#me and bro are travis and lottie
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butchreg · 1 month ago
okay finished yellowjac so many thoughts abt both reg and not . mari the babiest baby ever .
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yjposting · 2 years ago
You ever watch this and think about how they are just a couple of kids in the vast wilderness. Going from excitedly jumping around cause they're going to the Nationals to sleeping on the floor of a dingy cabin in the blink of an eye. Wondering how they ended up here, fearing they'll never find a way back. How does a teenage soccer player become a butcher, a hunter, a prophet, a believer, a cannibal overnight. My friends are dying but there's no time to grieve. My friends are dying but there's way too much time and not enough tears. My friends are dying and I am the reason. My friends are dying but I am just a kid trying to survive.
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juchily · 6 months ago
pre crash or '96 timeline in the wilderness spin the bottle
Make it happen Showtime 👹
if everyone in yellowjackets just kissed then they’d be okay
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sentientsnakeskin · 3 months ago
Also need to discuss the mischaracterization of Natalie Scatorccio because please look me in the eyes and tell me why people call her a bad person??? Like i get she’s verbally combative sometimes i guess but i can’t think of one time she did something bad that she didn’t genuinely apologize for afterwards. Like… seriously what. It feels like to me, narratively, she’s spent her whole life as a girl who goes through a lot of shit all the time and has unhealthy coping mechanisms, and then she gets shit from everyone around her for those same coping mechanisms. She has spent her whole life being unloved and unwanted and she still has such compassion inside of her and it’s so unreal. I mean i cannot believe the extent of her compassion, and there’s so much about her that I’ve never seen discussed, and I’m gonna talk about it. 
She was most likely going through withdrawal in the wilderness, she didn’t have access to anything and ik we saw her with a cigarette a couple times and we know she brought other contraband, but at some point she had to run out of it. She definitely had the ability to slowly let herself off of it but even that is something to take note of? Like if she did do that if means she quietly took the measures to get herself off it, to prepare for the eventuality that she wouldn’t have anything. And yet she never complained, was never a bitch about it, she even fucking gave what little she did have to Coach Ben cause she knew he needed it
Even with those that she didn’t like, most notably Lottie cause of the mysticism things and Jackie cause of the everything else, she still wasn’t near as rude as she could be? And was actually weirdly nice? She told Lottie to knock off the bullshit because she could see it going badly, and even when it came down to it and everyone started challenging her hunting skills in favor of Lottie, when Lottie needed it, she was there. She made up with Lottie, she apologized, she volunteered her tub of warm water despite also having hypothermia because Lottie needed it more. She could have been a smart aleck, but she wasn’t. She apologized. And even with Jackie, like she had every right to be pissed with Jackie because lowkey Jackie did say some shit abt her, but when it came down to it? She was good to her, she let her out of the closet at doomcoming, she never batted an eye about jackie sleeping with travis, she put aside all the petty shit, and she was the only one who ever showed any remorse for eating her. Nat hated Jackie the most out of everyone and she was the only one to have any reason to hate her, and yet Natalie Scatorccio was the one to carry her bones off to the burial site. She fucking apologized to her bones and thanked her for being the sacrifice they needed to survive, and that’s more than anyone else really did. Like bro… 
She literally always gave 110% for the survival of the group. I’m talking like, she got up at the crack of dawn every morning and went out and tried to hunt despite not getting anything ever, and got up even earlier to search for Javi with Travis despite never finding him. Like she had the same rations as everyone else just less sleep and more work like holy shit she tried?? All the time??? And then spent the time she did have at camp being the voice of reason? Defending the people that needed to be defended? Speaking up when no one else did? 
Also her attitude with Travis was just insane because you’re telling me she made an effort to understand why he was the way that he was even though he was nothing but a jerk to her, then when they got together took the time to go at a pace that was comfortable for him and reassure him of everything he ever needed to be assured of, and shelled out the effort to understand him when he started following Lottie more intensely, never batted an eye at him sleeping with Jackie in a heartbeat when he never did that with her their whole relationship, and even into their adulthood made an effort to help keep him clean and make sure he didn’t off himself while struggling with the same shit herself, even though he was clearly not good for her??? Like that’s literally insane bro 
Also, the stark difference between her behavior and everyone else’s when shit goes down is always stupidly obvious. Like especially at doomcoming? She ate the hallucinogenic mushrooms with everyone else, but she had the sense and the compassion to not only go and check on travis, she let Jackie out the closet, and then confronted everyone about trying to kill him, and stopped them. Like she could have joined in. That’s something she could have done but she didn’t, because she cares about Travis. She cares about people, in general. It’s so bizarre.
All this behavior also continues in the adult timeline. Especially later when she’s at the commune, but we see it earlier too. As mentioned, she continues to chase after Travis, keep him clean and safe. When he dies, she goes on an all consuming investigation into his death. When she finds out he really wasn’t murdered and Lottie saw him die, she spends like .2 seconds being suspicious of Lottie before she’s like okay yeah i believe you. And then despite not believing in Lottie’s like spiritual bullshit cult thing she doesn’t attempt to escape and doesn’t act near as critical of it as she obviously was. She bonded with Lisa, stuck up for her against her mom, stole her fish back in her mouth for her, and genuinely apologized for hurting her. And then she died for her! She sacrificed her life for a girl she knew maybe a week or two at most and im losing my MIND over it 
I probably missed things cause this is mostly just off the top of my head so add on anything i missed, but it’s just so insane to me how kind she was and continues to be despite everything. I just love the exploration of this character who in show is characterized as a bitch and is verbally abrasive but all of that is a cover for her being the most empathetic character ever??? Like oh my god 
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jokeson-u · 10 months ago
more thoughts on the original yj pilot + 1x04 scripts since im just getting around to it:
ranked most to least interesting imo:
-VAN BEING DEAD IN THE ADULT TIMELINE???? travis seems to have taken that role in canon
-the part where lottie passes out after natalie shoots all the cans.. hm
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-cutting nat and vans established friendship from the pilot (ie more joking together+ the picture of them on top of nats stuff which wouldve been an espically easy shot),, i do have thoughts on why that could be but idk. could relate to why travis and vans adult counterparts swapped original narratives
-i almost feel like they cut jackies line to lottie bc the foreshadowing is lowkey rly strong 😭(idk how i feel about the fact that lottie was originally the one who was 'deadly at beer pong' and not nat?? i lowkey love it, but i wonder why they changed that. maybe just cus it makes more sense for nat? idk)
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-taissa being the oldest makes so much sense
-the guy harassing natalie being in his late 20s make the scene extra creepy. and telling. like, it rly isnt just her teammates or her classmates and peers that have shit to say about and to her. its everyone :(
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-changing the 'literally his fucking dad' line line from jackie to nat was fitting but interesting. subtle but idk
-i need more pilot lottie bro shes so funny but also.. if they had kept this line in, i absolutely wouldve thought it was foreshadowing something similar
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-changing javi's name from cody was a good choice
-natalie being even more enthusiastic about the porn and lottie being even more disgusted by men
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-laura lee being described at 'pert, will get on your last nerve' made me laugh
-OMG ALSO THIS PART the image of laura just losing her shit bc she cant finish talking 😭
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juchily · 1 month ago
Yellowjackets S3 Ep2 thoughts
spoilers below ⚠️
I'm laughing my fucking ass off, Mari's scared for her life screaming like an NPC and Ben is talking like a coach again... Honestly this has convinced me maybe Ben didn't set the fire (although before now I also have liked the theory other Tai did it, this just solidifies it a bit for me)
The switch from Ben yelling push to Mari and Shauna digging up her dead baby to hold him... Oh I'm crying. HE WASNT THERE WHEN SHE NEEDED TO BE TOLD TO PUSH AND NOW HES THERE TO TELL MARI! AGGH
Shauna burying her baby in a different place, rejecting the miracle and occult ideas of the wilderness the other girls have come to welcome
Misty the simp of all time
Taivan going to but "not going with them" lol they know Misty's just going to be trying to get comfy with Nat the whole time
Van's arms, that's it
Lottie's being problematic about inducing drug psychosis... Who would have guessed
Shauna actually saying something good about her family for once. Damn who knew all it took was for your kid to commit assault for you to start actually loving them
SIX WEEKS, HOW THE HELL IS LOTTIE OUT TF, I can't complain I guess
Lottie they were cruel af for calling psych on you (it's logical but coming from the YELLOWJACKETS it's just hypocritical) but those crocodile tears... The definition of grown ass puppy eyes. She sniffles!
Callie already ride and die for Lottie... Did she forget she SHOT her... Oh wait, I forgot that's literally Callie's dad obv she's ride or die 🤗
Jeff checking to make sure Lottie leaves to the porch before speaking his mind HAH
Van's got some PIPES, Taivan freaky once again everyone 👏
Walter and Misty are so simp4simp except Walter is the one person Misty won't simp for... She's digging her nose into that jacket and springing to attention AS SOON as Shauna calls... Walter can't believe this girl
wtf is up with Walter in that scene where Misty is talking to him. Dude looks like he's grieving, in depression, and scheming all at once I don't even know
Oh yeah Crystal, they didn't have a grave for her either (or mention her) on top of Laura Lee last episode (and before you talk about that theory that she doesn't exist, I'm pretty sure that's easily ruled out as not being possible)
Nat does not wanna talk to Misty... And she sure as hell is trying hard to hate Ben/look like she hates Ben... My Nat and Coach Ben friendship... I'm mourning
Callie's more afraid of Misty than Lottie (valid??) but this is hilarious she's immediately freaked out the contrast is insane
Nat sees the trap (Ben's) and tries to hide it, so obviously she doesn't actually want the girls to know/think he's alive, im wondering if she's found his traps before or not. Maybe she hasn't and that's another reason she gets super surprised
Anyways more Mistynat 😭😭😭 Nat's horrible at lying...
Wtf are lottie and Travis doing... Lottie stop feeding his psychosis baby 🙏
Lottie is sooo insane this season
Misty is absolutely failing at babysitting Lottie and Callie. Callie wants to get them drunk enough to talk sooo bad. Lottie IS the father
Mari and Ben team up?
Uh I just ate my words.
A NOOSE??? Mari is not having a fun time, damn... She's catching Ls left and right
Now who was that in the bathroom???
These start up bros are super weird... And Shauna's catching them on their shit
They have ducks and bunnies 😵‍💫 absolute art
His name is Mortimer? His name is Mortimer!
Oh Travis deserves so much better my baby ❤️❤️
LOTTIE DONT, he needs a wilderness restraining order on her fr...
Why does Lottie make Travis the test dummy for this "communication"?? I'm interested because she isn't acting like this to any of the others, not even Nat (who sort of has the blessing of the wilderness)
Oh well Akilah is NOT safe now...
I KNEW IT! MISTY'S PLAYING THE CARDS IN HER FAVOUR TO GET ATTENTION. Shauna still doesn't like her though lol
Oh my Lord forget the Caligula dance number they FILMED THIS for a tv segment for the TV show...
Question is, what did Lottie spill to Callie while Misty was out cold?
Callie braiding Lotties hair <3
Misty just wants to have toxic one-sided codependent friendships Walter, what's so wrong about that? 🙄
Well Ben might be a bit insane
Ooo who laid flowers at wilderness baby's new grave?
Oh, well Melissa with her stupid ass boy shorts and that pretty crop top, she's so pretty 😍 her poor hat's gone MIA though
I'm gay, Melissa's gay, Shauna's a girl kisser
Shaunahat has to be one of the most interesting things i have ever seen
Oh they're freaky alright WITH THE KNIFE AT THE NECK STILL
Ending thoughts:
Want more Laura Lee... obviously I'm a sucker for Jane Widdop I would love to see them back on the show for flashbacks, but overall just an acknowledgment of Laura Lee this season ❤️
Is Ben insane? Is he hallucinating or actually talking to someone and we just can't see/hear them?
Wtf is up with teen Lottie?
What is going to happen with Callie regarding the Yellowjackets and the Wilderness?
I'm still manifesting a pig blood orgy like those mean highschool girls 🤷
More Shaunahat honestly 😈 , would love to see more teen Taivan
I don't think Akilah is going to be safe anymore after this episode since Travis just put Lottie on her.
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callmeflexidareyou · 7 days ago
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Hey ig
It's Travis last account got banned for no fucking reason
Uhh go whs idfk
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He/him (like a normal person)
"flex" = blocked
Lil bro @javi-m
The soccer team (my dad gives me money every time they win a game so start grinding)
@natalie-scatorccio-rp (8/10)
@lottie-true-crime (6/10)
@shaunaeyre (5/10)
@jackie-taylor-rp (5/10
@lauraleejane (3/10)
@vanpalmerer (6/10
@taiturning (5/10)
@httpsakilah (6/10)
@melisalesbian (3/10)
@real-pearl-stern (3/10)
@ben-from-soccer uhh I'm scared to rate because he might tell my dad
Probably others idk you all look the same I'll add more maybe
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stinkw333d · 7 days ago
S3E7 morning rewatch stream of thoughts! spoilers, obviously
-So what, would Joel McHale just not play fake gay? not casting him to be Older Paul was such a missed opportunity imo, especially now that we know Ben’s dead! whatever
-Oh she wants to fuck him, fuck him. surprise surprise. i dont think robbie-edwin is gonna last long, dw girl get in there
-This Frog/Zeus story. Cool foreshadowing bro!
-HA frog dorks
-oh misty not the bone
-i’m as excited as shauna is by her doing that, i’m dead serious
-Soapy baby we’re gonna get you that Emmy
-He should’ve just shot melissa’s hat off like William Tell and the apple.
-mari, never ever get less stupid please.
-Hat won’t die right? that was a non fatal hit, just the shoulder.
-oh sure, the one thing that could invoke empathy in terrorist shauna sadecki. be so fr
-POORLY FURNISHED ☝️ jeff you diva never change
-“you’re the love of my life,” i actually have terrible news for you about your wife, Jeffrey
-yes callie, cook!
-Other Tai snoring is awesome
-oh so everyone knew about the sleepwalking, sick
-Hannah your instincts are garbage fr
-oh they all feel terrible about Hannah immediately What Did They Do To Her
-“your track record’s iffy” get her ass Van
-Other Tai does not want to go with shauna at all lmao, she had OTHER PLANS THIS WEEKEND!!
-why would you ever find out about the shame child of the woman you murdered as teenagers, misty?
-rip Gen i guess
-“Halfsies on some floss picks?” was that a christina improv what the fuck was that line
-I love Tai’s evil long leather trench coat. to signify that she’s evil now.
-“I will live that way, for you!” LIKE A SERIAL KILLER??
-where did Van get that lesbian pocket knife? the wilderness’ lesbian supplies outlet?
-Froggy :)
-“the village” i thought that was only ok when behind the scenes Liv Hewson said it
-is… is Travis gonna accidentally shoot Akilah? i can’t not be anxious every time she’s on screen
-oh shit she BURIED IT!!
-Did Joel McHale name his own character? what the fuck is Kodiak about? freak ass white boy
-hannah you’re cooked i fear
-Shauna actually isn’t wrong, but she shouldn’t say it in that many words.
-“sorry,” aw van
-Van you’ve always known what kind of sociopath misty is
-*intense Gen X typing noises*
- I’ve always suspected Van had lung/throat cancer :(… unless that’s fake? i hope
-“that is not good,” thank you misty very helpful misty
-“my glasses! my glasses!” finally misty’s velma moment
-oh good akilah’s fine. for now.
-Travis what ARE you doing?
-“she’s my wife!” SENATOR TAISSA “Liar”TURNER!! 🫡
-aw they’re actually so sad about van :( me too ladies
-so not fake? :( that was real Van blood?
-Get her ass misty
-yeah this tracks for shauna 100%
-“the devil’s calling!” actually the devil’s a lesbian and she’s sitting fifteen feet away from you, sir
-nono nooo no no no please don’t no please god no pleaE NOT THE VISION
-“really? fire?”
-sorry but no shit van
-“i need her right now” :(
-Van blease do not die.
-oh lottie please stop doing that, girl ew
-yeah whatever mel’s dead, fuck you guys
-mari i love you forever, girlie
-Courtney we’ll get u an Emmy as well queen
-Shauna: Horny, Mel: Pissed. Shauna is too horny to tell.
-if Hannah isn’t pit girl im gonna crash out
-Jeff hates the Jolly Hitcher so bad lmfao
-callie that’s just boring twitter discourse, move on. your mom’s just forever a traumatized 17 year old girl and you have to be fine with that.
-Callie hates her mom so bad she’s just praying at this point that she murdered someone for her own justification
-YES IT’S THE oh well no, almost.
-still no Hillary Swank? I’ll kill you. also i guess we didn’t actually watch Mel die though so i may have overreacted earlier.
-fine. if/when Mel dies Shauna’s crashout will be legendary, what about it?
-i love this fucking show
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yellowjackingit · 7 months ago
Omegaverse yellowjackets personal headcanons and parings✨ nsfw
(don't like don't read, you know who you are ;)
Shauna -alpha she's my bi messy failgirl icon <3 she just has alpha energy to me (but idk I'm sure in some fics I'll have her beta) , and Jeff has omega energy to me idk why, vibes man. I feel like in an omegaverse society alpha women traditionally are expected to have big families and accomplish a lot, so when Jackie dies I'd imagine her mother's slights have to do with how Shauna is such a rare breed, an alpha female, only 5% of the population contains alpha females and yet she was somehow never as special as her lil jack jack
Jackie- omega Jackie just needs an alpha to hold her and tell her everything's gonna be ok, too bad they eat her lol. Also i wanna see Shauna pin her down what of it. She's totally a lesbian
Lottie- alpha The total it girl, she's got it all, she embodies the traditional femalpha standard, think barbie, but tbh most of that was learning at a young age she was different (gay) and got really good at hiding it. it was a no brainer when she became the first head alpha of the group as people usually do they fall under her leadership and guidance. Shes the kind of alpha that would have led rome or egypt. And yet. When she loses her omega she loses her way. Her power crumbles and so she hands the torch to the alpha she trusts most
Natalie- alpha as the runt of her litter of one and every class or group she's been apart of she was never the first picked alpha but when the group assigned her the leader everything changed for her. She was finally where she was born to be. Out in the woods she became the best version of her alpha. Also I just wanna see her go thru a rut and Lottie offer to help a bro out with it 👀 who said that
Laura lee- omega voted cutest omega of her year, always had a crush on Lottie and now that they're lost in the wilderness maybe she can show her some her holy moves? Idk I'm not Catholic anymore
Taissa - beta
Van - butch nonbinary beta
Taissa van beta4beta my beloved<3 taissa being resentful of her beta gender (transmasc taissa goes hard) and trying her hardest to become a beta representative "betas are 45% of the population and yet only have 4 seats on the Senate? What's that bull" but I can also see taissa being an alpha and van be an omega
Misty- omega also a runt, she looks up to Natalie a lot being a runt as well who actually earned the respect of the pack. So her and nat bond over it and eventually more 👀 imagine Misty's heat hitting round the spring, and in order to avoid pregnancies nat being the ever so gracious pack leader helps her through it with her massive dick
Travis- beta him and Shauna beta solidarity has good potential, I hope they talk about girls together, like imagine them coming out to each other? Grieving javi together, both being ppl who lost their own blood to these woods... Y'all pls understand my vision
Mari- beta when no immediate role is assigned to her she struggles and takes it out on jackie, it's ok babygirl thats not how u get the pretty omegas attention but u will learn
Coach ben- alpha his death is their first meal, and the death of the traditional alpha male patriarchy i guess lol
Crystal- omega to mirrors misty
Anyone feel free to add on! I wanted to headcanons the other girls too but I cant Google it rn, so if anyone wanna drop the background girls names I'll love u forever <3
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kachow-i-love-being-me · 1 month ago
Yellowjackets posting once again cuz I’m rewatching the new episodes.
I don’t interact with the fandom at all outside of one (1) person so if anything i say is just common knowledge to you guys then. Well whatever LOL. Also I’m yapping with no structure at all soz if it’s hard to follow
The wilderness/supernatural stuff. I don’t think it’s real at all..? Idk. I know it’s like haunting them into adulthood and stuff but i really don’t think it’s real. The scene where they’re holding the memorial and then they all collectively hear the screaming noises in the air. The fact that all of them heard it, it’s logical to think the wilderness could be real. But, unless i missed something, Shauna didn’t react to it whatsoever. Like she didn’t hear it nor care that the others were so scared? She leaves the circle cuz she’s angry about what Lottie said about the baby (rightly so. I hate that they blame the wilderness for anything that happens ever) and she doesn’t reappear again to share the confusion. Idk. I kindof hate the wilderness actually (although it’s the whole point of the show) and it’s totally just the girls trying to make sense of what’s happening to them and getting carried away with it. Also by influence of Lottie’s hallucinations etc. I have a lot of opinions on Lottie. Don’t get me wrong the wilderness stuff is absolutely interesting, i only hate it in the way that it negatively affects all my fav characters LOLOL. I do nawt enjoy anything that has happened to Travis on this show. I was surprised to learn that a lot of the fandom hate him? Or just don’t like him for, in my opinion, really irrelevant reasons. I find Lottie, Mari and teen Van far more dislikable, mainly for their belief in the wilderness. That seems to be my main problem with any of the characters… cuz really all of the girls have done things wrong and are ‘bad people’ somehow. Due to, but not limited to, cannibalism. But despite that i still really like Shauna, who is continuously a pretty bad person through both storylines aka her whole life. The cheating with Jeff on Jackie as a pretty mild in comparison crime, to murdering a man and, of course, eating her best friends remains. And Javi’s. And whoever else is going to die later on probably.
Another complaint but much less of one is the relationship between adult Tai and Van.. it’s literally just that I DON’T GET IT!!!! They’re cute and i love both of them as characters but i doooon’t understand where this came from. What about Simone and Sammy bro???😭
One thing i love about yellowjackets though: Nat!!! She’s so awesome and absolutely my favourite characterrrr she’s awesoooome plus extra points for seemingly being one of the most logical out of the wilderness group. Im glad she’s the leader currently because if it were someone that was 100% on board with the wilderness supernatural stuff I’m sure that all of them would be cooked. I’m sad she’s dead too i enjoyed adult Nat a lot.
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danisbrainrot · 1 month ago
1) adult taivan is actually the best thing in the world I'm sobbing because of them
2) MEL AND SHAUNA TFFFF I never knew I wanted it but now I actually need it
3) my baby adult misty I need to hug her and cuddle her and never let go
4) not lottie being tied up to travis when her wife is literally is dealing with crazy women alone
5) I need more lottie and lottienat rn
6) NOT MISTY TELLING SHAUNA ABOUT NAT KEEPING COUCH BEN tffff misty baby I love u but you're the reason why nat is gonna suffer and I hate it
7) shauna is going completely insane and violent is my fav thing like I wanna slap her so bad and kiss her at the same time I feel so bad for her but girl calm down pls
bro, there's so much to talk about. but the mel and shauna kiss was CRAZY to witness in real time. she's finally a fruit!!
lottie showing up at shauna's door after everything cracked me up BAD. "what you were just gonna tell your friend to get off your porch?"
"that's exactly what she said 😕," lottie my baby girl. ugh I love her.
taivan >>> love them so much. they're so cute I just wanna squeeze them. but also, I can't help but wonder when tai's money is gonna run out because, help? they're both unemployed 😭
mistynat goes insane so far, both in adult and teen timeline. the way misty pulled a shauna and became hr best friend had me going feral. but the betrayal in the teen timeline interests me. it's giving kiss of judas.
lottie and travis getting high in the woods kills me. my baby girl is having the time of her life, while travis has. . . a time in his life.
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i-just-drink-coffee · 5 months ago
Things the Yellowjackets would say pt 16 (prob)
Shauna: Sorry I think it’s a little hot when a girl is kind of possessive, as if it’s my fault
Van: Can’t afford to be gay right now, don’t have enough money
Mari: The grind never starts I’m making soup again
Nat: Shawty I think we both are fuckeddd up bro
Lottie: Aren’t we all the children of two people who had sex
Taissa: Desperately need a wife who will stand by me when I get cancelled
Laura Lee: Sundays are only for Jesus and free wine
Jackie: I’m bouncing on “it” and by bouncing I mean “talking a walk and crying” and by it I mean “around the neighbourhood”
Misty: Offended a bird attacked me - all I did was harass it consistently
Akilah: Save me cheese sandwich… save me
Coach Ben: If you die on this field trip I will not hesitate to leave you here
Travis: Girliepopped a bit too hard and accidentally became bisexual
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priyajoyy · 13 days ago
Just saw an akilah and travis edit and now I lowkey wanna do an akilah x reader x travis fix 🤭
Bro maybe even a little x dark!Lottie in the mix????
(Someone take love triangles/squares away from me)
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natsredbra · 14 days ago
bro im still LOWKEY mad about the last episode like WHY WOULD YALL LET LOTTIE LEAD YALL INTO THAT CAVE?! and travis know she schizophrenic and then akiliah is high af????????? talking abt some coach is the beige home liek no baby he’s gonna Die…… they all dumb af for following her into that cave but Lottie is so sexc i want her to gaslight me
RAHH honestly yes i do think its unreasonable and travis really should’ve spoke up against it (he kindaaa did but still…he knows himself how manipulate lottie can be)
however i cannot blame akilah i too would do whatever lottie matthews wants
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marie-scary · 5 months ago
saw someone do this with Glee, so i decided to try my swing at yellowjackets as Grey’s Anatomy characters🙂‍↕️
(only from seasons like 1-10is. bc that show (as a fan) has no business being that long) also most of these are crack😭🙂‍↕️
Shauna: Meredith Grey, slutty mistress, need i say more?
Lottie: Jo Wilson, they’re both goofy and dorky, and if i remember correctly when jo and alex were drinking she talked about stealing something. (i’ll rewatch and confirm this🤝🏼)
Misty: Cristina Yang, one of the twisted sisters. Cristina is very cutthroat and i feel like the misty killing jessica robert’s is pretty cutthroat. also yang is just super fucking smart, and so is misty. (i would like to note cristina yang would hate misty)
Javi: Andrew Deluca, just bc he’s sweet and he dies in the end. like i’m sorry bro but yeah😭
Tai: Owen Hunt, my fav sleepwalking adulterers <3 no but the way they both deal with trauma is so funny. like no let’s not deal with it. lets repress it and act like im not the problem (tai is not the problem tho, women are never the problem)(i actually hate owen hunt. fuck that bitch ass ginger (this is just a slide at owen. other than that ginger women {bc i don’t fuck with the male specimen} are so hot. thank you for existing))
Laura Lee: April Kepner, do we even have to ask that? i love me some bible thumpers. also i like how their environment challenges/strengthens their faith. holy women for the win ❤️🙏🏼
Mari: Lexie Grey, honestly i’m still not sure about this one, but idk i think they’re both so cute and goofy and bc mari is pit girl and lexie died in the woods😔
Gen: Callie Torres, gives off mean vibes but it’s lowkey a cutie. but also a total bad fucking ass
Ben: Arizona Robbins, twinnsss😝🤞🏼(arizona got one up on him with the prosthetic and being able to be openly gay tho😔)
Akilah: Izzie Stevens, something about hallucinating shit that isn’t there is crazy. but idk what’s crazier. hallucinating having a pet rat but it’s actually been dead the whole time or hallucinating fucking your dead ex-lover/patient/someone you stole a heart for?? idk chat, shits wild asf😭
Van: George O’Malley, only the good parts bc those parts george was sweet and cute and all fun go lucky.
Travis: Preston Burke, arrogant, narcissistic, sexist, fucking douchebags, god complex’s 😒(but also burke, like travis, had his good moments. i will say i do favor travis’ character more tho. bc he’s a kid and that’s understandable. but at his big fucking age burke knows better (okay i’m sorry let me stop before i get heated😭) anyways yeah)
Nat: Alex Karev/Amelia Shepherd, let’s be honest here, alex is so nat, when it comes to the brooding, dickhead, boyfriend, who came from a tough childhood and swears he’s tough as shit just bc he boxes. but is a fucking puppy dog and follows you around and laughs super hard at shit you say even tho you just said that persons shirt looked weird. she’s also very Amelia coded. and yes bc of the drugs and the daddy issues with seeing him get shot. maybe not the same circumstances or relationship but it played a big role in her life.
Jackie: Derek Shepherd, let’s be so fucking fr rn. of course jackie would be charming, annoying, stuck up, pretentious, McDreamy, loyal to a fault, himbo man. “it’s a beautiful day to save lives” headass😭im sorry but i totally see it. also they both die in crazy ways after both surviving a plane crash. if anyone needs to be studied, it’s them.
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cdyssey · 2 years ago
Yellowjackets 2.05 Reactions:
The stacks of VHS tapes everywhere in Van’s house/shop are so charming. 😭 The rainbow carpet! The past due bills!
“Parker Posey is my new dream woman. I would marry her today.” So right, bestie.
Tai collapsing after seeing her ex for the first time in 25 years because she hasn’t slept in, like, five days. Go, girl failure. Give us nothing. <3
Shaunatai friendship moments. 😭 Tai being so gentle with her. I’m actually unwell about them.
“Happy wife, happy life.” I fucking love her.
Atm, Shauna is firmly in nothing-fucking-supernatural-is-happening-here-at-all-camp with Tai and Nat! It’s really interesting that this makes three out of our core four. (I honestly half-suspect that it’s actually four out of four, and teen Misty is just going along with the majority right now to be included.)
Shauna overhearing Lottie creepily prophesy the sex of her baby again and Tai turning around to watch her. 😭
Fucking creepy grown ass detective who is taking this underaged teenager on dates!! Preying on her emotions for a gd case!!!
“I sexually hustled you.” Oh, God, Callie. Go home. ☠️
Good on Callie for figuring out who Matt is by looking at the check!!!! Okay, yes, she absolutely did not need to be having feelings for this man, but also, I feel so bad for her. Everyone this girl cares about hurts her in some unimaginably fucked up way.
“Maybe he did die, and that’s his ghost.” ANANWJJEJWNWDIWWI
Akilah naming the mouse Nugget. ;w;
Misty kissing her and Crystal’s pinky swear. 😭 Mari is 100% manipulating the chore cards.
Callie lying to Matt!!!!!! Oh, God, she’s in it to protect her parents now. Her mom. So fucked up, but so good. All she has wanted this entire time is to feel close to her mother.
“There’s only ever one rule: Win.” Very suspicious line, lmao. I wonder if this is going to end up being Walter’s ethos.
Van immediately knowing that Tai is there about the sleepwalking.
THEY WENT TO SHAUNA’S WEDDING. OH, GOD. THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. And that also means they were together at least for a little bit after returning from the woods. (We know from Jeff’s bro-off with Kevyn that he and Shauna basically got married almost as soon as Shauna got back from the woods. It’s wrenching that Mrs. Taylor was there in so many ways. Wow. For Shauna, who was so entangled with Jackie, and now she’s about to literally live her life. For Jeff, whose two girlfriends died and one of them came back wrong. For Tai and Van and other Yellowjackets if they attended, who had to look at the Taylors and know that they ate their daughter. And even for Mrs. Taylor, a grieving mother. Just one line, but it’s so, so loaded.)
“Promise you won’t freak out.” / “Sure.” / “No.” AJWJWJJWIWJSJDW.
CONCERNED PARENTS ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COP’S AGE!!! Listen, the Sadecki family is fucked up to hell and back, but I love them.
“So… I did fix it?” / “You-you did that great.” So, so effed up. <33
NAT IS STILL WEARING THOSE GODDAMN LEATHER PANTS. GIRL, YOU’RE GONNA GET AN INFECTION!! This being said, it’s notable that she’s wearing a purple top now.
Akilah being a skeptic too. Also, every time we get a new piece of Akilah lore, I want to die a little inside because it’s so lovely and they’re 100% priming us for her inevitable death. 😭 Her friendship with Tai is so sweet, though.
I love the distinction that Akilah makes here, though—doing the pre-game rituals and going to Lottie’s morning sit-down not because she believes in these things, but because they make her feel good.
“Well, yeah—because you’re totally whipped.” AKKQKQOQIEIEJWJEJDJS. Splashing each other with water. Kids being kids, even in the desolate and unforgiving wilderness. 😭
Oh, God. This Travis/Nat confrontation. So upsetting. Nat immediately fessing up to it is incredible; she’s not a character who likes to deal with lies.
Lottie curling her hand around Nat’s shoulder!!! Gays, we win again.
“Actually, uh, before we go into the black recesses of my soul, I just need a minute.” Same.
MISTYNAT REUNION!!!! What if they kissed between the gate slats. Then what
(I’m sorry. I ship almost all of these women together. I think if this season doesn’t end with ALL of them making out by the fire in Lottie’s compound, it’s a missed opportunity.)
Misty’s look of utter horror as Nat stalks away. She came so far for her.
I know it’s just the effect of Tawny Cypress’s contacts, but Tai’s eyes being slightly red at certain times is just chef’s kiss.
Tai sitting in the chair like a child, knees pulled up to her chest. She looks and sounds so vulnerable, even as she’s trying to be glib.
Misty and Crystal trading secrets back-and-forth QNQKQKKWJE. So funny and so effed up.
You know, I could have done without the shot of the shit and piss being poured out. We can imply that. 😭
KRISTEN. 😭😭😭😭 The fact that she went by the mistaken name just to keep her peers’ approval. So Misty-coded.
“You’re the reason we never got rescued?”
“You’re not that good of an actress.” Fair in this moment, but Misty did slay that Steel Magnolias monologue.
“I’ll… fucking… kill you.” JESUS CHRIST
Directly on the heels of Misty losing her best friend in the wilderness, we get adult Misty reeling over Nat. I am so fucking unwell.
“Maybe Lottie is jealous of what Natalie and I have.” Natalie has two hands, Misty. <3
Walter having done the due diligence of checking to see about Adam’s murder, but coming to the wrong conclusion.
“You think I’m capable of murder?” DIRECTLY ON THE HEELS OF KRISTEN’S DEATH. I’M SO FUCKED UP.
WALTER STILL BEING INTO MISTY EVEN THOUGH HE SUSPECTS SHE’S A MURDERER EJWNDNNE. Listen, I love him, but I think he’s as dead as a doorknob by the end of this season.
“… regardless of your extracurricular activities.” AMQMQKWKDNSSN.
Shauna all dolled up to pretend to have an affair, lmao SNDNSNDNWJNS.
Randy Walsh being such a dumbass is one of my favorite recurring bits. Just stellar.
“After what you and Jeff did, you owe me.” ANQKWJRJWJJWNDJSSN. Where else on television will you find an emotionally unwell, violent MILF who tells her husband’s best friend who blackmailed her friends to go jerk off into a trash can? Go on, tell me.
“Hey. Don’t you you dare think about me.” AKQKQOOQJEEIENNWIEIWKWJDNNENEJD. SOBBING.
Tai playing the mediator between Lottie and Shauna.
Van having cared for her mother—despite everything—in the last years of her life. Goddamn.
“I’m mixing my pop culture metaphors ‘cause I’m fucking upset!” AWKWKWKJEDJWJ. Lauren Ambrose is killing it.
“I’m losing my fucking mind, and I’m terrified!” GOD, THAT WAS VISCERAL. The way she can’t admit to not having been this afraid since the woods. The way she can’t ask for help because she doesn’t want to hurt any other people that she loves. She still loves Van . Absolutely fucking devastating.
Tai breaking down in sobs. I’m so upset. 😭 TAIVAN EMBRACE.
No, Yellowjackets, I did not need to be in the bathroom with Randy Walsh failing to jerk off. Thank you for asking.
Nat screaming at Lottie!!!! “She’s preying and profiting.”
Nat breaking the fuck down in front of Lottie.
“You know what he was going through. You started it.” JESUS CHRIST.
“Maybe that’s true, but I need to know.” YELLS, SCREAMS.
Tai following Shauna out into the woods, even though she’s giving her the silent treatment. 😭
“But I’m rightfully freaking the fuck out about having a baby in the middle of the fucking woods, and news flash, having a bunch of psychos praying for me in some weird fucking tree cult isn’t making my life any easier.” GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD.
“I don’t need your fucking prayers. I need you to have my back.” / “I do.” LOSING MY MIND OVER THESE TWO.
Misty sobbing over Kristen. Calling her by Crystal twice before she says her actual name. Ugh. Trying CPR to the Bees Gees. Jesus CHRIST.
Can they go into Randy’s room without a warrant???? Kevyn so badly doesn’t want it to be Shauna. I really do appreciate that about him.
Javi speaking cryptically about someone not telling him to come back, a “she.” 😬
Misty coming up with a believable lie about Kristen, and one of the last things Kristen ever said to her was that she was a bad liar. FUCK FUCK FUCK.
Van screaming for Tai and Shauna. Misty calling out for Kristen, even though she fucking knows that she can’t hear her.
Tai finally sleeping soundly at Van’s. 😭
Oh, my fucking God. Van taking the pills out of the trash can.
“This isn’t where we’re supposed to be.” AUHDJDWNH.
“He was seeing some girl. Part of me wanted to ruin it. But another part of me just missed him.” This line of dialogue is so goddamn raw and brutal.
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