#me with samantha-amelia
emahriel · 1 year
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bon appétit friends umikochann's artwork
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sepia-manatee · 1 month
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I just got back from 2DCon, and what an amazing experience. I haven't been on a vacation or cosplayed since before covid, but I couldn't turn down meeting so many actors from BG3. I don't really post or reblog like I used to, but anyone who knows me knows just how much I love Gale. He has been such a big part of my life since I picked up the game almost a year ago. Meeting Tim, Samantha, and Amelia was just such an amazing experience. I don't think I've ever met sweeter people. They worked so hard and were so accommodating to their fans. I mean Tim had to put up with not only me going to his table multiple times, but also running into him at the hotel bar TWICE (I did buy him a beer the one night and he did not call security on me, so I am very thankful for that). I managed to slap together a very "quick" cosplay of spa Gale, based off their High Rollers one shot, which not only did they love, but so did so many other Gale lovers. All in all, this was one of the best con experiences I've ever had. I hope we get to meet again someday.
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flowers-for-em · 5 months
eugh i need irl friends so my parents dont think im totally hopeless
homeschool sucks sometimes
like i have ZERO
wait scratch that
ONE irl friend and she's in grade seven
and yeah idrc about the age difference but it'd be nice to have some friends who are my age and dont just gossip to me about the crazy shit that happens in ur pre-teen toxic as hell friend group
like NO i do not care that amelia was a bitch or the fact that samantha was talking shit about you
and also why you being so insensitive about people's family members dying?? ur friends using her uncle dying as a way to get more popular?? and ur lowkey not unhappy that HE DIED?? wtf is wrong with you all?? LIKE GENUINELY WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE???
so yes i need new friends and when i say friends i mean actual friends who like me for me and don't judge me and let me be me and still accept me.
not someone who expects me to answer every single time they call and when i dont pick up spam call me complaining i never answer because unfortunately when you start doing shit like that it makes me NOT want to answer. but when i do yeah sure its nice to talk to someone outside of my family for a change.
but all i am is a person you can relay all your gossip to cause i can keep quiet. who would i tell?? you dont really give a shit about my life cause whenever we talk about me its somehow always constantly changed back to you.
and i let it happen because ✨ p e o p l e p l e a s e r ✨
my parents still pull me aside every now and then asking if i'm okay knowing that we aren't socialised very much and it hurts to not say yeah ive got friends online cause that would send them into panic mode
so yes
i. need. new. friends.
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0hwonderboy · 1 month
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I had the absolute honor and pleasure of meeting Tim Downie, Samantha Béart, and Amelia Tyler this weekend at 2D con!! Got pics and signatures (Amelia art cropped down bc I found out afterwards that the artist has me blocked, lol)
ok now for some stupid funny stories regarding meeting Tim
so when me and oomf went up to him on the first day, he saw me and went “oh GOD. you-“ and i just freaked out. he RECOGNIZED ME. i immediately was like “hey oh my god Tim I am so SO sorry for the. everything that I am oh my god this is so augh I’m so sorry-“ and he said, “don’t worry, I’ve come to terms with it now” 😭😭
BUT he did also say that he was so excited to meet me and that since he knew I’d be coming he was LOOKING FOR ME IN THE CROWDS and he was so glad I was there and he said I was a pleasure to meet and he was so happy to finally meet after 6 months (which when I told him he went “there’s no way it’s been that long!”) and oughshdh i was freaking OUT
also- as pictured above, I gave him a print of a drawing my best friend (tepidti everywhere) did of the absolutely abhorrent creature i edited a while back. which, for context, was because i misheard my friend (jojo/bonjeacon, also known as peak_deak) when he was streaming and long story short, “pikmin” turned into “peakmin” which turned into me making “Peaktim” which turned into my friends buying a cameo of Tim reacting to it. when I gave him that drawing he said he’d use it as a bookmark which was so fucking hilarious
ALSO. back in April, my friend (tutterwutter on twt) made me this t-shirt, which I ended up showing Tim on twitter. I knew I was gonna bring it with me to the con bc I’m crazy and thought it’d be funny- didn’t think much of it though…
absolutely fucking crazy. CRAZY!!!!!
also also- i ended up getting a second picture with him cus the first time I just threw the “this is my wife” shirt OVER my shirt and i didnt love how it turned out due to that (neither did my mom, she was very upset) so i told him “my mother doesn’t approve of my wife!” which he was veryy offended by
but also this man was so sweet and when I told him he has to come to my state next time and not me flying across the country for him he said “oh yes I’LL put in the work for YOU! what’s a lil distance between friends?!” i just died… when saying goodbye i told him “i’ll see you on twitter and other social medias with my terrible edits” and he choked 😭😭
what an interesting man, had an absolute blast finally meeting him.
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uncannybob · 10 months
One-Time Characters I Wish Would Return
Characters who only appeared in one episode that I think should return to the show.
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Samantha (S1E11. Weekend At Mort's)
Note: She had a fun personality & a good repore with Mort. I do think her character design could benefit from an upgrade thou where she ever to return which at this point is unlikley.
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Colton (S9E11. Bobby Drive)
Note: For what little screentime he had, he seemed like a cool guy. He was ready to sabotage his own party just to spare the other kids the boredom. I think he could make a good companion for any of the Belcher kids.
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Roger & Judy (S7E14. Aquatisism)
Note: So here's an idea; if you ever write a Zekina fic where Zeke takes Tina to the aquarium, include Roger & Judy as a side ship. I promise it will be super cute.
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Shelby (S3E5. An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal)
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Austin (S7E22. Into the Mild)
Note: I love this guy. He was like an even more excentric Tedy and his chemistry with Bob was perfect! Bob did say by episodes end that he kept in touch so I was hoping for his return and was a bit dissapointed when it didn't happen.
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Grandma Alice (S13E20. Radio No You Didn't)
Note: I know she already had an entire episode dedicate to her. I just want more lore, okay!
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Benj (S13E22. Amelia)
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Officer Large (S11E15: Sheshank Redemption)
Note: This character dosen't have a page on the Bob's Burgers wiki yet. I might take it on myself to write one cause this girl cracked me up everytime she spoke.
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Warren Fitzgerald (S6E15. Pro Tiki/Con Tiki)
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Captain Flarty (S3E4. Mutiny on the Windbreaker)
Note: I know he was arrested but if the show can bring back evicted bank robbers and would-be-murderers like Mickey and Fanny I think they could bring Captain Flarty back if they wanted to.
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Duval (S3E4. Mutiny on the Windbreaker)
Note: It would be fun if Duval settled down in Seymore Bay after the mutiny on The Windbreaker. Maybe he became chef at some small shak or deli.
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Derek Demotopolis (S4E6. Purple Rain-Union)
Note: I think one way to re-introduce Derek Demotopolis the dermatologist would be if one of the Belchers got some sort of skin condition and he just happens to be the doctor they go too. Either that or they could bring him back as Gayle's love interest.
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Dillon (S7E13. The Grand Mama-Pest Hotel)
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texasdreamer01 · 5 months
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments
"Many of the scientists on Atlantis are organised into departments, each with their own department head. Dr. Rodney McKay was head of the Science and Research Division which most likely meant he was in charge of all of the science departments. Dr. Radek Zelenka was also the head of his own department. The various science departments on Atlantis are:
> Physics
 » Astrophysics
> Biology
 » Microbiology
 » Astrobiology
> Oceanography
> Botany
> Medicine
> Anthropology
(SGA: "Remnants", "Grace Under Pressure", "Suspicion")"
From <https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Atlantis_expedition#Departments>
As I'm working my way through worldbuilding headcanons on the expedition, I figured I ought to start with the science division first. Above is my starting point: the canonical information at hand, to flesh out and give it some real-world reliability.
When I looked at it again, I realized it was, to put it politely, ill-thought-out crap that was only looked upon when the writers needed some random scientist around for episode material.
So, what considerations would an expedition like this actually need to take into account when hiring people?
At the very bare bones of it is "how many people can I fit through a wormhole in twenty or twenty-five minutes, plus supplies?". I went back and forth, prevaricated for a bit, and settled on 200 people if you really want to hoof it.
(Why 20-25 minutes? It's SGC's first stable-ish wormhole to another galaxy that's powered by a ZPM. They don't even know how much of a success that would be, or if they're just shoving people into a glorified shredder. Gotta pick and choose who you're maybe putting through the billion-dollar shredder. Y'know. Just in case.)
My initial rough estimations were about an even split between scientific and military personnel, which I kept on hand as napkin math to sanity check myself. This would be approximately 150 scientists.
What departments would there be, and how would it be divided? Who makes the priorities, and why?
The canon data is a mess, and as I worked through things, canon kept getting folded and refolded into different configurations because there's two competing priorities: the IOA/SGC, and Rodney's approach to pragmatism.
What was everyone expecting to see on the other side of that wormhole? Definitely not a city ship sunk into the ground of an ocean, and definitely not isolated from others (the Athosians were an unexpected godsend that kicked off the reason to have a plot in the first place). Whatever the IOA or SGC had in mind will quickly get thrown out the window, but needs must, and the departments were likely arranged long before the shipping manifest was decided.
I poked around the uniforms, because everyone is colour-coded, and there's five sections:
> Red (civilian, leader) - Worn by Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Teyla Emmagan, Colonel Samantha Carter and Richard Woolsey.
> Blue/dark blue or purple (scientist) - Worn by Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay and Dr. Radek Zelenka.
> Yellow (medical) - Worn by Dr. Carson Beckett and Dr. Jennifer Keller.
> Black (military) - Worn by Lt. Colonel John Sheppard and Major Evan Lorne.
> Green (technician) - Worn by Chuck and Amelia Banks.
This information is listed in both the "List of Atlantis personnel" and "Atlantis expedition uniform" pages on SGCommand.
Thus far that gets me two and a half departments in my hand: Scientist, Medical, and Technician (that's the half).
What would the SGC and IOA want the expedition to prioritize? Technology, and lots of it. This means that, probably, there's going to be more engineers than you can shake a stick at, and not a lot of pure sciences. Remember, it cost money to fire up the gate, and flinging people into another galaxy is an unfathomable amount of (international, at this point) taxpayer funds. You're going to want as much applied science as possible, and as much overlap in disciplines as possible.
(Unfortunately this does leave little room for error, so anyone that dies is capable of leaving a hole in potential research.)
Therefore, how would a top-down order of technological research look like? My assumption was this:
> Engineering of the city of Atlantis itself
 » ZPMs, auxiliary and/or complementary power sources
 » Materials and material manufacturing
 » Design specs of different technologies (jumpers, yes, but also anti-grav, shields, climate controls)
> Biological sciences
 » ATA gene therapies
 » Whatever the Ancients were working on regarding ascension
  ⇛ Helpful with the Ori once Atlantis is informed of that issue
To wit, neither addendum on the biological sciences bullet point is pertinent at the time of department formation, as Carson invented the ATA gene therapy after arriving in Atlantis, and the Ori weren't an issue for a similar reason.
Ergo, all non-biological engineering fields would have had higher billing, and thus more of them hired. The only exception would be medical, and I'm sure the SGC had the forethought to bully the IOA into its relevancy and make sure that department was as fully-stocked as they could manage.
Now what about practical considerations? Plans are nice and all, but rarely survive contact with reality, so some adjustment might be needed. This, I believe, the SGC considered, given their own history of needing to rapidly adjust on the fly.
Rodney, as Chief Science Officer (CSO), would be the one to not only make these kinds of decisions, but also to listen to the head of the expedition as to what needed to be prioritized. As the show has demonstrated, there can be a significant amount of shuffling around of employees based on the needs of a minute, and hour, a week, a month - for an indefinite amount of time? Basics are what gets the job done.
So what things would Rodney need to consider, or be directed to consider by Elizabeth?
> Oh shit this can sink
 » Rodney's main work - keeping the ZPM working and get as many new ones as possible
> Oh shit everything's so far away
 » Rodney's other main work - making sure the gate works as ordered
> Oh shit we're in another galaxy
 » Food
  ⇛ Getting, keeping, preserving, maybe the occasional growing
 » Utilities
  ⇛ Luckily they don't have to pay for it lol
  ⇛ But also oh shit lighting, water, sewage, air filtration, general life support
   ⟹ Rodney's third main work
   ⟹ This poor guy
 » Medicine
  ⇛ Rodney delegates the hell out of this
  ⇛ Good luck making potions, guys!
 » Bullets
  ⇛ Also other things the military needs
  ⇛ Fun times re-inventing the wheel I mean gunpowder
  ⇛ Good work for bored soldiers, and possibly also any scientist Rodney puts in time-out
 » Clothes
  ⇛ Ha, thread
  ⇛ Also needles
  ⇛ Experiments in sewing machine making
   ⟹ Watch the fingers
  ⇛ How to replace fabric?
  ⇛ Off-duty clothes
  ⇛ Also medical clothing (scrubs for staff, patients)
 » Miscellaneous
  ⇛ Entertainment, I guess
Internal monologue included because I think it's funny.
While Rodney's spending his days with Benny Hill music playing in the background trying to get all of those priorities done on top of actually delegating work and doing whatever else Elizabeth (and John) want him to do, other people actually need to have some work to get done. So what are they doing?
It depends on who already does what, frankly. So in the above combined interests (amount of people that can fit through an intergalactic wormhole, competing IOA/SGC interests, realities of living in Atlantis), I'm proposing this set-up (commentary included):
Medical Sciences Department
Head: Carson Beckett (later, Jennifer Keller, later, whomever)
Contains: Surgery, psychiatry, physical therapy
Function: Maintaining health of expedition members
Examples of function: surgeries, medical prescriptions, recuperation from injuries, mental stability
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 10 (surgical team) + 5 (nurses) + 1 (psych) + 1 (phys. therapy) + 1 (anesthesiologist) = 19 total
A/N: Nurses have training in medications and physical therapy, surgical team also doubles as general practitioners.
Life Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Earth biologists, bio- & biochemical engineers, astro/xeno-biologists, botany, environmental chemistry, zoology, microbiology
Function: Auxiliary to Medical Department needs
Examples of function: pharmaceutical synthesis, analysis of unknown species, biological database creation, gene therapies (pharmaceutical adjacent)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 2 (Earth biologists) + 2 (bioE & biochemE) + 1 (astro/xenobio) + 1 (botany) + 1 (envchem) + 1 (zoo) + 2 (microbio) = 11
A/N: Both biologists also have training/specialization in genetics/gene mapping (assists both Carson and Katie), some input in requesting gate missions based on in-house needs.
Field Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Linguistics, historical geography, cartography, ethnography, sociology, oceanography, hydrology, atmospheric physics, planetary physics
Function: Research pool for gate teams and any assigned missions
Examples of function: Preservation of refugee cultures, scouting for trade planets, analysis of back-up sites for establishment
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (linguistics) + 1 (histgeo) + 1 (cart) + 1 (ethno) + 1 (socio) + 1 (oceano) + 1 (hydro) + 1 (atmophys) + 1 (planphys) = 12
A/N: SGC duplicate all shoved into one department, mostly ignored in-house but their brains are picked for background dossiers when it comes to mission planning. Linguists trained in xenolinguistics, from the SGC, can cover the various anthro fields if necessary, also various training in structural linguistics. Main scientist pulls for gate team assignments, if something critical isn't needed (i.e. Ancient technology).
Applied Sciences Department
Head: Rodney McKay (or perhaps Radek Zelenka?)
Contains: Electrical/technical engineering, nuclear physics, civil engineering, astrophysics, laser/optical, chemical engineering
Function: Study, synthesis, and adaptations of Ancient technology
Examples of function: ZPM analysis with intent to duplicate, experimental duplications of Ancient technology materials, study of gate physics and construction with intent to duplicate, study and experimental duplication of other Ancient technologies (i.e. hyperdrives, cloaks, weapons, etc)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (electreng) + 6 (techeng/gate techs) + 1 (nucphys) + 1 (astrophy) + 1 (LZ/opt) +  3 (chemeng) = 16
A/N: The people Rodney are yelling at most often, because mistakes mean kablooey. Also a lot of the people running around in an emergency. 1 nuclear physicist because Rodney pulls a lot of intellectual weight, and same with the astrophysicist and laser/optical person (mostly they're there as on-paper hires and back-ups/assistants for him for his own research).
Gate Technicians
Head: ??? Joint custody
Contains: Gate technicians
Functions: Auxiliary to Applied Sciences Department, interacts with the gate and the gate only
Examples of function: dialing, searching database for addresses, maintaining mission logs and planets visited, basic repair and maintenance of the gate, technical drawings as required by others
Personnel quantity: Chuck, idk +5 for full shift overlaps = 6 total (listed in Applied Sciences department as techeng/gate techs)
A/N: Technically nerds but are active duty, probably loans from SGC (maybe also Russia because of the DHD debacle?).
Gate technicians are, although folded into the Applied Sciences department, listed separately in order to better articulate their duties (and the fact that they get the green shirts). Shout-out to @spurious for enabling the idea that gate techs would do technical drawings 😁
Sum Total of Science Division Personnel
Medical: 19
Life Sciences: 11
Field Sciences: 12
Applied Sciences: 16
Total total: 19 + 11 + 12 + 16 = 58
This isn't anywhere close to my initial estimate of 150, but I think it adequately covers all the preconceived and actual responsibilities that the science division would need to handle in the expedition. Possibly I might update these numbers as I develop this headcanon further, but that would end up in a new post.
Further elaboration on headcanons about each department will be in their own posts, with links updated here as they're posted for ease of reference.
Science Department Breakdown Posts
Medical Department (posted 14 May 2024)
Life Sciences Department (posted 29 May 2024)
Field Sciences Department (posted 30 May 2024)
Applied Sciences Department (posted 10 June 2024)
Chief Science Officer (posted 18 July 2024)
Chief Medical Officer (posted 20 July 2024)
Science Department Heads (posted 20 July 2024)
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unamused-boss · 1 year
Trumpets and Boots (part 1)
(this story has strong topics in it, you have been warned!)
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Robin Buckley x fem!hargrove (reader/Oc)
Warning, Strong topics: homophobia, child abandonment, troubled sibling relationship, child abuse, underage drinking, Homophobic language, strong language
The POV will be in second person but the "reader" will have a name.
I will not tolerate any negativity in the comments regarding sexuality or religion!
Summary: When Amelia Hargrove came out as gay to her family… lets just say some didn’t have to good of a reaction. When they’re finally reunited things become a little complicated.
California: 1981
You and Billy were getting ready to head out to a party at one of your friend's houses for the night and you crush Samantha Jenkins will be there tonight. You are hoping for a very lucky game of spin the bottle tonight or seven minutes in heaven. You were quickly applying your favorite color of eye shadow to your eye lids for the night. It was glittery. You smiled at yourself in the mirror, you can't wait for this party tonight. You and Billy have been looking forward to it all week.
"You ready Billy!" You shout to him through the bathroom door.
“Yeah give me a minute!”
“Really?!” You complained. “Billy you have hogged the bathroom for the past hour! If you could smell any more like a new car I’d sell you to the lot!”
“Hey! Looking good takes time!” He responded.
“I swear you’re more of a woman then I am sometimes… prissy bitch…” you mumbled.
The door shot open with you and Billy staring at each other. “What’d you say little shit?”
‘Oh no…’ you take off down your hallway to out run Billy. You’re jumping over tables and chairs to avoid him. He is hot on your tail. Until you sprint back into yours and Max’s shared room. She looks you to you with wide eyes. Max and her mom have only lived with you guys for a year now. They both quickly learned the dynamic of the Hargrove real soon.
Max knew your were different. She knew you would stare at the same girls Billy would stare at. She didn’t quiet get it. She thought other girls were weird. She also didn’t get why you and Billy were always so hush hush around your dad. Both you and Billy would always become more quiet when he comes around. She wasn’t completely dumb; she saw the bruises you and Billy suffered from your father. She saw the bond the you and your brother had, she wished so desperately that you would have the same with her. You are opening up to her more. You took her to the skate park so she could practice her tricks and show you. You kept Billy at bay when it came to him being mean to her, and you were probably opening him up to her being big brother to her. You were like a glue to the family, as much as your father dislikes you.
Billy started smacking you with one of your throw pillows cause of what you said to him. You are laughing non stop. Once the beating of the pillow was over you turned to Max.
“You sure you’ll be fine?” You asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” She answered straightly.
“You know we’ll stay if you want us to.” You reassured.
“You will…” Billy scoffed. You went an smacked his arm. “Ow…” he said while rubbing it.
“We’ll be down the street Max if you need us, and we’ll be back before Susan and Dad. Alright.” You smiled at her. She smiled back to you.
"See ya Madmax!" You said before bolting out the door and locking it to go to the party down the road in your neighborhood.
"Why are you nice to her?" Billy questioned.
"Um cause she lives with us now and she's just a kid?" You answered with confusion in your voice. You never understood Billy's dislike for Max, but you're trying to fix that.
"Listen I know you don't like Susan or Max, but they're kinda stuck with dad now." You said to Billy, "And we've been stuck with him of the past 4 years since mom left..." Billy looked to you with saddened eyes. When mom left it hit you pretty hard. You really missed her just like he did. But after all the calls you both knew she was never coming back. Billy changed for the worse became for ruff and violent. You ,however, stayed the way you are. A sweet smile on your face, always willing to help someone, and just being you. You were way better than Billy ever could be.
"I got ya baby sis, I'll try." Billy answered.
"Good." You smiled to him. "And what is this baby sister nonsense you act like I'm not only 3 minutes younger then you."
"Oh sorry 3 blissful minutes before your crying ugly face came into the world."
"Oh crying I see, I guess I'll tell everyone how you cried when I gave you your earring that you "toughened through"." You laughed. All Billy did was push you into a grass ditch as you laughed even harder.
"Piece of shit." Billy grinned.
"Get my fucking skirt dirty, and I'll bury you stuff in the backyard again." You threaten.
That's when you both arrived to the party, a quick 10 minute walk. You get into the party, starting off with some beer. You drank for about 30 minutes, dancing with your friends, shouting your heart out to the music, and over all enjoying your time at the party.
Then the moment you have been hating for all night has arrived. Spin the bottle. You were so hyped.
"Hey I'm gonna smoke a cigarette outside with Jackson." Billy said. You nod at him and he was on his way out. You take your seat in the circle of teens. Samantha right across from you. You were so ready. The spinning has begun. Chris had to kiss Jenny. Charolette had to kiss Scott. Andy had to kiss Charlie C. The spinning kept going and going. When ever the guys landed on other guys they all made a big deal out of it. But when a girl landed on another girl they all cheered for it.
'Ugh, horny pigs... can't even last past 5 minutes' you sneered. That was when you saw the bottle turn in your direction, landing on you. You look up and make eye contact with Samantha.
'GOD IS GOOD!' You cheered in your thoughts.
You stood straight on your knees as did Samantha. You both leaned in to each other. Your lips connecting. It was like a flower blooming in the spring, this was way better than any guy you kissed in other spin the bottles. You knew you liked girls more than guys, but this was a whole other level. You swore you could've continued kissing Samantha when...
"What the fuck are you doing!!" An all to familiar voice shouted. Dragging you by the collar of your shirt out the door of the party to the front yard. You are shoved out only to be met with a straight faced Billy. You stand next to him as you face your dad. He was red, he was raging.
"Walk home. NOW!" Your Dad shouted. You saw some classmates laughing cause you both got caught. The difference is if they got caught they get grounded, but we get beaten into the ground. The walk home was silent. You don't think the air has ever been more still. When you both returned home, you were sat down on the couch with your Dad standing before you menacingly staring down at the both of you.
"So you both left your little sister home alone to go act like a bunch of dumbasses at a party!" He shouted.
"We're sorry... dad." You whispered out. You felt a hard smack to your head from him.
"You better be you stupid bitch!" He growled.
"It wasn't her idea, I convinced her to go with me dad." Billy tried to take the blame for you. You heard the smack go across Billy's face. You just stared down at your hands.
"I come home find Maxine by herself." He started. "While you both are at a party getting drunk, smoking, and did god know fucking what else." Neither of you said anything. Your dad grabbed you by your shoulders shaking them up to make you look at him.
"Stop looking down like a pussy!" He shouted into your face. your eyes begin to whelm with hot tears.
"Hey it's not her fault dad!" Billy shouted at him. Wrong move. Billy was dragged to his room. You heard the curses and beating from the living room. You just stared straight ahead as you heard your brother be beaten in the room next. Just for defending you from your Dad's wrath.
You heard slow boot steps come your way. You stiffened, more tears started to form in your eye going down you cheeks, your blood rushing, everything was going way to slow. Your dad now stood next to were you were sitting. You didn't look up to him; you kept your tear filled eyes forward.
"So. You're a faggot?" Your dad questioned. You said nothing. Not wanting to answer. Your father's hand went threw your hair a gripped it tight. You swore he was going to pull it out.
"Are you some faggot!" He yelled into your ear. You were now crying, the dam has been broken. Tears were streaming down your cheeks. No words were coming out if your mouth. It felt like you were choking.
"Kissing some girl! God your mother would hate you!" He kept shouting at you. He dragged you to the door of your bedroom an slammed you into it. Staring down at you.
"You are fucking pathetic, worthless dyke." He growled to you. There was nothing but hatred in his eyes to you. You slowly turn the knob of the door to your room. But you were quickly slapped across the face before he left your alone. You make your way into your room for the night, crying yourself to sleep in your bed.
A week has passed since that Friday night. Your dad kept saying you were spreading a sickness with everything your touched. Billy tried to protect you the best he could, he took every blow for you. And you patched him up every time. Max was forbidden from talking to you and you couldn't do anything about it. But hopefully today things will be a bit more chilled out.
What you didn't know was that Neil sent Susan, Billy, ad Max out to run some "errands" for dinner tonight. When you got back home from your friends house you saw Susan's car gone, only your dad's truck in the driveway. You walk through the front door to your house.
"Amelia!" You flinched at the sudden noise of your dad's voice. You walk over to the kitchen where you found your dad.
"Go pack a bag or two, me and Susan are taking all of you on a small vacation to the city for the next week." He said. "Susan and the rest of them already left."
"Really?" You said quietly.
"Yes." He said firmly. " Go pack your shit and grab some money cause I'm not buying any shit for you." You walked to your bedroom and packed a duffle bag full of clothes. You grabbed the little money you have hidden away in your room. Your dad was already in his truck waiting for you. You put your stuff in the back an put your self up in the front seat.
Neil made his way out of the drive way, the last time you'll ever see that house again.
. . .
"Neil! We're back!" Susan yelled. She looked around an saw no sign of her husband. She went to the garage thinking he moved his car there but saw nothing.
"Billy!" Susan shouted.
"What." Billy answered bluntly.
"Where is your sister?" From the statement Billy rushed to your room to see you not in there and some of your clothes gone.
"No." Billy said. "Nononono, NO!" He was looking all over the house for you. You were no where to be found. You were gone. Just like his mom. His dad has taken you away from him.
All Billy could do was cry in his room. His twin was gone. His baby sister was gone and he doesn't know where. He failed to keep you safe from if dad.
Max watched all of it unfold in front of her.
. . .
You have been in the car for a straight hour now. You were looking out the window at the desert. Nothing for miles. Neil pulled into a motel parking lot.
"We're staying here for the night." He said as he parked the car. You got out of the car with your duffle bag on your side. You made your way to the front desk with your dad were he got the key. You weren't dumb, this was all sketchy.
"Here go put your stuff in the room." Neil said putting the key into your hand. You nodded to him. Making your way to the room opening the door to the empty room. You look around confused. You dropped your bag on the ground, putting the key in your pocket.
Then you heard his truck start up. You walk over confused looking at him.
"Dad! What are you doing?" You questioned. That's when he started to pulled out of his parking space. "DAD!" You start to run after his truck. Like some sick joke he slowed enough for you to pillion the lever of the door.
"Dad! STOP, Please!" You were shouting to him. Panicked tear started to whelm your eyes. He started to speed up. You keeping pace with the truck smacking on the back part.
"I'm sorry! Dad I'm SORRY!" You shouted. "Listen I'll never disobey you again I promise. DAD PLEASE!" You cried as you tripped on the uneven ground below you as your dad drove away. Leaving you in the dirt crying.
"Billy... Billy!" You yelled out to your brother. You just wanted your big brother. You walked back to the motel. Going to the room that you had to stay in now.
Your dad has abandoned you, just like your mom. Tears were going down your cheeks. You sat in the floor of the room for a good ten minutes till a knock on the door scared you. You hopped up hoping by some miracle your brother found you. You open the door to only meet the smoking front desk lady from earlier. Your smiled dropped.
"Hey sweetie." Her gruff voice said. "I saw what just happened and I'm sorry..." You said nothing to her. You just stared at her sniffling. She sighed at the sight of you, "Listen I'm only doing this once cause you remind me of my granddaughter, I'll give you a ride to the bus station and you can get a ticket back home." You nodded at her. You gave her the room key back and grabbed your bag.
Just like she said she drove you to the bus station to get a ticket home. She even gave you a hundred bucks to help with anything else. The front desk lady gave you a gruff but soft goodbye as she left you at the bus station. You walk in with your bag and money to the front desk of the station.
"Hello miss, what can I do for you today?" The desk worker said.
"I need a ticket." You said plainly , no emotion left. The desk worker just stared at you.
"Where to honey?"
"Santa-" You stopped for a minute. You didn't want to go back to Santa Monica, nothing would be left for you there. The message was made pretty clear to you.
"Santa Monica, honey?"
"No." You stated, "What's your furthest ticket?"
"Umm." The worker started typing in their computer for a second. "Our furthest ticket is... Hawkins Indiana."
"I'll take that." You said, giving them the money and taking your ticket to Indiana.
Hawkins Indiana: 1984
It has been three, four by next fall, years since you left everything in California behind. When you arrived to Hawkins you had little money and what you had in your duffle bag with you. You are now 17 turning 18 next March. You think about Billy everyday. But with what that has happened you can't dwell on things. You live with a woman named Joey Byers and her two sons.
When you arrived in Hawkins at 14 Joyce Byers found you walking the dirt road trying to find someplace dry to find to sleep for the night. Joyce took you in an let you stay the night with her. After that night you found yourself living with her for two years. When everything happened with Will accrued you were there for her and Johnathan when they needed.
You helped look for Will in search parties. You helped the boys hide Eleven in Mikes basement. You helped Steve, Johnathan, and Nancy take down a demagorgan. You're gonna be honest, you've probably faced death more times with Neil then any interdimensional creature.After everything that happened last year you started to pick up more around the house. You didn't want to burden Joyce since she took you in. You work at the music shop in town. You put 50% of your paychecks to rent or bills at the Byers home.
Joyce has tried many times to talk to your about your family back in California, hell even brought Hopper out to try a crack ya. You never budge. Hopper has concluded that, "You've been through something and now they're dead to you." The only response you gave was "Not all of them..." Nothing else after that. You have a new life here and you're not going to have it ruined by your past. It wasn't a secret that you were gay. It was very well known fact in town that you were into women. Yeah some kids yelled slurs to you but none of it effected you. You were actually able to meet another lesbian in town, well a closeted one. Her name was Robin Buckley, you met her in your art class when you were a sophomore and she was a freshmen. You both got along pretty well. She was actually really pretty you thought but since you never actually dated a girl you were nervous in telling her your feelings.
The date was October 28, 1984 Halloween was this Friday. You were gonna take Will and the boys trick or treating.
I hope you enjoy this, this was an idea I’ve had for a while.
If you want to be tagged in future parts comment below pls.
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jokerislandgirl32 · 2 months
Favorite books??
(I mean everyone in your little family + you) 😇😇
Helloooo! Thank you for this ask! We have decided to list favorite books by ages for everyone below the cut! So, all of our favorite books as children, our favorite books as tweens, and our favorite books teens and adults!
And yes, each family member is responding to this ask!
Please note there is mention of Harry Potter, I (JIG) know the author/books are triggering to some, so please do not take offense to this, I just feel like the books would have been some read by one family member in particular wayyyyy before all the unsavory details came out.
Also, a lot of these books are my personal favorites, or they are books I actually dislike immensely…so my selfship kids liking them makes me laugh 😂.
Zach: As a child I was always partial to The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams and the Peter Rabbit books by Beatrix Potter. I also loved How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss. As a tween/teenager, I liked the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling, the Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Ender’s Game Saga by Orson Scott Card. Now that I’m an adult, I’d have to say The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and 1984 by George Orwell are probably my favorite novels. 
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Violet/JIG: As a little girl my favorite book was The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss, there was just something about the “here comes pig feet” line that cracked me up, I also adored Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco. As a tween I loved Grandpa’s Mountain by Carolyn Reeder and the American Girls Books. As a teen and adult I’d say my favorite books were/are Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls, The Education of Little Tree by Forrest Carter (the best nonfiction book I’ve ever read), Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Fear Street Series by RL Stine, and anything by Mary Downing Hahn.
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Varina: As a child my favorite books were Winnie-the-Pooh stories, my mom had an entire collection her parents collected for her and she read them to me and all my siblings! I also loved A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon, the Mr. Putter and Tabby books by Cynthia Rylant, and the Amelia Bedelia books by Peggy Parish. As a tween I enjoyed The Tale of Despereaux and the American Girls books. As an adult/teen my favorite books were/are Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, The Magic of Ordinary Days by Ann Howard Creel, and I adore any romance novel by Nicholas Sparks. 
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Vera: When I was a little girl I loved the Fancy Nancy books by Jane O'Connor, any and all princess books, the Biscuit books by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, and the Junie B. Jones Books by Barbara Park. As a tween I read the American Girl books, but only I enjoyed a few of the series, Samantha was my absolute favorite! I also loved The Secret Garden and A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and The Wish by Gail Carsen Levine. My favorite books during my teenage years, and as an adult, are The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls, any of William Shakespeare’s plays (Romeo and Juliet is my favorite), and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. 
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Victor: When I was little my favorite book was Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, my favorite book series was Curious George by Margret and H. A. Rey. During my tween years I read any Goosebumps book by RL Stein I could get my hands on, I also read all The Chronicles of Narnia books by C.S. Lewis, and A Series of Unfortunate Events books by Lemony Snicket.  My favorite book as a teenager was The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, and my favorite book series as a teenager were Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs and the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. My all time favorite book as an adult is Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer.
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Vallen: The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith was my favorite book as a kid, it was freaking hilarious, and the sequel was almost as good. I also loved the Clifford books by Norman Bridwell as a kid, and the No David books by David Shannon. As a tween I read a bunch of the Goosebumps books by RL Stine. Victor and I were in competition to see who could read the most, he won of course, the dedicated bookworm. In my teenage years and into adulthood my favorites have become The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry, and The Wayward Pines Trilogy by Blake Crouch.
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Victoria: When I was a little girl I loved all of the Eric Carle books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar being my favorite! I also loved all the Little Golden Books, I think my favorite one was My Little Golden Book About God by Jane Werner Watson. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, Each Little Bird that Sings by Deborah Wiles, and the Little House on the Prairie Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder were my favorite books during my tween years. As a teenager I enjoyed reading the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children book series by Ransom Riggs and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. As an adult I’d say my favorite books are Wish You Well by David Baldacci or Go Down the Mountain by Meredith Battle. 
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sennamaticart · 1 year
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A Spiderverse-themed mass attack on artfight!
All 30 credits under the cut:
Spider-ade for @panstarry Bluebird for @rosedosed Amelia Anderson for ~Fernaldo Garage-Spider for ~firstaidsprays Arctic Spider for ~bluechanhs Spydeyrserf for @wooziedoosie Spidermoth for ~juntsukii Spiderkite for ~queam Robin Knight for @catsandcrimesart Spidey Kitty for ~unikitty Disco Spider for @time-woods Hello Kitty Spider for ~dragawnfruit Valerie for ~junovv M8triarch for @cansofbees Gaspard Dufresne for ~plodrean Spiderman China for ~steriskk Solarpunk Spider for ~z1trus Spiderglam for ~zipkat Spider Solitare (thats me!) Samantha Octavius Smithers for ~deviousrodent Reyes del Toro for ~tarykota Ghost Spider for ~funkypepe Spiderfunk for ~euohnn_fr Marvelous Miss Spider for @buriedinbronze Puppet Spider for ~loafowl Spiderfrog for ~TheRoyaltyofDirt Starburst Spider for ~Extracelestial Spidercroc for ~oMallieKat Parker Pająk for ~kowavicks The Cosmic Spider for @chonkadonk
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mlentertainment · 1 year
okay 4 month long fancast/elaborate sleep deprivation project is complete. here's who should star in the unsleeping city live action tv show
pete - elliot page (officially endorsed by ally)
kingston - jeffrey wright, isaiah mustafa; laurence fishburne or idris elba if they wanted to
sofia - samantha win (wow she looks So Very Italian for sure definitely... dw about it i want her wushu skills more than anything)
ricky - mackenyu
misty - CATHERINE O'HARA (hunter schafer as rowan)
kugrash - hank azaria (voice only), fiona dourif (voice and physical)
iga - if catherine's not available for s1 can she come on for s2 as iga. otherwise patricia arquette
cody - devon bostick is 31 which means he still fits the 27 yr old mall goth window and i cannot unsee the rodrick eyeliner and also can't think of anyone better. hi devon you're my last hope
esther sinclair - jade eshete (the casting thought that started this monster post)
gabriela sinclair/furies - i mean angela bassett if you're free--
alejandro ortiz - edward james olmos
ana and amelia ortiz - isabella gomez? classic single actor playing twins moment but i think her energy is good #odaat
robert moses - ed harris. or another guy who can do crazy scary. i'm finishing this list at 5 am can u tell
dale lee - daniel henney
jackson wei - key quy quan i don't care give him work i am kissing him respectfully
emiko matsui - karen fukuhara
53V3N - brennan's cameo
priya danger - i mean. come on. jameela jamil
dr. lugash - anthony carrigan. i had to fit him in here somewhere LET'S GOOOOOO NOHO HANK... 2!
mario bicicleta - james ransone *sniper shoots a warning shot next to my head*
lowell masters - nick offerman i guess
wally kugrich - alan tudyk
david kugrich - michael shannon
cindy wong - margaret cho
tony simos - dave bautista (is apparently part greek? That's fun. what's important is he's built like a truck)
heather simos - ME!! ✌🥰✌
jj jacobs - lane factor
not casting Nod bc i literally don't pay attention to child actors. saw someone mention bradley whitford as sondheim which i thought was genius (and joe pesci as don confetti which was great but unrealistic) (<- is treating this like they're an actual casting director) but beyond that are there any fun roles i missed?? i tried to cover both szns as well as i could
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mamma-wolf · 1 year
i was on the train heading to class listening to mary lou williams, synchronized roars and ah’s and there is a familiar scent coming from me or train i hadn't decided. i changed trains and it was too ripe with the scent of plastic, sanitized protestant bodies to find it anymore. it reminded me of something so familiar i wanted to cry. something related to youth secret time naivety shame the loneliness of not knowing oneself and the fear that someone will find out. 
there was another smell that haunted me many years ago until i remembered its trace. reminded me of my primary school gym teacher his red fingers from eating hot cheetos and his natural lobster complexion, my friend amelia who would invite me over to play tetherball in her backyard, selena posters lining her bedroom walls. samantha who lived next door to my babysitter; a doll-like blonde haired child that became my first memorable interrogation with white femininity, romantic play and self-hate, writing “semaj is beautiful” on the white board and getting reprimanded, furthering this feeling. shannon, my first boyfriend who i never liked and only “dated” because my school mom and dad told me to, i would hang up on him whenever he called my house. my first moments of severe anxiety, shaking teeth chattering in terror of being called on during a math exercise, my big big crush yelena, who was talented at math, science, literature, art and the tallest girl in our grade. i wanted to be her and around her at all times and i hold our memories together close. i would say was my most vulnerable sapphic desire. it is easier to love when you don’t know why you are moved to. i remember the feeling of hot days hiding in the dugout, getting the wind knocked out of me, stomping on the blacktop - the scent of these memories, rich and rubbery almost like the sensation of melting and molding and melting all over again. 
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shallowrambles · 10 months
to the user that messaged me that doesn’t want to be known, you can ask as anon next time and i can answer that way instead. :)
in part i agree with you!!! - i actually do differ from the fandom on these aspects although im super sympathetic to the conversion therapy and “gender policing sam” readings!!!
one, on sam policing dean’s grief and emotions - when he’s teasing, i agree that he’s not doing anything more severe than dean calling sam “samantha” or ragging on his long hair…
when he’s shutting down dean’s emotions, i agree that dean also sometimes encourages stoic resilience from sam. example: in season 12 dean tells sam to basically use his grief around eileen’s death to channel into hunting. “use that.”
so on the whole, i actually agree with you that it’s not a uniquely “sam” issue! both of them have expectations of each other that definitely has a gendered dimension, but i think it’s largely due to hunting itself. since they rely on each other in daily work and for safety during battle, they BOTH demand resilience and toughness of each other
two, sam in season 8 - yeah i don’t ascribe to benny situation being wholly about gender either, so we partially agree here too. i do think this situation has stronger support for this particular reading if you wanna go that way. but i tend to agree with you that it feels more “wrong side of the railroad tracks” situation and yes definitely more analogous to ruby-is-a-bad-influence vibe.
benny saved dean’s life but ruby ALSO saved sam’s life. sam’s reason given to trust ruby was the same reason dean gave to trust benny. ruby had personal motivations, but benny also had motivations that weren’t wholly about dean’s wellbeing (escape hatch, revenge on his maker, even the reliance on him as a source of support/food/blood donation/“dealer”).
sam doesn’t have much reason to trust benny besides dean’s word…which if we take the deleted scene about benny “falling off the wagon”, that beautifully complicates the situation. (they should’ve left it in to underline the moral grayness of it all imho; it better demonstrates the push-pull theme of assuming the best vs assuming the worst)
sam can be unlikeable, but like it or not, he is mistrusting benny the same way dean mistrusted ruby…the way dean didn’t cut amy pond any slack for her ethical mistake. if ruby and amy had been handsome men like crowley and benny, i wonder if they’d have seemed less disposable? i don’t know. i think so.
all in all, i think dean and sam both pivot to black-and-white “hunting code” thinking after heavy losses bc they’re struggling for control in the chaos. dean went into white picket fence escapism post losing sam in season 5, and he went hard into hunting re:amy directly post-losing cas. likewise, sam went hard into escapism with amelia and then hard into hunting after losing dean, cas, and bobby. so the coping goes. it’s not one-to-one but certainly has a parallel dynamic. (cas too! he checked out in season 6 and followed it up with going hard in on dubious heaven trials and the “penance” of angelic civil war).
honestly, i reckon it’s tough tits for dean that his past behavior around “teammates from the wrong side of the railroad tracks” set up sam to echo it in season 8. (sorry, dean!!!! it's true!!!) sam also paralleled dean and bobby’s detox stuff during the season 10 demon dean “drug intervention”. …and that’s just my take on it. I feel like it's text.
if crowley is Other and demon dean represents Alternative Lifestyle… then so does Ruby. which is fine. i personally don’t think demonic sam or moc!dean were shown to have healthy endpoints, so I don't view them as super secret "true selves." but if you view those as false worst-case/fictitious fear-driven endpoints or even flat out “true self” endpoints, i think that is fine. so long as there’s acknowledgment that sam’s behavior isn’t so different from dean’s in earlier seasons.
i think the sam hate gets a little black-and-white sometimes, and i agree it can be frustrating.
yeah, in season 8, dean was idealizing a perfect war companion “who never let him down” to replace his brother, who was a flawed war companion that let him down repeatedly. However, the deleted scene implies benny did indeed “fall off the wagon” and fed on humans. even if it were more like amy pond’s necessity and carefulness, it’s certainly a more ethically gray scenario and likely comparable “failure.”
ergo, while sam was very classist and rigid/assuming the worst about the whole situation, dean represented the other idealist extreme. i’ve said a lot about how i view season 8 as being about extreme delusions of perfection/escapism/easy rules/not being let down, and benny is another example of that theme in action - the implication is that the situation is way more gray than it appears at first.
the implication is that sam was partially right about the situation being dangerous, which is a gorgeous dimension imho. like it or not, we as audience saw benny get tempted to kill dean at one point too, so…to ignore sam’s concerns is somewhat of a fandom idealization of dean and dean’s judgment. (season 8 is all about figments and idealization imho)
So yeah i’m with you here too on some points!
the more interesting part lies in the winchester hypocrisy itself, and that humans aren’t executed as rigidly for their mistakes! it’s about how we naturally emphasize with in-groups, even if that manifests as implicit bias. the human condition.
point three, demon dean - you’ll be surprised to find that i agree with you here too. demon dean and crowley are often posited by fandom as dean being his “true self” but the series does not present it that way; it presents crowley as frankly predatory and exploitative. dean’s forgiveness of the situation is more analogous to claire forgiving those that wronged her (cas, even randy, dean).
dean explicitly states to Cas, the person he's most up-front with, that he doesn’t view his demonic stint as a good thing. to cas: “I can’t become that thing again.”
i view demon dean as a predatory manipulation of consent during a vulnerable time, analogous to metatron honing in on post-naomi-tortured cas. to me, the text shows an obvious and egregious manipulation, and with demon dean, the loss of inhibitions is underlined again and again…for example, when dean talks about the “jailbait” on the college campus and the blackout kills. I view the issue with the mark as being more centered on the loss of inhibitions and subsequent loss of free will, not the violence itself. dean verbalized his discomfort with this loss of control. sam doesn’t just make the judgment of dean's control on his own internal moral grounds. he listens to dean about his verbalized loss of control. so does cas, for that matter.
in the early eps, demon dean says he “loves the disease” because one of dean's primary modes is running from pain and disappointment. that’s not a “secret true self” imho - it’s more like a junkie who checks out, more analogous to sam’s addiction than not. or to cas's blissed-out, poetic "checkout" in season 7.
as i said above, sam treats hopped up demon dean as dean and bobby treated him — with a forced detox!!!! i am sympathetic to the other reading but to me it doesn’t fully match what i see on screen. (in fact parallel detoxes are shown to be overall helpful, even for characters like crowley!!!)
if sam’s detox of dean is about “dean’s true self,” then sam’s detox is about “sam’s true self.” demon blood intake and the burden of the mark are in parallel: they wear down their markers, eradicating their feelings and inhibitions over time, transforming them into black-eyed demons…
even when they initially wield their dark powers in the name of good.
as for sam hating on crowley… despite our love of crowley, sam is working from what he saw out of crowley ; he’s very reasonable to be concerned and distrustful of him…the same way dean was reasonable to be mistrustful of ruby. crowley had a very fresh history of killing and torturing kevin’s loved ones…it was still in sam’s sight lines.
sam is NOT turning against crowley simply because crowley is “queer coded and sam is therefore homophobic" but bc crowley recently did a lot of really bad shit and showed no remorse. plus, he clearly acted in his own interests at dean’s expense. there’s no controversy whether or not crowley manipulated dean in order to getting rid of abbadon, then preying upon him after his inhibitions were destroyed. that’s text.
now, is crowley that black and white? hell no! like meg and ruby, he was also abused by hell and preyed upon by demons. he is in the process of genuinely rediscovering his humanity!!! i will defend crowley and rowena to the death, btw, but a lot of crowley’s shit gets overlooked in season 10 bc fandom (myself included!) can sometimes prefer a cool metaphor over entertaining that sam’s judgment can at times be reasonably founded (sam’s bad behavior notwithstanding).
crowley and metatron are both presented as ppl who target attack dogs in their moments of weakness to gain positional objectives/power.
(both of them also underestimate those attack dogs and bite off more than they can chew/control!!!! crowley HATED when demon dean became beyond his control; and metatron HATED it when "cas was good at war -> "I didn't think he'd be good at it.")
summary / main pts
drug detox - on the whole, i find it a conspicuous blind spot that sam’s choice to do “drug intervention” gets layered with all this symbolic "extra shit "extra" when bobby and dean's “drug intervention” is sometimes viewed as justified/ for sam’s own good.
i view instead that they’re both heavy-handed interventions that are mostly about the wellbeing of the person (demon dean included). that's the rub about caretaking and parenting, after all--it inevitably involves a loss of independence in order to protect that person!!! balancing these two things is hard! that's the whole thing with family! security/firm boundaries vs independance!
anyway, detox/human blood is what created a more rejuvenated/jumpstarted Crowley’s humanity in season 8, after all—it dimmed the fog of his demonic non-feeling. it was a GOOD thing.
both choices of “drugs,” sam’s demon blood and dean’s mark, are shown to result in a loss of inhibitions/free will with subsequent demonic transformation.
side note//thats not to say humans don’t also behave in morally reprehensible ways—just that demon-ness is more “numbing” and and the MOC has a whiff of “loss of free will” about it.
2. ruby and metatron’s bad motivations get more emphasized than characters like crowley. but sam was reasonable not to trust him in context of crowley’s season 8-10 actions/egregious ambitions. crowley’s bad behavior can get virtually ignored despite what he freshly did to mrs tran. sam is working from this incredibly recent history!!!
3. lastly, the danger benny textually posed to dean sometimes gets ignored because he’s a nice guy. that doesn’t erase sam’s prejudice and classism; it does however complicate dean’s idealization…which was rather the point of benny and the meat of most of dean’s season 8 arc imho. dean was dealing with his own flavor of perfectionism/unrealistic expectations to avoid disappointment/getting hurt again.
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femslashrevolution · 16 days
Popular Pairing List Update
The following pairings have more than 10 recent posts in their pairing tag, and are therefore too popular to be posted on Rarepair Thursdays:
Aerith Gainsborough x Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy)
Amelia Collins x Zoe Miller (Class of '07)
Anaïs Davis x Bobbie De Bruyn (wtFOCK)
Aninlaphat Sawetwarit x Pilanthita Kasidit (The Loyal Pin)
Anna x Elsa (Disney Princesses)
Applejack x Fluttershy (My Little Pony)
Azula x Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Barbara Holland x Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Bérénice Leblond x Carla Furiani (Ici tout commence)
Blaze x Kristina Corinthos Davis (General Hospital)
Buffy Summers x Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Cady Heron x Regina George (Mean Girls; Mean Girls Musical)
Cate Randa x May Olowe Hewitt (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters)
Clary Fray x Isabelle Lightwood (The Mortal Instruments)
Darcy Lewis x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Delia Ketchum x Jessie (Pokemon)
Dorcas Meadowes x Marlene McKinnon (Harry Potter)
Dorcas Meadowes x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Earth x Sun (23.5)
Eileen Dunlop x Rebecca (Eileen)
Eve Unwin x Suki Panesar (Eastenders)
Falin Touden x Marcille Donato (Delicious in Dungeon)
Fluttershy x Rarity (My Little Pony)
Ginny Weasley x Pansy Parkinson (Harry Potter)
Gwen Runck x Nikki (That 90's Show)
Gwen Stacy x Mary Jane Watson (Marvel Comics)
Jack Danvers x Keeley Jones (Ted Lasso)
Kristi Miller x Marielle (From)
Harper Row x Stephanie Brown (DCU; Gotham Knights)
Harumoto Itsuki x Hayashi Fuyu (Chaser Game W)
Ink x Pa (Bad Buddy)
Jamie x Marian (Drive-Away Dolls)
Jiang Zhaoyun x Lan Ze (Legend of Yunze)
Lady Hideko x Sook Hee (The Handmaiden)
Luce x Rachel (Imagine Me & You)
Margaery Tyrell x Sansa Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Padmé Amidala x Sabé (Star Wars)
Prang x Warang (Love Senior)
Sabine Wren x Shin Hati (Star Wars)
The following pairings have been posted less frequently recently, and have therefore been removed from the popular pairing list:
AJ Campos x Paige Evans (Crush)
Alex Cabot x Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Amalia True x Penance Adair (The Nevers)
Amanita Caplan x Nomi Marks (Sense8)
Ana Servín x Mariana Herrera (Madre sólo hay dos)
Anne Shirley x Diana Barry (Anne of Green Gables; Anne With An E)
Ava Coleman x Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale (Pitch Perfect)
Becky Baker x Imogen Moreno (Degrassi: The Next Generation)
Bette Porter x Tina Kennard (The L Word)
Casey Gardner x Izzie (Atypical)
Deena Johnson x Samantha Fraser (Fear Street)
Eleanor Levetan x Gabbi Broussard (Do Revenge)
Frankie Bergstein x Grace Hanson (Grace and Frankie)
Frannie Langton x Marguerite Benham (The Confessions of Frannie Langton)
Héloïse x Marianne (Portrait of a Lady on Fire)
Imogen Temult x Laudna (Critical Role)
Jen Harding x Judy Hale (Dead to Me)
Jules Vaughn x Rue Bennett (Euphoria)
Keeley Jones x Rebecca Welton (Ted Lasso)
Malini x Priya (The Jasmine Throne)
Maria Hill x Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe; Marvel Comics)
Riri Williams x Shuri (Marvel Cinematic Universe; Marvel Comics)
Shelby Goodkind x Toni Shalifoe (The Wilds)
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All these girls call me daddy — they love it — they love my huge cock — Jenna Lynn Meowri and Jenna Dreams and Mikayla Demaiter and Corinna Kopf and Billie Eilish and Katy Perry and Taylor Swift and Kate Middleton and Olivia Rodrigo and Miley Cyrus and Zara Larsson and kaceyxbaby and Vera Blue and lildrummergirl Abbie and Hailey Bieber and Kim Kardashian and Princess Diana and lisard dom_kalf and Queen Elizabeth II and Freelee The Banana Girl Leanne Ratcliffe and Fully Raw Kristina and Joe Biden's granddaughter and Rishi Sunak's wife and Jill Biden and her daughter and Lilyisthatyou and Margot Robbie and Juliet Joslin and Natalie Levin and Amina J Mohammed and Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid and Camille Rowe and Queen Camilla and Princess Charlotte and Jessica Nigri and Grimes Claire Boucher and qtcinderella and Danielle Haim and Este Haim and Alana Haim and Camila Cabello and Madison Beer and Britney Spears and Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston and Shiloh Jolie Pitt and Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton and Nancy Pelosi and Ivanka Trump and Melania Trump and Charli XCX and Michelle Bachelet and Ursula von der Leyen and Roberta Metsola and Amber Heard and Samantha Hoekstra and Alexandria Cook and Cate Blanchett and Dakota Fanning and Courtney Cox and Kamala Harris and Justine Musk and Megan Fox and Rachel Jade and Anne Hathaway and Laura Lux and Jayden Jynx and Amelia Wilde and Natalee 007 and Chloe Amen and Tana Amen and Kylie Jenner and Linda McCartney and Francesca Hanks and Ghada Fathi Waly and Zoe Manville and her daughter and Ava Max and Lisa Kudrow and Chloe Mia Brown and Lana Del Rey and Lili Reinhart and Baker Grace and Scarlett Johansson and Skyler Simpson are crying because I have more than one wife — I'm sorry I made you cry, sugar poo — you're still my everything.
Miley Cyrus is threatening her suicide because I cheated on her.
Who's gonna be the one to catch my wedding ring?
Which one of these girls do I like the most?
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blehblarghblah · 2 years
Opinion on S3 of Infinity Train?
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Tl;DR, I really enjoyed this Book! Grace's growth from a manipulator matched with Simon's trust issues were a clever pairing, especially in the regard that they are codependent enablers (Grace more than Simon at first). Hazel's presence was an excellent match for Grace and Simon's "companion" but Tuba leaving an imprint the way she did despite not being there for the majority only shows how good her character was.
The themes overall were done really well, as the show demonstrated a nice portrayal of how conflicting people can exist and what one can do to better themselves, or help others.
Good season, good characters.
To get into it in more depth...
My sister and I did not like these two because of Book 2, but when we learned they were gonna be the Book 3 protagonists I figured we'd learn to like at least one of them. Character wise, I prefer Grace over Simon but I still liked how they handled everyone's characters within this book. They really did feel like snarky teenagers with no adult guidance, who at their core were really the same scared old kids who got on the train.
When Grace told Simon, "I don't owe you anything" I really liked the emotions of that scene and dialogue. How Simon was portrayed with his trust issues, compared to Grace and her manipulation, I think was done well. He was meant to be someone frustrating and both the VA and animation carried that snark very well.
I also liked how their codependent relationship as mutual (though more on Grace's end) enablers was subtly expressed at first. It was a great take on expressing the problems of acting out for attention and issue of trust, but on top of recognizing good and bad friends. Or in other words, conveying the journey of recognizing flaws in an individual or self, and either striving to help others from them or realizing to distance yourself from the company you keep.
On that notion, Grace's number going down the way it did was a good way of expressing that while you've done a lot of wrongs in life, starting the path to redemption or making up for it can be an even greater step than you realize. I also kinda liked that One-One didn't know about The Apex. It sucked, obviously, but it evolved into an interesting element with Grace having to recognize her faults and the impact she's had on others, then expand on the idea of pushing out of that toxic mentality.
Good example would be Jesse confronting The Apex: as a Passenger, it sucked his "goal" was kind of being hampered by other Passengers who misunderstood the Train, but it did lead to him outright asserting he will be better which led to his escape.
Also, this Book had Samantha the Cat! Which was always a fun recurring character to me, so seeing some backstory for her was neat! I liked Hazel's character and what she did for Grace, her presence set a standard for Grace and Simon and I liked that a lot, since it forced them to compromise on the one thing we already knew they were adamant about: wheeling denizens. Amelia's return and knowing she's helping One-One now was cool to know, but it was also saddening to learn why Hazel existed in the first place. And Holy Hades did Tuba's death hit hard, she was such a good mother-figure and the delivery of that scene was so well done (followed up with the most twisted scene where Simon just happily tells Hazel he killed her).
The amount of characters within this Book blended well together, especially in terms of narrative. A lot of themes took place in this Book, and I liked that our cast of (mostly) four balanced each other out in terms of dynamics. Overall, I think this Book carried itself well with the characters it introduced and reintroduced. My sister and I really liked it!
Until next ask,
- Bleh
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princesssarisa · 17 days
Who are your favorite female characters from your childhood?
Oh boy, where to start? It's a long list, which will obviously date me as a '90s kid.
*Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
*Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)
*Wendy Darling (Peter Pan)
*Little Red Riding Hood
*Snow White
*Aurora, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather (Sleeping Beauty)
*Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
*Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
*Nala (The Lion King)
*Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
*Megara (Hercules)
*Odette (The Swan Princess)
*Gerda, the Robber Girl (The Snow Queen)
*Madeline (the Madeline books and cartoons)
*Pippi Longstocking
*Ramona Quimby (the Ramona books)
*Mary Lennox (The Secret Garden)
*Heidi (Heidi)
*Charlotte the spider, Fern Arable (Charlotte's Web)
*Lucy Pevensie (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)
*Matilda Wormwood (Matilda)
*Amelia Bedelia (the Amelia Bedelia books)
*Mama Bear, Sister Bear (The Berenstain Bears)
*Lamb Chop (Lamb Chop's Play-Along)
*Miss Piggy (The Muppets and Muppet Babies)
*Holly Higgins, Gloria Gopher (Under the Umbrella Tree)
*Annie (the musical Annie)
*Maria von Trapp (The Sound of Music)
*The Narrator (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat)
*Dot Warner, Slappy Squirrel (Animaniacs)
*Angelica Pickles, Susie Carmichael (Rugrats) – Angelica in a "love to hate her" way
*Lucy van Pelt, Sally Brown (Peanuts) – especially because I got to play Lucy in a children's theatre production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown
*Helga Pataki (Hey Arnold!)
*Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus)
*Ashley Spinelli, Gretchen Grundler (Recess)
*Clarissa Darling (Clarissa Explains It All)
*Sabrina Spellman (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
*Felicity Merriman, Josefina Montoya, Kirsten Larson, Addy Walker, Samantha Parkington, Molly McIntyre (the American Girls Collection) – these are the American Girls I chiefly remember, since I was just starting to outgrow them when Kit and Kaya were added.
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