#me getting into this show: mmmm sexy bird man
undeadkyart · 1 year
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"what era of shigaraki is this" all of them i wanted 2 draw the hands
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citronsblog · 3 years
hi, can i ask for some gundham tanaka relationship hcs? sfw and nsfw if you feel comfortable with it. im sorry if my english is bad
Of course! Also no worries, when I go back to read some things I posted I see so many mistakes and I feel awful about it.
Warnings: NSFW. (I have it marked if you don’t want to read those headcannons)
Characters: Gundham Tanaka
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Gundham, as most of us know, is timid when it comes to contact. That being said, he is probably starved of it as well. That’s where you come in!
Of course you had to take things slow in the beginning of the relationship, which Gundham really appreciated.
It started off as small things like simple brush of the hands, quick hugs, and sometimes if you were super lucky he would pick up your hand and give it a kiss
You both definitely went dates outside near nature. Bird watching is what I think he would like. It’s nice and relaxing, he gets to listen to the song of birds around him, but most importantly you’re there!
If you ever woke him up with breakfast in bed he would be so happy!
I mean c’mon, his s/o took the time to cut some fruit for him so he could eat? Who wouldn’t be happy?!
Further on into the relationship he would probably give you hugs from behind, mainly do you didn’t see him so flustered
He would most definitely start to become more vulnerable around you, letting you know things about him you didn’t know before
Of course you would do the same though. Not only would the time be right but you want to make sure he know you trust him as well
Gundham casted a protection spell on you ;) he wants you to be safe, and he wanted to show you his ‘true’ ability
You may or may not have seen a bear face to face before, Gundham reassured you he had it under control, though it was still terrifying
Take him to a café! I think he would enjoy it a lot!
I feel like once he fully trust you, you both will lay down near each other and have deep and meaningful conversations
“S/o, what do you think about the earth? What is your favorite and least favorite thing about this realm?”
“Huh, I guess my favorite things would be the way a person lives it, you know? It’s intriguing thinking about how many things one simple person can do.”
Gundham would want to please you the best way possible so the first time you guys actually did it he would ask many questions and memorize your favorite spots
“Ahh, d-does this please you my love?”
“Mmmm uhhgg yes, it feels amazing!”
Hngggg breeding kink
Ok ok hear me out, no collars or anything like that but he would love it if he could be in complete control while you obeyed him
Sex with Gundham would either be super passionate or super rough, depends on the day :)
This man will try about anything if you ask him
A major turn off though is if you involve anything to do with animals. I don’t think he would like to do things that harm you, overstimulation he would do but if you wanted him to choke or spank you, you would have to beg.
Alrighty, now for his size! He’s on the skinnier size, not too girthy but his length makes up for it. Around 8 inches, great for hitting all the good spots!
His cum is on the sweeter side. He also tends to cum a lot, which comes in handy for the breeding kink
His favorite positions are missionary  and doggy style, sometimes even reverse cowgirl if you have a female anatomy
Major turn on’s are you wearing his clothes, calling him something like master or daddy, giving him kisses on his jawline, and stroking the back of his neck while kissing him.
Also his moans would be so deep and sexy
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Android Love (One Shot) Android Oasis Symmetra X Rich Chubby Female Reader
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a new chapter and in this one it is going to be a bit longer as it is a LONG WAYS To make. I hope you all enjoy this was requested off of Quotev by https://www.quotev.com/saitamasensei where reader is a teenage 18 or 19 and she is well off rich. In this one shot it is not omnic as they are in the real world and Andriods of Overwatch characters is like the most expensive merch you can get that is what this and I hope that you all enjoy now lets do this!]
(No One's POV)
It was a sunny day in (Home Town), birds are chirping and kids are playing. Not to mention a young wealthy woman was running through the city park, she has been for about two hours now. And she feels like she is going to drop dead. Why oh why did she have to be so chubby, she just wants to look nice in photos and not like a beach whale. Was that to much to ask!? She collapses on the bench drenched in seat and takes a drink of her water. She decided that, that was enough exercise for one day. She then gets up and stretches. Maybe a quick walk through the city on the way back won't hurt.
She starts to make her way home, the long way. When she sees a shop she has passed many times before. It was an android shop. One with all your favorite fandoms androids. She never had one before and she felt like burning some cash. She pushes the door to the shop open and goes to look at the many androids. She saw a sign for Overwatch ones and walked over. Their was so many to choose from. One caught her eye and yes it was expensive but it also had a sign that said.
"Must buy or will be scrapped."
(Name) did not want the android to be scrapped and so she purchased that specific one and then would have to wait one day or so to have it shipped to her home. The manager told her know returns and she rolled her eyes there was no way she would return this. She took the catalog with her and headed home to read up on the android she bought. She never played the game overwatch before so she knew nothing of the characters. Or there skins.
The one she bought was Oasis Symmetra. She learned about the characters Symmetra and the skin itself. It was stunning. (Name) wonders why no one would have bought it. She shrugs her shoulders gently and looked into it more before falling asleep on the couch. Tired from the long job she had taken earlier.
A Android was being shipped to her owners home, she never been bought ever though she has been on shelves for years. This Android was excited to be able to meet the person who bought her and was determined to keep her safe and sound no matter what. Once she was brought to the house inside her rather large box the man delivers her and she can hear the box being open.
"You are so beautiful." She hears and the Android wish she could move, but she has to wait until she was activated.
Soon she was and she could see who bought her she was beyond stunned.
(Symmetra's POV)
I looked through the small "Eyes" I have, they were not really eyes but small hidden camera that could see for me as I could not see past my helmet which cannot be removed. What I saw stunned me more than anything, it was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, granted I never seen any other woman before in my life. She smiled at me and if I could I would blush. I stand there waiting for her to say something, though I did not like it, I seem to like being in control and I do not like not being in control, that was for sure. I hated this and just wanted to grab her and kiss her deeply. That is all I want and I did not care what it took she would be mine and mine alone.
(Back To No One's POV)
(Name) smiled softly. "It is nice to meet you, Symmetra, my name is (Name) (Last Name), I hope that we can be goof friends." She tells her new android and hopefully life long friend.
Symmetra froze, this beauty wanted to be her friend. Not just owner, it made her feel all fuzzy on the inside.
"I would like that My dear." Symmetra says.
(Name) smiles more and blushes she has never been called my dear before. It was nice and sweet and she liked it very much. It made her feel all warm all over.
They started to talk and get to know each other more. They had a great time talking and having a good time. (Name) told Symmetra she had to go for her daily jog. Symmetra did not want to her Dear to leave but had ideas. Maybe if she made her something to eat her dear would love her more. She nodded and (Name) left and Symmetra got to work on making a dish for her. While she was doing that she also picked up a bit, after the food finished and she plated it (Name) came back and had a huge black eye. This made Symmetra make a screeching sound in worry.
"Are you okay!?" She demanded to know setting (Name) down at the table and getting a bag of peas.
"I am okay, just someone grabbed me and robbed me." (Name) says holding the bag of peas to her swollen eye.
"I WiLL KIlL ThEM!!!" Symmetra says glitching a bit.
"It is okay Symmetra." (Name) says. "Really the police will handle it."
Symmetra did not believe this for one second. They had dinner and Symmetra knew she has to control her dear much more and her plan for it had to be moved up. So while (Name) was getting ready for bed Symmetra pounced. She pinned down her dear one and tore off her clothes. (Name) confused did not understand until Symmetra kissed her.
"Mine you are mine!" She says possessively taking off her own andriod clothes and started to kiss down her dear one's chest.
"mmmm Symmmmmetra...~" She moans as she is pleasure by her android.
Her android wanted them both to feel good and so she started to rub them together but it was useless as this Android was made without a vagina so it was doing nothing for her.
Symmetra cries out in frustration and laid on top of her dear one who soothed her. Symmetra guessed she would need a new plan. That is when it hit her as her dear one fell asleep she now know what she would have to do and she will do it. She got online and order what she needed and waited patiently for it to be delivered. Once it was Symmetra got it ready and walked over to her dear one and started to stuff her inside it. She will now have to rely on Symmetra for absolutely everything.
(Name's POV)
I wake up in a panic as I am being squished into something. I screamed and kicked around but it was so hard to move. Felt like my entire body was weighed down. I open my eyes and see I am in some type of suit. I am helped to sit up and look to see Symmetra smiling down at me.
"It is okay you are okay." She tells me.
"What did you do??!??" I ask slightly panicked.
"No one bought me and everyone passed me over..." She says.
I nodded slowly.
"I just want to keep you safe, I love you and do not want you hurt, you chose me, and I am not going to let you be hurt ever." She says. "Please just let me."
I looked at her and my anger melted away and I kiss her. "Thank you, I can never stay mad at you."
She kisses me back and we fall on the bed just making out for what seemed like hours.
-Time Skip, Brought To You By: Symmetra in this being into Bondage, Damn right boy it is all about that sweet sweet control-
It has been two weeks and me and Symmetra are walking through the park. I am still getting used to my android suit. It is heavy and hot and I had to rely on Symmetra to take care of me sometimes. But she is so sweet and she never seemed to mind. I was also much happier now. I smile at her and then hear someone shout at us.
"Hey! Your the bitch who got me arrested!" A man says and I looked to see the man who had mugged me. "I am going to kill you, you worthless slut."
before anything else can happen Symmetra was on him bashing his head into the cement. I pulled her off of him and next thing I know and ambulance has arrived and I was being threaten to have Symmetra scrapped, I defend her and so did others and now we were allowed to be let go. I take Symmetra hand in mine and she shudders. I am curious on why she did that. Is she feeling okay?
(Symmetra's POV)
I never felt anything like I had felt when she entwined her fingers with her left hand. What had been that. We made it home and she says she is going to shower. I nodded and helped her out of the suit. I waited for her and looked at my left hand and started to rub the fingers and I felt the pleasure once more. Is this what (Name) feels when I eat her out? I was suddenly struct with an idea and walk into the bathroom. I look at her and licked my lips. I get in the shower with her and she looks at me confused. I put on of my left hand's fingers inside her and she moans as do I.
"Oh~" I moaned as my circuits jolt with pleasure.
"Wait~" She pants as I finger her. "You mmmmm~ You can feel that~?"
I nodded and bit my lip as it felt so good and she clenched around my fingers making me cry out.
"Oh (Name)~" I moan. "Your so tight~"
She blushed and started to ride my fingers and I could feel how wet and tight she was and I knew that she was mine and mine alone. I finally can make a form of love not just to her but with her. I love it and I loved her we made out as I finger bang her stretching them inside of her.
I grab the towel and shred it tying her hands above her head to the shower head. I am going to show her just what I can do for her. I continue to fuck her with one finger but then add another.
"You like that~?" I ask her going rougher and abusing her clit with pleasure.
"Yessss~" She moans out and rides my fingers the best I can.
I smirked. "I am going to wreck you~" I tell her and I do just that making us both have our orgasms they may be different but we both received pleasure for the first time and I am never letting her go.
My love may be android love. But it is love none the less.
[YASSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter done, now I will not be doing ones like this often but I still hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy my friends!]
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moulinrouge78-blog · 4 years
Sex fantasies and other surprises - Part 1
Netflix made me do it. This is my first fanfiction contribution ever posted. It’s hot and erotic because I love and live for SMUT. Enjoy.....
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They have been together for a year now and he couldn’t be happier. Their long distance relationship isn’t easy but works out pretty well and today wasn’t just the Friday she would come to Capeside to be with him for a long weekend but also their 1st anniversary of being Joey and Pacey the happy in love couple who make it work.
And he’s got a plan. ‚You are a lucky bastard‘ he smiled to himself standing in front of his bathroom mirror getting ready for his drive to Capeside train station where she would arrive in around an hour. The thought about his girl made him feel light headed and gave him electric shivers that went straight down his groin. He looked down and could see his dick standing In excitement. But there was no time for that, first stops where the florist by the harbour and Capeside‘s fine jewellers. One last look in the mirror to ensure he didn’t miss a smudge of shaving cream on his face and his hair sat in place before he turned around grabbing his keys and went out the door. It was barely 9am and the sun was already warm standing high in a cloudless blue sky. The air smelled of seaweed and sand coming from the dunes with the birds chirping in the trees. He went around to his Ford Explorer and looked at the beach, breathing in the fresh air.  Three years ago the Dudley‘s passed away and Pacey didn’t hesitate to buy their beach house. While the winters are long and cold just as they are around everywhere in Massachusetts he thought Capeside is the most beautiful place on earth in summer when the weather is like this. 
Pacey checked the weather forecast for weeks and this weekend was perfect. He couldn’t stop smiling all the way to the florist and greeted one of the delivery drivers once he parked his car and run over to help the man handling big buckets of Magnolia, Echinacea, Roses, Poppies, Water Lillies, Day Lillies and Pale Grass Pink Orchids. 
‚Hey Rob, let me give you a hand‚ he said taking two of the buckets from the struggling man’s arm, nodding at him. ‚Oh thank you Pacey, these flowers don’t look heavy but they certainly are and I am not getting younger‘ Rob said wiping off a thin layer of sweat he felt forming on his forehead. ‚Ah man, you are still as chirpy and not a day older than 45, are you not?‘ Pacey said with a wide grin. ‚Well add another decade to it and you are about right!‘ Rob chuckled returning a friendly smile. ‚Ohh before i forget. Your flowers are ready! Rob said. Ohh brilliant timing. That’s why I am here. Thank you! 
Ten minutes later, Pacey left the shop with his wildflower garland made of blue false indigo, bowmen‘s root and peach leaved bluebells. He asked for seasonal wild flowers and the arrangement couldn’t be prettier. 
The jewellers was just up the road, 2 traffic lights and 5 minutes away and he suddenly felt very nervous.  This was the tricky part he wanted to get right out of all things. He knew how he wanted to propose to the girl who stole his heart. It usually is Dawson’s expertise to do the fluff and romantic stuff, Pacey did lack in this department a little he thought so he took Jen with him a fortnight ago to show her the ring he selected for Joey. 
‚What do you think, Lindley?‘ he bit his lip, nervous as hell, hoping it wouldn’t be too bad. Jen stared at the open black velvet box with the tiny yellow pear shaped moissanite diamond in the platinum ring base he picked, bedded on a satin cushion. The ring wasn’t pretentious and simple despite the yellow colour of the stone. He knows Joey doesn’t like gaudy things, keeps it elegant and classy and he respected that, ok who is he kidding? he thought. Joe‘s disgust for trashy things and the want to be authentic and real was adorable and sexy as hell. A sigh escaped Jen’s mouth and than there was a long pause. ‚Uh oh, that bad, Lindley?‘ he asked suddenly his throat terribly dry, not sure if he wanted to get a response from his dear blonde friend next to him. Jen also liked being real and true at all times and usually he admired her for that but today he hopes she’s gentle on him. Jen looked at him and back down to the glass counter where Hilary the sales assistant placed the ring for them to view and her face was not showing any sort of emotion, she looked blank. ‚Listen...Jen...there is still time, I can return it and you...YOU are a women of many tastes, you can help me making the RIGHT decision!‘ He felt  frantic, his palms were sweating as he took he reaction as a sign, that this ring was a terrible pick. She finally looked up at him and her face lid up. ‚Oh my god...Pace....this is the most, beautiful ring I have ever seen. Joey truly is a lucky girl!‘ Her voice trembled a little as the emotion kicked in and she hugged him tightly ‚You did well, Witter! ‘ I wonder...‚ What’s that? He asked, breaking their embrace, looking at her happily but confused raising a brow. ‚Does this ring come in a set with earrings, if so I’ll take them!‘ Jen said with a giggle. Pacey laughed at that remark and lightly slapped her shoulder. Ouch, Witter!!! He kissed her head and logged his arm through hers leaving the shop after he paid his deposit. At the train station the clock just outside the station tower read 9:58am. Great 2 more minutes, I am not late. 
He quickly checked the arrival table on the monitor and was glad that the train was on time before he made his short way to the platform. With that he heard the chuffing sound of the fast train approaching the platform slowing down until it came to a noisy halt. Passenger‘s got off the train, restricting his view, so he tiptoed and bend his neck. It took him a few moments and he saw her. His heart pounded fast in his chest. It was only a few days ago that they been together but his body reacted like he hasn’t seen her for weeks, months or even years. She stepped off the train, holding onto a small beige hard shell travel trolley with her right hand. She wore a tie front puff sleeve midi dress in light blue with matching hairband holding her hair in a ponytail and white leather sandals with block heel. Each movement made the dress show off her long silky tanned legs. She still hasn’t spotted him, looking from left to right, a puzzled look on her face that made her mouth pout. 
Ohh those lips he thought. He could tell she didn’t bother with make up, only a little bit of mascara, a little rogue to make her cheeks glow peachy and a colourless chapstick is all she would use, she was the most beautiful girl he ever laid eyes on and he was glad she finally grown in confidence to see herself not just as a too tall woman with long limbs and feels comfortable in her skin. The tie front of her dress was open a little and he could faintly guess where her chest bone would turn into the bulge of her breasts.  His heart skipped a beat and he manoeuvred the best he could into her direction without being seen. She fumbled on the zipper of her trolley standing with her bare back to him. He reached for her waist while his other hand went to her neck placing little kisses onto the bare skin underneath her hairline.  ‘Hello gorgeous!’ ‘Mmmm’ was the only vocabulary escaping her lips. She leaned into him, eyes closed and smiling her big smile that drove him insane. 
He felt her ass rotating and grinding into his hard bulge ‘Ahhh, Pace happy to see me?’  and suddenly his khaki shorts felt way too tight. His hands holding onto her arms for stability he whispered into her ear, nibbling her lobe and finally resting his chin on her shoulder ‘Ohh Jo, you have no idea. I wouldn’t like anything more than to pull up that fabric of your dress and take you right here, right now giving by passengers a show of their life time.‘
With that he swirled her around and let her fall into his arms, looking deeply in her dark brown eyes. ‘God I missed you, Potter!’ ‘I missed you so much, my sweetheart!’ she whispered back. There it was. Just like that he was on fire. She licked her lips. Her way of saying that she is ready to be kissed. He didn’t need an Invitation to place his lips on hers. Their lips met and she opened just a little to let him in and he darted his tongue around her full mouth, stifling her moan by dancing with her tongue tip. She opened her mouth wider and he took all of her tongue, sucking on it, releasing her and sucking her tip once again, breaking free for air.
‘Let me take you home, before Doug gets send here for sexual assault in public!’ Um, yeah probably not a good idea to be stars of Capeside journal as ‘horny couple set off at train station!’ she said with an amused wink at him. They went for a quick early lunch at the ice house before heading arm in arm to the beach house. Oh my god, Pace you really went trough with it? She gestured at the outdoor shower in the garden as soon as they arrived. This is so cool. It’s not just cool but also practical in the summer after a long shift in the restaurant. Here let me show you. The shower was attached to white wooden panels with hanging baskets for toiletries, soaps, hair care, sponges and even a back rub. Two big yellow towels occupied two of the four metal hooks. The floor was made of deep blue and green mosaics and an anti slip finish. It had a long bench at the side with futon pillows where the water couldn’t reach. For privacy the shower area was secluded by it’s own 8 ft. garden fence made of thick hazel hurdle woven wattle with bushy leafy planters in front of it. The top was free but Joey noticed a handle at the side and a large panel above. ‘What’s that for?’ she wondered.
  Ohh this is for chillier evenings to keep the rain out. He turned the handle and a retractable yellow thick shade pulled out. This looks just like...
...the sail of True Love?  he finished her sentence, smiling at her. Yes, Joey it’s the same material I used for true love since it’s weather resistance and I like to feel being out of sea while having a shower outside. He smirked. I understand Pace, once a Captain always a Captain. She chuckled. I haven’t used it yet since it just got finished two days ago. But the water is on...here...step back, I’ll show you!   Joey stepped back and he turned the shower on.  Warm water splashed from the shower head. He was about to turn the shower off but Joey laid his hand on his. 
‘Leave it on Pace!’
She unfastened her sandals, slipped them off and untied her hairband. It took him a moment to register what she was doing. He closed the gate and she came towards him, started to unbutton his shirt looking him straight in his eyes. ‘I want to shower with you and feel you!’ He lost his voice and was only able to mumble ‘God Joey, this is one of my fantasies of us!’ ‘I know it’s mine, too’ she replied. She yanked his dark grey shirt off his shoulders and placed it on one of the free hooks. His chest hairs stood in anticipation as she began licking his right nipple over to his left, making them stand. His breathing was now fast and he desperately  needed her out of her dress. She suckled on his now hard nipples and he was able to free her arms from the dress, letting it slip to the floor. She stepped out off the dress and tossed it to the side, now opening the zipper of his khakis, pulling the waistband down together with his boxers. A quick ‚Ahhh‘ escaped him. He stood naked in front of her and she let out a high pitched sigh. He was so handsome, his broad shoulders and wide chest, defined long legs and his glory of dark pubic hair and big cock standing to his attention solid for her. Just looking at him sends shivers down her spine to her centre. His size used to concern her but now she just feels all tingly inside looking at him, knowing how good he feels and what electric shocks she experiences when his full length fills her. Pacey went out of his shorts, kicked off his flip flops and pulled her by the slim line of her thin thong pulling her closer with his hands freeing her from the last shed of material that was between them. She reached for his cock and held him tight, kissing his slightly open mouth. He returned the kiss, moaning in her mouth meeting her dancing tongue with his.  ‘Mmmm Joey...I love it when you are in this mood, mmm....ahhhh....don’t stop.‘ Pacey was now fully under the shower, her hands rubbing up and down his shaft, his balls hard and heavy. I need to taste you, Pace. ‚I won’t last, Jo‘
‚Than don’t, sweetheart!‘ with that she pulled his skin to expose his juicy cherry and slowly went down as much as her mouth could take, her tongue sucking on the throbbing top, licking up and down his vein, increasing the speed. Ahhh...Fuck...Jo!! His hands got lost in her now wet hair, watching her moving mouth on him. He needed to focus on something else to not burst right there and than. She felt him edging in her mouth, droplets of his salty pre-cum making her vagina quiver. Cupping his full sack, she released his length to take his hard marbles in, licking and sucking on the crinkly skin. ‘Jo, I am so close.’ This was the best foreplay. She was so wet and wanted him to shoot but couldn’t decide where she wanted it. She went fully in the warmth of the shower now. Sitting on the floor, opening her legs as wide as she could, pulling him down with her. Her vagina was on full display, her lips open to show her meaty flesh and her clit erect standing out like a flower bud. Her breath was pitchy, her eyes heavy with lust. She started moving her index and middle finger around her clit, masturbating with swift and fast movements. Jo, you are everybody’s wet dream. You are so gorgeous. He was wanking his cock hard, looking at her delicate flower, kissed her, watched her touching herself,  her nipples equally beautiful and erect. This view was all he needed and with a long ‘ahhh Jo, my sweet giiiiirllll, ahhhh...he finally exploded, his load hitting her hard on her open center. She used his juices to rub herself, hissing at the feeling that build in her. He could see her ecstasy, still panting he went down, his nose touching her soft folds so juicy and inviting like a piece of fruit. Her smell mixing with his juices, he inhaled and flickered his tongue out founding her hard clit, his fingers replacing hers, entering her slowly, not letting go off her clit to than lick up and down her slit. Ahhh, Pacey, Yes...there...yes...faster, fuck me harder.
God, what went into her? His cock hardening again, he moved her over to the soft padded bench for her to kneel on. With her ass in the air like that, her hard nipples on standing up and her breasts bouncing, he shoved his hot length in one fast thrust and she cried out ‘Yes, Pace, oh god yes, take me. Don’t hold back. I need it!’ He thrust in and out, hard and forceful, each stroke making her reach closer to the edge. Come for me baby, he said now holding onto her tits, pulling her nipples, thrusting harder like there was no tomorrow.
She was now shrieking  
Ahhh... Ohhh.... God.... yes.....yes.... Ahhhh...FUCK....I...Uhh...Ohhh...fuck....Pace....yes
He felt her walls tightening around him....she came like a tornado and with her last quiver, he pushed into her one last time, releasing his hot fluid, collapsing onto her back, trying to fetch his breath. 
She was a hot mess...giggling...after 10 minutes or so...
Pace? Yes, Jo? ‘Let’s take a shower now.’ 
With that he pulled her up, squirting the almond and milk shower gel on the sponge, starting on soaping her arms and shoulders, with a smirk on his lips he said huskily.
‘Your wish is my command, my sweet sexy kitten!’ 
And just like that her nipples lifted up again. Her not breaking his gaze responded with a wide sheepish smile
‘Ohh boy!’ To Be Continued
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Saving Grace - Part 5
Summary: Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
A/N -Sorry summary sucks! If i say too much it will give things away! 💜
Warning: Slight smut happens (poorly written!😂)
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As I walked into the common room with Bucky i was pulled aside by Wanda.
"Hey easy Wanda!" Bucky snapped reaching for me to make sure i didn't stumble.
"Woah! Wan, whats wrong?"
"His here!" She said wide eyed looking like she was about to go into panic mode.
"Who is here?"
"Wh...what??!" I stuttered, that was the last person i expected her say.
"Yeah he just showed up wanting to see everyone"
"Where's Harrison??!"
Wanda looked worried and shook her head.
"Wanda where is my son!?!"
"His with Clint, Sam and Steve"
"Why didn't anyone call me!! i would've come straight back!!"
"We tried calling you both but there was no answer. Clint figured you put them on silent in the hospital"
"Its okay, why dont you go wait in the car and i'll go get Harrison. I'll be 2 minutes" Bucky said with a tight lipped smile as he hand rubbed my back, he was marching off towards them before i had time to reply to him.
"Come on i'll walk down with you" Wanda smiled sadly before linking her arm with mine and leading the way.
2 minutes later i saw Bucky walking towards the car with Harrison in one arm and Fred the dinosaur tucked in the other along with Harrisons bag.
"You weren't joking when you said 2 minutes" Wanda stated looking impressed.
"Guys a punk!" Bucky mumbled as he opened the car door and strapped Harrison into his seat.
"Thanks for the heads up Wanda, I'm so glad i didn't have to face him. I dont want him knowing about the baby"
"Your welcome" she smiled "so your not going to tell him about the baby?"
"he doesn't deserve to know....Steve made his choice now I've made mine" i shrugged "i'll see you tomorrow, lets go home Bucky".
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"Goodnight planet, goodnight world.
Peaceful clouds around Earth curled.
Goodnight ice and goodnight snow.
Goodnight lights above, aglow" i could hear Bucky reading Harrisons favourite book to him later that night. I couldn't help but stand in the doorway listening, Harrison was cuddled up to Bucky looking at the pictures at he read the story.
"Goodnight oceans deep and wide.
Rocking ships upon the tide.
Goodnight trucks and cars and planes.
Goodnight rockets, goodnight trains.
Goodnight birds, goodnight bees.
Goodnight fishes in the seas.
Goodnight flowers, goodnight grasses.
Curled up tight while darkness passes.
Goodnight lions, tigers, too.
And all the animals in the zoo.
Goodnight shadows in the park.
Goodnight dog that doesn't bark.
Goodnight teddies, goodnight books.
Goodnight sparrows, starlings, rooks.
Goodnight sounds of distant cars.
And in the sky, a million stars.
Goodnight moon, goodnight sun.
Goodnight, goodnight to everyone.
All is well in my small world,
Around my mothers heart I'm curled"
By the time Bucky had finished the book Harrison was fast asleep.
Bucky carefully slid out of Harrisons bed making sure to pull up the covers, he put the book on the side cabinet and turned off the lamp leaving the night light on that was projecting small stars.
"I kinda want you to read me a story now" i smiled as he walked towards me.
"Anytime sweetheart, just say the word" he beamed as he pulled me in for a hug.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"I was actually thinking i might have an early night I'm exhausted" i said trying to hold back a yawn.
"Oh okay"
"Will you come and lay with me?"
"Sure" he nodded pressing a kiss to my forehead "let me go change real quick".
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I changed into a pair of shorts and a large t-shirt before climbing into bed and waiting for Bucky. I heard a light knock on the doorframe and looked up go see a nervous looking Bucky wearing blue plaid pyjama pants a tight black t-shirt.... how did he make that look ao good?!
"Come in Buck" i smiled throwing back the covers. He walked over and got into bed curling his body around mine acting as the big spoon.
"Is this okay?" He asked quietly making me smile and nod my head.
"Its perfect. I love being in your arms Bucky..... you make everything seem better"
"Im glad" by the tone of his voice i could tell he was smiling too. His hand was laying on my swollen belly, gently moving his thumb back and forth as we laid in silence.
"Oh god!" Bucky said suddenly going still.
"I just felt the baby move!!" He sat up so he could look at my stomach.
"You've felt it before Buck" i chuckled.
"Not like that! Girls got quite the kick on her now"
"She's just saying hi"
"Hi sweet girl" Bucky cooed at my belly before pressing a kiss to my stomach.
"Can i kiss you?" He asked looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I bit my lip as i nodded my head, how could one man be so bloody perfect!!
Bucky moved back up and gently kissed me, his hand cradling my face. I couldn't help but let out a small moan when he kissed me harder which made him smile, boy did he know how to kiss!!
I felt his hand move up my ribs and cup my breast and i was a mess! It'd had been so long since i had felt anything like this, mixed with my pregnancy hormones.....god help me!! I could feel the wetness between my legs already and he'd barely touched me! I was suddenly aware of Bucky hard against my hip and couldn't help but push my hips back further to feel more of him. He let out the most beautiful noise, one of shock and pleasure before his hand landed on my hip to hold me still.
"Im sorry doll" he said breathlessly letting his head fall against my shoulder.
"Its fine Bucky" i smiled running my hands through his hair "we can do this"
"You sure?"
I nodded quickly before rolling my hips into him again making him growl!! It was sexy as hell!! Suddenly Bucky's hand slipped from my hip tracing down to the elastic band of my shorts "can i?" He asked softly, forever the gentleman!
"Yes! Oh god yes!" I nodded quickly, his hand slipped easily inside my shorts and his fingers found my clit.
"Fuck your soaked...." he mumbled against my ear and i felt myself blush.
"Im not sure how long I'm gonna last doll, its been a long time since I've done any of this...." he suddenly admitted as his fingers continued exploring.
"Longer than me if you keep that up!!" I moaned rubbing my ass harder against his clothed cock. We were like a couple of horny teenagers!!
"Oh god.... Buck that feels so good"
"Mmmm" i moaned and felt his lips pressed to my neck hitting that spot that drives you wild. When i felt his fingers enter me slowly i couldn't help but reach up and grab a handful of his hair.
I was ready to explode!! God if he could make me feel this good with just his fingers..... my thoughts were cut off when i suddenly felt that snap and found myself coming around his fingers followed by Bucky's cry of release as his slowed the rutting of his hips.
"Wow.... that was unexpected" he smiled before kissing me hard, i squirmed when i felt him pull his hand from my shorts, his fingers stroking over my clit as they passed.
"That was mind blowing!" I chuckled suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed.
"It really was.... i cant remember feeling so good"
"We should probably get cleaned up"
"Your right, come on" he said rolling out of the bed smiling.
"help me up please my legs feel like jello" i giggled holding my hands out to him.
"Yes m'am".
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Taglist: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam
@captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us
@ms-betsy-fangirl @damnaged-princess
@farfromtommy @disneylovingal @lbuck121
274 notes · View notes
The Crimson Doctor And A Patient
((Heyo! Today's special surprise goes out to the ladies out there whose unbeatable for White Day Zero never cease to die down. In this story, a very non illed patient has been called for check up at Maverick Hunter HQ located to the medical office. But what she didn't realize during her appearance is that a familiar "physician" plots a "special treatment" in store. Anyway, with that aside, please enjoy! 😊✌))
Daylight made its brightening occurrence to reveal a healthy smile upon the town of Abel City, homeland to the freedom fighting organization known as the Maverick Hunters who clash against unruly tyrants such as mavericks, with an unreasonable desire to do as they please like creating felonies on purpose without practicing the apologetic act or clemency towards humans. Lead by the previous commander, Sigma, wielding a soon-to-be dream of hoping for a perfect future when all of humanity has become swept out of Earth, leaving the powerful reploids to rule of an iron grasp without anyone to stop this nightmare. Until luckily, his schemes have yet again become silenced from the duo of upper class hunters X and Zero to restore peace by defeat him multiple times despite of the resurrection. No matter how unstoppable his power will be, companionship will always overdraw brawns.
Today is yet a lovely morning to enjoy life accompanying both humans as well as reploids together in existence, never the matter of differences. Birds tweeting in a cheery tone helping to rise up the evening mood, clear breeze easing away all stress penetrating inside the bodies, and the perfect balance between man and robot will always be much more peaceful than it was in the past. Life for this city along of its inhabitants, is what makes it ever so graceful as it is now.
You, a young human woman, are enjoying yourself to learn more about this city,  since the first time arriving here to meet everyone, including the famous irregular slayers themselves in the flesh. While strolling throughout this section for a further enjoyment of a lifetime, a tall but familiar figure in red with golden locks tied in a ponytail gazes at your presence since he walked past you minding his own business, which cause him to stop for a moment. Not realizing about this person before yet finds her rather innocent, also beautiful unlike the rest who visits his office at headquarters. Inspires nature at most, being kind to others, helping, all of these things about you have gave him a pumping love struck. But as a wonderful pill to take. The perfect plot to gain her attention just pop up within his mind. In order for her to come towards him, he must pose himself as someone else that would woo her. Perhaps as a doctor like Lifesaver, however, a sexy version flashing his unbeatable charms to the hearts of women. The scarlet hunter wrote down this message on a paper, quietly places it in your back pocket with a lack of notice, then beams away to his dorm for an upgradeable change of armor. Chuckling menacingly yet flirtatiously to himself at the similar time.
"Mm he he he he... Oh this is gonna be too easy... As soon as she receives my form for tomorrow's health examination, I'm gonna give her a special present in mind for later just in case..." He schemed quietly, clothing his wardrobe into an unlicensed love physician as well as a long diamond colored operating robe to suit him better. Confiscating his upper armor part from the body, joined with losing an entire inner suit to pose as a "curing pill" should be the only powerful supplement there is to have patients fall into a hypnotic state once taken. He began to gaze to his divine reflection along of the secret "tranquilizer" to use for later. The smug expression reappears as he said... "The doctor...is in~"
The next day has occurred, you have been summoned here by a strange doctor for a visit about getting a checkup exam, due to a message given from the personal "assistant". Right in front of Maverick Hunter HQ while entering inside for an appointment today, one of the elite hunters began to escort you over to a different location by using an elevator that ascends directly to the room.
"Hello miss. I apologize for proceeding you so rudely, but the doctor wishes to see you immediately for your check up. Please follow me to the elevator." Nodded to the respected hunter, you proceeded with him while being escorted.
Meanwhile into the doctor's office, the other novice hunter reported that you'll be arriving very shortly to take a physics test, then an unknown medical reploid responded with a smile.
"Good~. Bring her into my office~." He said, spoken of a deep seductive tone. "Time to give my lovely patient a special treatment in store for her~... He he he he~...." Underneath his snow white operation coat, he refuses to wear his full red armor that he stripped out of but to have the briefs remain on along with the boots and helmet.
Making your way through a long hallway and appearing in an early time for the "treatment" to cure your body from illness that you don't have right now, you began to take a seat while waiting patiently for anyone to see you. Looking around this facility to keep you fully occupied would lower the boredom level to none even to ponder of your favorite spots in the park staring towards the clouds flowing by, along with spending time with your family, friends, including fun activities to do in a spare time. Until a sudden door has opened automatically catching your attention to peer who it is that exits the other room, revealing the similar yet unknown stranger from before who mistakenly sent an invitation to your bottom pocket when you return home. Wore a long white lab coat representing a medical expert that studies the anatomy along with holding a clipboard in his hand, geared with a pair of glasses. Standing in front of the desk with his back turned while awaiting for your attendance, he greeted you with a smile.
"Ah. Good evening, young lady. I've been excepting you." A gentle voice aims forwardly to you during his existence to check on you. "Thank you for coming in with a short notice to have an appointment. How are you feeling today? Are you physically active?" You replied at his greetings by a polite nod. Even though you're not an a crucial condition, he still needs to examine your well being clearly to make sure of it. "That's good. I see you have obtain the message that my assistant gave you at your house, correct?" Once again, you said yes. Showing the paper to him about getting a different medicine. Deep inside his mind, he's fully prepared to offer you something even more than a shot or anything else. The grin on his face made its return, meaning that you are in his trap for a romantic event to happen very so that you're fairly unaware of.
"Good. Very good. I'm glad to hear that you're perfectly well." Again he smiled towards your answer. "Now then, let's begin the study for your examination about yourself along of your health. Would you prefer the normal blood test? Or...." Slowly opening the long doctor's robe to reveal his stunning gorgeous abs by a flash, the visible blush shown itself into your face due to the witnessing dream before you. "Maybe I should give you a very sexual procedure instead~?" Without seeing this coming, you should've realized that something was completely off about the whole "appointment meeting with the doctor" phase, has been a scam the entire time. Even to notice of his voice more carefully, it was rearranged from original to sexually deep that gave women quite thrilling shivers. Hearing from the word "sexual" is not what a real doctor would say or has been printed into the dictionary, but surprisingly this person said it informally who imitates as one is obviously known as....
"Hey there, kitten~ Fancy having you here~ Ya miss me~?" Removing the glasses from his face steadingly to show a familiar expression, even a sexy voice shooting at you through the brain to assist your memory by remembering slowly during your later visit for a Valentine privacy, the "medical reploid" forms himself as none other than Zero. Upperclassmen of the maverick busting group that fights to remain balance for the city as well as the 0th unit captain. You silently gasped by a flush, covering up your full expression due to his irresistible "operation procedure" that he plotted only for you. Approaching seductively as he goes to you with both arms hidden behind his head licking his flawless lips in a rotating fashion, the heart shaded swordsman grasps under your chin. Winking a kiss upon your head proudly to see you again for a visit.
"Mmmm~ Glad to see your lovely mug again, my sweet little patient~ How's it going~? Surprised~? You should be, because I'm gonna cure your sickness from those dull worries spinning all over your cute little mind with a special antidote to cheer you up~" He said, circling around you romantically. Very much closer than ever, his body had almost planted onto you or face, releasing the inner urges trapped within your soul. Having your soft cheeks painted of the color pink because of the medical stud flexing passionately in front of you has surrender to him very quickly. However, the strongest sense of your will accompanies you to remain calm by doing as your hot host requires you to do. Surrender yourself within his grasps is the only option acceptable to make his evening a lot easier when it comes to mute types like you.
"So~ What's shakin, dollface~? Happy to see me~? Bet you are~" The handsome android said with an attractive spell waiting for anyone such as yourself to become its victim. "Guess you're wondering why the note I send ya wasn't a real one, right~?  Well, that's correct~ Cause it was me all along~" The flustered gasped must've escaped from your mouth after his confessions. Slightly bamboozled of his plans, but have understood it very positively with an apologetic flush. "Awww~ Even though it was a prank, I'm still glad you're not upset about the false appointment~ Thanks for forgiving me, sweetheart~" Grinned the flamed colored love doctor, smooching your forehead. "Now, how about we start our own private meeting alone~? With me~ Holding you in my muscled palms~ In my medical lair~ Together~" Hands placed upon your shoulders quite so calmly, one knee landed onto yours caused your entire anatomy to burst into the shady burn of redness unlike any kind of sunlight in the summer, but a nervous highlight covers your body wholeheartedly. A replied nod answers his question has lend a satisfied smirk towards him.
"Mmmm~ That's my patient~ Just the way I like it in a human girl~"Purred the charming expert, sitting onto your lap for a comfortable view of you, existence, the rest. Such as the preparation pouring downwards on both by his unavoidable sexiness clearing a severe fever, which you hardly gain. "Hope you're ready to have your pleasurable surgery, cause I'm change your poor life like you did mine~" You flustered yet another with a blush and very psyched at both.
"Are you excited, little lady~? From the looks of your inclinations, I'd say you are prepared for a love making check up given by yours truly~" He questions you with a finger traveling around your body, sided by his lips advancing towards the ear. Already aware of that, yes has been answered once more.
Inside your thoughts, multiple visions about this miraculous hunk in glimmering crimson showing off his god like steel dancing erotically without an end to go by. Blowing kisses for no reason whatsoever, shushing your sadness in a minimum of his unstoppable flirts about you. Especially to a certain someone he utterly admires mostly in his dreams to help him rest peacefully at night, lowering dreadful memories of violent past back to the sewerage dump where it rightfully belongs. Never to be recognized anymore. All that remains forever in front of him, is a ravishing angel of the heavens dragging him out of the frighten memories that would engulf his existence from the world across him. Replacing the former thoughts along with the ex irregularity days due to his beginning since he was made by the late Dr. Wily. Vanished from his conscious permanently. The real focus he stares rapidly is the newly symbol of life, meaning you, rehearsing the balance to its regular rate, allowing peace to perform the rest. No more maverick infiltrations, people involved in death, either to realize about the crazed used-to-be maverick king's comeback. Just some good old fashioned treatment sucking several stresses right out of his soul. Siding with a loveable victim in his sights, pressing his "ultimate tranquil supplement" against you in a grinding position just to arouse your emotions to its knees.
"Ohhhh~ Man, you're looking pretty healthy since our last encounter in my dorm~ Have you been exercising all night~? Or are you thinking of little ol' me~?" He was starvingly interested from your improved figure than before despite of last month's enchanting love event which morphed his exhaustion into a craving appetite waiting to be served on a golden platter. Two shades of red reopened themselves in your cheeks, feeling his harden yet soothing hands cushioning everywhere around you by the shoulders, chest, even your body colliding with his.
"Mmmmm~ Even your cute little fever is smoking hot too~ But in a loving way, it always turns me on~" Yet another, your eyes were yanked in complete shook, leading you to shed a sweating tear drop all over your clothing. Heart beating of a repeatable rhythm, hands held on the chair, breath zooming right out of your yap. Unable to control yourself, he viewingly cools away your steam by speaking into your ear.
"You know~ I always love it when your nervousness never fails to amuse my thirsty needs~ It pours all over my succulent, gorgeous armor so nicely~ Making me a very naughty hunter wanting to be punished for being bad~" You hardly gulped while hearing his erotic sayings of himself about your shyness showering him. " But most of all~...." Shockingly, he whispers comely at you. "I'm very~... Very~... Also~.... Hungry to have you for dinner~ Mmmm~" Slurped the ruby painted blonde, without wearing his brighten armor and under clothing still. His traveling tongue have commenced to taste some elegant skin by laying it on your cheek, slithering up, down, the neck, anywhere but the body. He couldn't get enough of your sweetness, seconded to the soothing sensation of his voice entering your imaginations including to polish your dreams into reality. Pondering of his graceful anatomy washing off a few negligence torturing your goals, likings, inspirations. Gone with a single assault, no longer coming back to mind. Your urges were calling to him saying "Please don't stop~... ", or "More, daddy~...". Either way, it doesn't really matter for as long as you, an angelic patient, are into the golden locked physician's clutches, all has been going smoothly as predicted.
"Ohhhhh~ Mmmmmm~ God, you taste so better than the others~ Mmmmm~ So clean, even my taste buds went totally berserk over you~" Intrigued insanely, he obtains another lick of your scarless facial religiously. Thinks of you as everyone's favorite candy that he wouldn't dare try to resist from. Eating famishingly of your creamy substance away, he then sips for a deeper kiss so desperately that the new memory will last eternally. The shading scarlet blush in your skin, shoots its volcanic blast to the skies, ascending to all the stars of space. Blinking lashes accelerated by a flicker. His breath took yours, piercing the corrupted heart of the bad ordor. Slain for good to make sure it was turned to ash. Continuing his solo procedure upon the patient makes it so simple to do than an ordinary practice. Plus by this, it refers to satisfaction of his lips advancing all over you.
"Mmmmmm~ Mmmm~ Oh baby~ I wanna taste you more~"
Panting like crazy almost as "getting ready for school" reaction setting your insane inner desires free that yearns for the red charmer's fascinated treasures tangling you. Shutting down everything of your life, hobbies, friends, family relatives, including schoolwork in your head. Changing them into quadruple images of Zero whistles more than one smooch clearing any kind of illness that gets in the way to live a delightful life. Slaying viruses in one strike of no problems, demolishing boredom cells damaging multiple reputations with a swooning sword.
And thirdly, a most powerful shield of all to deflect thousands projectiles of allergies fired toward anyone clean from the ignorant snot of assumptions. Immune to all twisted disasters, lack of weaknesses, especially the gifted immortality to overpower any weak obstacles shooting their way. Nothing will ever penetrate his invulnerable barrier of hotness. Holding you in his arms will grow a hundred times tougher than the normal state, by purifying the tiredness you never had into a sleepless cycle of pleasure.
"Ahhhh~ You're easily delicious when your anxious persona made my stethoscope so wet~" He purred of enjoyment, rolling his pink licking buds in a circular part. "You remind me of someone I know whose also soft but compassionate~ Getting well with people, loves peace, all that~ He's an amazing partner when you get to know him~" No clue of who this person is, but you nodded towards his concern of X, 17th unit commander.
"But enough about that, let's focus on you for an example~ Placing my chilling shot in your warm heart~" He smirked purringly, rubbing his pecs followed with the bod pressing into you. A blazing blush had overtaken your emotions, thoughts and even the will to resist.
Attempting to flee from something incredibly challenging, he mashed the lips in yours much further. Forbidding your chances to leave so hastily, you have been carried towards and pinned to the table during an infinite smooch.
"Mmm~ Sorry, doll~ But it ain't gonna be easy to escape from me once you're already sealed in my restraints~ So just relax, and lemme give you my.... "health shot" to ease your painful anxiety~ Very~ Slowly~" Once again, the aired shade returns in your conscious than just a face alone. Inserting his best "shots" to freeze your movements gave him the opportunity to perform a lustful dance in order for you to give yourself up, his fingers formed into a snap to crank the sensual music.
Red lights beamed all around the room when activated, desk remodeled into a comfy bed decorated only for you, an exercising pole, and of course, the cherry on top. A talented beam sword wielder proceeding to the silver pole, dancing the night, since it's daytime, in a tango by polishing his body onto it, licking, twirling so passionately, all the things he can do just to lasso your attention up to a tied position.
"Oh pussy cat~" He called you by an alluring finger wiggling toward at your body, having the head glanced to him forwardly. However, both yourself even the desires were pierced from his tendering view as he took off his faux operating faux coat slowly. Caught off guard, the only choice you have now is to witness wholeheartedly of the magnificent medicine he has kept for so long, beginning to show it by flashing more of his holy remedy before you.
"Remember when I said about my special cure that I'm gonna offer you for being a good girl~? Well here's a beautiful reward just for you~ Mmm he he he he~" Winked the glamorous boy toy. Blushing in a harden figure, the ravishing blonde in red flexibly dances across the pole then shoots a blowing kiss. Flowing tied locks fly so freely, hands caressing on the body in a loop, makes you a little bit woozy. Like an a perfect kind of dizziness to keep you occupied.
What you could ever dream of for the rest of your life is honestly a real thing, thus is one of the best cure that you would even ask for. Allowing his "virus" of a spell casted on your very soul to feel its sting burrowing into the bones, spreading widely as it is. Causing them to be numb, losing its control to ignore something or someone uniquely handsome such as the superior hunter. Parts of your body, in which you're controlling, are now under his dazzling influences without a strength to retaliate. Everything within your consciousness, now belongs to him. Which means, you are his permanent plaything to pleasure with all day and night long. Imagine it, a famous sword expert embracing your innocent well being, all to him. None for anybody to steal you.
Concluding his delectable performance to place a peaceful birdie such as yourself to a slumbering state, the serious Class A crusader climb into you into a lover's bed by flatly laying against your body, in a numbing condition still, gives you once more an eternal kiss.
"Mmmmm~ Thanks again, sweet cheeks~ For accepting my just desserts to make this operation an easy success~" He thanks you, purring all over your anaesthetic form with a finger vertically to the lips. "I knew you'd appreciate my expertise as an unlicensed physician~... Of love~" Your smile meant with a blink since you can't move your arms, legs, especially head. Enjoyed his company to the fullest in a new and improved memory to hold in store. His grin reveals as a rotating tongue on the lips, eager to do a second examination on you to increase a hotter mood. Closing the curtains of both windows, also the bed for a decent privacy away of the crowd. A romantic event between a doctor and patient, lady luck has always been by his side or not. But, it hardly matters for as long you are present with the only doctor who's very great with ill patrons. As for him, the only skill he has is wooing the ladies. Much like you as well.
"So, my adorable little doll, now that we're finally alone, how about another.... "secondary procedure" in secret~? Whaddya say~? Hmm~?" Prepared for more of the private procedure once again, the answer still remains the same like always. During your paralyzed fashion, he smiled seductively after his question.
"Mmmmm~ That's what I like to hear~ Now~ Where were we~? Oh yeah, the second treatment I'm gonna give you~ He he he he he~" Closer yet again to your unstable state, smushing his upon yours gently, readying for a permanent kiss in the lips of all the century. While your spirit is still active, love has cured the dangerous bacteria that ruined nature's remarkable time. Especially you.
"I love you more than anyone or anything in the world, kitten~ Thanks for turning my day into a fabulous paradise~" Showing his gratitude because of your inspiration to him, he gifted you a much more longer kiss than today. Second with his body massaging your needs.
"I really love it when you're fully relaxed, cutie~ Now ~ Stay still for me, and lemme give you a  tasty cure to aid your cold fever.....with my scrumptious body to help you get well~ Purrrrrrrr~"
Midnight has shown its quiet face to the city, different than the jubilated sunshine from earlier. The civilians headed home for a new starting day to appear tomorrow  after a wonderful evening bringing humans, including reploids, altogether in equality just as the sapphire android whose been created by the late Dr. Thomas Light requires it. All threats as well as the maverick troublemakers from the past have all been avoided as they speak. At last for now.
So as the red tough guy enjoying his perfect off duty, comforting a special whose funtime had  been a real supplement along with a well balanced breakfast to help the anatomy by growing big and strong. Even to make his life a living heaven than hell: You. A darling angel that makes everybody including Zero, change from a sorrow frown into a joyful grin.
"If any of you ladies like to have your personal checkup, then don't be shy to visit yours truly~ I'm always here to cure your illness anytime~ *Wink*."
                                                                                                                Dr. Zero, Crimson Maverick Hunter
The End
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perish-after-dark · 5 years
Spicy Cherry Pop
Pairing: Virgin!Rodan x (Mothra, Godzilla, Ghidorah) + Special Surprise
Content: Rodan is a born again virgin. Literally. Somehow he ends up being reborn which means his cherry is untapped. Watch as the eager tops fight to pop it. NO CONNECTION TO PREVIOUS WORKS
Warning: Sexy talk mostly from Rodan. Self pleasuring as well.
He doesn't recall how it happened. Nor does he want to linger on it. But there he was, floating in a vast void of nothingness. Warmth yet cold hugged his form as he looked around himself. He remembers then being inside a cramped curled position, unable to move a good bit of his body.
He was odd to hear his own heart beat so loudly. It hit him when he felt the warmth of another pressing on the thin layer that prevented him from interacting with the world.
He was being reborn.
He lightly tapped at his shell at first and gave a chirp, wanting to make sure he wasn't doing this alone. Luckily, his call was returned by the joyful trill of the queen, who lovingly rubbed against the egg. It would be a few hours before he could exit.
For the time being he enjoyed the lovely song Mothra gave him. He wondered where his other mates were? Were they even aware of this? Nonetheless he eventually broke through, roaring loudly to let the world know the hot head had returned.
Little had changed he sadly realized. Aside from his mating scars his body still looked as it had before. He was disappointed until Mothra informed that it would take hundreds of rebirths for any changes to happen.
It was kind of weird at first because he came out about the size of a chick. Of course memories and talking and flying were a given, but he knew he'd be better off staying here in this state or else he'd get mocked. Luckily, however, he grew rapidly. After a month he regrew to his adult size and proudly made his way to Poly Bay to see his other mates.
"Rodan!!" The fire bird was caught off guard when the two big shots of the titans basically cried as they hugged him. Mothra giggled before joining in herself, nuzzling their mate.
"Don't you ever die again! Got it!?" Ichi angrily commanded. Rodan chuckled and nodded before departing.
Later that evening he sat alone, propped up against the hardness of a large boulder. Out of boredom he reached down and tried to finger himself when-
"Ow." He winced. He was shocked to find that not only was it painful to try and penetrate, but his erect penis was extremely sensative. Was, was he a virgin again?
The thought made him blush. A virgin? Him? What a surprise!! He thinks to himself before a cunning idea sprouts from his mind.
"S...so," Godzilla's mouth watered a bit. "You're a virgin again? Like for real?" Godzilla stared as Rodan kept his legs wide open. He was sitting against the rocky exterior of their cave.
"Mmhm. Nice and tight all over again. An unpopped cherry." He chuckled when he sees his mates get excited. "But it's only for a special someone. A mate who is strong through it all." He flexes his wing like a muscle. "The one who will take my virginity must show natural strength. No powers added. So no atomic breath, gravity beams, or dust things."
They all groan but agree. There's a pause for a second. Everyone kinda just stares at each other. Rodan's not serious is he-
"Mmmm fuck~" Rodan moans when he puts his claws inside himself, masturbating in front of them. Ichi snickers with a smirk before a hard punch from Godzilla wipes it away.
"I WILL OPEN THAT COOCHIE UP!!" He roared as he got into his fighting stance (which is very limited but fuck it). That is until Mothra backhand slaps him with the might of two arms. He's taken back. He undermines the determination of a sexually charged moth. As the three rumble, Rodan purposely moans louder and louder.
"Hah Aah I love big alpha cock in me~ I want to be dripping with cum~ Mmm come pop my cherry papi~" He spreads his legs more, deepening his self pleasure as his mates throw and punch each other like there's no tomorrow.
"Oh you want it? Mmm yeah fight for it! I'm so wet and ready~ Yes papi come take this virgin~" Rodan teases louder, causing Godzilla to launch Mothra like a dart before tackling down Ghidorah. But he attempt was aimless and he wailed loud when Mothra stabbed his exposed back with her arms.
Ni and Kevin bit down on the respective arms as Ichi tried to strangle the g man. Imagine. All this fighting over bird pussy!!
Mothra was crafty though, and slowly made her way towards Rodan as the others fought. Rodan gleefully removed his claws and held open his virgin entrance for her. Sadly for her, Ghidorah was attentive and pulled her back.
Rodan sighed until he noticed a robotic vehicle pull up. Curiosity towards as to what a human creation was doing turn to surprised joy when he figured it out.
It had a large robotic arm gripping a vaguely wang shaped object. It mimicked a metallic like phrase of please and Rodsn soon understood.
"OOH YES! Oh mmmm pop it baby pop it!!" Rodan quivered as the machine shoved the giant object inside him. It had rhythm and vibrations that Rodan had ceased to experience.
"Oh sooo good~ I'm going to...ah...AAAH!!" Damn, he came already? Clear steamy fluids dripped down the machine. Unbenounced to the titan, a few humans miles off shore were having at it, pleasuring themselves at having made a titan cum. Such a close up camera angle was enough to make any monster fucker bust one. Of course, said individuals might possibly get punished later on, but at the moment they were in bliss.
They tried to control it to get it away, but it appears Rodan had other plans. He held it down with his talons before positioning it the way he wanted. Squating down he moved himself with gravity to let the machine's object go inside him again.
He leaned forward, resting on his "elbows" and thrusting his hips up and down on it.
"Aah ahh. Mmmmm yess~" By this time his mates had ceased fighting and watched with jealousy as it appears the damn humans had taken his virginity.
Meanwhile at the monarch outpost, five scientist in their own private corners moan to themselves as they watch the footage, wishing they could've been in it's place.
Hey, don't blame them! Rodan is a very fuckable titan after all. Who wouldn't want a piece of him?
@linadoonofficial I've done it. I've made the most cursed thing.
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jiwonasbae · 7 years
5 Unwritten Romance
Unwritten Romance
(Bobby X Reader X June)
Genre: School, Romance, Smut, Fluff.
Warning: Sometimes Mature Content
 Summary: My mom always told me that bad boys, always break your heart, and if I want to start my romantic life, in the university I could make it happen!
 You know to be with a cute man who could love me back, but being honest, I’m behind being popular or even cute  ( Or that is what I think), so my romantic life hasn’t been that great.
But it seems like my romantic life, will not go as I planned.
 Being friends, with handsome men, isn't easy at all.
Words: 2022
 I Got quite drunk, and I can't remember what happened last night. The last thing I could remember is kissing June, and before that, my mind is just blank.
I try to reach for my phone, and when I turn to find it, it seems isn't there, I try to sit, rubbing my eyes, trying to see, when a headache hit me hard.
 Y/N: Oh my god, I barely remembered what a hangover is... 
But then I suddenly feel something move under my bed sheets.
I Started to panic, what I have done? I checked my clothes, and I was still wearing my blouse that I used yesterday but I have nothing but just my panties.
I lifted the bed sheet slowly to see what or who was.... when I discovered a sleepy Bobby on my bed.
What? What? What happened?
But then I started to see everything clear, It wasn't my bed, nonetheless my room. What have I done?
He then turned facing me, his face just inches away from mine, I could see his eyelashes and his milky skin, somehow my hand reached his lips trying to touch them, but then he put his arm just in my waist and pulled me towards him, ( Did he see me?) I was breathing, just next to him, and his aroma started to make me feel like hypnotised, I couldn't move at all, but then I started to feel his hard dick against my hips, and my pores started to feel excited just knowing he was this hard, I feel the urge of kissing him.
When I tried to get close to his lips, he seemed to be waking up, I just lie down again pretending to be asleep. Oh my god.
 Jiwon: She is still sleeping.
He strokes my hair, and kiss my hair, but his hand traveled to my butt, and give me a hard squeeze. I could feel the wetness hit in.
 Jiwon: Damn, she is so sexy, but not yet.
 He grabbed his phone and started to dial...
Not Yet? What does that mean? Who is he calling?
 Jiwon: Hyung, how is June? Oh, She is still sleeping...
June? What Happened to him?
Jiwon: Yeah don't worry, I will take care of her. See you later.
What happened last night?
 He stands and went straight to the bathroom, I could hear the water running, I decided to check his phone, with who he talked? But it was blocked with ID touch, I was thinking to leave, but I don't know what happened, and I am not the kind of person who runs, So I decided to face it.
 I sit on his bed, trying to look for my phone, but nothing.
I lost it.
His room seems different of what I could think, it was clean and neat, too much white, just the way I like it?
I Grabbed one of the water bottles next to his desk, and saw a lot of things written, they seemed like lyrics, that would explain the keyboard, maybe he is a musician or something like that.
 I pick one of the music sheets, trying to understand what those could mean. I was immersed reading the lyrics, that I didn't notice the water stopped.
 Jiwon: Is it that bad?
 He says that placing himself behind me, I could smell his shampoo and feel the fresh aroma of his skin just washed, and my body quite like that sensation, his fresh skin against mine.
 I said nothing, I was just watching him semi-naked, his torso seemed like it was chiseled by the Gods themselves, only the towel covered what was necessary.
 Jiwon: Did the hangover, make you voiceless?
Y/N:  No, I just... that, I was reading.
Jiwon: Is Bad?
Y/N: Y/N:  In fact, it was quite interesting, Are they songs?
Jiwon: Ideas of songs
Y/N: I see ( Why can't I stop to staring at his body)
Jiwon: Like what you see? Should I remove the towel as well?
Y/N: I should say that Isn't that bad, but keep it. For now.
Jiwon: You didn't say the same yesterday.
 He said that while putting some gray pants, he isn't wearing any underwear, I blushed thinking that.
 Y/N: Wait, what? Yesterday? What happened?
 Jiwon: Relax, nothing happened, I was kidding but it could happen now if you want. Almost happened.
Y/N: Are you sure of that?
 While he was drying his hair with the towel but he turned and then he winked at me, and I blushed. But then he offers me some pills.
 Jiwon: Take two, will help with your headache.
Y/N: Thank you, in fact, I was dying.
 I completely forgot that I was mad at him, for yesterday, I was feeling well, better than I could say. I grab the water and then I swallowed the pills.
 Jiwon: Jiwon: You can take a shower, I will lend you some clothes, it seems like you need it.
 Y/N: Do I? Wait. Oh yes! I forgot I am just in panties.
Jiwon: You look awesome like that.
 I suddenly go to the bathroom, and I see myself in the mirror, my hair seemed a nest of birds, and the makeup that Jane made for me yesterday, was now the makeup of a clown, my blouse was full of strange liquids, oh my god! I turned and see Bobby calm, he was not even laughing.
 Y/N: Why you didn't tell me?
Jiwon: About what?
Y/N: About me looking like a clown?
Jiwon: You don't look like a clown, You look sexy in fact, wait I already told you that...
 He laughs, he is gorgeous smiling.
 Y/N: I am a big mess!
 Jiwon: Well I won't say that you look like the prettiest girl, but don't overreact.
 Y/N: Well, isn't like this, how I want you to see me.
 Jiwon: How is that?  I prefer naked if you ask.
 Y/N: Nevermind, I will take your clothes, if you are still willing to lend it.
 Jiwon: Of course "Cupcake".
 I was speechless watching him he said that with a very serious face, but he wasn't even joking. I closed the door and started to undress.
 Will he come?
 Now that she entered the room, I put a shirt over, and go to the kitchen so I can bring her some food.
Yesterday I decided to show her my real self, and not the playboy, she thinks I am, well somehow I am like that too.
 Because of yesterday's party, we were alone, although her room was next to ours, she couldn't even talk and her roommates disappeared, everyone just vanished and I don't know where the purse or the telephone is.
 I opened the refrigerator and bring some eggs and toasts, and then I started to make some coffee. When I was done cooking, I could hear the water still running,
 I bring two mugs with coffee and the breakfast to my room and put some music.
I made the bed, fixed my hair and put my favorite lotion on.
 She comes out of the bathroom, and she was beautiful and flawless, with my clothes she looks so sexy, that made my dick twitch.
 Y/N: Oh wow! Did you prepare everything?
Jiwon: Yes, of course, come sit, here some coffee.
 She is beautiful, and I could say some of my ego inflated, just to know that she smells just like me.
 Y/N: Thank you! But can you explain me, please? I don't remember anything.
 She said that while eating, she was hungry.
 Jiwon: Of course, but first of all, I would like to apologize, it seems like we are not in the best terms.
Y/N: Yeah, I would say that I have been always rude towards you. So I'm sorry as well.
Jiwon: So I will tell you the truth, before our conversation outside the bathroom, I left with Hanbin, to drink some beers.
Y/N: Mmmm ok.
Jiwon: I was having a deep conversation when June called me.
Y/N: June leave?
Jiwon: I don't know what happened with June, he just told me that something happened at home, and he needs to leave. He asked for my car keys, and I went to see him, and give it the keys.
Y/N: What about me? How I ended here?
Jiwon: Mmm you were dancing with this roommate of you, and you guys were dancing like in a stripper place... doing sexy waves and that kind of stuff.
Y/N: I can't believe you, you are lying.
Jiwon: No I am not. In fact, I enjoyed the view as well.
Y/N: So? I guess I drink quite a lot.
Jiwon: Some guys entered to the party and started to dance with you, and I get mad because some of them were touching you.
Y/N: Touching me? Did I allow that? Why June leave me alone?
Jiwon: He told you, but you refused to leave. I couldn't leave you there, so I punched this fucking asshole in the face, and take you with me.
Y/N: What about my roommate? where is she? and who was her?
Jiwon: It was my first time watching them, I don't know her names, but they are with the team, Hanbin told me.
Y/N: Hanbin? How does he know?
Jiwon: It seems they spend the night together.
Y/N: Oh....
Jiwon: I didn't find your purse or anything, and your friends were no seen, so I just bring you here.
Y/N: I see... Those damn things, how they dare to leave me alone.
Jiwon: But you are adorable drunk, you like to dance in a sexy way. I restrained myself of don't do anything to you.
 She Blushed
 Y/N: Did something happened? Between the two of us?
Jiwon: You kissed me.
Y/N: Did I?
Jiwon: Mmm, yes.
Y/N: Anything else? You know?
Jiwon: You only hugged me all night long.
Y/N: No way! Why didn't you sleep in another place?
Jiwon: Because I only sleep in my bed, and I could share it with you, I don't mind.
 I got close to her, and clean with my thumbs some crumbs of toast.
 Jiwon:Jiwon: I like you y/n.
I closed the distance, and I give her a sweet peck on her lips.
 Jiwon: Please, don't make things hard between of us.
 Y/N: What you mean? How can you like me? We barely meet each other, and we already kissed, how is possible?
 Jiwon: I don't understand, I get jealous every time I see you with June. I don't like it.
 Y/N: I don't know what to say... How can I know that you aren't playing with me?
 Jiwon:  I can demonstrate that for you, I am not who you think I am. Just give me a chance.
 Y/N: I am sorry Bobby, but June, I can't be like that.
 I started to got mad, we kissed first, we met first, why June had to meddle.
 Jiwon: Listen, I am not saying to start dating with me, but at least give me a chance. We already did a lot of stuff together. we kissed, we slept together. we already fight...
 Y/N: Look I am not dating June, but I won't tell you that I don't like him.
 Jiwon:: But you like me too.
 Y/N: I won't deny it.
 I kissed her.
 Our mouths were like in perfect synchrony, the tip of her tongue sends me shivers.
 Jiwon: Let me demonstrate you, that I can be that man of your life.
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PART 4                                                                                               PART 6 
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aesria · 5 years
🎙️ EP2: 민기 EATS EVERYTHING 먹는 ( ft. 박 🥁 찬열 )
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M - Minki
C - Chanyeol
*notable actions*
M: hmnnn first question as we get to eating.. C: this one first!! describe your fans in just one word. M:  hm… light? you’re aaaall my lights. M: i'm not explaining it further!!! it's all in the works. ㅋ
M: in just three words, describe your upcoming comeback… chanyeol-ssi, would you like to answer this? C: i don’t know enough about the comeback because sooomeone won’t tell me!! M: three words to describe what you hope my upcoming comeback is like!!! C: MMMM… innocent, AEGYO, UWU. M: YAH…. NUHUH. YOU WANT ME TO HAVE A CUTE COMEBACK?! C: MHMMMM. M: I HAVE THREE WORDS!!! SEXY SEXY SEXY!!!!!! C: AIGOOOO.
M: tell us your biggest inspiration to become an idol and your thoughts about being a junior to younger age idols… hmmm M: biggest inspiration.. uwah. that’s a hard one.. we’re already beginning with something that’s WAAAAY too deep. ᆿᆿ i guess i’ve always loved singing and making people smile with my performances. so it just.. made sense to me, and it’s always been my dream to be a performer. if i had to cite an idol inspiration.. snsd? ᆿᆿ I WAS A VERY SERIOUS SONE AND I STILL AM. M: i think i find it less weird than they do! ᆿ i’ll bow and greet some senior idol groups which have members which are.. 10 years younger than me, and they’ll freak out. just between you and me.. i do it on purpose sometimes. just to watch them freak out ᆿᆿᆿᆿᆿ
M: oh, here’s another!! M: is it true that you have a boyfriend? M: ㅋㅋㅋ no it’s not true that i have a boyfriend. are you referring to park drummer chanyeol and me? what do you have to say about this, chanyeol-ssi? are you my boyfriend? C: obviously. ㅋㅋㅋ i’m a boy — a man — and your friend, so i’m your boyfriend! ㅋㅋ M: YOU’RE TOTALLY EGGING THEM ON… YAH PARK CHANYEOL.
M: NEEEXT QUESTION. M: list down five versions of yourself… (1) as a son (2) on a date (3) as an idol (4) when at home (5) when being the real you M: lets answer for each other! C: mmmokay~ as a son… hmmm. very filial, i think. someone who wants his parents to be happy and proud of him more than anything. what about me? M: chanyeol as a son… the protector!! someone who tries to protect their parents and take care of them.. but also, a mama’s boy. definitely a mama’s boy. C: mmm~ so i think we’re pretty similar, in that way… M: i guess so.. both filial.. *minki pauses and bites down on his lip*
M: what about minki on a date? C: hmmm… shy but trying to be cool. like at a carnival… trying the hardest to win every prize!! M: would i really do that?! but i AM coooool.. M: kang minki is never shy!! C: uhuh i think so~ and you’d do the cheesy stuff like yawning to put your arm around someone!! at least on the first date. M: yawning to put my arm around someone.. i’m.. i’m smoother than that!!! i swear… C: on the following dates!! that’s just the first one~ M: mmmkay.. i’ll accept that… M: chanyeol on a date… a gentleman!! someone that’ll open your car door for you and buckle you in.. but also someone that’ll trip on the way to pulling your chair out for you. shy and flustered and clumsy!!! but gentlemanly!!! C: MMMNN. i accept that too~
M: next one… as an idol!!! *minki lifts his legs over chanyeol’s lap to rest them there and chanyeol uses them as a table for his food.* C: the most talented ever!!! M: the most talented idol?! C: mhmmm~ M: yeol as an idol.. HMNNN. M: A FAN TEASER!!! constantly doing things to tease the fans.. C: no way i’m innocent!!! M: SAYS THE PERSON THAT ONE POURS BOTTLES OF WATER OVER HIMSELF!!!! HMPH. C: I… I WAS JUST COOLING DOWN!!! HMPH. M: I’LL GET ICE NEXT TIME AND DUMP IT ON YOU…. C: WOULDN’T THAT STILL BE A TEASE? M: PURE ICE!!!!! L.. LESS OF A TEASE THAN WATER… C: BUT THEN… S'GET HARD…. M: ….. GET HARD?!!? C: IT MAKES THINGS… HARD!!! *minki gasps loudly and clamps his hand over chanyeol’s mouth, eyes wide* *chanyeol makes a show of kissing at his hand loudly and wetly. minki doesn’t flinch* M: PARK CHANYEOL!!!! KEEP THIS PG13!! CUT… CUT!!!!
M: what about minki when he’s at home~? C: mmmnn~ sofki!! M: hnnn? sofki? what is sofki like~? *the camera tilts slightly and there’s a pause before the angle’s readjusted. minki has his fingers clutched against chanyeol’s hoodie and chanyeol’s fingers are in his hair* C: comfy and soft!! cuddly~ M: when yeol’s at home…. he’s like a… giant bear!!! in giant hoodies.. the warmest!!! C: hoodies are the comfiest!!! M: i know~ that’s why i steal all of yours!!! C: mhmm~ i have barely any left to myself… ㅠㅠ M: i’m sure you’ll be fine walking around without a shirt~ C: YAH PG13 MINKI!!! M: IT’S PG13!!!!!! BEING SHIRTLESS IS NOTHING!! C: IF YOU SAY SO~ I’LL GO SHIRTLESS EVERYDAY~ M: W.. WHAT IF YOU CATCH A COLD??! C: MY IMMUNE SYSTEM IS STRONG…!! M: I GUESS I CAN’T… ARGUE WITH THAT… HU..
M: next next… what is minki like when he’s being the real minki? C: hmmm… a little fragile, and precious. warm and gentle and SWOFT. M: you’re gonna make them think that i’m a wuuuuss.. *chanyeol hugs minki to his chest, playfully and minki huffs and nudges into his shoulder* C: not a wusss!! he’s strong, just… thoughtful! M: now i’m hiding….. C: i’m proud of you M: gonna make me hide even more… C: you have to eat~ M: I’M DONE EATING!!! C: but there’s so much leeeeft!! *minki rubs at his stomach and huffs. chanyeol feeds him a chopsticks’ worth of noodles* M: I’M THE FULLEST... 
M: NEXT!!!! NEXT QUESTION!!!!! M: there are rumours saying that you were once a social escort…… *minki mumbles the question under his breath before pausing for a moment and skipping to the next one* C: 응? *minki shakes his head*
M: name a group of people better than cultmas. i’ll wait. M: you'll be waiting forever, ge~ ᆿᆿᆿ THERE IS NO GROUP BETTER THAN CULTMAS!!! i hope this isn't too inside joke-y... M: but if you’re watching this, cultmas!!! we love you very muuuuch~ 
M: OPPA!! WHAT KIND OF GIRLS DO YOU LIKE? M: you? i like you!! ㅋㅋㅋ chanyeol-ssi knows me well, so~ what kind of girls do i like, yeol? ㅋㅋ C: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ hmmm. manly girls…? ㅋㅋ just kidding. hmm, a girl with a good heart and sense of humour! M: MANLY GIRLS?! YEOL. M: good heart and a sense of humour.. is accurate.
C: hmnn.. is it true that you’re homosexual? what do you have to say about the speculation? M: uwah.. people are obsessed with this. what makes you speculate that i am? does it matter if i am or if i’m not? ㅋ C: two bros sitting in a hot tub… M: five nanometres apart because they’re really gay??? M: GET OUT MY MEASURING TAPE!!! M&C: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
M: …. how did you get into the entertainment industry? did you bribe your way in? M: contrary to popular belief, i grew up dirt poor! there’s no way i could’ve bribed my way in~ i guess i could’ve given them my favourite rocks…. ㅋㅋ they’re priceless. i’m sure the execs would’ve loved to see my rock collection!!! C: ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 괴여워… well, have you seen his face?? have you heard his voice?? it would be a disservice to the world to not let him perform. *minki looks a little flustered, and he sinks further into his hoodie, that’s clearly way too big to be his* M: you’re getting your #1 minki fan title back, slowly but surely…
M: 응… tell us your actual relationship with the guy that often hangs around you!!! M: our relationship… hmmm. chanyeol is a very special person to me. i feel most at home when i’m with him and i can’t imagine not having him in my life. we met.. almost 2 years ago, and we just.. clicked. i know annoy him a lot~ and i tease him a lot~ but i love him a lot. that’s the most i’m willing to say on camera and in front of him. it’s embarrassing.. C: ㅋㅋ TWO BROS… just kidding. how do i top that, though? he said it’s embarrassing but he’s making me flustered… i feel the same, though. most at home with him. why do birds… suddenly appear… every time… you are near… just like me~ they long to be~ close to you~~ i love you too kang vocals minki!! M: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ PARK VOCALIST CHANYEOL RISE!!!!!!!
M: i guess those are all the questions…  M: 응… OH. do you read hate comments, oppa? M: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ M: if i say yes are you going to send me more? IF YOU’RE WATCHING THIS PLEASE COMMENT HOW MUCH YOU HATE ME IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!! SMASH THAT DISLIKE BUTTON AND UNSUBSCRIBE. UNRING THAT BELL!!!!!!!! C: BEFORE WE GET INTO THIS VIDEO JUST MAKE SURE YOU HATE MY EXISTENCE AND LET ME KNOW ABOUT IT! M&C: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ M: thank you for all the questions!! see you next time~ now….we’re going to gently slip into a food coma… bye bye~ C: ㅋㅋㅋ bye!
0 notes
reenadelenyel · 7 years
Easter Replies Part 2
I still have quite a few replies to do, thank you everybody for liking, commenting and being patient with me :3 I get side tracked easily xD I have posts about the career testing till tomorrow afternoon at least, then if it runs out you will see Reena again at Uni :p
Replies about the Reporter custom career
ktarsims reblogged your photoset and added:
Heehee. Was great fun coming up with those name...
It was!! I had a really good laugh :D And a huge help, can’t thank you enough ♥ hyperkaos replied to your photoset “So Litia headed to Doo Peas Corporate Towers to get the Reporter job...”
This is great! I'm enjoying watching the progress you're making
Thank you!! Means a lot to me, you made my day girl ♥ ♥
Replies about Ravness and Dracklore
davidmont replied to your photoset “I switched to Ravness and Dracklore, and Nia at 2am is on her way to...”
what a scene! favorite
I love it too, it was so cute :3 Sims (including pets) can do the most terrible or amazing thing with autonomy. They always surprise me. declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Ravness: “You know, that suit looks really good on you…” Dracklore:...”
Oh! I thought she was saying she wanted to put him in sandwich and he was like, Sandwich?
... she wanted to eat him...? *coughs* davidmont replied to your photo “Ravness: “You know, that suit looks really good on you…” Dracklore:...”
wooooooooooooooooooooooo or maybe he was like "Let's make a sandwich together ��������"
Is that innuendo David? xD davidmont replied to your photoset “Ravness was past exhaustion and fell asleep right away after they were...”
I will assume you mean the size of the bird... xD my-simension replied to your photoset “She might have to call in sick at work, she is supposed to start in...”
5hours!!! (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
Well they got busy till late at night :p davidmont replied to your photoset “She might have to call in sick at work, she is supposed to start in...”
Yes you did mean it that way lmao xD my-simension replied to your photoset “A flat is not big enough to brush the cat. No. You go downstairs in...”
lol Yep. And she looks lovely. :)
She does! I like how she always look confident even in her nighty :3 declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset “A flat is not big enough to brush the cat. No. You go downstairs in...”
Ugh! Same with things like playing guitar and stuff - why do they always need so much room????
It is a routing thing, but I do not get it when they have space inside but go outside. Which does happen indeed if you want to repeat in a band :p davidmont replied to your photoset “A flat is not big enough to brush the cat. No. You go downstairs in...”
if you don't do it that way, it is wrong :)
xD declarations-of-drama replied to your photo “Nia: “Hi, I’m the house cat! Got anything for me?”
This boot if you get nasty!
But Nia is so cute xD declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset “The lobby, the best place to read your newspaper. Very comfy and all...”
I do love that hair!
The hair she had before is from Bfly or however she calls herself I forgot, but I am not sure who did this one. If you want to know I will look in my files :D my-simension replied to your photoset “Turn and turn and… blam! Those two need some more training :p”
Cute :)
Those two are very often cute :3 my-simension replied to your photoset “I forgot to send her to eat before and it took her some time to get...”
haha xD Nice parasol though.
Yes, not sure why she decided to use it just then xD my-simension replied to your photoset “Mmmm snow cones!”
Lovely park!
It is small but quite nice :D my-simension replied to your photo “Breakfast before work, I like the view from the kitchen. Have a good...”
Really nice view! :)
It gives on the bridge and the river that separates both sides of town in St Claire, makes for a lovely view from the top of their building.
Looks like I also had comments from Brett and Reena left <3
davidmont replied to your photoset “Here have some loveliness from Mochi ♥”
cute dog with too big things haha
Its because he is still a tiny lil adorable puppy ♥ davidmont replied to your photoset “In search of inspiration he fed the bird, talked to Mochi for a bit...”
tiny bird and tiny dog haha
Tiny family (except Brett is very tall) :D davidmont replied to your photoset “Man… you seriously need to improve your drawing before you can make a...”
that looks like a cow lol
A cow? It’s actually the beginning of the ghost drawing. But we can pretend he tried to draw a cow ;) davidmont replied to your photoset “He has an amazing view around him and he draws ghosts…. I might have a...”
lmao but i like the giraffe lol
I guess it’s closer to one than to Mochi :D davidmont replied to your photoset “He looked like he was done drawing so I had him ask Reena to go out...”
lmao poor </3
XD davidmont replied to your photo “He is now on his way to Club Prive and will have to call her again for...”
that deer looks angry
It might have been looking for wild stray friends. Bunnies... have you seen bunnies? I could call him Bambi (wait I think the game often call them that way) davidmont replied to your photoset “Let’s try this again, shall we? Call her you silly! Koku you shouldn’t...”
omg what a weird date, but what a cool fountain 8)
It is a very nice fountain, I will take pics next time I go back to St Claire if you want, it is nicely done :D davidmont replied to your photoset “And this is where we see where EA fails at categorizing their clothes....”
lmao maybe he arrived at the sexy time? hahaha
Tonight is sexy night! davidmont replied to your photoset “Now that’s an electric drink! Trying the Tropic Twister today :D Reena...”
wow she's lovely
Reena? Always ;) Thank you ♥ davidmont replied to your photoset “I am going to end up believing this town is overrun by ghosts. Those...”
i ship them <3 i love her and he's lovely too awww
Thank you!! ♥  Those two are adorable together :D davidmont replied to your photoset “I was sad to see I couldn’t ask her to join me I completely forgot...”
tag yourself: i'm the table lol
If you want to, I won’t stop you xD davidmont replied to your photoset “Nikita showed up too! It’s actually nice to see she can take a break...”
maybe they are scared and they have insecurities lol
It could be an explanation. my-simension replied to your photoset “Ravness & Dracklore’s cat Nia taking a walk somehow she got partnered...”
Mochi is so tiny omg ;-;
He issss! I love him haha
Misc replies?
declarations-of-drama replied to your post “Replies”
I was good and bought a punnet of grapes instead :D YUM!!
You are lucky girl, I intended to take a picture of my egg JUST for you... except it was eaten before I got a chance xD And it was GOOD!
davidmont replied to your photoset “So I was bummed the other day when I couldn’t ask my date to join me....”
i got it already yay
Thank you David! Let me know if you need another one like this.
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