#me being weird
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antikittysocial · 2 days ago
ahem anyway explanation for this . I pulled an all nighty cuz I was bored (don't be like me) and I was counting the hours until it's a normal time to be awake [ @therestlesswon @sillygoofyboii ]
5 hours
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dearlittlefandom-stalker · 10 months ago
Looks like we can't beguile or brute force our way through this one, fellas
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voloslovelydivinity · 3 months ago
Mystic(my self insert)
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Uses he/they/it Pronouns
Asexual Panromantic
The best worm (angelic in volos eyes) gremlin thing
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Not me revamping my self insert oc Mystic the occultist/sorcerer (who is married to v o l o) who was born in Sinnoh (Specifically Celestic Town) they spent their life enthralled with the ancient magick, philosophies of the Hisuian world and legendary pokemon specificlly Giratina . With their trusty Swablu and Absol as their partners they roamed many ruins across sinnoh and other regions. But now, due to them messing with rightfully sealed ancient forces, they became an accidental Chimera thing in their understanding of Giratina.
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But of course, those dangerous grimores and rituals made Mystic an avatar of Giratina, especially in the eyes of the Hisuian people. But Mystic may or may not have been infused with Giratinas essence(Metaphysically their soul is Giratina)to travel amongst the Distortion world and harness the eldritch forces of the renegade pokemon. Mystic being the arrogant chaos gremlin decided to tempt Arceus's favor and let's say possible realms and many minds of others were decimated due to Mystic's arrogance and carelessness
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So arceus smited the sorcerer and yeeted them back in time to hisui. But there's a silly catch. Arceus decided to troll Mystic by connecting a red string of fate to an unknown lover(?) Mystic being the tsundere nihilistic and romantically inept creature hated arceus for doing t h a t. But Mystic in their self lothing doubted that they will not succeed in finding the one at the other end of the string. Little do they know Volo will be at the other end of that string of fate.
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when Mystic was falling through the rift in hisui Volo saw a literal angel and / or a star falling. Due to the useless shadowy giratina wings Mystic had on their back, it really did look like a star and / or angel falling. Ofc volo wanted to get closer to said mysterious fallen creature. A gift from all mighty sinnoh above, an avatar of of the abyss and the distortion world.
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the vol
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After Mystic got immediately kicked out of the galaxy survey team due to setting fire to Kamandos desk and flinging mud balls(possibly bidoof created) at everyone for being superstitious assholes. They ran out to live in the wilderness cause fuck civilization it is time to live like Diogenes or the equivalent of. But Volo being the supernatural and mythology obsessed merchant was immediately even more infatuated with the mischievous abomination that fell from a botched portal from the sky so he gave Mystic a Togepi he caught to cheer Mystic up due to their deep set depression at the galaxy teams bullshit and Volo let Mystic stay at the ancient retreat with him and Cogita. Mystic being unaware that Volo is their soul tie goes on their day with said Togepi(that they named a vulgar name) and a hisuian Zorua (that will become their main partner Zoroark from now on) they caught from a space time distortion.
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exploring hisuian ruins but of course lo and behold cue Volo tagging along (sometimes without Mystics knowing )due to infatuated merchant man wants to get close to his "beloved divinity" but despite everyone despising Mystic for their assholish behaviors, sudden fallen angel appearance from the sky and many many many sins against the teaching of "almighty Sinnoh". Volo thought otherwise of Mystic. He saw something in Mystic that was beautiful and divine. Arcane, mysterious. A connection that went past the red string due to similarly being ostracized, wanting a better world with no strife
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(because of Mystic's nihilism and depression increasing tenfold due to people being assholes because they were different and went against status quo soo Mystic saw no problem in eradicating everyone cause sadly no hope for humanity changing anytime soon. Hell Mystic didn't even wear the survey uniform and instead had always wildly brightly colored hair with fancy kimonos because, luckily, the second set of arms is retractable 🫠.)
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They shared that endless curiosity for the mysteries of the world and going to crazy lengths to achieve said knowledge with Volo
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Blah blah blah Cue romance and shit between Mystic and Volo(due to this being too long already) and lets say Mystic and Volo discovered that they were eachothers soul ties(cue another long ass post about their shenanigans but this is just a drunken ramble) and decided to turn the tables on arceus.
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And yes unholy unhinged union is still the ship name. Yes i posted an explanation of it. Yes volo knows how to use the red chain(he uses it as a le a s h to rein mystic in)
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@lifenconcepts @fictodreamer
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raithelovely · 23 days ago
I've updated this so that I can include my deadpool/xmen o.c too instead of just house md rp stuff! If yall want to RP, please feel free!!
Deadpool/xmen o.c
Name: Akane Toro
Gender neutral
Powers: Enhanced agility, Enhanced speed, Enhanced sense of smell, Regenerative capabilities
Appearance: 5'0 short ass bitch, short dark blue hair, tan skin, gray eyes
They are eternally done with wade Wilson and weasel
Save them pls
(Akane often tortures themselves by hanging out at Margaret's Home For Wayward Girls (the bar in deadpool for those who don't know) and weasel bothers them 24/7...he wants it bad its clear)
(We love a thirsty weasel)
@punkstxrs @crowwithagun
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herefortheships · 4 months ago
If you ever wonder what autism is like, I will give you an example. I cannot sleep tonight because hours ago when I was making dinner I left my bedroom door open. Now the room smells like food, and so, the atmosphere in my room is now wrong. And because it’s wrong, I can’t sleep. Does that make sense? 💀 The food smell is distracting my brain from sleeping. I can’t ignore it at all. 😅 Anyway I’ll watch relaxing YouTube asmr or something so I can ignore the absolute wrongness of my room tonight and finally get sleepy.
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random-random-things · 2 months ago
A scandalous photo of my bare shoulder
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kaddyssammlung · 1 year ago
Today is a bit weird.
I'm someone who really feels with all of my hear that we are all connected and you can feel others without seing them or being around them.
I was taking a shower this morning when a wave of pain hit me while I was singing Sleep Token. It felt like I could feel Vessel's pain for a second. It was weird and intense and I did not dissociate. Idk...it's hard to describe. That pain was not mine...I was sure it was his.
I get how weird this is. I feel weird writing this down.
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thecourtofgraywaves · 5 months ago
Sometimes, when I create an original character, I worry about even the tiniest detail making them *too* similar to someone within the established work.
Then I remember Sigourney Weaver and Susan Sarandon.
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elizaellwrites · 11 months ago
I'm a certified clueless person when it comes to someone being interested in me (platonic interest included).
I either have no idea that this person likes me and wander around oblivious until someone points it out to me after the fact...
Or, I somehow find out and then I have no idea how to act around them and blab too much because silence isn't an option (better than the alternative- I have legitimately ran away from someone because I didn't know how to talk to them, not my proudest moment).
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years ago
Convo I had with someone:
Me: Yeah I never finish the first playthrough of a game no matter how long I play. I always switch to a new character and play.
Them: Oh come on that can’t be true. You put in so much time already! Just finish it.
Me: the first time I ever played Dragon Age: Origins, I got to the Landsmeet, went to Redcliff… and quit. Never touched that save again.
Them: What?
Me: Yeah. I don’t know why. Maybe I just end up testing things out? Maybe I just find myself bored? But I do. It’s partly why I made so many characters so far, so I can have variety. I’ll settle on one soon enough.
Them: you put 24 hours into one character.
Me: And I’m bored. Moving on, I’ll finish with my next character. You know this could be because monks aren’t ranged. I like ranged characters.
Them: … You’re weird.
Me: And?
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antikittysocial · 1 month ago
those weird flipaclip espeon x umbreon vs sylveon x umbreon videos with bad romance songs in the background and god awful scripting but it's ragebait vs angryhugs /silly /hj
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dearlittlefandom-stalker · 27 days ago
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I, DearLittleFandom-stalker, (also known as D.L.F. and Inigo) am
~ The Phantom Rickroller ~
@reading-by-the-pale-moonlight @reneethegreatandpowerful
@lilliesandlight @seeking-elsewhither @thegreatclowncat @confetti-cat @lady-merian
@choasuqeen @choatic-bumblebee-agenda @thefinaljediknight
@rick-roller @same-pic-rick-roll
@anyone else involved in this whole "Phantom Rickroller" affair (I am terribly sorry but I simply cannot remember all you lovely people)
I am offering prizes! [Ish.]
[Because I realize I have been something of a menace and that the knowledge of my identity is not much of a consolation prize in the wake of all the chaos lol.]
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See image ^
Participants in the shenanigans may ask for two of the above mentioned things (an opinion, a drabble, or a drawing).
Winners who guessed my identity/figured me out may ask for all three of O.D.D.
And any others who are interested may ask for one as well, but there will be a longer wait because I will prioritize the others' requests first
(And of course anyone can ask for all three multiple times, but understand I will prioritize certain requests over others. After all of the above criteria have been fulfilled, I will probably try to go by a first come/first serve policy (unless I am suddenly struck with inspiration).
DISCLAIMER #1: I am not an artist. I am barely even a writer. My opinions confuse even myself. ASK FOR ANYTHING AT YOUR OWN RISK. This is purely for The Sillies and nothing is likely to be taken very seriously. You have been warned.
DISCLAIMER #2: I retain the right to refuse any request if it makes me uncomfortable. In this case, I will privately message you and ask that you submit a different request.
DISCLAIMER #3: I promise that I WILL get to all of the requests, but I cannot guarantee that they will be done in a reasonable timeframe. Thus I must ask for your patience. Please remember that I am a very slow person in a very fast world lol.
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bocchigoblin · 1 year ago
meow ( ̄▽ ̄)
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oddly-existing · 1 year ago
More plant thoughts
Spider plants: Please start buying gift cards you lazy fuck
Mushroom: Wat
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aroaceofthesea · 1 year ago
Fuck alice and bob. All my homies love eva
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fiftymilehighclub · 2 years ago
if u dont think this is a @casteru simp blog idk where u have been
this is a callout (loving)
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