peerlesshamster · 3 months
Okay hear me out.
Red Hood, Gotham's favorite crime lord, being called son by Brucie Wayne who is (for the first time by mistake) incredibly high and walking around Gotham like he doesn't know he's a high risk kidnappee.
The street might seem empty but Red Hood knows there's multiples eyes watching from the shadows, windows and any single space that can fit a person, he knows his Gotham well. And he knows it'd be impossible to silence so many witnesses of Gotham's Prince calling him his baby and whining "my jaylad please come home".
Of course next day social media is exploding with pictures of Red Hood carrying a happy looking Bruce Wayne on his shoulder to his bike, even a sequence of pictures before that showing how he went from looking pathetic and on the verge of tears to look like all his wishes were fulfilled next to a resigned looking criminal. #RedHoodIsJasonTodd? tag is trending on twitter #WayneIsBatmansEx alongside.
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The really insidious part of fatphobia, especially in medical settings, is that any and all weight loss is seen as a good thing when you're fat
For example. Today I noticed that I must've lost quite a bit of weight (a jacket I could barely zip up a few months ago now fits with room to spare), and I have no clue why. I eat. Eat a lot, actually, and a lot of snacks and sweets. I don't work out much, not nearly enough to explain anything
But if I were to go to a doctor, I'm 99% sure they'd just tell me it's good I'm losing weight and dismiss me
Unintentional weight loss is a symptom of a lot of conditions, but fat people regularly get dismissed
By the way, this is where the persistent myth of "being fat leads to health problems" comes from. Because it's true, but not in the way people are taught
Being fat leads to health issues, because the health issues of fat people get dismissed and ignored until it's too late
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catgirljaneway · 15 days
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Voy + Textposts 16
(Voy + Textposts 15) + (Voy + Textposts 17)
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ayphyx · 7 months
Why is it that whenever someone talks about media literacy they only talk about things like rape, incest, pedophilia, and murder but never misogyny, racism, fatphobia, or ableism
Like it’s always about “problematic ships” and “evil characters” but never about how the treatment of woc in media influences how woc are treated in society and vice versa. How female characters are almost always the ones being singled out as “annoying” compared to male characters. Or how, yeah, there might be an in-story reason to why this lazy, depressed character is fat but societal views on fat people being lazy, depressed, unhygienic, etc., most definitely influenced the writer’s choice to make that lazy character fat.
I find that a lot of the “media literacy” arguments that pertain to subjects of sexual abuse and violence don’t really apply to other subjects in a way that isn’t wildly or even somewhat bigoted. Ofc there’s not gonna be a catch-all argument for how every theme should be treated in media but the arguments should at least be somewhat consistent.
I rarely ever see anyone talk about media literacy in a way that doesn’t boil down to “ok but liking evil/bad/taboo characters/themes/stories don’t make you a bad person and authors can write things they don’t agree about.” This statement isn’t wrong and i agree with it but it shouldn’t be your only knowledge on what media literacy is.
Sometimes, a story that has a rape scene in it depicts rape poorly. Whether its because rape was written in a fetishistic light or because the victims weren’t treated with the respect that they deserve, you need to be able to know how and why that scene is (cant think of a better word rn but I’ll probably change it later cause i don’t really like using this word) problematic. The fact that the story depicts rape isn’t the problem, it’s how they chose to depict it. And yes, how this story depicts rape can absolutely affect how a person views rape victims irl.
Sometimes, an author includes racist views into their work. Sure, depiction isn’t endorsement but when an author writes primarily about white characters, and has the first character of color in their book be executed as that character’s introduction, don’t be surprised when that author turns out to be a racist.
Yes, fiction isn’t one-to-one with reality but they both influence each other in a way that cannot be escaped. You will never find a piece of media that isn’t influenced by reality and you will never find a person whose views havent been influenced by a piece of media.
(Also, there is a tendency that i see in a lot of fandom “media literacy” people. And that is the tendency to use leftist, anti-racist phrases and terminology to refer to fandom discourse. “Kill the cop inside your head” refers to killing that part of your brain that has been drilled by society to view black, brown, and poor people as threats. It does not refer to people who don’t like your 20k incest fanfiction and are kinda mean about it. Stop fucking fandomizing anti-racist rhetoric. You just look fucking racist)
Sorry if this is kinda incoherent, I’m mostly just rambling.
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orions-hound · 13 days
we need to run ask and rp blogs and send people random fandom questions. we have to draw our fave characters holding hands with us or each other. we need to excitedly freak out in the replies and tags of someones fanart and fanfic. we need to reblog a post 10 times just because we really like it and share fandom content we love with the world. we have GOT to keep fandom a community and not let tumblr just be twitter 2
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
🍾🍾PAC: Where Will You Meet Your Future Husband? 🍾🍾🍾❤️
Disclaimer: 18+ mature and minors as well. But this is a general reading. This is my last reading for now. I hope you guys enjoy it. I'll be back very soon. But this is my last reading for now. These are only three piles. Take what resonates and what doesn't. Use your intuition. Feel the pictures. I'll be putting the pictures on the bottom of each pile.
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Pile 1: You might be meeting your husband where you are in the bathroom. Not naked I don't sense that. But maybe, when you are coming out of the shower they are just waiting for you in the living room. I believe that for some of you. Few of you, I sense that you were just coming back from the beauty salon. You see your husband just sitting there in the living room. I had a vision, you just walk into your house or apartment or condo and you see some guy just sitting there with their head down, and you are all shocked as hell. What the fuck is this guy sitting on my couch and how did they get in my house. I think one of your friends might know them or your roommate might introduce you to your husband. You all like the fuck! Weird. But the second you look at them, you are so stunned by their beauty. I can tell your husband looks fucking beautiful. Or should I say? FUCKING FINE! Woo 😯 your husband is drop-dead gorgeous. Damn! They are fine. Anyways, they stood up and they just froze because they were just shocked to see you too. I can tell that you two aren't going to talk for a second because you both will look into each other eyes for a minute. I can see someone or your roommate, snapping their fingers in your face or waving their hand in your face 😂 “Hello, girl are you there?” I sense your husband is tall but not like giant tall but tall. I can see that it might be morning time you'll meet them. Around 11:00 am or 11:30 a.m. That's what time I feel like. But you are stunned by your husband. I heard you say “Wow.” haha 😂 the second you looked at them you are crushing on them. I keep seeing that vision in my head. I can see it clear as day. You'll be stunned by them. They look fuccin good. For some of you, I have a sense that you'll be meeting them while you are in the bathroom naked. They aren't doing it on purpose maybe, they had to use the bathroom and they didn't know that you were in there. I see them coming in the bathroom and you scream 🙀 and they shut the door fast. But they are thinking about you, especially when they see you. Lol 😆 wow 😮 these are pictures that came out for you. Use your intuition and tell me what do you think of it?
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Pile 2: Okay, Pile 2. It seems that you might meet your husband where are in a dark place or should I say? Getting out of a dark place. I think once you delve deeper into yourself. You start to realize a lot of your reflections on life and you start finding your peace. What doesn't serve you no longer? I heard “cutting off.” Maybe, you are cutting people, friends, families, old crushes, jobs, etc. Whatever that is you are finally deciding for yourself to find your peace. For some of you, again! You might meet your husband in a living room. Okay, I am kinda seeing the same vision I had just seen in pile 1. But okay, maybe, it will be a family gathering. Like a party. I see this big ass party now. It was at night and you know you dressed all fancy looking and maybe, you got a higher promotion at your job or you just brought your family together. I am seeing everyone wear all gold. Not your husband though! They are wearing a suit but it is a black and white suit. But man! They look good too. You drift yourself away from the party and so you see this guy just sitting there by their self and you know just on their phone. You walk up to them with your champagne glass🍾 in your hand and ask them “Hey, you okay?” I am picking up a vibe from them it seems like they didn't want to be bothered at first. But once they pick their head up at you. I do them turning there phone over and just looking at you. I see you asking them “May I sit.?” they all say “Of course,” clearing their throat. Haha, “Wow, this is a nice party.” “Yeah, it's a family tradition way.” you two will make conversation. All night just talking. You see that they are making you laugh all night. I see them having shades on. I don't think your husband likes to show their eyes like that. But man, they look handsome with their suit on. I don’t know who invited them. Maybe, one of your family members knows your husband. Huh? Okay, for a Few Of You, I see that you will be going to an amusement park. I see that you taking your nieces or nephews to the park or your child. But wow 😮 I can see it happening. Your husband is by those water guns. I forgot what you call those games but you win a teddy bear or some shit like that. If y'all know it then cool! But anyway, I have a sense that your husband will catch you first. Like a glimpse of you. When you are walking around with your nephew. I can see your husband just looking at you. They can't take their eyes off you. Maybe, your husband is a daughter. Like a child. Haha 😂 oh my goodness, I can see their daughter tapping them like “Daddy, Daddy.” wow haha, it is like their soul left their body just when they glimpse at you. Oh my goodness, I think they were trying to find you all day. Until they saw you sitting down eating. They just walk up to you. Wow, they are brave as fuck! Good for them. Lol anyways, this is the picture. Tell me what you think Pile 2 😘😘😂
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Pile 3: wow, pile 3 seems a bit more interesting. Okay, you might meet your husband at the gym some of you. Where you are working out. Riding those bicycles they sat next to you. Oh! You might be creeped off by them. Because they just staring at you. Haha, I see you saying “Can I help you?” aww, they just put their head down. You might feel bad for a second because you know that was rude. I don't think they can help it because they just stare at people. Just for no reason. Your husband is the type to keep themselves. They don't socialize as much. So anyway, you'll feel bad and apologize to them “I am sorry, I just felt creepy.” “It is okay, my bad. It just happens and I couldn't help myself by looking at you. You are so beautiful.” I can see you blush ☺️ like Omg. You might invite them out for coffee. Or brunch. For a few of you, I am seeing two visions where you might meet your husband. At a factory or the zoo. So I think you might go to the zoo and see them there with their friends or like other relatives. You'll be looking at the giraffe 🦒 and I had a vision, you were looking at the giraffe, and then all of sudden you just got caught up in their conversation. You started looking at your husband because of their laugh. Maybe, they have a geeky kind of laugh. I heard “loud.” your husband's laugh is fuccin loud. You started laughing and then, they stared at you and I just saw you turn around so fast. Aww, I think you might get embarrassed 😊. But I see them smiling. I see them walking up to you but they were chasing after you, just to catch up with you. “Excuse Me, Miss.” Wow, they seem such polite. You two just look at each other. But I feel that your husband will initiate the conversation first. “HI, .… I just saw you and I couldn't help myself by coming over to you.” aww, I just saw that in my vision just now.” then I saw you guys talking all day until nighttime. Damn! Your husband just completely ignores their relative they just left them. I didn't their relatives being like a child I saw them as an adult. But the point is they just talking to you. The next day, you showed up where they work at. You didn't know your husband was working at a factory but you just showed up. I can see one of their co-workers pointing you out and they just looked up and saw you. They just completely stop their work to just talk to you. Aww, isn't that so beautiful? They might be a little dirty like their hands 🙌🏽. Or they might work at a toy factory. So either way they are working. Here's your picture that came out for this Pile 3. Tell me what you think of it. Trust your intuition. Take what resonates and what doesn't.
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This is my last reading for now. I'll be taking a break from Tumblr. Sorry 💔 boo’s don't worry! I'll be back. Anyways. Enjoy your reading. Reblog this post and like it!!!! If you want a paid reading you'll know where to find me.
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autisticgayplushie · 2 years
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some of the puppies have already made their way home so I wanted to share a quick graphic of how to re-shape your plushie - going through the mail can leave plushies a little scruffy, crumpled, or misshapen, so they might need a little help getting back to their full glory! the longer they’re out of the package the better they’ll look too :D
[id for the text on the image: shake your puppy back and forth and up and down to quickly restore them to their original shape! You can also squeeze and fluff with your hands to get them looking how you'd like.
if the puppy's fur is covering their eyes, rubbing over them in circles will help them be more visible. you can do this for other embroidered bits like the nose or toebeans as well :3]
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unremarkablehouse · 2 months
Does anyone else ever read a fic that’s so great that it renders them inarticulate in the comments so you just write something generic or use emojis? My other mode is I’ll write long thoughtful paragraphs about the way the writing has moved me or specific aspects of the fic that I loved. There doesn’t seem to be an in between for me, but I’m so grateful to the amazing fic writers who simultaneously inspire me to write and help procrastinate from doing so.
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gerardpilled · 10 months
Frank Iero went from mcrtwt’s favorite white boy to most clowned on
Personally I went through an era when I was 18-20 years old right after my initial mcr phase where I too would get extremely upset and offended by anything the mcr guys did slightly wrong and I think that’s what a lot of people are experiencing now. Obviously the things people are upset about are justified things and I will never tell someone they shouldn’t be upset over comments they take offense to, but from my own experience a lot of that anger was rooted in feeling betrayed and embarrassed that a guy you spent so much time on the past few years is not acting right. To me a lot of it is just acknowledging that these band guys are just normal guys (some way worse than others and you can personally figure out where you draw that line) who say and do things your imperfect uncles or older brothers would say and do. I think if mcr does something again a lot of people are going to put aside a lot of these issues with frank they are currently so hard-lined on. Me personally, I think the best way to act is somewhere in the middle between condemnation and complete idolization
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cornchrunchie · 1 year
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Ich lese gerade – aus einem rein wissenschaftlichen Interesse, versteht sich – ein Buch zum Tatort und heule fast vor Lachen
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audipiu · 2 years
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I want to redo this from scratch so I'm treating this more as a concept, but I liked the expressions so I guess I'm posting!
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where-is-ezra · 2 years
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i fucking hate it here
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newtonsheffield · 2 months
My tennis shoes have a hole in them after 10 wears and I’m flipping annoyed
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aleskael · 2 months
I want to be more active on tumblr but idk if I should post personal stuff on here or just make a side blog :(
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codeandcanvas · 7 days
Recapitulating the week.
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Added more pages to my website and worked on the layout some more: now there is a now page, about what I am doing, like Scott Boms put it on his own now page, now‑ish, a page about which tools I use to stay informed and mostly secured, and I have added a page linking to my friends.
That last part is sort of important, because of how important my connections are to me. Currently, most of the people on that page are from my graphic design study, but this will expand, with time, of that I am equal parts hopeful and certain.
I am also currently excavating the milieu around the book Creative Code by Maeda, with my eye already on Design by Numbers as well.
Autumn is here, with the Spätsommer’s last rays of a kinder sun, and as the outside air wafts in through heavy green curtains, I briefly understand that all things change, before I type on.
I wanted to write something about how it has been a long time since I have worked on my foundations for drawing, painting, and illustration, but I won’t.
I am moving on from judging, instead. I have been judging all kinds of things in all kinds of manners, and I am frankly just plain bored by it.
Have been playing Cyberpunk 2077 a lot, and I plan to play a lot more of it in the upcoming days.
I even bought two books about Cyberpunk: the artbook, and the pen and paper RPG called Cyberpunk RED.
I love Cyberpunk. The games. The genre lit I mostly avoid.
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yay-depression · 1 year
hello! quick reminder that as all the media surrounding demi lovato’s interview where they said they were “tired” of using they/them pronouns show misleading headlines about how demi was “exhausted from using they/them” what actually happened is that demi lovato said it was exhausting having to constantly explain themselves and constantly educate people on they/them pronouns.
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