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axelico · 8 months ago
No me gusta mucho dibujar cosas normales, me gusta más el pixelart y también las mazetas o plantas. Ahora hice:una mazeta normal
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liseran-dm · 1 year ago
Bun Bubun Bubun ぶんぶぶんぶぶん / AMPTAKxCOLORS (PT-BR)
Vocal:AMPTAKxCOLORS ( からつけあっきぃ / まぜ太 / ぷりっつ / ちぐさくん / あっと / けちゃ )
Words / Music / Arrangement:佐伯youthK 様 ---- Guitar:沼能友樹 様 ---- Illust:よもひろ 様 ---- Movie:もうり 様
さぁ 寄ってらっしゃい見てらっしゃい Ei, parem e dêem uma olhada ほらほら Don’t be shy! Olhe, olhe, não seja tímido! 拍手喝采 ついに開催 Saudindo e aplaudindo, finalmente é a cerimônia de abertura 待ちに待った 待った無しの今日だ (K/T) Estive esperando por isso, hoje é o dia que mal podia esperar
焼きそばたこ焼き フランクにクレープ Pão de yakisoba, Takoyaki, Salsicha e Crepe お化け屋敷はうちがやるわ〜! "Nós quem iremos fazer a casa mal assombrada ~!" それじゃあうちダンス えーマジかー "Então nós iremos dançar!" "Ah, sério?" やりたいことしようぜ!(At/M) Vamos fazer tudo que temos vontade! ぶん!ぶん!ぶん!(Hey!) Bun! Bun! Bun! (Ei!)
いつもは恥ずかしいことでも (Ak/P) Sempre ficamos envergonhados por essas coisas ぶんぶぶんの魔法で (K/T) Mas com a magia do BunBubun なんだって楽しくなっちゃうね Tudo se torna mais divertido
そんじゃ Então… ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!さぁ集まって BunBubunBubun! Ei, vamos nos agrupar! ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!盛り上がって BunBubunBubun! Vamos nos animar なんだっていい 全員が主役だ! Não importa o que seja, todos são os protagonistas! ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!超楽しいね BunBubunBubun! É muito divertido, né ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!大歓声 BunBubunBubun! Alta comemorações キンコンカンコン Sinos de fim de aula ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!文化の祭! BunBubunBubun! É o festival cultural!
文化祭それは文芸に特化した行事である Festival Cultural é o evento que mostra a especialização da literatura
文化の祭 口うるさいことは言われない唯一のタイム Festival Cultural, é o único momento que não irão falar que estamos barulhentos 異彩放つ6つの色彩 したいことしたい!We can’t wait for that time(Yeah!) Deixando livre as seis cores em destaque, querendo fazer o que querem! Não conseguimos esperar por esse tempo (Yeah!) B・K・S!そんじゃぼちぼちマイクテストテスト あーあー F-C-L! Então, aos poucos, testando o microfone "ah- ah-" Yeah どんな状況でもいけしゃあしゃあ Yeah Seja qual for a situação, só vamos そう今日は無礼講 みんな Go with the flow Pois é, hoje é uma festa sem limitações! Galera, vão com o fluxo!
ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!さぁ集まって BunBubunBubun! Ei, vamos nos agrupar ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!盛り上がって BunBubunBubun! Vamos nos animar どこだっていい 世界中がステージだ!(At/M) Não importa aonde, o mundo inteiro é nosso palco! ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!超楽しいね BunBubunBubun! É muito divertido, né ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!大歓声 BunBubunBubun! Altas comemorações キンコンカンコン Sinos de fim de aula ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!文化の祭! BunBubunBubun! É o festival cultural!
カタチないもので (K/T) Com as coisas sem forma 今 作ろう (At/M) Oh 夢のカタチ (Ak/P) Agora, vamos construir Oh O formato dos nossos sonhos 君も 君も ほら君も Você, e você, ei, você também 歌おう笑おう騒ごう Vamos cantar, vamos rir, vamos bagunçar ぶんぶぶんの魔法で Mas com a magia do BunBubun なんだって楽しくなっちゃうね Tudo se torna mais divertido
そんじゃ Então… ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!さぁ集まって BunBubunBubun! Ei, vamos nos agrupar! ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!盛り上がって BunBubunBubun! Vamos nos animar なんだっていい 全員が主役だ! Não importa o que seja, todos são os protagonistas! ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!超楽しいね BunBubunBubun! É muito divertido, né ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!大歓声 BunBubunBubun! Alta comemorações キンコンカンコン Sinos de fim de aula ぶんぶぶんぶぶん!文化の祭! BunBubunBubun! É o festival cultural!
Brincadeiras à parte, eu realmente amei essa música! Ela mostra um lado que não existe no Brasil (Festival Cultural), então foi um pouco difícil adaptar a letra! Mas espero que transmita exatamente o que a música tentou trazer! Eu amo demais a animação da música, sinto que ela pertecen ao AMPTAK! Esse grupo está me cativando cada vez mais e fico feliz com isso, eu adoro a animação deles!
Escutem suas músicas com muito carinho, sei que eles se esforçam muito para mostrar ao público <3
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marismoments39 · 1 year ago
What is Himawari's Heart's "Cookie?"
Heya!! Here I am again FINALLY with another yryr cd post
what's this one about?
well, there's this lyric in 恋はあまのじゃくですわ (himawari's vol 3 main sogn)
it goes like this:
「一つ混ぜたハートのクッキー」 wait, do I need do provide a photo... (dw btw this whole thing will have translations)
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(oops I put those in reverse order..... anyways....)
Some of the best purchases I've made in my life was getting all these physical...
anyways, the line says
「一つ混ぜたハートのクッキー」 "hitotsu mazeta haato (heart) no kukkii (cookie)
hitotsu means one (of a thing) mazeta is the past form of mazeru which means like mix/stir/blend heart no cookie is just "heart's cookie," it could also be "heart cookie," like, with "heart" being an adjective
So what does this MEAN?
Well, first off, we need a DISCLAIMER!!!!
That being, I haven't even been studying japanese for that long. I dabbled in it a teensy bit in like 2018, but I didn't start liek STUDYING it until 2021... and I didn't have a TEACHER 'til 2022... BUT!!!! She is a very good teacher and also I'm pretty confident in my abilities so far.
now, with that out of the way, here's what I'm pretty sure that line means
"one thing's mixed into my heart's cookie" which checks out with... how words work!! but we still have a few question
-What's the "one thing?" (NOT "the one thing you can't replace") -What's the heart's cookie? or heart cookie? heart-shaped cookie?
Well, an important part of japanese.... and.... language as a whole..... ..is context! (I mean context is important everywhere, but superduper in japanese!)
so let's look at the lines BEFORE and AFTER she says the heart cookie line
...気づくかしらこっそり 一つ混ぜたハートのクッキー これからもずっと 振り回されてあげますわ もうしょうがないですわね
now that is ALOT, and, actually, I've been working on making an english translation to koi wa amanojaku desuwa (that's the song we're analyzing, forgot to mention that.)
I really really love the songs of yuruyuri, I mean, as namori herself said, YURUYURI'S MUSIC IS FULL OF HAPPINESS!
wait I should probably back that up with a source
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HOW IS IT BACKWARDS AGAIN??? whatever. uh, while we're still on this topic, lemme just say!! the cds are! TOTALLY CANON!!!!
namori didn't say that.. but they're all in character.... AND
namori said that the best way to express yourself is in a song!! wait, did she? hold on
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credit to bakkin.moe! unfortunately, I don't know what the original japanese text says... fake yryr fan smh....
..anyways.... WHERE WERE WE??
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..oh. right. well, here are the super important lines
firstly, here's the romaji:
kidzuku kashira kossori hitotsu mazeta haato no kukkii kore kara mo zutto furimawasarete agemasuwa mou shouganai desuwa ne
I really like the first line, for reasons other than alliterations!
"kidzuku kashira kossori" -kidzuku is to notice, to think of, to REALIZE... dictionaries are hard but i get the general gist -kashira is like "I wonder if..." -kossori is "secretly," or "stealthily"
so basically himawari's wondering if sakurako thinks of her alot in secret, aww~~
is THAT the "one thing?"
Side note: YES, that line is refering to sakurako. The ENTIRE SONG is about SAKURAKO. yes, SAKURAKO SPECIFICALLY. I don't think anybody's going to argue with me on that, BUT IF THEY DO, I've a surplus of evidence!!
so we can go back to the "one thing's mixed into heart heart's cookie/heart cookie" thing
..well! the second to last line there was "furimawasarete agemasuwa"
that's... a mouthful
-Furimawasarete is to swing something around.. or, like, hold it -agemasu is to give -and "wa" is, like, an exclamation mark...
..but..... that's also NOT really what... uh
okay so furimawasarete is usually furimawasu, but it's in "te" form and it's connected to agemasu SO
himawari is "holding" or smth FOR someone
(sakurako, in this case)
now, I'm still sorta hung up on what furimawasu really MEANS
but I THINK i have an idea
(note: "furimawasu-ing" isn't correct gramatically in english nor japanese)
now... I wonder if himawari has, like, a bag or something
but she doesn't haha... how would that even be!!!!! it's not like she has a bag of idk heart cookies--
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the thing she's furimawasu-ing is TOTALLY THE CHOCOLATE BAGS
"oh but moon I don't see any HEARTS IN THERE!!!"
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I'm gonna get day by day physical eventually...
the onegai catch me lyrics... have alot about.... food
words used in Onegai Catch Me: -Peppermint Chocolate -Strawberry Short Tart -Layer Cheese -Decoration -Cookie Financier -Candy Marchmallow -Ice Pudding
..and there may be more!
anyways, right.. THER!! COOKIE FINANCIER!!!
this.. doesn't really give me much for "evidence," BUT!!! it's gonna help with the NEXT things I say!!
which is...
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BOOM!!! (I did it in reverse this time but the pictures are still backwards)
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I don't have sore wa koi de wa nai desuno but it's uh way clearer to see there
I mean
it all makes SENSE, doesn't it?
but now we're back to the first question: "WHAT IS HIMAWARI'S HEART COOKIE???"
call be basic but IT'S HER HEART
figurative heart.
see the sole reason I thought it might NOT be figurative heart (soul) is because they could've used 心(kokoro) (japanese word for, like, soul.. spirit.. heart...)
but the HEART (ハート, heart SHAPE) cookie is representing her HEART (心 kokoro!!)
basically, this whole post was to......
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cmpmoon · 11 months ago
complejos en la mazeta pendiente. calculo que crece y carece de mas.
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lizi123456-blog · 6 years ago
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Injerto Semana 1, en proceso ya quiero verlo lleno de colores 🤗😍😃 . . . . . . . . #Cactus #instagood#bebesita #cactusysuculentas #smile #mazeta #sublime#amor #milicienta #creatividad #love https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNPaj-gdOl/?igshid=9fexyexx5pv0
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el-kallpa · 5 years ago
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#stayhome #green #mondaymotivation #grass #ceramic #pot #design by @oli.gerardo mi #Padre! . . From @peru to @miami to @california .... #plants #mini #elKallpa #KallpaFoto #House #Casita #mazeta #escaleras #colores #casa #pasto #CityofMonterey #NorCal #landscape (at Monterey, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ZABQwA1SL/?igshid=1m1vpwnahvybb
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chapin68 · 7 years ago
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Transferring #silvertorchcactus to a bigger #pot.... wish me luck! Transfiriendo un #cacto a una #mazeta más grande.... deseenme suerte! #cactus #cleistocactusstrausii (at Gardena, California)
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harudokuro-traducciones · 5 years ago
Kurenai no yoru no uta (Español)
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Intérprete: KENN
Single: Kurenai no yoru no uta / Eidolon
Fecha de lanzamiento: 30 octubre 2013
紅ノ夜ノ唄 Kurenai no yoru no uta Canción de la noche carmesí
曰く、とめどなく 流れ落ちるは緋色のフアンタジイ Iwaku, tomedonaku nagare ochiru wa hiiro no fantaji Se dice que la fantasía escarlata fluye hacia abajo sin detenerse 
君を酔わすマジック 湿った声のノスタルジイ Kimi o yowasu majikku shimetta koe no nosutaruji Y la voz bañada en nostalgia es magia que te intoxica 
曰く、ゆるぎなく 時を刻むは錆び付くフアンタジイ Iwaku, yuruginaku toki o kizamu wa sabitsuku fantajii Se dice que el tiempo que pasa sin agitarse es una fantasía oxidada
灯るガス灯が 色を着けるは 影ふたつ Tomoru gasutou ga iro o tsukeru wa kage futatsu Y la lámpara de gas ilumina agregándole color a nuestras sombras
永久(とわ)の約束は交わせない Towa no yakusoku wa kawasenai No podemos hacer una promesa eterna
恋とあやかしを混ぜた 幻想模様の運命(さだめ) Koi to ayakashi o mazeta gensou moyou no sadame Pues el destino de un patrón ilusorio mezcló el amor con lo extraño 
夜は満ちる 紅く染まる Yoru wa michiru akaku somaru La noche asciende teñida de rojo,
深く繋がれた縁 失った子猫 Fukaku tsunagareta enishi ushinatta koneko Un destino conectado profundamente y un gatito perdido
想い満ちて 巡りくれば Omoi michite megurikureba Si los pensamientos van ascendiendo en en círculos 
君は何を望み どんな終わりを願う Kimi wa nani o nozomi donna owari o negau ¿Qué es lo que deseas y qué tipo de final esperas?
ゆら ゆら ゆら Yura yura yura Balanceándose y balanceándose
輪廻の方へ誘え Rinne no hou e izanae Invitada en dirección del samsara*
紅蓮の御鏡 Guren no mikagami  La tú enamorada se reflejó
恋伽の君 映した Renka no kimi utsushita En un espejo carmesí
曰く、夢うつつ 絡まる糸は緋色のフアンタジイ Iwaku, yume utsutsu karamaru ito wa hiiro no fantajii Se dice que la fantasía escarlata es un hilo que se enreda entre los sueños y la realidad
やけに仄暗く 重なるように 影ふたつ Yake ni honoguraku kasanaru you ni kage futatsu Como si se sobrepusiera terrible y melancólicamente a nuestras sombras
煉瓦の騙し絵じゃ描けない Rengga no damashie ja egakenai No puedo pintar el trampantojo* en los ladrillos
そっと瞳開けたなら ほら、動き出した運命(さだめ) Sotto hitomi aketanara hora ugokidashita sadame Si suavemente abres tus ojos, verás que el destino comenzó a moverse
闇は満ちる 紅く染まる Yami wa michiru akaku somaru La oscuridad asciende teñida de rojo,
今は刹那の眩暈で 全てを包んで Ima wa setsuna no memai de subete o tsutsunde Ahora, empaca todo en un momento de vértigo 
時が満ちて 巡りくれば Toki ga michite megurikureba Si el tiempo va ascendiendo en en círculos 
君は誰を愛し どんな終わりを願う Kimi wa dare o aishi donna owari o negau ¿A quién amas y qué tipo de final esperas?
ゆら ゆら ゆら Yura yura yura Balanceándose y balanceándose
輪廻の方へ誘え Rinne no hou e izanae Invitada en dirección del samsara
紅蓮の御鏡 Guren no mikagami La canción de amor se tocó
恋伽の唄 奏でた Renka no uta kanadeta En un espejo carmesí
夜は満ちる 紅く染まる Yoru wa michiru akaku somaru  La noche asciende teñida de rojo,
深く繋がれた縁 失った子猫 Fukaku tsunagareta enshi ushinata koneko Un destino conectado profundamente y un gatito perdido
想い満ちて 巡りくれば Omoi michite megurikureba Si los pensamientos van ascendiendo en en círculos 
君は何を望み どんな終わりを願う Kimi wa nani o nozomi donna owari o negau ¿Qué es lo que deseas y qué tipo de final esperas?
ゆら ゆら ゆら Yura yura yura Balanceándose y balanceándose
輪廻の方へ誘え Rinne no hou e izanae Invitada en dirección del samsara
紅蓮の御鏡 Guren no mikagami La canción de amor se tocó
恋伽の唄 奏でた Renka no uta kanadeta En un espejo carmesí
ゆら ゆら ゆら Yura yura yura Balanceándose y balanceándose
輪廻の方へ誘え Rinne no hou e izanae Invitada en dirección del samsara
ただ ゆら ゆら ゆら Tada yura yura yura Simplemente balanceándose y balanceándose
恋伽の唄 聴こえる Renka no uta kikoeru Puede escucharse una canción de amor
*Samsara es el ciclo de renacimiento según el cual al morir el alma transmigra a otro ser superior o inferior en función del dharma y karma acumulados en vida.
*El trampantojo es una técnica pictórica que suelen ser pinturas murales de acentuado realismo diseñadas con una perspectiva tal que, contempladas desde un determinado punto de vista, hacen creer al espectador que el fondo se proyecta más allá del muro o del techo o que las figuras sobresalen de él.
Apoya comprando el original
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utagoe · 6 years ago
B-project: Poison Apple Soiree Lyrics
Kanji, romaji and English translation for Poison Apple Soiree by Ryuji
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(kanji source)
静寂の森の中 キミとボクは出逢った 眠りに抱かれながら どんな歌を待ってた?
白い靄の向こう 魔女はきっと泣いてる ガラスの棺さえも ボクの邪魔はできない
迷わなくていい Slave of me 目覚めたなら 見つめてごらん
紅いリンゴの毒より甘く 切ない口づけの魔法をあげる 決して醒めない夢より永く 歪な世界の中 逃がしはしない
瞳そらせない You’re Enchanted Princess
頬に寄せた指で キミとボクは繋がる 茨を食い込ませて ドレスそっとなぞった
吐息混ぜた Slave of me 喉元まで 愛を贈るよ
真実の鏡が映しだす キミを縛りつけた呪いを解こう 決して醒めない夢より深く 夜を染める月は ふたりのものさ
溺れるままに You’re Enchanted Princess
身体中に 回った頃だね
紅いリンゴの毒より甘く 切ない口づけの魔法をあげる
真実の鏡が映しだす キミを縛りつけた呪いを解こう 決して醒めない夢が褪めても 物語の続きが 聴きたいでしょ?
瞳そらせない You’re Enchanted Princess
seijaku no mori no naka kimi to boku wa deatta nemuri ni dakare nagara donna uta wo matteta?
shiroi moya no mukou majo wa kitto naiteru garasu no hitsugi sae mo boku no jama wa dekinai
mayowanakute ii Slave of me mezameta nara mitsumete goran
akai ringo no doku yori amaku setsunai kuchizuke no mahou wo ageru keshite samenai yume yori nagaku ibitsuna sekai no naka nigashi wa shinai
hitomi sorasenai You're Enchanted Princess
hoho ni yoseta yubi de kimi to boku wa tsunagaru ibara wo kuikomasete doresu sotto nazotta
toiki mazeta Slave of me nodomoto made ai wo okuruyo
shinjitsu no kagami ga utsushidasu kimi wo shibaritsuketa noroi wo tokou keshite samenai yume yori fukaku yoru wo someru tsuki wa futari no mono sa
oboreru mama ni You're Enchanted Princess
karadajuu ni mawatta koro da ne
akai ringo no doku yori amaku setsunai kuchizuke no mahou wo ageru
shinjitsu no kagami ga utsushidasu kimi wo shibaritsuketa noroi wo tokou keshite samenai yume ga sametemo monogatari no tsuzuki ga kikitai desho?
hitomi sorasenai You're Enchanted Princess
You and me met in a silent forest What kind of song were we waiting for while embracing in our sleep?
The witch is surely crying on the other side of this white haze Not even a glass coffin can get in my way
You do not need to hesitate, Slave of me If you have waken up, watch me
I will give you the magic of a heartrending kiss That is sweeter than the red apple's poison Longer than a dream you can never wake up from I will not let you escape from inside this warped world
You cannot avert your gaze, You're Enchanted Princess
You and me connect through this finger I bring near your cheek I wrapped you in thorns and softly traced your dress
Our sighs mixed, Slave of me Even your throat will receive my love
I shall break the curse which ties you,  Reflected on the mirror of truth Deeper than a dream you can never wake up from That moon that dyes the sky is ours
Indulging in this, You're Enchanted Princess
It’s about time it flowed throughout your body
I will give you the magic of a heartrending kiss That is sweeter than the red apple's poison
I shall break the curse which ties you, Reflected on the mirror of truth Even if the dream you can never wake up from fades, You still want to hear the rest of the story, right?
You cannot avert your gaze, You're Enchanted Princess
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kanasmusings · 6 years ago
[Kanji/Romaji/Lyrics] KitaKore - Poison Apple Soiree
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Thank you to my dear @akirikka for sharing this with me!! Here’s the translation for Poison Apple Soiree~! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did translating it ^^ ※ Please don’t ask her for the files as per her request, thank you ^^
Also, get ready for more B-PRO translations, guys~!
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission.
Full lyrics under the cut, enjoy~!
Poison Apple Soiree
  静寂の森の中 キミとボクは出逢った 眠りに抱かれながら どんな歌を待ってた? 白い靄の向こう 魔女はきっと泣いてる ガラスの棺さえも ボクの邪魔はできない 迷わなくていい Slave of me 目覚めたなら 見つめてごらん 紅いリンゴの毒より甘く 切ない口づけの魔法をあげる 決して醒めない夢より永く 歪な世界の中 逃がしはしない 瞳そらせない You're Enchanted Princess 頬に寄せた指で キミとボクは繋がる 茨を食い込ませて ドレスそっとなぞった 吐息混ぜた Slave of me 喉元まで 愛を贈るよ 真実の鏡が映しだす キミを縛りつけた呪いを解こう 決して醒めない夢より深く 夜を染める月は ふたりのものさ 溺れるままに You're Enchanted Princess 身体中に 回った頃だね 紅いリンゴの毒より甘く 切ない口づけの魔法をあげる 真実の鏡が映しだす キミを縛りつけた呪いを解こう 決して醒めない夢が褪めても 物語の続きが 聴きたいでしょ? 瞳そらせない You're Enchanted Princess
  seijaku no mori no naka kimi to boku wa deaatta
nemuri ni dakare nagara donna uta wo matteta?
  shiroi moya no mukou majou wa kitto naiteru
garasu no hitsugi sae mo boku no jama wa dekinai
  mayowanakute ii Slave of me
mezameta nara mitsumete goran
  akai ringo no doku yori amaku
setsunai kuchizuke no mahou wo ageru
keshite samenai yume yori nagaku
hizumi na sekai no naka nigashi ha shinai
  hitomi sorasenai You’re enchanted princess
  houhou ni yoseta yubi de kimi to boku wa tsunagaru
ibara wo kuuikomasete doresu sotto nazotta
  toiki mazeta slave of me
nodomoto made ai wo okuru yo
  shinjitsu no kagami ga utushidasu
kimi wo shibaritsuketa noroi wo hodokou
keshita samenai yume yori fukaku
yoru wo someru tsuki wa futari no mono sa
  oboeru mama ni You’re Enchanted Princess
  karadajuu ni mawatta koro dane
  akai ringo no doku yori amaku
setsunai kuchizuke no mahou wo ageru
  shinjitsu no kagami ga utushidasu
kimi wo shibaritsuketa noroi wo hodokou
keshita samenai yume yori fukaku
monogatari no tsuzuki ga kikitai desho?
  hitomi sorasenai You’re Enchanted Princess
The two of us met in a silent forest.
I wonder what kind of song is waiting as we sleep holding each other.
  I’m sure that the witch is crying while hidden behind the white mist.
Not even a glass coffin will stand in my way.
  It’s okay not to feel lost and be a slave of mine.
When you open your eyes, you will surely see.
  With a love sweeter than any poisoned red apple.
I’ll cast a spell on those sorrowful kisses.
Longer than a dream that you can’t wake up from.
I won’t let you escape from this distorted world.
  Don’t avert your gaze, you’re an enchanted princess.
  A finger that slowly caresses your cheek connects the both of us.
I follow you as you go around in a dress swallowed by wild roses.
  Let out a sigh, slave of mine.
I’ll give you a love that reaches down deep.
  Reveal everything with the mirror of truth and
tear yourself away from the curses that bind you.
Deeper than a dream you can’t wake up from,
the moon that dyes the night belongs only to the two of us.
  Let’s drown like so, you’re an enchanted princess.
  It entangles the body, does it not?
  With a love sweeter than any poisoned red apple,
I’ll cast a spell on those sorrowful kisses.
  Reveal everything with the mirror of truth and
tear yourself away from the curses that bind you.
Deeper than a dream you can’t wake up from,
You want to hear how the story continues, don’t you?
  Don’t avert your gaze, you’re an enchanted princess.
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission.
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liseran-dm · 1 year ago
Tradução própria para Português-Brasil
Vocal: AMPTAKxCOLORS 様 (Akkiy, Mazeta, Pretz, Tigusakun, Atto, Ketcha)
Letra / Melodia / Arranjo: Utsumi Takaaki 様
こんなはずじゃなかったんだ Não era para ser assim それなりに上手く生きてた Eu vivia tranquilo desse jeito いつの間にか雁字搦(がんじがら)め E, de repente, eu me vi imóvel 気づけば御一人様 Foi quando eu a avistei sozinha 情けないね 夢もないね É miserável, nem sonhos tenho 理想、妄想だけ達者で Apenas vivia de ideais e ilusões だけどメイビー Mas, quem sabe, いつかきっと現実にするよ Um dia, com certeza, tornarei-as em realidade
眠れない夜には妄想が暴走するんだ Em noites não dormidas, minhas ilusões corriam descontroladamente たった1週間で人生変えちゃう E, em apenas uma semana, minha vida poderá mudar 恋の妄想さ Na ilusão da paixão
出会いMonday 君に夢Tuesday Na segunda-feira, nos encontramos ; na terça-feira me enlouqueço por você 告白して振られるWednesday Na quarta-feira, eu me confesso e sou rejeitado 病みのThursday 飛び出せFriday Adoencendo na quinta-feira ; e recuperando na sexta-feira 未来を変えるために Para que meu amanhã (futuro) se altere ジムに行って筋トレSaturday Vou à academia e treino no sábado 再会は偶然にSunday No domingo nos encontramos por coincidência 「やっぱ君がスキ」って伝えてみた Eu tentei dizer "Eu realmente gosto de você" 「嬉しいけどゴメン」って君は泣いてた E você chorou para mim: "Fico feliz, mas me desculpe…" One Week Love Romance de uma semana
きっと僕は寂しがりで Certeza que sou uma pessoa carente 独りで死にたくないんだ Eu não quero morrer sozinho だけどいつも逃げてばかり No entanto, eu só fujo, sempre, 「明日から頑張ろう」 "A partir de amanhã, irei me esforçar!" 情けないね 笑えないね É miserável, não dá nem para rir こんな弱虫の僕には Desse covarde que eu sou 「カモンベイビー!」 なんてセリフ "Venha, meu amor!" 言えるわけないよ Nunca conseguiria dizer essa frase
やるせない心で駆け出す妄想逃避行 Com um coração desamparado, eu fujo dessa viagem de ilusões たった1週間で人生変えちゃう E em apenas uma semana, minha vida poderá mudar 恋は幻想さ Com a fantasia da paixão
期待Monday 玉砕Tuesday Uma segunda-feira com expectativas ; Uma derrota honrosa na terça-feira 公園で目を覚ますWednesday Acordando em um parque na quarta-feira 闇のThursday 輝けFriday Uma quinta-feira sombria ; e uma sexta-feira brilhante 明日を照らすために Para que possa iluminar o amanhã サウナ行って整うSaturday Ir à sauna e me preparar para o sábado 人混みで巡り合うSunday E nos encontrarmos na multidão em um domingo 「やっぱ君がスキ」って言えなかった Eu não consegui dizer "Eu realmente gosto de você"
妄想でもフラれる僕の人生 Minha vida se trata de rejeição, mesmo nas ilusões 上手くいかないことばっかで嫌になる Eu não gostava de ter apenas momentos que não davam certo そんな時舞い降りた僕の天使(エンジェル) Nesse momento desceu meu anjo そして妄想じゃない恋が始まったんだ Daí se iniciou uma paixão não ilusória
出会いMonday 君に夢Tuesday Na segunda-feira, nos encontramos ; na terça-feira me enlouqueço por você 告白はまだ早いWednesday Uma confissão seria muito rápido na quarta-feira 恋のThursday 愛のFriday Uma quinta-feira apaixonada ; uma sexta-feira amada 本気で好きになった Eu me apaixonei de verdade 君探して駆け出すSaturday Eu corri procurando por você no sábado 運命の鐘が鳴るSunday E no domingo o sino do nosso destina soa 「君のことがスキ」って伝えてみた Eu tentei dizer "Eu gosto de você" 驚いた君の目 きれいだったな Seus olhos assustados eram lindos One Week Love Romance de uma semana One Week Love Romance de uma semana
Eii, estou de volta! E com essa música super apaixonante! Desde a primeira vez que escutei, me apaixonei completamente pela melodia, as vozes e principalmente a letra! Percebi que era bem fofinha e simples, então queria muito traduzir! Demorei? Demorei, admito. Mas finalmente consegui colocar em prática!
Por favor, sigam AMPTAK x COLORS, eles são um grupo bem "livre" (risos)! Eu amo como cada um se destaca do seu jeito super "animado" e possuem uma história individual. Eles são uns amores e muito engraçados! Eu rio horrores em vários vídeos, que consigo até chorar!
Tentarei escrever mais traduções e irei postando conforme!
Se você leu até aqui, meu muito obrigada! <3
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daaweeb · 2 years ago
Заповядайте и вижте новият ни материал- Почистване на мазета. Ние го правим така.
Данни за контакт: 0878649593
Прочетете повече тук: https://iskam.net/NOVO/POCHISTVANE-NA-MAZETA-9/
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reinadecali · 2 years ago
Me di en la mazeta & gave myself a headache ☹️
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lizi123456-blog · 5 years ago
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Te entrego mi 💚 . . . . . #Cactus #instagood#bebesita #cactusysuculentas #smile #mazeta#sublime #love #milicienta #girasoles #candi https://www.instagram.com/p/B4YUJJClLsw/?igshid=1uejo2ox1ffj
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nosequeweaponerr · 2 years ago
holaa mandame un video xnxx tuyo
Sipo, espera sentado.
Pa que no te canses.
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suckaysuamigos200 · 3 years ago
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¡Aquí está juno en Gacha life! 💙❤🌷😃 Mezclé varios elementos de diseños de versiones humanos que le hicieron a ella más su versión normal pude hacer a la niña mazeta con flor carnívora de actitud mala pero linda. ¡Mas en camino! ¡Hecho con Gacha life! ¡Disfruenlo! 😃❤️ ================================================================== Here is Juno in Gacha life! 💙❤🌷😃 I mixed several elements of human version designs that made her more the normal version of her I could make the flower pot girl with a mean but cute attitude carnivorous flower. More on the way! Made with Gacha life! Enjoy it! 😃❤️
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