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pumkshrark · 7 months ago
потомки:восстание красного(2024) спойлер мем
how Maddox drinks tea not knowing that Red stole his time machine:
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How Medox drinks tea after he finds out:
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atillis · 27 days ago
Immigrant can not practice medical it’s a gov’t job..
Re-can’t-it’s all it’s speaker.. 1615 trans X penis
Oxford only in Canada 🍁 Med and Language
By Law Crown
No such thing as queens bench and royal is not legal governance .. and means occupation
Prostate Peto Check 2116 Jod
Straight Spine 3 Metrix
Vocal Tone Glass
blood Estro presence and defined green
True, False, Saved Cat Investigation of Unknown
South Africa War On Canada With Uganda 1312 Marxist
#CrownJudge #Harvard
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drakemedoxhealthservices · 3 months ago
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Drake Medox Health Services
Where compassionate care meets the comfort of the home. Helping you or a loved one access personalized home care services.
Address: 2025 Corydon Ave, #116, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0N5, Canada Phone: 204-452-8600 Website: https://drakemedoxwinnipeg.com
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444namesplus · 5 months ago
Abennraquodier Abiegende Ablesam Abloxdaquofaquo Abopla Abotiahia Abroxglor Adadanso Adaquozloquavra Adielsiax Adiezio Adlatanlal Adloziam Afapuoihar Afargro Afaxbio Afioprergre Afloxnon Afrepo Ageubex Agielben Agrahra Aguanfan Aguargaxbau Ahemia Ahernuarfuen Ahoganse Ahoimom Ahotequosreu Ahuelnlo Ahuoivler Ahuome Aklasreida Aklodoivon Akomnuorhe Akoxzagrom Amedlavre Ameizo Amiahe Amiede Amolfar Anaifiou Anaquavaplam Anuamdor Aplouglaxba Apodren Apoko Aprakoxhlau Aprovre Aseizra Asequotla Asiertaxnei Aslaxdeu Asordio Asuanuoquesroque Asuozo Atiakroko Atrarvio Atrovresio Atuasla Aviorfoso Avlabreque Avlapiougla Avlaunouvo Avonber Avorkelgleu Azalhlena Azautra Azaxsadie Azrago Azrova Azuepia Bansrenequo Bavevua Baxtaize Bebon Bemo Bengofrex Bepua Bevoko Bevro Biaihe Biefalnle Bieizepioqua Blaguapoi Bleprafe Boldrexvre Bomior Bomkoza Buemvo Deipam Demkoho Derkapa Dexdai Diozuo Dlopaxmle Dodeikro Doipeuflo Doqueborsre Drendiensiem Duarma Duaudlau Duemai Duexzaquataque Ebatuefuo Ebiede Ebioqueblaque Eboda Ebraikeu Edamoiha Edekoxplem Edlormla Edreudon Efeltuoquasie Efioxzex Efiozloxdiei Efolfau Efreitielvan Efrerve Efronam Efrovoxha Egadahoi Egamdloi Egaxfexsol Egemhra Egiabrolbal Egiaidekler Egloqueklai Egravue Ehanenko Ehaquakretax Ehebia Ehlabazoi Ehlexgedoi Ehranro Ekevarnial Eklaivro Ekobo Ekrehue Ekremiage Ekuaunlome Emiapa Emoukromnem Enenle Epafrai Epesrelnuan Eplafuer Epono Epueigem Esaflaquo Esequabonbuo Esiaquada Esofioxge Esolbue Esuarba Etaume Etlenzai Etlorduox Etomenequa Etoudio Evakre Evaniezex Evaquedo Evegaislaqua Eviedre Evlalsarnlo Evlape Evobro Evolpaven Evompepue Evrevion Evuarhia Evuatroi Evueizoubro Ezatan Ezauhle Ezepe Eziofe Ezioquohox Ezlexklogla Ezloudreltel Ezlozenfe Ezoslo Faga Fana Femloislar Fiabo Fiatuequafai Flexnuo Floha Folzoquo Fozasral Frake Frobiembom Fronfua Fuemke Fuexge Fuomtiexfrox Garduobem Gedeuhrem Gelzarmro Gieha Glarvahiox Graglaxsran Grodaize Hamblel Haslo Hemuaga Hesai Hioinox Hiopese Hiouzia Hlarpo Hleharge Hlogletaque Hofei Hoglompioqua Houzuei Hrenzlanziox Hrequadekloque Hroquede Huefioldox Huesialsra Huorsennre Kafie Katexzor Kaxtue Kenorka Kianro Kielslolmua Kieukesa Kiome Klafo Klenbram Klofiequogo Kodequosa Kuaizartio Kuaxniomlo Mana Medox Meipia Meldol Memdrede Memrosa Menna Meutopre Mierpue Mievanuo Miomal Mionzua Mlaquehan Mlenviei Mloblepeu Mlovexbo Mobo Moflesia Mokodax Molpa Momblarfo Momklemo Muobalhuex Nahovuol Naquezle Nazue Nefa Neklar Niako Niakreque Niobai Nioisreque Nioquofoke Nodiax Nodlequasrei Nouholfar Noxzo Nrasieba Nuadleve Nuaplo Nuelte Nuenepau Nuennol Obamdei Obegra Obiauzlove Oboma Obouvaxbue Obouvei Obravlou Odaunexhal Odeudai Odevuoipla Odlabuo Odlemnioukro Odravua Ofaquema Ofroga Oglerzer Ogloquedleu Ohabo Ohaupuo Ohiaseumo Ohlemem Ohofalbo Okamnal Okanfuar Okartol Okazuofra Okiaihotaqua Okodrem Okoltanto Okuafai Okuakram Okuave Omakohler Omammlemmuol Omequode Omonorkex Onamie Onertaxfe Onlapepiem Onlaxhe Ononnre Opequotlo Operflalsou Opioquodan Opioxhropoi Opolbio Opolfrokor Opuehraver Opuoniem Osaifrarner Osatiesran Osenmorpa Oslalzau Oslatlom Oslovoklan Osome Osuemplazau Osuesaldia Otaxdol Otevlonfia Otialhe Otiersre Otoklohe Otopan Ovasuon Ovauge Ovauho Ovedeuga Ovielnraque Ovohro Ovorte Ozanhe Ozemel Ozregor Ozronboltua Ozuorhaze Pabe Pabekre Patuono Peusrau Piade Piasoi Piedon Piexpieplei Piovlanfoi Plahenau Plonresloi Pokueno Polpe Poukartlaque Puaquako Puoqueko Salnlena Sarboha Saxsue Sefuoquatoqua Sennoxve Sertlamsual Sesosro Siarbai Slembax Slosue Somniatiom Sorvloque Srofa Suapou Suavrezrau Taklogieu Tamuesa Tankoumon Taudlofua Tavie Taxfaqua Tebo Tenaza Tetua Tieipaqua Tommoxkrau Tovoute Toxmequazre Troquoprolbuom Trornroquaniem Tuaupiai Tuexdleidle Vamfoxbau Vauveu Velklon Vequego Veslafe Vioga Viogaqua Viorvan Vlofronlo Vlolgolpio Vloquohemue Vloudo Vomguar Vroslex Vuarsaldla Vuefrel Vuomhloquano Vuotequozer Zakiazua Zamue Zaziar Zefoflo Zembaivla Zemgequasroi Zenvrabuaquo Zeveivox Zlainai Zonfra Zoupue Zouzaqueko Zoverpou Zoxkeipeu Zrakou Zrolkakla Zuemfon Zuohlatuo Zuomsexsox Zuoquazre Zuoufei
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tbudas · 7 months ago
Conselho TBuda's
#TBudaasConselho #TBudaasSemana #AlCaponeIBrMusica318
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psicoonline · 4 years ago
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Uma boa pergunta para descobrir a resposta em terapia @revoltirinhas -- Nossos psis estão a disposição. Acessa https://psico.online 👈 clica no agendar consulta ou fale agora, preenche com seus dados de contato que um psico.online te chama em até 72 horas. ---- #procrastina #pavoreal #preguiça #procrastinacao #preguica #medox #foco #pavorreal #panico #preguiças #preguicatotal #procrastinacaonao #pavor #medonho #empreendedorismo #preguicadedomingo #preguicaboa #preguiçaboa #medo #procrastinacaozero #preguiçatotal #procrastination #preguiçaeterna #preguicamagazine #preguiçando #atitude #medos #saude #preguiçagostosa #medoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CQJVjNcBYa9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spacetalin · 5 years ago
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medoks-blog · 8 years ago
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Logos 02
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Friday 29 June 1838
7 40
3 25
heavy rain at 7 55 for ¼ hour F66 ½° at 9 ½ am – looking at post map – breakfast at 9 �� - heavy rain between 10 and 11 again – nice light carriage (sort of caléche) closed and I [A-] and I and our valet de Place Pierre out at 11 40 – to the P.O. got 5 or 6 Galignanis’ messenger – then to the bank (bank of Bordeaux by mistake) began to rain again – then to chez Guetrier banquier and négociant (1 of the 1st wine merchants here) and get letter from Messrs. Hammersley and co. enclosing £250 in circulars and letter of credit for £500 – the power of attorney of no use because only one witness! yet Mr. Parker had it all his own way! A- had letter from her sister – cashed circular no. 1072 = £50 exchange at 25/40 = fr. 1270 – M. Guetrier very civil – asked for small [money] – with difficulty gave me 30fr. worth – I find out must go to a money changer for small money as well as gold – at the bank ½ hour till 12 ½ - then to the Bourse –an oblong centre part about 25 x 15 yards lighted from the top by windows slashed , as it were, into the coved roof – plafond of boards painted (washed) and black-lined ashler-form – very nice exchange – might serve as a model for one at H-x? – left the bourse at one – then to the Pont, and went into the interior at 1 ½ for 10 minutes – very curious – a vaulted passage from end to end about 5ft. 6in. high – but a little gate across the middle kept locked that one may not taken going to the end up the time of the man who has the perquisite of shewing  the interior – gave ./75 then on asking our valet found that people generally give a fr. – the duke of Bradford was or some of his family at our hotel on his way this spring from Nice and Pierre was their laquais de place – from the Pont to the church of St. Michel from 1 50 to 2 ¼ - put into the poor box there ./50 there being a printed appeal to the charity of strangers on account of the great no. of poor – handsome church – organ at west end of nave, taking up ½ one arcade in depth – this one + 3 arcades to the transepts which are merely 2 arcades i.e. (respectively) the length of the one side aisle and the one ditto ditto taken in little chapels – choir = 3 arcades + the apse – curious mouldings on the 2 great transepts-nave columns entering the choir, partly the column on the north side marigolds and their deeply indented leaves – 2 men fighting – one man standing on his head – one ditto riding a dog? etc. south side pillar – 2 (scaly) birds pecking at a head placed between them and this repeated – marigold or sun flower among its deeply indented leaves – the clocher of St. Michel (handsome old gothic tower) at a little distance from the church – went down to see les cadavers – 17ft. deep of ossemens – much in the same state as in 1830 but the bones swept up more tidely into a heap in the middle – 3 or 4 decent women and a man there – had just gone down before us – went down I should think about 20 steps – only 2 or 3 minutes there and came away at 2 ½ - then to the eglise de la croix – the west front old – à la Civray – small (2 or 3 stones the rest modern) part of an old zodiac (as at Civray) remaining round the great west door (left) as you face the door – then looked into a little bazaar – empty – all the shops to let – under repair or something – then to the bazaar – turned into print shop, and A-
bought the 7 livraisons published (5 more to be sent directed to Madame Lister de Shibden Poste restante à St. Sauveur Hotels Pyréneés) of the principal buildings of Bordeaux – then left A- chez un patissier near the hotel at 4 and brought the money home and locked it up in the secretaire – then back to A- then to the musée of paintings and came away at 4 55 nothing particular there but a fine old female Roman statue found here and a good painting of Mary of Medicis by Van D’Eyek [Vandyke] – the concierge there said trade is very bad at Bordeaux – 1of the principal négocians of Medox has not sold anything (wine) these 2 years – then at the cathedral at 5 – low broad nave – no side-aisle or side chapels – 2 arcades of transept on each side, and continued in 2 aisles round the choir, the one being in chapels the other clear roung the high altar – organ west end over handsome tribune taking up the whole breadth of the nave, and all of carved stone, carved in low relief – the organ takes one arcade, then 3 more arcades up to a different sort of column (a different period of architecture) clustered up to the top – the others not so – 3 of these other arcades up to the transepts – the 3 columns next the organ, singular, the arching springs from them like seven branches – 2 old pieces of sculpture under the organ up against the west end wall of the church – Jupiter and his eagle and Roman matrons and figures? the other side carrying a great heavy cross – and a man with a little cross in his hand with something tied to the top (petticoat-like?) and a heavy iron hexagonal? ring round one end of one of the arms of the cross – the west end built up with houses so that no west end church front is to be seen – then to the church of Sr. Surin – the most curious of all the 4 churches we have seen here (St. Michel, cathedral, Ste. Croix and St. Surin) – curious richly carved handsome south door – some part Roman but masked with a great modern projection that forms a sort of bay-porch in front of the door – I should think this front was originally rather à la Civray the old west door, masked by a modern porch is old and very interesting – the most interesting part of the church – the whole of the north part of the church is built up against – curious old carving and square capitals in this old west porch – Abraham going to sacrifice his son – and a man astride of a lamb beyond the altar – the name of Abraham written and another name Isaac? but it struck me these names were not original the interior of this church very interesting – at west end of nave 3 great old plain 3ft. or more diameter pillars, quite plain – came away at 6 – then to the Palais Galien – till 6 ¼ - 5 old Roman small arches + the 5 great arches are before another forming as it were a roadway, but in fact part of an amphitheatre? then to the musée des antiquities – too late – shuts at 4 – then to the Jardin botanique at 6 25 for ½ hour – determined to go tomorrow morning if fine, and leave here from 2 to 3 for Langon – home in 7 minutes at 7 10 – dinner at 7 ¼ and out at 8 ½ A- and I to our booksellers  A- bought 1 vol. 4to (another to come out 7 or 8 years hence) by.......... on the statistique de Bordeaux for the sake of the notice of the church of St. Croix -  I bought a medical work (but good generally) on the thermal waters of the Pyrénées etc. with a tolerable map of these mountains 7/. gave my address Madame L- de Shibden Poste restate at St. Sauveur Hotels Pyréneés for charpentier to be sent from Paris as soon as possible – the letter went before tonights’ post – the book will arrive in 7 or 8 days – paid for it 8/. including carriage 1/. and postage of letter – he shewed me a sort of Latin etymological dictionary 9 vols. 4to. (I think he said) good work – out of print – had refused 60/. for the work – but I think I might have it at that if I chose? – his boy came back with us and brought the books home at 10 – fine evening – had Josephine immediately – A- right today and this evening but so touch she was rather wron[g] because I know not what that I asked to look at her book or what? Perpetual showers till about 5pm and afterwards fine evening – wrote out from line 22 of p. 250 to here which took me till 2 35 tonight at which hour F66 ½° - then at accounts till 3
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jadeazora · 4 years ago
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Scorbunny, Sobble, and Grookey will return to Pokémon Café Mix over the coming weeks:
Dec29 - Jan3 (10PM PT): Scorbunny
Jan3 - 8: Sobble
Jan8 - 12: Grookey
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Medox, a Hong Kong-based company, will be selling official masks there. There's 23 types, releasing towards the end of December.
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saulocosta · 6 years ago
#love #medox #medoll #medora #medovniky #medonho #medow #medo #medolla #medor#bomdia #bomdiaa #bomdiabrasil #bomdiaaa #bomdiamundo #bomdiavida #goodmorning #bomdiaaaa #bomdiaaaaa #bomdiagalera #bomdiaalegria #bomdiagente #bomdiapovo #goodmorningworld #bomdiadia #medok #medoc #medobobo #gay #medoingme https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwou671AFby/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o62f46zhxk6b
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drakemedoxhealthservices · 3 months ago
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Drake Medox Health Services
Where compassionate care meets the comfort of the home. Helping you or a loved one access personalized home care services.
Address: 2025 Corydon Ave, #116, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0N5, Canada Phone: 204-452-8600 Website: https://drakemedoxwinnipeg.com
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medoflow-blog · 6 years ago
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الهربة مع هاد الطرووول 😂😂😂😂😂 #medox https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn4lj2LAxPY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o0fsaao4c9o4
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sajtostonhal · 7 years ago
Az Origónak megvannak a saját celebjei, akiket állandóan járat. Az egyik ilyen Kulcsár Edina, akiről azelőtt soha nem hallottam, hogy ne tévedtem volna egyszer az Origó oldalára. Természetesen egy nívós szépségirálynőről van szó, aki később a nála is nívósabb TV2-őn volt...na vajon mi...MŰSORVEZETŐ!
A legutóbb már nagydobra verte az Origó, hogy Kulcsár Edina terhes, már akkor is kristállyá izgultam magam, de most szerencsére megtudhatjuk, miért adják gyermeküknek a MEDOX nevet. Lássuk:
“Elsősorban tradicionális magyar nevet szerettek volna, de sok modern név is szóba került. Amikor megtudták, hogy kisfiuk lesz, egy-egy papírra leírtak tíz-tíz nevet, ami nekik tetszik. Amikor összehasonlították a listáikat, egyetlen közös volt rajta, a Medox. Így egyértelmű lett a névválasztás.”
A tradícionális magyar név: MEDOX
„Megnéztük, és természetesen lehet anyakönyvezni. Nyitott szemmel, füllel jártunk, mióta tudjuk, hogy gyermekünk lesz. Igen, tudjuk, hogy Angelina Jolie fiát Maddoxnak hívják. Férfias, jól csengő név, nyilván ennek is szerepe volt abban, hogy születendő kisfiunk a Medox nevet kapja”
Természetesen lehetett anyakönyveztetni, hála az égnek. Ráadásul mekkora szerencse, hogy pont Angelina Jolie fiát is hasonlóan hívják! Persze, kinek mi. Csuti apuka biztos büszke lesz majd a kis Medoxra. Reméljük!
Elnézést, hogy az egész cikket bemásoltam (mert ennyi), így legalább megóvom a kedves internetezőt, hogy beszennyezze a keresési előzményeket ezzel a bulvárhíek közt is hígfos bulvárral. 
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psicoonline · 4 years ago
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Quando será a hora de perceber que é teimosia, orgulho, insegurança, medo, paixão, conforto, manutenção... Qual outra palavra se encaixaria para largar mão a partir de agora? Dê uma dica pra gente nos comentários. Do que mais podemos desistir? -- Tem texto novo no psico.online. Já foi lá? -- #conforto #orgulho #paixao #arquitetura #confortoeestilo #ocabulosooficial #paixãonacional #sdv #inseguranca #medonho #confortoequalidade #orgulhodoscachos #insegurança #medox #paixaofoto #orgulhoepaixão #orgulhodanutri #medo #confortoebeleza #estiloeconforto #felicidade #amodepaixão #terror #orgulhodepertencer #orgulhodefine #medoo #cantorasdobrasil #confortoesegurança #orgulhosus #psicoonline (em A Onde O Tal GPS Desistiu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK6SrAolvZ9/?igshid=wyut71pjhws0
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my-marciorodas-blog · 5 years ago
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A ANGÚSTIA Este vazio de linguagem; Este vazio de significação; Esta vazio na alma pode estar chamando você para uma conversa... Ela irá te revelar um outro sentido que você pode estar preparado para descobrir! 👍😊 . . MARQUE SEUS AMIGOS 👇👇 Curta ✔ Comente ✔ Compartilhe ✔ 😀 #saúdemental #medos #medodeamar #medodedirigir #medobobo #saudementalevida #medooza #conhecimentoliberta #poderdasmetas #sigmundfreud #psicanaliseclinica #terapiadoamor #psicanalista #medox #verdeéacordainveja #invejaaquinãotemvez #indiretasdobem #medovikcake #marciorodas #medodedentista (em São Paulo , Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCrmNClgVfU/?igshid=yqhprc4f4s90
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