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moulinrouge78-blog · 4 years ago
Sex fantasies and other surprises - Part 2
Bacon....she smelled bacon and eggs. Joey woke up to her favourite smell and stretched her arms and legs yawning. She looked around the spacious bedroom of her boyfriend. There was the big shabby chick duck egg painted wardrobe with large mirror, a matching desk, his grey wooden king size bed with large padded bed footstool and small cream coffee tables as side boards with wicker basket storage. His decor was nautical and reminded her of being out on sea. A wooden boat wheel decorated the wall over the bed and a big old brass compass was hanging over the desk with an vintage framed map of Capeside/Cape Cod. The ceiling was covered in old faded fisherman’s net and finished off Pacey’s bedroom theme, making this room so cozy. The only slightly modern feature in this room were the fluffy white rugs next to and in front of the bed. Everything was intentional second hand or made out of nautical materials to give the room an authentic look. The walls are painted in cream and delicate duck egg and two big windows gave the most breathtaking view of the beach and sea in the distance. Today was their 1st anniversary and it smells like a great start of the day. Joey went over to her case and took out her silk blue cami set. She rarely wears anything so smooth or special but the silk feels good on her skin and she wants to look good for him. Joey looks in the mirror and smiles at her reflection. The camisole is very sexy showing her back and shoulder blades and is only tied together on fine black lace spaghetti string with matching satin and lace tight shorts not leaving much to anyone’s imagination. She brushed her teeth, gargled some mouthwash, washed her face and hands and finally sprayed some of her vanilla body mist on her hair and wrists. She pulled up her hair into a lazy bun and walked down the staircase to the kitchen. ‘Good Morning!’ she said leaning at the doorframe smiling at Pacey who was busy flipping some pancakes. Pacey was fully dressed in black tee with low v-neck and black khaki shorts. She adored him. The outfit was very simple but shown his sexy features. She admired his calves, butt, arms, strong shoulders and his slightly curly hair for a little longer, feeling very warm in her core before her eyes went over to the table. The table was set with rashers of bacon, eggs, warm toast, fresh fruit, orange juice, coffee and a plain glass vase holding daylilies, lavender and yarrow. It looked gorgeous. ‘Did you arrange all of this?‘ She asked in awe  going over to the vase to smell the lavender. ‘Yes, Potter. I played a little Mary Poppins while you were asleep.’ He chuckles and turns around ‘Good Morning Baby! he said, his eyes now wide open. He almost dropped the pan and placed it quickly on the wooden board next to the sink. He was walking towards Joey with a wide grin that went from his right to left ear. ‘Who are you and what did you do to my girlfriend?’ She put her arms around his neck leaning in for a kiss: ‘I left her in NY and brought carefree Joey along, I hope you don’t mind?’ A playful frown appeared on her face and he smoothed it away with his hands, cupping her cheeks while looking into her eyes, brushing his lips at hers. ‘Not at all. I want carefree Joey to stay! Did you sleep well?’ Pacey’s hands wandered to her back circling up her neck. ‘Like a rock!’ She breathed, mouth open. He closed that little space with his mouth taking hers, searching for her tongue to suck and dance that sweet little tango. Joey moaned standing on her toes, gripped his wavy hair, not ready to break away yet and sucked on his lower lip, feeling his erection at her stomach. ‘Joey, oh Joey. He nestled with the string of her shorts. ‚If you keep going on like this, I can guarantee you, those cute little shorts of yours will not survive today and I WILL HAVE to take you on the table next to the bacon!’ She let off his mouth, giggling ‘That sounds delicious Pace but I rather eat first. I am starving. Happy Anniversary Jo! I love you. Let’s eat. Happy Anniversary, Pace. I love you, too. He gave her a kiss on the forehead ‘I’ll have a surprise for you later!’ There is more? She couldn’t hold back her excitement. Joey was on her 3rd plate stuffing her face with pieces of mango and bacon. ‘Mmmmm, Pace you are amazing. This breakfast is better than words!’ Well, can always make it up to me. You know I am cheap, he winked at her. But first let me fill the dish washer. Can you be ready in an hour please? We are going on a trip!’ Eeek. I love our trips, Pace. Is there anything I need to bring? No, I got this Sweety. His grin turned into a huge smile that let lose all butterflies in her tummy and it took all her self-control to not jump him. Ok, be right back. Joey took her handbag and checked it’s contents to ensure that his gift was still in there. She also packed her sun blocker, her shades, tooth brush, vanilla mist spray, travel toiletries and tossed her teal coloured lace bra and waist knickers she discovered in Paris years ago after breaking up from Eddie. She dressed in the same knickers in dark purple, looked over to her bra but could not be bothered and slipped into a white cross back soft cotton midi dress and pulled it over her naked chest and put on her sandals. Because it was already hot, she used a thin vanilla filigree hair claw to hold her hair up. Done! Pacey thought with his eyes hoovering over the kitchen work tops and table, not wanting to have missed a dirty spot on his cleaning mission. Happy with himself, he went into his study to get his black leather sports bag he packed days ago with his belongings, he needed for the trip. He opened the small compartment inside the bag and saw the black velvet case. A smile crossed over his face. The cooler with the flower garland was already in the car. He took his car keys, padded his shorts’ side pockets and found the silk scarf. Ahh good. With a quick look on his watch he went to the bedroom looking for Joey. ‘Jo, let’s go, baby! Time is t-i-c-k... Whoa...The sight of her made his mouth water.  Her ditching the bra and wearing bare back tops and dresses was certainly something he loved since their 1st voyage out on sea. White always looked great on her and he will never complain about her newfound love on dressing in silky materials and light fabrics that crinkled on her body tightly, showing off many of her beautiful features. He stared at her back,  shoulders and neck. He was like any other guy who easily gets turned on by a nice pair of tits, long legs or the shape of an ass but he always felt very aroused by imagining trailing his hands from her neck to her shoulders down her spine, feeling her body becoming one big electric filled organ he loved to play. He suddenly felt being 16 again. It was only a few weeks before thegrand opening of the Potters B&B. He remembered driving them to the store to get more paint and she wore blue oversized denim  overall and a white tank top, her hair covered with a red headband and tiny marks of dried paint lingering on her forehead, neck and tip of her nose. With her scarf dangling down herslim neck and holding her coat she studied the colour chart for the right number and started to scan the shelves for it. That’s when it hit him like a wet towel. He always thought she was pretty, but her always being annoyed and aggressive towards him usually killed any affectionate thought crossing his mind in its tracks within seconds. That all changed in 11th grade at this exact moment in the store, watching her focussing on the task. He wondered if her neck felt as silky as it looked and what a moan would sound like coming out of her mouth if he kissed such silkiness of so called neck. Her voice suddenly didn’t sound annoying to him anymore and listening to her gave him shivers in all the right places. Hey Witter, do you mind helping or do you want to take roots?     Earth to Paceyyyy!!! What’s that, Potter? he felt puzzled. Ohh sure. What are we looking for again? Paint, Pacey, you know that liquid-y stuff that looks like melted ice cream but isn’t recommended to be digested? I know that, he blurted out, snapping Bessies scrabbled note out of her hands. Goose Down? What kind of name for paint is that?’ He questioned amused. Here, let’s go for ‘Just Walnut’, that sounds better and is also just a shade of grey, he suggested, holding out the buckets. No, Pace we can’t. Bessie demands ‘goose down’. Let’s ask if they have some more stored in the back. She spotted a friendly looking male assistant with grey moustache and glasses filling the shelf with painting equipment such as duck tape and paint brushes and walked up to him. He remembered having to excuse himself to the bathroom of the store to get rid of his erection watching and fantasising about her, which led to her giving him lectures about wasting her time, she’d never would get back and could have used on studying for an upcoming History test, rolling her eyes at him in her annoyance. On that evening her outburst of argument in the car all the way back to Bessies made him all hot and bothered. He had many moments wanting to put her over his lap spanking her before but it was never in any sensual way. That night he dreamed about spanking Joey in the most pleasurable way and had his first wank over her. He felt transformed back in this state while watching her fiddling with her hair looking frustrated. ‘What’s wrong? She asked. It is my hair, I know. It’s not cooperating with me and keeps falling out of the claw!’ He stepped behind her and smiled through the mirror at her, gently kissing the right side of her neck and caressing her left free shoulder. ‘Mmmm, that’s nice!’ She shivered. ‘May I?’ He took the hair accessory she held out to him and secured the claw in her hair. Two strands had escaped and he brushed those out of her face, tugging them behind her ears. ‘You are so beautiful, Josephine Potter, his voice husky and his tone layered with love.’ She still had moments where she doubts herself but she always believed him. Another trade of Pacey Witter that makes him the perfect man. He always told truth and honesty, never held back no matter the consequences. She knows today that this was one of the main reasons she chose him over Dawson. The other boy in her life could be very hurtful and bitter. Pacey was always honest, never mocked her, never wanted her to be someone she wasn’t. They hold each other for another few seconds and than started to place their bags in the car. He also had crates of beverages (including water, coke, a few beers and rum) in the boot. Once they sat in the car he took the black silk scarf out of his pockets to Joey’s amusement. ‘Are you kidnapping me, Witter?’ ‘Do you want to be kidnapped, Potter?’ he shot right back at her. ‘Maybe!?’ she laughed. Ohh you wanna play, Potter? Let’s play. she loved their banter, especially since the sexual tension went into a full on sexual relationship with no secrecy involved and no holding back, just blind understanding what they want and need from each other.   He blindfolded her, secured her seatbelt and gave her quick little kisses that made her burst into a laugh fit. They passed the high street with the shops and drove past the promenade to the docks. Pacey parked the car at the car park by the waterfront. He could have driven straight to the Waterfront as it wasn’t far from his house but he didn’t want her to guess where they are heading, so he was taking a longer route. She squealed with excitement when he turned off the engine. ‘Leave the blindfold on, Jo! I come around and get you!’ ‘Ohhh uhhh, alright, Pace!’ He raced from the drivers seat around to the passengers seat, pulling open the door. She held out her right arm and he took her hand lifting her out of the car. ‘Wait here, I just get the bags. It’s not far.’ he said. Kay...Joey obliges, still smiling. She smelled the sea and did hear the seagulls, so she was guessing that they must be at the beach. Fully loaded juggling their bags and the coolers he went back to Joey, asking her to hold onto his arm tightly. Slowly they walked down the docks until he demanded her to stop. Joey’s belly was full of butterflies, still wearing her blindfold, she knew they were walking on the docks. She walked them all her life and could tell as soon as she stood on the first wooden panel. At their destination he placed the coolers and bags on the ground. ‘Are you ready, Jo?’ ‘Yesssss!!!’ she almost screamed. That made him laugh out loud. He loved it when she got excited like a little girl standing in front of a candy shop. With one gentle motion he took the blindfold off her eyes and kissed the tip of her nose holding her hands. ‘Open your eyes, Jo! he whispered. She looked at a shiny white giant of a boat with beige sails and dark deck. ‘OMG, I knewwwww it!’ You take me out on a boat. I love it Pacey, thank you!!! Don’t tell me she is yours?’ No, she is a rental for this weekend, Joey! But I hope I can afford this LADY one day as her owner is looking to put her up for sale sometime next year. Clive, the owner, is a regular customer at the restaurant and he made me a good offer. I made a deposit on her already to secure her and hopefully by next summer she’s ours. Isn’t she just perfect? This boat is a Hylas 56, over 55 inches long. ‘True Love’ was around 26 inches long, so you get the idea. Ours? She asked surprised. Yes Jo, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine. I am truly and fully committed to you and me, Jo. One day we will sail on this boat across the seven seas with our children Lucas, Rose and Violet and find rare treasure. A-R-R-R. Lucas, Rose and Violet? She chuckled. Sure, Potter. You and I have perfect genes. I wouldn’t waste that knowledge for the world. We can of course debate on names and name our eldest if she’s a girl Lilly-Rose. His eyes turned soft and he gave her a warm smile. I’d love that Pacey, she returned, placing her hand in his. Her heart bursting with deep love for the man next to her. Ok, Joey are you ready? The biggest surprise is yet to come. There is more? You keep saying that a lot lately, Jo. ‘Well, it just shows I still haven’t figured you out yet!’ Joey sticking her tongue out at him. You still keep awing me, Witter. I don’t intend to ever stop that, Potter. You are my girl, remember? She sealed that with a kiss. He earned it. He climbed up the ladder and she passed the bags and coolers to him one after the other. Once he was sure, all was on deck, he looked at her, beaming. She holds up her hand asking her favourite question ‘Permission to come aboard?’ ‘Permission ALWAYS granted!’ He took her hand and placed a kiss on it before he helped her up the boat. ‘Pacey, I love you! This is the perfect 1st anniversary surprise I could have imagined. Thank You!’ Pacey’s heart swell at her words. He succeeded. She was truly happy and he could tell. ‘Be right back Jo. I just need to get the drinks from the car!’ He sped down the ladder and she waved after him. She went down the cabin and a sense of feeling ‘homesick’ came over her. She missed ‘True Love’ and just realised how much she really missed the time they sailed off into the sunset. The interior and space on this boat was insane. There was a seating/eating area with small kitchen leading to two further with doors secluded areas to left and right. It had a little fridge holding essentials: milk, eggs, butter, water and some fruit. A box of musli and cereal standing on the counter and slices of bread were in the freezer to keep fresh. The left door led to the small shower basin with toilet and sink while the the bedroom was behind the right door. It had two big double mattresses and some storage compartments. She spotted a bikini on one of the mattresses he must have bought for her. It was a simple but modern white crossover bralette top with hipster bottoms in wild flower design. Next to it was a simple wide straw hat and a white lace overthrow. He thought about absolutely everything. A smile went across her lips. She took off her dress and slipped into the bikini.   She wore her shades and climbed back up on deck. Hola, chica Bonita! Pacey whistles, looking Joey up and down. You look hot, if I may say so, Jo! Thanks Pace, I don’t know how you do it but it fits perfectly. She swirled around. Ahhh Jo. He whispered, pulling her close, caressing her buttocks and kissing her naked shoulder. ‘I sneaked over to Bessie who still had a bikini of yours lying around...he explained and I just risked it that the measurements were still the same. I know you girls have growing to do drawIng a female chest silhouette in the air.’ ‘In your dreams, Silly!’ Oh c’mon you love me, Potter.You bug me, Witter. He placed his arms around her and gave her a sloppy kiss. Ugh, Paceyyyy. She chuckles. You are such a perv! Josephine Potter calls me a perv! Yessss, creepy boyfriend status accomplished. Both burstIng out into laughter.   Okay Potter, enough banter. Let’s get out of here.  Aye aye Captain, she shouted, grinning at him. Joey helped rigging the boat getting it ready to sail. Pacey went behind the boat wheel steering this baby out to sea. Joey stood next to him taking in the smell, the warm sun, view and the vastness of the ocean. Capeside was slowly disappearing out of sight. Where are we heading, Pacey? Please tell me, pleaseeee!’ She begged. Where is your patience, Josephine Potter? I will tell you soon, very soon! Pouting like a toddler in disapproval, she gave up ‘OK!’ and disappeared in the cabin. Pacey put on his shades and studied the map, looked up in the sky and was pleased to see that there was no cloud as far as eyes could see. Life was good, he smiled. He was happy. Joey was wearing her straw hat and brought up two bottles of cold water, kissed his head and placed his bottle on the little bench next to him. ‘You need to stay hydrated, Pace. I am going for a little sun bathing!’ Ok, baby. Have fun. He replied. She smiled at him and walked over to the padded lounger chairs and began to apply sun blocker. She was glad that the lounger came with installed shade. The midday sun was burning ten times stronger on open sea and the wind was still, a perfect recipe to burn like a lobster, she knew just too well. She looked around and noticed that they where far out on the ocean already with no other soul in sight. She stood up and pulled her bikini top over her head and laid it on the second lounger next to her. She squirted a generous amount of the white liquid on her flat hand and rubbed the sticky cream on her belly, breasts, neck and face. A scent of coconut filling the air. Pacey pulled down his shades. Did she just take off her top? Suddenly feeling the bulge in his pants. This was one of the most erotic things he’s ever seen her doing apart from her masturbating in front of him in the shower yesterday. Oh god she’s rubbing the cream on her tits, ohh fuck he thought that looks like his cum on her, his erection now on full noticeable porn movie display.He steadied the vessel’s speed and switched to automatic compass course to let autopilot taking over for a bit. According to his calculation with the wind being that still, they would sail at least another 2 hours until their destination. With swift fast movements he headed into Joey’s direction who was entranced reading Dan Brown‘s Da Vinci Code, lying on the lounger. He cleared his throat ‚Good book, Joey?‘ Shouldn’t you be manoeuvring the boat, P-a-c..? Oh my god? She sounded shocked but couldn’t hide the lust flickering in her eyes. His hard cock  was twitching and her vagina started to tingle immediately. Little electric waves went trough her. She tried to play it cool. You are STANDING in the sun, Witter. Oh really, Potter? He grinned, rubbing his erection. And what are you going to do about it? He challenged her. The feeling in her most sensitive area was getting stronger. She pulled her bikini briefs down, just enough so he could see the silhouette of her mound and pretended not to see him stroking his length by getting back to her book. Jo, sweet Jo! He went on his knees, placing his hands on her thighs, massaging the insides, stroking her deeper and deeper. She tried to stifle her moan by clearing her throat but failed miserably as he could smell her arousal. He went further down until he reached her feet, massaging her toes, counting down to five and took her right big toe in his mouth, sucking and licking, nibbling around the ball of her foot, down her arch to her heel up to her ankle. He repeated   his massage on her left foot. Joey was panting, her breathing sped up rapidly and her chest quivered. This was the reaction he was hoping to get from her, he longed for. Her book slipped off her hand and hit the ground with a dull sound. Her eyes were closed. How does that feel Jo? He asked. His hands snaked along her inner thighs followed by tiny kisses. Mmmm, it feels so g-o-o-d, a-h-h-h Pace! She opened her legs, the material of her bikini bottoms shifting, exposing more of her flesh, his nose now reaching just below her bean and gave her a soft blow. A-h-h-h Pace, you make me feel alive. P-l-e-a-s-e.... Her pretence of casualness, long gone, she lifted her ass up and he pulled down her bikini bottom freeing her legs from the now juicy garment. Look at me, Joey. I will eat you now but want you to watch me taking every inch of you with my mouth. I will slurp you out like mussels after cracking your shell.  She opened her hazel eyes, a deep fire burning in them now, licking her lips. She propped herself up on her arms, a thin layer of sweat running down her throat through her cleavage. He pulled down his shorts and freed his erection and started to rub up and down his length with his right hand, his mouth just above her center. Joey grabbed his head, lifted her legs to give him more access and pushed him down. He licked her in the same motion as he rubbed his cock up and down. ‚Ahhhh yes Pace!‘ His left hand caressed up her belly button to her left tit, squeezing and stroking her round flesh, making her nipple stand in its perfection. He swung her legs over his shoulder gripping her waist, pulling her even closer with his tongue now fully lost in her moist folds, fucking her slit, grinding her walls and sucking her swollen lips. She moaned his name over and over, purred and hissed like a cat. Pace, I... Yes Jo, I know, let go! Ahhh, I think I need to pee, Pace?! That took him by surprise but he didn’t even care. He kept sucking, exploring her as deep as his tongue would reach, let off his throbbing cock to use both hands, holding her in place, wanting her to come. Jo, Jo, Joey, let go, come for me, babyyyy! Ahh Pace, I can’t hold it, I need...ahhhhh...He felt her orgasm, her walls and muscles contracting. A sudden wave of sweet nectar splashing out of her, squirting into his mouth like a waterfall. Oh my god...this perfection. He couldn’t take it all but drank as much as he could fetch with a good amount dropping down his chin, watching her riding out her orgasm. Once her final quiver faded and she was breathing normal again, he softly laid her legs back on the lounger, smiling at her. He took his shirt off and wiped her juices off his face and chest. He took off his shorts and climbed on top of her, Mmmm...she chuckled when their eyes met. She was embarrassed he could tell but something in her has changed....a grown confidence of knowing what power she had over him. The urge to run away from him, forever broken. He knew there and than, that she finally came to the conclusion that he was hers and she was his and no Dawson nor Eddie or god knows who or what would ever change that. They completed each other in every way, emotionally and sexually. Joey, I love you so much he said over and over. She wrapped her arms around his smooth  bottom, lightly caressing the hairs on his backbone feeling his stiffness, took hold of him, and without warning pushed his member in her wet core. There were no words, just moans, their foreheads pressed together, they moved in unison, focussing on each other’s breath, nibbling, kissing and licking whatever shred of skin they could caress. He went over the edge, releasing in her in one final stroke ‚Jo my wonderful Jo, this is for you!’ He rested his head on her chest for a while and she caressed his hair, happy and close to doze off. He lazily turned his head to look at the ocean and saw a shadow of land in the distance. Suddenly wide awake, he jumped off Joey and rushed into his shorts.! ‘What’s wrong? Are we sinking?’ Joey asked confused, alarmed. ‘What? No, but I better pivot turn this boat! He ran to the helm and started to manoeuvre the bow across until he had the bow forward facing and the island appeared in front of them. She could see the island and it’s sandy beach. Her eyes lit up, excited but wondering ‘Where are we Pacey?’ ‘Abnecotants Island’. It’s a tiny unpopulated gem, I found out about a few years ago. Can you believe it? There is still deserted Islands like this close to home, Joey?’ ‘YOU BOUGHT US AN ISLAND, Pacey?’ Her heart skipped a beat. No, Joey, I hired it for this weekend. He smirked happy about her reaction. Pacey Witter, you are unbelievable. She was still naked and didn’t even attempt to get into her bikini. This weekend will be FINE, just fine, he thought with a wide grin on his face. Within 30 minutes they arrived at the island and docked the boat. The shore was white and the water crystal clear. Joey felt a bit unsure when Pacey hold out his hand to get off the boat with her. She’s been nude for most of their trip on the boat and felt a new found freedom she hasn’t ever experienced before. It felt good, no better than good, she felt free, herself, not wanting to hide anymore. The sensation of butterflies and warm tingle took over her again and she now truly understood the meaning of happiness. Pace, is this save? I mean are we really alone? Pacey also fully nude now heard the uncertainty in her voice. Joey I can ensure you, there is nobody here. Remember, when I told you about Clive who owns the boat? Yes? She said not sure where this was heading. Clive is a super rich investor who owns a yacht club near Boston and also happened to be one of the top clients of Liddell’s stockbroker. We kept in touch after my plight at the firm and he vouched for me at the bank a couple of years ago helping me into self employment and that’s how I started to build my own restaurant. He’s a business partner but most importantly he’s a really good friend. He also owns this island. ‘Ohh, I had no idea.’ Joey said. He went on smiling ‘My restaurant is flourishing, Joey...this year is my 3rd year I made it into the black numbers and got a reasonable profit out of it. People finally trust in me. I was able to pay Dawson back in full six months ago and you are back in my life and this time I have a good feeling about us. I think I made it, Jo‘ ‘I am so proud of you, Pacey!’ You grown into this wonderful man and I can’t imagine my life without you.‘ She took his hand and they walked quietly along the pier. At the beach she saw what she only could describe as a camp fire area, a large gazebo and a sort of a hut. What is this sound? Can you hear that Pace? Is that a waterfall? Behind palm trees, she found a trail.Pacey followed her lead, his gaze wandering to her buttocks and every step of her made his cock ache. Her thighs quivered as she walked further and he could see her lips rubbing together. She turned around and her long hair was falling in thick strands over her shoulder. She smiled at him, definitely knowing the affect she had on him. Ohh Pace...LOOK, bananas. She took a bunch and handed him some over. I am starving she said matter of factly, peeling her second banana and taking a large sip from their water bottle they carried along. The path continued into a wide passage and the splashing grew louder. Oh my god...Pacey look!!! Joey pointed her index finger to a stream that channelled into a narrow hanging gorge and than shot over a drop before plunging into a pool of water. It’s beautiful Joey, he almost shouted as the water was so noisy. They placed their belongings on the ground and slipped of their flip flops. Be careful Joey, the rocks can be slippery. He took her hand and they walked along the rocks and climbed their way to the entrance of the waterfall. The burble of the stream was noisy in their ears and they walked through the stream of the cool water holding hands, watching it flow. ‘I feel like Emmeline and you are my Richard.’ Joey said happily, wiping off the water that run down her face. Who? Pacey joked. Blue Lagoon, Pacey. It’s a movie from the 80‘s about two children shipwrecked on an tropical Island. Brooke Shields stars in it and it was quite controversial because...she broke her sentence...blushing.... Because? He asked (knowing very well where this was about to go from seeing her blushing like that and of course he heard about the movie with a 15 year old Brooke Shields discovering the other sex...but he wants to hear it from her.) Well, Emmeline and Richard had to survive and it was only them, no adults, they were nude all the time and... And what, Jo? He was closing the space between them. Tell me, he said huskily, rubbing her chin with his thump.   They touched each other she said, brushing her hands up his arms...and kissed... Oh yeah? His voice full of desire, focussing on her lips as she spoke. Joey wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair before moving over his strong muscles. She kissed him. Her mouth was pressing on his lips, her tongue eagerly asking to enter and collide with his.His breath came in small bursts now. He lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. His legs moved them out of the waterfall and he slowly lowered down with her on his lap in a sitting position, finding support by leaning against a flat rock. She shifted her weight and eased her grip just enough for him to move her over his dick. He cut through her flesh like a knife goes through melted butter and made her cry out loud, their moans echoing through the air. Her pussy was slick and sticky and his tongue played with her ears, sucked her neck and darted down the gap where her collarbone parted. He was close but wanted it to last so he slowed down and paused his pelvis lookIng at her. She was the most beautiful in his arms like this. Her wet hair caressing his shoulders, her eyes were closed, her forehead creased into concentration, her lips swollen and her cheeks glowing, her weight on his cock was by far one of his favourite things and he wished they could be joined like that forever. Joey was grinding his cock, while he hold still and let her plunge on him the way she needed it. Pacey, A-H-H....he felt her orgasm milking him and increased his speed to match her. Jo, FUCK, you feel so good! I come, baby! He pulled on her hair, holding onto it as his sperm was filling her with a final stroke. Totally exhausted she collapsed on him, sweaty and sticky. A few moments later she was lying on the cold stone with her head in his lap. He was stroking her hair, randomly holding a strand of her locks up to his nose, inhaling her scent. Pacey? She looked at him. Yes, Jo? He smiled back at her. Thank you for making my fantasy come true. I can’t believe you made all this happen. This weekend is a dream I don’t want to end. I wished we could stay, be naked all day every day, make love endlessly under the stars, sail the seas... That sounds good to me, he said. Only problem there is.. What’s that? She wanted to know, her hand reaching up his face... I don’t think walking around with a permanent boner is healthy...he smirked, playfully kissing her hand. They had a quick rinse in the water and went back to the beach where Pacey prepared some wood for the fire. They decided to stay on the beach for their dinner. Potatoes were cooking in a pan filled with sea water and some long beans. Fresh fish he easily caught from the narrow clear water pool by the lower stream where grilling over the fire pit. Be right back, Jo. He sprinted to the boat and brought some drinks, paper plates, forks and a knife, a wooden board and some plastic bags. Joey found more bananas and even a mango. Here Joey, it’s getting a bit windy. She was disappointed that he wore his shorts again but put her arms and head through the throw-over he hold out for her. She used the wooden board, cutting her fruits and placed it on a large stone she found useful as a table. Pacey took the fish from the fire and started cutting it behind the gills along the head to the backbone, to pull out the fishbone with one swift movement. He placed the fish next to the fruit on the wooden board and drizzled some juice over it. That looks delicious, Pace. I just need to use the toilet on the boat and freshen up. Will only take a few minutes. Joey went the toilet, washed her hands and face,   and fetched her handbag and straw hat before she returned back to the beach. Pacey placed a few plates out on the gazebo floor and lit two big jar candles with some matches and put the shade over them to use them as lanterns to each side of the gazebo. Padded cushions were lying on the floor and a light blanket was folded and stored at the back. Blossoms that came loose from the flower garland were spread over the floor. Ohhh Pace, I think I am in heaven. She looked over from the food to the candles and cushions and rested her eyes on the purple and lilac blossoms. This was all so romantic. They ate their food, and watched the sunset together, looking out on the ocean. Joey sat down between his legs after they finished eating, leaned at his chest and let out a happy sigh. He rubbed her arms, crawled slightly away to get the flower garland. What’s t-h..? She couldn’t finish the question as he spun her around so that she was looking at him. He placed the flower garland on her head, his fingers stroking her cheeks. He took her hand and placed it over his heart, that now tried to burst out of his chest and he was sure she could hear his fast heart rate. Her teeth nibbled on her lower lip. He could tell she was nervous but she didn’t say a word. She smiled warmly at him and let him talk. Jo, he began...around 9 years ago after four long months, wanting you, you jumped on ‚True Love’ to sail the ocean with me. You gave me the best summer of my life. We went through ups and downs to being nothing to each other at all for a while BUT truth is I never stopped loving anyone else like I love you. He cleared his throat. I think I can’t ever not love you, Jo. I look at you and see my future, I see us. I don’t ever want to be without you anymore. You are the woman I want to wake up to every morning, the woman I want to make love to every day, the woman I want to have children with... Lucas, Lily-Rose and Violet, she smiled. Yes! He laughed now, glad she took some of the nervous tension of him by saying that. Still holding her hand over his chest he emerged the velvet case from his pocket. ‘Oh my god, her voice shivering, her lips trembling as he let go of her hand to flip the box open ‘Josephine Lynn Potter, I know that no one else will ever hold my heart the way you do! Will you marry me?’ Tears filled her eyes, broke free and run down her cheeks. Pace, you shown me once again this weekend that you and I are meant for each other. So my answer is ‘Yes, I want to marry you, Pacey! She smiled, tears of joy still streaming down her face. He took the ring out of the box and slipped it over her left ring finger. Ohh Pace, it’s beautiful. I love the yellow sparkle. It’s absolutely perfect. He pulled her over to him, took her face in both of his hands, kissing her softly, her hands on his hands, laughing at each other. Once they cleaned up the beach she would sit between his legs again and hold her hand out adoring her ring sighing. This yellow stone is not just a usual diamond Joey, he explained. This is a moissanite, a gemstone originally discovered in a meteor crater. Whoa, that’s so much more special than a diamond, Pace. He nibbled and kissed at her ear, yes Jo, it is. It’s literally a space rock. Ohh she almost forgot. She stood up so abruptly, that his last kiss hit the air. He chuckled. I got you presents as well. You got me a present, he asked excited? Plural, Pacey. I got you two actually she smirked. One wasn’t planned but I saw it and had to get it,  anyway.  And of course I did. It’s our first anniversary. So she gave him two boxes. One was white and the other was black. Open the black one first, Pacey. She clapped her hands in sheer excitement. The black box held an Anthrazit tin box with a lid. He took off the lid and saw the watch. Oh wow, it’s a Tissot 1853 Chronograph Automatic, he bursted out. Jo, how did you know? She took the watch off him and put it over his right wrist, knowing that he was left handed. I went to this awesome watch dealer in Carle Place, NY and said ‚I need a boat compass!‘ Pacey burst out in laughter. Haha, you did what, Potter? Well I know nothing about that stuff so I looked at around 5 different watches or so and this one whispered to me. So, it whispered? What did it say? He asked amused, leaning closer to her face. It whispered your name Pace. Ohh really? Yes, really. Her face at his ear she whispered: Pacey, take me... She wasn’t able to finish her sentence as his mouth closed hers, kissing her with such passion that she felt like fainting. He interrupted the kiss and turned his attention to the white box on his lap. Joey moaned in dissatisfaction at the sudden space he left between them, knowing he watched her every move. She acted like she wasn’t horny and gestured him to open the other box. Pacey grinned at her and she grinned back. He opened the box and saw a pair of beautiful Enamel covered sailboat cufflinks on sterling silver finish. The sail was yellow and the bottomof the vessel was blue. His heart stopped when he turned them around and read the small engraving in kursiv letters: Our journey began on ‘True Love‘ and I can’t wait to take the world with you! Happy Anniversary, love always, Jo! His eyes welled up. Joey got up and pulled the only piece of clothing she was wearing over her head, holding out her hand. His face wet from crying, he looked up at her beautiful face smiling at him, taking her hand ‚Come swim with me, Pace!‘ He nodded his head, his heart spilling over with love for her, getting up, following her into the water. His shorts got lost on the way as they waded into the light waves. The water reached half of their knees when they stopped. The sun was now low in the sky and would soon set. Still holding hands they smiled at each other. Their bodies glowing with the redness of the impending sunset. Without a word, he settled down in front of her and pressed his face into her public area. ‚Joey, I want you!‘ I want you, too Pacey. She lifted one leg and let his head slide under her. His tongue found her tender folds and he tasted her juice. He sucked on her with pleasure and slid a finger into her pussy. She cried out and gasped for air. His tongue was now circling wildly up and down making her bud getting harder with every run of his tongue. His arousal was now throbbing almost painfully. He lifted Joey up, kissed her and laid her on the sand. Her breathing rapid, she turned on her stomach. The waves hit her sensitive nipples, water splashed hard up her thighs and core, making her hotter. Pacey loved seeing her like this, all control gone just full of connected nerves that wanted nothing more than to orgasm. Her arms laid spread out in the sand, her back arched and her ass slightly raised. He lapped some water over her back, and dribbled it along the crack of her ass. He cleaned her pussy and his cock with the water and held his cherry at her slit, rubbing a little. Pace, she called his name, begged and pleaded, wanting to feel him inside badly. Finally, she thought as he pushed his length into her, pushing her ass down further, he widening her crack and penetrating her with salty fingers. He was now fucking both holes with quick movements. Ohh Pace, this is...ohh...I can’t take It any more. She came first and shaken so hard, that his finger slipped out of her ass. He released inside her a few minutes later, twirling her around, smiling at her as he heard her pleasing laughter. You know Pacey, I always thought you were good in bed but boy was I wrong. You are a sex god. So, I guess your Blue Lagoon Fantasy worked out ok than, he asked. No Pacey, not ok. You and I are Richard and Emmeline. I wanna watch that movie with you while making love to you next time, Jo. Sounds like a perfect date to me Pace! They washed off the sand and held each other tightly watching the sun disappearing into the horizon with a loud crackle.
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moulinrouge78-blog · 4 years ago
Sex fantasies and other surprises - Part 1
Netflix made me do it. This is my first fanfiction contribution ever posted. It’s hot and erotic because I love and live for SMUT. Enjoy.....
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They have been together for a year now and he couldn’t be happier. Their long distance relationship isn’t easy but works out pretty well and today wasn’t just the Friday she would come to Capeside to be with him for a long weekend but also their 1st anniversary of being Joey and Pacey the happy in love couple who make it work.
And he’s got a plan. ‚You are a lucky bastard‘ he smiled to himself standing in front of his bathroom mirror getting ready for his drive to Capeside train station where she would arrive in around an hour. The thought about his girl made him feel light headed and gave him electric shivers that went straight down his groin. He looked down and could see his dick standing In excitement. But there was no time for that, first stops where the florist by the harbour and Capeside‘s fine jewellers. One last look in the mirror to ensure he didn’t miss a smudge of shaving cream on his face and his hair sat in place before he turned around grabbing his keys and went out the door. It was barely 9am and the sun was already warm standing high in a cloudless blue sky. The air smelled of seaweed and sand coming from the dunes with the birds chirping in the trees. He went around to his Ford Explorer and looked at the beach, breathing in the fresh air.  Three years ago the Dudley‘s passed away and Pacey didn’t hesitate to buy their beach house. While the winters are long and cold just as they are around everywhere in Massachusetts he thought Capeside is the most beautiful place on earth in summer when the weather is like this. 
Pacey checked the weather forecast for weeks and this weekend was perfect. He couldn’t stop smiling all the way to the florist and greeted one of the delivery drivers once he parked his car and run over to help the man handling big buckets of Magnolia, Echinacea, Roses, Poppies, Water Lillies, Day Lillies and Pale Grass Pink Orchids. 
‚Hey Rob, let me give you a hand‚ he said taking two of the buckets from the struggling man’s arm, nodding at him. ‚Oh thank you Pacey, these flowers don’t look heavy but they certainly are and I am not getting younger‘ Rob said wiping off a thin layer of sweat he felt forming on his forehead. ‚Ah man, you are still as chirpy and not a day older than 45, are you not?‘ Pacey said with a wide grin. ‚Well add another decade to it and you are about right!‘ Rob chuckled returning a friendly smile. ‚Ohh before i forget. Your flowers are ready! Rob said. Ohh brilliant timing. That’s why I am here. Thank you! 
Ten minutes later, Pacey left the shop with his wildflower garland made of blue false indigo, bowmen‘s root and peach leaved bluebells. He asked for seasonal wild flowers and the arrangement couldn’t be prettier. 
The jewellers was just up the road, 2 traffic lights and 5 minutes away and he suddenly felt very nervous.  This was the tricky part he wanted to get right out of all things. He knew how he wanted to propose to the girl who stole his heart. It usually is Dawson’s expertise to do the fluff and romantic stuff, Pacey did lack in this department a little he thought so he took Jen with him a fortnight ago to show her the ring he selected for Joey. 
‚What do you think, Lindley?‘ he bit his lip, nervous as hell, hoping it wouldn’t be too bad. Jen stared at the open black velvet box with the tiny yellow pear shaped moissanite diamond in the platinum ring base he picked, bedded on a satin cushion. The ring wasn’t pretentious and simple despite the yellow colour of the stone. He knows Joey doesn’t like gaudy things, keeps it elegant and classy and he respected that, ok who is he kidding? he thought. Joe‘s disgust for trashy things and the want to be authentic and real was adorable and sexy as hell. A sigh escaped Jen’s mouth and than there was a long pause. ‚Uh oh, that bad, Lindley?‘ he asked suddenly his throat terribly dry, not sure if he wanted to get a response from his dear blonde friend next to him. Jen also liked being real and true at all times and usually he admired her for that but today he hopes she’s gentle on him. Jen looked at him and back down to the glass counter where Hilary the sales assistant placed the ring for them to view and her face was not showing any sort of emotion, she looked blank. ‚Listen...Jen...there is still time, I can return it and you...YOU are a women of many tastes, you can help me making the RIGHT decision!‘ He felt  frantic, his palms were sweating as he took he reaction as a sign, that this ring was a terrible pick. She finally looked up at him and her face lid up. ‚Oh my god...Pace....this is the most, beautiful ring I have ever seen. Joey truly is a lucky girl!‘ Her voice trembled a little as the emotion kicked in and she hugged him tightly ‚You did well, Witter! ‘ I wonder...‚ What’s that? He asked, breaking their embrace, looking at her happily but confused raising a brow. ‚Does this ring come in a set with earrings, if so I’ll take them!‘ Jen said with a giggle. Pacey laughed at that remark and lightly slapped her shoulder. Ouch, Witter!!! He kissed her head and logged his arm through hers leaving the shop after he paid his deposit. At the train station the clock just outside the station tower read 9:58am. Great 2 more minutes, I am not late. 
He quickly checked the arrival table on the monitor and was glad that the train was on time before he made his short way to the platform. With that he heard the chuffing sound of the fast train approaching the platform slowing down until it came to a noisy halt. Passenger‘s got off the train, restricting his view, so he tiptoed and bend his neck. It took him a few moments and he saw her. His heart pounded fast in his chest. It was only a few days ago that they been together but his body reacted like he hasn’t seen her for weeks, months or even years. She stepped off the train, holding onto a small beige hard shell travel trolley with her right hand. She wore a tie front puff sleeve midi dress in light blue with matching hairband holding her hair in a ponytail and white leather sandals with block heel. Each movement made the dress show off her long silky tanned legs. She still hasn’t spotted him, looking from left to right, a puzzled look on her face that made her mouth pout. 
Ohh those lips he thought. He could tell she didn’t bother with make up, only a little bit of mascara, a little rogue to make her cheeks glow peachy and a colourless chapstick is all she would use, she was the most beautiful girl he ever laid eyes on and he was glad she finally grown in confidence to see herself not just as a too tall woman with long limbs and feels comfortable in her skin. The tie front of her dress was open a little and he could faintly guess where her chest bone would turn into the bulge of her breasts.  His heart skipped a beat and he manoeuvred the best he could into her direction without being seen. She fumbled on the zipper of her trolley standing with her bare back to him. He reached for her waist while his other hand went to her neck placing little kisses onto the bare skin underneath her hairline.  ‘Hello gorgeous!’ ‘Mmmm’ was the only vocabulary escaping her lips. She leaned into him, eyes closed and smiling her big smile that drove him insane. 
He felt her ass rotating and grinding into his hard bulge ‘Ahhh, Pace happy to see me?’  and suddenly his khaki shorts felt way too tight. His hands holding onto her arms for stability he whispered into her ear, nibbling her lobe and finally resting his chin on her shoulder ‘Ohh Jo, you have no idea. I wouldn’t like anything more than to pull up that fabric of your dress and take you right here, right now giving by passengers a show of their life time.‘
With that he swirled her around and let her fall into his arms, looking deeply in her dark brown eyes. ‘God I missed you, Potter!’ ‘I missed you so much, my sweetheart!’ she whispered back. There it was. Just like that he was on fire. She licked her lips. Her way of saying that she is ready to be kissed. He didn’t need an Invitation to place his lips on hers. Their lips met and she opened just a little to let him in and he darted his tongue around her full mouth, stifling her moan by dancing with her tongue tip. She opened her mouth wider and he took all of her tongue, sucking on it, releasing her and sucking her tip once again, breaking free for air.
‘Let me take you home, before Doug gets send here for sexual assault in public!’ Um, yeah probably not a good idea to be stars of Capeside journal as ‘horny couple set off at train station!’ she said with an amused wink at him. They went for a quick early lunch at the ice house before heading arm in arm to the beach house. Oh my god, Pace you really went trough with it? She gestured at the outdoor shower in the garden as soon as they arrived. This is so cool. It’s not just cool but also practical in the summer after a long shift in the restaurant. Here let me show you. The shower was attached to white wooden panels with hanging baskets for toiletries, soaps, hair care, sponges and even a back rub. Two big yellow towels occupied two of the four metal hooks. The floor was made of deep blue and green mosaics and an anti slip finish. It had a long bench at the side with futon pillows where the water couldn’t reach. For privacy the shower area was secluded by it’s own 8 ft. garden fence made of thick hazel hurdle woven wattle with bushy leafy planters in front of it. The top was free but Joey noticed a handle at the side and a large panel above. ‘What’s that for?’ she wondered.
  Ohh this is for chillier evenings to keep the rain out. He turned the handle and a retractable yellow thick shade pulled out. This looks just like...
...the sail of True Love?  he finished her sentence, smiling at her. Yes, Joey it’s the same material I used for true love since it’s weather resistance and I like to feel being out of sea while having a shower outside. He smirked. I understand Pace, once a Captain always a Captain. She chuckled. I haven’t used it yet since it just got finished two days ago. But the water is back, I’ll show you!   Joey stepped back and he turned the shower on.  Warm water splashed from the shower head. He was about to turn the shower off but Joey laid his hand on his. 
‘Leave it on Pace!’
She unfastened her sandals, slipped them off and untied her hairband. It took him a moment to register what she was doing. He closed the gate and she came towards him, started to unbutton his shirt looking him straight in his eyes. ‘I want to shower with you and feel you!’ He lost his voice and was only able to mumble ‘God Joey, this is one of my fantasies of us!’ ‘I know it’s mine, too’ she replied. She yanked his dark grey shirt off his shoulders and placed it on one of the free hooks. His chest hairs stood in anticipation as she began licking his right nipple over to his left, making them stand. His breathing was now fast and he desperately  needed her out of her dress. She suckled on his now hard nipples and he was able to free her arms from the dress, letting it slip to the floor. She stepped out off the dress and tossed it to the side, now opening the zipper of his khakis, pulling the waistband down together with his boxers. A quick ‚Ahhh‘ escaped him. He stood naked in front of her and she let out a high pitched sigh. He was so handsome, his broad shoulders and wide chest, defined long legs and his glory of dark pubic hair and big cock standing to his attention solid for her. Just looking at him sends shivers down her spine to her centre. His size used to concern her but now she just feels all tingly inside looking at him, knowing how good he feels and what electric shocks she experiences when his full length fills her. Pacey went out of his shorts, kicked off his flip flops and pulled her by the slim line of her thin thong pulling her closer with his hands freeing her from the last shed of material that was between them. She reached for his cock and held him tight, kissing his slightly open mouth. He returned the kiss, moaning in her mouth meeting her dancing tongue with his.  ‘Mmmm Joey...I love it when you are in this mood, mmm....ahhhh....don’t stop.‘ Pacey was now fully under the shower, her hands rubbing up and down his shaft, his balls hard and heavy. I need to taste you, Pace. ‚I won’t last, Jo‘
‚Than don’t, sweetheart!‘ with that she pulled his skin to expose his juicy cherry and slowly went down as much as her mouth could take, her tongue sucking on the throbbing top, licking up and down his vein, increasing the speed. Ahhh...Fuck...Jo!! His hands got lost in her now wet hair, watching her moving mouth on him. He needed to focus on something else to not burst right there and than. She felt him edging in her mouth, droplets of his salty pre-cum making her vagina quiver. Cupping his full sack, she released his length to take his hard marbles in, licking and sucking on the crinkly skin. ‘Jo, I am so close.’ This was the best foreplay. She was so wet and wanted him to shoot but couldn’t decide where she wanted it. She went fully in the warmth of the shower now. Sitting on the floor, opening her legs as wide as she could, pulling him down with her. Her vagina was on full display, her lips open to show her meaty flesh and her clit erect standing out like a flower bud. Her breath was pitchy, her eyes heavy with lust. She started moving her index and middle finger around her clit, masturbating with swift and fast movements. Jo, you are everybody’s wet dream. You are so gorgeous. He was wanking his cock hard, looking at her delicate flower, kissed her, watched her touching herself,  her nipples equally beautiful and erect. This view was all he needed and with a long ‘ahhh Jo, my sweet giiiiirllll, ahhhh...he finally exploded, his load hitting her hard on her open center. She used his juices to rub herself, hissing at the feeling that build in her. He could see her ecstasy, still panting he went down, his nose touching her soft folds so juicy and inviting like a piece of fruit. Her smell mixing with his juices, he inhaled and flickered his tongue out founding her hard clit, his fingers replacing hers, entering her slowly, not letting go off her clit to than lick up and down her slit. Ahhh, Pacey, Yes...there...yes...faster, fuck me harder.
God, what went into her? His cock hardening again, he moved her over to the soft padded bench for her to kneel on. With her ass in the air like that, her hard nipples on standing up and her breasts bouncing, he shoved his hot length in one fast thrust and she cried out ‘Yes, Pace, oh god yes, take me. Don’t hold back. I need it!’ He thrust in and out, hard and forceful, each stroke making her reach closer to the edge. Come for me baby, he said now holding onto her tits, pulling her nipples, thrusting harder like there was no tomorrow.
She was now shrieking  
Ahhh... Ohhh.... God.... yes.....yes.... Ahhhh...FUCK....I...Uhh...Ohhh...fuck....Pace....yes
He felt her walls tightening around him....she came like a tornado and with her last quiver, he pushed into her one last time, releasing his hot fluid, collapsing onto her back, trying to fetch his breath. 
She was a hot mess...giggling...after 10 minutes or so...
Pace? Yes, Jo? ‘Let’s take a shower now.’ 
With that he pulled her up, squirting the almond and milk shower gel on the sponge, starting on soaping her arms and shoulders, with a smirk on his lips he said huskily.
‘Your wish is my command, my sweet sexy kitten!’ 
And just like that her nipples lifted up again. Her not breaking his gaze responded with a wide sheepish smile
‘Ohh boy!’ To Be Continued
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moulinrouge78-blog · 4 years ago
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Netflix be doomed. Re-watched my favourite show as a late teen and now I am writing Pacey and Joey Fanfiction. 
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moulinrouge78-blog · 9 years ago
So much yes...Bran is telling us a story through his ability to have those flashbacks. He's very powerful and interesting and the character I looked most forward to besides Jon and the rest of the Starks!!!
I’m getting really annoyed with people being ‘bored’ with Bran Stark’s disability. Whenever anyone says they are bored with it and want ‘him to get fixed already’, makes me really wonder what they think about non-fictional disabled people. 
Arya’s sight was taken away via magic, but Bran lost the movement in his legs from a normal, non-magic action. Jon lost his life and days later was brought back again, but Bran’s accident happened YEARS ago.
Bran is more than his disability, and he doesn’t need his legs back to be interesting. 
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moulinrouge78-blog · 12 years ago
Love this tattoo design by Kemi cute and powerful at once!!!! You rock girl!!!!
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