jiwonasbae · 7 years
5 Unwritten Romance
Unwritten Romance
(Bobby X Reader X June)
Genre: School, Romance, Smut, Fluff.
Warning: Sometimes Mature Content
 Summary: My mom always told me that bad boys, always break your heart, and if I want to start my romantic life, in the university I could make it happen!
 You know to be with a cute man who could love me back, but being honest, I’m behind being popular or even cute  ( Or that is what I think), so my romantic life hasn’t been that great.
But it seems like my romantic life, will not go as I planned.
 Being friends, with handsome men, isn't easy at all.
Words: 2022
 I Got quite drunk, and I can't remember what happened last night. The last thing I could remember is kissing June, and before that, my mind is just blank.
I try to reach for my phone, and when I turn to find it, it seems isn't there, I try to sit, rubbing my eyes, trying to see, when a headache hit me hard.
 Y/N: Oh my god, I barely remembered what a hangover is... 
But then I suddenly feel something move under my bed sheets.
I Started to panic, what I have done? I checked my clothes, and I was still wearing my blouse that I used yesterday but I have nothing but just my panties.
I lifted the bed sheet slowly to see what or who was.... when I discovered a sleepy Bobby on my bed.
What? What? What happened?
But then I started to see everything clear, It wasn't my bed, nonetheless my room. What have I done?
He then turned facing me, his face just inches away from mine, I could see his eyelashes and his milky skin, somehow my hand reached his lips trying to touch them, but then he put his arm just in my waist and pulled me towards him, ( Did he see me?) I was breathing, just next to him, and his aroma started to make me feel like hypnotised, I couldn't move at all, but then I started to feel his hard dick against my hips, and my pores started to feel excited just knowing he was this hard, I feel the urge of kissing him.
When I tried to get close to his lips, he seemed to be waking up, I just lie down again pretending to be asleep. Oh my god.
 Jiwon: She is still sleeping.
He strokes my hair, and kiss my hair, but his hand traveled to my butt, and give me a hard squeeze. I could feel the wetness hit in.
 Jiwon: Damn, she is so sexy, but not yet.
 He grabbed his phone and started to dial...
Not Yet? What does that mean? Who is he calling?
 Jiwon: Hyung, how is June? Oh, She is still sleeping...
June? What Happened to him?
Jiwon: Yeah don't worry, I will take care of her. See you later.
What happened last night?
 He stands and went straight to the bathroom, I could hear the water running, I decided to check his phone, with who he talked? But it was blocked with ID touch, I was thinking to leave, but I don't know what happened, and I am not the kind of person who runs, So I decided to face it.
 I sit on his bed, trying to look for my phone, but nothing.
I lost it.
His room seems different of what I could think, it was clean and neat, too much white, just the way I like it?
I Grabbed one of the water bottles next to his desk, and saw a lot of things written, they seemed like lyrics, that would explain the keyboard, maybe he is a musician or something like that.
 I pick one of the music sheets, trying to understand what those could mean. I was immersed reading the lyrics, that I didn't notice the water stopped.
 Jiwon: Is it that bad?
 He says that placing himself behind me, I could smell his shampoo and feel the fresh aroma of his skin just washed, and my body quite like that sensation, his fresh skin against mine.
 I said nothing, I was just watching him semi-naked, his torso seemed like it was chiseled by the Gods themselves, only the towel covered what was necessary.
 Jiwon: Did the hangover, make you voiceless?
Y/N:  No, I just... that, I was reading.
Jiwon: Is Bad?
Y/N: Y/N:  In fact, it was quite interesting, Are they songs?
Jiwon: Ideas of songs
Y/N: I see ( Why can't I stop to staring at his body)
Jiwon: Like what you see? Should I remove the towel as well?
Y/N: I should say that Isn't that bad, but keep it. For now.
Jiwon: You didn't say the same yesterday.
 He said that while putting some gray pants, he isn't wearing any underwear, I blushed thinking that.
 Y/N: Wait, what? Yesterday? What happened?
 Jiwon: Relax, nothing happened, I was kidding but it could happen now if you want. Almost happened.
Y/N: Are you sure of that?
 While he was drying his hair with the towel but he turned and then he winked at me, and I blushed. But then he offers me some pills.
 Jiwon: Take two, will help with your headache.
Y/N: Thank you, in fact, I was dying.
 I completely forgot that I was mad at him, for yesterday, I was feeling well, better than I could say. I grab the water and then I swallowed the pills.
 Jiwon: Jiwon: You can take a shower, I will lend you some clothes, it seems like you need it.
 Y/N: Do I? Wait. Oh yes! I forgot I am just in panties.
Jiwon: You look awesome like that.
 I suddenly go to the bathroom, and I see myself in the mirror, my hair seemed a nest of birds, and the makeup that Jane made for me yesterday, was now the makeup of a clown, my blouse was full of strange liquids, oh my god! I turned and see Bobby calm, he was not even laughing.
 Y/N: Why you didn't tell me?
Jiwon: About what?
Y/N: About me looking like a clown?
Jiwon: You don't look like a clown, You look sexy in fact, wait I already told you that...
 He laughs, he is gorgeous smiling.
 Y/N: I am a big mess!
 Jiwon: Well I won't say that you look like the prettiest girl, but don't overreact.
 Y/N: Well, isn't like this, how I want you to see me.
 Jiwon: How is that?  I prefer naked if you ask.
 Y/N: Nevermind, I will take your clothes, if you are still willing to lend it.
 Jiwon: Of course "Cupcake".
 I was speechless watching him he said that with a very serious face, but he wasn't even joking. I closed the door and started to undress.
 Will he come?
 Now that she entered the room, I put a shirt over, and go to the kitchen so I can bring her some food.
Yesterday I decided to show her my real self, and not the playboy, she thinks I am, well somehow I am like that too.
 Because of yesterday's party, we were alone, although her room was next to ours, she couldn't even talk and her roommates disappeared, everyone just vanished and I don't know where the purse or the telephone is.
 I opened the refrigerator and bring some eggs and toasts, and then I started to make some coffee. When I was done cooking, I could hear the water still running,
 I bring two mugs with coffee and the breakfast to my room and put some music.
I made the bed, fixed my hair and put my favorite lotion on.
 She comes out of the bathroom, and she was beautiful and flawless, with my clothes she looks so sexy, that made my dick twitch.
 Y/N: Oh wow! Did you prepare everything?
Jiwon: Yes, of course, come sit, here some coffee.
 She is beautiful, and I could say some of my ego inflated, just to know that she smells just like me.
 Y/N: Thank you! But can you explain me, please? I don't remember anything.
 She said that while eating, she was hungry.
 Jiwon: Of course, but first of all, I would like to apologize, it seems like we are not in the best terms.
Y/N: Yeah, I would say that I have been always rude towards you. So I'm sorry as well.
Jiwon: So I will tell you the truth, before our conversation outside the bathroom, I left with Hanbin, to drink some beers.
Y/N: Mmmm ok.
Jiwon: I was having a deep conversation when June called me.
Y/N: June leave?
Jiwon: I don't know what happened with June, he just told me that something happened at home, and he needs to leave. He asked for my car keys, and I went to see him, and give it the keys.
Y/N: What about me? How I ended here?
Jiwon: Mmm you were dancing with this roommate of you, and you guys were dancing like in a stripper place... doing sexy waves and that kind of stuff.
Y/N: I can't believe you, you are lying.
Jiwon: No I am not. In fact, I enjoyed the view as well.
Y/N: So? I guess I drink quite a lot.
Jiwon: Some guys entered to the party and started to dance with you, and I get mad because some of them were touching you.
Y/N: Touching me? Did I allow that? Why June leave me alone?
Jiwon: He told you, but you refused to leave. I couldn't leave you there, so I punched this fucking asshole in the face, and take you with me.
Y/N: What about my roommate? where is she? and who was her?
Jiwon: It was my first time watching them, I don't know her names, but they are with the team, Hanbin told me.
Y/N: Hanbin? How does he know?
Jiwon: It seems they spend the night together.
Y/N: Oh....
Jiwon: I didn't find your purse or anything, and your friends were no seen, so I just bring you here.
Y/N: I see... Those damn things, how they dare to leave me alone.
Jiwon: But you are adorable drunk, you like to dance in a sexy way. I restrained myself of don't do anything to you.
 She Blushed
 Y/N: Did something happened? Between the two of us?
Jiwon: You kissed me.
Y/N: Did I?
Jiwon: Mmm, yes.
Y/N: Anything else? You know?
Jiwon: You only hugged me all night long.
Y/N: No way! Why didn't you sleep in another place?
Jiwon: Because I only sleep in my bed, and I could share it with you, I don't mind.
 I got close to her, and clean with my thumbs some crumbs of toast.
 Jiwon:Jiwon: I like you y/n.
I closed the distance, and I give her a sweet peck on her lips.
 Jiwon: Please, don't make things hard between of us.
 Y/N: What you mean? How can you like me? We barely meet each other, and we already kissed, how is possible?
 Jiwon: I don't understand, I get jealous every time I see you with June. I don't like it.
 Y/N: I don't know what to say... How can I know that you aren't playing with me?
 Jiwon:  I can demonstrate that for you, I am not who you think I am. Just give me a chance.
 Y/N: I am sorry Bobby, but June, I can't be like that.
 I started to got mad, we kissed first, we met first, why June had to meddle.
 Jiwon: Listen, I am not saying to start dating with me, but at least give me a chance. We already did a lot of stuff together. we kissed, we slept together. we already fight...
 Y/N: Look I am not dating June, but I won't tell you that I don't like him.
 Jiwon:: But you like me too.
 Y/N: I won't deny it.
 I kissed her.
 Our mouths were like in perfect synchrony, the tip of her tongue sends me shivers.
 Jiwon: Let me demonstrate you, that I can be that man of your life.
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PART 4                                                                                               PART 6 
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dimsummark93 · 10 years
Who allowed Bobby to look so fucking SEXY in Hisuhyuns I'm different?
Like boy I can't even handle you when you're a goof so why did you think it was okay for you to look so God Damn Sexy!!!!!
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yourlazikrhy · 10 years
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This is bobby everyone...
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