#meal made of snacks
getinthehandbasket · 2 years
I made a possible ADHD hack discovery
I like snacking. I like eating regularly. I crave variety. My partner and I rarely have spoons to make dinner, despite having a meal kit service.
So this week, on the suggestion of a therapist (and with the dim memory of seeing a tiktok of an ADHDer doing something similar), I've been having.. snack meals?
We went to the grocery store together with the express purpose of buying mix-and match snacks. We got cottage cheese, chives, a couple types of cheese besides cottage, peanuts, 6-layer bean dip, wheat thins, tortilla chips, a few kinds of fruit, a few kinds of yogurt, fully-cooked sausages of various varieties, etc.
I'll mix and match, with minimal prep (cutting up the chives if needed, slicing cheese as needed, etc.), and put things in the numerous silicone cupcake liners I own, all piled on a plate.
Tonight's dinner is as follows: -Cottage cheese with chives -Peanut butter and a banana -Wheat thins, smoked gouda, and honey dijon mustard -Mixed fruit -Peanuts -Bean dip and tortilla chips -Blueberry yogurt
Mind, I only have small portions of each, but together it more than fills my plate and I can snack my way into a dinner while I play WoW. Picture under the cut.
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I feel like I'm dining like a Roman emperor.
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alexismusictrek · 11 months
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Sometimes you just need a little gray undershirt Janeway🤤🤤🤤
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mihai-florescu · 6 months
How i feel stopping by the turkish bakery, polish supermarket, and indian minimarket in one journey through the neighbourhood
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bhaalsdeepbat · 9 months
Like the way Astarion lights up at the prospect of killing the Githyanki patrol and his excitement when Ethel runs and he's all "now it's a hunt !!"
Heroic Astarion who still fucking FROTHS at the mouth at a good chase because anything worth eating is a little dangerous. He's still sweet and emotionally available, but he also still needs to hunt to eat and that prey drive gnaws at him regardless of if he hunts innocents or bandits. He might as well try to enjoy himself (and he does. Without guilt. Durge is actually quite into it)
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dalroti · 8 months
My body will be like *takes 6 months to gain 1 kg* *loses it in 2 days*
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scalpelsister · 9 days
idk how to word this but getting a job has really made me like. care about how i present myself in a way i havent in a while.
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banannabethchase · 9 months
Me, a Bellini in, confused, at 3:49pm on Christmas Day: So are we gonna open gifts and eat at any time because the 6 hours of Disney movies, while fun, are kind of confusing.
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ciderjacks · 1 year
i need to stop making the error of eating after I’ve taken my pills knowing they’re appetite suppressants
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psychic-waffles · 2 years
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I am trying my best 💪💪💪
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cavityinmybrain · 5 months
just got vivid memories to being in a psych hospital stay and getting to have 3 meals a day + 3 sandwiches a day because of my eating disorder. all of the other patients were so pissed everytime i got a sandwich between meals
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sophsicle · 2 years
Your love is a manifestation of your guilt.
You’re giving him a taste of THE Remus Lupin and then you’re going to rip him away. And you knew right from the start, at least Remus had good intentions.
And here I thought I’d witnessed all the cruelty of your writing. Fabian Prewett, an innocent victim in this game of love
Fabian Prewett is an innocent victim in this game of love
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dancerachanation · 6 months
hyunjin is so sweet 😭
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raylangivins · 6 months
i haven't been back to the dentist in like two years because i know he's gonna tell me to eat less sugar and i just don't have it in me to pretend i agree. we've had teeth and sugar for a bajillion years, surely it's on you guys to figure that one out at this point. i won't stop. i won't. oreos after dinner are a human right!!! 😡
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namakes · 2 years
[tonight I offer you: (semi nsft) hotaao wip I’m not sure I’ll ever finish but. maybe you can enjoy it anyway]
Marie was having trouble sleeping. Well, to be fair, she always did— but tonight was different.
Two hours had passed since she’d crawled into bed sometime after midnight, making it roughly one hour since Callie had rolled over in her sleep and half awoke to scoop Marie into a hug before she was back out again.
Marie huffed, shifting in place and fighting back another wave of heat, tips of her tentacles lighting dim green briefly before she choked it back. Honestly, this had happened every year for roughly the last ten, around the same time even, and she should really expect it by now— but well, here she was, wide awake in the middle of the night and trying not to light up like a firefly and wake her girlfriend.
Which would, Marie thought, actually help solve her problem.
She cursed inwardly as she tensed back another shiver, tentacles flickering again. Unfortunately, she’d also just about die of embarrassment even if Callie would understand and probably be more than a little flustered.
Normally, Marie found her luminescence was easy to hide. Years of trying not to look like a walking glow stick whenever she was embarrassed, happy, or the like made her general day-to-day life manageable enough she didn’t have to think about it. Being cool headed helped too— Callie almost always had a figurative glow about her; if she could actually light up she’d be incandescent.
Unfortunately, she also had about one night of the year where she… well, middle school had said some squids still felt the effects from ancient “mating seasons”, which used to last weeks to months. Marie was pretty sure she’d die if her season lasted that long— she’d had one that lasted a week back when Callie had been regularly out of town, and the lack of sleep was terrible. It was a bit of a mixed blessing it only ever started at night.
The older inkling idly traced the muscle along her cousin’s back, rubbing little circles behind her shoulder blades like she’d done a thousand times before. She had, at one point, been the same height as Callie. Now the younger inkling had a couple inches over her, and was significantly more muscular from years of swinging around a heavy roller and her generally active lifestyle. Marie let out a little sigh as her hand wandered over Callie’s shoulder, trailing her fingers over the relaxed curve of her bicep. But Cod, she was good looking.
“M’rie?” Her voice came out muffled from sleep. “Wh’time’s it?”
“Late.” Marie honestly had no idea. She quickly, and she hoped subtly, detached her wandering hands and gave a stretch, leaving her arm to hang casually back over the other inkling’s side.
Maybe she’ll just go back to sleep. Something in her protested the thought, making her shift uncomfortably. She frowned at herself. Keep it together, Marie.
Callie hummed, wrapping her arms a little tighter around the smaller inkling, cheek pressed against the top of her head. “Can’t sleep?”
Fuck, please just go back to sleep. Her hearts were starting to beat harder; Marie hoped she hadn’t noticed. “Didn’t mean to wake you.” Never mind that she sort of dodged the question.
Another hum in response as Callie ran a hand along her back, rubbing calming circles in what was likely an attempt to help the tension in Marie’s shoulders. Her hand slid down Marie’s side to cup her waist as Callie shifted to get comfortable, making her hiss a sharp breath between her teeth, back arching under the touch.
“Ah, sorr— oh.” The older inkling didn’t glance up, embarrassment keeping her eyes down, but she felt Callie shift to look at her. “Marie, you’re…”
Marie’s face burned. “I’m fine.” It came out short. “Don’t… worry about it.”
“You’re glowing.” It was more of a confirmation for herself than anything, but Marie snorted at the statement.
“Yes, Callie. I’m aware.” She deadpanned.
“Like, a lot.”
“I know, Callie.”
She was trying to keep the glow down, choking back that burning tension in her core, but that still meant she glittered like she was covered in glowflies. The tips of her tentacles and tops of her ears along to her cheeks were flecked with little bright green spots, and under her shirt they carried from the tops of her shoulders and made a Y down to her low back. A couple stripes of green could be seen on each side of her stomach running from under her chest to her navel, the glow dissipated from the fabric. The outsides of her thighs were also freckled with green light, peeking out from under the shorts she wore to bed.
While Marie cast light, Callie was practically a mirror— if a mirror could walk and had the personality of a puppy. Her yellow eyes shone with little green flecks, framed by shiny patches like freckles reflecting the older inkling’s glowing ones. Though Marie could only see the ones on her face, she knew Callie’s spots copied her own; shoulders, back, stomach, thighs. Her black and pink tentacles were particularly reflective, though currently tied behind her and away from the light, while the rest mostly just made her look like she was occasionally dusted with glitter. Well, sometimes she actually was.
Callie was staring in that way she did when she saw a pretty light or something shiny, her eyes round and semi-focused with her mouth making a little O. Marie supposed lighting up when your girlfriend was fascinated by lights — also an ancient squid hold-over, she’d been told — was really pretty fortunate. That it sometimes had the side-effect of making the younger inkling freeze up or gravitate in that direction was not, but Callie had also, generally, gotten better with that in her daily life as well.
Now did not seem to be one of those times however, and Marie sighed in the extended silence, tipping her head more solidly into the other inkling’s shoulder. “… Had a good enough look yet?”
No response.
“Callie. Hey.” She reached up and patted her cousin’s cheek, trying to snap her out of her reverie.
“Hwuh-?” Callie blinked rapidly, eyes refocusing. “Oh! Oh, sorry.” A bashful little smile flashed across her face.
“You’re just… you’re really pretty, you know?”
Marie responded by kissing her chin. “Ever the romantic— I could swoon.”
The younger inkling laughed quietly, pulling the other in tight and lightly pressing her lips to her mouth. Marie tensed at the contact, hearts skipping back up to a hammer, returning the kiss as fire lit her veins.
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b-blushes · 1 year
27.5 degrees c inside, perfect weather for a nice hot bowl of double oat porridge 😑
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tittyinfinity · 1 year
No you can not tell your child "don't talk back to me" when they're 27
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