#me too tho
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dreamyblanket · 5 days ago
Black Forest probably thought it was lowkey over for her when she’s in her Cake Bride form, only for Reader to hold her clawed hands and proclaim they love her all the same.
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True love knows no bouds~
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willgrahamscock · 2 years ago
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Will showing up to work
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tomatorabbitsticker · 1 year ago
I will never be over the fact that since this war started Katsuki has been the embodiment of "I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you" towards Izuku
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orangecatsmissingbraincell · 3 months ago
Yellowjackets fans be like “this scene proves they’re in love” and it’s two girls about to murder each other
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marlboroonice · 11 months ago
It’s high time I talk about Jerejean. The pacing of Jerejean is just perfect to me. Like in each POV, they’re checking each other out constantly. Jean is equal parts ashamed and frustrated in bisexual. And Jeremy is like “This is a bad idea… But oh no he’s hot.”
But this internalized attraction doesn’t bleed too far into how they interact. They feel natural. Circumstantial, sure, but their relationship is still blooming like a daffodil. Jean is still bringing in the Raven mindset when it comes to Jeremy, but their chemistry is off the rails even then. We get a reciprocated hug! We get multiple chin grabs, but more importantly “Who did this to you?” We get Jeremy rushing to Jean’s aid when he’s choking himself. We get Jeremy trying his absolute best to take care of Jean. To listen to him. To show him it’s okay to be vulnerable. We get the duo: Jean “I want to be left alone” and Jeremy “Even by me?” We get Jean admitting to himself after Jermey said, “Stay with me” that it’s the safest he’s ever felt in his room and, more slyly, there’s enough room for two beds. Jeremy might be doing it out of a sense of duty, because Kevin trusted him, because he’s just a good person. After all, Jean says that the captain of the Sunshine court can’t be a villain; but how long till he realizes that his care for Jean runs deeper than that and vice versa?
Either way, Jerejean is perfect in this novel. This is pure attraction, secrets, and an ending we’re dying to hear. Nora left food for thought about Jeremy’s past and left room for Jerejean to grow. They’re just as deep and intricate as other relationships in this series, even if the readers are more aware of their attraction towards one another. But most importantly, there’s hope for them. Kevin and Renee have to be mentioned here. We have unrequited love or a relationship that they will never be able to properly repair (</3), and a right person wrong time problem.
Jean has had these “failed” romantic relationships. But it’s all for a reason and I just neeeeeed to see where Jean and Jeremy do it right. I love them, your honor.
Anyway, one of my favorite one-liner internal monologue moments from Jean below:
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goldenfigtree · 2 years ago
The L Word
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Summary: yet another glimpse into you and Leon’s relationship where Leon realizes that his feelings for you are stronger than he thought.
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x FemReader
Warning: fluff, pet names (pretty girl, sweetheart, babe)
A/N: Yet another Drabble I wrote instead of sleeping enjoy merp
It was yet another day where you two decided to relax all day indoors. Something Leon insisted on doing so the morning after he came home. You couldn’t really blame him. After dealing with some disgustingly horrifying monsters, you would also like to escape reality through the static of the tv screen.
What you didn’t know was that he really just wanted an excuse to wrap you in his arms. After every mission he often found himself touch starved, craving it like a wild animal. With you now by his side, it was only through the touch of your hand on his face, your arms around him, that he knew he was home.
That he was no longer perceived as a weapon but as a person.
After this mission specifically, your absence really took a toll on him. Four long months without your presence or to even hear your voice felt like he was waning off an addiction he didn’t know he had. To stomach the distance meant staring at a Polaroid picture of you that he kept in his wallet. It didn’t seem to help, if anything it felt like it was making it even worse.
It was these, what he considered, strange behaviors that made him question how much he liked you. He would be shooting down deformed monstrosities and wondering what you were doing right at that moment. Every night, he found his hand outstretched on the other side of the hotel bed, wishing you were there.
Did this mean he didn’t just like you but felt something far stronger?
Maybe even the L word?
Leon far before Raccoon City could have easily answered this question. But as he went on living, the lines that were once so bold were now blurring and fading away.
“So, a movie night?” You slur out your words playfully as you open the pantry. You pursed your lips in disappointment as you scanned the shelves for something, anything for your movie night. But nothing was there, “Might need to make a quick trip to the grocery store” you mutter to yourself while clicking your tongue. You were clearly excited by the idea of spending a day watching movies and cuddling with your lover, so the fact that there was a lack of your typical movie night snacks was mildly disappointing. Leon let out an amused chuckle, leaning against the pantry doorframe, his frame close behind you, his shadow consuming you.
“It’s not the snacks that I’m craving, pretty girl” he flirts in his suddenly husky voice. Tapping your chin you turn to him and hum,
“Ah, the movie that’s right! What are you in the mood for?” you ask, blissfully unaware of his insinuation. He can’t help but smile as he shakes his head,
“I’m in a bit of a romantic mood” he slyly says pulling you close with his hand on your waist. Blushing slightly you affectionately pat his chest before moving over to slip on your shoes and grab your bag from the hall tree,
“I’m gonna run to the grocery store real quick, wanna come?”
Without hesitation, Leon walks out with you to the car. Always one to refuse you the liberty of running errands by yourself in fear of something happening to you. Opening the driver’s door for you first, he then slips into the passenger side. A liberty you gladly took from him a while back when you witnessed how he drove. As long as he was with you, he was strictly passenger princess.
After the drive, you parked the car and opened your door without thinking, which earned a stern look from Leon. You sigh and roll your eyes as you shut the door, watching him get out to walk to your side and open the door for you,
“Thanks babe” you say defeatedly, a smirk in your view as you walked in front of him towards the store,
“Any time” he warmly replies, subconsciously grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
Walking from aisle to aisle, the two of you discussed and debated which snacks to take home. At one point you and him had to suffice to not getting twizzlers or red vines because the both of you were unwavering on your opinions on which is better. Eventually, you and Leon make it to the ice cream section, where yet an argument sprouted, except this time it was purposely provoked,
“Should we get some ice cream?” You ask wiggling your eyebrows as you held up a pint of Talenti gelato. Leon, being Italian, scoffs at the pint,
“That’s gelato, babe” you chuckle and roll your eyes, putting the gelato pint back in its respective spot in the freezer,
“What’s the difference?” you ask sweetly, a smirk on your lips as you mentally prepared for what’s to come.
Leon turns to look at you incredulously, “What’s the difference? What’s the difference?”
You chuckle and roll your eyes, gripping the shopping cart as you cock your hip,
“Oh here we go”
“Gelato is denser, more rich than ice cream” Leon explains, listing the differences with his fingers,
“Uh huh” you deadpan
“Ice cream uses eggs, gelato doesn’t” he adds matter-of-factly
“Got it” you deadpan again, stifling a giggle at his passionate explanation. You couldn’t help but find it humorous and adorable that he fell for your schemes to get him like this every time. You loved to tease him and just couldn’t help it.
Once you two purchased your movie night snacks and Leon had finally got his point across, it was finally time for the movie night to begin. With all the snacks on the coffee table, and the both of you drowning in blankets it was already off to a good start. Leon, however, thought that he could make it better. Grabbing you by your side, he pulls you down with him as he lays on the couch.
Finally, the moment he was really waiting for. Without protest, you go along with him and rest your head on his chest, one of his hands caressing your hair as the two of you watched the movie. For the first time in a while, he felt safe. He didn’t know what he did to have you as his significant other. Someone so patient and understanding to his past and his present. Living a life filled with crime and suffering, at one point he didn’t believe people like you existed. And yet, there you were in his arms. His heart fluttered at the sight of you, smiling serenely to yourself while you watched the tv. His heart began beating faster,
“Babe?” He asks softly, making you look up at him.
“I love you” your eyes widened by his words. For it was the first time he had ever said those words to you. You’ve wanted to hear him utter those words for so long, almost finding the courage to say them first. But when you were on the verge of confession, you looked into his steel-like blue eyes and immediately stammered to change the subject. You even questioned if this relationship was more serious to you than it was to him.
But now here he was, telling you he loved you. You couldn’t help but beam at those three words, as you propped yourself up on his chest by your elbows,
“You love me?” A bubbly giggle escapes you as you ask this question. Leon sits himself up, his hands tugging you closer by your waist, seating you on his lap, as he looks at you sincerely. Leaning closer you whisper against his lips, “Say it again”
“I love you” the words vibrate against your lips as he captures them with his own. They brushed and pressed softly yet meaningfully. With your arms around his neck you pull away, resting your forehead against his,
“I love you too” you felt his chest fall as he let out a breath through his nose in relief before he leaned in once more, kissing you harder. Sucking the breath out of you, while your teeth clacked against his and his nose smushed against your own. Your arms around his neck pull him closer in the midst of the crashing of your lips and gasps for air in between. He had never felt more alive than he did at this moment. His hands trailed to your hips and gripped them tightly as he began nibbling at your wet bottom lip. Your hands reached his face, your thumbs caressing his cheekbones, once the kiss trailed to pecks that resorted to no end. It took everything within him to stop kissing you. Every single kiss made him feel as if he was brought back to life again. But for your sake, he pulled away so you could catch your breath, admiring the sight of your swollen lips and your dreamy gaze at him. The corners of your mouth lift as your breaths slow to their original pace,
“Why’d you stop?” You ask breathlessly. The sentence alone shot an arrow through his heart.
“Didn’t want to overwhelm you, sweetheart” he responds, letting his hands trail from your hair to your back. With an almost offended look you poke his chest with your index finger,
“Overwhelm me? No no, finish what you started” you lightly tease, a flustered giggle to follow when you noticed a certain glint in his eyes,
“Oh I will” in one swift movement he stands up and throws you over his shoulder, making you squeal with laughter as you squirmed,
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!”
“You’re going to eat your words, pretty girl” he retorts sarcastically, firmly holding you over his shoulder with a smug grin while walking to your bedroom.
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prince-jjae · 5 months ago
nsfw and all that.
thinking about stoner!tyun. thinking about him being your assigned partner for a project in class, something so boring it has him rolling his eyes. youre taking this entirely too fucking seriously. he stares at you with a blank expression, watching you jot down note after note, eyes flicking from your computer screen back to your notepad. you look so focused, shoulders so tense.
its pissing him off.
eventually he says something. or, well, he does something about it. he pulls out his pen, taking a long hit and blowing the smoke out. he doesnt care that hes in your room. he doesnt ask. doesnt even have the courtesy to blow the smoke away from you. nah, he blows it right to you. you watch the smoke curl over your notes, dancing around your pencil. it feels cool on your skin. you give him a scathing glare, which he chuckles at.
"what? youre tense. you could use a hit or two."
his tone is so mocking, so condescending it makes your fucking blood boil. out of sheer indignation, or maybe it was just to impress him, you go to snatch the pen out of his hand. he laughs and pulls it away, only to place it on your lips instead.
youre too surprised by the way his tone shifts into something dark and sweet like molasses to not do what he commanded, so you did.
you end up letting him command your hits. he tells you when to stop. tells you when to exhale, calls you good for following his directions.
soon, hes got you pliant and giggly in his lap, homework long since discarded on your table. mission successful.
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lasagnaeatsu · 1 year ago
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mxt004 · 4 months ago
shipping thorne and cress is all fun and game until you remember their age gap.
Almost every tlc fan i know either age up cress or age down thorne to make sense of their relationship.
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codystonguepiercing · 4 months ago
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chad gable saw his chance and he took it
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f1idk · 5 months ago
Miles every race weekend:
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hobbithabits · 1 year ago
I just think that if Julian wore an off the shoulder top, especially if garak had made it for him, that middle aged gay lizard would get so hard so fast he’d pass out
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stupidly-silly · 11 months ago
I think someone’s losing their mind
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heartsofhounds · 2 years ago
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They do be thinkin
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hiyyihrts · 11 months ago
the Colin "I love my bestie so much, I'd like to permanently attach myself to her physically and emotionally ❤" Bridgerton to classic Colin "I miss my wife, it's not a joke, if I could I'd crawl into her ribs and live by her heart I would, because that's where my heart resides anyway" Bridgerton pipeline is sooo real
YOURE SO RIGHT ANON he’s down bad
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vehicularmotorcycle · 1 year ago
No one:
Armand: Lestat Lestat Lestat Lestat Lestat Lestat Lestat
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