#me posting more than once in the span of a few days
ereshai · 1 year
15 Questions and 15 Mutuals
Thanks for tagging me @mcbangle
Were you named after anyone?
Only in the sense that my mom heard someone use the name and liked it.
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah, I think so.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I think it depends on the situation. Probably how they're acting? If they're being polite or a jerk.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings.
Any special talents?
Nah, I'm just doing the best I can with the things I need to do.
Where were you born?
West Germany (now just Germany)
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, cross-stitch, logic puzzles.
Have any pets?
Unfortunately not anymore. Please see question 2.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I did gymnastics for a bit when I was a kid. Otherwise sports and I are not a good combination.
How tall are you?
About average height. I might be shrinking a bit though :(
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
No such thing. I don't want to work. I wouldn't mind doing things that interest me, if they don't come with other people being assholes. Self-employed, maybe? I do like my current job, but it's essentially customer service and I could do with less of that aspect of it.
Tagging: @redsector-a @oft-goes-awry @voldiebuns and whoever else is interested.
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st4rr-girrl · 2 months
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Summary; You thought Mattheo was different, but he’s just like everyone else.
Warnings; swearing, mentions of sex, nsfw, underage smoking & drinking, angst. Douchebag Mattheo.
Inspired by Stranger - By Jhene Aiko
I ain’t posted in hella long im sorry if u thought I was dead xox 🥰🥰😘💋💋💋
Pt 2
We at 700+ followers yall!! I love u guys 🥺🥺💋❤️❤️
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
You tried to ignore the familiar feeling you would get each time you were around Mattheo. The stinging that tickled your irises each time you started to view him in a new light, each time you saw everybody else in his features.
Why was this such a common occurrence during the span of your relationship? You and Mattheo never talked, and if you did- it was only in bed. It was exhausting and you couldn't deny that.
He was starting to look more and more like the people who had used you in the past. The ones who discarded your well-being for their own sick pleasure. You stared at him from across the Slytherin table, an inexplainable sadness etched onto your tired features.
Mattheo was the last person you expected to turn out like a copy and paste of your past experiences.
It wasn’t always like this. He used to be lovingly attentive, affectionate and gentle with you.
He noticed your gaze, his brow arching in silent question. You swallowed the lump forming in your throat, forcing your eyes off of him. He shrugged dismissively, recentering his attention to the conversation he was in the midst of.
What hurt even more, was the fact that you had told him about the others. Every single one of them that he had promised you he wasn’t like. And you trusted him.
But he lied.
He didn’t care. He never did. And if that information wasn’t crystal clear, you didn’t know what was.
Daphne nudged your side, her brows furrowing in concern as she scanned your melancholic features. “You alright, lovely?” She asked gently.
“Yeah,” you replied, your voice quieter and shakier than you had intended— blinking back the tears that threatened to escape your glossy eyes. “I’m okay.”
She gave you an unbelieving look, but decided against being pushy. “Okay, babe. Let me know if you need anything, yeah?” She offered a soft smile, her brows furrowing.
“Sure,” you replied, a grateful tone to your voice as you nodded.
She went back to chatting with Pansy, and you found your regretfully longing gaze flickering back to Mattheo. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt. Because it did. It hurt so bad.
He wasn’t paying you any mind, blatantly unconcerned despite the sadness he found in your expression. He boasted about something or other to Theo and Blaise— both of the boys watching him verbally show off in amusement. Usually, you would have been fond of the sight. He was an idiot, but he was your idiot. Or— well, he was.
It was routine for you now. This wasn’t your first rodeo— you knew how this worked.
So, the same night— when he laid you down in your dorm room, you couldn’t even look him in the eye. Not that he cared, or anything.
And when he left, you lied in bed— your gaze locked onto the ceiling. You’d lazily thrown a t-shirt and underwear back on— Mattheo nowhere to be seen. He didn’t even have the decency to stay back and make sure you were okay, and help clean you up. Not like he used to, anyways.
The hickeys and bite marks littering your skin were a constant reminder of what once was. Shame engulfed your body, an all too familiar feeling.
You couldn’t control the tears beginning to spill from your eyes, streaming down your cheeks in a rapid manner. You broke down, your body wracking with sobs— burying your face into a pillow to muffle said sobs.
When your roommates walked in, Daphne and Pansy, they immediately saw your state— rushing to your sides and consoling you as you fell apart. They shared a worried glance, knowing exactly what— or in this case, who— caused this.
Over the next few days, you’d been avoiding him. Daphne and Pansy both covered for you, giving Mattheo bullshit and half assed excuses as to why you couldn’t see him.
But, it’s not like he was actively searching for you, anyways.
You thought you were indifferent to this by now. You wanted to be. But you actually trusted him this time, you loved him.
But as you stared at him from across the Potions classroom, watching as he flirted shamelessly with girls who hung onto his every word— you knew you’d never become accustomed to the hurt and pain that followed betrayal.
You knew you had to cut things off, and that’s exactly what you did. You couldn’t allow yourself to mope around aimlessly for any longer.
After class, you pulled him into an empty hallway and went off— cussing him out in an emotion fueled rant. He got what he wanted, and he no longer needed you. He made that very obvious.
He replied with a simple, “okay,” before turning and disappearing down the hallway. You watched as he left, the sound of your heart shattering echoing throughout your own ears.
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hheaven-sentt · 9 months
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summary: because love doesn't quite capture it | leon kennedy x partner!reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: depictions of injuries, angst if you squint, mentions of alcohol consumption, yearning, mutual pining, partners to friends to lovers
notes: BACK FROM THE DEAD W A VENGEANCE. my semester has finished and my second one doesn't start until january so i will be posting for once. college is kicking my ass like all the time so it puts everything else on pause for me anyway ily all | ao3
The dress feels itchy against your skin. You don’t want to go to this event, so you can’t imagine how Leon feels. He doesn’t even like when you thank him for doing the dishes, so you wonder how he might behave up on a stage to receive a medal. You stretch behind you, reaching for the zipper. Wordlessly, Leon turns to you and zips it up himself. Of course he does; that’s just Leon.
“This is weird,” he says. It’s barely a whisper, breath dusting over your shoulder as he says it. You nod with a sigh.
“I wouldn’t say weird,” you return. You watch his eyes in the mirror. They hover somewhere on your forehead. “Not normal, but not weird,” “I think it’s weird,” he says, and steps away. You nod again, because what else can you say?
Working with Leon has its ups and downs. He’s too quiet some days, and you have to fill in the gaps yourself. Or he’s too loud–sometimes without even saying anything–and you have to figure out how to deal with it. Or he’s just Leon; he laughs and jokes, he helps cook dinner, he doesn’t talk about work. You like those days the best. Had you seen these versions of Leon when you were assigned to him almost ten years ago, you would’ve laughed. Ten years ago, you couldn’t imagine being this close to someone, to care as much as you do about someone you’re paid to be around.
You suppose there’s layers to it, layers you haven’t fully unraveled yet. You know only a few things for certain: Leon is your partner, he is also your unofficial roommate, and you care about him more than you care about others.
“Are you ready?” he asks. He’s standing in the doorway of the bedroom, the light from the hallway making him look like an angel descending to relay a message from God. You swallow and nod.
“Just need my shoes,” you say, moving to the bed and sliding your shoes across the floor to be in front of you. Leon bends down without a word to help you fasten them.
When he looks up at you, he looks less like your partner and more like someone you’re meant to love. An ache resonates within you, a need to reach out a brush your fingers through his darkened hair. He shifts his gaze to your upper arm. Gingerly, he runs the tips of his fingers over a scar that spans from your elbow to your clavicle. It’s ugly and red, courtesy of the nasty burn you’d sustained there a few years ago. The ridged skin is unfeeling as Leon skirts his hand across it, tracing it from your elbow to your shoulder.
“I remember when you got this,” he says absently. His fingers dance across your skin, and you wish the scar didn’t run so deep so you could feel his ministrations. “Thought I’d lost you,”
He says nothing more, just stands up and offers his hand to you to help you off the bed. You take it, and he hauls you up with ease. He twists out of the room like a ghost. You follow him, like you always do.
The scar is one of a few you’ve come to own. You remember the day you got it, too. For whatever reason, you replay the moment in your head over and over in the taxi on the way to the gala. It makes your skin burn.
It was supposed to be a normal day, a normal mission. Go in, extract, get out. Three simple steps that you had done a hundred thousand times before. Leon stood beside you, always offering to enter a room first. You’ll admit, years removed from the situation, you should’ve been more careful, should’ve listened to what he was saying. But you were so angry at him. You felt weak, unnecessary. You remember shoving past him and through a door you hadn’t known was connected to a trigger. Almost as soon as your boot touched the concrete on the other side of the threshold, your hearing went out. It felt like you were standing miles away from a nuclear blast, and you had felt the effects of the delayed shockwave. You were knocked to the ground in an instant, but you didn’t feel pain–not yet at least. When you woke up in the hospital a day later, Leon was asleep in the chair beside you.
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” he’d said. You vowed not to.
“Do you think they’ll at least have an open bar?” he says now, drawing you back into the world. You turn away from the window of the cab to look at him. He’s staring at his hands, forcing a small smile.
“They better,” you say, reaching over and settling a hand on his shoulder. He looks at you. “It’s the only reason I’m going,”
This turns his smile genuine, and he even offers an eyeroll. You squeeze his shoulder, bracelets jingling with the motion. His eyes are on you, and you feel as hot as fresh sin. You hate this; hate that he makes you feel this way, hate that he is so beautiful, hate that you can’t seem to shake this deep seated love you harbor for him. You miss him when he looks away and you remove your hand.
The gala is overwhelming. Leon stays near you, hand hovering near your own. You wish he would reach out and take it. You debate the consequences of doing it yourself.
Breath hot on the shell of your ear, Leon whispers, “You think our taxes went into this?”
You suppress a laugh, tightening your lips into a thin line to fight a smile. “I wouldn’t be surprised, but I’ll pretend like this was all donated,”
“You can consider taxes a donation if you really think about it,” he says, gliding across the floor with you toward an empty table. You snort.
“I think that depends on what your definition of donation is,” you say. He pulls out your chair for you before pushing it in, then takes his own seat beside you. His legs are angled toward you like he only plans on talking to you.
“I think you underestimate my ability to bend definitions to suit my needs,” he says. You laugh again.
You like this version of Leon, and you know that it won’t last very long so you should hold onto it while it’s here. An old jazz song rings out from the speakers across the hall, and the lights catch his eyes just right. They’re really blue, as true blue as blue gets. They’re your favorite shade of blue. If you could paint your living room that color, you would. It’s a soft blue, like the crest of a wave blue, like the sky just after dawn blue, like two perfect oceans set into his skull. There’s a hairline scar that runs between the crows feet of his left eye, one you ache to reach out and trace.
That’s the best way to describe how you feel when you look at Leon: aching. It’s desperation, an aching need to touch and hold. It’s not exactly love, but you don’t have another word for it. Maybe devotion? Looking at him feels like the first time a child sees a kitten. You’re like me, soft and lovable, and we should stay together.
“Have you listened to anything I’ve said in the last few minutes?” Leon asks, putting a hand on your knee that brings you back to the gala. You suck in a breath and shake your head. He smiles wide. “Quit staring at me, makes me feel like I’ve got something on my face,”
“You’re pretty,” you say before you can stop yourself. Maybe pretty is the wrong word, but you don’t know what the right one would be. He’s handsome, sure, but handsome doesn’t encapsulate the way his lashes flutter against his cheekbones or the way he blushes when you smile at him. “Sorry,”
He’s grinning now, giving your knee a squeeze. “You flatter me,”
An hour later, and he’s being called up on stage by your director, who intends to decorate him. You’re beaming with pride, even though you know Leon is dreading this moment. He stumbles across the stage. Cameras are flashing, and you can almost see Leon cringe between photos. He’s off the stage a few minutes later, heading straight for you. You grin more, knowing that he’s choosing to seek solace in you, in your company. He wraps you in a stiff hug that loosens as it endures. You laugh into his shoulder.
“Don’t let me do anything heroic ever again,” he mumbles, burying his face into your neck. You bark a laugh.
“Yeah, okay,” you agree. “I’ll make sure to step in next time,”
In an act that surprises you, Leon tugs you toward the dance floor. You must look wildly confused because he explains, “Just this once. Just one dance,”
You agree, not that you could deny even if you wanted to. He’s looking at you like you’re someone he’s meant to love, like you’re more than just his partner. His hand slots against the curve of your waist like it was made specifically to be there. He’s warm and smiling, and you think maybe he’s had a bit too much champagne. But you like him like this. Who knows when you’ll see him like this again? You stare at him, intent to memorize his features and the way the light catches on the bridge of his nose.
“You’re staring again,” he whispers. You smile sheepishly.
“Never seen you like this,” you reply. He bows his head to chuckle. “Not sure I’ll ever get the chance to again,”
“I’m sure you will,” he says. “You’re the one who brings it out of me,”
You roll your eyes. “I’m more convinced it’s all the free champagne we’ve been drinking,”
“You can believe whatever you want, sweetness,” he says, spinning you. “I’m telling you the truth,”
You’re both giggly and joking the whole way home. Leon has you wheezing about something you can’t remember as you step into the apartment. Tears rest at the corners of your eyes. You shove him playfully. He follows you from room to room like a puppy, making you giggle and flash a smile as you clean up for the night.
You crash onto the bed, warm and light from the night, and reach to take off your shoes. Leon stands in the doorway, watching you. The light from the hallway gives him a halo. Your feet ache as you release them from their prisons, and you glance up to see Leon smiling at you. You return it with the cock of one of your brows.
“You’re pretty,” he says by way of explanation. You feel heat snake up your body. His hands are stuffed into his pockets, hair slightly messy from where he’s run his hands through it, and the first few buttons of his shirt are undone. If you weren’t as shy as you are, you’d probably move to touch him.
Instead, you huff a laugh and toss your shoes to the floor. “You flatter me,”
When you stand and begin to move around him, he grabs your elbow. “I mean it,”
Perhaps, in another life, you would see this as a win. The man you’ve spent most of your life following around and yearning for seemingly returns your affections, and you are about to deny him. Admitting it out loud makes it real, makes it mean something. What happens the next time something goes wrong out there? The next time he does something heroic? Everything will be much too real, and much harder to bury. You blink at him, looking at him for what feels like the very first and last time. He’s still Leon; scruffy stubble, blue eyes, and warmth. He’s still Leon, teetering on being your Leon, and you’re not going to let that happen. You, again, are going to deny yourself from what you want.
“What are you thinking?” he asks, voice barely above a whisper. You take in a shaky breath. He’s still holding you, but his touch is a ghost on your flesh.
“Leon, I don’t know-”
“You know that one Frank Sinatra song?” he interrupts. You gape at him.
“Why did you ask if you won’t let me answer?” you huff, crossing your arms over your chest. He returns his hands to his pockets.
“Predicted where it was going, figured I’d circumvent it,” he admits, the corner of his lips turning upward slightly. “The song he sings with his wife?”
You shrug. “Maybe? What’s your point?”
“I love you,” he says. Your body goes cold. “That could be the stupidest thing I’ve ever said, but I feel like you should know that before you make whatever decision you’re about to make,”
Your face breaks out into a grin, and you laugh in spite of yourself. “I’m sure you’ve said stupider,”
Whatever worry was on Leon’s face dissolves, and a real, full smile splits across his lips. He takes your face in his hands. He holds you delicately, like you’d break under the slightest pressure. To be fair, you feel like glass at the moment–if glass could have legs made of rubber.
“This makes it real,” you say. He swallows. “No going back, no forgetting, no pretending. When something happens, it will be real,”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” he whispers. “It’s worked out for us so far,”
You’re not sure who closes the space first, but it matters little after it’s happened. His lips are gentle and giving against your own. Your hands splay against his sides, using his suit jacket to pull him closer. His hands wind into your hair. There’s a desperation behind his movements, one you’re all too familiar with. After what feels like hours, he breaks from you, leaning his forehead against yours. His breathing is labored, you can feel it in his strong chest beneath your hands.
“This is real,” he says.
“We take risks for a living,” you say. He opens his eyes to peek at you through his lashes. “What’s one more right?”
He grins and kisses you again.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 30, Epilogue - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mild sexy stuff (Just some very light hand business. Very light.)
Word Count: 1.1k
Previously On...: You moved out of the Tower :(
A/N: This is it! The last part! You guys. I can't even. It's been a magical journey, and I'm so honored that I got to take it with all of you. I'm scheduling this post on Thursday in my office, and I'm fucking crying, because you've made this more than anything I could have ever hoped for. I love each and every one of you, so fucking much. Thank you for coming on this adventure with me. Thank you for loving Pocket. Thank you for sticking with Bucky and not throwing knives at him and his stupidity. Just, fucking THANK YOU. You are all amazing, beautiful people, and I could not have done this without you. Thirty Chapters, One Hundred Fifty Five Thousand, Four Hundred and Fourteen Words, and more to come. Bucky and Pocket's journey is not over! POOKIE LOVES YOU SO MUCH.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
Tumblr will not let me directly tag the following: @marcswife21 @erelierraceala @jupiter-107 @doublejeon @hiqhkey @unaxv @brookeleclerc
Not even twenty minutes later– it was actually almost pathetic how close your new place was to the Tower, really– you were opening up the door of your brand new penthouse apartment. It was more extravagant than any other place you’d ever laid your head, and when Tony’s realtor had first shown it to you, you’d balked at the opulence of it. But Tony reminded you that you’d been shot, after all, and had almost died once, then actually died, all in the span of a few days, and after that, on top of everything else you had already endured in your life, wasn’t it time you treated yourself to something good? Besides, it wasn’t like you couldn’t afford it. So, here you were.
“Honey, I’m home,” you called out softly to the enormous, empty space. It would still be some time before the movers finished loading up and delivering everything from the Tower, and then you were going to have a lot of furniture shopping to do. Toeing off your shoes, you padded your way across the apartment to the terrace. Opening the glass doors, you stepped outside. You walked to the edge and rested your elbows against the railing. Taking a deep breath, you admired the view of the city before you, the Tower just a block away. Looking across, you could easily make out Tony and Pepper’s apartment. Waving at breakfast, indeed.
You felt a pair of strong arms slink around your midsection, tugging you into a broad, warm chest. “Thought I heard you come in,” Bucky said, nuzzling his head into the crook of your shoulder. 
“Hey, baby,” you smiled, reaching back to caress his face with your hand. You turned in his arms so you were facing him. “I missed you.”
 Bucky laughed as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I only left the Tower two hours ago,” he said. “But I missed you, too.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him, pouring every ounce of love and affection you felt for him into the motion. “I can’t believe we finally did it,” you grinned.
“Took us long enough,” he mused back, but then turned thoughtful. “Probably would have happened a lot sooner if I hadn’t–”
You brought a finger to his lips, silencing him. “Stop. We agreed not to talk about that, remember? Dr. Whitmore said we can’t move forward if we keep hashing out the past, and I just want to move forward, with you.”
“Sorry,” he murmured, but you just smiled and kissed him again.
After you’d been released from the hospital, you and Bucky had had a long, emotional discussion about the future of your relationship. The only way you’d ever stand a real chance, you’d both decided, was if you committed to couples’ counseling and complete and total honesty. Bucky knew he didn’t deserve yet another chance from you, and you probably wouldn’t have given him one if you hadn’t loved him so fucking much. But you’d actually died, and you couldn’t stand the idea of wasting any more time without him. Now, after nearly a year of doing the work, both on your relationship and yourselves, you felt your connection was stronger than ever. And besides, when it really mattered, Bucky had proven, in the most definitive way, that he would pick you over Jade Carthage.
“So…,” you said once the kiss had been broken and you began playing with the hem of his shirt.
“So, what?” he asked. You raised an eyebrow at him suggestively. His eyes widened as he caught your meaning. “What? Here? Right now?!”
You tilted your head and looked up at him with the most innocent expression you could muster, given how completely un-innocent your current thoughts were. “Yeah, right here, right now. Don’t you think we’ve waited long enough, baby?” You trailed a hand down the center of his chest and his breath hitched. “Almost a full year, spent using my fingers, pretending they were you, never feeling full enough? Never getting off as good as I got off with you? It’s been so long since I felt you inside of me, Buck. So long, it fucking hurts.”
When you had decided to give your relationship a real reset, one of the rules you had established, with the advice of Dr. Whitmore, was no sex. You needed to establish emotional intimacy and boundaries once again, without the complications a sexual relationship would bring. She had even suggested you both try to date other people, to ensure that this was the relationship you both truly wanted, but neither one of you could bring yourselves to do it. And now, here you were, almost a full year since the last time you’d been together, and you were desperate. 
Bucky groaned at your words and you knew he was this close to giving in to you.
“Come on, baby,” you purred, reaching down and slowly unbuckling his belt. “Don’t you want me? Don’t you want to be inside of me?” You slowly began nibbling at his jaw, tasting the salty sweetness of his skin and letting it flood your senses.
“Always want you, Pocket,” he growled, tightening his grip on your waist and pulling you flush against his hips. You let out a low moan when you felt the evidence of his arousal press into your stomach through his jeans. 
“Then have me, Barnes,” you whispered, carding your hands through his hair. “Have me on this balcony, have me on every fucking surface of this apartment, as many times as you want.”
Any remaining sense of resolve Bucky may have possessed snapped, and he was on you, sucking on the skin of your neck as he rutted his hips against you, and it felt so. fucking. good. to feel him like that again. His hand dipped into the waistband of your pants, where he found you wet and eager for him. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he growled into your skin as his fingers slipped through your slick folds to toy with your clit. “All this for me?”
You groaned as you felt one finger gently breach your entrance. “Only you, love,” you moaned. “Only ever you.”
You both froze when you heard the sound of the elevator ding, and Bucky quickly withdrew his hand, popping his finger into his mouth to suck away the evidence of his actions. Grunting in frustration, you looked around him to see the elevator doors open and the movers begin to unload dollies of boxes from the Tower into your new apartment.
“Fuck,” you whispered. “So much for reunion sex. I swear, I’ve got blue balls, Barnes”
Bucky grinned at you, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before redoing his belt and heading over to help the movers. “This’ll only take a little while, doll,” he winked at you. “We’ve got the rest of our lives together to make up for lost time.”
<- Previous Part / The End
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flawdchaos · 6 months
Pinky Promises
Robert Rosenthal x Reader
Word Count - 1840
- this is a part 2/continuation of Spilled Drinks that was requested by anon.
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Ever since the night Y/N had literally ran into Rosie at the bar she couldn’t seem to rid herself of a small smile, no matter what she did. When the girls made it back to their barracks that night, the ambushing of questions went on for well over an hour and even into the next morning.
“You have to talk to him again, Y/N. We both saw the way he looked at you when you were dancing.” Violet declared as she pinned her hair back under the white cap the Red Cross was gracious enough to bless them with. “You know Violet is right, Y/N. He’s already dreaming of a house back in the states and curly headed babies running around.”
“Hazel!” Y/N stopped midway through her dress buttons to lightly smack her friend on the arm, cheeks burning bright red. “I just met the man and for all we know, he doesn’t care and will never speak to me again.” Reaching down to grab her work satchel packed full of supplies.
“Well Y/N if that was the case I don’t believe Mr. Rosenthal would be waiting outside for you, would he?” Violet taunted, Y/N’s head snapping up to meet her friend's gaze. Violet stood peering out the window, fingers holding the blinds open enough to see outside. Hurriedly, Y/N rushed over the window trying her best to not trip over her own feet.
Sure enough there stood Robert Rosenthal - hands shoved in his pockets gaze searching the area around him.
“Go get him, tiger!” Hazel bent forward, laughing.
There truly was not much left in this world that could phase Y/N. She had seen it all in the cruel reality that was war. Men she had grown close to over the span of their visits to the nurses stations would come back battered and broken, some beyond repair - and despite all of what she saw, she was always able to ground herself. She had to. But now, she felt like a young school girl again. Her body was littered with anxiety - sweaty palms, shaking hands, and a racing heart. Why?
All because Robert Rosenthal was standing outside of the nursing barracks.
The squeaking of the barrack front door brought her back down to reality for a moment before the brightness of the sun had her quickly shielding her eyes.
“Rosie, is that you?” she more than obviously knew the answer but she still could not convince herself that it really was him.
“Uh, yeah”, he let out an awkward chuckle “I wanted to stop by this morning and see how things were going. Maybe walk you to the nurses station since I’m heading in that direction.” he was rambling. She stood, head cocked up to him, eyes squinting still from the sun. “I mean, unless, that makes you uh - uncomfortable.”
“I’d love the company. The commute can get a bit lonely.” that same small smile making its way back onto her face. Rosie extended his hand for Y/N to lead the way and with one quick glance back inside she saw her friends staring out at her, smiles plastered on each of their faces.
“What is on your itinerary, today?” Robert finally spoke up.
“The usual. Work until roughly 1900, probably later since there is a mission today and hope to make it back to the barracks in time to do some reading before I get up and do it all again tomorrow.” Y/N paused, kicking a few pebbles along the path before she continued. “How is the day looking for you?”
“Nothing too crazy but I am going up today.” he said nonchalantly, stopping Y/N in her place.
“You’re flying today?” she almost felt like throwing up. Maybe it was selfishness or chosen ignorance but Y/N had grown to hope the war wouldn’t need Robert anymore. She hoped she could protect him from it but all she could do was treat the wounds he would inevitably bring back to her.
“Yeah, debriefing starts at 0730. I’m heading over there once we get you where you need to be.” Her anxiety ridden mind could not help but imagine this was Rosie’s goodbye to her.
Y/N stepped forward to Rosie, grabbing his hands in hers as she looked up to maintain eye contact.
“I know I am just a nurse and you can’t tell me what you're doing up there or where you’re going but you have to pinky promise me you’ll be safe.” Dropping his left hand, she stuck her pinky out expectantly.
“Cross my heart.” he said, as their pinkies connected tightly.
As they continued along their walk, conversation came easily. The pair were still strangers by most accounts and each of them hated it. Y/N wanted to know everything there was to know about Robert Rosenthal and she had made it her plan to figure it out. Stopping outside the nurses station, Rosie removed his hat and began anxiously squeezing it in his hands.
“Be safe up there, fly boy.” Y/N teased, attempting to keep the mood as lightened as she could.
“As long as you do the same down here.” Y/N nodded.
“This mission will be my 20th. I’ve got a two day pass calling my name once my feet hit the ground. Let me treat you to a real introduction and dinner.” Rosie spoke quickly, nerves taking over the brunette.
“I would love that, Mr. Rosenthal.” rising on her tiptoes to plant a quick kiss against his cheek. “You know where I'll be when you get back.” With that, Y/N took a step back and hurried inside to her awaiting duties.
There wasn’t any other time that Y/N had remembered the clock dragging by so slowly. The seconds ticking by was beginning to drive her up the wall and she had to busy herself with random duties. It was while she was restocking the gauze that she heard the all too familiar rumble of the engines overhead. She couldn’t make it to the window to count the returning planes but she hoped, with all her being, every single one of them returned. Hazel’s blonde curls popped around the closet corner, an all too familiar sign that the once quiet med bay was about to pure, unadulterated chaos.
“We’ve got boys already headed our way.” Hazel spoke softly, as if she tried to lessen the blow.
“How bad?” Y/N asked but was only met with a small head shake from the blonde - it was never a good sign.
When Y/N finally saw Robert Rosenthal, he appeared in the med bay doors adorning some cuts and scrapes across his face.
“I told you I would make it back, pretty lady. My leave starts at 0700 sharp. Let’s go to London.”
It was pure luck that her days off coincided with Rosie’s rendezvous and that Helen and Violet were great at covering for their friend. The train ride was where Y/N finally got to the bottom of who Robert Rosenthal truly was. Shortly after taking their seats, Y/N couldn’t help but start to prod.
“Alright, tell me everything Mr. Rosenthal. Give me all the dirty details.”, her cheeks flushed bright red ,”uh- not like that i mean tell me - uh - tell me something no one else knows about you or something.” She could have thrown herself off of the moving train at that point but Rosie just flashed her a smile and started speaking.
“Robert Rosenthal, from Brooklyn, New York. I was working in law before all this mess. I loved it. Graduated top of my class actually. But after Pearl Harbor, I couldn’t keep sitting on my ass while my country needed me so - I enlisted.”
“No secret wife or kids back at home?” Y/N poked.
“No ma’am. It’s just me. And - uh - as far as something no one on this side of the world knows about me - I was the captain for my college’s baseball team. I was trying to be the next DiMaggio.” a small chuckle escaping him as he finished his sentence. “Now what about you?” he asked, softly bumping his shoulder up against the girls.
“Nothing too crazy for me. I always loved helping folks, I was told my whole life I was meant to be a nurse. Once we started fighting this fight I knew I had to volunteer - sorta like you I guess. I’m not dropping bombs or toting a gun but knowing I patch you all up before you get back in the saddle is enough for me.” she sighed, turning up to glance at Rosie.
“And no secret husband out at war or kids back at home?” Rosie mimicked her early question. Y/N snorted, shaking her head. “God no, Robert. Where I’m from I don’t turn heads.” He took a moment to look at her, maintaining eye contact before he took his large hand and grasped over hers before pulling them on to his lap.
“Well Y/N Y/L/N you turned mine - and maybe after we get all this nonsense settled with the bad guys, I can give you a tour of Brooklyn. I know just the place that I’d love to take you dancing.”
“I’m most certainly holding you to it but for now, let’s explore London.” raising her free hand to the platform approaching quickly.
“Yes ma’am. How would you feel about a picnic?”
“That sounds absolutely lovely.”
Rosie stood up as soon as the train hissed to a stop, busying himself with gathering the overnight bags each of them had packed. He stubbornly insisted on carrying both to the hotel around the corner. Y/N knew they would have to enter as colleagues and nothing more, separating as they went to their respective rooms to drop off their bags before meeting again in the hallway.
“Let’s go find sandwiches.” he spoke quietly and Y/N nodded, falling in line behind him as they walked past the lobby and out to the streets. For the first time Y/N really took in the size of the city around her and she couldn’t even help that her jaw was almost to the floor. The Germans had done their share of damage but it didn’t lessen the experience for her at all.
“What is it, Y/N?” Rosie questioned, taking a step towards her.
“I’ve never seen a city like this before. This is just - wow.” Rosie broke out into an ear-to-ear grin. “It is awesome but wait until I take you to Brooklyn. We’ll catch the train to New York City and I’ll make sure you take the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.”
“You promise?” Y/N broke from her trance to look up as Rosie smiled and turned to her fully, sticking out her left hand.
“I pinky promise.” he said, watching as Y/N connected their hands tightly. “You better believe it. I haven’t broken a promise yet.”
AUTHORS NOTE - hi friends, i hope everyone enjoyed this little part two to spilled drinks. there may be a part 3 to this little series if it’s wanted. please feel free to give me feedback or more requests as my inbox as open. i’m still new to this so i appreciate anything :)
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yumeka-sxf · 3 months
I would have included this scan with my recent miscellaneous collab scans post, but I decided it deserves its own post, not just because it's one of the loveliest official Twiyor illustrations I've seen, but also because the story of how I got it is...interesting 😅
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This image is from the chara fine graph (which is basically a framed picture) that was included as a preorder bonus for buying the complete season 2 blu-ray set from a shop called Rakuten Books (together with badge pins of the same designs). I briefly mentioned it back in October of last year when season 2 was airing, along with preoder bonuses from other shops like Animate and Amazon. I only wanted to get this one though, so as per my usual process of trying to secure rare SxF goods, I made a note to myself to keep an eye out for when it released. Rakuten, which I believe is the main company for Rakuten Books, has their own proxy buying service, and as the season 2 blu-rays were released, I saw them appearing there. But as noted on their main site, the condition for them to send you the chara fine graph is that you must preorder all of the three season 2 blu-ray discs from them. Once you buy the third one, if they know that you've already bought the others, then they'll send you the preorder bonuses along with it.
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I was concerned that if I bought the discs via proxy, they wouldn't know that I bought all three and would cancel my order at the end! I would be devastated if that happened after waiting months and spending all that money on the complete set. I knew people would sell the chara fine graph second-hand as soon as it released, so I decided to wait until then and try to find it on Mercari.
So the months went by and eventually I found out that the final blu-ray volume of season 2 would release on April 17th, 2024. I made a mental note to check Mercari for it then, but unfortunately something else released around that same time...CODE: White in the US, which had its first screening on April 18th. Admittingly, I got distracted by the CODE: White release and had seen it twice by the following weekend. I did do some preliminary searching for the chara fine graph, but not with my usual refined search terms. It wasn't until the 21st that I finally sat down and really started searching for it. And while I did find a few listings, they had already been sold.
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I was hopeful that more people would sell it, since it had only been less than a week since release. But I guess I underestimated how popular this chara fine graph was because, after the initial five listings I saw that were sold within the span of a few days, none appeared after. I had, like, ten Mercari tabs open on my browser with different search terms that I refreshed many times a day, but nothing was showing up. I would groan whenever I'd see the preorder bonuses for the other shops like Animate and Amazon pop up, but not Rakuten Books. I did finally see one new listing of someone selling just the badge pins, but that was sold within a few minutes, which made me even more nervous. I would also be nervous getting up in the morning since I didn't want to see that a new listing was posted and sold while I was sleeping! Thankfully I work from home so it wasn't too much of an inconvenience for me to refresh the Mercari tabs on my personal computer whenever I had a minute. But as the days went by and I didn't see any new listings, I started getting mad at myself that if I had only started seriously searching for it right on release day, I would have had at least five chances to get it and could have saved myself this hassle. I even sent a message to Rakuten Books via their online form, asking (in Japanese) if they could somehow sell it to me and ship internationally, etc. But their response was pretty much what I expected...a polite "no."
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But then, on the evening of May 4th, I found a new listing and immediately bought it! What should have been a red flag though is that the person was selling it for $30 (with the badge pins included), while everyone else had been selling it from around $80-$100. The title they gave to the item was weird too; they simply called it "Spy Family" instead of "Spy Family Chara Fine Graph" or "Spy Family Rakuten Books Bonus" or something descriptive like that. But the seller had a decent rating so I didn't think there was a problem. After I got the email from Buyee (my proxy service) that they successfully bought the item, I thought I was all set. I closed out all my search tabs and went to bed feeling satisfied.
However, when I got up the next morning, my heart sank when I saw that about an hour after I had gone to bed, Buyee sent me another email saying that they refunded and cancelled my order! The reason they gave was "due to the convenience of the seller" 😫
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But what was most frustrating about this is that, when I checked the searches again, I saw that the same seller had relisted the item, with a higher price and more descriptive title, and it had been sold already. What probably happened is that the seller realized they made a mistake with the title and price of the listing and wanted to change it, which Mercari apparently allows them to do even after it had already been sold and paid for!
I was furious with Mercari for allowing this. The least they could do in a situation like this is give the original buyer, like, one day to buy the item again with the increased price before the seller is allowed to relist it again. I wanted to write to the seller and/or Mercari, but I wasn't able to make a Mercari account since it's restricted to Japan. I was also internally yelling at myself that if I had just started searching for it within a day or two of release instead of procrastinating, I could have avoided all this. So it was back to square one, but I wasn't going to give up! I opened up more search tabs with even more refined search terms. I also expanded to other proxy-supported shops like Surugaya and Yahoo Japan Auction. I even got my mom to help me, since she's often up in the middle of the night and can check in case anything is listed during that time while I'm asleep. I downloaded the Buyee app too so I could check listings even if I was away from my computer. With all this, I was hopeful I'd be able to buy it again, though it was more of a question of "when" than "if." With second-hand collectibles, you never know when they could pop up...I could find a new listing the next day, or not for a year or two. But I just kept up the searching, and finally, after another month went by, on June 3rd (June 4th in Japan, so technically Twiyor day 😁) I finally found it again...on Yahoo Japan Auction of all places!
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I had never bought via auction before so I was a bit nervous I'd get outbid or something. But I immediately clicked the "pay buyout price option" (which was only a few dollars more than the original price) and, thankfully, a short while later Buyee informed me that I successfully won the auction! But after what happened before, I was still paranoid that it could get canceled for whatever reason. But that didn't happen, and after waiting for shipping, it finally came~
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I always like to add a "lessons learned" in these situations, so I'd say the lesson here is don't be blasé or procrastinate when it comes to something you really want. And of course, being persistent pays off more than not!
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aritamargarita · 9 months
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hello and welcome to the debut of solitude. to all my current readers, you already know what’s up, but to new and curious readers, this installment is based off of climbing the food chain of wwe, taking place in mostly the modern era, so there are superstars spanning from 2013 the earliest to 2022..
just let me cook on the timeline a little bit okay, you'll like it LOL. there’s a lot of Twitter segments in this so i hope it’s not annoying, they’re going to die down for the most part later i promise
without further ado, please enjoy!
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TODAY IS THE first day of your call up. The support you’ve gotten from your friends from the training center was wonderful, but you’re still feeling antsy and incredibly nervous. Hopefully, your first day on the brand goes well..
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Shawn Michaels was the one to break the news that you were getting called up. You could remember it so clearly because you completely ambushed him with an excited hug once he dropped the bomb on you.
He had patted your back and told you to lighten your grip a little bit, but not without a grin on his face.
If it’s one thing you deserve, it is the chance to expand your career. You always came early, and you were always prepared to learn.
You weren’t sure how to feel when he told you that you’d be heading to the main roster.
You only started as a superstar on the indie circuit and are only used to being on much smaller channels and local shows. You couldn’t even imagine being on WWE, which was broadcast on national television!
He had seen the look on your face and quickly tried to do damage control.
“We’re soft-launching you, or however you kids say it these days,” He told you. You think he grumbled something about how social media was confusing, but you brushed him off. “As an interviewer, I mean.”
“Huh..” You give a shrug. “As long as I can wrestle sometime.”
He had assured you that you will, sooner than you think, but they just wanted to focus on your speaking. Once they (and you), were more confident, they’d allow you to be in much more opportunities.
Such is life, you guess. Get through these obstacles for a bigger reward. You gave your gratitude to Shawn as you had a lot to look forward to.
If you’re not mistaken, WWE had already posted a teaser on their twitter. For some reason, you would find yourself constantly checking the tweet.
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@WWE ✓
We hear someone is entering the scene… 👀
1.2K reposts 120 quotes 14K likes
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—is what it said. The flurry of tweets under it were mixed. Lots of people wanted to know what the deal was, though some were already speculating it was an old star coming back.
However, the few fans that knew of your work had their guesses. Some of the pictures you posted on Instagram were cryptic hints, but you knew how the internet was. Crazy detective work..
But anyhow, people around the training center know that you’re pretty introverted. You only came to get some work done and go home. It was hard for others to get to know you at first.
They like to call you shy, but you’ve started to hate that word the more it’s used. It holds you back too much. You won’t make it far if you’re stuck with that description for your entire life.
Fortunately, they know what you lack in words is made up for in the ring. There’s no question that you’re good, you just tend to get nervous when speaking to the public.
At heart, you knew they wanted to help you out, and they wanted you to become the best you can be! If you start practicing, you’re sure to be a star!
As motivating as it sounds, it’s still stressful. Going out of your comfort zone was nothing new. It’s a given if you want to wrestle properly, but it still makes you uneasy.
You know you’ve gotta put your best foot forward and do this despite it. This was your only chance, and you absolutely can’t mess this up.
Most of the people still training had given you their well wishes. It’s heavily appreciated; after all, you won’t see them anymore unless they’re called up there themselves.
You think you’ll miss Carmella the most. She was your training buddy, and you think she was the most excited about you getting called up. You hope that she’ll be next soon enough….
As of right now, you look tired. You damn sure feel tired.
It causes you to lie down on the floor of the locker room. It probably wasn’t the best idea, but fuck it. You’ve already made a bad decision by staying up all night out of excitement. It’s starting to come back to you.
Of course, you came to the arena a little too early. (which was an inside joke between coaches, you’re too punctual for your own good..)
You were sure most of your coworkers hadn’t arrived yet, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to see them. It’s not that you don’t want to, you’re just nervous to meet them.
Especially since you’ll probably be half asleep and may forget their names.
Much to your misfortune, a woman comes in, sunglasses on and suitcase handle clenched in hand.
She only lowers them with a finger once you’re in view. “Oooh,” She starts, then clicks her tongue. It’s apparent that she’s mocking you already. “..You look like trash.”
“Thanks,” You say with a sigh. “It’s so appreciated.”
This is not a good start. You make the move to get up off the comfortable ground and the woman puts a hand on her hip.
She’s not very amused, moving a free hand to flip her blue hair. “Did they get me a personal makeup artist? Or…are you just everyone’s stylist? Never seen you here before.”
“I’m new. An interviewer.” You say. Giving yourself that title feels much weirder than saying you were a wrestler. “Pray tell, who am I talking to?”
She’s a little taken aback by the cynical tone in your voice but takes her sunglasses off. This woman doesn’t think she’s met her match yet.
“Of course you don’t recognize a celebrity when you’re in front of one. Let me refresh your memory a bit. How does this sound? The boss, the blueprint, the standard!” She pauses for a bit for dramatic effect. “…Sasha Banks. And I better not have to repeat myself. Who exactly are you?”
“You have a pretty name.” You start off with. Honestly, you didn’t want to make an enemy out of her as much as she wanted to make one out of you. You hope she could see that. “I’m [Name], and you’re right. I am new. Maybe we can get to know each other a bit more.”
It actually seems to work because she falters for a second. “…What?”
You hold out your hand to her and she looks at it for a moment before shaking it with a scowl. Before you realize it, she’s already taking her hand back.
“I’m assuming you’re wrestling? Do you have a match?” You quickly ask, not giving her a second to recover. “I’d like to interview you after if you do.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sasha drops her suitcase. She’s unsure if she could stand your bright personality for a second longer. You’re going to be a problem in the future. “Sorry, not sorry, but you’re a nobody. What’s the point?”
“It was worth a try. But if that’s what you want I won’t force you.” Sasha rolls her eyes at your response. You’re way too nice. “At least tell me, do you think it’s fun here?”
“Fun?” She repeats. “Tch, I know you didn’t just ask if it was fun. Get real. There’s nothing fun about being here. There’s only one thing that matters, and it’s the Divas Championship. Got it?”
“Got it.” You nod. Divas Championship…duly noted. You don’t think you’ll be going for it anytime soon. “Who’s got it?” You’ll have to ask if the standard Women’s Championship was still in circulation as well.
“AJ Lee.” She answers. It’s the least snarky answer she’s given you so far, but she reverts back to it. “I swear, I’m gonna drag her ass across the mat for that title. She makes me sick with her skipping around.”
You voice your thoughts. “She skips?” That’s one way to get to the ring. You’re curious now. “I wonder if I can interview her…she must have a lot to say about her reign so far.”
“What?” Sasha’s immediately offended. “Um, no. Who says you’re interviewing her first? You’re obviously going to interview me first.”
It’s contradictory to what she’s said before, but because of it, there’s a smile growing on your face. She notices and jabs her index finger toward you. “You can wipe that smile off your face, rookie.”
“So be it. I will see you afterwards.” You agree to interview her, doing your best to fight the smile off.
Sasha huffs and leaves the room for now. Your eyes follow her, and once she’s gone, you shrug to yourself. Wow.
Well, that’s one way to get an interviewee.
Almost seconds after her departure, your phone vibrates and you see it’s a notification from Twitter. After that, the tweets start to flow in.
What now?
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@SashaBanksWWE ✓
I ALWAYS come first. Don’t forget that, rookie. @Officially[Name].
4.1K reposts 250 quotes 45K likes
@No1DivazStan: Wait…?
↳ @Sashabanksfan109: Literally like who is that??? What is she talking about?
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Oh boy. Now people actually are getting the idea. She even went as far as tagging you. You’re already starting to have people follow you.
Including Sasha, which was a plus!
You’re confident about things for a moment until the thought of having to talk to her live circles back. Shit, you might start to freak out a little.
You hope Sasha wouldn’t be too harsh on you, even if it were wishful thinking. Sasha’s gonna come in hot, especially if she loses. You have no choice but to adjust.
A few more moments of silence pass, and suddenly the floor is calling you again.
You immediately lay back down. How long until the show? You take your phone out of your pocket and check the time. 6:45. The show starts at around 7. Maybe 8 if there are any delays.
Would it be wrong if you took a quick nap? It’ll only be 15 minutes, but it might just be enough to keep you going for the rest of the night.
You’re already closing your eyes. You know you’re going to be unable to hit any major stages of sleep, but even just laying like this is nice.
Until the door opens. You’re shooting up from your spot, almost falling over in the process.
“I WASN’T SLEEPING.” You clarify, doing your best to stand up. The woman, who’s not Sasha this time, looks at you in confusion.
She points a finger at you. “Ya’ sure about that? From the looks of it, it seemed like you were knocked out for a second.” Her accent is the first thing that catches your attention as she starts to motion towards you.
“No, no, not at all.” You try to defend. “Can’t a woman stretch on the floor in peace?”
“Seriously, you call that stretching?” Before she can make any more sarcastic comments toward you, she turns to look at you. “I’ve never seen you around before. Got a name?”
She is trying her best to identify you to no avail. You hop up to your feet, then hold your hand out to her. “[Name]. I’m just an interviewer right now, yeah. I’m new. Who are you?”
“Becky. Becky Lynch.” She introduces, taking your hand to shake it firmly. You swear you’ve seen her before, too. Probably on Twitter. Guess Becky isn't the only one with deja vu.
You pray you wouldn’t forget her or Sasha’s name for that matter. You can’t fight the urge to yawn.
“Someone’s tired. You should go get some water before you pass out. Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”
This is a nice change of pace from Sasha. Despite you trying to kill her with kindness, she’s just all kinds of intimidating, while this woman is…okay.
Water may do the trick. It might just be cold enough to wake you up. “Good idea. Anywhere I can get some?”
“Should be a cooler down the hall to your right.” She informs. “See, I’d offer to get it for you, but I’ve got a match to get ready for.”
“Well, thanks anyway.” But before you leave, Before you leave, you turn over to her. “This may be an assumption, but are you going against Sasha Banks?” You ask. You could be wrong, but it’s worth a shot to see.
She nods at you. “Smart girl. How’d you know?”
“I talked to her a bit earlier. She wouldn’t exactly tell me she was going in a match, but I guess it was safe to assume it was you.” You say. “If you’d like to be interviewed, I’ll be waiting backstage.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Becky says. She’s more concerned about you getting your water. “Go, I might be here when you get back. Don’t pass out.”
You make a noise to let her know you heard her. Did you make a new friend? You think so.
You’re still a bit disoriented from the lack of sleep. You only made it a few steps down the hall before forgetting the direction she told you to go. Great.
This hallway seemed horribly long. The more you walked, the more you felt like it extended somehow. You need a nap, but you don’t think you’re going to get it until retiring back to your hotel room.
A group of men dressed in what seems to be tactical clothes are sitting around nearby, and you find yourself approaching them in a sudden spur of confidence. It’s probably because you’re tired.
“Excuse me,” you call. All three of them look at you with curious looks, and you feel like you could just up and die right there.
Doesn’t exactly help that they’re all kind of attractive, either.
“Where can I get some water? It feels like I’m dying here.” You ask, using your hand to rub the side of your face.
To them, you looked like you had just completed a damn marathon run. One of them with short brown hair whispers something to another with half-blonde, half-black hair, and you look between them curiously.
You don’t have time for whispers. You want water. It makes you think about purposely passing out in front of them. Rude and manipulative, sure, but you’re not here to gossip!
The other one speaks up to you instead. He’s also got long hair, but you think the most noticeable thing was his sleeve tattoo. You may have been staring too long because he snapped his fingers to get your attention.
At least he wasn’t glaring at you. There was a handsome smile on his face. “You there? Don’t tell me we’ve lost you already. You just got here.”
“Sorry. I’m really tired.” You admit. “Really, REALLY tired. Water would be nice.”
“To your left,” He says. “Should be one over there.”
The exasperation in your voice is ever present when you say: “Thank you!”. You’re dying here. You’ll have to come back and thank your only savior after replenishing yourself. Turning away, you head in the direction he told you.
You don’t hear the snickering behind you as you leave. Too busy thinking about hydration at this point.
Going further down, you see that there still is no water cooler. You’re only met with a dead end, and though there are doors, the signs only tell you that they’re just control rooms.
You’re confused. Why would he send you that way? You turn around and head back the way you came as it must’ve been an honest mistake.
You see them still sitting there with smiles. “Hey, excuse me,” you call, waving your hand. “There’s no water over there. Are you sure it’s that way?”
“We know.” The man who gave you instruction earlier had said. “We just wanted to mess with you a bit. Go that way.” First day on the job and people are already trying to rib you? Goddamn it.
On the bright side, it seemed to be lighthearted. Or so you hope.
This time, you hope, he points the correct way. The only thing you can do is let out a sigh and move forward. You don’t even stay to listen to anything else he says.
"Don't take it to heart!" One of them yells behind you.
You scoff to yourself. This time, they redeemed themselves because you found that lovely water cooler. You immediately pick up the pace and reach out to snatch a cup.
Finally, cold water. You're sure you'll wake up this time. You're almost half tempted to pour some on your face, but you aren't THAT unhinged. Besides, you don’t want to waste it.
The moment you lift your cup and and take a refreshing sip, someone saying “hey” makes you look over, and you nearly spit your drink out.
The guy that had given you the wrong direction had come around. You cough up bits of water, holding a hand on your chest. “Why?! God, you scared the hell out of me!”
“Sorry.” He apologizes. You’re not so sure if it’s sincere. “Stephanie McMahon told me about you. You’re [Name], right?”
It takes you a second to reply and he looks at you expectantly. You hold your hand up. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s me.” You nod.
“Roman,” He introduced himself back, setting his hands on the vest of his tactical gear. “I know it’s your first day and all, but do you know who’s in charge?”
“….Vince McMahon?” You offer with a shrug.
Roman chuckles, shaking his head. “You were close. But that’s not it. The Authority is the one in charge.” He clarifies to you. “And you’d best be on their side. Tell me, new girl. Do you plan to be on the side of justice?”
Truth be told, you’re a little intimidated. Again.
You wonder if you even had a choice right now. Before you answer him you decide to take a sip of water, this time, without coughing up a lung.
“Justice, what do you mean by that?”
“The Authority is seeking to make sure that everyone keeps in line.” He explains. “We’ve already got a hold on the men’s division, but the women’s division….”
He trails off, looking toward you expectantly.
“I’m just an interviewer.” You hold your hands up in defense. “I don’t know anything about wrestling. Like anything.”
A lie, but you don’t exactly want to get involved.
You thought it felt weird to call yourself an interviewer, but now you’re going to hold onto that title until it’s convenient enough for you….
“Don’t give me that crap. I know exactly what you are.” So much for that. Roman gets closer to you and you move back just a little. It doesn’t do much, because he’s still in your space.
You’re starting to feel cornered.
“And what I don’t appreciate is people lying to me. Listen, [Name]. Pretty girls like you are always smart. If you knew what’s good for you, you’d better—“
“Hey guys!” A new voice makes you look over Roman. “Roman…and….who’s this?” He points a finger over to you.
“[Name].” You say. This guy might be your potential savior.
He doesn’t really pester any further than that, oddly enough. “Cool. You guys wanna take a selfie?” Before you two could even answer, he’s already approaching with a phone in hand.
“Wait,” You try to stop him. “I’m not ready—“
All Roman does was glare at the camera while you were holding out your hand toward it. He’s already took it and you were caught in the worst off guard moment.
“You guys better get ready for Raw. It starts in like five minutes.” The man recommends. “Thanks for the selfie.”
He saunters off and Roman shakes his head. After the stranger had made some distance, he finally speaks to you. “I can’t stand Theory’s dumbass.”
“Theory?” You repeat. “Who?”
“Austin Theory.” He clarifies. “Won’t stop taking those stupid selfies. It’s all the goddamn time.”
You slowly nod, but take advantage of the fact Austin had said there’s only five minutes until Raw starts. “Gosh. This was such a nice meeting, but I had better get going. You know, interviews and stuff to do.”
Roman says nothing, so you take the opportunity to side-step and walk past him. However, he doesn’t let you get far before saying…
“Better think about what I said. You don’t have much time.”
You’re hoping that wasn’t a threat. And now that you think about it?
He didn’t even apologize for leading you the wrong way!
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You were just trying to get ready to be on television. You did everything you could to stand out for your debut, despite some people knowing that you’d show up sometime.
You can only imagine the pre-show talks around on social media. God, you hope you weren’t sweating. You think you’re just overreacting, but you feel like you’re gonna cry.
If you weren’t awake before, you sure are now.
Your phone starts buzzing again on the vanity you were seated at. The stylist who was helping you get things together had stepped away earlier, leaving you be with your thoughts.
Until now. The moment you pick up your phone and open Twitter, you groan.
Roman was right about the selfies being stupid.
Austin had posted it on Twitter. The only thing you’re really focused on is yourself. You look a disheveled mess and you’re happy you could fix yourself up a little bit right now.
You’re reeling as you read some of the responses. Although, some were funnier than others…
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@Theory_1 ✓
Roman and some new girl are here today! I caught them in their natural habitat.
1.8K reposts 130 quotes 37K likes
↳ @Lilgrab$78: Nah fr they holding her hostage in there
@Biilionnsmind: Are you serious? [Name] Theory AND Roman? This has gotta be the multiverse
↳ @YourChampion0: Not gonna lie they might be an item. Guess we’ll see if they have something going on or they just were filming something.
@bellstrings: Wait not too much on [Name]…face card is still ACTIVE and ready to TAP!
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Along those lines of being mentioned, Austin had followed you as well. But seeing yourself being the talk of others is just surreal. You’re happy about it.
“Hey, [Name].” A stagehand calls. “You’re on in about 2 minutes. You’ll be interviewing Sasha Banks. It’s the only person you’ll be doing, so you’re free to go home after.”
Alright then. You hop up out of your seat. You looked good enough, so you didn’t exactly need that stylist to come back. Your time to shine.
You let the stagehand lead the way to where you’re supposed to be positioned. It’s a nice set up, you think. There’s a red curtain behind you as well as a television settled with “Raw” displayed on it.
“Sasha lost because of interference.” The stagehand informs you. “She’ll go on about the details. But just ask her some questions. She should be here any second now.”
You’ll try. The camera is already settled in front of you, waiting for the go ahead. As soon as he said that, Sasha comes storming into the room. He signals toward the both of you that he’s rolling.
“Wow, Sasha..!” You exclaim, shaking your head. “That was definitely……a match.”
Sasha looks at you with a scowl. “You think?! Becky only got lucky because AJ came out all peppy. I almost had her.” She complains. “I had Becky in the Bank Statement. She was about to tap…”
She literally has to stop talking and take a breath before she loses it. Everyone, even the crowd, can tell that she’s STEAMING.
“…Uh, do you think you’ll need help in the future for AJ? It looks like she’s posing a really big threat to you.” You say. “Cause’ if you’re asking me, it looks like you may need a future tag partner.”
You’re going steady, despite the fact your hand may or may not be shaking a bit. You’re just glad that this segment wasn’t out in the ring. You tilt the mic over to Sasha.
All you had to do was pretend like the camera wasn’t there and that you were having a simple conversation. Everything’s just fine.
You had hoped she would understand that you were insinuating that you could be of assistance, but she takes it the wrong way.
“What, you think I’m not good enough?” She challenges, stepping closer to you. “You think I can’t beat AJ on my own? She’s the one that needs help. That’s why she gets Tamina to do her dirty work. Let me remind you that I’m Sasha Banks. I was the NXT Women’s Champion. The Boss can handle herself in battle and she damn sure doesn’t need someone that’s gonna hold her back.”
“I get it, jeez. I was trying to help you, Sasha.” You explain. It might be a chance to get you active in the ring.
“Aren’t you supposed to be doing your job and asking me questions? I don’t need your help.” She fires back.
Whatever. You just shrug it off. “Fine. You want questions, I’ll give you questions. You tagged me on Twitter. When you tagged me on Twitter, was that you trying to put me on notice?”
It’s easy for her to bounce off of what you said.
“You clearly act like you have no idea who I am. Maybe now you’ll get a clue. As a matter of fact, you better leave that fake little sweet innocent act at the door, cause I see right through you.”
“What act? I’m just being me.” It’s true. You really are!
“Right, and Becky must be the best wrestler on the planet…hah! That’s hilarious even thinking about it.” Sasha falls into a laugh, and you fight the urge to smile at her contagious laugh. Instead, you wipe it off in order to look confused.
She takes a breath. “You know what? You wanna help me, prove it to me. You and me, a match next Monday. I know that you’re not gonna do well, but I’ll have fun destroying you anyways, rookie.”
This was your chance!! You can’t fight the excitement, so you immediately agree. “Yes! I mean, yeah. Absolutely. It’s a match, Sasha. Shake on it?”
You offer your free hand to her. Despite her gritting her teeth, she takes it.
Sasha thinks you’re too excited, but she’d be lying if she wasn’t curious to see how you’d fare against her.
Your first match is against Sasha Banks. Thinking about it seemed so surreal. You’ve got a lot to prepare for next Monday.
Sasha’s eyes seem to catch onto something behind you and she groans, snatching her hand back. “Not her—“
“I wasn’t expecting you here, Sasha!” There’s a woman who’s slightly shorter than you that comes over with a championship tucked over her arm. This must’ve been the Divas championship, if the words on the butterfly weren’t evident enough.
“You know, not after you lost. Thought you would’ve went home by now!” She holds onto it even tighter once Sasha gave her a nasty look.
“You must be AJ Lee?” You try to divert some of the tension. “It’s nice to see the divas champion face to face.”
Sasha gags, but AJ giggles at your words. She rubs a hand over the butterfly, looking at you. “Oh pssssh, this? It’s nothing major…it just means I’m the best, but seriously, nothing major. Oh, and Sasha? Sorry Tamina made you lose focus…no hard feelings?”
Sasha rears her fist back and you immediately try to jump in the middle of them. Might’ve been a dumb decision, but it made Sasha immediately freeze once you did. You’re not even sure if AJ flinched.
You’re planted firmly in between them without any plans of moving anytime soon. “Woah, woah woah, can we hold off on the fighting PLEASE?! Why don’t you guys settle it in the ring, just like me and Sasha are?”
“You guys…” AJ looks between you two. “…are wrestling each other? Huh.”
You nod at her. “Yeah. I think you should follow suit. It’s obvious you two have problems.”
“Well, you’re right. It’s not like can’t beat you again, Sasha!” AJ chimes. “Anyway, I’m going to go polish my title! Don’t wait up for me, ladies!”
And just like that, AJ skips off. Sasha slowly turns to look at you and the only thing you can do is look back at her.
“I don’t care,” She starts, pointing a finger at you. “You’re helping in whatever happens, rookie.”
“What?! Why me??” You whine. “This isn’t my issue, the only thing I’m worried about is our match.“
As she’s said earlier, she doesn’t care. “You heard me. All you’ve gotta do is be ready. When I tell you to do something, you go.”
She leaves you with that. An exasperated sigh falls from your lips.
You’ve got more than just your match to worry about now..
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@WWE ✓
A nearly explosive confrontation tonight on Raw between AJ Lee, [Name], and Sasha Banks. Watch below! 👇🔥
6.7K reposts 310 quotes 67k likes
@xXHibiscus: THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!???!!!
↳ @WomenofWWE: Yess! This is what we need, a strong three-way feud! The newbie, the underdog, and the champion. The storylines kind of have been getting boring. I wouldn’t mind Sasha & [Name] vs AJ, or maybe even AJ & [Name] vs Sasha.
↳ @RaeFed: [name] might’ve just saved us hold on
@RoseGambler: [Name] trying to be a peacemaker 😭
↳ @ThenNowForever: Why she hit the “Sasha, this isn’t you”??
@MarkPodcast: Never heard of [Name]..…is she new?
↳ @platinumstarred: yeah she was mainly on the indies, wasn’t bad at all like she was rlly good
↳ @MarkPodcast: Hopefully she’ll stay good while she’s here!
@Feistysummer: Sasha saying she doesn’t need help…then turns around and tells [Name] that she’s going to help LOL
↳ @Divas4L: They’re definitely going to be friends, if not best friends in the future..
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byemambo · 19 days
4Minutes EP. 6 - My Takeaways
Y'all...The way I was working OVERTIME trying to figure out how I wanted to explain my thoughts for this episode (this post is extremely long: take that as you will). So please welcome OG TymeGreat vs. NDE (near death experience) TymeGreat and their timelines (everything else under the cut!):
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Great Version
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Tyme Version
Key Events: Assessing the Timelines
I listed out key events that I felt matched up within each existing timeline (and I'm sure I missed more key events/details that aren't listed in my findings), no matter the person nor alternative reality they're in. For Great's timeline, the key events include:
Waking up to take his exam
Hitting Manee with his car
Receiving the call from Title
Korn being attacked
Great learns Tyme's identity as the attacker
Great confronting Tyme at the hospital the next day
Great confronting his parents for their crimes
Great renounces his ties to his family
While these events occurred regardless of the different decisions Great could make, what was striking to me was Great's distinct characteristics that existed in both timelines while also having characteristics individual to their respective timelines. For OG Great, he's extremely defiant and cynical, especially if he's able to get a rise out of his father for reasons prior to knowing about the business, I'm not exactly sure (except for him being the mistress's son before the first wife committed suicide).
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Episode 6 vs. Episode 1
Given that we didn't get any scenes of him bonding with Korn throughout the episode unlike NDE Great, I can only imagine there's a bias towards Korn as the favorite son between the two where one listens and submits while the other vocal and disobeys. Along with being defiant and having the guts to gauge the wold with cockiness, he is also a coward that's easily persuaded and manipulated. This shows up most during scenes like the hit and run or when Title demanded Great to help get rid of Dome's body and in turn, become an accomplice to the crime.
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Episode 6 vs. Episode 1
OG Great also operates on this mindset of being silver spooned his entire life more explicitly than NDE Great, and becomes hot headed when placed under immense pressure once he's unable to play mind games with his targets such as Tyme. Even though their hook up and Tyme leaking his sex tape caused a scandal with his dad's company, the amount of trauma Great has dealt with growing up (this kid never played a crane machine game so I can only imagine how lonely his upbringing was) resorts to him chasing after those dopamine hits and becoming shameless as a result.
One of the few times OG Great chose his own morals and acted upon them in the storyline was when he found out about his parents and their involvement with the scheme, but this decision only occurred when people he cared about died or got hurt, like Nan and Tyme. Because he had developed a short spanned codependency on Tyme (whether for more sex or because he found his serious demeanor amusing), once he had been left with nothing due to reasons beyond his control, he leaves his family behind after the confirmation of their crimes.
Unlike NDE Great, OG Great is self centered and only acts when pushed beyond his limits, but only if the consequences of that limit involves someone he genuinely cares about (this is the stark difference between Dome's demise versus Tyme's meltdown after Nan's death). Sure, people can argue that Great knows Tyme at a similar level of depth like he knew Dome (apart from being sexually involved with one another), but his interests peaks in Tyme once he finds out that he's seeking revenge against his father and finds that mere effort entertaining for him. In the OG timeline, Great's flaws directly causes his detriment in the end, getting shot by Dome's older brother Tonkla in vengeance.
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Episode 6 vs. Episode 5
In Tyme's timeline, there aren't as many moving parts that we saw on screen as much as Great's (since their particular story is limited narrative through Great's perspective) but these events remain consistent in his story:
Tyme works a hospital shift
Den tells him about his NDE research
Tyme works the night shift with Great in his proximity
Tyme attacks Korn in search of Nan
Great confronts Tyme at the hospital the next day
What I found most interesting in OG Tyme's timeline was how linear and straightforward the events occurred in sequence, which would have been the case if Great never asked him about his occurring NDE symptoms like he did in the NDE timeline while being under Tyme's care. Tyme's prior knowledge to Den's research served as a seed planted in the back of his mind, which if Great hadn't asked him (if he chose to help Title get rid of Dome's body), Tyme would have went along with his plan and shelved Den's research with no intention in intervention. The difference in approach between OG Tyme and NDE Tyme was rooted in their initial encounters, both being Great bumping into Tyme and how it was handled.
If Great continued heading his way, Tyme's initial impression of Great would have been slightly annoyed (which we saw a preview of how he yelled at Great during the first cardiac arrest Great had when he bumped into Tyme and didn't help him). But if Great stopped to apologize and even help Tyme with the papers, there is a hint of consideration in that gesture, even if Great himself is a flawed person capable of doing bad things. For some, basic human decency isn't a mind blowing trait for people to fawn over, but this can be contrasted when Tyme asks P'Anne for his information and finally gets confirmation of Great's identity.
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Episode 6 vs. Episode 1
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Episode 6 vs. Episode 3
From the perspective of Tyme who's dedicated his personal life in bringing down the family responsible for the death of his parents, I'm sure having a painted image of what inhumane and vulgar things the family is capable of, Great's first impression as the younger son of the enemy is somehow normal? As if this man isn't capable of hurting a fly, let alone killing people like his father does (why did I think of fucking Lord Ozai and Prince Zuko when proofreading this loooooord someone send me to bed asap). Rather than treating Great as just a means to an end with no prior attachment and full intent in harming the family's reputation as OG Tyme would have, NDE Tyme's prior interactions with Great by him helping Tyme with his papers (the readiness to correct his faults while providing a solution to aid in the damage caused, big or small), Great bringing his hurt friend to the hospital without acknowledging his own injuries (a sign of selflessness and reliability) and asking Tyme about his symptoms related to his cardiac arrests and moments of NDE, there are layers being shed off of Tyme's preconceived notions about the family.
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Episode 2
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Episode 6
Not only are there layers, Tyme's curiosity peaks because why is the son of the family who killed his parents seemingly harmless and clumsy? Shouldn't someone of his background be more cautious and conceal himself more, especially when speaking to a stranger such as Tyme? Does he know what his parents do and the damage they have caused for countless families and victims? In comparison to OG Great who's callous and bold, NDE Great is soft and easily startled, therefore, needs a more calculative and somewhat honest approach to secure a connection to get closer to bringing the family down.
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Episode 6 vs. Episode 3
Characterization: A vs. B
When writing my reflections, I found it interesting how TymeGreat's relationship develops within their respective timelines, especially how each encounter they had with one another fueled different emotions and residual feelings. In the OG timeline, their relationship is innately lustful with distance between them, their main objectives involve concealed vengeance, amusement in the series of events occurring between them and not being able to access the full story of the two worlds both individuals were a part of before their paths crossed.
Whereas in the NDE timeline, their relationship began with a curiosity that defied expectations and welcomed communication, such as asking intimate questions and offering valuable solutions to majority of their problems: Great asking Tyme about his cardiac symptoms, Tyme consulting Den about his research after Great's conversation, Great confiding in Tyme about his upbringing, Tyme revealing the cause of his parents' death, Great confronting his own family for their crimes and seeking accountability. All of these traits wouldn't have been present if that initial hit and run played out differently: they would have crossed paths regardless but their attitudes and motives would shape the state of their relationship.
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Episode 6 vs. Episode 3
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Episode 6 vs. Episode 5
However, there are innate traits that remained consistent in both characters. Great with his impulsivity and tackling his problems head strong, Tyme with his nonchalance and caring attitude towards the people he loves (such as his grandmother). What really caused the divergence of their whims were purely based in the circumstances they find themselves in during their initial encounters. When they met at the bar, Great's impulsivity charged the motion of their relationship, ending with his cowardice separating the two once Nan died at the hands of Samarn. Tyme's detached attitude that drove his girlfriend away from him and poses concern from Den as a fellow doctor in how he denies his patients of their own identity and autonomy, causes him to take advantage of Great's relations to the family, ending in his own death after denying the bribe by Great's father.
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Episode 6
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Episode 6
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Episode 1
Despite it all, the most significant element that both Tyme and Great share is the leverage both have over one another through their emotional attachments, which may seem small in comparison to more flashy events within the storyline but for these two characters: it makes a world of a difference. When NDE Tyme reveals his identity during the ambush against Korn, which led Great to help Tyme find Nan and as a result, saving her life. This is critical as OG Great is inherently a coward with a dopamine deficiency and enjoys causing trouble for his father's reputation at his own demise.
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Episode 4
When Tyme is willing to risk his life exposing Great's family to the press, Great reminds him of his grandmother, driving Tyme to accept the bribe from Great's dad and find safety at Aunt Ging's house together. Unlike OG Tyme, whose reserved and passive attitude enables his life to be filled with the absurd and mundane, that money is the driving force of life and the root of all evil that took his parents away from him, so what else is there to live for as long as he avenges his family?
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Episode 5
Now for my questions for the last two episodes: if Great dies in the OG timeline and is actively dying in the NDE timeline, since Tyme's destined fate to die in the OG timeline has been altered once he's notified of Great's condition in the emergency room by Den, he has a chance of avoiding death that OG Tyme suffers from. It may be a stretch but look at the two hit men who targeted Tyme and Great.
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Episode 1 vs. Episode 5
The hit man in episode 1 look significantly younger than the hit man in episode 5, but same facial hair? The shadow in the first image throws me off but it's freaky to speculate as it sent shivers down my spine whenever I got a better screenshot of them. If I put my two brain cells together: in the OG timeline, Tonkla targets and shoots Great but Tyme is also shot in episode 1, which makes me believe that their timelines are converging somehow as both of them enter their 4 minutes of limbo and their memories and experiences are warped.
In the NDE timeline, because Dome is saved and returns home to Tonkla, the only person reasonable in targeting Great would be Manee after she finds out which family is responsible for her son's involvement in illegal business (which her giving up her life savings and being given the 4th card during her ritual that calls for separation of loved ones). This separation in question is the separation of Tyme from Great as Great's fighting for his vitals to stabilize just as Tyme rushes to the OR?
Because NDE Tyme goes with his grandmother to Aunt Ging's instead of sending her on her own as OG Tyme does, both of them are technically off the radar from being targeted, or at least bought enough time to make a safe escape if Great's father goes back on his word outlined in the proposed bribe. Seeing as Tyme's wearing the same shirt in both timelines at this point, we're now waiting to see how this will play out, and I'm literally so excited to lose sleep all over again.
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Episode 1 vs. Episode 6
If you made it to the end, pat yourself on the back! And if you've been actively reading my previous posts regarding my takeaways, I really appreciate the love they've been getting! I'm more than happy to hyperfixate on this series and help out with really digging deep in the details that could help those who are having difficulty following along with the series. Idk, y'all got to yell at Bible on Twitter then because he thinks he's so funny tweeting this:
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If y'all would like to read more, check out my tags and thank you again for sticking around, see y'all next Friday or whatever day my brain finishes finalizing its thoughts to share with y'all :)
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
wjieiouwujjj that dragon creator ask was so cute, I love you for doing such a fantastic job writing that. Could I maybe ask for acolytes finding out that their creator with dragon features is absolutely living for any affection gestures like touching their tail, or the base of horns if they have ones, and is literally melting down into whoever who will do it. Maybe with Zhongli and any of Kamisato sibling? If the ask arent open, please just ignore it. Have a good day
Dragon!Reader Want Affection—Gib Now! >:(
Hello Anon! Don't worry—as I am currently writing this, my mailbox is open! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post with Dragon!Reader in it! I wish you too a good day/night :)
Alright, so how did it all begin? Well, Dragon!Reader, upon getting compliment thrown after compliment, started to feel a little...touched starve, to say the least. Sure, the compliments are cool and all—but it felt pretty empty, you know?
So! In solution to this, the Almighty Creator decided the next 3 acolytes to give them some affection would be the ones they would visit the most in the span of a few weeks (at most? A few months) in a straight row.
Of course, you didn't announce this to the world, wanting to see if your people would take initiative first to satisfy your needs and wants. That is, after all, what they had promised to do once you re-descended back down to Teyvat, yes?
Click Me For Part 1!
(Disclaimer: Might be OOC!)
Of course, out of everyone, he would be the first to notice this sudden change! He is a dragon himself, you know!
But, instead of deciding to give head pats out of the blue on the street, he decides to be a little more sly about it. So, naturally, he's going to invite you over to have some tea in the mountains. More specifically, his adeptal abode he still has.
"Please, wait a moment, Your Grace. I shall prepare the finest tea I have for you."
Once you get there, the first thing you get is a hug and a soft rustling of your hair. Zhongli is mindful to not hurt your dragon horns, of course. Man would never want to hurt you.
Sitting down at a table, enjoying some tea and talking about stuff, and the dude decides to pat you on the head for even the simplest of knowledge you share with him.
This guy understands what it's like to be a touched starved dragon, so he knows all the signs.
Man would be so ecstatic to realize the Almighty Creator is deciding to visit him as a "thank you" for the small amount of affection.
Prepare for a lot of hugs and head pats, this guy will make each of your visits worthy of your time.
Kamisato Ayato
This guy, this sly guy...He would honestly pull a gentleman move and give you a kiss on the back of hand when you decide to see him in the Kamisato Estate.
He probably figures out quickly that you want some physical affection, and, upon realizing that he figured it out, he decides to do it fast—something is telling him that the Almighty Creator is giving out some sort of trial.
Plus, he just wanted to make other people jealous that he gets your attention much longer than most others.
"Is something of the matter, Your Grace? Your face is red, if I dare to be blunt." Gives you that small smile of his that tells you he planned this all along. You sigh—this guy was as cheeky as ever.
Imagine how happy he was that he gets to give you more of these gentleman-like behavior since you're visiting for a few weeks straight in a row.
Would make sure no one gets close to you—Ayato wants to be selfish and greedy of your attention alone for a little longer.
Kamisato Ayaka
Tying this with the previous one, since Ayato and Ayaka basically live in the same estate and all that—Ayaka would be happy that the Almighty Creator is visiting them several weeks in a row.
She may or may not have just increased how many times you were going to spend in every Kamisato-owned place, for she had unintentionally hugged you once out of pure joy to seeing you at the front door.
"Your Grace, you're back! Please—allow me to see you in. Would you like some treats? I can have Thoma prepare you something." Genuinely acts like the best host you can ever ask for. She would make sure all of your needs are met.
You can just see the pure joy Ayaka is having of having you here in the estate. Ayato is also happy about it too, so it's a win-win situation for both of the Kamisato siblings. Besides, they don't like to actually fight each other (unless it's sparring), but they do tease one another often.
Enjoy your stay :) It's probably very worth it with Ayato's gentleman-ness and Ayaka's Good Hostess-ness.
And done! This is a whole lot shorter than I thought it would be, but I hope you all enjoyed it! See you around! :D
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I feel like I made Ayato too OOC SOBBING—It probably is :') I'm so sorry Ayato Lovers—I have failed you—
Ahem, anyways—this post was certainly more of a challenge for myself! I'll be honest, I thought I was going to fail very miserably when I realized I had to do Zhongli and Ayato—and I'm still kind of feeling that as of right now tbh. I hope you like how it's written, Anon!
Check Out The Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open!
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destinationtoast · 1 month
*waves shyly* Hello!! First off, I absolutely adore all of your stats and get excited when you post new ones -- thank you so much for all that you do!
Secondly, a friend and I have been discussing fandom longevity lately, and I wondered if you have thoughts? Subjectively, it seems to us that new fandoms tend to have more quick bursts of fandom activity when a new season/movie/book/etc comes out that fades quickly with time, whereas older established fandoms have more staying power. I'm curious if you have any insight about whether this is objectively true in most cases or not, and as to whether or not the type of canon source material matters (eg show-based fandoms vs book-based fandoms). I hope you're having a great day <3
Hi there, and thanks! :D This is a great question, and one I have been having a bunch of conversations about lately.
I share this subjective experience -- it sure seems like the attention span of fans and lifespan of fandoms is shorter than it used to be, when I think of how quickly people stop talking about a bunch of newer movies and TV shows these days. And then I see some of the older fandoms like Harry Potter still producing a ton of new fanworks, and I think, "Wow, maybe new fandoms just don't have the staying power of older ones." At the same time, I also question how objectively true/simple that story is for a few reasons, including:
Memory bias: When we look back on the past, the fandoms we remember most are usually the ones that lasted a long time. So our estimates of past fandom longevity may be overly generous.
Changes to fandom size: Maybe any changes to fandom lifespan are mostly due to some other change, like fandom size... Attention is more splintered these days than it used to be across more streaming services/etc, and I think there are more, smaller fandoms than there used to be. Maybe if a fandom doesn't get really huge, it's just not likely to last that long.
For TV fandoms -- changes to canon release schedule: most TV shows used to have seasons that lasted most of the year, so they had a lot more reason to stay in the public mind longer. Now many seasons are shorter and sometimes drop all at once. Perhaps if we compared popular TV procedurals with 22 episodes/season from now vs. ~a decade ago, we'd see similar patterns of fandom activity?
I've been thinking about ways to try to gather quantitative data about the changes, and testing out a few methods. A few ideas I've had:
Look at the Tumblr official lists of top fandoms and see whether the top fandoms tend to leave the top 20 rankings faster now than they used to. (The Tumblr rankings go all the way back to 2013 on a yearly basis, at least -- I'm not sure how long they've been releasing the weekly lists; those may have started later.)
Look at AO3 fandom activity after new canon infusions - how quickly does activity drop off after a new movie/book/video game release, or after a TV season ends? How has the rate of activity dropoff changed over the years? (And how much of that seems to be explained by other factors, like fandom size?)
See how quickly AO3 authors/creators tend to migrate to new fandoms, and how that's changed over time - many authors tend to be active in multiple fandoms, so we'd have to define what it means to migrate to a new fandom, but I think we could do so in a way that would allow us to look for changes.
Look at Tumblr, Twitter/X, and/or Reddit activlty after new canon infusions - same as AO3, but on a platform where people are posting shorter content and there's more of a discussion. (This data would be harder to collect, though.)
I'd love to also hear other ideas. I think I'm going to need some volunteers to help gather data if I do any of the above, though... Readers, if you'd be interested in helping to gather data for an hour or more to help investigate this question, please reply/DM and let me know! And/or join the new fandom-data-projects community.
Also if any readers know of anyone else who has looked into this/similar questions, I'd love to hear about it!
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fastlikealambo · 10 months
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Connubium.|| Coriolanus Snow x Black Fem Reader Chapter Seven
table of contents.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Summary: Stealing from The Capitol is a deadly offense, yet you’ve done it more times than you can count but when you do something you should not have done, Volumnia Gaul decides a fate for you that might just be worse than death.
Notes: This takes place post The Ballad of Songbirds And Snakes and Coryo is in his last year at The University, studying under Dr. Gaul. This will not follow canon, I’m not an expert on all the lore so I apologize if I get things wrong.
Disclaimer: You know Coriolanus is a POS, I know Coriolanus is a POS, please don’t yell at me because this is just a fun little story, something for thee hotties, and  if you feel that strongly against President Snow, please let me know if you’d like me to sign you up for tessarae.
18+ only
Thanks for the love and messages on chapter six! If you want to see chapter eight, comment or reblog, feedback makes me want to continue!
Coriolanus looked far too good for a funeral.
A black suit that had once belonged to his father had been completely reimagined in the span of twenty-four hours by Tigris, who sewed in between sobs. Normally he would have dipped into the fund of Strabo Plinth but for this occasion, he needed to evoke something other than Capitol high society.
As he turned to look at his own reflection once more,  a tapping at his window caused Coriolanus to pause.   Silently daring the waiting jabberjay to defecate anywhere in his room, Coryo opened the window and let the creepy bird in, watching it perch on his bedpost. 
  “Do you think you could let me borrow the girl for a night or two before Snow marries her? I like them.. spirited.”  President Ravinstill’s voice came through the jabberjay as clear as a bell, repeating over and over.
Ravinstill was speaking of you.
Clicking the remote once more, Coriolanus snapped his fingers and the jabberjay made its way back to the president’s mansion.
  “Coryo? They’re ready for you, Coriolanus.” Your soft voice came through the other side of the door and Coriolanus straightened up and adjusted the rose pinned to his lapel.
  “I’ll be right there.” Coriolanus said, listening to the sound of your heels retreating from the door, the slight discrepancy in your gait reminded Coriolanus that you had still not fully healed from the attack you would not speak of.
The one that took place in The Arena.
How could Coriolanus know this?
Because Coriolanus Snow didn’t just see everything.
He heard everything.
Mere hours after medics confirmed that Grandma’am was beyond saving, you had fallen asleep while comforting Coriolanus, your hand in his as you dozed off on his shoulder.  The jabberjay arrived and Coriolanus was treated to the sound of a gunshot, Ravinstill’s laugh, and to his surprise, a sound that was fresh in his mind.
  Your crying.
On his second playback, Coriolanus heard a muffled phrase in the background, one that to this day still sent him into a miniscule panic.
“Enjoy the show!”
The jabberjay had been a gift from  Dr. Gaul upon completing his first year at The University.  He couldn’t stand the thing, mostly used it for University gossip over the years and after he applied to work in the President's office, he had the jabberjay follow Ravinstill, picking up information he could use once his new position began.
But the jabberjay had picked up something more valuable to Coryo, confirming something that Coriolanus had known from the moment he met you.
You, his precious treasure, were a liar.
Yet he took your left hand with a kiss upon your knuckle and offered his other arm to Tigris, escorting you both to Grandma’am’s funeral.
With his perfect suit and you draped in one of Grandma’am’s furs, Coriolanus had only to wait a few seconds for the flashbulbs to reign down on you both outside, photographers giving up the pretense of not taking pictures of a funeral for a glimpse at something shiny and new.
You could set a camera  on fire.
As the funeral began and Grandma’am’s remaining friends who looked to be in various stages of decay themselves spoke of their dear friend, Coriolanus held Tigris, comforting his cousin and angling his body so the photographers had a better shot of you. 
When it was Tigris’ turn to deliver a few words after a choir sang the national anthem,  Coriolanus focused on the late arrival of President Ravinstill who stopped at his chair and shook his hand, a stately yet somber look on his face.
    “Condolences, my boy. You and your cousin are in our thoughts and if you need to postpone your work start date, you only need to ask.  I’m so sorry for your loss, Mr. Snow.”
From the corner of his eye, Coriolanus could see that you had started shaking the moment Ravinstill had walked up.
If the president was sorry now, Coriolanus could only imagine just how sorry he was going to be in a few short moments.
Coriolanus delivered the eulogy, speaking of how much Grandma’am loved her garden and her grandchildren but The Capitol most of all.  The more he spoke, the more his voice shook with remembrance of the loss of one of the two women who raised him. 
But all it took was one glance in your direction for the tremble in his voice to vanish, head held high to greet the applause that thundered in upon his conclusion.
So that was it then.
It was to be you.
Coriolanus had known you were lying for quite some time in fact, yet he did not care. He would caress those lies, suck them from your mouth like poison from a wound.
To touch those lies, oh, to touch you.
He would not care.
Did bowing before a lying goddess make his prayers any less heard?
As he sprinkled dirt into Grandma'am's grave some time later, a foot closer to death than he had been in awhile, Coriolanus Snow knew one thing.
He loved you.
He loved you, he loved you, he loved you.
  “Before we say our last goodbyes, I just have one final note. My grandmother believed in hope, she believed in Panem and all that it could be. It is in her honor that I formally announce my bid to run for President of our beloved Panem in the upcoming election, the youngest presidential candidate in our nation’s history.”  Coriolanus said, delighting in watching the blood drain from Ravinstill’s face as gasps filled the gravesite.
Coriolanus could see Lucky Flickerman vaulting over the cemetery gate and sprinting towards him, tripping over his mic every few seconds but there was one last thing he had to do.
Had this been Coriolanus of another time, he would have whispered in your ear of your treachery, exposing what you had done.
But something else happened.
Turning to you, Coriolanus got down on one knee and produced Grandma’am’s engagement ring, plucked from her finger before the medics could finish checking for a pulse.
“Will you marry me?”
This was no ordinary proposal.
This was a declaration of war.
That’s Chapter 7! As usual if you’d like to see Chapter 8, the penultimate chapter before the finale,  please comment or reblog! Thank you for reading.
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lokisprettygirl · 8 months
Deadly Locks (Detective! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Au) (Dark )
Read Chapter 1 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 2
Summary: Daemon tries to put the clues together to capture the barber killer. Amidst all the torture all you could think about is him.
Trigger Warning: Rape and torture, 18+ , smut, It's a crime thriller so there would be some squeamish dark stuff, read at your own discretion, mention of rape, assault and murder, Speeding and driving under the influence, Reader has long hair, Daemon's hair is up for imagination, Cigarette consumption, some geographical errors
Note : I changed the name of the fic
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“How do you know her?” Daemon asked the man sitting in front of him. Pierce Madej was the last man on your call history.
“We teach at the same school” Pierce told him, he was a tall man, with fluffy hair and hazel eyes, you certainly seemed to have a type. He knew he'd have to keep his personal feelings away from this case, any mistake and he'd be taken off the case since he knew one of the victims.
“And you were calling her at 2 am to discuss grades?” There was a snark in his voice as he questioned the visibly nervous man in front of him.
“No it was her birthday, and..uhhh-”
“And?” He raised his brow as Pierce stuttered on his words.
“Well she had finally agreed to go out on a date with me and we were making plans and now she's uhhh—”
His eyes teared up as he thought about you which made Daemon feel conflicted. Did you like this guy? If yes then did you feel anything more for him than just attraction?
“Did she say anything in regards to being stalked or followed? Anything that stood out in the past week or so?”
“Yeah..well last week she mentioned very casually that she thought a vehicle was following her but she didn't seem very nervous about it–”
“Always have been that way..her own safety wasn't really her top priority “ Daemon mumbled under his breath so Pierce stared at him awkwardly,
“You guys will find her right?” he asked Daemon but didn't get an answer in response. Daemon wanted nothing more than to find you but he had reached a dead end again, the killer he was dealing with was too clever.
“Did she happen to mention the type of car she thought was tailing her?”
“Blue Honda i think.. ..she said it seemed very old and rusty as if it hasn't been serviced in a long time”
“Thank you for your cooperation ..stay in the city for a few days” he nodded as Daemon dismissed him.
His day only got worse when he was informed that a woman named Rebecca Malone who lived in the Holywood area has been missing since last week, she didn't have many people in her life and was used to missing work for days before so nobody really cared about reporting it until now. A lock of her hair was found near her residential area, two abductions in a span of a week? That seemed bolder even for him. All of his previous three victims were found a month apart from each other.
“There has been hysteria going on .. beautiful women in their early thirties are cutting their hair short”
Jake said to him which made Daemon chuckle in response.
“Well that's a smart thing to do isn't it?”
Perhaps what you should have done as well.
You opened your eyes and for once there was light in the room and you weren't on the concrete floor but you were on a bed of sorts, your hands were cuffed, they were cuffed. As the man wearing a robbers mask leaned over you, you closed your eyes and tried to disappear in your head again.
“Did you bring it officer” as soon as Daemon entered your bedroom he found you on the bed, you had a very sexy lingerie on and you seemed very much in the mood. You had been begging him to bring the handcuffs home from work for days ever since he had been promoted to the police officer post.
“You're a very naughty girl, you know that?” He asked you as he took his official jacket off, he looked so good in the uniform, so strong, so magnetic, you felt turned on by him every time you put your eyes on him. That's not how he saw himself but you did, he was the prettiest man you had ever known, inside out.
“Well I haven't exactly been following the law.. officer” he smirked as you said that, you lifted your fingers up to shove aside the hair that fell on his forehead but he grabbed your wrist and handcuffed you immediately.
“Ooooh” you let out an yelp as he attached the other cuff to the bed post
“You have the right to remain silent mam” he mumbled playfully to get into the roleplay but there was a mischievous smirk on your face.
“Mmmmhmm..but i didn't really ask for the cuffs to use it on myself…officer”
Eyes stung with tears as you came back to your reality, you could feel the cold air hit your skin as there were no clothes on your body anymore and you could feel him slathering the lotion all over your skin. Again.
“Mmmm i love your skin..it's so soft..you take care of them don't you” his voice gave you goosebumps, you had read about him in the news, you knew he didn't have any good intentions for you and you definitely knew that he intended to kill you at the end, in a very inhumane and brutal way. The last time you struggled against him, he had made you bruise up from head to toe so this time you stayed calm for your own sake.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why why why? You all ask the same question..I hate that you know” his voice came out all whiny, he took his clothes off but the mask stayed on his face, you couldn't see his face but you saw his eyes, hazel eyes, the little detail made you think of Daemon again but the man that was going to rape you wasn't the man you loved. He never would have hurt anyone like this.
“Is that your mother..that woman?” You asked him calmly and he started to laugh,
“Yeah my mother, i love her, do you like her y/n? Do you think she's nice? You have met her quite a few times i assume”
Quite a few times? You had met her twice while she came and sang you a creepy lullaby before she pricked a needle inside you to keep you dazed and confused.
“Not really”
His eyes flickered as you said that, a scream escaped your lips as he entered you with no warning, you were dry as you could be so the penetration really did hurt.
You wanted to hurl, you closed your eyes as he raped you until he was done with his release, you didn't even know how many days it has been but you had been through this two times already and you weren't sure how long he was planning to keep you. Once he was done he used a disinfectant to wipe you down from deep within, he didn't want to leave a single strain of his DNA on you,
“Who's the other girl ..I hear her” you mumbled between your tears so he chuckled,
“You do take it alot better than her..she screams and screams, might as well have to cut her tongue out” he gave you a smile that gave you chills “Or i send her in here..you could be besties with each other, do what girls do huh..Ask her to be quiet when I'm fucking her..that if she's willing to keep her tongue”
He untied your hands and picked up a long dress he had brought with him and dressed you up, it seemed old, perhaps it belonged to his psychopath mother. Then he dragged you towards the corner of the room to chain you up like an animal again.
After that he was gone, the lights went out as soon as he had left the room and you were forced to sleep on the cold hard floor again, your thoughts kept drifting towards Daemon, oh what you'd have done in the moment to find yourself into the warm and safe bed and in his arms.
You felt the weight on the other side of the bed so you turned around to look, he was finally home, ever since he was promoted he didn't really have much time on his hands and you missed him badly.
“Hey there pretty boy” he turned his head and gave you a smile, he seemed exhausted and you could smell the sweet scent of the body wash he had used in the shower.
“I thought you were asleep” he slipped under the duvet and got on top of you to kiss you sweetly,
“I was..but you woke me up”
“Ouch..sorry” you smiled as he said that
“Mmmm you're worth losing sleep for”
“Fuck I'm exhausted my love ..”
“I know.. sweetheart..you want to sleep?” your voice was a melody, melting in his ears like a symphony.
“I want to be inside you..i want to feel you all around me love”
You bit on your lower lip as he said that
“Mmhhmm?” You pulled his cock out of his trousers while he slipped your panties down from under your silk night dress, he moaned in your ears as you rubbed his length over your slit, coating the tip of his cock in your wetness.
He slipped inside slowly until every inch of his cock was stilled deep into you,
“Mmmm ohhh i have missed you my pretty baby ..”
“I love you so much..don't ever leave me” he whispered in your ear as his hips moved in and out of you slowly. His cock was hard and pulsing inside you but his demeanor was always gentle, he was so soft with you, not that you didn't enjoy it when he was rough but more often than not he was so delicate in bed with you, treating you like a queen and you loved that about him, you loved this man who seemed so tall, scruffy and intimidating but deep down was just a boy who needed love and plenty of it.
His movement halted slowly and then it stopped, and that's when you knew he had fallen asleep so you wrapped your arms around his neck which woke him up and he started moving again
“Hey stop ..you can sleep baby i promise..it's okay..it's okay” you cooed softly so he placed his head between the crook of your neck,
“Let me stay in please” his voice was pleading and it made you feel warm in every possible way.
“I'd love that”
You stepped out of your daydreaming as you heard the cries of the woman, she was probably in the room next to you. And then she screamed, as loud as she could. You pressed your hands up to your ears to ignore her wailing but it was in vain, you could hear everything that he was doing to her.
“Mary I need a favor” Daemon said on the phone as he stepped out for his smoke break,
“I am at work Dae, you'll have to wait until the night” she flirted with him and perhaps he would have indulged her if it wasn't for the fear he was living in all the time. Fear of losing you. Fear of never being able to see you again.
Mary was a crime journalist in the Belfast news, he had met her a few months ago because they were working on a case together. One night she had invited him to her place to discuss the case but they ended up having drinks and sex instead. However right from the start he was clear to her about what he wanted, he didn't want a relationship again with anyone else, it wasn't for him, it wasn't going to work like it didn't work with you so their arrangement stayed sexual.
“Mary he has her..I need to find him..i can't –” he took a deep breath in to calm his nerves.
“What do you want me to do? This guy is like a ghost, all the suspects you had your eyes on are not him..he has no record, he leaves nothing behind”
“Blue Honda ..one of y/n’ s friend slash colleague told us that a week ago she was talking about a blue honda following her..it's weird..none of his victims ever mentioned that”
“Yeah because they're dead Daemon “
“But if that was the case at least one of them would have said something to their friends or family prior to the abduction.. none of them said anything about being stalked”
“Alright..what are you thinking then”
“I need to find that vehicle..anyhow”
As soon as he hung up the phone it rang again and it was his mother this time. Again.
“What?” He snapped at her as soon as he picked up.
“That's not how you greet your mother” he chuckled bitterly as he heard the response.
“Well I'm busy right now, do you need something?”
He asked her in a nonchalant manner and then she told him everything she needed from him. When he got inside he was told that your mother was waiting to see him. He wasn't in the mood to see mothers today.
“Daemon” she immediately ran towards him and hugged him, everyone around him stared at him so he pulled the weeping woman away from him and took her to his desk.
She was inconsolable which was given considering the situation. She begged him to find you before it would be too late, the thought of her daughter succumbing to the same fate as those other victims kept her up all night long. She didn't come here to see him as the detective who was handling the case but as the mother of the daughter who had been with him for five years. That was five years of birthdays and festivities that he had spent with you and your family.
She still considered him her family.
Around 10 at night when he stepped out of the precinct the press from several publications cornered him and probed him for information but he didn't have anything to tell them and even if he did he wasn't going to share it with them.
His mum had invited him to dinner and he needed to buy things for her before he could go see her so he drove towards the nearest Tesco. On the way out of the store a man walked past and bumped into his shoulder with an unwanted amount of force which resulted in him dropping the groceries bags.
“Watch out you rascal” he yelled at the man but the man didn't even look back at him, he just kept walking away. Daemon went down to pick up the bags and that's when he noticed the car that pulled out of the parking lot. Blue honda..rusty and unkempt..
He immediately ran towards the vehicle to get a better look but it was too late and he had already sped away, he didn't give up though, he got inside his car and chased the car but he wasn't able to keep up with it. The frustration he felt in that moment was indescribable.
“God dammit” he punched his fist into the steering wheel ..his instincts screamed at him that perhaps he had found the lead that he was looking for.
He went back to the store and looked for the CCTV footage but the killer had his hood up and a mask on his face, even his eyes were covered by glasses. He enquired about his purchase list and all he had bought was a woman's body lotion and a pack of cigarettes. Same ones he got for himself. The cashier wasn't alarmed by that because it was just one bottle. He was clever. Very clever.
He got the footage taken and sent it out for BOLO immediately before he went to his mother's.
She was at the door to hug him and as always he was cold in his response, he forgave her but he didn't forget what she had put him through all his life.
“Oh my babyy what did you do to yourself?” She asked him as she looked at his bruised knuckles but he just shrugged in response and stepped away from her to keep the groceries down on the kitchen table.
“I got everything you asked for..I'm gonna go now”
“No stay for dinner.. please..we will watch a movie”
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes as she said that but he obliged. After his father passed she was all he had in the name of family and then he met you. His scrappy girl, there had been a time in those five years where he took you for granted because he thought you'd always be there with him, maybe that's the mistake he shouldn't have made.
It cost him you.
You cowered in the corner as the door opened again, the psychotic mama entered and she sang you a lullaby like she had done from the past two days.
“You need to stop him, he's your son, how could you let him do this to innocent people?”
You asked her so she gave you a sinister laugh and then she left, about an hour later the man entered with a tray of food and a bottle of water.
“Eat and hydrate, I need you to stay hydrated” he grabbed your chin and shoved a water bottle into your mouth so you had no choice but to drink.
“Daemon Targaryen..he's your lover isn't he?” Your eyes widened and then welled up at the mention of his name “Marlboro reds…this is what he got..was keeping an eye on him” he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket to light one up. In a weird strange way the smell made you feel comforted. You closed your eyes and pretended that he was there with you.
“Can I get one?” You asked him so he started laughing in your face while he blew the smoke.
“It's not good for that perfect little skin you got” Your breath shuddered again as he reminded you what he was planning to do to you.
“What is it with you huh? Mommy issues?” your voice was filled with anger and disdain as you spat at him.
“Don't shrink me you fucking bitch” he brought the burning top of the cigarette right near your eyeball but instead of squeezing them shut you just stared right at it.
This couldn't have been your reality right? Once he was done smoking he made you stand up and took your clothes off before he placed you on your stomach against the wall, he doused you in a bucket of water and he scrubbed every inch of your skin with soap.
After drying your skin he did his routine, he covered you in lotion and then he raped you, you didn't scream ofcourse but she did scream.. again. The other woman he had been torturing, she screamed like you thought you'd have, that's the kind of person you had always been, that's why Daemon called you his scrappy girl.
Then where was the fight in you? Why had you given up so easily? You got up from the floor and looked around but the room offered you nothing but a bed that was out of your reach, you couldn't have done anything even if you tried.
“I knew you'd come” Mary smirked as she opened the door to a slightly tipsy Daemon.
“I'm not here to fuck..”
“Sure” she crossed her arms so he glared at her,
“I think he bumped into me on purpose”
“What?” She looked at him shocked as he said that.
“That fucking wretched maniac, he bumped into me on purpose, he's taunting me”
“Hang on Daemon..how do you know it was him?”
“I just know..it's an instinct, it's always been with me, how do you think i went from a traffic police to a homicide detective in seven years?” she gave him a smile as he said that. He surely was something, she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards him and she also couldn't deny the genius that he was in his field.
“What did he look like?” She questioned him as she passed him a glass of wine.
“Like a man, he's tall..he didn't turn around when I hollered at him..but I saw the Blue Honda..old and rusty”
“That doesn't mean he's the killer Daemon..don't get your hopes up”
“Geee thanks for the support I guess”
She placed her drink down on the table as stepped closer to him.
“You need to dial down on the emotions Daemon..you know you can't get your emotions involved –”
“I know that” he looked at her and they had a moment of silence before she leaned into him to kiss him, he was distraught and exhausted and a woman's touch felt nice so he kissed her back but then he thought of you, thought of you being scared and all alone, probably tied and hurt and whatever sexual frustration he felt was gone instantly.
“I can't..I just can't..not today”
“And why is that?”
“Don't ask me dumb questions darling”
“Isn't she the one that did a number on you?”
“Your point?” He glared at her as he pulled her way from him, he did despise you at times for leaving him the way that you did but he didn't hate you, he could never.
He went home that night and looked at every report, every evidence they had found on the victims and the site of the abduction, he surely was missing something but he didn't know what.
And suddenly it clicked. First victim Shonda beau was from Malone, Second victim Nyra Michals was from Ormeau, Third victim Dennis lived in The Holyland, Rebecca was taken from Holywood and finally you Edenderry
Perhaps he was reaching in his assumption but the initials of each area where he found his victims from made an incomplete word --
He knew where he'd find the killer next.
@daddylokisqueen @iamavailablesstuff @123forgottherest @mcufan72 @shuichiakainx @avalyaaa @ajthefujoshi @tatertati-fangirl @urmomsgirlfriend1
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star--anon · 1 month
Do you have any headcanons for thominewt?
this took me several days because I was determined to make this post comically long and I genuinely don't remember why
I also ended up not making it comically long
so uh. sorry
Newt is exceptionally good at guessing when Minho and Thomas are trying to hide their pain
and he has no issues with dragging them to bed
Minho probably does stupid shit like "birthday noogies" or whatever, which has inspired a 2v1 of Newt and Thomas VS Minho on April Fools
(Minho still wins, somehow)
Thomas gets dragged into things like astrology and fortune telling by Newt
Every time Minho tries to tell Thomas how stupid astrology is, Newt just scoffs and goes, "Typical Pisces behavior" and drags Thomas away
Minho is not a Pisces. Minho is a Libra.
Thomas calls him an "asymptomatic Libra" and Newt is very quick to jump on that train. Minho hates the both of them so, so much.
Thomas is a Virgo. Newt is a Taurus.
Minho can be turned into putty with enough kisses and hugs and gentle touches. It takes Thomas hours of work, but it's so worth it.
On the weekend, Newt often comes home to a pliant Minho with his face buried in Thomas' chest. Thomas just giggles.
Thomas loves long walks.
Sometimes the three go out together: Thomas strolling down the sidewalk at a leisurely pace; Newt several paces behind, stopping every few seconds to snap a photo of something cool with his fancy camera; Minho several blocks ahead, sprinting like his life depends on it, doubling back whenever he gets too far away.
Thomas and Minho are on piggyback duty if Newt's ankle ever acts up in the middle of a walk
Thomas once fell down trying to pick Newt up, so piggyback duty has mostly been delegated to Minho
Speaking of which, two of the rooms in the house (one of them is Newt's bedroom) are padded with extra insulation to keep it nice and warm during the winter because the cold messes with Newt's ankle
Minho carries heating packs in his pockets at all times and rubs them against Newt's ankle whenever the pain gets unbearable in public
Sometimes it helps, mostly it doesn't. Newt appreciates the effort.
Thomas tries to fight doctors who are reluctant to prescribe medication and/or painkillers.
Thomas studied law and is not afraid to use his Master's.
Newt wanted to get a bird, Minho wanted a dog, and Thomas wanted a cat. They compromised and bought fish.
Newt has names for each individual fish, Minho named all of them Guppy, and Thomas' names for the fish change with each conversation.
Newt prefers baggy clothes and often just steals Minho's stuff because Minho is SO FUCKING JACKED- ...because Minho's shoulder span is so much wider than Newt's
the only issue is that Newt is about three inches taller than Minho, so Minho's "big shirts" are like baggy crop tops
Thomas, who is more Newt’s height, starts buying clothes that he knows Newt will like and smirks whenever it disappears.
When the three go shopping together, Newt often shoves clothes that he wants to wear into Minho and Thomas' carts.
Thomas and Minho like to make bets with each other like "He'll take this one within a week."
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heqvenlymoons · 6 months
You Drive Like A Maniac
Inspired by this tumblr post from @miraculousmelodies <3 This one shot focuses more on the family dynamics between Damian, Dick, Jason and Tim, but Marinette does appear in the end. Also, established daminette. Daminette One Shot | Crack Fic | AO3
It was a normal day at the Wayne Manor. 
Damian, Dick, Jason, and Tim were all doing their own thing in the living room while Bruce was off somewhere on a mission with the Justice League. 
That was until Damian got a call from Marinette, “Hey, Dami! Do you mind picking me up from Fabric Fusion? My—”
The call cuts off all of a sudden, sending Damian into a panic as his mind jumps to conclusions about what could have happened. Someone could have knocked her out from behind and kidnapped her!
Dick watched his youngest brother’s panicked expression with concern. “What’s up with you, Little D?” 
“Something occurred with Marinette. She requested me to pick her up from Fabric Fusion, and then the call cuts off abruptly.” Damian blurted out, already jumping to his feet and rushing out of the living room with his siblings following close behind. 
Moments later, Damian and his adopted siblings piled into the car in their yard and to their dismay, it was out of gas upon ignition. 
The heavy rain was obscuring the view, but Damian could make out the black jeep a few distance away, seeming to be stalking the neighbouring manor. He wasted no time in hijacking the car. 
Dick knocked out the middle-aged man with a precise strike to a pressure point while Jason and Tim tossed the man onto the grass to soak in the rain, their worries for Marinette outweighing their morals. 
Jason took the driver’s seat, followed by Dick settling into the passenger’s seat while Damian and Tim sat in the back. The car took off before any of them could have the chance to fasten their seat belts. 
Though Dick did click his seat belt into place once they were in the streets, and he chastened his siblings to do the same, only to get ignored in response. Safety was apparently the last thing on everyone’s mind whenever Marinette was involved. 
Jason placed more weight on the accelerator with his foot in response, speeding through the streets like he was trying to win a race. “Oh shut up, Dickiebird, you’re a cop! Abuse your power for once. It’s for Pixiepop!”
Dick looked aghast by the very suggestion, holding on to the grab handle for dear life. “I can’t believe you’re trying to convert me into a corrupt cop, Jay! Not to mention, it’s not the case of abusing power. It’s for safety!”
“Oh, come on, everyone in Gotham is corrupt! The foster system is so shitty the children are better off surviving in the streets than in some foster homes!” Jason snarked back, abruptly veering the steering wheel to the left, missing the motorcycle about to hit their vehicle by inches. 
In the back of the car, Damian grew more agitated by their argument, his worry for Marinette making him more prone to irritation and snapping at them. “Todd, your driving speed is inadequate. Marinette will have already been taken to a secondary location by the time we get there because of your tortoise driving speed.”
Jason gripped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white as he snarled, “Dickie here is telling me to tone it down, then there’s you, brat, demanding me to drive faster. I will do whatever the fucking hell I want, and neither of you get to decide.” 
To Dick’s dismay and horror, Jason sped up even more. They were well over past the speed limit at this point with Jason’s reckless driving, and they’ve already resisted arrestment twice in the span of five minutes. 
“You’re going to get us pulled over again. Not only will we have to get B to bail us out, but with us in jail, who’s going to rescue Sunshine?” Dick tried to reason, his face contorting into worry. 
Tim groaned from beside Damian, feeling dizzy from the argument and the three energy drinks he had chugged to wake himself up. He was on his fourth drink when Damian snatched the can away from him, promptly tossing it out the window and hitting the car driving past them with a clunk. 
“Hey!” Tim protested, hugging the duffle bag of energy drinks he had brought with him in a protective hold against his chest while shooting Damian a glare. 
Damian wrestled the bag away from his sleep-deprived brother and chucked it out the window as well, ignoring the “you don’t fucking toss objects out the window!” from the car next lane. 
“Is your goal to fill your bloodstream with energy drinks?” Damian asked drily, returning the glare. 
Before Tim could snark back, they were slammed into the back of their seats when Jason jabbed his foot on the brakes, narrowly stopping the vehicle from bumping into the car in front of them. 
Tim rubbed at his temple to soothe the throbbing headache manifested from the slam. “You drive like a maniac, Jason!” 
Jason pounded on the horn in frustration, growling out, “Fucking quit making comments about my driving habits! If you all want to lash out, do it on something else that’s not my driving habits!” 
Dick made an indignant noise from the back of his throat as the traffic light turned green once more. Jason sped off, not ceasing in his impulsive driving despite the barb comments. “You mean your unhealthy driving habits? This concerns our safety!” 
“Shouldn’t you, as a driver, make sure your passengers get to their destination safely? You could never be a bus driver. You’ll send your passengers into a heart attack before they can even make it to their stop!” Tim yelped as the car took a harsh turn like it was to tip over at any moment before it levelled once again. 
Damian, on the other hand, begged to differ. “If you imbeciles had not insisted on following me, I would have already made it to Marinette. Simply comparing Todd’s driving speed to a tortoise is an insult. Even tortoises are faster than him in this sense.” 
Jason ignored Dick and Damian’s comments. Instead, he looked offended by Tim’s comment. “Excuse you, I would make one hell of a bus driver. Whoever takes my bus will never be late to their destination with my speed. If we’re talking about doomed careers, you would never make it as an ice cream taster. You’ll end up falling asleep face-plant into the bucket of ice cream and die of hyperthermia!” 
Dick looked torn between wanting to laugh at Jason’s remark and keeping a serious expression while Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I fail to see how ice cream tasters are relevant to the situation at hand.”
“I would never stoop so low to become an ice cream taster!” Tim protested, affronted by the prospect. 
Jason cursed, swivelling the vehicle before it could hit the poor pedestrian crossing the street. “Is there a fucking problem with becoming an ice cream taster? I happen to like Neapolitan ice cream, thank you very much!”
“Who said anything about Neapolitan ice cream? I could say I like coffee, and then you’ll accuse me of hating tea!” 
“That’s a terrible analogy, Timbers, because you do, in fact, hate tea. Saying you like coffee is a huge understatement. You would marry a drug dealer just ‘cause they offered to inject caffeine into your bloodstream so you could die in bliss!”
“This coming from someone who orders tea in a coffee shop!”
The argument was switching topics so ridiculously fast, giving Dick whiplash even as he was maybe a tiny bit entertained. 
“Is this even about doomed careers anymore?” Dick asked loudly.
He had spoken over Jason’s proclamation of, “At least I don’t go to a coffee shop that has popcorn ceiling, which, fyi, contains asbestos and, congratu-fucking-lations, I’m happy to inform you’ll die thirty years from now of lung cancer if an overdose of caffeine doesn’t kill you first.” 
Jason’s remark was immediately countered by Tim’s insult. “Says the guy who smokes ten packs of cigarettes a day and uses fluorescent lightbulbs in his room— which, for your information, contain mercury!” 
Dick’s interjection went ignored by the duo, now moving on to microwaves and guns. 
“You’re the one who keeps a fucking microwave in his room! Mind you, that monster of an appliance belongs in the kitchen, not the bedroom! You’ll die of radiation from the sheer proximity of it if there is a leak. The instructions clearly say to stand away from it while it’s cooking— “
“What’s wrong with keeping a microwave in my room!? You keep guns in your room, for god’s sake! Well, those abomination of machines belong in the shooting range. You’ll be thrashing around at night from your nightmares, knocking into the guns and shooting yourself in your sleep— !”
A dagger sailed through the cramped vehicle, cutting through the windshield and shattering the glass, halting the pair’s frivolous arguments. Raindrops were already splattering onto the dashboard and into the jeep from the damage. 
Curses tumbled out of Jason’s mouth, and he slammed on the brakes to glare at Damian, the obvious culprit of the assault. “Are you trying to get us killed by fratricide, Demon Spawn?” 
“You’re the fine one to talk about getting us killed. Talk about your non-existent driving habits,” Dick muttered, going back full circle to the original topic before the absurd argument between Jason and Tim took place. 
If Jason heard Dick’s muttering, he made no show of it, keeping his glare locked on Damian. 
Damian glared back. “I refuse to hear you cretins bicker about unpromising professions, dairy, beverages and other inane topics when Marinette is in danger!” 
Tim snorts, amused by his word choice. “I believe the scientific names for them are ‘doomed careers,’ ‘ice cream,’ ‘coffee,’ and— hey! These topics are far from stupid or silly!” 
Tim’s words fell upon deaf ears as Damian opened the door with an aggressive tug and moved to get out of the vehicle. 
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going, brat?” Jason asked, having not hit the lock on the control panel in his haze when he first got in and now regretting it. 
Dick mumbled under his breath, “I hope the car owner has insurance installed cause he’s unfortunately not getting the vehicle back in one piece.” 
Damian scowled. “Todd clearly can’t be trusted to drive. It’s a betrayal waiting to happen.”
Ignoring Jason’s comeback of, “Don’t be dramatic, this ain’t the medieval times. We’re not forbidden lovers on the battlefield of opposing kingdoms,” 
Despite the dramatic nature of Jason’s remark itself, Damian plowed on. “You and Drake may continue to have your philosophical argument about sleep paralysis or whatever preposterous topic is next. Don’t stop on my account.”
With that sarcastic remark, Damian slammed the vehicle door shut in a dramatic fashion, rushing toward the fabric shop Marinette liked to frequent a few feet away, with his adopted brothers quickly following suit. 
Seeing his beloved standing safe and sound with her phone clutched in hand, Damian felt like he could breathe again. 
When he was close enough, he pulled her into his arms, ignoring how he was practically soaked from the rain. Scolding words were already falling from his lips. “Don’t scare me like that ever again!” 
Marinette, to her credit, looked sheepish, her hands resting on his shoulders, not minding his soaked nature. “Sorry, Dami. I called you to pick me up because it was raining and I forgot to bring an umbrella. My phone ran out of battery before I could finish the explanation. I really didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the rest of his siblings coming to a stop behind him, taking cover under the eaves with them. “You all dropped what you were doing to come all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?”
Damian pulled away from the hug, taking her hand as his brothers went on a tirade of explanations.
“Several traffic violations due to Jaybird’s reckless driving habits,” Dick huffed, looking at Jason in disapproval. 
In contrast, Jason looked proud as he announced, “We resisted arrestment twice!” 
“Four cans of energy drinks before my duffle bag of drinks was tossed overboard to the wolves by my own brother,” Tim whined out, now having the time to mourn for his lost drinks.
Meanwhile, Marinette was looking more stressed by the minute. 
“I should also mention that,” Damian added, pointing to the black jeep in the distance, “this is not our car. Dick knocked someone out, and we hijacked their vehicle. The windshield is also now shattered.” 
Jason said in a staged whisper, “The windshield is Demon Spawn’s fault. He decided to assault it with his dagger.” 
Marinette shook her head, exasperated and concerned by their antics. “You guys are not allowed to drive unsupervised ever again.”
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musingsofanaroace · 2 months
AuDHD Burnout
According to the dictionary, burnout is an intense mental or physical exhaustion. Neurodivergent people are more prone to burnouts than neurotypical people.
Here are a list of symptoms:
increased exhaustion
decreased capacity to socialize
decreased attention span
increased meltdowns/shutdowns
refusal to make commitments
increased anxiety  
increased sensory sensitivity
harder to mask
loss of skills
I have AuDHD, and I usually experience burnout when I take on one too many projects at once. As of July 2024, I’m still recovering from a massive burnout.
In late 2022, I thought it a good idea to start a YouTube channel, learn a foreign language, learn about linguistics, read fifty pages a day, and write Heartbeats of Home. By early 2023, I had burned myself out. Every minute of the day, I felt exhausted and nonhuman. My limbs felt floppy and gravity became overpowering. I had more heartburn and nausea than normal. I didn’t want to go anywhere, not even places that I usually enjoy. Internally, I felt empty. Almost like I was an ethereal being and would dissipate into a fine mist with the slightest breeze. I had more meltdowns and shutdowns. I couldn’t handle situations that I normally could, such as someone asking me for a favor. I would snap or shutdown. I also found it a struggle to attend to self-care, and all sensory stimuli seemed more intense and unbearable. My thoughts constantly felt lost in a fog. I was in a bad place.
I had to scrap all of my projects. After work, I would spend my free time playing video games; watching Netflix shows and YouTube videos; going on long, meandering walks; and listening to my favorite songs on repeat. Sometimes the same song for days on end. Gradually, I started to feel better.
In October 2023, I finally received an AuDHD diagnosis, and this diagnosis gave me permission to deal with it. I spent the next two months reading and watching videos about people’s experiences with AuDHD. From them, I learned coping strategies and how to love myself.
At the beginning of 2024, I started my next writing project, Gentle Comes the Night. It’s been slow going, but I’m making progress, which is good. I also started posting on Tumblr. It’s been good getting the garbage out of my brain that would otherwise just sit there and sap up my mental energy.
Eighteen months after the start of the burnout, I still feel exhausted, but not as overwhelmed as I had been. I now feel ready to tackle my life goals and ambitions. I now know that I have to take it one project at a time, and if a project becomes too overwhelming, I have to take a step back, reassess the situation, and go at it from a different angle. That might mean doing a little less each day, taking a few days off, or abandoning the project entirely. And that's okay!
Well, that's all I have for today. Until next time, take care and stay curious.
If you’re suffering from burnout, I recommend the following YouTube videos:
"Autistic Burnout 101 - Recognizing the Signs, Triggers, and Impact" - Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy
"struggling with autistic burn out..." - I'm Autistic, Now What?
"Adult Autism: Autistic Burnout Taught Me This" - Chris and Debby
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wingfril · 4 months
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My newest shipment just arrived so let’s talk about some (recent) lottery-only items! The picture above is from the most recent d.grayman playing card drawing, which you could’ve entered by subbing to zebrack comics.
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They’re really pretty! I don’t know if it was worth $350 dollars though. There’s only 2 types of illustrations plus the card back and spades,
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Funny thing about the prices — I’m pretty sure I’m the reason why the floor for this is 350 on mercari. When the drawing results come out, several people started selling the cards on mercari. I knew I wanted something that’s super exclusive like this, so I started paying attention. There were three sellers in particular competition against each other. over a span of around 2-3 days, the price dropped from ~100k yen down to 59k yen. Keep in mind that these drops were mostly happening while I was asleep being on the east coast. My ideal price would’ve been around 200 usd or ~30k yen, but I’m willing to pay more. Right before going to bed, I saw that the price has fallen to below 60k, and said screw it. Next morning, I woke up, and the main price competitor’s cards were also sold, and a few days later the third person, with a slightly higher price, also ended up selling. Since the price decreases happen primarily while I was asleep, and I knew that as soon as one sells, the other is going to get bought up too, might as well pay a little extra. I’m also 99% sure that at least 2/3 of the other sets on mercari was bought by chinese people, since I see their posts on chinese social media.
To be honest though, if I knew that there’s only two new drawings on these cards, I probably would’ve waited a bit longer before buying them. Oh well.
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The other lottery item I had is from the vol 28 drawing.
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They’re B5 sized manuscript replicas. They’re stunning — you can see so many details on these. Every stroke on neah/mana’s hair is clear as day. I’d like to frame them but *screams in nyc and paper walls*.
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The other drawing item is a acrylic board of the vol 28 cover.
I’m still debating on buying that off of mercari. I think I will once the yen drops a little more, but we’ll see. I wouldn’t lose sleep over not getting it.
As a side note unrelated to dgm: the reason why I’m buying so much recently is 1. I realized that a few thousand literally makes no difference to me and my house owning goals (I LOVE NYC) and 2. The yen is incredibly cheap right now. Even though some Japanese collectors are price gauging, some of the items are not too much more expense than their originals price (there’s a few absurd outliers, which I’ll covered in two months… because I paid for some of the outliers and now they have to be shipped from China).
The Japanese fed has spent billions on trying to stabilize the currency, but to no avail. it’s really bad for any Japanese companies doing import, but it’s really really good for usd based consumers. As long as the US federal reserve and their interest rate remains high (and a bunch of other factors), yen is going to continue getting crushed against the dollar. There’s some items I’m eyeing on that I’ll probably only buy if the yen drops to at least 1:160 against the dollar. If you zoom into the last month of usd:yen, you can literally see when the Japanese fed intervened.
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