#melissa schemmenti headcanons
Disclaimer: I do not write for Melissa Schemmenti or any other Abbott Elementary characters! This was a one-time thing for an excellent friend of mine! I have never watched Abbott Elementary!!
The birthday girl <3: @shslbunnylover
Author’s Note: I love you so very much, Akira. Happy Birthday! I hope you get all that life can offer :)
Melissa Schemmenti Headcanons (Fem-NB Reader)
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If it’s an enemies to lovers sorta thing, before actually becoming friends with you, Melissa would very much so make rude insults about the things she likes about you, just to cover up how much she likes you even more. A “they’ll never know if I don’t let them” sorta thing.
She listens to music that reminds her of you!
She can and will look up stuff she’s heard you talk about before.
Melissa adores listening to you ramble! New favorite book? Go right ahead. Special interest? Alrighty then! Something that’s just been bothering you and you’re itching to get off of your chest? She’s your gal!
Melissa is a comfort GOD. Period? She’s got you. Bad day? She’s there with a warm bath and good food! Loss of a loved one or a pet? She’s there if you need her.
She loves surprising you with little gifts and trinkets! Flowers, jewelry, etc.
She just ADORES seeing you in her clothes!!
Melissa is very protective. Like, “if somebody looks at you wrong, she’s gonna drag them into an alleyway and beat their ass” sorta protective.
Scary dog privilege.
She takes you out to places she knows you’ve been wanting to go to! She listens, all the time.
You might’ve been talking to Jacob about that new restaurant you’ve been wanting to go to, and she just so happened to be passing by.
Next thing you know, you’re getting a text, “Hey, principessa, you still up for date night? Thought we’d head on down to [insert place here] for dinner.”
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milfjuulpod · 5 months
five times melissa is possessive
content warnings: mentions of alcohol
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   “You get locked out of your computer again?” You asked with a smile as you entered Melissa’s classroom. She had texted you that she needed help with something, so here you were within a minute. “No, I can't find the worksheets I downloaded and I don’t even know what to search for. I’m so frustrated I wanna rip the computer off the desk and chuck it out the window,” The older teacher responded, getting out of her chair to make room for you and leaning against the desk she threatened to do damage to. 
   Sitting down, you began combing through her files in her downloads folder. You found them immediately, but didn’t wanna bruise her ego by telling her straight away. You leaned back, and a small but ornate picture frame caught your eye. Inside, it held a photo of you and Melissa, standing outside of a restaurant downtown. 
   You remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was the first time you had hung out with the redhead outside of work, the two of you arrived together meeting everyone to watch a game. 
“C’mon hon, I’ll drive you home.”
“Wait! I need a picture, of us.”
Melissa’s laugh was like music to your ears, a symphony of happiness and warmth. “A picture? For what? Proof that I didn’t kidnap ya?”
“No silly, proof that we hung out and had a good time. You know, for the memories.”
She chuckled but accepted, wrapping her arm around your waist as she pulled you in and leaned in close for the picture. 
“Perfect. I’ll send it to you.”
   “Whatcha lookin’ at over there?” Melissa’s voice pulled you from the memory. “This picture of us, cute that you have it up here,” You told her, tracing your fingers over the details on the frame. She smiled before responding, “Yeah, I like to look at it throughout the day, it reminds me that I still have good things in the world.”
     The gym was full of bustling bodies getting ready to hear the announcement Abbott’s fun-loving principal had prepared for the day. Of course right next to each other were Melissa and Barbara, but Melissa’s purse held the seat to her right. Countless times she denied teachers and staff the chair, despite how full the room was getting. She was running out of excuses at this point, even Barbara had to ask. “Who are you holding that seat for?”
     As if on cue, you finally came through the double doors. Janine waved you over to her, somehow she saved and scored seats close enough to the front, but a low voice stopped you from continuing in that direction. 
     “Hey, kid,” Melissa hollered for you and motioned you towards her. Silently, you stood for a second, torn between the better seat and Melissa. Not to mention if you ignored Janine, you’d have to spend the next week making up for it. Upsetting Melissa, you’d have to spend the next...
     Quickly you made up your mind and walked towards the redhead, and she moved her purse just in time for you to sit down. You mouthed an apology to your other friend just in time.
     “Finally, what took you so long?” Melissa asked you quietly, as Ava could now be seen on stage. 
     “Sorry, I was trying to finish up the last batch of test grading for the week.” You answered, honestly. Trying to keep your voices down, Melissa and you scooted closer together, leaning into each other’s spaces. Although, you noticed the older woman had stuck her heeled boot around the leg of your chair and you realized you couldn’t move it if you tried. 
      Despite Ava starting her announcement, Melissa kept talking to you. “It’s okay, hon. I just had to fight off a couple of vultures to keep this seat for ya.” You blushed at the idea of Melissa shooing people away from the chair you currently occupied. 
      “You didn’t have to do that, y’know. Save the seat for me and all. I’m sure I would’ve found space somewhere. But thank you.” Melissa huffed at your response and tried (barely) to not roll her eyes. “I know, but I like sitting here. I always sit here.”
      You squinted at her for a moment, trying to connect the dots between your statement and hers. What did it matter that she liked sitting here? Nonetheless, you started paying attention to whatever the principal was talking about now, in hopes that it had been enough time for her beginning rambles to have subsided. 
      As the presentation came to an end, slowly everyone shuffled out of the gym and to their respective rooms, and quietly the three of you waited in your chairs for the masses to leave. While people-watching the room, you picked up on the conversation to your left. 
     “I should’ve known,” Barbara muttered to her friend. You assumed Melissa gave her a confused look, because Barbara not-so-subtly gestured to you and your seat. Melissa just rolled her eyes once again, but turned her attention to you. Her green eyes made you feel a rush of emotions as they met your own. “Hi,” she said quietly, as if she was worried about scaring you off. “Hi,” you replied. “Ready to go?” She asked, grabbing both of your bags off the floor as the two of you stood up. 
      The walk back to everyone’s classrooms was quiet, but you didn’t miss the look Barbara gave her friend again as she made her way into her own room. “Here’s your bag, hon. I’ll see you at lunch?” Melissa asked, handing you your belongings as she leaned against the doorframe of your classroom. “Yes you will, and thank you.” You replied, trying to hide the blush with your hair as you took your bag from Melissa and finally found peace inside your own classroom. 
      You walked with your favorite redhead up and down the aisles of the grocery store, picking up ingredients for dinner tonight. After having a rough day, Melissa offered to make you dinner. You agreed, but only if she’d let you be there for every part, including the store. Usually the Italian liked keeping every part of cooking to herself, but she found herself enjoying sharing it with you. Even the mundane aspects like the grocery store were turned into such a lovely time between the two of you. 
      “I’ll go pick out the onions for the sauce, last time I left the job to someone else I regretted it. Would you mind picking out the wine hon? I’ll meet ya over there and then we can check out.” Melissa asked before leaving the aisle the two of you were in. 
      “Sure, see you over there,” You replied, and the two of you split ways momentarily. Taking your time, you slowly went down the first aisle of wines, reading each label carefully. Even though Melissa always trusted you with the wine, you were nervous every time. Down the second aisle, a gentleman approached you. 
      “Need help finding anything ma’am?” He asked. You took a step back from the wines before replying. 
      “Oh, no, thank you. My friend will be here in just a moment.” You went back to scanning the bottles, but the employee continued talking.                   
      “I see you’re looking at our Bogle merlot! You know there’s a great winery with a merlot that has a very similar palette.” 
      “That’s nice, is it close by?” You asked to be nice, but didn’t bother looking at the man. 
       “It is, I know this area very well. Grew up here my whole life.” He replied. A couple minutes passed like this, him grasping at straws to continue the conversation and you completely disinterested. Finally, you grabbed a bottle and started walking away. 
       “Y’know if that’s all you’re getting I can check you out over here!” He offered. Before you could deny him yourself, a familiar voice spoke up from behind the two of you. 
        “She’s with me actually, we were just leaving,” Melissa announced her presence and began walking towards the two of you. You hoped the employee couldn’t read her as well as you could, but based on his wide eyes, your hope fell flat. It was clear the redhead was annoyed, and annoyed at him no less. She refused to break eye contact with him, glaring the entire time. When she caught up to you, she didn’t bother slowing down as she looped her arm with yours and continued to the checkout line. 
       “Took long enough Mel,” You teased, hoping to calm her down. Her lack of response told you it didn’t work. “I’m excited for dinner tonight, and I hope you liked the wine I picked out.”
        “I’m sure I will, and I hope that guy loses his job here so he can stop preying on pretty girls that come by to get wine for their dinner plans,” She spat, but not at you. She was good at never making it at you. 
        “Oh calm down, babe. He was just doing his job,” You lied. You knew he was being a little too nice to you, but Melissa didn’t need to know those details. 
         “Well he was doing it too well for my liking.”
          “I’ll make sure to never leave your side at the grocery store again, that way if another too good employee comes by you can stop them for me,” You joked. Melissa smiled again, and it was a beautiful sight to see. 
         “Good, I don’t like getting mean in front of ya.”
           “Yes, you do!” You laughed. Melissa loved getting an attitude in front of you. She knew you liked it just as much as she did. 
          “Yeah, I guess I do.”
     Melissa knew she had a jealous streak, and when it came to you, a possessive streak as well. Most of the time neither of you minded, it made you feel special and the redhead feel wanted. Occasionally, Melissa had a hard time containing her emotions, especially the feelings she has towards you. She hated when those came to the surface. 
      So she sat, filled with jealousy and self-pity, as she watched you ignore her existence throughout the entire lunch period. Usually, you sat right next to her, she could talk about her morning and you would listen, occasionally offer advice. She loved getting to hear your version of your morning, since it was usually very dramatic and made her giggle, always. 
     Not today, though. Today, you were too occupied with the new librarian. Instead of listening to Melissa rambling, you were listening to him. She knew you didn’t like men very much, but it didn’t matter. The fact that you didn’t even greet her and there was only ten minutes left of lunch was enough to ruin her mood. Before the bell rang, Melissa sighed and packed up her things as quickly as she could. She said goodbye to Barbara, but not to you. If you weren’t going to say hello, she wasn’t going to say goodbye. She did, however, give you a dirty look at the last second before the door shut behind her. 
     You froze, it had been a long, long time since Melissa has given you a look like that one. Usually it was reserved for serious issues or people she didn’t care for too much, so you started going over the day in your head wondering what was going on with her. This morning you hadn’t seen her, and you hadn’t stopped by to chat with her for lunch yet, so-
     There it was. With a sigh of relief you ended your conversations and made your way to the feisty redhead’s classroom. Instead of knocking, you slowly opened the door and allowed yourself in. 
     “Hi lovely, how was your lunch? I didn’t get a chance to talk to you so I wanted to stop by before grabbing the kiddos,” You announced your presence to the other woman, which went almost ignored. It wasn’t until you made it all the way to her desk that she spoke to you. 
    “Lunch was fine, I noticed you were busy with the fresh new hire so I kept my distance. Seemed like you needed it,” She responded shortly. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted your attention desperately, even if it was negative. 
    “Melissa...” You started, waiting for her to meet your gaze before continuing. She looked at you with anger, but you knew her, you knew that look. The only other time it happened was when you ditched your plans with her for an impromptu tinder date that went poorly. (She never let you live that mistake down, by the way). She was hurt, her feelings were hurt and she didn’t want to tell you. 
    “Why are you yelling at me? Is it because I didn’t talk to you all day?” You asked with a hint of teasing in your voice, enough to let Melissa know you were serious but not upset with her. She nodded, still having trouble admitting exactly what was going on inside the beautiful mind of hers. 
    “You know just because I’m friends with other people doesn’t mean I love you any less. And if you wanted to talk to me, you could’ve done so.”
   Melissa sat there for a moment, digesting your words slowly. She looked away before responding. “I know, I just…It’s hard. I want your attention but I don’t want to ask for it. If you’re not giving it to me then I just think you don’t want to anymore.”
   “Mel, no, no.” You stepped closer into her bubble and leaned against her desk. “I’ll stop anything I’m doing for you. Just ask, if I’m not showering you with enough love and affection already.” She smiled at that, thankful to realize you weren’t that mad at her. 
   “Okay, sorry for snapping at you hon. I won’t do it again,” Melissa looked up at you through her eyelashes and pouted out her bottom lip. You knew it would probably happen again, but you didn’t care. After a few months of nonstop flirting and teasing, you figured out Melissa returned some sort of feelings for you. However, it was just as clear that she was scared of whatever this was. Every time the two of you got close to having that conversation, she backed away. You could practically see the words falling off her lips before she would swallow them again. So you remained patient with her, she was worth waiting for. That much you knew. 
    “It’s okay my love, just save the glare for the other guy next time, yeah?” You playfully shoved her shoulder to punctuate your sentence, which got you an eye roll from the Italian. “Yeah, yeah, you’re fine.” You gave her one more sincere smile and hopped off the desk to go back to your own classroom. 
“Hon?” Melissa’s voice stopped you at the door. 
“I love you too.”
     It had been a few weeks since Melissa’s last “outburst,” if you would even call it that. But the “days since last incident” counter was about to go down to zero. 
     Melissa sat at the bar, waiting for your drink and hers, as she watched you float between your friends. She let her green eyes roam over your figure, the way your dress hugged your skin so tightly, she wished it was her own hands. The way you so effortlessly swayed your hips to the music, like you didn’t even realize it was happening. The older woman was so mesmerized, she almost missed the bartender setting down the two drinks beside her. As soon as she got sight though, she grabbed them and made her way over to you. 
      Out of the corner of your eye, there she was, beautiful as ever. It didn’t matter if it was the alcohol or Melissa, but you felt incredible. 
      “Thank you beautiful, what do I owe ya?” You asked as you grabbed your drink from your friend’s hand. 
       “How about a dance?” She answered your question with a question. Melissa let you take a couple sips before taking the drink back and dropping them off with your friends. As she turned around, the woman was about as red as her hair when she saw a man coming up behind you getting ready to try and dance. 
      You don’t know whose hands were on you first, but very quickly you were behind Melissa as she was staring down a much taller man. 
      “Can we help you?” She yelled more than she asked, keeping an arm over your side as she kept you behind her. You knew what was about to happen, the stranger was going to say something sly, Melissa would say something worse, and you’d calm her down before getting her on the dance floor again. Something in you decided to change that routine though, usually you stayed quiet when she got this way, stayed clear from the path of Schemmenti rage and watched thoroughly entertained. 
    Instead of staying out of her way this time and waiting for her, you leaned into it. How could you not when Melissa was getting ready to fight someone over you? You placed your hand gently over hers and rested your chin on her shoulder, immediately noticing her eyes flash over to you. Her grip tightened around your thigh in response. 
      “I was just trying to dance with a pretty girl, didn’t know that was a problem,” The stranger spoke and took a few steps back, throwing his hands up in false surrender. 
      “It is.” Melissa said, about to take a step forward, unwilling to let him get away. You felt her body shift against you and quickly wrapped your left arm around her, holding her against you. 
       “Baby, should we step outside for a second?” You asked Melissa, making a point to let her feel your breath linger for a second. She might get onto you for making her so flustered later, but that would be better than getting kicked out for a bar fight. 
       Without answering, she took your hand in hers and led you to the back exit, ignoring the questioning looks from your friends behind you. The cold wind felt sobering against your hot skin, although your hand was kept warm by Melissa’s. She was gripping it so tightly still, you wondered why she was still so frustrated. 
      “Mel? Are you okay?” You asked. Letting go of her hand you stood in front of her, gently brushing a few stray hairs behind her ear. Her cheeks were still so red, hands clammy, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen her look at you so wide-eyed before. 
     “I...” She started. Melissa looked at your lips for a moment before returning to your gaze. “He can’t touch you like that.”
    “I don’t even think he got a chance before you were back over there. Besides, why can’t he?” You challenged her. It was risky, hopefully with a reward. 
    She tightened her grip on your hand and pulled you close so your bodies were flush together. Sure, you knew a couple tricks to make Melissa blush or get flustered, but she was exceptionally good at it. Her fingers against your lower back started moving back and forth, sending chills up your spine. Her other hand let go of yours and found itself getting tangled in your hair. 
      “Because dolcezza, can he touch you like this? Hm? Would you be this needy for anyone else? You’re mine, you know you are.” The older woman’s words sent heat through your body. 
     “Prove it then.”
      As quickly as the words were out of your mouth, Melissa’s lips were on yours. She was gentle at first, giving you an opportunity to stop if you want. When your own hands found themselves reaching to touch her more, she knew she got you. Her hand in your hair tugged a bit, and when you moaned in response Melissa took the opportunity to taste you. Feeling her groans against you, because of you, was a new high you would forever be chasing. Her grip on you was tight, she was unrelenting, not wanting to let you out of her sight again. 
      It was like the past few weeks of Melissa keeping her mouth shut had built up inside of her, she needed you, and she needed you to know that. Feeling herself getting too worked up, she gave you a few more kisses before pulling away. You couldn’t help but whine when she did so, missing her lips already. 
     “Yknow, I might keep letting people flirt with me if it means you kiss me like that every time,” You softly spoke. Melissa couldn’t help but laugh at that, even though the both of you knew she would not put up with that. Certainly not anymore. You were finally hers. 
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zamoimagines · 10 months
Women of Abbott Elementary - First Date (Headcanons)
A/N: Hey ya'll! I have so much fun writing for these girlies, I love them all so much. If you guys want more of them, please let me know! - Headcanons under the cut - **DISCLAIMER: None of the gifs are mine, all credit goes to the original creators**
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Ava Coleman:
If there’s one thing about Ava Coleman, it’s that she loves luxury
Anyone who is with her is bound to know that and she’s more than happy to share the wealth with someone she cares about 
A first date for her is definitely at some hip new bar she found on social media with lots of fancy cocktails and champagne, maybe a few shots here and there
She insists that she pays for everything since she has a lot saved up (surely not for a potential zombie apocalypse, but she could afford to dip into her funds) 
She absolutely spoils you and tells you to get dressed up. She’s definitely in a sleek cocktail dress with a faux fur coat, or maybe a really fashionable jumpsuit. It’s whatever she’s feeling that night. Regardless, she looks hot and expensive 
The whole time you guys have drinks, she’s flirting hard with you. Unlike her other dates, she also spends some time getting to know you and asks you about where you’re from, where you see yourself in ten years, who your favorite celebrity couple is, etc. All the important first date topics 
Definitely calling you every nickname under the sun; baby, princess, cutie, baby cakes, honey, sugarboo, you name it, she’s calling you that 
Also making sure to take plenty of pictures of you, making you pose and encouraging you to be confident in how gorgeous you look
You stop her when she almost tries to make a tik tok video, but she respects you. Just means she has more pictures of you to look at later on her own time 
Absolutely making sure to touch you as much as possible, whether that means touching your hand, lightly jabbing your shoulder, maybe even playing with your hair a little bit
She definitely has a stare that could see right through you and while it’s intimidating, she also knows exactly how to make you squirm without doing anything at all 
After you guys are a little too tipsy, she’d surely take you to her favorite club. She’s dying to get you out onto a dance floor, especially when you both look so damn good together 
As soon as you guys arrive, the bouncers immediately let you through the door and you guys skip the line. She pulls you right out to the floor and encourages you to fuck it up 
The more you let loose for her, the harder she’s simping. More than likely, she’s grinding up against you, holding your hips to hers, rocking with you and making sure to keep you close
God forbid if ANYONE tries to dance with you, they’re getting kicked out of the entire club. She doesn’t give a fuck 
Straight up, she would make sure to put her arm over your shoulder just to be more possessive of you and make sure that everyone knows your her date. She respects you, she just doesn’t like it if someone doesn’t respect you
During a more slow song, she holds you super close so that you don’t get too far from her. She’s much more comfortable being vulnerable with you in a setting like this 
“I had a good time tonight. You’re so cute- Forreal, I can’t keep my hands off of you, baby” 
Right after, she’d lean in really close to your ear and ask you in a very husky voice, “You wanna come home with me, baby? I could take really good care of you.” 
Absolute best sex of your life as a nightcap, Ava is fully on board with having sex on the first date- especially if it’s with you.
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Barbara Howard:
Barb is the most traditional out of all of them. After all, she’s a good Christian woman
She picks out the cutest local restaurant that’s not too snooty, but not too cheap. She also happens to be a regular there, but she doesn’t give that away immediately 
She’d meet you there, showing up a little early so she could have the table ready and waiting for you. When you arrive, she stands up and makes sure to give you a very tender kiss to your cheek and a little squeeze to your hand 
When the waiter comes by to ask for a drink order, Barbara makes sure to get a simple cocktail and urges you to do the same since the have the best ones in Philadelphia (in her own opinion)
For a while, you two start to talk. You both talk about work, then maybe move onto other first date topics like favorite movies, colors, foods, etc. Eventually, you both get on a topic in which Barbara tells you everywhere she’s traveled and you learn how much she loves cruises. 
You guys finally order, and you’re still not sure what to order because the conversation has gotten away from you. She most certainly asks for your permission, but offers to order for you to ease your mind a little. You give her your consent, and she tells the waiter exactly what to bring. Absolutely hot to you that she could take care of you in so many different ways like that. 
The more she finishes her cocktail, the more comfortable she becomes. You could tell she was slightly nervous before, but since it’s going so well, she comes into her own a little more. That signature Barbara confidence shines through with vigor and it only makes you swoon more 
She gets as bold as to hold your hand for a moment, and even takes time to gaze into your eyes while she’s speaking to you. When she laughs at your jokes, you could swear that she could be the personification of sunshine 
The food arrives, and you two eat happily to which you compliment her decision on picking this restaurant in particular. The food is delicious and she ordered you the perfect meal 
At the end, the chef surprises you both with a cute little dessert that’s sharable. It takes Barbara off guard, especially when they insist it’s on the house. You both feel like giddy teenagers in that moment, but you share it anyway 
Barbara would notice that there was a little speck of something on the corner of your mouth and would say, “Oh- Sweetheart, let me get that for you-” 
She’d take her napkin and start to wipe it away, but your heart would race at how close her hand was to your face. She’d notice how close she was too when the napkin slipped out of her hands 
There’s a moment where her hand is literally just caressing your face and neither one of you can move, completely swept up by the moment 
Once she snaps out of it, she apologizes to which you tell her not to worry. Secretly, you’re hoping she’d touch you like that again 
As you two finish up, you grab out your wallet to pay but she insists you put it away 
“I invited you out to dinner, darling. Let me take care of it.” 
You know better than to argue with Barbara, and so she pays for the whole meal. When you two leave the restaurant, she walks you right to your car to make sure you’re safe and taken care of. 
“I had a wonderful time with you, dear. Thank you for coming. I’ve been looking forward to this all week, and it was even better than I imagined it would’ve been.” 
Which is so cute to think about Barbara planning this whole thing just for you, and you make sure to thank you and assure her that you had a good time as well
There’s an awkward silence between the two of you as she takes in every inch of your presence, just silently swooning over how much she adores you
She cuts through the silence and softly asks, “May I kiss you?” 
You’d nod, but you can’t believe she just asked that question. You never thought in a million years that Barbara Howard would’ve been taking you on a date 
As you’re swimming in your thoughts, she’d lean forward and give you a firm yet sweet kiss to make sure she makes it perfect for you. 
You’d kiss back in an instant (how could you fucking not), and as soon as you accept her love, her hands move to hold your waist as she pulls you in closer, her other hand moves to caress over your cheek
She’d rest her forehead to yours and admit, “I’ve been waiting so long to do that” 
She’s certainly a lady and respects your boundaries enough to not invite you home, but you bet your sweet ass that she’s most certainly asking you on a second date. 
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Janine Teagues:
Janine is a pretty classic girlie and takes you to see a movie 
At first, she’s trying to psyche herself up to see a drama or a horror movie, something that is way too serious for her tastes because she wants to impress you
She offers to pay for everything- The movie tickets, the snacks, she even tries to shove gas money in your face 
You try to insist that you can split everything, but she’s incredibly stubborn 
Once you have your drinks and your food, you guys go into the theater 
She made extra careful plans to sit in the perfect spot so you two could have enough privacy but be far enough from the screen to see everything 
The movie starts up and it’s clearly too much for her, you can tell by the way she’s getting tense and how she’s trying to hide her face every five seconds
She gets way too nervous and steps out to use the bathroom, but after she’s gone for so long, you make sure to go and check on her 
You’d use a line like, “You left your purse under your seat” or something along those lines 
To which Janine would completely crumble and let you know that she was acting all out of sorts just to make sure you’d still like her. She’s terrified of being too boring or not being “cool” enough for someone else 
You’d definitely have to reassure her very tenderly because you went on this date knowing it was Janine. Clearly you love everything about her, even her little quirks. You’d have to make sure to tell her that upfront so she could finally relax
Once everything was out in the open, she’d finally calm down. 
She’d say something like “Good- I was kinda hoping we could see Paw Patrol because my students have been going nuts over it. I heard it was a pretty wild time.” 
She’s definitely nervous about admitting that, but as soon as you’re on board, you two refund the tickets for the next showing of the other movie. This time, you make sure to get the drinks and you guys settle in.
You can clearly see she’s more excitable, laughing and being adorable as ever
She’d even hold your hand and make sure to whisper little things to you so that she didn’t get too lost in the movie 
Once it’s over, you guys would hit a little coffee shop and just talk for a while. Really gushy stuff, like laughing about how Janine picked the worst movie for a first date initially, maybe she goes on about how much she liked the actual movie she wanted to see. You guys stay for hours and talk about everything under the sun until the cafe closes.
“Well uh… Guess that’s it then.” She’d fidget a little, definitely super nervous about how to end the night. You’d let her know that you had a great time 
Which would give her enough courage to launch herself forward and kiss you right on the lips
Right after, she’d pull away and blush super hard and start apologizing and rambling like she does
But you’d cut her off and give her another kiss. In return, she’d just melt in your arms and you two could just let yourselves get caught in the wholesome gay vibes that the whole night had been leading up to <333
Then she’d most definitely ask you to come back to her place to hang out and cuddle, maybe play some board games she’s been dying to show someone. Absolutely more kissing- She wouldn’t be able to stop kissing you once she knew it was okay to do so.
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Melissa Schemmenti:
Definitely plans a date at her place
Who needs a fancy restaurant when she’s the best Italian cook in all of Philly? 
She’d invite you over and everything would be super casual, she’d probably insist on it just so she could make you comfortable 
But nothing would be quite ready whenever you got there 
In fact, you’d get all dressed up in your best
And Melissa opens the door in jeans, a tank top and her denim jacket she always wears around her house, hair up in a ponytail with a small kitchen towel hanging off her shoulder
“Damn- You really thought you were coming to the Met or something, huh?” She’d definitely laugh it off, but she’d assure you that you look incredible. She’d even apologize for not being more specific or for not dressing up herself 
Her idea of an adorable date is letting you help her cook. Being able to make a meal with her loved ones always makes her feel at home, and you’re no exception to that 
She’d definitely teach you how to make a kick ass risotto and would hold your hand the entire way
If you did something wrong, she wouldn’t be nearly as harsh as she would’ve been with Jacob or Janine. She’d lightly redirect you and even show you how to do it by guiding your hands with her own
And for the most Sicilian thing to do, she makes sure to get out a bottle of wine so you two can indulge in some drinks while the meal is getting prepared 
She has on her favorite tunes in the background, and the more tipsy she gets, she definitely starts to sing to you which is so sweet (even though her voice is completely off key, still super charming) 
Absolutely letting you be a taste tester, offers you the cooking spoons or makes you eat something out of her hand 
She won’t say it out loud, but she loves how you go with it. It’s adorable to her that you’re comfortable enough to trust her and lowkey she thinks it’s kinda hot how your mouth feels around her fingers ANYWAY
Once the food is done, you help her set the table and get all the food set up. She cracks open another bottle of wine so you guys can still drink during dinner 
You literally wanna pass out because the food is so good. You had no idea that she could cook like this, and it’s very clear she takes a lot of pride in her work with that pleased smirk on her face.
She’s also just so happy to see you so happy and in her space being so comfortable, that’s all she wants in a partner and you’re fitting in so seamlessly with her life
You guys talk about everything under the sun; About work, about annoying people, she tells you crazy stories from her family, maybe some about her antics and how she’s run away from the law, in return you’d tell her stories of your own 
Before you know it, dinner is completely gone and so is half the bottle of wine 
You both are much more tipsy than before, but it feels so cozy and warm. Melissa is even gazing back at you with her chin resting against her hand, just taking in how beautiful you are
“Mm.” She’d hum a little bit while she’s just silently staring at you, to which you ask her what’s on her mind 
“Oh, nothin’. Just was thinking about what it would be like to kiss you.” 
There’d be a small pause before she just leans in and presses her lips to yours 
It’s heated almost immediately, because this woman does everything with as much passion as she possibly can- But she’s also so tender and makes sure to hold you while she’s getting closer to you
Melissa doesn’t care about rules, ya’ll are going straight up to her bedroom if you’re comfortable with that. If not, she fully intends to cuddle you on her plastic wrapped couch 
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blackautmedia · 1 year
Janine and Gregory - the portrayal of Autism in Abbott Elementary
Video made a while back but am trying to get my uploads shared! In this video, we discuss disability representation in media, a lot of issues in how characters explicitly confirmed to be autistic are portrayed (ex. Hero Elementary, the Proud Family reboot, etc.) and how Janine and Gregory give some interesting insights into being Black and autistic.
Some Excerpts:
Disability coding is only a form of subtext. It doesn't substitute hiring disabled people who make about a quarter of the population and are systemically excluded from these roles. Tyler James Williams to my knowledge is not autistic or if he is he's not public about it, though he does have Crohn's disease.
The biggest way I identify with reading Janine as an autistic Black woman is in the amount of hate she gets from many viewers who specifically hone in on her lack of social cues, body language, and personality that they find incredibly annoying because these are the exact ways people talk about real-life autistic people when we unmask for even a second.
Gregory doesn't get the same amount of the pushback or hate that Jacob and Janine get, but it's also important to note that literally his entire characters centers heavily around an autistic Black man made to mask regularly. There's a reason he was so hesitant to share that he didn't like pizza.
Janine gets the load of pushback he doesn't largely because she's a woman who doesn't mask.
Any time you point out the latest thing labeled "cringe" or "annoying" or "chronically online" are overwhelmingly traits associated with disabled people, out come the people saying "well, I wasn't talking about you" and that's kind of the problem because disabled people are so rarely considered in most circumstances.
Chadwick Boseman was treated this way when people were mocking him for his thinner appearance and making all sorts of memes. But then he showed that he had cancer and suddenly then were they sympathetic. Disabled people don't owe you a specific performance of their disability to be treated with respect.
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Abbott Elementary - Having a second baby with Melissa Schemmenti (Headcanon)
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Classification: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: High-risk pregnancy, slight smut reference
Word count: +4100
Part One | Part Two (soon)
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- The idea of a second baby wasn't in your original plans and both of you are so caught up in being first time mothers that at no point does it cross your mind, but surprisingly it does Melissa's mind. During Luca's one-year anniversary party she comments on how only one of them doesn't seem enough, a thought that returns in the quiet of the night a couple of weeks later after she watches you breastfeed your son while she reads him bedtime stories. The feeling of domesticity and joy doesn't leave her mind, so the redhead knows she definitely wants to have a second Schemmenti baby;  
- She is a little nervous to bring up this topic, after all, you did it the first time and there is a background of fear that she is burdening you with the desire for another baby so early, LuLu is still between comings and goings in weaning, now he can run, speak small sentences and has the whole process of defraying the child, in addition to the routine of working mothers, the ups and downs that can yield a great night's sleep or a next day with an extra dose of caffeine. However the idea of your children being close in age and being best friends speaks louder, scenarios are formed of you walking with them, how Luca would be with his younger sibling, etc;  
- This is what the teacher keeps in mind as a source of courage to bring up the topic while you are doing the nightly routine, she has all the pros and cons on the tip of the tongue, presenting everything eagerly, if she had given you time to speak she would have heard a simple "Yes, I do!", which happens after half an hour of speech;  
- LuLu is about to complete his third semester of life when you finally make a first attempt after going through the whole process of hormones, consultations and procedures again. There aren't many expectations considering that the happy news of the coming of the firstborn came only on the third attempt and you thought you would have to go through the whole emotional roller coaster of negatives because unlike the previous pregnancy there was no nausea, swelling, mood swings and period came down before the 14 days to take the test. But one day before the boy's first daycare presentation you felt sick while Mel was helping him practice the dance, holding on to a thread of hope you do a pharmacy test, not believing the results, another four are done, and finally a call to the obstetrician because you don't understand the lack of symptoms, finding out it's normal to still have periods in the beginning. You let a tear of joy fall, the Schemmenti family is growing; 
- The next day you suffer trying to hide the excitement and after leaving work early do a blood test, just confirming the pregnancy. It's too much to keep to yourself, you can't wait to tell your wife and almost cry while watching your son dancing in a lion costume, reminding you how small and cute he still is, realizing that soon there will be another one, if fate decides another mini Melissa. And he seems to feel, as some theories on the internet say, suddenly running up to you after the presentation, not wanting to leave you until arriving home and when the redhead realizes she starts joking about it (because she is the favorite so far), at the same moment you throw into the air any plans to make an elaborate surprise, mentioning that babies feel when their moms are pregnant again. She can barely contain emotion as she hugs you, thanking you for the family you are giving her, and Luca, even not knowing exactly what it means, is the "big bwudda";  
- Then you have to explain to him in a ludic way about how the family would grow and soon there would be a baby, which you represent with a teddy bear, the boy doesn't understand the concepts very well, but seems like a good thing so he smiles joining in the cheer, which you understand as a good sign while hugging him lovingly;  
- It was just finding out about the pregnancy that the baby started to show it was there, in the first trimester morning sickness hits you one to three times during the day, more than in the other pregnancy, in compensation there are fewer trips to the bathroom, nausea is selective to very sweet or strong smells, contradicting all the maternity books you feel more energetic and to everyone's delight you don't reject any food, in fact your appetite increases, your wife constantly feeds you, happy to say you eat for two;  
- Barb is the first to know, even before the Schemmenti family, and it's LuLu who unwittingly tells her about the pregnancy. It's one of the Friday dinners you have with the Howard couple, the boy is on her lap eating some tortellis when Gerald talks about his older brother, the wife getting excited about some story about the same and of course your son was jealous of that, trying to get her attention back to himself, so he lets out the news excitedly "I'm a big bwudda!". The table goes silent and the best friends stare at each other, Gerald stares at you, then everyone stares at Luca and you sigh, trying to explain that the plan was to tell them in a different way, standing up to show the little 10 week bulge. The couple rushes to congratulate you, hugging your family ecstatic and happy to be a part of this new phase, just as Melissa was with them when they had Taylor and Gina; 
- The next to know were your family members, you waited until the first trimester to tell them considering it was safer due to the possibility of miscarriage in this period. First is your family and then the Schemmenti, they can't believe that their daughter is giving them two grandchildren in a row when they had already given up on having just one come from her, so no surprise that her mother cries with happiness when she receives a cardigan and crocheted little shoes, while her father receives a mini Philadelphia Phillies uniform printed with the number 9, along with a note saying that now he has a baseball team (his favorite sport) of grandchildren. There are lots of hugs, kisses, expert parenting advice and a new trip through the photo album, now focusing on your wife with the siblings, especially with Kristin Marie because they are for sure the most chaotic duo and have the best photos, LuLu loves to see everything pointing out who is who repeating with Nonna;  
- Kristin only gets a t-shirt written "Worst Auntie" thrown at her, it's kind of fun to watch the two insult each other and the blonde dropping the worst stuff about Melissa while telling you to pray that the child, who she already calls Gizmo #2, isn't born identical. Like the fact that her sister threw a chair at her before they turned 10. And the fact that she lives covered in bites in the shared nursery. This is confirmed by their mom. A week later she is proudly wearing the t-shirt while Luca wears a small one with "Worst Nephew" written on it, which she herself ordered to match. Melissa's nightmare becomes more and more reality, the two are joined at the hip, after all, they are two Gremlins;  
- The team is not so surprised by the news, living with you every day they notice little signs that remind them of the first pregnancy, the limitations, the nausea, the glow and all the extra care that Melissa has around. On your day off you show up at school, your son in one arm and a box of decorated cupcakes in the other, you are wearing a light and loose dress, like the other clothes for keeping the pregnancy hidden. She approaches and scolds you for carrying so much weight, which is contraindicated by the doctor, how it can harm you and the baby as well, Barb joins in and the two of them make you sit in the common room waiting for the rest of the staff. They soon show up, without any surprise going to attack the box, except for Gregory, and open big smiles when seeing the theme of the decoration. Janine is the first to run to hug you, followed by Jacob and then the rest of them in a big group hug, all joking as they already knew; 
- As soon as she found out that you are pregnant, the redhead bet the baby's gender, being absolutely sure that you are having a little daughter, she always uses the fact that the Schemmenti have a good intuition and are good at betting in her favor. LuLu seems to agree. This time you also enter the bet, believing faithfully that you will have another boy, just like Mr. Johnson, Gregory and Barb. Alongside Melissa are Janine and Jacob, Ava is the one who mediates the bet. And she is the one who is responsible for the revelation for the matter of impartiality, at 16 weeks the gender can finally be seen in an ultrasound, the result is passed to her. It's a weekend event, all of them and family members are gathered in the home garden, each one is dressed in the color of their bet, you look anxiously at the big balloon (which may be filled with light green = boy or lilac = girl) that Ava is carrying and you choke with surprise when your son approaches with the little plastic fork, poking the latex with curiosity. Dust falling on both of them, leaving him covered in lilac. Mel got it right... again; 
- She is called "Tesoro", "Piccola", "Dolce" and "Cara Mia", all nicknames in Italian referring to how small and calm the baby is, almost no trouble at all, delicate face and fingers whenever appearing on the ultrasound, the little girl doesn't step on your internal organs that often and seems to sleep most of the time. She is also her "Sweetheart", this seems to be the favorite because even though your daughter is calm she has temperamental days and your back suffers the consequences for the change of mood, being called by her Mama like this seems to be the only thing that makes her stop moving;  
- Music is another thing that calms her down, while Luca liked to listen to children's books and long talks, she likes music, any kind of music that Mel, and only Mel, sings makes her a good girl for the rest of the day;  
- The second trimester starts out peaceful, she doesn't show up as much as her brother did and you still don't have to change clothes sizes, even though you eat twice what you did before, with a great appetite that extends to the beginning of strange cravings, a preference for sour and crunchy things, sometimes mixing both, luckily this seems to make the nausea cease. There is still some dizziness, headaches and although not gaining as much weight you feel the legs are swollen. Emotions stabilize after weeks of mood swings, libido increases, you become more physically affectionate. The breasts increase significantly and this is Melissa's doom, you catch her staring at them brazenly many times, after the initial shyness she asks to touch them too, barely being able to hide how this excites and delights her;  
- She knows very well how stretch marks from giving birth can still bother you, so imagine how much you suffer in anticipation with the body changes happening, before it starts to bother you more or make you feel insecure the redhead shows up at home with a dozen specific body creams for stretch marks and massage. You try to argue that these marks only appear in the third trimester, without success, she argues how prevention and moisturizing the skin are great allies for when this moment arrives, but you both know it's just an excuse for her to give you long and tender massages; 
- Of course you have experienced the effect of pregnancy on your sexual life before, when you were expecting Luca you barely had sex for months and when it happened was just intense. But this time your libido is at an all time high, every massage or simple touch can make you extremely excited. Melissa is more than happy to satisfy your desires, even if it means morning sex for a whole week or you waking her up in the middle of the night to tell that you are too horny and want her to work it out;  
- This is what goes through her mind when you wake her up in the middle of the night, instinctively turning to kiss you and green eyes twitching in confusion at the sight of the scared expression on your face, pointing to the sheets where a bloodstain is forming between the legs. She gets up waking up immediately, looking for warm clothes and towels to take you to the hospital, Barb and Gerald arrive in less than 15 minutes to stay with Luca, the great friend praying for you the second you walk out the door, your wife having to practically carry you as the abdominal and lower back pain is too much to handle. Neither of you cry on the quick car ride, but Melissa tries to reassure you that everything will be okay, that the daughter is strong, words she herself tries to believe struggling not to let fear and panic take over her as well. She wants to be strong for you. When the nurses rush you to the emergency room, she lets her tears come out;
- After a series of exams, which the teacher accompanies without letting your hand go, the doctor reassures you that it is not a miscarriage, as everyone feared when they saw your situation, but that you have a high risk pregnancy due to preeclampsia that developed from the fourth month on, which you didn't even realize, thinking that the occasional dizziness, headaches and swelling were part of the package. This condition provide high risks for placental abruption, the cause of the pain and bleeding. She ends by saying how lucky you are that it was a minor episode, otherwise there would have been a high possibility of losing your baby girl, which she calls a miracle; 
- From this moment the pregnancy is treated as high risk, besides the complications of the condition there is the constant danger of a very premature birth that would put both of your lives at risk, medications are administered to prevent contractions and the worst from happening. A birth plan is drawn up in which the priority is that you carry the baby the longest time your body allows. Just the idea and all the complex medical terms scare you to death, Melissa is freaking out inside and as much as she tries to hide you feel it in every touch or word, she is 10x more delicate and protective than she ever was before;  
- Your diet is completely adapted with low salt and foods that do not contribute to the increase in blood pressure, you have to measure pressure every day to check if it is under control, after all, the only cure is childbirth. She is super supportive and shares the same meals, no matter how much both hate it because you are used to heavy and full of spices dishes. LuLu is the only one who continues to eat normally, with a lot of tantrums he refuses to eat the same thing, but deep down you know that your wife helps him to finish the dish, the intention is what counts;  
- And the main recommendation is absolute rest, it drives you completely crazy, not for having to stay in bed most of the time or sitting outside, but for Mel watching you like a hawk 24/7. She accompanies you to all the appointments, monitors the medication, gives you massages every night, makes sure you don't make any unnecessary effort, that you get all the love and care. Melissa becomes more protective than ever and does everything to make sure you are well, the first thing is to convince you concentrate exclusively on taking care of yourself and focus on the pregnancy, which makes you a full-time housemom/housewife, without the housework part. Do you want to mop the floor? She can do it while you sit in the armchair. Luca is running around the house having a tantrum? Don't stress, she can handle it. If you asked the moon, be sure that she would give it to you, symbolically or otherwise. She is a naturally overprotective person with those she loves, but when you got pregnant with LuLu you saw the worst side of this trait, which only got worse with the second pregnancy. The redhead is clearly stressed, not surprisingly as a working mom and wife, added to the fact that she won't let you do anything to help; 
- This situation only improves when you reach seven months, which was almost impossible according to the doctors' expectations, you have a history that only contributes to negative predictions, the previous birth having been premature too, even if only by two weeks, preeclampsia and placental abruption are the triad of your risky pregnancy. Melissa lies down next to you after her biweekly appointment, head resting gently against your 28-week belly, she mentally notes that she still has to do a nightly massage, but the tiredness is just too much. Sleep almost takes over until she jumps up when feels something, the always calm and quiet little girl kicks for the first time, right in her face. It's not very strong, just enough for both of you to feel and see the small foot move against skin, it's frighteningly enchanting for both of you, she is so involved that even forgets to record it immediately, finally managing to record a few seconds of movement. Of course the baby had moved several times before, but never kicked like this, it's as if she wants to reassure her moms that everything will be okay. This is the first time in months that you sleep peacefully and well;  
- Luca didn't understand what being pregnant and being a big brother meant until the beginning of the last trimester, right after his two year old birthday. At the party Sofia's mother, the girl who is his best friend and also second cousin, shows up at the party with a baby in arms, he had seen her pregnant with a huge belly and suddenly the dots connected in his little childish mind. You are going to have one of those smaller creatures and he cried a lot during the event in realization feeling deceived, he really believed that you were going to give him a teddy bear, explaining why he constantly asked about when the baby was going to come home. What you do the next day, a small bribe to explain to him again about the baby sister's arrival, LuLu is a little upset about having to share moms with someone else, but soon cheers up when you talk about him having someone to play and make a mess with every day; 
- The little girl will have her own room, initially you thought of making the siblings share the nursery, but you gave up after Kristin Marie's revelations and the possibilities of them disturbing each other's sleeping routine, it also seems easier to take care of them separately. The extra room, for a long time used as storage for the hundreds of toys and educational supplies, is soon renovated, her cousins assume the function, giving you a lilac room, the furniture is in gray and Ipe wood, a large closet full of clothes you bought and won. Just like the firstborn's, there is no specific theme chosen. Days later you realize that some stuffed animals have disappeared from his room, the search for the lost toys leads you to the newly assembled nursery where most of them are, lying around, sloppily decorating the lower shelves, and the one you gave him for birthday is in the crib. "My sissy gonna like Romy!" Luca says excitedly pointing to the bunny, which has been named Romy. You and Melissa face each other, a big tender smile, deeply touched by the cuteness and lovability of your son, delighted at how he is going to be a good big brother;  
- You read dozens of name idea books, in the end being between Carina and Olivia, the first considered for the meaning "Pure, Beloved" and Olivia for being a name Mel has always liked, plus it means "Peace". As a good big brother, LuLu wants to be part of the choice of his sister's name, upon hearing the options he immediately falls in love with Olivia. Little hands touch your belly lovingly as he talks to her, calling her Liv all the time, because he can't speak the whole name, and asks if sissy Liv, as he now calls her, can hear him, she kicks against the little hand as an answer. He stands delightedly celebrating and when you look to the side you find your wife in tears watching their interaction; 
- Olivia's entire pregnancy was a big roller coaster, no matter how much you planned the process in anticipation everything seems to have gotten out of hand in many ways, she was an initially asymptomatic baby, had a disastrous baby shower, then the development of preeclampsia and the placental abruption that scared you to death, from that point on there was so much worry that you almost forgot to enjoy the pregnancy. Of course she would make her arrival another scary roller coaster ride. The day after you are completed 33 weeks of pregnancy and the day before the appointment with the obstetrician you feel a pain so intense that you can hardly get out of bed, the redhead immediately comes to rescue. Everything is very fast, she runs around the house gathering items and Luca on the way to take you to the hospital, first leaving the child with the grandparents, before you notice you are already in the hospital bed with the doctor saying that labor is too advanced to be delayed. Liv decided this is a good day to come into the world;  
- Melissa holds your hand the whole time and says a hundred encouraging words, trying to reassure you that everything will be okay, it's almost 8 intense hours of powerful contractions and lots of swearing until dilation allows you to have the baby. You've had a baby before, taken classes, already knew what to expect and you're still scared at the moment of pushing, a hundred possibilities running through mind while the nurse tells you to push again. Your wife looks you in the eye, a proud smile on the face and whispers "You can do it Amore mio, she's almost here, just one more...", this gives you the strength to keep facing the fear and pain. Minutes later she kisses your forehead telling you how proud she is when you both see the little human in the doctor's hands, but the happiness is immediately replaced by extreme worry, there is no crying, no movement and the staff moves to do the Apgar score on the newborn, you are freaking out inside waiting for someone to tell what is going on. Soon the nurse appears with the little bundle of joy wrapped in a blanket and a smile on her lips, you and Melissa look at each other relieved; 
- There is a reason why the birth was so exhausting for you and worrying for the doctor, why she didn't even cry, Liv literally was born sleeping, making absolutely no effort to help you through the process. Which is a reason to laugh after all the tension. The little girl is so small, calm and fragile that you are too afraid to touch her. Olivia Ann Schemmenti came into the world at 6pm, just one month after her brother's birthday, 4 pounds and 17 inches consistent with prematurity, a copy of you with Melissa's eyes, the opposite of LuLu in personality, perfect in every way, your little miracle. 
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Schemmenti Family Masterlist
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meowmeowhissss · 3 months
Did more head canons using the generator plus my thoughts because I’m bored and alone :/
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- sings in the shower (100% hums or talks to herself)
- steals other people’s clothes (steals sunglasses and jewelry)
- gets road rage (its canon)
- sleeps in until noon (she either sleeps in whenever she doesn’t work, or wakes up early and cleans)
- desperately needs a hug, but refuses to ask for one (I think she gives people hugs in order to get a hug herself)
- it would not take her a lot to turn evil (and what abt it?)
- does intricate and expensive cosplays (canon bec wanda)
- forgets to eat sometimes (no she does not. That’s like an insult to her)
- believes In ghost and insists to summon them during sleepovers (she doesn’t believe at first but Ava and Jacob make her)
- sings at 4 am and her neighbors hate her (nah she’s passed the fuck out by then)
- does not know how to read (canon 😭)
- is a cat person (I wish, but she’s a dog person)
- instinctively cleans messes in their own house as well as other peoples (canon)
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thefutureisus2020 · 2 years
Top 12 Melissa Schemmenti x Reader Headcanons
1. She won’t admit this but she fell in love with you the moment she saw you. It was your very first day as the new Librarian at Abbotts.
1.2 She does feel guilty about how standoffish she was to you for the first few months before you brought in your Nonnas homemade ziti.
2. The second time she realised she’d developed a crush on you was when she walked into the hallway and saw you comforting a young child with a disability who was being bullied but two classmates and sadly their mothers. It took both Barbara and Mr. Johnson to stop you from going over and smacking the mothers
3. Your smile is her favourite thing about you. She knows somethings wrong when you don’t smile or you give someone that fake smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
4. The sound of your voice soothes her. She loves being about to curl up next to either on the couch or in bed and simply listen to you read from whatever novel you have on the go.
5. She respects your boundaries, particularly when it comes to PDA. It does take all her will power not to hunt down your ex who treated you badly
6. The smell of your shampoo is something she never gets sick of. It always lingers on your pillow, which is a great comfort when you’re not able to spend the night.
7.Meeting your family is the only thing that scares her. She’s heard stories from your friends about how your 5 younger brothers are protective of you. She doesn’t blame them one bit, you helped raised them after your mom ran off.
8. Her favourite family member of yours is your nieces. They latch onto you as soon as the two of you walk into your fathers house. The two young girls remind her of you and looking at photos of you at the same age it makes her long to have a baby that looks just like you.
8.She’s counted everyone of your freckles and loves every one of them. Particularly the one on your lower back that when kissed makes you moan.
9.When she’s had a long or stressful day at work she knows she can count on you to make her feel better. Particularly when you’ve made fresh chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate and raspberry icing
10. When you meet her family for the first time she’s beyond scared because they weren’t fans of Joe or Gary or even a woman named Sarah who you refuse to admit exists. But your fears are put to rest when everyone instantly loves you. You find out when that your Nonna (fathers mother) grew up down the road from Nonna Schemmenti and they were friends for years before they lost contact.
11. When you explain to her that you can’t come over for date night because your youngest brother Simon calls you in tears after being dumped, her heart swells knowing how kind and gentle you are with him.
12. Melissa loves how much your brothers adore you but she does pount when they call you to complain about one of the other siblings, particularly when she’s on top of you sucking on your neck.
13. She tells you she loves you on the 3rd date. It slips out after you offer to make her the best Thai food she’ll ever taste.
14. The only time she’s cried in front of you was when you walked out of your bedroom wearing a beautiful floor length baby pink gown. You had agreed to be your twin brother Marcos bestwoman after he finally pops the question to his long suffering girlfriend.
15. After a 3 years together Melissa asks you to marry her and she’s overjoyed when you say yes
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The real problem with melissa sexuality discourse is people are saying 2 different things
As far as I’ve now been made aware of, when people are saying they headcanon her as a lesbian they’re saying they see elements of themselves in her, they interpret her as a lesbian.
When I say she’s bi I’m saying that’s what the show is writing towards, based on the evidence of lines she’s said the basic implication is liking men and women. Realistically the way she will be queer is to be bi.
Surely you can see how that’s the case because I’m not talking about individuals interpretation, I’m talking about the basic fact of what we see in the show, without interpretation based on individual experience.
If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck it’s probably a duck.
And this is where this argument seems to be stemming from. I see ‘she is a lesbian’ and am meant to read that as ‘based on my own experiences which I see in her I see her as a lesbian but would be happy for her to be bi too’, but when I say ‘she is bi’ I mean literally purely based on the lines she says in the show that is bisexual behaviour.
I’m not sure how I’m meant to imply all that, yet people can easily apply ‘oh it’s someone hating lesbians’.
Disagreeing is not lesbiphobic. If it was does that make the lesbians who share this perspective lesbiphobic? Because how does that work?
The reason it bothers me is nothing to do with lesbianism and that’s a really strange take. It bothers me because it ignores half of what we see (actually more than half). It bothers me when people say she’s straight, but less so because that doesn’t change the interpretation of what’s being written. Melissa, as lisa describes her, an angry slut (not to say lesbians can’t be sluts, but we know she sleeps with men, and here the implication is she enjoys it), not liking men would fundamentally change who she is. Comphet while also having her seeming awareness of liking women plays into the stereotype of bisexuality being a step on the way to lesbianism.
Acting like someone hates lesbians and lesbianism because they see a character differently from you is a huge misinterpretation of discourse that’s really based on people saying 2 different things.
So often tv characters, especially in sitcoms, have throw away lines like this implying bisexuality but then it’s either only confirmed by actors after the fact or never confirmed.
So why would I not ride for her to be openly bi?
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godshivered · 2 years
My more specific headcanon for Melissa not having children is based on nothing and just a scene that got in my head.
So I feel like, if Joe wanted kids and Melissa didn't, this would be a huge point of contention. We know they were the type to argue back and forth, sometimes badly enough that Melissa would stay the night somewhere else -- so if Joe wanted kids, and her family wanted her to have kids, and the church wanted kids, and all her friends (Barbara) were having kids, Melissa would feel very isolated in her stance.
Maybe to humor him, she'd entertain the thought. Maybe she'd even go as far as to say, "Let's try it. We'll see if it happens. Maybe it's meant to be." Just to get him off her back about it. They "try" in the winter, and the tests come back negative; they "try" in the summer, but no dice. By the time Melissa's back at work, tensions are rising and their marriage starts to hinge on this one thing that isn't happening, until every phone call is an argument and Melissa winds up breaking down in the school parking lot. And Joe's out for work so Barbara drives her home, and stays with her for awhile to talk it out.
It's quiet at first, Melissa pouring herself a huge glass of wine and halving it in one sip. Barbara's watching, and Melissa slouches back. "What? I'm not pregnant, relax."
"Don't- not with the tone, Barb. I'm fine, seriously." She says this as though she weren't sobbing on the gravel an hour prior.
So Barbara leans across the back of the couch, takes her hand. "It will happen. You have to have faith."
Melissa huffs a laugh into her glass. "It's not gonna happen."
"It will. I believe it will."
"Well, believe in somethin' else," Melissa fires back, "because I'm still on birth control."
And that's a fun surprise, because Barbara's been praying nearly six months for God to give Melissa a child. So she's upset -- she's upset that her best friend lied to her, and she's upset that Melissa won't tell her husband. She's upset that Melissa's giving up on her dream and she can't understand why.
"It doesn't matter why. I'm just not doing it."
"Melissa, you'd make a wonderful mother; you know that, right?"
"Would you leave it alone, Barb, please? I said I'm not doing it."
"Is it something he said?"
"Barb. Cut it out."
"Because you know that, despite whatever he says about you, you are more than equipped to be a mother-"
"I don't want his kid, all right?" Melissa snaps, so sharply it stops Barbara in her tracks. Melissa melts back from her words, but her tone doesn't drop much. "I don't want it! Is that enough of a reason?"
Her gaze flicks quickly to her glass, but she doesn't finish it. Just stares at it with glossy eyes, rather than looking up at Barbara.
Swallowing, Barbara sinks into the cushions a bit. She wants to reach for Melissa's hand, but sits silently instead, following Melissa's fingers around the stemware.
"I've just, I- I've raised enough Schemmentis by myself, okay?" Melissa's voice is hoarse when she continues; she leans back, tilts her glass. "And we're not easy kids."
Barbara nods her head, gaze trailing up as Melissa drains her glass. She sets it on the table... then finally, looks up at Barbara again. And Barbara feels less like she's ruined this whole conversation.
"If I'm having a baby," Melissa almost whispers, and runs a hand through her hair, "it'll be with someone who's also gonna have it. Not someone who's gonna... glance at it from the recliner."
Not someone like Joe, Barbara infers. Not Joe.
Tentatively, Barbara reaches her hand across the couch -- and when Melissa doesn't shrink away, she strokes Melissa's slumped shoulder. Pretends not to notice the way it jumps with Melissa's breaths, tenses as she covers her face for a moment.
"So just don't... judge me, okay?" (Melissa's often preoccupied with Barbara judging her.) "I know it's bad, but I don't know what else to do."
Barbara wants to say screw him -- to say tell him -- to say leave him. But none of those are viable for Melissa right now. None of those feel safe for her right now, and Barbara just wants her safe.
"I understand," Barbara assures, voice low and gentle against the harsh jerks of Melissa's shoulder. Melissa screws her eyes shut whenever Barbara speaks to her like this. "I'm just afraid, hon."
"Of what?"
"Of him finding out and taking it out on you, of that," Barbara says without pretense, without tiptoeing around it. Because joe will find out, and he will make life hell for Melissa. Those are the stakes. "I need you safe."
Melissa huffs a noise, swipes her eyes with the back of her hand. She looks back at Barbara, trying to compress her expression into something reassuring. She sets her hand on Barbara's wrist, squeezes gently.
"I'll be fine, hon," Melissa insists, sniffles. "But a kid will not. That's the line I'm drawing."
(A few months later, he does find out. That argument happens, and it's the last straw, and Barbara's there to pick Melissa up before it gets ugly. She isn't fine, of course, but so long as Barbara has a say in it, she's safe.)
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milfjuulpod · 1 year
hi!! can you do one of melissa x fem reader where reader just started teaching at abbott and melissa develops feelings pretty quickly after they become really close, but doesn’t know reader is dating someone. until reader’s partner starts visiting her at work & melissa gets jealous. little does melissa know that reader likes her back & wants to leave her partner cause they’re kinda shitty to her or whatever you think works best!! and with melissa & reader eventually getting together:)
i’m terrible at explaining skdjfhd but i hope it’s good enough!!! i love your work btw!!!<3
She’s Not You
summary: see req
content/warnings: heavy cursing, hinting at emotional abuse, fluff in the end tho duh
a/n: hello :p thank you for sending a req and for the kind words 🥺 i could cry. i hope you like this, i am not too happy with it so maybe i’ll revisit this prompt but for now, here u are! much love 🫶
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Abbott Elementary quickly became your safe haven. After landing a job as a third grade teacher, you’ve gone from just another face to part of the family. Particularly, with Melissa Schemmenti. Your job opening was actually because of Melissa. Her meshed second and third grade classes proved to be too much for even Melissa and an aid, and somehow the driven teacher found money through the district to hire you.
Both you and Melissa felt indebted to each other, her basically giving you the job, and you saving her from the worst year of teaching yet. At least, that’s what the two of you kept telling yourselves. I’m just returning the favor.
That’s why Melissa offered to show you how to cook, why you invited her over to show her some cult classic movies, why the two of you became…close, to say the least. Even though the two of you shared some intimate moments, you never shared many intimate details. It wasn’t until your partner of three years started coming to your work that you realized you had never shared that part of your life with Melissa.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell Melissa more about your life, you wanted to badly. But, you were afraid. The relationship between you and your partner was less than, in your eyes. Of course at the beginning it was all roses and smiles and kisses and whispers, but slowly the facade dropped, and you slowly began to meet the person you had dedicated way too much of your personal life to.
You knew the only reason Heather, your girlfriend, was coming by to work was because she didn’t have enough control. She noticed how much happier you were, how you were thriving. And since it wasn’t coming from Heather herself, she needed that to change.
The first time she came by, it was unannounced. You sat in the break room, in your usual spot a little too close to Melissa, the two of you working on a crossword together. Your thoughts of the clues were interrupted by a familiar voice that made your blood run cold. “Hey baby, happy to see me?” Heather announced herself to the room. You blinked a few times to ensure you weren’t dreaming, missing Melissa throw Heather the nastiest glare she could.
“Oh my god, what are you doing here?” You asked Heather with a small smile, although you were secretly worried about her true intentions. She decided to make herself comfortable and pull up a chair next to you. Everyone else in the break room simply stared, worried for the girl who was unknowingly digging a deeper and deeper hole with the Italian teacher sitting a foot away from her.
“I missed you, wanted to bring you lunch. You didn’t eat breakfast this morning, or grab the coffee I made you. I woke up early for that, y’know,” she said to you, plopping the bag of food in front of you. To an outsider, it might’ve seemed like light teasing between a comfortable couple. But you knew that tone. The tone that meant she was going to bring this up later, start a fight, and then make it up to you before you could change your mind about finally leaving.
You muttered a quiet “thanks,” and took the food in your hand. “Why don’t I show you my classroom?” Before Heather could respond, you were out of your seat and guiding the two of you to the door.
“Who was that?” Barbara asked the room, although she gave pointed eyes to Melissa, knowing the two of you had grown close rather quickly. Melissa on the other hand, was angrily staring at the crossword in front of her. How dare this stranger come and interrupt the time she treasured with you, taking you away and-
Then she remembered the pet name, the mention of breakfast and coffee, and the dots connected. You had a girlfriend. A girlfriend Melissa knew absolutely nothing about. She didn’t even know you liked women. Sure, she had her suspicions, after all you weren’t very subtle about it. But you never opened up to Melissa about it, the loving of women or the girl you had already loved, and that made Melissa’s heart shatter more than she felt she could physically handle.
The redhead abruptly stood up from her seat and started gathering her things. She could not be around others right now, not in this emotional state. Melissa knew she had a crush on you, she just didn’t think it was this bad. To the point of making the usual hard-shelled woman fall to pieces at the sight of you with somebody else. In her haste exit, Melissa missed the many friends she had calling out to her, she couldn’t hear anything other than the thousands of thoughts in her head.
“Fuck,” Melissa muttered to herself, leaning against the wall in the hallway. She covered her face in her hands, hoping it would stop the tears from leaving her green eyes. She did her best to quickly pull herself together before anyone saw, and made the walk back to her classroom. Of course, she had to pass your room to get to her own. The sight of your classroom door made Melissa’s stomach turn. Usually it was because of butterflies, and now dread. She felt sick.
As she got closer, she could hear voices coming from inside. Melissa stood still for a moment, debating whether or not she truly wanted to know what was being said in there. Against her brain telling her to do otherwise, Melissa creeped towards your door, trying her best to listen for conversation.
“I make you coffee and you don’t drink it, I bring you lunch and you don’t eat it, what the fuck is your problem? Do you have no appreciation for those around you? Are you that fucked up?” The voice from earlier could be heard through the door. Melissa was shocked, angry, jealous, all rolled up into one storm. Which would explain why she swung open your door before she could tell herself no.
“Who are you? We’re having a conversation.” Heather spat at Melissa immediately. Before answering, Melissa glanced towards you. She had never seen you in such a fragile state. Sitting in your desk chair, in the dark, with so much fear in your eyes somebody might think your life was being threatened. “It’s a need to know basis kid, and you don’t need to know. Could I steal my friend for a minute?” Melissa asked, even though she was already taking your hand in hers and walking out the door with you.
She didn’t stop once she left your classroom either, not until she made it to the steps outside of the building. Melissa looked into your eyes for something, anything at this point. But you just sighed and looked away. “Please don’t yell at me, Mel,” you said quietly. You were ready for your friend to tear you apart for hiding your girlfriend and for letting her speak to you that way. “Yell at you? Honey…” Melissa said. She pulled you back close to her and wrapped her arms tightly around your body.
Quietly, you cried into her. You couldn’t help it, Melissa made you feel safe, and that wasn’t a luxury you could frequently afford. “She just…” You started, trying to explain everything to the woman who was trying to take care of you. “I can’t do it anymore Melissa. I’m sorry I never told you about her, or the fact I like women. It’s not that I didn’t want to, please don’t think that I just–” You stopped, lifting your head from Melissa’s shoulder to finally meet her gaze again. “I didn’t want you to see how small she makes me feel. I know I shouldn’t be with her, I just don’t know anything else. Not unless I’m with you but, I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore,” you finally finished with a heavy sigh.
Melissa took a moment to respond, gently rubbing your back and taking a second to absorb everything you had just told her and everything she heard. “I know its easier said than done, but you and I both know you deserve better than that crazy ass bitch back in that classroom,” She gestured with her head to the door. You noticed the venom in her voice as she referred to your girlfriend once again, and if her eyes weren't the most beautiful shade of green, they would be red with anger. “I don’t know Mel…” you trailed off.
She scoffed, tightening her grip around your waist, and you tried your best to ignore the warmth growing in your chest. “Well I know. I know you should be with somebody who actually cares about you, who notices all the stupid cute habits you do all day and loves them, you deserve somebody who will give you that,” Melissa said honestly, more honest than she would have liked to be. You couldn't help the smile that formed on your face, touched by the woman’s words. “Maybe I’ll find them one day,” You said, starting to walk back inside with Melissa. “But I don’t think I’ll find anybody who loves me quite like you do Mel.” Melissa’s heart jumped at that. “I don’t think you will either, sweetheart.”
The weeks following that first incident were strange to say the least. The air between you and Melissa became tense, like both of you had something to say but just couldn’t. Or rather, wouldn’t. The few times Heather popped by again, Melissa would always leave without a word. No goodbye to you or the others, and you quickly learned that for whatever reason, she had a hard time coming back to life after seeing Heather. You blamed it on her protective nature, simple explanation.
It wasn't until Heather had actually stopped coming around that Melissa spoke of the girlfriend without being prompted. The two of you sat alone in her classroom, grading papers before the weekend. “So, are things going any better with…y’know? Haven't seen her around much,” Melissa said without looking up from her papers. “Actually, she moved out. Last weekend. I was going to tell you I just, needed time, I guess,” You answered, looking up at Melissa, trying to read her mind through her eyes.
At first, they lit up, before Melissa could pull herself back together. “Well its about time you kicked her sorry ass to the curb. Nobody treats cuore mia like that,” She said, watching in real time how you melted at her words. “I- What?” you giggled out of confusion. Melissa returned to her gaze to her papers and quietly said, “my heart.” Your cheeks grew hot and you found your breath quickening, both at Melissa calling you such a sweet name, and the Italian she spoke it in. It was this moment that the puzzle pieces started fitting together in your head. Why Melissa was so angry and upset with Heather, and why you always preferred Melissa’s company anyways. The two of you were practically in love.
“If you want to call me pet names, at least do it in English so I know what you’re saying,” You lied to her. You couldn’t have her speaking in Italian to you, but not because it bothered you. In fact it had quite the opposite effect. “What, you don’t like when I speak Italian? Besides, you’ll learn soon enough dolcezza mia,” Melissa cooed, leaning over the edge of her desk to get closer to your face. If you could, you would kiss her right then and there.
So you did. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you cupped Melissa’s cheek and pulled her lips onto yours. Both of you were surprised at the sudden move, but neither pulled away. It was gentle, Melissa stroked the back of your head as she pulled you into her as well. She ran her fingers through your hair and used her position to lightly pull you away from her. “I’m sorry.” You both said at the same time before giggling like children. “Why are you sorry?” Melissa asked. “For kissing you, without asking. Why are you sorry?” You simultaneously answered and questioned her. “For kissing you back, I don’t want to take advantage of you,” Melissa said quietly, suddenly deflating.
You took her hand in yours, gently rubbing her knuckles with your thumb. “Melissa, you’re a very intelligent woman, but you’re acting like an idiot,” You laughed as Melissa furrowed her brows at you. “I kissed you, Mel. I wanted to kiss you I want to kiss you all the time, I didn’t realize until after you started helping me with…you know who,” Both of you grimaced at the mention of your ex. “Everything she should’ve been making me feel, is how you make me feel every day. And I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that,” You told Melissa truthfully. The grip on your hand tightened as she took in your words. “God, come here you,” Melissa said as she smiled, and tugged on your hand for another kiss.
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zamoimagines · 1 year
Women of Abbott Elementary Having a Crush on You (Headcanons)
A/N: I hope I did these ladies some justice because I love them all very dearly. If you guys would like more Abbott content, please let me know! Headcanons are under the cut
Ava Coleman
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✧・゚ The most obviously flirtatious out of everyone here 
✧・゚The moment she sees you, she knows you’re fine and she wants a piece of you
✧・゚ And whatever Ava Coleman wants, she gets 
✧・゚She’d come to the teacher’s lounge every morning just to say good morning and tease you
✧・゚Gregory Eddie who? 
✧・゚Ever since you got to the school, any time he speaks when you’re in the room she completely ignores him or tells him to be quiet 
✧・゚Calls you a whole bunch of nicknames like baby girl, princess, sugar boo, etc
✧・゚When you walk away, she’s always staring off after you and proceeds to tell the rest of the staff how gorgeous you are 
✧・゚It gets annoying and uncomfortable for them when she’s constantly like “I hate to see her leave but i love watching her walk away. That body was blessed by Beyonce herself, damn.”
✧・゚You become the first person to know any of her shenanigans 
✧・゚Always calls you into her office and says it’s important, but really she just wants your opinions on her amazon orders 
✧・゚Little do you know she’s just keeping tabs on what you like so she can shower you in surprise gifts here and there 
✧・゚You catch little moments of her being really genuine, and while she’d usually brush them off with the others, she lets them linger when she’s with you
✧・゚That’s how you know she’s got it bad for you, when she breaks that composure and shows you the vulnerability that she doesn’t let anyone else see 
✧・゚When she catches on that you’re into her just as much, she definitely doesn’t see a point in waiting anymore 
✧・゚No one’s around when she asks and she definitely hovers over you when she asks you out
✧・゚Maybe leaning up against the door frame/wall with one arm up to make sure you don’t run off, or she circles you like a vulture- anything to make sure you stay right where she wants you 
✧・゚“Look, baby, you know we got this Kate/Leo Titanic thing going on. Let me take you out. We can see where this goes.” 
✧・゚In which she takes you on the date of a LIFETIME, the rest is history
Barbara Howard
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✧・゚Barbara Howard is a lady of class. She takes her time with things, even if she wants something very badly 
✧・゚But with that, she wants to make sure that she does everything *right* and with precision 
✧・゚When you started working, she didn’t seem to notice you much. She made sure to be polite and endearing when she needed to be, but nothing more than that 
✧・゚Then, you started making light conversation. You’d even made her laugh a few times, and when you got her on a tangent about gardening or about her favorite music, she noticed something change 
✧・゚She certainly looked at you different and she was sure that she liked you much more now than most of the teachers, maybe as much as she liked Melissa
✧・゚So much so that she started to invite you to sit at her lunch table, and she’d make sure to stop by your room every afternoon to check on you while her students were at recess
✧・゚People knew it was serious when she went out of her way to do so
✧・゚Everyone whispered and drew their theories, but Melissa would be the one to ask in which Barbara Howard would admit… Yes, she liked you more than a coworker.
✧・゚When she’d realized even more what she liked about you, her affection grew stronger and she started doing little things for you like giving advice on how to deal with difficult children, offering you a hug here and there whenever you needed one, offering to join her during her nail appointments between school hours if you were feeling particularly overwhelmed, and there were even a few times that she’d stood up to people for you that caught the others and yourself completely off guard 
✧・゚And every time that happened, she’d turn right around and that hard exterior would melt. She’d immediately go soft for you and make sure you were okay and that you weren’t hurt
✧・゚Barbara would really wanna tell you at the absolute perfect time, but of course, life doesn’t really work out that way
✧・゚She’d probably save it for something big, like at the Christmas party she and Melissa always have together and she’s even planning it so that it really really means something 
✧・゚But it definitely would just go completely wrong and there would be plenty of mishaps that would get her frustrated enough to retreat back into her room 
✧・゚In which you’d seek her out and knock on her door to ask her what was wrong 
✧・゚She’d close the door behind you and the lights would be dim since it was after school hours and she’d reach for your hand very delicately to say, 
✧・゚“Y/N… Sweetheart, I- I like you very much. And in more than a professional coworker way. You are everything I’ve been looking for, and I’d like to take you out to dinner sometime.” There would definitely be a moment of silence between the two of you before she’d start second guessing herself once again and say, “I’m very sorry if I’ve crossed any boundaries. I should’ve never said anything at all.” 
✧・゚You’d have to tell her that you liked her too almost immediately or else the whole thing would be called off. When you did admit your feelings, though, she’d smile very softly and hold you closer, maybe she’d even give you a very soft kiss to your cheek 
✧・゚She wouldn’t even ask you where you wanted to go or what to do because she has had the perfect date planned out for MONTHS, but you’d love it regardless. Barbara Howard knows exactly how to make things perfect always.
Janine Teagues
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✧・゚Sweet baby angel Janine is so obvious when she has a crush
✧・゚Seriously, the minute she first saw you she was like *heart eyes motherfucker* 
✧・゚She’d be really sweet and would be the first to welcome you to Abbott, and would probably ramble your ear off about the other teachers, advice to deal with the students, and then would have a whole bunch of questions about you 
✧・゚She’s like the personification of sunshine whenever she sees you and it’s adorable 
✧・゚Every morning, she’d make sure to say hello to you and would hype you up like
✧・゚“We’re gonna have a great day today, Y/N!” and would try to high five you 
✧・゚Lots of unintentional innuendos when she’s trying to be wholesome, to which she’ll listen to herself and then immediately be like “I didn’t- Ya know what, I gotta go-” 
✧・゚Always sits next to you at lunch and tells you everything that’s going on with her day
✧・゚And vice versa, she’d listen to everything going on in your world and offer you support and validation because to her, you deserve every last bit of it 
✧・゚When Melissa had her over for cooking lessons, she’d bring you leftovers from the next day because she’s always thinking about things she can do for you 
✧・゚Jacob would finally be the one to tell her she needed to go for it, and she’d be incredibly nervous to tell you (as if you don’t already know) 
✧・゚She’d probably find you walking out at the end of the day and would pull you aside right out of the school and say something like 
✧・゚“Okay- Okay, this is scary and weird, but I’m just gonna do it, okay?” She’d take a deep breath and very quickly admit, “I like you a lot, Y/N. And it’s okay if you don’t like me back- We can just stay friends! I don’t want to ruin everything we have, but I also can’t ignore that I really *really* like you a lot, I’m just really sorry if that’s weird or overbearing-” 
✧・゚To which you would cut her off and admit that you liked her too
✧・゚She’d give you the BIGGEST, prettiest and goofiest smile you’d ever seen her wear in all the time you’d known her 
✧・゚Definitely would be kinda awkward because she wasn’t expecting to get this far, but she’d make sure to plan a very cute, personal date with you full of the fluffiest romance 
Melissa Schemmenti
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✧・゚Where to begin with Melissa Schemmenti 
✧・゚When she likes someone, she knows it and she has every intention of winning them over. Out of all the women (even Ava), Melissa has the absolute most game 
✧・゚The moment you arrive she knows that she thinks you're cute. It only gets better the longer she talks to you and the more she gets to know you 
✧・゚Definitely calls you little pet names like “hon”, “sweetheart”, “angel”, the works
✧・゚She’d always be knocking on your door during her breaks and invade your classroom while you were teaching, just smiling ear to ear to see you in your element with the kids 
✧・゚She’d also wait for you in the halls before classes, before breaks, and before it was time for the end of the day. She always insists on walking you out to your car to make sure no one tries any funny business with you 
✧・゚Whenever she got her fancy latte in the morning, she’d always bring you one just to cheer you up 
✧・゚And any time you were having a hard day, she’d be the first to find you to offer you comfort. Sometimes that meant telling you a weird Schemmenti family story that sounded unreal, other times it was cute joke, and when it was dire, she’d make sure to offer you sweet words of affection and try to let you know how wonderful you are to build you right back up 
✧・゚People would know it was getting real because Melissa would absolutely start getting territorial over you 
✧・゚If someone so much as breathed around you and it *seemed* like they were interested, she’d start that growling and pacing back and forth like a menacing linebacker 
✧・゚It would get to a point where she couldn’t take it anymore knowing that you weren’t officially hers that she’d find you after everyone was gone from school, maybe in your classroom once Mr. Johnson left for the day
✧・゚You’d ask her what was wrong and she wouldn’t waste any time making her way right up to you and kissing you right on the lips, caressing over your hair sweetly just to drive it home even more 
✧・゚She’d say something like “I like you. I like you a lot, actually, and I think you should come to my place for dinner this week… If you’re interested.” 
✧・゚And how could you say no to her after a kiss like that? FIND MORE GAY SHIT HERE
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thedooodle · 2 years
Abbott Elementary: The Work Wives Wedding Episode
(Predicted by Me)
- It’s probably season six or seven
- Everyone has been through multiple relationships and shenanigans, but now everyone is basically where they need to be.
- two episodes prior, Barbara and Melissa gets in a huge fight which ends with Melissa screaming, “I’ve been trying to propose to you, you big dummy!” Barbara halts, looks at the camera with big eyes and immediately starts crying. They embrace and then Jacob interrupts with the most Jacob awkwardness possible
- To avoid family drama, Melissa decides they should run away and marry in Vegas, but in true sitcom fashion, everyone follows them.
- Barbara is not at all for a Vegas wedding, but Melissa promises it will be classy, “with swans and mushy crap like that”.
- Ava decides to throw Melissa a bachelorette party, Ava hires a bunch of strippers, turns out half the strippers are Melissa’s cousins
- Barabara is not into the scene but agrees to go out on the town with Jacob and Janine, upon Melissa’s urging and Ava’s teasing.
- Ava takes Melissa on multiple thrill seeking adventures, each time something goes wrong for Melissa.
- Jacob and Janine take Barbara gambling, who thinks its too sinful, until she starts winning A LOT.
- Ava and Melissa go wedding dress shopping, they're having a good time until Ava makes a comment about settling for someone as boring as Barbara. Melissa is offended, tells Ava off and storms out.
- Barbara is on a roll and spending money FAST. Janine reminds Barbara they have to set down a deposit with the chapel and purchase the wedding rings. Barbara says she’ll double her money, after just one more roll. Jacob and Janine share a look, they’ve created a monster.
- Ava is on a city wide search for Melissa. This turns into a montage of Ava bumping into and blowing off Vegas stars.
- Barbara loses all their money and has to have an intervention, she’s embarrassed and mad. She slips away for a walk to clear her head.
- The dejected work wives find themselves in front of the Bellagio Fountain. Melissa is dressed in a giant, sparkly wedding dress. Barbara laughs but calls her breathtaking. Melissa apologizes for pushing for a Vegas wedding, knowing its not what Barbara wanted. Barabara admits to gambling  away all the money. They decide to do it right, and have a Philly wedding. They share a kiss as the fountain erupts behind them.
- Ava finds them and says they need to go, they tell her they don’t want to get married in Vegas, Ava says that's fine because she’s been banned from Vegas for pissing off the Elvis impersonators. No time to explain. 
- Ava ends up flying everyone on a private jet home, don’t ask questions.
- They land near Abbott to see a crowd of people waiting for them, its friends and family. It’s their wedding. Ava and Janine planned everything. 
- The school is decorated beautifully, even some swans and mushy crap like that. Gritty walks Melissa down the isle and the Work Wives tie the knot with touching vows.
- At the reception, Ava and Melissa make up. 
- Final scene, Janine checks her voicemail, its from her Doctor, the tests came in and its positive. She’s pregnant.
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Abbott Elementary - Melissa dating a foreigner (Headcanon)
Melissa Schemmenti/Reader
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Alcohol consumption
Word count: +1000
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- When she hears your accent for the first time, Melissa is delighted and immediately starts trying to guess where it's from, if she can't figure out the origin on her own she'll ask you personally. You are the new temporary teacher and are at the table talking with Janine when the woman, whom you have never talked to before, sits down next to you, scrapes her throat and with a hoarse voice asks "What's up? What part of the world did this angel fly from?"
- Curious, she will ask everything about your country, from history and culture to your favorite things, this is how you slowly get closer, learning about each other during lunch breaks while enjoying company and food. She is extremely excited to try the cuisine, even more so when you describe it;
- And the food is what brings you even closer together, she rarely invites people from work over to her home, but she has simply become obsessed with a couple of typical dishes you have brought, practically begging you to come over and teach her some. It's a nice evening, drinking wine and sharing recipes;
- It becomes routine to have these evenings, on Fridays you meet in her kitchen, alternating between Schemmenti family recipes, Italian ones and your own. After enjoying the meal you have cooked together there is nothing better than watching romantic comedy movies, playing board games, doing jigsaw puzzles, or simply having a good conversation while finishing a bottle of wine;
- On one of these evenings, while you are showing pictures of your respective families and having a good time telling stories, she leans over to pour you a third wine glass, laughing at a joke with funny words in your language, and loses balance falling on top of you, eye to eye, breathing unevenly, body and breath hot. In a millisecond Melissa's soft lips are on yours, in a gentle and tender kiss that soon becomes passionate, lustful;
- After that, you can be sure, she will officially ask you to date her. Two weeks after the first kiss/night, you are at another Friday dinner, this time is different, there are candles on the table, a rose in the center, Melissa has prepared your favorite dish and is wearing a red dress that highlights each curve of her. With a cheat sheet under the table, she is asking you to date her in your first language, some of the words come out funny but it's very cute and makes your heart melt watching her roll the tongue in pronunciation. Very nervous;
- If you have trouble with english she will make sure to help whatever you need, so dedicated that she spends hours redoing exercises and reading books together, teaching you tips and tricks. She also creates ludic games for practice, personalized cards with words that you have difficulty with or want to learn;
- And she will want to learn your language, it's cute when you find her using an app, repeating the pronunciation and writing down each new thing she learns, the redhead secretly uses a children's activity book to learn the basics, it's simple, didactic and with fun illustrations;
- You will have to learn Italian anyway, at least the basics to be able to communicate with her family. She is going to teach you the essentials, like good morning, greetings, basic questions, and, especially, swearing. All Schemmenti are dirty-mouthed and also like to swear in Italian, knowing how to swear defines survival within the family;
- She loves to find out little things about you and always wonders if some habits are cultural or just something unique to Y/N, curious about every aspect of you. When you speak expressions, in less than a week she starts using them, along with usual phrases and sayings. Melissa loves to learn about your culture's typical dishes, favorite songs, hobbies and dressing customs, and may or may not acquire some of your personality by osmosis without noticing;
- If you travel to your home country she will love to know everything, taking with her travel guides and an, by the way, inseparable dictionary, the teacher refuses to ask for help with the language because she wants to show you how dedicated and good she can be speaking the idiom... but at some point Mel will, after you let her screw around while locals talk fast or expressions she doesn't recognize. It's fun and cute;
- It's a culture shock if there doesn't have a local Football team , she will question ten times if you are sure until she finally accepts. But will support whatever other sports your country has, that's what she does as a big supporter of sports in general;
- She will try everything from tourist attractions to cuisine, you might imagine that restaurants would be her weakness, but no, she will be completely obsessed with little shops and fill a bag with souvenirs for herself, family and friends. Key chains, small decorations, T-shirts, in short, everything that can remind her of your trip will be bought;
- If you bring her to a farm or something similar, well, your girlfriend becomes a total cowgirl, she likes the idea of country life, taking care of animals, enjoying the view, the nature, and, if there are crops, feeling the freshness and the taste of natural food while cooking. Maybe in the future, at some point and with someone who wants the same thing as her, Melissa will consider living somewhere like this or at least having a country house to get a taste of this tranquility;
- Pictures, lots of pictures! She will register every moment and will for sure make a special album when returning to the US, frame some of them to put on the walls, maybe even put one in her wallet along with a copy of the first picture you took together;
- And on this return trip Mel plans to ask her to move in with her, there is a special copy of the key with a keychain placed in a velvet box and when you see it your heart skips a beat imagining being asked to marry her, but you both laugh at the misunderstanding. To be clear, she is probably using a dictionary for this too... and a lot of courage.
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jasonshoodie · 3 months
I feel like saying this now that it's pride month
I know that everyone attaches being bisexual to both Roy and Melissa respectively and I absolutely love that! As a former bisexual myself I can always appreciate that sentiment, that being said I headcanon both as also being pansexual too!
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Theres this headcanon that refuses to leave my head about Melissa and her necklaces:
Melissa, from what I can remember, is not particularly as religious of a person as Barbara is but she carries necklaces that have saints as pendants, plus a cross necklace and one that seems like a stone.
Melissa is not big on faith but she carries the necklaces for sentimental value, because they make her feel protected, because people that are important to her (her family) have given her the necklaces. I’m bold enough to assume that Kristin Marie has the same necklaces as Melissa does with the exception that Kristin Marie only has 2 saint pendants.
The boring headcanon that I have over the necklaces is that they’re given after seemingly big milestones: baptism, first communion, etc. Because I know that’s a tradition some Catholics still do but I like my headcanon better.
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Mel’s Terms of Endearment Headcanons ~Melissa Schemmenti xFem Girlfriend!Reader
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It struck me that since Melissa is Italian, there could be some great headcanons for nicknames for her girlfriend. I found this page, that was helpful on Italian terms of endearment. And so, I bring you these headcanons: (Also, this is by no means an exhaustive list of the nicknames I think Melissa would use)
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: implied NSFW, lots of fluff, blushing, light teasing, terms of endearment, pet names, nicknames, kissing, PDA, jealousy, implied exhibitionist kink, implied strap-on fucking, body adoration, rough menstrual cycle, implied smut, quick heated kiss, comforting, little angst, fluffy fluff fluff, etc.
Enjoy (:
Hun’ is for most public situations. This is Mel’s across the board term of endearment when there are others around.
“Hey Hun’…?” Melissa called out from her classroom to you passing in the hallway.
You feet immediately swiveled to the sound of your girlfriend summoning you. You popped your head into the classroom full of kids and your favorite red head.
“Yeah, what’s up, Mel?” You lovingly chirped.
The woman swayed over to you.
“I think I left some copies for my class on the printer… Would you mind watching my class while I go grab them?” She gently asked, batting her eyelashes at you.
You chuckled lightly and blushed.
You couldn’t ever deny this woman anything…
“I’m going to the office anyway, let me grab your copies for you…” you answered.
Melissa’s face lit up and a smirk plastered her face.
“Love ya…!” She cooed, quiet enough for none of the kids to hear.
“You too, baby…” you replied in a hushed tone, turning around and making your way to the office for the red head.
Babe is a higher level of Hun’. Mel uses it sometimes in public, and it’s a tad more affectionate. This her go-to if she wants to establish that your hers…
Barbara had a teachers aid this year. Not that’s he needed it, no, not at all. But Barbara had volunteered to take the sweet girl on, so that she could learn a bit about teaching first hand.
She was young, like you. She was actually younger than you, but closer in age than you and Melissa. And she immediately took to liking you.
A little too much in Melissa’s opinion…
Melissa was at lunch per usual, and she was taking rather harsh stabs at her salad.
“Melissa, Dear, now what has that salad done to you…?” Barbara teased lightly, but also genuinely curious and concerned for her colleague.
“Your new teachers aid…” The red head grumbled.
“What are you—” Barbara began, but her eyes got distracted at you in the hallway.
You were just trying to walk to the break room, when the young woman stepped in front of you. You yelped slightly. She began talking to you and very obviously flirting a bit.
It’s not that she was horrible… Your heart simply belonged to someone else. But she had taken you so aback and was talking so much, you barely got a word in. From the corner of your eye, you could see Barbara and Melissa watching.
You could feel Melissa’s hard and intent gaze…
And before you knew it, the red head was up from her seat and beside you. She linked her arm around yours and looked to you.
“Don’t mean to interrupt…”
She most definitely did.
“But I need your help, Babe… In my classroom. Now.” She gritted out with the most fake smile.
She practically dragged you back to her classroom, closed the door, and slammed you against it. Her lips smashed against yours. You moaned lightly at her fervor.
“Mel… we’re in public…” you panted.
“Don’t Care… she can’t have you… your mine…” she rambled into the kiss.
You chuckled lightly and took the woman by the cheeks, meeting her gaze.
“Baby, im yours. Only yours. No one else’s.” You reassured your girlfriend.
This seemed to calm her down a bit.
“Alright…” she sighed.
You smiled lightly and gave her a peck on the lips.
“But I get first dips on the strap when we get home…” she murmured.
You dropped your jaw for dramatic effect and swatted the red head. This led to both of you chuckling and laughing your way happily back to the break room.
Cutie is reserved for Melissa’s sweet and tender moments or her term for you when she’s edging you in or out of your subspace. This one is not said in public as much, it’s more of a private, little nickname that never fails to make you blush…
You sat on the couch, cradling yourself, a tub of ice cream at your side, and the tv on. You had called out of work today, because of your cramps. They were the worst sometimes. At best, you were in constant, stabbing pains, but still able to walk. At worst, they completely incapacitated you.
At 6, your red headed girfriend walked through the door. Her eyes immediately met your hurting frame. She put her stuff down, taking her jacket off, and made her way over to you on the couch. She placed the ice cream on the living room table and you whimpered slightly.
But you sighed out in content as the red head moved you to lay in her lap. She began stroking your hair and moving down your frame. Eventually, your eyes moved from the tv screen to Mel’s. Your eyes were glossy and looked exhausted.
“Hey Baby…” Melissa gently cooed.
“Hi…” your hoarse throat managed to get out.
“Haven’t slept…?”
You shook your head. The red head hummed in response, continuing to caress your frame.
Another thing about your period… It made your hormones wild. It was like a heat…
You could feel your core already warming up in need, and your hips began to move instinctually into your girlfriends lap. You then felt her hands pick you up, so that you were sitting in her lap.
“Want me to take care of ya…?” She lovingly asked.
You pouted with your lips and eyes, nodding eagerly. Melissa chuckled lightly at how adorable you were.
“Such a hopeless Cutie, aren’t ya…?” She softly purred.
You bit your lip and nodded. She then began taking off the oversized hoodie, exposing your chest to the woman. Her eyes widened at your top naked half.
Damn, she would never get tired of your body…
Amore (love)
Amore is when Mel is feeling romantic or wants to express her commitment to you. This is to remind you and her of your partnership and her Italian roots. This is for more intimate, loving moments, and is used less, but on occasion in public.
It was date night.
Every Friday, you and your red headed girlfriend set aside everything for date night. With both of you working, you had found it tricky to get time with each other. Date night was one solution to this dilemma.
You walked through the front door and were immediately met with the aroma of Mel’s fabulous cooking.
She must have beaten you home…
You set down your things and made your way into the kitchen. The red head was standing by the counter, making a sauce of some sorts. You came up from behind and wrapped your arms around the woman. Melissa immediately relaxed at your touch.
“Heyyy Amore…” she hummed.
“Hi Baby…” you whispered, beginning to lovingly pepper kisses along her neck and shoulders.
“Watcha making…?” You curiously asked.
“Ravioli…” Melissa hummed.
You hummed in delight at the red heads words.
“I’ll set the table…!” You chirped, making Melissa chuckle lightly.
Once the table has been set, and Melissa had brought over the food, you two could properly eat. But before you both went to sit down, you stopped the red head by the side of the table, lovingly connecting your lips to hers. She caringly met your lips. You both hummed happily into each others lips. But as soon as the kiss was getting heated, your girlfriend pulled away.
“Later Amore, Let’s eat first…” she cooed.
You bit your lip, blushing lightly, and nodded in agreement. You both then sat down and enjoyed your meal, discussing each others days and such.
Later indeed…
Cucciola (cub/baby)
Cucciola is used by Mel for sweet, intimate moments where she somehow has the upper hand, power, something over you. It’s very loving like Amore. But also on the other hand, this is the nickname for her replacement for Baby. Melissa uses this in more private occasions and less in public, but when she does use it in public, it never fails to make you blush.
Melissa waltzed into the break room and sat down next to Barbara.
“Well you seem awfully chipper today, dear…” Barb hummed.
Melissa had a big smile plastered on her face as she nodded.
“Got my leftover lasagna from the weekend with me…!” She quipped.
But as the red head went to open her lunch bag, she realized it wasn’t hers… It was yours… She internally smacked herself in the face. A frustrated groan left the woman’s lift.
“What’s wrong?” Barbara asked.
“Accidentally swapped my lunch with Y/N’s…” she grumbled, packing your salad back up and standing up.
“Be right back…!” She sighed.
Melissa walked down the hallways until she reached your classroom. She knocked lightly, hating to interrupt you as you were finishing up your class. You came to the door, your face brightening at the sight of your girlfriend.
“Hey Baby… What’s up…?” You whispered.
“Our lunches seem to be swapped.” She spoke in a low tone, showing you your lunch bag, “Be a doll and grab mine, Cucciola…?”
Your breath hitched lightly at the nickname and blushed. You nodded and immediately went to your desk and grabbed Melissa’s lunch, bringing it back to the door.
“Thank you, Cucciola.” She sighed in relief, “You’re a lifesaver…”
She gave you a kiss on the cheek and left, leaving you light headed and flustered.
Cucciolina (little cub/baby)
Cucciolina is close to Cucciola, except it’s used at an even more extreme of when Mel wants to show her being above you in some way. It’s also a very soft term of endearment. This is rarely used in public, unless Melissa is purposely teasing you somehow.
You were cuddled up with your red headed girlfriend on the couch when the oven timer started blaring through the room.
Your face lit up with excitement and giddiness, and you practically jumped off Melissa’s lap, running into the kitchen. You could already smell it… Mel’s famous baked ziti.
“Wait, Amore!! Be careful, it’s hot—!!” The woman warned with a shout to you in the kitchen.
But you did not head her advice. No, you were too excited. Melissa got up from the couch with a chuckle. She heard a little bit of clattering and then silence. She made her way into the kitchen, only to find you sitting on the counter, your face contorted in pain and your hand cradling three of your fingers. Tears threatened to form.
The red head immediately rushed over to you, checking you up and down to see the extent of your injuries.
“Cucciolina, what happened??” She spoke, her tone laced with care and concern.
You looked at the woman with your lips trembling slightly. She then moved her focus to your face and fingers, watching a silent tear escape your eyelid.
“I… too hot… didn’t think… Mel…hurts…” you whimpered, in pain but also embarrassed that you hadn’t listened to Melissa, and a few more tears escaped your eyes.
She took your three fingers to examine the damage, and she wasn’t going to lie, you had burned yourself pretty badly. Melissa took you in her embrace lovingly, comforting you.
“I’m here, Cucciolina, don’t you worry… It’s okay to cry… I’ll take care of you.” She cooed.
You nodded with more tears falling down your cheeks and running down your chin. The red head proceeded to kiss your tears away. She then went to the oven, turned it off, and went over to the freezer to grab some ice. She wrapped the ice around a towel and wrapped that around your finger.
Melissa then scooped you up and carried you back to the couch, laying you in her lap. You snuggled into the woman’s embrace. Silence took the room, except for your occasional whimpers and silent tears. The red head eventually began caressing your form, running her fingers through your hair and stroking your spine lovingly.
“Mel…? Can I have some baked ziti…?” You eventually whispered.
This made the Melissa chuckle lightly.
“Sure, Amore. I’ll get you some.” She cooed.
Melissa Schemmenti Masterlist
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