#cause they were saying they were dieting for the fanmeet
dancerachanation · 6 months
hyunjin is so sweet 😭
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The Mysterious Instagrammer (Part 2)
❄Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
❄Genre: Fluff, Romance
❄Warnings: none
(Reader’s POV)
“I can’t believe I’m actually doing what that jerk told me to do,” I mumble to myself as I walk down the sidewalk, looking for my destination. Don’t ask me what caused me to get out of my room just to take a 30 minute stroll in order to go see who some guy is. I honestly had more motivation to stay in my room than to leave it. But then there are those “what if” questions that are running through my head. What if he’s telling the truth? What if he really is V? Then again, there is always the chance that this person is just pulling my leg, making me the innocent victim of their “oh so funny” prank. Do people not have anything better to do in their spare time anymore?
I awkwardly avoid eye contact with anyone who goes to my school, which seems to be every single person walking in my direction. Wondering what the reason is for everyone coming into town, I maneuver my way around a small bunch of old ladies and make way towards a group of girls, who happen to bully my best friend. I take a seat at one of the tables of the outdoor café that the girls are at right now. What is it with girls and cafes? I don’t really see the appeal to them. I mean, don’t get me wrong. While they are very cute and have lots of delicious drinks and pastries, they aren’t very special.
“Ma’am, may I get you anything to drink?” A waiter asks me.
“Just water please.” I can’t let myself get distracted from my goal. What was it again? Oh yeah, I wanted to find out what was attracting all of my fellow schoolmates over to this side of town. Trying to not look suspicious, I lean forward a little bit, making myself appear to be really interested in the menu but I was actually trying to hear what the bullies were talking about.
“So what do you guys plan on giving them at the fanmeet?” A girl with short brown hair asks the others.  I think my best friend mentioned her name was Tasha?
“I was planning on giving them some kind of candy bar or something,” said the girl whose blonde hair fell just below the waist. I think her name’s Victoria.
“Idiot, you can’t give them candy. They’re idols. They’re on diets for pete’s sake!” This girl has a hat on, making it hard for me to see her hair. Tasha, Victoria… I believe the last one’s name is Laina.
“Well, she could. Didn’t Jimin say something about how much he likes chocolate when he was on ASC?”
“Yeah but that was forever ago, stupid!” They seem like a friendly bunch. But what are they talking about exactly? “BTS aren’t the same people as they were back then!” Ah, I see why everyone’s been so frantic around town now. So the boys are in the city. I guess I’ve spent far too much time on learning how to draw. It took me away from them.
The waiter brings me back some water after a few minutes, and asks me if I would like anything else. “No, I’m okay.” Is all I can respond back with. Now that those girls have said that, I wonder if this roleplayer is telling the truth? I shake my head at the thought. There’s only one way to find out the answer to that question.
I stand up and quietly leave, slipping $10 onto the table for the nice waiter. I was sitting at that cafe for quite awhile. I should check what time it is. Reaching into my pocket, I grab my phone and tap the home button in order to wake it up. Let’s see, it says here that it’s… 2:23?! Crap, I’m supposed to meet the mysterious roleplayer at XXXXXXX in seven minutes!
As quickly as I can, I sprint in the direction of the place he told me to meet him. I shove some people out of the way, jump a few fences, and I even end up riding the lid of a trash can down a hill (don’t ask). To be honest, I don’t know if all of this exercise is worth proving to myself that I was right about that Instagram account. I mean, the feeling of being right is great, but when it comes at this high of a cost? I don’t think so.
“Last corner,” I tell myself as I round the corner, and skid to a stop at the building the roleplayer had told me to wait at. It looks like I beat him there. Panting heavily, I take out my phone and quickly check the time. 2:30. Looks like I made it right on time. When I finally manage to catch my breath, I find a streetlight to lean against. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” I say to myself. How many times have I said this now? Nine? Ten?
I close my eyes when I feel the cold wind hit my face, allowing myself to get lost in the frosty winter air. These types of days are my most favorite days. They give me a reason to stay inside and do nothing.
“You showed up! I was hoping you would.” That voice sounds awfully familiar. “I was kind of doubting that you would. You sounded pretty skeptical of me last night, so I’m sorry for being so uncertain. I guess all that worry was for nothing, right? Here you are! Have you been waiting long?” Is he talking to me? I think he’s talking to me. Opening my eyes, the first thing I see is a blonde head of hair. From the looks of it, he must be some kind of model. It’s styled in a way that shows off his forehead, framing his face perfectly.
I blink a few times in order to get rid of my blurry vision, and can I just say you would not believe who was standing right in front of my eyes the moment I could finally see.
“W-wait… but you’re-”
“Kim Taehyung.” He smiles down at me. “It’s nice to meet you.”
I’m tempted to write a part 3, but I’m not sure.
Send in your requests!
(Edited by: Artemis)
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itsbap · 8 years
[TRANS/INTERVIEW] GRAZIA Magazine April 2017 Edition - Himchan & Daehyun
B.A.P Himchan and Daehyun’s relationship is much like that of ‘Tom and Jerry’. It turns out that B.A.P fans have already compared them to such from a long time back. At the sight of them bickering without rest, (we) asked “(what if you guys) fight at this rate,” Himchan and Daehyun both answered at the same time, “this is playing!” and caused a big laugh.
Daehyun’s thighs vs Jongup’s butt If you absolutely had to have one…, Jongup’s butt. I’ll refuse anything that’s Daehyun’s (laughs).
Bungee jump vs Skydiving Ah… (I) have a lot of frights (I’m scared of it), (so I) give up
Kakaotalk vs Phone call Phone call. It’s annoying typing out texts.
Sleepiness vs Hunger, the thing that’s harder to resist is? Sleepiness. I have a lot of sleep
Party vs Time alone Party with friends and alcohol.
Straightforwardness vs Beating around the bush Straightforwardness. (I) don’t like it when there are misunderstandings because of words (talking).
Ballad vs Dance Still dance (for now). (I) like it more when (both) vocal and dance skills are distributed (and) displayed. Like Bruno Mars.
Mello vs SF Movie Mello. (I) originally (always) liked mello. Especially <A Moment to Remember>(, I) wanted over ten times.
It’s the first time doing a photoshoot with just you two, right? HC,DH (at the same time) yes.
Were the other members not jealous? DH They were making fun of us saying “We’re going to sleep in~” HC (They said that they’re) happy that they don’t have a schedule. But the other members are probably at the practice room right now as well.
(We’re) curious what time of conversation was passed on the way to the studio. HC The two (we) didn’t say a single word (laughs).
Really? (We) heard that (you) two are the most chatty, (I) guess not. HC It’s the truth. (But) in the morning(, we) two (both) don’t have words (don’t talk a lot). Normally(,) even if it’s just (us) two(, we’re) on fire (chatty).
What do you guys do to play normally? HC (I) drink alcohol (laughs). DH (I) eat outside, (and) eat inside the dorm as well. HC But because this friend ran away from the dorm…, DH Look at this hyung? Don’t misunderstand. (He) means that (I) became independent from the dorm recently (left the dorms to live on his own).
Yongguk, who left the dorm first, left with the reason that “the members don’t clean.” Why did Daehyun leave the dorm? DH It’s the same. If (you) see Himchan hyung and Jongup’s cleaning style(,) anyone would want to run away. For example(, they) file (their) clothes on the floor like pancake. (I) suffer from rhinitis and also have sensitive skin(,) so (I) try to be clean(,) but this is impossible in the dorm.
(I) also saw the video where Daehyun scolded Himchan saying to please stop wearing my (Daehyun’s) clothes without permission. How is it recently? DH Yesterday as well(, Himchan) hyung wore without my permission the shoes that (I) left in the dorm and was caught red handed. So I plan to wear Himchan’s clothes (without permission) as well.
(We’re) curious how Himchan will counterattack? HC Daehyun and Yongguk are almost at the level of a neat freak. Especially Daehyun is an FM (Field Manual) type (sticks to the set plan). (He says that) everything has to go the way that it’s been planned for (his) heart to be settled. Sometimes(,) it’s tiring because of that. DH I’ll reveal something again. (Himchan) hyung has a lot of sleep(,) so it’s difficult waking him up every time in the morning. HC Ah! I thought of something to counterattack. When (we) drink alcohol(,) Daehyun often gets up (and leaves) first. Even if serious conversation is being passed(,) if it becomes the time that (he) had set to go home(, he) leaves without looking back. At those times(,) it’s somewhat disappointing (sad/hurting). DH If I don’t get up (and leave) like that(, you guys) are going to keep holding (me) to stay.
(You guys are an) idol group, is it alright if (you) keep talking about drinking alcohol? DH It’s alright, (because) I quit drinking alcohol (laughs). HC Is that why (you) eat so much recently? DH That’s right. Until before the music video recording(, I) lost a lot of weight(,) but because of this(, I) gained 4kg more. HC Ah~ Diet! (I) want to stop eating chicken breast.
(You guys) must be on a diet. DH (We) two both really like eating(,) but during promotion period(, we) control our gluttony. (Our) styles are a little different. (Himchan) hyung likes spreading out a variety of food and eating it(, while) I go for one food. HC Because it’s important for an artist to have a variety of experiences (laughs).
(I) think to gain experiences(,) traveling is the best choice. Do (you) travel as well? DH Early this year(, I) went to Sapporo. It was (my) first out of country travel(, but) it was really good. (I went) shopping, ate good things, (and) saw snow.
What did Himchan do during the break? HC I went to New York and LA and came back. When B.A.P had a little over a year’s worth of break(, I) lived in New York for about three months(; but I) want to go back. (I) traveled around wherever my feet led me.
(We) heard that (you guys are) leaving again on a world tour soon. (And) that (you) plan to open a Seoul concert prior to it in the coming March 24~26. DH Last year(, we) opened large concerts at a lot of different countries(, but) this time(, we) plan to hold smaller concerts at less countries. Should (I) say that it’s closer to a fanmeeting? HC (We) planned a lot of time to communicate with the fans.
During the past winter(,) Bang Yongguk(,) who is both the leader as well as the oldest hyung(,) had to leave the team temporarily due to his panic disorder diagnosis. (We’re) glad that (you guys) could promote again as 6 (and) a whole again. DH (I) believed that Yongguk hyung will return healthy again, but (I) didn’t think that this day would come this quickly. HC (I feel) that finally now B.A.P has become perfect again. Not only just Yongguk, but it feels really empty when someone leaves the team.
Matching teamwork again after a long time(,) what type of conversation was passed? DH (We) each calmly welcomed (Yongguk) hyung’s return in our own ways. (I feel that) this type of method fits the best for someone that is manly and with little words like Yongguk hyung. HC Rather than words(,) it’s more important to show (him) trust with actions.
In place of Yongguk(,) Himchan(,) who is the same age as Yongguk(,) acted as the leader. HC There was a lot of burden. Because Yongguk and I have different methods of leading the team(,) our connection with the members fit well(, but since I) had to act alone as half of a leader. DH The two are complete opposites. If you compare it to a family(,) Yongguk hyung is the simple (and) brave (dependable) father(, while) Himchan hyung(,) should I say(,) like closer to the kind mother who shows plenty of affection? HC Perhaps because of that(,) the dongsaengs (the younger members) treated me like whatever (laughs). DH Hey, we worked harder to treat (you) more comfortably because you might suffer alone. Since Himchan hyung often plays along with the dongsaengs (the younger members) goofing around. Anyways(,) for B.A.P(,) both hyungs are necessary.
When did (you) feel Yongguk’s absence the most? HC When (we) got on the stage. (We were) worried that due to Yongguk’s absence the empty space might look big. DH Moreover(,) it was when we had released a full album and not a single(,) so it’s the truth that we were under confusion as well. But in times like this(, we) as five worked “really, honestly, (to our) greatest extent” the hardest. HC And that is why the result of the single album <Rose> released March 7th is really important. It is of course Yongguk’s return, (but there are also) a lot of situations tied in.
What type of situations are (you) talking about? HC Early this year(,) B.A.P faced our fifth anniversary. While happy in one part(, I was worried) that the days that B.A.P can promote as a whole is not that much left. Firstly(,) Yongguk and my age is now twenty eight…, DH This means that after about 2 years(,) the (Yongguk and Himchan) hyungs have to go to military. HC (I) don’t think that there has been a time that B.A.P as a whole has been able to complete a big picture. So that is why during the preparation of this album(, I) portrayed my opinion strongly more than before.
(We heard that) while choosing the title song(,) it was changed 4 times. In this step as well(,) was Himchan’s influence big as well? DH There were three songs in competing. At first(,) by the company’s suggestions(,) ‘Distopia’ was the prime candidate as the title song. But giving this and that different reasons(,) Himchan hyung persisted on ‘Diamond 4 Ya’. The other members were for ‘Wake Me Up’. HC (I) felt that ‘Distopia’ was too obvious (a choice), (and I) didn’t like the beginning arrangement of ‘Wake Me Up’. But if (B.A.P released) a trendy song like ‘Diamond 4 Ya’(, I felt that) it could be a chance for B.A.P to advance one step further.
In the end(, you guys are) promoting ‘Wake Me Up’. HC (I) quickly folded my stubbornness (gave up) (laughs). Instead(,) while arranging ‘Wake Me Up’, (I) strongly requested that “please have this be done this way, (and) that be done that way.”
Looking over B.A.P’s promotion records(,) there wasn’t a lot of the members’ personal promotions. Is there no plans to release albums as a solo or a unit(,) or to expand your areas toward acting or entertainment? DH (I) feel that it will remain this way for a while. Last year November, while promoting a song called ‘SKYDIVE’(, I) suddenly had this thought. “Ah, (I) should try working harder as a whole group!” HC There are still a lot of people that do not know about B.A.P’s existence (laughs). DH This is the first time I’m saying this here(, but). (I am) really thankful of Himchan hyung(,) and on another side sorry. (Himchan) hyung is talented in many ways in music as well as entertainment skills, but (Himchan) always puts team promotions first.
What part of Daehyun does Himchan think is outstanding? HC Acting, leading (a program), singing, dance, et cetera(,) whatever he does(, it feels) natural. (He also) gets along with whatever group he is with. So (I) often push him saying, “do something,” but Daehyun keeps taking his foot out (not going with it).
Are you following after (Himchan) hyung’s meaning to put team activities first? DH It’s more that (I) don’t think it’s time yet. (Perhaps that I want to) polish up a little more? There has been times that (I) attempted this and that while not completely prepared and ended up disappointed. HC But still starting from the end of this year(, we) plan to expand personal activities. Perhaps (we’ll) start from B.A.P’s main MC Youngjae.
From on forth(,) how will the two people(Himchan and Daehyun)’s life flow on? HC (I feel) firstly that (I) want to focus on this moment (now). (You) can’t tell what’ll happen even tomorrow(,) so how can (you) draw out a far future. DH (I) can’t think of anything else other than practicing so that (I) may become a closer to perfection as a singer. HC But(,) if there is one thing that (I) wish for(, it’s that) even after coming back from military service(,) that (I) want to (still) be a B.A.P member. DH It will be like that. You can believe it. Rather than words(,) I’ll show it through actions, like (Himchan) hyung!
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lady-lysa · 8 years
Jikook HC#2: Canon Compliant + Fainting Incident
Jungkook should have known. That was the only thing in his mind as he struggled through the rest of the fanmeeting, fighting back tears and willing his voice not to tremble. All the band members had the same forced smiles on their faces, saying words of reassurance to the panicking fans.
Jungkook should have figured out something would happen when Jimin would come back to the dorm at two in the morning, stumbling from exhaustion, or even when Jimin wouldn’t come back, falling into fatigued slumber on the floor of the dance room or in one of the couches nearby. And his damn diets had gotten stricter too. All of them dieted to some extent in order to keep up the physique demanded by their job, but no one took it to the extent Jimin did. But like an idiot, Jungkook kept his worries at bay, allowing himself to trust Jimin’s sunshine smile and easy words.
Now, looking at Jimin’s pale sleeping face in their shared hotel room bed (he had been allowed to move there from the hospital by his request), he could clearly see everything Jimin had kept hidden. The deep purple circles under his eyes, the tired tilt of his mouth, the unnatural pallor of his face…
Taehyung was clutching his best friend’s hand, sniffling. Yoongi was silent, but his eyes were red-rimmed and he was holding Jimin’s other hand tightly. Although Yoongi loved them all, Jungkook knew that he had a soft spot for gentle, cuddly Jimin. They all did. Namjoon and Jin were talking quietly to a manager and Hoseok was hovering around the room, unable to keep still for long.
Only Jungkook stood at the back, fists clenched and burning eyes unmoving from Jimin’s face. The other members shot him worried looks, but he kept his lips pressed shut.  
Only after all the other members left for the night did Jungkook approach the bed, kneeling by it and lifting a trembling hand to trace Jimin’s still face. Guilt, anger, and love warred in his mind. Guilt for not helping his bandmate, anger at Jimin for doing this to himself and not telling them, and love….
Jimin’s eyes fluttered open and Jungkook’s thought deserted him. With a choked cry, he reflexively clutched at Jimin’s shirt and buried his face into his shoulder. He could feel Jimin hesitantly stroking his back, confused because Jungkook usually hated displays of affection. All bullshit, Jungkook thought suddenly, because he would die if he never felt Jimin’s touch again.
When he looked back into Jimin’s pretty, puzzled eyes, Jungkook’s mood changed again like quicksilver. “What were you thinking?” he said, furiously, his fingers clenched tight on Jimin’s shirt. “How could you do this to yourself-”
He stopped himself when he saw tears forming in Jimin’s eyes, because holy fuck, it hurt to cause Jimin pain. “What were you thinking?” he asks more gently, and allows Jimin to see the pain in his own eyes.
Jimin swallowed and his voice was still hoarse when he muttered, eyes ashamed, “I wasn’t good enough. I needed to practice more, eat better…. I want to deserve to be here with all of you…”
Jungkook stared at him in disbelief. Because kind, lovely Jimin who was the heart of the band, who listened to everyone’s problems and never voiced his own if he could help it, who gave out cuddles and smiles like candy, who danced like liquid moonlight and sang like all the passion in the world was contained in his voice, Jimin thought that he didn’t deserve to be here.
Jimin looked so small on the bed, his face red and turned away from Jungkook’s, and Jungkook needed to tell him why he was wrong. He’d never been good with words or emotions in general, but he turned Jimin’s face gently toward him.
“Hyung, how can you ever say that? You are everything to this group. What would we do without you? We all love and appreciate you so much and I-I-” Jungkook paused, realizing that he was getting into territory he was not quite ready to explore, “I just want you to be safe,” he finished lamely.
Jimin’s face was glowing, but he didn’t look entirely convinced. But that was okay, because Jungkook was going to spend the rest of his life convincing him.
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