#meadow (avatar)
natlacentral · 6 months
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smudgetheblades Has anyone seen the new Avatar: The Last Airbender live action yet over at Netflix, sooooo deadly!!! My daughter Meadow plays young Katara in the series and I just wanted to give a huge shoutout to her agency Premiere Talent Management for working so hard on getting her amazing auditions like this! The indigenous representation in this show was so deadly to see, super proud of you Meadow and the rest of the cast!! Skooooooden!! 💧 🔥 💨 🪨
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ominous-feychild · 10 days
✦ Character Voice Tag 4 ✦
We're doing a voice tag to help introduce you guys to some new characters to my blog! Introducing: the Mulul Gang!
"The Mulul Gang" are the avatars of the Water Existential, Mulul!
I made some good general quotes that are good at encapsulating / introducing different aspects of the characters! Feel free to hop in and do a version of this for some of your characters, new or old!
Find their OC In Threes here!
Lines used: ✦ “Nice to meet you, I’m ___.” ✦ “Wait… you trust me?” ✦ “I trust you.” ✦ “Everything’s falling apart, everything’s going wrong—” ✦ “I got this.”
Your lines: ✦ the same!!!
Characters from the Mulul Gang: Zenebe, Mitzie, Coco, Lionel, Deirdre, Louhi, Alcyone, Meadow
CONTENT WARNING: implications of death and self-sacrifice (especially relating to death)
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“Nice to meet you, I’m ___.”
“Pleasure to meet you. You may call me Zenebe.”
(*grinning; if trying to appease himself to the person, would give a bow... which he doesn't break eye contact for*)
“May our acquaintance be long and mutually beneficial.” 😉
“... Mitzie.”
(*looks away*)
“Don’t expect me to remember yours.”
“Hello! Coco, nice to meet you! I hope we can be great friends!”
“Oh, uh… Lionel here. Yeah, yeah—Lionel. Because I’m basically a lion. Hardy-har-har.”
(*ears lay flat back as he snarls, showing off his fangs*)
“So original. I’ve never heard that joke before.”
“... Deirdre. It’s nice to meet you…”
(*bows head in a polite nod; offers a soft smile*)
“Louhi… nice to meet you, {Name}.”
(*avoiding the gaze of the person; voice barely a whisper*)
“... Alcyone…”
(*curtsies, smiling*)
“Nice to meet you! You may call me Meadow!”
if with Alcyone:
(*bows her head politely and smiles, but holding Alcyone’s hand… and standing halfway between the person and Alcyone, like she’s shielding her from them.*)
“Nice to meet you! Meadow here, and this—”
(*gestures with her free hand toward Alcyone*)
“—is Alcyone. Sorry! We’ve really got to get going, haha.”
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“You trust me?”
“You… ha…”
(*awkwardly rubs the back of his neck and looks anywhere but at them*)
“... I don’t know how good of a decision that is. You should really work on your sense of judgement.”
(*awkward grin! Quickly changes the subject—*)
“... I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but don’t bother. Mind your own business and take care of yourself—and I’ll do the same.”
if she didn’t know/believe it before:
“Oh, um… I wasn’t expecting that… but…”
(*shakes her head rapidly, then nods stubbornly*)
“Of course! I got this!”
(*soft smile… whether she believes them or not.*)
if she knew/believed it was obvious:
(smiles weakly) “Of course. Don’t worry… I got this.”
“Oh! Um…”
(*awkward shuffle and fidgeting, can’t meet the eyes of the person*)
“Thanks, but… I don’t know if I’m as capable as you think I am…”
(*avoiding eye contact*) “I’ll… try my best to earn your confidence in me…”
(if known/expected)
“Mmm… why are you telling me that?”
(if surprising/new to them)
(*pauses, taken off-guard… but gives a gentle smile, whether they believe it or not*)
“Well, now I have to succeed, don’t I?”
(*freezes… then tears up, pain written across her face. Voice breaking:*)
“I… don’t deserve your trust.”
(*puts on a sad smile*) “Then I’ll do my best to justify it.”
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“I trust you.”
“Listen, I—...”
(*can’t make eye contact*)
“... I don’t know how good of a decision this is, but I trust you. Whatever you need… I can help. Just tell me what you need me to do.”
(*smirks, giving a deep, sarcastic bow*)
“I’m your sword. Wherever you need me, I’ll be there. Just give me the order and I’ll carry it out to the best of my ability.” 😉
if recent/new connection:
“I… if you say you’ve got this, I’ll take your word for it… but, please. Don’t push yourself too hard… or get cocky. Cockiness gets you killed.”
if long-standing:
(*silently sits down with the person to read… and might lean into them*)
(*sits down beside/moves to hug the person*) “Of course; I trust you. You can do this!!”
if hesitant; likely in a situation where he's "abandoning" them to fend for themself... even though he doesn't want to:
“I… believe you. No—you got this! You don’t have to reassure me!”
in a similar situation, but confident in their abilities:
(*lifts them up with both of his right arms, placing them on his shoulder*)
“YEAH! You got this!!! LET’S GO {NAME}!!!”
(*parades them about while hyping them up and pumping his fists on his opposite side*)
(*very purposely maintaining eye contact, gives a soft smile and puts her hand on their shoulder*)
“You got this. Let’s go.”
(*brushes their hair from their eyes to meet their eyes with a more serious—but calm as ever—look*)
"I believe in you, {Name}. But... is there anything I can do to lighten your load?"
(*tightly hugging herself… and fingers white from how tightly she’s gripping her own arms*)
“... okay. If you insist…”
(*meeting their eyes with a serious look*)
“If you say you got this, I’ll take your word for it… but, please. Don’t take on too much weight. If you need help, I can help. Just say the word, and I’ll be there for you.”
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“Everything’s falling apart, everything’s going wrong”
(*leans back and runs hands over his hair stressfully, trying not to explode… but radiating heat and leaking steam*)
“Okay, okay, great. Fantastic! Fan-fucking-tastic!”
(*Stands up straight to grin darkly… but glaring everywhere he looks and still leaking steam*)
“Let’s get this over with.”
(*silent, internal screaming… scanning her surroundings and running through plans and possibilities in her head as she frantically tries to find a winning scenario.*)
if verbal:
(*voice uneven*) “I… don’t know if we can get out of this. I’m sorry…”
(*eyes wide and face drained of blood… though it’s not visible through his fur*)
“Ohhhh, Mulul… ohhhh no… oh, Existences—”
(*panicking, paces with his head down, in his hands, and petting his own mane to try to calm down*)
(*dark, bitter smile*)
“... I was wondering when everything would finally fall apart.”
(*accepting of their fate... but analyzing the situation to try to find ways to help everyone else escape. Aka... sacrificing themself to save others.)
(*blank staring and silently crying… at most, will do her best to help others escape with their lives. Has already accepted it’s the end for herself.*)
(*internally panicking, but taking in everything around her and trying to come up with a plan to get everyone out safely*)
if verbal:
(*voice slightly uneven, but faking a smile… poorly.*)
“We got this. Just… take a deep breath and focus. {‘Calmly’ gives instructions on how to proceed}.”
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“I got this.”
if faking confidence:
(*cracks knuckles and pops neck, walking forward menacingly/with a cocky smirk*) “No problem.”
if being genuine:
(*cracks knuckles, but serious and clearly alert*)
“No problem; consider it done.”
(*even, empty stare*)
“Of course. Is that all?”
“Yeah! No problem!”
if faking; more likely than alternative:
(*weak smile*) “Yeah! Don’t worry about me, I got this!”
if genuine, or more confident in his success:
(*grins and flexes his arms*)
“Oh, yeah, I can take care of that, no problem!”
(*winks like the goofy lion he is*)
(*takes in a slow, deep breath, quickly tying her hair back*)
“Alright. Let me take care of this.”
(*pushes their sleeves up and steps in front of the other person / blocks them from proceeding... so Louhi can do it instead.*)
"No. Let me handle this."
(*takes a slow, deep breath, standing up straight and making herself look as confident as possible. Quickly creates barriers of light to block people from stopping her, and will write any communication in the air with light rather than speaking... like she does half the time, anyways.*)
if in a moment of danger:
(*stands up straight, puts herself between the danger and whoever she’s protecting, and bursts a wall of earth and/or plants behind her to further block them off. Glaring at the threat.*)
“Let me take care of this.”
if otherwise:
(*smiles slightly*)
“Don’t worry about me—I can take care of that.”
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WOOOOO, the Mulul avatars definitely don't have a boatload of issues each! Nothing to worry about at all!
It's almost like, as I've (probably) said before, life as an avatar is both incredibly dangerous and extremely repressive... yknow... because you've sold your soul to a god that wants nothing more than to use you.
Aaaanyway, I thought these were good ways of showing these guys' general personalities! And, I'm ngl, I'm surprised by how diversely they all react to things, haha.
Who's your favorite of the bunch so far?
And want to guess who mine is? 😉
Voice Tags: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Tag list: @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star
@the-letterbox-archives @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa @mysticstarlightduck @paeliae-occasionally
@thecomfywriter @darkandstormydolls + open tags!
(Second to last time I'll tag you guys for unless you're in the "everything" tag list! Tell me if you'd like to be added to the Mulul Gang's permanent tag list!)
Divider by @saradika
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annakacoyett · 3 months
Summary: There are three things most know before they ever meet the youngest of Blacks.
One: Regulus Arcturus Black is blind.
Two: Regulus Arcturus Black is capable.
Three: everyone is, to some measure, afraid of Regulus Arcturus Black.
Or: Toph Beifong’s soul is now inhabiting a body called Regulus Arcturus Black. The British Wizarding World weeps.
So I was looking for Reggie-centric crossover fics, and found this hilarious gem. 10/10 rec. Go read it.
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eucalyptusbrainrot · 6 months
avatar (elemental) marauders
james fire bender, or a nonbender???
sirius and regulus give fire nation OR… hear me out on this (i love it) NORTHERN WATER TRIBE???? (would be such a cool chance for trans reggie ngl, struggling with sexism and his identity..)
peter vine bender? is that the name.. idk… maybe rlly spiritual.
remus is probably very spiritual as well nonbender maybe?
pandora and evan being air benders make sense to me (rosier twins for this)
evan being a metal bender does to.
barty is probably a fire bender that was raised as a soldier and struggles with his bending like zuko after he starts healing!
lily would make sense as so much.
marlene fire bender
dorcas fire or water ngl… like i love her as someone who uses a lot of lightning!
mary as a nonbender … ? maybe spiritual lady.. i dunno..
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mariocki · 5 months
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Pathfinders in Space (ABC, 1960)
"Now, the remainder of us have fifteen hours of oxygen left. That leaves fifteen hours in which to complete our research here."
"Well, what's the good of all that if you can't come back with it?"
"The moon never destroys her treasures, Henderson. We shall leave a record and it'll be preserved in the vacuum of the caves. And the future expeditions you mentioned, they will find it."
#pathfinders in space#1960#children's television#classic tv#abc#malcolm hulke#eric paice#guy verney#peter williams#gerald flood#harold goldblatt#richard dean#gillian ferguson#stewart guidotti#pamela barney#irene sutcliffe#hugh evans#astor sklair#michael guest#the first sequel to the seminal (and sadly entirely lost) serial Target Luna; for reasons best known to the production team‚ despite being#a direct sequel with the same characters‚ every major role was recast for Pathfinders (and so sadly we don't get to see a young Michael#Craze). often described as a precursor to DW‚ and honestly that's hard to deny: this might be the first uk kids sci fi serial to really#nail that family friendly vibe‚ with enough interest for both children and adult viewers alike. it's a rare gift that it exists complete#and finally getting to it i found it a genuinely compelling series. it can be a little cheesy and a little silly in places (adorably‚ our#astronauts take a full tea service to the moon and regularly stop for tea) but i actually ended up learning some stuff about the moon from#this 64 yr old series. Gerald Flood's everyman journalist is a nicely constructed audience avatar but it's missing cheese expert Peter#Williams who gives the orders (and regularly imperils his own children). a lot of fun! well worth seeking out for old tv fans#also needless to say the various miniatures and fx work is frankly adorable.#and shoutout to Prof Mary Meadows‚ it's nice to have a kickass lady scientist in a show this old (and who remains cooler and more capable#than her male counterparts on more than one occasion).
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What's my name? Guess!
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tokoriart · 8 months
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✶ Ko-Fi membership reward for -XXX- ✶ --- Unlock exclusive content and support my work by subscribing to my Ko-fi! By joining, you'll get access to unique content, WIPs, sketches that are not available anywhere else. Your subscription helps me live and create more art ♡
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pxgeturner · 2 years
🩰 -> dancing in the meadow
req w kiri (from atwow)
mkay i am along w muse ( @gardenofvows pls stan her ) in thinking that kiri is totally an abba girly. i didn’t include slipping through my fingers bcz that just wasn’t the vibe of the playlist
voulez-vous - abba
dancing queen - abba
chiquitita - abba
take a chance on me - abba
gimme gimme gimme! - abba
dr feel good remix - blackswan
boy’s a liar pt 2 - pink pantheress, ice spice
flowers - miley cyrus
goo goo muck - the cramps
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Baby Sky Bison from Legend of Korra.
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meadow-hearthfire · 2 years
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Ever had a bad day and needed a freaking drink to chill the fuck out?
What's this in my hand, you might ask? That's Wizard's Brew.
There's a story behind it: When a wizard tried to brew an alcoholic beverage the way potions are brewed, he accidentally dropped his favorite pastry into the cauldron.
When you take a swig of Wizard's Brew, the flavor you taste is so divine you forget that you're drinking booze. In my case, it felt like I was biting into an actual fresh-out-of-the oven cinnamon roll! Isn't it magical?
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mayhemories · 2 years
Hi could you possibly write Neteyam x reader?
- Reader is best friends with Kiri and has feelings for Neteyam
- Reader sees herself as ugly, undesirable and believes Neteyam sees her as a little sister
- Yet Neteyam loves her and respects her
- Sexual tension between Neteyam and reader. linger hands and sneaking glances
- Kiri notices and secretly sets them up one night
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Best Friend's Brother
Oh Jesus Christ I loved writing every moment of this, but I kinda strayed away from your last point in the request, I'm sorry! I still hope it satisfies <3
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: Just fluff, some lowkey spice. No minors, get outta here! Reader is insecure and self-conscious, Neteyam puts a stop to that rather quickly. 
Words: 3.7k
Author’s Notes: 
Neteyam is 19, reader is 18 but only a few months older than Kiri. Lo’ak and Kiri are roughly 17, moving on to 18. Lil Tuk girl queen is the same age as the movie because I will protect her childhood. How old even is she? 8? Maybe im a fake fan. 
Please note that the reader utilises she/her pronouns. If you’d prefer male or gender-neutral pronouns in fic I’m more than happy to repost a male or gn version of the story, otherwise include any pronoun preferences in the request box!
Read below the cut:
High Camp provided so much warmth, love and safety for its people. You were not old enough to remember Hometree or the destruction of it. But you could not imagine living anywhere else but in the densely protected cave systems of the Hallelujah Mountains. 
Everyone knows everyone, all the kids play together, live together, laugh together. The community that Olo'eyktan Jake Sully, and his mate, Neytiri had fostered here was against all odds. 
Your mother was one of the most talented hunters in the clan, this love of hunting easily transferred to warmongering, alongside the leadership (or maybe the leashing of your mother’s bloodlust) from Neytiri and Toruk Macto. Neytiri and your mother grew up together, so closely. Neytiri never forgets her friends and knows every name and face of the clan. You couldn’t help but admire her for this. Your father, on the other hand, was an irreplaceable healer and herbalist. He worked alongside T’sahik Mo’at, training younger Na’vi who showed promise in interpreting the ways of Eywa’s medicinal signs. With your family’s connection to the Sully’s, it was impossible to avoid them, even if you wanted to. 
You grew up with the Sully kids, being a year younger than Neteyam, their eldest, and only a few months older than Kiri and Lo’ak, the four of you would always be playing. Running through the majestic forests of Pandora, swimming through creeks, lakes and rivers, kissing the dirt as you rolled down hills into meadows of wildflowers. The older you got the closer you got to Kiri. The sister you’ll never have. 
You loved your parents, you did, but they made it clear that one child was enough for them. Your father loved the Sully’s as you did, he thought with his entire heart that Jake was the best for the clan. He was Toruk Macto, after all. Your mother, however, made things harder. She loved Neytiri like a sister, and always wished for her happiness. 
“I remember when Jake was like a baby, you know.” She would say at mealtimes, your father would have a small smile. You could do nothing but roll her eyes. “He was trouble maker, still is.” She was grumpy. You knew that she trusted Jake and saw him as a good Olo’eyktan, but the disdain grew from your friendship with his kids. 
“His boys are the same, no different.” She would always say the same thing, with the same pointed look. 
You and Kiri had just finished your rituals of womanhood the week prior. For the both of you finding a mate was expected. For Kiri, nothing was ever expected in terms of mateship. In fact it was almost the opposite.
“You never have to do something you don’t wanna do, Babygirl” Jake said, smoothing down Kiri’s wild hair. The two of you sat in the middle of the floor in the Sully’s tented home. Braiding beads into your songchords to commemorate the recent transition from child to adult. 
“What about you, (y/n)?” Neytiri asked, watching the two young girls weave their cords, reminiscing on her own bead.  
You sighed, knowing your parents had been pushing the topic for a while:
“What about Tsu-wey? Or, Marek or Teyk’ah?” Your mother said, rattling off the names of warrior boys, flinging her arms around, exasperated. You shook your head, you weren’t really interested in anyone. 
Your father, always taking the approachable, personal angle, sat next to you, tucking your shoulders under his arm. 
“What about Aäna? She’s a lovely girl-” 
“Dad!” You shot up, crossing your arms over your chest, the blood rushing to your cheeks. “It’s not that Dad, I just don’t like anyone like that yet really.” 
“You’ve got to work it out, (y/n),” Your mother said harshly, “Soon.” 
“Uh no, no I haven’t really got anyone in mind.” You replied quietly. 
“Ugh come on, lets scram.” Kiri said grabbing your wrist and practically marching you out of her family home. 
“Ughh Kiri, I only just finished my chord-oof” Your complaints were quickly cut off as Kiri stobbed abruptly, your whole body coming in contact with her back. “You skxwang! What are you doing-” 
“Brother.” Kiri chirps, cutting you off. Neteyam stood in the doorway, leaning against the timber frame, smirking. His braids fell around his face, his high cheekbones and delicate features seemed to play with the soft golden lighting of High Camp, his tail flicked subtly from side to side, amused. 
“Sister, (y/n),” Neteyam replied, sounding almost bored. “Where are you two running off to?” his fingers fiddled with his waistband, running down to his songchord. You knew you were staring, tracking the motion of his large hands, rubbing each bead, shell, and stone in between his thumb and pointer finger. It was embarrassing, you couldn’t look away, and why should you? There was nothing inappropriate about the action. Just his large, capable hands and skilled fingers…
Oh Eywa, that is enough. 
“None of your business, big brother,” Kiri said, teasing as she often did. You swore she only knew how to convey her thoughts through sarcasm and hints. 
Neteyam chuckled, his fingers resting on his crossed arms once, more. Your plain eyes found his warm, deep ones, as he said:
“I think it’s my business where my girls run off to, no?” You knew he did not mean it the way your stupid little brain heard it, you know he meant it as a brother. Nothing more, nothing less. But god, you wished you were his girl. You always had, since you were twelve. All of a sudden, you woke up one day and Neteyam was cute. Cute turned into cool, cool gave way into hot, and hot turned into so incredibly sexy as you got older. And you stayed, well awkward and plain and not much to behold. 
But, you could pretend, that was something you were good at. Rolling your eyes, you broke the contact with Neteyam, shoving Kiri with your shoulder and righting the way of the world, again. 
“The meadow.” You said flatly. 
Kiri wasn’t as much of an airhead as you seemed to think she was. She knew her best friend, and she knew her big brother. Neteyam was a loser, a goody-goody with a desperate need to be the perfect son, the perfect soldier. Around you, he became this swaggering popular guy that Kiri knew him not to be, really. Maybe around his stupid Ikran Rider friends. But never around Kiri, or Lo’ak or Tuk. He never bought that facade into their home, save for when you were in it. 
You, on the other hand, Kiri knew you like the back of her hand. You were shy, sweet and just so obviously and painfully in love with Neteyam. She watched you watch him, and him in turn trying to memorise every freckle, scar and nick on your body. 
Neteyam cleared his throat, embarrassed that Kiri had caught him, once again, stealing glances at her best friend. 
“Just be home for dinner, before eclipse, yeah?” He questioned, the muscle upon his brow bone tilting slightly upward. 
“Of course!” Kiri yelled out as the two of you ran off, hand-in-hand, giggling as you did so. Neteyam watched your retreating figures flee High Camp. Pulling his attention towards his own songchord, his most recent bead was longer than the others, a hollowed-out green gemstone, mottled with white and silver patterning. The one he chose for himself the year prior at his own ceremony, welcoming him into manhood. Neteyam smiled to himself, remembering the bead you had obviously chosen for your own ceremony, made from the same little green stone. 
Neteyam didn’t know how much longer he could go on going like this. He felt like he was walking in circles, orbiting you, waiting for his gamut to eventually crash him into you. Sighing he opened the flap to his tented family home. Maybe it was time to ask Toruk Macto for advice. 
The long grass of the meadow was a deep shade of green, almost the colour of seagrass. Its long strands waved in the breeze, tickling your face as you lay on your back, watching the clouds, birds and everything that called the clearing it’s home. You felt connected to the place, like you were in the lungs of the world, simply floating in the breath of Eywa. 
Kiri sat at your feet in the long grass, facing you, but with her knees drawn close to her chest, playing with the end of her face-framing braids. She was thinking hard, hyperfocused on a thought that was so deep-rooted it took you multiple attempts to get her attention. 
“What’s wrong my Kiri?” You asked, finally catching her eye-line, sitting up to mirror her position. 
“Nothing is wrong, why would anything be wrong?” Kiri responded, trying to act nonchalant. 
“Do not bullshit me, you penis face.” You say, pulling a smile out of her distracted figure while nudging her leg with your foot. 
“You would be my sister if you mated Neteyam, you know that right?” She asked, like she didn’t say the craziest fucking sentence you’ve ever heard in the world. 
All the air left your lungs at once, she may as well have punched you in the stomach. You were going to retch. 
“What are you talking about!” You felt the blood rush to your face, fanning itself over your nose, cheeks, ears and shoulders. Your whole chest felt like Kiri had taken a flare to it. You couldn’t bear it, you felt hot all over. You covered your face with your shaking hands. 
Oh, mother Eywa I will die here, I will die here of embarrassment and pass through to you.
“Don’t be stupid, I know you loooooove him,” She said stretching out her o’s as she so often did when teasing, she poked you a few times too, for good measure. “He obviously is pining for you too, you skxwang.” 
Kiri was a tease, she was sarcastic and blunt and hilarious. But she was not mean. Which, is why you couldn’t work out why she was being mean to you now. About something so personal, too. You felt the hot tears start to form. 
“Why are you being mean?” You asked softly, pulling your hands away from your eyes, to try and read her face. 
Kiri was taken aback by how upset you were. She did not mean it to be mean, she was serious. She quickly took you in her arms, all jokes aside. 
“Ma (y/n) why are you crying?” Kiri asked softly. You sniffled, letting the tears fall freely now. 
“You know I love Neteyam, why would you tease me like that knowing it is like stones in my heart.” You began to ramble, as you so often did when you were emotional. “Neteyam sees me as his little sister, nothing more, nothing less.” You said seriously, vehemently. Lip quivering, you felt stupid and pathetic crying about it. But now that ball of thoughts had started to be unwound in your mind you could not stop, all the words you could not say since you were twelve just fell out of your little mouth. “And besides, if Neteyam didn’t see me as just a little annoying sister, I am ugly Kiri.” Kiri started to shush you, but you did not listen.
 “I am not unique in features like you, I am not as elegant as your mother, I’m not as alluring as Aäna, or as talented as Lor’ät. I’m so fucking boring.” Your tears fell so freely down your face and neck, you felt them fall behind the straps of your breast cover. You hated it. You hated everything about you and you would never be enough for Neteyam. 
You would never be enough for anyone, really. When you thought critically about it. 
Kiri held you close as you sobbed like her mother would, smoothing down your hair like her father would. She was beyond confused about how you could ever think this about yourself. Knowing fair well what a lot of the hunter boys Lo’ak was friends with say about you, what Neteyam’s Riders say in confidence, what the healer girls under Mo’at whisper about during Kiri’s training. Usually it makes her want to gag. But in this moment she wished she told you earlier. Maybe it would’ve given you more self-confidence in a perverse roundabout way. You were so wanted. If it wasn’t for Neteyam’s possessive nature of you, you could have anyone you wanted. Kiri reasoned, that if Neteyam wasn’t going to let anyone else have you, but not move on you himself, Kiri would have to set it up.
You and Kiri came back to High Camp, just before dinner and just after you finally stopped crying. You asked Kiri to never talk about the whole thing, preferring to just shove the whole thing into a little lockbox, throwing it away into the undercurrent of your consciousness. 
You stopped dead in your tracks infront of Kiri’s home, hearing Jake’s laugh and Tuk’s squeals. Neteyam was in there. No, you couldnt it was way to fresh. To have dinner with them would be the last petal in your funerary basket. 
“Come, lets eat.” Kiri whined, pulling on your arm. You stood firm like an island of stone against the tide. 
“I think I will eat with my parents tonight, I’m sorry.” You said in a low voice. “I’ll be back to normal tomorrow I promise.” You quickly added, to appease your headstrong sister. 
“Okay.” Kiri said softly, taking both of your hands into her five-fingered ones. “It’s all going to sort itself out, (y/n). I promise.” 
The usually short walk across High Camp to your family home felt unusually long, cold and dark.
Kiri flopped down on the woven mats around the firepit with a huff. Next to Jake and Neteyam, Kiri was hungry and angry and sad for her friend. 
“Hey , Babygirl.” Jake said, kissing Kiri on her forehead. Jake looked toward the door, confused. “Where’s my other beautiful girl?” Jake asked, confused. (y/n) always joined them for dinner, he couldn’t remember a night her presence had been missed since she was born. 
Kiri sighed, big and deep. “She’s having dinner with her parents.” 
“What has happened?” Neytiri asked, serving dinner on a leaf for little Tuk. 
Kiri felt internally conflicted. It was not her business to share, not her secrets to lay bare. But her best friend was hurting, and the skxwang next to her was the only one who could fix it. But (y/n) never begs for anything, and she begged Kiri the whole walk home to say nothing. 
She could not say nothing, but she did not have to say anything, either. 
“(y/n) was sad, about finding a mate. Her parents are really hard on her about it.” Kiri was not one to lie, and this was not a lie she convinced herself. But not the whole truth either. 
“Bro, that’s so stupid. Literally everyone is asking her mom for courting meetings.” Lo’ak piped up. His sentence muffled due to his full fucking face of food. Kiri screwed her face up.
“Courting meetings? What do you mean?” Neteyam looked panicked. The face he usually reserved for Lo’ak’s antics on the field. 
“I don’t know man, some of the guys were talking about it today during lessons. But her Dad keeps turning them away for now.” Lo’ak answered, shrugging nonchalantly, stuffing his face still, despite the family’s disgust. 
Kiri stared at Neteyam, reading every inch of his face as he calmed down. He was running out of time, she knew it. But, Neteyam looked at Jake. Jake raised his eyebrows at his eldest son, turning his head slightly and shrugging. It was a shared look, Neteyam knew exactly what Jake meant, though Kiri felt left in the lurch. 
The Sully’s did not talk about it for the rest of dinner, thankfully. 
Neytiri was putting Tuk to bed. Jake, in a rare moment was teaching Lo’ak how to properly clean a gun. Kiri sat, next to Neteyam, running her hands up and down her own songchord, anxiously. Neteyam was evidently anxious too, his legs pulled up close to his chest, he stared at the fire pit as if the answers were going to lash out and brand him. 
“She is in love with you, Neteyam.” Kiri said softly. Neteyam felt like he was going to pass out and bleed from his nose. 
“I don’t think so baby sister,” Neteyam ruffled her hair, trying to present himself in a lighthearted way, despite his creeping blush. Kiri smacked his hand away. 
“Listen to me, you idiot.” Kiri’s serious voice felt like a hot knife running through Neteyam’s soul. She never sounded this way, this upset. “She loves you. And, and she thinks that you only think of her as a little sister.” Neteyam chuckled at that, he never treated her the way he treated Kiri and Tuk. Surely, that was obvious, no? “I know. I laughed too.” Kiri said with a small smile. She took Neteyam’s hands into her own, like she did with you only a few hours prior.
“Neteyam, she thinks that she’s ugly, that she will never be enough for you. She thinks she’s not talented.” Kiri’s round eyes filled with empathetic tears for her best friend, thinking back on your small frame sobbing in the long grass. 
Neteyam’s blush soon turned to anger. His heart finding the possessive pit that he reserves only for his feelings for you.  “I do not understand, does she not know that everyone wants her?” Neteyam hissed in a low voice, Eywa forbid, Neytiri heard him talk about how the other boys of the clan view (y/n). Neteyam hated how they spoke of her body, her face, her mind. Her beautiful voice and nimble hands. Only he was allowed to think of you like that. And the Great Mother only knows how they think of you at night, how they think of you when they- 
Neteyam stopped himself before he went any further. He knew how he thought about you at night when he has a hand between his thighs. 
“She does not know.” Kiri said, bringing Neteyam back to the forefront of his mind. “I have never told her.” 
Neteyam’s heart swelled in a terrible way. You were so sweet, so innocent, you did not know that boys rutted into their own hands at the thought of the way your waist dips, or the mound of your breast. He needed to protect you, and Jesus, he thought he had by laying an unofficial possessive claim. But, it seems that the future Olo’eyktan has been ignored. 
A growl fell out of Neteyam’s mouth. To Kiri it looked like a dark light fell over her brother’s features. A man possessed. He stood, cracking his neck and shoulders, like he always did, but this time Kiri flinched. She had never seen Neteyam so…scary. 
“I will fix this tomorrow, sister.” Was all Neteyam said, as he retreated to the sleeping quarters of their home. 
(y/n) did not sleep a wink. All she could see in her mind’s eye was Neteyam. Neteyam laughing with other girls, Neteyam riding with other girls. How they wave to him when he walks past.
Neteyam. Neteyam. Neteyam. 
You felt so guilty, so, so guilty. As the night went on your thoughts went south, went dirty and wrong. You dreamt about kissing Neteyam; How soft his lips would feel against your own. His rough, calloused hands would hold your face in place and he would kiss you like he loved you, kissed you like he meant it. 
Simply, you did not deserve to hold romantic thoughts about Neteyam in your heart like that. He was not yours. He would never be. 
You quick hands made light work of the repair you were currently undertaking. You enjoyed your work as clan seamstress. Fixing, making loin cloths, beading breast covers and threading jewellery. You enjoyed the freedom to create things, but to also be useful to your clan. You could never offer them safety, food, medicine or freedom. But you could make sure they were warm in the cool rains, and protected from the glistening sun in the heat of the day. 
You folded the repaired loincloth, placing it to the side. Ready for its owner to pick it up when they had a moment to spare. 
The flap to the tent flew open, causing you to jump out of your skin. The last person you wanted to see stood in the entry way, ripped loincloth in hand. 
“Good morning, Neteyam.” You said softly, casting your gaze downwards. He quickly sat across from you, legs crossed like a child. 
“Well, it’s good now.” He smiled brightly. You felt all the blood run to your cheeks. “Do you uh, do you mind fixing this for me?” He said, stumbling over his own words, handing over the dark green textile. 
“Of course, easy fix.” Your fingers brushed his and you felt like your hands had been set on fire. Shaking, you began stitching the fabric back together. You knitted your brows together as you worked, not wanting to see his face any longer, the more you stared at your hands, the worse they shook. This tear made no sense, it was cleanly cut with a knife. Neteyam had purposely ripped his own loincloth. “How did this even happen?” You asked. 
“I needed an excuse to come and see you, my (y/n).” Neteyam spoke softly, reaching out to take one of your hands, distracting them from their job. His eyes caught yours, and you knew you were done. So warm, so full of life and love. 
“Neteyam-” You started, but he cut you off. Something of which Neteyam had never done before. 
“I know you do not see yourself how I see you.” He started, his stare holding you to the spot, you sent a brief prayer to Eywa, that this was not some cruel trick. “You are the most beautiful creature that has ever walked these lands. You care so deeply for the people, the forest.” His hand ran the length of your arm, goosebumps rising in his wake. “I see you. I love you. I want you.” Neteyam said vehemently. 
You felt everything, everywhere, all at once. Everything you have ever wanted to hear had fallen out of his mouth like it was always meant to be. It sounded so right. It sounded natural and real. It was so out of character for Neteyam, to be so open, so raw and honest with his feelings. 
So, under the guise of love, you acted out of character too. Like for like. 
Taking his beautiful, soft face between your small, shaking hands, you kissed him. Pulling away for breath, you remembered what needed to be said.
“I have always seen you, Neteyam.” 
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natlacentral · 6 months
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_meadow_blossom_ Today’s the day @avatarnetflix is out!!! My family are big fans of ATLA so getting cast as young Katara was such an amazing experience! Getting to meet and work with @kiawentiio was a dream come true she’s so nice and cool and I really look up to her! @kiawentiio you are absolutely amazing as Katara!!! My scene was so emotional but also an amazingly fun time!!! Be prepared for a wave of #behindthescenes photos!!! 😂 ❤️💕 @allycopeland_talentagent@premieretalentmanagement
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ominous-feychild · 12 days
✦ OC In Three #9 ✦
Starring: the avatars of the Existence of Water!
They're a ragtag bunch of (not-so-young) immortal children at heart who've banded together in a dysfunctional family to back each other up as they fight in the Existential War!
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More info to be released about each of them soon! <3
Feel free to send in asks about any of the individual characters, or just leave a comment on what you think of their vibes! I'm curious if you can guess any of their powersets based on their photos, haha.
(Hint: most of them don't have "pure" water magic despite being avatars of the Existence of Water.)
I think I'm going to (eventually) post a bunch of things about these guys, so tell me if you'd like to be added to the Mulul Gang's tag list!
OC In Threes: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Part 6 | Part 6.5 | Part 7 | Part 8
Tag list: @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star
@the-letterbox-archives @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa @mysticstarlightduck @paeliae-occasionally
@thecomfywriter @darkandstormydolls
Divider by @saradika
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thebxghag · 1 year
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Fresh Start
Aang offers to tidy up the unruly mess that Azula has made of her hair three days after they've been on the road as a silent, tense, unit.
The others are off tending to the camp when he approaches her.
"Uhm...you know...I could maybe...even out your hair for you, if you'd like? It cut pretty messily when you sliced off your topknot...you don't -- have to keep it that way."
Azula turns to look at him, searching his face, looking for any signs of ill intention. As per usual, she can't really find any. The ever-present mischievous gleam in his eye is gone too, replaced with sincerity. She turns away again, looking at her dull reflection in the stream she'd gone to kneel beside. Her hair is lopsided, bedraggled. She hasn't run a comb through it since she'd chopped it off in the ceremony which had severed her ties with the Fire Nation.
She looks down at her hands where they're curled loosely in her lap.
"Fine," she says. The word burns in her throat like an ember.
He leads her away from the stream and out to a large, isolated, cherry tree in the middle of the meadow where they've decided to land for the night. Azula can feel the eyes of the waterbender burning into her back as she follows the Avatar away from the group.
She ignores it. What is she going to do in full sight of the entire camp anyway?
The Avatar cuts away the rest of her hair in silence.
His lemur has followed them, and curled up to sleep in a sunspot. The creature seems peaceful, and she finds herself staring at him as Aang snip, snip, snips his way across the edges of her once proud mane.
When he's done, he brushes the few strands that remain settled against her neck, tickling the skin, away. His hand is warm and calloused. She feels the prickle of gooseflesh at the casual touch.
"Better?" he asks, voice quiet.
It is, but Azula doesn't answer.
Azulaang week 2023 day one! :)
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wileycap · 10 months
Little snippets of dialogue, showing what I think postwar redeemed Azula would look like:
AZULA: Admiral Asahi seems to be convinced that a return to the old regime would be in the best interests of the Fire Nation. He recently gave a speech where he accused the Fire Lord of being an impotent, cowardly puppet who was leading the country to ruin. Well, if he misses the old ways so badly, we should slather him with tar, put him in a boat at sunset and light the boat on fire after Agni's last rays have left the world, so his spirit will never feel the warmth of the Sun again!
EVERYBODY: [looks at her]
AZULA: But... we won't. Because. We're very moral.
SOKKA: Yyyeah, good save. Not creepy at all.
ZUKO: Princess Azula, what do you think we should do about the war orphans?
AZULA: We should train them to be an elite fighting force. They've already lost everything, so their feelings of hate and grief would be easy to twist to serve us.
ZUKO, sighing: Let's try that again. Remember that the Earth King's delegation is going to be at this meeting, so maybe try to avoid saying anything that could restart the war.
AZULA: ... give them jobs?
ZUKO: Child labor is bad.
AZULA: Even if it's-
ZUKO: Even if it's peasant children, yes. And don't call them peasants.
AZULA: What do you want from me? Should I say, 'oh, poor babies, we should fund luxurious orphanages where they can get the best education and care, and many hugs and kisses, where they can weave flower crowns and roll around in meadows of fire lillies?'
ZUKO: Yes.
AZULA: Oh. Well, that one, then.
ZUKO: Azula! What did you do?
AZULA: You're going to have to be a little more specific.
ZUKO: Admiral Asahi's estate burned down!
AZULA: That's unfortunate, but I don't see what it has to do with me.
ZUKO: So you're saying you didn't do it?
AZULA: Of course I didn't.
ZUKO: ... really?
AZULA: I hired someone to do it. I am royalty, after all.
ZUKO: Azula!
AZULA: Oh, lighten up, Zuzu. My operative made sure that everyone got out.
ZUKO: Everyone except for Asahi, who was trapped in his outhouse.
AZULA: Yes, well, that was unfortunate.
ZUKO: In his outhouse, where the fire started.
AZULA: A very tragic accident, but he survived, didn't he?
ZUKO: Yeah, but he was covered in... anyways, who did you hire?
AZULA: You know, I'm not entirely sure. She wore a mask, but I think she's called the Red Spirit.
ZUKO: What? You can't steal my secret identity!
AZULA: What are you talking about?
ZUKO: The Blue Spirit!
AZULA: The Blue Spirit was a myth, made up by Zhao to explain the Avatar's escape from Pohuai. Sure, there were some copycat bandits in the Earth Kingdom, but our own intelligence has repeatedly dismissed the possibility of the Blue Spirit being an actual person. Haven't you been keeping up with the reports?
ZUKO: I- you- argh! [stomps off]
AZULA: Bye, Zuzu.
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 3 months
My Headcanon Human Names for the Obey Me Brothers + Their Name Meanings pt. 1
a.k.a. Aliases the Obey Me brothers use while they live in the human world since having demon names for humans is kind of a no no religion wise in my opinion. I am headcanon-ing this may also be their angel names idk lol
PART 1 || PART 2
Note: I'll either update this or post a new one in the future for Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephisto and Thirteen. The angels and Solomon don't include in this because their names are existing human names
1. Lucifer - Lucius
Lucius means Light or Light Bearer.
Not only Lucius also begins with Luci, it's kind of befitting since Lucifer was given the Ring of Light when he was an angel.
He's the eldest and deeply cares and looks out for his brothers. He's Mammon's mentor as an angel and everyone looks up to him so he's like a teacher, serving them as the light.
2. Mammon - Mark or Marcus
Roman Myth: War-like "God of War"
Other Meaning- Soft, tender ; Manly
To be honest, whenever I see Mammon's face, I'm like he looks like a Mark and it starts with M.
But seriously, Mammon is our lovable tsundere idiot. I believe he has guts to fight and start a fight and defend MC and his brothers showing his manly side but very much secretly a softie.
3. Leviathan - Levi
Levi means Joined and United
Levi is already a human name but I really find the meaning interesting since in my other headcanon, Leviathan is a dominion angel who helps deliver justice and governs the humans.
Additionally, he's an angel general and soldiers are pretty much united so it makes sense in my opinion
4. Satan - Samuel or Stanley
4.a. Samuel means Name of God, God has heard
I picked this because I find it ironic. In general, Satan is the name used as the general representation of any demon, the opposite of God and that's it.
4.b. Stanley means Stoney meadow, Associated with lucky number 6
As for Stanley, I picked this because Stan is just missing a second A. I often call him Stanley whenever I gush and got an SSR or higher cardof him lol
Also that lucky number 6...triple that and you get the number.
5. Asmodeus - Asmo or Erasmus
Erasmus - Beloved or Desired
Asmodeus will still use Asmo as a nickname yes...but he chooses Erasmus because it is kind of self explanatory. After all, he is the Avatar of Lust, wants any form of love even as an angel.
6. Beelzebub - Beel or Billy or William
Beel means Handsome and Fair
Billy/ William means Protection or Will Helmet
Beel is handsome yes. Beel is a cherubim and he's someone that has the desire to protect so it fits him perfectly.
7. Belphegor - Belphie or Thomas
7.a. Belphie means Lazy or Sleepy
The devs knows their stuff yesss.... Belphie will still use the nickname as a meaning
7.b. Thomas means Twin
I think it's cute for Belphie to name himself Thomas with that meaning in mind to value he's a twin with Beel.
As for me...there's a funny reason why I chose Thomas and William as their human names...
I present you...a certain RED train and a BLUE but can be purple train.
It's not intentional but I say duck it...it's too much of a coincidence for colors
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