#me: hyun should do city pop
vyvesvi · 4 years
assigning loona new songs because im bored (...again)
heejin - jam jam (iu)
hyunjin - star (heize)
haseul - cherries jubilee (yukika)
yeojin - beep beep (ruann)
vivi - ocean view (yuseol)
this would skew 1/3 (5/12???)'s music a little more to the darker side (while still maintaining a bit of their current concept imo), with slighy stronger electronic vibes, so for the subunit titles i would say perhaps april's oh my mistake and exid's night rather than day.
kim lip - temperature (teamarr)
jinsoul - manta (lexie liu)
choerry - bee (rothy)
*casually drops two non kpop songs because i couldn't pick* it's fine. honestly these songs maintain oec's concept but temperature is a little more dancey than eclipse (imo) and manta + bee a little chiller than sitr and lcm. for subunit songs perhaps onlyoneof's angel and nct's the 7th sense.
yves - noir (sunmi)
chuu - hold my hand (lee hi)
go won - goblin (sulli)
olivia hye - different (woodz)
this set of songs also (mostly) maintains yyxy's current sound imo. hmh is the only bright concept on this list which, while true to reality bothers me a bit tbh. red velvet's russian roulette and girls by nature would be my picks for yyxy titles, united by the sort of creepy cute concept that yyxy (and loona in general) does so well.
as for ot12 songs i'd like vibes similar to (in no particular order):
100% (kisum)
zoo (red velvet)
pantomime (wjsn)
neon (yukika)
will u go out with me (dia)
and the repack would add vibes like:
four walls (fx)
red light (fx)
scentist (vixx)
one of these nights (red velvet)
or alternately:
badaboom (wjsn)
hola (wjsn)
get loud (twice)
hot (twice)
thank u sooo much (yubin)
basically some mix of those songs. i feel like overall this is a pretty good representation of their music with the notable exception of 1/3's orchestral elements, which very few artists do. im kind of on the fence about the ot12 songs because on the one hand i could see loona doing well with some of them (mainly four walls - ootn + pantomime) and others fit the picture as a whole and fill a gap but im honestly not sure about (100% and zoo, for instance). this was fun though, and im pretty happy with the solos (especially ocean view for vivi, jam jam for heejin, and manta for jinsoul).
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dangermousie · 4 years
2020 End of Year Post - kdrama edition
You can find my 2020 cdrama post here: dangermousie.tumblr.com/post/638449659546845184/2020-end-of-year-post-cdrama-edition
This is only going to cover kdramas that aired in 2020; if it originally aired another year, it’s not on this list.
It’s been a pretty lackluster kdrama year. There are probably only 5 kdramas I truly loved and only three of them I was really obsessed over. Better luck in 2021!
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
42 Born Again - so bad, so incoherent, so insane, I have no idea why the leads signed up for it (and unlike some of the other watchers, I think it was awful from the very start.) There is literally nothing about this drama that makes sense.
41 Love with Flaws - a bunch of people who should be tried under the Geneva Convention.
40 Sweet Munchies - Jung Il Woo proves his inability to pick a functional script.
39 Meow the Secret Boy - if you ever wanted to bang a cat, this drama is for you. Not being a furry, however...
38 Do Do Sol Sol La Sol - I lost braincells just typing out this title.
37 When I Was the Most Beautiful - the only way it’s not the dumbest, most pointless melo of 2020 is because Born Again considerately came out the same year.
36 Woman of 9.9 Billion - if you want to watch an artsy French movie about miserable people, but only badly made, boy do I have a drama for you.
35 Lies after Lies - screams after screams.
34 Backstreet Rookie - people were up in arms about various problematic plots. I am a survivor of many plots much more problematic but even I couldn’t survive how utterly boring and annoying this drama was and how utterly irritating the leads were. This has taken Ji Chang Wook off my top favorites into “should I even check his latest Lovestruck in the City? Probably not” territory almost single-handedly (Melt Me helped, to be fair.)
33 Men Are Men - boring is boring.
32 Dinner Mate - two beautiful boring people eat out a lot.
31 Was It Love - no it wasn’t.
30 Alice - Joo Won in the shower can make up for a multitude of sins but not plot nonsense of such magnitude. When you find yourself thinking it would be better if he hooked up with the alternate universe version of his mother because at least then something entertaining would happen, you know it’s bad.
29 More than Friends - started out OK, then made me hate basically everyone and kept going.
28 Start-Up - honestly, it’s probably more decent than its place here, but the toxic and batshit fandom for it (the worst this year) made me feel like breaking out in hives any time it’s even mentioned.
27 The Spies who Loved Me - how to take a good cast and waste it.
26 Private Lives - it was good but it never took off with its concept and spent more time on the incoherent plot than the OTP which was its one strength. It’s a decent drama but coming after Heartless City and My Beautiful Bride from the same writer, it’s a disappointment.
25 Record of Youth - as high as it is due to Park Bo Gum hard carrying this entire awful drama on his shoulders and doing it so well I finished it. Alas, while he is in one drama (and that drama is great), the rest of the characters and the entirety of the script are a pointless useless mess.
24 Do You Like Brahms - excellent first third, mediocre middle, and terrible last third. I don’t know what musical term applies to this? Diminuendo, I think.
23 I’ll Go to You When the Weather is Nice - nice and mellow but nothing much happens.
22 Forest - mainly for Park Hae Jin’s excellent and frequently naked bod.
21 The Ballot - I didn’t love it as much as everyone did but it was well-made.
20 Hyena - more romance and less weird law stuff would make it better.
19 365 Repeat the Year - surprisingly solid.
18 The Game Towards Zero - see 365.
17 When My Love Blooms - very old fashioned, very lovely.
16 Chocolate - also very old fashioned and very lovely but also with Yoon Kye Sang performing medical procedures bleeding and shirtless. MMM.
15 (tie) Secret Royal Inspector - a fun if run of the mill sageuk.
15 Find Me In Your Memory - best melo this year.
14 Mystic Pop Up Bar - surprisingly good even though I wasn’t planning to check it out.
13 Where Your Eyes Linger - came out of nowhere but was tender and hopeful and lovely.
12 Itaewon Class - Park Seo Joon hard carries a drama that is already excellent. Love it.
11 Psychopath Diary - Yoon Shi Yoon is such a treat in a hilarious, cynical, dark comedy.
10 Kairos - more like ouroboros.
9 Queen Love and War - in a year where sageuks are very rare, this was solid and surprisingly moving and shippy.
8 The King Eternal Monarch - people didn’t like it but I did. It’s no masterpiece and both the leads and the writers have better dramas, but it was a lovely romantic fairy tale for me.
7 Mr. Queen - sharp, hilarious, and some of my favorite actors.
6 Psycho But It’s OK - healing, sharp cinematography and even sharper chemistry.
5 Crash Landing on You - the last ep pissed me off so much this drama is dead to me but I loved it so much until then I can’t place it lower in good conscience.
4 Train - who knew I would go this hard for an OCN drama or that OCN would do romance so well? But this time-travel mystery romance is just incredible and I shipped the OTP and rooted for the characters and loved every last bit of it.
3 Run On - this is the drama Record of Youth wanted to be but failed. Smart and lived in, you feel like you are peeking at real people, but also even four episodes in, I am so invested in the main characters separately and together, and care for them so much, it’s a little frightening.
1 (tie) Tale of the Nine Tailed - my perfect fantasy romance. I liked it better than Goblin, yeah I said it.
1 Flower of Evil - all the tropes I love in one incredible package. I would rewatch episodes waiting for new ones trying to puzzle the story and to stay withdrawal but it works just as well on rewatch. Lee Jun Ki brings his trademark tortured intensity and for once, both his leading lady and his script back him up and are worthy of that. It’s perfect.
It’s a tie between Tale of the Nine Tailed and Flower of Evil but if I had to pick just one, FoE, because it had me seriously obsessed and guessing about the protagonist and gave me the narrative tropes I love so much and an OTP that statisfied all my hurt/comfort kinks and then some.
Born Again - honestly, this is so bonkers it almost becomes good but alas...
Do Hyun Soo/Baek Hee Sung, Flower of Evil - he is so messed up, so on edge, so traumatized. Yet capable of so much warmth and caring even as he himself doesn’t realize his humanity. FoE is basically a story of a man pushed and punished by the world for his entire life who, because of one woman, finds a safe place and peace and slowly comes to life without realizing it, and watching his desperation to keep this small bit of normalcy is so heartbreaking and exciting all at once. Plus, you start the drama thinking he’s a psychopathic serial killer and end it (if you are me) thinking he must be protected at all costs and if anyone even looks at him wrong they must suffer, and that’s quite a change!
Nam Ji Ah, Tale of the Nine Tailed - she is so funny and tough and smart and loving and amazing that I will totally buy that a literal demi-god will do anything and everything for her and love her for literal eternity.
Dad in Record of Youth - yes in a year with serial killers and supernatural demons, I picked a normal character from a mediocre drama. It’s his everyday awfulness to his family that hits so hard and I am sad he never got his comeuppance.
Ji Ah x Yeon - a fearless reporter and an immortal demi-god who’s been hoping for his human beloved to reincarnate. A really rare set-up where the OTP is equally ride or die, so compatible and completely BAMF. I got why he waited for her for that long and then fell in love with her all over again. Perfection.
Runner up: Flower of Evil - he is so messed up he literally does not believe he is capable of love or empathy, but he falls in love with her anyway and so utterly she permeates his entire life. She is tough as nails and only believes what she sees and is the sole person who believes in him against the world. She loves him but he needs her. She needs him but he loves her. They are amazing.
Seo Dan x Gu Seung Jun, Crash Landing on You, North Korean x Conman were so good I shipped them harder than the main OTP and the end of that storyline pissed me off so much I dumped the drama and didn’t finish it for months (and it’s still dead to me.)
Record of Youth - it started out and they didn’t have much chemistry but the dialogues were interesting and I thought the chemistry would grow. It didn’t and deteriorated, their dialogues became boring and relationship had zero development (about as much as the supposed female lead.) I think we were supposed to feel bad they broke up and they were going for a bittersweet open ending, instead I found myself happy about the break up of two incompatible, chemistry-less people and hoping for the love of God they never get back together.
Yeon and the bridge of knives, Tale of the Nine Tailed - Yeon choosing to undergo the creeptastic bridge of knives for a chance to save Ji Ah, who at that point he is not aware is the reincarnation of his Joseon love because, as he says, he doesn’t care if she is or isn’t, it just would be more horrible to have her die than to undergo the horrific torture he is undergoing, and then the sequence with his catching her, her weeping over him and the fact that she is the original Joseon girl revealed and all the bandaging and his watching her sleep and all that loveliness, is everything for yours truly.
Runner up: Hyun Soo having that break-down at the cliff at the end of ep 15 of Flower of Evil as Ji Won desperately tries to convince him she is alive and he finally stumbles to her.
Runner runner up (it’s my list, I will do what I want): Do Won preparing to blow his brains out to give a chance to Seo Kyung to live in Train.
Seon-Gyeom, Run On. Yeah, I know. Im Siwan is tiny, delicate featured and has a runner’s build, none of which are things that normally appeal to me. But his character is so odd, so honest, so unflinching in pursuing what he thinks is right, so incapable of self-pity despite plenty of reasons for it, and so ridiculously attractive when he smiles, I don’t even care.
Kim Bum, TotNT - I started out being annoyed by him and ended up looking forward to his scenes and being distraught by his ending.
Honestly, none. I was fine with all the endings. I wouldn’t mind seeing post-end life of Tale of the Nine Tailed characters or the OTP settling into their literal new world in Train, but I am good.
Time jump that solves all the problems off screen or alternatively years pass and everyone is frozen - something that kdramas need to learn and need to learn badly. See Record of Youth, Brahms and Start Up.
Men who are ride or die for their OTP - this was a great year for this - the male leads of four of my five dramas were beyond anything on that scale (only exception is Run On because it’s still too early to tell there.) Yes PLEASE.
This was a banner year for that what with Start Up, Do You Like Brahms, Record of Youth, and Private Lives all starting out well and nosediving off the cliff but winner is Crash Landing on You. I loved it so much for bulk of its run but the last episode pissed me off so much I deleted all my files and called it a day.
Flower of Evil - I had no expectations of this drama and wasn’t even planning on watching it despite liking both the lead actors because yet another “look at evil serial killer be evil” drama with no romance was not my thing. Luckily someone convinced me there might be some romance and I peeked curiously. Honestly, their promo campaign was the most misleading and dumbest thing ever.
Runner up Psycho but it’s OK - I have never liked Kim Soo Hyun in anything before and the drama premise seemed WTF but it was shockingly good and KSH totally blew me away.
Hardest Working Lead
Yoon Shi Yoon - he starred in two (!!!) dramas in 2020 playing three characters and not only were both these dramas awesome in a lackluster year, but if it wasn’t for the fact that I knew it was the same actor and the fact that the characters shared a face, I would have never believed that they were played by the same actor. So good!
None. Covid Year gave me PLENTY of time
My Beautiful Bride and Deserving of the Name - I was obsessed with both of them and honestly, they were much better than the bulk of 2020 kdramas I watched.
The Moon That Rises in the Day, Hong Chun Gi, Joseon Exorcist, Island,  Frightening Cohabitation, Snowdrop.
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sindrafalcone · 3 years
Adventures in Babysitting pt. 3
Fandom: BIGBANG/ Choi Seung Hyun x reader
Synopsis: A babysitting job turns into something unexpected…
Warnings: Fluff for now, but it will evolve into something steamier in a later chapter. You’ve been warned!
Author’s Note: It has been entirely too long since I updated this story! My apologies... But I finally think I’m un-stuck on the storyline, so hopefully I can finish it in a reasonable amount of time. Thanks for sticking with me, and I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This story contains fictional representations of real people. None of the events are true. This is from an American standpoint, so some of the situations may not happen the same way they might in Korea. I make no money from the writing of this fictional work.
Part 1   Part 2
You had only made it about half a block before Seunghyun stopped dead in his tracks. When he quit moving you did as well, peering at him to see if he was okay. Between the dim city lights and his face mask you couldn't make out very much, but he was still holding on to your hand so that had to count for something. Before you could ask him what was wrong, he spoke softly. “This place that you're taking me...” his deep voice trembled a little bit. “Is it going to be very busy?”
You were a little taken aback by the clear apprehension in his voice. But then you remembered how happy he'd been when you had given him his space back at the museum. Maybe he just didn't like crowds.
“Sometimes it can be.” you admitted. “Usually around lunch time, but this late at night I doubt there's very many people in there. It's just a small Mom & Pop shop.” He seemed to take a moment to think about what you said & you patiently waited  for what he was going to say next. Perhaps he was getting cold feet about having dinner with you and just wanted to go back to the hotel instead.
“I still want to go with you.” he said, as if reading your mind. “I just... um, do you know if they have a private room?”
“Yeah...” you answered him hesitantly, not really seeing where he was going with this. “There's a medium sized room in the back of the restaurant that can be reserved for parties or large groups.”
“Do you think maybe you could call ahead and ask if we could eat in there?” Seunghyun shifted his weight back and forth from foot to foot nervously. “I'll be happy to pay extra if they want. Or if that's not available, we'll need a table in the very back, preferably as far away from other people as possible.”
You looked at him closely for a bit before taking out your phone. You decided he was being completely serious and you had the fleeting thought that he might actually have a phobia about this. “Okay... give me a minute.” you relented & you could finally see the tension in his shoulders relax as you did so. He let go of your hand so you could make the call and you found that you missed his warmth more than you wanted to admit.
Luckily for him, you were very good friends with the owners. You had been eating lunch there almost every day since you'd found the place a couple years back. The food was good and relatively cheap, especially once they had started giving you the 'family discount' even though you had tried to object. In a matter of minutes, you had secured the private room for you and Seunghyun to use. You brought up his willingness to pay a fee, but the owner just laughed at you. Telling her that you'd be there soon, you hung up only to find him looking at you anxiously.
“We can use the private room.”
“Oh, good.” he sighed, relief obvious in his voice. “That usually works out much better.”
You really wanted to question him about this whole thing, but decided that it might be better to wait until you were actually in the restaurant or maybe even back at the hotel before deciding to pry into his apparent agoraphobia. This time Seunghyun held his hand out for you to take & you stared at it in shock for a few seconds before gleefully interlacing your fingers again and setting off once more towards your destination for food.
When you rounded the corner and pulled him in the direction of the restaurant, he stopped once again.
“Pho?” he said, a curious tone to his voice. “You're taking me out for Pho?”
You turned to face him, not letting go this time. “Is that a problem?”
“No...” he smiled & you could see it in his eyes, despite the face mask he still wore. “I'm pleasantly surprised. That's all.”
“Well come on then.” you told him, playfully tugging him along towards the door. “I'm starving!”
He chuckled and the two of you tumbled into the warmth of the Pho shop holding hands, laughing and pink cheeked from the cool outside air.
“You didn't tell me it was a date!” the woman who stood at the counter exclaimed loudly. “_______! You should have warned me.”
“It isn't... we're not...” you stammered, looking down at your interlocked hands. You attempted to pull away, but Seunghyun just held tighter and chuckled louder.
“Nonsense! I know a date when I see one.” she dismissed as she motioned for the two of you to follow her to the room in the back. “I wondered why you wanted to use the party room. You should have just said, dear!”
Thankfully you noticed that the restaurant was mostly empty as she walked you through it, so there weren't very many witnesses to your embarrassment and none that you recognized.
She opened the door and gestured the two of you inside. “Here, just sit at the smaller table in the middle of the room. It will be more intimate that way.”
Beside you, Seunghyun made a small choking sound as she continued fussing. “I wish you had told me it was a date when you called. I would have set up some candles or something.”
“It's fine.” you told her, voice cracking a bit. “It'll be fine just like this.” You all but ripped your hand away from Seunghyun's and started to take off your coat, but before you made it very far you felt his hands slide over yours to remove it for you. Then he draped it carefully over a nearby empty chair before he set about sliding out of his own outerwear.
“Such a  gentleman!” the old lady exclaimed, hearts practically dancing in her eyes as she backed out of the room. “I'll be back with your drinks shortly.”
As soon as the door closed behind her, you rounded on Seunghyun and hissed. “What the hell was that?”
He held his hands up innocently, face mask still dangling from one long-fingered hand. “What?” he asked, laughing slightly, his eyes lit with mirth.
You plopped down into a chair inelegantly. “I was trying to let go of your hand and explain to her that this wasn't a date...”
“Is it not?” he interrupted, setting his mask down on top of his coat. “She's right, it does look like a date. And, you have to admit, it's slightly less awkward than the truth... that you're my babysitter.” he put a special emphasis on that last word that made you squirm in your seat a little bit.
“True...” you agreed.  “I suppose when you put it like that...”you started, but Seunghyun held his hand up to you again just as he had earlier in the evening at the hotel. And, just like before, you stopped talking.
“But that isn't what's important right now.” he told you as he pulled out a chair and sat down in the seat across from you.
“It isn't?”
“No.” he said, his face utterly serious, all traces of joking gone. “It's probably best that she thinks it's a date. But I have to tell you something before she gets back.”
You leaned forward, resting your elbows on the table so you could give Seunghyun your full attention. He leaned forward as well, until your faces were mere inches apart.
“___________.” he whispered your name. “I have a confession to make. I'm not...” he took a deep breath and blew it out. “I'm not who you think I am.”
“A rich, foreign guy with impeccable fashion sense who knows his wine and appreciates contemporary art?” you quirked an eyebrow at him, spilling all the details that you'd managed to piece together over the past few hours you'd spent with Seunghyun (or at least all the observations that you were willing to admit to him, anyway).
He flashed you a dangerous smile. “Well, yes... I am those things. But that's not all of who I am and you need to know the vital details before...”
The door the room slid open again, interrupting whatever Seunghyun had been about to say & he cursed quietly under his breath. You watched as he leaned back in his seat and winced, seeming to brace himself for something he knew was inevitably coming. From the pained expression on his face, it didn't look as if he expected it to be pleasant.
“I've got your usual right here. Iced Vietnamese coffee and a glass of water. I brought the same for your gentleman, I hope that's okay.” the older lady said as she bustled over towards you. “Now, do you two love birds need menus or...” her voice trailed off as she finally made it to the table and caught a clear view of Seunghyuns face, without his mask. “Oh my...” her voice faltered, the tray immediately started shaking in her hands.
“Ma'am...” Seunghyun said tightly, pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes still closed.
“Oh my goodness!” she practically yelled, her voice echoing slightly in the almost empty room. “Y- y- you're... T.O.P!” she whispered those last three letters as if they were some sort of secret.
You just looked between the two of them, completely lost as to what was going on. “Um, Mrs. Tran?” you placed a hand carefully on her arm to get her attention away from Seunghyun.
“Yes, dear?” she asked, still looking at him with sheer disbelief written all over her elderly face.
“You might want to set the tray down before you drop it.” you told her gently.
“Oh, yes... good idea.” she replied, voice weak.
She did finally manage to set the tray down on the table with a little help from you.
Seunghyun sighed, opened his eyes & smiled at the old woman. It was a polite smile, but tight. Something that someone who hadn't spent much time with him probably wouldn't notice as a fake smile, but you could see it nonetheless.
“Mrs. Tran...” he soothed, having picked up her name from when you'd said it. “Tonight, I'm not T.O.P. I'm just Seunghyun, trying to enjoy a normal date with the lovely ________,  here. I'm happy to sign as many autographs as you want and I'll even mention this restaurant on my Instagram if you'd like a boost in business. But I'd appreciate it if you could keep my visit here a secret for now. And please, no pictures.” Seunghyun gestured over to you. “I'd like to keep our date as private as possible.”
You were so confused right now, but Mrs. Tran seemed to understand what was going on. It was as if a light bulb immediately went off over the little woman's head and she smiled knowingly. “Oooohhhhh, I get it. Don't worry, you aren't the first celebrity we've had in here. It's just been a very long time and you caught me off guard, that's all. I know how to be discreet.”
“Thank you.” he said with a little bow towards her that made her giggle like a school girl and blush.
“Now that's settled...” she clapped her hands together excitedly. “Menus?”
“I think I'll trust __________ to order for both of us. She obviously knows this place quite well.” Seunghyun said with a wink in your direction.
“Um...” you faltered, still reeling from their entire conversation, not to mention the fact that he had just referred to you as 'lovely'. 'Celebrity?' you thought quickly to yourself. 'What the hell is going on here & what have I gotten myself into?!?' you cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Is there anything you don't want to eat?” you asked him. “Or are you allergic to anything?”
Seunghyun smiled. “I'm allergic to peaches & I don't eat intestines. Other than that, I'm fair game.” he said, already reaching for a glass of water from the tray.
You nodded at him at turned back to face Mrs Tran. “Just double my usual then.”
“So...” she pulled out an order pad and pen from her apron. “A double #4 and two medium # 45's?”
“Actually, make those #45's a large please. We're both kinda hungry tonight.” you said without thinking of the implications of that sentence.
“Oh, I bet you are.” she sassed under her breath as she walked away, causing Seunghyun to almost snort water out of his nose. Mrs. Tran merely hummed happily to herself as she walked out of the room. As soon as the door shut, you could hear her yelling in Vietnamese, presumably to her husband who was in the kitchen.
You briefly thought about immediately grilling Seunghyun about this whole “celebrity” business, but as you remembered the look on his face as he braced himself earlier, you paused. You never wanted to see that look from him directed at you. So instead, you settled for pouring the coffee that had just finished steeping over the ice & sweetened, condensed milk in the other glass.
“Are we going to talk about this or would you rather pretend that whole scene never happened?” you asked, not trusting yourself to look at him.
A few seconds ticked by before he answered quietly. “You'd be willing to do that? Just ignore everything she said about me?”
You shrugged, stirring your coffee to combine it with the milk. “I mean... I'll admit to being curious. But it obviously bothers you & I was just fine with not knowing before.”
Seunghyun sighed heavily before pouring his own coffee. “Right now, I'm just Seunghyun to you. A rich, foreign guy with impeccable fashion sense who knows his wine and appreciates contemporary art.” he smirked. “If I tell you everything, that changes.” he said, his voice melancholy.
“It doesn't have to.” you told him softly. “Let's try this... You tell me your secret, and I'll tell you mine.” you said, finally looking up and locking eyes with him.
That statement seemed to intrigue him and he arched an eyebrow up at you. “You have a secret double life too?”
“Saying it like that makes it sound like I'm a superhero or something.” you laughed & smacked him playfully on the arm. “But, yeah... there are things that you don't know about me yet. Maybe not as big of a bombshell as yours, but still... something that might change the way you see me too.”
“How about we wait until after dinner?” he asked tentatively.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Interrupting the conversation, Mrs. Tran came back into the private room, bringing two large bowls of pho over and deposited a plate with bean sprouts, sprigs of basil and quarters of limes on the table; along with four egg rolls and two bowls of dipping sauce.
Seunghyun inhaled deeply. The aroma of the broth and the slices of rare beef and shrimp wontons floating atop the long rice noodles making his stomach growl once again. “This smells amazing.”
Mrs. Tran just giggled at him again. “You know, I didn't even realize Bigbang was in town...” she started before he held up a finger to his lips.
“Technically, we're not.” he whispered. “We're just... having a bit of a vacation that's all. Very hush-hush.”
“Ohhhhhh.....” she nodded knowingly. “I guess everyone needs a break sometimes. Well, I will just leave you two alone. I'll be back later to check in on you.” and without another word, she was gone.
Seunghyun started plucking the basil leaves off one of the sprigs, rolling them up and then ripping them into little pieces and dropping them in his soup while you watched him, completely mesmerized by the movements of his fingers.
“I guess you've had Pho before then?” you asked, taking an egg roll from your plate before tearing it in half, dipping it into the sauce & taking a bite.  
Seunghyun nodded, “It's been a while though. So, thanks for bringing me here.” he told you sincerely, picking up an egg roll with his chopsticks and dipping it before taking his own crunchy bite.
“Show off...” you muttered, grumpily picking up your own chopsticks and spoon just to show him that you did, in fact, know how to use them.
Seunghyun merely laughed.
The two of you spent the next hour simply eating and discussing the art and artists from the museum exhibition. Conversation flowed between you effortlessly & before you knew it, Mrs. Tran was bringing in the check and fortune cookies.
Seunghyun pulled out his wallet and when you tried to object, reminded you that you'd paid for the taxi earlier. You caught a glimpse of the black card he held between his long, slender fingers & swallowed hard, nodding your head in acceptance.
You both made the decision to take the fortune cookies back to the hotel and, after Seunghyun spent some time signing the promised autographs for Mrs. Trang, you left the restaurant the same way you'd come in... laughing and holding hands.
Only this time, you were headed back to the hotel and a discussion that could possibly change everything between the two of you.
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rvmmm21 · 4 years
[ V V S her diamonds ] – ch 03.
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[4:15 p.m.] Disappointment tweaks at Seungwan’s heart when she peers through the huge glass window of their study cafe and sees no Bae Joohyun. 
. . . . .
A group of students are huddled in the back, bent over open textbooks, laptops and scattered stationary. 
Yerimie, Saeron, Seul, wow, there’s Jennie sunbaenim. And she spies Sooyoung sunbaenim balancing a tray of various caffeine-injected drinks back to the table.
A sad sigh escapes her lips. Perhaps she’s l–
Oh my g– what the–?! Seungwan screams, whipping around in shock at the fingers gently resting on the back of her shoulder. She’s met with a slightly surprised Joohyun, standing there wearing a cream Jute blouse tucked into denim jeans, twinkling eyes and endless amusement etched into rosebud lips. 
“S-Sunbae!” She exclaims, grasping her chest to calm her rapid-fire heart. “Y-You’re here, I was just–”
What, peering through the glass, looking for you like a creep? 
“It’s fine,” Joohyun chuckles, adjusting her hold on the stack of thick notebooks cradled in her arm and motioning for the younger girl to lead the way. “Let’s go. This is heavy.”
Thursdays might’ve found an unexpected favour with Son Seungwan.
Busy eyes move from annotating to the two girls urgently making their way over, the students lifting their heads at Seungwan’s warm greeting. 
“Sorry we’re late,” she sincerely apologises. 
Jennie knowingly eyes her friend. “Not surprised.” 
Joohyun raises her a playfully challenging brow before slipping into the free seat next to Sooyoung at the end of the table, right across her partner.
“You ordering anything, Wan?” Seulgi asks between highlighting her page, offering her and Joohyun biscuits in individually wrapped aluminium packets.
Joohyun takes one and Seungwan nibbles on the edge of her biscuit, deep in thought. The group soon slips into the robotic rhythm of monochromatic scribbling, greyscale note-taking, typing, and intermittent snacking. Jennie slips away to order small desserts for everyone at the table. They thank her with shocked bows and hungry stares, unable to settle on one in the garland of appetising coloured treats on the tiny table.
“Sunbae, you’re like Santa Claus,” Seulgi happily attacks the New York baked cheesecake. “When did you order this? It’s like we were asleep and we just woke up to presents!”
Her bearish enthusiasm has an observant Sooyoung unconsciously smiling around her fork.
As the group tucks in, Seungwan thinks a group study date is the safest she can be in terms of being on the receiving end of any more of her senior’s teasing mannerisms.
Fortunately, Joohyun always surprises her.
A little later on, they’re discussing the historical impact of contemporary Korean literature. Right in the middle of a sentence, Seungwan’s concentration is shattered by a deep blush of raspberry when she feels a feather-light graze against her right Adidas sweatpant leg. She chokes, almond eyes shooting up from messy essay notes, silently begging for mercy. But of course, Joohyun’s serene, unbothered expression gives nothing away as she continues to ask for her opinion as though Seungwan is crazy for looking like a flustered mess. 
The frazzled junior doesn’t know what makes her head spin more; the fact that Joohyun, composed as ever, initiated a game of footsie right under both their friends’ noses in public… or that she secretly enjoys it.
Not that she’ll ever admit to the latter.
Small fists corkscrew the sleeves of her sky-blue Chrome Hearts hoodie as the desperation to hide the cherry-blossom tint in her cheeks builds.
. . . . .
It’s past midnight by the time they’re done, and everyone bids goodbye with ‘Z’s coming out of their ears. Much to everyone’s surprise, Sooyoung and Seulgi got along pretty well this evening and the taller girl had hastily agreed when Seulgi suggested they visit her favourite boba place. Yerim and Saeron were late for their movie, and Jennie was spending the weekend at her girlfriends’.
“Wait, are we dumb? Why did we book this now,” Saeron asks incredulously, “aren’t you gonna get wrecked by grumpy ajumma? Curfew ended like ten minutes ago.”
“Ah who cares, she’s always like that,” Yerim retorts with a dismissive wave. “I could fill a prison wall with how many strikes she’s given me and Seungwan and Seulgi unnie.” She slings an arm over Saeron’s shoulder, urging them to hurry. “C’mon, ads don’t take forever.”
“Wan-ah,” Seulgi calls back as she’s being dragged away by an eager Sooyoung, “if you order pizza can you leave some out for me!”
“Yeah, yeah. Enjoy. Don’t wake me up.”
“Hyun-ah, you sure you’re not coming?” Jennie’s sleek midnight-black Vetements cardigan blends with the hues of the night sky, giving away how late it is. She swipes into her messages. “Chaeng said she doesn’t mind.” 
Joohyun laughs with mock disgust. “Thanks Jen, but I’m not crashing your date-nights anymore, thank you very much. I saw enough the last time, my eyes can’t take that kind of stuff.”
Waving goodbye, Jennie and Chaeyoung speed off, leaving Seungwan wondering what ‘kind of stuff’ Joohyun could be referring to.
The pair are drawn to the horribly lit bus stop and just about the only source of light for miles. 
Seungwan yawns silently, but she doesn’t mind waiting with Joohyun. It’s late and although her apartment is in the opposite direction, she’d be at ease knowing her friend got home safely.
The darkness is engulfing, allowing an overhead street lamp to bathe them in its flicking spotlight like stars in a West End Production. 
“We were pretty productive today, sunbae,” the younger tries to make conversation to fill the space between them. “Do you wanna come for next week’s session too?”
“Sure,” comes the reply. “Thanks for waiting with me. When’s your ride getting here? We should’ve booked at the same time.”
Seungwan nervously scratches the back of her neck, crinkling her worksheets in her grip. “Uh, I’m just walking home tonight actually.”
“Oh? Do you live closeby?” she asks in surprise, assuming they were both waiting for taxis.
“Ah, yes, I’m just– it’s just down there.”
Joohyun narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Down there… where.”
“Just a quick walk, past… past the duck pond,” the girl mumbles, staring down at her shoes.
“Q-Quick? Quick?” Joohyun stutters, malfunctioning at their severely clashing definitions of ‘close’. A delicate fist draws back and Seungwan flinches, Bae Joohyun looking closer and closer to doing what she did to Lucas to her poor, startled junior. “The duck pond near uni? Yah, Son Seungwan, that’s almost a twenty minute walk from here.” 
“Fifteen if I have my speed walking playlist on,” Seungwan tries, but she isn’t listening.
“A lot of dangerous things can happen in twenty minutes, you know.” She hurriedly unlocks her phone and clicks into the KakaoTaxi app, altering the destination to add a stop and shoving it into reluctant hands. “Hurry, put your address in.” 
Seungwan so badly wants to politely decline, not confident in her ability to sit in a moving vehicle with such a pretty person without hurling herself out the window at top speeds. But the latter’s glare dares her to try.
With shaky fingers, she successfully types in her address after three tries and hands it back. Joohyun checks it and confirms the change. Seungwan wants to comment on how her frantic nature is actually really endearing, but she resists, thinking she’s still cooling off from it.
“Thank you, sunbae,” she bows instead. She even tries to insist she pay her share of the ride, but Joohyun refuses, saying it’s what she gets for thinking it was a good idea to walk home alone.
Finally, a black Sedan pulls up to the curb and the driver winds down his window. “KakaoBlack for Bae Joohyun?” He checks, looking as ready as both girls are to go home and crash for the night. 
The girl nods, opening the door for Seungwan to get into the backseat and climbing in after her.
Grand streaks of neon dance across the car windows, falling behind as quickly as they appear. Seungwan tears her gaze from the rapid city lights when she hears her name. 
An almost child-like excitement masks Joohyun’s usually steely features when Seungwan hums questioningly, not having heard what she’d said. “I said unnie,” she repeats, “you should call me unnie now that we’re closer. Honestly, I wanted to correct you this evening, but I never got the chance to. Aish, everyone was so noisy.”
The topic of noise has Joohyun distracted, suddenly popping off on a tangent about how sound-proof couple study rooms should be integrated in cafes and student-dense areas alike. But Seungwan finds it hard to focus on anything other than those glowing eyes and that tiny, lopsided smile.
For the rest of the journey, the two exchange stories of their university life experiences, life outside classrooms and even a few laughs; mostly on Joohyun’s part at how Seungwan seems to have the most prankish roommates slash best friends in the world. She loses it at ‘carbonara shampoo’, finding the idea wickedly genius and hilariously absurd altogether. Uncontrollable cackling booms in the backseat and Seungwan can’t help but giggle too, ears saturated with Joohyun’s chimerical laughter.
Eventually, the street lights and the houses start looking familiar and they’re pulled into a student apartment lobby before either of them knows where the time went. Joohyun can see the grumpy ajumma at reception wearing a frown, but she doesn't know it’s because someone’s gone over curfew. Again.
“Goodnight Seungwan.”
“Goodnight… unnie.” Seungwan wishes, ignoring the way their new closeness unfolds her heart like a secretly passed note. “Stay safe, and message me when you get back!”
Making to get out of the car, she flinches when she’s unable to fully stand up. Gulping, she glances over her shoulder to see Joohyun holding her back by her bag straps. In her sleepy state, the younger can’t tell if that intently searching gaze is serious or not.
“By the way, when you were looking into the cafe from outside this evening, you weren’t checking Jennie or Sooyoung out, were you?”
Seungwan shakes her head truthfully. “Why?”
“Good.” A cat-like smirk graces her lips and Seungwan’s stomach drops. “Just making sure.”
. . . . .
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popsiclemania · 4 years
My 2020 in K dramas (+1 J drama)
I began watching k-dramas in 2018 but I’ve never watched as many shows, Korean or otherwise, as I have in this one. 2020 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think what helps me really enjoy this over Bollywood+Malayalam+ American pop culture I grew up with is that a smirk on the wrong character’s face doesn’t make me seethe with rage and want to burn everything down. It’s not like growing up with SRK on screen and then having SRK wannabes leave you with lifelong trauma in reality. I can just move on. It’s removed enough from my everyday life but still familiar in a generic Asian family way. Does that make sense? It’s not perfect and it’s not free of its own harmful stereotypes and narratives, but there’s enough of the good stuff to make you stick around. This year I fell in love with Nana, Kim Hye Soo, Han Yeri, Park Eun bin, Ahn Eun jin, Kim Bum, Kim Yong ji, Flower Boy’s Go Dok Mi and Search:WWW’s Bae Tami. Cancelled Ji Chang wook (bye). Desperately missed Kim Jae Wook. Had thoughts on Hwang In Yeop, which were mostly heart eyes. Discovered J dramas and fell in love with Cherry Magic’s Adachi.
My year-in-review below:
Into The Ring - I am so glad I saved this for a rainy day because it’s exactly the kind of upright citizen shenanigans my unemployed ass needed at the end of the year.
Goo Se Ra thinks the govt should work for the people but that doesn’t mean her own moral compass always points north. Her purpose is to make steady money, and I love seeing her go hard to survive and cobble together what she needs. The thing that really works for me is that she wants to be good, but she isn’t always. And you get to see her be disappointed, upset, embarrassed and hurt from being publicly kicked in the gut as she navigates a job where she appears, on the surface, to be a supremely confident, self-serving, accidental politician. What you see as her naiveté is mostly just her being a regular person in an environment dictated by backhand deals and rich people politics. She gets hit again and again, and you see what it does to her sense of worth to get back up again, how she grapples with her self. And through all this the show is funny?! Se Ra is what writers of manic pixie characters think they are doing and not doing at all. Love her friends, and Jang Hye-jin is *chef’s kiss*!
Hyena - Kim Hye Soo’s Jung Geum Ja is perhaps Se Ra’s older and darker contemporary.  Geum Ja is a survivor and will get what she wants and where she wants to, however many hells she has to cross. She’s single-minded about her success, ruthless and has no qualms about bending morals to get the outcome she needs. She’ll never compromise on who she is or justify how she lives, can build people up and also tear them down, but she also knows care and kindness.
I turned to Signal for more Kim Hye Soo but was disappointed in how the first few episodes seemed to shortchange her. May try again in 2021.
(Highly recommend @saltr0se​’s  fic series which just GETS Geum Ja so well. Fic writers are the best)
Search: WWW (Finished in 2020) - It took me half a year to finish this. I started watching Search in Oct 2019 and raced through the first 6 episodes because I couldn’t take my eyes off the rollercoaster of Bae Tami’s life. And then I had to take a break because it was a little too close to the frenetic pace of my own industry. As @drivingsideways wrote, a lot of Search is premised around ‘patriarchy? who dat?’, which is why watching its politics play out is so fascinating.  It’s also deliciously turmoil-y to watch a very clear-sighted, weathered Tami put on rose-tinted glasses for her romance and then frequently peer over them to evaluate whether it could actually meld into her life.
Catch The Ghost - Kim Seonho oozes charm and perhaps Startup was a showcase of how effectively he can be a typical male lead. But Catch is exactly not that. Go Jiseok and Yoo Ryeong have moulded their lives around to meet their most desperate wishes in life and in the process also left parts of themselves untended. There is guilt, pain and need. Now guess who will tend to whose wounds? Their dynamic is electric even when the central mystery flags towards the last few episodes of the show. I really hope Moon Geun Young is doing well and gets more amazing roles soon. She is so good here.
(Highly recommend @melonatures​‘s fic for putting that sizzling on-screen chemistry into words. HOW?!) Cherry Magic - Stories about painfully awkward people are my jam and Eiji Akaso gets Adachi’s shy, nervy energy so right. Cherry Magic is straight up just 12 hours of 🥺🥺🥺. 
Stranger/Secret Forest - I’ve been devouring the entirety of Agatha Christie’s work this year after Stranger reminded me how comforting murder mysteries can be. I love Bae Doona. I also love characters who don’t get social norms, not always because they are out to flout them but because that’s just not how their mind/brain works. (have to watch S2)
Flower Boy Next Door -  Honestly, the opening scene introducing Park Shin Hye’s character Go Deok Mi sold me on this immediately. An introverted, penny pinching copy editor living alone and working from home thanks to extreme social anxiety? Love. All the side characters are a lot of fun and I’ve never loved Kim Seulgi and Go Kyung Pyo more. It’s a warm show, slowly rounding off the sharp edges of every character.
The Spies Who Loved Me -  It’s been a year of disappointing rom-coms and Spies kind of quietly turned it around for me. I want to be the fly on Yoo In Na’s wall as she figures how to play her characters. I’ve only seen her in 3 roles but somehow she always manages to be in character arcs that don’t short change her. Spies could’ve been and sometimes is the regular heterosexual fare, but In Na ups the ante over and over again, coming out on top as the smartest person in the room.
I have to watch A Piece Of Your Mind again because I don’t understand how Jung Hae In and Chae Soo bin built SO MUCH warmth and crackling chemistry with barely a kiss. I was iffy about how the whole AI thing started off and the tortured musician plotline (angsty male artists will forever be an eyeroll for me).
Park Min Young is a queen who never disappoints and When The Weather Is Nice is everything you want in a winter romance. My reservation was in how they explore so much of domestic abuse and the complex ways its traumatised the women in this family. I’m ok with the characters having imperfect ways of processing and understanding the violence, I welcome it. I’m not ok with the show dancing around whether the pivotal crime was justified/ self defence (it was).
A lot of dramas did this. I loved Han Yeri and Choo Ja Hyun in My Unfamiliar Family, I didn’t like the free pass the show gave their dad’s abusive character. 
Hwang Jung Eum’s comedy style is generally not my thing but she was pretty great in Mystic Pop-UP Bar. But I’m side-eyeing the sanctity surrounding motherhood. Maybe I should read more about babies and Korean folklore.
Hospital Playlist was my comfort watch through June and July. I think its wholesomeness and non-plot writing came at a good time for me. But I noticed then that the throughline for all main characters was moral superiority and hence what I then saw as *wholesomeness*. It’s kind of what makes it a grating rewatch in parts. Plus the real life of misogyny of Yoo Yeon Seok makes me want to push his angelic catholic character off a cliff. (For context, i was raised catholic). I want to continue loving Chae Song Hwa, and for that the showrunners need to stop cornering her with overbearing romantic interests (let that woman breathe! she literally ran away to another city!) 
Hospital is good at creating moments of comfort, so much so that I went to watch Reply 1988 after it, but had to drop it coz I couldn’t get into it. Maybe I’ll come back to it next year.
Once Again is what I call joint family propaganda. What it does well is lay bare the mechanics of living in a society that prizes the heterosexual family structure, the loops you have to jump through to hide when you break its rules and what happens when you are found out. I love the characters, their fights, their frustrations. I just don’t love the validation of joint families. (context: i grew up in an oppressive joint family lol). In my au, Nahee and Gyujin don’t get married again or immediately have children, but take the long route to figuring out how to love the person the other is. Gahee is openly dating Hyo shin and her parents have to figure out how to process her success and her romance. Young dal and Ok boon have to learn to stop dictating their children’s lives.  Joon sun runs his company from home, so his wife Hyun kyung can work on what she wants. Choyeon, Joori and Ga-yeon go back to being flamboyant AF and the market learns to not judge. Gyujin and Jaesok have to actually work on the relationship with their mother and what sent her into depression. Just a lot of learning involved.
Just Between Lovers was a nice watch, i just don’t get how Kang doo and Ha Moon So’s relationship will survive his constantly simmering anger. 
Crash Landing on You was so much fun until the main romance turned angsty, but it gave us North Korean soldier shenanigans and the epic romance of Seo Dan and Alberto Gu that we needed more of.
Tale of The Nine Tailed is probably what Goblin wished it was. I, however, will never be over Lee Rang. (Also, when can gods stop meeting their love interests as babies? Asking for my sanity)
I literally ignored everything in Oh My Ghost except Park Bo Young and Kim Seulgi and it was amazing. 
Goblin, Dinner Mate, Oh My Baby and My Secret Romance were a whole lot of NO, NAHI, ILLAAA. 
I loved hate-watching The King:Eternal Monarch with the rest of k drama tumblr but someone please take away Kim Eun-sook’s access to gigantic budgets and all-star casts.
It was painful to watch Do You Like Brahms squander away its potential but I’m glad to be introduced to Park Eun bin. Age of Youth is next on watchlist.
More than Friends to me is only Ahn Eun jin. Someone give her amazing lead roles asap.
Why did Record of Youth do that to Park So Dam and her clothes? Just why
World Of The Married, It’s Okay Not To Be Okay, Sweet Home, Extracurricular, Penthouse, Flower of Evil, Lie After Lie
SF8, Stove League, Birth Care Centre but I’ll start the new year with School Nurse Files coz it looks very good.
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fyeah-redvelvet · 6 years
There’s no question that Korean pop music has long outgrown the niche scene it was once relegated to in the U.S. Just this past year alone, some of the biggest male groups in K-pop have hosted sold out concerts, from the Staples Center to the Novo, and multiple groups have reached unprecedented milestones like having an album’s artwork nominated for a Grammy, holding one of the highest grossing shows of the summer. And though these acts strengthen K-pop’s impact in the West, one should wonder: Where are the girl groups?
Slowly, but surely, female K-pop acts are making strides of their own, and 2019 seems like the year it all finally comes to fruition. Prior to 2019, U.S. shows by a K-pop girl group were extremely rare, often only being able to perform short sets at festivals. That’s why Red Velvet’s Redmare in USA tour is cause for elation. Together with Oh My Girl (who had a five stop tour in January), BLACKPINK (who are playing Coachella this year and have yet to specify the dates of their North America tour), and a few other soloists who have already announced upcoming shows, Red Velvet is repping it for female representation by having a full solo tour of their own. Red Velvet has previously performed at KCON LA, KCON NY, and the Korea Times Music Festival, and hosted a fan meeting event in Chicago, but this will be first time they put on their full show. “[The] North America concert tour means a lot to us,” main vocalist Wendy told the Weekly over a call from Seoul. “Everyday we know we get lots of love from fans, not only from Korea, but from fans overseas.”
Red Velvet is one of the first girl groups to have, not only a full solo concert, but an entire tour since Apink in 2016. Prior to that, 2NE1 held two shows in 2012 and the Wonder Girls had a full-fledged tour in 2010. They’ll be visiting often overlooked cities like Miami and Dallas, and most of the stops sold out in minutes. According to Subkulture Entertainment, the tour promoter, tickets for the Los Angeles stop sold out instantly. And because of the high demand, a second date had to be added.    
“[I] really, really felt pride that the LA show sold out within a minute,” Seulgi commented via a translator. “It’s really awesome. It kind of makes [me] feel like the group should work harder to give back to the fans for all the love [we]’ve received.”
Red Velvet debuted as a four piece act in 2014 under S.M. Entertainment, home to some of the biggest names in K-pop including Girls’ Generation and EXO. As a concept, Irene (born Joo-hyun Bae), Seulgi Kang, Wendy (Seung-wan Shon), Joy (Soo-young Park), and, added half a year later, Yeri (Ye-rim Kim), play with the duality in their name. “Red” represents a bright, bubbly side, while “Velvet” is reserved for a sultrier moment. They shift between fun and bubblegum pop tunes like “Red Flavor” and “Dumb Dumb,” and smoother, R&B tinged tracks like “Automatic” and “Bad Boy.” Having a wide range of styles and concepts, Red Velvet has made its impact in the K-pop world by being one of the most popular girl groups in and outside Korea.
Despite women making up a larger part of the K-pop fandom, their support largely lies with the boy groups. K-pop girl groups are generally marketed specifically to men, and the prevailing trend among them is a cute and innocent image. However, female fans supporting a girl group is not unheard of in K-pop. Girls’ Generation has had one of the strongest female fronted fandoms for over 10 years. Moreover, disbanded groups like 2NE1, 4minute, and Sistar had huge female followings given their stronger and empowering concepts. And though the cuter image prevailed as new groups debuted, the interest was recently renewed by the emergence of the so-called “girl crush” image. Red Velvet’s “velvet” releases fall under the girl crush tag and are far more experimental, both conceptually and sound-wise, and less saccharine, thus resonating more with female audiences worldwide. By alternating their concepts, Red Velvet smartly reach a wider fanbase while also getting to embody more than just one thing.
“If you listen to a lot of Red Velvet songs, they’re about being confident, bold, being yourself. So [I] think that’s kind of why that message —that kind of confident message— is what appeals to female fans in particular,” Joy says. “But on top of that, Red Velvet is known for their bright, happy energy, so that’s kind of the universal appeal to both male and female fans.”
2018 was an especially big year for Red Velvet, and their duality took center stage. Their quirky electropop summer release “Power Up,” with its playful and colorful music video and earworm lyrics, got the group the first “perfect all-kill” in their careers, meaning they topped all Korean streaming platforms. The EP, Summer Magic, debuted at number three on Billboard’s World Albums chart.
On the other hand, released earlier in the year, “Bad Boy” went onto become what will probably go down as a K-pop classic. Produced in part by The Stereotypes, who have worked on hits for Bruno Mars and Justin Bieber, “Bad Boy” is a haunting yet smooth, melodic femme fatale anthem. It was the group’s first sexy and most mature concept, and fans and critics alike reveled in its lush synths and vocals reminiscent of ‘90s R&B. By the end of the year, “Bad Boy” ranked within the top five of many best of K-pop year-end lists from the likes of Paper Magazine and Dazed, and even took the number one spot on Billboard’s. “Bad Boy”’s impact also broke the K-pop barrier by placing 43 on Billboard’s best songs of the year list.
“It was unexpected, especially considering how much reaction [we] received from fans overseas regardless of [us] not promoting it overseas, per se,” Joy says with a laugh about “Bad Boy.” “It kind of gave [us] more confidence in terms of trying that kind of genre.” Summer Magic included an English version of “Bad Boy.”Also notably —and very badass— “Bad Boy” was one of two songs Red Velvet performed at a diplomatic inter-Korean event in Pyongyang attended by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean president Moon Jae-in.
Last year also saw their debut in Japan with #Cookie Jar, which peaked at number three on the Oricon album chart, the country’s most important music chart. And though it wasn’t the whole group, main vocalist Wendy collaborated with John Legend on the heartfelt ballad “Written in the Stars.” “I couldn’t believe he wanted me to collaborate with him, and I still feel like it’s a dream,” Wendy, who lived in Canada for many years and speaks English fluently, reflected back. “If I had another chance, or had a chance to go back to that time, I wish I talked to him more. It was a great, great memory, though.” And to finalize their aim at global domination, their last EP of the year, and latest, RBB also included an English version of the single by the same name. The acronym stands for “Really Bad Boy” and is a sort of sequel to “Bad Boy” and is horror film themed. RBB hit number two on the World Albums chart, their highest position to date.  
For many K-pop boy groups, it’s much easier to hold a concert or fan meeting event in the U.S. no matter how long they’ve been active or what they’ve accomplished so far. Red Velvet, who are going on their fifth year together, had to kill it consistently and have the biggest year of their careers before going on their first multi-stop concert tour in the states. “We can’t really explain how much energy we get from doing the concert. Especially the moment when you share that connection with the audience,” Wendy shared. “That feeling you get, you can’t really explain it… It can’t really [be] beat[en].”  
As to future music, Yeri teased more coming in English. “If the fans really love the English versions of [our] songs, maybe [I] could bring it up to the company and just make it seem like, ‘Hey, we should release an English album,’” she says, making the rest of the members laugh. “That’s something that [we] obviously think about a lot, especially because of the reactions from the fans overseas,” she added.
With things going as fast and successfully as they are for the group, Irene, the leader, noted that they’ll always be the same “hard working Red Velvet.” “Every year [we] grow and mature, so in that sense, [we]’ll be different. But in terms of always challenging [our]selves, always working hard, [we]’ll be the same group.”
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
“ i’m here for business, not pleasure. “ Yeah totally what Zeb is here for. He is totally just out to rehearse his lines with her. Mhm.
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It's not often when Zarina invites Zen to visit her place in the city without accompanying him. Once the bodyguard would let him in, it wouldn't be hard to find his way towards the living room where several voices were coming from. Two men and one woman, the latter is the one he knows oh so well. But what's going on? Well, it would be easy to hear since one of the men wasn't exactly being quiet or silent about his sounding agitation and annoyance.
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The older of the Atwood brothers was irritated beyond measure as he was staring back at his boss and his younger brother. Both were rather apathetic to his words, his brother just sipping on his damned Frappuccino and the woman seemed more bored with his speech than anything else.
"You do understand that he's an actor, right? He's an actor AND he knows nothing. You're bringing a civilian in," he sounds agitated, concerned, and exasperated. It's not unusual for him to go against what Zarina does, but he saw what was going on and he was more concerned about the poor lad (in his eyes) who was getting into a bloody swamp. "Bloody hell, Zarina, I always knew you were fuckin’ nuts, but this is out of the line! You said he’s also coming HERE?”
Atwood huffed and puffed, not caring exactly how loud he sounds. Upon such bright emotional outrage, the man’s British accent was as noticeable as his tall statue. The problem lied in how he didn’t care about his choice of words and how the other two who were present in the room were not even slightly bothered by the words spoken. He felt like he was he only voice of reason in this land of madness, even his younger brother had been lost to this river of insanity all because of a the silver-haired vixen who didn’t hide her interest in the actor who goes by Zen or whose real name is Hyun Ryu. 
“And, Matt, the hell are you smirking here like that? Tell her this isn’t right.”
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On the other hand, the younger brother would just smugly watch his older brother try to bring some sense into his boss’ head when he knew that there was no one aside from Zarina herself who would choose a path she’d walk. He found it comedic, really, to see Sokolova get a bit more excited about how she was waiting for that guy who is gonna come up here. The things she told them were actually cute, she almost acted like a normal woman who wasn’t neck deep in gore and ice. He thought she should have some fun before the harsh reality would settle on them all. He only hoped that Zarina won’t be disappointed if said Hyun Ryu would look at her differently if he ever learns about her career and her work. 
“Me? Oh, brother, you really are as stubborn as seven fuckin’ hells, man. Zarya’s an adult, it’s not like she’s asking you to have a threesome here,” he chuckles when he sees his brother’s eyebrow twitch and glances at Sokolova who continued to drink her smoothie in silence while watching the two men. He already got notified that the guest of honor is already in the building, he’s probably hearing his brother’s screams over here. “Better keep it cool, Derek. We’ve got a guest.” 
A knowing look crosses over the hacker’s look as he gives his older brother a face that speaks that he won’t hear anything. Derek sucks the breathe through his gritted teeth, a vein is seen to pop on his neck as he was stifling his anger. Sure, the three of them were adults who knew what they were doing, but he didn’t want a civilian to get into the life they were all leading. Not when he could die. The older Atwood was still clinging to saving some lives while Matthew just gave up on hoping for the best in humanity, his home with with this team. He’d lay his life down for Zarina, it was obvious. She gave him a purpose and gave him freedom he didn’t have before. 
“Hey, man, if ya can hear me, just walk in! We don’t bite, I swear!” Now he laughs, standing up and patting his brother’s shoulder and signaling that they needed to leave. As the Atwood brothers would go out, they would meet the actor. 
Matthew smiled and waved with his free hand: “Sorry, my brother’s a bit of a jealous guy who can’t get a girl. Zarya’s got super excited you’re coming, so have fun!” 
Derek, meanwhile, pushed his younger brother forward with a rough gruff before looking at Zen and speaking out: “Don’t get too deep without knowing enough. You’ll regret it.”
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They would leave right after, bickering as per usual, until the door would close and Zarina would go to meet Hyun herself. She tossed her empty smoothie cup and crosses her hands as she leans against the door frame. 
“ My, are you here for me? ”
The reply she receives leaves her in a laughing fit, shaking her head at his comedic saying. Business and not pleasure? As if she would believe that. Not when he visited her dressed like this, her already preparing wine and dine for him and him only. It’s almost romantic, but she doesn’t mind if today they’ll just hang out. He might not be into some fun if he overheard Derek’s words, but she would get out of it as she always does. What Zen doesn’t know won’t hurt him... yet. She didn’t think it was safe to trust him with that information. If anything, somewhere on the inside, Zarina wasn’t comfortable with an idea of his presence disappearing from her life. Her attachment was more prevalent. It almost made her think she’s in love. The warmth settling in her chest was hard to ignore, so she didn’t but she wanted to be sure. 
“ If you are here for business, then I guess we can discuss said business during dinner, ” she reaches out to grasp his hand and lead him in. It was true that she was excited for Zen’s arrival today, preparing a nice dinner by hand and that’s when Derek and Matthew would come in to question why she was getting so giddy and why she was going so far for just a person who she would drop. The thing was, she didn’t want to drop him or have him leave her sight. Sokolova wanted to... spend more time, his presence gave her an idyllic sensation. Maybe he would be one to accept her? Maybe. “ I hope those two didn’t scare you too much. Atwood brothers are people I work with, they’re a part of my team. Derek’s a bit jelly of my attraction to you it seems~ ” 
With a wink over her shoulder, Zarina squeezes her hand tighter in hopes that he won’t disappear and he won’t escape. 
“ I was waiting for you to come. Did you bring the movies you wanted to watch? ‘Course you did, I can see them, but care to tell me which one you got today? I’m going to grab some glasses. ”
0 notes
purintarts · 7 years
MC dying saving them from a sinking ship (ZEN)
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It is now Zen’s turn~~ 
I’m not sure whether I might write for all of them because it will be almost the same story line. Same story but different people with different events happening to them at the same ship.
But they all lost someone.
To those feeling angsty, shall we?
“Just wait and see, babe! Once we get there, my job there will pay me higher! We might need to rent out at a small apartment at first but soon, we’ll be getting the house you’ve been dreaming of!” Zen said as he carried the bags up on board.
You walked behind him with the smaller and lighter bags as you looked at your man who was literally beaming. He had gotten a job offer at a famous theatre compared to the small theatre they had in this city, his dream of becoming a famous musical actor is about to come true and you couldn’t be happier from him.
The theatre he used to work at didn’t pay much. Therefore, he had sold the house to pay the rental at the new place and bought the tickets for your both. You got the low class level but it was good enough for you.
Your lives were about to change; you can’t complain now.
As the ship began to sail, you look at the hometown you were leaving, not knowing when you’ll return that is, if you get to return at all. Glancing at the beaming Zen, you know you made the right choice.
You want that smile on his face, no matter what happens, you want that smile to stay.
The both of you had to share rooms with another couple, they were nice and friendly that you two didn’t feel weird or awkward around them. There were two bunk beds so you both took one while the other couple took the other.
You chose the lower bunk as Zen chose the upper one to let you have easier access. Before dinner, you both had walked around to explore the deck.
“I can’t believe we’re finally on a ship,” Zen said as he wrapped an arm around you “A little while longer.”
You leaned your head on his shoulder, smiling at the sun that is setting at the horizon.
“Just a bit more.”
The dinner was grand. It was way better than the dinner you had before. Instead of just bread or potatoes and rice, there was chicken, fish and things you could barely eat before.
“As expected from the Titan. The food is good” Zen said as he took a bite of the chicken drumstick. You chuckled as you take a tissue to wipe the corner of his lips that was smudge with the sauce.
You couldn’t help but to lean in and pecked his cheeks.
“You’re so adorable Hyun” grinning, you popped the broccoli inside your mouth.
Zen chuckled as he brushed your hair back “But no one can defeat your adorable-ness”
You rolled your eyes but a smile was still plastered on your face. You both interacted with the other guests throughout dinner. Listening to their adventures and their dreams.
After dinner, you took a walk on the deck with Zen, holding hands as you looked over the night sky at sea for the first time. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you let out a dreamy sigh.
Zen leaned in a placed a kiss on your head as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders to pull you close.
“I still can’t believe we’re on the ship” you said as your eyes linger at the waves that was pushed aside by the sea.
“I feel you. I can’t believe we’re almost there” Zen rubbed your arm “A better job, a better home, a better life. We can finally settle down for good and have a family without wondering if the funds are enough.”
Zen pulled away making you look over him. Cupping your cheek, he stared deeply in your eyes.
“I can’t wait to have a family with you, MC. Mini us walking around, that would be the life” Zen said as his eyes sparkled at the thought.
“Keep in mind dear, there are more than just ‘walking around’. There will be tears, tantrums and lesser sleep” you said as you rest your head on his chest “But it will be worth it.”
“It definitely will” he wrapped his arms around you as he placed another kissed on the top of your head “I can’t wait for it. A new job and most importantly, a new life with you.”
“Me too, Hyun, me too”
  Zen sat on your bed as he read through his script. He may have got the job offer but that doesn’t mean he is safe yet. This gig might either make it or break it, so he had to make sure that everything is in order so he could show the audience what he is capable of.
If it works well, he might get new job offers and better offers perhaps with the reputation of the theatre and the city of actors and singers. Zen would be closer to more opportunities.
He glanced beside him where you were sitting reading a book.
You deserved so much better than him. Someone like you can get a man with a smile and yet, you chose him to be your husband. He was happy but Zen would be lying if he didn’t feel his heartache when he saw how you would be working the whole day because his job didn’t pay enough.
How you would be craving for some meat but all you could afford was vegetables. How your eyes lit up when you saw a beautiful dress but looked away immediately because you won’t be able to buy it either ways.
Zen wanted to spoil you. Get you the food you wished to eat and the clothes your wish to wear but his wallet doesn’t let him. His heart squeezed every time you said ‘it’s alright, I’m not that hungry’ or ‘it doesn’t suit me’.
He had lots of love to shower you but love couldn’t pay the bills.
Zen had wanted to give up at one point, stop acting and get a job with a better payment but then this offer came. He swore he would change both of your lives for the better.
The first thing he would buy once he got his first paycheck at the new place would be a hot dinner for the both of you and a ring with a diamond on top for you contrast to the thin dull metal ring that was set on your ring finger.
Zen was determined.
 “A party below deck?” you asked and Zen nodded.
“Apparently, our roommates invited us since they are going. There would be music, dancing and beer!” he exclaimed.
You raised an eyebrow with amusement “I think you would be the most excited about the last one”
Zen stuck his tongue out with a wink, rubbing his nape sheepishly “Well, it’s been a while since I drink. Let’s join them!”
“Okay, okay! Let’s me change first!” you chuckled as you walked over to your luggage to take out a better attire for the evening as Zen cheered.
The party was delightful.
There were people playing with music instruments and some was banging on the barrel as a drum. You were hand in hand with Zen, as you jumped along with him to the rhythm, moving around as you tried to avoid banging into the other couples dancing.
Zen twirled you around and make some space between you as a child run between you. Laughing, you went back into his arms and leaned your forehead against his.
“I love you MC” he whispered as he caressed your cheek.
“I love you too Hyun”
Zen leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. Pulling away, he twirled you one more time before continuing your dancing.
You two sat down to take your breath. Sweats were rolling off from both of your faces and you took a handkerchief to wipe his sweat before wiping yours.
“This is truly a party” Zen said and you agreed.
“Let me go get some drinks” Zen stood up “Wait here for me”
“I will~” you waved your fingers at him as he walked away.
Zen circled around the dancing people as he reached the bar. After he placed his orders, Zen tapped his fingers on the wooden counter to wait. He turned over to look at you who was also coincidentally staring at him.
He gave you a smile and just as you were about to smile back, a loud bang was heard and you went falling over the chair as Zen clutched on the counter to keep himself up.
The ship trembled and the sound of creaking was heard.
Zen quickly looked over to you but he couldn’t see you due to the people standing up and talking to themselves. The murmuring got louder and people were walking around in confusion that he couldn’t spot you from across the room.
Panicking arises inside of him as Zen rushed towards you, pushing people aside to get to you. The moment he had, you were standing up with the help of the ladies and he quickly ran towards you.
“Are you alright?” he questioned.
“My knees hurt from the impact but I’ll live” you said before thanking the ladies again.
“What happened?” Zen looked around as he saw the faces of pure confusion. It felt surreal and he got worried.
“Should we go back to our room?” you asked and he nods.
“Probably for the best” he said as he took your hand and lead you out.
Half of the people were worried while the other half just brushed it off as nothing major. There were also a few people who began to leave out of fear of what just happened.
The moment you reached your corridor, there were staffs that was announcing to return to your rooms until further notice.
“That looks serious” you said and Zen agrees but entered your rooms either ways.
The other couple didn’t return and since it was the both of you, Zen laid beside you in your bed. You didn’t feel sleepy due to the incident and the party, you felt pumped up with adrealine even. Therefore, to calm yourself down, you decided to continue reading your book.
Zen laid beside you as he stared at the bottom of his bed. His mind was going disarray, wondering what could have happened just now when he accidentally dozed off.
 Lot of screams.
There were people screaming and running in fear.
Zen didn’t know what to do, he looked around in pure confusion but fear strike him as the ship tilted sideways. He quickly grabbed a pole as he saw how the water filled up the ship.
Where were you?
He screamed your name as he went forward. Calling out your name over and over again as he looked forward.
Right at the tail of the ship, he saw a familiar face holding the railing.
As he got closer, he felt odd.
It was, him?
Why was he- why was he there if he’s here-
Wait where were you?
The water engulfed him.
 Zen snapped his eyes opened with a gasped, sitting up so quickly only to bang his head onto the bunk above.
“Hyun!” you cried out as he crouched into your lap, rubbing his head.
“Why did you get up like that? Did you get a nightmare or something?” you said as you looked at his red forehead.
“The ship is sinking” Zen stated as he pulled you off the bed “We need to get on deck”
“Wait, what?”
“My dreams- The ship! Water is coming in! It’s sinking!” Zen exclaimed as he grabbed your shoulders “We need to leave MC”
Your face turned pale. You knew about his visions and how some of them come true, especially the bad ones. You quickly put on your boots and coat and he did the same.
He took a life vest and put it on you before putting on himself.
Grasping your hand, he ran out of the room with you in hand.
Just as he almost reached the exit, he was met with a staff that told him to go back to his room. Growling, Zen shoved him away before pushing you up the stairs with him behind you.
Just as he reached the outer deck, he heard the staff shouting for evacuation.
“Evacuate? Then why the hell did they tell us to stay in our rooms?!” Zen growled in annoyance but he lead you to join in the evacuating crowd.
Just as he was about to reached the crowd a couple of staff stopped him “Upper and middle class first!” they exclaimed and that made him burst.
“Upper and middle class? Does that make us any less humans because we’re lower? Telling us to stay in our rooms like a bunch of pigs as the others evacuate?!” Zen fought.
“Hyun” you called out but you knew better than not to get involved when he’s this angry.
“Get down!” a staff pointed their gun at him and that froze you up.
“Then shoot me dammit!” Zen growled.
“Hyun, please!” you cupped his face to make him look at you “We can wait! There must be loads of boats, it will be our turn soon, we can just wait here until they are done, right?” you looked over at the staff.
“That’s correct, miss” they said “We do not wish for unnecessary chaos, we just wished to keep order”
“Wish to keep orders my ass! You just pointed a gun to our faces!” Zen exclaimed and you had to hugged him before he gets shot.
“Hyun, please. We can wait” you shouted “Please Hyun, please” you chanted with your eyes closed. You don’t wish to see him dead due to a gun. Not today, not now.
Zen let out a loud angry sighed before he slammed his hand at the railing. You flinched at the sound but you knew he won’t hurt you. As Zen took your hand, he lead you back down at the lower deck before running towards the other way.
“We need to get a boat, we’ll find another way” Zen said and you run after him.
“If we wait-”
“If we wait, we’ll die!” he turned around and grabbed your shoulders “Who knows how long they’ll take! The moment they are loaded; we might be drowning in the water by then! We need to get on a boat no matter what”
You took a deep ragged breath as you nod your head “Take the lead, Hyun”
Zen cracked a smile before he smacked his lips into yours before bringing you into a bone-crushing hug
“We’ll survive this, I promise”
  You’ve been running around in circles for an opening to the loading deck. The water was getting further inside and the low class level had figured out by now because they were rioting to get on the loading deck.
It’s been over an hours and Zen was sweating all over as he tried to figured out a way to get on the loading deck.
There were too many people. Too many.
Zen panted as he brushed his hair back, looking from side to side for a way.
“Hyun, there! Let’s climb it!” you said as you pointed at a corner railing.
Zen nodded and pushed the people out of the way, his sweaty hands didn’t let go of yours even once.
He carried you up first, to let over first before he jumps up and climbs over the rail. There were people pushing around and a loud sets of screams were heard when the lights went off.
Zen used the opportunity to shove them aside and pushed you forward towards the boats.
“Shit” Zen cursed as the last boat on the side went down.
“Let’s go to the other side!” you told him and he nods as he turned around. However, there were too many people at the loading deck that makes it hard to move.
“You were right,” you said as you tried to protect yourself from the shoving “We’ll sink before they are all loaded up”
Zen wanted to laugh and reply but he didn’t have the chance when the floorboards begin to separate.
“What the hell” Zen cursed as he pulled you away from the cracks, deeper into the crowd as the floorboards begin to break.
“Come on, Hyun!” you shouted as you pulled him over, between the screaming crowds and into the empty dining hall.
“Smart” he said but the happy moment was cut short when you could feel the ship turning sideways.
The furniture began to slid slowly towards the both of you and you quickly pulled him over to the door at the sides before anything hit you. The ship tilted up, making the furniture and utensils crashed towards where you two would have been.
Zen put you at the door, hugging the side of the doors with you in between him. As the ship tilted up, you were literally laying on the side of the door frame with Zen on top of you.
There were a lot of screams and you saw the people falling outside. You could hardly focus with Zen’s weight on top of you but you didn’t want to focus on their screams as they fall to their deaths.
With a loud creaking and breaking, the ship that was around 45 degrees was slammed down once more and the both of you fell down on the floor, directly on Zen.
“We have no time” you spoke as the you saw the survivors running towards the tail.
You both scrambled up on your feet as you two ran towards the tail. The ship was sinking again and this time, it’s going down fully.
Just as you both reached the tail, Zen quickly grabbed on the railing before pulling you up as hard as he could. Due to the boat slanting once more, it was difficult.
Just as he got your hand to put on the railing, the ship went to a solid 90 degree and your slippery sweaty hands didn’t help you.
“MC!” Zen grabbed your hand while the other held on the railing, pulling both of your weights.
You gasped as you felt yourself hanging, tears begin to brim at your eyes as you looked over at Zen’s red face that was holding the railing, knowing he won’t be able to hold long.
“H-Hyun!” you screamed “Hyun! Look at me!”
Zen pried his eyes open as he looked at you “Hold on babe, one moment! I got you! Give me a mo-”
“HYUN I LOVE YOU” you yelled “I love you so much Hyun! Don’t forget that!”
Zen felt you let go of his hands but he wasn’t doing the same. He gripped your hand tighter as he felt his tears coming out.
“Live on Hyun! I love you”
Zen saw you grinning as the sweat from both of your hands made your hands slip out from his grip.
“MC! NO! NO MC!” Zen screeched.
His out-stretched hand was useless as he saw you fall straight into the cold dark waters. Zen looked away, up to the dark sky as he used both of his arms to hold him up.
Tears fell out from his eyes like waterfalls, blurring his sight. The ship was sinking deeper and Zen knew the he would follow you into the water soon.
He gasped as he remembered your last words. With a huffed, he pulled himself up and over the railing. Watching as the ship sink into the water.
As the ship sink sank fully, he felt the cold water that engulf him whole. Zen swam up and since he was wearing a life vest makes it easier for him to get on the surface.
The moment he reached the surface, screaming and panicked people were everywhere. Zen had to elbow and punched a few people as he swam away from the screaming people.
Thankfully, he founded a floating table and quickly got on top of it. Huffing from the cold, Zen looked around at the scene.
Were you among them? Or were you in the water?
Zen shut his eyes, his tears were frozen as he sat on the table. The should of screaming and crying lessened and soon it had gotten quieter each minute.
He didn’t know how long he sat there but next thing he knew, there were a rescue boat and he had gotten on somehow.
Staring up at the starry sky that would usually look beautiful in his eyes, he felt nothing. Even with the warm blanket around him, he didn’t feel warm or cold.
He just felt nothing.
Zen gently smiled as he waved his hand towards the crowd before he got into the car. A faint smile played on his face as his dreams were achieved.
He was one of the high demands musical actor now.
Looking down on the metal ring on his ring finger that he never took off, the smile turned bitter.
It’s been two years. He got a stable job, a comfortable house and he could eat or buy anything he wishes. Yet, he wasn’t fully happy.
Because the person he wished to share all these, the person he had promised to…
Was no longer here.
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ihobii · 7 years
The War
Fandom(s): EXO,NCT, and Red Velvet
Type: Multi-chapter
Part: CH.1 - Prologue
Summary: Exo. The name alone brought the people fear. The infamous gang resided in Seoul, South Korea but was well known around the world. With a powerful sub-gang and dominant alliances, they were unbeatable. Exo consisted of 12 leaders and hundreds of men. The 12 leaders were a family. With many enemies coming for their heads they strived to be the most powerful. With old enemies coming to light, how will Exo deal with love and betrayal while still defending their honor. Will Exo continue to be one or will they crumble once and for all?
Third Person POV
“They betrayed us. Hyung they betrayed us! They lied and pretended to care. All so that can find out our weaknesses and expose them to the enemy!”
Disbelief. That’s all that Kim Junmyeon, the co-leader of Exo could feel upon the revelation. The powerful leader, the one who would torture someone until they gave him what he wanted, could do nothing but stare at his members. His brain working on overdrive tried to make sense of what had become of their situation. He couldn’t think about how and when everything went wrong. Things were looking well, their enemy had been quiet, they had just expanded their territory, and most of all they had only recently signed an agreement with Super Junior stating that their sub-gang NCT will now be working for them as a peace agreement between the two powerful gangs.
It was then did Suho realize that their peace was really the calm before the storm.
1 month earlier
Third Person POV
Seoul was a very popular city. With companies starting up left and right it's no wonder it’s one of the most richest cities in the world. With great food, people and culture, it definitely earned their popularity. Although it’s atmosphere was very well-known around the world there was also a much sinister reason for why the city was so popular. The city was home to the infamous gang, Exo. Under their rule, the city was almost always on their toes for an all out gang war but with such a powerful gang ruling it was a very much safe place.
Exo is a gang consisting of 12 head members with a sub-gang and multiple alliances.. Kim Junmyeon and Wu Yifan, better known as Suho and Kris, were co-leaders to the gang. Both, who although have opposite personalities, can be in sync with how they rule their empire. Lu-Han, Lu, and Kim Minseok, Xiumin, were Kris’ and Suho’s right hand men respectively. The men both were in charge of the gangs drug trade and often dealt with the clients. Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin, Kai, were the gangs trainers, making sure everyone were in shape and ready to fight at any moment. They were often the first line of attack, leading their team into combat and clearing way for the rest of the gang. Byun Baekhyun, Park Chanyeol, and Kim Jongdae, Chen, or in other words the gangs beagle line, contrary to their looks, were the ones who took to torturing their prisoners for their needed information. Huang Zi Tao and Zhang Yixing were in charge of their weapon trade, making sure a gang paid enough and that no one was stealing from them. And last but certainly not any less dangerous was Do Kyungsoo or D.O., he was the gangs mastermind, not only does he watch the gang as they go on their missions but he is said to be able to hack into even the hardest of protected files.
The gang although rumored to have significant others, had never been seen with said partner, thus making things hard for minor gangs to find a weakness.
Exo’s sub-gang was the infamous Red Velvet, named after their skill in how smooth their missions were completed. Exo also had many alliances with other fairly large gangs such as Super Junior, Shinee, F(x), SNSD and TVXQ. This superb alliance is known as SM-Town.
Red Velvet was a fairly new subunit to Exo consisting of only five members. Although the subunit was very new it was said that they had been training under SM-Town since they were able to walk. They are essentially known as Exo’s little sisters. The gang consisting of five beauties were highly skilled assassins. The sub-gang is lead by the oldest member,Bae Ju Hyun, Irene. To the civilians Irene was a true beauty, but many say she’s the most dangerous. With her intense gaze and seductive glances, she lures her targets in and once they are captured by her being, she’ll strike. Kang Seul Gi, Seulgi, was the definition of grace. Her reflexes sharp and controlled definitely lives up expectations and then some. Son Seung Won, Wendy, was the only member who was raised on foreign land. Growing up abroad allowed the group to gain much knowledge of how potential enemies could be ruling. Wendy, with her intense knowledge about the gangs in the America’s has helped their leaders greatly. She not only gave then insight how their rule but also some weaknesses she happened to come across. Park Soo Young, Joy, was the gangs’ hoaxer. While she specializes in luring in the old men and then killing them much like Irene, she chooses to work silently thus not much information can be found on her. She is said to have beauty that can rival her leader though many don’t know exactly what she looks like. The secrecy though was nothing compared to how their youngest member is portrayed. Many would even go so far as to say that she was just a rumor conjured up by the gang to create a sense of mystery and fear to those that dare challenge them. Not much is known about the fifth member besides her age and ‘name’. She was only known as Yeri and that she was the youngest of the entire subgang. It is rumored that she could even fool other gang leaders into believing her to just be an innocent face though no one was ever able to prove that.
These five members made up EXO’s central line of authority. Besides the 12 leaders, they were essentially the ones in charge. Any missions involving disguise and seduction were ordered and conducted by these sole 5 women.
The alliance SM-Town ultimately came from a single gang that ran a rather large empire in South Korea. The gangs leader Lee Soo Man had then decided to split his empire into multiple sub-gangs as a final wish so that the empire would still stand strong, thus creating SM-Town. The alliance essentially was one empire with different units focusing on one specific area. The empire that was left behind by Lee Soo Man has, since his passing, been thriving and becoming more powerful each day that passes by.
Though Seoul is essentially ran by EXO, there are also multiple other gangs that rule other provinces in South Korea. Some of which include 2ne1Bang, Bangtan Sonyeondan, and SEVENTEEN. Though these gangs are separate and also have a reputation, they all choose to be civil with one another.
Suho POV
I was in my office looking over some files that Kyungsoo had managed to find on the smaller gangs that wanted to purchase guns from us. Xiumin was out with Lu Han checking up on our warehouses so I was stuck doing all the paperwork by myself. While scanning over a new gangs profile I saw that they had connections to a well known gang called ‘Madhatters’, stupid name if you ask me but whatever.
Wanting to know more about the gang I go to find Kyungsoo. Standing up and stretching my limbs and hearing those pops are always so satisfying, maybe not as much as screams but close enough. Grabbing the file of the small gang I leave the office and walk downstairs.
Passing by the living room, I come across a pretty ordinary site. The beagle-line plus Tao leaning over a sleeping Kris giggling while holding a black marker. Deciding to make my presence known I make my way over.
“Kids make sure he doesn’t have his knife on him when he wakes up or else I’m going to have to buy you four your caskets” and as I expected they all jumped, shocked by my presence.
“H-hyung when did you get here?! We weren’t drawing on Kris-hyungs face or anything, right guys?” the oldest of the bunch, Baekhyun stated.
Raising an amused brow, I watch as they all nodded their heads in sync. Hearing movement on the couch they all slowly turned around and to their horror see Kris waking up. Fearing for their lives they all but sprinted out the room. Chuckling in amusement I make my way over to a now awoken Kris staring at where the kids just left.
Hearing my chuckling, he turned to stare at me wondering why I was laughing. Realization soon crossed his face.
“They did it again didn’t they?”
“What makes you think that babe?”
Sighing in exasperation, “I don’t maybe because the kids ran away as soon as I woke up?”
Making my way over, I sit down near his chest and run my fingers through his hair. “Don’t go too hard on them, let them be kids for awhile before they have to get back to work.”
“Whatever you say eomma, you spoil the kids too much.” he retorted. I didn’t have a response to that because it was true so I just let him lean into my touch. After a few minutes I suddenly remembered that I had to find Kyungsoo, “Have you seen Kyungsoo around I have something I need him to do.”
Hearing a grunt I took that as a no so I got up to go find him myself. What I didn’t expect though was to be grabbed by the wrist and then suddenly finding myself between Kris and the back of the couch. Yelping in surprise I tried to escape. Seeing as it was useless as I was trapped in Kris’ arms I stopped struggling.
“Ya! Why’d you do that for?” I said while hitting him in the shoulder.
“I’m still tired and you’ve been stuck in your office for a few hours already so let’s take a nap.”
Sighing, “We can take a nap after I find Kyungsoo.”
“Why do you need to find him so bad?” Kris cracked his eyes open.
“I wanna see what he knows about the gang ‘Madhatters’.”
“Madhatters, isn’t that the gang where we killed some of their men that we found were undercover?”
“Yeah, it seems that they’re making more alliances. I found a small gang that’s under their control so I wanted to see if we should be worried or not.”
Third Person POV
Before Kris could respond, there was a crash and yelling in the next room over. Suho looked back at Kris and Kris knowing fully well what that look meant sighed and let his boyfriend go. Smiling in thanks, Suho gave Kris a peck and went off to check on the ruckus.
Stopping at the doorway, Suho suddenly turned around and said to his boyfriend, “You might wanna go wash up before the marker stains.” Narrowly avoiding a thrown pillow he finally left the room all the while laughing at his boyfriends antics.
What Suho walked into was not something he expected but also not out of the ordinary. The bunch that ran off earlier somehow managed to convince Yixing into a game of twister. The horrid game was a suggestion from Jongin and Sehun to make sure that all the leaders stay in their best shape.  
Yixing who was convinced to play with the bunch seemed to be quite enjoying himself in the mess of tangled limbs. Although quite often he says that he plays to work on his flexibility,(We all know that's a lie, I mean have you seen his body rolls?!) everybody knew he did it as an excuse to be able to touch people's butts. Though no one ever gets surprised anymore when they feel a hand of their butt.
Suho POV
At the moment Baekhyun seemed to be inches away from completing a split. Chanyeol and Jongdae were both so tangled up with each other that the only way to tell whose limbs were whose was the lengths of said limbs. Yixing on the other hand seemed to be quiet comfortable with his back bend. Taotao was a completely different story, he was so twisted up that I think we might’ve had to go to the hospital if he’d been anyone else.
“Ummmm, guys? Need some help there? Wait don’t answer that, what was that crash?” Suho asked.
“Ahhhh that, well ummm you see hyung I was going to lose my balance and I sorta maybe….Brokeyourvasethatyoujustboughtyesterday!”
Baekhyun barely managed to rush those words out before he bowed his head awaiting punishment. The other four also looked scared.
It was a tense few minutes before the sound of chuckling reached the group of four ears.
“Hahahahahahahahaha! That ol’thing? I just bought it because the ajumma was nice!”, I took amusement in their faces. As soon as I said that it wasn’t of any value, you could’ve assumed that a wrecking ball came through the house with how fast they’d all fallen. Chuckling still I went on to what my mission was.
“Have any of you guys seen Kyungsoo?”, they all shook their heads.
“He might be in the black-room Junmyeon-ge” the youngest suggested.
“Thank you Taotao.”
Leaving the dining room I start making my way to finally deliver Kyungsoo’s newest assignment. Stopping at the doorway I turn to remind the kids to clean up the broken glass.
“Kid’s remember to clean up all that glass.”
“Yes eomma” they chorused. Rolling my eyes at the childish insult i make my way down the hallway and up the stairs. Arriving at the third floor where most of our technological equipment is at, I make my way down the hall till I arrive at a black door. I knocked and without waiting for a response I walked in. Walking in I see that Jongin, Sehun, and Kyungsoo seem to be having a video call meeting with Red Velvet. Hearing me walk in they all went to face where I was. Seeing as it was on Red Velvet on call I decided that I could just say what I needed without any worry about it getting out.
“Kyungsoo, when you’re done with your meeting I need you to gather information for me about Madhatters please. Continue on.” Turning to leave I moved to grab the handle only to stop when a voice reached my ears.
“Wait! Oppa did you say Madhatters? As is the gang that’s controlling those smaller gangs?” Irene asked.
“Yeah, that’s them.” Turning to face the girls on the screen I see them fidgeting. “What about it?”
It was Wendy that answered, “Well it’s just that they contacted us through a lesser known gang. We knew it was them because we did some research ourselves but they said that they want a meeting with EXO so that you guys can ‘cut off the loose ties’ according to them, whatever that means. It seemed that they knew the best way to get to you guys was through the little sisters.”
“When was this?”
“We got the message about two weeks ago but we were on another mission, sorry oppa.”, Yeri apologized, ever the sweetest she is.
“What are we gonna do hyung?” Sehun asked.
Switching my focus from the girls to EXO’s maknae, “ Well, we’re gonna need to find out all we can about the gang and then I’ll talk to Kris about what we should do. Kyungsoo can you get to that right away?” At Jongin’s nod I say proceed to say my goodbyes to the girls and guys and leave the room.
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yeah the department meeting depressed the hell out of me and convinced me that i’m terribly unfulfilled at work, but also, that maybe all that comes from within and i will carry this sadness in me everywhere i go
because everyone else my age seems to be coping alright, even if they’re not doing excellently
they actually have dreams and strive for healthy human relationships
meanwhile, i can’t seem to reciprocate or reach out, nor do i really want to
maybe this just isn’t the job for me
my colleagues are sweet and competent people, though. honestly, bosses don’t get better than this
one of them gave me a book voucher today haha which i spent immediately on endo’s silence
‘of course it’s jap lit,’ said C
yes, of course lol. i’d actually like to research japanese literature more seriously
i’ve got women court writers from the heian period like sei shonagon and murasaki shikibu on my reading list
was watching a ballet dancer break down yuzuru hanyu’s chopin program at pyeongchang. what i didn’t notice before was how hanyu doesn’t quite breathe through his mouth at the end of a performance; he breathes through his nose instead, so he -- and other figure skaters, i assume -- ends every performance with composure and grace and not like the panting monsters most of us are
what makes hanyu so pleasing to watch? the ballet dancer explained that when you put two dancers of equal ability side-by-side, the one with the ‘better face’ will be chosen. ‘better’ could mean more physically attractive. an expressive face with more structure and definition -- something you should be able to see from afar
that reminded of the heavy make-up they used for the actors in drama club
i can’t deny that part of hanyu’s magnetic appeal is how he looks
i should admit, too, that a part of me is so envious that a person can move the way he does. why do i desire to possess everything that is beautiful? 
years ago, my therapist asked me a question that still sticks with me: ‘can you look at beautiful person and not think about wanting that beauty?’
simply put, my answer is no
i see a beautiful person and i want to be them
i don’t care if they’re dirt poor or if they have tragic family backgrounds or if they’re dumb as fuck or if they’ve raped and murdered 20 people
i want beauty and i want it all à la sharpay evans
later caught a podcast on suicide by a catholic pastor -- it wasn’t my intention to catch a christian podcast. i was thinking about killing myself again and wanted to hear people talk about suicide without skirting around the subject
i am only 17 minutes in but i am comforted by what the pastor said
he makes two interesting points
i) that we don’t know where a person who commits suicide ends up, but what we do know is that he goes to jesus, and god will make the judgement -- he does away with this idea of immediate and eternal condemnation for the act of suicide
ii) that doctors and clergymen have to work together to help people out of depression and to stop people from committing suicide
but there are points i disagree with
i) the pastor says that suicide can cut short this ‘plan’ that god has for you (it is believed that god has a plan for everyone) -- OK, but what if the plan was for me to precisely end my life at the age of 25, and to make others realize that this isn’t the right thing to do. alternatively, what if i were a homicidal pedophile in the making, where such tendencies would reach its peak in my thirties? coincidentally, i happen to be struggling with depression and ended up taking my own life before i could harm anyone else. what if suicide was the plan after all? it is a possibility to consider.
ii) the pastor argues very firmly that suicide is ‘sin’ for it brings pain to the people around you -- can you honestly say the same about elderly suicides? or about people who have lost all their family? we have to accept that there are people out there who aren’t loved, whose bodies are replaceable (think foxconn, sweatshops)
we don’t have enough information to make a blanket moral judgement that all suicide is sin
i won’t call myself a non-believer; i went through a phase of superficial pantheism haha where i saw god as the universe and the universe as god, but i no longer identify too closely with that, partly because i was working hard to fill a spiritual void back then and pantheism was the closest thing i could find to an antidote
christianity, or any institutionalized religion for that matter, has never made sense to me 
simply for this reason: we don’t know if god exists
when we don’t know, we can choose to: 
i) maintain that we don’t know (ie. god may or may not exist) 
ii) assume the positive (ie. god exists) 
iii) assume the negative (ie. god doesn’t exist)
ii) and iii) never made sense to me at all. this has been the main obstacle for me. i actually tried to get into religion between 2014-2015 lol
something else i don’t believe in: judgement before god
maybe i’m not understanding the bible correctly (frankly, i wanted to fall asleep after the first page of genesis), but how can you judge my lived experience when you have never had to live as a mere mortal with no extraordinary destiny or circumstances yourself?
i refuse to be judged by something like that
i cook like a sissy
i hold the spatula at an arm’s length away and i approach the pan from a 45 degree angle so that i don’t get hot oil splattering onto my forearm
suicide ideas
a few ways i’m thinking of committing suicide right now. i think i mentioned method #1 on my old blog, but not the others. i’m filing them all here for reference. these are what worked:
1. MBS - death of wilim/willim charles
A tourist, whose body was badly severed in the fall from the 52nd floor of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel last June, was likely to have committed suicide, a coroner court heard on Tuesday.
The head and torso of Mr Wilim Charles were found on a 17th floor balcony while his legs were found in the fountain on the ground floor. Other parts of him were scattered about.
In his findings, State Coroner Imran Abdul Hamid noted that Mr Charles had used a deck chair to climb over the 1.1m-tall glass barricade of the balcony, stepped onto the planter's box and fallen to his death. 
He was last seen alive smoking a cigar seated at a desk in the suite by the butler who came to carry Ms Lee's bags down at about 4pm. Casino records showed that although he was a Diamond Reward member, he was not a frequent gambler, having last played on April 14 last year. There was also about $43,000 in cash in the suite.
i like how he died. pretty fancy to be described as being ‘last seen alive smoking a cigar seated at a desk’ and having ‘$43,000 in cash in the suite’. i’m getting noir vibes all around haha
i’m not a fan of body parts being scattered about though. so i might want to bring this down to maybe the 30th-40th floor if i decide to attempt it like he did
2. kushiro coast -- death of wei qiu jie
The body of a young woman was discovered along the coastline of Kushiro City, Hokkaido, on Sunday. Police believe the body may be that of Wei Qiu Jie, 26, a Chinese woman who has been missing since July 23.
Around 6 a.m. on Sunday, a man who was kelp fishing along the beach at Katsurakoi, discovered the body that had washed ashore and immediately notified the police, Fuji TV reported. The woman had long hair and was wearing a beige skirt and white blouse, similar to the clothes Wei was wearing when she was last seen.
She had left her hotel in Sapporo on July 22 for the day, leaving some of her luggage behind, but never returned.
Police later discovered she checked into a hotel at Akan Lake, about 300km from Sapporo, the same night she left Sapporo.
Witnesses said she boarded a tour boat at the lake and was last seen on surveillance camera footage at a convenience store in the nearby coastal city of Kushiro on July 23.
i like this one because i’m seeing millais’ ophelia in the water. the painting has been my laptop lock screen wallpaper for years haha
unfortunately, i’m a pretty alright swimmer. i imagine that i’d fight really hard if i tried to drown myself. i’d probably need to weigh myself down with a lot of rocks in my pockets (like virigina woolf) and bind my arms and legs when i go into the water
3. burning coal briquettes in a hotel room -- death of kim jong-hyun
K-pop group SHINee member Kim Jong Hyun, 27, died on Monday (Dec 18) in an apparent suicide, according to local reports.
Police found him unconscious at 6.10pm Korea time in his own apartment located in Cheongdam-dong, in the upscale Gangnam district, after his sister made a report at 4.42pm saying that her brother seemed suicidal.
The YTN news channel, however, reported that Mr Kim had checked into a serviced residence for two nights.
Mr Kim was taken to a nearby hospital, but eventually died.
Reports suggested he died of cardiac arrest from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.
He was found to have burned a coal briquette on a frying pan. Charcoal briquettes can cause carbon monoxide poisoning in closed rooms.
i would probably choose a hotel room that comes with a kitchenette in tokyo. i went to seoul alone to get a feel of the city as a resting place, but it didn’t vibe with me as much as tokyo did
4. yellowknife, ingraham trail - death of atsumi yoshikubo
Yoshikubo, 45, was a doctor who enjoyed travelling solo. She was reported missing Oct. 27, 2014 by staff at the Explorer Hotel.
Staff at the Explorer Hotel, where she was staying by herself, found all of her luggage in her room three days after she was supposed to have checked out. They called police, who found she'd missed her flight home to Japan on Oct. 26.
At the time, police said she had been last seen walking away from the city toward Highway 4, also called the Ingraham Trail.
Because investigators found only bone fragments, they couldn't determine exactly what caused Yoshikubo's death.
They did find two notes left by Yoshikubo: one, an apparent suicide note for friends and family in Japan; the other, found by searchers with her possessions in the bush in Yellowknife.
"It included... how much she loved the North, how much she loved Yellowknife, how much she loved the aurora," Menard said. "She expressed her wishes about wanting to be buried here."
unfortunately, we don’t know how exactly yoshikubo died. 
but i imagine there are many ways one could die in the woods. starvation, dehydration, hypothermia, bear attack (if i’m going to go down like leo in the revenant, i expect an afterlife oscar)
i imagine it would be nice to die in the north toohttps://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/entertainment/jonghyun-lead-singer-for-south-korean-boyband-shinee-dies-reports
other suicides cases i’ve read about and will KIV when considering methods: 
kate spade
christine chubbuck
sylvia plath
krystal aki mizoguchi
daul kim
iris chang
kevin carter
paula goodspeed
keiko fuji
yukiko okada
simone mareuil
hanging is ideal to me. but man, what if i don’t get the knot right lol
0 notes
mysticscanlations · 7 years
That Summer Chapter 89 Translation!
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i’ll also be adding the top 3 comments at the bottom of the text translation, so go check them out if you want! ^^
Link to read along: That Summer
Author’s note: Since last week, I've been getting a feel for using an LCD tablet. I met my deadline, so I think I'm going to head out and drink some refreshing iced coffee! Thank you for always reading.
Girl: No way!
-Oh Hee Ji, where did you get this?
Title: Two-Faced
Hee Ji: I took it right in front of the stage since I'm a member of the broadcasting club, it's the most HD picture you can get.
SFX: Wow—
Girl: He's so pretty.
Girl: Should I really go crazy and close my eyes and ask him out?
Small text: They said he doesn't have a girlfriend!
Girl: From what I hear, this guy's a utilitarian
-so he doesn't have a girlfriend to provide the greatest happiness for the greatest amount of people.
Girl: Of course.. Even his heart is beautiful.
Girl: Hee Ji, can you share this photo in the group chat?
SFX: Grab
Hee Ji: Sorry, lol. This picture's for my personal use.
Small text: Ah!
Girls: You selfish girl!
SFX: Dash
Hee Ji: Or maybe I should use this as my Twitter picture.
Girls: Share it!
SFX: Dash
Girls: Share!
Girls: Share!
HB: Why are you so good at this?
YW: Whaat?
SFX: Mumble
White SFX: Chatter
HB: Then again, you're really popular so you've probably dated a lot of girls.
-You're the first for me.... So, how was I? If you compare the others to me.
YW: Hee Bum..
YW: Hee Bum.
YW: Is that kind of thing important?
YW: The heart that likes you is more important.
-You said it yourself, that you'll like me even more than I like you.
YW: Then you'll probably have to like me even more than they did.
YW: Are you not confident that you can like me more than them?
HB: I've been convinced.
SFX: Ding dong
YW: The bell for class rang.
-I'll head up first.
Text box: I expected it a little, but Hee Bum has a bit of obsession.
Text box: Since I never know where he's going to pop up from.
Text box: If possible, I didn't want to meet with him inside of school,
-but somehow or another, I've been seeing him during every break.
Girl: Hello.
Small text: Kya
YW: …? Is she a 1st year..
YW: Yes, hello~
Text box: It's dangerous inside school..
Text: I also...
Text box: Our secret relationship went for a long time.
Text box: As summer supplementary classes began and since I wasn't forced to take night study classes, I saw him even more frequently.
Text box: I had the intention to end this if he even affected my studying a little bit.
Text box: Fortunately, I was able to keep my grades stable,
-so I felt that it wouldn't be necessary.
Text: I really...
Text: I really thought that if he affected my studying even by the tiniest bit, I'd end this.
YW: But still, if I only hang around with Hee Bum, it'll look suspicious..
YW: Eldo.
YW: Want to go eat together?
Text: Want to go eat together? (x4)
Eldo: Yes.
Text box: Yoo Eldo's shocked appearance
SFX: Drop
Small text: You must've been very hungry
HB/Eldo: Why is it
HB/Eldo: that I have to see you with this person,
-Eldo: Sunbae.
-HB: huh?
(T/N: The two small bubbles are hard to translate in English, but basically Eldo ends her sentence more formally while Hee Bum speaks informally.)
Small text: Haha
YW: If there's a chance,
YW: the 2nd years should get along together.
Eldo: I'll at least try...
Eldo: It's my first time eating outside with Yoo Won sunbae..
Left small text: Even though someone weird followed along
Right small text: Although fast food isn't good for my health
White SFX: Chew..
Text: I thought I'd end it.
YW: If you go through that alley, you'll reach Pado Girl's High School.
HB: You know well.
YW: Since I walk past it every time I go home.
HB: Do you live near here, hyung?
YW: No,
-My house is near the new city, so it takes 40 minutes if I walk.
YW: —I like walking,
YW: so I walk often..
HB: I know nothing about this area's geography.
-It only takes 5 stops by subway to get to my house.
YW: Haha,
-there are probably many people like you that go to Tae Poong High.
-Alright, since we're already here, let's take a walk.
Small text: Well, Chung Hyun takes an intercity bus.
YW: Someway or another, I'm a native to this neighborhood.
YW: Um—although I moved towards the new city around 5th grade.
-Before that, I lived here and there in the old parts of the city.
HB: Woah.
HB: Look at that octopus' eyes.
SFX: Turn
YW: Let's take a walk next time.
YW: I was too surprised since I was reminiscing.
YW: I think it's best to head back for today.
Top small text: Hmph
HB: Then walk me to the train station.
Small text: Okay...
HB: It's nice...
YW: What is?
HB: It's just,
-the sky is blue,
HB: and even walking like this..
HB: It's just
HB: all nice...
SFX: Clatter
YW: Huh?
HB: What have you been thinking about since before.
HB: Did something bad happen?
YW: No, it's nothing—
-More than that, aren't you going inside?
HB: It's because I want to be with you a little longer..
HB: Ugh, should I just leave my house too?
-Living with my parents is annoying.
HB: I don't like having to go home early because of the subway too..
HB: I should get a room near the new city using the excuse of having to study—
YW: ..That's right, this kid's a young master.
HB: Ah, but then they might add the condition that I have to study hard.
-It's annoying one way or another.
Intercom: ..A train is arriving..
-All passengers should take one step..
HB: Hah—
HB: .. I don't want to go home.
Left small text: Those two look so warm.
Right small text: The taller one looks like a total celebrity.
YW: Then don't go.
YW: Want to come to my house?
HB: Huh..?
1st rated comment: How many times has Yoo Won emphasized that in his narrationㅜlololol and yet he's still meeting with him. You think you're just meeting up with him, but you're already in love you fool ㅠ
2nd rated comment: Wow, crazy;; Has “want to come to my house” always been such a sexy phrase?ㅠㅜ
3rd rated comment: Yes! I'll go!! I will!! Very much so!! <3 <3
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yellowspeed-gogo · 7 years
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Challenge - The Sorting Test - {01}
Personal Questions
1. What is your real, birth name? Any nicknames? When and where were you born?
Giovanna Tomago. Born in Daejeon, South Korea on February 23, 1994, but raised in Tokyo, Japan.
2. What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? (If you don’t know go here, this question is optional.)
INTJ - A “The Architect”
3. Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it?
There are two options. Gogo for close friends and Gio for everyone else, Giovanna is a mouthful no one should be tortured to say every time. I don’t really know if it counts as a nickname, but to cover myself incase of getting caught when out racing I go by Leiko Tanaka. So other fellow street racers know me by that name.
4. What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features)
I’m short at just 5′4″, but I’m 128 pounds of compact muscle. My hair is black, but I’ve got a purple streak on the fringe. Eyes are a dark brown, often mistaken for black by others that don’t really pay attention to them. I think physically I look younger than I actually am, but if you interact with me you’d probably assume I’m older cause of my quiet nature. I’m a lot laid-back than I seem though, I just seem intimidating.
5. How do you dress most of the time? Do you wear any jewelry?
Uh, simple t-shirt with a leather jack thrown of top, some black jeans, shorts or leggings. Whatever I feel like wearing that day or find first, I don’t stress. I’m not the jewelry type, but I do have one of those fitness tracker watches. I like to know how many steps I’ve taken during the day, I always meet and surpass my daily goal.
6. What don’t you like about yourself? What kind of things embarrass you? Why?
My height. It’s an inconvenience because all standard cupboards are for people taller than me. Most of the time I have to jump onto the counter to reach things that others can easily grab. There isn’t much that embarrasses me apart from being wrong. It’s more of being on the spot though.
7. In your opinion, what is your best feature?
Physically or otherwise? Cause physically I’d say my hair, but like in a characteristic kind of way I’d say my drive.
8. Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.?
In a minimalist looking apartment, but somehow it’s still constantly messy. There’s books everywhere, clothes, my small inventions and of course my tools. Those are the only things I never put away.
9. What is your most prized mundane possession? Why do you value it so much?
A keychain. It’s my lucky item. I had it on me when I won my first race and since then it hasn’t failed me.
10. What one word best describes you?
I’d say adrenaline junkie, but that’s two words so I guess I’ll go with daredevil.
Familial Questions
1. What is/was your family structure like? (i.e. are you adopted, how many siblings, pets, etc.)
Well it’s my dad, my mom and me. We used to have a cat, but he passed away three years ago, so no current pets.
2. Who was your father, and what was he like? Who was your mother, and what was she like? What was your parents marriage like? Were they married? Did they remain married?
Dae-hyun and Aiko Tomago are my parents. My father’s a marketing manager for Mitsubishi and my mother’s a psychiatrist. They’re both alright even though they don’t like my habits. Maybe if I didn’t sneak out almost every night before they wouldn’t have hated it as much, but they wouldn’t have accepted if I had actually asked them so... Yeah they’re still married.
4. What are/were your siblings names? What are/were they like? (If you have siblings)
5. What’s the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you? What’s the worst thing you’ve done to one of your siblings? (If you have siblings)
6. When’s the last time you saw any member of your family? Where are they now?
I visited them during spring break, but I’m going to visit them again after the Cancun trip, so this answer is only temporary.
7. Who is your closest friend(s)? Describe them and how you relate to them.
Probably Jella, so far she’s the only one who puts up with my crazy driving. But we get along really well because she’s just as energetic as me. If I had to pick someone to go with me on my races it’d be her.
Childhood Questions
1. What is your first memory?
Running around the house trying to get away from my mom.
2. What was your favorite toy?
3. What was your favorite game?
Red light, green light.
4. Who was your best friend when you were growing up?
...Can’t remember the guy’s name, but it was some boy from grade school.
5. What is your fondest, childhood memory?
Getting my first bike- no, it was finally taking the training wheels off.
6. What is your worst childhood memory?
When my bike broke, I crashed into a tree and the front wheel bent pretty bad.
Adolescent Questions
1. It is common for one’s view of authority to develop in their adolescent years. What is your view of authority, and what event most affected it?
Most often than not I tend to break the rules, so that should tell you enough about what I think about authority.
3. What “clique” did/do you best fit in with? (Royals, Dark Royals, Wallflowers, Bookworms, Punks, Hipsters, Rejects, etc.)
Punks or Rejects probably, if I’m being honest.
3. What were/are your high school goals? What were/are your uni goals?
Get into college, simple. Now I want to create one of the fastest bikes out there and finish university at the top of my class, while keeping my undefeated title in street racing.
4. What is/was your favorite memory from adolescence? What is/was your worst memory from adolescence?
Buying my Yamaha bike. Loosing an industrial designing contest. I lost because I made a simple mistake in my calculations.
5. Do you own a car? Describe it. If not, describe your dream car.
Not a car, but I do have a bike, or should I say motorcycle. It’s a black and yellow Yahama R6, with some upgrades I’ve done myself, so it’s the fastest bike ever invented.
Occupational Questions
1. Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? If no job, where does your money come from?
Yeah I do, it’s not a long term thing, just while I’m going to school so I have an income for books and everyday necessities. I work at a nearby repair shop. I already had the skills for taking the cars and bikes apart and then putting them back together, so it’s not bad.
2. What is your boss or employer like? (Or publisher, or agent, or whatever.)
He’s alright, laid-back guy who let’s us listen to music while we work.
3. What are your co-workers like? Do you get along with them? Any in particular? Which ones don’t you get along with?
There are just like three other guys apart from me and we get along well. We have an understanding that only I work on my cars, but if they run into some trouble with theirs I’ll lend a hand.
4. What is something you had to learn that you hated?
Changing the oil of a car, it can get real messy if you don’t do it right.
5. Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why?
Money is money, but the economy runs on it and I don’t want to be broke just cause I couldn’t save, so I don’t spend it unless I really need whatever I’m buying. Of course there are exceptions, but it’s not often so it’s fine.
Likes & Dislikes Questions
1. What hobbies do you have?
Racing, reading, jamming to some music, finding new ways to upgrade my bike to make it faster.
2. What bands/artists do you like? What song is “your song?” Why?
CNBLUE, F.T. Island and Girls’ Generation... yeah I’m into K-pop. Louder by Neon Jungle cause it gets me pumped when driving.
3. When it comes to politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don’t you care?
Not really, everyone has their own agenda. The only good president we’ve had in a long ass time was Obama and he’s gone now.
4. What time of day is your favorite? What kind of weather is your favorite?
Night, it’s when the city looked the most alive back in Tokyo, with all its lights. I like it when it’s sunny, but not hot. I can’t stand the heat, at least not excessive heat.
5. What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food?
Fish cakes are the bomb! And mochi would have to be my least favorite food. Oh and don’t get me started on mochi ice cream.
6. What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.)
7. What’s your favorite animal? Why?
8. Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind?
I used to have a cat, but he passed away a few years ago and I haven’t had one since.
9. What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.)
Messing around on the computer, writing codes and stuff. I once even hacked into some company’s website and though it was super cool I get more of a rush racing.
10. What’s a pet peeve of yours?
People assuming they know more than me.
Sex & Intimacy Questions
1. Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, pan, or something else? Why?
Well I’m definitely not straight if that’s what you want to know. [Pansexual]
2. Who was the first person you had sex with? When did it happen? What was it like? How well did it go? (If your character is sexually active, if not, skip this question)
That is honestly none of your concern, but I’ll tell you it was with some guy I met my freshman year of uni.
3. Do you currently have a lover/crush? What is their name, and what is your relationship like? What are they like? Why are you attracted to them?
4. Describe the perfect romantic partner for you and describe your perfect date with them.
Someone I can be myself around, who isn’t intimidated and can see past my ‘cold’ exterior.
5. Do you ever want to get married and have children? When do you see this happening?
Sure.. but not any time soon.
6. What is more important – sex or intimacy? Why?
I guess intimacy cause there’s no actual importance to sex.
7. What was your most recent relationship like? Who was it with? (Does not need to be sexual, merely romantic.)
It was just a couple of dates with a girl I met after a race. She wanted me to give her some pointers at first and we kind of just hit it off. We ended on friendly terms, so it’s all good.
8. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to someone you loved?
Disrespected them in some way.
Drug & Alcohol Questions (if your character’s a drinker/does drugs, iif not, skip to numbers 5 & 6)
1.  How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like?
Probably 18 or 19, I was already in college that’s for sure. It was whatever, the usual.
2. Did anything good come out of it? Did anything bad come out of it?
Sure, I met some point, but that’s about it.
3. Do you drink on any kind of regular basis?
Nah, just at parties or whenever I decide to go to a bar, but I don’t actually have alcohol at my apartment.
4. What kind of alcohol do you prefer?
Any kind of beer really. I occasionally like wine though. Sometimes I drink it while studying just to relax, it actually helps.
5. Have you ever tried any other kind of “mood altering” substance? Which one(s)? What did you think of each?
6. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any people should not do? Why or why not?
Would it really matter what I say? They already exist and will continue to do so regardless of my reply and people will keep doing what they do, so there’s no point.
Thoughtful Questions
1.What about you is heroic?
I put my friends’ safety before mine. Don’t mess with them because you’ll be dealing with me. And that isn’t an empty threat.
2. What about you is social? What do you like about people?
I’m always open for meeting new people. Commitment. If you’re someone who does what they say, when they say they’re going to do it, then you and me are going to get along just great.
3. If a magical being, describe the color of what magic you use, is it of a light color, bold and bright, pastel and sparkly, etc.
4. Are you a better leader or follower? Why do you think that? If you think the whole leader-follower archetype is a crock of shit, say so, and explain why?
Leader, I’m able to find ways to control a situation even when the odds are against me, which makes me a favorable candidate for leadership.
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bangtan--ff-blog · 8 years
Whatever It Takes - Chapter 18
Summary - Y/N has moved to Seoul and landed a job working at the company that her godmother Kay composes for. Four months after her heart was broken, she’s left to figure out how to be away from her widowed father for the first time in her life. Genre - Angst/Angst/Angst/Angst Members - Jimin (other members mentioned) - specifically Hobi and Namjoon, A/N - Help me, i cannot stop writing angst. This story has become a complete shit show. I had it all planned out, but as I’m writing my brain is just like, ‘yo, FUCK. SHIT. UP.’ or like, ‘RUIN LIVES, BREAK HEARTS. MAKE EVERYONE CRY INCLUDING YOURSELF.’ So now i don’t know what i’m gonna do with it, but hey, enjoy the ride, and also enjoy that this is MY LONGEST CHAPTER YET. 6,500 words. Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Bye.  ----- The next 2-3 weeks passed with much of the same. Jimin said just enough to me to not cause suspicion that there was something going on between us, and he continued to be best buddies with Areum and Bora, the four of them (including Seong-hyun and occasionally Tae) seeming to prefer each-others company more than anyone else’s, and I became increasingly closer to Namjoon and Hoeseok. We were at the end of September and the MAMA’s was the upcoming weekend. The boys were all extremely excited for the event and I was excited to explore Hong Kong. I was sitting on the edge of Namjoon’s bed with Hobi, waiting for him to pick out an outfit so that we could go sightseeing, when someone knocked at the door. I stood up and opened it, revealing Jimin. He seemed relatively surprised to see me, despite the fact that Namjoon, Hobi and I had spent a majority of our time together over the past few weeks, whilst Jimin ‘’worked out his problems.” He recovered quickly and smiled saying “I didn’t expect to see you here” as I stood aside to allow him entrance to the room. I shrugged as he went by and answered, “well, here I am” before rolling my eyes and closing the door. He walked into the room and took my place on the bed, which irked me for some reason, so I remained standing and folded my arms across my chest, leaning against the wall. Jimin glanced up at my defensive stance and frowned slightly, before looking up at Namjoon who was holding a black sweater against himself and checking out his reflection. “I heard you guys were going to go explore the city, so I came to see if I could gate-crash” Namjoon nodded, not turning away from the mirror. “Sure! The more the merrier. Y/N has been pestering us since we arrived about going to see Hong Kong so we decided to take her just to shut her up. You’re more than welcome to join.” Hobi started laughing and I playfully kicked his foot from where I stood. Jimin observed the whole exchange with a sour expression, before replying “cool, I’ll invite the others too then shall I?” He looked at me after he asked this question, and although I couldn’t have imagined anything worse than spending my day with Bora and Areum, I nodded and smiled brightly. “Of course, like Namjoon said, the more the merrier!” Jimin nodded curtly and pulled out his phone to text his new besties, it took everything in me not to roll my eyes a second time. Namjoon went into the bathroom to get changed and when he came out he handed me his phone which I promptly unlocked, knowing without him saying anything that he wanted me to take his ‘#kimdaily’ photos. As Namjoon put on his mask and pulled his cap over his head, Jimin asked “you know his password now huh?” I turned to him and his smile was friendly enough, but I could tell by the tone that his emotions didn’t match his expression. Instead of rising to what could potentially become an argument, I just smiled and nodded and turned back to Namjoon.“Ready?” He nodded and stood with his back against the plain wall, I lowered myself into a crouch and began snapping away. “We should totally take some in the city, I bet we could get a ton of really cool shots” I said as I handed Namjoon his phone back. He nodded in approval and swung his arm over my shoulder – “can I hire you as the official Kim Daily photographer?” He asked, and I laughed in return. Jimin’s expression was growing darker by the minute, but I couldn’t find it in me to feel bad. He had alienated himself from me. He’d had more than enough time to process what had happened with his parents now and he was still treating me like a stranger. The only reason I was still on the tour was because Namjoon and Hobi had convinced me not to leave and to give Jimin time. It felt as though he wasn’t even my boyfriend anymore. We met the rest of the group in the lobby and left to go wander around the city. By the time we decided to stop for lunch at around mid-day, I was in great spirits. The group had virtually split into 3 smaller clusters of people. I was having a blast with Hobi and Namjoon and although the mild sense of anxiety that had been following me like a dark cloud since the meal at Jimin’s parents still lingered, it was much easier to push aside. We were seated at the restaurant and I was surprised when Jimin opted to sit opposite me when there was a space free next to Seong-hyun and opposite Areum. Maybe he was finally starting to come round. Namjoon sat to my left and Hobi sat opposite him, on Jimin’s left. The conversation flowed easily and although Jimin was relatively quiet throughout, the tension that I’d been feeling around him over the past few weeks was beginning to ease. As I went to take a piece of food from one of the dishes in front of me, Namjoon did the same. We began a chopstick war over one specific dumpling, despite there being four others on the plate. I decided to go for a different one and Namjoon knocked my chopsticks away again. I whined his nickname “Joonie” coined by Hobi and he laughed and moved his chopsticks to allow me to grab a dumpling. I laughed and told him “thank you” in the most dramatic voice I could muster and popped the dumpling on my plate. As I looked up for an accompaniment I locked eyes with Jimin, who was staring intently at me, his expression unreadable. I smiled back and he looked away, before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. The rest of the afternoon was fun, Jimin tagged himself onto our threesome but he didn’t really say too much unless he was spoken to directly. It gave me a weird feeling, it was almost more uncomfortable than him pretending I didn’t exist -  having him there, but not being my Jiminie. We decided to call it a day and head back to the hotel around 6pm. I was absolutely exhausted as a result of all the walking, and declined Hobi’s invite to go hang out in their room for a while. The staff and members were on two separate floors and (although by my third week on the tour it became apparent that nobody would mind if I checked into a separate room) I had opted to stay close to the staff, so I always booked a room on the floor they were on. The management team had often praised me on my ability to blend into the crew completely, even once I started sleeping separately. They also repeatedly made comments about how impressed they were at Jimin and I for keeping our relationships under wraps – a remark which occasionally appealed to my slightly darker sense of humour, given our current situation. I closed my door behind me and plopped down onto my bed, relieved to finally be able to take off my sneakers and massage my tired feet. I looked up at sparkly silver dress hung up on my wardrobe for the MAMA event tomorrow. Most of the staff would be spending a majority of their time backstage, but the management team had a separate table (away from all the celebrities of course) and I had been allocated a seat on there. I was incredibly excited to get dolled up and watch the show. I padded into the bathroom and took a quick shower, opting for an early night. We had to be up super early tomorrow to get to the venue for prep, the boys sound-check slot, and placement confirmation. I was setting an alarm when Jimin’s name flashed across the top of my screen. We’d barely texted over the course of the past two weeks so I couldn’t help the flutter of anticipation I felt as I swiped my thumb across the screen and read the message. “Hey, any chance we can talk this weekend?” I blew out a puff of air and tapped out “sure” as a reply. I thought about asking what about, but I decided to just wait until we got to speak in person. Jimin read the message and didn’t say anything more, so I was glad I hadn’t pushed the subject. The next morning went by in a blur. Everyone was so busy that I’d been recruited to do my fake job, helping the stylists where I could, making sure buttons were sewed on properly and that there’d be no Janet Jackson style fiasco's. There were showers tagged onto most of the green rooms so when all the prep work was done, at around 5pm, the boys were taken away to get dolled up for the red carpet which was set to start at around 6pm, and finish at 8pm. The boys were ready for about 6.30, and they looked incredible. The concept was in line with the entire Blood, Sweat and Tears era and unlike last year, there was not a leather pant in sight. I wished the boys luck as they left to ‘’arrive at the event’’ and went to get ready myself. I’d been briefed on appropriate attire for the occasion, and the day before I was set to go shopping to find a dress, a delivery arrived at the hotel for me from Kay. She’d sent me the most beautiful silver, sequinned dress, with a cowl back and long sleeves, which fell around mid-thigh. I’d called her up ecstatic and she’d been just as happy that I’d liked it. We’d chatted a little and it turned out my dad was in town and had been staying with her, so I got a chance to chat to him too. This made me feel a lot better. I didn’t tell him what was going on with Jimin and I though, choosing instead to talk about how close I’d gotten to Hobi and Namjoon. I sat in the chair after my shower as Dah-sol applied my make-up, I was extremely excited and not even the obvious hostility being shown by Bora and Areum about the fact that I was  getting to attend the event could bring me down. Once Dah-sol was finished I felt like a celebrity myself – she’d gone for a classical 50’s type look, with no eye-shadow, just perfectly winged eyeliner, “natural” false lashes and red lipstick. I was so pleased I jumped up to hug her causing her to giggle. Bora and Areum looked over and the latter scoffed, “Bit plain for an awards ceremony, isn’t it?” Dah-sol rounded on the two girls and told them straight. “Please stop being bitter about Y/N getting to attend the show. It’s really not a good look on you.” The demon stylists looked appalled but didn’t dare respond, and Seong-hyun laughed loudly and clapped Dah-sol on the back, causing the pretty, petite make-up artist to smile. He added, “yeah, and don’t forget, Y/N isn’t here as staff, she’s Jimin’s girlfriend! Of course she’d get to attend!” The two girls rolled their eyes and took a seat and I went and changed into my dress, grateful to my friends for defending me, but feeling slightly uncomfortable. About 10 minutes later, one of the managers came in to get me. We weaved through the crowds backstage and made our way out to the table. For the next hour we just watched people filing in to their tables, eventually I spotted Jimin’s blonde head weaving through the crowd and they were seated on the table directly in front of us. My side of the table was reasonably close to theirs, and although we were just outside the camera’s catch-all for the celebrity tables, I could have reached out and touched Jimin had I wanted to. I imagined that us being seated back to back wasn’t a coincidence. I noticed a little further down that Taemin and the Shinee boys had been seated and I managed to catch Minho’s eye, who smiled and waved before nudging Taemin to his right and pointing over. He waved and sent a heart in my direction, which caused Jimin to turn around. He smiled at me and my heart thudded. How was it that he could still do that almost 9 months in… The show had a lot of breaks for adverts, but the performances were incredible. I had turned my chair away from my table to face the stage, so I was awarded a full view of the back of the Maknae-lines heads. The boys had just got up to go and prepare backstage and I was so excited for their performance. I knew how much they’d practiced and how much they’d been anticipating this so I couldn’t help but bounce up and down slightly in my seat when they were introduced. The lights were dimmed and the boys delivered the most amazing (and sensual) rendition of Blood, Sweat and Tears I’d ever seen. Despite having watched them perform frequently for the past month or so, I was once again blown away by their unbelievable stage presence - especially Jimin - whose stares into the camera borderline made me forget everything that had gone on between us. When they finished I jumped up to applaud and scream with the fans and the managers, and didn’t sit back down until I was breathless. When the boys were once again seated at about 11.30pm, it was all I could do to not stand up and hug each one of them tightly, but I think they could see from the smile on my face that I thought that the performance had been incredible. As I watched the nominations for the next award be announced by Park Bo Gum and Kim Yoo Jung, I felt my phone vibrate in the clutch on my lap. A couple of minutes later it went off again, so I reached in and pulled it out. The first message was from Jiminie and my heart lifted, but when I saw who the second message was from, it thudded down into my stomach. Im Jae-bum. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I hadn’t heard from Jae in a year and now he was texting me out of the blue? I swiped to read the message from Jimin first, which said, “how was I? :)” I tapped out a quick response of, “amazing, as usual. You all were!” Before opening the message from Jae. “Did I just see you at the MAMA awards?” I frowned and my heart thudded in my chest. Had I been caught on camera? Should I text back? I bit my lip and thought for a moment before tapping out a response. “Uh yeah, haha. Was I on TV?”
The response came back immediately. “Nope. I’m here too.” I almost spat out the water I had just taken a sip of to calm my nerves. WHAT?! HE WAS HERE?! I tried to look around stealthily my phone vibrated again. Im Jae-bum – “Turn all the way around, I’m one table back to your right. I saw you jumping and screaming for the BTS boys.” I swallowed and felt myself beginning to blush. I turned slowly in my chair and there he was. He was still unnervingly beautiful, wearing a black t-shirt and a leather jacket and – oh god. Was that a silver hoop earring?!” He smiled slightly and waved and I returned the gesture in an awkward wooden movement. Okay, what the fuck? Really. My ex-boyfriend and I were at the same fucking event. In CHINA. AND, he was only seated about 15 metres away from me. I turned back around and swallowed. My phone buzzed again. Im Jae-bum – “You look really good, Y/N.” I tapped out a furious response. “What are you doing here?” He texted back immediately with “Lol, I’ve missed you too. I’m here for work, I’m not stalking you. Relax :)” I didn’t respond. I just sat chewing my lip nervously and thinking. For work? What did he mean?! He studied music, I knew that – oh god, was he an idol now too?! My phone buzzed again and, as if he’d read my thoughts, Jae replied. “I’ve landed a job as a producer at JYP. I just started but they wanted to fly me out to this event ahead of my official start date next week.” JYP? They were headquartered in Seoul, like Big Hit… I tapped out a response quickly. “You’re working at the HQ?” Jae’s answer was a simple “yes” and my heart sank even lower in my chest. I inhaled deeply and tried to console myself. It would be okay. So what, the boy who broke my heart was moving to the same city I lived in. Who cares that he’d somehow become even more handsome than he was a year ago, and had scored an amazing job. The fact still stood that I was madly in love with him and he hurt me beyond reasoning. I nodded to myself and stuffed my phone back in my bag, reassured by my mini internal pep talk and tried to focus on the EXO performance that lit up the stage. The boys had been nominated for 7 awards, 3 of them Daesang awards, which was amazing in itself. So far, they’d won Best Dance Performance, sweetly allowing Hobi to lead the way to the stage. All the other nominations had been awarded apart from Artist of the Year, and Album of the Year – the two final awards and the two of the three Daesang awards. I knew the boys were happy just to be nominated, and to have a spotlight cast on their achievements, but when they announced the nominations for Artist of the Year my heart thudded against my chest. A couple of minutes before the announcement, all of the nominated groups had been taken to sit closer to the stage to make it easier to ascend should they win. As the winner was announced I craned my neck to get a better view of the boys. I screamed like a banshee when I heard the words Bangtan Sonyeondan, and seeing the reaction of the boys, I immediately burst into tears. I was so unbelievably happy and proud of them. I watched as they made their way to the stage and stood to get a clearer view of their acceptance speech. To see them all so overcome with emotion and gratitude sent me into a blubbering mess. They were so humble, despite their talent and their success in the face of so many adversities. Namjoon speaking English to his international fans was so typical of him, always an amazing leader through and through, ARMY at the forefront of all his thoughts. EXO won the final award and I cheered and shouted, but all I wanted was to be back with the boys, to congratulate them on their deserved win and bask in their elation. Unfortunately for the BTS team there would be no after-party because we were flying back to Seoul early the following morning for a week or so. As soon as the show was over, our table began filing out. We were lucky, most people looked to be sticking around to finish drinks, catch up with other attendees, or figure out their next plans, so we made it to the exit relatively fast. The rest of the staff and the boys were already in the cars, and I was anxious as I climbed in behind Sejin, hoping that I’d get to see Jimin. Unfortunately, he wasn’t in the car, but Namjoon was, and he’d saved me my usual seat beside him at the very back. He smiled up at me as I made my way towards him, his dimpled cheeks flushed with excitement. I plopped down next to him and gave him a celebratory hug. “Well done, you were all so amazing. Your speech was incredible. Gosh, you really deserve this, well done.” I gushed. He laughed and bowed his head, suddenly shy at my direct praise. I put my hand on his shoulder and he glanced up at me. “I’m serious, Joonie. You are amazing – you deserve this, and the world.” I realised I wasn’t just talking about his music and I dropped my hand to his. “I want to say thank you, you’ve been an amazing friend to me these past few weeks. If it weren’t for you I’d have left the tour, and you’ve always helped me to stay rational and try to see things from Jimin’s perspective. In some ways, you’ve saved our relationship a few times, and I want to thank you for that. I love Jimin more than anything, and it’s nice to be able to talk to someone who knows him and loves him too. Especially with this thing about his family…” I trailed off and glanced away and Namjoon squeezed my hand to regain my attention. “Stop worrying, things are going to work out with you and Jimin, I know they are. Anyway, since you’re so filled with gratitude about me helping you with Jimin, maybe you can return the favour…” I looked at Namjoon puzzled, and then it clicked and my eyes widened. “Joonie, you’ve met a girl?!” He laughed and attempted to shush me, and I took his other hand in mine and pulled him forward. “Tell me everything, who is she and where did you meet her?” I whispered. Before he could answer we were interrupted by the door of the minibus being opened, and Jimin climbing inside. He immediately located us and his smile faltered as he took in how close Namjoon and I were sitting and then his hands in mine. He immediately averted his gaze around the minibus and said brightly “Oh I didn’t realise you guys were full.” Namjoon and I were both about to respond but he was already stepping back down and sliding the door across. I sighed and removed my hands from Namjoon’s, before leaning back into my own seat. Jimin had a habit of jumping to conclusions, and although I didn’t for a second believe that he would have thought anything weird was going on between Namjoon and I, I knew he’d feel a little put out, or even replaced. Kind of how I’d been feeling lately... Namjoon pulled out his phone, “I’ll text him, hold on.” He typed out a quick message to Jimin before checking out a news app to read about the coverage from the show. I decided to do the same and pulled out my own phone but before I could unlock it Namjoon slammed his hand over mine. I looked up at him in shock to see concern and anxiety written all over his face. “What?” I asked, immediately panicked. Had I misread Jimin’s reaction earlier? Had he really thought something was going on between Namjoon and I? Namjoon took a deep breath. “There’s a picture…” He closed his eyes and then started again, “I don’t know how the media got it. It’s got the netizens… They’re saying – look - I don’t want you to freak out when you see it, okay?” I couldn’t answer, I just nodded. What the hell was this picture? Was it me? Was it Jimin and me? I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread if it was the latter. I’d always wanted to be public with Jimin, but not now, not when our relationship was in such a fragile state. I didn’t think we’d be able to handle the backlash. Namjoon unlocked his phone and showed me the image. It was Jimin, but it wasn’t me. The picture was of the boys backstage, but the focal point of the photo was my boyfriend. My boyfriend, who was looking down into the eyes of none other than Areum, who was dabbing at his forehead with a cloth, as he grinned at her. If it weren’t for the fact that his smile was so wide that his eyes were no more than crescents, I might have said he was looking down at her lovingly. I swallowed the bile threatening to creep up into my mouth and took a deep breath as I scrolled down to read the headline, which read; “BTS PARK JIMIN LEAVES FANS BROKEN HEARTED AFTER THIS PHOTO AT THE MAMAS” I scrolled down further to read the article itself. “Netizens have been speculating that Park Jimin may be going home with more than just a Daesang this evening. After this photo of a so-called stylist affectionately wiping his brow backstage at tonight’s award show was leaked, fans have been left in shock. Scroll down to read ARMY’s comments below.” I didn’t want to read anymore, I felt quite ill. I scrolled to the top of the page again to look at the picture. It really did not look good. I tried to make myself think rationally. I knew that there was absolutely nothing going on between Jimin and Areum, just as there was nothing going on between Namjoon and I, but after everything that had happened over the past month, I couldn’t shake the pure, unadulterated rage that was building up in my chest. “Are you okay?” Namjoon asked. I simply nodded tightly in response, and clearly the anger was rolling off me in waves, because he didn’t attempt to say anything else. I was shaking. For the past month, Jimin had treated me like a stranger, and now this? I was furious, and even though I knew a lot of my anger was completely misplaced, I couldn’t do anything about it. I wanted to scream. I wasn’t even allowed near him, even before the lunch at his parent’s house and yet she gets to drape herself all over him backstage! Where there are hundreds of cameras?! Ok, that was an overstatement, but it was still more than I’d ever got. I unlocked my phone and pulled up the image again, before taking a screenshot and sending it to Jimin, with a text saying, “this is nice :)” I knew it was petty but I really couldn’t help myself. He read it a minute later and immediately replied with “what the hell?!” I responded with, “yep, that’s exactly what I said” and seconds later my phone was ringing. I declined Jimin’s call and tapped out another text. “I don’t want to speak to you about this over the phone. Let’s talk when we get back to the hotel, I’m room 440.”. Jimin responded with “Okay” and then seconds later added “I love you” words he hadn’t said to me in weeks. Instead of replying I locked my phone and attempted to calm down before I arrived. It seemed like we were back at the hotel in no time at all and I stepped out of the car and headed straight into the foyer. The atmosphere was awkward and I guessed from the tension in the air that the staff and all the members had been alerted about the ‘scandal’. Behind me I heard one of the managers answer his phone and start barking out instructions. He was yelling about the new order BigHit had put in place to protect the boys and I felt childishly smug about the fact that a rumour concerning Areum was being treated as a malicious and damaging story, worthy of legal action. Although, I knew they’d probably have done the same had it been me in her place. I didn’t bother to look behind me to see if Jimin was following and decided instead to make my way immediately to my room. When I arrived, I kicked off my shoes and made my way into my bathroom to wipe off my make-up. I knew Jimin would probably have to go to an emergency de-brief meeting about what he should say in their upcoming interview tomorrow, and so I decided to take a quick shower before changing into a pair of sweatpants and a tour hoody. I was sitting on my bed towel drying my hair with one hand and scrolling through my phone with the other (I couldn’t help but marvel at how quickly BigHit had managed to get the story taken down from any reputable news sources) when i heard him knocking, I padded over and opened it before walking back to my bed, not bothering to greet Jimin properly. I most definitely hadn’t done a very good job at calming myself down. I sat back down on the bed and said nothing as Jimin closed the door and made his way into the room, opting to perch himself on the desk opposite. He ran his hand over his face and then through his hair and I stared at him blankly.
“Y/N, you know there’s absolutely nothing going on between me and Areum, I’m sorry you had to read that story.”
I continued to gaze at him, expressionless as I replied “so?”
He looked puzzled for a minute and then a little annoyed, but he laughed it off. “What do you mean by so? I came to apologise because I didn’t want you to feel hurt by that article.”
I smirked and nodded. “Okay, understood. You didn’t want me hurt by the article, got it. Well you’ve apologised so I guess you can go now?”
Jimin didn’t try to cover up his annoyance this time as he asked “what the hell is your problem Y/N?”
I shook my head again. “I don’t know, I just find it funny how you don’t want me to be hurt over an article, when you’ve spent the past month hurting me. Maybe this would never have happened with Areum if you hadn’t traded me in for her. You begged me to come on this tour Jimin and since that night at your parents you’ve made me feel like shit.” I started to cry as my feelings of frustration and pain at the way things had been for the past few weeks, took over. Jimin’s anger melted and he looked beyond guilty, but my anger held firm and I carried on.
“I tried to give you space, I knew it was hard for you. I know you’ve never had an issue with your parents and I felt awful that I was the one to cause it, but not once did you try to comfort me. You didn’t stop to think how seeing you with a girl that you and I both know has feelings for you, would make me feel. You practically ignored me for almost a month, and now this has happened.”
Jimin’s head, which had been hanging low snapped up, and the anger was back.
“Wait, you’re saying this picture was my fault? Areum was just doing her job and we were laughing about the fact that one of the stylists had a meltdown about Hobi’s mic almost falling off, nothing weird was going on! Anyway, she apologised to you-“
I cut Jimin off with a humourless laugh. “Oh yeah, that really genuine apology. Give me a break Jimin, you know that was just as fake as our relationship has been for the majority of this tour.” I wiped my tears and stood. “I’m leaving.”
Jimin, who was still reeling from what I’d said about our relationship, blinked in shock at my finishing statement. “Wha- what do you mean? What do you mean, you’re leaving? Y/N answer me.”
I ignored him as I pulled my case onto my bed and started packing away my things.
Jimin reached out and grabbed my arm and I wrenched it out of his grasp. He looked mortified and I knew that my expression was cold as I told him, “I mean what I’m saying. I’m leaving. I’m done living like this, I’m done feeling insignificant, and like your feelings are the only ones that matter in this relationship. I’m going home. Tonight.”
Jimin looked lost and then he grabbed my hands frantically and tried to search my face for some indication that the girl who loved him unconditionally last month was still there. She was, but she was buried underneath a lot of hurt. “Y/N, please. I know I’ve screwed up and I know I’ve been selfish. So, selfish. You deserve so much better than what I’ve done these past few weeks. I’ve been so blind, I’m so, so, sorry. Just please don’t leave me. Please.”
I pulled my hands away from Jimin. I still loved him more than anything but it felt as though my emotions were frozen and that frost was seeping out through my skin, and all I could do was play the part of the ice queen.
I shook my head. “It’s too late Jimin. You’ve seen how much you’ve hurt me, and you’ve looked right through me. I can’t stay here any longer. I can’t watch you with her, even if you are just friends. It feels like you’re both rubbing my nose in it.” I looked away and continued to pack and Jimin was silent for a moment and then he suddenly began shouting, causing me to jump.
“I’m rubbing your nose in it?! What about you? What about you and Namjoon, or should I say “Joonie” your new best friend. Or Hoeseok. You don’t leave either of their sides, even if I wanted to get you alone I couldn’t! I tried to sit with you today and I find you already in the minibus, holding Namjoon’s hand!!”
Jimin was a little breathless after his rant and he ran his hands through his hair frantically before rubbing his face. I remained calm as I replied. “I wouldn’t have had to cling to Hobi and Namjoon if my own boyfriend had bothered to do so much as reply to my texts, or even tell me good morning once in a while, instead of skipping straight past me.” I turned back to my case and continued packing and Jimin raked his hand through his hair once more, before yelling loudly and kicking the trash can across the room.
I looked at him blankly and he rushed back over to me, before getting on his knees and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Y/N, I’m sorry I said that, I just wanted to provoke some sort of reaction. Please, you’re scaring me. Please stop being so cold. I can’t take it.. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I can’t let you end this. I’ll go downstairs right now and I’ll make a public announcement, I’ll tell the world that you’re mine and I’m yours. Please, please. I love you, you can’t do this…” Jimin trailed off and began sobbing loudly. He was clutching my waist tightly and I very nearly thawed, but right before my hand landed on his head, as a reflex to comfort him when he was sad, something stopped me.
I had to get out of this environment. It was toxic and I was unhappy. I was making myself unhappy to be around Jimin and that had to stop. What was once the main source of all my joy had become too draining. I needed to go home. So instead of kneeling down and holding Jimin, and kissing him softly, telling him everything was going to be alright, I detached his arms from around my waist.
He let them drop to his sides and slumped down, staring blankly at my sweatpants.
“I’m sorry Jimin, I can’t and you telling everyone about us wouldn’t fix this, it would probably do more damage than good. I need some time and space to think about this. Nobody can say we don’t love each other and I really think these minor problems would be easy to solve under normal circumstances – but these circumstances are far from normal. Your parents still don’t want us to be together, we still need to keep this relationship a secret, you still have tours, and fans, and girls that would rather see me dead than accept that I got to be with their precious oppa. There was a time when I genuinely believed that none of those things mattered because I loved you more than I’ve ever loved anyone, but now I don’t know.”
Jimin inhaled, his breath still shaky, then he put his arm on the bed and pulled himself up so he was stood facing me. “I love you so much Y/N” he said, starting to cry again. “I really love you so much, I don’t think I can go on without you. I don’t.” Jimin pressed his palms against his eyes and tried to compose himself.
I reached around my neck and undid the clasp of the necklace before pulling his hand away from his face and placing the ring and the chain there.
As soon as Jimin registered what it was, his legs semi-buckled and he sat with a thud down onto the bed. I didn’t say anything, I just walked around him into the bathroom and collected the last of my things, before putting them into my case and zipping it up. I glanced over at Jimin who was sitting staring at the ring in the palm of his hands with his back to me around the other side of the bed.
“We’re coming back to Seoul tomorrow for a week, am I allowed to see you?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.
I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me. “No, I don’t think so. I think we need more than a week Jimin. We need time to figure out what we want”
I’d barely finished my sentence when Jimin whipped around. “I want you, I won’t stop wanting you. I don’t need any more time. I’ve had time, I screwed up, but I gave you this ring because love you, and I want to marry you.”
The intensity of his words and his gaze took me by surprise, but I held my ground. “I’m sorry Jimin.”
I pulled my case off the bed and left the room. I managed to hold it together as I rode down the elevator and as I checked out. I got to the airport and booked the next flight to Seoul, and I even held it together during my two hour wait and my three and a half hour flight. I was still perfectly collected as I collected my bags on the other side and as I rode my uber to the duplex, but as soon as I walked through doors of our home and saw his shoes, and the pictures of us on the counter, my whole world came crashing down around me.
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gwynne-fics · 8 years
Becoming Royals
the dinner (there is a trigger warning for the king)
“Does it feel like a different world yet?” Hyo-Shin managed to murmur it at her under the steady stream of conversation. “How did it go with Chang-Soo?”
Rachel smiled slightly as she sipped at her tea. Young-Do was hotly debating a particular battle maneuver with Bo-Na and Myung-Soo. She was a little surprised that Myung-Soo came but he’d been polite to her in front of his brother. She knew nothing of military tactics but she did like looking at the handsome young man Bo-Na made. 
He clearly favored deep green and a pale lavender. It looked very nice on him and he was just as outgoing and charming as a young man as he had been when Rachel met Bo-Na as a young woman this afternoon.
“I’ve already been threatened with inspections,” she muttered. She told herself it would be fine. She wanted to make love to Young-Do. She had no doubt she would want to do it repeatedly for at least a month. She would get pregnant and this fear would dissipate. “The king thinks I’m smart and will challenge my prince. It wasn’t like what I expected.”
“Long may he live.”
It was the third time she’d heard someone say that. Rachel gave Hyo-Shin a look and he just gave her one of his speaking smirks into his tea. 
“Be careful what you say. Your mother can be free with her words. We can’t here. He’s sick this week. Hyun-Joo gives him something to get through court matters. Your arrival is very important. I don’t think anyone will protest your wedding date.”
“Why would anyone protest?”
“Because they didn’t pick you or the date. I hear Queen Jae-Kyung gave you a horse. Would you like to go riding tomorrow? Young-Do is working on the bridge, but I can show you the city.” Young-Do heard his offer and to Rachel’s delight, he appeared to agree that it was a good idea. 
“Hyo-Shin found the site I want to use for your school. Most of the documents and support have come through. We have five weeks before anything important happens so I thought you could get started so you wouldn’t be bored.”
“Thank you. I like having projects to work on.”
“My mother is also intrigued,” Myung-Soo cut in. “She has some ideas so you should listen to her.”
“This will be my first project as crown princess.” Rachel tried to tell herself that the younger prince was not being rude. She clenched her fingers in her lap and Young-Do immediately put his hand over hers and shot his brother a look. “I am open to suggestions and feedback. I want to learn the city soon.”
“My mother organized giving the palace food waste to the poor,” Myung-Soo continued. “She’s very good with her projects.”
“I’ve heard about her school for girls. My mother praised her courier system. I always intended to speak with the queens, your majesty.” Then she got a wonderful idea that Myung-Soo would absolutely hate. “But I accept your offer.”
Young-Do covered his mouth and wouldn’t meet his brother’s eyes when Myung-Soo stared at him incredulously. “Offer?”
“To help me with the school for orphans. You must have connections with the city guilds and I would like to get to know the political landscape as quickly as possible. Young-Do is stuck at the bridge until it is finished and I wouldn’t want to distract him. I accept. Thank you, Prince Myung-Soo.”
And it was delightful how he sputtered for a few seconds before everyone at the table backed Rachel up even though he had made no such offer. His own mother praised his initiative. Rachel just sipped her tea while he glared at her. It felt like a victory after the way he was so rude to her at her arrival. 
“What is this?” The King’s quiet question changed the entire tenor of the dinner. Both queens immediately stood and the change that came over the princes made them both unrecognizable. Myung-Soo moved to stand in front of Queen Jae-Kyung and for a second, Young-Do almost moved before he stood in front of Rachel when she rose to her feet and bowed.
It was Queen Kyung-Ran who answered him. “An informal dinner, my king, for Princess Rachel. Our son wanted his princess to feel comfortable after her long journey. I had Court Lady Baek check in on you, but she said you were resting after your long day. The night air isn’t good for you and--”
The king slapped her and Rachel barely stifled her gasp. Hyo-Shin grabbed her elbow before she could take a single step forward. “Don’t move. Stay still.” She could barely hear him but Young-Do must have exchanged a look with Hyo-Shin because when he moved to approach his father, Hyo-Shin pulled her behind him.
“I am not dying or an invalid. Why didn’t you tell me we were welcoming the crown princess tonight? I am the one who chose her. This is not his victory. It is the least he could do after Esther rejected me. It is only his first wife.”
“Yes, my king. Long may you reign.” Kyung-Ran elegantly went to her knees and bowed her head, almost all the way to the floor as Young-Do stepped in front of her.
“I apologize, Abeonim. I didn’t think--” Another pop made Rachel cringe and she almost hid her face in Hyo-Shin’s back. “Please forgive me.”
“You did this deliberately, Young-Do. The approval of the people has made you cocky. Your star can fall just as quickly as it rises. You are not ready to be king until I say you are.”
“Yes, my king.” Young-Do bowed deeply and the relief that went through the garden when the king began a coughing fit was palatable. Queen Kyung-Ran rose to her feet and called for a physician. They left together and Young-Do slowly straightened. It was horribly quiet and Queen Jae-Kyung sighed softly. Young-Do returned to her and Hyo-Shin moved out of the way. “Are you alright?”
There was a red mark on his face and blood in the corner of his mouth. One of the king’s rings must have hit his face. The cut on his mouth from the fight with the Kim’s men had long since healed but there was a faint scar bisecting his lips. “What the hell was that?” She reached up with her handkerchief but he pulled her hand away before she could wipe it away.
“The king expressing his displeasure that we didn’t invite him. It’s been a hard week for his health, long may he reign.”
She didn’t want that at all. Her Young-Do was trembling and Myung-Soo was fretting over his mother. Bo-Na disappeared before anyone realized he was gone. Hyo-Shin sat in his chair with a subdued look on his face. When he caught her staring he just shrugged.
“Do not answer a summons alone,” Hyo-Shin said. “Take one of us with you. We just never know what we are going to get.”
“He hit the queen.” Her father was not a great man but he never hit her mother, even in the heat of their biggest arguments. Guilt tightened her chest. If Young-Do had not been torn between her and his mother, it never would’ve happened. The King would’ve...just hit Young-Do twice.
“I will never do that,” Young-Do whispered and he looked so ashamed. Rachel tried to turn his face towards her but he so very gently pushed her hand away. “I have never lost my temper with anyone I...”
“He hasn’t,” Hyo-Shin confirmed and the two of them just exchanged a look Rachel had no intention of parsing out for herself. She knew they were first loves, that’s all she needed to know. Hyo-Shin told her years ago that it ended sadly because...
Because his lover’s father found out and nearly killed them both. Rachel just felt sick. She turned away from the two men and tried to find a tree to vomit into. Rachel was the crown princess now, she couldn’t end that without a good reason. The King being a violent man with his family wasn’t good enough. No one would understand and...and she loved Young-Do. She couldn’t abandon him.
“Rachel!” He sounded so concerned as she lost all of her lovely dinner. Hyo-Shin poured her more tea and offered it when she was done gagging. She drank it all and didn’t care about secrets and safety or any decorum. She flung herself into Young-Do’s arms and hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry. I...I wanted to keep that away from you.”
“Take me to my room. I can’t handle any more of today.” She did not expect him to bodily lift her up and carry her but since it allowed her to bury her face in his neck and hold onto him tightly, she didn’t protest.
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