#meanwhile his 16-year-old son is 23 I think?
stephantom · 8 months
Just found out that Peter O’Toole was only 5 years older than Anthony Hopkins but played his dad in The Lion In Winter lol.
I watched a free and not-very-crisp-looking stream of The Lion In Winter, so that may have obscured people’s ages a little. Did not realize Katharine Hepburn was 61 in it! I’d figured idk, somewhere in her late 40s or 50s? And I figured Peter O’Toole was playing older than his real age, but I didn’t do the math or wonder about it. The costuming and body language do a lot, like he was effectively giving old-man vibes, but he still looked young enough that every time he mentioned being so old, I was like, “uh huh, sure, you’re like 43, maybe a young-looking 50 AT MOST.” Turns out Henry was in fact supposed to be 50 and his wife 60, so it all checks out, I guess.
But. Peter O’Toole was in reality only 36. That’s my age. Loool
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vynegar · 1 year
marius 3rd birthday card excerpt
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happy birthday marius!!! this excerpt includes the (HEARTBREAKING!!) flashback scene as well as a short scene that continued that storyline of the von Hagen family. i really loved this card and i hope you’ll enjoy this excerpt of it too!
disclaimer: this is a fan translation and i am not fluent in chinese, so keep in mind that there will be mistakes. feel free to let me know if you have questions, concerns, or comments.
do not repost without explicit permission. if you want to quote this or reference parts of the translation, credit and link back to me.
check my masterlist for more translations.
timestamps go along with the card video here. it’s not mine, please support the uploader Hikari Sherry Gaming by liking/commenting/subscribing.
Title: Fireflies and Darkness (萤影同归)
Lately, Marius has been busy at Pax with a project that Giann had been planning before he disappeared. Meanwhile, MC is planning Marius’s birthday celebration and wants to do it the way he would celebrate when he was a child. Marius describes how they would celebrate privately as a family at the von Hagen estate. Also, every year Giann would fill up a room with fireflies, which he said represented their mother celebrating Marius’s birthday. MC suggests they go to von Hagen estate to celebrate his birthday.
At the estate, MC and Marius end up cleaning out a study room. MC finds a box of Marius’s old exams, but among all the scores of 100, a 59 stands out. Giann’s name is signed at the top of the paper [where the parent/guardian is supposed to sign the exam, to show that they’ve seen the score and most likely went over it with their child]. All the answers would be correct though, they’re just off by one question. Marius eventually explains:
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Marius smiled as he took the yellowed midterm exam from my hands. Nostalgically, he traced his finger over the unsightly number.
Marius: Before I talk about this exam, let me first tell you a story about a foolish little brother who protected his older brother in a childish way.
MC: ...
Marius: A long time ago, there was a family of a father and two sons. The matriarch of the family passed away when the younger brother was born. As a result, they were especially loving toward this younger brother who had never had a mother, and always reserved the best things for him.
MC: (This story...)
Marius: When the little brother was seven, the father transferred all of the assets left behind by the mother to the boy’s name. This sparked widespread discussion from the outside world, as they believed the marriage between the boy's parents was a dirty transaction. Otherwise, how could they force the mother to give birth to him while she was severely ill? Everyone could see that the young brother was more similar to his father, in both appearance and personality. For a short time, practically everyone believed that the father would leave the role of heir to the younger brother. Even though the younger brother thought that was ridiculous, the rumors still impacted his older brother.
MC: How could that happen...
Marius gently squeezed my hand in reassurance, indicating that I should continue listening to his story.
Marius: The younger brother noticed how much pressure his older brother was under at that time, how he often had sleepless nights. So the boy wanted to disqualify himself from becoming heir. That way, his older brother would be his father's only option.
He looked up and smiled, as if thinking it were funny, but my heart couldn't help but ache. The younger brother in the story was probably Marius himself. He was only seven years old, yet he had to deal with this kind of situation...
MC: So your silly solution was to get the questions wrong on purpose, to make everyone think you were dumb and unqualified to be his heir?
Marius knew that I guessed who the story was about. He smiled and pinched my cheek, nodding.
Marius: Yeah. But my brother was smart enough to catch on immediately.
MC: What did he do when he realized?
Marius: Well, he was angry of course. When we got home, he furiously dragged me into the study to ask me why.
As Marius recounted the story, it was as if I returned to that past along with him...
... and saw the seventeen-year-old older brother drag his seven-year-old younger brother through the long hallway, slam open the door, and "confront" him in the study. The misunderstood boy was forced in front of the table by his still-adolescent older brother, who was holding the exam paper and questioning him.
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Giann: Marius, why did you answer the questions wrong on purpose?
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Marius: ...
The boy gripped his sleeves and clenched his teeth – silent, as if that could let the incident pass by quietly. In reponse, Giann knelt down so he was eye-level with Marius, then sighed helplessly.
Giann: Marius*, as a child of the von Hagen family, grades have never been the number one priority. But there's a difference between not being gifted at something and getting it wrong on purpose. I know you're smart, and you got all the right answers. Something must have happened to make you do this. Am I right?
Marius: ...
Giann: Tell your big brother why you did this. If you just stay silent, I'll worry.
When Giann was angry, little Marius was able to hold back his tears. But when he was softly comforting him, the boy's tears finally overflowed.
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The tears poured out before Marius might have even realized it. He hurriedly wiped them away, but the more he did that, the more the tears came. In that moment, all the fear and worries that he had been enduring during that time burst out.
Marius: I'm sorry, Giann... *sob*... I'm sorry...
Giann: ...
Marius: I made things so hard for you. It's my fault... that they won't let you be heir. I... I don't want those shares, I just want you and Dad... *sob*...
Marius stuttered out the feelings that he had been holding inside the whole time.
Giann: Marius...
Possibly because he had never seen Marius cry so grievously before, Giann hesitated when he reached out to wipe away Marius's tears... Then, he finally gave an aching sigh. Having grown up in the von Hagen family, he quickly guessed what Marius had experienced. And this was only the beginning. In the future, they would encounter more situations like this, which was burden they had to bear. But as long as their family trusted in each other, no rumor could shake the strength of their relationship.
Giann: Marius, Dad actually asked me for my opinion before giving the Pax shares to you.
Marius: You... already knew?
Giann: Yeah. And I agreed.
Marius: But... why?
Giann: Obviously because... my little brother is the best little brother in the world. And… you've never had Mom to take care of you. The funds used to establish Pax Capital** all came from Mom. So transferring the shares to you was probably Dad's way of making up for Mom not being there to protect you.
Giann thought that his words would make Marius stop crying, but didn't realize that it would make him sob even harder.
Giann: Huh? W-why... why are you crying even harder now...? Marius... Don't cry... Is it because I was mad at you earlier? Hey, I was just pretending, how could I actually be mad at you...
Seeing his brother's self-reproach, Marius shook his head while wiping his tears.
Marius: I've... always felt like I was the one who killed Mom. Because of me, Dad was misunderstood, and you've had such a hard time. It's all my fault... Giann, should I have never been born?
Marius gazed tearfully at his brother as he spoke his greatest fear aloud. His young mind didn't even know what answer he wanted to hear, but his doubts over his life had made him unable to endure it any longer.
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[22:29] Study
Giann pulled Marius into a hug. The boy's small body shook uncontrollably as he sobbed in his brother's arms.
Giann: What kind of a silly idea is that? You have no idea how much Mom was looking forward to you back then. She even made me promise that no matter what happened in the future, I would always protect you, so that you could grow up happy and healthy.
Marius: R-really?
Marius sniffled, like he still had his doubts. After all, the role of "Mom" had always been empty in his life. Giann, understanding how his brother felt, let go of Marius, turned and gripped Marius by the shoulders, then nodded his head seriously.
Giann: Yes, really. Do you remember the fireflies that are there for your birthday every year?
Marius: ...Yeah...
Giann: That was Mom's idea.
Marius: Why?
Giann: She said that if you can see the fireflies, then that was her celebrating your birthday.
Marius: ...
Giann: So Marius , you don't need to blame yourself. You're my precious little brother. No matter what happens, your big brother will do everything he can to protect you. Got it?
Marius: Got it.
[end flashback]
Marius: My brother always kept his promise to our mother to protect me. Even if he was pressured or wronged, he would always prioritize me.
The memory of the exam paper reminded Marius of Giann's disappearance and the stalled project. No matter how well he hid it, I could still sense his worry and disappointment. I hugged him gently. He stiffened for a moment, then patted my back like nothing had happened.
Marius: You don't need to feel bad for me. Yes, there were things I didn’t have before I met you, but I was well protected too. In a way, I really did grow up happy and healthy like my mother wanted. That's how I became the excellent person that you met.
MC: Yes, thank you for becoming so excellent.
[jump to 36:01, at the von Hagen Estate]
As for the remaining time, I shifted my focus to preparing for Marius's birthday. Everything was pretty much ready, and all that remained was the last step: the devices for attracting fireflies. I found many methods online that were simple and harmless for the fireflies, but...
MC: (Where do I go to find fireflies? Maybe I should ask Mr. Payton. After all, he's familiar with the von Hagen Estate.)
Just as I was about to look for Mr. Payton, I saw him return from the garden.
MC: Mr. Payton, you're back! I happen to have something to ask you.
Payton: By all means, what can I help you with?
MC: Do you still remember when Marius was a kid, how every year there would be fireflies on his birthday?
Payton: The fireflies? Yes, I remember. Those were a surprise that Master Giann would prepare for Master Marius.
MC: Do you know where the fireflies were from?
Payton: They live in the small forest behind the von Hagen Estate.
MC: Whoa, they're that close?
I had a feeling that the fireflies wouldn't be too far away, but I didn't think they'd be right at von Hagen estate.
Payton: It’s because those fireflies were all personally raised by Sir and Master Giann. Back then, Sir put quite a bit of effort into hiding it from Master Marius.
MC: So you mean, Uncle Austin knows about that story too?
Payton: Yes. When his mother departed, Master Giann was still just a child. He couldn't have done all of that by himself.
It turned out that everyone had put in so much work in order to protect Marius. However, growing up in such a loving environment was what allowed him to become who he was today.
MC: Are those fireflies still there?
Payton: They are. This ritual has been on pause ever since Master Marius left to study abroad, but Sir and Master Giann still work hard every year to maintain the forest and ensure the fireflies can survive.
MC: ...
Mr. Payton's words made me realize that it had been a long time since Marius celebrated his birthday at home. He went abroad at a young age, leaving his home to pursue the path of an artist, and then returned to bear his responsibilities when his brother disappeared... He was forced to grow up from a doted-on young master to an independent acting CEO. He protected his family members in his own way, but always forgot to protect himself.
Well, I could protect him.
MC: Mr. Payton, I want to recreate this birthday ritual. Could you help me?
Payton: Of course.
 * Translation note: Giann uses 小和, which is a way of making a nickname out of Marius’s name. I originally had it as “Mar” but changed it for consistency with “Will of the Trees” SSR.
** Pax Capital is Pax’s investment firm. We actually already knew that it was their mother’s legacy; this was the branch of Pax that we saw right at the end of chapter one (1-17), when Marius (still without a full face and name) chewed out the managers for investing in a shady business with his mother’s legacy. So with this card, it seems like our first glimpse of Marius was of him protecting the first piece of Pax that he ever got.
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isobel-thorm · 1 year
THE numbers for Reina x Gortash
4) What is the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky? For the first ten years, completely smooth. Nauseatingly in love, supported each others rights AND wrongs and thought the other one was sexy doing them. Then come like, a couple of months before game canon it started getting a little rocky because Reina was getting sick of Gortash's shit with The Plan- whatever the Hell that was, and then he kept on talking about Thorm and Orin, and Orin and her hated each other's guts so that put a damper on things. And then comes game canon where she can't remember him and she's a changed person so she sort of hates him on principle around Act 2, but then the pieces start coming together and she finds out that she was in love with the man and engaged to be married. But how could she do that, he's awful, why didn't she think that, etc. So it goes rocky as Hell during her identity crisis on her part meanwhile he's still very much in love and does not give a shit about anyone or anything except getting her back to his and their son's side. Causes some very interesting conversations in Wyrm's Rock
8) Who tends to worry the most? Worrying isn't in Gortash's vocabulary, Reina's the worrier, which, in part, is probably what started to separate them in the first place.
15) Who pays for the food when they go out? Gortash just for bragging/doting rights. Man wants to show the Hell off and knows it works on Old Reina. New Reina would think it's a trap.
16) Do they enjoy dancing?: Back when they were first established, yes. They linked the intimacy and what it usually led to, not to mention it got them to where they needed to be with the right people at parties and other events. Now neither of them have the time.
23) What do they do when they're bored together: For the Old Them/Old Reina, fuck and plot. Sometimes simultaneously. For New Reina, mentally make a map of all exits and plot ways to end the bastard, meanwhile he's also plotting, but more so reasons on how to get her back/put himself back into her good graces. Good fucking luck, my guy.
42) Thoughts on each other's families: Gortash is indifferent/negative towards hers since he never really met them but based on her stories they were pretty awful/neglectful, and how dare they do that to his love? Meanwhile Reina hates his actual parents on a base level, buuuutttt when it comes to his adoptive family (since this is now game spoilers I'll put a read more here)
Listen, she knows what she's about, son. Considering it turns out Raphael is in fact the devil who "raised" Gortash, her initial thoughts about Raphael are "he's dangerous but he's kind of attractive though. What, who said that?" and she enjoyed the poetical angle of the threats even if she recognized them for what they were. She appreciated he had style. But then she finds the notes where it's revealed he was Gortash's adoptive father it's aaaaallllll over because you mean that BASTARD was almost my father-in-law? I considered fucking MY FATHER IN LAW for our greater good? That guy is basically my son's GRANDFATHER?" so all the respect goes out the window. Meanwhile Raphael finds out that she Remembers/Found Out and it only makes him adore her all the more because now he doesn't have to beat around the bush with giving her and the team information, and he, like Gortash, thinks she'll feel like she's got to work with him out of familial obligation, which turns out not to be the case.
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jesstrixblue00 · 2 years
911 Prompts
Hi, this a list of Prompts for 9-1-1/9-1-1: Lone Star that i'd like to see. :
1. Buck started as Paramedic at the 126 before joining the 118.
2. Buck is shocked when he meets TK boyfriend, because Carlos is actually is ex.
3. During, the wildfires Paul recognizes Buck, because Buck is Kelly Severide half-brother.
4. During, the wildfires Paul recognizes Buck. Because Buck is a Gallagher.
5. During, the wildfires Marjan recognizes Eddie as Sean Asa.
6. During, the wildfires Buck and Eddie recognize TK from their time in the military. Where TK was a Navy Corpsman (Navy Medic).
7. (Season 5) Once, TK learns that, there is two vacant spots at the 118 - because of Chimney and Eddie leaving - from Buck. TK decides to apply for one of those spots since him and Carlos are still broken up.
8. Post-Lawsuit Buck find himself in Chicago and ends with :
A) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Kelly Severide/Matt Casey
B) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Kelly Severide/Sylvie Brett
C) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Matt Casey/Sylvie Brett
D) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Kelly Severide/Matt Casey/Sylvie Brett
E) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Kelly Severide Stella Kidd
F) Evan "Buck Buckley/Kelly Severide/Eddie Diaz
G) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Matt Casey/Eddie Diaz
H) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Kelly Severide/Matt Casey/Eddie Diaz
I) Evan "Buck" Buckley/Kelly Severide/Matt Casey/Eddie Diaz/Sylvie Brett
9. Eddie as Buck's back during the Lawsuit. When, the atmosphere at the 118 becomes too toxic afterwards. They decide to transfert and they end up at Station 51 In Chicago.
10. The 126 learn that Buck is Owen's son. When, the news in Texas show the train derailment that is happening in Los Angeles.
11. Buck is actually Billy Tyson's biological son.
12. Buck is actually Danny "Danno" Williams biological son.
13. Buck is actually Steve Mcgarrett's biological son.
14. Buck Is actually John Kreese biological son.
15. Buck is actually Johnny Lawrence biological son.
16. Buck is actually Daniel Larusso biological son.
17. Buck is actually Anthony DiNozzo biological son.
18. Buck is actually Jethro Gibbs biological son, but Gibbs thought that is son Evan died with is wife Shannon and daughter is daughter Kelly. Meanwhile Buck thinks that is dad died during Desert Storm. Also, Buck as the last name Buckley because they adopted him after the accident.
19. Buck graduated highschool a year early and applied to the Fire Academy in LA, when a got 18 in 2017. But, almost no one actually know is exact age except for Maddie and are shocked when they learn one by one when they learn how old he is. Because they thought he was older.
Also, Buck is younger than both Albert and Ravi.
20. People think that Buck is younger than is real age, but he is actually older than Maddie
21. Buck is actually Maddie twin brother, but no one knows that and people are shocked when they find out.
22. Buck just learned the day before that Eddie was leaving the 118 and now the day after Buck wakes during either the lawsuit or his first day back on the job after the lawsuit. He doesn't know if he should repair is friendships during this period in time, how he should act towards the firefam/118 or if should just let it play out like it did the first time.
23. Both Buck and Eddie are werewolves, but the rest of the firefam doesn't know about that. They don't even know that the supernatural exists.
24. Someone that Buck went to highschool with transfer to the 118. At, first they don't recognize Buck. Because, Buck was smaller, thinner, less muscular and long dark curly that covered part of his birthmark in highschool. Also, it doesn't help that Buck was shy and younger than the rest of his clasmates (he skip one or a few grades) at the start of highschool and that when he opened more it was. When, he joined theater at the school. Meanwhile the new hire was a football jock.
25. When, Owen asks the 126 if any of them played sports in highschool before the softball match against O'Brien. They realize that most of them didn't play sports in highschool, but the majority were either in theater, musical theater, Choir or something that has to do with art or performing.
26. Buck went to Midtown School of Science and Technology during highschool and that's why Buck acts weird around Chimney sometimes. Because Chimney looks exactly like his highschool principal.
27. When, Owen says to TK that he is getting the operation because he is going to be a father. It hurts TK more than in canon. It's also in that time, that the 126 learn that TK was actually adopted by Owen and Gwyn when he was young.
28. TK finds out that when Owen was younger he worked with Doctor Evil and Doctor Evil finds out that Number 2's name is actually Owen, about his son TK, about the 126, about the role that Owen played during 9/11 and about Owen's cancer.
29. Catherine, TK, Carlos and 126 find out about Owen's past as Sam Searborn. When, someone from said past recognizes him as Sam Seaborn and not as Owen Strand.
30. Buck actually did the same thing that Maddie did for him(raise him) with their younger sister who is 8/9 (1999,2000 or 2001) years younger than him and when Buck left home with Maddie's Jeep he didn't leave alone. He left with his younger sister.
31. Buck never tried to enlist in the Navy Seal's, but he did enlist as a Navy Corpsman (Navy Medic).
32. Buck has problems with sex after his therapy appointment with Dr. Wells (January 2018) and by the time that him and Eddie get together in 2022, Buck hasn't had sex in 4 years.
33. Buck comes to Lucy as gay after she tried to kiss at bar and that makes it kinda awkward for her when she is hired at the 118 afterwards.
34. After hiring both Lucy and Jonah at the 118. The team realize that the captain's team at that moment is only composed of people in the LGBTQ+ Community except for Bobby.
35. After, Bobby finds Buck having sex on the roof of the firehouse and after stole a firetruck to help Athena with the home invasion in 1x01. Bobby doesn't fire Buck, but he doesn't keep Buck at the 118. He actually decides to transfert Buck at 136. Where Buck becomes Lena's work partner and ends up thriving over there. He and Lena end up being one of the best working duos in the LAFD. Bobby regrets that he transferred Buck.
36. Buck wasn't a ranch hand in Montana but in Texas at the Reyes familly ranch. When, years later TK wants to present Carlos to Buck, Hen and Eddie. Both Buck and Carlos are surprised to see the other.
37. Both Buck and Eddie started their careers as first responders at the 126, but they don't know that about each other. Because they didn't work there at same time. Both find out about when they hear the news about the tragedy that left Judd as the only survivor or because Grace called them to share the news.
38. Instead of Owen rebuilding the 126 in Texas, Owen is offered to rebuild a station in Santa Monica -where he is actually from- after the Tsunami.
39. Carlos is actually an addict, but TK isn't one.
40. TK is Owen's dad and it's TK that comes to Austin to rebuild the firehouse. Meanwhile, Carlos is Gabriel's dad. We see how TK and Carlos fall in love in these circumstances and how they deal with their son's antics.
41. A)When, Judd finds out that Wyatt he decides to check on to see if he has other matches on the website. That's were he finds out that Buck (he is younger than canon) is also his son.
B) When, Judd finds out that Wyatt he decides to check on to see if he has other matches on the website. That's were he finds out that TK (he is younger than canon) is also his son. Which is a shock to everyone even Owen who thought that TK was biologically his.
42. Owen actually comes to Texas to rebuild the firehouse with his adult Buck and his teenage son TK. Carlos is also a teen and he has an older half-brother or cousin Eddie who is a police officer.
43. Buck and TK were both born on the exact same day and were both born in the exact same hospital in New York. Unfortunately, they were accidentally switched at birth. Which, means that TK grew up in Pennsylvania with Maddie and the Buckley's. While Buck grew up in New York with Gwyn and Owen.
Part 2
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froggycreekfarm · 3 years
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Important lessons to learn from Gabby’s tragic life and death.
1. Based on the body camera video posted by the officers who pulled Gabby and her fiancé over for suspicious driving, some viewers assumed Gabby was suffering from mental illness and Brian was the stable one.
2. Some people may have assumed both partners were equally abusive and equally at fault. The old “it takes two” myth that doesn’t really apply to most abusive situations.
3. Some people may have even assumed Gabby was the abuser and Brian was the victim.
4. These assumptions are classic. Why? Because, in many cases, the target manages to keep things together until her breaking point, at which time others may see her crying or hear her yelling or see her breaking, and then they assume she’s “crazy.”
5. Meanwhile, the abuser plays the part of the poor, patient partner who has to deal with this crazy person. But all the while, he’s been acting very differently behind closed doors, pushing her to this point intentionally and feeding on her emotional break. He LOVES to see evidence that he has hurt her. He LOVES to see her pain.
6. For this reason, “breaking her” has been his goal from the start. It may take him hours or weeks or months or even years to break her, but he won’t stop until he gets that reaction, and then he’ll point the finger and say, “See? She’s crazy. I’m just trying to keep her calm.” And then he’ll do it again. And again. And again.
7. As a result, some people will buy into that false narrative. Even the target. Which brings me to my next point.
8. In the video, we see Gabby making many excuses for Brian’s behavior, and she takes all the blame for everything he does.
9. We also see Brian blaming Gabby and saying he was just trying to keep her calm.
10. This is also the norm for victims of long-standing abuse. A target becomes conditioned to believe everything the abuser does is her fault.
11. Also, she clearly doesn’t want Brian to be in trouble. She’d rather pay the price and protect the man she loves. Also, remember she truly believes he only acted this way because of her, so she doesn’t want him to be blamed. This is also the norm.
12. Smart officers see right through this. Others buy the cover-up story. (And because some officers are also abusers, they all too frequently side with the abuser even when they know exactly what’s going on.)
13. I actually credit the police in Gabby’s situation. They were calm, they separated the couple, they interviewed them individually, they split them up for the night, they did everything right. I’m sure the officer has tremendous guilt about the end result and wonders if he could have prevented it, but I don’t blame the officers in this case. I was actually pretty surprised and impressed with how well they treated both Brian and Gabby (and, sadly, I was thinking how rare it is to see that.)
14. Many people have been shocked by Brian’s family’s refusal to cooperate with police. I’m not shocked at all. Let’s look at that a little more closely.
15. I’m also not surprised to learn that Gabby lived with the Laundrie family for a year. We all see this family will do anything to protect their son, even at the cost of an innocent young woman who was a real part of their family and soon to be their daughter in law. While most of us can certainly understand them wanting to protect their child, they crossed a moral line when Gabby went missing.
16. But I think it goes deeper than that. I think it shows them as a system of enablers who not only allowed Brian to abuse Gabby over a long term (which probably led to her intense anxiety) but also a system of gaslighters who were probably always shifting the truth to keep Gabby confused and make her believe she’s the problem. She was caught in an entire system of abuse. And once you’re in that web, it’s very very very difficult to see a way out.
17. I imagine they probably contributed to her abuse from the start and encouraged their son’s abusive behaviors by rewarding him, making excuses for him, blaming Gabby, flipping the script, and keeping her in the fog that breaks down a person’s psyche and spirit over time.
18. Gabby and Brian had been together since their teens. This is also common. These immature relationships work beautifully when both partners grow together and mature emotionally. But when one wants to keep the other down, naive, and under his control…and the other is growing, learning, and maturing, it doesn’t work.
19. We hear Gabby tell the officer that Brain didn’t think she could do her travel blog. It seems clear that he didn’t believe in her and was trying to make her not believe in herself.
20. She also says he didn’t like her working and that he locked her out of the van because she wouldn’t calm down. But when you listen to the full video, it sounds like he was upset because they’d spent too much time at the coffee shop with her working on her website when he wanted to go hiking. She wasn’t in her seat when he was ready to leave. Control issues?! He squeezed her face with his hand in anger. He cut her down and criticized her, verbally abusing her until she was a wreck of tears. He was breaking her spirit, intentionally.
21. Why? Because her focus wasn’t 100% on him. And because she had found a job she enjoyed and was good at and that allowed her to connect with other people, when he wanted her all to himself.
22. She now had this one little piece of her life that he couldn’t completely control, so he wanted fo get rid of that. It angered him. He punished her for it. See the pattern?
23. The overall takeaway? When you see someone crying like this, don’t assume she’s crazy. Don’t buy into the false narrative given by the abuser. Don’t believe the cover-up story by the target who has been conditioned to carry all the blame and shame. And don’t assume she’s going to be okay. She just may end up your next recovered body.
24. If you or someone you love are in an unhealthy relationship, please don’t assume it will get better in time. I haven’t heard one single story where it got better. Not one. Not with therapy. Not with church. Not with prayer or forgiveness or complete surrender. Nothing works when the abuser is determined to destroy that target. He will not stop until she is erased from this world or from her life. And in many cases, he’ll walk away without any consequences.
Please don’t let the next Gabby be you or someone you love.
Domestic violence hotline: 1-800-799-7233
credit: Julie P Cantrell
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frauleinfunf · 3 years
My dumb headcanons about Mrs. Levin and her side of the family
Bc I cannot stop myself and love thinking way too much about Kevin's family tree bc that's how I express my love for characters
-Deborah Rifka Rozowski was born in 1969 at Kings County Hospital
-She has an older sister named Nancy, whom she's thick as thieves with
-Their father was a very physically abusive parent and their mother had untreated postpartum depression that led to her attempting suicide several times during their childhoods
-Their father had threatened to put her in an institution more than once in front of them
-In addition to a rough home life, she grew up in Brooklyn during the Son of Sam killings, the 1977 blackout, and later the crack epidemic. So it's safe to say she survived by being tough and street smart.
-Deb also had a deep of love of books and writing. It started as a form of escapism, but also became an outlet for her to express her feelings in ways that weren't picking fights
-At 16, Deb's father kicked her out. Nancy immediately put her up at her apartment with her husband Ira, but Deb ended up leaving in the middle of the night. Nancy was already heavily pregnant and Deb didn't want to feel like a burden, but also just wanted to leave Brooklyn and New York and get as far away from her current life as much as possible. Of course being a teenager, she assumed this meant she had to cut ties with her mother and sister.
-Deb wandered for the next few years, hitchhiking her way across the country and making money through odd jobs, mostly pick pocketing and mugging people though.
-At 19, she was in a city just outside of LA called Bellwood, where she ended up trying to mug Devin Levin
-Devin Levin was a hard simper and ended up asking her out after disarming her.
-Devin helped her find a job and an apartment, and soon they start a relationship, marking the first time Deb had ever felt like her life was stable and happy.
-Devin eventually convinced Deb to reach out to her sister, who still had her old phone number (Deb was not expecting that when she agreed to give her a call). After yelling at her for having Nancy worried sick for years, she broke down crying so happy to know Deb was alive and well.
-Nancy did have to be the one to tell Deb that their mother died from suicide a year after she left.
-Deb, while still obviously upset, had kind of assumed that happened in the intervening years.
-Nancy stopped speaking to their father after their mom died, and Deb sure wasn't eager to start talking to him again. So at this point their family was just them and Nancy's husband and kids.
-Deb became a mom at 23 and married Devin at a courthouse while she was pregnant. Their honeymoon was a weekend getaway to Santa Barbara.
-Nancy flew out to California with her husband and now three kids in tow to stand witness for the wedding, and she flew back alone a few months later to meet her nephew and help Deb settle into being a new mom.
-Kevin was 2 when Devin died and Deb just kind of spiraled from there, starting to drink while she sat shiva for him.
-Deb moved back to New York to be closer to her sister again. Nancy and her family were living Yonkers at that point so that's were Deb found a place for her and Kevin.
-In addition to her grief and addiction, Deb's life was not made easier by the fact that she found herself having to work two jobs to keep a roof over their heads and having to leave Kevin with Nancy for most of the day.
-She showed up to her waitress job drunk and her boss scrambled to find someone to take take her home. A trucker named Harvey Hackett who was at the diner for a union meeting volunteered.
-Harvey came by the next day to check on her, and that's how their relationship started.
-Harvey signed her up for AA meetings and, once Deb was sober enough, started teaching her how to drive a truck.
-Deb may not have loved Harvey in the way she loved Devin, she never could've loved anyone like that again. But he was a good man who wanted to take care of her and Kevin, and at that point that was all she wanted.
-They got married when Kevin was 4 and as we know that ended up being the worst decision of Deb's life.
-Meanwhile, things in Kevin's life weren't all that great, even before Harvey started to fear him.
-Nancy's kids (Amanda, who was 7 years older than Kevin, Mikey who was 5 years older, and Josh who was 2 years older) did not adjust well to an aunt they only met once and her kid all of a sudden coming back into their lives, and in addition to that their mom was now practically raising their cousin alongside them.
-It certainly didn't help that Nancy almost immediately started including Kevin whenever she called her kids her munchkins, and even called him Kevala the way she called them Amala, Mikala, and Joshala.
-So already they were inclined to ostracize Kevin, and that only got worse once his powers started developing and regularly short circuiting their electronics.
-Things came to a head when Kevin one day followed them to their treehouse and Amanda pretended she was going to push him out, scaring him enough that he unintentionally shocked her and left a third degree burn.
-Nancy and Deb, after a long talk with a lot yelling and crying and cheesecake, decided it would be safest for Kevin if Deb found other babysitters, which she could now afford with her and Harvey being unionized truckers.
-Nancy was absolutely heartbroken about this and cried on her last day watching him. Amanda, still mad about her burn, convinced Kevin that Nancy was crying because she thought Kevin was a freak just as much as the kids did.
-Until he ran away, Kevin ended up having a long, long list of babysitters who were all scared off by his powers at one point or another.
-Eventually Harvey and Deb started working their schedules so that at least one would be home all the time, meaning they started to see each other much less.
-While Deb and Nancy understood that Kevin's power outbursts were something he couldn't control and completely tied to his emotional state, Harvey did not.
-It didn't help that Harvey and Deb had very different parenting styles in general, with Harvey believing Deb was too permissive and Deb believing Harvey's approach was "totalitarian dogshit"
-So whenever Deb was home Kevin, while still struggling, was a lot more happy and behaved than when Harvey was the one who was home.
-A lot of Kevin's acting out was him being a kid who's stepfather feared him and him obviously not having the tools to deal with that since he was like 7.
-The rare time Deb and Harvey had together was often spent fighting about parenting, and Kevin just came to hate Harvey's presence in general, especially with Amanda's words still in the back of his head after all these years.
-On that fateful day when Kevin accidentally destroyed the house, Harvey just completely lost it.
-He said Kevin's mother suffered so much because of him, because of the pressure of having a freak son.
-This, combined with his experience with Amanda, is what convinced Kevin that his mother was going to reject him.
-After Kevin ran away, Deb and Nancy's family searched everywhere for him. Now faced with the prospect of never seeing him again, the now teenaged Amanda, Mikey, and Josh were certainly feeling a lot of guilt for how they treated him as kids and how much they tried to ignore what they did as they got older.
-Harvey and Deb's divorce was very messy, to put it mildely
-Harvey, a smart man, moved to the other side of the country just to avoid Nancy and Ira, whom he now feared even more than Deb. With Deb, he had hurt her baby. With Nancy, he had hurt her baby AND her baby sister.
-Once Kevin reunited with Deb, he reunited with Nancy. He still has no contact with his cousins though.
-Why Harvey was chosen to be the one to talk Ultimate Kevin down instead of Deb or Nancy is a mystery only God knows.
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qiankunfics · 4 years
JohnKun Masterlist Part 2
1.  Morning Warmth by nininuggetFandoms:NCT (Band)  
Summary: Waking up besides both of his favorite persons is Johnny's best part of his day. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
2.  lucky by 10vesick
Summary: How did Kun ever get so lucky to find someone who loves him to the same extent that he loves them? Rating: General Status: One-shot
3. little red by madcity (johnshuaa)
Summary: All Kun wants to do is bring his cookies to his grandmother, but he keeps getting intercepted by a peculiar man with a dreadful smirk and honey eyes. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
4.  baby, we're the new romantics by nonamebut
Summary: In conclusion: Johnny and Kun like each other. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
5. Distant Strangers by Sakunade
Summary: Johnny recently hired a new assistant at his office, and he can't help how irresistible he is, and finds himself falling into the deep-set dimples faster than he realizes. Rating: Mature Status: On-going
6.  Poco a Poco a Poquito by taeyongsan
Summary: Johnny has never been interested in a student's parent but Kun Qian proved to be an attraction that Johnny couldn't shake. Rating: General Status: One-shot
7. Sunrise, Sunset by Tinywriterfairy
Summary: Johnny and Kun are perfectly normal neighbors, except one's a vampire and the other's a god. And neither wants the other to know. What could possibly go wrong? Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
8.  take me anywhere by wentz
Summary: Johnny and Kun meet at a New Year’s Party.  Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
9.  Moonflower by almostkun
Summary:  In the darkest hours of the night, his feelings have bloomed. His love for Johnny hides in the shadows, atop of every tree and deep under the river. Rating: General Status: One-shot
10.  home by seonho
Summary: Single Dad Kun meets his son’s new best friend’s dad, Johnny.  Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
 11.  like clarity (you came to me) by andthencoffee (yawawoo)
Summary: Galaxy war veterans Kun and Johnny spend a day at the beach of a faraway planet and find that they may like each other more than the waves. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
12. ignite me by gabilliam (vvhymack)
Summary: Co-workers Kun and Johnny where Kun is in love with Johnny and enters into a FWB situation with him.  Rating: Explicit Status: Completed 
13. the not so lonely star by miraclegarden 
Summary: Kun was just another star in the sky, who fell in love with a human named Johnny. Rating: General Status: One-shot
14. Premonition by 10vesick
Summary: It's overwhelming, how he can't explain at all how it makes him feel. It’s overwhelming, and quite honestly, a little scary. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
15. give me one good honest kiss (and i'll be alright) by nctyou
Summary: Kun is King and Johnny is his secret not-so-secret.  Rating: General Status: One-shot
16.  A Night To Remember by tronnorwolfstar
Summary: Where Kun and Johnny meet, but not under the most ideal circumstances. Rating: Teen  Status: On-going
17. Making the Most of the Night by cobalamincosel
Summary: It's NYE in NYC, and Johnny just wants to welcome it with Kun. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
18. Starry Night by lunalius
Summary: Kun is definitely trying too hard, but Johnny doesn't mind. Rating: General Status: One-shot
19. There Are Stars by taeyongsan
Summary: Stars were always there. One just had to know how to find them. Johnny was lucky enough to have found them. Rating: General Status: One-shot
20.  Big Boys Like Butt Stuff Too by bunnykingdy
Summary: Professor Qian Kun is Johnny's mandarin teacher, a confident, well liked gentleman who is coincidentally but not really, Johnny's crush. And for some reason, Kun seems to return his feelings?? Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
21. Of I Love You's and Promises by jiwrites
Summary: The five times Johnny says "I love you" and the one time Kun says it back. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
22.  hum hallelujah by wentz
Summary: “Father.” Johnny's hands rest on the priest’s thighs. “Let me suck you off.” Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
23. used to it by junxiao
Summary: kun, johnny and their band mates end up having to all sleep in the same room. nobody can get any sleep because johnny’s snoring incredibly loud... except for kun, who's completely used to it. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
24. dealing with you / i do with caution by milkywei
Summary: Johnny is finally back in his hometown but his heart's home is still miles away from him. Rating: General Status: One-shot
25. I can't take my eyes off of you because my fond looks are always for you by cherrycitrus_blossom
Summary: JohnKun get together. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
26. Tea Talk by CryptidLuna
Summary: Johnny is on cleaning duty while Kun takes the boys out for a play date. Rating:General Status: One-Shot
27. malamente by gashinas
Summary: Kun helps Johnny with stress relief (of sorts). Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
28.  spoiled sweetheart by cheapdreams
Summary: Kun had missed Korea. Rating: Explciit  Status: One-Shot
29. Ink by lamarina
Summary: Vampire Kun with Human Johnny Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
30. Genesis by dojaegay
Summary: Doctor Johnny with Unit KN010196l Rating: Explicit Status: On-going
31. the most beautiful moment in my life by awhalenamedblue
Summary: Johnny and Kun in Fujian Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
32. Obvious by lunalius
Summary: Exam season is dumb decisions extravaganza. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
33. From the Ground Up by cobalamincosel
Summary: Kun and Johnny are two lonely strangers who meet at a beach. They don’t believe in fate but maybe they should. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
34. as the days go by by saelium
Summary: johnny thinks spring will always be beautiful, because of him. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
35. it may be love. by RedamancyEffect
Summary: johnny loses his ways seeing kun in his sweater. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
36. Counting Sheep (And The Days Until You're Mine Again) by kiwiiChan
Summary: Johnny’s a single dad and has to go buy diapers for his son at 3AM so he wakes up his neighbor to take care of the baby. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
37.  A Matter of Patience by cobalamincosel
Summary: Kun is happy. People come through with coughs and colds and a sprain here or there, all simple— until Johnny. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot Trigger: Injuries
38. Secret Rendezvous. by softyjseo
Summary: Seo Johnny. Everyone knows him as the lead guitarist of the band The Hour Is Ours. Touring the world and sharing everything with fans, no one suspects him of having secrets, Rating: General Status: One-shot
39. callin' by gashinas
Summary: The first time Kun makes Johnny come with only words is innocent enough. The second time it happens, Johnny’s really not expecting it. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
40. little by little, soaked into my veins by aeroplaneseok
Summary: PWP of Kun giving his puppy a treat, or to be more precise, multiple orgasms. Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot
41.  Hands by criesmom
Summary: Johnny and Kun have been on two dates, (three, if you count going to the club with their friends). The alcohol gives them some ideas. Rating: Explicit Status: One-shot
42. Aubade by makbaes (gentlemindedlostgirl)
Summary: Kun, meanwhile, is a young man with a big heart, good intentions, and a toddler who needs him. Rating: Teen Status: Completed 
43. Points of Contact by lunalius
Summary: Kun is very tactile, and Johnny suffers for it. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
44. The First Day by violetpeche
Summary: Johnny's proposal to Kun on New Year's Eve doesn't go exactly as planned, but it all works out in the end. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
45. Our Old Story by sunlariums
Summary: After years of being away, Kun returns home to memories he thought forgotten, and a voice that reminds him of the past. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
46. Flowers In Your Chest by sunlariums
Summary: The one where Johnny has a crush on his unattainable roommate, and hanahaki disease isn't helping at all. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
47. you’re the one (for me) by stilinscry
Summary: kun doesn’t plan on falling in love a second time, the universe has other plans Rating: General Status: One-Shot
48. Parenting 101 by makbaes (gentlemindedlostgirl)
Summary: Chenle is normally a good kid. But his woodshop teacher, Mr. Seo, has been sending Kun emails about how his son has been acting out lately. So it's time for a parent-teacher conference. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
49. All I Want For Christmas Is For My Best Friends To Be Boyfriends by eggboyksoo
Summary: Doyoung’s well-intentioned mistletoe may have led to the one thing he actually wanted: the Rise of Johnkun. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
50. under the night sky by softsuna
Summary: Johnny was set to marry Princess Jieqiong, but falling for her brother wasn't part of the equation Rating: General Status: One-Shot
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mightydragoon · 5 years
Prince Luke fanfic Recs
@silvereddaye you know the drill
For all your Prince Luke Skywalker/ Amidala/Organa etc needs.  Also ft a lot of Leia Skywalker along with that. 
1. The Prince and the Bodyguard  Toomanyfandoms99
Bail is unsure why he’s being told this, but he is intrigued. “Where is the boy now?”
“Here,” Mon smiles, “on this base, being cared for by Shara Bey and Kes Dameron.”
Bail nods upon recognizing the names. Shara is their best pilot, and Kes is their best combat leader.
“However,” Mon states, “they cannot care for the boy full-time. There is something...unique about him. Something you are more equipped to handle.”
Bail narrows his eyes. “What?”
“Ezra Bridger is Force-sensitive,” Mon reveals.
Bail leans back in his chair and blinks once. “I see…”
“If your son is anything like his true parents,” Mon says, “he will soon require guidance. This boy also requires that guidance.”
“So,” Bail says, “you want me to shield them both from the Empire. Get them a...teacher.”
2.First Impressions   Idhren15
Mara Jade attended the rich party on Coruscant for one purpose: to kidnap the Alderaan heir, Prince Luke Organa.
She didn't expect any of these complications.
3. Crowned Usurper  planningconquest
Princess Leia managed to capture the elusive rebel Jedi. She finds someone she never expected.
4.  The kidnappings of a Sith Lord  maedre13
How a certain Sith Lord may or may not kidnap his rebel son. One-shots. Strongly inspired by sparklight´s “Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn´t Get Away”.
Current chapter: In which the prince of the Sith gets a new bodyguard (3/3)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10606992/chapters/52681459 (Part 1)
(Note* Fic is episodic often not connecting, sometimes is, so there is a good variety of stories, some involving Prince Luke others not) 
5. Sparks  SpellCleaver
Vader had every intention of ignoring that petty—if notorious—burglar on Coruscant, until evidence suggested that this "Angel" had Rebel ties.
Meanwhile, Luke never expected his father to actively hunt him down, and he doesn't like it.
6. No Distance Far Enough   KaelinaLovesLomaris
Imperial Prince Luke Skywalker is kidnapped by the Rebellion. His father is not happy.
7. Hostage  Slx99
AU in which Luke grows up as the Prince of Alderaan and Bail and Breha Organa’s son. When Luke is sixteen Bail becomes too outspoken against the Emperor, who sends Lord Vader to take the young prince as a hostage and cow his father into submission. Held captive aboard Vader’s ship, Luke is faced with the unpleasant reality of being the pawn in this power play under his captor’s watchful eyes; until they both realize a thing or two…
8. Hostage Interludes  Slx99
Interlude pieces of the ‘Hostage’ universe from my ongoing long-fic that don't fit into the main story, but which I still wanted to share. Some will be more fun, others more serious. They have no influence on the main story.
Basic premise of the main story: Luke grew up with Bail and Breha Organa as the Prince of Alderaan. When Bail becomes too outspoken against Palpatine he orders Vader to take the young prince as a Hostage. Luke now lives aboard the Executor. He finds out rather soon that Vader is his father and the story goes from there.
9.  Hostage
10. Runaway   SilverDaye
Imperial Prince Luke runs away from home to escape his overprotective father Emperor Vader. Jumping from planet to planet he finds himself creditless on Tatooine. While working for more money to leave the planet, Luke meets an old man named Ben Kenobi. But Luke knows he can't stay in one place for long for surely his father is hunting him down.
11.A Song of Dragon's Fire & Slaves Blood   Fan0fFIM17
A Slave is finally truly made Free.
Lost in a strange primitive Land, he takes advantage of his circumstances to rise to the position of King. A Slave, a Jedi Knight, a Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Father, Son, all this and more. Read as he Fights for the Iron-Throne!
Winter Is Coming!
12. My sister has it    jedileia (cptnwintersoldier)
"You want me to fight my dad? Kill him? How could you think I would be capable on any of that, after what I just heard? Have I been training just so I could kill my father? Is that what this Jedi training was about? If so then i deeply regret the evening I went to look for parts for my speeder and ended up at Obi-Wan's yard."
Leia, a farm girl from Tatoiine, learns that she is force sensitive and the daughter of the evil Darth Vader, once known as Anakin Skywalker. She begins her Jedi training, meets her twin brother Luke Organa and confronts his father.
13. what is lost in the darkness.....hanorganaas
Starkiller is destroyed, the great Jedi Hero who saved the Galaxy Leia Skywalker Solo and her husband Han are presumed dead, and Luke mourns. But he isn't alone in his grief
14. our eyes; they were pointed at the sky (looking for answers) pieandsouffle
The last few weeks have been a nightmare: Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru are dead and gone, the farm is skeletal and dead, she found out her father was a Jedi, brutally murdered by a traitorous friend, and now she's going to die because Han Solo is an incompetent nerf-herder who is apparently completely incapable of opening a krething door.
15.  Possibilities of If May Be - Valerie_Vancollie
Co-authored by Selinthia Avenchesca.
What if two different Star Wars realities started to merge?
16.  Skywalker Swap -  stitchy
(Note Series is a mixture of a fancomic and a fanfic and it is glorious) 
17. There Is Another  stitchy
A comicbook retelling of Episode IV in the spirit of the old Star Wars Infinities!
Luke and Leia are placed in opposite homes after the fall of the Republic. Young Leia Skywalker is called to adventure when she meets two droids that belong to the strange witch, Old Kah.
(Note* Seriously this comic retelling is fantastic ) 
18 Here Among The Clouds   stitchy
In a universe where Leia Skywalker joins the Rebel Alliance of her long lost brother Prince Luke Organa, the Millenium Falcon and her crew arrive to Cloud City with a fully functioning hyperdrive. In the weeks following the Battle of Hoth, Lando Calrissian becomes entangled in their their quest to defeat the evil Empire. 
19. A Farm girl, a Twink, and an Uber driver-  Daniellecluck
This is literally just a collection of drabbles of a New Hope rescue scene various original trilogy scenes but gayer and Luke and Leia swapped places.
20. The Adventures of Leia Skywalker, Episode One: The New Hope   MaraWinchester
Nineteen-year-old Leia Skywalker lives with her Aunt and Uncle on the remote desert planet Tatooine, where there’s something ready to kill you behind every corner. Three moons make the nights bitterly cold, and the two suns makes the days unbearably hot. When a droid bought by her uncle contains a message by a prince, asking for help from a legendary Jedi Knight, Leia senses her ticket off world. Little does she know that her journey will take her right and center to a galaxy torn apart by war, involve smugglers of ill repute, and possibly shed more information on her father that she could possibly imagine...
21.  Another Kind of Hope  Skyrissian (ErinacchiLove)
In a period of a galactic civil war, the brave Rebel Alliance has won their first victory against the Galactic Empire and stolen the plans of the Empire's ultimate weapon, the Death Star.
When the starship of Prince Luke Organa, who is transporting the plans, falls under the Empire's attack, the future of the galaxy depends on two droids carrying the secret plans and their new owner, a farm girl named Leia Skywalker.
22 The Princess, the Smuggler and the Sith Lord's Son  Sassaphrass
Han Solo was trying to rescue her Royal Annoyingness from the Death Star when he runs smack into Vader's kid. Naturally he does the logical thing and takes him hostage. This is where the story starts. OR
Luke just wanted to get some snacks when he ran into a Wookie, a Princess and a Space Pirate. The day's pretty much downhill from there.
23. At Least the War is Over  Sassaphrass
The only thing Luke and Leia have in common are those nine months they spent in the womb and that time they brought down the Empire.
It's hard to build a new family when the last one got blown to smithereens with the entire planet, but Leia's never thought anything worthwhile would be easy.
24. His Imperial Highness Luke Amidala -  Sassaphrass 
25.  Chiaroscuro  SpellCleaver
A series of oneshots focusing on Luke and Vader's relationship, with other characters occasionally thrown into the mix. 
26. Prince Luke Organa: A New Hope   -lightningbisexual
An AU where Leia was sent to Tatooine with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru and Luke was sent to Alderaan as the prince. It begins from where Luke is captured by the Empire in A New Hope. I follow more his story than Leia's because we all know she's going to be a badass on her own and I really want to see Luke grow up and learn to face his fears.
(Note* see sequel below Leia centric) 
27.  Leia Skywalker: The Empire Strikes Back  lightningbisexual
A continuation of my twin swap fic. Leia Skywalker is being sought by the Dark Side and the Light, who both hope to use her power for their own agendas. However, her ferocity and anger make it difficult for her to train as a Jedi. Han Solo is also developing feelings for Prince Luke Organa and has no goddamn clue how to deal with it.
28. Between the Light and Shadows: Luke & Vader One-Shots  SilverDaye
One-shot collection focused on Luke and Vader. All AU.
29. How the Other Half Lives -aradian_nights
(Note* How can I talk about Prince Luke fics without mentioning them cause WOW. 10/10.  I  highly recommend even if you aren’t a fan of the Prince Luke trope cause wow. It is something.  Warning: Angst . )
Trial and Error - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8417668
Layers of Dust  -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/8900971
For Love of a Queen - https://archiveofourown.org/works/9342596/chapters/21167591
Deep Doubt-  https://archiveofourown.org/works/10361913
Vision Void-  https://archiveofourown.org/works/10628475/chapters/23511120
Fate Defied- https://archiveofourown.org/works/10947714
When Destinies Split -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11017986/chapters/24552093
Risk and Chance - https://archiveofourown.org/works/11506092/chapters/25817655
A Shout in the  Dark -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11699232/chapters/26341971
Walking the Line Between - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13172817/chapters/30129249
AO3 Tag
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #228
Thurs Apr 30 2020 [07:47 PM] Wack'd: Johnny never struck me as a "literal jump for joy" kind of guy but he might just want to piss off Ben
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[07:48 PM] Bocaj: I tried to do that jump and click heels thing but I don't wear shoes that click so I don't know why I bothered [07:49 PM] Wack'd: Hey so remember that girl at the racetrack Johnny turned down because he was nostalgic for Crystal? Well he's cool now and they're goin out
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[07:49 PM] Bocaj: I can see how she won him over. "I've got a jacuzzi at my place" "You **DO**--?" [07:50 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Lorrie is coming over to meet the family so Johnny must be serious about her [07:51 PM] Wack'd: Unfortunately for him Reed just made a last-minute doctor's appointment for Franklin to use his neurologist friend's machine to peek at his mind [07:51 PM] Bocaj: Uh [07:51 PM] Bocaj: Sure [07:52 PM] Umbramatic: wha [07:52 PM] maxwellelvis: I smell wacky sitc-oh [07:52 PM] Wack'd: Sue is like "springing this on Franklin might make him freak out" and Reed, is...a good parent? [07:52 PM] maxwellelvis: Alert the Times [07:52 PM] Wack'd: He's like "hey, why don't we just be straight with Franklin and ask him if this is something he's okay with" [07:53 PM] Bocaj: Hello, The Times? This is your cousin, Marty. Do you know that headline you were looking for? Well listen to THIS [07:53 PM] Wack'd: And Franklin's like "yeah okay that sounds like a good idea, I also want to make sure I know how not to hurt people" [07:53 PM] Wack'd: A smart kid [07:54 PM] Umbramatic: this is going suspiciously well [07:55 PM] Wack'd: Hey, Ben. Buddy. Stop it
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[07:55 PM] Bocaj: aw ben c'mon [07:56 PM] Wack'd: Thankfully he quickly regains his composure [07:56 PM] maxwellelvis: Before he drools so much he could be mistaken for Niagara Falls [07:57 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Reed's like "hey why doesn't everyone come with us to get Franklin's head checked out" for. Some reason [07:58 PM] Wack'd: Lorrie's a gearhead so she's into the idea of hanging around and riding in the Fantasticar [07:58 PM] Wack'd: BEN C'MON
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[08:01 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, turns out the guy running Franklin's tests is one of Reed and Ben's old college professors. He is not a fan of Ben's attitude [08:03 PM] Wack'd: So Franklin's tests begin! They start with card guessing. Franklin's not great at it [08:04 PM] Bocaj: Do neurologists usually test ESP [08:04 PM] Wack'd: The professor points out that if Franklin's powers come at moments of stress it's likely that he's simply not got them turned on right now, chemically speaking [08:05 PM] Wack'd: Reed's like "we're not traumatizing my kid for science" and the professor's like "well no, obviously not, but we might be able to do something else to create that chemical reaction in his brain as needed" [08:05 PM] maxwellelvis: "You're not drugging my kid for science" [08:05 PM] Wack'd: Oh no, nothing so mundane [08:06 PM] maxwellelvis: You have me on tenterhooks. [08:06 PM] Umbramatic: oh no [08:07 PM] Wack'd: So what the scientist actually says is "we might be able to help Franklin achieve a state of such zen that he can manipulate his own brain chemicals." But the pictures tell...a different story
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[08:07 PM] Bocaj: Garnet shoves the doctor aside. "Here comes a thought" [08:08 PM] Umbramatic: eeep [08:08 PM] maxwellelvis: "In such a state, one could walk on hot coals, sleep on a bed of spikes, and get a shot from the doctor without being scared or even needing a lollipop!" [08:08 PM] Wack'd: He's having his blood pressure taken actually [08:09 PM] maxwellelvis: Mine's funnier [08:09 PM] Wack'd: Anyway a quick google reveals that biofeedback is a real thing insofar as it's something that didn't originate in this comic [08:10 PM] Wack'd: It's apparently really good for stopping urinary incontinence in people with vaginas, and okay in dealing with some mental disorders, but doesn't work for much else [08:11 PM] Bocaj: Neurologist: "So we can't prove for sure it doesn't work for superpowers HUH??" [08:11 PM] Wack'd: Forty years have passed and most scientific studies on it are comparatively recent [08:12 PM] Phantom: and none on superpowers :P? [08:12 PM] Wack'd: So at a guess this was basically a health trend for the sort of folks who these days think LaCroix is a health treatment [08:12 PM] Phantom: probably [08:13 PM] Wack'd: The LaCroix comparison might be way too generous, we're in Sawbones territory now
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[08:14 PM] Bocaj: Eesh [08:14 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Mr. "With Enough Mindfulness You Can Cure Cancer" decides to try hypnosis therapy on Franklin [08:14 PM] maxwellelvis: "You're not a real doctor, are you?" [08:15 PM] Wack'd: This man's classes were part of Reed's doctorate program [08:16 PM] Wack'd: Johnny and Lorrie meanwhile decide to go on a date and do the Superman thing
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[08:17 PM] Wack'd: Freddie Mercury: You've made a powerful enemy this day, Human Torch
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[08:19 PM] Wack'd: Franco Mercury challenges Johnny to a game of chicken in his portion of the Fantasticar [08:19 PM] Wack'd: Interspersed with Franklin finally getting in the machine [08:20 PM] Wack'd: I feel like there's supposed to be some kinda causal link but I have no idea what on Earth it might be
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[08:20 PM] Wack'd:
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[08:20 PM] Bocaj: Franklin was Johnny all along? [08:21 PM] Wack'd: So Franklin's brain vomited some "psychic ectoplasm" [08:21 PM] Bocaj: Wow this guy is dipping into every bit of paranormal bric a brac [08:21 PM] Bocaj: Are we sure his degree is real [08:22 PM] maxwellelvis: Are we sure Reed wasn't also classmates with Ray or Egon? [08:22 PM] Umbramatic: his degree is in "quackology" [08:22 PM] Wack'd: The true identity of the narrator of The Amazing World of Ghosts [08:22 PM] Bocaj: Do Reed Mi Egon [08:23 PM] Wack'd: ...what
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[08:24 PM] Wack'd: Franklin...vomited his brain into this guy? And...and now Franklin's Franco? [08:26 PM] Umbramatic: Franklin Meurcury [08:26 PM] Wack'd: Boy, science is really taking some kinda beating this issue
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[08:27 PM] Bocaj: Uhhhhhhhhhh [08:27 PM] Bocaj: Franklin is too powerful for his angsts to be doing this [08:27 PM] Umbramatic: science: "i love the young people" [08:28 PM] Bocaj: I EAT KIDS [08:28 PM] Wack'd: Yay Sue! Also not sure how I feel about this new invisibility effect
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[08:29 PM] maxwellelvis: Feels more like showing off. [08:29 PM] maxwellelvis: Or at least, the sort of effect that really should have waited until digital inking was more viable. [08:29 PM] Bocaj: The invisibility is not very not visible [08:30 PM] maxwellelvis: "Due to a compatibility issue with Windows 95 graphics cards, the Invisible Woman is now extra-visible. To keep things fair, please close your eyes when fighting her." [08:31 PM] Wack'd: "It's not that I don't trust you, Abe. It's that all your theories are dangerous quackery and also you nearly got my son killed"
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[08:33 PM] maxwellelvis: (That's not some weird non-sequitor, I'm paraphrasing the manual for Doom's Windows 95 port there; with some Windows-compatible graphics cards, there was a weird bug that made invisible enemies like Spectres less than invisible. The manual joked that you should make things more fair by closing your eyes if you encounters this bug.) [08:34 PM] Wack'd: Letters letters letters! [08:34 PM] Wack'd: ...i think i hate letters now
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[08:36 PM] InbarFink: Letter pages are just glorified youtube comments [08:36 PM] Bocaj: Eesh [08:37 PM] Bocaj: Around this same time ish there were letters in the avengers comics complaining wasp is too weak and ineffectual and the response said they’d work on it [08:37 PM] Bocaj: So it’s not universal among fans at this time at least [08:38 PM] Wack'd: I'm just like [08:38 PM] Wack'd: The one time I can remember you print letters from ladies [08:39 PM] Wack'd: This is what you go with? [08:40 PM] Bocaj: Yeah it sucks [08:40 PM] InbarFink: would it be conspiratorial to sugget they got a LOT of letters about it and most of them were from dudes and they just picked the two with lady names on them [08:40 PM] Bocaj: No it wouldn’t [08:41 PM] Wack'd: I mean if that is true [08:41 PM] Wack'd: Good on them for not printing male misogynists? [08:41 PM] Wack'd: But just because a point of view comes from a woman doesn't make it worth your time [08:42 PM] Wack'd: Letters like "Murder your female lead" and "I prefer when she was hysterical submissive crying and helpless" are ones you can safely ignore no matter who they come from [08:42 PM] Bocaj: Yeah [08:43 PM] Bocaj: I wish unlimited was more consistent on whether they include the letters page [08:43 PM] Bocaj: It’s interesting to me [08:43 PM] Wack'd: Same [08:43 PM] maxwellelvis: "I'm not saying I WANT her to be killed, but I don't like her saving the day and that she should get beat up more" [08:43 PM] Wack'd: Hart literally says she wants Sandman to murder her! [08:44 PM] Bocaj: Wait until Ultimate hart, ya weirdo [08:44 PM] Wack'd: Alright let's move on. The current direction, whatever it ends up being, is only going to end up mattering for another three issues anyway [08:45 PM] Bocaj: Can’t wait for you to experience Byrne so I can also vicariously
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kevintor · 5 years
Tor’s Best of the Decade: Songs
It was hard to pick my favorite songs. My candidate list was abundant. Rather than make an absurdly long “Honorable Mention” list, I had to go with a Top 25. There is no country music because, when I hear country music, the angry voices in my head that I usually disregard get louder and I fear for what I may do.
Honorable Mention: “Ain’t It Fun” by Paramore, “Hopeless Wanderer” by Mumford And Sons, “I Love It” by Icona Pop, “Fairytales” by Alex Preston, “Story Of My Life” by One Direction
25. “Do You Love Me” - Guster
I like Guster and, when I found out this song happened in the decade, it made the list. Sorry, Mumford and Sons.
24. “Trumpets” - Jason DeRulo
I’m sure this song is inappropriate and it’s about sex which I don’t really talk about but I really like the trumpet parts.
23. “Going Going Gone” - Maddie Poppe
This was the winning single for her from American Idol. It’s very good and I don’t know why it didn’t get more play. I blame Lionel Richie.
22. “For Forever” - Ben Platt
The music from “Dear Evan Hansen” is really good. It’s by the same people that wrote the music for “The Greatest Showman.” I like this song because it truly shows how bad of a singer I am when I belt it in the car.
21. “MoneyGrabber” - Fitz And The Tantrums
My daughter used to think he was saying “My Only Grandma” which makes the singer’s grandma someone I’d like to see a seedy, crime movie about starring Helen Mirren or Vanessa Redgrave.
20. “How Far I’ll Go” - Auli’i Cravalho
I went so far as to put it in my Top 25!
19. “Stutter” - Mariana’s Trench
I don’t know if this song is offensive or not to people with stutters but it’s fun and maybe that’s enough?
18. “Cheap Thrills” - Sia (Featuring Sean Paul)
If it is not the version with Sean Paul, I will turn it off. Biddy bong bong.
17. “Gone Gone Gone” - Phillip Phillips
I enjoy American Idol and I keep up with way more of the past contestants than is normal. He is easily one of the most talented winners they ever had.
16. “Bang Bang” - Jessie J, Ariana Grande, And Nicki Minaj
How is Jessie J not super famous? She and I are cut from the same cloth: ultra talented and not acknowledged enough. This song is fire. (For all the people my age and above, that means good.)
15. “Best Day Of My Life” - American Authors
I like happy songs. The opening guitar plucks whisk me away to a land made of Costco cookies with trees that leak Mexican Coke.
14. “You’re Such A...” - Hailee Steinfeld
She got nominated for an Oscar and put out this song and “Starving” before she turned 20. Some people are too talented. Please subtract 5 talent points.
13. “Scarecrow” - Alex And Sierra
They won the X-Factor and then the show was immediately canceled because they’d never find a better winner than these two. That or the show was so bad. It’s amazing it produced this group and Fifth Harmony. Meanwhile, the Voice has been on for 50 seasons and nothing good has come out of it except a love for Pharrell and Miley Cyrus.
12. “Somebody To Love” - One Republic
This came out of an episode of “Songland” and it’s the best song you’ll discover from this list or your money back!
11. “Dear Theodosia” - Leslie Odom Jr. And Lin-Manuel Miranda
This song puts an instant lump in my throat. I want to see Hamilton again immediately.
10. “Delicate” - Taylor Swift
It’s a great song but it’s also a great song to sing in a thick British accent. Replace all the Isn’t its at the end with Id nits. 
9. “Magic” - B.o.B. (Featuring Rivers Cuomo)
What makes this song even more impressive is that something so good came out of the brain of someone who firmly believes the Earth is flat. 
8. “Can’t Stop The Feeling” - Justin Timberlake
It’s well known that I hate the heat. This song is so great, I have positive memories of that summer it came out.
7. “Weak” - AJR
I like this song because I’m not that strong and this points out that it’s okay.
6. “Cecilia And The Satellite” - Andrew McMahon In The Wilderness
Great song. Bonus points for stealing some of that Cecilia thunder from Simon and Garfunkel. They don’t own her.
5. “Ride” - Twenty One Pilots
If you want to be impressed, go on YouTube and watch him sing “Can’t Help Falling In Love With You.” His voice is crazy good.
4. “We Are Young” - Fun.
This was my daughter’s favorite song when she was 2. We listened to it over and over again as you do when a toddler likes something. I still remember writing it under “Favorite Song” on her preschool “Getting To Know You” sheet and the teacher was like, “Is that by the Wiggles?”
3. “Good As Hell” - Lizzo
Every list should have Lizzo on it. In fact, I’m going back and putting her at number 5 on my Animated Movies list.
2. “My Body” - Young The Giant
One of my favorite songs ever. I don’t have a deep reason for this one. I just dig it.
1. “Shake It Off” - Taylor Swift
She was the artist I listened to the most this decade according to Spotify and this was the song I listened to the most by her. I am a 40-year-old Swiftie and fine with it.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
05/14/2020 DAB Transcript
1 Samuel 15:1-16:23, John 8:1-20, Psalms 110:1-7, Proverbs 15:8-10
Today is the 14th day of April…no it’s not…why would you even say that when we’re halfway into this month? I don't know…I can’t…I'm not the only one who’s ever done that before. Today is the 14th day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible it is an honor to be here with you as we spend the next couple of days moving through the center of this month, the fifth month of this year. So, in the Old Testament we’ve been working our way through the first book of Samuel and we are firmly moving our way through the life of Israel's first king, His name is Saul and we’ve been getting to know a lot about Saul because there’s a lot of Saul in us and there's much to learn. And, of course, in the New Testament we’re reading through the final gospel, the gospel of John. So, this week we’re reading from the New International Version. Today, first Samuel 15 and 16.
Okay. Some pretty big movements in the book of first Samuel today. We met somebody today, somebody very, very famous, somebody that will really kind of accompany us in one way or another through the rest of the Bible and who has been with us since the beginning. And this is a man named David. And the reason that he's kind of been with us somewhat from the beginning is that we’ve been reading a lot of his poetry, a lot of the lyrics to his songs along the way because he penned a good portion of the Psalms, including the Psalm that we just read. So, we’re just like meeting him for the first time. He’s the youngest boy in his family. He's like a shepherd boy but he's also a skilled musician as we learned in first Samuel today. Saul, being troubled, would bring David in to play the lyre, play soft music that would calm him down. He was obviously an expert musician because his songs are preserved in the Psalms. David is gonna have a significant impact on Saul. He's gonna have a significant impact on everything that happens in the story going forward. His son which isn’t born yet, but his son, one of his sons will be named Solomon and we are enjoying some of that collected wisdom from Solomon in the book of Proverbs. So, we just have a little spot here where we can kind of look out…like this is almost like a mountaintop, where we can kind of look out over where we’re going. Meanwhile, with Saul in our reading today basically drove the final nail into his own proverbial coffin, at least as far as being the king goes, at least in the eyes of God. So, Saul was instructed to go to battle against the Amalekites and destroy everything. Once again he did not do what he was instructed to do and this is an ongoing thing and it seems as if the motivator, like the deep motivation for this is that he…it’s the fear of man, that he is afraid of what people think of him. So, his actions are confused and clouded because of it and basically we get this from Saul's own mouth today. So, Samuel confronts Saul about why he did not completely obey the word of the Lord. Saul has all kinds of excuses, but when he runs out of excuses he says, “I have sinned. I violated the Lord's command and your instructions. I was afraid of the men and so I gave into them. Now I beg you, forgive my sin and come back with me so that I may worship the Lord.” Like, even as he's confessing what he did he’s asking Samuel to come back with him so he can worship the Lord in front of these people because if Samuel won't go back with him what’s that gonna look like. So, like this runs very, very deep in Saul. The thing that makes this helpful for us is that one way or another this runs very deep in us too.  But what we get here in the Scriptures is the roadmap. Like we can watch in Saul's life where this is going and then understand that's where it will take us too.
Father, we thank You. We thank You for Your word. We thank You for the way that it will penetrate deep into our hearts, it will absolutely go to the root of our motivations, the “why” we do the things that we do, even when we don't even understand why we do the things that we do. So, we are thankful for the counsel of Your word in our lives and we are thankful for the ability to just day by day step-by-step move through the Scriptures seeing how all of the characters emerge and how it all fits together in the comprehensive view that it is showing us, giving us the guidance we need for our lives. And, so, we are grateful, and we are thankful, and we invite Your Holy Spirit to help us see the things that we need to see and hear the things that we need to hear. Come Holy Spirit into all of this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, home base for the Global Campfire, home base for the community that we are as we take our journey through the Scriptures this year. So, be aware and stay tuned and stay connected.
The Community section there…and by the way, all this can be accessed through the Daily Audio Bible app as well. But the Community section is definitely where you find the different links to connect on social media. The Prayer Wall lives there and that is that is always happening, 24 hours a day, seven days a week 365 days a year, 366 days a year this year. The Prayer Wall is always happening. So, if you’re carrying something that you shouldn't carry alone, you don't have to do that by yourself. You can…you can reach out and people are continually praying there. So, be aware of that. Check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. And I think you profoundly, humbly. We…you know, wouldn't be here if we didn't do this together. So, thank you for your partnership. So, there's a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can just hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red Hotline button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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If Reddie and the rest of the Losers (as adults) were on a sitcom/dramatic comedy
Season 1, episode 1
Richie and Eddie prepare to move away from the Losers appartament to their first house as a couple. After finding out Eddie is exaggerately anxious about the moving process, Richie insists for him to rest, claiming he can do it all on his own. But even the best house can't be perfect and, when he notices, it's too late. There's only one man who can help him now: Ben Hanscom.
Meanwhile, Eddie tries to have a relaxing day at the spa with Beverly, but he can't help but wanting to check out on Richie at every moment.
Season 1, episode 2
Georgie goes to college and a fraternity takes interest in him, but if he wants to get in, he will have to do some reckless and even cruel thjngs. Worried, Bill decides to have a heart-to-heart talk about peer pressure with him.
Meanwhile, the Reddie house situation gets worse and it's time for Stan and Mike to step in. Beverly's attempt to distract Eddie from it by taking him to a baking class gets literally out of hand when he loses his promise ring after taking it off and forgetting about it.
Season 1, episode 3
Eddie finally visits his future house. However, Richie is full of surprises, even if he didn't contribute to make them happen at all.
Meanwhile, Mike deals with a difficult costumer at the library and is dertemined to find the perfect book for them, and Beverly and Stan have a very intense Mario Kart race, calling Ben as a referee to make sure all is fair game.
Season 1, episode 4
Bill is struggling with his new book and his editor is growing impacient, so Mike suggests they go in a little road trip, like his characters do, in order to find inspiration. It doesn't go as well as expected.
Meanwhile, Richie and Eddie move out together, but convivence without the rest of their friends is a bit changelling, and Stan makes the huge mistake of offering to help them out every time they have an argument.
Season 1, episode 5
The Losers go to the beach. Even though Ben's overweight days are far behind him, he can't help but feel insecure with all these good-looking people in swimsuits around, especially his beautiful girlfriend. Luckily, Beverly is there to let him know that, even if he was still fat, she would love him all the same.
Meanwhile, a group of weight-lifting jocks make fun of Eddie's skinny complexion, and he's determined to destroy them. Mike and Stan try their new metal detector, Richie gets sunburned and Bill desperately tries to hide the fact that he can't swim.
Season 1, episode 6
Richie and Bev are preparing for a rock n roll dance contest and Eddie's insecurities and internalized biphobia kick in when he sees how close it has brought them.
Meanwhile, Mike is starting to get homesick, especially over Mr. Chips, his dog, and Stan, Bill and Ben try to cheer him by finding a new pet for their little family, even though their ideas about the perfect one couldn't be more different.
Season 1, episode 7
The holidays are here and the Losers Club couldn't be more excited about it. All of them except for Stan, who, unable to visit his family, feels alone and out of the party.
Refusing to see any of them sad in such a special time of the year, his friends make a decision: they're going to bring Hannukah to him.
Season 1, episode 8
Due to Spring Break, Georgie visits the Losers house and plans to spend his small vacation with his brother, and Meredith, his new girlfriend, who is also coming with him. Meredith is a trans woman and, even though Bill likes her and he doesn't have a problem with that, he can't help but being always afraid of saying the wrong thing and making her uncomfortable, which is, ultimately, making everyone uncomfortable.
Meanwhile, Eddie buys an old, rusty car, and even when it's not worth fixing, his mechanic pride won't let him give up on it.
Season 1, episode 9
The Losers Club return to Derry for a small classmates reunion, which means they'll have to face all the rumors, jokes and reject they suffered back in high school again.
Will they be capable of standing all this humiliation again? Or could the ultimate prank make the whole classroom regret it?
Season 1, episode 10
An innocent truth or dare game reveal some forgotten high school secrets and all the Losers end up mad at each other except Mike and Ben. It's up to them to save the club.
Season 1, episode 11
Bill's book is finally published and the reviews couldn't be better. Well, except for that one. What does it say? It's hard to tell behind all those asterisks. Who wrote it? Nobody knows, and no matter how many times Mike tells him he shouldn't take it seriously, he has to find that reader and find out what they meant.
Meanwhile, Richie and Eddie try to have a romantic date, but of course it can't go that well.
Season 1, episode 12
Richie has a new routine which, out of pure oversight, includes one of his oldest and most infamous impressions. Even though Mike doesn't actively call him out on it, he can tell his friend is upset, and he has no idea about how to fix it.
Meanwhile, Bill gets a very young and particulary devoted fan.
Season 1, episode 13
Eddie's mother is in the hospital and, after years of silence, he has to face her. Sadly, Sonia doesn't seem so happy about his decision of moving away and getting a boyfriend. Will he be able to resist the pressure?
Meanwhile, Richie meets his own family again and, desperated for showing his parents that he has grown up, he pretends to be the son he thinks they always wanted.
Season 1, episode 14
Stan and Ben realize that, even though they have close friendships with the rest of the club, they don't hang around on their own a lot, and after being told they're too safe and predictable, they decide to do something exciting.
Meanwhile, Richie and Beverly pretend to be a couple so they can attend to the wedding of two complete strangers. A party is a party.
Season 1, episode 15
A producer contacts Bill to turn his novel into a musical play. Scared of the director completely changing his story, he offers to adapt it himself. Maybe not his best idea.
Meanwhile, one of Eddie's co-workers makes a comment about the right way of "being a normal gay guy", and Eddie starts to question if he's the right kind of gay.
Season 1, episode 16
Ridiculous videos of Richie jerking off and talking dirty get leaked by a resentful ex-girlfriend, and even though he tries to take it easy and tells a lot of jokes about it, Beverly is determined to make him understand that he has every right to feel hurt and betrayed.
Meanwhile, Ben helps Bill with his play and Stan and Mike watch a movie together.
Season 1, episode 18
Mike starts dating Rita, one of his co-workers, and even though everyone seems to like her, she just doesn't look good in Stan's eyes.
Meanwhile, Richie keeps dealing with the consequences of his private video getting leaked and so does Eddie. No matter how hard it becomes, they're together in this.
Season 1, episode 19
When Eddie's mother calls him to give him a new lecture about how she knew Richie wasn't good and how he should leave him, Eddie finally cuts her out of his life completely.
Meanwhile, Stan and Mike talk about their feelings.
Season 1, episode 20
Beverly learns she's pregnant. Since she wants it to be a surprise, she asks Richie to keep it a secret.
Meanwhile, Ben confesses Eddie he wants to ask Bev to marry him, and asks him to keep it a secret, too.
Richie and Eddie prove to be the worst at keeping secrets when the whole club, except Ben and Beverly, find out.
Season 1, episode 21.
Ben, Mike, Stan, Bill and Eddie share their ideas for the best proposal ever, but none of them seem to click.
Meanwhile, Richie and Bev have fun visiting baby articles stores, pretending to be a couple again, asking for the most ridiculous stuff and coming up with the weirdest names ever. Richie has a hard time not spoiling the proposal situation.
Season 1, episode 22
Bill's play debuts and it's the perfect occasion to ask the big question. What could possibly go wrong?
Season 1, episode 23
After the failed attempt to propose at the theater, Ben decides to go simple and just say it. As long as Beverly doesn't say it first.
Meanwhile, weird things happen at the Reddie house and a few of Stan's jokes about it are enough to make Richie and Eddie think there's something supernatural behind it.
Season 1, episode 24
Ben and Beverly start planning rheir wedding, but some creative differences might get in the way.
Meanwhile, Stan's dad visits to meet Mike and, even though he isn't openly against their relationship, he clearly isn't okay with it, either. And Richie has fun introducing Bill to the horrors of fanfiction about his book.
Season 1, episode 25
With Ben's wedding right around the corner, Richie decides to give his friend a bachelor party he won't forget, with a little help from Bill and Stan. At first it's great, but when they wake up to find they lost the groom, they conclude that maybe they got carried away.
Meanwhile, Eddie and Mike try to give Beverly a nice and tamed bridal shower, but she won't settled for less than the ultimate night out.
Season 1, episode 26
It's wedding time! Time to have fun and celebrate love. Of course Beverly is kind of sad when she remembers that she was supposed to walk down the aisle with her father, and she wishes she could have someone to actually call "dad", but she won't let that feeling put her down. At the end of the day, Ben and her will say "I do"'
Meanwhile, the way both Richie and Eddie catch the bridal bouquet seems to indicate they're saying "I will"
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Rekindle Chapter 16: Ghosts
The day after their defeat of Hawkmoth.
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Read on Ao3
The morning lights filtered in through the windows, forcing Marinette to accept that the day had begun. Still mostly asleep, she groped blindly toward the other half of the bed, searching for the familiar source of warmth that had helped her sleep so soundly last night. When she didn’t find it, she sat up on her elbows and blew aside an errant lock of hair with an irritated huff. Excluding herself, the bed was empty.
Had it all been a dream? No - his overshirt and shoes were cast aside at the foot of the bed. He’d at least been here. And unless he intended to go walking around in his bare feet, then he was still here. She sniffed the air hopefully, but couldn’t smell any delicious scents, much to her disappointment. Although maybe that was to be expected. She certainly wouldn’t have felt in the mood for cooking if that all had happened to her.
She rolled over to plant her feet on the ground and forced herself out of bed. There was a lot to do in the newly Hawkmoth-less world. She hesitated as she looked down the hall at the guest room. Maybe he had gotten up in the middle of the night to sleep alone? Poking her head in, she saw the bed was still perfectly made and waiting for a guest. So he’d spent the night with her. Her heart fluttered before remembering why he’d had to stay at all.
The living room was as she remembered it last night - restored by the Ladybug Cure, but blankets left astrew from their impromptu movie marathon.
“Adrien?” She softly called his name, not wanting to alert the neighbors. “Are you there?”
“Marinette?” Tikki replied. She turned around to track its source and found her kwami sitting on top of an envelope in the kitchen, working her way through a cookie only slightly smaller than herself. “They left before I woke up. But they left a note!” She floated off of the envelope as Marinette walked over to pick it up.
The message was simple and frustratingly vague: “I’ll be back tonight. Discovered something about Hawkmoth.”
She frowned at that. Hawkmoth. Not dad, or father, or even Gabriel. Hawkmoth. Before she could dwell on it further, her eyes widened and she frantically looked around. The Butterfly miraculous was missing!
Taking a deep breath, Marinette forced herself to calm down and think things through. “Tikki. Can kwami appear if there isn’t a wielder of their miraculous?”
Tikki considered this for a long moment. “Well, yes, but we don’t like to. It is super tiring because it means we have to manifest without a living anchor in this world.” She nibbled a little at her cookie, looking pensive. “Do you think that Nooroo spoke to Adrien?”
“Nooroo? That’s the name of the butterfly kwami?” At Tikki’s nod, Marinette continued. “I don’t see why else Adrien would take the butterfly miraculous. But I don’t understand what Nooroo could’ve told Adrien that would make him leave without saying goodbye.”
Putting a comforting paw on Marinette’s cheek, Tikki replied, “I’m sure he had a good reason. Chat Noir wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”
Marinette flashed a smile at Tikki’s concern. “I know. But thanks for saying it. It makes me feel a little better. Especially with what we have to do next.” Marinette ran her fingers through her hair and suddenly realized how dirty she felt. Even if the sweat and grim had been cleaned off by the Ladybug Cure, she’d feel better after a shower. “Finish up your cookie. We need to talk with the mayor and call a press meeting.”
And if Adrien wasn’t back after that was over… then she’d let herself start to worry. But for now, she put on a brave face and got cleaned up. Who knows? Maybe she would meet someone new today.
Adrien entered his childhood home, just another shadow among many. The mansion’s defenses hadn’t been difficult to weave through. They were like an old friend to him, a hurdle he would have to constantly evade back during his teenage years. Only slightly more arduous to get around was the police sentry posted outside, but even then, the early morning ensured the guard wasn’t exactly at the top of his game.
Maybe they didn’t have a warrant yet, or maybe their lingering fear of Hawkmoth kept them from entering. Either way, only his footfalls echoed in the spacious halls, halls that felt even emptier without Gabriel’s presence looming over everything like an omnipresent shadow. Finding himself in the foyer, he looked up at the giant painting Hawkmoth had commissioned shortly after the disappearance of Emilie Agreste.
Disappearance. Adrien remembered Gabriel’s very careful choice of words, remembered how he had brushed it off at the time as him just being a strange person. Even years later, Adrien just thought that Gabriel hadn’t given up on finding his wife someday. That he was unable to move on.
His claws hands clenched into a fist. He hadn’t been entirely wrong. Gabriel hadn’t been able to move on, but that was partially because he had known something that Adrien didn’t. Something he had kept hidden from Adrien for ten years. Something that Nooroo had told Adrien after forcing himself outside the tainted miraculous. Emilie Agreste, Adrien’s mother and the wife of the person who would become Hawkmoth was alive… at least for now.
Adrien climbed the staircase and entered Gabriel’s study. Just as he remembered it, a painting of his mother hung on the wall at the back of the room. Years ago, he had discovered a safe containing the miraculous book behind it. But there was more to it than that. Pressing the hidden buttons that Nooroo had described, Adrien felt a brief rush of panic as he sunk through the floor and ended up inside an underground facility.
All his questions faded away to background noise when he saw her, resting peacefully inside a sarcophagus of glass and metal. She didn’t look a day older than how he remembered her, wearing her favorite white suit with a vibrant rose attached to her lapel. Her expression was serene, as if she was sleeping. Or was he sleeping and this was just another dream of his, the sort that he had stopped having a few years after she had vanished?
Before he could find a way to pinch himself through the suit, a tiny but ragged voice sounded near his ear. “She doesn’t have long left.”
His head jerked to the side, where he saw Nooroo, looking at him with weary eyes. He hadn’t even considered that kwami could become sick, but those doubts were put aside when he took in how frail Nooroo looked, the way that his big kwami eyes had bags under them, the way he shivered in the chill of the underground. Nooroo was looking even worse than he had before, when he had woken Adrien up in the early hours of the morning.
His words caught up to Adrien. “What do you mean? Isn’t she fine while she is in there?”
Nooroo shook his head sadly and Adrien heart dropped. “The machine is effective, but imperfect. Her sickness has advanced through the years. On the tenth anniversary of her internment, she will succumb to the infection.”
“Sickness? Infection?” He fought to keep his voice from breaking. It was hard to grasp that his mother was still alive, making it all the more painful that she was about to be ripped from him all over again. He was starting to get tired of all the tears.
“Gabriel and her used to run across the rooftops of Paris, using the miraculous not for evil but for simple pleasure.” Nooroo sighed. “But Duusu’s miraculous had been damaged during the Fall. It wasn’t safe to use. We tried to tell them but...” Nooroo looked over at the still form of Emilie. “...They didn’t listen.”
“So… Gabriel somehow built this,” Adrien gestured to the wires and tubes leading into the machine, “and put mom in it. Right?” Nooroo nodded. “Can’t I just get her out now, take her to Master Fu? There is still a week until the anniversary. That should be plenty of time to heal her, right?”
Nooroo watched him with sad eyes. “I’m so sorry, Adrien. She will last a week inside the machine, or maybe an hour or two outside of it. Even if she did live a week, there is nothing Master Fu can do. The infection is beyond mortal power to heal. There is only one thing that could possibly save her now.”
Adrien looked at his ring and frowned, deep in thought.
As much as Marinette would love to have Chat Noir by her side right now, it was for the best that he didn’t see the crowd of reporters gathered in front of her. Most were wearing bright smiles and there was an excited energy arcing around the space. And why shouldn’t they be excited? Their long nightmare was finally at an end.
She clamped down on her nervousness, remembering the lessons Chat Noir had given her way back near the beginning of their superhero career. Deep breaths. Stay focused. She had always been curious about how he knew so much about making public appearances. Now she knew.
“Citizens of Paris!” The voice of Ladybug cut through the chatter, silencing conversations immediately. “Hawkmoth, now known to be Gabriel Agreste, has been defeated for good. I am in possession of his miraculous and he is now in police custody.” She allowed them to cheer before she continued. “I will now be answering questions by the press, but keep in mind that some things must remain secret.”
“Was Gabriel Agreste working alone? Do you know if his son or any of his employees were involved?”
Marinette’s heart leapt to her throat before she got her feelings under control. It was a question she had been anticipating, but not so soon. Still, she rolled out the answer she and Tikki had prepared.
“I can only say for certain that Nathalie Sancoeur had some involvement in Hawkmoth’s plans, as evidenced by her willful assistance during last night’s battle. Adrien Agreste, meanwhile, we believe to be completely innocent of his father’s wrongdoings.”
“And where is Adrien Agreste?”
Showtime. “Since we believe he may be in danger, Adrien agreed to be hidden for his own protection. Chat Noir and I believe that this is the ideal solution for the time being. Rest assured that he is being looked after.” Hopefully that would buy time for everything to die down a little before Adrien returned to the public eye. The reporters jotted down her answer, not fully pleased with it, but at least accepting it.
The questions continued to come, but nothing made her react the way that the first one had. Some she had to turn down entirely - where the miraculous would go or how they intended to track down Nathalie, for instance.
All the while, worry gnawed at her in the back of her mind.
“Hey, Adrien,” she settled next to where he sat on the stairs in the foyer of his old home, in the shadow of a horribly dour painting of his father and him. His head was in his clawed hands as he stared at the ground.
He seemed startled at the sound of his own name and looked over at her with red rimmed eyes and a wavering smile. “Hey, Mari. How’d you find me here?”
She dropped her transformation and wrapped an arm around his and wiped away his tears with the cuffs of her sleeves. “It wasn’t hard. Where else would you have gone? And with the Butterfly miraculous too.”
“I could’ve taken it to Master Fu,” he offered feebly.
“Then you would’ve taken me with you.” She cupped his cheek and smiled sadly. “Sorry, kitty. I don’t want you to be alone.”
He swallowed heavily. “I found out what Hawkmoth was trying to do.”
“Was it something to do with your mother?” It was an educated guess. What else would Gabriel Agreste, the fabulously successful and rich fashion star, want?
“Yeah…” He stared off into the distance again before looking around the foyer. “You know, this place used to be my whole world. I rarely ever got to leave when I wasn’t doing stuff for his business. I didn’t mind much at the time, though. I didn’t know anything different. Besides, mom was there, so even if it wasn’t lively, it was warm and welcoming.”
She just watched and held onto him. It was clearly something he needed to get off his chest.
“We had a funeral for her three years ago. There hadn’t been any sign of her for years, so we just gave up hope.” He scowled. “Not Gabriel though. Refused to go to the funeral, so I had to go alone, see family I’d never met before and try to explain why he hadn’t show up to his own wife’s funeral.”
There was a long silence between them before Marinette said, “I’m sorry about your parents, Adrien. Your mother sounds amazing. I’m wish I could’ve talked to her, thanked her for raising such a good son.”
Adrien turned to look at her with those wide Chat eyes and for a moment she was worried she said something wrong. Then, he smiled. It was small, but it was genuine and heartfelt. “Come with me, Mari. There's someone I want you to meet.”
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blancheludis · 5 years
Iron Man Bingo 3000 Masterpost
I actually managed a blackout @iron-man-bingo
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Thank you all for reading!
1. Panic Attacks + Overdose + Protective Rhodey - Brittle Iron
Characters: Tony Stark, James Rhodes, Howard Stark Warnings: Sucide Attempt Words: 8.534
Summary: MIT is Tony’s safe haven, at least until Howard visits and threatens all the good things Tony has built there, mostly his friendship with Rhodey. Giving into the panic building inside him is only the first step down a slippery road he is not sure how to recover from.
2. Stony Soulmate Tattos - leave the gun on the table
Characters: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes Words: 31.049, Chapters: 5/?
Summary: Tony meets his soulmate under the worst possible circumstances. It is not just a kidnapping gone wrong. It turns out Steve and his gang picked him on purpose and they want some personal revenge. If only he had managed to say the words written on his soulmate’s arm before they threw him back out into the streets.
3. “You’re a disappointment.” - Puppeteer
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Words: 4.490
Summary: “You,” Tony says as he looks down at the trembling body of Steve Rogers, “are a disappointment.” It’s too bad that Fury wants Rogers on the team anyway.
4. Afraid of the Dark - Under These Stars
Chracters: Tony Stark, Morgan Stark, Pepper Potts Words: 1.777
Summary: Morgan knows about irrationality. There are no monsters under her bed, but she is still afraid of the dark. Luckily, her dad is always there to be her personal night light.
5. Avengers Found Family - In This House We Dance With Ghosts
Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanoff Words: 3.158
Summary: On the first anniversary of Phil’s death, Clint is left to grieve him alone. When Tony stumbles over him, he has a choice to make. Being a team means being there for each other, even though emotional support is not actually his thing. In the end, it is no choice at all.
“I’m fine,” Clint says, and Tony does not believe him for a second. “You do know what fine means, yes?” Tony asks, “Feelings inside not expressed.”
6. Hanahaki Disease - Forget Me Not
Characters: Tony Stark / Steve Rogers / James “Bucky” Barnes, Howard Stark Words: 8.332
Summary: A whole bouquet worth of flowers ends up on their bed the night of the wedding, the colours almost sombre. “Well,” Steve says and stops unbuttoning his shirt, “I guess we married for nothing.”
- Tony is dying from unrequited love for Captain America, who is first a dead hero and then a very alive one just as disinterested in Tony as Howard had always promised.
7. High School AU - Plausible Deniability
Characters: Tony Stark / Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James “Bucky” Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner Words: 9.498
Summary: “You’re staring at Tony’s ass again.” Steve can’t help himself. Just like everything else about Tony, it is great. Too bad no one knows they are in a relationship. He has a feeling that no one believes his protest either way.
8. MIT Era: First Meeting - see the man (but not the light)
Characters: James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Tony Stark Words: 3.592
Summary: Jim Rhodes had plans to enjoy his college years to the fullest. These plans dissolve into thin air when he gets settled with the white rich kid. Anthony Stark is a mess, and Jim will do his best not to be dragged down with him.
(That resolve lasts about a week until he first saves Tony from himself. From then on, there’s no escaping fate.)
9. Peter & Tony Post Endgame - In Memoriam
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark Words: 2.151
Summary: After the war with Thanos is over, Peter goes to talk to Tony Stark’s headstone, trying to make sense of the guilt he feels. He doesn’t exactly think he’ll find answers there, but he has to try. Luckily, he’s not alone.
10. Power Swap - Thunder In Your Heart
Characters: Thor/Bruce Banner, Tony Stark Words: 4.775
Summary: It would have been too easy if the spell only made Thor an expert on nuclear phsyics and Bruce able to swing Mjolnir. Instead, Thor is turning green, battling with the Hulk stuck in his body, and Bruce cannot touch anyone without shocking them with the electricity flying from his fingertips. Meanwhile, New York is living through the longest thunderstorm in recorded history. Nothing is ever simple where the Avengers are concerned.
11. Tony vs. Air duct climbing Clint - Operation Pest Control
Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, JARVIS, Bruce Banner Words: 4.102
Summary: Getting his eyebrows singed off once is not enough for Clint and he keeps trying to get into the workshop. Tony has fun thwarting his attempts. Naturally, they turn it into a war.
12. Avengers Game Night - Ignorance Is Bliss
Characters: Thor/Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton Words: 1.849
Summary: Stumbling over three naked Avengers in the towers' living room is not enough to surprise Tony anymore. What he cannot quite explain is how they roped Bruce into it. He's supposed to be the one with common sense. Thor's presence might explain his lapse in judgement.
13. Ironfam Take Out - Nutritional Value
Characters: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, James Rhodey/Carol Danvers, Happy Hogan/May Parker, Morgan Stark, Peter Parker, Harley Keener Words: 3.223
Summary: Once a week, the whole extended Stark family meets up for dinner. That means unbridled chaos and too much food. Tony did not think he'd ever be this happy.
14. “I wish I never met you.” - Truths Better Left Unspoken
Characters: Howard Stark/Maria Stark Tags: Family, Howard’s A+ Parenting, Maria’s A+ Parenting, Implied Child Abuse Words: 1.323
Summary: “I wish I’d never met you.” Tony loves his mother, he really does. In this moment, however, he also hates her with all the might his five-year-old heart can manage. He has no doubt that she is speaking the truth, but from the way Howard’s fingers dig so much harder into his shoulders now, Tony knows it will not be her who will regret her words the most.
15. “I don’t need you.” - Extracurricular Love
Characters: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Howard Stark Tags: Established Relationship, College, Friendhip, Howard’s A+ Parenting Words: 15.589, Chapters: 3/3
Summary: “You’re staring at Tony’s ass again.” Steve can’t help himself. Just like everything else about Tony, it is great. Too bad no one knows they are in a relationship. He has a feeling that no one believes his protest either way.
16. Morgan Stark - Love Makes The World Spin Around
Characters: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark Tags: Family, Tony Lives, Post-Endgame, Fluff Words: 2.284
Summary: Morgan Stark is seventeen and smart. She could have followed in her father’s footsteps and skipped some grades to go to college early. Other than her father, however, her home has never felt like something she needs to flee from. She has always been loved. Sometimes that makes telling the truth all the harder.
“I don’t want to go to MIT.”
17. There’s only one bed - No Rest For The Wicked
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Tags: Friendship, Angst, Only One Bed, H/C Words: 3.525
Summary: On a secret mission for Fury, Tony and Steve get stranded in a small town during a snowstorm. There is a motel with a free room - only that it has just one bed. While Tony already has fantasies about cuddling with Captain America, Steve takes offense to the idea of sharing a bed with Tony.
18. “So you betrayed me with Uncle Rhodey” - Mission Accomplished
Characters: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark, James Rhodes Tags: Iron Family, Fluff, Humour, Protective Tony Stark, Precious Morgan Stark Words: 2.244
Summary: “I said I didn’t want to be disturbed,” Tony snaps at FRIDAY, wondering why he bothers to put the workshop on lockdown at all when that is going to be ignored anyway.
“Distress calls from Miss Morgan take priority over that,” FRIDAY replies coolly.
Tony is moving before she has even finished talking.
19. Superfamily Spider-Man ID Reveal - Occupational Hazard
Characters: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker, JARVIS Words: 3.782 Tags: Stony, Precious Peter, Protective Tony, Protective Steve, Family
Summary: It is merely by coincidence that Steve and Tony find out that their son is Spider-Man. Once the initial yelling is over, they might even admit they are proud of him.
20. Dad!Tony + Sick Kid - Call Me Maybe
Characters: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Peter Parker Words: 5.797 Tags: Sick Peter, Single Dad Tony, Protective Steve, Getting Together, Humor, Fluff, Family
Summary: When Peter falls sick, single dad Tony is hopelessly overwhelmed. He is told he needs chicken soup. Surely the super hot stranger living next door will have some. And Steve, being an all-around good guy has no idea how to make chicken soup either but delivers nonetheless. Meanwhile, Peter, even while he can hardly leave his bed, manages to play matchmaker, because clearly his dad does not know how to get any on his own.
21. Self Sacrifice - Sisyphean Task
Characters: Tony Stark, James “Rhodey” Rhodes Words: 3.773 Tags: Protective Rhodey, Tony Needs A Hug, MIT Era, Angst, Friendship
Summary: “Sometimes I don’t want to be sober ever again,” Tony says quietly. “It’s easier like that.” What a world they live in, Rhodey thinks, that he has to teach Tony Stark about love.
22. Stony Accidental Marriage - In Sickness and in Health
Characters: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Words: 2.144 Tags: Accidental Marriage, Drunken Wedding, Humor, Fluff, Love at First Sight
Summary: Steve is drunk and falls in love head over heels with Tony. Marriage is the logical next step. Now, if only the wedding night would never end so they won’t have to wake up.
23. Withdrawal - Just One (Is Never Enough)
Characters: Tony Stark, Obadiah Stane Words: 2.540 Tags: Alcohol Abuse, Addiction, Withdrawal, Stane is a Villain, Sick Tony, Angst, Hurt No Comfort
Summary: Tony knows the criteria for diagnosing an addiction since Pepper has helpfully supplied him with a flyer once or five times. He is not an addict. He could stop. It is not withdrawal making him feel miserable. That is just his life. At least Obie understands that and helps - even if that means putting a bottle of whiskey in his hand at eleven in the morning. Tony is fine.
Thank you for sticking with me through this!
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Just story ideas I have and wrote about a little I guess
Just vote which ones you like xD
#1: Unnamed - unfinished not even 200 words of some sort au where yami is an animal
#2: King Yamir, King of illusions - unfinished Is a story where Yugi got kidnapped from his home and is now traveling back after 50 years with a dragon, a knight and two centaurs and their friend. However once he arrives, he realizes things have changed and he isnt sure if the life with the humans might have been better off, even if they got rid of his wings.
#3 Mermaids  - unfinished An au where Yugi gets himself into trouble by swimming too close to the surface and he ends up getting hit by the blade of a boat propeller. Kaiba ends up taking care of him but pegasus wants to put him on display. Atem meanwhile is furiously searching in every corner of the sea to find Yugi back and will stop at nothing to find him.
#4 Untamed  - unfinished Prince Yugi is in search of a mythical beast in the woods that bears the fruit of life on its antlers which can save his grandfather, and the current king’s life. if he fails however, his evil uncle Aknaheden will assend the throne and plunge the kingdom into destruction. Meanwhile he kidnaps a child, befriends the most sarcastic cook ever and insults a young prodigee mage along the way.
... tbh i think shiirojasmine would love what i have in store for that one but im too afraid to tag anyone in this long post.
#5 Aelves  - unfinished This story was created before King Yamir. It centered around Atem and his family which were orphans that lived on the streets before getting taken in by townspeople. Atem was the apprentice of a blacksmith bullied by a fierce adventerous knight who told him he would never make good swords, Timaël (Timaeus’ counterpart) was a sheperdboy who was afraid of sheep and Heba worked in a bakery. They find out their parents have been killed by Aelves and plan on finding these Aelves only to befriend Yami, Yugi and Timaeus because they saved one that almost drowned in the river while the other two were unnable to swim. 
This was the original idea, but there were too many characters and though i havent really written a good amount on it, this hasbeen revised into number 6
#6 Aelves  - unfinished Atem finds himself in a bind when he befriends a young Aelf when another thinks he is going to be Yugi’s candidate for the wild hunt. The wild hunt involves humans having to run as the Aelves chase them riding deer. And the human has the marry the Aelf that captures them. Also Yugi hits Atem with a frying pan because why not.
#7 The Time we Share -  finished Probably the only fanfic i have ever finished. Resolves about Yami, a social awkward young man that is in love with his introverted neighbor and has no idea how to handle it. A short oneshot. Nobody understands it. I dont even know myself.
#8 Words better left unsaid  - unfinished Another Neighbor Au Where Yami is a serial killer that partakes in weird human sacrifice rituals. Yugi is so dense however he doesnt notice it. Meanwile Yami keeps stalking him around, always knowing an excuse to be in the same place as Yugi. Eventually Yugi just takes him along because reasons he doesnt find suspicious at all. But having an infatuated serial killing stalker is a good thing when the world finds out you are in possession of an ancient artifact made of solid gold and everyone wants to kill you.
#9 Mirror Immage - unfinished (this is an old one) What if there was a life on the other side of the mirror that was the entire opposite of your own yet still looked exactly the same? And what if you fell through? What if your Mirror Immage was right beside you, instead of being a mere reflection? #10 We create this world - unfinished Based on an old fanfiction of mine called Need A Second to Breathe- basically it is a rewrite of this- In where Yami, Atem and the other egyptiantied cast are the incarnated gods of Egypt. Yami is not allowed to enter the Human world but does so anyway, finding Yugi. He uses his godlike powers to make Yugi happy and angers Atem further. However Atem once made the same mistake of falling in love with a human called Heba, and Yugi looking like Heba is not helping in the slightest. Yugi keeps having viseons of Heba, whos ghost has returned from the underworld, however at the terrible price of being possessed by an evil spirit. And yugi has to choose between giving up his body to save Heba, or not doing so, in turn losing Yami.
#11 A Shadow’s cast - unfinished I think I was either very tired or sick writing this one because it doesnt make any sense. Basically Yugi wakes to find a visitor in his home that is trying to hide from an organisation that is trying to hurt hus guest. Needs a desperate rewrite. 
#12 The Cecaelia - unfinished but up for reading Here What do you do when you find a little creature out on the beach being attacked by seagulls? Chuck it back into the ocean, or take care of it? #13 Mob Boss Yugi - unfinished This kind of was based on Shiirojasmine’s 3 gods au and it sort of formed into my own concoction I suppose. An au where Yugi often blacks out and becomes Yami, one of the greatest mob bosses the world has ever seen. Mai and Joey being undercover agents. Yugi gets scared and writes letters to his other self, finding out that he is a mere puppet that is to serve Atem. Atem is being captured by an evil organisation and has year to pay all his depts using Yugi, or he will be killed. A heist takes place at school and Yugi can no longer determine wether he is a high school student or a wanted drugdealer.
 #14 Beast Assylum  - unfinished  A creepy Au where Yugi and Atem have been subjected to Lycanthropy and are being locked away so they cant hurt any innocent people ever again. Instead they are being used to get rid of people society doesnt want and or need.  Atem is a crybaby. Yugi has been planning his escape for a long time now, why has he started to care for the other, this was not supposed to happen! #15 Baby And a Pharo  - unfinished A spoof fanfiction where Yugi solves a puzzle as a baby and somehow it is a portal to the past. The Egyptians think he is son or Ra and Atem takes Yugi under his wing. However Time in Yugis verse moves faster and He has to make the disission wether he wants to stay with Atem forever or not. #16 Two Necromancers - unfinished Two necromancers. A prince and a thief. They both get resurrected to life to stop big threat to the world.What the two necromancers didn't account for was that they were sworn enemies. #17 Darkness beast  - unfinished This one is too long to explain so enjoy the short version Kaiba and Dartz open up a portal to a knight-and-dragon Era and get the kings of the land they opened the portal on at their sides, Dartz tries to provoke a war, Yugi tries to stop him, Atem goes missing and then Yugi has to take care of a shadow like creature, until Dartz decides to put it onto the chessboard and use it as a threath to Kaiba and his alliences. 
#18 Demons - unfinished Demons. When the world discovered that demons could be summoned to do one’s bidding, they didn’t quite understand what that meant. People were naïve and greedy. And it wouldn’t be long before one would summon something that nobody could control. Basically Ludus’s origin story. Needs a good solid rewrite.
#19 Mewtwo Yami  - unfinished A stupid crossover where Yami ends up  being raised by Mewtwo, thinks he is a pokemon, meets Yugi and wants to compete in pokemon battles (bullies Yugi into being his trainer so he can compete) to prove he is the strongest “pokemon” to make Mewtwo proud of him.
#20 The Assylum  - unfinished Another one of these fics. basically what you would expect. Yami has the ability to see monsters that disguise themselves as humans and exterminates them, Yugi thinks he is just a mentally sick, cold blooded killer. Truth is Yami is also a monster.
#21 Chasing You  - unfinished Ai Atem gets the task to find Yugi, so Atem can hold him in his arms, but Ai Atem has his own sights set on Kaiba. Feeling conflicted because he is more than a mere replica. He is better than that real Atem! Yet he wants to know what Atem and Yugi’s relationship was like. Was it love? Is that what he is feeling?
#22 The God Bird Au - unfinished One Day Harpies descended from the skies to terrorize the little village that Yugi lives in. When one sets his sights on Yugi, the youngster ignores him. He has bigger problems than listening to the flirting of an overgrown bird. And who is this snowy owl-creature that sounds so familiar? 
#23 He’s not a retard  - unfinished What is it with me and Yami being a killer? oh dear... Yami is an intelectually impaired, wheelchair-ridden person however he is what goes bump in the night. Yugi is his caretaker and never bargained for any of his shit. Not the part where he saves a plane from getting hijacked, and not the part where they get stuck in a tomb in egypt!
#24 Yami’s Angel  - unfinished I think this was like my first Yugioh Au  Yami finds a small, unconcious Angel and befriends the little guy and takes care of him. Yugi loves strawberries and chaos ensues because Yugi ALWAYS gets lost in public places. Later in the story he finds out Ryou has the same problem. Except he has a little devil. #25 The Wheelchair Au - unfinished  A combination of the two ideas above. Atem, after a suicidal attempt which caused him to lose both his legs and a finger, refuses to undergo any opperation which could make him use prostetic legs in order to walk again. With nobody to care for him, he stays at the hospital. However one night he hearsa small voice, which is Yugi, his guardian angel, and if they fuse, Atem regains his legs. However if they remain fused for longer than 3 hours, Yugi will disappear.
#26 Dancing in Eternal winter Yugi gets stuck on a mountain with a jock who doesnt understand any language Yugi knows. Spirit Animals are there to help. Yugi then realises that Yami is unable to reintigrate into society, because he has been living on his own all this time, surviving, and his spirit Animal would be much too dangerous. No matter how nice Gulo is.
#27 The Levitated Mansion  - unfinished Atem Lives in a wealthy family and loves to look at the stars with his telescope. However one day he sees a levitated mansion, the owner of said mansion has an eye on him. #28 Shapeshifters  - unfinished Yugi is working at an orphanage when he meets an old Ijiraat, a shapeshifter that you forget after seeing him. However the more time Yugi spends with him, the more he keeps remembering. #29 Sphinxson Yugi  - unfinished Atem lives in a village that has deemed him crazy because he swears he sees monsters. Kaiba is a monster hunter and decides to exploit the scared youth. Yugi is a Sphinx that cant wait for his human grandfather to return, but how long has it been? Just a few days, right?
#30 Pokemon  - unfinished Another Pokemon Au. Yugi is an Eevee that has been taken in by the Kaiba brothers, but after a mishap in the trophee room and Evolving into a Vaporeon, What will happen to the young pokemon? #31 We Are Not Alone - unfinished An Alien Refugee gets mistaken by the Egyptian people as a god, and teach him their ways, however another of his kind is on their way to kill him. Can Atem and Yugi fight this evil Alien or not? And Where is Atem’s family?  #32 Safe and Sound - unfinished A comfort/hurt oneshot fic where Yugi scolds Yami for hurting people, even if it is for protecting him. Basically the idea was that this event is what made Yami stop his evil penalty games.
#33 On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red rose between his teeth  - unfinished Yugi is a werewolf that mistakingly kills a sheep of Yami and Ryou’s farm. However Yami and Ryou do not seem to realise who their guest is until Yami finds Yugi’s bloodied clothes on the floor one day as he returns home. thinking th beast that fled out of the window devoured him whole. Yugi tries to keep running, not wanting Yami to know he is a beast, but Yami keeps hunting, dead on bringing the beast down. #34 Bone Datem  - unfinished A schooltrip to Egypt turns into chaos when Yugi gets trapped into a tomb and tries to make his way out. However when he finds a living Mummy that follows him around and wants him to steal the millennium puzzle from the Museum, he finds himself in an even bigger hastle than he bargained for.
#35 Unnamed genderbend Yugi Blindshipping Au  - unfinished Yami and Atem are two gang members that hate each other. However yami is a playboy and gets cursed by a witch. Everytime the sun is down he transforms into a girl. But this girl doesnt remember anything and thinks her name is Yugi. One time, yami does not get home in time and this leads to yugi meeting atem who instantly falls in love with her. Theres little things though like yami being able to see everything yugi does and sometimes controlling her body or mind. At one point when atem tries to kiss him, she punches him bc yami in no way is gonna kiss that bastard xD atem mistakes it as hes gone too far and yugi is just superconfused why she did that xD I already know what i want the end to be but its kind of a sad part on yami's part? Also there is a part where atem finds out yugi is actually yami or something
#36 The Superhero Au  - unfinished Yugi is in a happy relationship with his boyfriend atem but what he doesnt know is that Atem is also the Supervillain Yami. And Atem himself has no control over it whatsoever. The rules of the world is that one who can summon strong monsters are either superheroes or villains. However Yami can only summon a small little Kuroboh, and giving Yugi more trouble than ever. Atem on the other hand claims he has never been able to summon a monster before.
#37 Demon boyfriend Atem  This was supposedly a parody idea where Atem lost his temper way too quick and started yelling in a demonic voice (ind of like Aggretsuko lol) And Yugi wasnt really phased by it at all because at the end of the day he knows atem loves him xD Even if it scares his friends a little.
#38 I wanna steal your heart (and eat your brains)  - unfinished Title was based on a song. Yugi is a zombie and has been dating Atem and chaos ensuess. Kaiba also is a zombie and has been experimenting on himself and discovered some odd perks of being a zombie. (honestlyno plot just shenanigans and lovers quarrels)
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chuplayswithfire · 6 years
By request, this is my bullet point summary of the kingdom hearts series. This hits all of the most major plot points and should prepare the uninitiated to at least understand the things being talked about on their dash
Some things to know:
I'm making this on mobile so I can't cut for length
I do not go into detail on everything, this is, again, to hit those major plot points and get you caught up on the gist
It is 49 points long
1) once there was an age of fairy tales where tons of people collected light to fight darkness. They eventually began to battle each other, had a war, destroyed the world.
2) the world came back
3) way later there was a fuckboy named xehanort who found out about the keyblade war and a power (kingdom hearts) that could theoretically make him god and he wanted it
4) so he became a keyblade master and eventually decided he was too old and would die before he reached his goal and decided to make a new vessel
5) the kid he picked for it (ventus) wasn't strong enough so he decided to experiment on him to try and make a superweapon. When he thought he failed, he ditched half of it on his ex-friend (eraqus) and met his two kids (terra and aqua) and decided his ex-friend's son-kid (terra) would be a good vessel
6) years later he tries to obtain that power. He fails but does obtain that son-kid's (terra)'s body. his weapon-kid (ventus) is in a coma and the sister (aqua) is in darkness and he lost his memory
7) luckily he's taken in by someone on his side (braig/xigbar). They start experiments, create the heartless, and he regains his memory in time to split himself into two: a heartless to command the darkness (ansem sod) and a nobody (xemnas) to prepare the rest of his plans
8) ten years later Sora Kairi and Riku are building a raft to leave their world when it's destroyed. They are split up. Sora gets the keyblade
9) Sora meets Donald and Goofy and goes on many adventures trying to find his friends
10) Sora finds his friends but Riku is giving into darkness and possessed by ansem and Kairi's in a coma bc her heart is in Sora. Sora frees her, becomes a heartless, she saves him, he fights ansem-who-is-xehanorts-heartless, and Riku and King Mickey help him seal that major baddie away
11) the islands come back, Kairi goes home, Sora goes looking for Riku and Mickey with Donald and Goofy
This is KHUX/KHChi, Birth By Sleep, and KH1
12) when Sora freed Kairi, he created a nobody because he became a heartless. His nobody Roxas is made part of Organization 13, which is lead by Xehanort's nobody, and seeks to destroy heartless to collect the hearts to make the superpower Xehanort wants.
13) Roxas has a friend named Xion who realizes she is a weapon created to steal Sora's power and memories to prevent him from waking up. Xion grapples with her own morality and mortality and decides that fucking over Xemnas and saving the world is more important than just burying her head in the sand in hopes of having good times with her friends and sacrifices herself.
14) in between 12&13 is Chain of Memories, where in which Sora first encounters org 13 as a bunch of weirdos in a castle who give him a riddle and imply Riku is there. They are under Marluxia's command and want to make Sora their puppet weapon with the help of Namine.
15) Namine is Kairi's Nobody who was created when Sora unleashed Kairi's heart. she has power over memories, but only Sora's, probably because she was created from his body and Kairi's heart. Marluxia and the org are threatening her to change Sora's memory. She replaces his memories of Kairi with memories of her to convince him to go further into they trap.
16) Namine feels bad about this bc she is a good person in an abusive situation. She eventually rebels and helps Sora because of this
17) Axel, a nobody who is also there, has turned on Marluxia and co bc he is actually there to kill the traitors, because Marluxia wants to use Sora to rule the Organization. He lets Namine escape to fulfill that goal
18) one of the reasons namine feels so bad is because of Repliku, a replica of Riku who is like Xion except he thinks that he's the real Riku and doesn't have any bonds outside of the fake memories. Namine has to break his heart to stop him from killing Sora.
19) Sora beats Marluxia and Namine puts him, Donald, and Goofy to sleep so she can fix his memory. Because of how she messed up his memory, this will make him forget her and everything that happened. Sora promises to see Namine again and be friends with her for real.
20) it turns out Riku really was here the whole time. He fights Nobodies too, including Lexaeus and Zexion. He beats Zexion and the power of Ansem, from his possession, kills Lexaeus. He tries to control his own darkness and finds Sora, and promises to protect him while he sleeps.
21) Axel uses Repliku to kill Zexion and gets on back to the org. He's BFFs with Xion and Roxas and realizes he was kind of a dick by being friends with them.
22) he friend breaks up with Saix, bc they've changed and he doesn't recognize Isa in Saix. Axel killed Vexen and Zexion bc he and Saix were scheming together to take down Xemnas and get their hearts back.
23) SAIX IS NOT JEALOUS OF ROXAS, THAT IS A FANDOM MISINTERPRETATION. he has a line about fake friends or real friends and this is not Saix vs Roxas, but him trying to tell Axel that Xion is a Replica and not a reason person. Note: Xion is a real person, Saix is misinformed and being a dick
24) Roxas leaves after Xion dies and gets captured by Riku who dumps him in a data world made by DiZ so he can start integrating back with Sora
25) DiZ is the origibal ansem who was yeeted into darkness by Xehanort when he stole his name, and bc of that he hates Nobodies and wants to destroy the organization
26) axel finds roxas but Roxas ultimately does go back to Sora (looks like my summer vacation is over) exactly one year after he was created. Sora wakes up with Donald and Goofy
27) Sora learns about the Nobodies and that the worlds are in danger again and goes to help the worlds and look for Riku and King Mickey. He kills Xaldin and Demyx while in Disney Worlds.
28) Axel kidnaps Kairi as part of an effort to try and get Roxas back from Sora but loses her to Saix
29) Sora learns Kairi is kidnapped and is big mad
30) axel realizes he was a dick, tries to rescue Kairi, is mostly-murdered by Saix in the effort, and dies to protect Sora.
31) Sora kills Saix and Luxord and Xigbar, is reunited with Kairi and Riku
32) DiZ yeets himself back into the land of darkness destroying the fake kingdom hearts created from all the gathered hearts, roxas and Namine return to Sora and Kairi for good, and then Sora and Riku kill Ansem and go home
This is Chain of Memories - 358/2 Days - KH2
33) Sora and Kairi and Riku enjoy a brief break while Donald Mickey and Goofy recap things. They realize Jiminy's journal was erased when Sora had his memory wiped by Namine and discover a strange message: their hurting will be mended you return to end it
34) they create a data Sora and go through all the worlds from kh1 and then com to try and get to the bottom of the journal, which has corrupted data. this game is brushed off as filler but is critical bc it establishes that fake beings like say, data copies, can in fact develop hearts and therefore Xion is real and has a heart fuck off gamer Bros
35) also Pete and Maleficent are there bc the games continually remind us they exist
36) it turns out the message was written by Namine, who made a data Namine to let Sora know about all the memories of other people connected to him. Mickey and Data Sora learn that Roxas, Xion, Axel, Terra (Xehanort's first vessel), Aqua (bbs girl and true keyblade master), Ventus (1/2 of that failed superweapon) and Namine all need to be helped and have the pain in their heart mended.
37) Ventus is in Sora's heart because when he almost died, Sora as a newborn baby connected his heart with Ventus. current theory I have is that Sora was born exactly as Ventus was dying and this weird connection allowed this to happen.
38) Mickey writes to Sora and Riku that they should take the Mark of Mastery exam to become true keyblade Masters and gain new power
39) Sora is confident about his coolness bc he saved the universe twice but Riku feels bad about giving into darkness and so they both take the test
40) the test is hijacked by Xehanort who reveals he's back and also that he's used time travel to bring back every version of himself. They want to use Sora to make a 13th version and start a new keyblade war to get Kingdom Hearts
42) they revealed that nobodies can regrow hearts and xemnas made up that no emotions forever shit because he wanted to rule his cult and make them all into vessels as a plan b
43) Riku stops them by saving Sora, with the help of King Mickey, and Lea, Axel's complete form
44) it turns out that when a Nobody and their Heartless die they become whole again. Lea wants a keyblade to rescue his friends including Isa, Saix's somebody who is norted
45) Xehanort says they will fight soon, when his 13 darknesses (aka possessed bodies) fight the 7 lights, and this clash will create the superweapon the X-blade which will let him open kingdom hearts, recreate the universe, and become god
46) Riku passes the exam and becomes a master. Sora fails but isn't too broken up about it. Yen Sid sends Riku to get Kairi and begins to train her and Lea as Keybearers to be Lights
47) Sora takes off to Olympus with Donald and Goofy to train with Hercules and recover the strength he lost when he was nearly possessed by Xehanort
48) meanwhile while all of this happened, back in point 10, we have a short game about Aqua who has been trapped for 10 years. It's depression the game and intersects with the plot bc she helps Mickey find the thing he needs to seal the darkness. She's separated from him and Riku which is why she can't get out to the darkness when they do in CoM
49) we are caught up to kh3
This is Really:Coded, Dream Drop Distance, and 0.2 Birth by Sleep
Misc. Details:
Kairi, Xion, and Namine look alike because Namine is Kairi's Nobody and Xion is based on Sora's memories of Kairi. Their main difference is hair color and style: Kairi has red hair, Namine has long blond hair, Xion has short black hair
Ventus and Roxas look identical. This is basically because baby Sora allowed Ventus to take shelter in his heart, so Roxas ended up looking like Ventus despite being connected to Sora
Vanitas looks like Sora but with black hair and gold eyes because Vanitas is the other half of Ventus, and thus connected to Sora's heart
There is a young version of Xehanort because of time travel. Don't stress about the time travel, just accept it
Pretty much all the main characters who aren't from a Disney property, a villain, or Axel/Lea (redhead, green eyes, fire powers), Aqua (blue hair, blue eyes, keybearer), or Terra (brown hair, blue eyes, keybearer) are underage.
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