#melissa mcintyre
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fantastickkay · 5 months ago
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From 16 Superstars, January 2000
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 3 months ago
KOTNB Memes pt 10!!!
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Daphne belongs to @octoqueen10
Varina Belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
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remnantglow · 2 months ago
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shout out to bisexual polyam throuples from old scifi. bisexual polyam throuples from old scifi my beloveds 🫶
Mollya, Calli and Ron from Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany (1966)
Balthazar, Silence and Chase Mago from Five-Twelfths of Heaven by Melissa Scott (1985)
Stephen Thomas, Victoria and Satoshi from Starfarers by Vonda N. McIntyre (1989)
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 4 months ago
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in November 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Happy reading!
❓What was the last queer book you read?
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ I Am the Dark That Answers When You Call - Jamison Shea 🧡 Snowed in With You - Reba Bale 💛 Fire Spells Between Friends - Sarah Wallace & S.O. Callahan 💚 Ho Ho Homicidal Maniac - K.A. Merikan 💙 Escape to the Sea - Alex Callan & Angelica Babineaux 💜 She's Always Hungry - Eliza Clark 💛 Phoenix Rising - Emily Hayes 💙 A Flower's Fatal Thorn - Jordan Dugdale 💜 A Sharper, More Lasting Pain - Alex Harvey-Rivas
❤️ The Librarian's Gargoyle - Evelyn Shine 🧡 Dead Girls Don't Dream - Nino Cipri 💛 Of Hoarfrost and Blood - Scarlet Tempest 💚 Judgement - Lucas Delrose 💙 Deadline for Love - Candi Tab 💜 Wake Up, Nat & Darcy - Kate Cochrane ❤️ All the Truth I Can Stand - Mason Stokes 🧡 Celia - Addison James 💛 A Diamond Bright and Broken - Holly Davis 💙 Hexed - Emily McIntire 💜 Hometown Christmas - Laura Conway 🌈 This Christmas - Georgia Beers
❤️ Suite Heart - Jade Winters 🧡 We All Fall - Arden Coutts 💛 Taiwan Travelogue - Yáng Shuāng-zǐ 💚 Pit Stop - L.M. Bennett 💙 The Damaged Hearts Bargain - Sienna Waters 💜 War of Night - Greyson Black & E. Scott Clevenger 🧡 I'll be Boned for Christmas - Katherine McIntyre 💜 All You Want for the Holidays - Quinton Li 🌈 Queer as Folklore - Sacha Coward
❤️ Time and Tide - J.M. Frey 🧡 Ghost of the Heart - Catherine Friend 💛 Flopping in a Winter Wonderland - Jason June 💚 All the Painted Stars - Emma Denny 💙 Currency in Flesh - Heather Nix 💜 I Really Do - Emily K. Hardy ❤️ Something Close to God - Erika del Carmen Ruiz 🧡 The Crack at the Heart of Everything - Fiona Fenn 💛 Undeniable You - Chelsea M. Cameron 💙 The Twice-Sold Soul - Katie Hallahan 💜 Always on My Mind - Kelsey Painter 🌈 Interstellar MegaChef - Lavanya Lakshminarayan
❤️ Don't Break Character - Jules Landry 🧡 Rani Choudhury Must Die - Adiba Jaigirdar 💛 Remnants of Filth: Yuwu - Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 💚 Sugar, Spice, and Christmas Nice - Anne Hagan 💙 The Wishing Tree - Barbara Winkes 💜 Love on Moonlight Lake - Adriana Sargent ❤️ Mistletoe Motel - Lise Gold 🧡 The Royal They - KJ Sinclair 💛 My So-Called Family - Gia Gordon 💙 Frosted by the Girl Next Door - Aurora Rey & Jaime Clevenger 💜 The Star-Crossed Empire - Maya Darjani 🌈 A Hard Fit - Jennifer Moffatt
❤️ The Sacred Heart Motel - Grace Kwan 🧡 Leap - Simina Popescu 💛 I Dare You - Regena Mercy 💚 Love Lessons - Mary Ellen Capek 💙 Afterglow - Emily Antoinette 💜 In the Back Row With You - Natasha West ❤️ Make Room for Love - Darcy Liao 🧡 Here Goes Nothing - Emma K. Ohland Just for the Holidays - Micah Carver
❤️ Cookies, Candles, and Cute Butts for Christmas - Cameron D. James & Cali Kitsu 🧡 Objects in Mirror - N.W. Downs 💛 Sleigh Bells Ring - Alyson Root 💚 Real Tree / Fake Boyfriend - Ree Thomas 💙 Out of the Storm - Logan Sage Adams 💜 Hungry Heart - Jem Milton ❤️ A Wild and Ruined Song - Ashley Shuttleworth 🧡 Beneath Her Power - Margaux Fox 💛 Thanks for Listening - Molly Horan 🌈 The Lotus Empire - Tasha Suri
❤️ Naughty November - Anthology 🧡 Hearts and Stars - Phoenix Kathryn 💛 Guarding Her Gangster Queen - Persephone Black 💚 The Shadow Spinner - Eric Kao 💙 Black, Queer, and Untold - Jon Key 💜 Hall of Shadows - Mariah Stillbrook ❤️ The Last Hour Between Worlds - Melissa Caruso 🧡 A Crimson Covenant - Aimee Donnellan 💛 Isaac - Curtis Garner 💙 Vineyard Dreams - Carol Wyatt 💜 Kiss of Death - Bryony Rosehurst 🌈 The Many Mistakes of Amy Love - RA Hunter
❤️ Accidentally in Love - Kimberly Cooper Griffin 🧡 Unwrapped - D. Jackson Leigh 💛 Hot Honey Love - Nan Campbell 💚 Havoc for the Holidays - Jay Leigh 💙 London - Patricia Evans 💜 Fatal Foul Play - David S. Pederson ❤️ The Gift of Us - Abigail Taylor 🧡 Upon the Midnight Queer - 'Nathan Burgoine 💛 The Christmas Pic - Rena Sapon-White & Ella Schaefer 💙 Seducing Scylla - Lex Logan 💜 Fated Winds and Promising Seas - Rose Black 🌈 A Surprise For The Holidays - Anna Sparrows
❤️ Immortal Hunger - KL Bone 🧡 Love and Loyalty - Emily Hayes 💛 A Kingdom of Lies - Ben Alderson 💚 Christmas Dreams - Carol Wyatt 💙 Wrecked for the Holidays - Kerry Kilpatrick ❤️ Not for the Faint of Heart - Lex Croucher 🧡 Phoenix Found - T.J. Nichols 💛 Room for Two - Rochelle Wolf 💙 The Long Winter of Miðgarðr - Edale Lan 💜 A Handyman for the Holidays - Valerie Gomez 🌈 Sundown in San Ojuela - M.M. Olivas
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teamchasezwrites · 3 months ago
Still of the Night
Word Count: 7,387
Characters: Drew McIntyre/OC
Genre: Romance
Tags: Angst-y, Fluffy, Implied Cheating, Ex-Boyfriend, Getting Back Together, Butchering of Scottish Dialect, Sexual Tones, Minor Dirty Thoughts
Summary: She didn’t want to call him, but he as her only hope.
Inspired by: @theworldofotps “Call In The Night”
Author’s Note: Written for my friend, Melissa, who wanted a Drew McIntyre story. It faced about 3 rewrites at the beginning and still didn’t end like I wanted. Maybe inspired a different version of events in a revised story. We’ll see.
“Come on come on come on,” Melissa pleaded as her engine gave another sickly sputter and seemingly coughed. She let off the gas pedal allowing the car to slow even more than her already crawl. At the pace she was going her Granny – God rest her soul – would probably pass her.
With her walker.
The car seemed to settle at the slower speed. She gripped the wheel with both hands. Each hand stood at ten and two. Her back was ramrod straight as she stared out the windshield. The darkness of the late hour loomed around her. Trees lined either side of the gravel road. Their limbs bare having already shed their foliage by the late December hour. Snowflakes caught in the dim glare of her headlights and landed on her windshield.
If she weren’t scared, she’d be transfixed on the big fluffy flakes. The perfect, pristine shapes as they laid before her on the glass before the wiper squashed them away leaving behind a smear of water droplets.
Her breath came out in a white cloud against the chill in the cabin of the car. Her heat decided tonight of all nights was the night to stop working.
“Come on,” she whispered in the silence. The radio was cranked way down and had been for the last ten or so minutes once she realized she might be lost. How turning the radio down would help her see better to find the road she needed, she didn’t know. But who was she to argue with her brain?
Her eyes peered out the windshield while shifting quickly to the left and the right looking for the turn off. No break in the trees appeared. A look in the rearview mirror revealed a bleak nothingness. She wouldn’t put it past her bad luck to have somehow entered a black hole that caused her to slip in time.
Why she turned off the highway, she had no idea. She wasn’t good with directions on a good day; let alone on a night like this with a winter storm moving in. All she wanted was to beat the storm and thought she remembered the way Jason taken once.
Apparently she didn’t.
Maybe she was supposed to turn left at the previous intersection instead of right?
Or was she supposed to go through that intersection and turn at the next one?
She didn’t know. Guessing wasn’t going to help her. It’s not like she could turn around and go back. She didn’t even know how to get back to the main highway.
“Stupid stupid stupid,” she muttered.
The clock illuminated on the dash stared at her almost mockingly. It let her know if she’d just stuck it out on the highway – her usual way – she’d be home and in her pajamas by now.
Just another bad decision she made recently.
Melissa sighed and slowly let herself relax against the back of the seat. Her back nearly cried in relief. Her shift at the hospital ended up being a double and that was already coming off a double the day before. The money was too good to pass up and it’s not like being at home was all that fun.
Her car shuddered again and she tensed waiting for the inevitable. It never came. Her little Toyota Corolla continued on. Her jaw clenched in anger, her lips pursed. Jason was supposed to look at her car last month when she first noticed the issue.
Obviously he hadn’t gotten around to it.
She wanted to call the garage in town and schedule an appointment, but her boyfriend wouldn’t hear of it. He could diagnose and fix it himself.
He could.
He just never did.
It was an ongoing issue between them. The fact she constantly had to remind him to do things. She asked him to check out her car last month. He said he’d do it. He hadn’t. She’d ask him to change the laundry over to the dryer as she left for work. She’d come home twelve hours later to it still wet in the washer. Ask him to run to the store to pick up the items on the grocery list so she could fix dinner when she got home. He forgot.
Don’t forget dinner at my parents on Saturday.
Don’t forget to renew your driver’s license.
The last one caused her to snicker. Jason ended up getting pulled over for speeding. What could have been just a warning ended up being an infraction for not only speeding, but an expired license to boot.
Of course it was her fault. She didn’t remind him.
It wasn’t like she could renew the damn thing herself.
She sighed, blowing out another white cloud. It brought a small smile to her face as she remembered pretending to be smoking as a little girl when it was cold outside. She’d bring her fingers to her lips and blow – her breath coming out like a puff of smoke from a cigarette. She thought it was so cool.
Snowflakes started to swirl down around her faster. With a flick of her wrist, she turned the wipers up another notch. Tension coiled in her belly. She hated driving in the snow. She hated driving in the rain. Hell sometimes she just plum hated driving. Definitely wouldn’t mind being a passenger princess.
At one time she was.
Last December she wouldn’t be in her current position. With the threat of the storm coming, her ex would have been waiting at the hospital for her at the end of her shift to drive home.
Her fingers straightened on the wheel leaving her thumbs curled beneath the black leather. She flexed her fingers back and forth a couple times, before she wrapped them around the wheel once more. She glanced in the rearview mirror more so out of habit than to check what was behind her.
Still pitch black.
Glancing back out the windshield, a scream bubbled up in her throat and out. Standing in the middle of the road was the largest buck she’d ever seen. Her Pappy would have been ecstatic to have seen it through his scope. She however, was not happy to see it through her windshield.
He was large and majestic caught in her headlights with the snow swirling around.
She slammed on her brakes and her car started to fish tail on the slick road. Her eyes were wide as the deer’s. Her hands fought with the steering wheel to keep the car on the road and the back end behind her. The car slid toward the right, right for the trees. Thankfully her speed was already well below the speed limit and the car came to a stop before she made impact with anything. The engine ceased and the car shuddered beneath her like it was blowing out a ragged breath.
The deer leaped from the road and disappeared into the night. Completely unaffected by the chaos it caused.
‘Typical man,’ she thought. Her heart beat wildly in her chest. Her eyes wide as she stared out into the night. Her hands still in a death grip on the wheel.
“I hope Santa demotes you!” Melissa yelled out as she caught her breath.
With her wits gathered, she let her foot off the brake expecting the car to move forward once again. It didn’t. She frowned and looked at the dash seeing the display lit up with a bunch of lights.
‘Achievement badges,’ she declared, her grin broadening at the muffled groan.
Melissa closed her eyes and blew out a breath trying to center herself. Placing her foot on the brake, she reached forward and turned the ignition key into the off position. The dash went dark. Counting to ten, she flicked her wrist.
“No no no,” she pleaded with her car. “Come on. Don’t do this to me.” She tried the ignition again, but the car didn’t start. Manically, she tried three more times to the same result.
Her car was officially dead.
Her car was dead and she was stranded in the dead of night.
A winter storm was upon her and she had no idea where she was.
“Damnit,” she groaned, leaning her head back on the head rest. She closed her eyes and took some breaths trying to calm the brewing hysterics.
With the freak out currently curbed, she reached across the center counsel of her car to her purse laying on the passenger seat. Even though it was the last item thrown inside, her phone was buried at the bottom.
The display lit up offering the only light for miles.
One bar greeted her and she gave a prayer of thanks.
Pulling up her recent calls, Melissa selected Jason’s name and tapped the speaker button. She didn’t want to risk losing service by putting the phone to her ear.
The phone connected and ringing broke the silence. She waited.
And waited.
The call rolled over to voicemail.
Melissa cursed.
She ended the call and tried again.
Anger grew.
“On the damn phone all the damn time. Can’t even take a shit without it, but the one time I fucking need you…” she unleashed as she tried again to no avail.
The next call was to her daddy.
The call barely connected to ring once before she ended the call with a groan remembering her parents were out of state visiting her brother and sister-in-law and their rugrats.
She pulled up her contact list and went down the names summarily dismissing them one by one. She had friends and a lot of acquaintances but none she considered someone she could call in the dead of night while stranded on the side of some county road.
Except one.
She growled in frustration at the thought and tried to call Jason again. The phone nearly sailed through the windshield when the call kicked over to voicemail again.
Clutching the phone in her hand, she leaned back in the seat and stared. With the headlights cut, it was blackness all around. She couldn’t even see the snow falling any more. No stars twinkled in the sky offering her a guide like it did centuries ago. Then again, what could she do with North? That kind of information didn’t help. She needed left or right. Not head north…
Silence weighed heavy in the car. The outside chill started to seep into the interior of the car. The long sleeve white shirt and scrubs offered no resistance to the temperatures. Fear began to grow. The likelihood of anyone happening upon her before the morning was slim to none.
It was just her.
In the dark.
In the middle of nowhere.
Unbuckling, she leaned into the backseat to grab the coat she tossed in there after climbing into her car after her shift. It was just a lightweight quilted Columbia one. A far cry from her heavy insulated winter coat. She hated driving with a coat on, but especially her winter coat. It was big and bulky and restrictive. Since she only needed a coat to and from her car, she grabbed one she wore before the temperatures turned freezing.
She didn’t plan on being stuck on the side of the road.
With a few acrobatic movements, she had her arms threaded through the sleeves and it settled around her. Slightly out of breath, she told herself she needed to remove the clothes piled on the treadmill in her bedroom and start walking.
‘Maybe in the New Year,’ she thought. After all, who started new resolutions in December?
She definitely wasn’t going to make a goal to eat healthier. Not with Christmas coming up. Don’t even get her started on the terrible eating she’d been doing since Thanksgiving a couple weeks before.
‘Halloween,’ her mind nudged her.
Melissa made a face at the voice inside her head. Sure she imbibed in a few pieces of Halloween candy. She only had so much self control when faced with Reese Peanut Butter Cups.
Thinking about food only made her hungry. The last sustenance in her body was a quick swig of Dr Pepper and three bites of her ham sandwich before an emergency caused her to rush to the ER. She’d give anything to have Golden Arches sprout out from the ground. Her mouth watered at the thought of salty fries and a fountain coke from McDonalds.
Melissa pushed the thought of food away. She grabbed her phone to try her boyfriend again.
The wind kicked up and whistled as it traveled passed her car on either side as it continued down the road. She shivered once more peering out into the abyss.
She was all alone.
Her hands shook as fear started to engulf her. She could freeze to death before anyone would happen upon her. It’s not like there was a glowing light of a cottage in the distance. No headlights coming up behind here with an older gentleman on his way home to offer assistance. Temperatures would only continue to drop. Snow would continue to accumulate throughout the night. The weather forecasters were calling for at least six inches. More if the front dipped further south than originally called for.
“Fuck,” she breathed as her eyes grew wet with tears. “Come on Mel, think. You can’t die out here. You’ll miss the end of Yellowstone…”
Drawing her phone up again, she went back to her contacts. This time desperate.
It was on that scroll one name stood out. One name she wasn’t sure why was still in her contacts.
Her ex-boyfriend.
She stared hard at his name. At one time a red asterisks accompanied it signaling him as her emergency contact. Not anymore.
She thumbed the screen and sent the contacts list rolling like the wheel on Wheel of Fortune. It moved slower and she stopped on the J’s where she tapped Jason again.
No answer.
The wind whistled as it swept down the road causing the car to rock slightly. She wiggled her toes in her white Skechers slips-ons. Shoes offered her feet great comfort when she was on them for twelve hours. However they left a lot to be desired for warmth.
“I should leave them a review,” Melissa muttered and stared at her phone. It was time to make the call.
Her thumb hovered over his name in hesitation. Clenching her eyes closed she tapped his name and held her breath.
The sound of a ringing phone echoed in the silence of the car. She couldn’t breathe as she counted the rings in her head.
‘He’s not going to answer.’
‘He’s probably not even in town.’
‘He’s probably sleeping…’
Melissa’s heart sunk at the ring. It was going to kick over into voicemail in the next moment. Then she was truly on her own. She swallowed against the lump in her throat. Tears filled her eyes causing Drew’s name to blur.
A deep voice with a Scottish lilt filled the car. It was so unexpected, Melissa yelped and fumbled the phone causing it to fall from her hands. It landed on the floorboard at her feet. She groaned and she reached a hand down, searching blindly for the device. She’d give anything to be able to move her seat back but of course it wasn’t a manual level like her first car – a ’98 Pontiac Grand Am.
Damn she missed that car.
“Melissa?” Drew pulled the phone away from his ear to stare at the screen. The call was still connected. He sat up in bed, the blankets pooling at his waist. Reaching over, he flipped on the lamp on the bedside table, a soft yellowish light covered the room. He glanced at the clock next to the lamp and groaned at the late hour. He rubbed a hand over his face, scratching at his beard.
Muffled scuffling came through his phone and he frowned. His ex-girlfriend had yet to speak to him. At first thought, he assumed she called him accidentally but the days of butt dialing were over. The second thought…”Are you drunk?”
He’d rather have a butt dial. The last thing he wanted was a drunken Melissa cussing him out… or worse telling him how much she loved him.
The latter would cause him to hop in his truck now, boyfriend be damned.
If he were honest with himself, the former would too.
“Melissa… are you there?” He spoke louder into the phone hoping she’d hear him.
“Y-yeah,” she croaked. A cough came over the line then she spoke more clearly, “yeah.”
Her fingers finally brushed against her phone and she picked it up leaning back in her seat. “I…I shouldn’t have called,” she stuttered into the phone.
“What’s wrong?”
“I-I don’t want to interrupt…”
“Melissa!” Drew snapped.
“I’m s-sorry…” her eyes filled with tears.
Drew’s heart caught at the sound of her sniffling. In a flash he was throwing the covers back and swinging his feet to the floor. Goosebumps dotted his skin from the coolness of the room. He preferred his house set in the mid to late 60s during the winter months. Usually settling on a nice 67 degrees. Plenty of blankets on his bed to keep him warm. Though his preferred method was body heat, but he hadn’t shared his bed with someone since the woman on the phone.
“Mel wha’s wrong?” Drew grabbed a dirty pair of jeans from the top of the laundry basket. The denim sliding up his legs and over the black briefs he slept in.
Embarrassment set in and Melissa couldn’t find the words. She should hang up and try Jason again. If he didn’t answer, then a tow truck. Or maybe even 9-1-1. A howling sounded close by and a whimper escaped. Her hand slowly moved toward the buttons on the door, afraid to make sudden movements. A click sounded in the car affirming her doors were locked. It did little to settle her nerves.
“Melissa, baby, you’re killin’ me. You gah’a tell me wha’s wrong?” Drew pleaded. He pulled a hoodie over his bare chest. He left the bedroom, making his way downstairs.
Melissa’s eyes peered out the windshield before looking out the passenger window and finally the driver’s. Nothing but blackness greeted her. Anything could be there, looming. Circling. Waiting. Isn’t this exactly how horror movies started? Her hand clutched her phone; a lifeline. She wasn’t alone.
“Mel… where are ye?”
“I don’t know,” Melissa answered. The window howled again. This time she heard branches creaking. A new fear was unlocked. What if the wind knocked over a tree on her?
“Talk to me Sweetie. Wha’s wrong? Are ye hurt?” Drew coaxed as he sat on his couch pulling socks on his feet. The phone held between his cheek and shoulder.
“No. I tried to take a short cut home… and I don’t know. I took a wrong turn somewhere…”
“You’re lost?” Drew’s leg fell to the floor with a thud from his knee where he had it crossed to put on his boot. Irritation grew in his gut. She called him because she was lost? He opened his mouth to tell her he wasn’t Google Maps when she spoke again.
“There was a deer and now my car won’t start. It’s snowing so much. It’s so dark. I can’t see anything around. It’s just trees. There’s this howling…I don’t… I’m scared.”
The last words came out as a whisper and Drew’s heart clenched. He barely caught any of her babbling words but those final two – I’m scared – pierced his soul.
“Please Drew…”
Someone might as well have stuck a knife in his chest. A gapping wound would probably hurt less. Hell the staples he received after his Hell in a Cell match with Punk in October hurt less. He jammed his arms through the sleeves of his coat, trading off his phone to either hand.
“Mel –“
“I don’t have anyone else.”
The knife twisted at her soft words. “I’m comin’,” he told her. He grabbed his wallet from the kitchen counter, along with his keys. A curse flew from his mouth when he opened the door and saw all the snow on the ground. None of it had been there when he went to bed. Shutting the door against the whipping wind, he dug in the hall closet for his gloves. Once they were on his hands, he pulled a brown Carhartt toboggan down over his ears.
Keeping her on the phone and pressed to his ear, he walked through his kitchen toward the door to the garage relying on muscle memory in the darkness. “Can ye send me your location? Be the easiest to figure ou’ where you are.”
Melissa’s fingers shook with the cold. It took her a couple swipes to even get the call screen to move up so she could open her text messages. It took her a few minutes to tap out Drew’s name in the new message box. When she finally got it, it was a few more swipes until she was finally able to send her location. She nearly cried with relief when her phone swished signaling the message sent. “It’s sent.”
Drew’s phone pinged a nanosecond after Melissa confirmed the message delivery. “Give me a second.”
“Don’t hang up!” Melissa blurted quickly, sitting up straight in her seat.
“I’m not. I’m not,” Drew promised. The words pretty much solidified what he’d known. He wasn’t walking away from her without a fight. He didn’t care who he had to go through to get her back. “Just putting ya on speaker.”
He climbed into his truck in the garage, turning the engine over. The truck roared to life. He turned the radio down, not needing the distraction. The air knobs were turned all the way to the red. The vent turned all the way up. Air blew in the cab at an intense rate. Cold, but he paid it no attention.
He ripped off the glove of his right hand so he could work the screen of his phone. A few taps and scrolls later, he had Melissa on speaker and her location pulled up. He whistled softly. She was in the middle of nowhere. Nothing for miles. How on earth she ended up where she did, he had no idea.
Plugging the location into his GPS, he frowned at the time it was giving him to reach his destination.
Too long.
“It’s gonna take me about twenty minutes ta get ta ya, Lass” That wasn’t even factoring in the weather.
Drew barely remembered to open the garage door before backing his truck out. The shakiness in her voice scrambled his brain. She needed him and he was too far away.
The tires crunched on the snow covering his driveway. At least a couple inches blanketed the land. The headlights cut through the dark night showing the snowflakes falling rapidly from the sky. The flakes were big and fat promising to cripple the area in another hour or two.
The road at the end of his driveway sat untouched. The plows haven’t been through. He wasn’t considered a main road, so he wasn’t sure when his road would be plowed. With as fast as the snow as falling, he was sure they were concentrating on the roads in town and the nearby interstate. His road would probably be touched in the morning.
Where he hoped to be stuck in his home. With Melissa.
“You still here?”
“I’m here.”
“Jus sit tight. I’ll be there soon. The roads haven’t been plowed yet.” The heat finally kicked on, blowing hot air in his face, quickly warming the cab of his pick up truck. He turned it down and turned the vent away from him. Synthetic heat blowing in his face always gave him a headache.
“Maybe you should go back home. I don’t want you to get into an accident. If they haven’t plowed yet.”
“Hush Lass…” Drew chided gently. He held his phone in right hand gripped between his thumb and pointer finger. The remaining three curled around the steering wheel. His other hand wrapped around the wheel, gripping tight. The road was slick beneath his wheels. He kept his pace steady.
The phone between them remained silent. The connection between them proving to be enough. His eyes flickered between the windshield and the map on his phone. His blue dot getting closer to Melissa’s. The lights of town disappeared behind him, casting him in darkness except for his headlights. He met no other vehicles on his trek. Everyone safely at home, tucked in their beds while a winter wonderland was created outside their windows.
Everyone except him.
And Melissa.
“How ya doin’?” Drew checked in.
“I’d kill for a cheeseburger right now.”
Drew chuckled, his lips twitching. “That’s my girl.”
The words rested heavy between them. She hadn’t been his girl in almost a year. Not since he put her at the end of his priorities. By the time he came up for air and realized his priorities were out of whack, she was long gone and his aunt – the woman he considered a surrogate mother after losing his own mother over a decade ago – passed away.
Before he would never consider asking for time off, but the atmosphere at work changed with Triple H at the helm. For the first time in his life, he made himself a priority. He took a leave of absence from work and headed home to Scotland. There he started mending relationships with his family and properly grieving his loss. It lifted his heart to be surrounded by family; sharing memories and laughs.
Now he was back in the States. Back at work. There was only one more line on his priority list. The one at the very top.
He was five minutes away.
The road was off the beaten path. Definitely one Drew never travelled. He wondered what Melissa was even doing out here. It wasn’t close to her place. Wasn’t even on the way. The roads were becoming slicker and he grew worried about the drive home. Snow continued to fall accumulating faster than predicted. He just gripped the wheel tighter and stayed steady on the gas.
Finally the headlights picked up a car on the side of the road. The backroad offered very little in terms of a shoulder. The car sat nose toward the tree line, showing the results from the dance with a deer. Most of the car still sat on the road, an issue for any vehicle that happened to be traveling by. At least an inch of snow covered the hood and the roof with it started to pile up on the windshield.
Not that there would be a lot of traffic at this time of night and in this weather.
Drew pulled his truck nearly alongside Melissa’s car. Keeping it running with the headlights shinning, he clicked on his flashers just in case of another traveler.
The cold slapped him in the face when he opened the door. The heat of the cabin quickly overtaken by the outside temperatures. He shut the door, trapping what little heat remained. His boots crunched on the snow. With a gloved hand he reached for the handle and pulled the door open.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
Drew’s lips twitched with a smile he tried his best to keep at bay. He stared down at her huddled in the driver’s seat in the flimsiest coat he ever saw. “This was a little drastic to get my attention, don’t ya think?”
“Well when you can make a statement, I say go for it.” Melissa grinned up at him.
“Let’s go,” Drew held out his hand expecting Melissa to take it.
“Oh no…” Melissa shook her head. “I probably just need a jump. My car’s been on the fritz for a few weeks now. It has to just be the battery. I can’t get the lights or.. Oh!” She shrieked as she was hauled from the car. She swatted at his hands where they held her waist. “Grabby hands…”
“I am not staying out here in this weather trying to figure out what’s wrong with your car, Lass. If we don’t start moving, we are going to be stuck out here.”
Melissa sighed, her shoulders deflated. She hoped Drew would be able to get her car running again and pointed in the right direction so she could get home. One look at his face, she saw the decision was final. She wasn’t going to be able to change his mind. “Fine. Just take me home.” She’d worry about explaining why her ex-boyfriend brought her home to Jason later. She just wanted out of the cold.
Gripping her upper arm, Drew led her toward his truck. When she slid through the snow in front of his truck and nearly took them both to the ground, he swung her up in his arms. In the shine of the headlights, he got a good look at her shoes. “Where are your boots?” He growled staring at the white slip-ons.
“Home. I thought I’d make it home before the snow hit.” Melissa shivered in his arms, even as warmth radiated through her at his hold. Her comment caused another growl from Drew. His chest vibrating with the sound as it moved up his throat. Then she was shivering for a totally different reason.
With her secured in his arms, Drew carefully made his way around the front of his truck to the passenger side door. It took a little maneuvering but he was able to get the door open where he deposited her in the seat. “Stay.”
“I’m not a dog.” Melissa couldn’t resist as she shifted in the seat to sit properly. The blast of the heat from the vent nearly brought tears to her eyes. She quickly raised her hands to the vents allowing the warm heat to envelope them. “Grab my purse please?”
With a grunt Drew shut the door and made his way back to Melissa’s car. The keys still hung in the ignition. Her purse lay on the passenger side seat. Her phone in the cup holder. Dropping both items in the purse he hit the lock on the door jam. The mechanism clicked as the locks turned. He gave a cursory look over the interior but didn’t see anything he thought Melissa would need.
He could see Melissa sitting in the passenger seat through the windshield. The wipers keeping the glass clear. Unbelievable she was sitting in his truck after all this time. His arms still burned where he held her in his arms. He climbed into the truck and the heat hit him full force. The air gushed from the vents, turned on high.
“I’m freezing,” Melissa answered his look when he dropped her purse on her lap. “My heat wasn’t working even before the engine gave out.”
Drew said nothing. He simply pulled his arms from his own jacket and passed it across the cab.
“What? No.” Melissa tried to shove the Carhartt back to Drew. “The heat is fine. I don’t need your coat. I’ll be fine.”
“Take it Lass,” Drew stated. He continued to hold his hand out with the coat, taking her shoves. He rolled his eyes and dropped the jacket in her lap. “I’m fine. You have it like a damn furnace in here.” The words weren’t a lie. The chill from being outside was gone. In actuality, he was reaching out to turn the vents away from him. The heat proving to be too much.
“Drew…” Melissa started. The coat was clutched in her hands. The material warm beneath her fingers. She fought to keep from raising it to her nose and breathing the woodsy scent.
“Please keep it,” Drew meet her eyes and felt a rush of victory when she nodded. He watched as she pulled the coat up around her like a blanket.
Drew pulled his seatbelt across his body. His eyes flickered in the rearview mirror showing complete darkness. He turned off his flashers and put the truck in drive. Easing on the gas, he moved them forward at a crawl. The road was completely covered in snow. Melissa’s tracks no longer visible.
“Thank you.” Melissa’s voice broke the quietness of the cab a few minutes later. She watched the snow falling in front of the headlights as Drew trudged down the road. Her body warm beneath the thick coat. She had it pulled to just below her chin. His cologne wafted in her nose, warming her from the inside out. This time, she tucked her chin and buried her nose in the coat. Her eyes closed as she breathed deep.
“What were you doing this far out anyway?” Drew fought from reaching over. He watched out of the corner of his eye as she buried her face in his coat. He shifted in his seat as his jeans grew tight. He wished he did have that 1967 Ford Melissa’s Pappy used to own. Teal in color with the all important bench seat. One where he could reach out and pull her across the seat to burrow up in his side. He could have one arm wrapped over her shoulders holding her to him. One hand on the wheel. The future ahead of him.
“Thought I remembered a shortcut home from work. Apparently I didn’t.”
Drew chuckled. “You’ll have to explain that to me later because I’m not sure how any of these roads are a shortcut.”
“Well I’m still directionally impaired. That hasn’t changed any.” Her heart stumbled and beat faster as she watched the smile grow on his face in the darkness of the cab.
Melissa must have fallen sleep. The next thing she knew they were pulling into a garage that was definitely not hers. First thing, she didn’t have a garage. She sat up right, Drew’s coat falling to her lap She glanced around, eyes wide. The garage door shut behind them. The wipers rubbed against a dry windshield, bouncing over the glass before the truck went silent beneath them when Drew shut it off.
“Where are we?” Melissa asked when Drew opened his door.
“Home.” Drew stated as he climbed from the truck and shut the door behind him not allowing Melissa to argue. She was ready when he opened the passenger door.
“What do you mean home?” Melissa said as he opened her door. “This is your home. Not mine. I don’t live here remember.”
“I remember,” Drew answered solemnly. He absolutely remembered Melissa no longer lived with him. Each time he came home to an empty house. Darkness would great him as he pulled into his driveway. The windows all darked. The only light coming from the outside light at his garage. Inside the silence was deafening. His movements would echo in the vacant house.
“Then what am I doing here?” Melissa asked. Muscle memory left her climbing from the truck and following Drew to the garage door that lead them into the mud room. It was also habit that had her kicking her shoes off leaving them next to random pairs of Drew’s.
“Fixing a mistake.” Drew turned away and hung his coat up on the hook next to the door. He kicked off his own boots, leaving them next to Melissa’s. He stared down at the scene. His dark brown Carhartt boots with their black soles and golden yellow laces. One sitting up right. One turned over on its side. Melissa’s white cloth sided Skechers with tieless shoelaces sat neatly beside them. Their shoes hadn’t been side by side in a long time.
“F-fixing a mistake? What does that mean?” Melissa watched as he didn’t answer, but walked from the room. She had no choice but to follow. “Stop,” she reached out grabbing his arm as he walked deeper into his house. “You can’t keep me here. You need to take me home, Drew.”
Melissa stared at him bewildered. “No? What do you mean no?”
“Exactly what I mean Lass.” Drew knew he was going about this all wrong. But she was here in his house. Finally.
“You can’t just keep me here.” Melissa rubbed the bridge of her nose. She was too tired to get into an argument with Drew.
“Call your boyfriend then.” Drew’s jaw clenched at the thought. Discovering Melissa had a boyfriend caused him to carry on his one track mind of wrestling. Obviously her moving on that quickly after their break up meant their relationship wasn’t as serious as it was made out to be.
It wasn’t until he took a break from wrestling when he realized what the relationship meant to him and what he’d lost. Then the thought of Melissa’s boyfriend pissed him off. He didn’t know who it was, but he knew whoever the maggot was wouldn’t be good enough.
He watched as Melissa spun on her heel, marching back into the mudroom. He followed like there was an invisible tether keeping them together. His heart lodged in his throat when she pulled her phone out of her purse hanging from the hook with her jacket. Anger rose and he snatched the device from her hand.
“Wh-what are you doing!” Melissa’s voice rose as she turned around. She bumped into his body, he was so close to her. She lifted her head to meet his gaze. Her breath caught at the look on his face. Emotion swam in his blue eyes.
“Why did you call me?” Drew asked in a low voice as he crowded against her. “Why didn’t you call him?”
“I-I did…” Melissa answered. She was unable to look away. His eyes captivated her, drawing her in.
“Then where is he?” He pressed, taking a step closer to her. She took a step back and nearly tripped over his boots. He quickly reached out, wrapping his arms around her. Her phone tumbled from his hand to the floor. The device lay on the floor forgotten. He pulled her against him. Their bodies flush.
“He didn’t answer…” Melissa admitted in a whisper. Her body trembled pressed against him. A growing hunger swirled deep in her belly. With their height different he towered over her. Her head arched back, baring her neck.
“He didn’t answer,” Drew repeated, silently cursing the deviant. On a night like this, he couldn’t pick his girlfriend up from work. Instead leaving her to drive home with an unreliable car in terrible weather and not even having the decency to stay awake until she was home safely. Disgust for the man dripped off him. He was right. The man didn’t deserve Melissa.
He dipped his head down, watching as Melissa’s eyes widened. Her irises grew heavy with desire. He heard her breath catch. Her fingers grasped his hoodie pulling the material tight across his back. He wanted to rip the offending article of clothing from his body so he could feel her hands on his skin.
“I answered,” he breathed. His lips millimeters from hers. Their breath mixed together. The press of her body to his. The feel of her hands on him. The sweet scent of her perfume invading his senses… Desire curled inside him. His dick started to thicken in his jeans. He shifted minutely, pressing his desire to her belly.
“Drew…” Melissa whispered. Heat pooled at her center.
“I answered Mel,” his voice low. “I answered and without hesitation I came. I came when you needed me.”
Melissa nearly melted against him, giving in to her desire. With strength she didn’t know she had, she broke away from him. “Now. But you didn’t before. You weren’t there. You were never there.”
Drew’s eyes closed briefly at the pain in Melissa’s voice. Opening them, he met her gaze head on. “I know, Love. I had my priorities all mixed up. I placed the company above everything – my friends. My family. You...”
She watched as he moved closer to her. She didn’t know why she was allowing him to plead his case. She should have been demanding he take her home immediately. Should have been finding her phone and calling Jason. But she didn’t and she wasn’t.
“I didn’t realize I had given a bit much to wrestling. Didn’t realize while I was giving them everything, there wasn’t anything left to give to the people I loved. I was sacrificing you and my family for the job…” Drew confessed. He stopped in front of her. Not once did his eyes waver from hers. “I’m sorry…”
“You think you can just erase all the hurt with an apology?” Melissa fisted her palms in an attempt to stop herself from reaching out. The emotions swirling deep in his eyes called out to her. She could see the hurt and sadness. She could also read the resignation in them. As if he knew his actions had lost her to him forever.
“It’s all I got Lass,” he admitted. He raised his hand and brushed the short blonde hair from her face. Her skin soft beneath his fingers. Her eyes closed at his touch and she nuzzled his hand. He brought his other hand up and cupped her face with both hands. He tilted her face up and waited for her eyes to open.
When her eyes blinked open, he lowered his head. Her breath quickened. He brushed his lips softly against hers. A short whisper of a kiss. He pulled back slightly, his hands still on her cheeks. His thumbs caressing back and forth. “I know you’re not gonna jus forgive me. I know I have my work cu’ ou’ for me to earn your trust back. I know I don’ deserve a second chance, but I love you.”
Melissa’s breath caught in her throat. Her eyes widened at Drew’s declaration. Her hands rose and pressed against his chest. Her fingers clinging to the hoodie. She stared in his eyes, unable to look away. His voice – soft and deep with his accent more pronounced – wrapped around her.
“The past couple months… it’s been eye openin’ for me. I can see everything I did wrong. The mistakes I made… I see it all now. The family I though’ I had wasn’t there. I was losing my real family by givin’ to an industry that wasn’t givin’ back. I started mendin’ that. After coming home from Scotland… this empty house without you here… I was comin’.”
“I have a boyfriend,” Melissa said weakly. Though try telling her body that piece of information. Her hands on his chest. Her lower half pressing against him. Her heart swooning over his accent...his words. Falling all over again.
“I don’t care,” Drew said matter-of-factly. The tips of his fingers slid into her hair. “I don’t care what boyfriend you have. I don’t care who is in my way when it comes to you. Nothin’ will stop me from getting’ to ya.”
Desire coursed through her at his words, pooling at her center. She knew Drew meant the words he said. He would do anything and everything to get her back. She shivered. The words almost made her want to test him. To brush him off right now. To make him work to get her back. To make him prove what he spoke was the truth.
“I won’t force ya to stay here,” Drew continued. He knew he had to say the words, but they stuck in his throat. Sour. “You want to go home, just say so.” It was the step in the right direction in order to win her back. Kidnapping her did have its advantages. It crossed his mind to take her upstairs to his bed and kiss every inch of her skin until she was begging for him to claim her. Then take her until she was shouting out in the silence of the house she was his until her voice was raw as they spilled over into ecstasy.
It was less than a split second. Melissa’s hands were moving up his chest. Her palms cupping his bearded cheeks – soft and silky at her touch. “What are you talking about? I am home.”
At the words, her lips touched his.
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rasslegram · 8 months ago
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21st Century Fox, Alicia Atout, Allie The Bunny, Angelina Love, Beth Phoenix, Cat Power, Chelsea Green, Delta Dawn, Gail Kim, Jade Chung, Jennifer Blake, Jewels Malone, Kacey Diamond, Lufisto, Luna Vachon, Maryse, Melissa Coates, Monster Ripper, Nattie Neidhart, Nicole Matthews & Portia Perez, Rosemary, Sarah Stock, She Nay Nay, Stefany Sinclair, Taya Valkyrie, Tiana Ringer, Traci Brooks, Trish Stratus, Velvet McIntyre & Desiree Peterson, Taylor Wilde.
Not in gallery: Candice LeRae, Sandy Parker, Vivian Vachon, Vanessa Kraven, Danyah, Rosa Mendes, Jamie D, Krysta Lynn Scott, Jody Threat, Precious, KC Spinelli, Belle Lovitz, Karmen Petrovic, Roni Jonah, Bambi Hall, Kelly Couture, Angela Fong, Kalamity, Arianna Grace, Addy Star, Allison Danger, Deanna Conda, KC Houston, Kaitlin Diemond, Karen Brooks, Josianne, Madison, La Parfaite Caroline, Misty Haven, Silvie Silver and others we've not mentioned.
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marcmarcmomarc · 3 months ago
She-Ra: The Holiday Special
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Songs (solos, duets, trios, quartets, quintets, ensembles, etc.) performed by:
Aimee Carrero
A.J. Michalka
Karen Fukuhara
Marcus Scribner
Génesis Rodríguez
Vella Lovell
Christine Woods
Merit Leighton
Jordan Fisher
Lauren Ash
Adam Ray
Keston John
Daniel Dae Kim
Krystal Joy Brown
N.D. Stevenson
Sandra Oh
Dana Davis
Antony Del Rio
Matthew Yang King
…and Mochi McIntyre
Aimee Carrero • A.J. Michalka • Karen Fukuhara • Marcus Scribner • Génesis Rodríguez • Vella Lovell • Christine Woods • Merit Leighton • Jordan Fisher • Lauren Ash • Adam Ray • Keston John • Daniel Dae Kim • Krystal Joy Brown • N.D. Stevenson • Sandra Oh • Dana Davis • Antony Del Rio • Matthew Yang King
Lonnie & Busgirl: DANA DAVIS
Madame Razz, General Juliet, & Baker: GREY DeLISLE
Sea Hawk & Soda Pop: JORDAN FISHER
Wrong Hordak & Horde Prime: KESTON JOHN
Young Adora: LALA NESTOR
Castaspella: SANDRA OH
Swift Wind: ADAM RAY
Spinnerella: N.D. STEVENSON
Double Trouble: JACOB TOBIA
Versión al Español Latino Americano
Swift Wind: RAÚL ANAYA
Spinnerella: GABY CÁRDENAS
Castaspella: IRINA ÍNDIGO
Doppler Morfer: JAVIER OLGUÍN
Generala Juliet: MIREYA MENDOZA
Shadow Weaver: YOLANDA VIDAL
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chasing-chimeras · 1 year ago
wait ok i hope i'm not too late to the wip ask game but i just noticed you have a The 100 AU?? I never finished watching the show but i remember what it's about and so count me VERY intrigued 👀
tagging @rayfollowsfromhere because they asked the same! (and definitely not too late considering how long it took me to decide to clear out my inbox lol)
I don't have anything written for this one, so I'll just post the *very* loose character equivalents below the cut. I plan to change a lot from the show, while sticking to the main plot, and none of the characters will follow exactly what roles their counterparts played.
Hayden - Clarke Griffin
Liam - Clarke Griffin, Finn Collins, Wells Jaha
Theo - Bellamy Blake, John Murphy, Finn Collins
Lydia - Raven Reyes
Mason - Monty Green
Corey - Harper McIntyre
Kira - Octavia Blake
Malia - Lincoln
Tracy - Lexa, Anya
Noshiko (not Kira's birth mom, but does mentor her) - Indra
Melissa - Abby Griffin, Eric Jackson
Dr. Geyer - Abby Griffin
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mainefemwresfan · 10 months ago
Velvet McIntyre vs Melissa Dall
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fantastickkay · 5 months ago
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16 Superstars, January 2000
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 4 months ago
S3 Ep30: better days
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Trin Joins the Volleyball team from team captain Irving and realizes that trin is really good at volleyball. Ferb is still upset about his father’s death and now has to live with his sister Melissa and his brother-in-law and Melissa’s Husband Harry Styles but Henry gives ferb some advice that ferb gave him when Henry was upset about his sister summer daiting chase. Donnie tells michaela that she’s aloud to go see Louis Tomlinson next year for his tour in which Marissa is excited. A-lexa says her first cuss word (Fuck) and Varina reveals that victor’s first cuss word was Booty farts
Varina belongs to @jokerislandgirl32
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degrassidelirium · 3 years ago
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remnantglow · 1 year ago
the throuples in question <3
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(five-twelfths of heaven by melissa scott)
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(starfarers by vonda mcintyre)
if i had a nickel for every scifi book from the 80s where the main characters are a throuple and the cover features them toasting together i'd have 2 nickels. which isnt a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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myspacedreams · 4 years ago
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Ashley Kerwin played by Melissa McIntyre in Degrassi The Next Generation
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karihighman · 4 years ago
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The OGs of Degrassi: Then & Now 🙌
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oldinterneticons · 4 years ago
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