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b-radley66 · 2 years ago
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Nurse Enfys ministers to Meglann.
(After stunning her with an electro-ripper to the face.)
Wonderful commission by @punkzcakes, based on the scene below with Enfys Nest and one of my OCs, Meglann Florlin, ace pilot (in her own mind), economics and military science major (and drama minor) at the University of Aldera, and diner-owner/cook. (About 3 years before the events in Solo: A Star Wars Story. From my story, N’er Spoke Again
Please go visit their site, they are hella talented and extremely easy to work with.
There is softness surrounding me. I manage to open my eyes; it doesn’t seem to be too much of a mistake as a soft lamp light plays over my brain. A sharp smell; a slightly smoky animal smell moves into my nostrils. 
I pull myself up to my elbows. The soft fur—the source of the scent— drops down from my chest, as it does, I feel cold air on my skin.
I look down and see that and see that I’m no longer in my flight suit, nor even in the tanktop that I’d been wearing under it, in defiance of the RAC’s regulations. I don’t focus on the two (too small) items that are immediately in my vision, but the huge bruises on my left and right side under them. I realize that the cold isn’t the only thing hitting me as I struggle back to full awareness. 
A sharp pain in both sides of my lower chest, pain that swells with every breath. I touch both sides ruefully. Both Nola and I had discovered one other thing in common besides snark and an affinity for certain Corellian-Mandalorian semi-nobles, Togruta huntresses, Pantoran pirates, and Zeltron-Corellian cops.
We both bruise like summer fruit on our pale skin. Usually this only manifests itself when one of that quartet that we have affinity for use their teeth, but occasionally the bruises show up in our other occupation as shit-bringers for the old order.
I can feel my own eyeroll amidst the fog as my mind goes to bite-marks. I definitely have been hanging around that Zeltron-Corellian too long. 
I lift the warm fur blanket and look down the length of my body. I at least still have my underwear (glad that I was wearing it). My eyes fall on the reason that my apparently broken left leg doesn’t hurt as much as my ribs. A small bacta infusion unit is attached to that bruise; the bone is starting to itch rather than hurt. I lift my hand up to my mouth at a sudden memory. 
My fingers come away without the bloody froth that I remembered. 
“There was just enough of the bacta in your system to heal your punctured lung. Apparently it wasn’t too bad. Not enough for the ribs, though,” an unfamiliar voice remarks from the door. 
An old woman, her wrinkled face blank, looks at me. I see a small bag in her hands. She is dressed in warm, colorful robes and furs, much like the other assholes that I’d seen had been. 
I was wrong. Her face wasn’t blank. It seems to be held together by wrinkles and blatant disapproval. She walks over to the pallet, her hands unrolling a small bandage.
Without a word, she reaches down and begins to wrap my rib cage, starting just under my breasts. She is none too gentle in her motions.
“She’s of the camp that thinks we shouldn’t have wasted our precious bacta on the likes of you,” says a familiar voice from the door. I see the teenager from before standing in the door. The young woman, her curly copper hair unbound in a cascade over her shoulders looks at me from her much older brown eyes, the many freckles dark against her skin. She is no longer clad in the half-armor and greaves that she’d been in when I first encountered her; she is wrapped in a large fur cloak, much like what had been covering me until Dr. Personality had started her torture session.  I can just make out some of the freckled skin of her torso underneath the tightly wrapped robe. 
She walks over to the bed, dropping the cloak on the foot of the bed. She is clad in loose trousers and some kind of a singlet that leaves her shoulders and arms bare. Her feet are bare, as well, like she was prepared for bed.
I concentrate on not screaming as she seizes the other end of the bandage around my ribs and adds her strength to it, pulling it tight.
The old woman looks at her handiwork as I catch my breath, and the pain lessens to a dull roar. She busies herself poking and prodding other areas, while the teenager watches her. 
“So what’s your story, Hammer?” she asks. I’m perplexed for about fifteen seconds as to how she knows my callsign; a legacy from my father, as well as from my status as one of the nine Corellian Hells, as our little social club is called. I debate about telling her about the Corellian version’s name, but I’m still not sure about being codenamed ‘Ina.’ The question is answered when I see my flightsuit draped over a chair, with the sole example of Aurabesh on it. 
“I’m on a galactic tour of lesser-traveled shitholes. Got lost.”
A brief smile quirks her serious features.  A part of me notes that it is a distinct improvement. I change the subject away from what the hell I was doing here. “So what are you going to tell that faction that seems to have wanted to cut my head off and let me bleed out in the snow?” I look at the doctor, who gives me another hard look of her own. “Is this one just healing me up for the beheading?” The healer says nothing. 
“Why do you think I stunned you?” At her mention of that, I look over at the mirror on the far wall. I see another manifestation of my imitation of summer fruit. A bruise on the side of my face. In a place where I last remember the young woman’s electroripper being placed with some hard intent.
I might just owe her for that. I catch a glimpse of a look between my two ‘caretakers.’ A look with a shared smirk.
“I figured you might survive if everyone believes that I’ve claimed you for my bed.” I can feel a blush, as well as a raised eyebrow at that. 
“Not that it might not be slightly enjoyable, dear,” I finally reply, “but I don’t rob the cradle. Come back in another three or four years or so.”
She laughs, an altogether pleasing sound, based on what I’d heard from her minions. “I’m the daughter of the chieftain of the Cloud Riders. I take what I want. Plus, I’m not sure about somebody who looks like she might be near my own age, lecturing me about cradle robbing. You’re what, eighteen?”
“Only one year off, pirate,” I reply. “Nineteen,” I add, just to clarify. I grin at her bravado, but see the look of uncertainty in her eyes. I catch the old prune looking at her with something like sympathy. 
“What is it?” I ask quietly. “If you’re about to have my head taken off, you can tell me, I guess.” I wonder how I’d ever gotten so nonchalant about the impending separation of my head from my body. Well, there’s no danger of falling from a great height, like there was when I once had a cable around my neck, so there’s not much to be afraid of. I wince at my own thoughts. I’m sure that there are at least three, maybe four beings who know me well enough to call bullshit on my own false bravado—especially where heights are concerned.
Maybe even more.
I see her start to speak, then stop. Finally I hear the whisper. “My mother. I think that she’s been captured, by someone who captured and killed her mother thirty years ago.” She looks up at me, her eyes suddenly hard again. “She’s on some damnfool quest trying to get rid of a threat from Rattatak.” She pulls something from around her neck. 
I find myself holding my breath as the something that I’d seen in a larger, more ornate version around Bryne Covenant’s neck, against his business suit or dress uniform, as well as the smaller version against the skin of his chest, alongside the tooth of a large beast. 
The Covenant Chain. The symbol of the Covenant-Hope of Corellia.
I release the breath and look up at her face as she continues. “I can’t seem to get the Cloud Riders to follow me to go after her.” She looks away, focusing on her own face in the mirror. “I’ve never been alone before. It’s like they’re different people.” I nod and then reach out to touch her shoulder. Her skin is warm on mine. I take a deep breath unsure as to how I feel about deceiving her for that object. “I can help. Since you decided to use the bacta on my leg.”
“How? Our carrier ship’s hyperdrive is down.” She chokes. “Some leader.”
“I got some ideas about that,” I reply. “I know a guy.”
Not to mention a trio of talented women. Plus maybe even one or two that I barely trust.
I see her motion to the healer. The healer pulls out a syringe and before I can protest, jams it into my neck. “It can wait until the morning,” the old woman rasps. 
The young woman pulls the furs over me and gently lays my head down. I feel my mind going fuzzy, my vision with it. 
I hear myself whisper, as if from a great distance. “What’s your name?”
She pulls up her own fur cloak and wraps it around her, sitting in a small chair, shifting it closer to the bed. 
As I fade, I hear her whisper in my mind, as her fingers move through the hair on my forehead. She pulls closer to me
“Enfys. Enfys Nest.”
My last sensation is of a slightly earthy, but not unpleasant smell. A smell of engine grease, mixed with a hint of bright citrus, ushers me into sleep.
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sl-walker · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darth Maul & Original Character(s), Bail Organa/Breha Organa/Maul Characters: Darth Maul, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Dani Faygan (original character), Meglann Florlin (Original Character), Garen Blackthorn (Original Character) Additional Tags: Snark, Innuendo, Friendship/Love, Intrigue, Dancing, Game of Thrones: Alderaan Series: Part 17 of Game of Thrones: Alderaan Summary:
A Corellian officer attends a ball on Alderaan. Scandalous behavior nearly ensues, as Lord Maul is intrigued.
As are the rest of those in attendance when they meet.
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b-radley66 · 2 years ago
WIP - Lament: The Aerie
A little thing I’m working on that will probably appear months from now. All the stuff with the Willow series, encouraged me to write some more Enfys Nest, Jade’s sister in Chaos and from another universe, a year or so before Solo.
As always, #save willow. Enjoy!
Enfys follows Pags to the small chamber that Weazel had pointed to. There are three couches along the walls; they choose the one opposite the door. Enfys pulls out a small card she had been given and inserts it into a slot in a table nearest to where she has sat and buckled in. 
She looks at Pags before inserting the card all the way in. Pags takes a deep breath and nods. Enfys finishes inserting the card. There is a pause, then her stomach drops as the lift car starts to move downward. For a moment there is darkness, then the transparisteel windows change their tint. 
Beside her, Enfys feels Pags draw in a deep breath at what they see. The expanse of the planet, with the backdrop of tiny lights in a vast velvet curtain shows through the windows of the car, as well as the maglev tube that runs all the way down to the surface. 
Pags pulls out a datapad and punches in a sequence of buttons. She stares at the ‘pad, then looks up at Enfys. She gives a brief nod at the results. 
“So what are we doing?” Enfys asks.
“Sitting on our asses in the vastness of space, with only a few centimeters between us and eternity?” Pags replies, her voice clearly unsure. 
“Not too much different, really, than jumping on an unfamiliar speederbike, drunk, and taking off after an armed freighter,” Enfy replies, her voice as dry as the desert world that feat had occurred on.
“I knew what I was doing,” Pags protests sharply. 
“Obviously,” Enfys retorts. 
“Asshole,” Pags ends the conversation with. 
“Takes one to know one, Lowest.” 
Enfys is quiet for a moment, then reaches out and takes Pags’ hand gently. Pags turns to her and nods, smiling for a couple of seconds. She turns back to look out at the view. Enfys sees her face darken as her eyes fall on something. She turns to focus on that something. 
An Imperial star destroyer, moving slowly and stately towards an orbital graving dock. Enfys squeezes Pags hand and says, “I’m here with you, Pags.”
Pags nods and turns away. Before she does, a slight smile comes over her face as their view shows one deactivated engine of the three main ones; the damage to it is apparent from the burn marks, as well as the fact it is exposed downward at an angle from the rest of the ship. 
The datapad beeps. Pags pushes a button and smiles as a hooded figure comes up over the device, after a couple of seconds of processing. Enfys notices that Fulcrum doesn’t wear her masker; her true face—or at least what Enfys knows as her true face—breaks into a wide smile. 
“Hello my babies,” Fulcrum, or Jana Roshti as at least Enfys knows her, says. “It’s great to see you both.”
“You, too,” Enfys and Pags say at the same time. They look sheepishly at each other, then turn to see Fulcrum’s Smirk. She grows serious after a couple of breaths. “Ina asked me to call you, Chieftain,” she says, using Meglann’s codename. “I’m sorry about your mother. She was a powerful woman. She also loved you dearly.”
Enfys feels her eyes tickle, as she thought she had finally move past whenever her mother was mentioned. Pags takes her hand in her other one as well. 
“I guess that jet-jockey is trying to get you to talk me out of this whole thing.”
Fulcrum’s eyes gaze at her. Enfys turns away slightly, to break the gaze of those powerful blue eyes. “No, dear,” she says. “She respects your choice. I just called to say that I know this path you’re on. It can lead to even more pain, if you let it consume you.” The Smirk returns. “Though I would never say it to them, you’ve got some other powerful women who are there to help you. They’ll have your back. And Ina cares deeply about you.” She looks at Pags. “I think this one might, as well.”
“Meh,” Pags says. 
Enfys rolls her eyes. Jana looks away from the pickup and nods. “Gotta run. Love you both.” As the holo fades, she adds, “Don’t let the Dragon intimidate you. He respects strength, even though he might be a cantankerous asshole about it.”
The lift slows. Enfys realizes they had passed through atmosphere into the dark of the night. She barely has time to register the high, shining buildings, before the car passes to the inside of an old, stately building. They both get up and exit the car. A young woman with skin the same hue as Enfys’ nods and points towards an exit. 
A landspeeder waits there, the rear door open. Enfys looks at Pags, then gets in. She stops short as she sits and sees the older human male sitting opposite them. He looks at them with piercing blue eyes set in craggy features. She half expects him to stick his tongue out like his nickname suggests and draw it back in. 
After a moment or two, he reaches over and holds his hand out. “I’m Bel Iblis,” he says in a voice with a mixture of accents, not the least is an Outer Rim drawl mixed with a Corellian. “I understand you want to join my sons and daughters of chaos.”
She doesn’t say anything, but can feel Pags grinning at her discomfiture. She steels herself and says. “If they’re worth my time, old man. And if you are.”
Enfys wonders if she is going to dissolve into a pile of ash from the look he gives, while Pags sits next to the pile laughing like a hellhound on the scent.
After a moment or two of making her squirm, the look in his eyes soften with a broad grin. “You’ll do, Chieftain. You’ll do.”
She still doesn’t relax, though. 
“What you and those other ingrates are planning, will require some subtlety—probably a bit more than you’re used to.” He looks at Pags. “I think Tionn, the matriarch of the Sal-Solo faction will be impressed by your title, your Lowest. You might work on that angle. Princess Intense, here, might work on her whelp, Thrackan. Hammer already might have an in with him as well, on Jadenia through Fulcrum’s strip joint.” He stops, growing thoughtful. 
Enfys and Pags look at one another, wondering how he knows all three of their nicknames for each other, mostly coming from Meglann—Hammer. 
He looks up. “How do y’all feel about boloball?” 
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b-radley66 · 2 years ago
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The wonderful and talented@sl-walker gifted me with pixels of two of my Star Wars OCs, created by the equally wonderful and talented @british-hero. Please go visit them; their commissions might still be open. I chose Dani Faygan and Meglann Florlin. Please forgive my ineptitude in trying to post them; they are a bit small (at least what I’m seeing). Hope you enjoy them as much as I do
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b-radley66 · 5 years ago
Moving forward. Also, wonderful art of Dani by @rebekahs-art Go there! See their art and commission her! Great to work with!
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Chapters: 22/24 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ahsoka Tano/Original Character(s), Shaak Ti/Original Character(s), Original Characters/Original Characters Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Shaak Ti, Lassa Rhayme, R7-A7 (Star Wars), Darth Vader (cameo), Sheev Palpatine (cameo), Obi-Wan Kenobi (cameo), Bendu (Star Wars) (cameo), Jame Blackthorn | Bryne Covenant | Taliesin Croft (Original Character), Dani Faygan (original character), Nola Vorserrie (Original Character), Meglann Florlin (Original Character), Thyla Secura (Original Character), Phygus Baldrick | Touchstone (Original Character), Ano Lessi (Original Character) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, letting go of the past, Healing, That is how the Force Works, Force Weirdness, Friendship, Love, The Force Unleashed—sort of, Recovered Memories, Families of Choice, Canon-Typical Violence, Adult Content Series: Part 28 of Rise and Fight Again Summary:
Ahsoka Tano must return to Felucia to investigate sightings of a Jedi thought dead in the Cataclysm of Order 66—a Jedi who had once mentored both her and her hunt-brother, Bryne Covenant. She races against time, as Covenant has fallen into the remnants of his Force-sense with visions of his late Master, Shaak Ti.
As she moves deeper into the mystery, she must fight her grief and memories of her own powerful Master, Anakin Skywalker. At the heart of the mystery, she will be tested as she fights the darkness brought on by a long lost artifact.
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b-radley66 · 5 years ago
Home stretch! 
StChapters: 23/24
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ahsoka Tano/Original Character(s), Shaak Ti/Original Character(s), Original Characters/Original Characters Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Shaak Ti, Lassa Rhayme, R7-A7 (Star Wars), Darth Vader (cameo), Sheev Palpatine (cameo), Obi-Wan Kenobi (cameo), Bendu (Star Wars) (cameo), Jame Blackthorn | Bryne Covenant | Taliesin Croft (Original Character), Dani Faygan (original character), Nola Vorserrie (Original Character), Meglann Florlin (Original Character), Thyla Secura (Original Character), Phygus Baldrick | Touchstone (Original Character), Ano Lessi (Original Character) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, letting go of the past, Healing, That is how the Force Works, Force Weirdness, Friendship, Love, The Force Unleashed—sort of, Recovered Memories, Families of Choice, Canon-Typical Violence, Adult Content Series: Part 28 of Rise and Fight Again Summary:
Ahsoka Tano must return to Felucia to investigate sightings of a Jedi thought dead in the Cataclysm of Order 66—a Jedi who had once mentored both her and her hunt-brother, Bryne Covenant. She races against time, as Covenant has fallen into the remnants of his Force-sense with visions of his late Master, Shaak Ti.
As she moves deeper into the mystery, she must fight her grief and memories of her own powerful Master, Anakin Skywalker. At the heart of the mystery, she will be tested as she fights the darkness brought on by a long lost artifact.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
Chapters: 15/24 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ahsoka Tano/Original Character(s), Shaak Ti/Original Character(s), Original Characters/Original Characters Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Shaak Ti, Lassa Rhayme, R7-A7 (Star Wars), Darth Vader (cameo), Sheev Palpatine (cameo), Obi-Wan Kenobi (cameo), Bendu (Star Wars) (cameo), Jame Blackthorn | Bryne Covenant | Taliesin Croft (Original Character), Dani Faygan (original character), Nola Vorserrie (Original Character), Meglann Florlin (Original Character), Thyla Secura (Original Character), Phygus Baldrick | Touchstone (Original Character), Ano Lessi (Original Character) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, letting go of the past, Healing, That is how the Force Works, Force Weirdness, Friendship, Love, The Force Unleashed—sort of, Recovered Memories, Families of Choice, Canon-Typical Violence, Adult Content Series: Part 27 of Rise and Fight Again Summary:
Ahsoka Tano must return to Felucia to investigate sightings of a Jedi thought dead in the Cataclysm of Order 66—a Jedi who had once mentored both her and her hunt-brother, Bryne Covenant. She races against time, as Covenant has fallen into the remnants of his Force-sense with visions of his late Master, Shaak Ti.
As she moves deeper into the mystery, she must fight her grief and memories of her own powerful Master, Anakin Skywalker. At the heart of the mystery, she will be tested as she fights the darkness brought on by a long lost artifact.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
Chapters: 12/24 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ahsoka Tano/Original Character(s), Shaak Ti/Original Character(s), Original Characters/Original Characters Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Shaak Ti, Lassa Rhayme, R7-A7 (Star Wars), Darth Vader (cameo), Sheev Palpatine (cameo), Obi-Wan Kenobi (cameo), Bendu (Star Wars) (cameo), Jame Blackthorn | Bryne Covenant | Taliesin Croft (Original Character), Dani Faygan (original character), Nola Vorserrie (Original Character), Meglann Florlin (Original Character), Thyla Secura (Original Character), Phygus Baldrick | Touchstone (Original Character), Ano Lessi (Original Character) Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, letting go of the past, Healing, That is how the Force Works, Force Weirdness, Friendship, Love, The Force Unleashed—sort of, Recovered Memories, Families of Choice, Canon-Typical Violence, Adult Content Series: Part 27 of Rise and Fight Again Summary:
Ahsoka Tano must return to Felucia to investigate sightings of a Jedi thought dead in the Cataclysm of Order 66—a Jedi who had once mentored both her and her hunt-brother, Bryne Covenant. She races against time, as Covenant has fallen into the remnants of his Force-sense with visions of his late Master, Shaak Ti.
As she moves deeper into the mystery, she must fight her grief and memories of her own powerful Master, Anakin Skywalker. At the heart of the mystery, she will be tested as she fights the darkness brought on by a long lost artifact.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
A survivor shows up
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dani Faygan (Original Character) & Gungi Characters: Gungi (Star Wars), Dani Faygan (original character), Meglann Florlin (Original Character) Additional Tags: Survival, Love, Reunions, 
Series: Part 2 of Song-Books of The War Summary:
Two survivors meet in a bar.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
Another revision. Lots of connections; kinda proud of this one—didn’t need to do much editing. Takes place right after Land of Song.
Chapters: 24/24 Fandom: Star Wars: Rebellion Era Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ahsoka Tano/Original Character Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Leia Organa, Wullf Yularen, Armand Isard, Lando Calrissian, Lassa Rhayme, Jame Blackthorn | Bryne Covenant | Taliesin Croft (Original Character), Meglann Florlin (Original Character), Dani Faygan (original character), Nola Vorserrie (Original Character), Dav Kolan | ISB-010 (Original Character), Draq' Bel Iblis (original character), Null-13 | Drop | Tarre Tredecima (Original Character), Talle Tredecima (Original Character), Tehlen Skirata (Original Character), Fenn Shysa Additional Tags: Rebellion, Organized Crime, Crime Fighting, Ahsoka deals with various idiots, Friendship/Love, Family Series: Part 22 of Rise and Fight Again Summary:
Ahsoka Tano will use all of her wits and training, both as a Jedi, and sometime scoundrel to recover stolen assets of Bail Organa’s embryonic rebellion on a world that holds painful memories for her. With the help of more shady connections, as well as old friends from her past, she will move to exorcised perceived failures of the past.
Meanwhile, Bryne Covenant, still recovering from injuries incurred in a dynastic dispute on Corellia*, begins his new role as Organa's Peacekeeper-General. He finds that criminal elements on Alderaan, joined with certain Imperial entanglements, are threatening the exposure of the House of Organa and the rebellion, as well as threatening a friend to both he and Ahsoka.
Both Covenant and Ahsoka, as well as other family, must deal with changing paths as they continue to build a fight against the darkness.
 *As portrayed in the present-day chapters of The Minstrel Boy: The Bud Shall Yield No Meal.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
Preview: The Corellian Betrothal Circus - The Wannabe Commando
Posts Monday, here.
Ahsoka Tano watches the entrance to the auxiliary dock in a tucked-away corner of the Dao controlled section of the Yard. Her eyes narrow at the sheltered covering, just offset from the main platform. A covering just large enough for a Clone Wars era Nebulon-B escort frigate.
She grins as she sees a figure moving in the shadows. She shakes her head, nearly breaking out into laughter. Her heart seizes as she realizes that Meglann has unsheathed one of the batons resting on her back, as she approaches the two guards.
Ahsoka feels her teeth grinding. Do you think that you could be more of an eager shiny, dear? So damned eager to prove yourself? she thinks. Her eyes flash to a memory of a blond Captain looking down at her on a crystalline world, looking skeptically at her suggestions on how to do his job.
She spies an overhang over the guards. She looks around, then gathers herself. In a split second, she is standing over the entrance area. Her eyes widen as she realizes that one of the guards is on the ground.
The other has managed to seize Meglann’s wrists and twist the baton to where it is angled away from his head. Fortunately, both of his hands are encumbered, so he can’t grab a blaster or call for help.
The fact that Meglann has stomped on his ankle also hinders him.
Another quick jump, a hand on his cheek with a touch of the Force and he is on the ground at Meglann’s feet. Ahsoka sees the brief glimpse of fear in Meglann’s eyes at her sudden appearance. To the younger woman’s credit, the fear disappears, replaced by a calm appraisal.
“Took you long enough,” Meglann says.
Ahsoka rolls her eyes. She runs her fingers along Meglann’s cheek, looks at the residue of the blackout makeup on the tips.
“Kinda overdid it on the makeup, sweetie,” Ahsoka says dryly. “It’s barely dark.”
Meglann’s dark eyes, barely visible in the camouflage, flash for a moment, then look down ruefully. “Blame your giant. He’s the one that said that I needed all of this shit. His spawn was enjoying herself immensely, slathering it all over my face.”
Ahsoka looks her up and down. Her commando is dressed in what looks suspiciously like the bodysuit for clone armor, adjusted for her size. A dark watchcap tames her curls.
“Did you actually have a plan to deal with the guards, other than charge in and bash them over the head?”
“Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Drop said that someone named Rex told him over an ale that you used to do it all the time.”
Ahsoka looks away for a moment at the name. “Never mind. Your cryptic message said you had a way to get into the room where the launch keys are held?”
“Partial codes. I thought that you and your hoodoo might be good for something other than tickling my—,”
“Okay. I get the picture. We just have to make sure that we disable any cameras. I’m trying to keep a low profile as far as showing everything. It’s why I use it mostly these days for that.”
“Touchstone gave me something that might work on any sensors that we find.”
Ahsoka makes a lead on gesture. As she follows Meglann, she happens to glance over to their left. Her eyes fall on an odd sight. A gantry crane with a crossbar suspended above the edge of the high platform. Three lifting cables blow in the breeze from the crossbar.
All with what appear to be rope nooses attached to the hooks.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
For the Pure and Free: Final Chapter Preview
Across the Generations: Approximately one week before the Hosnian Conflagration
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Cover Art by the wonderful @sl-walker
Posts tomorrow here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14768171/chapters/34152980
Meglann falls silent. J’ohana can see the memories surge over her face; a smile competing with great sadness. The smile wins.
“Admiral—,” she starts. The old woman places her curled fingers against her lips. “You can call me Meglann, or Hammer, or Ina. I am, after all, family. At least in Zeltron bonding conventions.” 
J’oh watches as Meglann’s right hand moves to her waist. J’oh can see the faint outlines of a chain under the trousers.  She looks over at Jamelyn, her eyes wide.
“Don’t look at me. I don’t even try to figure out who’s who in this family, anymore.”
“That didn’t exactly make it into the history books,” Jo says dryly.
She takes a deep breath. “Why did your mother leave the Navy?” she asks. “She could’ve fought any charges Secor brought.”
Meglann closes her eyes. For an instant, J’ohana thinks she has gone too far. That the questions are too painful. 
The eyes snap open. “I don’t know. She knew that she was pregnant when she left. I think that may have had something to do with it. I don’t know. It was her decision. She didn’t ask anyone else; she never told anyone else. My father. My uncle. No one.”
J’ohana Shaizan nods. “Why did you choose Corellia? Why not New Alderaan?”
Meglann turns away. Jo places her hands on her shoulders, squeezing tightly. “I was on Alderaan just hours before the Death Star...” She takes a deep ragged breath. “I was on an assignment. I didn’t get a chance to see my uncle.” Meglann turns around. “We figured out that we probably jumped away just as the battle station jumped in.” She grins. “I’m a daughter of Alderaan. I’m a daughter of a Republic Admiral and a naval officer, as well as an accountant and an artist. I’m also a granddaughter of Corellia. My grandmother was the last blood relative I had. She took me in without compunction; just like Bryne and Ahsoka, Dani, Nola, Draq’—even Lassa.” 
“What about Fondor?” Jo asks. 
Meglann laughs. “Didn’t exactly go well when I tried to meet them. That family reunion almost got me, Bryne, and Ahsoka hanged as ship thieves. Nola and Tamsin, as well as a couple of distant relatives managed to get us out of that one. Even though your grandfather and Ahsoka never admitted it.”
She walks over to Jamelyn. The Elector holds out her hands. Meglann leans the cane against her hip as she takes the hands in hers. “Corellia’s my home.” She bows her head. “It’s why I accept your charge, your Grace. I’ll take the carrier task force to support Leia Organa.”
Jo can see the gratitude in her cousin’s gray eyes. Jamelyn pulls Meglann into an embrace.
“Don’t know if we’ll make it there. I think those assholes may make a move towards the Core,” Meglann says. She looks at Jo. “I am assuming that your Eminence will command my fighters?”
Jamelyn nods at Jo. “Yes. She will.” She beckons to Jo, who walks over and is pulled into the embrace. 
After a long moment the three women break apart. Jamelyn slaps Jo on her ass. “Go, General. Get ready.” She picks up the lightsaber. “Take this. Keep it hidden, for now. We may need it.”
Jo fights her own tears. Meglann kisses her on her cheek. 
The Covenant of Corellia turns and exits the room.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
Preview: Intermezzo: The Corellian Betrothal Circus - Fulcrum’s Apprentice Chaos-Bringer
Posts tomorrow, here.
Ahsoka watches as Drop closes the door. He grins at her. “How was the hospitality?”
“Oh, you know. Lot of small talk. Had to put a gunman in his place. Got four ships, though. As well as a date for Covenant.”
He smirks, until he sees her face fall. “It’s okay, sweetie,” he says, pulling her to him in a one-armed hug. “You know what you mean to him, right?”
She smiles crookedly. “Yeah. Kinda got a clue, big guy.” She reaches up and kisses him on the cheek.
She turns and moves towards the main cabin, which she had appropriated, with the owner’s permission. As she enters the dim room, Meglann steps in behind her before the door closes. She turns and pulls the younger woman into her arms.
“You okay, Meglann?” Ahsoka asks.
Meglann takes a deep, ragged breath. She holds her hands out. They are steady. “They’ve finally stopped shaking.”
“It’s okay to be scared, ‘glann,” Ahsoka says quietly. “Means you’re alive. You just have to not give into the fear, let it consume you.”
“What about you, Ahsoka? Are you still scared?”
Ahsoka smiles gently. “Not in the same way. I have to maintain balance; for other reasons.”
Meglann nods, tucking her face into Ahsoka’s shoulder for a moment. She pulls her face back up, looks the warrior in the eye. “How do you do it?”
“Don’t know if I can explain. I just concentrate on doing what I have to.” She looks down. Her voice drops. “I concentrate on staying in the light.” She looks up again at Meglann. “I have some people who help me do that, but I know that they won’t always be there, every time,” she finishes.
She shakes her head. “One thing you might find is that you’re going to need to expend some energy. If you don’t, you may feel like you’re going to explode.”
Meglann grins at her; gives her a quick kiss. “You have any suggestions, there, Jedi-woman?”
Ahsoka pulls her back towards the door. “Just might, Hammer. I just might. At least to start with.” She palms open the door, to Meglann’s surprise. “Don’t worry. We’ll get to that. Good way to calm down after sparring.”
The door closes behind them.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
Preview: Lassa Rhayme, meet Meglann
A long way off, but would love feedback.
Lassa’s eyes lock on an unfamiliar figure that has moved into the compartment. A young woman of medium height stands in the door, looking at her calmly. She focuses on the interloper.
The young woman looks at her calmly with a pair of brown eyes—eyes with a hint of laughter and sparkle. Calmly, but with a tiny hint of trepidation in the body language. Her arms are crossed over her chest. A mass of bronze curls, tied back in a messy ponytail, completes the look. Lassa looks sharply at the rank plaque on the right chest of her plain field jacket. Her mind searches for a snippet of a conversation with Ahsoka. 
Something about sending her someone for some seasoning and training. She slams her drink down on the desk. She turns her eyes back to the Weequay. She jerks her head towards the door. He grins, then he and his minions slowly turn and mosey back to the hatch. Loganer stops and looks the young woman up and down. To her credit, the young officer drops her arms to her side, at least the left one. The right one hooks on her belt, only a few inches away from the butt of an extremely large blaster in a shoulder rig. Lassa looks on with interest, realizing that the shiny wears an RSKF-44, heavy Corellian blaster. A powerful adornment that takes up most of her torso under her arm.
She appears to be comfortable with the weight of the  giant weapon. For an instant, she thinks that Loganer might test the newcomer. He shakes his head, looks back at Lassa, then exits the room. 
The young woman returns her arms across her chest, focusing on Lassa. She returns Lassa’s appraisal.
“I’m Meglann,” she says, starting to come closer, her right hand extending out.
Lassa steels herself, her recent thoughts raw in her mind. She takes a deep breath, then stares at the proffered hand. “I don’t care. I told my Quartermaster that I don’t have time for babysitting.”
Meglann’s eyes harden. She drops her hand. “Nor the skill, apparently,” she says, her tone dry.
Lassa stands up. “Who the hell do you think you are, little girl? I  got underwear older than you. I don’t care how good you think you are, I won’t be insulted on my own ship by a pissant college girl.”
“Looks like it might not be yours much longer, if I understand those so-called ‘Articles’ of yours.”
Lassa involuntarily drops her hand to the holstered blaster in a cross-draw at her waist. She feels the room close in on her as Meglann’s hand moves back to close proximity to the hogleg.
San Adis walks in. His eyes survey the room, a troubled look on his dark features, with his ever-present headdress quivering. He locks with Lassa, shakes his head once.
She relaxes her hand, sees the young woman—one who looks like she has been raised in at least warmth, if not wealth, relax hers as well. A look at her eyes tells Lassa there may have been recent trials in her life.
What do I know? I can’t even read my crew anymore.
“Look, little girl. I don’t know what Ahsoka told you, but I don’t really want to take the time to get you your university credit on my ship. Plus,” she says, nodding at the rank insignia. “We do things a bit differently here. There are no Queen’s Regulations here to protect you.”
“What if I don’t need protecting? I can handle myself,” comes the reply. Lassa almost laughs. She’s not even twenty, I think. She shifts her attention to Adis, who waits patiently, watching the exchange. “What have you found about Thyla? Has she been caught, as we heard?”
He purses his lips. “I don’t know. I do know she was last seen in the Felucia system. There’s been some increased Imp activity there.”
Lassa takes this in, allowing her mind to play over possibilities. She makes it up quickly. “You go there. Find out what you can.” She smiles as she sees her other problem standing there.. “Take Junior here, with you. I’m assuming that shiny new ship might be a trainer?”
Meglann says nothing for a moment. After a moment, she nods. “I think I can squeeze him in, somewhere,” she says, eyeing Adis’s ample girth. Adis rolls his eyes.
Lassa smiles wolfishly. “See that you do. Listen to what he has to say. He was once a Republic naval officer. He can speak your language and recognizes the poker that might be shoved up your ass.”
With that, she turns to the port, watching the stars. She ignores the thunderous looks directed at her back.
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b-radley66 · 6 years ago
Preview: The Corellian Betrothal Circus
Posts tomorrow here.
Meglann Florlin once again stares at an open cell door, this time with force field projectors around the jamb. She grits her teeth as she remembers her time as an indentured servant—virtually a legal slave of a government and a private business.
She snarls as an Espo shoves her through the door. She turns and starts towards the door. The narrow bars of energy, crisscrossing in a square pull her up short. The smirk on the cop’s face under his brown helmet stays in her mind as he turns away.
She sits down on the hard bunk, placing her left hand on her knee. The other hand absently runs through her hair, as she goes over her options. There aren’t many. Most them involve things that Dani Faygan is better at; even though her own skills had worked on a few people. People who had seemed to want them to work.
Meglann curses as she thinks of how those people would probably be able to get out with one appendage tied behind their backs, a smartass quip and a Smirk or grin on their faces.
She might just be able to handle the snark and sarcasm.
Meglann sighs and gets up from the bed. She walks to the window—marveling at the fact that there is actually a window, albeit one covered with a metal shutters—a small amount of light peeking through.
Meglann squeaks and jumps back as a small shadow covers parts of the light. She hears a giggle with a familiar voice inflection. She moves back to the window, realizing that the laughing face bears one dark blue eye and one amber, which fill the slit. Her own eyes widen as she realizes how far the window is from the ground. She strains to look down, then grins.
Talle is balanced on the broad shoulders of her father, who in turn, precariously stands on a small ledge, two meters above the alley.
“Hey there,” Meglann says. “I see that your father’s good for something.”
Another giggle brings a slight shift. There is an instant of uncertainty in the mismatched eyes, as Talle’s small hands grasp the louvers of the shutters.
“Could you two back off on trying to out-smartass one another? It’s hard enough balancing my own weight, without this lump on my shoulders bouncing around giggling. A lump, I might add, that probably should lay off those damned cheeseburgers that Dani seems to be feeding her and the Hope,” Drop says. “Do the things, love,” he finishes, his tone growing warmer.
Talle holds on with one hand, then reaches up. Meglann sees that she is placing several objects on the metal, around the edges. When she is finished, Talle looks at her. “Need to stand back. Might give you a bit of a sunburn,” she says.
Meglann backs away, just in time before a whining noise cuts through her hearing. She notices that the shadow no longer covers the light through the shutters. Two seconds of a flash of light around the edges and the metal falls away, leaving the window completely open.
Meglann takes a deep breath as Talle’s face appears in the window again, from the side. “Well, come on,” the little girl says, an impatient tone and expression accompanying the words.
Meglann closes her eyes an instant after looking at the distance to the ground. She opens them. This may not go the way that you think it might, my girl, she thinks, unsure if it is Talle or herself she is talking to.
She places her hands on the sill and lifts her body to the opening. She is just able to squeeze her body through the small opening, but hesitates. She nearly manages to stifle the shaking that has started through her thin frame.
“Come on, Ensign,” Drop says. “Only way out.” She feels Talle’s hand touch her cheek reassuringly. An instant before she slides easily down Drop’s body to the ledge. Another instant and she jumps to the ground, rolling, then rising with her arms outstretched in a flourish.
Meglann rolls her eyes at the bravado.It had to be heights, didn’t it?
“You don’t want to be shown up by ten-year old, right, sweetie?” Drop says. He pats his shoulder. “Just come to me. I’ll get you down.”
Meglann starts to shake her head, but sees Ahsoka’s blue eyes watching her in her head, encouragement flowing from every feature. She allows her body to slip out of the window. Her shoes touch Drop’s shoulder. Before she can say or do anything else, he lets go of his precarious handhold, then grasps her ankles with one hand and an arm across her feet. The other hand slows the sliding descent to the ground. A half-second and Meglann stands on the ground, swaying only slightly from the rapidity of the descent.
Drop pulls her to him tightly, allowing her to rest her face against his chest; allowing her just that moment that she needs to compose herself. She feels Talle grasp her around her hips and squeeze her just as tightly.
“Come on, ladies. Once again, we seem to have to save everybody else’s ass,” Drop says.
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b-radley66 · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darth Maul & Original Character(s), Ahsoka Tano & Original Character(s) Characters: Darth Maul, Ahsoka Tano, Original Characters Additional Tags: Friendship/Love, Growing Up, Developing Relationship, Reconciliation, Alternate Universe, Game of Thrones: Alderaan Summary:
A needed conversation on a winter’s evening.
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