#megatron is in for the ride
witchofthesouls · 1 year
First off, I want to thank you for answering my emergency request, it meant a lot.
Second, I’m still trapped in the airport that might as well be an off brand sea world, I got a runny and stuffy nose, and my period just started.
I have started to document my journey on Snapchat like a off brand, Gen Z, autistic, misanthropic, female David Attenborough where my friends and family are either laughing in hysterics at my pain or are becoming my increasingly concern over myself slowly loosing my sanity.
What deity did I piss off to earn such a punishment? Can I rectify it my sacrificing my fellow prisoners? Can I sacrifice the crying 4 year old for an arepa con queso, just until I can get a plate of my mom’s lechon and arroz con salchicha?
A cousin of mine with a big ass truck that should require a special license to drive because the thing is that damn big, is gonna try and pick me up, hopefully I don’t get trench’s foot trying to get out of here.
Also I’m just picturing Optimus, Ratchet, and Megatron growing increasingly worried and so turned at receiving multiple snapchats a day of their kid ‘jokingly’ contemplating murdering the other people stuck with her (mostly the ones kicking up a fuss and fighting and occasional the crying children throwing tantrums), cannibalism if only to eat something else besides the shitty food, and other disturbing commentaries in the background of a dark selfie with dark and heavy under eye bags framing half crazy eyes that are red from lack of sleep and crying, a result after being stuck at an airport for four fucking days.
Shoot, I didn't see this one! Sorry about that ^^;
Side note: Okay, is it terrible of me to think that Ratchet and Optimus would have a hard time with Snapchat or social media in general? Optimus was a feral thing that was eventually domesticated by the Librarian Prime (aka Alpha Trion), and Ratchet is Ratchet. He got no time for anything else but keeping the base operational, especially with everyone else breaking his shit.
On the other hand, Megatron would eat it up. He vibes as does Soundwave. Dark/gallows humor along with memes? Sold!
But all three would be really understanding. It's a highly stressful situation of a disaster. Mayhem, chaos, and uncertainty eat away at a person. Let alone a group of people trapped in a finite space. Individuals react to stress in a variety of ways...
Optimus: uses his Leo Cullen holomatter to send words of affection and encouragement, and then responds in a deadpan manner to said questions, like "Don't forget to consider your surroundings for an ambush. Maybe make a trap. Perhaps you shall have better luck than Wile E. Coyote on the Roadrunner."
Ratchet: "I know it's a joke, bit. But no! No, no, no! Do you even know about kuru disease from human consumption of infectious tissue!?!"
Megatron: (sends back a snap that swings tabs between the "Human Cannibalism" Wiki page and Binging with Babish: Clay-Roasted Thigh from Hannibal (feat. You Suck at Cooking)): "I have preparations to consider. You shall tell me if it's bussin."
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Megatron : *leaves the decepticons for 15 years and begins his redemption arc to atone for the crimes he had done in the past*
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What the "evil" Decepticons that served under him are doing nowadays :
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Yes I know the Soundwave and Shockwave ones are storyboard but I still say it counts.
I find it funny how the minute Megatron left all the decepticons became soft, now they're just out doing whatever they want and just being silly.
It'd be pretty interesting to see some geniunely bad decepticons again maybe they'll arrive from space? Scourge? scorponok? Tarn? Overlord? Because the main decepticons seemed to have given up their old ways, the entire decepticon high command got a seemingly redemption. So if they do come back I wish they won't give Overlord or Tarn a redemption because some villains are just better off as bad, especially Overlord.
Cyclonus I can accept for a redemption arc, I loved his story arc in the lost light, I heard a rumor the mercenaries would be in s2 not sure of the validity of that, but if soundblaster could arrive, someone like jhiaxus could also be interesting
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kaontic · 1 day
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How Starscream got introduced:
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Starscream’s fight with D-16:
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Starscream during Arachnid’s attack:
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Starscream at Sentinel’s Tower:
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Starscream watching Megatron and Optimus throw down:
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Starscream with Megatron when they got banished:
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Starscream, you are somethin’ else man lmao.
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And I love you for it. *Pets with finger*
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therodpod · 1 year
RIB15 au where instead of whatever is going on after Prime, Bumblebee ends up as the controversially young dad of Sideswipe and Sunstreaker (the terror twinsTM) after they’re kicked out out of another foster home and Strongarm, the self-proclaimed No.1 Ultra Magnus fangirl (her dream is to read the tyrest accord with him), and it fixes all of their problems
but most importantly and the real purpose of this crack post, Megatron gets an ‘unofficial’ redemption arc where he just turns into the kids’ crusty Peepaw who’s not really all that sorry about what he’s done
just like—Megatron: “I used to be the most feared mech in the galaxy. Planet’s colonies cowered upon hearing my name.”
Bee: “I’m sure Megs :/ but I gotta pick Sides up from practice and then we gotta drop off Sunny’s art project, and that means no one can get Strongarm from her dance lessons—“
Megatron: “I shall do it.”
Bee: “Really?? You’re the best!! Thanks:D.”
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holographic-mars · 5 months
mars! theoretical for you that's not related to anything im writing rn (<- lie). do you think ravage could potentially fit in cosmos' chest when cosmos is mass displaced to be big? and if so, how do you think being in soundwave's dock and cosmos' chest would differ?
not even going into if ravage would want to be in cosmos' chest. because she wouldn't. but,,, thinking and staring off into the distance
HEHEEE I love completely-theoretical-not-related-to-anything-getting-written-rn questions tehe
I absolutely think ravage could fit in Cosmos’ chest! She would hate it very much, naturally, but she’d definitely fit.
Cosmos’ chest would definitely be less secure than Soundwave’s dock and she’d have to cling onto something in order to stay put (or she’d have to be strapped into the one (1) seat he has in his cockpit). She’d have enough room to be in both root mode and cassette mode so she’d be able to move around while in Cosmos’ chest. Whereas I’d say with Soundwave, she’s very secure and can only transform into root mode if she’s the only cassette in there.
Being a space shuttle, Cosmos’ armor and glass is made to be very strong and durable so Ravage is as safe in Cosmos as she’d be in Soundwave (who’s dock is formatted to be able to take a hit to protect the cassettes inside). She also has a lot more visibility to the outside in Cosmos’ chest unlike in Soundwave’s chest, where the visibility is limited to just straight ahead (Cosmos’ cockpit is rounded like he is so she has a better view of what’s going on).
Cosmos is a very careful flyer when he’s carrying a passenger, so he’s particularly gentle when he’s with Ravage. He’s had plenty of practice carrying Rumble and Frenzy (and on occasion Laserbeak and Buzzsaw) so he knows how to maneuver without disturbing his cassette passenger too bad. Doesn’t mean Ravage wont complain, though.
Ravage tears up Cosmos’ upholstery if she’s particularly unhappy with the situation. Cosmos is like “please don’t press any buttons” and she does exactly that. She’s just as bad as Rumble and Frenzy on a good day.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Megatron's heat/rut. Ultra Magnus geting panicked messages from the Elite Guard unit that Megatron have captured Mister Sentinel Prime! Megatron thought he was Starscream and he smelled funny! Megatron not Mister Sentinal Prime" Ratchet in the background from another room behind a closed door "what do you Megatron Smelled Funny!"
Ultra Magnus face palming, " Smelled Funny how?"
"It was weird and heavy, Mister Ultra Magnus Sir!" "Jazz made us all hose off before coming on to the Steelhaven, Mister Ultra Magnus Sir!" He said we should report while everyone else finished in the wash Racks!" "They been in there for a while." "They were starting to make funny noises when we left." "Should we check on them, Mr. Ultra Magnus Sir?"
"Leave that to Ratchet. Hold down the fort untill Jazz gets out of the wash racks and Ratchet clears him." UM cuts the transmission and faceplants his desk. "Frag my life." (I hc the twins were too young to be affected and were the reason Megatron didn't have the whole team as a harem.) Sentinel "bravely" took one for the team so they could escape the evil Deceptacon pheromones. BA was on the ground laughing when she heard. The Deceptacons probably cleared a path for the bots while Lugnut was snoring.
Oh mags
oh sent
oh megs
oh jettwins
Mm. Yes. "Bravely took one for the team". Riiiight.
Evil decepticon pheromones
Sdfdsdg. Yeahhhh say that until one of the autobots goes into heat, then what then what lol
Blackarachnia get the energon puffs you're watching this shit live
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kiunlo · 6 months
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hope everyone likes my super gay universe that i made in infinite craft
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cosmicswritings · 1 year
i just had this image of starscream and megatron fucking hard in his quarters on the lost light and they forget that ravage is there and ravage is tight lipped like he is under the berth. it's too late for him to run or make his presence known. and the suddenly ravage looks to his side under the bed and tailgate is there and in the midst of while starscream is getting pounded into the bed tailgate somehow communicates "i just came to give him something i didn't know they were gonna fuck. so i just hid. can starscream even walk after this?"
and it's like midway things get quiet and when they look starscream has caught them under the bed (like he's sticking his head under the bed) and he has no chill he's like "You want him to spike you down too since you two are hiding under there? there's enough spike for all three of us at the same time!" like he's so mad they ruined his moment, he's reaches and pulls tailgate from the bed. ravage is gone.
and tailgate has never run out of a place so fast like he can't look at megatron or starscream ever again, but starscream makes eye contact.
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wolpertinger-prince · 8 months
Corey Burton is an underrated voice actor tbh.
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
The kids of Megatron, Soundwave, and their Witch! S/O asks the question about ‘how you met mom?’
Megatron and Soundwave: “Firstly, we didn’t ‘bag’ slag. Your carrier picked both of us up by our necks, slung us over her shoulders, and we have been on them ever since and don’t plan on getting off any time soon. That pretty much sums it up.”
The kids look over to their mom - usually who people who don’t know her that well to be dark and mysterious and terrifying (which she is, but behind closed doors she’s a crazy weird dorky nerd) - with a big proud grin on her face.
The kids would have to look at their dads and back to their mom and think about all the animal spouse stories, but it's mom that fetched two otherworldly husbands.
Now, the kids are questioning how she keeps them because Megatron and Soundwave are the animal (or weapon) grooms in this case. Each scenario gets more ridiculously far-fetched but weirdly plausible with Cybertronian biology and shenanigans.
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kandicon · 1 year
So y'all all saw the Twitch and Robby cyber combiner that's going to be coming out right? Is anyone gonna write a story where an adult Robby starts dying because he's a human and humans have life spans so Twitch tries to force an interaction with the sleeve- it's healed him before, primus damnit. She can't live without her brother, her maker and other half- which begins to contort upon Robby's arm. It twists and spasms, an audible crunch is heard and Twitch (not fully aware of what's going on, but certainly panicking) desperately tries to remove her hand on it while Robby's screams echo through her audials. What should have been easy, to take her hand away, proves impossible as her palm snaps open and begins merging with the sleeve, which at that point it splitting apart to join with it.
It's then that Twitch find herself dragged towards Robby to breach the last, tiny distance between them as his shoulders forcefully snap back and both arm are pulled and bent behind his body. The last thing she sees is his face in horror with living metal traveling up it in an assured trail- his mouth, contorted to scream, holds teeth bubbling and in the process of fusing together in two separate steel bars.
The first thing she he they notice upon regaining sight is just how smaller the world looks, everything's tiny, and on top of that everything's tinted green.
The second thing they notice is they don't know what they are, where they are, or who they are. Trees. There are trees around, that's the word which comes to mind at staring at the rough towers all around. They look down to see red feet just below their green top, tentatively they lift a single foot. Beneath it is a crushed hole.
Memories come back as a trickle. Something far away is screaming at them, four somethings, actually. Care churned in their torso, an assault from so many directions, all undercut with terror. They don't know these people, but they hardly know they exist. The knowledge that they should be in pain makes them question why, and that seems be the finish of the fog. Fear, flesh, forging tighter as two separate beings. Memories of years and years together, being one with each other until that became a physical truth.
And yet, a heart beats in tandem with a spinning spark. Bones are mangled while below the metallic surface organs push more violently then they ever have before. A single promise, a curse, is said plainly through the lack of a second spark igniting. Combiners aren't meant for long term existence; the universe must have forgotten, for both (and there is a barely there both) are certain only one soul will continue it's movement if ever they transformed again.
Or am I gonna have to write that myself
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I didn't even see Megatron at first over there on the stairs.
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wifeguycyclonus · 7 months
I think we could probably define Optimi unhingedness on a scale of who eats dirt for fun, who eats dirt but not where anyone can tell him off because they’re worried about him eating dirt, and who doesn’t eat dirt because he’s worried other people will eat dirt when they really shouldn’t
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that-glitter-chick · 1 year
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Transformers the Ride! It was like being in one of the movies🥰🚚🚗💕
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knght0wl · 2 years
damn soundwave is the dick that bomb??
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lovelytayforce · 15 hours
"Of Dreams and Mirrors"
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Summary: A song of dread follows our lead, it seeps into his very soul night after night... Can he reach the end of this sorrowful tunnel toward the light or sink into the murky sea of his own making? Three Chapters uploaded right now, more to come. Fandom: Transformers Cyberverse Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime; Soundwave/Hot Rod Check below for a sneak peak and comment to support me please. Link to Chapter one here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58783675/chapters/149805679 Do you hear me, you feel me? We gon be alright.
Every single step was trouble Megatron grunts in pain as he stumbles to his berth, his vision goes blurry every now and then as the matrix thrums with a rhythm, ancient and untamed against his spark. It feels like thunder rumbles and shakes his spark chamber and lightning crackles within his audials as he holds on dearly to the wall for stability. For the fool who stumbled on it His knees meet the floor with a loud sound, he offlines his optics as his grip tears into the metal as hard as he grits his denta. He tries to push the voices away, that’s what he’s been doing all day but one slips through the crack of his resolve and determination! Eyes within the dark where watching “You cannot escape me…” A voice, deep in its tone yet not angry just… “No one has.” Neutral. “For I, bring justice,” The pitch of his voice rises ever so slightly in his audial, the Warrior knows this voice. Has seen what it has done to others! “under the name of my Lord and Master.” The mech practically purrs which sends a terrible jolt up his spine causing him to let a sound of pain escape his vocalizer.
Even from this distance-!
I feel the sudden chill of danger! “Despite the fact, you share a name, no title,” Megatron can hear the mech on the other end, punctuating each word with that damned pitch as he corrected himself, even and steady. Slowly but surely killing him from within.  “and semblance with him. You are weaker than my Lord Megatron.” Something told me keep on walking A nd then it stops. It grows quiet in the medium-sized darkroom. The grey mech only now realizes his fans are running loudly and he barely brings a servo up to catch a coughing fit in the making. “Peace through Tyranny, my dear.” Is the last thing he hears as he looks upon blue staining his black servo. This time no pain comes with this little farewell. It seems his old enemy was toying with him like some sort of youngling. His Master must have ordered it. Told me I should not have come there! Megatron is left with only silence now, the glow of his red optic filling the darkness with brief color, he will not admit his fuel lines feel cold. ‘Fear is for the weak.’ The grey mech thinks to himself as he pushes himself upward.
Always forward.
“I can’t tell anyone about this.” He grits out as shaky pedes finally find stability upon the surface, which is the floor. Berth and any thought of rest forgotten, the mech moves towards his door to find Astrotrain and Dead End. That forcefield must be completed or else!
“Why?” Megatron shakes his blood-stained servo as his essence stains the floor, just like back then.
There is no time to stop. No time to rest.
“Because-” His answer never comes to the new calm, questioning voice.
For they are coming.
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