#me when a piece of good storytelling consumes my life
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Aziraphale raising his wing for Crowley hits so different with the S2 context. I feel like we all looked at it as, here’s this sweet little principality, he’s kind and naive so he’ll shelter even a demon—but it wasn’t really that, was it? It wasn’t just some random act of kindness.
It was a message.
When Crowley slithered up that wall, Aziraphale was nervous. Because he gave his sword to the humans, sure—but also perhaps because he was seeing this angel again for the first time since he had fallen. He learns Crawly’s new name (Crowley never asks him for his name, he knows it already) and they have a brief exchange that was probably a lot like the ones they used to have.
Then when the thunder starts, it’s Crowley who’s first to move to him, to shuffle hopefully to his side.
I think when Aziraphale lifted his wing up, it was almost a way to say I remember who you are, I remember the kindness you gave me. I’m still here.
He wasn’t just playing umbrella. He was letting Crowley know he hadn’t been rejected by all of Heaven.
#Am I just insane at this point#Like i’m looking at their foot movements this can’t be healthy#me when a piece of good storytelling consumes my life#and i live for it#period#good omens#ineffable husbands#crowley#aziraphale#aziracrow#good omens season 2#analysis
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I did not care at all for Aizen Sosuke when I first read bleach. I found him boring, and worst, unthreatening.
So it's pretty jarring for me that I have been OBSESSED with him in your AU. I'm rotating him at great speed
Walt Disney was a jackass who was flat-out wrong about a lot of very important things, but he employed a great many geniuses of storytelling, and there's a piece in Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnson that discusses a key feature of Disney Studios Character Design:
"Of all characters, villains are the most fun to develop because they make everything else happen. They are the instigators, and always more colorful than the Hero. They may be dramatic, awesome, insidious or semi-comic, but they MUST be appealing. Almost any story becomes innocuous if all the evil is eliminated, but we do not necessarily gain strength by being frightening. we want a character that will hold the audience and entertain them, even if it's a Chilling Type of Entertainment."
And I've found that to be an important principle of character design, especially the kind of canon restructuring I do.
Aizen had a LOT going for him in canon- for all of Bleach's other faults, Aizen's conspiracy and THE REVEAL are spectacularly constructed and executed. I legit screamed and threw my mug across my dorm room when I read it in the manga the first time. He's also conventionally attractive and the translations I was reading gave him the speech patterns of Every Douchebag In Your 101 Political Theory Who Thinks He's The Smartest Man In The Room, which made him a terrific combination of Unfortunately Charming, Menacingly Competent and Engagingly Obnoxious.
...But he falls flat in a few key places.
Aizen's reasoning could be MUCH more sympathetic- After all, he is RIGHT. Soul Sciety does suck ass and all the options kind of suck. Who designs a universe like that? An asshole who needs killing, that's who. The best kind of Unhinged Madmen are the kind who spell out their reasoning and you realize that there but for the grace of Not Having Super Powers Go I. Canon!Aizen makes a few Good Rhetorical Points, but seems to lack any personal connection to his all-consuming plan.
Another issue is that nearly every villain with A Plan has a clear end goal AND a lot of the menace is drawn from the fact that the plan *could* work. Aizen's plan for betraying the court guard and then killing them off before proceeding into the Royal Realm to Kill God sorta falls apart when it's clear he planned to use pretty much all his accumulated forces dealing with the court guard and doesn't seem to have a plan for the Even More Powerful Royal Guard, let alone God. For how meticulously planned the rest of the plot is, the last two VERY IMPORTANT steps are just handwaved.
So I sat down and started with the plot beats Aizen MUST hit, and tried to imagine what kind of guy would he have to be to get there? And I came up with this:
Sosuke Aizen is a fundamentally good man with genuinely good intentions who is really trying his best for the whole world.
Think about it- what lengths would you NOT go to if you think you found a genuine shot at Fixing Everything Wrong With The World Forever? We all talk about killing Hitler if we found an actual Time Machine- would you do it if your only chance was when he was a baby? Would you kill an infant if it meant you could stop World War II before it starts? Of course you would! One small life for over 75 million? You'd be insane not to! What if you found out that you could prevent the future extinction of Humanity by killing your best friend today? Ten Billion lives? For theirs? It's simple, really- Hell, it's your Moral Obligation to do that if you were SURE!
-And Aizen IS sure. He is absolutely, totally, completely sure that He Can Save Everyone if he just gets rid of that idiot sitting on the throne of heaven. He's seen the plans! He knows where the gate of heaven is! It's So SIMPLE he just has to get inside, and he knows EXACTLY how to do it, yes it'll be hard and there will be... unpleasant parts but. IT. WILL. WORK.
He is of course, insane.
Aizen didn't have One Bad Day that set him irrevocably on the path of madness. It was a succession of catastrophic disappointments and realizations that he was living in a fundamentally irrational world that made irrational thinking look sane. The Catastrophe that befell his family, working for the central 46 and later the court guard and seeing how the organizations were inept to the point of abuse or corrupt to the core, learning that The Actual House Of God is a place he can just? Go to? Anyone would start thinking you were just a handful of white lies and homicides away from Fixing Everything, Forever.
Not only is Aizen insane, he is nowhere near as smart as he thinks. He is smart- He does have a knack for being able to guess just what will spur someone to action or make them recoil in fear. But mostly he gets extremely lucky Many, Many, MANY times. On some level I think it gives him Confirmation Bias that this is what he's supposed to be doing. Aizen is also nowhere near as smart as (nearly) everyone else thinks he is. His bizarrely good luck makes him look like a hyper-competent genius when really it was really the catastrophic failure of Soul Society as a Society that let a merely mediocre conspirator to evade detection for so long.
Being that he is at most, mediocre, he had to have Outside Help, specifically Gin's emotional support and Tousen's Competence- and if there's a part of the fic that stays true to canon, it's this.
Gin is Aizen's emotional rock in Canon. He's the ONE guy that Aizen genuinely trusts, and considers his 'my only real partner' in his scheme. There's more than one occasion in the manga where Aizen more or less asks Gin "Is this actually a good idea?" and Gin backs him up every time.
...Which is more than a bit at odds with Gin's later stated goal of "I did all this to kill you at your most vulnerable to protect rangiku" . It never rang true to me. So I started thinking why on EARTH Gin would be backing Aizen up like that, and realized there was a hole in my world building that he slotted into nicely :)
On the other hand, the entire fic was started because I didn't like how Tousen's character arc ended, so you can imagine how much he's changed.
Lab work? Tousen.
Supervising the arrancar directly? Tousen
Actually getting victims for the Hogyoku experiments? Tousen.
Altering all the archives to keep Aizen's plot hidden? Tousen.
Sending all the Orders allegedly from the central 46? Tousen.
Making sure Unohana believes Aizen's fake body is real? Tousen.
Managing all the day-to-day operations at Las Noches? Tousen.
There's even this little exchange, which is Tousen's first appearance in the Manga:
Aizen establishes this entire meeting is a little fake-out a few pages later with "now isn't that a convenieint time for the alarm to go off?"
which makes him look like he's investigating, but he's also going "Good job on disrupting everyone with the alarm Gin!" It's ballsy of Aizen to do a check-in on his plan with his main nemesis in the room, but also his style.
I think the same thing is happening here with Tousen. To make sure Ukitake wouldn't raise a huge fit about the proposed execution of his beloved lieutenant, which might fuck everything up for Aizen because Ukitake is one of like, three people Yamamoto will listen to (sort of).
...So he had Tousen poison Ukitake to keep him out of the way.
ALL. THE. FUCKING. WORK. It's even in his name! The characters for "Tousen" Refer to a legendary scholar the emperor of China sent out to discover the secret of immortality- only to kill the scholar when he returned with that secret. The character for "Kaname" means "Necessary/Vital/keystone" or "to organize/take account of". His name LITERALLY means "Scholar who is essential for the plan (that we're going to kill later)"
Another thing Kubo did well in Bleach: his name game is Off The Fucking Charts.
-but I digress.
In AEIWAM, it's much the same only this time Aizen sees this very dangerous witness who is immune to his illusions but also extremely snart and capable young man and instead of risking being caught out by the one damn guy who can see right through him, opts to Curse Kaname into doing as Aizen says, and doing all the fucking work of this conspiracy against his will.
It's Not Nice, but Aizen genuinely thinks he's doing Kaname a favor by subjecting him to this degrading and incredibly painful servitude- I mean, Aizen's only other option was to Kill him to keep his silence, and isn't it wonderful that you get to help fix the universe? You're the one always going on about Justice, I don't understand why you didn't jump at the chance to mete out some Divine Justice.
An Excerpt from the captain's meeting in between the Massacre that made the visored and Zaraki's arrival, when Kaname realizes Yamamoto is 100% serious about his promotion to captain of the 9th and goes to throw up in the garden. Aizen offers to go check on him while Unohana very politely reads the general the riot act:
"You broke your toy Aizen." Kaname coughs.
"…I really am sorry for running you ragged like this. I really shouldn't have gotten so mad about you hiding the the hogyoku- it was very petty of me." The bastard sighs, taking off his glasses and rubbing his face, entirely genuine.
Kaname stayed on his hands and knees, weaving slightly as another wave of nausea flowed through him, powered by disgust and rage.
"How about this- I've got a lot coming up with the new job, training Gin and disposing of Kiganjo- So how about I promise to not give you any orders for a while? You will have to keep our arrangement a secret and not interfere, of course, but other than that, you're free to do as you please for- a year and a day is traditional isn't it? No, that's not going to heal by then- Oh, would you look at that!"
Kaname didn't have the strength to offer his usual rebuttal that he won't look at anything, ever. The sides of his head tingle like his skul was being pressed between two enormous hands made of static electricity.
"It's 11:11! Alright, I won't give you any Orders until 11:11 am on November 11th, 1911. That's easy to remember! What do you think?" Aizen continued cheerfully, patting his back and the Curse nails.
"…I can't." Kaname groaned. He could scream if he had the energy, but due to Aizen's Illusions, nobody would hear him. "I actually physically can't think. Please…"
"Of course! You really are such a help to me, it would be a shame to lose you. I'll even amend our contract, so you don't get paranoid-" There was a sizzling sound and a new stroke of hot pain up Kaname's spine as Aizen did something to the wretched Bakudo. "There. No compulsions for eleven years and a day. What do you say?"
Kaname grimaced, but dropped his head. Save the energy to fight another day. "…thank you, Aizen-sama."
"Good man! Let's get you on your feet." Aizen beamed, putting his glasses back on and offering him an arm.
He genuinely thinks that he's doing everyone a huge favor and if they don't get it it's because they're just not smart enough, but it's alright, He's a Benevolent God and they'll appreciate all his hard work the next time around :)
Aizen is a man who is FULL of joy. He loves what he does! He actively takes pleasure in it! And I think that's something that REALLY delivers in terms of sympathy AND horror for him. Who *Wouldn't* have a great time actually fixing the universe? He's a good man who enjoys doing good works, and this is the greatest work of all!
It also Delivers on the Horror when I get to write the deliciously fun scenes where Aizen is Elbows-deep in a novel War Crime and waxing poetic about how GREAT this is, or being confused why the people around him are reacting with fear. Don't you want to make everything better too?
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Hi, hello. I’m a long-time follower, first-time asker. I remember you saying you don’t really believe that divination works? I don’t know if that is still the case but, anyway, I respect it and just want to say that you, your efforts and time dedicated to this page are all valued here. The fact is you reach and help lots of people, not even just in (I’m assuming) your country. And it’s absolutely understandable if you need to take a break. But it’s also ok to change the “vibe” of the posts for however long. Yes, it is a funny page, and everyone appreciates that — but we’re all grieving and you can grieve here too. I hope this makes sense, I just woke up. Take care <3
My thinking is that there's nothing magical or supernatural about Tarot cards; they're just pictures on little pieces of paper. What they are is strong archetypal symbols, universal enough to apply to everybody, broad and general enough to have many possible meanings. Putting them together in combinations can spark ideas about all sorts of familiar situations. And human beings are very good at pattern recognition and storytelling, so when you put all that together, you can make connections that you otherwise might not think of. Or maybe acknowledge something that's been on your mind but you've been trying not to think about.
Or you can write silly descriptions of the normal ups and down of life, and then lots of people say "Whoa, that happened to you? That happened to me, too!" And then we all feel a little less alone.
I'm sure I will be back to posting, probably fairly soon. I'm unusually busy with some offline stuff lately (mostly positive, but time-consuming) but I miss being able to sit down quietly and shuffle my cards every day. And I miss feeling like I'm connected to my vast and faceless crowd of readers. I'm very fond of all of you out there, and hope you're doing well.
#tarot#not tarot#personal#it's so weird when I let myself remember that this absurd blog is the most successful thing I've ever done
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As someone who's been in multiple fandom circles and calls themselves a Splatoon fan, I've seen a lot of focus and discussion on "THE LORE!!" and "CANON!!!" and to be honest with you... it's getting really tiring and I think people are just WAY TOO obsessed with what a wiki or an intern at Nintendo says rather than forming their own perspective on events and coming to their own unique conclusions.
Now, I wanna say, if talking about lore and discussing which elements are canon or not makes you happy and you love talking about that, then that's perfectly okay. It's fine. It's not for ME personally because my focus on Splatoon is the gameplay, music and the storytelling chops of each Hero Mode.
Story >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Canon for me any day of the week i do not care.
Because, to get away from Splatoon for a second, for my Sonic fans out there, you remember when Sega and the people behind the show Sonic Prime said that it was canon to the mainline Sonic timeline? And if you said otherwise you were technically wrong because "oh Sega said this, so it MUST be true!"
........But then everyone said that Sonic Prime cannot be canon to the mainline Sonic timeline because it has a fuck ton of inconsistencies? Yeah.... funny. Basically, don't put a lot of focus into "what actually happened" and "oh this is what the multi billion dollar corporation said!" because there's always gonna be one guy out there that goes "um this information kinda fucking damages the story in a severe way." (And sometimes that one guy is me.... hehehehe....)
I could obviously talk about.... you know.... Hypno Callie again for the 50th trillion time.... (and i will)..... This bitch.... I wanna love you girlie i really fucking do but Nintendo and millions of people make it hard to....
Nintendo set up Callie's villain arc decently in Splatoon 1 with the Splatfest dialogue, the Squid Sister stories and the Sunken Scrolls, yet they ultimately damaged the progression of the arc by saying "nah fuck u she got kidnapped and brainwashed, removing all of her memories and free will because fuck telling a good story with satisfying set up and pay off that allows for character growth. Fundamentals of storytelling? What are those?" And it also destroyed Callie as a character by reducing her to an object that the player "must save from da evil Octavioooo" and "oh look at her! She put the stupid brainwashing shades onnn againnn!! such a dumb fucking moron dumbass piece of shit right guys?!? lmaoooooooooo!! explore the dangers of addiction and how you need to seriously change your life and be surrounded by those you love in order to change bad habits?? Themes?? PFFTTT! NAWWW! THAT'S LAMEEEE!! It's Callie! No one cares about Callie!! She's stupiddd!!!"
(I talked about Callie in a tumblr comment section one time and I got made fun of for by a guy way older than me. I love humanity.)
It also ruined DJ Octavio's character too because, if what Nintendo said is true about what he did then he cannot be redeemed in Splatoon 3. He cannot go back on the shit he's done. But they try to redeem him out of nowhere and now he's all chill with the New Squidbeak Splatoon and appeared in the Grand Fest.... Yet what he did to Callie which Nintendo loves to push is truly TRULY unredeemable and if that's the case then welp.... I call that bad writing, straight up. It's bad writing.
I really hate it when something happens in a story and you perceive it in a certain way where you feel like it elevates the events, but then the company behind the story chooses to pick the worst outcomes possible just because? And everyone rolls with it just cause? Ugh...
Lesson of today is, don't fucking listen obsessively to what a company says and suck it up. Consume media and come to your own conclusions on what happened. As long as you have tangible evidence to back up your claims you can make any interpretation you want to, whatever makes you feel happy bestie!
#splatoon#splatoon 3#callie cuttlefish#callie splatoon#marie cuttlefish#marie splatoon#splatoon 2#sonic the hedgehog#sonic prime#discussion#rambles#ramblings#splatoon lore#lore#canon#writing
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No longer locked upon the land but free on the rolling waves
You and Buggy come face to face with himself from the past, and while you're fully accepting that this is your husband as a child, Buggy doesn't want to accept it.
Rating: PG-13ish, but just due to some swearing.
Warning: Upset kid, upset husband. Reader is way too nice, doesn't necessarily take husband's feelings into account as well.
A/N: A combined request. I did a few versions of this story before feeling like it hit the marks I was wanting to hit. Also, I'm just trying to vibe off what I've seen of Kid Buggy. I'm no expert. I'd protect that kid with my life. He's so adorable. I also like the trope of "Meeting your self from another time" and "gets turned back into kid-self". This is the former, and I know shit about time travel but I just kind of made something up. Also, kelpies. Are they in One Piece? I honestly don't know but I love kelpies and needed an excuse to mention them.
Title comes from "Sailing Song" by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6/Epilogue
Chapter One
You would have thought you drank the pub dry the night before and were still drunk with what you were seeing in front of you. Except you very much didn’t drink. You stayed back on the ship, wanting a quiet night while the rest of the crew and captain went to drink the pub dry. You were perfectly sober, no hangover in sight, but you really weren’t sure what you were staring at.
Blue hair, red nose, and a scowl you knew all too well was in front of you, clutching something in his little hands while looking you up and down. “What?!”
“I… don’t know.” Which was true, you didn’t know. The kid in front of you looked every bit like the captain who was currently sleeping back on the ship, having managed to find his way home without falling off the docks and into the water to drown(this time). He never mentioned having a kid, ever, and considering how long you knew the captain and your relationship with him, and guessing the kid’s age, you would have been having a very serious talk about infidelity and why keeping your love child a secret? Seriously? wasn’t good for relationships.
“Why are you staring at me?!” The kid snapped. “Don’t stare at me!”
“Sorry!” You smiled and knelt down in front of him. “You just look so much like someone I know, I was confused. I promise I wasn’t staring.”
The kid was on guard, tense, and looked ready to bolt, but you were curious. He just looked so much like Buggy that he had to be an offspring or some kind of relative, but the scary thing to you was how much he really looked like Buggy; he had kept some photos of his childhood onboard the Oro Jackson, and you knew what he looked like as a kid. He would show them to you on nights when he was drunk and reminiscing about the good ol’ days, singing shanties and drinking heavily. Last night was one of those nights before he passed out asleep in bed.
“What’s your name?” You finally asked. The kid didn’t seem sure about telling you, but he must have felt brave because he straightened up and smirked at you.
“I’m Buggy!” He told you, puffing his chest out proudly. “I’m an apprentice under Captain Roger, y’know, and I’m one of the best already!”
Oh shit.
Yea, no, something weird was going on. Why was there a kid who looked like Buggy, had the same name, and was talking about Captain Roger like he was still alive? Was this an elaborate make believe game the kid was playing, or were you staring into the eyes of your husband’s childhood self?
Weirdly enough, the latter made more sense to you. You heard of this happening, stories from sailors and pirates alike, but the stories were overheard at the bar after too much alcohol was consumed. Stories of children appearing for several days on a ship, like ghosts from a distant past, only to disappear again without a trace, but sometimes it happened the other way around, with the storytellers insisting that they met themselves as a child in the past, got to relive some memories, good and bad, before coming home again.
“Yea?” You grinned. “That’s impressive, so where’s your crew? Your ship?”
The smirk vanished and he deflated a bit, looking around with the smallest bit of worry. “I don’t know. I was in front of them and there was some kind of flash of light, and… I don’t know where I am.”
“Oh, well, want me to help you look for them?” You asked, knowing all too well that his crew was nowhere around, he was not where he thought he was, but you didn’t want him getting into any trouble (which you knew was difficult because as an adult he managed to get himself into enough trouble). “If we don’t find them, you can stay with me. I’ll keep you safe.”
“I-I don’t need to be kept safe!” He snapped. “I’m tough, okay? I can take care of myself!”
You made sure not to laugh, but it was hard not too. He was so cute as a kid that saying those things with such passion and intensity just made him even more adorable. Instead, you nodded, agreeing with him as you held your hand out to him to take.
“Well, how about something to eat? I’m just finishing up a supply run for my ship.” You said. “I’m happy to make you something before we find your crew.”
He looked at your hand, looked at you, then back at your hand before hesitantly taking it. Whatever he held in his hand he put in his pocket, making you wonder what he stole before coming here. You decided not to test the waters yet, he was feisty, proud, and if you treated him like a kid then he wouldn’t be very happy. You needed to treat him like the apprentice that he is, proud, determined, and passionate. Once his hand was in yours, you gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled at him as you started walking back to the docks.
“I have fresh apples and peanut butter, if you’d like that as a snack.” You said, eyeing him with a grin as his face lit up. That was the same snack you’d promise the captain whenever you wanted something from him. It wasn’t fancy by any means, just a simple snack, but you kept the peanut butter hidden from him so he never knew where to find it. The way the kid’s face lit up told you all you needed to know that this really was Buggy as a kid.
Oh, it was about to get fun on the ship.
“-and then I stole it!” Buggy exclaimed with a laugh, holding up the pendant for you to see. He had just finished telling you of his latest act of piracy, stealing some necklace from a vendor on the streets. You had fed him, given him something to drink, and you couldn’t help but walk over to him once he finished talking to wipe some of the food off his face with a dish towel. He was caught off guard and made a face at you when you did that.
“Pirates with food on their face scare no one.” You chuckled as you slung the towel over your shoulder before clearing the dishes in front of him. “And then what happened, Buggy?”
He fell silent, brow furrowed as he thought of your question. What did happen? He took off running, met up with the crew, and then a flash of light and he bumped into you-
“Buggy?” You tapped on the table in front of him, bringing him out of his thoughts. “You okay, sweetie?”
“Yea, yea.” He mumbled as he looked down at the pendant in his hand. “Next thing that happened was I ran into you.”
He quite literally did. You had just stepped out of a shop when he walked right into you, and you had been in shock of seeing him that you weren't bothered that a kid was yelling at you about being in the way.
“Oh!” You nodded and went to refill his glass. “Well, you can stay with me until we find your crew, okay?”
“Are you a pirate?” He asked. “I'm on a pirate ship, but you don't seem like a pirate.”
You laughed softly at that, shaking your head. “I'm not, no. I don't do piracy, just help with the upkeep of the ship. My husband, however, is a pirate.”
“Yea, he-”
“It's too loud in here.” Someone grumbled from the doorway. You both turned to look; the kid’s eyes widened and you grinned. And there he was, groggy, a little hungover, and obviously needing food and coffee if he was going to start the day. You went over to him and led him to the table, helping him sit down before you started on the coffee. “Time?”
“Lunch time.” You chuckled. “That's what time it is, honey.”
He glared at you, oblivious to the guest that was staring at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. Buggy was a little hungover, having had his fair share of alcohol the night before. Normally you had the coffee ready for him before he woke up, so he was confused and unhappy that it wasn't readily available for him at that moment.
“It's too early.” He grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “What's for lunch?”
“Wake up first.” You brought him a cup and kissed the top of his head. “But I need you to look across the table before you drink that coffee, honey.”
Buggy looked up at you, eyes squinting in confusion. You took hold of his head and turned it in the direction you wanted him to look, and a few seconds later he pushed back from the table while you still held his head. Swearing, you popped it back onto his neck.
“W-What is going on?” He shrieked upon seeing the kid. Thankfully Kid Buggy remained seated, but you could see the confused look on his face. The two were staring at each other, mirror images except for the age difference. Before you could explain, your husband got up, marched over to the kid, and picked him up by the back of the shirt, carrying him out of the kitchen.
“Buggy-” You went after him, not sure what was happening.
“Hey! Put me down!” The kid shrieked, fists swinging and legs kicking.
Buggy didn't respond and before you could stop him, he tossed the kid over the side of the ship and into the water. You couldn't believe he did that. You rushed to the side to look over, relieved you saw the kid treading water. So this was definitely a young Buggy, pre-Devil Fruit, otherwise you would have thrown your husband overboard after the kid. You threw a rope down to him while your husband went back to the kitchen, rambling on about curses and bad omens.
You wanted to know what the hell that was about.
“I’m fine!” The kid insisted as you wrapped his hair up in a towel. His clothes were soaked and you did not have anything that would fit him, so he was currently wearing an old shirt of Buggy’s until his clothes dried. They were draped over a chair in the bedroom, the pendant he stole earlier sitting on your shared dressing table.
“I don’t need you getting sick, sweetie.” You sighed as you used another towel to make sure his face was clean. You were mindful of the nose, touching the towel to his face except there. “I’m sorry he did that.”
“Why did he do that?” He grumbled as he crossed his arms, glaring up at you.
“Because pirates are superstitious fools.” You told him. “And… seeing you scared him I guess. I don’t know, I’m going to talk to him.” Carefully, you unwrapped his hair, making note that he needed to have it brushed to keep from tangling too much. You got up and set the towels aside before grabbing your hairbrush. “Buggy, I’m going to tell you something and I don’t want you to get scared, okay?”
“I don’t get scared!” He insisted. “Not like that guy! I’m braver than him!”
“Okay, here’s the thing about my husband-”
“Don’t tell him anything!” Your husband suddenly appeared in the doorway, glaring at the two of you. “Where did you find him? Who is he?!”
You weren’t bothered by his mood, but you wanted to make sure the kid felt safe. Without a word you moved between the two, keeping Kid Buggy behind you as you crossed your arms.
“We ran into each other, Buggy.” You told him firmly. “He got separated from his crew.”
“Crew?!” Buggy shook his head. “No, get him off this ship. He could be… a kelpie or something. Get him out of here!”
“He’s not a kelpie.” You sighed.
“You don’t know that!”
Rolling your eyes you looked down at the kid. He had grabbed hold of your pant leg, gripping it tightly as he stared at the man in the doorway. This was a lot for both of them but you needed the captain to calm down. You knelt down and touched the kid’s bare toes. He took a step back and gave you a weird look.
“Human toes, no hooves.” You pointed out. “He also mentioned the Oro Jackson and being an apprentice…” You looked back at your husband. He paled and shook his head. This was too much. This was not him, this had to be some form of trickery, or a shapeshifter. “Besides, I’ve spent enough time with my husband to know when I’m with him as a child.”
Kid Buggy’s eyes widened, looking between you and Adult Buggy. Child? Was… this supposed to be him in the future? As an adult? His jaw dropped, he couldn’t believe it. You smiled at the expression on his face, pleased the kid was in awe of this.
“I turn out to be a drunk loser?!” The kid shrieked. “Why?!”
Okay, that was not what you expected. You slapped your hand to your face while your husband looked ready to throw the kid overboard once again. Kid Buggy just shook his head, not believing this. Was this an alternate reality of some kind? He wouldn’t be like this. Was this guy even a pirate? He didn’t seem like it from the little bit the kid had seen already. He was not impressed in the slightest.
“I want him gone.” Buggy snapped. “No kelpie or bad omen crap is allowed on this ship!”
He stormed off after that.
#buggy the clown#sunny x buggy#buggy the clown x reader#buggy x reader#buggy x you#buggy the clown x you#opla buggy the clown x reader#opla buggy x reader#opla buggy the clown x you#opla buggy x you#one piece#one piece oc#one piece fanfiction
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Do you have any writing tips?
I'm still a beginner writer myself and I'm not sure if you mean for technical skill or the writing process but my tips would be:
Don't be afraid of the word said. As tempting as it is to avoid saying it because you feel like it's everywhere, it makes the times you DON'T use it stand out more if you use it a generous amount and honestly I never notice when someone uses 'said' a lot.
Listening to music that fits the scene can help a lot. It's very hard for me to write a sad scene when 'Dance the Night' is playing on Spotify. For Trolls specifically it also helps if the music matches the genre you're portraying.
Have a bit of a framework that you can follow. When I finished Chapter 1 and I realized I wanted to turn this into an actual fic, I paused and thought about where I wanted the fic to go. I thought about plotlines and future events so that here in the past I can set things up well in advance and even foreshadow things.
That being said, keeping it a little loose also helps! I've changed some things and gotten new ideas since starting and it helps to have the space to make those changes!
Inspiration is a huge part of writing for me, and I think that any life experience or piece of media consumed when 10 years old can be used to make a cool story. I've ranged from using actual places I've seen to kids movies I barely remember.
Mixing truth and opinion in narration helps shape the protagonist and shows their perception of reality. You don't want the narration to be unreliable (unless you're aiming for 'unreliable narrating' type of storytelling) but seeing the character notice a small detail and then their thoughts derailing to an assumption tells me a lot about how that character thinks and how they perceive themself.
This is kinda cliche but: write the story you want to write. You will hit writer's block after writer's block and struggle so much if the story you're writing isn't one you would want to read. I get wanting good reception but you should be the first person who would see your story on AO3 or in a book store/library and go 'Oh my god FINALLY someone wrote this'.
It can be good practice to write little ficlets/one shots of the most off the wall random AUs you can think of. The practice can come from anywhere and I feel like the fact I make 1 million AUs in my head has helped me explore a bunch of random ideas and learn more about things I like and dislike in writing. A small idea that I came up with when messing about with an AU that makes 0 sense is actually making it into chapter 16 because I went 'oooh tasty worldbuilding and cute idea'.
I hope this helps, as again I'm very beginner to writing and even more so to posting works for others!
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Happy Birthday to the lovely Lilith Saga! (aka me) 🥳
I dont have much to offer other than sincere gratitude for everyone who supports me. Thank you all so much! 💜
That said, here is a short lore/origin excerpt of my story:
Or, better yet, feel free to read it below!
In my darkest moments, when everything seems hopeless, the one thing that consistently saves my life is a good story. This doesn't apply to every good story out there, of course; everyone has their preferences. I'm not going to pretend my tastes are better than anyone else's. But the kind of stories I appreciate are heart-touching enough to rip out dormant feelings that were buried deep, awe-inspiring enough to keep me invested in a lifestyle I never knew I needed to learn about, and thought-provoking enough to shatter my world to pieces and mold a new one from the remnants of what once was.
My name is Lilith Saga. I am a writer, succubus, and PNGtuber. I'm sure these titles that I label myself as seem a little strange at first. How can an introverted, shy, bookworm writer be the same as a sexy, alluring, tantalizing succubus? It's simple. Contrary to popular belief, succubi and incubi consume strong emotions to live.
Given our indecent reputation, desire and arousal are considered the most common emotions to consume because of how powerful and simple they tend to be. But for those of us who don't wish to get involved in that way, we also collect other human emotions. Anger, sadness, fear, disgust, joy, etc. The triggers for these emotions are different for every person, and are never guaranteed to work the same for everyone. However, there is one tried and true method that never fails to evoke deep emotions.
So, for me personally, I prefer to say that I consume stories.
My heart swings against my rib cage when a story captivates me and takes my breath away. I adore listening to tales that make me laugh, make me cry, and keep me intrigued in a person and their world. Often times, when someone is telling their story, they go through the highs and lows of emotion when relaying it to me. Hearing their tale sparks a connection of mutual understanding, and we tend to grow a little closer because of it.
It's become an addicting feeling, one that I can't help but chase. If I had more time, I would spend every day searching for new stories to consume. Books, movies, TV shows, stage plays, musicals, comics, poems, songs, podcasts, fanfiction—every available format possible! There are so many different stories to consume that it can be difficult to keep up!
But... I know I can't.
I can never consume them all.
I'm not as healthy as I once was, not as happy, not as free. The older I've become, the more responsibilities I've acquired. More responsibilities mean more busy work. And more busy work means less time to indulge in stories. I feel as if I'm stuck in a cage where I'm so busy with mindless work that I neglect to take care of myself. I never found the key, nor do I expect to anytime soon. But, despite this, I found a warm blanket to make my stay more comfortable.
"Hellooooooooo Everybodyyyyyyyy~!"
This is my reality.
Channeling my creativity into YouTube like this was the best decision I've made in centuries. What started as an impulsive decision after getting laid off from my day job, turned into an outlet for me to enjoy storytelling once more. Currently, I play visual novels and RPG Maker games. Then I upload my playthroughs to YouTube. It allows me time once a week to go down the rabbit hole and experience stories I've always wanted to explore.
At first I thought it would be fun to document my journey to hold myself accountable, making sure I kept to this new habit. But then I noticed something. I wasn't the only person watching my videos! It never occurred to me that other beings around the world would tune in to my commentary and find it entertaining. I was just a silly succubus enjoying stories from games. And yet, without realizing it, I found a way to share these stories with others and connect on how the story impacted me.
My mind escaped to a world of creativity that I've been longing for. I've learned how to do social media, branding, public speaking, networking, project management, the list goes on. I have story concepts reaching me like how they used to when I was younger. I can feel this invigorating energy coursing through my veins. There's nothing in this world that can stop me-
Oh yeah. Time. My mortal enemy.
Well, let's get to work, shall we?
#vtuber#pngtuber#envtuber#happy birthday#happy bday#short story#writing#monologue#proving to the world that i actually do write stuff from time to time#origin story#storytelling
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📖 Writer Interview
Tagged by @writing-for-soup!!!! (unoffically lol) Defo go check out her interview, it was a blast 2 read! :D For my own answer- please continue reading after the cut!
When did you start writing?
Technically I've been trying to write ever since I was a kid. Doing small comics and writing the first pages of stories to never be finished. I loved the idea of making my own characters come to life, and to manage to write something of my own, but the task was always so daunting for me.
Then sometime during middle school I discovered fanfiction, and that made me want to writ fanfiction, though I never dared until Uni lol.
During middle school was when I started actually getting married to the idea of one day exploring writing. We had a lot of creative writing assessments during English class, and my English teacher was a wonderful lady who gave me such wonderful feedback, and she always, every single assessment, said she hoped to see me as an author one day. I hope I can tell her one day that she was the biggest reason that I never gave up on writing.
Then during Uni I finally managed to write. I found writing to be a great way to destress, and it was fun, and when I posted and got nice comments I started to lose that beginning anxiety that my words were awful and it became easier to actually get words on the page instead of just dreaming up ideas in my head.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Perhaps Sci-Fi? I do enjoy Sci-Fi, but I don't think I could ever wrap my head around all the sci-fi-y terms and rules haha. It requires so much thought to world building and at least a basic understanding of science to start with before you start making up your own science lol.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
My favorite author might be K.A Applegate when I read all her animorphs books, and I've always enjoyed her blunt way of storytelling. I like getting to the point. But I wouldn't say I am only emulating her writing style.
I steal and take from authors everywhere, be it published authors of fellow fanfiction writers. I see a style, I consider how to mesh it with my own, until I have something a mix of all in some Frankenstein's Monster creation.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
My main writing space for max productivity is the gas station right down the street of where I live. Free wi-fi, barely any people, cheap sausages, and free refills of coffee. It is my ideal environment for calm of mind, though it can get quite freezing during the winters.
Other than that there is, of course, the mess that is my room. And sometimes I will treat myself to write at a café after my lectures, or else write during my lectures. (not a good thing for my grades lol).
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Probably songs. I've found that if I have a song I really like, and also connect to a certain piece of media I like, listening to that song on repeat will make me think up ideas and concepts and scenes for the characters or media that I connect it with.
It can truly be random. It's very rarely a song actually connected to that piece of media. I just decide by a whim.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I've found that I enjoy writing characters who use denial as a defense mechanism. Avoiding problems, or more often the truth of their situation or their own emotions, is something I think I force upon many a character.
I asked my fantastic friend @lily-alphonse for help with this one, and she mentioned that I also use loneliness in a lot of my works. Which I believe is true. I do adore loneliness as theme or something to have a character suffer with.
What is your reason for writing?
It is fun, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of the art of creation. I love consuming art, but sometimes I need to scratch an itch that no-one can reach but myself. I am my own dumb scratching stick haha.
I've always loved the idea that when you write, you create actual little universes. Like there's a power in it, in creating, and having others see that creation and get something out of it. Art is so wonderful, so beautiful.
Also it's just so goddamn human. We can explore so much that we can't otherwise, we can get a better understanding of ourselves, the world around us, people so different or so alike. It makes me so insane, the way art can surpass us. I mean art has been around since the most early humans! Drawings, and architecture, and later writing. The earliest goddamn written story that we've found explores the same human concepts that we still ponder about today!!! Gilgamesh's intense existential dread, his fear of dying after his closest friend dies. Hello?????? Insane, wild, fantastic. Its fucking crazy, honestly, and it has brought me many spirals of existential dread and wonder at the same time.
And I mean- have you thought of how fun it is to see the same concepts shaped by the time they were written in? When I was reading Frankenstein in High School I was so fascinated by how Frankenstein acted when stressed and anxious, and how it was always explained away by him coming down with a fever. He did not have a complete mental breakdown that left him unable to leave his house for weeks due to how stressed seeing certain things would make him, no. He was sick with a fever. This was used multiple times. I found it so absolutely intriguing.
And I also just cant bare the thought of dying one day and having contributed nothing to the endless, beautiful wonder of art. I get to make things, I am so so lucky I get to make things, and I get to share what I make, and that's just. So fun. So fucking great.
Stopping myself from ranting further lmfao.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
God comments, I love you so much. Anything from a single emoji to a multi paragraph essay. I love you. It brings me so much joy, makes me so flustered.
The comments that have always made me fawn in utter appreciation, are those that have pointed out things I do in my writing which they enjoy. Especially concerning characterization, which tends to be the thing I'm the most anxious about when writing. When someone tells me they feel I've captured a character's personality/vibe, I feel so warm.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Someone who made them feel something, if only for the duration of the read. Even if it's just momentary contentment. :)
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Again I had to run to @lily-alphonse for help! She says that it's probably introspection, which might be true! It's something I really do love writing. God, to get into the head of people- its so fun. I love writing the way characters rationalize and think and decide on things.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Hahahha, my friends @lily-alphonse and @writing-for-soup will know that I am never at all consistent with how I feel about my own writing.
I've learnt during my journey of posting what I write, that I often love my work up until it is posted. Then I will go through a cycle of barely daring to touch it or read what I've written, and when I eventually force my gaze upon my wretched creation, there's a high chance I'll suddenly decide it is wonderful and the best thing I've ever made and wow look at me I'm such a genius I can't believe I wrote this.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I mostly write for myself, though writing completely in self indulgence is something I have to work myself up to! I still write the ideas I want and daydream about, but some ideas, often of the darker and more dead-dove-do-not-eat designs, I must hype myself up for.
And I am of course influenced by trends and popular headcanons in the fandoms I am in haha.
Tagging (with no pressure); @steamyearlgray @vilukissakakskaks
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This is a sappy creative talking about being creative post. You have been warned. I did not proofread because I am nothing if not consistent in my personality.
I just got done watching Season 2 episodes 3&4 of the FX’s The Bear and I’m constantly inspired by their storytelling. The two episodes I watched really leaned into the creative process in a way that made me very reflective. I am terrible in a kitchen. However, I really saw similar patterns in my own pursuits.
I have a dear friend who studied brains in university and when I was at my lowest a few months ago she was telling me about how life is just skills. Things like IQ are bullshit. Everybody can do anything if they put the time in. It’s about just choosing skills and developing them. I get mad that I can’t draw. I get mad that I can’t play guitar well. Those are skills I’ve never worked on because the process doesn’t bring me joy, even though they are skills I wished I had. Meanwhile things like science or sports are areas I’ve never had much interest in cultivating anyway so the lack of skill doesn’t bother me as much.
I think about my skillset now a lot more. I think about how learning piano—while I’m frustrated by my lack of expertise—doesn’t make me literally cry while I’m learning. I embrace the challenge unlike something like drawing where I get so upset with myself it’s not fun anymore. This past fall while my confidence was totally shot (for a lot of reasons) I looked at my ability to sit at a keyboard and just play the same riffs from Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights over and over and over and over until I could do them. I learned I could do hard things. That maybe I’m not a total lazy piece of shit who gives up at the first sign of trouble.
And the beautiful thing is? That wasn’t always the case with piano. I’ve dabbled here and there throughout my life but when I first took piano lessons as a kid I HATED them. I didn’t enjoy putting in the work. But I do now because people change. And so maybe one day I will learn to draw but not right now. And that’s okay.
And then I start thinking about singing. There’s this sentiment that people are just naturally gifted, especially at singing. But at least for me that’s not the case. I’m good at singing because as a kid I loved it. I gravitated toward it. I sung all the time to the radio, mimicking the voices I heard. And I listened to SO MUCH music—partially because of my parents but also because I chose to always have the radio or a CD or my trusty mp3 player going. When I was playing with my dolls. When I was riding my bike. When I was in the shower. When I was at dance class. When I was dragged along to my siblings' sports games, I would build worlds while tuned into the nearest iHeartRadio station. (Airplanes feat. Hayley Williams. I loved it. I loved the storytelling. Pt. 1 but oh when the oh so rare Pt. 2 came through over the FM waves it was the best day of my life.)
Eventually, my parents put me into voice lessons. I learned how to sing rather than mimic. (Not that the latter is bad.) But I learned how to use it as an instrument. And I sang and I sang and I sang. In lessons. In choir. In church. That’s why I’m good at singing. It took me forever to learn how to harmonize. I was a soprano—it was always melody. But I’m learning that too as my voice changes. I can’t sing as high as I used to. I haven’t practiced notes off the staff since high school. Life is just skills. I was focusing on different ones. Like film (but we’ll get to that.)
There was something else always there. I don’t know how many people knew it—the extent. You had to live with me to see it…but I loved nothing more than I loved reading.
I always had my nose in a book. Like a lot of kids who consumed books non-stop it was definitely escapism. But I read and I read and I read. The classic question in my family was “where is Mary?” And the answer was always “in her room.” And if I wasn’t reading a story I was creating one. With my dolls yes, but eventually with my tiny little acer computer and with my thumbs in the notes app on my iPod Touch. (I still maintain that the notes app is where the best art happens.)
It was May in my eighth grade pre-Algebra class when my friend told me what FanFiction was and about how she had an account on good ole fanfiction.net. I made one too. I joined a Divergent roleplaying forum that lasted two months. I started writing a long-abandoned backstory for my character—Antoine, named at intermission of the high school production of West Side Story I was watching. It was bad. But I didn’t know it at the time. I thought I was doing something important and I guess I was.
The Divergent forum didn’t last long but a few months later I would create my own. Welcome to Camp Half Blood! Join in! Make an OC! I brought my friends over from the old forum and even as Admin my authority was immediately usurped. We built worlds. And then we rebuilt them. And then our worlds had baby worlds. Generation 1, Gen 1.5 (you suggest a teen pregnancy plot line as a joke one time while on a choir trip in Yorkshire ONE TIME and then you wake up and uh oh two characters are actually teen pregnant), Gen 2, on and on and on. There’s a whole Google Sheets document. It’s deeply comprehensive and filled with all our faceclaims and timelines and playlists.
We rarely wrote action in our roleplay. We mainly talked. Dialogue and dialogue and dialogue for years. I get compliments now on my dialogue in fics. It didn’t come from nowhere. It came from cringe-y exchanges with my friends as we fell in love with each other’s self inserts over and over and over again. I stayed up on school nights until 2am quietly wheezing only to fall asleep in Algebra 1 over my scribbled cursive poetry on the graph paper. Life is skills. I was choosing which ones to build.
It was never math.
It was stories.
In the singing. In the dance (competition team—burned me out. I was never the best athlete. I was always the most expressive. I was telling the story.) In the theatre. And in the little fan videos I would make with my friends for our OCs over on fanfiction.net.
So my dumbass went to film school. And like with singing I learned about stories. How to craft them. And I wrote bad scripts. And we made bad low budget films. And I was so scared of cameras but I learned how to use them. And I directed and I got good at that especially with documentaries. Looking at all the information and chasing down the story. Telling people who were faster editors than me where to cut. Telling people who could make the camera capture what I saw in my eye what to film. God I fucking loved it. And I miss it.
Because my dumbass went to seminary. Why? Because there were these ancient stories that were really important to me that were being used to harm others. And I wanted to learn them. And I wanted to be able to show that there was a different way than the one that spews hatred. And as Phoebe Bridgers sings I “went looking for a creation myth ended up with a pair of cracked lips.” And I’m figuring all that out still. What to do with these stories that mean so much to me. How to tell them. How to Robin Hood theology.
And as my life and my faith were falling apart. I looked at my tiny little shithole apartment. And how I used to hide in my room where I felt safe. And I made that apartment feel safe. It was my room now. And I walked out to my bookshelf and I saw a book I had bought and opened it up. And on the inside of the cover there was a map just like there was in all the best books from my childhood. So I stayed up until 3am reading it. And then the next night. And the next night. And then I bought the sequel and I read about a boy who thought he was going to be something and then he wasn’t that anymore. And he was lost and angry and self-destructive just like me. But then in the last part of the trilogy he decided at the last second to try to figure it all out. And I’m still trying to do that too.
I had been writing all along—non-fiction. Papers. Essays. (Metas—really.) And I learned how to approach a text. How to analyze it in one million different ways. And I think I took those skills I learned from the Bible and I stuck them on some YA trilogy. And I thought and I thought and I had something to say.
And I wrote. And I keep getting better. Because life is just skills.
So I was watching The Bear and Will Poulter as a baker talks about how he used to see some other baker as competition. Until he decided he wasn’t and instead he just tried to keep up. And I want to keep up. And I watch these television shows and I read your fics and I get so fucking inspired.
And I look at this stupid fucking soccer fic I love with my whole chest and I think about how life is just skills and they all have led me to be able to write it. And I know that in ten years when I’m 34 I’ll probably think it’s cringey just like I think that what I wrote when I was 14 is cringey. But GOD I’m so proud of it. And I think I always will be.
Because life is just skills and I’m really glad I chose these ones.
TL;DR I’ve never been the best “athlete” (had the best skills in a particular medium) but goddamn if I’m not a good fucking storyteller.
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When Carrie Fisher passed away in 2016 at the age of 60, she was remembered as far more than her iconic turn as the girl in the gold bikini. In addition to a prolific acting career, Fisher authored seven books, served as a script doctor for other writers, and always made a point to speak openly on her struggles with addiction and mental illness.
"Books were my first drug. They took me away from everything and I would just consume them."
Often likened to Hollywood’s Dorothy Parker, Fisher harbored a deep love for language. In a 2008 piece for The Week, she provided a list of the books that most influenced her life and work, including classics by George Eliot, Joan Didion and Salman Rushdie. Read on for her favorites.
Middlemarch by George Eliot (also rec’d by Zadie Smith)
“One of the greatest books ever written by a woman, especially in those early days. Although Mary Anne Evans gave herself a male pen name, she showed incredible ambition and scope in her writing—the world she created, the characters she imagined. I love that line in the book that reads: “The really delightful marriage must be that where your husband was a sort of father, and could teach you Hebrew, if you wished it.” It was hard to be a woman in those days, but her storytelling was exceptional.” -CF
Naked by David Sedaris
“This collection of personal essays made me laugh as hard as any book I’ve ever read. I also discovered that I needed glasses when reading this, but still it’s one of the funniest books ever.” -CF
Play It As It Lays by Joan Didion (also rec’d by St. Vincent)
“I love her use of spare narrative throughout this story about an unfulfilled actress looking for purpose in her life. I admired the style then and have tried to pattern some of my own writing in that fashion.” -CF
My Old Sweetheart by Susanna Moore
“She’s an extremely talented writer. Her first novel, set in the 1950s, is about a woman who grew up with a very eccentric mother, which, of course, is why I related to it.” -CF
Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
“I love Salman. He’s a friend of mine, but I loved this book—which allegorically weaves a family’s story with the history of modern India—even before I knew him. I’m just showing off that I know him.” -CF
Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust
“I’m also showing off that I’ve actually gotten through Swann’s Way, the first volume in Proust’s monumental work In Search of Lost Time. Just getting through those first 100 pages, where he could not fall asleep until his mother kissed him good night, was an achievement alone.” -CF
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oh I am MAD about this one
hooo buddy boy so I was looking for something to tide me over between tmp episodes because dark side divas & night vale aren't doing it for me, and I found this article.
looks good, right? exactly what I'm looking for, especially since I'm new to the realm of fiction podcasting and only really know night vale and the magnus podcasts.
Oh My Fucking God No.
I start scrolling, skimming the descriptions, looking for the tma I know will be there, and sure enough I'm right.
at number twenty-eight.
at this point I'm like, what? the magnus archives? the literary masterpiece? like, the thing that has had as much of an effect on my psyche as sir terry goddamn pratchett did? that's number twenty-eight?
fine, I think, it's whatever. I'm sure these others are good, and oh look, archive 81, I've heard some good things about that one! and then I reach the bottom. and sitting there, at number ONE. the podcast they place above ALL OTHERS.
I actually almost screamed I was so pissed. look, I enjoy night vale. it's fun, it's goofy, I have a great time when I listen to it. it is B tier at best. that's subjective, of course, and accounting for a difference in taste I'm not miffed that it made the list.
what I am miffed about is that it's above tma. what I'm pissed about is that it's TWENTY SEVEN PLACES above tma. what I consider a WAR CRIME is that it's NUMBER ONE.
welcome to night vale is a comedy with horror theming, the monty python and the holy grail of fiction podcasts (though not quite as funny). the magnus archives is a goddamn modern-day literary MASTERWORK. the best piece of writing I've ever encountered, and I've encountered a LOT of good writing. the most compelling characters I've ever met. in my honest opinion, the best piece of media I have ever consumed in my entire high-education life. and I say that as someone who normally can't do horror things.
#nerdipost#original post#magnus archives#tma#the magnus archives#mangos argibe#tma rants#tma rambles#rusty quill#horror fiction#fiction podcast#magnus universe#magnus pod#the magnus pod#the magnus podcast#night vale#welcome to night vale#holy shit I am PISSED#oh my god#I'm so fucking mad#I'm gonna#like#actually break something
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What’s your relationship with inspiration from other authors? Something that scares me in writing, while also being a book lover, is that thin line between referencing a style you love in order to improve, and fully imitating it. I do think that what I make is a direct reflection of what I’m attracted to when reading, ‘cause I also tend to try and write things I would enjoy if I were on the other side of the artist-consumer dynamic. But it is a delicate balance, I think. It also applies for those who like figurative arts, like drawing. Recreation of other’s pieces is a fundamental part of learning how to make your own. But after a while, when does the inspiration end and the originality start?
Did you struggle with finding your own style too? Because every time I come across a work of yours ‘on accident’, like without checking the author first before starting to read, I always recognize your voice no matter what. Usually I fall in love with the writing, have my ‘this has to be Stylinsoncity’ thought, and then inevitably have my ‘duh’ moment when I do check the author’s name and prove I was right. They always are unequivocally you, which is something I’d like to achieve (a little jelous tbh).
P.S. Have a nice day, sorry for the length of the question, I’m no good at summarizing. 💕
Hi! No need to apologize!! Thank you for the ask and for the compliments on my writing :) What you’ve said is also one of the highest compliments I think you can give an author. Because i think most of us do struggle to find our voice and be original and have people affirm/admire that.
I do actually shy away from reading books in the same genre as the one I'm writing because I don't want to be influenced subconsciously. it's definitely something i'm wary of.
but i also think we’re far enough into civilization now that all current and future works contain bits of the past. the authors whose books we're currently reading drew inspiration from authors before them and so on.
but that's not to say there's no room to be original. I recognize that the things I'm writing about aren't novel ideas or concepts. But no one has lived my exact life, so there's always going to be something I can give to a story that someone else can't. The same goes for you.
I'll read something and see a metaphor that's so brilliant and I'll wonder why I never thought of things in that way, but perhaps it's because that's not where my experiences and my understandings about the world led me?? no matter what, i think there's room to approach topics in a way only you can by drawing on experiences that are unique to you.
i think there's a lot i could say about this actually, but i might ramble.
i just feel like it's okay to emulate a writer you admire because it's not like that's where your growth and skill ends. eventually you'll read another author you admire and another and everything you're learning about language and storytelling from those authors starts morphing and shaping the way you tell stories. And maybe you fall in love or maybe you start a new job or you go on a trip. And all of those little things continue shaping the way you see the world and understand yourself and others. And eventually, naturally, i think your distinct voice arises from all of that.
idk! i've never really given thought to this before, but it feels nice to brainstorm about it. i do worry about being derivative all the time, honestly. but then i'll write something i've never read before and it reaffirms that there are still original thoughts i can offer the world. that's true for all of us, i think.
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Blog Post 27: Final Projects: END OF WEEK 3
This blog sees the end of the third week and discusses the progress made as well as the inspirations and other interesting works that were researched. While an extremely busy week, I still managed to find some sources of inspiration for my work.

An extremely busy and time-consuming week has passed, requiring every ounce of available time to achieve my desired goals. From reforming the scope of Project 1 to creating new, highly detailed assets for Project 2, I found myself completely immersed in work. Despite my packed schedule, I managed to discover some creators whose works have inspired me to push the boundaries of my creativity and strive for perfection.
Inspirations for my work
Alan Wake 2
Alan Wake 2 is arguably the most visually stunning game of 2023, and while I was late jumping on board, I have recently managed to start the game. The game is a masterpiece in atmosphere building and environmental details with every facet of the world being crafted to a photorealistic level. Apart from the obvious highly detailed character models, the environment in Alan Wake 2 is also among the most detailed I have ever seen in any video game. From the pipes systems that run on each wall to the trash on the streets.

Each detail in Alan Wake 2 inspires me to become better at my craft. I hope that one day I will get the opportunity to create a world as good as, if not better than, the one Remedy Entertainment has brought to life in this game.
Pablo Dominguez, Ungoliant, The Gloomweaver

Pablo Dominguez serves as a key source of inspiration when it comes to environmental storytelling and realistic 3D art. His portfolio includes breathtaking works for Warhammer 40k and The Lord of the Rings, each of which showcases his mastery over environmental details. Dominguez’s work displays exceptional control over lighting and post-processing effects, elevating each piece to a level bordering on realism.
Among his creations, "Ungoliant, The Gloomweaver" stands out as a dark and haunting depiction that perfectly balances atmosphere and detail. These works motivate me to refine my skills further and aim for similar heights of artistic excellence.

Ron Frölich, Alan Wake II - Bunker Generator
Ron Frölich, the Principal Hard Surface Artist at Remedy Entertainment, has been an artist I’ve admired for some time. His earlier contributions to games like “Hunt: Showdown” and “The Climb” demonstrated a level of sophistication and detail that is rare among hard surface modelers.

His recent work on Alan Wake 2 has further cemented his status as one of the industry’s best hard surface artists. The "Bunker Generator" asset in particular exemplifies his attention to detail and his ability to create designs that feel functional and grounded in reality. Frölich’s achievements inspire me not only to reach his level of expertise but to one day surpass it.
Final thoughts:
This week may have been challenging, but the inspiration I’ve drawn from these incredible creators has reinvigorated my passion for art and design. Their works serve as benchmarks for the kind of quality and innovation I aspire to achieve in my own projects. The journey continues, and I’m excited for what lies ahead.
Pablo Dominguez. (2024). Ungoliant, The Gloomweaver, Pablo Dominguez. [online] Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/58b5DE [Accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
Ron Frölich (2024). Artstation [online] Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LRVe50 [Accessed 20 Nov. 2024].
www.remedygames.com. (2023.). Alan Wake 2 - Remedy Entertaiment. [online] Available at: https://www.remedygames.com/games/alan-wake-2.
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The Art of Songwriting & Creative Ingenuity with Mali McGrath
Encompassing an almost siren-like vivacity to her work as both a musician and painter, it’s undeniable that Mali McGrath’s handful of creative gifts and visionary state of mind make her such a breath of fresh air to the creative femme community. Her work, both vocal and visual, seem to evoke feelings of both joy and pain, perhaps because she herself admits to finding inspiration within her own suffering. “Heartbreak is one of the things that cracked me back open” Mali recalls. “…Following heartbreak, my artworks became much more personal, I started singing every day again, began writing songs. It felt like I had so much emotion to hold that it had to be put somewhere and creative ideas began to unfold more naturally than ever…”
Charlotte: So, could you just begin by introducing yourself and giving a little backstory as to how your creative journey began?
Mali: I am an artist, primarily a painter, and also a musician, singer, a songwriter. I currently also work for an independent jewellery business, assisting everything from designing to making pieces. I have also recently facilitated my first women’s circle, which incorporated some singing, and I am working to grow this endeavour of space-holding and leading healing spaces into one of my multiple lines of work.
My creative journey has been life long. Music from around the world was always playing in my childhood home, books overflowing off the shelves of every room. I spent most of my time as a child drawing and writing stories but was also wildly confident in singing, dancing and performing. My teenage years stamped out all of the spirit of my inner child. I wouldn’t sing to nearly anyone, even friends and family. I always kept making art and writing but without such a sense of freeness.
Charlotte: Seeing as you seem to identify strongly and are recognised for your work as both a musician and artist, I’m interested to know which creative medium you personally feel most drawn to?
Mali: Visual art, my paintings, definitely lie within more of a personal comfort zone. It is perhaps where I feel more knowledgeable and confident. I have maybe resonated with being an artist for longer, my whole life even, whereas writing my own music began around four years ago. But that said, music has grown to probably be my primary outlet. I sing every day, songs are constantly flowing out of me, writing music doesn’t depend on my energy levels or good mood or focus, it feels like something that happens no matter how I am. Singing, my own songs in particular, is where I feel most free. I feel like my art and music and various other creative mediums are an ecosystem and, even if I am creating vastly different things in each, they do thrive best when I give time and energy to both. They’re also heavily woven within my personal mythologies and a sense of magical realism and storytelling, so they are very much intrinsically linked and can share imagery, symbolism and sometimes storylines.
Charlotte: Could you tell me about where you drew inspiration from when writing your two latest singles, Out Of A Flowerhead and The Sea Monsters Daughter?
Mali: Out Of A Flowerhead began as a poem but grew into a song and it feels like this psychedelic earthly ode to a really conscious, reflective stage in heartbreak and healing. It is inspired by nature, ritual, reflection, abundance and consumption. The cord cutting reference relates to ancient witchcraft but also involves word-play on later themes of death and birth cycles. The symbols of fruit and flowers also link to this sense of dying and re-birthing as well as representing abundance and the idea of this all-consuming person eating their way through all the beauty and fruitfulness in your life and world.
The symbolism in this song links closely to my art, in which ripe or seeping fruit and the heads and petals of flowers are recurring symbols. They are so ingrained in my world of storytelling and image making that it is hard to root back to how they became so significant, but this song is definitely a perfect example of the poetry I continuously find within certain symbols such as these.
…The Sea Monster’s Daughter is completely inspired by dreams and mythology. It tells the story of a real dream I had. I am deeply inspired by the profoundness in folklore surrounding mermaids and the sea and, whilst the song focuses more on real people, ultimately the sea represents a separation of worlds, a threshold. There is a parallel with dreams also being thresholds and a separate realm or world. I read a lot of folk stories as well as listening to some extremely old traditional folk music from here and around the world, so I think my understanding of mythical folkloric archetypes and ideas has been absorbed greatly from these and inevitably surfaces in my own storytelling.
Charlotte: So as a lyricist and musician, do you find it important to tell a story through your music? If so, does that part of the song writing process come naturally to you?
Mali: Yes it definitely comes naturally. I think I find it important to express my emotions through song writing, to capture feelings and experiences, so stories lend themselves well to this and organically emerge. Equally, the influence of mythology, folk-story and folk music certainly inspire my musical expression to follow a similar form. My songwriting process ranges in the way it takes place. It is very occasionally that I think of something I’d like to write about and intentionally sit down to try to shape it into a song. More often than not, I simply feel overcome with a need to express and this drives me to write or to sing and, in these moments, the best things tend to flow out, the most detailed stories are written. Sometimes I don’t even feel like I am present or consciously creating, and I describe this process as channeling. It is as if I open my self up and stories and songs just come through me.
Charlotte: Growing up, do you feel literature played any significant role in your love for songwriting? Were there any books or stories that you remember feeling drawn to or inspired by?
Mali: Absolutely. I have always been drawn to folk stories, and myths, anything surrounding the mystical or magical as well as the emotional. I also spent a lot of my childhood at poetry readings as my Dad is a poet. They would usually be late in the evening or night so, when I was really young I would often curl up to sleep there, listening to the poets read. I think this definitely had a subconscious but huge influence on me and the way I write.
Charlotte: And finally, I’m curious to know if you could name any artists or specific art pieces that you feel inspired by?
Mali: Some artists I adore are Naudline Pierre, Sara Anstis, Marit Benthe Norheim, Carol Rama, Ana Mendieta and Kiki Smith. I am also very drawn to the symbolist painters who focused on the occult as well goddess folk art and Indian miniatures. A specific art piece that I feel continually inspired by is Kiki Smith’s ‘Sky’. It even inspired a song lyric of mine and I just find it so beautiful and awe-inspiring. The illustrations of the classic Rider Waite Smith tarot deck also inspire me greatly. Every aspect of each image is a symbol, steeped in meaning and significance and I love that level of detail. Tarot imagery has informed a lot in my artistic practice.
Listen to Mali’s latest singles, “Out Of A Flowerhead” & “The Sea Monsters Daughter”
Follow Mali’s Instagram here
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What I Watched This Week – 12/31 – 1/6

Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team – My Gundam watch continues apace, and this week’s installment was this side story that took place some time near the end of the events in the first Gundam series. It follows a young and idealistic Federation officer sent from the colonies to join a team fighting Zeon on Earth alongside a quirky bunch of soldiers, while holding a candle for a pretty Zeon woman he met in space. While still retaining the requisite message of war being pointless and immiserating, this was fairly light-hearted for a UC Gundam series, with lots of light moments between the colorful members of the team, and a strong romance plotline. The art and animation were both well-done, and the soundtrack had lots of good movie-like dramatic pieces. Definitely worth the watch. 8/10

The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes – A teenage boy feeling isolated from his classmates and his father runs away one night and stumbles into a local cave that grants certain wishes at a cost, leading to an encounter with a girl from school that will change his life forever. There was a lot I liked about this movie: the art and animation were great, the characters were compelling, and the way the story used the sci-fi elements was creative. The ending, however, felt kind of rushed and anti-climactic, making the story feel a little unsatisfying. 7/10

Lonely Castle in the Mirror – Seven middle-school kids who are bullied and/or don’t attend school regularly find themselves summoned to a mysterious castle in the middle of a lonely ocean and are told by a girl in a wolf mask that there is a key hidden in the castle that will allow one of them to make a wish should they find it. There was a lot of potential here, as the limit on the wish presented an interesting conflict for the kids, and they all had stuff going on in their lives that was compelling to explore. Unfortunately, the visuals were pretty mediocre, and the magical resolution at the end felt cheap, and didn’t treat the serious issues the story introduced with the proper respect. 6/10

To Every You I’ve Loved Before – This movie is part of a duology with the one below that tells the story of a handful of characters from two different parallel realities, one where the main character chooses to live with his father when his parents divorce, and one where he chooses his mother. I watched this movie first, and it is the more upbeat or happy route, as he grows up, gets married, has a son, and lives a long life working as a scientist unravelling the secrets of parallel worlds. 7/10

To Me, The One Who Loved You – I watched this movie second, and it’s a bit more dramatic, as the main character loses someone important to him early on, and it consumes the rest of his life as he tries to fix it. I thought it was a daring and ambitious idea to tell a story in parallel like this, and I’d say they mostly nailed it. The only place I think they went wrong in the storytelling was to have a 20-minute montage towards the end of each movie that summarized the other movie while tying the two routes together. It was a little clumsily done, and I don’t think the story needed it. 7/10
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Answering some of the slide questions
Who am I as a designer? I have a focus on storytelling and aesthetics I have a tendancy towards genre and pulp - either with optimistic peppiness or moody atmospheres. A focus on fun unreality in color and style and in naturalism in characters.
What is your fav thing right now?
Recent Inspirations A lot of retro and recent retro (early 2000s) scifi and conceptual art has influenced over me. From a story telling perspective I've been very into Mike Mignola and his less complex yet still evocative high contrast pulp work. Mobius is also a faveriote, mostly for his designs, colors and linework. Them being fantastical and detailed.
What are the influences of those things?
My work is often inspired by western artists which is all very well, but I worry about how the beauty standards effect my work in perticular. I have no problem with artists going all in on just depicting something they enjoy, men unabashadly drawing pretty woemn, blatant power fantasyies or rule of cool. So long as theres exploration in the other direction. Eating your veggies, so to speak. I fear my beauty values negitivly affect not only consumers but myself as well.
What key conversations are happening in your work?
As remisce as i am to contribute to the masses of coming of age media - recently expressing my experience, fears and desires is a key part of why I create and consume content.
Creating things which I see myself in helps me process the things in my life. Sometimes negitivity is nessissary to see yourself.
The other core motive for my work is more shallow. Simply that I make things i think are very very cool. I want to create work to what affected me when I was young and then iterate from there on.
What elements do you want to explore
What creative communities do you want to interact with?
ideally i'd create my own work for myself on my own time. but Working with others in collectives or being connected is also good.
I'd want to join up with other artists working in similar viens to myswlf for the inspiration and understanding of similar goals.
Local creatives i want to connect with arfe mostly my peers and people in online communities (digitially local) who create similar and inspiring art.
What imacts concepts, thematics, organising principles are at play?
usually story telling, art,
I realise a large focus of my design work is i art, less so in ux/ui and graphic design - so interacting with these spaces more, which i am also excited by, would be good for me
SDL 10 examples printed out
3 designers behind pieces of design you see in the wild.
make a blog entyry for this
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