#mcd archie
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pixzyn · 8 months ago
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My Minecraft Lore+ Dungeons
I just have the brightest idea of Merging my Minecraft version of HeroBrine(in my universe he is just called Brine) And Archie from Minecraft Dungeons.
Base on @shirooosoup Herobrine and Archie.
(sorry for the tag tho) :p
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twoa-plus · 4 months ago
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puts him in the hydraulic press
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I'm sorry gang, I will NOT be normal about the Arch Illager, and that is a promise
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illwilledomen · 11 months ago
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My ugly little gremlin son Archibald.
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vanillaarts · 2 months ago
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What?! Actually posting?!?!
Im not really part of it anymore but here are some sketches as a callback to the fandom that got me on tumblr
(G!Archie belongs to @mae910do)
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pixzyn · 2 years ago
I love it! I love it! I love it! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
TYSM!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
"TW" plis
I finished it I finished it I finished it
aaaaah @pixzyn honey this is for you ❤ I hope and don't bother you
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I did it while listening to this song xd (I got the reference from there xd)
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I promise to make more drawings of him
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unicornletters · 1 year ago
a perverse misuse of space -- izzy x frenchie, post s2, spoilers, no mcd
Izzy sleeps in a different cabin now. For all Ed’s apologies, and even though he’s not even on the ship, he can’t stomach sleeping where… all that happened to him. Everyone understands, with Olu and Jim and Archie and Zheng all, improbably, moving into his old cabin and giving him theirs, with its sitting nook and two beds.
It’s a perverse misuse of space, is what it is.
But on nights when one of the crew, his crew, can’t sleep, it comes in handy. Jim’s in residence about half the time, and Frenchie too. When they intersect, Frenchie unselfconsciously crawls into bed with Izzy, pillowing his head on Izzy’s chest without asking.
It’s fine. Jim would never bunk with Izzy, anyway, which Izzy respects. 
Auntie knows all about who sleeps in Izzy’s room when, because she’s taken to waking him up with a cup of tea so they can talk ship’s business first thing, even earlier than Izzy is accustomed to rising.
The third time she comes into Izzy’s room only to see Frenchie nestled up on top of him, all long limbs and cute little snores, she asks about it.
“He gets scared,” Izzy says, taking a sip of tea. “We all get scared, after Ed. I take care of them.”
“Do any of the others sleep with you in your bed?” Auntie asks, trying pretty hard to sound like she’s not desperately curious.
“Nah,” Izzy says. “Frenchie’s just like that.”
“He’s just like that,” Auntie repeats. “I see.”
Later that day, Auntie collars Frenchie, who’s allegedly doing captain business but is, practically speaking, making up songs on his lute. 
“Does that old man know you’re in love with him?” she asks, startling him into discordant notes.
“What?” Frenchie asks. “Oh, Izzy? No, not in love with him, I’m afraid. His bed’s just the safest place going.”
“Right,” Auntie says. “You feel safe around him like you’ve never felt around anyone else, is that it?”
“Well, yeah,” Frenchie says. “Do you even know what he did for us?”
“I do,” Auntie says. “I think you may be having the first-ever case of confusing love for hero-worship, captain.”
“Isn’t it usually the other way round?” Frenchie asks, fingers fast on the neck of his instrument.
“Exactly,” Auntie says. “Well. Don’t be too subtle.”
“Nothing to be subtle about,” Frenchie assures her.
But when she’s gone, he spends a long time staring out to sea.
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theradioactivemess · 2 years ago
So if you’ve watched matpats video on Minecraft legends you’ll know that he basically said that Minecraft is AFTER Minecraft dungeons so I have an idea…
What if you could find highblock keep in game? Like- you would randomly stumble upon an abandoned highblock keep and you could explore it and firey forge? Wouldn’t that be cool? To explore the place for yourself and as you go around you could find a book or smtg that tells the tale of the arch-illager. I like to imagine that after archie was defeated there was still people who admired him and they turned him into a legend. (A Minecraft legend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ).
OH! There could also find the orb of dominance hiding somewhere! (I know you finish it off in MCDs end dimension DLC but I think jsut finding the staff and being able to put stuff on it would be great-). Also I know this may sound far fetched but what if we could find Archies crown, get the orb of Domanices staff, and a totem of undying to use in some weird ritual to revive Archie; either to fight him or to help him be better. (But omg could you imagine that being an actual update and players keep on reviving Archie only to kill him again and again so when you finally summon him he just cries and ends up venting to you about how tired he is of being revived over and over gain just to be killed? that would be so damn sad-😭😭)
I just really want an illager/MCD update as you can tell 🤣
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veevee-the-artist · 7 months ago
Such lovely minecraft ! I do miss part of the MCD community! Your fic was one of my favorites!
I too miss the community, met a lot of fun people there and even made a friend!
Don't worry, even tho my attention is else where, Wild Archie and Valkory are still doing adeventures I want to write/draw about!
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pixzyn · 7 months ago
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More doodle of Brine and Archie!!
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twoa-plus · 5 months ago
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it has been 3 years. he is still muscle memory
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"If it hadn't been for Smacker picking on him, Archie might still be living [in the Squid Coast village]. A large part of him still wished for that."
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illwilledomen · 11 months ago
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peanutblues42 · 2 years ago
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Regal, Vain, and Ruthless
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vee-vee-the-starchild · 2 years ago
Do y'all think if Archie could see what the orb of dominance will do to his body and mind, would he still taken it?
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unicornletters · 1 year ago
on the horizon -- izzy x gn reader, spoilers, no mcd, loosely part 3 of a series
You’re sitting on the porch of your secondhand home with Izzy next to you, his hoof propped on the railing. It’s the first time he's been able to make it from bed to the front of the house, and he’s properly pleased with himself, whistling a little into the evening.
He’s whittling something again – the last week or so, you’ve seen him make a cat (to give to Frenchie when he sees him), another shark (this one for Stede), and a frightening-looking snake (for Archie). You can’t tell what this animal is yet, or imagine who it’s for. Jim, maybe, who reminds you of nothing more than a big cat, maybe a panther. You’re curious to see what they remind Izzy of.
“Sunsets here are lovely,” Izzy remarks, jutting his chin toward the horizon.
“They are,” you say, taking a pull of rum, a kitchen discovery you made early on.
“Not as lovely as they are at sea,” he says, “but pretty nice.”
“Mm,” you say, content to sit and respond with not-quite-words.
“Ship’s coming in,” he says, as mildly as he can. “Might be the Revenge.”
“Might be,” you say, peering at the ocean. You can’t see any sign of ships, but one of the two of you has spent his whole life at sea, more or less, and it’s not you. 
“Did you think to keep a glass for us?” Izzy asks, obviously expecting the answer to be no.
You did, actually, now that he mentions it, and you spring up to go get it from the bedroom, where it’s parked on a nightstand with all the other items that can fit on it.
“Here,” you say, “I did remember.”
“Well done,” Izzy says, looking at you consideringly as you hand over the glass. He looks out to sea, where you still can’t tell where a ship might be. “That’s the Revenge,” he says, “absoutely. I’ll eat my fucking bandolier if it’s not.”
A thrill of excitement rushes through you.
“But why are they back so early?” you ask.
“Me,” he says. “They obviously need me.” He glances sidelong at you. “Maybe you, too, pet, but mostly me.”
You want to roll your eyes, at least sort of, but you’re beyond happy that Izzy’s self-opinion is rising back to high levels. He’ll probably never again hit God, as far as you’re concerned, but you don’t think that’s a bad thing. He’s enough of a menace as it is.
“We’ll want all our things packed in the next hour or two,” Izzy says. “We’re going to need to go to them.”
“You’ve been healing from a gut shot for a single week,” you tell him.
He shrugs.
“Done more with less healing time,” he says. “Can you get our things packed? I hear I’ve got a gut wound.”
You roll your eyes, but you were never going to say anything but yes.
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