#me giggling like a school girl drawing the last one
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some rwby doodles (its just ruby and penny)
just some warm ups before I do a ruby rose comm
i was listening to Picture You by Chappel Roan for the last one :ppp
#my art#rwby#rwby volume 9#rwby volume 8#ruby rose#rwby ruby rose#penny polendina#rwby penny polendina#nuts and dolts#me giggling like a school girl drawing the last one#its so funny#i think im hilarious actually#nnd#open the read more for the funny#also i dont go here but if u have ideas feel free to send them to my asks!
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# tsukishima kei - perfect match
a/n: watch me suddenly appear out of nowhere after the school year has finally ended to post something!! i'm sure absolutely no one is surprised that tsukishima is the centre of this fic, but tbh idk how to feel about it (it's definitely longer than my usual ones but i didn't proofread it, so idk if the lenght is an advantage or not) but i hope you'll like it ^^ with school being over for the next two months i'll finally have time to write, so expect more works soon!!
summary: you and tsukishima decide to help your friends get together, but the plan is long forgotten when you realize what your own feelings are.
warnings: nothing really, canon yamayachi (my loves), some light swearing, bad writing
tsukishima kei did not expect any of his friends to bother him in the middle of the night. hell, he didn't even expect any of them to disturb his alone time at all. and yet at exactly 2.34 in the morning, right as he was about to turn off his currently binge watched tv show and go to sleep, he felt his phone buzzing on the nightstand.
his eyes focused on your name, written in white font on his phone screen, surely shocked by the sight.
'why are you calling me at 2 in the goddamn morni-'
'is yamaguchi interested in anyone?'
your question caught him off-guard even more than the call itself, his brows furrowing in a weirded-out look.
'if you're asking for yourself, i'm positive that he is not interested.'
tsukishima heard a sigh of annoyance on the other side of the call and could only imagine the exact look on your face in this very moment.
'well, thank god, because i'm not asking for myself.' you said. there were muffled sounds of someone preparing food in the background. 'i'm asking for yachi.'
the blonde boy smiled unconsciously.
'he does like her.' the boy stated, turning off his laptop as he put it back on the desk. 'so much so, in fact, that it can be kind of annoying sometimes.'
you squealed with excitement, a giggle leaving your mouth at tsukishima's remark.
'perfect! now, listen carefully.'
that singular phone call created an alliance between you and kei. an alliance with only one goal; getting your two best friends to finally confess to each other. to both of you, it was almost infuriating how blind they were; how they didn't notice just how obvious it was that they both shared the same feeling. constant blushing at as little as a mention of the other's name, the stolen glances, the very obvious pining - all of it seemed to be non-existent in the eyes of both yamaguchi and yachi.
but lucky for them, you had a plan.
his eyes lingered on you for a few seconds, as if awaiting a sign from you. tsukishima still thought of your 'master plan' as rather silly, but seeing the determination on your face, and the frown that appeared when he called your idea stupid was enough for him to sigh and go with it this once.
the four of you were currently occupied with studying for a math test coming up next week, everyone nose deep in their notebooks. well, everyone except for kei.
the boy cleared his throat almost theatrically, drawing the attention of the three of you.
'yamaguchi, i think i'll have to pass on the movies this weekend.' he said, the tone of his voice as lifeless as ever. 'akiteru insisted that i go to one of his games, so i guess you'll have to take someone else.'
the freckled boy looked a little troubled upon hearing the information. both you and tsukishima were well aware that the tickets to the cinema were already paid for; yamaguchi would definitely be sad if it all went to waste.
'well, i guess i can ask hina-'
'yachi, didn't you tell me last week that you wanted to go to the movies with someone?' you barged in before the boy could even finish his sentence, your friend freezing in her spot at the mention of a conversation you had not that long ago, cheeks flushed pink at the mere thought of going somewhere with yamaguchi one-on-one. 'maybe you'd fill in for tsukki?'
the girl glanced at you, panic in her eyes as an awkward silence filled the room, everyone waiting for her to answer. you gave her an encouraging smile, as if trying to non-verbally tell her to go for it, to use this as a chance to get closer to the boy she liked for so long.
'if yamaguchi doesn't mind...' she mumbled quietly, head turning to face the boy who was already shaking his head.
'of course i don't.' yamaguchi smiled, his small dimples showing up in the process.
you glanced over to look at tsukishima, a triumphant smile on your face as if you just won a volleyball tournament. his hair was slightly messy, and his glasses were sliding off his nose, two of the top buttons on his school uniform unbuttoned, showing a bit of his collarbones. surprisingly enough, the blonde boy smiled back; a small, quick smile that your eyes barely noticed. you had no idea what it was, but something about that singular smile made your heart beat faster.
don't. the main focus of this entire thing is to get yachi and yamaguchi together. not to think of tsukishima and how attractive he looks-
developing a crush on tsukishima kei was certainly not part of your plan.
at first, you tried ignoring it as much as you could, focusing solely on your friends and getting them to date. as time went on and yamaguchi and yachi started getting closer, you almost felt a sense of relief - you could finally stop spending so much time around tsukishima, which made your chances of getting over your stupid crush higher.
but it wasn't as easy as you thought. tsukishima was intelligent, pretty, and his snarky remarks and judgy personality actually drew you to him even more with each passing day. through the countless conversations and numerous phone calls, he proved himself to be more than just a salty, mean guy that everyone viewed him as.
'soon enough, they won't even need our help.' you mumbled to yourself as you opened your bento box, a smile on your face as you noticed your mom homemade onigiri inside. 'i don't know what i'll do with myself then.'
tsukishima scoffed, closing the textbook in front of him.
'maybe start focusing on your own love life for once.'
'hey! it's not my fault that i'm a good friend.' you stated, mouth full of food, as you looked up at your friend sitting on the opposite side of the table, looking through the tasks assigned for next week. 'besides, it's not like i'm the only one.'
tsukishima adjusted his glasses, looking up at you for a mere second before focusing back on his notebook.
'oh, come on.' you whined out, dissatisfied with the lack of response from the blonde boy. 'you won't miss this even a little bit?'
alright, maybe just a bit-
'no.' tsukishima stated firmly, fixing his posture as he highlighted one of the important sentences written down. you heard a bit of hesitation in his voice, and the few seconds of silence before hearing an answer couldn't help but make you wonder. you decided to ignore it this time - he was focused on something else right now, there was no need to disturb him.
'do you think yachi will like my outfit?'
tsukishima was sitting at the edge of his best friend's bed, mindlessly scrolling through his phone and occasionally looking up to see the twelfth - no, thirteenth shirt that yamaguchi has tried on already. the boy sighed, turning his device off.
'it's your first official date, i'm sure she doesn't mind what you wear.' he stated, gaining a frown from yamaguchi.
'you didn't answer my question.'
'alright, i think she'll like it.' the blonde haired boy said, reaching out for a bag of chips, opening it with a loud sound. 'but i'm sure she'll focus more on the date itself rather than what you're wearing.'
ever since announcing to their friends that they're going on their first official date, both yamaguchi and yachi were full of stress, constantly overthinking every little detail from their outfit to whether or not the date will go well or not. tsukishima found it rather comical - it was only a date after all. why stress over it so much? he never went on one, obviously, but he always thought that when the day came, he'd approach it calmly.
'do you have any tips on how to not freak out?' yamaguchi asked suddenly, catching his friend off-guard. 'during the date, i mean.'
'how can i know? i've never gone on one.'
the freckled boy looked at tsukishima, a confused expression on his face as he processed his words.
'oh.' he paused for a second, his voice quieter when he continued speaking. 'i thought you and y/n were, you know, a thing.'
to say tsukishima was shocked was an understatement. he genuinely had no idea what to say; he never even let a thought of you and him being more than friends, 'partners in crime', as you loved to say, slip through his mind. never did it occur to him that someone from the outside would see your relationship as being something more than a merely platonic one.
well, maybe there was something to it after all.
yamaguchi's words made him wonder - although he did find you annoying at times, it was only occasionally and to a very little degree. that in itself was very rare in tsukishima's eyes, as he found most of the people surrounding him at least normally annoying. you, on the other hand, were a completely different case. your jokes, no matter how awkward or downright cringe, made him crack a silent laugh more often than not, and every time he saw you smile, his lips uncontrollably curved up into a small, barely noticeable one themselves.
'oh, no, absolutely not.' the blonde blurted out after a long minute of silence, the tips of his ears turning a bright shade of red. 'there is not a single bone in my body that would want to date her. now get up idiot, or you'll be late to your date.'
the moment tsukishima opened his bedroom, after walking his friend to the bus stop, he immediately plopped down on his bed, phone in hand, instinctively opening messages to write to you. surprisingly enough, a message was already waiting for him.
'yachi almost cried because of how stressed she is T-T'
'do you think we should spy on them to make sure it all goes well?'
he found himself smiling at the words on his phone screen, quickly typing back an answer.
'do you really not have a life of your own?'
only after a few minutes did he get a response from you.
'can i come over?? i'm bored :33'
a harmless message, one might think. in reality, tsukishima was freaking out at the mere thought of hanging out with you for a reason other than setting up your friends, his cheeks a light shade of pink as his eyes kept digging a hole through his phone.
you weren't any better than him - hands slightly shaky as you awaited a response for what felt like hours, but was actually just a few minutes. you had no idea what took over you; was it a sudden wave of bravery or rather an idiotic spontaneous choice to ask tsukishima that. but nonetheless, when you finally got the response, you felt ecstatic.
'bring some snacks.'
'kei, i think yamaguchi is he- oh, that's certainly a new face.'
you stood in front of the door with an awkward smile, facing tsukishima's older brother, akiteru, his eyes scanning you from head to toe. to say he was surprised was an understatement - he looked as if he'd seen a ghost. as if a friend that's not yamaguchi coming over to tsukishima's house was so out of the ordinary that it could become a national holiday.
'come in.' the younger male appeared in the back of the hall, an oversized dinosaur shirt and shorts on. his expression was softer than usual; not until he looked at his brother, whom he gave a sharp stare, signaling him to let you inside and don't make such a fuss about it.
you sat down on his bed, awkward silence filling up the room. not wanting to make the conversation about your friends as per usual, you slowly realized you don't know what to talk about, trying to think of something, anything, as you began unpacking your bag filled with snacks.
surprisingly enough, it was tsukishima who spoke up first.
'wanna watch a movie?' he asked, opening his drawer to pull out two bottles of soda, hidden there so that his brother doesn't devour all of them. 'unless it'll make you even more bored than you were before.'
'well, if you have a boring taste in movies-'
'says the one who looks like their favorite movie is mamma mia.' tsukishima scoffed under his breath, turning his laptop on and starting to search up movies. you looked at him, a dramatic expression as you pretended to be offended.
'and you look like you're about to mansplain the godfather to me.'
a short silence filled the room before you heard the blonde boy let out a short, muffled laugh at your comment.
'you couldn't be more wrong.' he sat down next to you, a small smile still on his face. 'i found it kind of boring, actually.'
'what do you like, then?'
'horror movies.' tsukishima stated, eyes focused on the screen. 'but tadashi gets easily scared, so i often don't have a chance to watch them.'
'same with me and yachi.' you said, unconsciously scooping a bit closer to the boy as you tried to get a better look at what he was searching up. 'i love them, but yachi jumps at every small scare on the screen. sometimes, she even gets scared when there's nothing happening at all.'
'they really do match each other.' he mumbled, putting the laptop on the bed as he pressed play on a movie he chose. his eyes quickly glanced your way to get a nod of approval on his choice.
'yeah, they do.'
and we could, too.
'are you and tsukishima dating?'
you almost spat out your drink, the words coming out of hinata's mouth catching you so off-guard you were close to choking.
the three of you, along with kageyama, were currently cleaning up after volleyball practice, the boys racing on who would clean more balls off of the floor.
'no, we're not.' you said in a clearly sad tone with an obvious hint of dissatisfaction in your voice. 'what the hell made you think that way?'
the orange haired boy stopped in his tracks, his signature smile disappearing for a minute as he got lost in his own thoughts.
'oh! i remember now.' he said after a short while, his grin coming back. 'yamaguchi told me that you two are close.'
'he did also mention that he seems happier around you.' kageyama added, joining the conversation. 'seeing tsukishima happy must be pretty scary.'
not really, you thought. but at the same time, what confused you more was what kageyama said right before.
he seems happier around you.
yamaguchi has been kei's friend for the longest time, so any of his observations must be true, or at least that's what you liked to believe. but would that mean that tsukishima kei, the salty, closed-off guy whom everyone finds intimidating could possibly like you? was there truly a possibility that he enjoyed spending time with you?
as you finished cleaning up the hall, saying your goodbyes to your two friends who ran off to practice volleyball somewhere else, a familiar, tall figure appeared in the doorframe, sharp eyes staring at you with an expression that you couldn't exactly decipher.
'want me to walk you home?' he asked, hands in his pockets. 'it's getting late.'
you looked at him, trying to hide the blush creeping up onto your cheeks before quickly nodding as an answer.
'sure, let's go.'
most of the walk was filled with silence on both parts, exactly as you expected. even though it might've felt awkward for some, you did enjoy his presence in itself enough that a conversation wasn't necessary.
the boy stopped in his tracks mid-way, reaching into his backpack and pulling out his phone and an old pair of white, wired earphones, showing them to you as a silent question of whether you wanted to listen to music with him or not. you agreed without a second thought, a small smile on your face as he put on one of his playlists.
'i really like this song.' you mumbled, eyes lighting up upon hearing the familiar melody. with both of you wearing the same set of headphones right now, you were practically forced to walk closer to each other - hands constantly brushing against one another, a faint blush on your face as you tried to ignore it and focus on the music.
tsukishima, on the other hand, couldn't shake away the thoughts roaming around his head. he felt as if what he was doing now was incredibly unlike him; and maybe it was. but for some reason, he didn't mind being like this around you. less cocky, sarcastic, mean and more... gentle.
he could feel his fingers brushing against yours from time to time, and it drove him crazy. should he go for it and play it off nonchalantly, or just ignore it? should he even make the first move or wait for you to do it?
before he was able to decide, tsukishima felt your hand reaching for his, heart rate immediately speeding up as your fingers shyly intertwined with his, looking the other way to hide your anxious expression.
his hand was much bigger than yours, but somehow it fit perfectly with yours. as if they were created solely to hold one another and nothing else. the plan to get your friends to be together was long forgotten by now - your mind was clouded with thoughts of tsukishima only, and little did you know that his wasn't any different.
you glanced his way only to find his eyes already on you, hiding his true feelings behind a nonchalant look. only now did you notice that the two of you were standing in front of your house, the boy adjusting his glasses as he waited to see what you'll do next.
'i guess i should go home now.' you mumbled, but you still didn't move an inch, hand not leaving his. 'see you tomorrow?'
his hand squeezed yours tightly before taking it away, an unusually warm and welcoming smile on his face.
'sure. see you tomorrow, idiot.'
but as you slowly made your way towards the door, tsukishima couldn't shake away the feeling in him, telling him to go for it. and as much as he tried to resist it, he just couldn't anymore.
before you could fully turn away, tsukishima kei's lips were already on yours, a sweet, long kiss that felt as if he was waiting to do it for years. his hand traveled to your waist and it didn't take long for you to react; lips moving swiftly with his, noses bumping into one another before you pulled away, a giggle escaping your mouth as you saw just how red tsukishima's face was.
‘don't laugh at me, moron.’ he said, immediately catching the reason for your laughter as he flicked you in the forehead. ‘your whole face is red, too.’
‘i didn't expect you to do this.’ you mumbled, eyes focused on his as you reached to hold his hand again. ‘didn't expect my feelings to be mutual, either.’
‘i'm glad we feel the same.’ his face leaned in closer to yours, a wave of confidence taking over him as he placed a short kiss on your forehead. ‘but i would still prefer to properly ask you out. if you'd say yes, that is.’
‘of course i would.’ you smiled, ‘i'd be stupid not to.’
‘should we bet on how long it takes the others to realize we're dating now?’ tsukishima smiled at you, eyes not leaving yours for even a spare second. you laughed at his idea, giving his hand a squeeze.
‘get ready to lose, kei.’
‘you wish.’
taglist: @moonswolfie
#tsxkkis#tsukishima kei#tsukishima x reader#tsukishima kei x reader#karasuno x reader#tsukishima fluff#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu fluff
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Hardersson x Child!Reader
Summary: You want your sister to be the best
You have a big sister.
Sometimes, people at school tell you that she's not your real sister because she's adopted. But adopted means she's part of the family so you don't really understand what they mean by that.
But your big sister is your big sister and you love her a lot.
When you and Momma used to live in Germany, Sötnos lived back home in Sweden. She joined you all two years ago in England and when you and your mummies moved back to Germany, she had to spend her time in London seeing out the rest of her contract.
But now Sötnos is in Germany with you all too.
You think she likes Germany even though and she and Morsa don't really understand the language. It's okay though because she's got you and you understand German.
You're good at your languages.
Magda says that you're the best in the family at languages so it must be true.
You're the best at other things too like being a goalkeeper and bringing rocks to life.
Rocky, your favourite rock, sits on the shelf next to your bed so he can wake you up in the middle of the night if Magda tries to throw him out again.
She's not allowed to do that anymore because Pernille told her off but you want to be careful.
Careful like you are now as you wiggle out from under Pernille's arm in bed. You'd had a scary dream last night so she'd let you into the Big Bed to sleep with her and Magda.
But you're awake now, with an amazing idea to help your Auntie Frido with her goals in life.
You slip out from under Pernille's arms, shuffling towards the door. You freeze when there's movement behind you but it's just Magda flopping over onto her stomach, arms stretching up and around her pillow.
She always sleeps heavy.
You could draw on her face in permanent marker and she wouldn't even notice.
So your little feet go on their way, padding down the hall to the third bedroom in the house.
It creaks open and a head pops up from the bottom of the bed.
Sötnos' lamb looks at you, blinking once or twice before settling his head down again and going back to sleep.
The rustle is enough to wake your sister up though and Sötnos groggily rolls over to look at you.
"It's early," She complains," What's wrong?"
"I have important things to say," You say, fist buried in her blankets as you pull yourself into her bed.
"And they couldn't have waited until later?"
"No," You say plainly, settling on Sötnos' legs so she can't escape you," It is important."
Sötnos groans before flicking on her lamp and rubbing her eyes to rid them of sleep. "Go on. What is it?"
Sötnos is one of your heroes. After Magda and Pernille and Zećira, you think she's your favourite person in the world and you always want her to do well.
Auntie Frido says people that want to do well need to come to the best club in the world.
You know Sötnos wants to do well too because she left Sweden to go and play for Arsenal and you love Arsenal.
"You should live with auntie Frido," Is what you tell your sister.
"Because she lives in Barcelona. That's in Spain, by the way."
She laughs. "I know that. Why do I have to live with Frido?"
"Because that's where you should play! So you can be the best!"
Sötnos laughs, pulling you into her arms properly. "You want me to move away from you?"
You pull a face. You hadn't thought of that. "I don't want you to go..." You say slowly," But I do want you to be the best. And Auntie Frido says Barcelona is the best. It has Tia Tana there and Ingrid and her silly girlfriend."
"You make a good point..." Sötnos says slowly and you nod along," But I'd like to stay in Germany with you. Is that alright too?"
"You-You don't want to be the best?"
"I can be the best here. How else would I become the best if I didn't have my favourite girl giving me so many pointers? You're very important."
You giggle, looking down bashfully. "Really?"
"Really," Sötnos agrees," We've got to develop together, remember? So we're on the Sweden team at the same time."
You nod. "Okay! I'll tell Auntie Frido that you have to stay here! It's very important."
"What's important?"
The door creaks open and light from the hallway streams into the room.
Pernille stands there, wrapped tightly in her dressing gown with messy hair sticking up from her head.
"Girls," She says, not waiting for an answer to her question," It's early. Why are you talking so loudly so early?"
"Momma!" You say," Good news! Sötnos is staying in Germany!"
"I...wasn't aware she was leaving?"
"That's good! Because she's not!"
Pernille exchanges a look with your sister that you don't quite understand just as Magda's head pops around the doorframe.
"I take it all this excitement means that no one's getting anymore sleep?" She asks, trying to rub all the sleep out of her eyes. She blinks a few times, focussing on the way you and your sister are cuddling in bed together with a soft smile on her face.
Her gaze drifts down to the foot of the bed and her eyes go wide.
"What have I told you girls about letting the lamb in the bed?!"
#woso x reader#hardersson x reader#pernille harder x reader#pernille harder#magdalena eriksson x reader#magdalena eriksson#woso community#woso imagine#woso fanfics#woso#epicentre
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chapter one. eggs and fist fights
pairing ⇢ rafe cameron x plus size!reader
word count ⇢ 5.2k
warnings ⇢ curse words, mean girl talk, sexual innuendos and gestures, reader being called fatphobic names, fist fight, reading gets roughed up (not as bad as the other girl 🙌)
authors note ⇢ i haven’t written fanfiction in a very long time sadly, but i actually quite like this! sorry if there’s any mistakes, this is all written in between my days, mostly at work while im on break lol. Hope u enjoy!!
social media part at the very end!
Growing up, you were vehemently told you aren’t like other girls. You didn’t paint your nails. You didn’t like makeup. You didn’t like dressing up. You weren’t the size to be like other girls.
But you wanted to be like other girls. You wanted to giggle over a guy that had a crush on you. You wanted to shop at the same trendy places other girls went to. You wanted to follow trends. You wanted to paint your nails. You wanted to put makeup on. But you couldn’t. Your size draws enough attention to you, you can't put makeup on or dress in crop tops like other girls. And that sets you behind a lot.
Like now, your friend is happily giggling about prom. Prom. The night every girl in Kildare Academy has been dreaming of. Where they’ll rent limos, go out to eat at expensive restaurants, go to landmarks and take gorgeous pictures to post on twitter and reminisce about later on in life. But you can’t think of it positively. All those dress fittings. Hair put in updos that will only showcase your round face, dates that you can’t get.
“Jonah’s definitely going to ask me.” The mention of Jonah piques your interest. The stunning looks of your closest friend always catches your breath. Her stunning blue eyes, her perfectly smooth skin that’s always got a natural tan to it, blonde locs that look effortless no matter what she’s been up to.
The day Scarlett decided to be your friend was a day worth remembering. No one wanted to be friends with the weird pogue girl who was suddenly shoved into the Kook world. You had been eating lunch all by yourself for weeks, at the very end of the cafeteria until she came along and told you your jeans were ugly. You thought she was bullying you. But she kept talking. And talking. And you two just stuck.
“Jonah’s asking you to prom?” You speak after a few quiet moments. Jonah Carpenter. The hottest guy in school. The quarterback. The typical high school stereotype. Only, he’s not dating the head cheerleader. Scarlett’s been pining after Jonah since the eighth grade but the guy was always in his own world to pay attention to any girls.
And maybe that’s what drew you in. He wasn’t like the other guys in the academy. He cared about his grades. He gave his all to the sport he was passionate about. He wasn’t about lame hookups and harsh words like the other guys on the football team. He smiled at you while others sneered. He didn’t see you at all. Which is a lot better than the way other guys see you. You prefer it this way, even if late at night you picture romantic scenarios that you would die to share with him.
Scarlett nods, fixing her lip gloss using the mirror in her locker. Her makeup is flawless as usual, which sends another pang of envy to you. “I’ve been in his DM’s for weeks. I think I’m breaking down his walls.”
Your eyebrows rise at this. “He actually responded to you?” The look she sends you makes you tense. “I don’t mean it in a bad way, Scar. He’s just… him, you know? The last girlfriend he had was in the seventh grade.”
Scarlett shakes her head, waving you off, your words going in one ear and out the other. “I just have to wear him down. Men don’t know what they want until a woman tells them.”
Your nose scrunches at her words, reminding you of your mother. But you can’t say it didn’t work. She was a poor teen mom from the cut one day and married to the second richest man on the island the next. And there’s no better hustler than your mother.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she scoffs as she shuts her locker and pulls the strap of her bag up some more on her shoulder. “Look, you said it, he’s him. He’s a little dimwitted and oblivious.” You want to fight her words. He’s not. He’s smart. And kind. But it’d seem silly to do so. You’ve never had a single conversation with him and she’d point it out to you. “He just needs to realize I’m the girl for him.”
“Right.” You try to hide the judgement in your voice as the two walk side by side. The bell signaling the end of the day had rang a while ago but Scarlett had to stay behind for a cheer team meeting and she was your ride. Scarlett’s talking about god knows what as you make it out of the prestigious school, the sun belting down on the two of you.
The plaid uniform skirt you’re forced to wear blows in the wind but you pay no mind to it. You wear your uniform the way that an upright teacher would present to the school as a good example. Frumpy. Scarlet accessorizes her uniform. She rolls her skirt up at the top, showcasing her long and pretty legs. Cute buttons on her shirt that fits her perfectly.
“Sarah!” Scarlett’s loud and chirpy voice pulls you out of your thoughts. Sarah Cameron. Kook Princess. The perfect example of another effortlessly beautiful girl in Kildare. Sarah’s stunning hair blows with the wind as she waves to the two of you. You don’t respond, not when it’s meant for Scarlett.
The two of you walked over to the girl who was standing with her own friends. Her smile is bright and endearing, yours is awkward as you stand with her and your best friend. “Did you see the prom announcement?!” Scarlett squeals happily. “God, I’m so excited! Are you bringing Topper?”
Sarah shrugs and that catches your attention. They’ve been the talk of the academy for weeks. The top couple. The IT couple. They had been flirting for a while and made it official just a month ago. Scarlett had complained about it. Said the title should be for her as the head cheerleader. “Ugh, what? Are you guys fighting? But you’re so cute!” Her voice makes that high pitched tone that tells you she’s lying. She vies for the attention and title that Sarah holds.
“What about you?” You stare at her blankly until Scarlett nudges your side. This snaps you out of it, eyes widening for a split second.
“Uhm… sorry, were you talking to me?” You ask a little loudly, clearing your throat awkwardly.
Sarah lets out an amused laugh, nodding. “Duh, are you going to prom?”
You’re about to answer but Scarlett beats you to it. “No, she’s not. It’s not her thing, like, at all. I think she’s allergic to makeup.”
Your eyebrows furrow at her rude words, the energy turning awkward as Sarah looks between the two of you with a curious look. “Well… your thing can change, right? I hope to see—“
A loud honk of a car horn makes you jump in your spot, eyes turning to the source. “Sarah, get your ass in the car!” A strong voice calls out to the girl you were speaking to. A familiar grey truck was pulled in the parking lot, engine still running but the windows down to get a good view of the man.
Rafe Cameron.
Your mother tells you to get together with a rich Kook every single day. Begs you of it, actually. But Rafe is out of bounds. He’s trouble. Danger. Too much baggage, she whispers to you at Kook events. His reputation follows him like a shadow. Coke head. Drinker. Parties too much. Always at odds with his family.
You spoke to him once. You didn’t share many classes with him because he was two years ahead of you but your mandatory Spanish class was a mixture of all the grades. He asked for a pencil. He didn’t ask, actually, reached for the pencil on your desk and said he would be using it. You’ve silently held that against him for two years.
“Wait, Rafe!” Sarah yells back to him and it stuns you how little she cares about the eyes on her.
“Stop chit chatting and get the fuck in!” He yells back. You feel incredibly awkward. Maybe it’s the fact that you never had any siblings but this feels too… private to be doing out in public.
Scarlett and you share a look, one that speaks many words between the two of you. “Why are you being a dick?!” Sarah’s words make you speak up.
“Uhm… we should go.” You take a hold of Scarlett’s arm but she shakes her head as she scrolls through her phone.
“Fuck, one of the girls needs my help on our routine.” These words make you frown.
“But you’re my ride.” You sigh.
“You can ride with me.” Sarah’s words send a shiver of fear down your spine. The idea of getting in a car with Rafe Cameron terrified you.
“N-no, that’s fine. Really, I’ll—“ Scarlett interrupts you. Again.
“Don’t be silly, ___, you live too far to walk. Just accept.”
Sarah nods with a kind smile as she loops her arm with yours as if you two were friends. But you can’t be mean. Sarah starts dragging you away and you look back at Scarlett with a look of fear. You mouth a few words to her, begging her to save you. She just laughs you off, making a lewd motion with her two hands and mouth. You regret every telling her about your one sided beef with Rafe, now she’s running with it.
“Sarah, really, I’m fine.” You try to beg her. “I can, I can call my step-dad, really.”
“No, no, no need to bother him when my brother can take you home.”
Your heart stops when you stop at his car door. “You’re taking my friend home.”
You hear him scoff. “I’m not a fucking Uber.”
“Don’t be a fucking asshole, she lives far away.”
“I don’t give a fuck, Sarah. Get in.”
“Not unless she can.”
“Oh my god—“
“You’re gonna let a girl walk all the way home by herself and possibly be murdered—“
“Holy shit, shut the fuck up and get in the car! Both of you!”
You’re tense as you get in his truck. Your hands shake as you put your seatbelt on, unsure of what to say or what to do. This is the most awkward and anxiety inducing situation you’ve ever been put in. “Where do you live?” He questions roughly making you look up at him with a look of fear. He’s looking straight ahead at the road as he starts driving off.
“H-Hill-Hillary Hills.” The second biggest house in the OBX. Of course, the Cameron’s own the biggest. They own the biggest everything. Like yourself, your step-father seems to be in one sided competition with a Cameron.
This makes him look up into his rear view mirror and for the first time in the last two years, you two make eye contact. His eyes are strong, holding what seems to be very little emotion. You feel put on the spot, like there’s a limelight on you. You tear your eyes away and let them flitter around his truck.
“Your mom’s that MILF that’s always hitting on everyone?” A frown immediately falls onto your lips at his words, feeling the anxiety waft through you in waves.
“Rafe, are you fucking serious?” Sarah snaps at her older brother as you bite your bottom lip over how damn shitty that feels.
You can hear Rafe scoff but you can’t look at him. You want to be let out of this damn truck. You can’t breathe.
“Shit, I didn’t know you’d be sensitive about it. My bad.” His words feel like glass in your skin. You need to leave.
Sarah wants to cut the tension, clearly, so she speaks up. “Scarlett’s kind of a bitch.”
You shrug gently, hands holding onto the seat belt tight. “She can be… but she means well.”
You can feel his eyes on you as he speaks. “Who’s Scarlett?”
“Mind your business.” Sarah snaps at him before smiling over at you. “If I tell you something, would you hate me?”
Your eyebrows furrow at this. There’s a part of you that doesn’t want to hear it. It can’t be any good. But your curiosity wins. You nod, urging her to go on. “She was talking shit about you last week.”
Your blood runs cold. Your face falls and you’re sure you look unbelievably pale. Your best friend. The girl you thought was by your side, always, isn’t? “What did she say?” You ask with a small clear of your throat.
Sarah bites her bottom lip nervously as her eyes flicker around your face. “Do you really want to know what she said?”
You nod, trying your hardest not to look over at Rafe who’s eyes keep flickering over to you through the rear view mirror. “She said you were a scared loser who was just dragging her down. Said something about how you… you let your insecurities slow you down.”
“Jesus, Sarah.” You’re surprised to hear Rafe speak up about this.
She scoffs and smacks his arm. “It’s not like I said it about her. I actually defended you.” She looks over at you with a sad smile.
“Is… is that all she said?” Maybe you were naive to think that she really was your friend. But five years of constant hangouts, sleepovers, and long talks, you thought she’d feel something for you.
“I don’t feel comfortable repeating the other things she said.” Sarah admits and your stomach churns. You need to throw up.
“Now that shits gonna eat her up alive. Just tell her, instigator.” You can’t even pay attention to Rafe as he speaks.
“She said you were a big bitch who could crush anyone you come near. I mean… I think she meant the last part metaphorically. Oh my god, I’m horrible. I swear I don’t… I don’t think of you as—“
But you laugh. You laugh out loud. You can’t help it. The fucking irony. She spent countless nights crying to you about how she feels like a failure. How she can’t do anything in life correctly. And she thinks you crush people? She’s a fucking vulture and you can’t stop laughing.
Rafe and Sarah share a look before turning back to you. “You’re insane.” Rafe is the one to say such a thing to you but you can’t stop.
“Holy shit,” you cackle, wiping the tears of laughter that had fallen. You can’t even find it in yourself to be sad. You’re mad. You're enraged. You went around defending her, loving her and supporting her and she goes around and talks shit about you? You’re not sure you’ve ever felt anger like this. “That’s fucking hilarious.”
“I… I don’t know what to say.” You can tell the girl is being honest and you just nod and shrug. This visibly confused Sarah. “What are you gonna do about it?”
“Nothing.” Is your plain and simple answer. What are you supposed to do? Fight her? Trash talk her on social media? There’s nothing you can do.
Rafe’s loud scoff reverberates throughout the truck. “Your best friend was talking shit about you and you’re not going to do a single goddamn thing?”
Your attention turns to him, eyes meeting through his rearview mirror before he focuses on the road. “What am I supposed to do?”
Rafe sighs like this is a problem for him. As if he’s in your position. This bothers you. To have him be so bothered for you and annoyed at you is irksome. And if you were a bigger person, you’d speak up. But you’re not, so you stay silent.
“Scarlett Hillcrest, right?”
Sarah confirms his question by nodding. And he makes a u-turn. This raises some alarms within you. “What are you doing?” You speak in an almost panic.
“We just passed her house.”
“How do you know where Scarlett lives?” Sarah questions her brother in the front seat.
He shrugs and speaks nonchalantly. “I hooked up with her sister.”
Sarah makes a dramatic gagging sound and pretends to throw up all over his truck. A small smile finds its way to your lips at the drama she exudes. You never thought Sarah would be so… funny.
Rafe pulls up the house that you spent countless days inside of. The place where you ate dinner with her parents and siblings. Where you shared your deepest and darkest secrets to each other. And you start to feel that sadness creeping in. But it’s shoved away when Rafe tosses something at you and luckily, you catch it in time.
“Is this an egg?” The question tumbles out with a ludicrous tone.
“Why do you have eggs in your car?” Sarah laughs as she grabs a few as well.
Rafe shrugs lamely, “Rose made me pick some up on the way to pick you up.” The cars fully stopped moving and Rafe’s looking at you. He’s not glaring. Or trying to get a read of you. He’s just looking at you. And this oddly makes you feel confident. At this moment, he’s on your side. The scariest guy in all of Kildare is going to help you egg your ex-best friend's house. “Ready?”
And for the first time in your pathetic and less than thrilling life, you speak with confidence. “I’m ready.”
Your hand meets his as he helps you out of the truck, feet touching the ground, ugly plaid skirt fluttering around you. Sarah is snickering behind you, happily tagging along. The three of you don’t walk too far from his truck, for a quicker run back into it. “You should do the honors.” Sarah smiles at you. A genuine smile. Unlike the smiles that Scarlett gave you, full of pity and contempt.
You stare at the colonial home. The perfect lawn. The sunflowers and tulips that the two of you had planted to placate her mother about getting some sun. You two had giggled the afternoon away, even throwing some soil at each other and having to hose off outside. It was all fake. And a rage overcomes you. You grab two eggs and you throw them at her house. They land in two gross splats high up on her walls.
You laugh. A real and infectious laugh as Sarah tags along and starts throwing more and more eggs along with you. It’s surprising to you that even Rafe is egging this house alongside you and his sister. There’s a small turn to his lips but you can’t decipher whether it’s a real smile or not.
You don’t realize how close to the house you’ve gotten until the front door is swung open and out comes Scarlett’s mother. “Hey, you imbeciles!” She screeched.
“Fuck! Run! Run! Run!” Sarah laughs as you all turn and start running back to Rafe’s truck. Sarah easily jumps into the backseat of his truck and you’re almost there with her. At the last second, your shoe slips off and you land on the floor. You can’t even feel embarrassed as you turn to see that her mother is gaining on you guys.
The last thing you expected was a pair of strong arms around you, lifting you up. Actually lifting you up off the floor. It’s not just a tug. Rafe Cameron has picked you up off the floor, your feet not touching the floor. You have no time to think about this any longer when he helps you in the car. He slams the door and you see him disappear for a second before climbing into the driver's seat and speeding off. You turn in your seat and manage to see Mrs. Hillcrest run off into the street and shout at the leaving truck.
“That was…” Sarah breaks the silence. “So much fucking fun!” She starts loudly laughing.
Your heart is beating hard and fast. And for the first time in a long time, you’re not anxious. You don’t feel bad. You feel good. So damn good. Laughter begins to bubble out of you and the two of you fall into each other in a complete fit. You two can barely talk in between the laughter but you still share funny anecdotes, your sides aching.
A familiar shoe falls into your lap and you look up and over at Rafe who you had genuinely forgotten was there. “Feel better?” Your eyes meet his again and you don’t feel nervous like before. You don’t want to run away. Being in his truck feels freeing, no longer suffocating.
“Way better.” Your smile is bright as you answer him.
You had blocked Scarlett on every platform you had her on, severing all ties. You had cried while doing it when the adrenaline of egging her house left your body. To have someone you cared for deeply not care for you at all was a pain you never wanted to experience again.
Getting to school that morning filled you with dread but it had to be done. The idea of being alone, of no longer having her by your side was scary but you didn’t have that little self-respect. She hated you while all you did was love her. It was embarrassing.
“Uhm, what the fuck?” Scarlett had been leaning on your locker, standing up straight as she saw you. Her face is twisted up in confusion and anger. “You fucking blocked me on everything?”
You sigh as you stand across from her, a hand holding onto the strap of your backpack unbelievably tight. It feels like your only lifeline right now. “That’s what one does when you find out your friend is a lying bitch.” The words just slip out of you. You can’t control them. You can’t hold back. Not anymore.
Scarlett’s eyes widen and she gapes her mouth, like a fish out of water. Usually, you’d rush to her. Take care of her when she’s like this. But you can’t, not without looking even more pathetic. “What does that even mean? What the fuck did I do?”
“It means that I won’t drag you down anymore.” You throw her words back at her. “This big and insecure bitch won’t bother you anymore. Sound familiar?”
It visibly takes Scarlett a few seconds to catch up to what you’re saying. And you see her face fall. And for a second, you feel bad. And then she speaks. “What? Come on, I said that out of anger. You pissed me off that morning and I was just venting.”
“That’s how you vent about your best friend?” You scoff, the pity you felt for a moment being crushed and dusted away. “By calling her fat? Spewing hate about her?”
“Don’t act like you haven’t done the same.”
“I haven’t!” You snap, the anger now radiating off of you. People are watching now. Trying to get a good listen. “I’ve never talked badly about you because you were my best friend! Did you get on my nerves? Obviously, that’s bound to happen when you spend every day together but I’ve never disrespected you or called you names to others!”
“Okay, I get it.” Scarlett’s eyes nervously look around the two of you, clearly not wanting anyone to get into it with people around. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean for you to find out.”
You’re looking at the girl you held so close to your heart and you don’t recognize her any longer. All those days together catch up to you. Her snide remarks about your choice of meal at restaurants. The digs about how she can share clothes with her other friends. Her skinny friends. You had romanticized your friendship because you were scared of not having any. “That’s what you’re sorry for? You’re sorry that I found out you were talking shit about me?”
“Well…” she sighs loudly, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. “What do you want me to say? I was angry. It just came out!” Now it’s clear that they’re arguing and everyone has stopped to watch.
And you feel that wave of anger coming back. All the love. All the memories. They’re squashed. Looking around at the group, you let out a scoff. You point to a girl in your math class. “She calls you Tammy DumpTruck.” You point to a guy. “She calls you pepperoni.” She points to another girl. “She made out with your boyfriend and then lied to you when you cried to her.” Your eyes meet Jonah, his green eyes watching you the entire time. “And she doesn’t really like you. She's just using you because she thinks being with the quarterback will up her social status. She called you dimwitted and oblivious yesterday!”
Scarlett scoffs loudly, laughing. “Are you fucking kidding me? I call you a mean name and you start fucking exposing me?” She shoves your shoulder, your back back falling to the ground in a loud thud. There are murmurs around the two of you, no doubt already gossiping about the mean crap you exposed. “You think you’re so fucking innocent? You sat and listened to it all! Not once did you stand up for them while I said all this shit!”
Angrily, you shove her shoulders right back, her bag falling to the floor now. “Because you would bully me too! What the fuck was I supposed to do? You kept me on a leash like a fucking puppy!”
She shoves you again. “Oh, shut up, whiney bitch! You loved being my puppy! It’s the only way anyone ever knew you existed! You’d be nothing without me! You *are* nothing without me! Leaving my side is going to be the worst thing you’ve ever done! You’re gonna be a fucking weirdo loser with no friends!”
You shove her again and she’s pushed up against the lockers. She’s enraged but so are you. And there’s loud cheering around you two. “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Kids chant.
“And you’re going to be a trophy wife who will never achieve anything in life!” You yell right back at her. Low blow. She would tell you that was her biggest fear. But she knew yours too and she used it to talk behind your back. In your angered and muddled head, this was an eye for an eye. “You better enjoy the rest of your high school career because that’s the only time you’ll ever matter!”
“You stupid skank!” And hands are flying. She pushes you, smacking you. You shove her off of you and manage to get her to fall onto the floor, only she drags you with her. Now, the two of you are punching each other. Pulling hair. Scratching. You feel a pair of arms wrap around you while someone else tugs Scarlett off of you.
Scarlett’s screeching like a wild animal, wanting to be let go to keep fighting you. She's got a few scratches on her face, lip and nose bleeding. And you’re not any better, the same scratches, hair wild and your single nostril bleeding.
“Fake bitch!” You call out as you’re dragged away from her.
The sound of the phones ringing in the office is what’s keeping you at bay. The principal had called your mother but she didn’t pick up. Now, your step-father is on his way over to pick you up and sign a form to solidify your two week suspension. You’re not scared of your step-father. He’s more scared of you than anything but you are scared of your mother finding out. And you’re not ready whatsoever.
A soft voice breaks you out of your thoughts. “You look like you need this.” You look up and meet the pair of green eyes you’ve fantasized over.
Jonah is smiling softly at you. His plump lips turned up. Eyes crinkled gently. A wave of nervousness washes over you and you can’t speak as he holds out an ice pack for you. Shakily, you take it and place it on your forehead, the tender part that’s already bruising.
“Did she really say all that?” He breaks the silence as he stays standing across from where you sit on the office chair.
Gently, you nod. “Y-yeah.” Your voice cracks but you’re too tired and aching to care about it.
“Woah… I knew she wasn’t nice but I didn’t think she was a… bully.” He lets out a shaky laugh. You can’t look away from him while he speaks, not until he looks at you and you divert your eyes.
“Yeah… uhm… I didn’t even realize how shitty she was until… until yesterday.” You comment, leg bouncing up and down.
He takes this as his sign to take a seat next to you. You slowly scoot away from him, feeling shy and exposed with him. Even more so knowing that he saw it all. And how you spoke to him.
“I just… it’s funny that she thinks I’m the oblivious one, you know? She kept flirting with me through DM’s and I kept rejecting her and she wouldn’t take a hint. It was just kind of ironic.”
You snort out a laugh. “Yeah. Tell me about it. She got mad that I used her insecurity against her but I was supposed to be fine with her using mine.”
He exhales another small laugh. “Yeah. You guys… are ruthless.”
A small grin falls onto your lips, bringing the ice pack to your bruised lip to hide it from him. It’s silent again. It’s awkward. He clears her throat and speaks again, “I thought it was cool.”
You glance over at him with raised brows, breath quickening when his green eyes meet yours. “What you did. I thought it was cool.” The way his eyes flicker across her face, taking her in, makes her leg bounce more.
“Your mother is going to kill you.” The sound of your step-fathers voice cuts through your shared moment with Jonah.
Quickly, you hop up out of your chair and rush up to him. “Oh my god, Anthony. There has to be a way we can hide this. Please. Please. She’s going to murder me. This beating is going to be nothing compared to what she’ll do to me.”
The older man sighs loudly, rubbing the empty spot between his eyebrows. “Honey, your face is… messed up. God, how good did that little snob get you?” His hand falls to your chin, moving your head around to take a good look at the damage.
You scoff at his words and jokingly bring your fists up as if prepared to fight him. “You should see her face. More busted than mine.”
He rolls his eyes but there’s a playful smile on his face. “Okay, Ninja, let’s go.”
social media part!








#rafe cameron fic#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron fluff#rafe cameron obx#rafe cameron#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron outer banks#rafe cameron smau#rafe cameron social media au#rafe cameron texts#obx x reader#outer banks#obx social au#obx smau#obx social media au#obx texts#outer banks x you#outer banks texts#outer banks social media#outer banks social media au
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Sneaking Around - Stanford Pines
Tags: NSFW! Age-gap relationship, sneaking around with Ford Pines so his brother, your boss, doesn’t find out.
Be gentle. This is my first NSFW post. I don’t know what I’m doing. I wrote this last night when I was half a sleep. Please ignore typos.
Minors DNI
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4




You’d been sneaking around like this for months. What started out as chaste kisses around corners where Stan and the kids couldn’t see turned into Ford sneaking into your bedroom late at night only to sneak out early in the morning. You and Ford both knew Stan would kill him if he ever found out.
Stan had taken on a fatherly role in your life when you started working at the Shack 10 years ago when you were 17. Now, you and his brother were sneaking around like teenagers. It almost reminded you of your high school boyfriend, the one you would ditch work to make out with in the back of his truck.
Now, your back was pressed up against the back of the vending machine door which led down into Ford’s lab. Your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist as he thrust into you. You quieted the little gasps and whimpers escaping your body with the back of your hand held securely between your teeth.
“Shh,” you giggled as Ford let out a guttural groan when your muscles tightened around his length after he had hit just the right spot. “Shh,” you repeated when his hips hitched a bit too hard against your own, the lewd slapping of skin against skin echoing around you.
He fucked into you a bit harder, testing to see how well you could keep yourself quiet. One hand slipping between your bodies. You were already so close and he knew it. He’d had you with his mouth in the basement. He had you with his fingers on the stairs.
A whine escaped you when he slipped two fingers around the base of his cock just to stretch you that much more. Your head fell back into the vending machine with a loud thud your hazy mind couldn’t comprehend. Your walls fluttering in time with your heart.
“That’s it,” Ford encouraged as his fingers and cock held steadfast, thumb circling your clit in a relentless pattern. Clockwise, counterclockwise, and back in rapid succession, “Come on, [Y/N], be a good girl and cum for me.” He chuckled when you bit down on his sweater clad shoulder to stifle the sweet moan he was doing his best to draw out of you, angling himself to keep hitting that spot that made you tremble.
You whined, “Stanford, please!”
He repeated the shush you have given him as he watched your jaw go slack, eyes and forehead crinkled together. Your mouth fell open as he continued he thrusts rhythmically.
Suddenly, you heard Stan’s voice as he guided a group of tourists into the gift shop. You and Ford froze. His cock buried deep inside you, bodies flush. One of his hands slid up your body to cup around you mouth. You did the same to him. Your eyes were wide as you stared into Ford’s. You were breathing so heavily, the air forcing itself through your nose as it was unable to escape your mouth.
Your eyes rolled back and a whine escaped you when he adjusted you to keep you from falling, sheathing himself deeper into you as he pressed you further into the back of the vending machine. He was too still and you needed him too much for this to stop. Your mind body was screaming, unconsciously milking him in an attempt to get him thrusting again, but he wouldn’t budge. In a last ditch attempt, your hips rocked against him.
A loud groan slipped through his lips and past your hand. He gave you a stern look before dropping you back onto your feet, “Naughty girl.”
You could hear Stan’s angry voice, “Well, folks, it seems my cashier has mysteriously disappeared!”
Your state was incredulous as he flipped the hem of your dress back down to your knees, stuffing his cock back into his pants before zipping them up. A frustrated huff left him, but he kissed your forehead so sweetly.
Your body still buzzed with arousal, throwing your arms around his neck to keep him close to you. Damn Stan and his fucking tourists. You kissed him once, twice, three times, “I’ll sneak out. You go back down there.”
“I’ll make it up to you later, I promise,” his forehead rested against yours as he took a calming breath.
This wasn’t fair. He knew it. The sneaking around was killing both of you. It may have been incredibly sexy, but it often led to moments like this, unable to finish. You were both often left frustrated and needy. It was really starting to get to both of you.
You kissed his lips, sending a shock of pleasure down through both of you. “I love you,” you whispered when his hands left you, his body peeling off of yours.
“I love you too,” he smiled before disappearing into the elevator.
You slipped from behind the vending machine. The tourists didn’t notice you, but Stan did. His face angry. Time was money, “There she is, everyone!” You gave Stan a sheepish smile before strolling back behind the counter on shaking legs, “Remember, we put the fun in ‘No Refunds!’”
As the crown browsed, Stan strolled to stand next to you. The stool beneath you was the only thing keeping your knees from giving out, “Sorry, Ford was showing me the quantum destabilizer. I lost track of time.”
“I let you live here for free kid,” he grouched, “don’t be skipping out on work to hang out with that nerd.” Stan snorted, “I think he has a little crush on you. I’d kill him if he ever touches you. Can’t have him distracting my best employee.”
You nodded, “Sorry, Stan.”
#gravity falls#gravity falls x reader#stanford pines#stanford pines x reader#chillinglyadventurousfics#ford pines x reader#ford pines#ford pines smut
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so american <3



synopsis: Remus grows attached to an American transfer student from Ilvermorny pairings: remus lupin x gryffindor!american!reader
content: stupid gilderoy makes fun of ur accent >:(, remus and r share a cute lil moment, remus comfort
warnings: profanity (:
wc; 1.6k
series masterlist
What was American food like?" "Have you ever been to New York?" "Disney World?" "Disneyland?" "Have you gone to Florida?" "How much does it rain?" "Did it snow at Ilvermorny?"
Every single one of those questions were asked by James and Peter.
You really didn't mind the curiosity, and in your head it made it less embarrassing for you to ask questions about their culture and life since they equally didn't know anything about yours.
Your questions were justified.
Everyone was extremely kind and forgiving as you made your way around the colossal school that was Hogwarts.
For the most part.
There were a few people who didn't really appreciate your presence.
Mulciber and Avery thought of you very little, not even relating to your blood-status.
And one boy in particular thought your accent was the funniest thing since The Prewitts had unleashed the giant squid in the third-floor corridor.
He was then stuck there for 1 month.
They haven't run out of ink for the quills since, on the bright side.
But you weren't sure how you felt about someone poking fun at your accent.
It simply wasn't something you could control, sure you could fake a british accent. But what good would that do?
Everyone already knew you were from America.
And you weren't making fun of their accents.
"She calls pop- So-da, what even is So-da?" The ever-famous wizarding world Quidditch gear model- Gilderoy Lockhart mocked, and his posse of surrounding fifth year girls giggled in agreement.
Remus was fuming, all the way across the Great Hall from the Ravenclaw table.
He could tell you were upset by this, but you didn't want to draw anymore unwanted attention onto yourself.
So you tucked your head in your arms, and merely pretended to be studying your Herbology book.
"For a Ravenclaw, He's not very smart, y'know?" Remus snapped bitterly, James looking up from his Potions essay.
"He's like that guy from that movie my mum loves." James equated, looking over to Sirius for his agreement.
"Which one?" Asked Sirius, his head cocked to the right slightly.
"Grease." Sirius stared blankly.
"Danny Zuko?" James sighed defeatedly, knowing of his boyfriends' infatuation with Danny Zuko.
"Oh, I forget the movie isn't called 'Greased Lightning'." Sirius sighed dreamily in the reminder of Danny Zuko from Grease.
The two boys' conversation faded into the background, as you heard Remus mumbling to himself softly.
"Shut up, Lockhart." His fists clenched, his knuckles going white.
Something had been up with Remus for the last few days, and you had not a clue why.
He'd almost been more attached to you than usual, always by your side, always protecting you.
And what made matters weirder was that James and Sirius kept alluding to "The Big Night".
Whenever they mentioned it, Remus would either shy away or shush them coldly.
Gilderoy's deep, egotistical voice echoed in your head as he poked fun at something you couldn't control.
And you feared Remus could sense your discomfort.
The patience level Remus' head snapped, and he pushed himself up to his feet and marched over to the Ravenclaw table.
"Didn't your mum ever teach you how to not be a dick, Lockhart?" Remus snarled, as you turned around- absolutely mortified.
"Excuse me, Lupin?" Gilderoy clutched his pearls (which weren't imaginary), as he gawked at Remus' tone
"You're excused." He deadpanned, the girls surrounding the boy quickly saw themselves out of the conversation.
"You need to shut your damn mouth about Y/N." Remus spat, towering over Gilderoy.
"And what if I don't? Why? Is she your little girlfriend?" Gilderoy bit back, seemingly proud of himself for his little quip.
"W-What? No! I just know how to be a good friend and I know that you are hurting her feelings." Remus was quick to defend his actions.
"You're just jealous that I have a pond of girls surrounding me, and you don't! Right ladies?" He turned around to see that none of them had stuck around.
"Looks like you bored them, Lockhart." Remus smirked, as Gilderoy stood up- fuming.
"Didn't your parents ever teach you how to respect your superiors?" "I surely don't hope you mean yourself."
"I do! As a matter of fact. And I don't think your parents did, because why else would your father have married a filthy muggle-"
Gilderoy clutched his perfect nose in agony, as Sirius cheered complimentary.
Remus had just broken a boy's nose for you.
Your heart really shouldn't have fluttered like it did.
"I'M SORRY I GOT YOU DETENTION."You apologized, feeling rather badly that he punched someone because they were being rude to you.
"It's alright, It was worth it to shut Lockhart up." Remus shrugged, his knuckles wrapped in bandages.
"Still, you didn't have to do it for me. Thank you." You expressed, a small smile spreading on his lips.
"Your welcome, Y/N."
It was a lovely evening at the Astronomy tower.
The sky was crystal clear, and the stars were illuminated by the beautiful waxing moon.
It was nearly full.
"I... apologize if I've been off this week." Remus hesitated, glancing over at you quickly.
"It's alright, Remus. Everyone has bad weeks." You accepted, a hand coming to his shoulder consolingly.
"I'm glad you understand." The tension in his shoulders released steadily.
"I'll always try to." You smiled comfortingly.
HOGSMEADE WEEK WAS UPON all third-year students and above.
Hogsmeade Week was the first week that Hogsmeade would be open for students to come and go as they please.
Shops that were owned by alumni hosted parties and celebrations.
And Remus had planned to take you to your first ever party at Hogwarts.
Lily had invited you to get ready with her and the girls.
"So, Y/N. Did Ilvermorny have any sort of Hogsmeade place?" Mary asked, while meticulously placing small butterfly clips in her hair.
"No, not really. We usually just went on school trips every so often."
You explained casually.
“Where did you hang out, then?” Marlene quirked her brow, lounging next to Dorcas.
“No where, really. We just hung out in our common rooms and on the grounds.” You tried to gaze over to her, but Lily scolded you for moving your head as she was busy curling your hair.
"That's interesting. I couldn't imagine not having somewhere to get food that wasn't served by the house-elves." Alice mused, puckering her lips to apply gloss.
"Alright, I think it's done." Lily marveled at her masterpiece that was your hair.
"Wow.. Lily, it's amazing." You smiled, standing up to hug her generously.
"Oh, It's nothing." Lily reasoned humbly.
"Ready to go?" Mary handed Lily her purse.
"Absolutely." Lily grabbed your hand excitedly, and pulled you out of the dorm room.
"SHE LOOKS PERFECT." Remus stared at you in utter awe.
You were stunning.
Remus knew you always had been, even since the day he met you.
But today was certainly no exception, as you looked exceptionally beautiful.
"Remus!" You shouted excitedly over the booming music, as you ran to him through the thick crowd.
He relished how your gorgeous eyes lit up just at the mere sight of him.
He caught you as you jumped forward to hug him, spinning you around.
"Hi, dove." Remus smiled, plopping you back down on your feet.
"You look great!" You praised enthusiastically.
"Thank you, and you look lovely." He brushed a hand through your hair.
The party was in full swing.
Unbeknownst to you both, Sirius and James had been plotting something.
They saw how Remus' eyes could pick you out from a huge crowd. How even if there were dozens of free tables in the library, you would choose to sit at Remus'. How he shared his chocolate with you (he never once had given James a piece of chocolate). How you read every single book he suggested to you.
Now- sure, you could just be really good friends.
But James and Sirius weren't stupid.
Their boy was in love.
So, they devised a plan to somehow lock you and Remus in a supply closet in The Three Broomsticks (the party venue) for a few minutes, and see what happens.
Was it a great idea? No, but would it get some clueless people to think for a moment? Absolutely.
Just as they were figuring out the logistics to the plan, Marlene suggested to play "The Closet Game".
Which her and Mary made up last time, and It was a bit it.
Basically, everyone would decide on one person to go into the closet and wait. Then, everyone would then close their eyes and someone else would have to decide themselves to go in after the person. Once that person was in the closet, they would shut the door. Everyone outside of the closet had a few minutes to guess who was in the closet.
After a few rounds, and some right and wrong guesses.
Lily voted on you to go in the closet first. Then Marlene. Then Mary. Then Dorcas. Then Alice. Then Sirius. Then everyone.
Well, everyone except for Remus.
He didn't seem very enthused, clearly only playing because you were.
There weren't that many playing, but he did know of some of the blokes playing and he didn't want you anywhere near them.
So then, it was time to close their eyes.
Remus' eyes shut, and he panicked.
The wait inside the closet felt antagonizingly long, until- you heard the door click shut.
Someone had walked in.
Tune in next time on; so american <3
so american taglist
@hisparentsgallerryy @lydpop @amatoanima @po3tbbygirl @thequeen0fhearts @yourlittlefries @jsprien213 @liviessun @wandasbitch22 @michtellch @hellokitty-girl666
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୨୧ — birthday twins (psh)


pairing. frenemy! park sunghoon x fem! reader genre. fe2l + fluff wc. 4444 notes. ft. 02z + jimin & yizhou of aespa library.
synopsis. you & sunghoon don't exactly get along but spend your shared birthday alone this year due to jake's scheming

park sunghoon and you share the same two best friends, jake and jay.
park sunghoon and you have shared the same neighborhood since you were six.
park sunghoon and you even share a birthday.
park sunghoon has been the bane of your existence since and you’ve been his.
in first grade when you sat down at the desk your name tag was placed on, the boy next to made one snarky comment about your drawings you have disliked him ever since.
“a flower isn’t just pink. the stem and the leaves are green.” the boy beside you said during morning break, peering over your shoulder at your drawing.
your six-year-old self was already moody from earlier in the day when your mom gave your younger brother jungwon the last chocolate chip pancake. you got stuck with a plain pancake for your bites. without any hesitation, you read his name tag to yourself and snapped back.
“my drawing is pretty,” referring to his messily drawn bird. “park sunghoon.”
“and mine isn’t?” sunghoon quirked an eyebrow at you, picking up his paper to display his ‘masterpiece’.
“i don’t know what that is,” you fired back, making a face of disgust.
“it’s a penguin,” sunghoon adjusted the glasses on his nose bridge. “yang ____.”
at least you knew he could read.
annoyed with your desk buddy you decided to spread your wings and move over to the table of two girls. grabbing your special pink crayon and paper as you approached your two giggling classmates.
“hi, i’m ____!” you carefully placed your drawing on the empty spot on the table.
“hi! i’m jimin!” the taller girl with the long black hair smiled. “this is my best friend yizhou!”
“wow i like your names!” you sat in front of them, reaching for your crayon to make another flower.
you sat with the two girls until you were sent back to your seat for math. they quickly accepted you with open arms and even invited you to sit with them at lunch.
though you had to decline as you promised jake that you would find each other during lunch.
jake was your best friend. you met him in pre-k and were in the same class even in kindergarten. unfortunately, this year he had been placed in the opposite class. with no time to hang out during class but you knew you had lunch to spend together.
little did you know jay and sunghoon had the same plan. in the other kindergarten classroom across the hall, jake had quickly befriended jay because they both played the guitar.
when your teacher announced lunch, you quickly ran up to the front of the line, pushing sunghoon out of your way, but not enough to have your teacher say anything. sunghoon tried to push you back but the line had already started on its route to the cafeteria.
“jaeyun!” you called out once spotting a familiar head of brown hair, next to him was another boy you had never seen before, probably a new friend from his class.
“____! i saved you a seat,” jake grinned, patting the chair next to him.
you skipped over to their table, setting your lunchbox on the table. once you touched the seat he leaned down to whisper that at school he was now jake, to which you replied that he should make an exception just for you.
due to the lack of attention you were paying as you were caught up in jake, you hadn’t noticed sunghoon following close behind you, sitting next to jake’s friend.
“ew why is she here,” sunghoon grumbled to the unnamed black-haired boy.
“hoon be nice,” the other boy kicked his foot under the table, causing sunghoon to wince. the boy raised his hand out to greet you, waving it slowly. “i’m jay.”
“i’m ____,”
“i know,” jay answered, offering a half smile. “jake told me his best friend would eat with us so i invited my best friend hoon! he’s cranky though,”
“i know,” you side-eyed sunghoon as you took a bite of whatever your mom packed you for lunch that day.
at recess, there were only four swings at the playground. someone had been sitting alone at the one on the end, making it three. you and sunghoon fought over the last swing, which he ultimately gave up. jay and jake took the swings on the further end while you and sunghoon reached the third empty seat at the same time. tugging on the chain back and forth until sunghoon reluctantly gave up and let you on the swing. giving you a rather aggressive push when you asked him to push your swing.
near the end of recess, you felt bad so you got off and told sunghoon to take his turn. pushing his swing a little too hard to the point he almost fell, but thankfully he didn’t.
that continued for every day up until now. your group of you, jake, sunghoon, and jay continued through all grades. jake acted like nothing was wrong, you and sunghoon constantly bickered and acted passive-aggressively towards each other. then jay was the mediator between you two when needed.
the type of relationship you had with sunghoon was solidified when on your seventh birthday. when his mother dropped him off, also carrying cupcakes to share with the class.
you shared a birthday.
from then, every year you just knew you had to go bigger than sunghoon and make everyone remember your birthday not his. from candy-filled goodie bags to funfetti cupcakes, to even begging your mom to bring your little brother jungwon to your birthday one year because toddlers are cute and you knew your classmates would agree. you always made it your mission to upstage sunghoon.
as your eighteenth birthday approached, you still had the same goal: have a more memorable birthday than sunghoon.
sure, it sounds childish and petty but as the both of you grew up you became closer to sunghoon. you still had your disputes and held a slight grudge against each other but the fact your friend group was the same forced you two to tolerate each other. though being left completely alone with each other ends in chaos than friendship nine times out of ten.
sunghoon was, for lack of better word, your frenemy.
this year however was not going to be the year you stop this ‘tradition’ of going all out on your birthday. going all out to you meant getting jake, jay, and sunghoon into your car on your birthday and driving wherever you desire. that’s your ideal birthday, and having sunghoon there allows you to semi-celebrate his birthday (and so jay wouldn’t get mad at you for not inviting him).
“so what are we doing for your guys’ birthday this year?” jay asked, setting down his tray of cafeteria food on the table and taking a seat. “should i take a day off or?”
“clear your schedules! we three are going on a road trip!” sunghoon shared excitedly.
“hoon there are four of us,” you rolled your eyes, stealing a grape from jake’s tray.
“you’re spending our birthday with jimin and yizhou this year,” he said with a mockingly sweet tone, booping you on the nose as the cherry on top. “i already told them to take my least favorite girl out.”
“why would you do that?” you harshly pushed his arm away from your face before he could retract it. “we always spend our birthdays together!”
“wow ____, just say you’re so in love with me that you felt the need to leave the womb the same day i did,”
“i don’t mean you! i mean jake and jay always spend my birthday with me, you just happen to have nothing better to do on your birthday!”
“okay, so what i’m hearing is i should call out of work?” jay interrupted your bickering, pulling his phone out to text his boss.
“yes!” sunghoon and you said in unison.
“hoon you can’t just make ____’s birthday plans for her,” jake spoke up, handing you the juice box he didn’t want to drink. he opened the carton before handing it to you, turning to ask you a question. “what did you have in mind for this year?”
“my parents are letting us go up to their cabin,” you told the table. “but if sunghoon is so set on spending this year without me then i can always bring my other friend group-”
it was jake and jay’s turn to talk in sync, they shouted at you a no.
your other friend group was, like sunghoon said earlier, jimin and yizhou. they have been your separate friend group since the day you met in first grade, which was the brighter moment of the start of your first-grade career. you went to them for every thing and vise versa, you can’t possibly have all your friend needs met by two-and-a-half teenage boys.
“i think i win again this year!” you grinned at sunghoon, snatching a french fry from his tray. “as i do every year.”
“shut up,” sunghoon rolled his eyes and shoved your shoulder.
two weeks later you found yourself in the passenger's seat of your own car while sunghoon was at the wheel. finally reaching your birthday weekend meant your two-and-a-half best friends would accompany you up to the mountains to the cabin you’ve owned since childhood. the only thing missing now was jake and jay in the back seat.
“why isn’t jake coming down?” sunghoon frustratedly sighed, tapping a bunch of places on his screen.
that morning sunghoon had walked over to your house, greeted your parents, took your bag to the car, and even offered to drive today. your parents had no trouble allowing you to bring the three boys along as they had known them for over a decade. they truly thought sunghoon was the sweetest but you could beg to differ.
you drove to jake’s house and waited outside just at the time the four of you had discussed last night. though jake failed to be there on his doorstep in his usual punctual ways.
“guys i think jay is stuck at work,” jake started when he finally answered one of sunghoon’s millions of calls. “i think i’ll wait for him to be done and drive up together, i don’t want him to do the three hours alone.”
you both let out exasperated sighs before agreeing to the sudden change of plans knowing it was the best option.
sunghoon hung up on jake and started the route his gps had shown when searching for the address of your place in the woods. the longest three hours of your life began.
the first hour was dead silent. nobody on aux, just the gps lady's voice filling the car every couple of feet, and the sound of breathing.
the second hour sunghoon had broken the tension by asking if you were hungry, which you wanted to lie about but your stomach said otherwise, grumbling every couple minutes. he drove off the nearest exit and stopped at a small diner.
once the car was parked sunghoon got out and waited for you to follow behind him inside. the waitress seated you in a booth in the corner then handed you two menus and explained she would be back shortly.
you decided on breakfast for lunch, and it seems sunghoon thought the same.
he ordered chicken and waffles while you ordered chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. it’s your birthday after all.
it didn’t take long for your food to come out.
the waitress seemed to be around your age, maybe a year or two older. she placed your pancakes in front of you before sending sunghoon a wink while biting her lip and walking away. for some reason that made you angry.
you spaced out for a couple of seconds rethinking that interaction, when you came back into consciousness you saw sunghoon was already almost done cutting your pancakes for you.
even if you were eighteen now, growing up with jake as your best friend made you subject to immense princess treatment. sunghoon doing something you liked for you without any request made heat rush up your neck. quietly thanking him as you took your first bite.
“i know jake always cuts your food,” he broke the silence. “so i wanted to do it for you since it’s our birthday after all.”
“thanks, hoon,” you said with flushed cheeks. picking up a piece of your pancake to shove into your mouth after your next sentence. “happy birthday to you too.”
throughout your rather silent meal, your waitress kept coming up to the table. she only ever looked and talked to sunghoon. constantly flirting with him and eventually asking if he was single to which he responded that he wanted more butter.
by the time she came back with the butter you and sunghoon were ready to pay. going back and forth until sunghoon snatched your card to hide it so he could pay with his.
“i know this is weird but can i have your number?” the waitress fluttered her eyelashes at sunghoon as she handed back his card, hand grazing his for a couple of extra seconds.
“oh um,” sunghoon quickly retracted his hand and pulled you towards him. “i have a girlfriend.” he let an arm fall around your waist and held you close. feeling you freeze under his touch, he rubbed soft circles on your hip.
“oh my god i’m so sorry!” she apologized, quickly picking up your plates and booking it towards the kitchen. “i assumed you were just friends.”
you and sunghoon didn’t speak at all but he kept his arm around you, guiding you toward the car. the remaining two hours were as silent as ever, maybe even more than before. just the adjustment of sunghoon giving you aux.
it was still early in the afternoon when you arrived at the cabin. knowing jay’s work schedule you knew he never stayed past 2 pm so you checked to see if he and jake were on their way. they were not. they weren’t even with each other. both of their locations were still at their homes, and the app had told you jay had been home all day.
“hoon,” you poked his shoulder, facing your phone screen towards him.
“what ____ i’m driving,” he reminded you, eyes never leaving the road.
“jay didn’t go to work and the both of them are still home,”
you quickly opened your contacts to facetime the two liars and get them to start driving to meet you before dinner. eating dinner for your birthday alone with sunghoon did not seem that pleasing, the car ride was the most awkward it’s ever been between you two, and more hours of that in a cabin in the middle of the forest would be even worse.
jay picked up first. his camera was off and his voice was evident of sleep.
“yes?” he managed to grumble.
“why aren’t you and jake on your way?” sunghoon spoke for the both of you
“um work,” jay painfully obviously lied. “we should be leaving as soon as jake is ready.”
right when jay said that, jake’s cheery face appeared on the screen with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “we can’t make it today,” jake continued smiling as if he didn’t just tell you the one thing you didn’t want to hear today.
“seriously guys, on my birthday?” you frowned.
“our birthday,” sunghoon corrected you.
“we will be there as soon as possible tomorrow morning!” jake tried to lighten the mood. “on the bright side we still have the rest of the weekend to hangout.”
“fine, but why can’t you make it?”
“well you see my car is currently in the shop-” jake started to explain.
“use jay’s,” sunghoon cut him off.
“my mom is using my car right now, her car is in the shop,” jay mumbled, sounding like he had been sleeping throughout this whole conversation, which he was.
“okay but if you guys aren’t here when i wake up you owe me free drinks every time i visit you at work,”
“sure whatever i’m tired,” jay groaned, leaving the call shortly after. jake left next, still suspiciously smiling at the camera. he wasn’t off the hook, once he got there you would kill him.
finally arriving at the cabin you and sunghoon unloaded the stuff from the trunk. thankfully you two were in charge of the food. so you wouldn’t starve without your two best friends.
after everything was brought inside you let sunghoon pick his room for the three nights. you already knew which one was your room, since you claimed the same room every time you came here with your family.
unloading and decompressing took around two hours. you decided to shower while sunghoon had fell asleep on his bed. the moment you walked out of your room sunghoon had emerged from his, standing across from you in the doorway parallel.
“hi,” you stared at his messy bed hair.
“hey,” he replied. “hungry?”
“i could eat,”
you followed him to the kitchen where all the food you had bought in preparation for this trip sat. though without jay here neither of you wanted to cook so you got out two ramen packets. sunghoon silently nodded at you to signal he was okay with it and you started boiling water.
soon enough you sat next to each other at the dining table silently eating your food.
it was weird being so quiet around sunghoon. normally you would be yelling at each other by now to the point you would have ran off to your room and slammed the door in his face. that was your normal. even if you didn’t like it that’s just how you and sunghoon are and you have grown to accept it.
he was annoying and flamboyant to you but you saw how fun he was to be around through other people. no, you don’t hate park sunghoon, you just don’t know how to do anything other than pester him.
but you had a pact to not piss each other off on this one day of the year.
sunghoon and you finished up your makeshift meals and moved to the living room to turn on a movie to pass the time. he silently put on your favorite movie when you were kids and you both sat next to each other with around a foot of space between you.
as the movie came to a close tiredness crept on you. bidding a short good night to sunghoon and sleepily stumbling towards your room. after crashing on the bed and wrapping yourself in the sheets you finally let your eyelids droop.
but all the tiredness left your body as soon as the videos of people's paranormal stories flooded your thoughts. even worse as you were in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with park sunghoon alone. he could not fight a ghost.
tossing and turning after what felt like forever you swore heard a creak from the balcony attached to your room. scared out of your mind you quickly got up and ran to sunghoon’s room.
thankfully you did not interrupt his slumber since when you opened the door his lamp was still on and he had a book in his hands.
“hoon can i stay in here i’m hearing things,” you begged, shutting and locking the door behind you.
“what do you mean?” sunghoon set his book down on the side table, giving you his full attention. “hearing what?”
“i know this probably sounds like i’m just paranoid- which i am! but i keep hearing creaking noises from the balcony in my room.” you explained, approaching the bed. “i spent the whole car ride going down a rabbit hole on creepy stories and now i’m… scared.” you whispered the last part, trying to preserve the little pride you had left.
“um sure, come here,” sunghoon motioned for the space on his bed. the bed was big enough for the two of you so you didn’t think it would be a problem. you let out a sigh of relief.
as you climbed under the duvet he reached over to the side table again, opening the drawer to reveal a neatly wrapped box.
“i wanted to wait for the guys, but it’s not going to be our birthday much longer,” referring to the eleven thirty-eight on the digital clock. “open it,”
you carefully unwrapped the box he handed you to find the necklace you had been eyeing the last time the four of you went shopping. you hadn’t explicitly told anyone you wanted it but stared at it the whole time.
your eyes started to burn because sunghoon’s gift had been the first and only gift you received today. your parents already giving you the cabin, your brother jungwon being a broke fifteen-year-old, yizhou and jimin’s gift was stuck in transit, then lastly jay and jake not showing up.
sunghoon’s gift was undeniably thoughtful, even more so because he would have only known if he had been paying close attention to you that day.
suddenly you felt like a horrible friend for not thinking of getting him anything, you never got each other gifts in previous years.
“hoon…” you sniffled, taking the necklace out of the box to admire it.
“are you crying?” sunghoon asked, disregarding everything you had just said. “here, let me put it on for you.” he took the necklace from your hands and unclasped it to wrap it around your neck.
“can i hug you,” you asked through sniffles, to which he shyly nodded.
moving the covers off both of your legs you practically jumped on him. letting your knees fall onto the slides of his thighs and wrapping your arms around his neck, of course, while still crying.
sunghoon awkwardly hugged you back, hand coming up to lightly pat you on the back as if you were some crying newborn.
“shh,” he whispered into your hair trying to calm you down.
“i didn’t get you anything,” you pouted, staring at him with glassy eyes, he swore he could cry as well. “i feel bad taking this.” and now sunghoon started crying.
“no, please keep it,” sunghoon said with tears in his eyes as he brought his hand up to stop yours trying to remove the jewelry. he didn’t expect himself to cry but seeing you cry over something he got for you flipped something in him and tears started streaming down his face. “look you don’t have to repay me or anything this gift comes with something more important.”
you tilted your head at him confused, patting under his eyes to dry his face. how could he still have something to give you?
“____,” he raised his hands to cup your face. “i like you.”
“oh,” was all you said, causing sunghoon to panic.
“like i don’t hate you or anything!”
“i know… didn’t we establish this at the start of high school?” you questioned, confused about why he felt the need to tell you again, that you were technically one of his best friends by how much time you spent together. “i don’t know what you are trying to get at right now hoon.”
“i mean like in that type of way,” he trailed off. “like-”
“is this a pity gift?” you quickly dried your face in embarrassment. of course. he didn’t actually care. jake probably told him to get you something this year and then gave him the gift idea when he came to him for help. the tears he shed were probably just from the heat of the moment. “did jake put you up to this?”
“no wait! that’s not what i mean at all,” sunghoon grabbed your hands to keep you from removing the necklace around your neck for a second time.
“okay so what is it?” you pried your hands out of his grip, crossing your arms.
“i like you in a ‘i want to be your boyfriend’ type of way,” he nervously explained, you could feel the bed shaking from his leg bouncing.
“oh,” you said once again, trying to process what he said. “um,” you wanted to give him an answer but couldn’t find the words, you swore there was something with the air since you started tearing up again.
“are you crying tears of joy or because you hate me even more now?”
“both,” you finally spoke, trying to stop the tears from falling down your sleeve.
“is that a good thing though?”
“i mean,” you cleared your throat. “i think a boyfriend is the best present you’ve ever gotten me, and the only one you’ve ever gotten me actually.”
“great!” sunghoon scratched the back of his neck, you furrowed your eyebrows at his response.
“that’s all you’re going to say?”
“i didn’t think this far…” sunghoon apologized, pulling you into his arms. “i was only prepared to be rejected.”
in the morning jake and jay finally arrived. the cabin was dead silent and all the bedroom doors closed except for the last room on the left. jake whispered to jay and they tiptoed towards the door. as quietly as possible until jay stubbed his toe on the corner of the couch and let out a shriek.
fortunately for them, sunghoon and you were heavy sleepers and didn’t look at all disturbed when jake turned the doorknob.
you were sleeping cuddled up into sunghoon’s side while he had an arm around your waist and the other under your head.
their plan had been successful!
the two boys tried to exit the door and leave you two be but as they walked further down the hall to find their rooms jake tripped over nothing. falling on the floor with a thump, but he didn’t make any noise to try and prevent waking you guys up.
as he slowly got up sunghoon’s door burst open. revealing sunghoon clutching a book and you clinging to his arm behind him.
“oh it’s just you guys…” sunghoon slowly brought the book down.
“i thought the ghost came back!” you moved forward so sunghoon wasn’t covering you anymore.
“ghosts aren’t real ____,” sunghoon turned around to you, pushing you back into the room towards the bed. “me and my GIRLFRIEND are going back to sleep!”
“congrats,” jay muttered, closing his door to catch up on the sleep he missed since jake wouldn’t shut up in the car about how you both failed to remember jay already called out for your birthdays.
# ૮꒰ “ . . ꒱ა ♥︎ #🐧 — 𝖲𝖴𝖭𝖦𝖧𝖮𝖮𝖭#enhypen#enhypen sunghoon#park sunghoon#sunghoon#enhypen fluff#enhypen oneshots#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios#enhypen drabbles#enhypen x reader#enha fluff#enha x reader#sunghoon park#sunghoon fluff#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon oneshots#sunghoon scenarios#sunghoon drabbles#sunghoon x reader#park sunghoon x reader#sunghoon x you#enhypen x you#enhypen au#sunghoon au#sunghoon fanfic
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7 mins in heaven w ellie😇😇😇😇
thank you so much for your request and your support love!! <3
✞ 7 minutes ✞
✿ summary : the request!
✿ warnings : smut minors/men (boys) dni, puss rubbing, dirtyy talk, shy reader, sweet ellie, ellie teaching reader, reader is in closest!!!!!!, mentions of reader in str@ight relationship, almost getting caught!, if i missed any lmk pls!
✿ a/n : thank you for supporting my works as always! this is not my best work bc i used all my creative brain juice on my last fic so i am so sorry! unfortunately, i am headed back to school this weekend so my writing is going to slow down, but i'm not stopping don't worry babies. im hoping to put out 2-3 fics a week still!!!! keep sending in those requests! I have one more to work on, so to the anon who requested it its coming i promise my love!!!!
ALSO i did kind of make this a personal fic im so sorry LMAO basically i just explain how when i finally realized i was gay YAYAYA !!!!!!! but yeah warning again the reader in this is based on me so it is like finding out you're into girls later on kind of thing so if this is something you're not interested in feel free to skip! I hope you like it lucy!!! (idk if that's your real name im just going to call u that teehee) i love you all so much! muah
✿ as always, please remember to keep spreading information on and support Palestine!!
daily click
you anxiously played with your fingers as the last of the party guest gathered around the huge circle. your friends and you decided to spend your saturday night at one of your classmates party, resulting in you now dreading your turn in the 'truth or dare' game.
"you okay?" you turn your head to your left as your eyes land on your friend, who clearly could pick up on how nervous you looked.
"yeah i'm fine," you tell her. "just hope i don't have to do anything stupid or embarrassing. she laughs at your comment.
"don't worry, i doubt you'll even get picked. there's a lot of people here and were all drunk so, who cares!'. her shouts fills the room, drawing a couple eyes toward the two of you. you giggle and hide your face, trying to tell her to keep it down. in the midst of shushing her, your eyes graze the room, watching people roll their eyes at her behavior. but your eyes catch someone else's and you freeze.
ellie williams
she sends you a soft smile, a dark look in her eyes. you gulp and look away quickly. god, she was so hot you thought. you hope she couldn't how flustered she made you. you hope no one could. your whole life, you've always had no problems catching boys' attention. you could have a whoever, whenever, but with this luxury came its flaw. you never actually liked the boys you went out with, you just loved being loved, being in a relationship. you never understood why you felt that way, but just continued on normally, not giving yourself a chance to actually explore more about yourself. but when you first met ellie freshmen year, the feelings finally became visible, especially after finding out she was also into girls; however, you were still not sure if she felt the same. This caused you to once again burry your feelings and close yourself up. You were too scared, and way too sober to even try to talk to ellie.
suddenly, a loud voice can be heard yelling throughout the house. "truth or dare starting now in living room," on boy shouted. your palms became sweaty and you prayed that everyone would pick up on your uncomfortableness and just leave you alone. as always though, the world likes to work in funny ways, and you feel a large presence sit next to you and tap you on the shoulder.
"hey," the boy smiles, "cool if i sit here?" you just give me a simple nod of your head and continue your attention elsewhere, your thoughts interrupted once again. "you look good tonight, by the way". you turn back around, and give him a quiet thanks, and before he could respond, everyone around you begins to pick who will go first for the game.
after three or four people went, you began to grow annoyed. the man next to you could not take the hint, and you were the only person here not having a good time.
"alright williams," the room cheers silently, "truth or dare". your attention is now fully on ellie. she stares up at her friend who just picked on her, small smirk on her face as she answers with a confident dare. "hmmm," her friend hums out loud, looking around the room. you swear you see their eyes stop on yours for a second, before they get an idea. "i dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven," they pause and the room is filled with oooo's. your heart drops a bit. "a person of your choosing." now everyone was going crazy. everyone knew ellie was gay, and everyone knew she made every girl gay, so it was a pretty heavy dare.
ellie smiles up at her friend, sage you think their name is, before she slowly starts scanning the room. you quickly look down, hoping that your avoided eye contact would make you more invisible. your only focus now was watching your fidgeting fingers and giving back half asses answers to the man beside you who still will not shut up.
you hear ellie suck in her breathe before she slowly gets up from the ground. all you wanted to do in this moment was sink into the ground, not sure how you were going to handle seeing ellie pick another girl that isn't you and go fuck her in the closet. too deep in your thoughts, you don't hear the air leave your friends lungs as a certain someone stalks towards you. you only know ellie is right in front of you once you see the beat up sneakers sneak right under your vision.
your eyes widen and you cant breathe. there has to be someone behind you right? no, she could not pick you. in fear that you would be disappointed when looking up, you keep your head down, telling yourself that you're just-
your friend next to you quietly says your name, excitement laced in her voice. she was the only one you told, the only one you could trust with something so personal to you, so to say she was absolutely ecstatic to see ellie pick her best friend, well that was an understatement.
after your quick reality check, your line of vision trails from the top of her feet, all the way to her line of vision, where you see hear towering over you, smirk on her face. you felt like you were going to throw up.
"wanna come with me?" she asks you, that little smile never leaving her face. you look around the room, everyone in just as much shock as you. you look back at ellie, and without thinking twice, you nod your head yes.
she grabs her hand out for you to take, and you two make your way into the closet in between the living room and kitchen, but not before ellie yells something along the lines of keep yourselves busy, and don't be pervs. you feel like you're dreaming, you can't believe ellie williams picked you. but suddenly, you're brought back into reality when she closes the closet and turns on her phone flashlight.
"so," she begins, "how's your night been." you now grow extremely insecure at how little you've been talking to her, not knowing exactly what to do next considering you've never been with a girl.
"oh uh," you begin, "it's been okay. what about yours?" stupid stupid stupid.
"pretty good. saw that guy talking to you. you looked uncomfortable so thought i would save you." she gives a light giggle, but your heart drops and you look at her with sad eyes.
"oh uh yeah haha thanks," you attempt to say, sadness clearly laced in your voice. ellie picks up on it.
"are you okay? did he do anything?" she asks you, coming closer, concern reading all over her face. you blush at how much she cares about you.
"no, no, he didn't do anything, just was annoying," you let out a breathy laugh. "i guess i just thought that we were gonna, ya know, since you picked me, um, never mind this is stupid." your cheeks are now red with embarrassment, and ellies face softens at your rambling.
"aw, no sweetie. just because i picked you doesn't mean we have to do anything. i know you're not into girls." she gives you a friendly tap on the shoulder. ouch. your heart has now sank completely, and you slowly go to reach for the closet door handle. ellie looks confused, before she panics and grabs your hand.
"where are you going? it hasnt been 7 minutes yet sweetheart," she asks you.
"i was just gonna go back. kinda boring just doing nothing here." you tell her sadly.
"well, what do you want to do?" she still hasn't caught on? at this point, you feel like you will never get another chance again. with your ego still a little boosted that she chose you, you answer her.
"i wanna kiss you, ellie," you tell her. she freezes in the spot she's in before she slowly relaxes and relief washes over her face.
"i wanna kiss you too." she tells you. you look up at her, hope in your eyes, and she slowly grabs yours chin with her fingers and pulls you towards her. your lips meet and you both slowly start to make out. now you know why it was called 7 minutes in heaven. pleasure rushed through your body, and you instantly melted into the kiss. it was the first time you actually felt something when kissing someone, and in the bliss of this new feeling, you now put your arms around her shoulders.
the kiss deepens and turns more sinful as ellies hands now trail down to your ass and give it a light squeeze. you moan into her mouth and she groans back in response. her hands now start exploring your body, covering every inch of you until they make their way down towards your loose jeans. you quickly pull away, feeling like a complete virgin even though this kind of stuff is nothing new to you.
"woah, hey, you okay? we can stop if you want," ellie tells you, scared that she may have gone too far.
"no ellie its not you, its just," you try to find the right words. "i've never actually been with a girl before." you tell her, shame written all over your features. she lightly grabs your face once more as she gives you another passionate kiss.
"im happy to help you through it, and if you ever want me to stop, you just tell me." she explains, leaving light kisses all over you exposed next and chest. you moan out as you give her your permission to continue. her lips find her way back to yours, taking control of the kiss. in between each breath, she made sure to tell you how beautiful you were, and how much she had been dreaming of this. you return the compliments, gasping when ellie now picks you up and leans you down on the closet floor.
now on top, she puts all her weight on her elbow, as the other one trails down from your chest, then your stomach, to finally the place where you needed her the most. still kissing you, her fingers undo your buttons. once your jeans were shoved down, and your panties moved to the side, ellie breaks the kiss.
you whine from the loss of contact, and she shushes you. "is it ok if i touch you?" she asks you politely.
"yes, ellie. please touch me," you beg her. "want you so bad." her lips suddenly reconnect with yours, and her fingers start rubbing light circles on your clit. you moan as she teases you, never feeling this way with any guy you've ever been with.
"you make the prettiest noises," she tells you, nipping at your lips. "fuck, and you're so wet too." her talking alone brings you even closer to your high, another new feeling.
you feel her fingers now trail down and tease your entrance, making the most sinful sound. she bites her lips, then starts pumping two fingers inside of you.
your eyes now roll to the back of your head and ellie falls to your side, the new position allowing her to finger you even faster. your head leans into her shoulder, and tears brim in your eyes from how good shes making you feel.
"faster, please," you beg, now staring into her eyes. the innocent look on your face causes her pussy the clench.
"yeah baby? you want me to go faster?" she teases you. "ill do anything for you beautiful." that was enough to send you over the edge, and you start to shake and she speeds up her motions.
"els" is all you can get out, but she knows exactly what you're trying to say, telling you to let go and cum all over her fingers.
and you're about to, until you hear yelling outside the closest door, and people are banging on your door, telling you seven minutes has passed.
you and ellie groan, and you're about to scream out of frustration, before ellies low voice cuts you off.
"i want you to get dressed and meet me outside my car, we can finish this at me." she tells you, a loving look on her face. you giggle and give her a quick peck, before jumping up and putting on your clothes.
you two come out of the closet, rushing towards the front door, completely ignoring all your friends and strangers random questions flying your way.
"where are they going?"
"are they holding hands?"
"do you think they did anything?"
"they so fucked."
✿ a/n: heh, they came out the closet. anyways, like i said, very personalized im sorry i hit my penjamin and im in my feels but i really hope you guys liked it! my requests are still open! love you all so much and don't forget to follow because i post frequently!! <3
#ellie willams x reader#ellie williams#ellie williams fanfic#ellie williams tlou#ellie smut#ellie williams smut#ellie williams x reader#ellie williams fanfics#ellie williams x femme#ellie x reader#ellie williams x you#lesbian#lesbians
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more lads dad!au because dad!zayne and dad!caleb beef would be hilarious. spinoff from this drabble
The thing about heart surgeons was that they spent years in medical school, training relentlessly to save lives. But despite Zayne’s expertise, the one thing he couldn’t mend was his four-year-old daughter’s broken heart.
“Elsa, sweetheart, why are you crying?” he asked, crouching to her level as she hiccuped between sniffles.
“Because Archer doesn’t want to be married to me anymore,” Elsa sobbed, rubbing her fists against her red-rimmed eyes.
“He said he likes Cece.”
Oh. His heart.
His daughter was barely out of preschool, and she was already experiencing the crushing weight of betrayal. While he remained calm on the outside, Zayne was seething on the inside. How dare this boy break his daughter’s heart? Who did he think he was?
“Caleb’s son,” you chimed in from the doorway, setting Elsa’s backpack down on its hook.
Oh. It all made sense now.
There were rumors that Caleb had been Mr. Popular back in high school, then again in college, and even at the academy. The kind of guy who could walk into a room and instantly become the center of attention, effortlessly drawing in mobs of adoring fangirls. His son, apparently, had inherited those same infuriatingly charming qualities.
Zayne clenched his jaw. No one, not even another four-year-old, was going to trample on his baby’s feelings and walk away unscathed. He turned back to Elsa, brushing a damp strand of hair from her cheek.
“Sweetheart, listen to me,” Zayne said gently, wiping away the last of Elsa’s tears with his thumb. “You don’t need to be married to Archer. You’re the most brilliant, kind, and incredible little girl in the whole world.”
Elsa sniffled. “Really?”
“Absolutely. Now, let me ask you something: does Archer know medical terminology?”
Elsa frowned, thinking hard. “No,” she admitted, shaking her head.
Zayne gasped dramatically. “See? That right there is a red flag, sweetheart. You’re already smarter than him! Do you know how many medical words you know?”
Elsa sniffled again, but a tiny smile started forming. “A lot.”
“That’s right! And what’s the big one you learned last week?”
“Myocardial infarction!”
Zayne’s eyes widened in exaggerated amazement. “That’s incredible! Now, tell me, does Archer know what a myocardial infarction is?”
Your daughter scrunched up her nose, thinking. Then she clapped her hands. “No!”
“Sweetheart, how could you possibly be married to someone who doesn’t even know what that is?”
Elsa giggled, wiping at her damp cheeks.
“What other big words do you know?” Zayne encouraged, leaning in.
She tapped a finger against her chin before her face lit up. “Hippocampus!”
“That’s my girl!” Zayne grinned, nodding approvingly. “Anything else?”
Elsa’s eyes gleamed with excitement. “Gluteus maximus!”
She giggled so hard at the meaning of gluteus maximus that she nearly toppled over, but Zayne caught her just in time, lifting her up and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Just minutes ago, she had been devastated over some preschool betrayal, and now she was giggling about medical jargon like the brilliant little girl she was.
It was far better than pining over a boy who didn’t even know what a myocardial infarction was.
“Hey, I saw Zayne today at drop-off, and he was squinting at me the whole time,” Caleb said, pulling Eden out of his high chair.
“Huh. Did he have his glasses on?” his wife asked, refilling Stella’s sippy cup.
Caleb furrowed his brow. “Now that I think about it…no, he didn’t. Oh! That makes so much sense! I waved at him, like, three times, but he just kept squinting. Poor guy was probably struggling to see without them.”
Cece - Sylus' daughter Eden & Stella - Caleb's twins
#zayne love and deepspace#love and deepspace#lads zayne#zayne drabble#li shen#lads#lnds zayne#lads drabble#Zayne#zayne fluff
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꣑ৎ ──── SURPRISE, SURPRISE ♱. DA with you, i just can't get enough 𓈒𓈒



───﹙☕️﹚𝓢. 。。 you were a simple girl, who was utterly infatuated with your own girlfriend and was inevitably weak for her, so what could you do but yearn for her touch while she's away? or daniela's surprise visit.
𝓹airing. daniela avanzini x f!r 𝓰enre. fluff wc. 1.9k+ notes. req here !! (MASTERLIST)
now playing ⋆ by my side by junny
WEEKS WOULD PASS BY QUICKLY, yet despite that, you were still attached to your girlfriend, counting and crossing off the days till she would visit again sure, the distance was painstakingly testing your limits bit by bit, but you two were able to keep the flame alive. though it seemed like no matter how much you tried to distract yourself, there was always a daniela-avanzini-shaped hole in your heart, waiting patiently to be filled.
and likewise on daniela's end, it was the same; every few days, she'd call you, before realizing it was past midnight for you, and immediately hanging up. phone calls were weekly, and you always found yourself lost in the latina's voice, too entranced by it. tonight, of course, was no exception.
"how are you holdin' up?" as you murmur softly against your phone, your eyes were irritated from the bright screen. you sigh out heavenly under your breath, heat curling at your cheeks, as your eyes turn to trace out daniela's features. the latina sighs on the the other end, the weariness evident in her voice.
"california's nice, warm," she mutters against her phone, an exaggerated groan falling shortly from her lips. with a sullen shrug of her shoulders, daniela continues, "you should come up for spring break, y'know." you hum in response, your eyes skimming over your tv playing while its volume hums in your ears. it wasn't like you were really watching or listening to it; it was just white noise and fuzz in the background.
you shake your head, a chuckle escaping your breath, "i know, dani. you always tell me this—any time there's an upcoming school break, you practically beg me to come." your smile only deepens, as she lets out an amused snort, shaking her head in a frenzy to retaliate.
"i do not beg! i just wanna see my girl—you can't possibly attack me for that, could you?" and you're barely able to suppress your amusement, as you inevitably giggle, rolling your eyes.
you grin, shrugging, "whatever you say, dani." your soft laughter makes daniela's heart swell, drawing her from her thoughts. and for a second, her heart aches; exhaustion combined with missing you gnawing at her heart bit by bit, and it was like you were both the first and last thing in her mind.
despite being across the country from one-another, you could just imagine that smile in the corner of her lips, the same one that adorns her face whenever you tease her. "you know, every time i go shopping with the girls, there's always something that reminds me of you," she huffs, pausing, "i literally have a corner near my bed just for your gifts, like i'm just stuck with boxes full of things that you would like."
in response, you softly shake your head, her words eliciting a series of laughs from you, "i'm sure i'll see you soon enough," and really, your words shouldn't make a slight frown jut your lips, but they still do nonetheless. she nods understandingly, and you two fall into silence, faint hums falling from your lips. and before you knew it, daniela was back talking—talking till she ran out of material. everything was so entirely her, and it felt almost like you two were highschoolers again, trying to skip classes with one-another.
everything was easy for you two; it was like pulling teeth just trying to pry you two off each-other—like two peas in a pod, or birds of a feather. everywhere she went, you went, and vice-versa—just two lost puppies following one-another.
and it feels good to be known well—to have a safety net behind you, at any given moment. things had been tense since daniela moved across the entire country, and you moved further north; every now and then, that drifts across your mind, the impulsive move to drop everything at university to just see daniela becoming more tempting day by day. though, you knew the latina well—well enough to know how she'd persistently scold you if you moved forward with that idea.
"you missed me a lot, don't you?" she's wearing an easy, half-lidded grin, and you couldn't even muster up the balls to protest against her words, immediately nodding your head. your head falls forward against your pillows, your heart twisting at the thought of not seeing your girlfriend for another few months.
her eyes lazily follow your movements, a grin like the cheshire cat sporting her face, as you breathlessly mutter against your pillow, "shut up, dork. you're even lucky 'm entertaining you like this." daniela snorts in response, knowing you were just exaggerating. her eyes glitter, as she watches you grumble irritatedly under your breath, rolling your eyes.
"it's getting late f'you, dani," your eyes crinkle at the corners by your wide smile from watching your girlfriend shake her head in a frenzy, obviously disagreeing with your words. you watch the latina whine, her resilience to stay awake on call with you still as prominent. her face scrunches, repeatedly rasping out, "not yet! i wanna see you till my phone's probably gonna be off the entire day tomorrow."
"just one more hour. don't make my beg here—that's just cruel, don't you think?" and if you knew better, you would've protested, and daniela was so sure you wouldn't say no, not with the way a soft smile curbs your lips that betrayed your previous words.
so what if you were a little too easy to persuade when it came to doing anything your girlfriend wanted to?
and as the clock struck 3 in the morning for you, and 12 in the morning for daniela, your eyes quickly close shut. you gruff out against your phone before completely falling asleep, "g'night." the latina lets out a giggle at how quickly you knock out, as she props her phone on her nightstand, making sure you were completely asleep.
"you woke me up!" yoonchae exclaims, walking into daniela's and manon's room with pajamas on. her eyes shift to the ginormous luggage in the middle of their room, raising her brows, as her eyes practically bulge out. "you're only gone for like, a few weeks? you don't need all of this." she gestures to the luggage, as daniela huffs in response, rolling her eyes.
"i do need all of this!" the latina sputters out, crossing her arms against her chest, as she tilts her head. the korean girl further taunts daniela, giggles falling shortly from her lips, "most of the things are for your girlfriend, am i right, or am i right?"
daniela scoffs playfully, but it wasn't like yoonchae was wrong; most of the things she's packed were for you. "i just wanna pack before mornin' comes; i need to say bye to the girls and buy flowers."
"for your girlfriend?" the younger girl teases, as the latina gives her a side-eye, huffing under her breath.
[ dani my girlfie ] whats ur address again? ( 10:47 am ) [ dani my girlfie ] wna send u flowers rq ( 10:48 am ) [ dani my girlfie ] for our 1 year anniversary. ( 10:48 am )
[ yn ] dont make me wna fly to la impulsively nd kiss u.😢😢 ( 10:49 am ) [ yn ] get ur fine ass to new york pls. 💔💔 ( 10:49 am ) [ yn ] ok anyw my @ is [blahblahblah]. ( 10:49 am )
[ dani my girlfie ] anything for my girl ;) ( 11:12 am ) [ dani my girlfie ] ill ttyl i have practice tdy. ( 11:12 am )
[ yn ] okok ttyl work dork !!! ( 11:13 am )
[ dani my girlfie ] work dork lover. ( 11:14 am )
whenever there's a knock at your dorm, you ultimately suspect it to be one of your friends needing you for something stupid—because it almost always is. there's no reason to make you think otherwise.
it's either your dormmate, sunghoon, who usually forgets his keycard for the dorm, or one of your friends, chaewon, asking for the answers to a reading from your guys' shared eng 1a course, or both of them insisting on taking you out to some party, because you 'need to take your mind off of stuff.'
so of course, it's more than jarring that you don't hear any of their voices when you holler from your bed, "who's there!" and instead of one of their voices, you hear, "flower delivery for yn!"
clicking the door open, you freeze in your movements when you see a neatly-dressed daniela standing by your door's threshold, a suitcase behind her, and a bouquet of flowers curled up in her hands. a grin that stretches for miles adorns her face, and she chuckles.
"are you gonna let me in, or are you just gonna stand there?" the latina jokes, and her arms open instinctively to pull you in for a hug.
it'd been two long, grueling months—72 days to be exact, not like you were counting though—since you saw her, and oh have you missed your girl. you throw your arms around daniela, your head buried against the nook of her neck, as you mumble incoherent words under your breath. the curly-headed girl stumbles for a second, maneuvering the bouquet of flowers to her other hand, as her hand finds its way to your locks.
"surprise?" daniela whispers in your ear, her hands cupping your jaw, and with a gentle smile tugging her lips, she pulls you to eye level. you roll your eyes, pulling away for a fleeting moment to hoist up her luggage, bringing it inside your dorm.
"definitely a surprise," a hint of a teasing smile plays on your face, as the latina follows suit, her eyebrows furrowing. settling down the girl's bags, you manage to muster out, "how did you even pull all of this off?" your soft voice echoes, as you leave it all on your carpeted floor, spinning back around to face her, and letting your eyes fall on her lips momentarily. her hand brushes up against yours, gently tracing over your knuckles.
you manage to move first despite your dazed expression, leading the two of you to your crammed couch, her cheek resting on your shoulder. and the world practically stops for the two of you, because all she could fixate on was the feeling of your heartbeat from your sternum, and the way a heavenly sigh escapes from your lips.
her gaze softens, a playful glint in her eyes, as she speaks, "well, i missed seein' you, so i booked the earliest flight." daniela shrugs, cradling you into her embrace, with her thumb tracing your lower lip. you scoot closer, letting out an amused snort, "if it was that easy, i would've booked a flight to la months ago."
her hands rest on your hips, your heart skipping a beat at her tender touch, as you lean closer, softly pressing your plush lips against hers. your hands dance over her jaw, gently hooking it around her shoulder, as her mouth moves against yours in precise movements. you feel a warmth spread around your face at her sudden bluntness, a series of giggles escaping your lips.
"you missed me, right? daniela asks, and her hand threads itself with yours, your body shivering at the trifling lace of her hands on yours. her lips find their way trailing down your jaw to your throat, sighs drifting from her lips, as desire floods through your veins. she muses, "big baby."
scoffing, you raise your brows, "you're the one who booked a flight across the entire country for a girl—i think that's clingy." an ear-to-ear grin flashes on her face, as she shoots you a knowing look, continuing her ministrations against your skin. unexpectedly though, she pulls away.
"i'm not clingy," daniela mutters grumpily under her breath, nudging your shoulder, before pressing herself closer to you, your warmth emanating onto hers.
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current 𝓽aglist : (open.)
@lararajjj @kisshae @sed7ction @yeetaberry127 @vrtualstar @jellaaa @jaythegirlkisser @falling-intoo-deep @c-yerim @ssamlovr @gtfoiydlyj @rinapomu @meganskiendielsbtc
#fics .#kpop imagines#kpop x reader#katseye x reader#katseye imagines#katseye daniela#katseye daniela avanzini#katseye daniela avanzini x reader#katseye daniela x reader#daniela avanzini
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My only one.. Jiji x you



A new student was introduced into my class, his name was Jiji Enjoji. He’s vibrant, playful and flirty, i did think he was attractive but due to recent events..I’ve fell out of the love game. This school is the worst possible place to find love, all the guys are either players or they’re ridiculously rude. Innocent girls mind their own business and they are bothers by some stuck up guy that nags them about their appearance. I didn’t want to be apart of that fake relationship cycle.
Although love was something beautiful to day dream about, it was nearly impossible for me in this state, in this school.
I walk to my lunch area, a quiet secluded space away from everyone so i wouldn’t get harassed and i could listen to my music or quietly study. However, nice things don’t last forever..
A group of guys walk over to my area, i hear one of them say “trust me guys this is the best spot, no one comes here! It’s perfec-.” the guy looks at me and sighs. “Well one person won’t hurt, i guess it’s fine to stay here.” The guys sit at my empty table, one of them being Jiji who’s the light of the group. As i shyly sit, slightly eavesdropping into their convo i can hear Jiji crack funny jokes.
To my unfortunate surprise i let out a chuckle, “see? Even cutie over here is laughing!!” Exclaimed Jiji. ‘Cutie? Me?’ He scoots over to me and looks at what I’m doing “Whatcha up to cutie??” I was doodling on my paper with a bit of work on it here and there. “Nice drawings! Rad, super!!” He sang to me while making a silly face with his fingers in guns. I give him a soft smile, almost letting a giggle escape my lips. One of his friends checks the time to blurt,
“Woah guys we have 5 more minutes, we need to head back to class our lunch is almost over!!” They all look at each-other before getting up and stretching to walk away. While the group walked away, Jiji turned around to look at me,
“Cya later cutie queen! You rock gurl!” He flashes winks, giving me a peace sigh while walking out.
Is he being genuine?? Me, cute to him? Every girl basically fawns over him. But then again, he’s like this to every girl. I can’t get caught in my feelings, i can’t fall into the same loophole i can’t…
I head back to my homeroom and i sat in my seat with the remaining few minutes before the teacher comes back, and the same materials i had at lunch. I continue skimming over the pages and all the tiny doodles and drawings i made. Until i hear that voice. “Ayyy cutie queen you’re in here too?? Whatsuppp!!” Everyone looks over at me, then Jiji. He takes a seat next to me and starts to yap uncontrollably, I’ve never had this happen to me before at all.
The class begins, we’re now learning history. I jot down a little notes while paying attention enough to retain good information, but i hear whispering next to me.
“Hey…hey pretty.”
I ignore it, keeping my eyes straight on the teacher. That was probably someone else, not my problemo.
“Cutiee…~” Dear Heavens. I turn my head slightly, from the corner of my eye i can see Jiji leaned towards me. “Hey queen…can you help me with this problem? You look super smart!” He whisper yells, but the teacher catches on
“Jjii, is there something you’d like to share?” He snaps back into his seat, giving a nervous look at the teacher “No- not at all!!!” I side eye him, he gives me a side eye as-well, him signaling that he needs help. When the teacher finishes their lecture, we are finally able to chat. “Everyone please discuss with your partner about the questions, this must be finished before the end of class!”
We were also allowed to pick partners, and out of everyone Jiji picked, his friends, a beautiful girl, he chose me. Probably for answers i bet… i look over to him giving me a sly look, like this emoji ‘😏’
“SOoo cutie!! Wanna be my partner?” I look to the side and see all the girls looking confuzzled. “Why them..” they whisper “i want him to work with me..!” I nodded my head in agreement, not like i really had a choice anyway. I’ll just give him the answers and get it over with, i really don’t want to grow attraction for him. He’d just use me.
I explain the questions to him, and he’s actually locked in. He understands the situations and answers the questions in complete perfect paragraphs with evidence needed to prove as-well. We turn in our assignments right on the bell, we walk out of class and i try to pick up the pace, he wouldn’t follow me. But oh he did.
“Let me walk home with ya! You know thanks for all the help cutie, you really helped me understand the benchmark a little more. You’re awesome!!!” He cheered while winking at me.
I finally say my first words to him “you’re walking with me..?” He looks over to me with a big smile “Of course! A cutie needs her special body guard.” This is so weird! We make it to my place and i just give him a wave. Although it was time to part ways he grabs my shoulder. “Hey, could i get your digits?” He gives me a trustworthy look, blushing a little. I think i might actually start to like this guy. He hands me his phone i type and i type in my number, i hand it back to him and his grin gets even larger.
“Welp, cya tomorow cutie queen!!” He makes his way walking off and i make my way into my home. While Jiji walks home, he experiences this odd feeling. He places his hand on his chest and grips it, crimping his uniform. His head down as he speed walks, sweat dripping from his forehead, blush filling his face.
Normally he doesn’t feel this way for anybody, but something about you was different. Not your looks, or your personality, he could just tell you two would get along. A bit much to where he would develop feelings
Your phone dings, right about when you head to bed. You look at your notification seeing its from an unknown number.
?: Goodnight, cutie
You smile, already knowing who it is. I wonder how life is going to be with a new ‘friend’. Then the delusional intrusive thoughts start to flood in “i can make him mine.” You hit your head and flop onto your pillow, were just friends…
#dandadan jiji#jiji enjoji#jiji#jiji x reader#jiji dandadan#jiji enjoji x reader#dandadan#dandadan x you#dandadan fluff#x reader stories#fluff#jiji enoji fluff#x you#x reader#dandadan stories#dandadan fanfic#dandadan fanfics#enjoji jiji#dan da dan x reader#dan da dan jiji x reader#dan da dan jiji enjoji x reader#jiji enjoji fluff#jin enjoji#jin enjoji x reader#jin enjoji dandadan#jin#jin enjoji x reader dandadan#funlovinzara
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by the shore - rafe cameron x fem!reader
pairing: rafe cameron x fem!reader (friends with benefits)
synopsis: being friends with rafe has its benefits
word count: 1.7k
warnings/tags: smut! (f oral, unprotected sex), few curse words
request: rafe x Reader, they are best friend that’s are on a family trip that they take every year in summer, reader is good friends with both Sarah and rafe, rafe and reader are a bit tipsy messing around and find their way to the beach and that’s were the smut happens :) hope you can do it thank you.
a/n: hi everyone! it's been a while since my last post because things got busy in nursing school but since it's summer break, i can now post again! thank you to the one who requested this <3 i hope you'll like this one. happy reading!
➶-͙˚ ༘✶
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the beachfront estate where you and the Camerons vacationed every summer. The annual family trip was a cherished tradition, one you eagerly anticipated each year. It started long before you even entered school, a yearly event your parents initiated to celebrate their friendship with the Camerons. Naturally, you also formed a growing friendship with Sarah and Rafe.
Though, if you were honest, "friendship" didn't quite describe the bond between you and Rafe. Whether you and the Cameron heir were dating was unclear, but he acted like you were most of the time. Almost no boys dared to ask you out, not with Rafe always glaring at them from behind you. He accompanied you almost everywhere, even pretending you were his girlfriend to keep other girls away.
But your relationship with Rafe wasn't simply a friendship because of what you two did behind closed doors. It was no secret that Rafe had several experiences, his natural charisma drawing girls to him. Perhaps that's why you couldn't resist him when he told you he admired you months ago. He was your first.
Not one soul knows about it; you couldn't risk it.
The evening air was filled with laughter and clinking glasses as your families gathered on the deck, enjoying the night of their getaway. You felt a pleasant buzz from the beer you and Rafe had been sipping, the alcohol buzzing through your veins. Sarah had to excuse herself to answer a call from Topper, leaving you and Rafe alone under the twinkling fairy lights.
Rafe grinned at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Wanna take a walk down to the beach?" he suggested, his voice slightly blurred but full of excitement.
You smiled back and nodded eagerly, the idea of sneaking for a late-night adventure sounding perfect. "Absolutely. Let's go back before Sarah gets back and decides to drag us into some boring game."
Rafe laughed, a deep, infectious sound that made your heart flutter. The combination of alcohol and the intimate setting seemed to excite you.
The two of you stumbled down the wooden steps leading to the beach, giggling and shushing each other while your hands gripped tightly around your beer bottles. The fine sand was cool beneath your feet and the ocean waves lapping gently at the shore.
Rafe motioned for you to sit near a large rock, sitting down first to make sure that it was comfortable enough. You positioned yourself beside him, sighing contently as you took in the view before you.
"Remember when Sarah and I built a sandcastle when we were like, ten? Then you ruined it with your soccer ball." You said.
"In my defense, I didn't mean to kick it towards your castle." Rafe chuckled at the memory. "And I got the worst punishment from you because you refused to speak to me for a week."
You hummed, sipping more of your beer. "Still not over it."
He snorted, leaning his head back.
The next moments were spent in silence. You and Rafe took turns drinking what was left from the bottle, smiling whenever you would make eye contact, and leaning closer and closer to him until your shoulders touched.
You took a deep breath when you felt Rafe kiss your cheek suddenly. "What was that for?"
"What? Can't I kiss you?" He smiled innocently. "It's not like we haven't done anything more than a kiss."
You threw him a look, knowing that in a few moments, you would be doing something that friends don't normally do. How Rafe could always be turned on, you could never understand. But you don't complain, not when your hormones also betray you every time you see his muscles strain from his tight shirt.
"Come on, Y/n. No one can see us from here." He whispered, his breath tickling your skin as he lowered his face to your neck.
You didn't say anything, and Rafe took it as a sign to move further, abandoning his beer to the side. He placed one hand on your thigh and another hand on your waist. Your head was spinning from both the alcohol and Rafe's hands, suddenly not able to speak as you savor the moment of his lips on your neck.
"What would our parents say when they find out what we do?" He wondered teasingly, smirking when he saw you discreetly push your thighs together. He loved you like this: submissive as you let him do whatever he wanted.
"Probably celebrate. They've been teasing us for years." You finally replied, a laugh coming from your throat as you remembered the times when they would try to set the two of you up in every gathering.
Rafe suddenly lifted the skirt of your sundress, causing you to gasp. "Out here? Really?"
His other hand moved from your waist to your back, feeling for the zipper of your dress. "It's a perfect spot. No one can see us or hear us unless you scream, of course."
His cocky attitude made you roll your eyes, though your cunt already fluttered at the thought of being bare under his body as the sunset. "We have to be fast, got it?"
You didn't give him a chance to reply as you tilted your body, swiftly pushing him back so you could move on top and straddle him. Rafe, although shocked by your sudden movement, smiled cheekily as he witnessed you reach to your back to unzip your dress.
"Damn, baby." He breathed as he eyed the way the straps of the dress dropped, hastily helping you to get out of your clothing. He licked his lips as he stared at the sight of you. Your breasts perked up as the cool sea breeze touched your skin, leaving you in your underwear.
"Take it off, Rafe." You told him, helping him take off the shirt that accentuated his muscles.
Following your request, Rafe moved quickly and placed his shirt on the sand beside the two of you, lifting your hips and guiding you to lay on his shirt.
He finished removing the rest of his clothing, never cutting eye contact with you even as he pulled his cock out. You made a quick look back to the house, making sure that you were not within anyone's eyesight.
You gasped as Rafe pulled your panties down, your cunt fluttering at the excitement. He lowered his head down until it was leveled with your pussy, his manhood hardening at the sight of your wet folds.
Without warning, he gave your cunt a long lick, pushing his warm tongue as deep as he could reach. You moaned loudly and quickly gripped his hair, your back arching as he sucked on your clit.
Rafe reached a hand upwards to cover your mouth, not too tight to restrict you from breathing but just enough to muffle your moans. Your chest heaving as you gasped, the alcohol and his tongue working together to give you the best pleasure.
Rafe himself was groaning as he enjoyed the sight of your writhing body, his heart swelling with pride, knowing that it was only him who could make you feel that way.
Your moans were exchanged with whines when he suddenly moved away from your pussy, kneeling in front of you as he stroked his stiff dick.
"You said we have to be fast." He chuckled, teasing you. "Ready, baby?"
After seeing you nod, Rafe pushed himself inside you, a loud groan erupting from his lips as he felt your warm and wet folds around him.
"Best cunt in the world." He whispered to himself.
You let out a loud moan as he filled you completely, growing needy and desperate for a release. "Move, Rafe. Make me cum, please."
Your words sounded like music to Rafe's ears, further feeding his ego. "Since you asked nicely."
In one quick movement, Rafe thrust in and out of you, lifting one of your legs to wrap around his waist so he could reach deeper.
The sounds of both of your breaths were mixed with the sound of the ocean waves as sweat grew on the surface of your skin. You were shamelessly whining and moaning in every thrust while Rafe was closing his eyes as he groaned in pleasure.
He pushed your other leg upwards, having you nearly folded in half as he pushed harder. He looked down to where you two were connected, his cock twitching at the sight. "Taking me so well, baby. Come on, I know you're close."
You were panting, breathless, and unable to speak. Your hands were clawing on Rafe's shoulder, wanting to push him away from the overwhelming feeling.
"R-Rafe…" You breathed out, feeling your pussy pulsate around him.
"Yes, Y/n. Go on, cum for me." He urged you, his pace never stopping nor slowing down.
You looked at him, admiring how he looked with his disheveled hair and warm cheeks. His muscles were tensing as he thrusted faster.
Without warning, he pulled your legs apart slightly, just enough so he could reach your clit with his hand. You almost screamed at the contact, another surge of gratification taking over your body as he pinched your bud.
"Fuck, Rafe!"
He smiled, hips going faster until he felt you cum around his cock. Your hips were jerking upward as you released, thighs shaking as you squirted on him.
Rafe moaned loudly, and after a few more thrusts, he released his load inside of you, not letting a drop go to waste.
You were quiet as you panted underneath Rafe, your legs still shaking occasionally while you enjoyed the feeling of both of your cum inside you.
Rafe was whispering compliments in your ear softly, stroking your skin as he slowly pulled himself out. He then helped you back into your underwear and dress, gently guiding you as you regained your balance. Rafe was quicker as he dressed himself up, grabbing your hand immediately and leading you back to the house.
"Let's clean up inside before Sarah finds us here."
#drew starkey x reader#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron fluff#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron x female reader#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron outer banks#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron smut#rafe cameron fanfic
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okayokay but reader who teaches inexperienced mavuika to be better at pleasing them omg
anon u get my vision. u GET me like [nsft utc]
poor mavu who’s a little rusty at this whole thing having been incoporeal for the last 500 years. her expression is carefully schooled confidence but you can see the way her throat bobs as she settles between your legs, hands almost shy as she rests them on your parted thighs. her lips are ever so slightly parted, part awe part desire, as her eyes zero in on the folds of your cunt. her fascination draws a breathy giggle from you, and you wind your own hand in her sun-warmed hair.
“go on, baby,” you coo at her, lightly tugging, an encouraging pressure. mavuika swallows again, then leans forward to press a wet kiss to your mound. you breathe a soft sigh of pleasure, the wamrth of her breath on you sending little shivers up and down your spine. mavuika takes your reaction in stride, mouthing more at your dripping sex, two fingers sliding up to part your labia and then she’s licking a long stripe up from your entrance to the stiff bud of your clit.
you mewl at that, tightening your grip on her hair, and you swear your hear mavuika moan. “good girl,” you manage, keeping your eyes trained on her as she bobs her head with the movement of her tongue, and you see her entire body shiver at the praise. her expression is pinched into one of desperation as she laps at you, and it makes you want to praise her more. but you hold back for now; saying it too often makes it lose its strength, after all.
“mavu,” you call to her sweetly, and she opens her eyes to look up at you obediently. the hand in her hair travels lower to stroke her cheek, and you smile as she leans into the touch. “suck my clit, baby, please?”
mavuika groans at your words—you’re polite, yes, but it’s only cursory. she knows a command when she hears one. with a little hesitance she takes her tongue away from teasing your entrance to travel a little higher, over to the bud of your clit. her eyes flick up, little suns, as her lips seal around it and she gives a small, tentative suck. you were expecting it, but the bolt of pleasure shooting through you still has your back arching and your head being thrown back against the pillows.
“mmgh— good girl, mavuika,” you pant, seeing stars behind your eyelids. “good girl, just like that— use your fingers, baby, please? put those pretty fingers in my cunt.”
mavuika whines at that, scrambling to rearrange herself in a way that’d give her the best angle to slip two of her long fingers into your tight, wet heat. through it all she keeps her lips wrapped around your clit, refusing to leave it for even a second. you groan when you feel the pads of her fingers prod against your entrance, only to taper off into a moan when they push in, stretching your aching walls. mavuika breathes your name like a prayer at the sound of your pussy drawing in her digits, the wet squelch only rivalled by the smacking sounds of her sucking and kissing at your clit.
mavuika learns you like a skill. relentlessly, intently, thoroughly. when she finds those spots that have you keening and writhing she targets them over and over, stoking those embers in your gut into a raging fire. she's burning hot to the touch, a firestarter, and for all the obedience you demand from her you're nothing but kindling in her hands. you tip over the edge like a lone spark to ignition, only distantly aware of the curl of her fingers or the lash of her tongue as you lose yourself in the pleasure, the world reducing down to the woman between your legs.
the flame of your orgasm eventually peters out into low, slow-burning embers, and you can't help the twitch of your hips when mavuika withdraws her fingers. her eyes are blown wide when she sits up, lips and chin glossy with slick. her hair, once sunset read, has almost turned noon-bright, and you manage a weak chuckle at the sight of her obvious arousal. you reach out a trembling hand, encouraging her to come closer, and she crawls over your spent body into your touch. your thumb brushes over her lips, wet with your slick and come, and they part with a thready moan when you call her a good girl and that she did such a good job.
you push your thumb against her lips and she opens her mouth, letting you rest it gently on her tongue. "pretty girl," you rasp idly, a thought spoken aloud, and mavuika makes a low noise in response. it's only then do you notice the drag of her hips along your abdomen, and you remember that your pretty girl has yet to come herself. you slip your finger from her mouth and drift your hand to cup her nape, pulling her in close to whisper your next orders against her lips, and to relish the way her entire body shudders in response.
"let me teach you a different way to ride next, baby."
suffice to say, for the next day or so, natlan's archon was not seen astride her beloved flamestrider.
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Melting Pot II
Ingrid Engen x Mapi León x Child!Reader
woso-dreamzzz Kids x Child!Reader (Nena)
Summary: A day in the life of the Engen-Leóns
You have a big house because you have a big family.
Or...Ingrid has a big house because she has a big family.
Your Mama says Ingrid has a fancy job which means she's very busy and gets lots of money. You think she's lying because Ingrid always has time to hang out with you and your nieces.
You have a lot of nieces.
Cub was Mapi's belly baby but that doesn't make her any less your niece. Then there's the twins, Bebita and Skatt. They were oopsy babies like you. Sunshine is next and then Teeny.
That makes five.
You have five nieces and you love them so much.
You keep a tight grip on Sunshine's hand as you're all led outside for pickup. You're her auntie and Ingrid says she's fragile after having her heart transplant so you make sure you don't lose her in the group of bodies heading outside.
Cub is up further ahead with your sister's twins following after her. Teeny lags behind because she's hanging back with one of Tia Alexia's twins.
But you keep a tight grip on Sunshine's hand because she's vulnerable and you're a good auntie.
Mapi is there waiting at the school gates and she hugs each and every one of you individually. You all get kisses too and her lips flutter around your face before you push her away.
"Really, Nena?" She says," I'm feeling a little offended here."
You giggle. "Silly, Mapi!"
"I'm not silly!"
"You are, Mami!" Cub agrees. She's hanging off of one of Mapi's strong arms and Mapi rolls her eyes.
"Let's agree to disagree," She says," Now, has everyone got everything? Bags? Bottles? Toes and fingers?"
"Alright, then. Buddy up, please. Hold someone's hand."
Bebita and Skatt crowd together and you keep Sunshine while Cub grabs Teeny, who whines a little while waving goodbye to her friend.
It's a very long walk back to the house so you only walk a little bit before Mapi gets you all into the car together.
You get to sit in the front because you're not one of Mapi's babies. You're her sister-in-law (although Ingrid always says you're not Mapi's sister-in-law yet) and then Cub and Sunshine sit in the way back because they're a pair.
Teeny, Skatt and Bebita sit in the middle because they're still little and Mapi needs to keep an eye on them.
"Is Ingrid home yet?" You ask as Mapi hands out snacks before driving off.
"Sorry, Nena," She says," Not just yet. Soon, though. She's been stuck in meetings today."
"What's for dinner?" Bebita asks.
"I want lots of cheese on mine!" Skatt butts in and suddenly everyone is yelling their own choices and you giggle.
Your family is very big and very loud.
Ingrid says it's chaotic.
You think that means there's a lot of love to go around.
"Can I make Mama a picture?" Teeny pipes up suddenly.
She's been a little sad since leaving her friend behind at school. Teeny is the niece who spends the most time out of the house. She hangs out with Tia Alexia and her twins a lot.
Ingrid says it's because she's good with Pequeñita. They're painting buddies.
Teeny is always drawing and painting and if she's not drawing and painting then she's playing with Mr Pina, her hedgehog.
"Can we make Mama a picture too?" Bebita asks.
"Er...I don't know girls," Mapi says as she drives up the hill to the house," Have we got the supplies?"
"I've got paper in my room," You say.
"I sharpened my pencils last night." Teeny now.
"Mama got me new pens last week," Skatt adds.
"I've got glitter!" Sunshine says.
"And I've got the glue for the glitter!" That's Cub in the way-back.
"Mama bought us all new aprons too!" Bebita tacks on.
Mapi sighs. "Sometimes," She says," I think you lot gang up on me."
"Please, Mami?" Teeny asks," We won't get messy."
That's a lie, or, at least half a lie because Teeny is always messy. The others aren't though. Just Teeny.
It seems Mapi is thinking that too so you jump in.
"I can keep Teeny clean!"
She pretends to think about for a moment, tapping her fingers against the steering wheel. She sighs.
"I guess so. But-"
Her words are drowned out by the cheering of you and your nieces and she struggles to get you all out of the car quick enough when she pulls up to the house.
It's dark by the time Ingrid gets home and she curses herself as soon as she locks the car.
She hadn't meant to stay so late but she'd had meetings with Frido and the rest of her heads of department and then the website went down a few hours before the new sale went up so she'd had to call Caro up from her IT cave to get her to fix it.
It had been meeting on top of meeting on top of meeting getting everything ready for the launch next month that she'd hardly had time to stop and eat, let alone make it to the school with enough time for pick up.
She slips into the house.
"Hi, Bagheera," Ingrid says as the cat meanders towards her, tail flicking against her leg," It's good to see you too."
Mapi's in the living room, aimlessly flicking through channels. "You're home."
"Sorry I'm late. Work-"
"I know. Frido called. It's fine."
"No," Ingrid says," It's not. I said I'd pick up the girls today and-"
"Ingrid," Mapi laughs," Trust me, it's fine. You're practically single-handedly keeping us afloat. I'd hate to think about where we'd be living if you didn't have such an important job."
Ingrid's cheeks flush. "What did I do to deserve you, huh? You're such a smooth talker."
Mapi grins. "It's just one of my charms." She winks. "I'm your sexy arm candy, remember?"
Ingrid laughs. "Yes, you do look very good in a suit, don't you?"
"Want me to model some more for you?"
"I certainly want you to model something for me," Ingrid says," But it's not a suit."
She leans forward to kiss Mapi before freezing, pulling back suddenly.
"Ingrid? What is it?"
Her eyes roves around the room.
Something's different.
The floor is spotless. The kitchen is clean. There's the lingering smell of whatever Mapi cooked the girls for dinner and-
The girls.
That's what's different.
Six little girls live in this house and yet there is practically no noise whatsoever. There's no giggling and laughing from Ingrid's twins. There's no running from Cub. There's no rhythmic thumping of a ball being kicked from your room. There are no spills of paint from Teeny's projects and there's no clicking of Sunshine's camera.
It's just...calm.
"Where are the girls?"
"Huh? The girls? Oh...They wanted to surprise you with something they made. I think they took it up to our room."
Ingrid strains her ears but still can't hear anything.
It's embarrassing how quickly she hurries up the stairs.
It's never good when a house of six girls goes silent.
Mapi follows after her and Ingrid wrenches the bedroom door open.
She stops, a smile appearing on her face.
Her girls are asleep on her and Mapi's bed, all cuddled up together under a massive portrait.
It's made up of several pieces of paper taped together and Ingrid knows it's meant to be of her.
"They wanted to draw you a picture," Mapi says," I didn't realise how big it was until they brought it up here."
"It's perfect," Ingrid says," Thank you for helping them."
"I didn't do much. Just taped it all together and-oh!"
It's nice that Ingrid can still make Mapi blush with just a simple kiss to the cheek.
"You're such a good mami, Mapi," Ingrid says," You're so good with them."
Mapi gives her a bashful smile. "It's bedtime. I can take them."
"No," Ingrid says," You've been with them since school ended. I'll take them to bed."
"Are you-"
"Mapi," Ingrid says," Go downstairs and watch some tv with Bagheera. When I come back, maybe you can model what I want you to model."
Mapi's face goes bright red and it's almost like she can't get downstairs quick enough.
Ingrid takes her time putting her girls to bed.
Cub is first, taken into her bedroom and put up high in her cabin bed. Garfield is splayed out on the middle of the carpet. León-León is already asleep too, taking up half the bed but Cub immediately curls around him in her sleep.
Bebita is next and Ingrid has to be careful walking through her room because it's like a minefield and she makes a mental note to make Bebita clean it up in the morning.
Skatt comes after her and Ingrid has to check that all her terrariums are closed so none of her bugs escape in the night.
Teeny follows after and Ingrid spares a glance over at Mr Pina's enclosure to make sure the little hedgehog's food bowl is filled up and his water is fresh.
Sunshine is put to bed after Teeny and Ingrid makes sure to flick on her fairy lights on in case she wakes up in the middle of the night.
You're last and wake as Ingrid lifts you.
"Ingrid," You mumble.
"Yes, Nena," She says," It's me."
"Did you see your picture?" You ask, still groggy as your head lolls on her shoulder.
"I did. You girls did such a good job with it."
"Made sure Teeny stayed clean."
"I could tell. You did such a good job, Nena."
She sets you down in your bed, pulling the covers up all the way to your chin as you yawn.
"Made sure Sunshine didn't get lost at school too."
"You're such a good auntie," She tells you, kiss your forehead," But it's bedtime now."
She goes to leave.
"I love you."
Ingrid flicks off your light. "I love you too, Nena."
#woso x reader#mapi leon x reader#map#ingrid engen x reader#ingrid engen#woso community#woso imagine#woso fanfics#woso#melting pot
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temptations part two!
part one here
a/n: so tumblr hates me and decided to remove all my italics but i’m to lazy to add them back in so uhm..cope. also I KNOW the photo above isn’t jake but erm whatver 🙄🙄
requests are always open 👻
wc: 1.4k
warnings: smut (duh), smoking, oral (m receiving, reader is a light weight, creampie, praise uhmmm donnie is a perv lol
smut under the cut 💋


the walk to donnie’s house was quiet. you both walked with nerves looming over your heads, but for diffrent reasons.
donnie couldn’t believe that the first girl to come to his house, his room was no other than the cutest girl in school, and was in awe at how lucky he was.
you on the other hand fretted about how you’d pay him. you blew all your allowance on the mall last week with your friends and was worried the plan you had in your brain might not work. you didn’t even know if donnie was into a girl like you.
“so have you ever smoked before?” donnie asked pulling you out of your thoughts. you two neared his front porch
you paused, causing him to turn and face you with a curious look on your face.
“n-no, i haven’t, can you teach me?” you looked up with pleading eyes which made a pit form in the back of his throat and a warm feeling at the bottom of his stomach which he recognized all to well.
“woah really? that’s so cute. sure i can, you can count on me.” his corny attitude made you giggle
you two raced up to his room and plopped your stuff on the foot of his bed, you walked around and admired his weird drawings and cool posters.
“your drawings are strange, i like them” you complimented.
“thanks” he muttered, he took this time to rifle through his drawers to find his stash. as well as a way to hide his beat red face. no one ever has complimented his drawings before. his therapist called them worrisome and his mom wouldn’t say anything about them. but the sad glint in her eye told him all he needed to know.
“because this is your first time, i’ll give you an eighth on the house. this is the good stuff from my personal stash which i don’t really sell, it’s just for me. but, since your new and all i thought i’d give you the best of the best. since it’s your first time and all.” he said rambling as he began to roll up the substance, his skilled fingers working nimbly to pack and twist the joint.
when he licked at the rolled paper you almost passed out. he’s so hot you thought squeezing your thighs together.
“i’m a little scared donnie..” you muttered, shyness overcoming you.
“don’t be y/n, here- all you have to do is just breath in through your mouth when i blow the smoke at you. i’ll go first ok?” he lit the joint and brought it up to his lips, taking a deep inhale and then inhaling when it left his plump lips.
you looked at him ready. he turned to you and just as you opened your mouth and started to inhale he blew the smoke right into your mouth. the weed hit you and you immediately started coughing.
your face blushed from the proximity and intimacy of it all, as well as embarrassment. “i totally coughed up a lung.”
“it’s okay” he said laughing “everyone coughs their first time….want another hit?”
and that’s how the next twenty minutes was spent. him exhaling smoke into your lungs and getting closer and closer every time to where your noses were barely brushing. it was safe to say you were pretty stoned. the weed hitting you making your eyes go low and you felt all giggly.
“wow donnie. this, this stuff is pretty great ya know ha.” you said staring at him through half closed lids.
“isn’t it?” he said smiling lazily, eyes boring into yours.
“you’re sooo kind for giving me this on the house. ya sure there’s not any way i could pay you?”
“welll i can think of one idea i might have.” he said with a smirk on his face.
“oh? what’s that?” the weed and the warmth from between your legs made you bold, but donnie was one step ahead of you.
“how about i make you more comfortable?” in an instant he pulled your body so you were flush with his lap, your sweet body wash making him dizzy. he was so warm, and so handsome under you.
“think i deserve a kiss for giving you this great weed. don’t ya think?” he said tapping his lips.
you wasted no time connecting yours to his. you knew no girls really talked to him, and he hardly went on any dates. but his mouth was a fucking pro. he kissed you like his life depended on it. his lips felt so good neither of you wanted to stop. you parted for air which made him immediately attach his hot mouth to your neck. littering it in sloppy wet kisses.
“been waiting for this so long donnie” you whined.
he pulled back in surprise “really?”
“yeah, had a crush on you for so long.” you kissed him again, this time more heated then the last. his hands rested on your waist drew circles into your warm skin with his thumbs.
you pulled back and started unbuttoning your shirt. donnie couldn’t believe his eyes. “shit y/n. you dont- you dont need to do that.”
“but i want you to feel me.” you pouted. discarded shirt left on the ground aswell as your bra. donnie’s eyes bulged at the sight of your breasts. you dragged his frozen hands over you and made him grope them. then bent down to kiss him some more.
donnie picked you up and walked you to the bed and roughly threw you down, causing you to squeal in surprise from his amount of strength.
he tore his shirt off and started attacking your breasts. he kneaded and pinched one whilst sucking violently on the other. then switching to the other one and then groping them with both hands whilst kissing your neck.
“fuck donnie your mouth feels so good.” you moaned as your eyes rolled to the back of your head in utter bliss.
donnie’s clothed crotch grinded on you which you met with equal desperation.
“i wanna feel you so bad.” he whined between kisses “please can i fuck you y/n? please? i’ll make you feel so good baby ahh-!”
your palming of his rock hard cock had caught him off guard. you wasted no time slipping off the bed and sat on your knees, staring up at him with wide hungry eyes. he turned to sit on the bed, figuring out what you were about to do. and waisted to time ripping off his belt and pulling broth his slacks and his boxers.
your mouth watered when his girthy dick sprang free, hard as a brick. you had no anticipation that he was gonna be this big. but you weren’t complaining
so it really is always the quiet ones.
you slowly licked up his shaft before sucking on his tip and swiping your tongue around it. having him let out a pathetic moan.
you then began to bob your head up and down until tears started forming in your eyes. you pulled off with a loud pop and started breathing for air, your eyes never leaving his.
you pulled off your painties and your skirt and got up to sit on his lap. kissing him hard, which was mostly just tongue . you both pulled back for air and rested your heads on each others foreheads
“i wanna feel you so bad baby.” donnie said squeezing your hips.
you lifted up and used your hand to grab his dick and line it up with your entrance. slowing sinking down into it. donnie’s eyes blew wide as you let out a huge moan. you paused for you to get used to the shear length of him stretching you out and wrapped your army’s around donnie’s neck for support before you started bouncing up and down.
donnie sat there in awe and stillness as you got yourself off on his dick. he never really thought he’d be that big. but you getting more and more pleasure with every thrust had him turning into a wild animal.
“you cock feels so good donnie.” you say whining as it nudged the right spot over and over again. you were in heaven.
“fuck yeah baby, your pussy is so tight for me. and just for me right? you’re mine now, got that?” he said possessively. he was seeing you in a new light now that his dick was the one making your face twist into a twisted fucked out mess.
you moaned in response, barely comprehending anything your dealer had said. which made donnie annoyed. he pushed half of himself off the bed keeping you on top of him and started mercilessly fucking up into you. causing you to scream.
“i said who’s are you?” he groaned.
“yours! yours! m’ all yours donnie—ahhhh fuck! you feel so good”
the new position was making you go blank. the pleasure was so overwhelming and the girth of donnie made you cry and sigh your nails into his shoulders.
“yeah that’s right” he said kissing every inch of you “you’re mine now, your pussy is mine. only i can make you feel this way. shit, i’m so fucking excited to see you limping at school tomorrow. knowing it’s all just from me.”
his words were sending you over the edge, your climax soon approaching.
“donnie m’ close” you whimper.
“really? cause we’re barely getting started” he said, making his thrusts harder and harder until you spilled all over him. your suctioning pussy made him bite his lip. trying to it to cum just yet.
he fully pulled out, causing you to whine from the loss of him.
“get on your back baby.” you did as you were told, staring up at him.
he started to take both your ankles and push them far above your head, bending you as far as you’d go without it being painful. the new position gave him a clear view of your sopping pussy which made his breath shake.
“donnie what are you— ohh!” you screamed as donnie shoved his fat cock into your tight hole again. the new position made your brain short circuit. his tip bumping your gummy g spot with every thrust.
donnie wasn’t gonna last long, his balls slapping the beginning of your ass made a loud sound that filled the room, as well as your moans. he brought a hand down and gently rubbed your clit. making you whine. you next orgasm building up to the point all you could say was donnie’s name over and over again.
your next orgasm hit you ten times stronger than the first one and donnie was not far behind you. thrusting more and more as to have his entire seed dumped into your cervix. his eyes pet with a vehicular sight when he pulled out of your and his combined cum.
“Jesus” was all he could say.
“same here” you said out of breath.
“we should smoke and do this again sometime.”
#donnie darko#donnie darko smut#donnie darko x reader smut#donnie x reader#i love donnie darko#jake gyllenhaal#jake gyllenhaal smut#jake gyllenhaal x reader#donnie darko imagine#smut#smoking#smoker!donnie#dealer!donnie
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joy to the world | spencer reid x bau!reader
summary: you surprise spencer with big news on christmas morning
word count: 1.1k
cw: fluff, pregnancy, mentions of birth control, JJ heavily featured (no jeid mentions)
The presents had all been opened, and you were sitting on the couch with Spencer in front of the fireplace. Crackles from the fire mixed with the sound of the radio playing Christmas music. You were dipping cookies you’d made the night before in a shared glass of milk. His arm is wrapped around your waist and your head is on his shoulder.
You'd been anxious all day, waiting for the right time to give him his last gift. You knew he’d be excited, but you also knew it’d change your whole lives.
It had been just over a week since you’d found out you were pregnant. JJ was the first to know, being the one who suggested it as a possibility. You’d been nauseous for a week, hardly having the appetite for anything. Any strong smell made it worse. JJ has suspected something was up, but what made her voice it to you was when you mentioned your period was late. It was a passing comment, but she pulled you aside, mid-case, insisting that you take a test.
“Could you be pregnant?” she asked, whispering as to not alert the others in the local police office you were set up in.
“I mean, I guess,” you said, trying to remember if you had missed a pill recently. You realized that, with your frequent time zone changes, you had probably mixed up times at some point. “Oh god, yeah, I could be.”
“What are you thinking?” JJ asked, sensing your nervousness.
You had talked about having kids with Spencer, so you were sure he’d be excited, but you didn’t expect it to happen so soon.
“I’m thinking a lot of things,” you respond. She grabs one of your hands, subtle enough to not draw attention.
“We can find a drugstore tonight and get a test for you,” she says as the two of you are called back into the conference room.
That night, you two gathered in your hotel room. The test sits face down on the bathroom counter, phone timer counting down. When the alarm goes off, you don’t move from where you’re sitting side-by-side on the floor.
“Turn it over,” you tell JJ.
“Me?” she says. The two of you go back and forth on who has to turn it over, giggling like school girls. Your play argument ends with the decision that you’ll flip it together.
“What do you want it to say?” she asks when both of you are standing in front of the test.
“I think…” you hesitate for a second, considering the two possibilities. “I think I want it to be positive.”
You imagine your life with Spencer as a family, creating a new human that’s half him, half you.
The two of you count down from 3, flipping it over, revealing the tiny words.
“Oh my god,” you say, glancing over at JJ.
“Oh my god!” she says, grabbing you by the arms. “You’re going to be a mom!” She’s jumping up and down, almost more excited than you are. You’re standing there in shock as she pulls you into a bear hug.
Pulling back, she asks “How are you going to tell Spencer?”
That’s how you two came up with the idea to tell him on Christmas. JJ knew just as well as you did that Spencer would be overjoyed. You could hardly keep the secret from him, wanting to tell everyone you knew. Penelope knew something was up, catching onto the looks JJ gave you. It was torture not being able to tell her, wanting Spencer to find out before the rest of your team. It was almost impossible to have any secrets in an office full of profilers.
“I’ve got something else for you,” you say as Spencer is cuddling you with the cookie tin on top of his legs.
“What is it?” he says.
You stand up, getting the small gift bag you had hidden inside your closet. “So, you know how you like to journal?”
“I got you one that you’ll be needing soon.”
You hand him the gift, sitting back down as your heart pounds inside your chest.
He opens it, revealing a small book that says “First Time Dad’s Journal” on the front.
You try to read Spencer’s eyes, shuffling through a range of emotions. “Are you…” he trails off, meeting your eyes.
“Yeah,” you say smiling. He grabs your hands in disbelief.
“Are you serious?” he says, borderline giddy.
“Completely serious.”
He pulls you close, holding you tight. When he pulls away, you see light tears brimming in his eyes. “This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten.” He lightly kisses you, smiles breaking across both your faces.
“Who knows?” he asks, keeping your hands locked inside his.
“Just JJ. She was there when I found out, but I wanted you to know before everyone else.”
Spencer can’t stop smiling. His eyes are studying you, seeing you in a whole new way. “When will we tell them?”
“I guess we have to tell Hotch pretty soon. Once we tell Penelope, I’m sure everyone else will find out.” You both giggle, imagining how she’ll react.
The moment settles, both of you slipping into the quiet of the evening. You find a place again at his side, him holding you even closer than before.
“I want to be a good dad for you,” he says quietly, “for you both.”
“I know you will.” There’s no doubt in your mind. You’ve seen him with kids before. “You being worried shows that you care.”
He hums, hand finding your stomach. “I just don’t want to be like my father,” he says, almost whispering.
“You won’t. You’re already nothing like him.” One of your hands goes to his hair, playing with it. You wish there was a way to make him know how perfect he’ll be as a father. He’ll know when the baby gets here, you think.
Silence overtakes you, the both of you imagining your new future. You’d always planned on having children, but it felt more real than ever before. You can almost picture another set of legs running around the apartment.
Your phone rings, breaking through the quiet. You answer it, Hotch on the other end apologizing for interrupting your holiday to inform you that you have a case.
Getting ready to go, Spencer stops you in front of the bathroom mirror by hugging you from behind.
“Please don’t get all overprotective,” you say.
“You know I can’t promise that.”
Spencer pulls you into one last kiss before you head to the office.
author's note: merry christmas to all of you that celebrate!
#spencer reid#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x you#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds#mgg#matthew gray gubler x reader#matthew gray gubler#mgg x reader#spencer reid one shot
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