#mech!jazz Au
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randycider · 3 months ago
someone said mech pilot jazz au playlist so here’s my take (and the YouTube link)
I prioritized music that I think people might have not heard before, because I love exploring new music from fandom playlists so I hope this can offer a similar experience :] (AU by Keferon here on tumblr!)
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The loose order I did was:
Hold It Down -> daphne did it : Jazz to mech!Jazz to JazzProwl
The Perfect Girl -> Thank God I’m Not You : Shockwave, Swerve, and Blurr vibes (kinda separate, kinda together)
Factories -> Far Beyond : Texaid vibes
But ofc feel free to interpret however, I just love music!
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keferon · 26 days ago
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Some Mimic!Jazz lore ehehehjgmgnb aka “Why tf doesn’t he talk to Prowl?”
Upd: Just so we’re clear - the winged fucker with the golden voice is Sentinel:)
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pixel-transformers · 3 months ago
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This took way too long to finish, but I have the bad habit of not being able to post something without it being colored and it took me almost a full 72 hours to finish Jazz alone so….
close up of jazz under the cut⬇️
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clownswamp6 · 3 months ago
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(Au belongs to @keferon !) they won't leave my brain oh my goddd
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theinkwaygame · 4 months ago
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Worked on this when I should have been sleeping but I was inspired by @keferon ‘s mech pilot Jazz AU and wanted to give Jazz his pool time
Another doodle under the cut
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prowling-muffin · 26 days ago
keferons mimics au has me in a chokehold…..
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(close ups ;) )
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sirassban · 2 months ago
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I Drew Mech pilot AU jazz & prowl (I love them so much it hurts) by @keferon  (this is definitely ooc but 🤷‍♀️)
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am-1-ty · 4 months ago
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@keferon’s AU’s have my jazz/prowl hyperfixation in a headlock.
They’re literally so cute I can’t even-
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smokescreenimusprime · 3 months ago
not my usual but it was too perfect to pass up and the idea was NOT leaving my head. Decided to write a snippet for @keferon's IMMACULATE Mecha Pilot Jazz AU, though apologies if the charactization is a lil funky, this is my first time writing either of these characters and double apologies for the undoubted slew of grammar and spelling errors
but that aside, I hope you enjoy :)
Is It Self Sacrifice If It's Not Really You?
Despite the cacophany of the battlefield, Prowl's scream cut through it with with the ease of a freshly sharped blade through flesh and found it's home nestled into Jazz's ears.
He barely had a second to look up, hardly more than a glance, but it was all he needed to make out familiar white and black.
A Quintesson, one of the smaller but more freaky looking ones, was looming over his collapsed frame. He was pinned, his back to solid rocky walls and the Quint at his front, jamming it's tentacles into every crack of his armour they could.
He was putting up one hell of a fight, but something was wrong.
"PROWL!" he shouted, shifting his weight in preperation to bolt. "HOLD ON, I'M COMMIN-"
But the screech of the Quintesson he was currently grappling with forcefully stole his attention back, barely any warning given before it's gaping maw latched onto his mech's forearm.
It pulled, joints and plates creaking with the strain but still holding strong. It shook it's head and Jazz brought a hand up to brace against the outside of the monster, if only to stop the arm from being completely ripped out of the socket. He landed a few solid kick as it lifted him off the ground, but it's movements were still largey effortless, like his frame weighed as much as a tin can.
Prowl screamed again. This time it was louder.
Against all common (sane) sense, Jazz looked away from his enemy and toward Prowl
Some of his external plating was damaged, gouges in messy circle patterns with rivulets of blue energon sluggishly bleeding out. He seemed to be smoking too, thin curls of smoke wafting off his cables. His eyes were flickering wildly, something Jazz had grown to associate with too much damage and too little power.
All of the damage paled in comparison to where Jazz's focus was.
Now, Jazz didn't know how these guys had their mechs built, but they could hold up to some serious punishment. Their engineers seemed to keep an even more meticulous eye on any damage, and Prowler and the other's all had frames clealy meant to last.
But they were all still vulnerable at their cores.
And the Quintesson's tentacles, sparking with a terrifying yellow and red electricity, were pulling and prying right at the plating above that core.
It was starting to show some give too, a testimate to the true strength of the offending monster. Chest plating, no matter the make, didn't come off easily, intent to protect the most vulnerable parts of a pilot.
The electricity was already frying his frame, if it got a straight shot of that to his chest-
Jazz needed to do something.
Jazz needed to do something.
But what, what could he do, whatever it was it needed to be quick, he didn't have time to finish off this Quintesson, there wasn't time for finesse, he just needed to go to help to F I G H T -
Jazz readjusted the braced positioning of his legs, thanking for what was probably the thousandth time the engineers who'd made the adjustment to give him more flexibility and agility, and brought his free arm high above his head.
And brought it down.
His trapped arm creaked, the plating denting and squealing as the metal controted, sparks going flying and red error messages flashing in his vision.
He did it again.
And again.
And again.
He made sure to keep his blows aimed at preciscely where he knew it was weakest and made sure to push with his legs as hard as he could, swaying side to side and focing the joint to bend in ways it had never been meant to. His movements became a dance to the orchestra of cables snapping and metal ripping and electricity cracking and his arm b r e a k i n g , the dance growing faster and more determined the louder the music played.
It felt like eternity, and the phantom sensation was disorienting. There was no pain, only uncomfortable pressure that built up and up and up, perfectly in time with the warning messages he forcefully dismissed. It was far from pleasant, but it was nothing compared to the cold burning terrified angry fight flight save him running full blast in his brain.
And with one final crack akin to lightning, he was free.
It was the furthest thing from a clean break, and to his mild surprise it didn't break at the elbow but rather a bit above it. In the second of freefall he had, he couldn't help but admire the shredded stump and mourn how he knew Ratchet was going to have his head for all the extra work.
He hit the ground in a roll and popped up running, stumbling and nearly falling face first into alien dirt at the sudden uneven weight distribution but he simply let his partial fall carry him forward until he was sprinting full speed.
With his remaining hand he grabbed the Quintesson and pulled, not letting go until it wasn't tearing into Prowl's front and instead embedded several feet in the ground. He dashed, not giving it even a moment, standing tall in front of Prowl.
The Quint got back up, enraged screeches and chitters coming out of it's mouth.
"Back off," Jazz growled back.
The Quintesson attacked, and everything became the hyperaware blur combat always became.
Dodge, dodge, punch, dodge, kick, kick, punch, dodge, jump, kick jump-
One of it's tentacles latched right onto the open stump and set a wave of electricity in.
His mech's vision went bright white, sparks exploding out even inside his cockpit and the smell of burning metal filling his nose. All the protective insulation was made useless from the direct route into the mech's systems.
Jazz jerked his arm stump back and headbutted it.
He got a tentacle to the face for his troubles, grabbers squeezing and cracking the visor. He planted his feet, one on solid ground the other on the slack of the tentacle, and pulled as hard as he could.
A decent chunk of the face came left it, not deep enough to affect any systems or his vision anymore than it was already damaged, but enough that it certainly wasn't pretty.
He kept more distance after that. Wouldn't do any good for him or Prowler if he got fried too. But the Quintesson was desperate, like a cornered animal, grabbing and clawing at anything it could gets it's tentacles on. The same gouges Prowl had began to litter his own armour as it kept making grabs, and the beastie even managing to get a few more much briefer electrical surges in.
It was obvious only one of them was going to walk away from this fight, and Jazz was not going to let it be the Quint. Prowl would kill him if he did
Finally he managed to get in a lucky shot, albeit at the cost of his feet. The Quintesson tried to get in a bite like it friend had, only to be met with the full force of Jazz's feet pressing them apart.
The teeth and other horrors might've torn through his feet but dammit if it wasn't satisfying to hear the crack as its jaw snapped and the body went limp.
The battle was still going on around them, but it was starting to wind down. A trio of bots had even started attacking the one Jazz had left behind.
The immediate area was clear, and there were more than enough bots he could shout out to for backup if he needed it.
"Prowler, you okay?" he said, though he noticed his voice had a bit of static lacing it. Maybe getting his face ripped off did more damage than he thought, or it could be lingering damage from the electricity. "Sorry it took me so long to come getcha, talk, dark and bitey kept me a bit occupied."
He wiggled his stump with a chuckle, leaning in closer. Kneeling down was difficult with the leaking hydraulic fluid and Quintesson salivia making it hard to get a solid grip, but with the current state of his visor he didn't want to risk missing anything on Prowl. To his relief, despite the extensive denting and electrical burns, Prowl's chest was thankfully uncompromised. Hopefully his mech was insulated
The electricity seemed to have done a number on his connection to the head though, the eyes were still glitching wildly and his normally expressive face seemed stuck.
"J-Jazz..." Prowl stuttered, and Jazz found himself frowning. Maybe Prowl got a bit more banged up on the inside than he thought. "You- your-"
His eyes were flickering wildly about Jazz's mech, and he could practically hear his friend's battle computer crunching away.
"Ah, don't worry bout that," he rapping his mech's chest with a fist. "This old frame's gone through worse. Nothing delicate got smashed, and I've barely got a scratch on me. Ratchet'll have me right as rain before you know it, so don't worry your pretty little head one bit."
"Speaking of, I'm gonna go find 'im," he stood back up, looking around the battlefield. "The fight's pretty much over, and I'm not sure if it's a great idea for you to be moving after all that zappy nonsense. Just sit tight and-"
Jazz startled a bit at the sudden shout, looking back down at Prowl. The other man's mech suddenly lunged up, sitting straight and looking at him with wide eyes.
"Prowler? Is somethin wrong?"
"I will contact Ratchet," he says in a rush. "A comm message will be more efficient than searching on foot, not to mention I'll be able to tell him what to prepare for,"
Jazz raised a brow.
"Go right ahead, Prowl," he chirped despite his suspicion. He was fairly certain Prowl was hiding something from him, but prying would just make him clamp down tighter.
Prowl didn't seem like the sort to hide things from medics but...
He sat his mech down and leaned back against the wall. "You don't mind if I wait with ya, do you?"
Just to be safe.
Despite his initial assumptions, Prowl actually seemed to relax at his suggestion.
"Not at all."
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glitchgh0sty · 4 months ago
*slams wip down on table*
*refuses to elaborate*
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Yall, this au,, this one right here, 🤖 •o•⁉️,, no words needed, just 😭🤲✨ [perfection <33]
[Mecha pilot jazz au, by Keferon]
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reader-from-nowhere · 4 months ago
Art jumpscare!!!
Yeahhh I draw too, just recently got an ipad and is still getting used to it tho so I doodled a bunch of mech Jazz au by @keferon :D
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echo-circuit · 2 months ago
Texaid from @keferons Mecha pilot AU has me by the throat and with a weapon to my head so I wrote 1.5k words instead of getting ready for bed.
Kinda saucy, just fyi but here's a snippet! It'll be up on AO3 soon!
"Don’t start,” Felix warned, pulling the blanket over his lap as he navigated the tablet.
“Oh, I’ll start, aiddy baby,” Vortex teased, his voice wrapping around Felix like a tangible thing. “You’re sitting in my chair, in my cockpit, wrapped up like a gift just for me. You think I’m gonna let you off easy?
Edited to add link
Link to full story 👇
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keferon · 26 days ago
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And there was only one bed And they were both investigating the same case..
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dubia-015 · 2 months ago
Inspired by this post , audio is from here, and opening music is from this ! This idea popped into my head and I had to make it asap
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cosmique-oddity · 2 months ago
Arcturus One : Designs
This extremely INCREDIBLE FIC can be found here
AU belong to @keferon
Additional characters ideas and Fanfic (Masterpiece) plus all of it additional lore were made up by @typewritingyip
I wanted to bring something to this incredible piece of work, and I write really bad, so I thought I might draw the pilot gang of Arcturus I,
So anyway, have these references sheet made with all of my love (never drew mecha that weren’t TF coded before that LMAO hyper faction does that to a MF)
Sheets based of Keferon’s one, must keep it professional/j
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Have another drawing of the gang without helms !
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Short King Hound live in my mind !
(He is actually not that small, the others are just giant !)
Thank you again for this inspirying work, yip !
Cosmos ✌️
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catcake24 · 4 months ago
Universal Misunderstandings
Summary: Based on @keferon's Mech Pilot Jazz AU. Jazz is a Mech Pilot who gets lost in space.
I wrote this in like... an hour, so I'm sorry if it isn't very good. I just needed to get it out, even if it's a little clunky. (Also I don't write Jazz and Prowl often, so they might be a bit ooc)
If you had asked Jazz what was the craziest thing he ever saw, he would say the moment the giant ships entered earth’s atmosphere for the first alien invasion. Or maybe when he joined the mecha program to fight those aliens, and saw the mecha suits they would be piloting for the first time.
He wasn’t sure if meeting a race of giant robots was any crazier than that, but it was at least top three now.
Being a mecha pilot was surprisingly routine in some ways, similar to the times he was a NASCAR driver in some strange ways. How he would check his machine before every mission, how he piloted it like it was an extension of him, and how painfully aware he was of the danger all around him.
Only now, instead of being at risk of crashing into another driver or spinning off the track, he was at risk of being killed by giant aliens with five faces and so many tentacles.
No one was even sure why the aliens attacked in the first place, only that they desired some sort of potent energy source that was only discovered after they drove the aliens from one of their mines on Earth - and what was found in them revolutionized their technology forever.
They called them Lightning Crystals, based on the blue glow and the little shocks they delivered. The crystals were rare, but extremely potent in energy unparalleled by anything on earth.
Exactly what they needed. Oh, sure for solving global warming and creating efficient technology of course. But they also were the missing element in the new M.E.C.H. program – giant robots which could be controlled by a single person, able to pack as much punch as the aliens. With the Lightning Crystals, they could power these giant machines and finally drive them from their planet.
Jazz was one of the top pilots, though his Mech Suit was focused on rescuing people from peril and buying time as they evacuated a city that would be attacked. It was almost once a month, or several times if they were unlucky – the aliens would land, attempt to get a foothold on their planet, but were driven off by the Mecha. Only to appear again the next time.
And so, the routine was set. Go out, punch some aliens, retreat and recover, and start all over again later. It wasn’t glamourous, but Jazz knew he was doing his part in protecting the planet.
That changed when the Space Program was initialized.
The director of MECH realized they needed some sort of foothold in space, to fight back before they landed on the planet and destroy the ships they had just out of striking range out in the void.
Jazz was selected as one of the first, as his smaller robot would be more ideal for space travel – or so they told him, he wasn’t totally sure if that was bullshit or not anymore.
And so, Jazz found himself being launched into space to fight Aliens. He wasn’t sure when exactly his life turned into an anime, but it definitely felt like one.
During the fight though, something went wrong.
Jazz had been thrown into one of their ships, there was frantic beeping and flashing, and suddenly he felt his whole body feel every sensation at once – and when he got his bearings and noticed the ship was in motion again, he realized, with a sinking terror, that he couldn’t see earth in any direction around him.
His worst fears were only confirmed when he was thrown off the small space shuttle, and couldn’t contact ground support after he crashed onto an unknown planet.
He had to take a few hours to himself, and screamed inside his mech suit’s protective armour. Jazz didn’t know when he passed out from crying, but he felt somewhat refreshed. Not any better, but… not exhausted.
All things considered… he would be alright for a little while. He found more lightning crystals on the planet, and had some rations he could stretch out for awhile. But he wasn’t sure what to do, without any idea where he was or how to contact home.
He set up his homing beacon, and just hoped again all odds that maybe it would be picked up by someone.
Prowl wasn’t a very social cybertronian, everyone knew that about him. He wasn’t anti-social, but he didn’t have an easy time communicating with others.
He would be too blunt, or maybe just not react the right way, and suddenly they were upset for reasons he didn’t immediately recognize. He got better at learning what was and wasn’t acceptable in the broad terms, but he struggled with specifics sometimes.
But Prowl was also brilliant – that wasn’t ego, it was repeated often enough that even he had to accept it. The Tac-Net within his processor was faster than any standard internal strategy computer, but that was only a tool. His processor was able to churn through all the data it gave him, and utilize it to its fullest extent with his own creativity and intelligence.
It made him one of the vital assets to the Autobots, and later to the combined cybertronian armies which fought the Quintessons – a walking battle computer, able to analyze a battle field and begin a counter strategy before the opponent even realized it.
So, his communication issue was merely a minor inconvenience in comparison.
Even still, he didn’t have many friends, and he was used to his own company. Prowl didn’t think on it often, just focusing on his task.
Prowl was alone while crossing a large stretch of uninhabited space, a spiral galaxy system which consisted of planets either barren or void of sentient life, when he received the ping on his console.
Unknown Energy Signature, Distress Beacon Detected. Prowl frowned as he read across his screen, because it didn’t make sense at first. He pulled the ship around for a second look before he lost the signal, and saw it was located on a nearby planet.
His Tac Net spat back possibilities when probed, ranging from “Quintesson Trap” to “New Emerging Sentient Life”, and he deemed the risk low enough to check at least.
Prowl wasn’t a social mech, but he wasn’t as heartless as some soldiers said he was.
Jazz didn’t notice the ship until it was almost right above him, but he was still in his Mech Suit luckily enough. Using the larger bulk of this robotic body, he tried to wave the ship down using his long arms with a burst of frantic energy.
The Mech robot was psychically linked to himself, and so it was easy enough to arrange the machine’s body to look like a crazy person looking to hitchhike on the highway. He didn’t care though, only happy that someone, anyone, had found him.
It definitely wasn’t human, there were basically no ships of this design and even if there were none had launched yet. Another alien race didn’t seem too far off either, whoever they were. But really, they could be made of goo and Jazz would probably hug them in thanks.
He only really started to realize that this might be a bad thing when the ship landed, because that thing had some pretty big guns. Or maybe those weird energy blasters he saw before, and this was one of the aliens trying to colonize his planet.
Still though, he swallowed his fears and put on a brave face – even if no one else saw. He strutted up to the large ship like he owned it, and… waited.
The ship door opened soon enough, lowering down into a ramp, and out stepped… another robot?
Jazz blinked, suddenly very aware of his body inside of the mech suit, when he saw it… or them?
He didn’t know what to think, seeing the human-like face and odd proportions of their body. Was this another mech suit of some sort? Why did it have wheels?
Jazz had to snap out of it, because the robot started talking to him.
“Dobbqfkdp,” they said with a stoic demeanour, “xj F ql xpprjb vlr ibcq qeb afpqobpp pfdkxi? F txpk’q xtxob qebob txp olylqfz ifcb qefp cxo lrq fkql qeb dxixuv.”
Unfortunately, Jazz didn’t understand a word of it. The robot was holding the blaster on their hip, obviously ready to attack if Jazz proved hostile.
Hesitantly, he turned on his communications radio and spoke.
“Umm, sorry my guy, but I don’t know what you’re saying? I’m a bit new around here is all,” he said with a somewhat nervous laugh. He almost wished his own mech had a face, so he could express how he wasn’t hostile.
There was silence for a moment, the wind blowing by around them and picking up a barrage of maroon plantlife that looked like flowerpetals. It was serene to see, but Jazz kept his focus on the robot whose eyes were widening in surprise.
They then cleared their throat, deliberately taking their hand off the gun and offered something. Jazz stepped forwards hesitantly, seeing it was a small chip.
The robot gave a forced smile, obviously trying to not appear threatening but looking awkward instead. “Jv xmlildfbp. Bah-weep-Graaaghnah, weep ni ni bong.”
Somehow, against what was rational, the phrase they said made Jazz relax a little. It was a ridiculous nonsense in English, but somehow it made the offer seem less unknown.
Hesitantly, Jazz accepted the chip and plugged it into his mech. His eyes nearly bugged out when it started interfacing with his systems, almost pulling it out, before seeing what it was doing – it was scanning the coding and language of his mech’s sytems, pulling them out into a strange dictionary. Soon, it was done with a PING, and the chip ejected itself.
Holy shit, he thought, they have a fucking universal translator, like Star Trek!
The robot’s hand was extended again, obviously asking for the chip, and Jazz gingerly placed it back in the robot’s open palm – somehow having five fingers, which somehow was one of the first things Jazz noticed right now.
He was really overwhelmed, okay?!
The robot inserted the chip into the back of their head, and Jazz had a sinking realization.
Maybe he was jumping the gun, but the way the robot’s eyes went dim briefly as it processed the chip, made Jazz think is this an actual sentient robot?!
“Thank you, I suppose this must be very confusing for you,” the robot then said, in perfect English.
“Ugh… kind of?” He said, shrugging slightly which translated to his robot around him. It was a reflex hard to break, even if it was unnecessary for his mech to emote.
“We’ve known about aliens, but this is the first time I’m meeting one that doesn’t want to kill me,” he said, with a slight laugh at himself. “Sorry, this is really weird.”
“Well,” the mech said, giving a soft smile which looked much more genuine, “I’m sure my kind will be eager to welcome another robotic race to the galaxy.”
Jazz’s mind went blank, as he had two sudden realizations.
Holy shit, I was right, this is an actual sentient robot who is actually talking to me, quickly followed by, they think I’m also a robot.
This… might be messy.
Despite this, Jazz just gave a nod, “Well, I’m sure the feeling is mutual!” He said awkwardly.
“Now… can you help me off this planet?”
The robot gave a brisk nod. “Of course, it’s not uncommon for new space faring species to have transwarping incidents like these. Come with me, my people will help you get home.”
Without any better options, Jazz hopped onto the ship. As he went inside, he realized the whole thing was scaled to the giant robot he was with. Scaled to his mech as well, conveniently enough.
“So, could I get your name?” Jazz said, as he finally was getting ahold of his anxiety. At least he wasn’t dead, and he was going home, so suddenly this was feeling a lot less intimidating.
“Of course, I’m Prowl of Praxus. You?”
“Ummm, Jazz. Jazz Wilson,” he said.
“Very well, it’s nice to meet you Jazz Jazz Wilson,” Prowl said, and somehow that phrase, which wasn’t nearly the craziest part of this situation, got a bark of laughter from Jazz.
“Just Jazz is fine. It’s nice to meet you too Prowl.”
He got a nod of acknowledgement, as the ship flared to life and prepared for takeoff.
Jazz might need to sleep for a decade when he gets home.
(Translation for Prowl Earlier: Greetings, am I to assume you left the distress signal? I wasn’t aware there was robotic life this far out into the galaxy.)
I also won't apologize for using the transformers universal greeting :P, I love that thing. Canonically, it's a phrase so ridiculous that anyone who says it must mean no harm - which is why Jazz somewhat relaxes when he hears it despite not knowing what it means.
I hope you liked this short little story (≧∇≦)ノ it's more just exploring the concept than anything.
Also sorry for using the term mech or mecha wrong, I don't watch enough anime ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)
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