#medium tone kit
thepanvelite · 24 days
Ladies’ Most Popular Makeup Accessories
Makeup kits for various skin tones and types, ideal for any occasion.
Makeup kits are essential for every woman who loves to enhance her beauty. Here are some of the most popular makeup kits available, perfect for various skin tones and types. The Blue Heaven Festive MakeUp Kit For Women is a specially curated all-in-one make-up kit suitable for medium and dark complexions. It includes premium products at an affordable price, making it a complete festive kit of 8…
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hackoftheyear · 2 years
3/4 of my dolls have blue eyes (blue, dark blue, and turquoise), freckles, and the classic mold. Marie Grace has no freckles, her own mold, and also blue eyes but they’re aquamarine which is used for her and maybe another doll. They’re sooo cute but I need some variety
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shyniisparkles · 2 years
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Master - Transitional Bedroom
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rinann · 2 years
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Bedroom (Chicago)
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commodorez · 9 months
I still believe the craziest form of computer program storage format from the 1980s is the cassette tape. Logical I get it but to store entire programs on little tape (that I only remember using to play music) is just crazy to me. Idk
Agreed, cassette tape for data storage was really clever. The concept had its heyday was the 1970s in a wide variety of encoding schemes for different computer platforms. It did persist into the 80s, mostly in Europe, while the US switched to floppy disks as soon as they were available for systems. The majority of my Ohio Scientific software is on cassette.
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Talking with UK vs. US Commodore 64 users in particular will highlight the disparity in which storage mediums that were commonplace. I've got a few pieces of software on tape for mainly the VIC-20, but I rarely bother to use it, because it's slow and annoying. To be fair, Commodore's implementation of data storage on tape is pretty rock solid relative to the competition. It's considered more reliable than other company's but Chuck Peddle's implementation of the cassette routines are considered quite enigmatic to this day. He didn't document it super well, so CBM kept reusing his old code from the PET all the way through the end of the C128's development 7 years later because they didn't want to break any backward compatibility.
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The big thing that really made alot of homebrewers and kit computer owners cozy up to the idea was the introduction of the Kansas City Standard from 1976. The idea of getting away from delicate and slow paper tape, and moving towards an inexpensive, portable, and more durable storage medium was quite enticing. Floppy disk drives and interfaces were expensive at the time, so something more accessible like off the shelf audio tapes made sense.
I've linked two places you can read about it from Byte Magazine's February 1976 issue below (check the attribution links).
You might recognize a familiar name present...
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There are a few ways to encode binary data on tape designed to handle analog audio, but the KCS approach is to have 1's be 8 cycles of 2400Hz tone, and 0's be 4 cycles of 1200Hz tone. I say cycles, because while 300 baud is the initial specification, there is also a 1200 baud specification available, so the duration of marks vs spaces (another way of saying 1's and 0's), is variable based on that baud rate. Many S-100 computers implemented it, as do a few contemporary proprietary designs.
The big 3 microcomputers of 1977 that revolutionized the industry (Apple II, Commodore PET 2001, and Tandy TRS-80 Model I) each have their own cassette interface implementation. It kept costs down, and it was easy to implement, all things considered. The Apple II and TRS-80 use off-the-shelf cassette deck connections like many other machines, whereas the original variant of the PET had an integrated cassette. Commodore later used external cassette decks with a proprietary connector, whereas many other companies abandoned tape before too long. Hell, even the original IBM PC has a cassette port, not that anybody bothered to use that. Each one used a different encoding format to store their data, rather than KCS.
Here's a sample of what an OSI-formatted tape sounds like.
And here's a Commodore formatted tape, specifically one with VIC-20 programs on it.
I won't subject you to the whole program, or we'd be here all day. The initial single tone that starts the segment is called the "leader", I've truncated it for the sake of your ears, as well as recorded them kinda quietly. I don't have any other tape formats on hand to demonstrate, but I think you get the idea.
You can do alot better than storing programs on tape, but you can also do alot worse -- it beats having to type in a program every time from scratch.
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wolven91 · 6 months
New Style. New You.
Fur was a standard amongst the stars.
Oh sure, some of the races sported beautiful feathers. Others look resplendent in beautiful scales that shone like gemstones. But most of the races had fur. The taurians had mostly short velvet-like cover, except atop their heads. The felinoids ranged from the short to the long fur and the ursidains had fur several inches thick at times.
Thanks to this, everyone had grooming kits. Small bundles that unrolled into a selection of tools for removing knots, brushes for straightening ruffled patches and even small scissors for the removal of that which will not obey its owner. These self-grooming tools were common. Even children would have their own, despite lacking the scissors.
With a body worth of fur, it was expected that one would need to maintain their own pelt.
But, that did not stop the need for those who could take an unmoulded medium of unsculpted head fur and turn it into something that pulled the owner's chin up, push their chest out and whisper into their ear that a strut was needed from them. There were groomers of course, beings would like up and would be brought back into acceptable appearances via a groomer who just wanted to get as many customers sorted as they could.
But then there was Notila.
Notila was a taurian and had dedicated himself to this act of artistry. His medium, was other's fur.  He could take a loveless taurian woman and with his tools, a bit of product and a peptalk, turn her into a taurian who's horns rivalled the very mountains. He had managed celebrities, lords and even royalty. More than once had he had received gifts to his private shop as thanks for his work, it was so life changing. Everyone wanted him to 'do' their fur.
The taurian male, draped in the finest shimmering silks, and glittering gold jewellery, from his own little kingdom, enjoyed the fact that he was the premier stylist in the system. Twenty-two billion souls and they all dreamed for him to cut their fur.
So, when the human settled down into Notila's chair for the fifth time and asked for a 'short, back and sides'. Notila clasped his hands together and touched the sides of his palms to the tip of his snout. With his eyes closed, Notila took in a calm and steading breath. The human watched the gold bangles tinkle together as the taurian remained still for a moment, seemingly gathering his thoughts.
"You live in the same high security building as me and you're human. This is why you can get your hair cut here every few months." The taurian explained carefully to the human. His many earrings sparkling in the light.
"Without throwing myself to narcissism, it would be... disingenuous to not point out that this career of mine has made me the number one in my craft..." The bull continued. The human at this point was merely looking up at the male, blinking innocently. His fine silks were flawless, despite being in his shop most of the day, the taurian's robes were nary a jot out of place. Not a single errant strand of fur or hair lay on his clothes.
"I could make you anything." The hornless taurian promised. "Your hair is sculpt-able. Malleable. I could make every man, woman and child look at you and want to *be* you." Notila opened his eyes and gazed at the customer that sat waiting in the chair that could easily have been a throne elsewhere. The human's lips pulled into a tight smile and nodded gently in understanding as Notila's palms, still pressed together, fell and pointed at the human.
"So why do you torture me so and ask to have everything lopped off every time?!" The taurian demanded with a serious tone, 'almost' glaring at the customer.
"It's what I want?" Replied the human dumbly. Notila's mind crashed to a desktop before rebooting causing him to stutter in his response, his fists clenched immediately.
"Bu- You- It-" The taurian had to physically stop himself from allowing his now outstretched hands from throttling the beligerant alien. "Fine. You want to be shaved? We'll shave you." The taurian snapped, waving a dismissive hand above his head as if throwing the idea of anything else away. Having a small tantrum from being denied, Notila put away his tools and went to get his clippers, almost unused except for when the human arrived.
"You know shaving is seen as sickness or punishment right?" The taurian called back, grabbing the clippers from the drawer and sneering at them before stomping back in a display almost never seen in male taurians. They were meant to be grace, untouched by the world around them. But Notila had been denied his passion in his own shop one too many times.
In his defence, the human was not unaware of the taurian's distress, but knew that he couldn't be bothered to keep up with whatever design the exuberent taurian gave him.
"I didn't... but... Look... If you were to-" Sputtered the human, suddenly acutely aware something was wrong. His words however, sharked hope within the taurian's breast.
"*Yes?!*" Notila replied, practically running back over to his customer, and swinging himself around the back of the chair and landing against the counter the human was sat infront of. This was the furthest he had ever got with the fleshy alien; was he about to agree!?
"I'm not going to be able to keep up with whatever you do. It would look like a great hairstyle, but then tomorrow it would just be back to my usual messy style. I don't want to disappoint you by wearing it wrong." Explained the human carefully, trying to articulate the issue.
Notila took a breath, and hesitated before he answered with a calm and steady tone.
"So it's not that you're allergic to fashion?" He asked.
"No, I'm just lazy." Admitted the human.
"My dear, lazy I can deal with. You ever met my kind's 'other half'?" Grinned the taurian, merely mentioning the ladette ladies of his own species.
"So you wont care if I don't keep it up?" Questioned the man, unsure where this was going. If fiddling with his hair made the hornless flamboyant bull happy; why wouldn't he let him?
"Oh, I absolutely will. It would be like throwing mud at a painting the day after it was finished." Admitted Notila.
"Oh." The wind being stolen from the human's sails. "Then-"
"I will come to yours each morning and personally complete your hair." Interjected the alien with a sharp, toothy grin.
"Wha-" The human started, but lost his voice, mouth opening and closing like a fish on dry land.
"Let me style your hair, let me tame these beautifully long strands into art and I will make the effort to come to you any day you plan to be seen in public. If, by the time of your next haircut, you want to go back?" A casual shrug, foreign to the taurian normally, but he was appealing to the human at this moment; manners be damned.
"Then I shall never mention it again and will live my remaining days happy that I was able to show you your potential at least once."
The pair were sat in silence for a time, the taurian perfectly still, his many dangling bits of jewellery not even 'tinkling' together he was so still. Until he decided to push it just a bit further.
"After all, I can bring a squidgit to the water, but I cannot force it to drink." He finished with a grin, then showed his hands.
In his left; shearers.
In his right; scissors.
The human sighed and gave a flat smile again.
"I am a blank canvas. I trust you."
-- 0 --
When the human turned his head from one side to the other, he had to admit; he would have *never* picked this.
A mohawk, His sides were still shaved, but with intricate patterns and strange shapes gently sculped into his hair line. Not only that, but the dye that Notilas had used was special. As and when heat was applied; it would change colours gradually. The man had been shocked when Notilas had started using a hairdryer to dry off his hair and watched in the mirror how it went from a deep purple, to blue, to yellow, to red. The taurian was of course, grinning from ear to ear the entire time. Even the man's beard had not been safe from Notila's ministrations as swooping curls had been finely shaved into it using the very edge of a scalpel.
As the human stood from the chair, and looked at himself in the mirror, inspecting the hair and hairline, but also leaning in and running the tips of his fingers over the swirls in his beard; he liked how it felt, even if it was rather loud compared to his usual fare.
As the human straightened, his usual slouch; didn't suit the bold and powerful style.
Briefly frowning, the man straightened. His spine clicked as he pulled his shoulders back.
So long had the man spent trying to get by, he'd attempted to hide himself in plain sight. But the powerful symbol he now wore needed, or rather demanded attention.
Turning and checking himself in the full-length mirror, the human felt... seen.
"Huh..." He murmured.
"My dear human... If you had merely said it was a lack of habit, I would have offered this when you had first arrived. You deserve to be seen. I'm not ignorant to you or your people's plight. It is your, and your kind's duty to bellow and bleat against the crowd now. To be seen. Heard. If nothing else remembered."
The human smirked, still getting used to standing tall.
"Maybe you're right..."
"Of course I am. Look at me! I'm the great Notilas!"
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the-cannibal · 1 year
Hii!! Can you make a hcs for Sinclair Brothers with an artist reader who can draw??
Hello there! And I sure can!
Sinclair brothers (separate) with an artist s/o!
Gender neural reader - they/them and you is used
He’s used to having artists in the family. His mother was one, and his twin followed in her footsteps. But they mostly worked with wax. Not that they didn’t know other mediums, it’s just not what they usually worked with.
He is definitely the kind of guy to hover over your shoulder to watch you, and when you ask if he wants to sit he’ll decline and tell you he’s just passing through. But then proceed to just stand behind you and watch you create in amazement.
He probably asks if you can draw something for him. It’s usually some car or maybe an animal like a deer.
Totally brags about you all the time. “Yeah yeah that’s great Vinny, but look what Y/n made! Ain’t they just the greatest? I mean, look at the details they put in!”
He has totally given you at least one of those art kit things that every family member gets you for the rest of your life as soon as they hear you like art
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He isn’t one to draw with you, but he will watch you and ask you about your art! Also is lowkey kinda relieved you don’t work with wax. He doesn’t know if he would be able to handle another Vincent-
Of course this sweet man is bouncing off the walls in excitement after learning your interest in art!
As much as he loves working with wax and sculpting, it’s nice to have a change once in a while! So he’d totally sit and draw with you and show you his own work!
Omg if you show him your art he will feel so honored. You think HE is worthy of seeing your beautiful creations? Can he kiss you? Please let him kiss you.
Probably has critiqued your art (and might have been a bit harsh) but he doesn’t mean it! If it upsets you let him know and he will tone it down. He won’t completely stop (don’t think he could with Trudy being his mother and art teacher-) but it will be a lot nicer, going from “You’re shading that wrong” to “That’s very nice looking, but perhaps you might find (insert technique here) to be a bit easier?”
If you need any art supplies feel free to borrow his! Unlike Bo giving you the… “art kit”, he actually has good, working, quality supplies :)
Art dates are a must! Imagine going out for a picnic and bringing your sketch books and drawing together.
You both probably have pages upon pages of drawing of one another
He isn’t very artistic himself, but when he sees you drawing at the table you bet your ass he is grabbing a piece of paper and drawing with you. Is it a dog? A tree? No, that’s supposed to be… you? A kindergartener could have probably done a better job but you love it anyways
Makes requests all. The. Time.
“Honey can you draw Jonesy?” “How about my truck?” “Ooh! What about some bones?” “CAN YOU DRAW ME?!?!!?”
I could see him making you sketchbooks and pencils and leaving them around for you to find :)
Watches you with big ol eyes like 👁️ 👁️ HE CANT HELP IT! ITS JUST SO NEAT TO WATCH!
Also praises you like crazy to others. “Now would you look at this, Bo?” “For the hundredth time Lester I’ve seen-“ “no no NO! Look HARDER! Look at this amazing art piece that they made! Ain’t it just the greatest! Could probably put ma out of business with this work!”
Has totally tried sneaking your art into the wax museum… he was caught very quickly but that doesn’t stop him!
Would also hang your art on the fridge like the proud partner he is
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vnynv · 2 years
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The Dispatcher is the RED Team's 10th mercenary who exists outside the boundaries of being an offense/defense/support class. Real name "Naima Les" (lit: Nameless) and uses she/he/they pronouns. His main stock item is a briefcase, giving him a topographic map and her teammate's locations, who she can aid through missile strikes, traps, or air supply drops.
Used to bureaucratic jungles, tax write-offs, and the occasional contract killing for a shady yet powerful firm, Dispatcher has to swallow their arrogance and learn how to fight alongside the team after a sudden transfer.
(more art and weapon ideas below! warning. p long.)
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Dispatcher's stock kit (125 HP, 93% speed, weapon and PDA keybinds similar to Spy/Engineer's):
(PDA) Briefcase:
-  Includes topographic map/sensors of teammates (coordinate interaction), touch-tone phone to communicate (Scout’s headset now has a reason to exist). Connected to TF Industries satellite, has automated air support, and [SPOILERS].
- Takes medium set-up time and hauling open briefcase slows speed to 85%.
Air strike (Offense)
- Calls upon a drone from the air to strike general location of enemy based on teammate’s vision (think spectating when waiting to respawn). Not suited for high speed fights; missile has timer to land. Functions similarly to Soldier’s/Demo’s explosions. Low ammo count.
Stock Missile: A ballistic missile. The missile knows where it is at all times. Base: 90 / Crit: 270. Sugar Glider: Free-fall bomb. Always Mini-crits, but less precise - easier to damage teammates. Artillery Battery: Smaller missiles rain down in a group. Splash damage, faster reload/higher ammo count. Precision-Guided Munition: Guaranteed to not hit teammates. -50% damage and no crits.
Stun traps (Defense)
- Drops stun traps to slow enemies down in hot spots (think Control Points/Payload). Functions similar to Primary taser. Can be changed for caltrops (bleeding damage) or something else, I dunno.
Air supply (Support)
- Basically interpretation of med kits/ammo on the ground. Canon cool down and wait to replenish teammate’s health/ammo/metal from afar - no biggie. 
(Primary) Modified taser gun:
- Stuns enemy on impact, needs numerous shots to kill. Base: 40 damage.
2. (Secondary) Med kit: (veterinarian) (for animals) (dogs. mutts)
- Lore wise, meant for animals. Not as good as air supply health kit, but no drop time. Functions similarly to Heavy’s Sandvich.
(Melee) Swiss Army Knife / Knife of All Trades (KOAT):
- Weak in itself (30 damage) but can cause bleeding damage. If hitting teammate, temporarily buffs their primary weapon.
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just some potential weapons for him! i'm more of a visual concept designer so their kit might be pretty op or underpowered, but the general basis is nerfed speed (in everything) and attack for whole-map range tradeoff. potentially a similar playstyle as engie (with a whole chilling in a lawn chair taunt), though in an alternate universe there could be a loadout for a battle!patches. i GUESS in actuality she would be counted as support, but i didn't want to ruin the 3x3 style.
anyways. she's the star of a canon/oc fic i have. tootles now.
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distanthorizons · 3 months
A tabby cat leaps down from the side of a jagged cliff as you approach. "You've wandered far," they note with a slow nod of their head. It seems as though they already knew of your presence. "You came to learn more, huh?" They ponder the idea, watching you from above. After a moment, they nod. "Sure. But you'll have to keep up."
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Common cat traits:
Muscular build: Muscular build which is well-suited for climbing, jumping, and navigating their rocky terrain. Strong limbs and powerful muscles. 
Medium to long fur: Protects against the harsh, rocky environment. This fur also helps to cushion them against rough surfaces, and insulates them against the winds that sweep through the ravines. 
Earthy tones: Often have earthy tones, which help them camouflage against predators and rivals. 
Thick paw pads: Thick and tough paws, developed to withstand the sharp rocks and uneven ground of their territory. These help to prevent injuries and allow them to move swiftly across rough terrain. 
Robust tails: Long and robust tails, providing balance and stability during climbs and jumps. Their tail acts as a counterbalance, which is crucial for maintaining their footing on precarious ledges and narrow pathways. 
Values and culture:
Familial bonds: Great importance on their sense of community and familial bonds. They are always looking out for one another and believe that their lives are safer when they work together. 
Resilience: Values resilience and the ability to overcome challenges. Living in this rocky, rugged territory, they pride themselves on their toughness and ability to adapt to these harsh conditions.
Observation: Sharp observational skills and ability to see long distances into the territories below. They use this keen sense to detect any signs of danger or opportunity. 
Precision: Every move within the Peak Watchers is calculated and crucial. They strive to be exact in their actions, whether it’s in climbing, hunting, jumping, or combat. Making little mistakes and correcting them quickly is a key part to their culture. 
The Climbing Ceremony: [Apprentices] are officially recognized in a ceremony where they must climb a designated cliff unassisted. This ritual symbolizes their readiness to face the challenges of The Peak Watchers and their commitment to the Watchers, but it is quite dangerous. 
The Great Leap: An event where all cats participate in a series of leaping competitions. This event greatly tests their agility and precision, with the winner earning a place of honor and respect for the cycle (3 months). 
Storytelling Circles: Members of the Peak Watchers will gather together and tell stories of their past achievements and struggles. Some elders will tell glorified stories to the young kits.
Moonlit Observations: On a clear sky when the moon is bright, the cats gather at the highest peak in their territory to observe the land below. This is great practice for 
Watcher’s Resilience: A test where [apprentices] must spend several days and nights alone in a particularly challenging part of the territory. This is to assess their ability to survive, adapt, and overcome adversity. 
Wall Stories: Particularly artistic members of this group are tasked with recording the legends, stories and heroic happenings that the group has encountered or performed themselves upon the cavern walls that the group calls home. The paintings are specialized and unique for every member, and might be indecipherable to visiting cats from other groups. The paints are made from a mixture of water, ground stone and clay, and oftentimes berries.
Healing Stone Ceremony: When a cat becomes a [Healer], they must find and retrieve a unique stone/rock in a particularly dangerous cave system. This signifies their respect for the land and their newly acquired position within the group. 
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Climbing and jumping: These cats are exceptional climbers and jumpers, able to navigate their rocky terrain with ease. 
Quick reflexes: They are able to quickly respond to hunting and combat situations, as well as if they make a wrong step on a loose rock. 
Intimate understanding: Intimate knowledge of their rocky territory which is foreign to other groups. This includes the hidden paths, tunnels, and safe spots. 
Strategic positioning: Their ability to use the rocky outcrop to their advantage allows them to set up defensive positions, making them formidable opponents in their home environment. 
Toughened bodies: The constant climbing and jumping have built these cats so they are strong and able to withstand harsh conditions and physical challenges. 
Endurance: Excellent stamina, enabling them to endure long patrols, hunting trips, and extended periods of activity within their territory. 
Scarcity of prey and herbs: The rocky terrain supports fewer prey animals compared to more fertile areas. This can lead to food scarcity, especially during harsher seasons. 
Exposure to the elements: Their territory offers less natural shelter from extreme weather conditions, unless the clan would stay within their camp. This leads to more vulnerability to the weather when outside of their camp. 
Dependence on skill: Due to the nature of their challenging environment, these cats depend on skill to provide enough prey and herbs for the clan. Wrong movements can be deadly. 
Physical strain: The constant climbing and jumping take a toll on the cats’ bodies over time, potentially leading to more frequent injuries and wear-and-tear. 
Restricted movement: The rocky outcrops can restrict movement during large-scale battles or pursuits, making it difficult to maneuver quickly or chase down fast-moving creatures. 
Vulnerability to landslides: Both rock falls and unstable ground are challenges which this group faces. They both require constant vigilance and maintenance. 
Unique Ranks
Stone Jumpers: Specialized navigators of their rocky terrain. These cats have exceptional agility and strength, allowing them to scale cliffs with ease. They also can jump far distances, and are responsible for high-ground patrols and leading rescue missions within the cliffs.
High-ground patrols: Conduct regular patrols along the cliffs and rocky outcrops, monitoring the integrity of the cliffs and marking any stones which may be loose. They are also responsible for reinforcing pathways.
Rescue operations: Responding to emergencies involving clan members or other cats who are trapped. They utilize their climbing skills to perform rescues. 
Training: Instruct apprentices in advanced climbing techniques, jumping, and save navigation of the rocky terrain. They ensure their apprentices are confident and capable.
Peak Watchers: The scouts and signallers of the group. They specialize in using the acoustics of the rift and rocky terrain to detect and project sounds. This allows the clan to communicate over long distances and detect potential threats early.
Sound monitoring: Regularly listening for distant sounds that might indicate the presence of prey, predators, or other clans.
Long-distance communication: Use “echoes” (specific call patterns) to communicate with other clan members over long distances.
Scouting: Observe the surrounding territory from above, looking for any potential threats that could be coming their way. This notifies the Watchers of any threats as early as possible.
Training: Teach apprentices how to use sound effectively for communication detection, as well as how to amplify their own vocals to communicate via “echoes”. 
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mineesims · 7 months
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New video coming today at 3:00
CC - List:
All sims:
Default eyes: pirumxsim (tumblr.com)
Default skin: AGAVE; a default + non default skinblend | Patreon
Skin tones: velvet scout; (tumblr.com)
Default teeth 1: 👽 Default, non-default, additional maxis teeth (update 19.11.2020) | Patreon
Default teeth 2: MAGIC BOT: 👽 DEFAULT AND NON-DEFAULT ALPHA TEETH - bgc,... (tumblr.com)
No EA eyelashes: Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers
Pierced ears: adelar sims : PIERCED EARS (skin detail) (tumblr.com)
Hair: The Sims Resource - WINGS-ER0206-Medium curly hair
Eyes: sims3melancholic: download (ea) \ info: contacts... - Emily CC Finds (tumblr.com)
Eyebrows: GPME-GOLD M-Eyebrows G11 | Patreon
Skin : its haha funny : Saturnine Skinblend Stuff; for all ages & genders... (tumblr.com)
Hand color: The Sims Resource - Sweetheart Hand Palms Skin Detail
Highlight: highlight #3 by sims3melancholic | Patreon
Eye bags: The Sims Resource - Eyebags N09
Freckles: Freckle Overlay This set of freckles contains 12... : Nolan-Sims
Clavicle overlay: its haha funny : Skin Details Pack theses are skin details from... (tumblr.com)
Belly overlay: BODYCARE KIT🥑 | Patreon
Cleavage overlay: September Set of Genetics! | Patreon
Lashes: 3 D L a s h e s V 3 | Patreon
Ears: Ear Presets 6 different ear shapes for Sims aged... - Luumia (luumiasims.com)
Lips: its haha funny : More Lip presets Stuff 20 presets all ages &... (tumblr.com)
Nose: Summer Wind | Patreon
Top: Rapcopters sweater | Patreon
Skirt: unable to find
Shoes: Demonia Boots - The Sims 4 Download - SimsFinds.com
Lips: The Sims Resource - Edona Lipstick N97
Eyeshadow: The Sims Resource - Vanilla Eyeshadow Intense N02
Eyeliner: GOPPOLS Me on Tumblr: GPME Liner cc7 5 Swatches Download (  PAYPAL ) BUY ME A COFFEE  ❤ Thank for support me  ❤   Thanks for all CC creators ❤...
Piercing: PIERCING Ultimate Collection | Patreon
Bra: BOUDOIR COLLECTION What better way to spend... : S E N T A T E (tumblr.com)
Nails: The Sims Resource - Matte Square Nails N07
Choker: NECKLACE Ultimate Collection | Patreon
Leg warmers: leg warmer | Patreon
Hair: SONYASIMS - JUDGEMENT HAIR - Files - The Sims 4 Create a Sim - CurseForge
Skin: scarlet skinblend. | Patreon
Eyes: 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐬𝟑𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 #𝟔𝟓 & 𝟔𝟔 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 #𝟐 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 #𝟗 𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬 #𝟏 | Patreon
Eyebrows: cupid eyebrows set ☾ | Patreon
Eyelashes: MMSIMS 3D Eyelash v3 | Patreon
Highlighter: A set of hand drawn highlighter for your sims with... : MMFINDS (tumblr.com)
Belly overlay: unable to find
Acne: soroka's stuff / real skin acne skindetail acne category 21... (tumblr.com)
Lips: its haha funny : Dahlia Lip Presets Stuff  8 presets all ages &... (tumblr.com)
Shoes: *Download* Canvas Sneakers 02 & 03 | Patreon
Shirt: The Sims Resource - Belaoallure_Janet t_shirt (patreon)
Shorts: 💿 Afterparty Set 💿 | Patreon
Lips: GRANDE Coffee Collection | Patreon
Nails: sims, spice and everything nice — Nail It! Set by Joliebean Everyone loves a good... (tumblr.com)
Necklace: The Sims Resource - S-Club ts4 LL Necklace 201910
Bracelet: 4w25-cc: Star Infinity Bracelets TF-EF 5... | love 4 cc finds (tumblr.com)
Hair: The Sims Resource - WINGS-ES0529-Soft and straight long hair
Skin: S A Y A - C C — SAYA ~ { Sigrún Skin Overlay } (tumblr.com)
Eyebrows: EYEBROW Ultimate Collection | Patreon
Eyes: contacts #44 by sims3melancholic | Patreon
Highlighter: 𝒔𝒆𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒃𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒔3𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒄 | Patreon
Cleavage overlay: September Set of Genetics! | Patreon
Moles: MOLES N2 | Patreon
Shoes: [SUNBERRY]Vintage leather boots long & short SET 23.78 (Early access) | Patreon
Shorts: Ruffle Denim (nitropanic.net)
Top: Racer Top | snailrow (elliesimple-sims.com)
Eyeliner: GOPPOLS Me on Tumblr: GPME Liner cc7 5 Swatches Download (  PAYPAL ) BUY ME A COFFEE  ❤ Thank for support me  ❤   Thanks for all CC creators ❤...
Eyeshadow: The Sims Resource - Sakura Eyeshadow N33
Blush: ✿ petals - a soft makeup pack hi friends! here’s... : ☼☼☼ (tumblr.com)
Piercing: PIERCING Ultimate Collection | Patreon
Nails: magic-bot: magic-bot: 👽 NAILS 7V (SHORT) This... - Emily CC Finds (tumblr.com)
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nczaversnick · 1 month
Character Intro: Project Gemini
Caspian Álvarez
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Age: 23
Pronouns: He/Him
Status: Water Deviant
Rank: Private
Occupation: Nursing student
In book description:
As he passed by the mirror, he caught a glimpse of his reflection. When was the last time he properly looked at himself in the mirror? He leaned his hands on the countertop and just stared, lightly tracing his face. Underneath the harsh, bluish-white tones of the cheap, artificial lighting, his usual dirt-colored irises were now beady with any kind of life snuffed out of them. The lack of sunlight paled his warm cocoa skin. His cheeks were flatter, and his jawline was more pronounced. The scrubs he swore that used to fit him nicely before now hung looser, enough to hook a finger underneath the hems. He looked different. He was unfamiliar to the man that was staring back at him.
Family: In book 1, just Athena, his twin sister
Pets: Iris makes him a small robotic bird [that I haven’t named yet] with a bubbly personality with the ability to record and playback audio
Best friend: Isaac [Last Name]
Room description:
In his apartment I don’t think there’s anything to describe. He’s too busy working to decorate. At the rebel base he sleeps in a dormitory with other rebels but he has a chest to keep personal affects in.
Way of speaking: His voice is like medium in pitch. You can hear how muchy he cares in his voice. But still has a nervous anxiety to it as well.
Physical characteristics: Usually tense, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice due to both military and ER training, usually has dark circles under his eyes but his expression is usually warm and inviting.
Items on hand: Before joining the rebels, mostly just his tablet. He doesn’t need keys or a wallet because of the chip implanted in his arm. After he carries a gun but never uses it, and some basic emergency supplies like a flashlight, some matches and a water bottle and a first aid kit
Hobbies: Not sure he really has any. Working in the medical field is his passion and he’s spent nearly every minute since getting out of basic doing exactly that
Relatioships: Overall he gets along fine with most people. He struggles at first coming to the rebel base but eventually grows close with them. I don’t really want to give away specific relationship dynamics other than that Caspian and Adrian are supposed to be a versdion of enemies to lovers. Oh and that at the time the book starts, Caspian hasn’t seen Athena is like, 5 years. Caspian initially harbors some resentment towardes her for abandoning him after their parents went missing.
Fears: Bro has crippling abandonment issues. Also, snakes.
Faults: Caspian is unbelievably selfless. He has always put taking care of others before himself
Good points: He is kind and patient, even with Adrian
What they want more than anything: To be a doctor
Project Gemini Tag List [comment to be +/- from this list]
@the-golden-comet @honeybewrites @athenadire @the-ellia-west @yourpenpaldee @leahnardo-da-veggie
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theforeverdaydream · 2 years
A little idea that has been in my head for a while now. It was originally supposed to be only a few lines, but we have this instead. My bad. I hope you enjoy!
TW: Semi-graphic panic attacks and mentions of blood
Kit couldn't sleep for months after Mina was kidnapped. Every time he shut his eyes, images of his baby sister - bleeding, dying, too late for him to save - flashed through his mind, the screams that rose to his throat silenced before they could ever be heard, and every time Jem or Tessa asked him about the increasingly tired look on his face, he insisted he was fine. The daylight and his family chased away the demons night brought, and they already had too much to worry about. The few hours of fitful rest he did get were enough to last him through the day, so what was the point? Over a decade with Johnny Rook as a housemate left him a good liar, and he was able to blame his lethargy on school work and excessive Shadowhunter training. And this worked. For a while, at least.
It was Jem who found him one night, laying on the hardwood floor of Mina's room, panicked breaths leaving his mouth and hands clamped tight over his forearms, the grip hard enough that Kit felt his own fingernails dig into his skin. The air mattress his parents had bought him when he'd first resorted to sleeping in Mina's room had been thrown against the wall. At once his dad was there, speaking to Kit in soothing tones, reassuring him there was nothing really wrong. Kit clung to that voice the same way a drowning man clung to his lifejacket, but he could still feel himself going under, deep enough even sunlight couldn't reach. He didn't remember what his nightmare had been about, only that his sister had been there. His sister and Ty Blackthorn. . .
Pushing the thought from his mind, Kit focused on Jem, and once his adopted father was sure Kit was okay, they both peered into Mina's crib. The toddler was still asleep, a small smile etched across her face as she dreamed about things only children could see. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Kit knew he himself was still technically a child, but it had been a long time since he felt that way. Being the First Heir and a Shadowhunter, being a Herondale and a crook's bloodborne son, trying his best to be enough, yet feeling like he wasn't anywhere close. . . it was all too much at times.
Without words, Jem seemed to understand this. He left the room and, for a brief moment, Kit wondered if he had finally had enough. Perhaps Jem had decided he didn't want a 17-year-old problem child who got night terrors as a son after all and was informing Tessa of the news. But Jem came back, as he always did, and this time he wasn't empty-handed. Kit recognized the instrument in his hands immediately: A violin. Jem's violin. Kit had seen and heard him play it enough times that he was positive he could recognize it blind. But instead of sliding his bow across the strings and releasing a melodious tune as he always did, Jem handed the violin to Kit, tucking the rounded half under his chin and arranging Kit's fingers so they were clasping the bow.
"Play," Jem instructed him.
The rest of the night disappeared in a whirlwind of missed notes and patient teaching, but by the end - hours after they had decided to move from Mina's room to the courtyard so as not to disturb anyone - Kit understood why Jem found such solace in his instrument. It was a medium for Kit to transmit all of his raging thoughts and disgruntled feelings into, an anchor holding him steady when it felt like the tides would drag him out to sea.
It took two days for Kit to learn he could use the violin whenever he needed it (which was every night, if he was being honest) and two weeks for him to buy his own (a small thing made of rosewood, chosen in part to honor his mother and in part because of the low price). As the twilight music sessions bled into broad daylight (no longer, for the most part, because of Kit's running nerves and instead a passion for playing) Tessa joked she wasn't sure what she wanted a break from more: Mina's loud temper tantrums or the supposed banshee wails Kit's instrument produced. They had all laughed at that, even Mina, who, despite not understanding the joke, was happy just because everyone else was.
It was then a feeling of contentment and joy so fierce it burned warmed the inside of Kit's chest. This was his family; this was his home; this was where he belonged. And fuck the world if it thought it could take this away from him.
The New York Institute was a beast dressed down in bright colors to look fancy. Streamers and balloons and flowers touched every inch of the building, and the tables were decorated with golden clothes and porcelain vases filled with plants. The wedding was set to take place in four days, but it may as well have been that night with how perfectly everything was already in place.
When Jace and Clary had visited Kit and his family in Devon several months ago with news of their recent engagement and an invitation to their wedding, it had felt like a far-off dream. An unreality Kit always knew would happen but couldn't quite fathom. He had been surprised by the overwhelming jubilance he had felt for his cousin - Jace had wanted this for so long, he knew, and all of his dreams were finally coming to fruition.
Right before the pair had left, Jace had said quietly to Kit the Blackthorns would also be present at the wedding, a quiet question in his words. Swallowing the thought of what might happen if he saw Ty again, Kit shrugged and said he hadn't thought otherwise. Emma was close to Clary, after all, and where she went Julian and the rest of the Blackthorns would surely follow. He got along fine with Dru, having been texting her on and off for months, and the same could be said about Julian and Emma. In fact, if Ty was taken out of the equation, the Blackthorns wouldn't be a problem at all, but it was Ty who made them an issue in the first place.
Kit still remembered seeing him in Blackthorn Hall, right before Mother Hawthorn had taken Mina, his tan collared shirt snug against the lines of muscle around his arms, the flashing silver eyes wide with shock and tinged with sadness. His hushed voice when he had whispered, "That's not how you clean a gun."
Sometimes, it felt like the only thing Kit could think about was Ty. It drove him crazy how, even years after he had left Los Angeles, there was one ghost from his past he could never escape. Two, technically, if you count Livvy. Every moment he had ever shared with that boy was burned into his mind, so clear it was like they had just happened. Kit remembered the metallic glow of the knife Ty had held to his throat when they had first met, the way he had thought, "How beautiful"; he remembered the smile it felt like Ty reserved for him especially, the one that was like a sunrise reflecting off the water; he remembered the tortured look on Ty's face when he had tried to raise Livvy, the confusion when Kit had confessed, "I love you, Ty. I love you."
And now the chance of seeing the boy who broke his heart was greater than ever. They would be sharing a building for a few weeks, because the Blackthorns and Carstaies-Gray-Herondales would be staying in the Institute for some time after the wedding was over and most of the other guests had left, but Kit was certain he could avoid the Blackthorns for most of that time. Whether it be chatting with Simon about mundane movies and shows, or getting Jace to teach him something new about being a Shadowhunter, or hanging out with Mina, there were plenty of plausibe distractions for Kit. But even with this in mind, he knew he would have to speak with Ty at least once before this was all over. He wasn't sure why, but it was as true a fact as death.
As for right now, all Kit needed to do was figure out how to straighten his damnable tie. Deciding fashion could wait for tomorrow, he found his violin in its black case and tucked it neatly underneath the crook of his arm. Locating a flight of stairs, Kit took the steps two at a time until he was greeted with a heavy metal door with a "Roof access for Shadowhunter personnel only" sign plastered on it. The door was locked, but it took Kit a matter of seconds to fix that problem, and he swung it open, stepping onto the roof of the New York Institute.
The wind was calmer than it had been the morning before, and it was dark, the few stars that were visible alarmingly bright next to the full moon. Kit took his violin from the case, and muscle memory took care of the rest. Slotting it underneath his chin, his fingers danced on the familiar wood of the bow as it slid neatly across the strings, wrenching out a tune both mournful and soothing, a blissful series of notes piercing through the night air.
The sound of feet thumping softly against the ground brought Kit back to reality, and, glancing down, he realized there was what seemed to be a lynx sitting patiently at his feet. She had black ears that ended in soft tufts, and white-gray fur spotted with slightly darker spots. Belatedly, he realized she must belong to one of the families Jace had invited. That or his cousin had bought an overgrown cat without telling anyone.
"Hey there, you," Kit murmured softly, bending down so he was almost eye-level to the lynx. "The door was open, wasn't it? That's my bad. I hope you don't get too cold out here. But, then again, if I've learned anything from Church it's that cats are stubborn little demonic bastards. I'm sure you're doing just fine."
He offered his hand tentatively, letting it hover just above the lynx's head so she could turn away if necessary. But the lynx just nuzzled her face into his skin, whiskers scratching gently against his skin.
"What's your name, little lady?" he asked quietly, despite knowing she had no way of responding.
"Irene," a smooth, honey-like voice said.
Kit startled, hand halting above the lynx's - Irene's - head. He hadn't heard anyone coming. Glancing up, his mind immediately flared to life, painting a hundred pictures of a boy with dazzling silver eyes and curling hair, a boy with a spectacular mind and a smile like the sun.
Because standing right above him was Ty Blackthorn.
Ty didn't understand when Irene suddenly started clawing at the door of their guest room. Studies showed that when animals expressed a will to escape their current enclosure, it was often because of they were discontent with their surroundings. He was all too aware of being unresponsive to change, but he hadn't thought Irene would be the same way.
There were a lot of things, though, in the New York Institute Irene could be uncomfortable with. The jarring journey from the Scholomance to the Los Angeles Institute to here for Jace's wedding couldn't have been easy for Irene, he supposed, so he opened the door and kept a keen eye on his lynx.
Almost immediately, Irene bolted out of the room, Ty's Shadowhunter training being the only thing that allowed him to keep up with her as she scampered up a flight of stairs, quickly reaching an open door that led to the wide plain of the Institute's roof.
It didn't take long for Ty to register what had attracted Irene here: It was the music. For there was a boy, elegantly postured with moonlight turning his light blonde hair white, playing a violin, long fingers releasing a sound so beautiful it made Ty's heart turn. It was hopelessly depressing, in a way, like the din someone mourning their lost love would give. But at the same time it was steady and safe, an iron wall guiding your backside.
Ty had never been good with feelings, and this case was no exception, but he was at once struck with the sense he had never experienced something like this, and he didn't want it to abandon him ever. He was familiar with music, with the classical tunes his headphones emitted when he placed them over his ears, but he had never heard something that gave him this overwhelming sense of belonging.
Irene trotted over to the musician, completely comfortable with this perfect stranger. The boy stopped playing, making Ty's gut clench with a sense of disappointment, and spotted her, crouching down so that he could pet Irene.
In the next moment, two thoughts bled through Ty's head. One: Irene, who didn't even let Anush touch her and despised everyone who wasn't Ty, was letting someone neither of them knew run his hands along the silken coat of her back fur. Two: That his first thought was wrong, because Ty did know this man, had seem him enough times in his dreams it was a wonder he didn't recognize him immediately. Because this was Kit Herondale.
He looked gorgeous, Ty thought, and happy in a way he had never seen before. There was a small smile etched across Kit's face as he petted Irene, and it made him look so vulnerable and like something worth protecting that Ty wanted to hug him, the same way Kit had hugged him on the roof of the Los Angeles Institute so many years ago. But Kit's words from when they had both been in Blackthorn Hall still rang in Ty's ears, when he had asked Kit when the other boy would forgive him, and Kit said he didn't know.
It would be for the best if Ty turned away now, gone before Kit even noticed him. Irene would be safe, judging by the protective way Kit was holding her, and it would stop the pain of hearing Kit turn him away once more before it even began. But Ty couldn't walk away, not when Kit was involved.
Gliding soundlessly across the floor of the roof, Ty reached Kit just in time to hear him say in a barely audible voice, "What's your name, little lady?"
Kit's voice was deeper than it had been months ago, rich and full of curious affection. Unable to stop himself, Ty answered his question: "Irene."
If it hadn't been obvious before, it was now clear Kit had no idea Ty had been standing there, for he jolted back a step and glanced up wildly, going perfectly still when his eyes landed on Ty's.
Ty let his gaze drop immediately - those eyes, such an intense blue like a stove fire, permanently burned into his memory - and it landed instead on the small mole on Kit's cheekbone.
"Irene," Kit whispered, then quoted the first words of Doyle Ty had ever read: "To Sherlock Holmes, she is always the woman."
Shocked, Ty lifted his view of Kit's face slightly, realizing Ty's own look of astonishment was mirrored there. Almost as if against his will, the corners of Kit's lips were twitching upwards into a bare smile. He had never thought Kit read the Sherlock Holmes novels. More importantly, he had never thought Kit would memorize such a trivial line as that first one. But Kit had, and Kit remembered.
Maybe it meant nothing, but maybe it meant more than that. Maybe there was a chance, after all, of mending a friendship that had fallen apart years ago. Maybe by the end of this week, the boy Ty had been chasing after for months, always just out of his reach, would be a little closer. Could be his again.
Meanwhile Irene lay there confused, wondering how there were two people crowding around her and not a single one was giving her well-deserved headpats.
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airlocksandaviaries · 2 years
I had an data idea/head canon that came from Wikipedia. Here’s my idea: Data learns that blushing is a human thing and so naturally wants to partake in it. This leads to him trying makeup, he has a tiny bit of blush that he keeps adding to and then Geordi notices and is confused. This could be funny, adorable and wholesome and I want it.
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Oh. my. GOsh. This is an adorable idea. I am going to write a thing for it, dedicated to you. (Including some Beverly x Deanna bc you kinda got me on board for the ship! I'm more of a Tasha x Deanna person but I can definitely see it :D)
"Dr Crusher," Data said, regarding his friend kindly as she walked into the Turbolift.
"Data! You surprised me! Um, hello, It's nice to see you!" she said with a start as the lift doors closed behind her, looking somewhat flustered. "Sickbay," she added to the lift as it carried them off. Data cocked his head.
"Doctor? Are you feeling okay?" he asked, looking at her.
"Of course I am, why wouldn't I?" said Beverly, looking a bit confused.
"It is your face," said Data, as though that would clarify. "You seem unusually flushed. This is typically an indicator of a fever or other sickness, is it not?"
Beverly's expression changed from confusion to embarrassment, a sheepish smile creeping across her face.
"Oh," she said, "No, Data, I'm not sick. I just..." she searched for the words, then finally met Data's confused and worried gaze. "I just got done talking to Deanna," she finished.
"In a counseling meeting?" Data asked, still not understanding.
"No, Data," she said, "in a... personal meeting."
Data looked at her face and compared the look she was giving him with the look he saw in his engineering friends' faces when they came into work the day after a date, gushing about the time they had. It dawned on him.
"I see," he said. "You have romantic feelings for Counselor Troi."
Beverly nodded slowly, turning even redder. "Yes."
"And this has caused your face to flush."
"I suppose so."
Data ran through his database for every definition on blushing he could find, automatically downloading them all into his recent memory circuits. "Fascinating," he said. Beverly laughed, the tension in the room broken wonderfully.
"I never feel judged around you Data, it's fantastic," she said with a smile. Data just shrugged and continued downloading information about blushing and the concept of blood rushing to the face when embarrassed until the turbolift landed at his floor.
Data stood in his quarters next to the replicator. He was sure he had input the correct request. The replicator flashed and with a loud swishing noise, there was a makeup kit and a palette with tons of colors sitting in front of him. Geordi would be coming over soon, but he still had plenty of time to apply it before then.
This wasn't the first time Data had tried to imitate human quirks. The beard he had tried once, the yawning, and heck, even his head movements were all attempts at seeming more natural and human. Some were more successful and some were less so. But this one felt... different, somehow. Data insisted there was no possible way he could feel without his emotion chip and yet... the thought of doing something like this for Geordi stirred something in him, there was no denying it.
Data picked up the palette and leaned towards the mirror. He selected a medium sized brush and scanned the colors for something close to his skin tone. He decided on yellow. A blush is a blood rush, after all. Data didn't have blood, exactly, but there were certain fluids required to keep a machine like him running. And they happened to be quite similar to the color of his eyes.
Data carefully applied the powder to under his cheeks, his nose, and the tops of his ears, blending it carefully with a white color to match his skin. It was quite like painting, a skill Data was more than proficient in. He inspected his work until deeming it sufficient and putting away his makeup in a hidden place. He had no reason to hide it. But he still somehow... disliked the thought of Geordi finding out he had fabricated his meticulously crafted flushed cheeks.
All he had left to do was wait until he arrived.
Data was sitting at his art table, watching Spot clean herself, when the door beeped.
"Come in," he said brightly, and the door opened with a swish.
Data was of course expecting him, but seeing Geordi in front of him always filled him with... something. Surprise? Anticipation? A 'strong motivation'? He'd have to study it later.
It must have had something to do with Geordi's dimples as he smiled wide, or the way he leaned lazily on the doorway, hip cocked to the side, or the way he cheerily said Data's name in greeting.
Data invited him in and they sat on the couch, Geordi relaying tales of the terrible Ensign Jameson from engineering who still thought she was qualified enough to give orders to the other Ensigns, or how his Dad kept calling him to tell him about a book he wanted Geordi to read that Geordi had absolutely no interest in.
Data just listened on in admiration, watching his best friend talk, a smile playing at the edges of his lips. Geordi eventually turned to him.
"So how has your day been, Data?" he asked. Data opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Geordi stopped him. "Hold on."
"What is it, Geordi?" Data asked.
"Something's blocking your aura. I can see it through my VISOR, you're not glowing on your cheeks. Did you put something on your face?"
"Well, I-" Data began, but didn't get to finish again. Geordi brought his hand up to brush Data's cheek, checking to confirm his suspicions. This cut off Data's vocal function entirely as something, definitely not a feeling, but something spread through him at Geordi's intimate touch. He didn't need air but somehow forgot to breathe.
Geordi took his hand away from Data's face and brushed his fingers together.
"This is powder, Data. What did you do?"
Data turned away sheepishly. "I... I attempted to recreate a human function known as blushing. I heard from Doctor Crusher that it is very common to experience when talking to someone whom... you..."
Luckily Geordi cut him off with his signature chuckle as Data mentioned blushing.
"Data... you don't have to do that," Geordi said.
"I figured it would help me appear more human," said Data simply.
"No, no, I mean, you don't have to put powder on your face. You have biomechanical irrigation fluids ticking around your body with your pulse function already. We can design a function for you for that!" Geordi began getting excited, but suddenly reigned himself in. "I mean, if that's what you want to do," he said.
If Data could brighten, he did. "Of course it is, Geordi, if it can be done!"
Many hours later, in Engineering, they had perfected it. Geordi clicked the chip with the function on it into Data's head and gently closed him up. Data felt something happening very quickly.
"I designed it to work when your pulse picks up due to an overload of positive or negative sensory input," said Geordi. He smoothed Data's hair down as he finished connecting his head back together. Instantly something started whirring. He could feel his face heating up. It was surreal. The thought of what had caused it made his pulse quicken more which of course brought more fluid to his face.
"I believe... it might not be functioning properly," he said, fully aware now of the untruthfulness of his words.
A slow, sly smile grew across Geordi's face.
"Oh yeah?" he said. He knew Data. Knew what went on inside his heart and his head, no matter how much Data tried to deny it. And he knew when Data was lying. "Are you sure about that?" he asked.
Data still sat in his maintinence chair in engineering. Geordi spun around from his position behind it to face Data head on, bending down to meet his eyes.
"Looks like it's working just fine to me," Geordi continued slowly. Data knew that under his visor Geordi was inspecting the yellow blush continuing to spread over Data's face. Data kept repeating to himself in his head that he didn't have feelings, but how could he explain what was happening to him in that moment.
"I..." Data began, his sensory processing chip being flooded with information it couldn't quite comprehend. Geordi leaned closer. Data's breathing function shut off for the second time that day. Suddenly Geordi gave him a quick kiss, right on the cheek, right on the blush they had worked so hard to give to Data.
"Yellow looks good on you," Geordi said as he pulled away. "Really lights up your aura." Data's mouth hung open as Geordi walked away, for once at a complete loss for words.
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kamenrideryeets · 1 year
A Sonic Boom version of Starline would be the one character in the entire Boom universe with absolutely ZERO medium awareness. He has NO clue regarding the state of everyone else's life and is convinced that he can utterly break everything to rule the island because everyone is incompetent and actively preventing a future. 
He is literally the ONLY one who cannot process the idea that he is actually a character in an episodic, comedic Saturday morning cartoon. Even though Eggman, Sonic and Sticks have all already tried to explain it to him multiple times.
Even Boom! Surge and Kit are aware they’re in a show. They figured it out without the heroes’ “help.”
“Yeah, we know our actions don't affect anything in the end, but this is still our only coping mechanism.”
Starline is convinced the tone of the show dramatically shifts every time he shows up, but in reality it gets sillier if anything because Eggman now has a salty ex-husband with two whiny evil illegitimate kids who will backstab their dad at any given opportunity.
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frxntlines · 9 months
open to: anyone 25+ ( f for romance ) verse: main - body-guard plot & connection: * client - what ever comes to mind!! * made with beta, pls don't like my starters. you will be blocked.
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" maybe listen to me next time? " the words falling from him in a gruff tone as he took a scan at his red stained knuckles. a pulse followed by a hint of pain had spread through out his hand, " i think he got me on my shoulder. " disregarding his swollen fist, topher went to turn his head in the direction of the medium size gash that was torn through his jacket. green hues filled with disappointment in the damage of his jacket before taking it off his shoulders. " i loved this jacket. . ." he mumbled. " i'm not blamin' you, but when i tell you something, you have to listen. " this time his words were a bent more gentle, his hand going to touch the gash that made it's way to his skin causing him to hiss. " do you have a first aid kit around here? "
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Finished Object: Cailleach Shawl
October 31, 2019
Happy Halloween! Just in time for the spooky season, a project that has engaged most of the household for the entire summer is finished – the Cailleach Shawl. This stunning, witchy, wooly garment is knit in Cozy Hearth Yarn Works hand-dyed Rustic Worsted yarn (Dubh as the primary colorway, with a one-of-a-kind skein providing the accent edging). I dyed up the yarn early in my development work for our Dathanna series, my wife Kai and I worked on the pattern design together, and she knit the entire finished object! While Kai primarily works with Cozy Hearth Yarn Works as a fan, supporter, and frequent knitwear model, she has been working on improving her own knitting skills, and this shawl shows that improvement magnificently. Rather than blather on forever, though, I’m going to let her introduce her own work.
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Kai showing off the wild chaos lace edging of the Cailleach shawl.
I knew that I wanted something that was a little more witchy feeling for my wardrobe, and I also wanted a BIG warm shawl. We’d recently attended an online conference about (among other things) the Cailleach, and that gave me enough background on her lore to confirm that she would be an appropriate association to call on with the creation of the shawl.
She is a figure in Irish and also Scottish folklore and mythology. As far as we can tell, she’s a preChristian goddess that in Irish folklore is associated with the building of great stoneworks, and also in more recent folklore has heavy associations with cunning women, shapeshifting, and general witchery.
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Shawl wrapped traditionally around her shoulders and fastened with a pin, Kai leans back against a tree.
I think honestly the thing that I had the most consistent trouble with is keeping count of where I was as the rows got long. This project had the longest rows I’ve ever worked on, and I was, um, not as diligent at keeping track in some places as I should have been.
That chaos lace is possibly the most fun technique I’ve ever discovered! Also: counting is important. I found that I really also enjoyed the fade technique that I used to transition from the Dubh colorway to the edging colorway, and that’s making me think I’ll have fun with similar color-changing effects in the future.
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Enjoying the seasonal foliage / Wrapped up close for warmth / Securing with a pin
I almost feel guilty calling it design work because it’s composed of very simple patterns with a crazy tail added on, but yeah- I can’t give instructions for identical chaos lace to mine, but if people are interested I can write out a simple sketch! (Kit note – I’m interested in knitting up my own copy of the shawl, so I’m also invested in a written pattern existing.)
Yeah! It wasn’t a difficult yarn to manage, so it feels like it’s fairly strong without being scratchy or unpleasant to touch. It’s a good, medium, balanced yarn. One of the things I enjoyed about the dye work itself was the way that it very subtly moved from a deep, purpley tone to having hints of blue and brown and green, so in different lights the shawl has a range of colors like what you’d find in, say, a blackbird feather.
Having a big warm shawl to wear that’s exactly what I’d been picturing.
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Wherever I want! I figure I’ll mostly wear it as an outer layer on colder days, as it’s pretty heavy for milder weather. (Kit note – she’s literally been wearing it everywhere. A shawl this fabulous makes its own space, and Kai has never been shy about her wardrobe.)
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Kai likes to have fun during shoots / She also just really, really loves this shawl
Right now, I’m working on trying to level up my basic knitting skills before I try to do anything more ambitious. I’m going back to the Simple Collection by Tin Can Knits and working on the Oats Cowl.
And that’s all from Kai! I am also very in love with this project, and, as mentioned, I’ll be working with her on making the pattern more accessible. For now, though, it’s time to go enjoy the spookiest of eves. Stay warm, friends!
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