#me frothing at the mouth for religious symbolism: YES
raayllum · 2 years
One thing I haven’t seen anyone directly address in the comparisons of Aaravos to both Prometheus (fire-bringer) and Lucifer (literally means “light bringer”) is the relationship the two figures have with the concepts of Love and Curiosity and Punishment. Both are quasi-deities who turn against the King of the Gods (or God King) and bring possibility to humanity by way of civilization, survival, and temptation. They’re crafty and clever, Prometheus having the power of foresight and empathy for humankind, Lucifer with a far more scheming aspect in mind and fuelled by spite. 
Both are punished for their ‘transgressions’ by being cast out and imprisoned. Prometheus is chained to a rock and has his liver (believed to be the seat of human emotions in Ancient Greece) eaten by an eagle (symbol of Zeus) every day only for it to grow back at night. Satan / Lucifer is cast down to hell and  pandemonium (all demons) and vows to have his revenge by ruining God’s latest creation, humanity.
The part 2 of the mythos is also exceedingly similar. A first woman is gifted to the first man (or men) to be a wife to a primary figure and her curiosity dooms her people. Pandora opens the pithos (not box) she had been instructed by Zeus to leave alone, releasing all evils into the world except for Hope. Likewise, Eve is tempted by the serpent and eats the apple of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, before Adam does the same; one of the most popular and prominent adaptations, John Milton’s Paradise Lost, shows Adam taking the apple not of out ignorance but out of wanting to stay with his wife at all costs, so that whatever happens, they are at the very least together. Both versions of the mythos end with the end of a former glory age shown by Death being brought into the world, and that more knowledge isn’t necessarily a good thing. 
Already we can see tenants of Callum’s curiosity being a dangerously powerful force, the crucial aspect of a love pair, and devotion of following your beloved into the deep unknown, of choosing to throw away your current world so that you can stay together at all costs. We can even see this somewhat reflected very early on in 1x04 with Rayla (the quasi-Eve) fetching the Cube for Callum, neither of them knowing the consequences that may lay in store for it. 
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Other notes: 
We get the name Lucifer from an old name for the planet Venus, the Roman version of Aphrodite, goddess of Love.
Pandora’s name means “one who sends up gifts”
“He thinks that if he cared for the idea, he’d like to remember the taste of a smooth red fruit a human had plucked from a tree for him, once. It had been so crisp, and so sweet.” (Aaravos birthday post)
“That can be my first gift to you [...] I’ve got one more gift for you, Callum. It’s not cake or kisses, but it’s something more important than that. I’M GOING TO KEEP YOU SAFE. [...] Taking on hard choices and going to dark places is an act of love. It’s a gift. So, please let me give you this gift, Callum. Stay safe, and stay in the light.” (Rayla’s goodbye letter to Callum)
Rayla’s name being a reference to “Ray of Light” and Aaravos’ name meaning “between light and dark” 
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evevoli · 2 years
Hey Ev! Sorry to pester you again, but I came across your Hunter playlist on Spotify and it is very good!! I was wondering if you would be willing to kinda share yout thoughts on it, or like behind it? Why you chose the songs you chose for it and in that specific order and stuff, it'd be cool to hear! Also just,,, the three last verses of Dear Wormwood after Thanks To Them.... oh.... Oof, even... Anycase have a nice day! 🌻
oh boy howdy i have been waiting to hear these words all my life
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i promise you are not pestering me at all bdjfjdjfks i am frothing at the MOUTH at the opportunity to talk about this damn thing lol. this stupid playlist is my magnum opus my baby i have spent like 2 hours meticulously organizing it yes im normal why do you ask
the hunter playlist in question for everyone else
the playlist's structure is generally meant to follow hunter's growth as a person, starting from pre-canon childhood to the present, and is at times loosely based on the five stages of grief. (this "grief" being the revelation that his entire life has been a lie.) to split it into sections, the first 20 songs are meant to catalogue hunter's experience being raised by belos and rise to the position of the golden guard. 21-27 is his gradually expanding worldview through hunting palismen to any sport in a storm, after he meets flapjack and the hexsquad and starts slowly questioning his beliefs. 28-42 is hollow mind and the direct fallout of that—with 33-45 centering around the "anger" stage of grief—and 43-48 is his feelings between labyrinth runners and king's tide. 49-58 is firmly in the "depression" stage, with everything after 59 being when he reaches acceptance and is able to truly start to recover.
putting this under a cut because i swear it is longer than the damn bible, but below you will find a more in-depth song-by-song breakdown. never underestimate the power of a very exhausted college student who drank too much soda's ability to think about one particular fictional character ig.
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to start, i put dear wormwood at the very beginning to act as a sort of "prologue" to the playlist and set the stage for what's to come, and also because it is THE Hunter Song(tm) and i need to make sure everyone knows it. that song has had a flashing neon sign with hunter’s name on it in my brain since eclipse lake at least.
bumblebees are out, because it's so short and blatantly "oh this is hunter and belos", acts as a clear divider between dear wormwood and the rest of the playlist, with fish in a birdcage being the official "start" to the narrative. this song and helplessness blues after it then act to sort of sum up hunter's general feelings growing up isolated in the coven.
english house through you're a useless child (君はできない子) is actually from belos's perspective indoctrinating him, and then love me love me love me (愛して愛して愛して) onward is back to hunter. the next several songs detail hunter's experience as the golden guard. life itself is a recent addition mostly just there for vibes and because the first verse fits lol (thanks skit) and honey i'm home and saint bernard are the two obligatory Religious Trauma Bops i hope to make animatics for eventually. icarus (Bird Symbolism #1) through stonewall stone fence is meant to be from the perspective of an outsider looking in (aka the audience) and going "oh this kid is Not Well" it is Necessary. (silhouettes particularly fucks me up lol i need to make a dadrius playlist)
with that all being said there beneath is where his character arc in the show proper actually kicks in. it acts as a divider between the prior songs to say "oh he is Thinking about Things." [insert that shot of him looking out his window at the end of hunting palismen] the songs from notos don't really fit in chronologically—torches would actually fit better earlier, and the other two later—but they flowed better here lol. bad blood is mostly vibes i don't even remember why it's in there, something something it being about god creating man paralleling belos creating the grimwalkers, but i like it too much to take it off lmao. this section is basically all of hunter's beliefs slowly slowly starting to crack throughout his Field Trips With The Good Guys.
uso janai is where shit gets Real; this one is actually from luz's perspective after half-befriending hunter in hunting palismen and then wanting to get him away from belos after You Know. escapism is back to hunter—more questioning, and the line "i'd rather be free" calling back to his desire to choose his own future—before shit goes down.
pale white horse and where is your rider happen specifically during the confrontation with belos in hollow mind. the actual songs are about uhhh,, an abuse victim being approached by the personification of death itself (when the other three horsemen failed to rattle them) and being scared shitless before realizing death had been their abuser disguised the entire time which fits with. well the last 5 minutes of the episode.
the next songs until around whisper encompass the time between hollow mind and labyrinth runners where hunter is alone to process things. the extra oh hellos songs there are him thinking back on his life and all the harm he'd caused working under belos as everything is recontextualized. (plus passerine has that extra bird symbolism fuck yeah)
(if you think there's a lot of the oh hellos in this beast oh my god. i think i had to physically restrain myself from adding like 70% of their entire discography at first im pretty sure the entirety of dear wormwood was on there for a little bit. it's all hunter. i am deranged.)
from this point onward starting with james picard, the playlist structure really kicks into the 5 stages of grief high gear, with everything before pale white horse generally being denial and these next several songs shifting into anger. this section until time to move on is what i like to call hunter's Religious Trauma Breakdown Arc where he's just thinking things through and gradually becoming angrier and angrier at the universe as it all sets in no im not projecting
(also i should note that the order from here on is a little fucky and songs are mostly chosen by what flows best sound-wise; if we're going just by lyrics it'd be something like where is your rider > the garden > dear god > let it burn > dream with everything else tacked on afterward)
sweet sacrifice specifically gives me mad "angry at your shitty parent for years of Nonsense" vibes no im not projecting and obsolete is. bro come on just listen to the lyrics. "you bring me back to life so you can watch me die" it's out of my hands at this point bsjfkfkd
the Our Last Night Trifecta is meant to be hunter's thoughts upon realizing he's effectively out of the coven after labyrinth runners. sunrise would actually fit better lower in the playlist but i wanted to keep them together in order for the flow bshfksk. lie to me is the Oh He Has Friends To Help Him Through This song and more than this stands as hunter and the hexsquad both vowing to protect each other from belos,, ,, oh he has friends to help him through this,,,,,, arsonist's lullaby is there to sort of say "you're not outta the woods yet kiddo" but it's also mostly there because. philip notably has a fire motif going on with him and im a huge slut for symbolism X)
starting with bird song, we have officially entered Hunter's Depression Era after king's tide. bird song is mostly there because Oops! All Bird Symbolism. the moon will sing grabbed me by the throat with Sad Boy Vibes it's sort of there as a retrospective "wow that whole thing was fucked up" on hunter's part, and unraveling is literally only there because the first verse reminded me of darius but it's got that post-hollow mind "shit ive lost literally everything" feel going for it so in it goes. lyrically these both fit better during the initial anger pain spiral (around where the garden is) but again, flow.
(note that ive barely touched this section moving forward since thanks to them so the songs here are a lot more vague, predictive Being Sad And Healing type shit; i will probably do an overhaul after season 3 is over and his canon character arc is actually complete. i havent added anything with the events of thanks to them in mind because i don't want to disrupt the flow i have, however i am actually planning to add who am i by cami-cat eventually; it gives off MASSIVE post-hollow mind hunter and luz vibes)
welcome home, son gives off a very specific emotion i cannot describe you're just gonna have to trust me on why it's there but let the river in is peak "lmao fuck my dad" energy he needs this . uneven odds is more vibes (+ camila going is anyone gonna parent this and not waiting for a response) but you understand right. He Needs This.
lost in paradise sort of represents a low point during the timeskip in thanks to them; that lingering feeling of "everything is (comparatively) fine now so why can't i be happy and feel like i deserve to be" that will no doubt be haunting him for years. glow is straight-up about grief and i put it there initially looking at it from a "healing from non death-related trauma" angle but after uh. You Know. i am seeing it differently,,,, kokoronashi + can i believe you build off of the thing i said about lost in paradise with that "why can't i feel like i deserve to be happy" thing plus my favorite, "feeling inherently unlovable what do you even see in me."
eight through soap is him clawing out of that mindset and deciding maybe kindness and trust is Good, Actually (said through tears). love like you is love like you and wanderer's lullaby is Me Specifically reaching into the screen and giving him a hug /j (it's actually his like 5 parental figures telling him they love him <3 i have a lot of feelings about this song okay) the author once again plays off hunter's desire to choose his own future with him finally being allowed to do so, and ready now is exactly what it says on the tin. that he's going to be okay.
finally, FINALLY, thus always to tyrants finishes things off with a bookend to dear wormwood. this song ends the dear wormwood album with the victim staying firm in their decision to leave their abuser with a hope that they become a better person someday; hunter is now on the road to recovery away from belos, closing up his character arc while still leaving the path ahead relatively open-ended. (i chose make this one last since it feels less "final" than the prior two songs—signaling that his journey is far from over—and, y'know, bookending.)
this is quite possibly the longest post i have ever written but!! thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about this abomination lol i worked. way too hard on it bhsgsdkh hope that answers your questions and lmk if you have any other thoughts!!! <3
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borom1r · 3 years
we can shit on 3D for a lot of reasons but ill go to my grave arguing they handled lawrence in a perfectly reasonable way
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Heart of Thunder - Chapter 07
This chapter is a bit shorter than I wanted it to be, but oh well...
Link to AO3
The door fell shut with a quiet click and for a second longer Cor refused to look around to his two best friends – his family, as Nyx had called them. He knew what he would see when he turned around.
“Cor,” said Regis, voice pleading.
“No,” Cor returned, more out of an old reflex than anything else.
He turned away from the door and came face to face with the saddest green eyes he had ever seen. Clarus just stood next to their King, arms behind his back and an eyebrow raised in expectation. A loud sigh climbed up his throat and Cor did not bother to keep it in.
“Ask,” he prompted and crossed his arms.
Clarus still didn't say anything. The Shield had always been of the opinion that the silent treatment worked best, Cor knew, and more often than not it had caused another sort of trouble.
Regis on the other hand gave him a gentle smile, barely visible beneath his beard, and part satisfaction part thankfulness. The kind of smile he always wore when he was able to harmlessly mess in the private lives of his friends. None of them, neither Clarus, nor Cor, nor Cid or Weskham had ever had the heart to deny him his bit of fun. No matter how aggravating it may be at first.
“Why did you not tell us that you were seeing someone? Is it because he is male or because he is Galahdian? You must know that as long as you are happy in any relationship you enter, neither Clarus nor I will truly have anything against it,” Regis told him while Clarus nodded to signal his agreement.
“I wasn't,” Cor said in way of an explanation.
“You weren't what?” Regis prompted.
Cor suppressed a sigh. Wasn't it obvious? He would never hide a relationship he was in because the other person was also male or “below his station”. Even in his thoughts Cor could see the massive air quotes at that statement.
Most people tended to conveniently forget that Cor himself had been born outside Insomnia and had only become a citizen within its walls when he had entered King Mors' services. Before that he had been a half starved kid swinging his father's sword around.
“I wasn't in a relationship until yesterday,” Cor elaborated very matter of fact.
Regis opened his mouth and closed it again when he heard that. Clarus heaved a heavy sigh. The Shield muttered something beneath his breath that sounded suspiciously like: “I should have known”, as his gaze travelled towards the ceiling, as if to plead with the Astrals for more patience.
“Please tell us what exactly happened, Cor”, Regis requested gently with just a hint of exasperation and desperation.
Cor was impressed.
“It started on my patrol outside the city four days ago. Nothing noteworthy happened until I was on my way back and came upon a group of people in need for help. Not long after I helped them deal with the wildlife trying to kill them, it turned out they were poachers, so I killed the ones trying to attack me and arrested the rest. They are awaiting their sentence now.”
He paused for a moment, trying to decide how to continue.
“So you're the one who has some of the Lords in such a tizzy,” Clarus said, amused.
Cor smirked.
���Is this about the complaint Lord Sagitta wants to bring forth about your so called inadequate behaviour?” Regis asked only a tad resigned.
A wave of sympathy welled up within Cor as he nodded. Some of the nobles of the court could rob you of your last nerve and more of your time than they deserved. Lord Sagitta was one of those Lords.
“It must be because of the meeting I had with him and Lords Caulis and Hypocris yesterday, about the poachers I took prisoner.”
Regis hummed thoughtfully. “I can see how Lords Caulis and Hypocris might get involved in this. But Lord Sagitta? The Minister of Outside Affairs shouldn't be concerned with a group of poachers the Marshall dragged back for sentencing.”
“I think it has something to do with the coeurl pelts I found,” Cor stated dryly.
“Ah,” made Regis. “Yes, I can see that.”
“You should really look into finding a new Minister, Regis. Lord Sagitta has clearly been accepting bribes, I told you that before,” Clarus spoke up.
“I know my friend. Sadly, finding substantial evidence to this accusation has been proven to be rather unfruitful,” Regis sighed.
“I'll get Monica on it”, Cor offered.
“Yes, please do. Ms. Elshett has proven very competent in helping to deal with the last mess”, Regis decided after a few seconds of consideration.
“Now, please enlighten us: how is all of this relevant to you getting engaged?” Clarus asked.
“I claimed the coeurl pelts as my battle-spoils”, Cor started up again.
“Of course you did. No wonder Lord Hypocris was practically frothing at the mouth when I saw him in the halls yesterday. Those pelts are worth a fortune”, Clarus interrupted. “What are you planning to do with them?”
“My original intention was to gift them to the Galahdian community,” Cor explained now slightly annoyed at the interruptions. “I do not know much about their culture, but I do know that coeurls are considered sacred animals.”
Both other men blinked in surprise. Cor frowned.
“Really, Regis? I understand Clarus not knowing, but you?”
Clarus shot him his best I-don't-like-what-you're-insinuating-here look while Regis frowned.
“I think”, he spoke at last, “the Council for Cultural Understanding has been rather remiss in their work.”
Cor took a deep breath. It wasn't Regis' fault. It truly wasn't. His best friend did what he could but some things simply flew under the radar when it was up against keeping Niflheim at bay and keeping the government functional with all the schemes that had slowly been piling up over the years. A man could only do so much.
No, he did not blame Regis for this oversight. But they had been on Galahd for however short a time. They had seen their art, listened to their language, heard their music and eaten their food. The coeurl motive had been everywhere, as had what he thought to be some kind of snake, though Cor didn't know what its significance was.
Not to mention the story he had told Monica this morning.
“I can look into it”, he proposed.
“Are you sure you can manage that with everything else you have been doing?” Clarus spoke up, worried.
Cor shot him an unimpressed stare. “The only ones actively fighting are the Kingsglaive. I might have some time in which to do this.”
“Cor.” The Shield shot him a warning glare.
“I'm sorry, my friend, but you know why-”
“I know, Regis. I know”, Cor said, softer now than the harsher tones with which he had spoken before.
It truly wasn't fair to the King. The man did his best, but sometimes the best was simply not enough.
A heavy silence settled around them.
“We keep getting distracted. You wanted to give the Galahdians a gift worth a fortune. And then?” Clarus prompted.
“They call themselves Galahkari – Galahkar is the singular. I knew that all of Galahd considers coeurls sacred and when I overheard two Galahkari talk about their connection to the Ulric line, I thought it best to give them to Nyx. So I got one of the five pelts cleaned up, went to the Glaive's training grounds yesterday and gave it to him. As it turns out, gifting an Ulric a coeurl pelt is a sure-fire way to get engaged to one.”
Cor's fingers skimmed over his new necklace as he watched his two friends exchange a look. He knew that look. It was their Cor-did-something-reckless-again look.
“You could not just have cleared up this misunderstanding?” Regis asked hesitantly.
“And insult them and their culture even worse than most Insomnians already do? No”, Cor stated.
“Are you sure the two of you fit together?” Regis pressed.
The Marshal frowned. “I may not know him well, but I know Nyx Ulric doesn't do anything half-arsed. He is as committed to this as I am.”
“What Regis wants to know”, Clarus cut in, exasperated, “is if the two of you can be happy together. Arranged matches are a fight all on their own, and that battle ground is one you don't have much experience in, Cor.”
Without conscious thought his fingers picked at the black bead of the necklace and felt the detailed, if slightly uneven, engravings of the wing. Strength found in protecting something you hold dear. But also a symbol of royal protection.
Regis and Clarus followed his movement and their gazes softened, some of their worry easing. It was obvious that much thought had gone into making this necklace, and that Nyx had made it himself spoke of determination, patience and an iron will to truly make this relationship work.
“We talked about it, this relationship. Oh, don't look so surprised. I can talk things out, you know? I could have said no to the necklace, and we would have gone our separate ways. But this is a one in a lifetime opportunity and I wasn't going to waste it. Maybe now we can finally get over the divide between us, the religious differences caused. Weren't you ever curious as to why the Galahkari forsook the Astrals like they did?”
“I have always wondered”, Regis admitted after a few seconds of silence. “There are so few written accounts left from that time, it all has been more guesswork than anything else.”
Clarus nodded, thoughtful. “From the few documents my family still has, we know Gilgamesh was somehow involved with this. But how exactly I cannot say.”
Cor tilted his head, thoughtful. Now that would be an idea.
“Cor, no”, Clarus ordered, his mien stern.
The Marshal just looked at him until Clarus pinched the bridge of his nose and Regis shot him a resigned look.
“Just don't do anything too rash, please?” Regis said.
Cor nodded, already thinking about how he could convince Nyx. They could file it under a reconnaissance mission and camp outside for a week. Just them, hunting, maybe taking down some Niffs and a visit down Tealpar Crag. Satisfied with this plan, Cor nodded again.
“Have you taken Sir Ulric out for dinner yet?” Regis suddenly asked.
“No”, Cor admitted and squinted at the King in speculation.
“If you want to unofficially announce your engagement, I would recommend the Red Shroud.”
Cor had heard of the Red Shroud. Who hadn't? It was a regular place for journalists to lurk in search for the next social sensation. The high-end restaurant was near exclusively for nobility and a neutral ground for alliances through marriage to be forged.
If he were to go there with Nyx he would send a very clear message. That they were in a relationship, for one, that they were seriously considering marriage and that the whole thing was arranged.
“I don't think that's a good place for now”, Clarus came to his aid.
“Probably not”, Regis hummed, tapping his fingers against the handle of his cane. “Then you should take him to a place that serves food he likes.”
Cor nodded. That he could most certainly do. And then they could talk about his idea of a camping trip in addition to a few other things they needed to clear up.
Regis gave an amused chuckle. Clarus and Cor looked at him inquisitively.
“You know what this means?”
“No, what?” Cor asked.
The King's eyes glittered impishly. Cor suddenly had a bad feeling about this.
“It means I can finally give you that lordship I have been meaning to grant you, and you always denied.”
“Regis, no”, Cor groaned, resigned.
His only answer was an unrepentant laugh.
“And don't dare not to invite us to your wedding. My wife will haunt you, if you don't.”
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kes-au · 4 years
Cult Unawares
You have been kidnapped by a cult preparing to sacrifice you to their god. Problems? You’re immortal, the god they worship is a close friend of yours and the entire cult was the result of a prank you forgot you pulled centuries ago.
Jared returned to consciousness with an irritated snarl, he did not have time for this bullshit. Things were finally moving, pieces falling into place and he wanted to watch while that tepid little man who thought he could take a dragon’s hoard without consequence realised his horrible mistake.
He sat up, assessing himself, yep, still in human form, and then his surroundings, small, square room, single basic bed, single basic window with bars, at least they’d had the courtesy to draw the curtains. Now should he sneak, or blast his way out of here?
Then he noticed the insignia above the door. He looked around again. Shit, the damn thing was everywhere. That was one of the problems with the type of human attracted to cults, they tended to go overboard on everything.And now he was going to have to deal with the consequences of what, at the time had been an epically good prank.
Dragons, now as always, were few and far between and with any small society, they all knew, or knew of each other. Of the dragons he knew, his closest friend was Daemon and they had whiled away many tedious decades by constructing huge and elaborate pranks to confound, then amuse, the other.
It was generally agreed that Jared’s creation of a new religion, with Daemon as its unwitting god, was the best of the lot. The icing on the cake was the incorporation of the one magic suppressing rune that actually worked on dragons into the main motif of the cult’s key symbol.
Whenever a Daemon-cultist caught sight of his friend, they would start chasing after him in some sort of religious fervour, brandishing this magic-blocking rune. It had gotten slightly out of hand for a little while, but a nicely staged defeat and death of Daemon at the hands of a rather glorious angel who owed him a favour had put an end to the worship.
Jared had razed the temples a few years after they’d all been abandoned and thought no more of it.
That had been well over two hundred years ago, maybe more like three, or even five. It was a bit hard to keep track. He’d forgotten all about it but it appeared those idiot humans hadn’t. Or some new group of twits had discovered it and wanted another go.
The upshot was that he was stuck. His magic was useless until he could get away from these damn runes. He couldn’t even transform back into his real body.
He wondered why the group had decided to kidnap him. Movement outside the door made him hope he was about to get answers.
The door was flung open and three wild-eyed, bearded men rushed the room, stopping just inside the door when they realised he was sitting on the bed, blinking at them in confusion.
A fourth man waited until they’d all looked at each other for a bit, then strolled in. Jared groaned internally. If this guy was in any way in charge, this was going to get very tedious, very quickly. Anyone who thought heavy robes, stinking dirt and a deranged grin was a good look, tended to also like things like torture, sacrifice and lots of screaming. Provided they weren’t the ones being tortured or sacrificed. Jared had done some research into this in the past.
“Rejoice, miserable boy, for you have been chosen!”
Boy? Jared couldn’t decide between a snort of disbelief and an eye-roll of disdain, so he did both. They didn’t work as well together as he’d hoped.
One of the guards glared, “I don’t see why the honour should go to an unbeliever. Only the most holy should be sacrificed to the great Demon.”
Jared facepalmed, they couldn’t even get their own god’s name right! This was not going to go well.
The old fanatic started to shriek, "You are being brought before the greatest and most powerful being in the universe, you will be awed and overwhelmed before his magnificence."
"He's going to be seriously underwhelmed by you if you don't get his name right."
Another of the guards looked at him blankly, "What?"
Jared eye rolled again, "His name is Daemon, not Demon. A demon is a little red guy with a pointy tail and horns, hangs out in hell and pokes people with a pitchfork. Daemon isn't red, or small and he finds hell tedious."
Old guy was close to frothing at the mouth, "Silence! How dare you blaspheme in the temple of our Most Mighty."
"Just trying to keep you out of trouble."
The curious guard asked, "So how do you know all this?"
Jared considered the 'old friend' explanation but decided it might be pushing things, "I'm an archaeologist who specialises in lost religions and cults. The Daemonist one was quite interesting, although short-lived."
The guard opened his mouth again but was cut off by the priest (at least Jared assumed that's what he was), "Enough! Bring the unbeliever to the main altar."
Jared pouted, he was rather warming to the topic and thought the guard showed a glimmer of intelligence that was most unusual for someone who'd chosen to not wash for a month and run around with dangerous weapons and no training while screaming unintelligibly.
One of the other guards grabbed Jared's upper arm and pulled him off the bed, then hustled him out of the door in the wake of the old man. The other two took up the rear.
Jared looked around the corridor, very few lights, more damn symbols. This lot needed to find better things to do with their time.
He was taken down several more corridors. The lighting system was rudimentary to say the least, a bunch of what looked to be camping lanterns, hung at irregular intervals, with cables hanging from the ceiling or wall in between each. So, he could wipe out pretty much all the lights in this area from a single point. They really had no idea what they were doing.
He was led through a door and stopped, blinking, trying to adjust to the bright light. He rolled his eyes again. Looked like he didn't do a good enough job of flattening one of Daemon's minor temples.
The roof of the main hall was completely gone and he was standing in the full glare of the mid afternoon sun. Other than the missing lid, the whole thing looked irritatingly whole and undamaged. He must have been distracted that day.
He frowned, trying to remember. Ah, that's right, his angel had dropped by and convinced him to go exploring in a nearby catacomb. He'd added some very nice pieces to his hoard in that trip.
HOARD! He growled. All this messing about was keeping him from getting revenge on that smug little worm who'd made off with his treasures. It was time to focus.
Of course he was still completely surrounded by that cursed rune. He wondered what form the sacrifice was going to take. It was likely to get a bit embarrassing rather quickly. Immortal beings had a nasty habit of not dying, even if they were cut off from their magic. The immortal part was a feature, not an accessory.
He looked around at the row of silent, robed and hooded figures lining the walls of the room as he was herded towards the central altar and Jared wondered what would happen next. Sacrifice had played no part in the original religion. It was a prank, hurting anyone, even silly humans, was completely against the rules.
He’d made sure every temple built to Daemon had included a throne for their god to sit on to receive their worship. Daemon, of course, had never gone near a single one.
This throne, however, was occupied.
He surprised his captors by shaking off their hold and striding forward, stopping on the near side of the altar, frowning at the figure perched on the great stone chair behind it.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Um, I’m Demon.”
“The god this temple was built to worship was Daemon and I can assure you, you’re not him.”
The figure’s eyes widened and they glanced from side to side, then lowered their voice to a whisper that carried every bit as far as their normal voice had.
“Can you maybe not let on? I’m trying to get hold of him, or Jared, and I hoped upending one of their old jokes would catch their attention.”
“Why should you not give me away?”
“You’ve already done that yourself you twit. Why do you want to get in touch with Jared or Daemon? And why the hell didn’t you just email?”
“You can do that?”
“Well I can. I’m waiting to hear why you can’t.”
Jared looked around, ah yes, the old idiot and his guards. His questioner from earlier was now hanging on to the goggle-eyed priest, holding him back, while pretending to hold him up. Jared made a mental note to do something nice for him at some point.
He grinned and hopped up to sit cross-legged on the altar, “So which of us is blaspheming? Me, or the impostor on the throne?”
He wasn’t sure if it was his words, or his actions that sent the shockwave across his audience, it was fun either way.
The person behind him ignored the humans, "But you know how to get hold of them?"
Jared spun to face him, he'd hear if any of those twits tried to sneak up on him, "Of course I do, but I'm not going to until you tell me who you are and why I should."
The answer came from behind him, "He wants to meet his father."
Jared turned slowly, to a new figure, standing in what had been the grand entrance, and was now a grand couple of pillars. She had her back to the sun but he knew that voice.
"And who might his father be, angel?"
She walked forward, and the hooded congregation started to scramble for any exit they could find. No one in their right mind stayed around when an angel looked angry.
Jared, on the other hand, leaned back and watched her approach with a grin. That rune blocked her magic too.
She stopped when she stood right before him at the altar, "He's yours Jared."
Jared speared upright, grin gone, "And you didn't tell me? What the hell angel? That's low."
She looked down, shamefaced, "I made the mistake of telling management I was pregnant. They scooped me off duty and away from all contact so fast I never had a chance and once he was born, well it just got harder and harder."
There was a scramble on the throne behind them, "Wait a minute, HE'S my dad?"
Jared looked at the slender young man jumping onto the altar to join them, the resemblance was striking, "Apparently so, and you have a lot of explaining to do. I refuse to believe your mother brought you up thinking that starting cults and organising human sacrifices was acceptable behaviour."
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