#me combining my two otps again
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kermitbread · 1 month ago
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hananene in the blood (literally)
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seventeenlovesthree · 1 year ago
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@digimon02countdown Day 7 - What do you love about Digimon Adventure 02?
While my attachment to Digimon started and persisted due to my love to the original Adventure, there are still quite a few things about 02 that always kept me around. I have already hinted at it in previous posts; the relationships, similarities and support between the "older" and "new" Chosen Children, the concept of the multiverse, Jogress evolution (also the fact that my OTP are absolute dads to the kids)... But I'd say the most important aspect for me is the bonding between the characters. And nothing signifies this more for me, nothing is as outstanding, significant and vibrant - as the development of the relationship between Daisuke and Ken.
I would argue that, overall, no relationship gets that much focus, that much visible positive development than these two. And yes, upon getting asked, I will never deny that, in my opinion, there is a sense of romantic tension between them too, but in this post, I just want to write about how fascinating, soothing and beautiful their bond is to me in general.
Their initial set-up is, once again, that of rivals. That is a theme Digimon has always been playing with - but I'd say no other series threw that trope for a loop like this before. On one hand, there is the fact that they're both playing football, even ending up facing each other at a point in the series where Ken is still considered to be that perfect, untouchable genius, good at and with everything, while Daisuke is considered a thick-headed knucklehead, goodhearted, but brash and not really talented in many areas - and yet, he still admired Ken at this point. Then of course, there is the fact that they're on opposing ends, enemies in the Digital World, having brutal, cruel fights against one another as Chosen Child vs. Digimon Kaiser - until the spell breaks, with the Crest of Miracles breaking Ken's curse.
And from now on, the boy - who's responsible for his own Digimon partner's death and the suffering of so many others - will have to face the aftermath of what he's done, dealing with guilt and self-esteem issues, feeling unworthy and unlovable.
But then there is Daisuke - the only one who immediately wants to give him the chance to atone for what he's done. He is not forgiving him right away, but wants him to be able to make up for everything - and with kindness and the persistence to not let him sacrifice himself and die, they achieve the unthinkable: Their Digimon combine, their hearts pound in sync. They seem to be connected in ways that make Daisuke get excited - and scare the heck out of Ken. He thought he didn't have anything or anyone else but his reborn Digimon partner and family, and now there's this boy he used to fight, he used to be enemies with... Who simply wants to be his friend, who wants them to be "partners" and work together.
It's confusing, it's scary. While Daisuke is sure that they're meant to be and fight next to each other, it takes time for Ken to feel ready to take the steps towards him, the others, forming bonds, friendships. But Daisuke being Daisuke makes it so much easier for him to let his walls down, slowly but steadily enabling him to show his gentle and soft side, starting to trust and rely on him as much as he does in return.
And Daisuke? Daisuke is displaying a sense of confidence and comfort that we rarely saw before - he tended to be so focused on impressing others, covering up his own insecurities with cockiness. But his bond with Ken makes all his natural kindness and straightforwardness come through easily. He may appear more simple-minded at first glance, but his heart has the right priorities - and he'll do what it takes to save Ken, from himself, from darkness, helping him to be his true self.
Daisuke doesn't doubt their connection for a second - and that's why it's so important that Ken is still able to shake him. That he has an impact on him like no other. He will give Ken all the time he needs to face his demons, to do the things that are uncomfortable to him - and he'll be by his side all the way.
They are partners, they've got each other's backs. And as long as they don't lose sight of themselves and each other, it will always be this way.
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sweet-s0rr0w · 3 months ago
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day 7 of @hprecfest - the best of your OTP
What We Pretend We Can't See, by gyzym - M, 131k, 2017
Summary: Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
“It’s only,” Ron says, and takes a long swig of his wine, clearly to brace himself. “You — well. You know how you can get, Harry. About Malfoy.”
“What?” Harry says, staring at both of them. “Sorry, what ? No, I don’t know how I can get about Malfoy, what are you even talking about?”
“Oh, Harry,” says Hermione, sounding very pitying.
“Mate,” Ron says, in the same tone. “C’mon. This is a safe space.”
“Also, we were there,” adds Hermione, with a heavy sigh. “Remember in sixth year? When you were so obsessed with him that we weren’t allowed to talk about anything else?”
“He was doing evil,” Harry protests, outraged. “And I was doing my best to thwart evil! That’s not obsessive, that’s — that’s — civic-minded!”
“Civic-minded, was it, to sit up all night watching his name move around the Slytherin common room on the Marauder’s Map?” Ron does not sound convinced. Also, he sounds like maybe he thinks Harry has suffered some sort of traumatic brain injury in the last ten minutes; it’s not a combination Harry enjoys. “I swear, one night we were down in the common room and I said, ‘You coming to bed, Harry?’ and you said — ”
“Oh god, I remember this,” Hermione interrupts, and groans. “You said ‘I won’t rest until Malfoy does!’ Then you threw a paperweight at the wall, and it exploded.”
“I loved that paperweight,” Ron says mournfully. “It died too young.”
Modern Love, by @tackytigerfic - E, 61k, 2020
Summary: Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what's he doing right, that Harry isn’t?
Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years.
And that’s what starts it all.
"This is exactly what I'm talking about, Potter. You think I'm happy without magic. I'm happy despite not having magic, you twat. Sometimes it itches under my skin until I think I'm going to go mad. And you show up like this—" he gestures wildly at Harry's Wizengamot robes "—and you Apparated here, didn't you? I could smell it off you when I opened the door, Potter." He sways closer to Harry, and he looks angry again all of a sudden. "You reek of magic, Potter, and you don't even know it. And it's so hard sometimes, being around that. It's just as well you didn't take me up on the offer of a fuck, I suppose. I’d probably have been able to feel your magic when you were inside me. Pretty hard to go back from that."
Harry, having never been in love properly, wonders if this is what it’s always like—feeling simultaneously pissed off and turned on and, through it all, endlessly fond—but suspects it might be just down to it being him, and Draco, and how they are together.
There are loads of fics I could have picked for this prompt. I considered Heal Thyself by astolat, and of That Old Black Magic, by bixgirl, for example, which are both all-time favourites of mine. I've been trying to rec less popular fics, because to me that's part of the fun and the challenge of recfest, and because I think we're so blessed to be in a fandom with such a wealth of talent going back twenty-odd years. But these fics were the very first two to pop into my mind when I heard the prompt, and I kept on coming back to them both, and it feels only right to rec them - and to rec them together - because I do see them both as the very best of Drarry. Both authors' words feel so truly full of love for the characters, and the world, and the ship, and both authors write Draco and Harry so convincingly and unequivocally as two parts of a whole. WWPWCS, of course, so witty and clever, has the amazing scene above so early on, where Harry's just appalled to learn that anyone might have thought he was at any stage obsessed with Draco Malfoy - and then he proceeds to demonstrate how completely and utterly obsessed he is with Draco Malfoy throughout the entirety of the fic. And then there's ML, such a brilliant, complex, emotional piece, with its Harry who begins to find unexpected joy in the little things as he spends more and more time around this fascinating, self-sufficient Draco. Of course, both fics then have their own excellent OH FUCK moment, the moment the dam bursts and Harry realises what we've known for ages - that he's so completely in love with Draco that there's no way back, and what the hell's he going to do about it now?
Neither fic's a quick read, but both are spectacularly written, with such delicious denouements that they are SO COMPLETELY WORTH IT, and if you're getting to read either of them for the first time - god, I envy you!
If you read them, and if especially you love them, please do let me know! And as always, please do take the time to leave the author a kudos/comment <3
day 1 - first fic you remember reading
day 2 - a fic rated G
day 3 - a fic not on ao3
day 4 - a comfort fic
day 5 - a romantic fic
day 6 - a fic for a ship you don’t normally read
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kissentz · 9 months ago
i decided to try art set 4. in fact, initially i was supposed to buy it, but the price (15€, bitch, costs just like a procreate) fucked me up completely. and since the pain in my ass wouldn't let go, i decided why not combine the pleasant with the useful. my hypperfix on ihnmaims continues and i wanted to test app in free mode. what can i say... it's really nice to draw, but i think that the program has too few free features ( literally none, you can only draw and choose colors). because of this i had to take the colors based on my vision, as well as it strongly undermined my ass in some places. was it terrible? no, again, i got a pleasure from drawing, but it was not very comfortable. maybe i will buy the program, but now i seriously wonder if i need it.
as for the drawing... i really liked the two of them and i think it’s my otp. i think sometimes benny really passes out on gorrister and he doesn't mind hehehehe
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yukidragon · 1 year ago
Sunny Day Jack - Cat AU
Okay, so, two particular pieces of beautifully drawn fan art have collided together in my head to create a light and fluffy self-indulgent image that I just had to share with you all.
@okamiliqueur's heartbreaking picture of Jack's lonely and forgotten box from the new demo made me think of cats abandoned in boxes, "free to a good home." Only in the case of the game's story, he was left out in the rain to rot, the owner having given up giving him a good home.
@jazzylovetodraw's picture of Jack as a cat has been buzzing in my mind for quite a while. I just love how precious he looks in both forms, and when I was thinking of Jack being like those abandoned kittens in cardboard boxes... well, the combination was obvious.
I know that Jack's fursona is a snake, and I know being a cat is Shaun's thing, but I'm a sucker for kitties. I'm as biased towards cats as I am for dragons, if my avatar and username didn't offer enough of a hint. ;3 I'd love to see all the characters as kitties honestly.
Tempting though it may be to go with Fruits Basket rules for kitty Jack, like I toyed with over on twitter, I think I'm going to play with a different and simpler set of rules. In this universe, Jack is stuck as a cat until his sunshine's love allows him to become human again.
Admittedly, it's kind of hard to imagine Jack being alone for very long when he looks so adorable. Who wouldn't fall in love with that precious kitty face instantly? Most everyone would be putty in his paws.
Content Warning: I wind up touching on a couple explicit headcanon details near the end. I mean, I did say this is a pretty self-indulgent image with my OTP.
Maybe Jack was stuck as a cat via a curse ala Hocus Pocus and is guarding the box/tape/etc. Maybe he was stuck as a cat instead of in the tape and no one could see him until MC came along. Maybe he's got a tragic backstory like the cat from Fruits Basket.
Since this AU is more about the vibes, I'm just going to leave the how and why parts of the lore up in the air. All that matters is that Jack is stuck as a cat and left out in the rain in a cardboard box until MC decides to take him home.
I'm just going to switch over to Alice and what she would do in this scenario. Poor lonely Alice is out on the town, when she comes across the box out in the rain and sees an equally lonely kitten. Poor little thing, all wet and sad... She just has to take him home with her.
Alice cleans Jack up, gets him wrapped up all nice and warm in a blanket, and even gives him some chicken she bought for her own dinner that night. She'll have to get cat food and other things for her new furry companion tomorrow, though she should probably look for his owner and take him to a vet.
At first, Jack isn't sure what to do about the situation, though he is grateful. No one has even acknowledged his existence until Alice came along. She's so soft and warm. He loves it when she holds him. She's so kind too.
Alice does find it surprising Jack doesn't put up a fuss when being given a bath. Jack didn't exactly like the feeling of being all grimy, and don't get him started on fleas and other gross things cats have to deal with on the streets!
The vet isn't as fun, though Jack is well behaved, though very clingy to Alice throughout the appointment. He can't help but fear that she'll abandon him too. He'll keep up the helpless and adorably needy kitty act if it means she'll stay with him.
There's no ID chip, no tag, and no missing notice for any cat that looks like Jack. It's clear that the poor guy is a stray.
Alice is hesitant initially. She's wanted to get a pet cat for a long time now, but she has barely been able to take care of herself. How can she handle taking care of an innocent life that needs her when she's struggling so much with her own life?
That hesitation doesn't last long. Jack loves on Alice so much, constantly purring and snuggling up to her. He curls up with her when she sleeps or relaxes. He was hesitant at first, and she assumed that was because he was wary of her, when in reality, he just didn't want to cross any of her boundaries. He didn't want to do anything that might upset her and make her get rid of him. When she started petting and cuddling him, he wholeheartedly returned the affection, absolutely starved for it.
The first thing Alice thought when she saw Jack was that he was lonely, just like her. He's so sweet and can't stand to be apart from her. How can she just get rid of him when he makes her feel loved and needed?
Of course, a cat's life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Cat food is a step down from people food, and a litterbox is anything but sanitary. Jack just skips that nonsense and goes straight to using the toilet despite the awkwardness, which shocks the heck out of Alice. He also snubs all cat food in favor of human food.
Yes, I could go with Jack being a ghost(?) cat that doesn't need food or to use the toilet, but then he wouldn't have gone through the indignities of a vet visit.
Then again... it would be funny if Alice brought Jack to the vet, only for them to think she's crazy, since to them all she's carrying is empty air.
Hmm... yeah, I think I'll go that route. As hilarious as vet hijinks and typical cat care with Jack while he possesses a human mind and identity might be, this would be a more interesting and tragic route. No one else can see Jack but Alice. He's lived for who knows how long in a world full of people that don't see him at all, unable to even be human anymore. It'd be a different type of hell than the one in the video tape, similar to what I talked about in my previous ramble.
Imagine if the 1984 incident Jack died and became a ghost(?) cat because he was secretly a cat shape shifter or something. Or maybe something more supernatural happened during the incident. Either way, cat ghost(?) Jack is very, very lonely.
Man, I just realized, it would be even more tragic (and complicated) if I go with the reincarnation route for this AU. Ghost(?) cat Jack probably had to watch Mary die slowly in the hospital after the incident, unable to help her or let her know that it's him. He couldn't even offer her comfort in her final days. It would've been so traumatizing.
For now, let's just play with this AU without the reincarnation angle, since this is supposed to be mostly light and fluffy feline fun with the OTP.
Jack, even as a cat, tries to do his best to help Alice out. If he can make himself useful, make her need him, then he won't ever lose her. He sneaks out when she goes to work to keep her company even though she initially tried to get him to stay home. No one sees him, so it won't matter. Besides, petting an invisible kitty is a good stress relief when dealing with awful customers, and certainly beats regular stimming.
The more Alice cares for Jack, the more powers he gets back, starting with the ability to talk. It's a huge shock for Alice of course, but Jack makes it clear that it's because of her love for him that made her stronger.
Of course, that love is platonic, at least at the start, which Jack knows full well, but he'll work on shifting things to a romantic love... especially after he gets the power to shift back into a form that has hands.
Like in typical canon, Jack answers Alice's questions as best he can. He probably lost his sense of identity like in game canon, so he references CloudyTown and stuff "he" did there, mixing up the show's lore with his own past. It's also intermingled with his many years spent wandering the streets being ignored and going crazy from the loneliness.
Jack does let Alice know that he used to be able to change from a cat to human. He just... can't anymore. He thinks it was because he was forgotten. He doesn't know why no one can see him until Alice came along.
It's so sad and tragic that Alice can't be unmoved by his plight. Sure, it makes things a bit awkward knowing that Jack is sentient and used to have a human form, but she feels for him. It also makes sense now why Jack always turned away whenever she changed.
Yes, Jack could have peeked. He could have even watched Alice while she was bathing, but he didn't. He refuses to do anything she won't allow. Cuddling her and sleeping in her bed is innocent, but the thoughts he'd have about her when she was undressing were anything but. He loves her too much to take advantage of her innocent trust in him. He needs her to want him to see her in that vulnerable state... even if it drives him crazy lusting over her. Poor pitiful kitty can't even have a good wank off session with his paws.
Still, despite knowing that Jack was human and is sentient, it's hard for Alice not to fall for his feline charms and not think too deeply about that fact. She still winds up cuddling him and petting him.
Of course, when it first hits Alice that she's treating a human like a pet, she stops and apologizes, but Jack insists that it's fine. He enjoys their cuddle time. He gives her the big, pleading kitty eyes as he begs her not to stop, and she can't help but give in.
Awkwardness soon fades and settles into a strange new normal. Alice does wonder if Jack really is real or if she was just so lonely she imagined something this crazy... but his presence is comforting. He keeps her company almost all the time. She doesn't feel alone anymore thanks to him.
Also... now that Jack can talk, he says such sweet things. It's weird to have a "pet" take care of her, but he reminds her of when it's time to brush her teeth, wakes her up for work, helps her get chores done despite how awkward it is with his paws and small size... It's so endearing.
The encouragement and assistance Jack gives Alice is wonderful, and his jokes are so fun and silly, but it's the praise that leaves her feeling flustered. If she didn't know any better, she could swear that he's almost flirting with her sometimes. She's in denial that's what it is, but it feels nice to be told that she's cute, and Jack is so sincere about it... and how can she not melt when he says sweet things with such a sweet face?
It's one morning that things change drastically. Alice's bond with Jack strengthened over time to the point that Jack finally can change back into a mostly human form, though he does have cat ears, a fluffy tail, and whisker markings.
It was a big surprise to them both really, as Jack transformed in his sleep. Alice had gotten used to cuddling up to a talking cat during the night, so it was a shock to wake up in a pair of big muscular arms. Jack was so happy when waking her that morning, giddy to show her his (mostly) human side, that it slipped his mind what a shock it would be.
Naturally, Alice bolted back against the wall away from the stranger in her bed. Jack quickly started reassuring her of who he was and that she wasn't in danger. He stooped down to her level, pretty much wilting really, with ears folded back, as he apologized for scaring her. He was just so happy that he wasn't thinking about how it must look from her side...
Seeing Jack so pitiful and sad, Alice feels her heart go out to him. Once things calm down, she can't help but be amazed by how he looks. Unthinkingly, she reaches up to pet his ears and feel how they attach to his skull. She only fully realizes how forward she's being when Jack starts purring.
Flustered, Alice immediately pulls back, only for Jack to whine at the loss of her touch. He didn't mind it at all. He always loves it when she cuddles with him.
It's a complicated feeling for Alice. On the one hand they've been very close for so long. On the other, Jack is definitely a human, so it feels different now.
Yet, Jack is so sweet. He's mindful of her hesitation, even if he's disappointed. It's harder for him to hide his feelings with such expressive ears. Alice can't help but want to reach out to him, especially after they've already spent so much time together, getting to know one another. He's chased away the loneliness that had been haunting her for so, so long.
Of course, now that Jack has a human form, Alice finds her feelings slipping into "dangerous" territory. He makes her feel so good, so loved, and she feels for him too. She doesn't want to dare assume he might feel anything more for her than just a friend, but she can't help but notice the way he looks at her, the way he clearly longs to be near her. He's so tender and gentle... and they've already been so cuddly.
It's easier for Alice to find herself cuddling up to Jack, letting him and taking guilty pleasure from his gentle warmth. He pets her hair too in return, and it feels surprisingly good... a bit too good at times.
The line between friend or something more blurs with all the cuddles and petting. Alice feels guilty about it, but Jack keeps encouraging her until, finally, something has to give and their relationship changes. Both of them feel relieved when it does, as they couldn't help but worry that their feelings might not be reciprocated.
In a lot of ways, it's pretty close to the normal continuity, just with some fuzzy ears on top. Jack can change into a cat at will now. As he gets stronger, people can start to see him, perhaps as a feline silhouette, or maybe with some unsettling shadows not from a cat. He's certainly going to be a bit territorial and not be afraid to hiss and use his claws if absolutely necessary.
Still, this kitty is pretty content thanks to Alice. Jack loves it when Alice carries him around as a teeny kitty, warm and snuggly against her chest, even in the cleavage of her shirt at times. Naturally, he returns the favor, carrying her around the apartment as often as possible. It's only fair after all~!
Naturally, Jack wants to get intimate with Alice as soon as she lets him. He's so pent up. Even with hands to take care of himself, all the cuddling and now kisses just make him ache for her even more. He longs to be inside her, biting her gently and growling in pleasure as he takes her.
A bonus with Jack being part cat is that he gets to have some vibrating action when he purrs. It adds a whole new dimension to their lovemaking, whether he's using his mouth on her sensitive parts, or thrusting himself deep inside.
Oh, I'm reminded of the cat-like features I mentioned in the Omegaverse AU. I guess Jack, having feline features, would have a dick that's ribbed for her pleasure too. Tongue too. Neither would be sharp because rule of sexy, but it would add a very pleasurable texture that a clever man like Jack is going to take full advantage of~
Of course, Alice can take advantage of those feline features too. The base of Jack's tail and ears are quite sensitive, and she quickly learns what spots get his motor running. Of course, getting Jack excited will lead to him pouncing on her and getting rather frisky, but Alice would certainly be expecting that result~
I can imagine Jack could make himself look fully human without any feline features, but he knows Alice finds his cat side to be adorable. She has a hard time resisting petting him when his ears and tail are out, and he certainly wants to encourage her to pet him as much as possible. He also wants to encourage her to let him pet her as much as possible.
Of course, if Jack can become powerful enough that other people can see him, he'll have to stick with only cat or human form when out in public. Still, even when other people can see and hear him, he prefers to be in Alice's company. Cats have their preferred human, and Alice is Jack's.
Naturally, Jack would have to be sneaky about showing Alice love when in public if there's a chance of getting caught. Good thing he has that perfectly innocent little kitty form to hide in. I can imagine it would lead to some interesting interactions where someone shows up only to find Alice incredibly flustered with a slightly disheveled appearance, while her "pet" Jack is just casually looking smug, as all cats do.
Person: Whoa, what happened to you?
Alice, not looking them in the eye: Uh... Jack, m-my cat just... ah, got a bit excited.
Person: Heh. Cats, am I right?
Alice: Haha... right.
Jack: :3c
Hmm... I wonder then if the other love interests should have cat transformations in this AU too. It'd be a crime if Shaun doesn't have that ability but Jack does. Jack already gets together with Alice, so I don't want to be extra cruel to Shaun.
Admittedly, I don't have too many ideas for other characters with cat modes. Well, aside from an image of Shaun taking care of his baby MoonPie by carrying her around by the scruff. This post was mostly just indulging in sweet moments with my OTP with a bit of feline flavor sprinkled on top. Maybe I'll revisit the idea again if I get more ideas than just a bit of fluff.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this silly romp with Alice and Jack having some feline fun times!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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windcarvedlyre · 7 months ago
I'm gonna turn that meme around on you: Venti and Jean? :>
(ask meme)
Ty :D
Honestly my answers will sort of be an inversion of yours: Jean as someone I really appreciate but I'm not actively into and Venti as unhealthy obsession and fandom bicycle. (Thanks for introducing me to that term, lol.)
How I feel about her: I don't brainrot over her for her own sake, but as my de facto main in co-op, the permanent healer in my overworld team, and one of Mondstadt's most important characters I'm very fond of her. She deserves more breaks. So so much.
Her design fascinates me too; if you use the alt version of her default outfit it looks very modest and like everything's covered when she's standing still, only for more skin to be exposed on her upper torso when you run or otherwise move around. It feels like a visual reflection of how she hides/suppresses the more human, emotional parts of herself to perform her role.
Romantic ships: I'm not actively into any but Jean/Lisa just makes sense to me. Lisa is such a fun character to bounce off her. You've got me intrigued about Jean/Eula and Jean/Kaeya as well, and I should look into Jean/Diluc too.
I s2g her voice lines make her sound like she's starting to have a crush on Traveller too. That could be really wholesome; they could periodically show up in Mond, speedrun solving a ton of citizens' problems, and whisk her off to beautiful corners of Teyvat she'd never dream of having time to visit otherwise. And they both have sibling issues... I'm selling myself on this as I type it, dear lord.
Platonic OTPs: All of the above are also wonderful platonically. Also Jean and Venti!! God!!! I neeeed more interactions between them; it's a massive shame the game never showed us Jean or Diluc processing the Venti-Barbatos reveal and the religious crisis that would definitely cause. Especially for Jean! I wish this oneshot was a longer multichapter so badly.
I'm fascinated by the idea of them having a lot in common under the surface, especially if we compare Jean to how Venti may have been in Mond's cultivation period. Even their outfits have a lot of design elements in common!
Additionally, considering her parallels with/idolisation of Vennessa, I love the idea of Venti having unresolved guilt/unprocessed trauma about whatever happened to Vennessa in the end + maybe her overworking herself for Mondstadt until her death, and him screaming internally watching Jean go down the same path. I can't get enough of fics where he helps her relax for once. The two of them should go on some long field trip where they coax each other into acknowledging they're people that feel things.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure I have any! I'm not familiar with general fandom opinions about her but I'd be surprised if I saw someone severely mischaracterising her, tbh. She doesn't feel like a difficult character to grasp. Maybe my perception's skewed since I tend to obsess over human dumpster fires, though.
Something I wish would happen: mainly (gestures at the platonic section), but seconding you that we need her to make progress with Barbara too. I'd love to see her be dragged into more shenanigans with Diluc as well, though I'm biased as a combined-Diluc-and-Jean main.
How I feel about him: I probably need help with the amount I think about this goddamn character. I didn't truly understand the term 'comfort character' until I started obsessing over him. I project onto him a bit too much and I want to emotionally smash him to bits and scrape him together again.
Even without the brainrot, he's just fascinating; he's clearly a significant character that will almost certainly be tied to massive lore drops later on, and the vague hints about him having time powers mean that even the way he fundamentally experiences reality can be theorised about with wildly different ideas being equally valid.
He has me freezing up at every damn mention of wind and/or time and/or music in this god-forsaken game. And there are a lot of them.
Romantic ships: as I said, he's the fandom bicycle for me. Everyone gets a ride. I especially love zhongven in multiple permutations, and their longevity means fanworks for other Venti ships can easily slot in past zhongven as well. Otherwise I really like kaeven, I used to be more into diluven but kaeven has completely eclipsed it for me, and I'm really intrigued about the potential of furiven as well (though I usually approach that platonically).
Non-romantic OTPs: any of the above if not being done romantically, plus Venti+Jean and Venti+Vennessa (see Jean's section lmao) and Venti+everyone in old mond- especially NB and RHW. And I really really want to see him interact with Furina. There are so many people he either has a fascinating relationship with already or has potential to.
While it's not a ship, I find the idea that he's slept with the Tsaritsa at least once pre-fallout very funny.
Edit: Venti having a non-reciprocated crush on Vennessa is interesting as well.
Unpopular opinions: I'm not sure I have any in a tumblr fandom context? Maybe that any ships between him and a mortal who's grown up worshipping him (like diluc/venti, jean/venti, etc) would be a lot more of an emotional minefield for both parties than people tend to explore, with the mortal having to go through a religious crisis while Venti clearly just wants to be treated like a person + could be paranoid as hell about whether their consent to anything is genuine.
That's not a criticism of those ships, though! The opposite, actually. I'd love to see a long fic that really digs into that.
Something I wish would happen: ...there are so many things I could put here. The main ones are a) a Venti-is-Barbatos reveal (and maybe a reveal of his darker secrets, like any abyss ties) to all of Mondstadt, forcing him to stop avoiding his problems for once, and b) for Venti to be pushed into a corner and/or go apeshit and reveal just how much he was lying about his power level.
I need a Vennessa-Venti reunion as well. Please please please.
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verdemoun · 10 months ago
Don't know if you've already talked about bill but how is he coping with modern times? I always imagined a modern bill becoming a car mechanic, or something adjacent, maybe even becoming a small influencer where he posts abt trucks and such (and also his dog. I just know that man gets a dog in any type of modern au)
i have not spoken about bill because bill as a character just makes me so sad fam like was he doomed to be the power hungry bastard of toxic masculinity we see in rdr1 or did the events of rdr2 actively make him that way why was everyone so mean to him like you can see the way people treats him chipping away at him it makes me want to scream but back to timewarp au
therapy. my otp is bill and therapy. man needs anger management and to unpack that emotional baggage. it would take a while but once bill made the connection sometimes when he feels angry and acts out he's actually feeling sad/upset he'd start to develop as a person really quickly.
he would be so conflicted about seeing the gang again. why does no one talk about what happened to bill in the gap between rdr1 and 2?? dutch fucking left him behind bill would've followed dutch to the ends of the earth and been the perfect obedient loyal son he always wanted and dutch just threw him away because hunting down arthur and john for betraying him was more important!!
the new main gang would've picked him up because they knew he was going to be timewarped but it would be so uncomfortable.
poor kieran would've been so terrified he had to stay with annabelle and grimshaw until bill left. he usually regresses a little whenever someone timewarps because he has obvious reason to be nervous about the gang but it would've been a full breakdown just knowing bill was coming back. bill would've felt bad about it too because he never made the connection between how the gang's teasing made him feel vs what his bullying was doing to kieran.
the rest of the gang would've gone straight back to teasing bill because that was the dynamic last time they were all together. he would've hated it and lashed out a lot. he became something after they died they better respect it but of course they just don't. bill would've barely understood modern era before he bounced.
happy stuff now i promise. he ended up hitchhiking for a bit and learning about the modern world from truckers. he would love going to bars and truck stops and dodgy mom and pop diners along the highway.
he ends up getting a job on a ranch (ironically the modern day MacFarlane which became a massive multimillion dollar operation) and still gets to ride horses almost every day. he picks up herding super quickly and gets all the validation and care he deserves. the owners love him and are really supportive and patient when it comes to dealing with his temper.
he gets a little power trip out of learning to drive the semi-truck and unlike most of the hands is always super excited and happy to go on cross-country road trips delivering things to processing facilities. his favorite thing though would be the combine harvester he will work 14 hour shifts without complaint harvesting grain.
bill loves dogs almost more than he loves his horses he cannot drive past a sign that says puppies for sale without at least stopping to look. this habit has resulted in him having five dogs and they are his new gang. his first dog was a stray he picked up on the side of the road it's a wire-haired gundog mutt just called Mutt. he also has two cattle dogs (Clem and Roanoke), a long hair shepherd called Mercer and finally a catahoula called Abel. they are all working dogs and he does not go anywhere without all of them. they all sleep on his bed and are just as happy to go on cross country road trips in the semi as he is.
he can control all of them with a whistle or non verbal commands and they are insanely well trained. Micah fucking hates him sure Baymax can bark and growl and look scary on command but the second one of Bill's dogs curls up its lips Baymax is hiding behind Micah terrified and Bill is so fucking smug about it.
through therapy and having his ideals challenged bill starts making an effort to be less racist and sexist and actually confronting some of the gang about the way they treated him in 1899 and mending those relationships because look yeah he went off the deep end after the VDLs but he does still care about them and wants to have good relationships with them he's just got to work through a lot of issues go bill i believe in you
and most importantly he finally got over the internalized homophobia and admitted to himself he's a bit/lot gay. he's not wearing beads at pride levels of comfortable with it yet but he is a classic bear who will protect the gaybies from violence with violence.
it's like a many, many years slow burn but him and alden get together because charlybird's art is one of the only reasons i gave bill a chance as a character and i am a better person for it
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lavend-ler · 8 months ago
celestia/discord i love the concept of two gods together
ok here's a fun fact abt me - Dislestia was actually my first OTP when I knew what OTP meant. I completely ADORE them
as u've said, there truly is sth incredible in concept of two gods together. I loved to fill in the blank of their history, what happened in the past and what drew Celestia to turn Discord into the stone. what kind of anguish did she feel. or did she feel relief? a combination of both?
and then as Discord comes back, what did Celestia feel? was it just anger or was it also the longing she didn't know she had in herself throughout the years? did she wander off the alleys of the garden just to see Discord's statue again? did she ever wonder of the other ending for them but her levelheaded side won?
and Discord too, what pushed him towards the complete destruction and devastation? did he feel the same abt Celestia? did he wonder what was she doing, what kind of queen she was, did she still love cotton candy, did she still snort when she laughed? and oh, how Discord loved her laugh
I think Dislestia is an amazing ship full of what ifs and missed chances. u know me, u know I adore the "one that got away" and lost loves concept and I think Dislestia was actually the blueprint of me. I imagine that when the world eclipses, they find each other to say sorry for everything that was and what could've been
also like c'mon, they'd be such a good opposites attract ship! Discord is silly and full of himself. Celestia is serious and thinks of others before herself. and yet Discord would care so much abt Celestia he would choose her. Celestia would let her guard down around Discord when she sees how he tries. and they both feel the same way as when they were young
also when Discord gifted Celestia flowers I fcukin won so hard dude. Dislestia was one of my first ships and one that I will cherish forever
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cyberdragoninfinity · 5 months ago
Has anyone asked Carly yet 👉👈
NOBODYS ASKED CARLY YET i would love to talk about her ;w;
Why I like them/why I don’t: carly truly fills the absolutely lacking void of failwomen in yugioh and for that alone she's great but ALSO. BEYOND THAT. SHE'S JUST SO FUN AND GOD I WISH THE SHOW DID MORE WITH HER AFTER THE DS ARC!!! but that's been said to hell but everyone that's old news. I love just how optimistic and hopeful she is!! her conversation with z-one during the latter's DL event, where she's just so kind and hopeful of a good future that it moves even this complete bastard bag of bones, is so telling to me. just a good person who also is a little "bitch you live like this?" and that combination rules. love you carly
What I like about their appearance: THE GLASSESSSS i love swirly/opaque type glasses on characters, and it's so especially cute on her. also shoutout to her Dark Signer color palette and freaky eyes which will always forever rule So Fucking Hard
Do I prefer their dub names or original names?: i think i do like carly nagisa more than carmine surname wise, pondering on it now đŸ€”
OTP: AGAIN, GOTTA BE SCOOPSHIPPING. AND JUST WHEN YOU THINK YOUVE HIT ROCK BOTTOM, YOU WANT TO FUCK A BLOND GUY i love them to bits. the world if carly and jack got to do more shit together in s2
NOTP: not really as big on misty/carly.... REALLY not big on akiza/carly 8| this is a Grown Ass Woman With A Job Shes Not Dating a 16 Year Old.
OT3: much like with jack i dont think i really have one for her??? those two are simply made for each other u__u
Favourite card they use: Aslla Piscu is probably my favorite Earthbound Immortal design but i have a really particular fondness for her Fortune Fairies. all of them. theyre so comically pathetic i just have to love them SOPPING WET LITTLE CREATURE
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Favourite moment they were in: the whole bit with her accompanying jack to the amusement park and trying to interview him still so so funny
Least favourite moment: any time they make her have to spar with mina and the coffeeshop girl over jack -__- just peak #yugiohwomanmoment slash NEG. AUGH.
Something I associate with them: From the Nebraska Plant by the Mountain Goats <-- *deranged* IT JUST REMINDS ME OF HER RELATIONSHIP WITH JACK IDK!!!
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optiwashere · 8 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❀
Aww, thank you, mormo! What a fun lil game 💜
My favorite of my Asheera (Tav)/Shadowheart stories:
I have to start with the first fic of my Shadowheart/Asheera series, of course. It Is the Wound She Gave Me is a rather dark place to start off this story, but I think it makes the sweetness later taste all the better. Note: heed the tags!
The follow-up (with a breather between now!) to that first fic in the series, Like I Am Safe Again, is one of my favorite things I've written for the fandom, for sure! Using lost time and dissociation to explore some of Shadowheart's memory issues combined with what happens in Wound was just so... fun is not the right word, but as a writer I enjoyed digging deep into Shadowheart's brain here. Also, having the fic before this from Asheera's POV makes Shadowheart's misunderstanding of her own recent memories that much more tragic.
OK, so there's a theme here. Quelle surprise. After focusing mostly on Shadowheart and her memories, To Sever the Thread is a fic that I adored writing to more deeply explore Asheera's POV this early on. The Gauntlet is an event in canon that is super important in my interpretations of both the relationship between Asheera and Shadowheart as well as the way that Asheera's oath permeates so much of her life. One day I'll write that alternate ending...
I do have to recommend my currently ongoing multichapter fic for Asheera/Shadowheart, Blades in the Night. It's one of the more action-heavy things I've written for the fandom. Honestly, it's basically a full fantasy novel written as a sorta road trip that gets interrupted by Sharran assassins. It's also quite smutty, extremely introspective—my favorite!—and stitches together what post-canon life is like for these two. Even after the Netherbrain is defeated, there's still a few hanging threads (more Asheera backstory stuff throughout, as well)
My completed modern/band AU, Nightsongs. What if Shar was Shadowheart's abusive ex, and what if they were in a metal band together? What if their van breaks down in some shitty little town outside of a big city, and what if Shadowheart finds more than what she expected in some random mechanic working on their van?
I wanna cheat a little bit, so here's my favorite non-Asheera/Shadowheart stories under the break...
The Wind Blows So Light is an epistolary between Aylin and Isobel while they both assume the other one is dead. A sort of call-and-response letter exchange where neither writer ever expects a response. There is a happy ending.
I don't think I've written a Karlach/Shadowheart fic as good as Burning Hands. Writing Karlach's POV is not my usual, and couching it in T4T smut that explores bodies in an affirming, loving way was a completely unique thing that I'll likely never replicate.
I have a habit of being mean to Nocturne in my Nocturne/Shadowheart fics, but I really love how Fragrant is My Many Flower'd Crown turned out! Unrequited love and pining, my beloathed and beloved in equal miseries.
That Minthara/Karlach smut fic I wrote after seeing some amazing fanart is one of my favorites! I was really happy to see that so many people enjoyed the candle imagery in it as well. Link to fic here (fanart link inside!)
Writing a Minthara/Lae'zel fic for Kinktober on a whim turned me into a fiend for that rarepair. Honestly, they might be my canon/canon OTP, and that's a crying shame considering how few fics there are of the two of them. Link to the fic (heed the tags!)
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alberichfanpage · 5 months ago
i would like to ask about alberich for the character game~
(sorry for not saying there was no ask box, i thought maybe with sideblogs you had to go ask the main person or sth haha)
Thank you for the ask, I love your posts! (No problem, I should have checked before I posted it)
Before I start, I have a confession. Guys, I like Alberich a very normal amount; I just picked this blog name on a whim when I wanted to make a sideblog...
Favorite thing about them: Considering there is so little content on him in the game, it is pretty hard to pick between his little bow gesture, his spooky outfit and his immaculate vibe. My favorite thing is probably how he combines two of the most overpowered status effects into one build.
I ended up incorporating aspects of it in my Int/Fai playthrough but I am really considering doing a dedicated Alberich cosplay run just because it is that fun to use.
Least favorite thing about them: My least favorite thing is the same as my favorite. His build is great but awful when it is used against me...
Also, he has a big chunk of glintstone on his headpiece if you remove the hat but it doesn't glow with the erudition emote!
Favorite line: Invaded by Mad Tongue Alberich! <- scariest popup to see in a supposed safe place
brOTP: Gideon for sure comes to mind. There is this fan theory that Alberich is Gideon's son, biological (same hair color) or adopted (like Ensha and Nepheli). Alberich probably enjoyed performing the grim tasks of the All-Hearing Brute with less stoicism than Ensha. Very much a one-sided evil henchmen kind of relationship. That was most likely his undoing, too.
OTP: This one is so hard because I could see so many toxic pairings. I think him and Ensha pair nicely as the only two people you can fight within the hold. They also share the fact they are in service to the Hold.
Rogier could be really interesting as the ultimate big hat power couple. But specifically, those hats are a sign of heresy and they are in very close proximity within the Hold. Then again, Rogier has quite a bit of romance going on already and I think the poor guy needs some rest.
Speaking of pointy hats, since Alberich knows cold sorceries, it may be possible he had something going on with the Snowy Crone that Ranni based her current appearance off of.
Regardless, I believe there is not a world in which Alberich would be in a healthy relationship (post mad tongue title) so therefore all pairings would be very unhealthy lol
nOTP: Sellen could be interesting but I think he might be a little too heretical for her liking. She might be a little interested in what's going on with his red glintstones from a purely academic standpoint, though.
Random headcanon: Literally the only information we have on Alberich is his clothing description, anything outside of that is headcanon:
Alberich was an aloof yet disturbed heretical sorcerer said to have been driven mad by jeering tongues during his service to the Roundtable Hold long ago
I don't really buy it, but I really wanted there to be some connection between the Blood Star and the Formless Mother just to tie in connection because the faith blood sorceries and the blood incantations. I thought it would help to roundout the world building and show how thin the line truly is between sorceries and incantations. Alas, these things remain very separate.
However, we did get two new sorceries in the dlc that are boosted by Alberich's set/staff but are related to the Scadutree. While the Thorn Witches themselves are related to the Fell God. Honestly, the worldbuilding around these things are really weird. My only other headcanon is that Gideon tasked Alberich into exploring experimental magic for him.
Unpopular opinion: Alberich drops the Taunter's Tongue item and a lot people treat this as his tongue, but I like the theory that this is actually Ensha's tongue and that is why Ensha does not speak would really make the OTP toxic if true. Considering I see a lot of fanart with him with a gold tongue, I consider this to be unpopular.
Song I associate with them: He seems like he would like Christian Death, the song Figurative Theatre comes to mind because of this line:
Their razor-sharp tongues invite to relax as they slip the skin of your eyelids back
Favorite picture of them:
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Very biased but this picture I took while cosplaying him is so good, I am not sure I could replicate this again if I tried.
Thank you again for the ask!
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crayolacolor · 1 year ago
simon infinitytrain?
send me a character and i'll list the below things about them | accepting!
HELLO ANON. i do not know if you'll ever see this because it took me ten years, but here i am, answering you.
fun fact: simon infinity train is the reason i have a disclaimer about me getting attached to tragic antagonists in my pinned post. so you can probably make an educated guess what i like about him.
he's just. such a well written character. i love how his negative character development was contrasted against grace's positive character development. i love how the writers did a really good job of making him infuriating and sympathetic at the same time.
i'll go more into my thoughts on him in a later section, but yeah, the tl:dr is he really just is my character type hahaha.
he's just a really complex character and imo the writers nailed that.
okay well, this answer changes depending on if you mean from a writing perspective or a 'him as a person' perspective. from a writing perspective, 100/10, no notes. i can't think of anything i disliked.
from a PERSON perspective. episode 6 makes me want to murder this man <3 i want to put tape over his mouth every time he speaks in that episode. it's somehow WAY worse than when he's just straightup being an over-dramatic anime villain at the end of the season.
oh there are many. i need to rewatch again. but the ones that live in my brain rent free are ALL after his downward spiral begins:
"teamwork begins with two people trusting eachother. but you? you're no person." dramatic effect. extremely traumatizing for everybody who's ever watched this show. 10/10
"i liked what we had, but you made me do it! you betrayed the apex. and you betrayed me." again, dramatic effect. really gives you a feel for what's going on in his head, i think. 10/10
"why would i ever want to change if i'm always right!?" iconic. i think this is the one people remember the most from him, along with the one from ep 5.
BROTP & OTP (combining because my answer is the same for both):
grace. lol. full stop. hopefully i don't have to explain that i am VERY AWARE that their relationship was unhealthy in many, MANY ways. that is what i like about it. i'm a huge fan of messy relationships in fiction. i am a self proclaimed angst fiend.
the tragedy of it all is 100% the appeal of it for me, from either a platonic OR romantic standpoint. i love that. and yes, i do ship them to an extent- but NOT in the "i think they should have gotten together in canon" way. again, the angst is the appeal!!
i admit i do also enjoy aus where they fix their relationship, but not INSTEAD of the canon, more so in ADDITION to the canon. i think it's a fun alternate route to explore, but i deeply adore what the infinity train writers did with them in the show and that will not be changing.
literally any of the protags from the previous seasons. y'all, simon and grace are 18. you can't be shipping them with the 13-14 year olds. please stop. (nobody here! i mostly see this on ao3, honestly.)
i think simon has been back to the cat multiple times in secret.
i really like the theory that he got some of the apex's tech from her. the main thing i have to support this is this line from the episode where he returns to her cabin in book 3:
"i knew you'd have something. you always do."
particularly i think there's a good chance he got the unmodified gravity boots from her (and likely modified them himself) and possibly also the number tracker.
oh i'm sure a lot of what i've already said has been an unpopular opinion, haha. i'm one of those people that's so in the middle in a debate that both sides of it have reasons to disagree with me.
i really like simon. he and grace are my favorite characters in the show. there are parts where i feel really bad for him, and parts where i want to yell at him and hit him over the head with a very large stick.
i see his death as a tragedy in universe, but also a really good writing choice on the part of the infinity train crew.
i don't think they secretly had a scheme to make us dislike him. i think it was written in such a way that it makes sense that some people would have a viscerally negative reaction to him, and others wouldn't. he's a very complex character and that's good writing!!!
i think the tragedy was the point, which is something both people who like him and people who hate him seem to completely overlook in a lot of cases. it's either "woohoo! simon died!" or "killing simon was bad writing he should have been redeemed >:/" not "oh this is really sad but i love it from a story perspective."
i don't think he was "irredeemable", per-say. the fact is, he was faced with a pivotal choice in episode five, and he picked the wrong one. he chose to double-down. i love that. i really do. i love the downward spiral. it's painful in the best way. i would not change the canon show for the world. again, 100/10, no notes.
but i can also see a universe where he made the right choice. i was writing a fic about that, once. (which admittedly has some characterization issues which i would fix if i tried it again.) i think it was possible. and i think that's a fun route to explore too. not a better route from a writing standpoint, but a good one.
i have so many more thoughts but this has already gotten really long, and i have two more questions to go, lol. but if you want to hear anymore you're free to send me another ask about it!
but, for now, moving on.
someone else on tumblr pointed out that "the moon will sing" by the crane wives is a good fit for simon @ grace and now i can't unhear it.
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anime villain simon my beloved.
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wrongcaitlyn · 7 months ago
Genuine question, but do you have any idea why people ship Apollo and Percy together?
Like I’ve been pondering this for weeks now but I don’t want to end up offending someone bc idk if that ship tag is a safe space for inquiries because we should all be able to have our fun yk.
And I totally understand like ship whoever you want, I don’t really care, it’s not the end of any of our worlds. But nosiness has officially gotten the best of me and now I’m just too curious.
Like I’ve been trying to piece it together myself and see what they’re seeing but maybe my glasses just arent up to date on its perscription.
OKAY SO. when i first like joined the fandom i used to think the exact same thing. since then i've kinda gotten used to the fact that everyone's gonna ship pretty much anything, and even if you think it's the most absurd ship, someone has it as their otp. and tbh i just dont like bothering myself with stuff i don't like/have interest in, so i just filter out that stuff and call it a day - but honestly, the curiosity is valid!!sdkfjf
i don't ship them, but i think it comes down to two versions of the ship (and yeah, i know this because i accidentally once clicked on this social media fic that was perpollo and didn't read the tags, and then i got curious as WELL and so i scrolled through the tag for a while looking at the summaries. i GET THE NOSINESSSDKJF i have the exact same problem)
apollo as lester and percy seeing another side to him. i think that it's probably something to do with lester immediately going to percy after getting cast down from olympus? and then percy coming to save the day at the end? honestly, any ship can be done with even the slightest interaction, and they did have some interactions there.
percy accepting godhood/being turned into a god and apollo showing him the ropes. sometimes these two are combined or smth, but i think that since percy was this close to becoming a god, it kinda blurred the lines on like, "oh, i can ship a god with another god, and so if percy was a god, then maybe he'd get along a lot with apollo".
again, it's really not my preference, you know im a pollen shipper (though i also love apollo/hyacinthus, apollo/naomi, and the angst of apollo/commodus - i can even see apollo/lit which was pointed out to me), and also, i am just VERY picky with my age gaps. i find it really weird for percy to still be 17 in most of these fics, and apollo's. well. thousands of years old.
so i can't answer this question as well as someone who'd actually ship it, but that's the answer that i've come to!
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cinderella-ish · 10 months ago
5, 8 through 13, and 18 + 20 for the Furuba asks!
Woohoo! Thank you for sending this! (ask game here)
5. not at all! I was born in the year of the horse, so maybe that's part of why I felt such a disconnect with Rin at first.
8. I have to go with Chapter 88 (the Cinderella-ish play)! I know I already gave the corresponding episode as my favorite, but it's just SO GOOD! It's hilarious and heartbreaking and has beautiful character moments for much of the main cast. It's almost a credo statement for the series. And Hiroshi's brilliant narration is the cherry on top!
Question 9 answered here | Question 10 answered here
11. Yuchi is my OTP ❀
12. The fabulous Yukeru writers on Ao3 have me shipping them. Same for the YukiKyo (? what's their ship name?) writers. And I've really come to love some of the rarepairs I'm writing for my longfic Bloom Within Us. I'll put them under a cut down below for those curious.
13. Ooh, this is such a good question! Right now, I think my answer would be Momiji & Kyo because of the series I just finished writing. I have a soft spot for Yuki & Kakeru, of course, and Yuki & Haru, as well as Tohru & Arisa & Saki. I also really enjoy Kyo's sibling-esque dynamic with Arisa.
18. Ok, to combine 18 and 20, here are two hot takes that sort of deal with character headcanons. Let me know if you want to hear headcanons for someone else, or more fleshed out hc for these characters.
I think my hottest take is that Tohru needed Kyo more than he needed her. I don't think she had anyone she let her walls down for beyond him; not even her best friends. Kyo at least had Kazuma, and he was pretty candid with Momiji, too. Tohru regularly refused to let people take care of her (except for Kyo), and she would've been trapped in her grief & unable to move forward without him. Kyo would've struggled, and he may not have survived, but while they both would've had friends, he would've at least had a loving parent who would've done anything for him.
While Bloom Within Us ultimately has a positive outcome for Kyo after Tohru dies, I've been thinking about writing a sort of companion piece where Kyo dies and Tohru has to grieve him. I believe that would be a much sadder story, especially with the timing related to her processing her grief for her mother and choosing to move forward with Kyo. We saw in the hospital arc how hard of a time she was having just thinking he rejected her. She'd also struggle with how the other cursed Sohmas - some of her dearest friends - treated/viewed him, and that might create a rift between her and her new found family. If he disappeared, I just don't think she'd be able to cope.
It's also probably a hot take that Shigure only gets as much hate as he does because a) people take aspects of the manga seriously that Takaya never intended us to take seriously (like his "high school girls" song. Creepy, yes, but that's a Takaya problem, not a Shigure problem.) and b) he's so full of self-loathing that he says he's not "kind" and "the worst kind of man" and people take him seriously for some reason. If you actually look at his "unkind" actions, they consist of a) speaking honestly and directly to Akito without first fawning over her, b) actually trying to break the curse (sure, he and Hatori and others refer to it as "using" Tohru, but the way he was "using" her was to try and help the younger Zodiacs form strong bonds outside the curse and to house a lonely, homeless teen), and c) sometimes asking insensitive questions or speaking uncomfortable truths. And yes, he was cold to Mayu, and yes, he slept with Ren (which is maybe the most bananas thing that happens in Furuba), and yes, he fucks with people for his entertainment (especially Mitsuru and Mayu, though, again, Takaya signals we're not supposed to take that seriously). But then we see him trying to cheer Hatori up by bringing him to the lake house, or giving Kyo guidance (and a place to live) from the day he appears, or removing Yuki from Akito's abuse, or using his cunning to get Tohru to relax and have fun, or at least stop stressing so much.
I truly think his speech about kindness came from self-hatred and not from some deeply-held belief about the meaninglessness of things like kindness. I think his speech about being the worst kind of man was again from self-loathing and not something he was proud of. And when he provoked Tohru about Kyo, I also think that was borne of his self-loathing and guilt over how the Zodiac viewed the cat.
Anyway, I know you aren't a Shigure hater, so this probably isn't terribly controversial to you. 😅
Oh, also, I read Arisa as straight. She totally gives me queer vibes, but the fact that she likes Kureno because he reminds her of Tohru, yet she doesn't like Tohru that way... I see that as confirming her straightness, tbh. (I still love AUs where she and Saki are together! They're cute!)
Rarepairs in Bloom Within Us below the cut! (These could be read as answers to 18/20, too!)
Yusuke and Kagura get together in chapter 32, and Hiroshi and Momiji finally get together in chapter 67. In Bloom Within Us, mourners sort of converge around Kyo due to his closeness to Tohru and help him through his initial grieving period. This leads to a situation where Kyo kind of slowly becomes the center of the Sohma family, hosting regular group dinners at the dojo and becoming close (to a degree) with all the formerly cursed Sohmas. Since he always was close with Momiji and Kagura, it made sense to me that he might connect them with Hiroshi and Yusuke. I don't give Yusuke and Kagura a lot of focus, but Hiroshi is basically the second protagonist of my story, and the relationship between him and Momiji (and Hiroshi's development to be ready for a relationship with Momiji) is one of the most important subplots. I've really grown to love them, and might write some more content with them just because I adore them so much. (And Yusuke and Kagura are cute together! But I'm not really interested in exploring them any more.)
I haven't written the chapter where Kyo and Saki get together, but yeah, Kyo ends up with Saki.
I always read Saki as having repressed romantic feelings for Tohru. Due to her extreme loyalty and her powerful wave-reading abilities, I think she'd catch Tohru's message to Kyo (to keep moving forward) and ensure she passed it on first opportunity, thus saving his life. And I think Kyo, with his people skills and unfortunate familiarity with grief, would be the one to figure out how Saki felt about Tohru.
In my story, Kyo has to first decide to live. Once he truly does that, he starts pursuing a future as a karate instructor, realizes blaming himself for everything only hurts the people who care about him, and finally decides to allow himself to fall in love again. He's already in love with Saki by this point, and has been for a while, but he's a dumbass about love and it takes him a while longer to realize how he feels, and even longer to decide to do anything about it.
I think it's possible to read Kyo and Saki as having sexual tension in canon. That plus them playing the prince and Cinderella in Cinderella-ish makes them a fun couple to explore.
Anyway, I think there's a strong case these couples would get together in a universe where Tohru dies, but not in any other universe.
Thank you for asking! This was fun!
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ssasides205 · 8 months ago
Of course, it is completely clear you love Valdanglo (there my. OTP) but now Im curious about your opinion on Solangelo I just can’t seem to get into them no matter how hard I try
chiscolini, I have so much to say on this matter, and very little of it is good.
so, I've said this in the past, and I'll argue it again, I'm sure, but as far as HOO was concerned (I didn't read TOA past the first few chapters, and thus reserve my judgement), there was nothing cannon abt it.
Now, it's 2 am so I'm not gonna dig for my book copy rn (maybe if I'm still feeling this fired up when the sun wakes up) but let's see the 2 (two) scenes we get of the duo.
First, the exchange after Will helped coach Hedge's girlfriend with the baby (my head says she was called mellie but I'm pretty sure that's wrong). this one was just weird, and though it implies the two have talked beforehand, everything we've known abt Nico's experience at camp makes the reassurances fall short.
for me, his whole speach felt ripped from one of those fics where the characters' problems are solved through the power of loveTM and not in a good way, you know?
and then there's scene nĂșmero two, which is just Will making sure Nico actually gets treated?? and it's like, right after Nico finally managed to face Percy????
which, combined with the previous scene made the whole thing feel kind of forced???? Almost like Nico needed to have a new romantic interest in order to face Percy? Like it legit takes from that scene, you could've left the whole thing out, just have Nico do something else during the first part, and just have the scene between Nico and Jason be the one that signals him making friends now????
like, I loved that scene, it felt sincere, but only because we'd been seeing the two become close!!! because that closeness happened on screen!!!!!!!
With Will, the whole making sure he gets treated feels like a nice sentiment, at most, and if the two had been presented platonically in the following books, and later built into romantic within the plot, maybe I'd be less judgemental of the ship.
As it was though, there was nothing substantial to them? I actually never understood the appeal?? I like, thought it was a crack-ship until I saw screenshots of TOA tbch.
but since it's the cannon gay ship, it felt very much like everyone suddenly jumped ship and then became really fucking toxic abt it.
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solarjaya · 27 days ago
The Ask Game Boboiboy edition
OP post
1. What was your first OTP?
Suprisingly it's GemIce. I need someone to write GemIce. Please I need to take care my 30 wip HaliSol I can't do it-
2. What is your current OTP?
3. Do you have any OT3/OT+ ships? What are your favorites?
HaliGemSol rock. They both want Hali. Or Hali want them both. It work in every direction.
TauBlazeThorn because they are chaos, and the line on windara fucking hurt even if it's a joke.
HaliIceSol because they will never talk and in a frozen state of staring at each other. Lovely. I love them all so why not combine my favs together.
BoEl poly in general because fuck yeah I got all of my rareship at the same place.
4. What is/are your favorite trope(s)?
Complicated relationship, angry x calm, dom x dom, idiots in love, hurt/comfort, highschool au
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
Mpreg, pregnancy in general, omegaverse, cafe au, main character death (I'm weak), no comfort.
6. Do you have a certain kind of ship you’re more attracted to?
I like rareships. I just do.
7. Are most of your ships “pure” or “problematic”?
Lots that people consider a "problematic" but actually not that much. I like simple falling in love fic.
8. Who is the most shippable person you can think of?
HALILINTAR 100% NO DOUBT and Boboiboy the main character.
9. Are there any fandoms you don’t have any ships for?
Yes, manly because I'm not invested to the characters long enough to meet their "ahh that's the one for you" character.
10. Do characters have to have canon interactions for you to ship them?
I'm smiling in a corner of no HaliSol interaction. Of course not. Why would I limit myself honestly in this fandom.
11. What makes a great ship in your own opinion?
Hating each other but keep getting forced to meet each other again and again. The "you're not that bad". Never interact in canon because I'm just work like that. One of them is my fav.
12. What drives you away from a ship?
13. Is there anything you ship but refuse to interact with the community for?
Nah, I always try to scrapped anything shippy from this fandom (except the M/F cus it's not my thing. This fandom doesn't make my M/F alarm go explode)
14. Has a fanbase ever made you ship or not ship something? Why?
Popular ship because it's everywhere and it pissed me off. I can't see them together without immediately thinking about the ship. I hate it.
15. Do you like/participate in ship wars? Why or why not?
Not interested. Plus it has no benefits for me.
16. Are there any ships you just can’t/don’t understand? What are they?
Not disclosing!
17. Are there any popular ships that you just don’t like? What are they?
So many, but it's not big in the fandom in the first place that I feel bad. Read a few just to see and yep, it's still not my thing.
18. What is your favorite unpopular ship?
HaliBlaze HaliIce HaliThorn HaliSol
TauGem TauBlaze TauIce TauThorn TauSol
GemBlaze GemIce GemThorn GemSol
BlazeThorn BlazeSol
IceThorn IceSol
it's a lot.
19. Do you prefer fluff, angst, or smut for your ships?
20. Do you prefer bigger fanbases or smaller ones?
Big fanbase is a "holy shit there's two cake!" situation and I love it, but it also has this problem where it won't branch out new ideas so it's slowly generalizing itself. It’s not a bid deal if you like that stuff but for someone who like niche things it's probably hard to find the good stuff.
Small fanbase is great! Often overlooked, increase a chance of interaction too if you want that, but also tend to be easily attacked if it's "problematic". It suck when it happened. Still love it, I'm contributing to my rareships too now.
21. Have you ever received hate for a ship you liked?
Not personally, but I see people using the ship name for a duo name and it suck. Especially when they intentionally do it and act suprise when it attract the shippers. Like dude what are you expecting it's your fault. Also putting "haha just a joke kys whoever ship this" beside it or in the tag. Fuck you.
22. Do you have any ships that you ship, but would never want to see as canon?
All of my ships. I never want it to be canon because they are mine. Let's face it, Monsta will never do romance justice especially gay relationships.
23. Have you ever had a ship become canon, but you didn’t like how it was portrayed?
Never in a million years /cry
Okay, but if the fusion is consider their kid then no I have no problem. Except Gentar. I still have no idea who's kid is that like babe why are you like that 😭
24. What is your favorite canon ship?
I got nothing
25. What are your favorite ships from a dead fandom?
Dead fandom? I have no dead fandom-
26. What are your favorite shipping scenes?
HaliSol : Their fusion in Movie 2 and Windara duh. But also when Retak'ka take Solar and the other watching it, the Kadruax arc is a bit of crumbs but I'll take it, and dear god I hope they talk for once.
GemIce : THE FUSION!! I DIDN'T EXPECT GLACIER 😭 My soul fucking died and go to heaven. Also they got stuck together for the whole training arc c'mon.
GemSol : when Gempa told Solar to stop attacking Retak'ka 💔 also Hang Kasa seal Retak'ka away with his Gamma power. You could say Solar lose half of his power because of Gempa.
TauBlazeThorn : Windara eps. Hurt Taufan.
GemBlaze : they got stuck together in the training arc. Also in bbb classic Kaizo arc we can see their golem fusion it look so cool. Also in the cooking competition.
27. What are your views on reader x canon ships?
Not my thing.
28. What is your best shipping advice?
Have fun and gatekeep your kids because canon will never do them justice. Also feed your people please.
29. Do you like OCs (Original Characters)?
I have ocs but I'm not interested to read other people ocs or ship my ocs with other people ocs.
30. What are some of your favorite shipping blogs?
There's only me here. Help.
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