#melatonin sleeping pills
curaehealth · 2 years
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mewobrute · 7 months
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might make more stupid short comics in the future, but im not continuing this one,
what happens after is that cross tries to take the bowl back and they drop it breaking it, nightmare comes in all pissed at the noise, and gives them a spanking(he doesnt spank them he just tells them to stop being dumbasses).
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the-2nd-random-kid · 3 months
Oops lmao i almost forgot these AHAHA--
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Meta commentary/deets in the Read More
Lmaooooop these were actually made based off an irl experience i had-- genuinely the dialogue that haibara tweeted was a real ass convo between me and my friend, with me being nanami and my friend being haibara FBSMDJSJ
I was just being overdramatic lmao-- tbf, we were animating in the dark for 4 to 6 hours straight and my eyes and mind were Dying AHAHA
The only difference between the tweet and reality is that gojo didnt bring me a care package 🥲🥲🥲
Also LMAO i made the other three pics in the middle of making this post AHAHA
Inspiration strikes whenever you least expect it HFKSJFEKG
Deadass got possessed by the writing ghost LMAOO
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elegantartisanperson · 2 months
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ah shit dude 60 melatonin pills for 8,62 dollars? that is too much now my sleep schedule will never be fixed😔
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WHAT 30 PILLS FOR ONLY 8,51 DOLLARS, THIS IS A STEAL, now I can finally fix my sleep schedule
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plan-3-tmars · 1 year
Tried writing up something about kazui's parents but I'm so insanely tired that from 1 paragraph I had to correct so. many. grammar errors (like an embarrassing amount) so I'm just gonna do it tomorrow so expect that :p
I have Thoughts and Ideas about them
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bwambiee · 3 months
does any1 eva get anxiety flyin’ on a plane ? m a littl nervous 2 fly 4 my trip tmw n i’ll b on da plane for 6 hrs ૮꒰◞ ◟ ೕ꒱ა which is so much longer than m used to :( n it’s at night ! which makes mi evn more scared tew fly . .
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vitzoki · 7 months
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Counting Wooloo [Leon x Reader] (WWC)
We kept at it until the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains. Exhausted and breathless, we flopped onto the bed, lying side by side, our hair wild and our cheeks flushed from all the laughter.
this is actually very SFW dw. a bit of steven and wallace in there. reader is the worldwide champ :)  As the night before the prestigious Pokémon tournament approached, (Y/N), the worldwide champion, found herself restless and unable to sleep. Despite her reputation as a powerful Pokémon trainer, the pressure of the upcoming event weighed heavily on her mind, leaving her pacing her room with an anxious heart.
have funnnn <3 fic begins under the cut
Oh no.
Oh no.
"Oh no," I mutter to myself. I stand up from my crouching position, my knees popping as I continue staring at the disastrous mess of a suitcase. My eyes dart around the hotel room, desperately searching for the missing items. A pile of clothes lies haphazardly to the side of the bag, and another pile, consisting of paperwork and a list of banned Pokémon and items in the Galar region, sits like a daunting mountain.
My hand instinctively goes to my forehead, trying to ease the tension building there. "Where are they?" I wonder aloud, my voice tinged with worry. My nails rake through my hair as I start pacing around the room, searching under furniture and in cabinets. I haven’t even unpacked yet, so the sleeping pills should be in my bag. But they are nowhere to be found. Shit. Shit.
Frustration mounting, I check under the bed for the third time, hoping for a miracle. But, as expected, nothing changes. I flop pathetically onto the mattress, my exhaustion mirrored in the weight of my sigh. My hand quickly snags a nearby pillow, and I scream into it, trying to release some of the pent-up stress.
Rolling onto my back, I flail my arms and kick my legs in a pathetic fit. When I finally tire myself out satisfactorily, I roll my head to the side, my eyes landing once again on the chaotic suitcase. My gaze then drifts to the bedside table, where the clock ticks away mercilessly. The pre-tournament gala is in an hour. I need to start preparing.
With a heavy huff and puff, I heave myself off the bed and trudge towards the pile of clothes I had packed for this prestigious event. The realization that I might have to spend the four days without my sleeping pills makes me anxious, but there's no time to dwell on that now. I need to focus and get ready for the gala. Maybe I can buy some more at the local Pokémon center.
“Woah! (Y/N), you should not be drinking this much.” Steven Stone tries again for my glass of wine. I let him this time. Plus, I don’t trust my balance enough to wobble out of his reach again, or the structural integrity of my heels to take another fall. “How much did you drink, anyways?” He sniffs at my drink and makes a face. Taking my opportunity, I lunge towards the man, hand outstretched for the glass. “Oi!” He straightens his arm over his head, taking my precious glass of wine out of my reach. My arms land around his neck, and I end up hanging off his body. He stumbles a bit. 
“Oh, c’mon, Stevie. Live a little!” I giggle in his face. “Plus,” My breath must stink of wine. “I’ll have you know,” I say slowly as to not slur my words, “the legal drinking age of this region is sixteen.” He gives me an incredulous look. I pout and bat my eyelashes at him cheekily. In one clean motion, Steven Stone pushed me away by the forehead with one hand, and chugged my entire sweet glass of liquid sleep he was holding in the other. I yell in surprise, but by the time he released me, the glass was empty. He gives me a satisfied shit-eating grin. Not letting him have the satisfaction, I scrunch my nose and blow a razz berry at him, sauntering back towards the refreshments table. From behind me, I hear Wallace laugh and a loud groan from my steel-type specialist friend. Rushed footsteps sound, and I am once again graced with the presence of mother hen.
“You’ve only been twenty for seven months.” He whispers sharply. I spin around, losing my balance and grabbing onto his arm to stabilize myself. “Back in Hoenn and Sinnoh-”
“You’ve been drinking too, Stone.” I smile lazily between hiccups. “Your ears are so, so red.”
“You’re so drunk.”
“I forgot my sleeping pills. This will help me relax.” My grin grows wider as the party lights blink wilder, disco ball lowering itself into the dance floor. “Dance with me?”
“No. You’re going back to your room.” He motions his head towards Wallace, who makes his way towards us. “Have you noticed your Sinnoh accent returning as the night goes on?”
“But Stevie~” I whine, knowing it makes no difference. Wallace finally walks close enough for me to throw my body against, sobbing pathetically into his shoulder. He pats my head half-sympathetically. I prop my head up, chin against Wallace’s chest. “Wallace, dearest, can you buy some sleeping pills and drop them off at my room later?”
“The same 25mg?” He asks gently. I nod, rubbing my forehead - and my 500 dollar foundation - into his chest. Steven guffaws,
“Why don’t you ask me?”
“Because you, Steven darling, would buy the entire store.” Wallace tilts his head towards his best friend. “Poor (Y/N) only needs one bottle.”
“You have no concept of money.” I mumble usefully. Wallace’s soft laugh rumbles through my body.
“Let’s get you back into your room.” Wallace props me up straight, and the three of us saunter into the hallway slowly, arms linked and all.
As the three of us walk down the hotel hallway, I can feel the alcohol starting to take its toll on my senses. The lights in the hallway seem to be dancing along with the thumping music from the party, and my steps feel a little unsteady. Steven and Wallace are both chatting and laughing, but their voices sound distant, like they're coming from the end of a long tunnel.
"Are you feeling alright, (Y/N)?" Wallace asks with genuine concern in his voice.
"I'm fine," I slur, trying to sound more coherent than I feel. "Just a little... wobbly."
"You've had way too much to drink," Steven chimes in, trying to sound stern, but there's a hint of amusement in his tone.
"I'll be fine," I insist, clinging onto both of them for support. "Just need some freeeeash air."
We finally reach my hotel room, and I fumble around in my purse for the key card. After a few attempts, I manage to slide it into the slot and push the door open. The room feels like a safe haven, away from the loud music and flashing lights.
"Thank you, boys," I laugh dizzily, stumbling out of their arms onto to fall back in. "I'll be alright from here."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm a biggg-girl now," I puff out my chest as words slur together. “it’s time for some beeeeeauty sleep."
"Alright then," Steven says, smoothing out my hair, frizzy from the disco. "Get some rest and drink plenty of water."
"I will, Mom.” I wink teasingly, earning a chuckle from Wallace. To top it off, I blow Steven a kiss. This makes him laugh.
They both bid me goodnight, and as they leave the room, I collapse onto the bed with a heavy sigh. The room seems to be spinning around me, and I close my eyes, trying to steady myself.
"I really should have taken my sleeping pills," I drag my hands down my face. “I need some sleeping pills.”
But as I lie there, I can't seem to relax. I’ll do some other things to tire me out. I took a shower, cleaned my suitcase, braided my now-dry hair. Made and remade and re-remade my bed, but…
"Why can't I sleep?" I moan-cry, snagging another pillow to scream into.
I toss and turn for what feels like hours, but sleep remains elusive. Every tick in the clock seems to be making fun of me, tomorrow coming both too soon and not soon enough.
Just as I almost doze off, there's a soft knock on the door. I startle awake, whipping my head towards the door. Did I sleep in? I quickly slip into my slippers and pad towards the door.
"Leon?" I rub my eyes and squint. "What are you doing here?"
He smiles sheepishly. “I heard you needed some sleeping pills.”
“Oh my Arceus.” Suddenly sober, my spine straightens and I whisk the bottle out of his hands. “Did Wallace send you? I am so so sorry. You even agreed to host this event, and now you’re not going to rest enough, and-” He holds up his hands, and I stop to look at him.
"I couldn't sleep either. Mind if I come in?"
Blinking a few times, I register his request. I quickly step aside, giving his big frame space to enter my room. He takes a seat on the edge of the bed, and I plop down beside him.
There is nothing but silence between us. I inhale sharply, preparing myself to ask him to see himself out-
“The recommended dosage is 5-10 milligrams.” He says gently. “Even I only took up to fifteen…” I stop staring at my slippers and turn my head to face him. “Is everything alright?”
“Me? Oh, I’m just desensitized to it at this point.” I laugh lightly. He doesn’t need to know about the nightmares. I don’t need to tell him about them, but he seems to understand nonetheless. “Plus,” I add quickly, “it’s always hard to sleep the night before a tournament.”
“Something I find helps,” he replies also too quickly, “is to calm down and think happy thought before you sleep.” I hum and nod, thinking about how to get him out of my room without seeming too rude. I bite my lip and turn to him as ‘Yeah, I’ll try that thank you’ begins to form on my lips.
"Just remember what I used to do when Hop couldn't sleep," Leon says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I pause, tilting my head at the sudden change in mood.
"What's that?" I ask, curiosity creeping.
"I would have him count Wooloo," Leon chuckles. "Y’know? It's a common sheep Pokémon from our region. It always helped him relax and fall asleep."
I can't help but laugh at the thought. "Counting sheep, huh? That's an old trick."
"But it works," Leon insists. "Give it a try."
I raise an eyebrow at him. Is he serious? "You want me to count Wooloo?"
"Why not? It's worth a shot."
I roll my eyes playfully but decide to humor him. He grins wider. "Fine, I'll give it a try."
I lie back on the bed, making a deal to fluff up my comforter and close my eyes, trying to picture Wooloo jumping over a fence. "One Wooloo, two Wooloo, three Wooloo..."
I continue the counting in my head, but it’s too quiet. Leon is too quiet. My eyes crack open a little to see Leon reaching for something behind him. Before I know it, he's holding a pillow and winding up to knock me out.
"You sly motherf-" I start, grabbing my own pillow and holding it up in defense.
And just like that, the room went crazy with flying pillows. It was an all-out, no-holds-barred pillow fight, and we were laughing and wrestling like a bunch of kids at a sleepover.
We kept at it until the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains. Exhausted and breathless, we flopped onto the bed, lying side by side, our hair wild and our cheeks flushed from all the laughter.
"Wow, that was a blast," I said, trying to catch my breath. “I think I won, though.”
"Absolutely," Leon replied with a grin, looking equally disheveled. “But the score is 28-31 in my favour. Good try.” We laugh again.
Lying there, a sense of calm washes over me. As a champion, it was hard to just relax and let loose. It felt forbidden most times. Somehow, Leon made it feel just right. "I think I can finally get some shut-eye," I said, letting out a satisfied yawn.
Leon chuckles. "That's great. You need to rest before the tournament. You have three hours, go."
I nodded, feeling the exhaustion finally taking over. "You're right. Thanks for being here with me, Leon."
"Anytime, Ms. WWC." I laugh again.
As I closed my eyes, I felt the bed spring back as Leon gets up. I peek at him, feeling a bit reluctant to let him go.
"Where are you going?" I ask, my voice a little drowsy.
"I should head back to my room," he replied, stretching his arms. I definitely heard a few pops. "You need your beauty sleep, and I should catch some Z's too."
I grin sleepily. "Well, thanks for keeping me company. You're a real pal."
He winks playfully. "No problem, but next time, remember to pack those sleeping pills."
I guffaw and chuckle softly. "Yeah, I won't forget, promise."
As he made his way toward the door, I hesitate. The pillow fight had brought us closer, and I don't really want that connection to end so soon.
"Hey, Leon?" I call out, catching his attention before he left.
He turns back to me. "Yeah?"
"Do you mind staying a little longer?" I mumble, shifting a but from where I was tucked under the comforter. "Just until I doze off?"
A warm smile spread across his face. "Of course, (Y/N). I'll stay."
He returns to the bed and sits beside me. I lay back down, feeling more at ease for some reason.
As I close my eyes again, I hear him speak softly, almost like a lullaby. "One Wooloo, two Wooloo, three Wooloo..."
His voice was soothing, and it lulled me into a sense of tranquility. It wasn't long before I drifted off to the rhythm of his counting.
A few hours later, I woke up alone. My pillows, however, were still strewn across the carpeted floor. Shit. I placed a generous tip on my bed for the housekeeper as I left for the day. As I made my way to the tournament, I noticed knowing glances and playful smirks from some of the other participants. The story of our late-night antics must have spread like wildfire. Well, it brought some lightheartedness to the intense competition.
Throughout the tournament, Leon and I maintained our competitive spirits, but there was also a newfound camaraderie between us. We cheered each other on from the sidelines, and the support felt genuine and heartwarming. At the end of the yearly world championships, all challengers and champions had their fair share of workouts.
Later that evening, at the celebration dinner, I raised a toast to all the trainers who competed and congratulated them on their efforts. I thanked my friends and rivals for their unwavering support, but I couldn't help but single out one person.
"To Leon," I raise my glass of non-alcoholic juice, thanks to a special request from Hoenn. "for hosting this event in his region. Thank you for being there when I needed someone to count Wooloo with. You turned a sleepless night into a memorable one, and I couldn't have asked for a better friend and fellow champion."
The room erupts into cheers and applause, and I catch Leon's eye as he lifts his own glass at me. As the night went on, we continued to celebrate, and I caught glimpses of Leon across the room, laughing and enjoying himself. Our eyes met, and we shared a secret smile, remembering the pillow fight that brought us closer together.
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hauntedbythenarrative · 5 months
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martyrbat · 2 years
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the batman's grave #8
[ID: Bruce Wayne talking to Alfred after a breakthrough in a serious case. They start to discuss the different possibilities before Bruce announces, “I need to think about this.” Alfred advises, “No, sir. You need me to tend to your injuries, and then you need some more sleep. I prescribe one of my famous hot toddies.” He presents a tray with a single glass on it. Bruce replies, “Aren't those mostly whiskey?” Alfred adds on, “With a crumbled sleeping pill garnish.” Bruce takes the glass with a small, acquiescent comment of, “Sounds good.” END ID]
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missazura · 1 year
ngl I am depressed and thought I'd hyperfocus on work/drawing to get my head out of it but I guess my body needs the rest more than anything
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solradguy · 1 year
I love how well I sleep when I'm high as shit but I wish I could get the sleep without the stoned part lol
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strongintherealgay · 11 months
keep trying to remind myself that I need to be strong and not hit my dab because I don't want to get dry socket after finally getting out a rotting wisdom tooth. trying to think of it as a tolerance break but that's hard when it's how I've been self-medicating all my other ailments rip
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flintstill · 1 year
God I loved that in my neighborhood back where my lease is that the grass gets mowed at like 5pm or a bit later
Fuck ye outside my window I’m trying to go back to sleep
#dsps#dspd#dswpd#my mom just screamed at me for taking a sleeping pill to go back to bed#(which is unfortunately not uncommon. esp at my parents house where I can never get good sleep)#especially because my fucking body woke me up after 4 hours of sleep when I am trying to sleep as much as possible like 12+ hours#to fight off the fevers I’ve been intermittently having#and the yeast infection from hell and two different cold sores in 3 weeks despite#I literally paid for a hotel for two nights because I tried valiantly and failed to get any decent sleep at my parents house#even with melatonin and cbd and CBN and sleeping pills literally trying every *safe* combination#and then she accusingly asks me when I went to bed#like I’m not a fucking adult whose on fucking break. like I don’t have both adhd and fucking dsps#she just had joint surgery and I’m sorry I haven’t been able to help her as much#but I wasn’t even supposed to be here now?! I was supposed to fly back a week ago but had to cancel because I got sick#and have been running errands since#and also while sick#which has probably#made me fucking sicker?#like not yesterday but the two days before that I was running around doing errands with a fever. (covid negative)#I didn’t fucking ask to be sick or tomorrow be able to sleep in this house#and she fucking yelled at me that I have to go to bed at midnight#like bitch I don’t have to do anything#and thank you again for making me feel so profoundly misunderstood and unlistened to#and worthless because of my adhd and dsp#I really hope it was the pain from the surgery and her pain meds not having kicked in#because it was out of character#like I hate that this is one of the few times your hearing about her to build a picture about#as if anyone is reading these tags haha I am processing and venting#because she is usually wonderful and lovely#but she was a fucking bitch. she really hurt my feelings
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navysealt4t · 2 years
go to fucking bed
ive been trying for like the past hour for some reason i Cant 😭 its not that big of a deal since i dont have school or anything happening for the next few days but it is very annoying lol
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senseiwu · 1 year
Yay it's now three in the morning and I have been awake since midnigjt
After going to sleep at ten
Another night I'll be lucky if I got four hours od sleep :)
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