Seeing the broken look in your eyes, the way your eyes were silently begging him to stop without your knowledge, the way that he felt a small bubbling feeling of guilt as he looked down at you, his soulmate. To be with you he knew he had to stop. But he didn’t.
. . .
“Lydia?” You called out in confusion, your phone up to your ear as you answered the unsuspected phone call.
All you were met with was silence. An impending doom seemed to filter over your head, you knew that the Dread Doctors were attacking, that’s why you found yourself at the school. Yet, it was stupid to be alone but you knew that. Everyone was all over the place and you had hardly heard from anyone all night, which certainly didn’t do anything to calm your nerves.
You just hoped that Lydia would answer, give you some sort of useful information, or just at least let you know that she was alright. That she was safe and well. Alas, you didn’t get that, and instead, you made yet another attempt to get the girl to talk.
“Lydia is everything alright?” You called out, voice loud as you tried to get some sort of reply from your caller, “Lydia?”
No voice came from the other side and nerves and worry etched at your stomach. What if something was wrong? What if Lydia was hurt, or the Dread Doctors had taken her? Yet, your mind didn’t stay on her long as a large and pained howl sounded throughout the air.
The howl was one you had heard before, pain etched through the noise in a way only you could unpick. Eyes wide, you whispered in horror, “Scott.”
. . .
Seeing your unofficial boyfriend’s nails embedded deep into your best friend’s chest caused a scream to come out of you that was unlike anything that they had ever heard. Lydia’s screams, no matter how daunting and loud they were, would never match the utter pain and betrayal in yours. Your legs felt weak, you felt sick and your eyes filled with tears as Theo got up, chest heaving in power.
Before you even had time to be rational, you ran and you punched him in the face. Your other fist came up to strike him again as he caught both of your hands, and you chose to flail your leg out to kick him, one without much power that done zero damage; a lot less than you hoped to cause. You wanted to make Theo feel pain, to equal his physical pain to the emotional pain he had caused you, and for the killing of your best friend.
His eyes still glowed yellow, and your breath caught in your throat as you stared at him, his claws which were covered in your best friend’s blood gripping tightly onto your wrists with no plans to let go. You were elevated above the ground, and legs flailed with the best attempt to escape but it was futile. Eyes staying focused on him you spoke, tears building up thickly, “You bastard.”
“I’m sorry this is how it had to be, y/n,” Theo replies coolly, with no guilt in his voice. He didn’t care, he had consciously killed Scott for no reason and you would never forgive him for this. Ever.
“It never had to be like this, nothing ever justifies this,” You spat back, tears clouding your vision and blocking your throat whilst you stared down at the corpse of one of your best friends.
“You’ll understand, y/n/n, you’ll understand one day,” Theo said before dropping his grip on you, going to walk away from you and out of the library, completely unbothered by the destruction he had caused.
“That’s my best friend, you dickhead!” You ran up behind him, shouting at the top of your lungs making him stop in his tracks, “You, you were supposed to be our friend, I’ve known you since we were kids...How could you do this?”
Theo looked over his shoulder at you before slowly turning around looking down at you with a dangerous look in his eyes. He stalked towards you, his stance wide, almost intimidating, “He was your best friend. Not anymore. There was no room for him in my pack.”
You maintained eye contact with him, e/c eyes trying to look into the blue eyes despite the darkness in the room. It was several moments before you spoke again, your voice bitter as you asked, “Your pack?”
“Yes, y/n, my pack,” Theo replied with a slight nod of his head, walking even closer to you until your bodies were leaning against one another; barely leaving any room for breathing as you stared up at him. He peered down at you, before flashing his eyes at you, his voice stony like he was trying to enforce power, “I’m your alpha now.”
He ducked his head down so that it was closer to yours, his eyes no longer glowing whilst you guys stood in silence. The tension was thick as you looked back up at Theo, feeling his breath fan across your face, almost as if he was going to kiss you. Then, he started to lean in, your lips slowly reaching each other before his face was flung to the side.
You took a step back, your hand still held up after the action you had just indulged in as you stared at Theo with wide eyes, for a human you surely put a lot of force into that slap.
“Let’s get one thing clear, Theodore. You are and will never be my alpha.”
His hand hesitated but he lifted it to his face, touching the area that was already starting to mark red of where you slapped, before an annoyed smirk made its way onto his face, making him laugh. The laugh was chilling but you didn’t care at that moment, you would not back down no matter what. Not after what he did to Scott. Theo could kill you right here, right now, if it meant that you didn’t have to join his pack.
He looked back at you, his face now annoyed as he pointed at you. You weren’t sure if he was annoyed that you slapped him, or if you had slapped him and in the process rejected his kiss, but that didn’t matter either. He bared his teeth slightly as he talked, taking one step forward but still maintaining a distance between the two of you, “You act like this right now, Princess, but in the end, you’ll be by my side.”
“In your fucking dreams, Raeken,” You spat out, anger filling every atom of your being. You had been expecting Theo to argue again with you, but he just smirked and walked out without another word, leaving you to drown in the betrayal and grief he had left behind.
The silence that filled the room was deafening, and a sick feeling rose to your throat as you turned around, now facing the steps. Taking steady steps forward, trying to support yourself before you fell to the ground from weak legs, you reached him, bending down and taking one of his hands in yours.
“Scott?” You said, shaking his body as tears came to your eyes. Your heart sunk when you didn’t get a response from the boy, and you shook him again, but with this time you shook him wildly, trying to scare him out of whatever haze he was in, “Scott!”
“Please Scott you gotta answer, wake up, please,”
Cradling your best friend’s body was not something that you ever wanted to do. Your arms were wrapped around Scott’s body, your head against his as you let out the tears, and despite the sobbing now over with, the tears never stopped. You were all alone, the warmth from Scott’s chest gone and leaving behind only a coldness that could never be filled by anyone else.
Ten minutes. That’s how long that you were cradling Scott’s body before Melissa showed up, and when you saw her, you couldn’t even speak. Your throat closed up as she saw the boy in your arms, eyes sheathed with tears that would be let out until the late hours of the night, heart too heavy to support itself.
She ran over, positioning him on the ground and pushing her hands onto his chest in rapid and quick motions. Opening your mouth to talk, you hesitated as you watched the mother try to grab some tiny piece of life out of her son, to pull it back out so he could hug her one last time, and your eyes got even glassier, “What are you doing?”
“Trying to bring my son back.”
“His heart stopped beating fifteen minutes ago. You can’t bring back someone who’s already dead.” You shook your head, eyes falling to your lap which was covered in your best friend’s blood.
“He isn’t dead. He’s my son. He’s an alpha!”
But was he really?
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
folklore - isaac lahey {2/?}
part two because i just couldn’t wait lmao! this chapter focuses a lot on the reader but there is some cute isaac moments in there too because i wanted there to be more to the story than just reader and isaac’s relationship <33 this part is kinda just setting stuff up tho so dw!
platonic derek x reader in this part :) and isaac ofc
please let me know what u think :)
word count: 4.4k 
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, i think that’s it???? let me know if i misses anything <3
my taglist is still pretty wishy washy for this so i’m gonna tag the people who enjoyed part one, thanks for all the lovely feedback <3
Taglist: @makeusfreefromthisfandom, @cece-lives-here, @chocolate-raspberries​, @belsandthings​ let me know if you’d like to be added or removed <3
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Endless thoughts plagued your mind as you wandered through the crowded halls. It barely registered with you that Derek could be home and not bother to check in, although maybe it was for the best, you were pretty sure that he was still a wanted man- for a crime you were also sure he didn't commit. You knew Derek, despite the fact that you weren't related by blood you saw each other as family, you knew how he treated his family, it was what he treasured above all else and there was absolutely no way in hell that he had burned his whole family tree to ash.
He and his uncle Peter were the only Hale's left as far as you knew, however saying that Peter was "alive" seemed like a bit of a reach. The man who used to tell you stories and sneak you candy whenever he saw you was completely immobilized now, scarred to the point of being almost unrecognizable, he couldn't talk, he could barely move, he was even being fed through a tube.
Peter was a particularly close friend of your father's, he'd always made you refer to him as 'uncle Peter' and the man did the title justice treating you like one of his own. And while you called him Uncle Peter, he- and the rest of the Hale's- always called you something different; "The littlest of the pack" though you never understood why the family had such an obsession with being known as a pack, you were more than delighted to know that they considered you part of it.
When you were old enough you started volunteering at the hospital which held Peter and after six months of hard work, sweeping hallways and helping the overworked nurses they finally bumped you up to keeping patients company. Since you were still in school you were mostly at the hospital at night and on Sunday mornings, the same time as your favourite nurse, Melissa, who always assigned you to Peter when she was manning the same ward as you. To be honest it was rough seeing him in such a state, it was as though everyone you loved seemed to struggle- the thought alone always made you choke up, made you wish you had some kind of power to take it all away, to make everything better. But you didn't, so you simply read to him, told him about what was happening in the news, stories about what was happening at school as Peter was always one for a good scoop of gossip, you even confided in him about the sharp sting you felt in your chest whenever someone you cared about was in pain, himself included. The logical thing would've been to simply stop visiting him but if you did then he'd barely have any human interaction for the rest of his life and ignoring the fact that he couldn't show it, you knew deep down that he could hear you, felt that he appreciated your visits.
Without even realizing where your feet had been carrying you, too lost in thought to notice, you found yourself nearing Isaac's locker, the boy himself hunched by it, his face hidden by the blue metal door. It was easy to forget over the weekend and after hanging out alone how shy Isaac was, he was a completely different person around you, he was loud, granted he still wasn't as loud as you but he certainly knew how to find his voice, he stood straighter as opposed to how the tall boy stood in the school hallways. To you he stood out, in a perfectly beautiful way, you often chastised him for not giving himself enough credit, always asking if he'd ever even looked in a mirror. Even with your endless compliments that made him blush every time without fail, Isaac still chose to blend in, but you didn't blame him- you blamed his asshole of a father for making him believe he was anything less than wonderful. 
It was no secret that Isaac was taller than the average teen in Beacon Hills standing at six foot one, which meant he gave incredible hugs but it also meant he tried his very best to fold into himself in larger crowds and he regularly walked with his head down as to not draw attention to himself, even standing at his locker he bowed his head.
Shaking off your thoughts you walked up to your best friends side, tugging his sleeve softly to alert him of your presence before wrapping your arms around him, enveloping him in a side hug and allowing your head to rest against his arm while he wriggled it out of your grasp to wrap around your waist more comfortably, not paying his burning cheeks and racing heart any mind as he shifted his gaze from organizing his books to the girl clinging to him with a pout on her face, "What's up, buttercup?"
Nuzzling your head further into his side you let out a dramatic sigh, "I heard from Scott that Derek is back in Beacon." Isaac felt his eyebrow raising at the mention of both names, Scott's because you seemed to be hearing a lot of things from him in the last couple of days and at Derek's because he was pretty sure you hadn't seen him in years.
"How would McCall know if Derek's in town? Isn't he pretty much your cousin?" Isaac asked, thumb moving soothingly against your hip as you melted into him, shoulders slumping sadly and your pout only becoming more prominent. His voice sounded slightly aggravated at the mention of Scott but you thought nothing of it, thankfully. Isaac didn't want this to turn into a conversation about his petty jealousy.
"Forget cousin he was more like my big brother. That's what's got me so twisted! Why would he come home and not even bother to check in?" You murmured grumpily against the fabric of the flannel Isaac was sporting instead of his usual cardigan, which reminded you that he couldn't have worn his usual cardigan because you'd forgotten to give it back to him the night before and sported it yourself. The comfy grey material hugging your shoulders as you hugged the boy that the item of clothing actually belonged to.
"When did McCall say he saw him?" Isaac inquired, sorting his books with one hand.
"Alright well that wasn't too long ago maybe he's planning on checking in today?" He suggested, finishing up at his locker and throwing his bag over his shoulder, dropping his hand from your hip and sliding it into yours, interlocking your fingers and giving you a comforting squeeze before he began leading you towards the school's double doors, the last class of the day having already ended.
Letting out another sigh you only nodded, swinging your interlocked hands between you as you walked towards the exit.
"I promised my dad I'd finish a plot at the cemetery so he'd let me come over tonight so I'm gonna be a little bit late." Isaac broke the silence, looking at you with an expression that was mixed with disappointment and exhaustion, "That's okay." You offered, squeezing his hand as he'd done yours earlier.
"Do you want a ride home?" You asked him, nodding your head toward your beat up, second hand car that the pair of you had already made several memories in since you got it almost a year ago for your sixteenth birthday.
The brown haired boy only shook his head, giving you a soft smile and nodding towards the bike racks, "Nah, I brought my bike today."
Nodding in understanding, you leaned up and pecked his cheek while you let go of his hand, "Alright. Since you're gonna be late I'll pick up the movie for tonight myself. You just meet me at my place whenever you're ready, Kay?" 
"Yes, ma'am." Letting out a soft laugh he watched you walk to your car, already missing your warmth beside him.
The first thing you noticed upon pulling into your driveway was the slick black car that was parked beside your mother's blue one, in your usual spot. The car was new and you didn't recognize it, you quirked an eyebrow, putting your car in park behind your mother's, grabbed your school bag from the passenger seat and got out with a slam of the door.
As you entered the house you were met with the sound of voices floating from the kitchen, picking up on the hushed conversation as you made your way towards the three voices, "You need to tell her." One said, a man. "It's too soon." Another sounded, you recognized the voice to belong to your father. "No, he's right, if what he says is true she's going to get caught up in it either way. Especially now the Argent's are in town." That was your mother. Your eyebrows furrowed, you could only assume that the 'she' they were talking about was you but what you didn't understand was what exactly they were debating telling you and why it had anything to do with the Argent's, were they talking about the Allison girl who had just joined your class?
You pushed open the kitchen door, eyebrows knitted tightly together, your brain taking a second to catch up with who your eyes were seeing, "Derek."
The name left your lips in barely a whisper when your eyes landed on the dark haired man leaning against your kitchen counter with a small smile playing on his lips as he greeted you, "Hey, kid." 
Without wasting anymore time you launched yourself forward, arms wrapping around Derek's middle as he let out a sigh, his own arms moving around you slowly to reciprocate your action with a tight squeeze. 
"I missed you!" You exclaimed punching the older man in the shoulder once you detached from the hug, expression turning accusing after a moment prompting Derek to purse his lips and brace himself, he knew that look, he hadn't seen it in a while but he knew it. That was your "I've got a bone to pick with you" look, Derek had to fight off the smile that threatened to grow on his lips when he realized that this particular look hadn't changed since you were five years old.
"Do you want to tell me why Scott McCall got to see you before I did?" The man under fire let out a defeated sigh, "If it makes you feel any better I would've rathered it be you that I bumped into." He responded halfheartedly, letting out a huff you turned towards your parents who were sat at the dining table.
"What were you guys talking about before I came in?" You questioned, feeling nervous as the three adults suddenly went rigid, glancing between each other before Derek nodded his head in your father's direction, silently encouraging him to tell you what they'd been discussing earlier.
Letting out a heavy exhale through his nose your father motioned for you to sit down in the chairs across from him, Derek moving to sit beside your father in front of you as you did. "This is going to be hard to believe but I need you to keep an open mind while we explain, alright?" You only managed a nod of your head, nerves ever-growing as you waited for someone to elaborate on whatever they were about to tell you.
"You've heard of werewolves haven't you?"
 "Sure." You responded confused, the question seemed out of place in what you assumed was to be a serious conversation.
"Well they're real." Your father responded. You couldn't stop the snort that left your mouth, breaking out into a fit of giggles before you noticed the three adults before you looking at you with absolutely no trace of amusement. "Wait you're serious?!" Your eyes almost bugged out of your head as Derek's eyes flashed blue and he bared his teeth in response to your exclamation.
"...So the howling Scott said he heard in the woods?" You trailed off, eyes wide as Derek nodded his head, "it was a werewolf." 
"No. An alpha." 
Eyes never leaving Derek, you posed another question, "Is this why you're family called themselves a pack?"
The man nodded, not being able to get a word in edgewise while you continued to fire out question after question, "You guys always said I was the littlest of the pack does that mean-" Your mother cut you off with a light chuckle, "No babe, you're not a werewolf." A sigh of relief left you when you slumped back against the kitchen chair, a small twinge of disappointment flooding through you, that would've been cool.
"You may not be a wolf genetically but you're still a member of our pack." Derek assured you, sensing your disappointment. "Are they in the pack too?" You inquired, glancing quickly at your parents before returning your gaze to Derek.
"No. Just you." You couldn't lie and say the statement didn't make you feel special but still, it confused you, "Why not?" 
It was your mother's turn to speak now, giving the werewolf a break from your constant curiosity. 
"Back before the fire your dad and I had a certain role to play in Beacon Hills," she started, reaching for your hand before she continued, "from the minute you were born you bonded with almost everyone in the Hale house, we didn't understand it completely but we assumed it was because of how close me and your dad were to them. I guess they kind of saw you as their newest cub after Cora." Derek chuckled, chiming in with a quiet, "More like runt of the little." Giving him a glare you kicked his shin under the table while he laughed and you nodded for your mother to keep going. 
"Anyway, as you already know me and your dad met in college- studying Mythology. We uncovered supernatural occurrence after supernatural occurrence and those supernatural occurrences eventually led us here, to the Hale's." She told you, looking to your father for him to continue, he cleared his throat before speaking, "We got caught up in it, built a huge repertoire of supernatural entities, including werewolves, I met Peter and we made a truce, ended up becoming best friends in the process."
Nodding your head slowly you spoke up again, "So you guys were like… their supernatural encyclopedia?"
"Pretty much." Derek answered.
"Okayyyy… but that still doesn't answer my question, why am I in the pack and not you guys?" You posed the question to your father who looked at your mother nervously.
"When you were four things got messy, really messy," Derek scoffed, rolling his eyes muttering "understatement of the century" under his breath as your father went on, "Your mother got captured by hunters, Chris Argent and his little gang of merry men." He tensed his jaw, saying the name through clenched teeth before composing himself, "So your uncle Peter made the executive decision to initiate you into the pack to make absolutely sure that nobody would get their hands on you." 
"Why?" The three of them erupted into laughs at the look on your face, Derek opting to answer the question, "I don't know how you did it but you had him completely wrapped around your finger. Peter is the most selfish person I've ever met but he would've sooner died himself than let anyone touch a hair on your head. As part of a pack members protect each other at all costs. With you officially a member it meant that we were bonded to you, you were one of us." The mention of Peter made you smile, not that you'd admit it to Derek but you felt the newly exposed pack bond strongest with Peter, the dots only connecting in your head now years later. Derek picking up on your train of thought spoke up, "That's why you can't bring yourself to stop visiting him."
Your mother's voice cut in again, "Those four crescent scars on the back of your neck are from Peter, it's how he marked you as a member without actually turning you." She explained, your hand absentmindedly rubbed the nape of your neck, fingers tracing deftly over the scars that you often forgot about.
"I know it's a lot to digest but there's one more thing." Derek sighed, a slight feeling of guilt growing within him for having to dump this on you all at once. When you didn't say anything, only looked at him he continued, "The hunters who kidnapped your mother, well they're back."
Anxiety bubbled up in your stomach as you whipped your head to your mom, "Are they gonna try take her again?" Your voice was bordering on sounding manic, Derek's voice quelling your worried before you had a panic attack.
"No. I don't think so at least. It's me and the alpha they're after, and- I trust you not to tell anyone this- your friend Scott too." Your eyes widened yet again, Scott was a werewolf? That must have been why he was seeking Derek out earlier today, "That's why he was looking for you isn't it?" You voiced your thoughts, Derek rose an eyebrow in response, "Looking for me?" You nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, today in school, he and Stilinski started asking me a bunch of questions about why you were here- I told them I'd help them find you." You clarified, trying not to laugh at the exhausted look that came over Derek's face when the name Stilinski fell from your lips.
"Tell him to meet me in the woods later. I need him to help find the alpha." Derek instructed, watching contently as you pulled your phone out of your pocket and began texting Scott, thankful you'd gotten his number.
You: I'm with Derek
You: He wanted me to tell you to meet him in the woods later
Scott: When is later?
"When is later?" You voiced, not looking up from your phone, "After dark." Derek answered and you laughed, "Alright, Bruce Wayne."
You: He says "after dark"
Scott: :/ cryptic much
You: Best I could do wolfie 
Scott: He told you?????? 
You: Yep, I'll fill you in tomorrow there's a lot to unpack here…
Scott: Please don't tell anybody
You: Your secret is safe with me don't worry
With that you set your phone down in front of you, before something crossed your mind, "Wait you said Argent earlier right?" Derek nodded, your mother and father having moved from the table, preparing food in the kitchen.
"Allison Argent just started at my school, I'm pretty sure Scott has a crush on her actually." You informed, shrugging your shoulders lightly, picking up your phone when it buzzed and missing the way Derek rolls his eyes.
Isaac: I'll be over at 7 <3
You: Great what movie do you want me to get? 
Isaac: Ladies choice ;)
You: Hope you like Legally Blonde xoxoxo
Isaac: Seriously again?
You: You said my choice no take backs, love you <3333333
The time was 5:45pm and the sky had turned from blue to black, you assumed Derek would be heading off to stress Scott out soon enough so you stood from the table and grabbed your jacket, "I'm gonna go rent a DVD for me and Isaac, you guys need anything?" You directed towards your parents who were messing around in the kitchen like teenagers causing you to roll your eyes but smile. 
"Huh? No we're okay. When is lover boy coming?" Your father asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you, laughing at how you groaned, "Stop calling my best friend 'loverboy' one of these days you're gonna slip up and call him that to his face and he'll literally die of embarrassment on the spot!" You yelled, cheeks burning and expecting your mother to come to your defense only to have her laugh along with your father, "Yeah, don't talk about your future son in law like that." 
"God, you two are the worst. Derek tell them to stop harassing my friendships." The dark haired man rose an eyebrow from his seat, a strict look on his face, "She's too young for a boyfriend."
"Thanks, Derek. That was absolutely not helpful at all, but thank you." You muttered, grabbing your car keys and heading out the door. 
You loved your parents, adored them, they raised you incredibly- that didn't mean they didn't annoy the hell out of you sometimes, though. They had about fifty names that they liked to call Isaac instead of his actual name, the most popular being "loverboy", "heart eyes", or your mother's personal favorite "future son in law." You supposed it was good that they liked him enough to consider him a future son in law, however, it was pretty insensitive when they could clearly see that you were painfully in love with him and fighting with inner turmoil because of it.
After a five minute drive you pulled up to the video store, stepping out and noticing Lydia Martin in the car next to you, you made brief eye contact with the strawberry blonde and the pair of you exchanged friendly smiles before you entered the store. Lydia was nice but you noticed she wore a facade around school, more specifically around Jackson. You remembered quite vividly how she shot Isaac down rather brutally back in freshman year. He'd only asked her out to prove a point to you, you couldn't remember what now but you'd gotten in some form of argument and the resolution you'd come to was that he prove himself and ask someone out, that someone happened to be Lydia. He didn't really like her but the whole debacle did significantly bruise his ego.
Of course, wherever Lydia Martin is Jackson Whittemore was never far away. You almost laughed when the first thing you heard after walking into the store was the jock shouting about not being able to find "The Notebook".
"It's over there." You chimed in, alerting him of your presence and pointing straight ahead of him towards the movie he was searching for.
Nodding thankfully the blonde made his way toward the far shelf while you walked to the other side of the store.
Despite being across the room, Jackson's gasp sounded clearly making you nearly jump out of your skin. Placing a hand on your rapidly beating heart you just shook your head and let out a long breath. You were probably just hearing things, your mind concocting noises to psych you out after learning the new information about the supernatural, Jackson's gasp had absolutely nothing to do with the snarls you thought you were hearing from behind you.
You had yourself convinced you were just hearing things. That was until the snarls became mingled with hot, slobbery breaths that hit the nape of your neck, shocking you into spinning yourself around. You couldn't help the yelp of fear that left your lips when your eyes met beaming red orbs… the eyes- they weren't human.
What you were looking at you could only describe as a beast. A wolf. The ability you usually possessed to control your breathing left you as you heaved, continuing to stumble back as the creature took steps forward until your back hit a row of shelves painfully. DVDs crashing to the floor in your wake.
The creature was face to face with you now, snout coming in contact with your nose as it's demonic eyes bored into your soul. It snarled as you felt your heart rate increase, it was going so fast you were half scared it would detach from it's blood vessels. Everything about the creature scared you, from its eyes, to it's snarl, to its fangs baring in your face, but what frightened you the most was that you felt like you knew it. There was a familiarity with it and you could not for the life of you explain it but you could feel it.
The scream that left you when the beast finally lunged for you with snapping jaws shook the store as the wolf sunk its teeth into the soft tissue of where your shoulder connects to your neck. The pain you felt was as blinding as the eyes that stared at you, the beast raised it's hair covered paw in the air, fully intent of swiping the last remnants of life from your now limp form before it suddenly stopped, looking at you with so much uncertainty. Not getting a chance to analyze the new look on the things hairy face the creature resumed its position on all fours then crashed out of the store window. 
"(L/n)?!" Jackson whisper shouted, from around the corner, only seeing your legs peeking out from behind a row of shelves as he made his way over to you, his movements jittery. You tried to call out but your voice failed you, you kicked your legs out weakly to let him know where you were, not knowing he was already rushing towards you.
"Christ… ok just stay awake I'm calling the police right now." The blond, who you'd never known to care for anything other than himself, spoke frantically- shaking as he pulled out his phone.
Your hearing faded in and out as Jackson shouted at law enforcement over the phone. Tilting your head to the side, very painfully, you began to panic once you noticed the gaping bite that had been taken out of your neck, you whimpered pathetically at the sight of your entire shoulder, neck and hair drenched in blood, your blood. Your panic seemed to rub off on Jackson as he noticed your breath becoming heavier and heavier by the second, tears falling down your face as you stared at your injury in fear.
It was just then that sirens wailed from outside, this eased Jackson's nerves, the boy, you had to hand it to him, didn't leave your side until you were safely in an ambulance- your nerves however were still fried, panic growing by the second as strangers fretted around you, yelling orders at each other and pushing painfully against your wounds. Calm didn't settle over you until one of the medics injected you with a needle, you didn't have a clue what was in it and you didn't have time to theorize as your world turned black.
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kocsociety · 5 years
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VENUS’S TAGS: all [x] group: bliss [x]
YUURI’S TAGS: all [x] additions: kiki (seventeen) [x] ; bomi (nct) [x] ; lin (exo) [x] 
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idontregretitonebit · 7 years
21 series finale spoilers by Marlene King
1) Does Aria Have Multiple Personalities? Aria has definitely been traveling down a villainous path this season, and King revealed that was all thanks to Lucy Hale's off-screen requests. "[Lucy] has wanted to be bad for so long and it really took us a while to figure out how we could make Aria see her dark side," King said.
But Aria's dalliance with A.D., and her most recent spell of frantically talking to herself in the car, has many fans wondering if she could have a split personality. King was quick to squash those rumors, saying, "Aria does not have multiple personalities." King added that when Aria was talking to the dead body in her trunk, that was her way of "regulating herself" in a severely stressful situation.
2) Why Was the "He's Coming For You!" Scene a Dream? "I'll be super honest, when we were first shot it, we didn’t know who ['he'] was -- and that's a spoiler right there!" King confessed. "It was a last minute decision to add that scene to the script because we just wanted to give fans a sense of what that flash-forward was going to look like. And for a year and a half we have been pondering like, 'Who was it? Who was it?' We knew we were going to kill Archer, so it could be him, and then we just thought, 'You know what? Let's just really have fun with it in a Pretty Little Liars thriller sort of way and make it a nightmare.'"
3) Was the Chalkboard in Emily's Dream Hinting at an Emison Wedding? In Emily's dream-turned-nightmare, fans were quick to notice that Alison was writing out all of her various alias from the past seven seasons -- including "Alison DiLaurentis-Fields." Gasp! Was this a premonition for Emison's romantic future? "I mean it is a dream, but we love to drop easter eggs and hints, so maybe," King teased. "Tune in next week for sure you'll find out."
4) When Did the Cast Discover A.D.'s Identity? "A lot of people found out at the table read because we didn’t give the scripts out ahead of time because we didn’t want them to get out into the world," King revealed. "The person who is A.D. asked me not to tell anyone because that person didn’t want to affect certain scenes in certain ways."
While King was tight-lipped on who is playing A.D., the showrunner was open about when she spilled the shocking truth to the unnamed actor. "That was a separate conversation that I had with that person fairly early on when the decision was made that they would be A.D. because it affected a lot of that person's performances."
5) Where Are the Biggest A.D. Easter Eggs Hidden? King says there have been many A.D. clues sprinkled over the years in PLL, but these "last 10 episodes" hold the juiciest secrets. "We've dropped a lot of Easter eggs intentionally into them because we wanted fans to have a really good chance to figure this out and to be right," she said. "So the A.D. reveal is very important but then the understanding of [why] is equally as important. That's why [the finale] is two hours, so the fans and the Pretty Little Liars can all process it all at the same time."
6-9) Lay These Lingering Cece Rumors to Rest… Following last week's shocking reveal that Mona accidentally killed Charlotte, many fans still had lingering questions, such as…
- When did A.D. steal the game from Charlotte? "I want to make sure that fans understand that everybody is interwoven, but as one story ends another begins," King explained. "With the reveal of Mona, then it became the Charlotte story. And then with the reveal of Charlotte becomes this A.D. So this AD is separate in terms of playing the game from those other A 's - Who is the one who posed Cece's lifeless body at the bottom of the tower with the purple flowers? "Mona," King answered.
- Does that mean we can put the rumors about Melissa's suitcase handle being the murder weapon to rest? "Yes," she said. 
- Why did you ultimately decide to have Mona kill Charlotte? "She's the most loyal friend to Hanna, but she has poor judgment as well, and she can't not get caught up in these games," King said. "This idea that Charlotte was going to continue the game really put Hanna's life at risk. [Murdering Charlotte] wasn’t something that [Mona] intended to do, she really did just want to scare her."
10) Who Gave Alison a Bloody Lip Back in Season 3? Way back in season three, episode 23, Veronica Hastings recalled a flashback in which Alison stumbled into Spencer's house in the middle of the night sporting a bloody lip. Alison refused to reveal who assaulted her and weakly tried to blame the injury on a tree branch. So who hurt Ali? "It wasn't a tree, but during that episode in Ali's life she was really sort of taunting and torturing the girls about these older people that she was hanging out with," King explained. "I will tell you that in the writers room, we never said specifically who [exactly] it was [who bloodied Alison's lip,] but it was that group of people... college kids. The same group of kids who threw that poor girl down the stairs, and broke her leg."
11) What's the Deal With the NAT Club? For the longest time, Pretty Little Liars dangled lingering questions about Rosewood High's mysterious NAT club, and we're curious to know if we should still care. "They just sort of they grew up. It was a group of people who were peeping toms; they were spying on people for kicks," King explained. "As the tapes got out and as the secrets got out, that was what got people killed -- like Garrett." So will this topic return in the finale? "I feel like we sort of dealt with that in the season 5A finale," she concluded.
12) Who's Coming Back For the Finale? As we approach the two-hour series finale, many fan favorite characters will be returning to Rosewood for our last goodbye , but some -- like Jason DiLaurentis -- will be noticeably M.I.A. "[Jason] is not going to be in the finale. There are a couple of actors that we really tried to get but either they were booked on other shows and legally they can't come back to us and he's one of those," King admitted. "But somebody we tried all season to we get back who is in the finale and on another show is Melissa, Torrey Devitto, so we were really excited about that." And as for Paige? "I'm not going to say," she said cryptically.
13) How Did the Moms Get Out of the Basement? King confirmed that most of the Liars' moms who are "still alive" will also be making a grand return to Rosewood. To make matters even sweeter, the moms will also be addressing one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of the series: How did the moms get out of the basement?! As you well remember, 'A' trapped the moms in Alison’s basement at the end of 6A, but we never saw them leave. "[Their escape from the basement] is discussed, King said. "It's not shown, but it's discussed -- maybe not completely in the way you want, but it is discussed."
14 – 19) Rapid-Fire Finale Questions… - Which couple has the most shocking moment in the finale? "Emison," King answered.
- Are there any masks involved? "There is at least one mask in the finale, maybe two," King promised. "I won't tell you whose mask it is, but they're very realistic looking masks."
- How many weddings will we witness in the finale? "If I tell you that it ruins the first hour of the finale for you, so I'm not going to tell you the answer to that one," King said coyly. 
- Which character has changed the most after the one-year time jump? "Toby," she teased. 
- Will there be a murder in the finale? "There's a shooting. I can tell you that," she said. "There's a shooting."
20) What Happens in Pretty Little Liars' Very Last Scene? We're absolutely dying to know how Pretty Little Liars very last scene will play out. Will it be a happy ending, a shocking reveal or a lingering cliffhanger? Although she couldn’t reveal specifics, King teased that the series will end with a "full circle moment."
"It's like a bonus," she added. "Although this show ends, this world continues. The mythology of this town will always go on. It's not going to end with Pretty Little Liars."
21) Could The Perfectionists Be a Pretty Little Liars Spinoff? We already grilled Sasha Pieterse and Shay Mitchell about the possibility of an Emison spinoff, and King reiterated that "anything is possible" when it comes to life after PLL. However, we're desperate to know if King's next project, The Perfectionists -- based on another best-selling Sarah Shepherd book series – would connect to the events in Pretty Little Liars. "It could. It could be in the same universe or it could feel like a similar universe," King teased. "I would love to be honest about everything, but it's still too early. I'm hoping in the next couple weeks we can talk more about that."
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thebestplltheories · 7 years
Here is everything I expect to happen in this finale. Some dot points are kind of vague... some things I literally have no idea what to expect! The main one I’m locking in is that A.D. is Twincer, the rest is extra fluffy commentary. 
There is no such thing as a filler scene. Even if we get a scene with Spencer and Alison frickn baking cookies talking about good books they’ve read lately. That is not a filler. Don't look at that scene literally, and say “I couldn't give a damn if they make chocolate chip cookies or raisin cookies”. Look at the symbolism behind every scene: it could be serving as that character’s farewell scene (the last time we’ll ever see them) or it could be serving as showing character development from the pilot to now; how the writers want this character to bow out. I repeat: NOTHING is a filler. Everything is important, if you look at the meaning behind the scene, rather than what it conveys literally. For this reason, I think every scene will have me emotional. 
Ezria, Haleb, Emison and Spoby will all be endgame.
The entire episode will be set in the future. “1 year later” will pop up at the beginning of the episode. And we find out our precious answers via flashbacks. We go from seeing Emison’s babies in the present, to flashing back to A.D.’s reveal, to going back to the present to see married Haleb, to flashing back to Ezria’s wedding, etc. Followed by another one year forward at the end of the finale.
A.D. is Spencer’s twin. A.D. stands for A_____ Drake, so Twincer is Mary’s third child. Twincer was never adopted by the Hastings, rather she grew up in Radley where she met her sister Charlotte. Mona came to Radley and told Charlotte and Twincer about the A-game, which the duo played together from season 3 onwards. Now that Charlotte is dead, Twincer is playing the game solo for once, trying to avenge the death of her only friend (and sister). On top of this, Twincer is angry at the Hastings for not adopting her, and is jealous of Spencer’s marvellous life. Twincer is harassing the other liars, because she wants to cause a divide in the group, ultimately to hurt Spencer. (Edit: but just like Mona thought CeCe was Ali... Mona had no idea it was Twincer, because she was on her meds. Unrealistic, I know, but they’ve done it before, they can do it again)
If A.D. is not Twincer, it will be another secret sibling. I get the vibes it will not be as simple as “the Ezra/Caleb/Wren/Melissa/Paige you’ve known this whole time is evil”. 
Something controversial will happen that will spark conversation in the media. If they made Big A be transgender, imagine what they’ll do to Uber A?
WHEN WE FIRST SEE WHO IS UNDER THE HOODIE... I WILL NOT BELIEVE THAT IS TRULY A.D UNTIL A MASK COMES OFF. I am not accepting that person as A.D. until a mask comes off. It won't be that easy.
A.D. has not been around since season 1. As elaborated above, I think A.D. was simply Charlotte’s team-mate, and this story only goes back to season 3. Seasons 1 and 2 will be completely irrelevant.
Mona will die. As we saw in the “1 day to go” promo by Freeform, Mona is still investigating who A.D. is. I think Mona will solve the game, and as she's on her way to tell the girls who A.D. is, A.D. will kill her. This will not only be a move to protect their identity, but also as revenge for killing Charlotte.
A.D. will die in the end.
The father of Emison’s baby will not be important. AD stole a random donor’s sperm. Lame, I know, but I feel like this will be a repeat of the barrel story from 5B, where Marlene said Charlotte stole a cadaver from medical school. 
Wren is Twincer’s helper. Twincer asked Wren to shoot him, so that when she goes over to Toby’s house and has sex with him, she’ll have that wound just like Spencer does. 
Jenna is another AD minion.
Bethany Young will be mentioned in a really important way. I can't pinpoint how, though. (x)
Charlotte was lying to the girls when explaining her story in 610. She never returned to Radley after Charles’ funeral. She was free to roam the streets of Rosewood. The only person who could verify Charlotte’s story is Jessica... and she’s dead. So, nothing Charlotte said in 610 can be proven as true. To fill the plot holes, they need to reveal that she lied.
They won't fix the plot hole of Marion Cavanaugh’s death :(
Addison and Jenna are connected in some way.
Shower Harvey will not be mentioned at all... even though we still need to find out why she helped Charlotte... we will never know.
The final scene will be Hanna announcing she is pregnant and one of the liars going away. Still using the formula from dot point #3 - it’ll be the final scene, but technically still a flashback. 
The ending has been described as “typical PLL” - I really think they’re setting up a spinoff with Addison. I pray not. If this isn't the ending, then I hope it’s a cinematic shot of Mona’s grave, Charlotte’s grave, and AD’s grave lined up next to each other, with the girls declaring “we won”.
We will not find out about Wren’s shady phone call in 4A “we have a problem, you take care of your end and I’ll take care of mine”
We will never hear of Eddie Lamb again
Archer took on the identity of Doctor Elliot Rollins so that he can be with Charlotte. 
Toby killed Yvonne by feeding her poisonous biscuits in 713, so he can be with Spencer. (Edit: but Spencer will never know this)
“That night” is 100% done and dusted and has no relevance to the finale. I hope I’m wrong though. 
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auri-ahna · 7 years
PLL | 7.20
Welp, that was the end folks.
and it sucked. 
I’m sorry, but what in the hell was that? I have QUESTIONS.
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First off the whole “evil twin” trope is so cliche and honestly its a cop out of the most pathetic quality.
Why did Spencer’s twin sound like Hermione Granger? Spencer is as American as pie yet her sister pledges Slytherin? How Sway?
How in the hell did Alex have time to build a chamber with that advanced technology?
How didn’t Peter know that Mary had twins? The nurse took Spencer but just conveniently forgets to let him know there was a second baby?
Alex did all of this because she was “jealous of what Spencer had?!” Then when why terrorize her friends with a fucked up game board?
WHY WAS MELISSA’S INVOLVEMENT NOT EXPLAINED?! They had something going with showing Melissa in the black hoodie at first then messed it up by showing Mona. You mean to tell me she didn’t have ANYTHING to do with this AT ALL? NO MA’AM. WE HAVE RECEIPTS. 
Melissa has told Spencer numerous times that she’s been protecting her since “it” started and that she’d saw things she couldn’t tell Spencer about? Was that all fake? Why was Sara Harvey revealed as Black Widow when it should’ve been Melissa?
What was the point of Noel, Jenna, Garrett, and Wilden’s involvement if this didn’t lead back to them? Were they not apart of the A Team?
You mean to tell us the A Team this whole time was Cece, Alex, and Archer----yet we’d never met two of them?
What about when the girls were ambushed in NYC with all of those A’s, who were they if not a team?
Since when does Jenna know Spencer so well that she can just smell her and know it ain’t her? 
They put the fact that Spencer had a twin together in less than 5 seconds flat, if only they’d use that problem solving skills all these past seasons.
Why did Alex kill Wren and what was Wren’s involvement in all this because wasn’t he working with Shauna back in S3 and S4 along with Melissa and Jenna? Why wasn’t Cece named as Redcoat when we literally saw her in a damn redcoat?
How was Sara Harvey revealed as both Redcoat and Black Widow?
If Charlotte knew Spencer was her sister, why didn’t she know about Alex? I thought A was always one step ahead of them?
If Alex created the dollhouse-esque trap house for Spencer to be held captive then wouldn’t that mean she was Charles since that’s what he did to the girls in S5? It was revealed that was Cece though?
Was Mona communicating with Mary or Alex during this episode when she had the hoodie on? Why did she have a Melissa mask on? I know AD said it was a test but WHY?
What was the point of kidnapping Ezra? Why did Alex kill Wren?
Now don’t get me wrong it wasn’t ALL bad, i mean it pretty much was but there was some good parts. Now i’m not an Emison fan, but i’ll admit they were cute this episode with their twins even though i’ll always be an Emily x Maya fan.
Caleb and Hanna marriage cuteness is always a plus.
I knew they were going to let Ezra and Aria get married, those two were the first couple to get together on this show so no way were they NOT getting their happy ending. 
MY SPOBY HEART WAS ACHING THE WHOLE SHOW. THE SCRABBLE BOARD, THE BACKPACK SONG, TOP OR BOTTOM, THE FRENCH. I JUST CAN’T WITH THEM. Those two have been my loves from the beginning and all i wanted was a happy ending for them. The whole episode I was just saying “get married, have babies”, because they are so meant for each other and even though we didn’t get a marriage or baby confirmation with them we did get a confirmation that they were moving towards each other and i’ll take that. THAT SCENE WHERE HE WAS DECIDING WHO WAS THE RIGHT SPENCER THO. OH GOD.
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MISS TROIAN BELLISARIO. Let me say that girl could play ANY part and will nail it every time. I may not have liked the whole “evil twin” storyline but she still SLAYED. She’s always been not only my fave character, but my fave actress on this show and she didn’t disappoint this last time.
All in all it was a rushed finale with minimal questions answered and a lot more questions left on the table. My dream reveal was Wren as AD with Melissa as an accomplice, but I guess we got a jealous evil twin with a literal ax to grind in the end. Ah well. OH AND THAT ENDING. MARLENE STOP. DON’T MAKE THAT HAPPEN. EVER. That’s a wrap on PLL bitches, its been one hell of a ride. Deuces xo.
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rosewoodrebel · 8 years
Ezra is AD and Big Bad of PLL - Season 3, Part One
Below are the clues from the first half of Season 3(A) clues and theories that show Ezra is AD, Uber A, Big Bad, he she, it, bitch.  Spoilers abound below as I piece together clues from the third season with those from others in order to illustrate that Ezra has been pulling the strings all along.  This one is long, and a doozy.  That is why I am splitting it into two posts, for each half season.  Let’s dive in.
Season 3A:
In 3x01, the episode begins with the girls having a sleepover at Spencer’s, getting drunk, parallel to the pilot episode.  The girls realize Emily is missing after Aria and Hanna wake up and find Spencer looking for her.  Emily has been drugged and coerced into digging up “Alison’s” grave and removing the body.  We now know this body belonged to Bethany Young.  If Cece had just taken over the A game from Mona, and they both were in Radley, why would Cece want to dig up the body?  She did not kill Bethany Young, and if she spoke to Mona about Ali, she would know that Ali was not dead and just missing.  The dental records for Bethany had already been switched to Ali’s so the body looked like Alison’s.  Why would Cece want to dig up Bethany’s body and potentially put herself and Mona at risk?  Someone wants to punish the girls and maybe Melissa for Bethany’s death.  Perhaps there is a connection between Ezra and Bethany we don’t yet know about.  Perhaps Ezra believes at this point that the PLLs killed Bethany to cover up for Ali while she is on the run and he wants to prove that body belongs to Bethany and not Alison.
If Ezra is running the game, he wants the stuff in “Alison’s” casket to torture them with.  He wants Bethany’s body to publicly embarrass, shame, and discredit them (just like he did to Spencer with her Adderall habit in Season 4, which I cannot WAIT to get to).  And who shows up on the Halloween train just in time to watch the body slip out of the ice chest?  Ezra.  Doing his best fake “I’m shocked!!!” schtick. 
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Later in the episode Spencer and Aria are speaking in the hallway about Ezra and Aria’s parents.  Spencer compares Ezra to Lord Voldemort.
At the end of 3x01, tons of pictures of the girls that night are left all over Spencer’s car.  Aria took photography classes that summer.  Maybe Ezra did too.
In 3x02, Emily receives the necklace with the teeth, Dead Girls Can’t Smile.  However, the girls accidentally flush the necklace down the toilet.  Aria complains to Ezra about Meredith applying for a job at Rosewood High.  They speak about how Ezra has to drop off Aria 3 blocks away from her house because that is how strongly against their relationship her parents are.  At this point, Ezra is still stalking Aria for his book.  Despite knowing what stress and family strife he is causing Aria, he still continues to see her, despite the fact that his feelings for her may be non-existent at this point.  Because she is too valuable of a source of information for him to let go yet.
Spencer visits Garrett in jail when he tells her that the body in the ground that was stolen (Bethany’s) would have proven he was not guilty.  Medical records don’t lie.  He also says, “someone close to you has you fooled.” Who is this?  Cece hasn’t been introduced to the plot yet.  Mona doesn’t have anyone fooled anymore because she has been outed as A and Hanna visits her in Radley at the next scene.  It’s Ezra.
Ezra then begins to tutor Emily at Aria’s urging.  It’s another way for him to keep tabs on the PLL’s, by spending more time with Emily and gaining her trust.
Aria finds another grave present in her locker; an earring. This makes her flash back to the time she and Alison had broken into Byron’s office after finding out about his affair with Meredith. She had found those earrings on the couch, proving that her dad was still seeing Meredith despite him promising otherwise.  Aria relives the memory of her and Alison trashing Byron’s office over his affair with Meredith and tells Hanna.  Aria finds one of “Meredith’s” earrings.  Aria then receives an A text that syas “Daddy needs to know, or I let the other one go.  To the police.  Nighty-Night.  -A
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Why would Cece care about Aria and Alison trashing her dad’s office because he cheated?  Cece wouldn’t.  But Ezra is having problems with Aria’s family and this issue of Aria and Meredith takes the heat off of him.
Aria meets Meredith at the Brew. She wants to go someplace more private, but Meredith refuses. Aria begins to recount the night, but Meredith already remembers the details vividly. So, Aria blandly apologizes. Meredith then tells her that she and Byron made lunch plans for the next day. Disgusted, she tells Meredith that she found her earrings in her dad’s office that night and now wants to return it. Meredith looks at it and says the earring isn’t hers, shocking Aria.  Who would know enough about Aria, her dad’s affair, and the situation with Meredith enough to plant this earring?  It wouldn’t be Cece.  She hadn’t even met the girls yet.  Ezra would, because he had Ali’s diaries and Aria told him about Byron’s affair.
Later on, Ella is grading papers at school.  She finds that Emily has left the paper unfinished. After giving it a thought, she takes a pen and finishes the test for Emily. Just then, she hears a noise outside, as if somebody is watching her.
The next day, Ezra visits Ella in her classroom. He wants to talk about Emily. He admits that he has been tutoring Emily and wants know how she performed the test. Ella tells him that Emily did fine. Ezra seems unconvinced as after the test, the previous day, Emily seemed pretty distraught. He asks if Emily could take the test again, Ella assures him that it is not required.  He has found a way to create a problem, insert himself into that problem, and come out looking as the hero when he saves the day in 3x03.
Ezra was the one who reported Ella’s forgery of Emily’s grade. Ella is leaving the classroom to talk to the vice principal. Emily arrives and says she is coming along too. Ella refuses, but Emily insists. In the hallway, they run into Ezra, who is speaking to the vice principal. Ezra has told him that the accusation is his fault because he asked Ella to grade Emily’s paper in front of him which may of seemed like preferential treatment. He also confessed that he was “over-invested” in being her tutor. Hackett only sees it as professional courtesy to help the system work better. He tells Ella that the matter has been resolved, and Ella gets off the
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When Ella confronts Ezra about the situation, Ezra explains that he knows Arthur Hackett hates conflict and making decisions. So, if he offered a way out of the situation, he would take it.  This shows that he is an expert manipulator and can make people do what he wants by exploiting their weaknesses.
In 3x04, Jason demands that Veronica Hastings tell him why she is defending Garrett Reynolds.  After offering up a weak response, Jason begins hanging posters offering a $50,00 reward for information on the whereabouts of Alison’s corpse.  If he was A, or involved with A, he would not have been doing this.  Moments later, the liars receive another mysterious text that says: “Imagine what I could do with fifty grand.”
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Spencer has a conversation with Jason and urges him to withdraw the reward.  He brushes her off, and she leaves.  Jason writes a cheque for the $50,000 reward, and then picks up his phone to tell someone to “meet him in the parking lot” in 15 minutes.
At the end of the episode we see “A” at Montecito airport, enjoying a cup of cocktail, and hacking the computer system of the Radley Sanitarium allowing Mona visitors. When the airport announcer announces that the plane would leave for Philadelphia in the next 15 minutes, “A” closes her/his computer, stands up, and leaves $50 as tip for the waiters before the screen cuts to black.  A was in Montecito in 3 x 05 to run Caleb’s mom off the road.  A person has to be at least 25 to rent a car in California.  The only person that could do that would be Ezra.  When we see Ezra next, Aria meets up with him and hands him a cup of coffee saying, “Here’s your red-eye!” as in a red-eye flight.
In 3x05 Ezra is claiming to be out of work and broke.  Yet he gets Aria a very expensive camera that was revealed at Jenna’s birthday.  And in 3x06, Aria finds a HUGE amount of money in a ziplock bag in Ezra’s sock drawer:
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Aria then asks Spencer later on, why someone would have that much cash on hand.  Spencer responds in the most interesting way.  She says, “If you had that much cash lying around, you’d probably have a bomb shelter and like five years of dehydrated meat, or you’re a criminal.”  Sound like the dollhouse, much?!
When Aria goes to Ezra and asks for an explanation, he gives her some convoluted story about selling his Grandfather’s Jaguar.  We have never seen him with this car, or mention it before, and he claims to have disinherited himself.
In the last scene, we see “A” eating a bowl of ice-cream, reading the news about the dismissal of charges in the DiLaurentis murder case. “A” then circles an ad (“Rooms for Rent”) in the Classified section, and proceeds to call the number on the ad.  None of the characters in high school, or Cece/Mona in Radley have the credit or age to rent an apartment themselves.  But Ezra does.
It is only in 3x07 that we find out that Ezra’s real last name isn’t Fitz, but Fitzgerald when we meet his mother Dianne in 3x07.  Dianne invites Aria and Ezra to an opening at a museum that night. Ezra tells Aria that he fibbed about when their relationship began. He told his mother, Dianne, that it was after he left Rosewood High School.  More lies.
We then go to the Fitzgerald Art Foundation where we are introduced to the infamous Isle of the Dead painting, which has ties to Vladimir Nabokov, the author of Lolita.  Another PLL blog wrote about that beautifully hidden clue here: http://bllpll.tumblr.com/post/89854785537
Dianne asks Aria what her parents think of Ezra. She also asks about her parents being separated. Dianne then starts to get really nosy and rude about Aria’s family, beginning to suggest how bad she’s been for Ezra. She then says she’s not going to let Aria “ruin” Ezra and hints at paying her to break up with her son. Aria leaves in disgust, spilling her drink into a nearby plant on the way. Ezra asks Dianne what she said to Aria, since he can’t find her now. Ezra tells her this kind of stuff is why he doesn’t want to have anything to do with his family.  Perhaps what we don’t know is that episode closes with “A” collecting a large sum of money from a bank and taking a mint from a bowl. The teller says “Just looking at you in that hoodie makes me shiver. I guess summer’s really over.” Ezra was adopted, Dianne knows that Ezra has mental problems, and she doesn’t want her son regressing by getting involved with a young girl with so many problems of her own.  
Perhaps this was also a clever double entendre, because he is related to the DiLaurentis/Drake/Hastings family who are also cruel to outsiders.
The episode closes with “A” collecting a large sum of money from a bank and taking a mint from a bowl. The teller says “Just looking at you in that hoodie makes me shiver. I guess summer’s really over.”
At the bank, the amount is $50,000 in neat $100, $10,000 stacks.  We know that A is OCD and very organized.  The money in Ezra’s sock drawer was folded, in different bills (20s, 50s, and 100s).  Any amount over $10,000 has to be reported to the government and that isn’t desirable for someone like A.  I’m betting Ezra had Jason’s check cashed under an alias at a shady check cashing place, and then used another bank to convert the cash into neat, clean piles, using new bills that could not be tracked from the original transaction.
In 3x09, Aria is seen in the hallway outside of Ezra’s apartment, hearing a loud argument going on. Ezra’s brother, Wesley is now shown for the first time as he greets Aria while Ezra shouts at him to leave. Aria is surprised that again, Ezra has kept another family member from her and Ezra reveals why Wesley was there. Wes was offering Ezra money in order to buy back the car that he sold before. Apparently, the car wasn’t his to sell in the first place in which his mother had claimed it an “old family heirloom” and wants it back. However, Ezra doesn’t want to borrow the money, or even have to deal with his rich family for that matter, so he goes to withdraw money from the bank and leaves Aria behind along in his apartment.  Ezra could’ve easily manipulated his brother into telling this lie and that is what they were arguing about.  Or maybe Ezra just temporarily borrowed the car, and was going to use that as his cover for the 50k from Jason, and then return it eventually.
In 3x09, the Kahn Game, Cece takes Spencer and Aria to the Kahn’s cabin where she indulges in a game of truth or dare.  Everyone at the party knows who she is, including Noel’s older brother.  How would they if this girl was transgender, and had been locked away in Radley her whole life?  She wasn’t.   
Wesley arrives at the Kahn’s to pick up Aria and she accepts the ride. In the way to Ezra’s apartment, Wes inadvertently tells Aria about Maggie, Ezra’s ex-girlfriend whom he got pregnant in high school.  Aria arrives at Ezra’s and tells him she knows about Maggie. Ezra explains that his mother gave Maggie money to go away and never talk or contact Ezra anymore because she thought being pregnant in high school was ruining him. That’s why he got away from his family and changed his last name to Fitz.  Another strange situation about an unwanted baby….perhaps akin to his own start in life.
In 3x11, Ezra tells Aria that he has written an email to Maggie but hasn’t sent it because he is scared.  Ezra has full scale surveillance set up on the girls at this point, and he cant investigate to find out whether or not he has a son?! This is, in my opinion, all a ruse to make himself look more innocent and naive.  We all know Ezra could’ve gotten the information easily had he wanted it.  I mean, he dated a 16 year old girl and took her virginity just to get information on her “dead” 15 year old friend who he also dated lol.  Please. *eyeroll*  
Aria then goes to investigate and goes to Maggie’s classroom, where Maggie tells Aria that she was a teen mom, and Malcolm is her 7 year old son.   At Ezra’s house Wesley suggests that his mom is paying Maggie to keep quiet about Malcolm. Aria wants Wesley to talk to his mother.  What is more Rosewood/DiLaurentis/Hastings than some good old fashioned hush money?
In the last scene, a black-gloved “A” maneuvers the jukebox. They hand the key to Room A to another black-gloved “A”. This suggest that “A” is more than one person.  Who loves a jukebox more than Ezra and his infamous B-26?  I think this was Ezra handing over the keys to Cece/Toby/Mona.  An adult with credit is required to lease an apartment.  I don’t care how savvy Cece is, she could barely talk to the girls when we saw flashbacks, but can somehow rent an apartment for the first time, in the outside world, alone? NO.
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In 3x12, Aria sits in Ezra’s apartment. She seems on edge, wondering about how to tell Ezra about Maggie and her baby. Maggie unexpectedly shows up at his apartment, and recognizes Aria from her visit to her classroom. Ezra introduces them to each other. While Ezra is distracted at the door by another visitor, Aria asks Maggie why she’s here at Ezra’s. Maggie says she wanted to see how Ezra was doing. She then wants Aria to keep her son, Malcolm, a secret from Ezra until she figures out what is the best thing to do for her son. Aria protests at first, but Maggie says that there is more to the story than she knows, and that everyone has a secret, “Amy.” Aria reluctantly obliges as she watches Maggie and Ezra chat.   He has so many secrets its crazy.
This entire season, A has been trying to separate Emily from Paige, which seems as though A wants Emison together in the end.  However, what if Ezra just actually cares about Emily in his own sick way?   Ezra knows about how Paige and Alison hated each other, and that Paige tried to drown Emily.  He has surveillance on EVERYONE.  
In the Season 3A summer finale, 3x12, The Lady Killer, the girls, and in particular, Spencer, accuse Paige of being A.  Paige seems offended that the other girls think she is the new “A.” Then, Paige gets a text from “A,” telling her to go to Ali’s grave at the Rosewood Cemetery at 10pm or Emily gets hurt.  Aria, Spencer, and Hanna decide to tell their parents about Paige being “A.” “A” sends them a text: “Stand down, bitches. Play it my way and Emily stays safe.
If the girls tell their parents about Paige being A, an investigation could ensue that would reveal who A truly is.  A doesn’t want that.
“A” sends an email to Spencer, Hanna and Aria telling them to meet him/her at Alison’s grave at 10pm with Maya’s bag, without Emily. They get pictures of Spencer, Aria, and Hanna with a shovel near the Rosewood Cemetery on “that night,” from “A.” They conclude that Paige is trying to make the rest of them look bad while keeping Emily in the clear, and that by them bringing Maya’s bag to her at Ali’s grave, Paige can erase any proof of her killing Maya.  Why would Cece want this or care about Paige?  She wouldn’t.  Perhaps Ezra knows that Paige would try to stop Emily from continuing any involvement with A, and because of his sick obsession with Ali, he genuinely wants Emily to be with someone else.  Enter Lyndon James.  I believe that A didn’t do their research on him because A was too busy with the 50k from Jason and Bethany’s body.  This is evidenced when A calls Emily at the cabin and tells her to get out.  He is trying to protect her.  He even calls her and says in a distorted voice, “Emily, I owe you one,” because of Garrett’s release for Maya’s murder and the whole shitshow at the cabin.
At the end of the episode, “A” is in the lair again. “A” looks at a flyer for a Halloween Ghost Train Party in Rosewood on October 31st, and calls someone. “I’ll take two tickets for the Halloween train.”
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WHEW!!! That was a doozy.  I will be continuing with the Halloween Episode and Season 3B later this week!  Leave any comments, clues, things to add in the replies!!!! xoxo, bitches
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free-pool-trash · 4 years
folklore - isaac lahey {3/?}
wooo part 3! thank you for all the love so far <333 grab a snack cuz this is a long one ;) platonic scott and derek x reader in this part too :)
let me know what you think <3
word count: 4.5k
warnings: swearing and lots of it, mentions of blood and i think that’s about it but let me know if there’s something i missed!!
Taglist: @makeusfreefromthisfandom, @cece-lives-here, @chocolate-raspberries, @belsandthings, @dancing-tacos-23, @truly-dionysus, @britty443, @tanyaherondale, @furiouspockettoad,  let me know if you’d like to be added <3
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The steady beating of the heart monitor filled the packed hospital room which held your unconscious body.
Your parents and Derek stood before your bed, shouting at each other in harsh whispers.
"What're you telling me right now, Derek?" Your father seethed through gritted teeth at the werewolf that had previously been teetering around what he was meaning to say.
"I'm saying that she's going to become a wolf. She was bitten by an Alpha, alright? Just like Scott." He explained, staring at your body sympathetically.
"The bite hasn't healed yet, Derek." Your mother chimed in, voice riddled with nerves as she took in the blood seeping through the bandage that was wrapped around your neck.
"It's only been a few hours…" The wolf trailed off, worry present in his voice. To be honest, people getting turned from being bitten was relatively new to Derek, because in his experience… the bite usually didn't take.
 Bodies more often than not rejected the bite, it's what separated the strong from the weak, natures way of keeping the balance. The strong became wolves and the weak died. Derek kept that information to himself, however, you were already a member of his pack- one of the only members left- he refused to believe that a bite from a wolf would be what made you meet your end.
"What if she doesn't take the form of a wolf?" You could pick up on the voices now, they were distant and echoed but you could hear them nonetheless.
"The form you take represents the person you are on the inside." Derek's voice.
"She's not exactly the get-angry-and-rip-a-throat-out-with-her-claws kind of kid." Your mother's voice, still surrounded by echoes but getting closer to you.
"What're you saying?" Derek, you felt anxiety building up in your stomach as the words filled your ears, it didn't belong to you though, no those nerves… they didn't belong to you- they were someone else's.
"I'm saying… what if she doesn't become a wolf… what if she becomes something else." Your heart rate picked up at her explanation, but again, you felt detached from the feeling of anxiety that was eating you up from the inside, the words of "or she could die." Sounding through your head, the words- like the anxiety- they weren't yours. They belonged to Derek.
With a gasp that ripped at your injured throat, you shot up, eyes flying open as you threw yourself into an upright position on the hospital bed, your hand flying up to grip your throat. What the fuck happened?
The words you previously heard were forgotten the second you reentered the land of the living, your chest heaving with slight panic before your eyes met your mother's, who was now at your side, removing your hand from your still unhealed wound and holding it in her own.
"What happened?" You rasped, voice hoarse and cracked, the words leaving your mouth painfully as your throat refused to mend itself.
"Don't you remember anything?" You could only shake your head at your mother's question, less out of giving an answer and more out of undiluted fear. Heart rate increasing while images of the beast with beaming red eyes flashed unrelentingly through your mind.
"A wolf. It was a wolf- but it was- it was-" You tried to explain but lost your voice as the panic set in, your chest felt restricted and the ever present beeping of the heart monitor picked up yet again as tears began to form in your terrified eyes.
Your parents tried to comfort you, only to be guided away by the nurses and doctors who had rushed in to your aid.
"Breathe with me sweetheart," Warm brown eyes stared into yours and you recognized Melissa right away, following her actions as she took deep breaths in and out, successfully calming your breathing. "Great job. You must really love this place, coming in on your day off." The older woman teased you softly, bringing a small smile to your face.
"Just can't stay away." You responded tiredly, causing her to smile and push your hair away from your forehead.
"Well you're in good hands because I'm going to be taking care of you." She told you with a wink, she then turned to your parents, Derek seemed to have slipped out of the room during the commotion, and smiled sympathetically, "We're going to change her bandages and then, if she's feeling up to it," She paused for a moment, glancing at you with a smile before finishing, "She can reassure the boy band out there that she's all good so they'll go home." Melissa finished with a laugh, motioning to the waiting room which you couldn't see.
"Isaac is here." Your father spoke softly, hoping to cheer you up as he peeked out the window, Melissa chiming in too, "And Scott. And Stiles. Jackson stopped by earlier too." You couldn't help how your eyes widened, you didn't even realize you knew that many people, let alone well enough for them to want to come check on you. Isaac was the only person in the line up that made any real sense.
Swallowing thickly, wincing slightly due to the sting you looked at Melissa hopefully, "Can I see them?"
The nurse nodded, "After I change this." She wasted no time in gently pulling the bandage from your skin, murmuring an apology when you winced.
Isaac, Scott and Stiles sat awkwardly beside each other in the waiting room of the hospital. The area was quiet and absolutely drenched in tension. 
Scott and Stiles were in the midst of a heated, but quiet, argument about something that Isaac couldn't discern, Scott's leg bounced nervously and he periodically glanced towards your room. The tallest of the boys picked up on Stiles' harsh whisper of, "Dude, relax okay? She's probably fine."
Isaac cleared his throat slightly, looking toward the other two boys who looked at him with surprised expressions as if they'd forgotten he was there, which to be fair they had.
"Um, I didn't realize you were friends with (Y/n)." Isaac spoke with a raised eyebrow, the question came out quietly, and Scott gave him a nervous nod, "Uh, I mean yeah- we haven't been friends for long but um she's cool."
Isaac wrung his fingers together, muttering, "Yeah she is." 
He couldn't lie, he felt a little twinge of jealousy towards Scott- feeling slightly threatened by the boy he'd only ever seen in the hallways and although Stiles sat beside him too, he sensed that coming to visit you was all Scott's idea, Scott he was threatened by, Stiles not so much.
"What's your deal anyway?" Stiles piped up, causing Isaac to chew on his bottom lip nervously wanting nothing more than to shrink into himself or melt into the floor, it wasn’t often that he didn’t have you for reassurance and to be perfectly honest he hated not having you beside him with your hand always mere centimetres away and ready for him to slip his own into.
"What do you mean?" Stiles rolled his eyes, "I mean with (Y/n), what's your deal with (Y/n)?"
Clearing his throat again, Isaac was at a loss for words, what exactly was his deal with you? You were his best friend but he was also harboring feelings for you. Looking at Stiles anxiously he simply shrugged his shoulders, "She's my best friend."
"Like watch movies together kinda best friend or you secretly want to marry her kinda best friend?" The sarcastic boy inquired curiously, receiving an elbow to the ribs from Scott who shot Isaac an apologetic smile, "Ignore him. I do."
Blood rushed towards Isaac's cheeks and he returned his gaze to where it had been on the floor, he knew the answer to Stiles' question but that didn't mean he was ready to be confronted with it, especially not so late at night when the girl in question was severely injured in a hospital room and he didn't even know if she was going to be okay.
"Jesus…" Melissa whispered, disinfecting the wound for the fourth time since you'd been emitted, "We're gonna need to give you some heavy medication because this thing is definitely infected." At her words your parents exchanged nervous glances, Derek was going to get an earful when they get ahold of him.
"Okay, all done. Which one of the Backstreet Boys should I send in first?" Melissa asked with an amused smirk, her comment receiving a snort from your father.
"Isaac please." You requested quietly, despite the fact that you'd just been mauled by a thing of nightmares you still felt bad about missing movie night with your best bud.
It only took a second for Isaac to be speeding into the room, eyes wide and bloodshot- he'd been crying.
"Thank God you're okay." He exclaimed, practically throwing his arms around you, careful of your injuries his arms pulled you against his chest and held your body against him.
His heartbeat was loud in your ears, not the same way as it usually was, it was like a drum banging right against your eardrums, it hurt but you didn't push the boy away, choosing to focus on the comfort he brought you instead of the pain.
"I'm okay." You assured softly, hand automatically moving to thread through his hair when you noticed his expression, or felt his expression more like. Pure anxiety, mixed with pure fear with an overwhelming feeling of relief. 
He nodded, eyes never leaving yours, "I was really worried." He still was, you could feel it weighing on your chest.
Without saying a word you simply pulled him back into you, noticing everyone else had left the room, you placed your lips on his cheeks with the intent of easing his worry, which seemed to work as the worry you previously felt crushing your chest dissipated completely.
"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you…" Isaac trailed off, holding your hand against his chest, the beating of his racing heart vibrating against your palm in a way it never had before, it's sound still just as loud as it had been a few seconds prior. 
Rushing filled your ears, like water flowing viciously down a river but it wasn't water. You knew what it was. It was blood- Isaac's blood. You could hear it pulsing through his veins rapidly, your hand right on the source and for whatever reason your mouth watered with a hunger you'd never felt before in your entire existence.
"(Y/n)!" Isaac calling your name broke you out of your trance. Shaking your head rapidly you squeezed his hand, "Sorry, I guess I'm just a little shaken up. I'm still here though so stop worrying, alright bub?" You told him, not quite sure if you believed a word of what you were telling him. Physically you were there with him but in every other sense you felt distant, numb almost.
"Are you sure? Is there anything I can do?" He asked sweetly, knowing that you were unsure, he hadn't seen you so shook up in, well, ever. 
Shaking your head, you merely managed a small smile as your head had begun to pound from the banging noises of not only Isaac's heart but now the bustle of the hospital going on outside of your room, you couldn't explain it but you could hear everything all at once. 
Every cough, every piece of equipment hitting every metal table, every piece of gossip being exchanged between the nurses, every wail of the newborns all the way over at the other side of the hospital. You could hear it all and it hurt. At first you hadn't noticed it so much but as the seconds past, you squeezed your best friend's hand as it became more and more overwhelming.
Shaking your head you looked at him with teary eyes, everything getting too loud, "Could you go find Melissa or-" you stopped, squeezing your eyes shut as every sound meshed together, ringing unbearably in your ears like a microphone pointed towards a speaker, "-or anyone. My head hurts really bad." 
Immediately Isaac was on his feet, leaving the room in a rush to find someone as you covered your ears, head splitting. You groaned painfully, tears flooding your cheeks as you tried to block out the noises only for them to grow louder and multiply almost to spite your efforts.
While focusing on blocking everything out, you heard a voice- a distinct voice. It was meant for you, you could feel it in your bones, the bite in your neck stinging viciously as you listened intently, searching for anything within the voice that would make it all just stop.
"You can hear me can't you. Yes you can. I'd hoped you'd take to the bite, it seems you have, maybe not how I originally intended but this will do. It's going to be hard but you can overcome this. Don't let it kill you."
The voice was assertive. Male. Familiar. The way he spoke reminded you of Peter, but it couldn't have been him, he hadn't spoken in years.
Then as soon as, whoever it was, stopped talking, it all flooded back in and you couldn't stop the agonizing scream that left your lips while you clutched your ears even tighter. You needed to get out.
In your panic you hadn't realized you'd rolled to the floor, wanting to move but not being able to so much as reopen your eyes after you'd made contact with the cold floor of the hospital room. Sobbing erratically while your ears began to burn, the feeling of liquid running down your face being  the only thing keeping you grounded while you shook and cried.
Long arms wrapped around your middle, holding you tightly against a chest that you couldn't see from your position, "(Y/n)?!" Isaac's panicked voice sent you even further into your spiral, only one word and yet you could hear every inflection of pain and hurt and confusion within his call of your name, and once again you could feel it. 
Your teary eyes met his frantic blue ones and you found yourself clutching the fabric of his sweatshirt with more strength than he'd ever known you to have, "Isacc. It's so loud! I want it to stop, god please do something, make it stop!" You sobbed against his chest causing him to look around with pure panic, pleading for someone, anyone to come and help you. Just then Melissa ran in, along with your parents and several doctors.
The last thing you heard before your eyes rolled to the back of your head was the stern voice of Melissa shouting, "Get her back on the bed. Now."
Don't let it kill you.
Opening your eyes felt like a chore, why were they so heavy? Once you finally managed to lift them open you slowly took in your new surroundings, no longer in the room you'd woken up in the first time. 
From what you could tell you were still in the hospital, just a different, darker room- a room without windows.
"You're finally awake." A voice sounded from beside your bed and you turned your gaze to meet Derek's.
"How's your head?" He asked, sitting forwards in his seat.
You offered him a small shrug, "Better. It's quiet." You heard nothing but your own heartbeat and Derek's.
Derek nodded, motioning around the room you were in, "sensory room." He explained, "sound proof."
Nodding in understanding you looked down at your neck peeking underneath your bandages, noticing the bite that was scabbing up, it looked absolutely vile. Scrunching up your face in disgust you turned back to Derek, "What the hell is happening to me?"
The older man let out a deep sigh at your question, raising an eyebrow before taking your hand, "You sure you want to hear it." 
"Hit me with it, wolf man." You told him through an exasperated sigh.
He rolled his eyes at the nickname before looking you dead in this eyes, "I thought when I saw your bite that what happened to Scott would happen to you… but it didn't." Your brows furrowed, "So I'm not a wolf?"
Derek shook his head, "No. But you're something else." Tilting your head to the side you nodded for him to continue before you imploded or the suspense killed you.
"Come on, tell me! If I'm not a wolf then what the fuck am I?" You insisted he give you an answer through gritted teeth, growing more impatient by the second.
Letting out another sigh, Derek looked at you through his lashes, "You're a vampire."
You scoffed, eyes rolling to the ceiling, "Derek be serious okay? I've watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I think I would know if I was a vampire-" "Hear me out-" "First of all, I'm not dead, vampires are dead. Second of all, vampires don't feel other people's emotions, I do, so explain that."
"You done?" Derek asked annoyance clear in his tone only for you to shrug nonchalantly.
"According to your parents you're in kind of a transition period. Nothing will be set in stone until you have your first feed." He explained, only for you to shake your head in denial.
"Thank you for clarifying nothing." You muttered, childishly.
"Alright fine. You're not dead because as I said right now you're in the transition period, however, if you don't feed you will be dead." 
"So you want me to drink blood?" You asked, although it was more of a statement.
Derek nodded, "Afraid so, kid."
"Where are my fangs?" You questioned. All vampires have fangs, your teeth felt the same as they always did.
"If I have to say the words transition period one more time, kid I swear-" Derek was cut off by yet another question falling from your lips, "Okay, so where do I stand with daylight?" 
"Look at your arms." Derek informed and you obliged, holding your arms up for inspection, they were covered in burns.
"Alright." You muttered in exhaustion. Allowing your arms to flop back down to your sides, "Ok next question." 
Derek felt his patience wearing thin, he loved you like a sister but you also annoyed him like one. When he didn't answer you asked your most pressing question.
"Why aren't I healing?" Derek let out a loud groan, letting go of your hand to rub it down his face. 
"What did I just say? Literally what did I just say?" The man grumbled and you rolled your eyes, "Transition period." You said mocking him, making a face and sticking your tongue out.
"You know, D. You're pretty cranky considering I'm the one whose just been pledged non-consensually to a life of darkness and blood sucking. With absolutely no explanation." You chastised with a playful smirk, noticing the smile the sour wolf was trying to contain.
It was after dark when you were finally discharged from the hospital, you'd spent about a week in that windowless room and you were just glad to feel the cold nights air against your skin after being cooped up for so long.
"Where are you taking me, Wolfie?" You asked, voice filled with uncertainty as you glanced at your newest friend and fellow creature of the night, Scott.
The boy only gave you a gentle smile, leading you towards the pet clinic and holding the door open for you to enter, "Oh god we're not getting you neutered are we?" You jested, trying to still your nerves.
"Afraid not." Another voice rang out, Deaton made his way into view and you gave him a small smile.
Deaton led you towards his practice, you sat up on the metal table, swinging your legs and waiting for some kind of explanation as to why Scott had brought you here.
"I assume by the look on your face that Scott failed to mention why you're here." Deaton spoke as if he heard your thoughts.
"Hey all you said was get her here!" Scott defended himself, hands raised slightly.
"Oh and you got here alright. Not suspicious or anything." You poked teasingly at his arm causing him to laugh. You wondered why you never talked to Scott before all the craziness happened because the two of you had been getting along incredibly in the past few days. He was one of the few people your parents allowed visit you in your windowless hospital room, claiming that since he was a wolf he was at a low risk of triggering your new vampire tendencies.
Deaton smiled, grabbing a small box from the counter then coming back to you, offering you the box, "Go on. It's for you." The older man encouraged when he noticed your hesitancy.
In the box there was a ring, it was pretty, silver with a small purple amethyst settled neatly in the center of the band, it was gorgeous to say the least. "It's a daylight ring. It'll allow you to walk the day as you please without getting burned." The vet, or … well you weren't sure what he was, explained kindly. "Put it on."
Happily you slipped the ring onto your left ring finger and admired it for a minute before turning your attention back to Deaton when he spoke again, "You have Scott to thank for that." He told you and your smile grew as you turned your head to Scott, "Thank you."
"Have you fed yet?" Deaton wondered and you shook your head in response. It'd been almost a week since Derek badly broke the news to you and yet you couldn't bring yourself to feed on human blood despite being absolutely starving.
In understanding, Deaton nodded, "You'll want to be thinking about doing it soon. Have you been having any urges?" Quickly your eyes widened when you realized when the hunger had started.
"After I woke up... Isaac came to see me and he was holding my hand to his chest, his heartbeat sounded so loud and I could hear the blood being pumped and then suddenly I had the most blinding hunger." You explained, looking at Deaton expectantly for answers.
"Has it happened like that with anyone else?" You shook your head as it'd only been so intense when looking at Isaac, who you hadn't seen since that night, your parents not wanting to risk you hurting the boy, when you focused on him that night in the hospital it was as if he was all you could see, all you could feel and his blood rushing and heart beating was all you could hear. But you hadn't wanted to hurt him, he made you hungry but you didn't feel the need or want to rip his throat out with your teeth as you assumed you should have.
 "I don't want to hurt anyone, though. I'm just hungry." You added on, unsure of whether or not being docile was normal for a baby vampire.
Deaton chuckled lightly placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, "Vampires are different than wolves, more refined. They're fueled on empathy as opposed to anger. Media has painted them in somewhat of a bad light when in reality they're quite gentle creatures. They mostly only feed on the willing." He explained and you listened intently as he continued.
"The hunger isn't hard to control as you've probably already noticed. It's the heightened emotions that are hardest to control- along with learning to separate your own feelings from the feelings of others around you." 
Emotions weren't something you were good at controlling at the best of times, the possibility of you becoming overwhelmed very soon after fully transitioning seemed more than likely as you already had one meltdown under your belt.
"Then there's the matter of enhanced hearing. Scott tells me you've found that aspect quite difficult, but not to worry, it'll subside once you complete the transition and you'll be able to control what you can and can't hear."
"Thank God." You muttered through a sigh, shuddering at the memory of the migraine the ability had brought you.
Deaton went on to explain the other abilities that would develop after you completed your transition. These abilities included an extremely enhanced sense of empathy, meaning your own emotions were heightened as well as now being able to feel and change the emotions of others. Enhanced hearing, obviously. An enhanced sense of smell, inhuman strength and speed and once you’d finally fed on a willing participant your fangs would begin to grow in. Deaton warned you that that part would be “excruciatingly painful.”
After a while you parted with Scott and Deaton, enjoying the nighttime air as you walked yourself home, once you reached your house you made your way inside quickly, impatient to fill your patents in on what you’d learned from Deaton seeing as their supernatural knowledge focused more on traditional shapeshifters and Celtic lore.
Once you entered the kitchen you spotted your mother chatting quietly with Isaac. You couldn’t lie, you were really happy to see him. Last time you’d seen him you were screaming and passing out in his arms.
“Isaac.” You greeted with a smile, wrapping your arms around his shoulders while standing behind the chair he was sitting on since the back of the chair faced the kitchen door which you had just entered through, you rested your cheek against his soft curls when you felt his arms coming up to hug yours with a feeling of relief rushing over him as soon as you touched him.
“Hey (N/n).” The boy responded, holding back a sigh as he felt you remove your arms from him opting to take a seat beside him, he watched as you eyed your mother suspiciously before asking, “What’re you too chatting about?”
Isaac spoke up, “I got your text saying that you were discharged and came to see you, your mom was just telling me how you were out with Scott.” It didn’t hit your ear but the bitterness and mild jealousy hit your chest, causing you to frown momentarily before you painted a smile on your face, “Oh yeah he just brought me to talk to Dr Deaton to see if he could identify what kind of animal attacked me.” You lied easily, not wanting to disclose why you were really with Scott knowing that after not seeing you for a week that now definitely wasn’t the best time to let him know that you and Scott were helping each other.
Accepting your excuse you felt relief seeping from him yet again. You wondered if he’d always been this possessive over you, you didn’t mind it really you just hoped he’d be able to get passed it considering you’ll be spending a lot more time with Scott and even Stiles for the foreseeable future.
You had no clue what you were going to tell him though. How do you tell your best friend that they’ve been turned into a vampire and now want nothing more than to taste his blood on your tongue? As soon as you locked eyes on him your hunger returned, as blinding as it had been the first time. Your only wish was that the unique hunger you had for Isaac would ease once you completed your transition. Accidentally hurting him was absolutely out of the question. You wouldn’t let yourself harm even a hair on his head, the way he made your mouth water filled you with dread but you had to try your best to keep him out of the shitshow you found yourself in.
He’d been through enough, he didn’t need vampires and werewolves on top of the rest of his issues. So you made a decision then and there while you stared at his soft smile as he talked with your mother; for the first time in your six years of friendship, you were going to keep a secret from him.
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hartcelia · 8 years
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Full Name: Cecilia Louise Hart Nicknames: Celia (by family and childhood friends), Cee, Cece, Cel Age: 20 Sexuality: Bisexual Date of Birth: December 20th Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA Gender: Female Current Location:  Los Angeles, CA
Languages: English, some Spanish Religion: Nondenominational Christian Education: Freshman at PSU, majoring in music therapy with a minor in education Occupation: Student, intern Drinks, Smokes, & Drugs: No, no, and no though she has tried all three
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius MBTI: ESFJ Likes: Music, koalas, peach iced tea, the ocean, classical music, psychology, The Golden Girls, instrumental music, Dislikes: Bad Habits: Nail biting, to the point where her nails are noticeably shorter than the actual tip of her fingers. Secret Talent: Cecilia is a Double Dutch master Hobbies: Music, swimming, cooking, pilates Fears: Terminal illnesses, losing her family, silence, heighs Five Positive Traits: Ambitious, studios, friendly, highly focused, optimistic Five Negative Traits: Suspicious, Other Mentionable Details: Mild anxiety, but nothing too clinically elevated. Cecilia also used to getchronic migraines, from around the age of 15 up until last year when she got her daith piercing.
Tattoos: None yet but she’s been thinking some over for a while Piercings: Earlobes pierced twice, daith piercing (left ear) Reference Picture: ( X )
Parent Names: Melissa and Julia Hart Parent Relationship: TBA, but she absolutely loves Melissa and considers her as her ultimate inspiration in life. Sibling Names: Marisol Amparo Serrono-Hart, _______ Hart, Natalie Grace Hart, Carson Emmanuel Hart Sibling Relationship: lazy as hell so here ya go ~ Other Relevant Relative: N/A Children: None Pets: None at the moment but she’s been looking into rescue groups for a dog.
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Rebecca Taylor Bijou Print Silk Asymmetrical Top
Topshop Wrap Sweater
Vince Camuto 'Woodland Floral' High/Low Blouse (Plus Size)
BOSS Elaise Mock Neck Top
The North Face 'Apex Bionic Grace' Jacket
Calvin Klein Skirted Wool Blend Jacket
Ellen Tracy Tweed Print Sheath Dress (Plus Size)
Yigal Azrouël Silk Peplum Top
Rachel Comey 'Lovell' Swing Top
Helly Hansen Flow Merino Wool Blend Top
Eileen Fisher Silk Crepe Scoop Neck Sleeveless Tunic
Jenny Yoo Mila Off the Shoulder Gown
Lafayette 148 New York 'Primo Denim' Curvy Fit Slim Leg Jeans
T by Alexander Wang Wool & Cashmere Off the Shoulder Sweater
Nike 'Modern Tempo' Embossed Running Shorts
Chelsea28 Mesh Bralette
Patagonia 'Fjord' Flannel Shirt
Topshop Ramble Print Midi Skirt
Topshop Perforated Velvet Bodysuit
Canada Goose Shelburne Genuine Coyote Fur Trim Down Parka
Velvet by Graham & Spencer Hooded Cashmere Sweater
The North Face TKA 100 Fleece Pants
Brianna Sequin Embroidered Overlay Tea Length Party Dress (Plus Size)
Stella McCartney Zipper Detail Cotton Blend Lace Dress
Joie Aruna Print Split Neck Silk Tank
Vince Camuto Skinny Ankle Pants
Adrianna Papell Mikado & Satin Midi Dress
Kobi Halperin 'Nora' Stretch Bootcut Twill Leggings
Sejour Forward Shoulder Tee (Plus Size)
T by Alexander Wang Fringe Wool Blend Shirt Coat
Ali & Jay Textured Knit Minidress
Green Dragon Mandalay Cover-Up Dress
Free People Tonight Tonight Triangle Bralette
Flora Nikrooz Snuggle Lounge Pants
Marni Whisper Print Cotton Dress
Karen Kane Drape Front Cardigan (Plus Size)
Free People Mad About You Tank
Theory 'Delissa B' Stripe Textured Knit Maxi Dress
Zella 'Live In' Midi Leggings
Drybar Capsule Big Hair, Big Heart Sweatshirt (Limited Edition)
Amuse Society Reese Tunic
Lela Rose Wave Lace Hem Fit & Flare Knit Dress
b.tempt'd by Wacoal 'Lace Kiss' Chemise
Tadashi Shoji V-Neck Illusion Lace Sheath Dress (Plus Size)
Commando Cotton Thong
SPANX® Leg Support Sheers (Regular & Plus Size)
Felina 'Sabrina' Underwire Contour Bra
Persona by Marina Rinaldi Naiade Wool Blend Coat (Plus Size)
Eleventy Stretch Silk Blouse
Laundry by Shelli Segal Bikini Bottoms
Roxy Sleep to Dream Dress
Blanc Noir Down Jacket
Le Mystère 'Sophia' Underwire T-Shirt Bra
Trina Turk 'Bonnie' Shawl Collar Skirted Coat (Regular & Petite)
Two by Vince Camuto A-Line Denim Miniskirt
ExOfficio Give-N-Go® Sport Bikini
City Chic 'Desert Dream' Faux Suede Trench Coat (Plus Size)
DKNY Henley Top
Missguided Snake Print Shirtdress
kate spade new york flare leg crepe crop pants
ASTR 'Anne' Ribbed Body-Con Dress
Moncler 'Flammette' Water Resistant Long Hooded Down Coat
DIM Placed Lace Pattern Tights
MARC JACOBS x MTV Logo Sweatshirt
KUT from the Kloth Cable Cardigan
Lyssé Flocked Leggings
Dress the Population 'Zoe' Embellished Mesh Body-Con Dress
Seafolly Hipster Bikini Bottoms
Ivanka Trump Raincoat with Removable Hood
Melissa McCarthy Seven7 Slouchy Pocket Tunic (Plus Size)
Rachel Comey Wyeth Midi Dress
Jessica Simpson Quilted Puffer Coat with Faux Fur Trim (Plus Size)
Calvin Klein 'Iron Strength' Bralette & Bikini
BP. Cotton Fleece Crewneck Sweatshirt
faustine steinmetz 'Knott' Handwoven Dress
City Chic 'Mini Poppy' Print Fit & Flare Dress (Plus Size)
Eileen Fisher Hammered Silk Satin Mandarin Collar Blouse (Regular & Petite)
La Perla Plumetis Boyshorts
Vince Fine Gauge Cotton Easy Pullover
Tularosa Huxley Swing Top
Eberjey 'India' Bralette & Thong
Calvin Klein 'Pure' Seamless Bikini (3 for $30)
Free People Infinity Cutout Crop Leggings
Simone Rocha Brocade & Tulle Illusion Yoke Dress
Chetta B Satin Panel Sheath Dress
0 notes
thebestplltheories · 7 years
“You already [know what happened after I left the barn]. The four of you combined. You remember more about that night than you think you do.” WHY THIS STATEMENT MAKES SENSE - the bolded part at the end omg! (NOT MINE)
Firstly, let me clarify a few points on why this statement feels like such a big plot hole to us, the audience, who know about the NAT videos, the details about the other characters, and the events after Alison was buried: 1) Alison only knows what was happening from her perspective. While this feels like an obvious statement, it must be stated. We as the audience know the story from multiple perspectives: Melissa, Jason, Garrett, Byron, CeCe, etc. This adds a significant dimension to the events of that night, but Alison would not have known these other perspectives because she drove away from Rosewood early the next morning. In other words, Alison is only saying that the girls know about her experiences from her perspective. We’ll look at these experiences more in-depth in a bit. 2) Alison clearly isn’t thinking about all the extra details that happened that night (it was a traumatic night last year when she suffered a serious head injury—she might not even remember all of it) because she tells Hanna that “it won’t make a difference” to tell her the truth. This shows a certain hopelessness toward her situation. Why use the little time she had to talk with Hanna by trying to tell her an extremely complicated story with an even more complicated backstory when, to Alison, it really wouldn’t have made a difference to her situation? At this point, she would still think it was A who had hit her, following through on killing her (as A had texted they would do earlier that day). She also still wouldn’t know who A was because Mona had only recently started being A again. Plus, there is the added complication of her mother protecting the “murderer” instead of her daughter. Not only does Alison not know how to defend herself if she were to return (and she only barely escaped with her life last time after using all of her skills to try to outmaneuver A), Jessica burying Alison would have eroded any small amount of trust Alison had that her mother would protect her. The belief that the truth “wouldn’t make a difference” also reveals Alison’s blindness to the girls’ situation dealing with A. Ali had some strong narcissistic tendencies in all of the flashbacks we see of her, and we can see them come through strongly again here. Because the details don’t make a difference to her, they also don’t make a difference to the girls. Because Alison has proven some people aren’t A to herself, she didn’t think to share this with the girls (Alison was amazing at learning secrets; she was horrible at sharing secrets). As Maya pointed out, Alison was always in the middle, the center of attention. She enjoyed making other people orbit around her. This kind of mindset wouldn’t just go away after a year of isolation. We can, though, see that Ali does care for the girls—she herself understands that returning to Rosewood is dangerous as she says in her conversation with Hanna (she could be killed if she’s discovered by A or in serious trouble if discovered by the police), yet she does so repeatedly to keep an eye on the girls and save them a number of occasions. It is good character development that Ali has a limited perspective even though she is portrayed as knowing all. She has strong narcissistic tendencies that keep her from understanding what the girls need. 3) Ali herself did admit to Hanna that what happened to her was complicated. Interestingly, she makes a connection to Algebra in which you must find X. What could be more complicated than finding X? Finding A. (Perhaps a little clue from the writers?) So let’s get into what happened that night to see if we can unravel what Alison meant:
Toby: The first person Ali sees upon leaving the barn is Toby. From the video A sent the FBI and the blood stain later found on Toby’s jacket, the girls know that Alison and Toby were together because Alison was wearing Toby’s jacket (as Hanna can testify because she “can inventory each piece of clothing in all of their closets”. Now, it wouldn’t seem like Alison could possibly know that A sent this video and that the FBI showed the girls (unless she is somehow in on this kind of information). She can, however, know that Emily has been hanging out with Toby. They publicly hung out at The Brew, and Alison has clearly been keeping a close eye on them since she knows to come back to check on Hanna, where Emily is and that she needs to be saved from the car fumes, when Spencer needs to be saved from Ian, and even when Aria is in a drugged state because of Meredith. She also knows Toby well—as a master manipulator, she would know that it matters to Toby to clear his name to one of his only friends; of course he would tell Emily about that night to prove his innocence. Alison very likely assumed that the girls know that Toby and she met up and that Toby saw her get into the car with someone else (this last point being important because Toby needs to prove that someone else saw Alison after he saw her alive).
Ezra: Alison had a confrontation with Ezra about her lying about her age. Alison, not knowing that Ezra purposefully met Aria to write his book, could very likely assume that Ezra had told Aria about his past relationship with Alison. This would be expected for Ezra to share, which is why it was later so hurtful to Aria to learn about.
Ian: After meeting Ezra, Alison and Ian filmed the video at the Kissing Rock and Alison threatened him with the NAT videos. Hanna specifically asks Alison if she went to meet up with a boy (because that was who Alison was and what Alison did). Alison does not refute this, just that it wasn’t Noel. Spencer and Emily found the tree with “Alison loves Ian” carved into it (which Alison likely knew they had discovered), and without knowing that Alison and Ian had just been together at Hilton Head, the dots could be connected that the boy Alison went to meet was Ian. Alison herself had shared that she was into older boys. It also isn’t far-fetched for Spencer to connect Alison’s threatening behavior that summer to her relationship with Ian. Alison and Spencer had been fighting that summer because Ali had caught Spencer and Ian kissing and was threatening to tell Melissa. Spencer was shocked by this behavior (“I thought you were my friend!”) because this was atypical Ali behavior. Ali was a bully, but she loved her secrets and she loved knowing her friends’ secrets. Spencer could have realized that Ali had acted like that because she wanted Ian for herself and therefore needed Ian and Melissa to break up—Melissa learning that Ian had kissed her little sister was a sure-fire way to get that without Alison having to reveal that she had been with Ian herself.
Spencer: Alison and Spencer then have a heated argument at Spencer’s home in which Spencer separates herself from Ali’s orbit. After this argument, Spencer follows Alison with a shovel. This is when Ali discovers that Spencer is “speeding” and sends her back to the barn to sleep. This confrontation is important because it reveals that Alison is no longer wearing Toby’s jacket. This makes it apparent that A was clearly trying to frame Toby for Alison’s murder by planting blood on his jacket (How was this blood obtained? Why did A have Toby’s jacket since we last saw Alison wearing it?).
Garrett/Jenna: Garrett pretends to kill Alison by hitting Spencer’s field hockey stick against the tree to fool Jenna. This is a great example of a moment Alison would not have thought about in making her statement that the girls knew what happened to her that night. She had proven that Jenna wasn’t A, and there was clearly some kind of trusting relationship between Alison and Garrett (Alison nodded to signal that Garrett could pretend hurt her). Plus, this was one of the few unplanned moments of the evening, so it wouldn’t have stuck in her memory as being as important.
Byron: The next person Alison met was Byron to blackmail him for a second payment for not telling Ella about his affair. Alison had been pushing Aria to tell her mother about the affair. Toward the end of that summer, Alison had even convinced Aria that Byron and Meredith were back together (this was why Aria trashed her father’s office). What seemed like Alison acting as a moral compass was really Alison toying with Aria because she knew her well enough to know that Aria was the “fixer” in her family and would not be able to emotionally handle telling her mother (it wasn’t until Aria realized that it was more compassionate to tell Ella about the affair that she was ready to share her knowledge). Aria knew Alison as well, though, and knew what Alison was “capable of” (as Alison herself says to Byron). Alison abused people when she learned their secrets; this was true of how she treated her friends (fat shaming Hanna) and acquaintances (Noel’s girlfriend left him once Alison discovered her boob job). Aria could have guessed that Alison wouldn’t just let that huge of a secret rest, even if it were an adult. She had access to Byron to learn that he had seen Alison the night she “died”.
The attack: After thinking she had escaped A’s threat to kill her that night, Ali walks back to her house (though what was she going to do? She was spending the night with the girls in the barn, so it doesn’t make sense she would be going to sleep in her own house) where she is sabotaged from behind by CeCe. I think that Spencer was somewhere nearby when this happened. After Alison sent Spencer back to the barn earlier, we know that Spencer did return because Alison waits to see if she receives any more A messages while watching the girls sleep in the barn. This means that Spencer left the barn a second time because in the pilot we see her return to the barn, saying she “thinks she heard a scream”, which would have happened after Alison saw her sleeping. I think Spencer was nearby when Bethany was attacked and thought it was Alison like Mona and Melissa had. At first it seems like Spencer left the barn a second time because she’s investigating the scream. However, there are three reasons this explanation doesn’t work for me: 1) if Spencer had left upon hearing the scream, she would have most likely woken the other girls to go with her, 2) if Spencer went to investigate, she would have encountered Melissa burying Bethany, and 3) Spencer’s flashbacks later in the season seem like they’re trying to show us that Spencer witnessed the attack. Her flashbacks are a drug- and trauma-addled combination of her near-attack on Alison with the shovel and the sounds/sights (for example, the blood spray) of the violent real attack with a shovel. Fueled by her half memory and fear that she had done something, these two memories could have easily become connected. The issue here is that I cannot think of any reason why Alison, who would have already been pulled from her grave and on her way to the hospital with the Grunwald, would think that Spencer witnessed an attack and thought it was her. Perhaps this is an example of the writer’s giving us Spencer’s flashbacks to make the connection since there isn’t any other connection they can make.
Alison did not know who hit her, and she would not have known what else was happening that night. Plus, even though Alison reveals herself to the girls, she clearly doesn’t want them to actually believe she’s alive: she always shows up when they are in a partial dream state (except when saving Spencer’s life, in which case Alison hid her identity). When Alison says that they know what happened, she’s not talking about the Grunwald because she doesn’t want them to realize that she was saved.
From Alison’s perspective, this is why she thinks between the four girls they know what happened:
-Emily has befriended Toby, who Alison could count on to tell Emily about his role that night
-Aria is in a serious relationship with Ezra, who should have told her about his relationship with Alison and that he saw her that night
-Hanna learns that Alison had gone off to meet a boy, Emily and Spencer learn about Alison and Ian’s relationship, and Spencer knew about Ali’s odd behavior forcing her to tell Melissa about the kiss
-After learning that Toby loaned Alison his jacket, Spencer would know that Alison was no longer wearing this jacket during their confrontation
-Aria is Byron’s daughter, knows about his affair, and knows how Alison abuses other people’s secrets
-Spencer likely witnessed the attack on Bethany – how does Alison know this?
People often get hung up on the word “remember” here, but this (mostly) makes sense to me. It was a year ago. These are random details, and the liars are not good about making connections and digging deeper into the information they have. Mostly, I think that that comment is said for Hanna to pass on to Spencer, who really does “remember more than [she] thinks she does.” ———– Me: so we were interpreting the word ‘remember’ wrong! Essentially, Alison meant that they have enough RESOURCES to work out the important parts from her PERSPECTIVE. Brilliant post! Thank you @skinnyappeal-blog :)
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