team-crimsonfade · 6 years
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The CF pretty boyyo :> *:. Trying to be cool lol
Have a nice day♡
@amikii <— that’s me!
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
**:. ^^
CrimsonFade Belongs To Me. This Custom His Theme Version made for CrimsonFade was Made By Nuffy.
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
Chapter one - Ruins
Part three
Frisk's eyes fluttered open, still weighed down by sleep. The night was peaceful, or at least the short duration of which she had slept. In truth though, she was far too excited to sleep for an extended period of time. It felt like a very short amount of time though. However, there was a difference between waking up, and getting up. It proved to be a short conflict, as a sweet, lovely scent filled the air.
She compelled her body to obey, at least in order to discover the source of the scent. It filled her mind with a pleasant familiarity. As she sat up from her bed, and hopped off, she could see the source. A single slice of pie, which sat on a delicate little plate. She could detect the aromas of cinnamon and butterscotch, along with all of the other smells a pie would usually have. She wondered how this got here, and then realized the only source could have been Flowey. Rather than scratch her head over how he did it, she brought the pie over to her inventory. She felt some kind of warm feeling with the pie, a nostalgia that kept springs in her step. It somehow didn't feel right to eat it, at least not right now.
However as she smelled the pie up close, she anticipated the day she would happily gorge on the pie. In the meantime, she decided she would go and check on her flowery host. As she left the bedroom, she soon found him sitting outside. She wasn't sure how she was surprised, it wasn't as if he could burrow through the wood floors. Or could he? How on earth did he get that pie to her? Rather than ponder over any of these obvious and physics breaking questions, she walks over to the flower. Flowey vaguely notices her sit next to him, the dirt supporting her weight. He sighed, as he continued to stare up at the large tree.
"I sometimes wonder why I'm here." He suddenly says aloud. "What it is that keeps me alive. That tree shouldn't be alive. It's far from any source of sunlight, the air is stale in comparison to the healthy breeze of the outside, and the soil and roots are dry. It should have shriveled like a prune long ago, and yet here it stands. What keeps me alive? I'm a plant too, except I apparently have feelings, intelligence, and a desire to be alive. But no matter what I do, no matter what I believe, I am still just that. A plant."
Frisk continued to watch him in his deep sense of thought. She wondered whether he was speaking directly to her, or speaking with himself.
"What would happen if I died?" He asked. "Do I even have a soul that would just... pop out of my fallen form once I pass? Would I even turn to dust like other monsters do, or simply whither away and decay over time? The unknown, that's what scares me. If I were to die, the only thing left I would have to fall back on are memories. But... hardly anyone even knows me really. I'm... I'm content, with dying. I've... made peace with that. Even for immortal beings, or powerful ones, death takes us all. Time, is a very deadly force."
He turned to face Frisk, and she could see the worry in his eyes.
"But being forgotten, that scares me." He says. "It would be as if you've never even mattered in the world. You didn't even exist, and you never will. You'd never know if you made a difference at all in the world, for better or worse, or the impact you would have on someone if they remembered you. Dying is the easy part, living is hard. But being forgotten? I shudder at the thought. Frisk? Promise me that you won't ever forget me. Please."
She wasn't sure how to respond. This was such a dark and yet profound subject to dwell on, and to hear it from a flower was quite unheard of. But by looking at his face, he was absolutely terrified, at the very least greatly concerned over this matter. It would be malicious to say no to this.
Frisk smiled, and gently rested a hand on his head.
"Okay Flowey." She said. "I promise."
Flowey smiles warmly, and leans against the hand. He closed his eyes with contentment, and almost looked like a peaceful little baby.
"Thank you, Frisk." He said.
The two of them continued to look up at the tree, silently bonding with each other under the faint, yet gentle and serene breeze.
Some time had passed, and something was on Frisk's mind. She had to ask Flowey about it, but... was hesitant to bring it up.
"Flowey, how do I get home?" She asked.
The flower didn't respond at first, aside from a pained, deep breath, and an exhale. After awhile, he finally responded.
"Well that didn't take too long." He said. "But... I suppose it was foolish to think that this could last anyway. You're more likely to find Save Points ahead, if you were to remain for too long you would run out of Determination. And you're just too Determined to let that happen huh?"
Frisk didn't respond, just waited for him to continue.
"No matter." He said. "I can't keep you here, even if I wanted to. You're the best thing I've seen in a very long time. But... it's much too late for me to obtain happiness. Though I'm grateful you've given me the illusion of it. I don't know why I continue to live, but I know how I came to be. It required a lot of pain for me to be me, so much pain..."
Whatever he was referring to, it didn't seem that he cared to share. He shook his head, and sighed.
"But I am not the only one who's suffering." He says. "There is a man up ahead, whose heart and soul remain cracked and depressed to this very day. For over a century, he has pained, and the entire race of monsters has felt it. Even from here, I still feel it. I no longer wish for him to suffer in this way, nor for the feeling to continue to spread to the inhabitants. Somehow, I know that only you can end his suffering. So I shall allow you to leave, and continue on your journey, if you only promise to make it to the King, and end his suffering."
The way he phrased it was ominous. End the King's suffering. It echoed within her mind. And whatever it was, something compelled her to continue forth. The fact was someone was in trouble, someone was hurting and in need of help. She, as a person, was determined to help this person. And so she nods her head in Flowey's direction.
"Alright Flowey, I promise."
Part three of “CrimsonFade; Ruins” Credit to Red Wolf on Undertale Amino
Last Part — https://team-crimsonfade.tumblr.com/post/179558905806/crimsonfade
Next Part — (Coming Soon)
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
!!<3 awesomeee
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CrimsonFade Grillby CrimsonFade belongs to Dark Matter Reacts on YouTube
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
Chapter one - Ruins
Part two
As Frisk enters the Ruins, Frisk sees Flowey standing next to a small, golden and shining star. She marvelled at the sight, still remembering when she had touched it before. Even from where she was, she felt such a calming, comforting sensation from the glow. It was like a warm hearth, a family campfire to shelter from the storm. She couldn't help but smile.
Flowey notices her presence, and turns to address her.
"Howdy! I see you are familiar with these Save Points." He says.
Frisk walks closer to the star, still staring at the small piece.
"A very select few beings can see these stars." He explains. "Far fewer can truly use their power. I myself had once used their power before, but that was a long time ago."
She heard his explanation, but she found it very difficult to listen. Her focus was at the small star, still feeling the warmth radiating off of it.
"But what do they do?" She manages to ask.
Flowey flinches, as if shocked that he heard a reply. It seemed that this human could talk after all. Go figure.
"T-t-they..." He has trouble recovering at first. "Little is known about them, but they appear almost randomly across the Underground. It is said that they appear before beings of determination, offering sanctuary when there is none left in the world. But as for specifics, open up your menu."
At first, Frisk had no idea what on earth or lack thereof he was talking about. However, it was as if his words clicked with an old memory, and she opened her menu before her. Before her, she viewed her options, including Items, Stats, and a bar on the far right. It read DT levels, and it showed that it was currently at ninety-nine percent.
"That's your level of Determination, the greatest known power and source of energy in the world." Flowey explained. "Some rumor suggests, it can rival the strength of gods if brought to it's full potential. I doubt that you're THAT strong, but I can tell your levels are higher than most. But it's not a limitless source of energy, and you'll start to feel depressed if it gets too low, and even lose the will to live."
Frisk recalls the dreadful state she was in when she had awoken. She thought she was in Hell for crying out loud.
"And what happens if it becomes zero?" She asks.
For once, Flowey's face looked very conflicted. It looked as if he had expected the question, but simply wasn't prepared anyway. He gives her a sad smile.
"I should hope you never have to find out." He answers.
After that, he had instructed her to reach her hand to touch the star. A familiar feeling of joy enveloped her as her finger touched it, and she saw that her DT levels were a hundred percent. Flowey informed her that Save Points won't appear for her if her DT levels are below thirty percent. He also said that she could recover a little bit by eating food from the Underground. At first that statement sounded very gross, but then he quickly explained that the Underground was just the kingdom of monsters.
At that point, he had said that it was time for the two of them to move on. On their way through the interior of the Ruins, they had encountered a few puzzles and even stray monsters. At each time, the flower gave a brief tutorial on how she may handle it, although it was clear he was trying to promote independence. After the first encounter, he no longer assisted in her fights, and he only gave vague hints with the puzzles. On their travels, Frisk could swear she saw some kind of white and red tarp lying on a bed of red leaves. However when she moved closer to investigate, it was gone. Pushing that aside, she continued on her way with Flowey to wherever their destination was.
At last, they arrived at a small house, behind a large tree with no leaves, the leaves of which were in a pile on it's roots. Frisk looked up at this tree, and felt sad for whatever reason.
"Flowey, what's wrong with this tree?" She asks.
Flowey, sprouting next to the door of the house, turns around to see where she was referring to. Seeing the tree, he gave off a sad smile, as if feeling nostalgia from the tree.
"That's the first tree planted by the Monsters." He said. "Monsters moved into this mountain a very long time ago, and a lot of refugees walked along the very path you and I walked on to get here. Even this house, it was once the sanctuary to the king and queen of the time. This place, as was named by the king of the monsters, is Home."
Frisk raised an eyebrow at that, and Flowey sighed.
"Our king wasn't the best at naming." He explained. "Anyway, it got crowded pretty quickly, so most people moved on. But this was the first civilization underground for the monster realms, and it remains a testament to our ancient ancestral culture and architecture. Most of this region is but a monument now, but this tree here is the oldest and perhaps proudest of all of them. Although each crimson leaf it grows always falls below, spreading throughout this realm, it has been alive longer than even our most elder members can recall. It stands as a sign, that if this living thing, which requires the rays of the sun in order to live, can survive in this desolate land, then we can too. And we have.”
Frisk marvelled at the ancient tree, starting to feel that sense of determination it must have given the people who live here. Based off of what Flowey had said, there must have been a lot more to see in the Underground. And when he said refugees? That certainly implied that there was some kind of war or conflict in the past, and she was quite intrigued by that. Whatever was left to see, whatever was left to do, the people to meet and the new breaths of fresh air to take, she was ready to see it all.
But for the time being, she was now content with resting in this ancient home, with her flowery mentor.
Part two of “CrimsonFade; Ruins” credit to Red Wolf on Undertale Amino
Last part—— https://team-crimsonfade.tumblr.com/post/179523160926/crimsonfade
Next part—— https://team-crimsonfade.tumblr.com/post/179592851629/crimsonfade
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
Chapter One - Ruins
It's so dark, so dark and so cold.
Where... where am I?
Who am I?
I... I'm so alone, so lost.
Mom, dad, A...
Huh? What's that?
I see a bright light, so red and... and warm.
Please... just...
Could I have help so that I can pretend to be alive? For just one night?
Frisk awakens in a field of golden flowers. Her body ached, her mind a blurry fuzz of disorientation, and her spirit felt... different. However, maybe it was the shining light that shone down onto her, or the melodic sounds of the distant singing birds somewhere above her. Was she dead? Certainly that had to be the case, the last thing she remembered was falling into a hole in the ground of some old mountain.
In any case though, it wouldn't do to merely lay down and stare at a shining hole in the ceiling. She forced her body to get up, but every strain of her muscles felt sluggish. It felt strange, ominous in fact. It wasn't by any fatigue or exhaustion, but as if by pure lack of motivation. Something definitely felt off, if not unusual. But maybe this is what dead people felt like.
So then the real question was if she was in Heaven, or the other place?
She intended to find that out for herself.
It took almost forever for her to get up, and it was at that point that she recognized the pain all over her body. From head to toe, her body writhed in agony. Maybe she really was in that other place, for whatever reason of just or otherwise. But still, she must push forward, even though it felt like each ache, pain, or agony in every part of her body was a ball of chain which weighed her down.
Maybe... maybe this was what Hell is.
A land where eternal pain resided for all those who dwell, that was the common knowledge. But perhaps the pain goes far further than physical, and even mentally. No, Frisk could feel it. The will to live, to be happy, to see any spark or twinkle of light in the darkness. Gone, devoured by the shadow. The memories of such feeling, of such joy are all that keep you going, but even then, it becomes even more and more faint, until you believe that those times are a figment of imagination, of hope that doesn't exist. And when you're at your peak, incapable of taking any more of this eternal and blind walk, begging to any being real or imaginary to bring death upon you, only to remember you aren’t even alive to begin with, not really.
Which is worse? To have all light extinguished from every plain of reality of existence, or to have the ability to see such beauty in the world taken from you, leaving you alone in darkness?
Frisk couldn't see anything, she was just wandering in the darkness. No sense of direction, no real destination in mind, just aimless wandering. It felt like an eternity, but then, out of nowhere, a faint, golden light appeared in the distance. It was so small, and yet glowed so bright, it felt warm from Frisk was. It appeared so far, but as she tried to walk towards it, it was actually that it was just so small. It was such a tiny star, a little ball of light, the very sight of it warmed her spirit.
She was compelled to touch it, and as she extended her hand towards it, a warmth enveloped her fingertips. She felt her blood flow more freely, color returned to the plains around her, joy could find it's way into her heart, and she was able to see the beauty of the world again. It was then, that a text appeared in front of her. She didn't question where it came from, or how it appeared in front of her, but the words told her that everything was okay now.
You are filled, with DETERMINATION.
It was like coming out of a dream, or perhaps from a state of depression. Regardless, it felt very strange and unnerving. Now that she felt back to normal (or so she assumed), it seemed time to process her current situation. Her eyes surveyed the surrounding area, and she found herself gazing around a cavernous clearing. Light reflected off of the rocky walls and floor, just faint from some opening above her. She could feel herself hurt a lot, a feeling she assumed is what one would feel if they fell down a deep hole in a mountain. Well, and survive the ordeal that is.
Her survival instincts kick in, and she realizes that she should seek shelter, or at least some form of sanctuary. She would have a lot easier of a time making heads or tails of her circumstances if she had someplace to think clearly. Maybe rest under a warm hearth, or eat something relaxing and warm, or have a flower with a face, or have a soft bed.
Frisk blinked repeatedly, and her gaze returned to a spot in the center of the room. But sure enough, whether she actually was dead or just having a concussion, she was looking at a flower with a face, looking back at her. The petals were a pinkish shade, as if they were magnificently red once but have long lost their luster. The center was colored a shade between orange and yellow, but not quite the color of flame. Three black markings were on it as well, two where it's cheeks would be, and the other where his chin might. Aside form that, it was just a flower with a face and a smile, as eerie and or creepy and strange that sounded.
And of course, it spoke to her.
"Howdy, I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower." He greeted.
Okay, she wasn't having a concussion. She didn't have the imagination to come up with anything like this.
"Hmm... You're new to the Underground, aren'tcha?" He asked. "Well, worry not friend. I'll lend you a hand. Here, take these."
White pellets appear floating in the air, and gently fly towards Frisk. She watched as the little pellets floated towards her, as if carried to her by a gentle breeze. Eventually, they landed on her hand and she looked at the little pellets in her hand. She looked back at the flower, and he looked very insistent.
"Go on, eat them." Flowey insisted. "It will restore your health and stamina, and their also rich in vitamins and nutritional value."
Frisk felt uneasy just sticking foreign, unfamiliar objects into her mouth, let alone swallowing them. She usually red the nutrition facts on the packages from top to bottom before so much as opening them, but it wasn't like she expected things to go normal when she woke up in a cave. Bottoms up.
She sticks the half a dozen seeds into her mouth, and they were small enough to swallow. As she swallowed each of the little seeds/pellets, she felt a strong "umph" inside of her. Her aches were relieved, her fatigue reinvigorated, her drowsy feeling gone, and her energy completely returned to her. It was as if she were Popeye and had devoured some spinach, or had partaken in a Senzu Bean. She looked at the little flower, smiling happily.
"Uhm... thank you." Frisk says gratefully.
It was all still a lot to take in, but she was grateful towards Flowey. The flower nodded his head.
"You only need one for the effects to take in." He says. "But I gave you several so that you could get used to the texture and effects."
He turned his face to gesture towards an exit behind him.
"Follow me." He says. "I know it can be a lot to take in, but I'll help ya out in any way I can."
As he says that, he burrowed underground, disappearing without a trace. The only trace remaining was a small pile of dirt from where he was originally sprouted from. Frisk looks over at the entrance to some sort of Ruins, where she could see traces of age around the carved structures. A moment ago, adventuring would have been the last thing on her mind. But now, she really wanted to venture out into the unknown.
And so she skips over into the unknown, beginning her adventure under the world.
Part one of “CrimsonFade; Ruins” credit to Red Wolf on Undertale Amino
Prequel— https://team-crimsonfade.tumblr.com/post/174093439178/crimsonfade-prequel
Next part— https://team-crimsonfade.tumblr.com/post/179558905806/crimsonfade
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
•^• <33
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CrimsonFade Undyne the Undying
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
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Hallo guys! Red Phoenix arising from the ashes here with an artwork plus a speedpaint of CrimsonFade Undyne!
I’ve decided to leave the group who are helping the creator and founder of the AT due to my projects and goals I’m trying to achieve. I decided to depart the group with a drawing of the last (late) assignment I was given, which was to draw CrimsonFade Undyne. That added with some speedpaint to it, which you already know by now. I hope you like it guys!!
CrimsonFade Undyne belongs to @dark-matters-blog
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
CrimsonFade: Prequel
Long ago, two races ruled over the earth: Humans and Monsters.
One day, war broke out between the two races.
After a long battle, the humans were victorious.
They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.
Many years later…
The monsters, despite their newfound grave conditions, did not despair. Their rulers, the Dreemurr Royal Family, filled the inhabitants with Hopes, and reminded them of their Dreams. And so, rather than give in to despair, they established their kingdom in their new underground realm. Their migration led to discoveries of lands of ice, water, and even fire. At last, the main inhabitants discovered the place they would come to call, “New Home.” Their king was not good with names.
Through the wisdom and encouragements of King Asgore and Queen Toriel, monsterkind lived in joy and harmony. Over time, their vast realms beneath the earth would feel as if they were closing in, suffocating the seemingly dying species. However, one day, at last their Queen came with child. Their newly born prince became named Asriel, and the realm rejoiced his arrival. Even his arrival was not enough to keep everyone safe from despair, however.
One day, another heir to the throne became present. Not out of birth or other royal member of monsterkind, but that of a human, fallen down into the world of monsters. The child, Chara, found by Asriel, became the new Dreemurr. Their arrival and newly appointed status became a beacon of hope for the kingdom. If a member of the very species that had driven them to near extinction could be treated as family, then there was hope for life above in harmony after all.
And yet not even this seemed to have been ordained to last.
The seal which trapped monsterkind underground was their eternal barrier of twilight. Any soul may enter, but none could leave, unless if it had the power of two souls. Only eight souls in one could destroy it entirely. Knowing this, Chara came to their brother with a plan. After poisoning themself, they lied on their death bed, lying in pain on their final night as their family grieved.
The next morning, they died.
In a fit of grief, Asriel managed to absorb their soul, filling his soul with strength while keeping their spirit alive. However, something went wrong. Once he had absorbed his sibling’s soul, the prince was filled with unimaginable amounts of Determination, the very lifeblood of a soul. Amidst the commotion, his family had arrived, fraught with a concern. The power became overwhelming, and both he and the soul of his sibling felt agony in their very beings. Without knowing it, they channeled their power out of sheer instinct, a powerful magical attack.
The attack engulfed their mother, and Toriel Dreemurr faded to dust.
Seeing what their instantaneous act had wrought, all of the Determination seemed to have faded in an instant. Grief filled his heart, at the loss of his dear mother. Soon, grief had become eclipsed by rage. He blamed the very soul which had powered him, his own sibling Chara, for the death of his beloved mother. Feeling all of the spite, all of the anger directed at them by their brother, Chara’s Determination faded away. Since that very day, they hadn’t spoken a word to each other, physically or mentally. Until at last, Asriel could no longer sense the spirit of his sibling within him.
All the while, the kingdom despaired while their king attempted to keep his heart and soul strong for the kingdom he loved. But nothing could heal the damage done to his very soul, as a result of the tragedies a single night had wrought. Eventually, he too was at his death bed. Asriel felt little compassion, but stood by him on his last moments. With his dying breath, Asgore named his son the rightful king of monsterkind, and gifted him his power. At last, he too had died.
The last Dreemurr alive, Asriel took up his father’s trident, feeling his own burdens shoulder onto his weary back. With his heart all but forgotten the meaning of compassion or determination, he decreed that humans that had fallen down here were to be treated as enemies. By his decree, the kingdom felt hope rekindle by his plan to free everyone. Yet he himself, felt almost nothing.
One child, became six. One soul, became six. Six souls were gathered, and only one remains. After all of these years, tormented by his past, Asriel wonders just why it was he was still fighting. Why he continued to fight as if he cared, when he had forgotten what it truly meant to care. Regardless of his doubts, he awaits the last child, before the kingdom he had lost his family for could at last be free.
That day draws near, as another child falls down, familiar Determination in her heart…
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
CrimsonFade His Theme Original Lyrics Revamped
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
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CrimsonFade Sans.
Art By Quatax,
Character design and Personality by: Dark Matter,
Posted By: Dark Matter.
Please Do not repost or Reupload without permission from the Artist or me.
And yes, it's not just the lighting effect, His Gaster Blasters are Red XD
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
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CrimsonFade NiceCream guy!*:. @maqinessequeen Have a nice day♡
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
CrimsonFade: Prequel
Long ago, two races ruled over the earth: Humans and Monsters.
One day, war broke out between the two races.
After a long battle, the humans were victorious.
They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.
Many years later...
The monsters, despite their newfound grave conditions, did not despair. Their rulers, the Dreemurr Royal Family, filled the inhabitants with Hopes, and reminded them of their Dreams. And so, rather than give in to despair, they established their kingdom in their new underground realm. Their migration led to discoveries of lands of ice, water, and even fire. At last, the main inhabitants discovered the place they would come to call, "New Home." Their king was not good with names.
Through the wisdom and encouragements of King Asgore and Queen Toriel, monsterkind lived in joy and harmony. Over time, their vast realms beneath the earth would feel as if they were closing in, suffocating the seemingly dying species. However, one day, at last their Queen came with child. Their newly born prince became named Asriel, and the realm rejoiced his arrival. Even his arrival was not enough to keep everyone safe from despair, however.
One day, another heir to the throne became present. Not out of birth or other royal member of monsterkind, but that of a human, fallen down into the world of monsters. The child, Chara, found by Asriel, became the new Dreemurr. Their arrival and newly appointed status became a beacon of hope for the kingdom. If a member of the very species that had driven them to near extinction could be treated as family, then there was hope for life above in harmony after all.
And yet not even this seemed to have been ordained to last.
The seal which trapped monsterkind underground was their eternal barrier of twilight. Any soul may enter, but none could leave, unless if it had the power of two souls. Only eight souls in one could destroy it entirely. Knowing this, Chara came to their brother with a plan. After poisoning themself, they lied on their death bed, lying in pain on their final night as their family grieved.
The next morning, they died.
In a fit of grief, Asriel managed to absorb their soul, filling his soul with strength while keeping their spirit alive. However, something went wrong. Once he had absorbed his sibling's soul, the prince was filled with unimaginable amounts of Determination, the very lifeblood of a soul. Amidst the commotion, his family had arrived, fraught with a concern. The power became overwhelming, and both he and the soul of his sibling felt agony in their very beings. Without knowing it, they channeled their power out of sheer instinct, a powerful magical attack.
The attack engulfed their mother, and Toriel Dreemurr faded to dust.
Seeing what their instantaneous act had wrought, all of the Determination seemed to have faded in an instant. Grief filled his heart, at the loss of his dear mother. Soon, grief had become eclipsed by rage. He blamed the very soul which had powered him, his own sibling Chara, for the death of his beloved mother. Feeling all of the spite, all of the anger directed at them by their brother, Chara's Determination faded away. Since that very day, they hadn't spoken a word to each other, physically or mentally. Until at last, Asriel could no longer sense the spirit of his sibling within him.
All the while, the kingdom despaired while their king attempted to keep his heart and soul strong for the kingdom he loved. But nothing could heal the damage done to his very soul, as a result of the tragedies a single night had wrought. Eventually, he too was at his death bed. Asriel felt little compassion, but stood by him on his last moments. With his dying breath, Asgore named his son the rightful king of monsterkind, and gifted him his power. At last, he too had died.
The last Dreemurr alive, Asriel took up his father's trident, feeling his own burdens shoulder onto his weary back. With his heart all but forgotten the meaning of compassion or determination, he decreed that humans that had fallen down here were to be treated as enemies. By his decree, the kingdom felt hope rekindle by his plan to free everyone. Yet he himself, felt almost nothing.
One child, became six. One soul, became six. Six souls were gathered, and only one remains. After all of these years, tormented by his past, Asriel wonders just why it was he was still fighting. Why he continued to fight as if he cared, when he had forgotten what it truly meant to care. Regardless of his doubts, he awaits the last child, before the kingdom he had lost his family for could at last be free.
That day draws near, as another child falls down, familiar Determination in her heart...
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
I like Chocolate
Good,, good
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
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How CF Monster Kid got his scarf☆*:.。. Papyrus is such a babe;w; Have a nice day♡ @amikii
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team-crimsonfade · 6 years
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“Don’t leave me Chara!” Just a CF Chara and Cf Asriel scene^w^ Have a nice day♡ @amikii
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team-crimsonfade · 7 years
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(Forgot to post this oop) Here’s CF Gerson!^w^ Have a nice day♡ @amikii
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