shivvroys · 2 months
the full extent of what forever is
melaudrey oneshot | alternate take on their short conversation in 1x06 ("Read the room, Audrey!")
“You forget, Melanie, but I remember what you were before the teal.”
read below or on ao3
“Next time, he won't have a disaster to save him.”
Her hands are still trembling, the warm blood still straining against that dreadful coldness as she grips Audrey’s arm. The woman doesn’t protest much, only releasing an indignant huff as Melanie drags them both through Third Class.
Once she’s found a somewhat secluded spot, she lets Audrey go, her hands instinctively reaching to smooth down her uniform jacket.
Calm Hospitality, Calm Train.
“Go on Audrey, air out your grievances.” she says, steeling herself for the earful she’s bound to receive.
She knows there isn’t much she can say to sway Audrey’s stubbornness against the moral crusade she’s embarked herself upon, but she hopes to at least sniff out what her and her merry band of revolutionaries might be planning next.  
“For them to fall on deaf ears again?” Audrey quirks an eyebrow, her red lips tightening into a line as sharp and bloody as a knife’s edge.
She takes a small step forwards, bringing her hands to her hips as they sway.
“You forget, Melanie, but I remember what you were before the teal.”
There it is.
The thing that’s kept her back straight as a rod and her steps quick as lightning each time she’s visited the Night Car. The thing that she could never leave trackside, could never bury into the snow quite deep enough. That old scratch at her collar.
She gives Audrey a tight smile, tilting her head as she regards the other woman.
“And I remember what you were.” she says, clasping her hands together. “How amazing it is to still be able to grow under our circumstances, isn’t it?” she smiles, watching Audrey’s smirk slip away as faint pools of blood bloom across her cheeks.
Audrey crosses her arms, dragging her heel across the floor as if she’s trying to scratch Melanie’s remark out of existence.
“I’m not stupid, Melanie, and neither are the passengers of this train.”
Melanie shakes her head slightly, releasing a short, staggered breath.
“I don’t think you’re stupid, Audrey. But you’re playing with a fire you won’t be able to control.”
They stand in silence for a moment, taking each other in. It takes her back to the first time they’d met, circling each other like wild animals, each curious yet fearful of the other.
That day she’d made the great mistake of underestimating Audrey, quickly choosing to dismiss her as yet another shiny trinket in Wilford’s cabinet of curiosities, blissfully unaware of how quick to fade her patina of youth and beauty was. How fast he’d grow bored of her and toss her aside for a newer, shinier model.
But watching Audrey now, years later, she knows it was never Audrey that fell recklessly and hopelessly into Wilford’s orbit, but her sharp eyes and quick wit that had burned an indelible mark on Joseph’s heart.
Her gaze held and captivated like the promise of land to a drifting ship, and there’s a tightness that grips Melanie’s heart when she thinks about all the times they’d passed each other by in train cars and swanky bars, Audrey’s eyes burning holes in the back of her head as Melanie stood there, clinking her champagne glass with those men and laughing at their disgusting jokes.
Showing them just how much of a man she was, too. Just how much she deserved her spot at their table.
Eager for the approval of a man whose hand would never extend to shake hers, too busy gripping the flesh of Audrey’s thigh under the table.
Her mistake—both of theirs, really, had been to think that intelligence, passion or, even worse, love, could ever measure up to a man’s desire for control. That either of them could crack Wilford enough to get through to the man—that there was anything besides hunger and violence at his core to dig for, anyway.
The thin tendrils of blood rimming Audrey’s eyes lead Melanie to believe she was contemplating the same thing.
She clears her throat, finally breaking the silence.
“How many times did you have to have your stomach pumped, Audrey? How many doors and tables and chairs did you run into by accident?”
She hadn’t meant for it come out so harshly, and her chest tightens as she watches Audrey recoil in shock.
“Don’t talk about things you know nothing about.” she spits out in a harsh whisper.
“I know there are things we’ve lost, and things we’ve never been able to rid ourselves of.”
Audrey scoffs, the skin on her neck pulled taut as she blinks away a few errant tears that were threatening to spill.
“How very poetic. Shall we go through yours?” she smiles, fixing Melanie with a hard glare.
Melanie blinks. She doesn’t realize she’s started rubbing her hands together until she feels her nail digging into the soft strip of flesh between her thumb and pointer finger.
One clean slice through the deep palmar arch and she’d be useless.
“How many people have you helped since this train took off?” she says softly. “Held their hands as the cried, caressed their cheek, and soothed their grief?”
Although her approach is rough at best, Audrey seems to at least accept it as sincere. Her deep blue eyes lock with Melanie’s, and a quick flash of gratitude passes through them.
Melanie had never stopped to fully understand or appreciate Audrey’s work on Snowpiercer, and she can’t allow herself to do so now—not as they’re approaching a civil war at opposite ends of the battlefield. But she’s felt its echoes reverberating throughout the train, across its passenger’s faces, in the steady thrum that had slowly begun to replace that awful howling coming from outside.
But all of this, everything they’ve worked for, it’s all part of a greater mechanism that is bigger than them. A mechanism that is unsparing and unflinching, that Melanie has only ever been a cog in, despite what Audrey might think.
A mechanism that she needs Audrey to understand is crucial to their survival.
“Now, Audrey, how many would you have helped if you’d been locked away in a First Class cabin?”
Despite the nervous energy bubbling up in her, Audrey remains silent, a soft exhale the only indication that she’d heard Melanie.
“You are the soul of this train. If it weren’t for the Night Car, for the work you do, who knows how many souls we would’ve lost...”
Audrey cuts her off with a sharp inhale, her brows furrowing as she speaks, contempt thick on her tongue.
“What about the souls we’ve already lost? The ones we’ve locked up like rats and left to waste away?” she all but spits in Melanie’s face.
“We are living in a capsule, Audrey!” Melanie raises her voice, before quickly swallowing down her frustration.
Despite the ongoing celebration, she doesn’t trust the dark shadows of the Third Class to not house a sneaky ear or two, so she lowers her voice before addressing Audrey in a colder, more measured tone.
“Each goddamn minute we get to breathe on this train comes down to a precise calculation, and every second we divert from it can very well lead us to our extinction.”
Audrey scoffs, crossing her arms as her eyes dart around the darkness shrouding them, pointedly avoiding Melanie’s own hardened gaze.
“Our food, our water, our medicine” Melanie continues, still determined to get through to the other woman “—every single resource we have can be lost if we don’t maintain order and—”
“Whose order?” Audrey interjects with a mocking frown.
Melanie feels the blood drain out of her body, her hands now colder than they’d been out on the tracks.
Audrey’s teeth glimmer in the dim light as they peek out of a cruel grin. Melanie’s got half a heart to offer up her throat to them.
“The train may demand order, Melanie, but its people are straining under it. And they won’t be held back for much longer.”
All at once, every torturous second of the day she’s had begins to lay its full weight on Melanie’s shoulders, and she find herself unable to say or do anything but stare at the other woman.
She feels the quiet rumble of the engine beneath her feet and closes her eyes, clinging to it as she hears Audrey’s heels clicking closer to her.  
“Hm.” she hears Audrey sigh.
She opens her eyes to find Audrey studying her intently, as if inspecting for a piece of faulty wiring. Her eyes still trained on Melanie’s face, Audrey raises a pale hand and slowly, almost imperceptibly, twists the pin on Melanie’s jacket until the small W has been turned upside down.
Satisfied with her work, Audrey closes her eyes with a faint smile. She doesn’t let her hand return to her side, instead letting it hover against Melanie’s chest, the pads of her fingers barely touching the stiff teal fabric. Taking a deep breath, a soft hum slips past her lips.
“Our great Engine Eternal.”
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julesnichols · 4 months
Melruth vs melaudrey
Melruth!!! Melaudrey is cool too but Melruth was my first real femslash ship for this fandom soooooo
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 months
You can pick any or multiple of the following (answers dont have to be in any particular order btw):
What are your top 5 melruth scenes?
What are your top 5 SP ships?
What are your top 5 SP episodes?
What are your top 5 melruth headcannons?
What are your top 5 SP headcannons?
Top 5 Scenes:
I can't do that. I won't do it
Any of her in the tail s1 I'm sorry it just makes me 🥵
I hate to say it but Pike date. Smiley happy Ruth!!
Engineer, we'll be right here waiting for you when you get back
Top 5 ships
three engineers
Top 5 episodes:
1x10 994 cars long
2x09 The show must go on
2x10 Into the white
1x01 First the weather changed
3x02 The last to go
Top 5 melruth headcanons:
Ruth cuts Melanie's hair
Melanie checks up on Ruth after tail visits
Ruth thinks Melanie is sleeping with Wilford (and is jealous)
Melanie falls asleep in Ruth's cabin often, and lives in fear of talking in her sleep
Nightcar parties where they both drink for appearance's sake but accidentally over do it and end up giggling and touching each other's arms
Top 5 Snowpiercer headcanons:
Any of @drewsaturday's NSFW ones (I'll spare you)
Firsties having 'secret' affairs that everyone knows about
Jinju hasn't disappeared she's working on a giant chicken that lays eggs the size of heads
The subtrain was never intended to be a public thoroughfare
Arguments about Christmas or Thanksgiving
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onetrainscifi · 1 year
which ship fans are the most annoying?
Oh uhhh. I mean it depends. It was the Melaudrey fans on Twitter for a while. No one else has topped that except for one person but this was a whole group of people. So yeah it was them.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Oh I mean the weird woobification of Wilford always makes me hate him for a little bit every once in a while
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
The possibility of Melanie and Lights (or really any of the surviving Tailies that she hasn't interacted with) having to team up
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pregnant-javert · 2 years
Aw shit I said it
Why don’t you ship it?
Well firstly, Melaudrey is always going to be my no.1 Melanie lesbian ship so jot that down. Also...I just don't see it. Friends? Sure. Also Ruth really annoyed me in season 1 so I don't like seeing her happy like (JUST KIDDING but her vibe is just not it fam.)
What would have made you like it?
It being canon for a start and Ruth being less like a meddling busybody with nothing better to do than be a hanger-on to Melanie... GIRL Melanie treated you like shite, have some self-respect. But that's neither here nor there. Idk, I just don't like it........sorry!
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
The devotion that the melruth girlies have warms my heart. they could be better writers than the canon showrunners, honestly.
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missaudreystiara · 2 years
Thoughts on melaudrey? Not sure if you've said it on your blog before!
I don’t think I have talked about this before actually so thanks for asking ☺️🖤
I think they could be a really interesting pairing - they both clearly have a very involved (albeit different) history with Wilford and in a way they were both kind of moulded by him… so I think they could have a lot of common ground and I really would like to hear more about their pre-train experiences together (I’m assuming they must have known each other for decades really!)
They have really good chemistry in S1 especially I think - the whole kind of angsty/frenemy vibe is such a mood 🖤 and I love the finale ending with Audrey finally helping Mel to heal after taking the train and leaving Alex behind. There’s definitely scope for something there I think! They’re also both complete powerhouses in their own way and they would make such a glamorous couple for sure!
Tbh I never really shipped Audrey with anyone specifically (my bigsest ship is just Audrey staying alive 😭😂) but now that they’ve paired her with Till I’m actually quite invested in them as a couple, so I’m happy for that to stay the same next season! I would absolutely love it though if they did explore Mel/Audrey’s past and their friendship a bit more though!
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anyabantikvids · 2 years
Melanie & Audrey + Jinju & Bess | One more light
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bendthecanon · 2 years
For the ship ask:
Mel/Audrey? 🖤
Ship it
What made you ship it?
Uhhhh honestly? The same as Melruth - some very E rated things on AO3. Mel Audrey just never held my attention as long. On rewatching, I definitely feel a connection between the two of them, they obviously have a shared history and I think it probably goes beyond their individual links to Wilford. I wouldn't say I ship them as an ongoing couple but I could definitely see them having had a thing in the past, and being open to having moments together in the future as a way to process their shared traumas.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
I think they really understand each other in a way that other people can't come close to. I think in a way there's also a lot of animosity there, each having been jealous of the other/their bond with Wilford, and each seeing the other as a reminder of him.
They both have secrets to keep and they respect that in each other.
Also my favourite things: sad Melanie/Audrey healing, Audrey being extravagant/ Mel in a hoody, Melanie watching Audrey perform
Is there an unpopular opinion you have in your ship?
Only that in my headcanon they sometimes seek each other out for comfort, but their significant others are not aware 😢
Thank you for asking! I don't feel like I can answer as eloquently and in depth as other people because I've only recently got super into Snowpiercer and half of what I know to be true is probably actually just fanfiction 😂
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alexie-the-pig · 3 years
At this point, who tf do I even ship Melanie with.
Like on one hand there’s her and ben the og.
Then there’s baby lesbian Ruth pining for Melanie.
AND Melaudrey def has a backstory.
Like bestie, this is one chaotic bisexual trying to figure out another.
Like honestly everyone is in love with Melanie or has been prove me fucking wrong. (Even wilford🤮)
also another honorable mention to how gay Ruth is for Melanie, we don’t address it enough.
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shivvroys · 2 months
remember what they took from you (s1 melaudrey)
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lancedinah · 4 years
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accept my gift, snowpiercer melaudrey stans
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
Have we
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done these 
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analeasekittin · 3 years
Lena posting this is the closest this fandom gets of Melaudrey lmao🤣 this is so cute tho
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pondmelody · 4 years
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                                                                       I’m sorry. 
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pregnant-javert · 2 years
Hmmm. 001 Snowpiercer. 002 let's do Wilford/Javi for chaos. 003 Kevin.
Brace yourself bestie.
001 | Snowpiercer:
Favorite character: Wilford <3
Least Favorite character: LJ <3
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Melaudrey, Melanie/Ben, Wilford/Ben, Wilford/Javi, Alex/Carly
Character I find most attractive: Wilford
Character I would marry: Wilford
Character I would be best friends with: Ben
A random thought: I’ve been around here since 2020…it’s almost 2023…the passage of time…
An unpopular opinion: I don’t like Brakenight and I hope one of them dies next season.
My Canon OTP: Melanie/Ben
My Non-canon OTP: Wilford/Ben
Most Badass Character: Boki. Come on.
Most Epic Villain: LOL ok. Lilah was pretty cool. She had stuff going on.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Mel/Ruth, Brakenight
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Till, Audrey, Melanie-
Favourite Friendship: Melanie/Ruth…I LIKE these two. Just not romantically.
Character I most identify with: Javi, honestly.
Character I wish I could be: Melanie cuz then I’d have the run of the whole train lol.
002 | Wilford/Javi:
When I started shipping them: I thought it would be nice to put sweet little Javi with Nice!Wilford and I also wanted another man to preggify that was not Ben.
My thoughts: Literally way too enthusiastic Javi and indulgent Wilford. Love that!
What makes me happy about them: They’re very cute together <3
What makes me sad about them: They’re the only engineers on Big Alice <3
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Those bitches aren’t writing enough fics of them. (It’s me. I’m bitches.) 
Things I look for in fanfic: Lots of crying and comfort and general patheticness. Love that.
My wishlist: I mean they are never going to end up together but I hope they meet again in the show <3
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: LOL. Ben for Javi AND Wilford both <3
My happily ever after for them: Living in Big Alice with their baby <3
003 | Kevin
How I feel about this character: LOL he’s funny. Little scrappy gay man <3
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I don’t ship him with anyone because I can’t think of any gay guys that are alive. So there’s that.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I love how he and Ruth keep sniping at each other. Love that.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He should not have died when he did.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: It would have been funnier had he lived longer than he did. He was funny.
Favorite friendship for this character: He’s just so obsequious to Wilford :)
My crossover ship: I don’t do crossovers!
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droidmom · 4 years
(Captions + HD!) Made a little tribute to Miss Audrey 💕
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