#mc x kenji
Group message, 2:25 am.
Kenji: do u think birds ever think about the fact that they’re the only animals that can fly
Eva: how would they know that
Kenji: know what
Eva: that they’re the only animals that can fly
Kenji: are u dumb it’s not like they see other animals up there
Eva: planes
Eva: how would the birds know that
Kenji: .
Eva: exactly
MC: if you guys don’t SHUT UP
Dax: butterflies can fly
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kusakiguzen · 3 months
Yandere Knight Akaashi Kenji x Isekai!MaidReader
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(Credits to the owner i just yoinked it from pintrest)
English is not my first language
A/N: Hiiii I'm finally done. Its vauge but i promise it'll make sense in part 2. Hope you enjoy reading as much as i loved writing it. One more thing. DO YOU WANT AN OPEN OR CLOSED ENDING??
(orange=You, blue= Akaashi, purple=Head maid, green= extra, pink=Saintess)
Y/N L/N, was a 25 year old collage student who was persuing her dream of getting a medical degree and become a successful doctor/surgeon. With great knowledge in Medicines and great interest in Herbology, studied really hard to be at her top of her class.
But she had great love for anime and otome games, her personal favorite anime was 'Haikyuu' a sports anime. She was obsessed with it, and when she found out that there was going to be an Otome game releasing featuring the main cast of the Haikyuu, She was sold.
The first otome game, that she played about Haikyuu was feturing the story line with MC being an extra manager of karasuno 'VLB CLUB', and then many other otome games started to gain popularity.
One day she decided to scoure the Internet to find a unique Haikyuu tome game that didn't make the MC a manager of any team.
She found it. It was called " Lovers Call For Help". It featured the ain haikyuu cast in a historical era. It also had side stories and everything.
She decided to read the side stories first. After reading them. she started the game. The MC was an isekai/reincarnated Saintess, who was there to heal and get rid of the demonic monsters.
Typical cliche. she completed it in one sitting but also became sleep deprived. After the game ended it asked for her name again, Y/N wrote down hwer OC name again, but it said incorrect. And then asked her for her REAL NAME.
This caused Y/N to be confused but she remembered about the policy terms so she typed her real name 'Y/N L/N'. Then the screen showed 'THE END' and said "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING Y/N L/N". which she found creepy but also she was too sleepy to think straight.
She soon fell asleep with her phone, when the screen suddenly turned ON and on the screen displayed
Y/N woke up to he name being called.
Miss Y/N are you listening? Said the head maid
HUh?.... What? said Y/N in confusion displayed on her face
You must sign th--- Are you feeling okay Miss Y/N? You suddenly look pale... The head maid asked with concern.
I-- i where- ? At this point there were millions of thoughts going through her head. Where was she? How did this old women know her name? Why does she look so mch like the character from the game she played? Is she dead? is this women someone who will measure her good and bad deeds? All these thoughts were interupted by the same voice again laced with concern.
It is alright if you would like to continue this tomorrow..
Yes that would be much appreciated.. Thank you Miss uhm
Beatrice, Beatrice Graves
Ah yes Thank You Miss Graves. I will be contacting you soon.
With that Y/N gave her a bow and ran out the door holding her mouth to prevent herself from puking.
On her sprint towards the bathroom she colided with what felt like a wall. She looked up to see him Akaashi Kenji
No no no no no NO NO NO. Why why why why why WHY WHY WHY!! WHY IS HE HERE????
Excuse me I must hurry. She ran towards the bathroom without looking back leaving a confused Akashi behind.
Y/N ran for her life to get somewhere she could breathe without hyperventilating.
Unable to find a bathroom, she finally found a lake and finally vomitted near a tree, after she was done, she covered it with some dirt because it was unhygenic to leave it that way.
She went to clean her mouth in the Lake but noticed her appearance. She looked prettier, her dark circles were gone, her skin was glowing and overall She looked healthy. Apart from that she also noticed she looked slightly animated.
'is this really me ' She thought while touching her face . suddenly she got a headache a really painful one & memories started pouring in, memories that were not her's.They were the memories of the owner of the body.
Y/N L/N daughter of a fallen Noble, The downfall was caused by her father's and brother-in-law's gambling addiction which her mother and sister refused to do anything about. when it came time to pay the piling debts, they couldn't and begged Y/N for help.
Being a pushover She agreed and decided to get a job as a maid.she worked for a Count namely Count Octavious , but after a lot of pestering from her family about her "Not giving them enough money" She decided to work at the palace. She passed all the tests to work in the palace All she had to do was write & sign a contract. which is when she (Y/N) Got reincarnated.
WOW ! What Shitty family i'll have to support ' She though while clutching her head while groaning in pain and using another tree as support.
She finally noticed the small bag near her which looked suspiciously similar to her own bag in her Real world. She reached out with shaky hands and realised, it was her bag, It had her Journals, Tablet and her basic necessities, Basically everything she carries to her collage.
Damn there is no way! She erupted in a phsycotic laughter realising this was not dream. You might ask what made her come to this conclusion? Its because there was a card.... A card that said "Welcome To Lover's Call For Help, We the authors Hope you will enjoy this, Please play as you please. Thank you"
After she read it it disappeared into some glowing particles.....
With that she decided to survive, not submissively like the manhwa and shit she read.. by faking herself .... No she'll live and make sure to enjoy every second of it.
Akaashi Kenji, The Captain of the Royal Guard, The Emperor's Right Hand Man and most of all The Heir Of the Akaashi Dukedom. He was a clam and collected man with a pinch of humor and sassiness, complete opposite of the Emperor Bokuto Koutaro, who was a Hyper and simple minded man. Bokuto was always kept in check by Akaashi due to his habit of making impulse decision.
Today he was tasked (more like forced) to meet the qualified applicants of people who are going to be maids in the palace. Now you might be wondering 'why there are tests to become a maid?' There aren't if you want to become a normal maid but for a higher position, you need higher qualifications. Especially in the Royal Palace.
Just as he was on his way to the Head Maid's Office, He bumped into a girl who looked extremly pale. She looked at him and looked absolutely terrified as if he wasn't supposed to be there. She Excused herself leaving Akaashi confused. He shrugged and continued his way to the Office.
He reached the office and knocked and heard a soft "Come in'
Ahh Sir Akaashi, Right on time. Said Beatrice
Madame Graves,... is the list ready? Asked Akaashi
Yes! We have some promising people this year, one of them in particular, but she felt sick so she will sign the contract tomorrow. told Beatrice.
I see.. That is great news.
Yes it is indeed.
I will see you later then Madame. I hope you have a pleasant evening. He said with a small smile
I hope for your day to be magnificent as well Sir Akaashi. She said with a bow
Y/N did go back to sign the contract but she did add her own conditions since it was allowed. Her conditions were
The abilty to refuse: If a noble takes interest in the employee but the employee is uncomfortable with the advances, she is allowed to refuse such advances without conseqences.
Protection guaranteed: The employee will not take any orders that may endanger the employee's life without conseqences.
Guaranteed vacation days: Employee must be given atleast 4-6 days of paid vacation. it can be saved and used in bulks.
Direct handing over the payment: The employee will be given the payment directly no matter. If Anyone claim to collect it for the employee, it is false unless the employee themself confirm with the Employer (In this case Madame Beatrice Graves).
If any of the above condition are to be broken the contract will be terminated immediatly with fine of 25 gold.
Are these terms satisfying for you Madame? said Y/N
Yes, You are quite clever. No one has ever used the blank space given for the employee's conditions. Said the Beatrice amused.
Well it is for our use isn't it Madame?. Said Y/N with a chuckle.
It is. You will be starting tomorrow then Ms L/N.
Please call me Y/n Madame, and yes.
I hope you have a pleasant afternoon. And you may get comfortable in the dormatories.
I hope your afternoon is pleasant as well. And I will. Y/N said excusing herself with a bow.
Two Years later. ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
It had been two years since Y/N got reincarnated and started working as a maid. A lot of things happened, the main thing was Y/N cutting of her family. Her family did take her to court on the 'oral Contract' of her promising to pay off all their debts. That's where she decided to fight back, which was surprising for her family. She used their own words against them by telling the judge "I only promised to pay the debts and i have paid them enough money to pay it off, your honor". she showed the proof as well. Her family tried to justify that they have to eat and drink as well but it was shut down. She also showed the law that stated that she was not obligated to support their reckless activity. No matter what her family tried, they were unable to win.
The second was that, She Got Promoted!!! Why u might ask? due to her knowledge from her original world, of being a doctor and kind of an herbologist. Which meant more money!! She Already planned to leave once she had enough money to retire from being a maid and opening a small clinic in the village near her house. With the promotion, she brought a small cottage in a desolated area on the mountains near the woods. It did cost her a year worth of her salary but... its worth it.
The Game would begin in about a month, so all she had to do was live.... SURVIVE the war of love... Orrrr she could just quit today. I mean she has enough money to live modestly sooo. Naahhhhh, who lives modestly when they can live lavishly. So she decided to stay. Just till the story starts.
A secrete between you and me... She liked Akaashi. Not like, she Loved him. In the game Akaashi was the epitome of a green flag and the softest yandere. She really hoped that Akaashi got his ending, A Happy Ending and not the cliche ending of " PrOtEcTiNg ThE FeMaLe LeAd FrOm ThE ShAdOw". She pitied the poor man, but wasn't interested in risking her life for some character, even if she loved him . She started to stalk him during her free time, not full on yandere creepy stalker, but the little stalking everyone does to their crush. Since she knew how to draw, Y/N had a journal dedicated to him, which was quite expensive, since paper and ink are expensive in this time/game. also one of the reason she doesn't have enough money to leave but that's not important . In her defense she needs a souvenir. But she won't pursue him because she wants to escape Tacitly. But she didn't Notice her little hobby had already caught someone's attention.
Akaashi Kenji was used to Girls even women, following him around and giggling at his sight but it never fazed him. He Ignored them, Why? simply because he was not interested and he was too busy to give them time. But he was never rude to them, asking them to leave with a pleasant smile, he has a reputation to maintain.
He never noticed anyone special, well... not until he saw Y/N. She was average looking, does her job well, is educated which is verry uncommon. That never interested him, She was very average compared to the women whom he has seen in the Balls, hell even the maids working with her. But something........ something drew him to her. One day, during his regular petrol, he saw Y/N. But after she spoted him, She gave him a bow and left. A paper fell from her book, so he followed her to give it back. But he got curious and opened the page..... it was HIM.. Full of his drawing, very nicely drawn too.
This spiked his curiousity. He left the page under her rooms door and left. He asked the shadow knights to find out everything about her. He was surprised to find out that she worked there for years. Slowly this simple curiosity turned into a spiral of obsession.
A month passed and the Saintess arrived. Just as the prophecy stated, She fell from the sky. But something was off from Akaashi's point of view. She was already acting as if she was a higher status than any and everyone. Or is it just in his head,... Nevermind then, he was already busy with his duties. Coincidently he had to visit Beatrice (Head maid) for something, Also to catch a glimpse of Y/N but that's irrelevent.
Sir Akaashi, What brings you here?
The list Lady Graves... You forgot to send the list new recruits to my office...
Ahh my apologise, One of our maid is quiting hence it has been hectic.
Someone is quiting? That is a surprise.
Yes... that to a capable maid.
May i inquire who?
Y/N, Y/N L/N, She says she wants to open a small shop and live her life.
Y/N's Leaving....?
yes, and here you go
Thank y--
As Akaashi was about to thank Beatrice, he was interupted by a soft knock.
Who is it?
Its me Head Maid, Y/N. May i come in?
Her sweet voice. The voice that was melody to his ears. He signaled the head maid to invite her in.
May I help you Y/N?
Yes- oh Sir Akaashi... Good afternoon.
Good afternoon to you as well Y/N
Anyways, I'd like the conformation of my resignation?
Yes, it was approved, you may leave after 2 weeks.
I see Thank you. With a quick curtsy to both the head maid and Akaashi she left.
"HOW COULD YOU!! No HOW DARE YOU LEAVE? WHY ARE YOU LEAVING.....Please stay. Should I trap her? Break her legs? NO No no. I shouldn't think like this." these were the thoughts going through Akaashi's head while he made his way back to his office.
"That's right I could just ask her? Can't I? I do realise we aren't close but i assume it isn't a secrete. I'll ask her the coming week" He thought satisfied with a low hmm.
It hadn't even been 3 days after Akaashi found out that his love Y/N was leaving. He made his way to the maid's quarters, He noticed a commotion.
I saw her steal Your Holiness Please beleive me!! A maid was kneeling while pointing at Y/N who stood tall.
Now, Why would I need jewelry when I have enough money to afford about 20 of them? Y/N stated with an innocent look on her face (which got Akaashi Hard immediately)
Because you are jealous of Her Holiness, You said it your self!!.
'Bruh what a Headache' My dear I've already quit so what good will this cheapass Jewelry do for me? Bitch.
See Your Holiness, Even her mouth is foul.
Halt, Please Y/N where were you 3 days ago when the neckless went missing?
I was---
She was with me Your Holiness. Akaashi intervened speaking from the crowed
She was?
Yes I had bumped into her at the Head Maid's office. She was there to get her resignation.
I see this proves Miss Y/N Innocent
Thank you Your Holiness.
No problem, If i were you I'd be careful with my tongue.
Thank you for the advice, Y/N said with a smile
After that encounter, Akaashi went to Y/N to check up on her. If she was alright. then knowing she was fine, he asked her to walk with him. They shared pleasantries and, Akaashi finally asked why she was quiting. Her replay was the same but she also added " others were jealous and trying to sabotage me. Plus i hate getting involved in drama like the one today. I an see it happening again".
If I got rid of it will she stay? I should get rid of that damn maid. Akaashi thought. With that they said their good byes and parted ways
The Next day, body of the maid who had was found. She had committed suicide, it also had a note of confession saying how she plotted to frame Y/N because of how much everyone loved her.
A few days passed
And Akaashi was summoned to be a witness for what the Saintess was saying
The saintess claimed it was Y/N's fault she must be punished accordingly. Akaashi intervened asking what was Y/N's fault? The fact that she defended herself? her dignity? her life ahead? WHAT WAS THAT SHE DID WRONG??
The Saintess's claim was shut down after what Akaashi said, Since He was the most trusted.
Then came the day of Y/N's departure. No one except Akaashi was their to bid her farewell. But what he did surprised her. He leaned down to kiss her on the lips not a peck, But full make out session. Y/N started to feel dizzy and then suddenly lost conciousness.
She woke up in a lavish room. Decorated with golds and gems but no silver. She was told by Akaahi that she suddenly got fever between the kiss and he apologised for what he did. Y/N dismissed it and asked if she could leave. He told her that her fever was down but not gone, So she should stay till she recovers.
They started dating after Akaashi's heartfelt confession. And after that he just couldn't keep it in his pants.
But she only got progressively worse, her fever would come back anytime. She got weaker and paler ( paler as in weak as fuck not the skin color). But there came a point her health stopped deteriorating. This caused her to get suspicious. Why? Because Akaashi had proposed to her claiming to love her and she accepted.
Was Akaashi trying to kill her because she stood against the Saintess?
Soon she was able to fool one of the maids serving her to get her a silver jewelry and to her fear....... She was correct. The Silver turned black. How could she be So STUPID. He protected the FL from the shadows meaning killing without hesitation or remorse.
So she escaped... in the dead of night that very day. It was hard but she was able to reach the shore and catch the last ship and she finally escaped death..... or she thought.
On the other side, Akaashi was losing his mind... HOW DARE YOU!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!! HOW COULD YOU. HE TREATED YOU SOO WELL AND THIS IS WHAT HE GETS???!!
He finally saw the letter you left.
Dear Kenji, I do love you very much, but i know you love Aurelia (the saintess). Hence the reason for you poisoning me... I would have loved to spend my life with you but I'm afraid i won't be able to. I'll leave forever so that you won't have to worry about me hurting Aurelia. I hope You Will Be Happy
Your Lover Truly
What? What are you talking about? loving that bitch? who he was planning to kill? Did someone decive you? That's right someone must have lied to you..... You Still love him! You said it yourself....
Don't worry he'll find you an clear this misunderstanding.
I'm coming my dear....
A/N: FUCKING FINALLY.!!! I'm done!! I'll make a part two with the dark stuff and smut cuz i wanted to build a base for this story. Probably more than part 2.. Soo STAY TUNED
Hope You Enjoy!!
STAY SAFE, HEALTHY AND HYDRATED ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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iloveyanderes · 2 years
What I think of every bsd character (some of them I don't know so I'll be making wild guesses about them) also I got all these names off a wiki and sometimes there not exactly spelt right.
Fukuzawa: nice cat loving man who I respect
Yasano: best doctor in the world, would not recommend though
Atsushi: my cute little tiger boy🥺💕
Tanizaki:I kinda like to pretend he doesn't have a sister
Kunikida: dazais number one target
Kenji: adorable, would protect with my life
Kyouka: don't dislike I just don't really feel her
Dazai: suicidal maniac, best singer ever
Ranpo: I love him, smart but dumb, I would give him all of my food.
Katai: I have no idea who he is but he looks like he never leaves his bed
Naomi: I like to pretend she doesn't have a brother
Kirako: she looks nice
Mori: I fucking hate him, no pedophiles allowed near anyone
Elise: girlboss, someone get her the fuck away from Mori.
Ace: looks flashy
Chuuya: love him, small boy with nice hair and the best hat in existence
Rando: looks very random
Koyo: idk man, she looks powerful
Paul: where chuuya got his style
Akutagawa: in need of dazai approval
Higuchi: was annoying at first but she grew on me
Albatross: looks like he's constantly in a disco party
Doc: bad haircut supreme
Iceman: looks like a fireman
Lippmann: invests in great lips
Piano man: is great at playing the piano and knows it
Ryuro: this guy will die of lung cancer
Gin: is okay
Tachihara: I know who you really are
Karma: I know nothing about him except that Fyodor got to him
Yumeno: I'll stay on their good side
Kajii: I know he likes bombs and lemons
Oda: love him, fellow ginger, love his ability, without him this story would have never really began or at least Atsushi wouldn't be the Mc.
Ango: uhhhhhhhhh, cool I guess don't really like him
Scott Fitzgerald: the entire guild is probably his sugar baby
Poe: love Karl, fellow introvert, probably gets billions of dollars from writing x reader fanfics, I'd pay him any amount
Lovecraft: the only author I actually knew about before reading this book
John steinback: kinda looks like he could be kenjis distant cousin
Lucy: like her just not really attracted to her character
Margaret: I know nothing about this character but I despite the way her name is written, I prefer margrett it sounds more like it
Mark Twain: twains out of bad situations
Nathaniel: is more likeable because his name is closest to my fav boy name Nathan.
Fyodor: somehow I have a completely neutral opinion of him, I don't like or dislike him.
Nikolai: this may be bias but I absolutely adore white haired characters that have braids, there my type of people and I automatically like them, bonus points if there unhinged
Sigma: bro is the official Y/N I feel bad for him, the absolute shit he went through, also he has the best and most realistic facial expressions in all of bsd
Bram: I like him, I seriously hope him and that small red head gets a brother/sister relationship.
Oguri: studio bones got to him
Agatha: her name is like one step away from being majestic
Fukichi: bro is the reason why Kenji and Atsushi got hurt alot, not to mention he's planning world wide terrorism, and it was all because he got rejected by his childhood crush(this is totally what happened)
Teruko:my fav bsd character, love her absolute girlboss, pls I beg of you let me be your bestie, I will sell my soul
Jouno: pretty good, I love that he put others above his own self pleasures, also kinda terrifying in some manga panels and In others hes so cute
Tecchou: cute little boy, love him, also I ship him with jouno, it's mandatory if you enter this fandom, will probably end up being bestie with kenji
Aya: biggest girlboss in this entire series, hate her dad, she is best girl, if you dis her I will track you down and find you.
This is all the characters I got a the enger for, hope you enjoyed
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A little guide to my posts (the ones that don't have a link are things that I'm still working on and will be posted eventually)
Shatter me
A Coffee Tale (coffee shop AU; mainly warnette with side ships; not finished yet, but updated every once in a while)
Never forget that there's a 'he' in 'cheat' (ACT's backstory; featuring the drama with Leila, Kate and Anderson; will be out when I finish ACT)
Promise for forever (happens during ACT, but it's one-shots of Emmaline x Haider; will be out after I finish ACT, similar to Bonus Chapter 2 from ACT)
ACT Bloopers (not really a fanfic, but the notes I'm using to write ACT, because I'm convinced I'm funny I'm not, but I like attention)
Christmas miracles (warnette Christmas office au, will be a start of a seasonal warnette collection, will be out some time in December)
Character/plot point analysis
Juliette Ferrars (kinda sucks, might rewrite eventually)
Adam Kent (will be out at some point, not sure when)
Emmaline and Ella's names
Kenji and Juliette's friendship and it's contribution to their character developments
Adam and Juliette's relationship and it's contribution to their character developments
Nazeera Ibrahim
Emmaline Sommers (still not sure if I'll ever write it, but putting it here as a reminder for myself)
Nazeera, Kenji, Warner and Juliette as a friend group post-war (will be out eventually)
See me
If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's a wattpad next-gen Shatter me fanfic by jackssfox, I really recommend checking it out
Character/plot point analysis
Kai Kishimoto (coming soon)
Emmaline Leila Warner (coming soon)
Theories about what happens next (tho they might be VERY far from what's actually gonna happen lol) (hopefully coming soon?)
Incorrect quotes
Day 1
Day 2 #1 #2
Day 3 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Apparently I missed day 4, but I was spamming day 3, so it's okay
Day 5
Day 6 #1 #2
Day 7 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Day 8
Day 9 #1 #2
Day 10 #1 #2
Day 11 #1 #2 #3
Day 12 #1 #2 #3
Day 13 #1 #2 #3
Day 14 #1 #2 #3
The Inheritance Games
Wedding plans with Jameson Hawthorne (Avery and Jameson planning their wedding; idea from @xo-zozo; coming soon)
Meant to be (next-gen fanfic; idk if I'll write it 'cause I got the idea before TBH came out, so idk if it's even possible for this to happen, considering the series isn't finished yet, and it was supposed to be AveryJameson's daughter with Eve's son, but idk if it's kinda like incest because of Toby? Please comment if you want to see it)
New memories (Nash and Libby Valentaine's day)
Behind the speaker (Avery, Jameson, Nash and Xander watching the players in tgg; coming soon)
The one to hold him (Jameson is sick and Avery is taking care of him; requested)
On the sand (Avery x Jameson beach date)
Character/plot point analysis
TGG review
Brady Daniels (hardly analysis, more like a rant lol)
The kiss scenes (with one reblog from me to add some stuff)
Gigi Grayson (currently working on it)
Savannah Grayson
Avery Grambs (idc that she's not a mc anymore, she's still my favourite and CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED)
Jameson Hawthorne
Rohavannah headcanons
The Reappearance of Rachel Price
As if you never left (Bell and Ash reunion)
What it should've been (Reachel, Bell and Carter just chilling)
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
Character/plot point analysis
Andie and Pip paralles
The stuff at the end of Part 1 of AGAD and how it affected Pip
This is it for now, things from potential requests will be added. The fandoms that I'm in are listed in my intro post.
As you can see, there's a lot of stuff that I have in plan that I haven't written yet, but all of this takes time, I need at least a day for each of these things. Some of those things will take quite a while to post, so I'm asking for your patience <3
If anything here caught your attention, follow me so that you can see the progress of it. If you want to be tagged in my posts about a fandom or a specific thing, reply here and I'll tag you when the time comes.
I have random posts about some of these fandoms that are not included here and I'm kinda random (and I think I'm funny), so you can check them out, too.
I'm kinda unserious, so don't expect the character analysises (is that a word?) or fanfics to be profesional
Bye for now <3
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scarletta-ruan · 2 years
I'm the one who asked if you could do aus and I'm happy that you would love to write some aus. I was wondering if you could do headcanons harvest moon or rune factory au life with atsushi, akutagawa and dazai? like what kind of bachelors they are? reader is the new farmer moving to a town ( I call the male datables in the game bachelors), dating/marriage life with them( there is dating/marriage systems). I'm so sorry if you don't know those games, harvest moon/rune factory is kinda like stardew valley or these games are farming and social simulator game
i'm happily explain about these games if you don't know these games, in harvest moon game. Every game's setting is at countryside, in a small town with colorful characters you can interact and socialize with. You can build relationships with characters/villagers, by talking to them and giving gifts they like/love. There are some items or food that the villagers neutral, like, love, dislike and hated. The most important in the game is farming, you build your crops, take care of animals like cows, chicken, sheeps ( you get eggs from chicken, get milk from the cow, about sheeps. I guess you get the wool from it? sorry to been awhile I played any farming games)
you can sell your crops, things you home-made created. And this is my favorite system, the dating/marriage mechanics. I spend my time in-game; wooing the bachelor I wanna date/marry by talking to them or giving their favorite foods/gifts, in order to date/them. You must trigger the flower events (that's only happen in harvest moon)
you can marry them and build a family with them, I think that your spouse and mc living together in mc's house (I actually played one game from both franchise) oh btw, rune factory is kinda like harvest moon but rune factory is mixed of fantasy and farming . rune factory is like sister franchise of it, so it's fantasy like and had rpg aspects/mechanics. in rune factory, you woke up with no memories, accepted by small mediaval community and I think rune factory had plot while harvest moon doesn't have plot
I'm very sorry if my request kinda confusing or these games are unfamiliar to you, I kinda understand that harvest moon/rune factory games are kinda undertalk/underrated compared to beloved and popular; animal crossing. I don't mean sounded hated toward animal crossing 🙇🙇
to summarize my request; harvest moon/rune factory au life with atsushi, akutagawa and dazai.
WARNING: OOC, soft!characters, Harvest moon!Au, based on a game named Harvest moon
TYPE: Headcanon
PAIRING: Atsushi Nakajima || Ryunosuke Akutagawa || Osamu Dazai x fem!reader (seperately)
WORDCOUNTS: 1k4+ words
NOTES: I spent lots of time reading some instructions for the game in English and also Vietnamese because I wanted to have more ideas to write this AU. I added some things which were not concluded in the game too (hope you would love it). And yeah, writing about Akutagawa doing farm work reminds me of him in Beast Universe where he did farm with Kenji.
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1. Atsushi Nakajima
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So well, when you decided to stay here just to renovate the farm which was inherited from your grandfather.
And one of the villagers you first met in this village was a white-haired boy named Atsushi. He was the first one you interacted with when you came to stay in this village.
This boy was shy whenever he met you, Atsushi would pretend that sometimes he accidentally came into your place just to buy some crops or home-made things that you made. 
When Atsushi came to visit you, sometimes you might get him some things that you had at your home. Maybe there were some that Atsushi did not like but he still received them because they were from yours of course. He was happy when you gave him gifts, you could see his eyes drawn up into a crescent moon shape. Atsushi would thank you a lot when you give him gifts.
“T-They are all for me? A-Are you sure? I think those are too much for me, but if you give me this, I will keep them carefully.”
Atsushi and you dated when you two knew each other really well. I may imagine that he would date you under the starry sky while you guys were laying on the straw of your farm. You might hear him telling some of his ordinary stories about other people in the village or the one who always came to your house.
“You know what, whenever I finish my farm work, I would like to enjoy a big pie or maybe a big glass of water.”
“Do you know about the lady who always comes to buy your home-made fabric? She is a kind woman, though. She always brings me some pie she bakes herself, next time if I have a chance to meet her again. I will tell her to bake some for you too.”
And when you two got married and that was the best time between you and Atsushi. Finally, you two shared the same home, the same room, and the same for everything. 
Atsushi would help work on your farm, he did not let you overwork or do some work that was hard for a woman so he might do them all for you. 
“No, don’t do that. Let me do it for you, can you feed the chickens or the cows for me while I do this for you?”
Would always helped you to feed the chickens and cows. Atsushi might help you to collect eggs from the chicken and milk from cows too. And when you talked to the cows or the chickens and acted like those were your family, he would learn to do that too.
“Oh, little friends, are you hungry or sad? Can I do something to help you?”
Or when he collected the milk.
“There, there, beautiful girl, can you give me some milk? If I sold your milk we would have more money to upgrade our farm.”
2. Ryunosuke Akutagawa
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Akutagawa was the scariest villager when you first moved to your inherited farm, he was not rude to you, but sometimes his eyes or his way of looking at you made you shiver.
And Akutagawa always came to your farm just to buy some eggs or milk, sometimes he would ask to buy your home-made things too. But when you interacted with Akutagawa long enough, you may find out that actually, he was kinda a good person but his acting always made people afraid of him.
You had a dog that you raised when it was a little one, so when your dog went away from your farm, you could not find it. That was when you were very sad, and you thought that you might have lost them forever. And then Akutagawa came to your farm, his hand carried your little friend and said that he found them playing near the lake.
“Is this your dog? I found them playing near the lake, you should keep them carefully. Because this friend is just a kid, they might die if they fell into water.”
You received your dog from Akutagawa and said thank you to him a lot. And you felt that Akutagawa was a good man.
You always gave Akutagawa some gifts when he visited your farm. He seemed awkward at first when he first received your gifts, and Akutagawa wanted to give them back to you right away. But you forced him to receive them, for many times later he would accept every gift you gave him, even though there were some of them he did not like.
And I guess he would give you back some gifts too, maybe some of his hand-made things like wheat, fruits, vegetables or some chicken eggs.
“My house has a lot of fruits and vegetables, even if I bring them to the market or sell them by myself, it is still too much for me. And if I didn’t use them all, they would be thrown away when they were rotten. So, I will give you some of them, hope you love them.”
Later when Akutagawa and you were on a date, he would bring you to his house sometimes just to help him do the farm work, and also he would come to your house to help you back. Every day like this with you just felt like a dream when you two were together.
When you got married to Akutagawa and shared the same house with him, every morning he would be the one who woke up early just to prepare for you two breakfast.
“Have some things before we work on the farm so you don’t faint or feel tired while working.”
Akutagawa always paid attention to you, whenever he saw you did not wear any hat while you were working on the field he would put his hat on your head right away.
“Don’t make yourself get sick by forgetting to wear a hat.”
3. Osamu Dazai
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You met him when he first came to visit you.
“Oh, I heard that there was a new one who moved to live with us so I want to look at their face.”
This man always coincidentally bumped into you whenever you brought things to sell at the market. And that was his only reason to get home with you.
“Oh, again. Shall we get home together?”
Dazai always came to your house to buy your own products, milk, eggs, or even your hand-made things too.
“Can I have this straw hat, it is so beautiful.”
Dazai always tried to refuse your gifts for him, he did not want to receive them even though those things were his favorite too. Later when you two shared the same home, Dazai told you the reason that he did not want you to waste any things for him.
And he would date you in his fruit garden, Dazai would turn on his own radio that he brought from his home to the garden. Just some random Piano song that you had heard before you came into this place. Then you two danced until midnight.
After dancing you two would lie down on the ground, looking at the starry sky. Dazai would tell you everything about him. And he would propose to you by wearing the ring which was made from the grass on your finger.
“I don’t have much money or anything else in this world, but I promise with this grass ring that I will protect you until I am not in this world anymore.”
So when you two got married and you shared the same house with him, Dazai would try his hardest to work with you. Though he did not know how to cock so whenever you made some things for him he would be very happy about it.
Always wanted to help you when he finished his work if you were feeding chickens and he was there. Dazai would do it for you, if you were milking a cow, Dazai would force you to let him do it.
“Alright, alright, you should relax. Let me do it for you, just go ahead and make some tea or pie, maybe I really want to have some if I am finished.”
And like Akutagawa, he paid all his attention to you, whether you were feeling comfortable or not. He would wear his hat to you while you were doing farm, or he would help you to reach the hat or the straw basket which were far from your hand.
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canmom · 1 year
seasonal animes: Oshi no Ko 01-06
I mentioned a bit that I was watching this one but I never wrote anything very substantial about it, so lets remedy that!
Oshi no Ko is wild. Every time I think I know where it’s going, it goes somewhere else.
The premise already sounds pretty deranged. Here’s what I knew going in. A gynecologist is visited by the idol Hoshino Ai he’s obsessed with, who’s pregnant with twins. Just before the twins are born, he’s murdered by a stalker. He’s reborn as one of her kids, along with one of his previous patients who was also obsessed with the same idol; they’re now named Aquamarine and Ruby and have... a less than easy time containing their otaku impulses.
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This sounded like a setup for some kind of Spy x Family-like comedy where the two babies with the minds of adults have to keep secret that they’re reincarnated and so forth. Maybe with a dash of Paripi Koumei with ‘unlikely strategist and hopeful young performer’ dynamic. You could easily wring a whole season out of writing scenarios around that premise.
But... hahaha it’s not that at all.
By the end of the first movie-length episode, Ai is killed by the same stalker, who then kills himself. The protagonist convinces himself that the only way the stalker could have known where to find Ai is if her secret lover, the father of the two reincarnation-babies, deliberately leaked her location. So he makes his new mission in life revenge, and we timeskip forward to when the twins - raised by Ai’s producer’s wife - are about to go to high school.
So it’s a revenge drama in a high school setting, right..? You know the type of thing, a class of genius schemers enacting plots against each other..?
No. It’s actually mostly about the entertainment industry.
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An episode plot might be, the protagonist reunites with an actress he met on set during his brief stint as a child actor. Realising that it might be an opportunity to get a DNA sample of one of his list of suspects, he gets involved in the shitty TV drama she’s involved in, playing a one-episode antagonist. And despite his ulterior motive, he decides he should do the actress a favour. So, applying his nigh-supernatural analysis skills and willingness to sacrifice his own dignity, he figures out how to elevate the final episode of the production.
His sister meanwhile is dying to become an idol herself. And our ridiculous scheming boy wants to make it happen, despite underlining at every turn how harsh the entertainment industry is for performers. He emotionally manipulates the same actress girl to join.
So it’s actually one of those special-interest anime where the world revolves around one activity, and here that thing is performance (film acting and music). But it’s also a comedy and a ridiculous drama as well. It’s fun.
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Visually, it’s very shiny. There’s an interesting blend of highly stylised designs for the MCs and other teens, (each MC inherited exactly one of Ai’s six-pointed eye stars and could easily lead a romance manga), and a more realist approach taken with the adults. Are we at last at the peak of eye highlight escalation? Can it go further? It makes effective use of coloured lines; there’s some very strong boards and in general the animation is solid, with moments of real greatness. Shoutout to Kenji Sawada’s excellent depiction of our boy acting as a stalker in episode 4, and whoever animated the uhhh masked strength training youtuber in episode 5. Animating realistic muscles for such a long dance sequence is a hell of a task lmao. (Good ‘long take’ gag too.)
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Compared to Paripi Koumei, it has... simultaneously a more grounded view of the entertainment industry as cynical, grubby capitalism. In some ways it’s kind of a tour of the different ways people relate to the industry, the different methods people might pursue to get ahead, and it isn’t just a simple ‘path to success’ sort of thing.
But it’s also a very heightened manga spin on that, with much larger-than-life archetypal characters. It has a bit of a tendency to reiterate and underline what happened and why it’s important to a level that sometimes feels a little much (and now another round of ‘the acting sucked in this TV drama but the last episode was good’), but on the whole, it has momentum, and a talent for coming up with non-obvious scenarios and resolutions. And a great deal of it is about the actual craft of acting; it likes to play up contrast between performances and behind the scenes characterisations, and a lot of time is spent on characters talking about the right way to perform for a particular show.
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Anyway, then episode 6 comes along, and things get rather Perfect Blue after the relatively light-hearted previous few episodes. This episode’s plot sees Aqua involved in a dating reality show, but the story mainly revolves around a girl who is pressured into a reckless but ultimately harmless action that gets her hard cancelled online, which she seriously takes to heart and attempts suicide. The whole show uses voiceovers heavily in the classic anime fashion, but in this episode, it’s particularly effective. ‘Storm of cruel social media comments’ is a recurring motif in a lot of anime over the last decade or so, deployed to greater (the end of Devilman Crybaby) or lesser (Belle) effect; here it’s done well, with a lot of care to recreate the UI of various social media sites, and honestly I wasn’t sure if they were going to kill this girl off or not (in the end, Aqua intervenes at the last second).
So where is this going to go in the long run? Its interests are becoming clear, Aqua talks a big game about being hard-headed but just can’t help intervening to help people out of various Situations. But I still have no idea how it will bring it together in the end!
I absolutely need to go back and watch the widely praised adaptation of Kaguya-Sama: Love is War which was by the same mangaka.
The other gift that this series brought is is one of the longest and silliest threads of fansubber drama on the whole of Nyaa, which is really saying something.
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somewillwin · 5 years
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Day one of pressuring @playchoices to give any type of answer about Hero.
Ko-fi // commission
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lumielikesbooks · 4 years
tried to replay hero for the 23455 time going the grayson route but as soon as my bronze boy showed up on that tv i said screw it
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kusakiguzen · 3 months
Hii!! Im the anon who request for the isekai troupe! Im glad you like itt and i think i prefer it dark but please do write as you are comfy with. Maybe if i could add more i would like the reader to have similar charactwr with penelope(DITOEV) or Eris(Kill the villainess. I stand with calm and realistic female mc which sadly isn't that common in both manhwa and fics🥲
Helloo!! Thank you for responding<3, i'll try to make it dark since it is my first time writing dark. And I like your suggestion for how the Y/N character/personality could be like, personally i was going to give her the personality like a little terrified but stoic and realist, so it kind of matches with penelope. I actually dropped "Kill the villainess" so i don't really know about Eris that much. And i also stand for calm and realistic female MC ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ ╰(*°▽°*)╯
P.s i'll be writing a Knight Akaashi kenji x isekai maid reader
Just letting you know it will be very similar to the manhwas and stuff where maids are the Mc. This was a hint
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pxlbry · 4 years
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meet my mcs ↦ hero
↳ name: diana archer ↳ li: kenji katsaros ↳ “an angel and an alien ponder how alike they are” - samsketchbook
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whatsernamerps · 6 years
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priyas-tiddies · 6 years
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📱Eva x Kenji brotp
I really miss Hero so I made these text conversations between Eva and Kenji. They’re the truest brotp out of any book!
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pilitella · 6 years
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just found out that our abs God has a BD today too!!! 😱 @kenjkats​ Happy Birthday, bd sis 😏 🎉 
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choicesmlm · 5 years
Hero just crushed my heart
Y’know, I’ve never been that annoyed at the diamond options. Like, I get it.
What I’m mad about is the fact that I had to save up to buy the cool black hero suit. Then I had to save AGAIN for the same suit with some lights because it had ‘better protection’ which was BULLSHIT.
And just a chapter later they’re telling me I need to buy a suit A G A I N but oh!! This one includes an emo Jarvis! Why not!!
LIKE?? I bought the suit because the free option was a literal sweaty hoodie. Then I bought the other one because I thought it’d be an upgrade?
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stayfallentasticc · 7 years
{MC and Kenji texting}
Kenji: MC, what are you doing tonight?
MC: Working again :( *message not delivered*
MC: You?
Kenji: Haha I like where this is going ;)
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lilywoood · 7 years
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Hero as a Netflix Show : Part.4
Season 2 (book 2) : Chaos & New Powers 
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