#mayday 2017
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scorpiolight-madd · 2 years
Hang on I got Mayday on the brain I’m gonna ramble about her for a bit
She and her twin sister (who I still haven’t named) were created as living bio weapons for a supervillain organization. Their creator constantly pit the girls against each other to see who was the better fighter; the winner would get to go back in her tube and rest, and the other would be ‘upgraded’.
It was always Mayday. She lost every time, never able to bring herself to hurt her sister. Her creator saw this as a weakness, and when she had her strapped down to the operating table she would constantly remind her: “You’re not sisters, you’re soldiers. Your unnecessary emotions are holding you back.”
(Also at this point she probably would be called by a different name. Either a serial number or a codename or something like that)
those 'upgrades' are what resulted in her electricity powers, although she wouldn't really find out until a while after the organization got taken down and she and her sister were put in foster care. While her sister adjusted well, May struggled to adapt, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. She’d act out just to see how she’d be punished for her behavior, but only became more agitated when the discipline was calm and gentle. Her aggression caused strange things to happen around her, from lights flickering to full on power outages or even lightbulbs exploding.
Eventually she couldn’t take it anymore, and ran away. She felt bad leaving her sister, but she reassured herself that she was doing well in foster care, and May would only hold her back.
That’s when James Valentine found her.
She had been living on the street for a couple of days at that point, and she was trying to get out of the rain (esp bc it made her powers act up more and actively hurt her) when he approached her with an umbrella. He offered to take her home, but she refused, telling him that she ran away. He relented, but eventually got her to agree to let him get her out of the rain.
Little did she know that he was a supervillain in the making, and he had just gotten the perfect starting gift dropped in his lap: an already fully trained solder. He didn’t even have to do any work, just a few subtle manipulations and she would be completely loyal to a new boss.
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My concert line-up so far this year is so wild, 16 year old me is screaming
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So, Across the Spiderverse has had me in a chokehold since I watched it. Could you imagine a Yuu in the House Mouse au who is not exactly powerless, but her abilities are not magic-based? Welcome to the crossover that nobody asked for, and I'm gonna pretend that secret identities don't exist for a moment and that disrupting canon events from astv don't exist.
Spider!Yuu's spidey senses can tell when danger is afoot. Whenever she's on the clock, there's fewer accidents and just swings by before Goofy trips and tosses all the dishes. She can tell when either Pete or Mortimer are here.The staff can rely on her for cleaning the high ass ceilings because she can climb up walls with no problem. And her webs make the best Halloween decor.
Von Drake and Jumba being so fascinated with Yuu's anatomy and intelligence. Whether has organic webbing or made web shooters of her own, they want so badly to experiment on them (definitely not gonna try to get bit by a radioactive spider too, nope).
Jamil being torn from freaked out to having a crush on a girl with spider powers. Jafar trying to convince him that she's not an actual spider so that his ship could sail
Yuu making a web hammock to calm down the little kids in the club. Next minute she's having a strength competition with Hercules and Gaston because she can lift up to ten tons.
The clubgoers seeing her memories and freaking over the fact that Yuu has been up against so many dangerous foes and life or death situations such as the iconic train scene. It scares them even more than the overblots do.
The Parr family from the Incredible (if they're here in the au), feel so bad because she's doing vigilante work all on her own. Edna mode upgrades Yuu's spider suit to a new level with glee.
Yuu: No capes please. It's disrespectful to my image.
Edna: *sniffle* Would you like to be my daughter?
Okay okay okay first of all I'm going to vent a bit about ATSV because Pavitr my boy, my sunshine, my everything is literally so important to me like hell yeah give me the south asian/brown kid representation (now if only there was an young asian girl with a bob so I can feel better about that Dora the Explorer look my mum forced me to have throught 90% of primary school whilst all of my friends got to grow their own hair out)
Also not going to lie the only reason I'm into ATSV is because I've been a Mayday Parker stan since 2017 - like she is everything (and her backstory is just so sad like PeterMJ didn't deserve that). My favourite spider-people after Peter are his multiversal daughters because girldad Peter is everything (I actually own physical copies of the Renew Your Vows comics that are about Peter and MJ's daughter, Annie-May Parker, and they are so frickin good) but I digress...
Yes but Spider-Girl!Yuu is so cool. Thank you for giving me this idea.
I don't know if I want Yuu to have her own Guy in the Chair back in her universe and for Idia to feel jealous/threatened or for her to have no guy in the chair until she comes to twst and Ortho is like 'my time has come'
Ohh imagine the insane parkour skills she, Ruggie and Aladdin would have.
I know that being insanely smart in science is a Peter Parker thing and doesn't really apply to all Spider-People but I think she would be a science whizz (and joining the science club - making Crewel's already glaringly obvious favouritism skyrocket) and hanging out with all of the scientist characters like Prof Von Drake, Jumba, Yzma etc.
Her and Herc would be training buds. He'd see her and her heroics and superhuman friend and be like 'new best friend :D'. Phil loves the heroic potential she has and wants to train her but Pegasus and Megara are like nope and swoop him away.
Oh but imagine the beastfolk finding out about her enhanced senses and how sometimes they cause sensory overload and helping her out because they grew up like that so they know how to manage it better (I once read a fic that said that Savanaclaw showers have soaps with subtler scents to accommodate their enhanced sense of smell and like yes) whilst she's still getting used to it and has to keep it a secret back in her world.
I'm thinking back to all of the MCU!Peter Parker fics I read and all of the spider DNA tropes that tickled my fancy and I can just imagine the twst/HoM cast reacting to things like her having no thermoregulation (and going into hibernation), her purring, her being allergic/having a poison like reaction to peppermint, her having fangs (her being venomous would be cool as well - like imagine Kaa being all fanboying over her fangs and venom glands) etc..
Okay so I remember having a bunch of ideas about this but I can't recall all of them so here... 😅
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flower-boi16 · 8 months
Why Helluva Boss's Villains Suck
So, Helluva Boss is a series with a LOT of villains. The show certainly has a large rogues gallery of them, that's for sure. There's just one thing though; Helluva Boss's villains...suck. And In this post I'm going to explain why.
1. What Makes A Good Villain?
Before I get to why I don't like HB's villains let's first ask a question; what makes a good villain? To me, a good villain could be either of two things; 1) They could be compelling and interesting antagonists; with deeper motivations as to why they do the things they do or why they act that way, a good villain is a villain that's interesting and complex. However, not all villains need to have a lot of depth to be good villains as 2) Sometimes some villains don't need to be super deep or compelling and could just be fun or entertaining to watch. Take villains like Magica De Spell from Ducktales 2017 or any villain from the Disney Renaissance Era; they may not be super deep or compelling characters, but they are still good villains because they are simply fun and entertaining to watch, usually by having a personality to them that makes them a bit goofy while also being a villain you can take seriously due to the threat they may pose to our heroes.
And, generally speaking, a good villain should be able to be semi-competent and pose some kind of threat towards the protagonist, without being incompetent (Unless you writing a villain that's supposed to be dumb like Lord Hater from Wander Over Yonder, but villains like him are usually villains you aren't supposed to take too seriously)
A good antagonist should be a character that poses a threat to the heroes while also being a compelling character in their own right or just being fun and entertaining to watch. So, now that we've established what (in my opinion) makes a good villain, let's now start talking about why HB's villains don't work.
2. My Thoughts on Each Villian in Helluva Boss
Now it's time for me to give my thoughts on each villain in Helluva Boss. Note that I'm only going to include recurring antagonists and I'm going in order of which they all first appeared. Ok, so now, let's begin.
Stella - Stella had some potential to be interesting. Unfortunately, HB squandered that potential and made her a one-dimensional abusive asshole to make Stolas more sympathetic. Not much to say about Stella, she's just a boring one-dimensional asshole.
Veriosika Mayday - Another underdeveloped villain. She's kinda supposed to play into Blitz's whole arc but so far she hasn't gotten much if any development whatsoever. Again, not much to say about her, she's just boring like Stella. Maybe the show will develop her in the future but for now, she's kinda just a one-dimensional basic bitch.
The Cherubs - Don't have much to say about them either. It would have been cool to have them be recurring rivals for the IMPs but nope. Like the other villains, they aren't really that interesting.
Striker - Now...I'm probably going to get hate for this but; Striker is an overrated AF villain. I don't find him that interesting - HOWEVER, I will say he's one of the show's better villains because he's at least kind of menacing in his debut episode. Aside from that he's the "Oh a character that is better than the protag at literally everything who turns out to be the villain!". Ya I don't care for Striker that much - he's fine but I still don't care for him.
The Dhorks - These guys are just stupid. 1) They already had VIDEO EVIDENCE of the IMPs and they FOR SOME FUCKING REASON didn't send it to the government already??? How did they even get the footage of the imps??? And then 2) they also FOR SOME REASON kept on using melee weapons against the IMPs when the episode shows us that they. have. GUNS. Why don't they just use those??? Oh, it's because Edo weapons were more "badass"? These are villains we are suppoused to take semi-seriously, deliberately making them idiots doesn't fucking work. Also 3) Seeing Stars shows that the humans don't recognize the IMPs at all - meaning that, even after obtaining MORE video evidence of the IMPs existing, they STILL just...didn't tell the governments about this for some reason??? Maybe there's an explanation for this in a future episode but for now this is just bullshit! So ya, the dhorks suck, they're boring and just flat out stupid. Least favorite villains in the show so far.
Crimson - Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you...the show's most POINTLESS antagonist. I've already said this multiple times, but why. Literally why. Why did Moxxie need to be the THIRD character with daddy issues? It adds nothing to his character and removing this aspect changes nothing about him - he's the same character without his daddy issues. Crimson literally has nothing interesting about him aside from "abusive dad mob boss". Like all the other villains, he's fucking boring.
So ya, that's my thoughts on each villain in Helluva Boss. As you can see, I don't have very nice things to say about any of them, and if you paid attention to what I was saying about them - you can see one of my major issues with HB's villains. That being...
3. They're Boring
Helluva Boss's villains are just. BORING. A majority of them are very one-dimensional Saturday morning cartoon villains with nothing interesting about them - none of them feel like developed or compelling characters. Granted, as I already said, a villain doesn't need to be super compelling to be good - sometimes a good villain is just one that's fun to watch while still being a good threat to the heroes.
But in order to do that you need to make that villain have a well-fleshed-out personality and mannerisms that make them entertaining to watch. HB's villains don't have that; they aren't compelling nor are they fun to watch, they are just boring. Stella especially is an example of this problem; I've said it before, but there was potential to make Stella an interesting character, but the show chose to waste that in favor of making her a mustache-twirling villain who just likes making Stolass suffer for shits and giggles.
The "I like tormenting you" line especially hammers this in; Stella is just a one-dimensional asshole and nothing else. Again, you don't need to have a character to be super compelling to be a good villain; sometimes you just need them to be fun to watch, but Stella isn't interesting nor is she fun to watch. She's just one-dimensional. Obviously, a character like Stella could work; after all, some stories just like having a villain REVEL in how evil they are like Lord Dominator from Wander Over Yonder, which falls under the "just fun to watch" category, but once again, Stella isn't fun to watch nor is she a compelling or interesting character, she's just boring.
Which is something I can say for all of HB's villains; they aren't compelling or interesting characters nor are they fun and entertaining to watch, they're all just one-dimensional and boring.
Another character I'd like to bring up is Verosika, a character who so far has gotten ZERO development TWO SEASONS IN! Maybe the show will develop Verosika more in the future, but for now there isn't anything about her that's interesting except for MAYBE her past with Blitz, but how the show is going to execute that we'll just have to wait and see.
So Helluva Boss's villains are boring, they aren't compelling characters nor are they fun to watch, now let's move onto my second problem, that being...
4. Some of Them Are Stupid/Incompetent
So a good villain is supposed to be competent, right? Well sometimes an incompetent villain can work; however, it only works when the villain is SUPPOSED to be stupid because they're a villain who you're not supposed to take very seriously. The problem comes when you're supposed to take a villain seriously but they act like idiots to the audience when the story doesn't want us to see them that way.
There are three examples I can think of when I say that sometimes HB's villains are just incompetent at times, those being Striker, The Dhorks, and Crimson. I already talked about the Dhorks here in this post but they're not the only villains that make dumb decisions in the show; Striker does too Western Energy.
For one, when Stolas calls the IMPs for help, Striker for some reason doesn't immediately go and break Stolas's phone when he can HEAR HIM TALKING to them. Instead, he just sits there, letting Stolas notify IMPs that he's in trouble, and THEN takes Stolas's phone. Striker literally could've just smashed Stolas's phone the second he heard Stolas talking - if he did that, then IMP wouldn't have been notified that Stolas has been captured and the episode's plot wouldn't have happened. It's making a villain stupid for the sake of the plot.
And then later in the episode, when he has Stolas tied up on the train tracks, he decides to just... monologue to him? When he could literally just finish Stolas instantly by decapitating him or something, why is he just sitting there doing nothing and stabbing Stolas in random places???
Then there's Crimson, who, for some reason, didn't check to see if Chaz was lying to him. Seriously, if somebody you used to hate went and said "Oh hey I'm rich now", wouldn't you go and check to see if they're lying or not? But Crimson for some reason didn't think to do that, so he just...let himself get scammed because he was too stupid to actually check for himself. Yaaaaaaay.
Again, I already talked about the Dhorks, but it bears repeating that the fact that they decided to use melee weapons when THEY HAVE GUNS is fucking stupid. The show tries to pass this off by saying "They chose those melee weapons cuz they were badass!", except that excuse doesn't work because it makes the Dhorks just...incompetent. And usually when a narrative purposefully makes a villain stupid we aren't supposed to take that villain seriously, but the Dhorks are villains who we are supposed to take at least semi-seriously so deliberately making them stupid like this doesn't really work.
Another example I can think of is in Oops where when Blitz comes up with a plan to get rid of all the henchmen all at once using guns, they, for some reason, didn't hear all the gunshots and screaming going on and didn't go to check what the fuck was happening. If they did do that, then they would have most likely all gotten shot and not only would the episode's climax not happen, but the show would also lose two of its major recurring villains.
So HB's villains are often incompetent or just straight up stupid - they make dumb decisions just so to continue the plot. If they did the logical thing, major changes in the show's plot would happen and it can't have that now, would it? Now let's talk about the next problem...
5. There's Too. Fucking. Many of them
This is my last problem with HB's villains, that being; there are just WAY too many of them. Now, having multiple recurring antagonists isn't a bad thing, a lot of shows have a few smaller recurring antagonists here and there. The problem here is that in HB with each new villain creates a new plotline; Stella's conflict with Stolas regarding their divorce, the Cherubs being kicked out of Heaven and probably will try to get revenge on the IMPs, the Dhorks going to expose the existence of demons, Striker going to assassinate Stolas, and Crimson most likely going to get payback from Moxxie.
It contributes to a major issue I have with this show; there's just. TOO MANY plotlines going on and it makes it feel unfocused. Most shows I've seen usually have a main plot and 2-3 maybe even 4 smaller plots than it focuses on per season. HB meanwhile set up six yes six plotlines in just its first season (The ones I've already mentioned + Blitz making amends with the people he hurt and Stolitz). And now in season 2, it's just. Adding more with Crimson.
The show suffers from cramming in TOO MANY characters and plotlines making the show feel messy and unfocused. I would also like to point out how the show just adds plotlines that are like. Completely unnecessary? Mainly the Dhroks and Cherubs plotlines; these aren't connected to the show's core story (whatever tf its supposed to even BE at this point), and removing them doesn't change anything about the show, so they are just completely unneeded. The same thing goes with the Crimson plotline.
They only serve to clutter the show even more and make it feel unfocused, which is a problem HB's villains contribute to a LOT.
6. Conclusion
So, ya, that's why I don't like the villains in Helluva Boss. In conclusion; HB's villains are boring, one-dimensional, sometimes flat-out incompetent, and are just plain underwhelming. So uh ya...bye.
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transboysokka · 9 months
Spotlight on Taiwanese Artists
I’ve wanted to make this post for a long time.
If you’ve been considering broadening your musical horizons, think about trying these, MY top 4 (admittedly #basic) Taiwanese artists. I was going to do a top 5, but actually I love these four so much more than anyone else, they’re in a tier of their own.
1. Jolin Tsai/蔡依林
This lady is like the Britney Spears of Taiwan, a gay icon, a fashion icon, and absolutely GORGEOUS. Known as the “Queen of C-Pop”, she’s been around forever and I hope she doesn’t go anywhere!
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Recommended Songs: She has recorded 210 songs and I can’t even BEGIN to choose the best ones. But I’ll try; here are some hits:
I’d also recommend the video for that one ^^
2. Accusefive/告五人
These guys are hot on the scene right now and I’m obsessed! They’re relatively new (formed in 2017) and all over the place. They will even be performing at midnight at Taipei’s massive 2024 New Year’s party, which is kind of a huge honor. I actually really love how catchy their songs are and the way they keep it simple and use repetition. I also live for the way the male and female singers’ voices blend!
Recommended Songs:
3. EggPlantEgg/茄子蛋
These guys are great. They’re on hiatus as of 2022 but they’ve got some great indie stuff in Hokkien/Minnan/Taiwanese. They’re actually hugely responsible for the resurgence in “T-Pop” in Taiwan!
Recommended Songs:
4. Mayday/五月天
I don’t know this for a fact but this has GOT to be Taiwan’s most famous band. They’ve been around forever. I really don’t know what to say about them, everyone just knows them. They’ve toured all over the world, have broken countless records, and have influenced entire genres of music in the Chinese-speaking world.
Recommended Songs:
lmao I’ve hit the Audio Limit actually but You Get It
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ilovedthestars · 1 year
Murderbot Fic Rec List: Ghosts
October is approaching, and it seems like a good time of year for some ghost stories!! (These are not all horror, and some aren’t even scary—if you’re looking for actual chills I’m not the person to go to, lol. These are just stories with ghosts.)
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday by TheSteelChimera 638 words, Teen And Up, Creator Chose Not To Warn
Ghosts aren't real, all evidence points to the fact that human superstition is just that, superstition.But wormholes are strange places, and the MNTS Perihelion knows that ghost ships are very real.
A ghost story featuring ART, and the last echoes of lost ships. The mysteries of wormhole physics are a perfect explanation for hearing voices in the void. I also highly, highly recommend the podfic by DevilWithABirdDress, which has some echoes and effects that absolutely enhance the spooky atmosphere.
Ill Omen by avg 5,511 words, General Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Warn & No Archive Warnings Apply
Despite the positive attributes of a ship ghost, there is one omen associated with its presence: no member of a ship blessed by its presence shall ever set eyes on it. It only ever becomes visible to the crew of a doomed ship.
An alternate universe ASR where Murderbot is a ghost!! Binding souls to survey habitats as a security service is absolutely something the company would do if it had that capability. Supernatural suspense and haunting as protection—the fantasy/sci-fi flavor of this one is very cool.
The Stowaway by Masu_Trout 2,712 words, Teen And Up, No Archive Warnings Apply
I wasn't even worried. That, I think, was my first mistake. Far outside of Corporation Rim, Murderbot meets a cargo bot with a strange story to tell.
A gem from wayyy back in the archive, published in 2017 when only ASR was out, but still impressively consistent with the tone of where the series has gone! Murderbot hears a ghost story that it doesn’t really believe, but then again…. This one also has a podfic available. the past is no forgotten promise by lunaTactics 1,942 words, General Audience, No Archive Warnings Apply
"It should have been creepy. I had been in places like this that were really creepy. But this wasn't. Maybe because I knew where the humans and augmented humans who had last used this ship had gone, that their descendants were running around all over this system." How can the ghosts of the past be frightening when they love, and are loved?     Remember us. We are a promise to you that there will always be hope.     You are home. The ghosts of the Pressy speak to their successors. Or, Murderbot is empowered to pursue the ideal SecUnit's rescue because Preservation's ideals support it.
A heartwarming ghost story, to finish off the list. Sometimes ghosts aren’t trying to scare you or keep you away—they want to welcome you home. This one gives me emotions (enough that I made art about it) and also has a podfic available.
If you have any favorite ghost stories from the Murderbot fandom, or otherwise spooky/seasonally-appropriate ones, please feel free to add on other recommendations! There’s several that I haven’t read myself but have heard many good things about.
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heydcy · 9 months
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🎸⠀⠀SHE SAYS I AM REAL AND YOU ARE NOT ( tw. overdose and drug use mention )
HEYDAY⠀⠀...⠀⠀⠀⠀are a five piece k-indie band that originally debuted on march 27 in 2016 under MEDIA MAYHEM in 2017 . the band would leave the company not even a month later after having their contracts forcibly terminated . while it is still unknown exactly why the group were forced to leave the company , it is assumed it had something to do with an incident involving the band’s female counterparts MAYDAY .
the current lineup consists of iseul , elias , gyujin , jihe and everett , with the band having made their re - debut on september 21 , 2021 under doellette after the acquisition of contracts the year prior . while originally the public were skeptical of their return to the music scene , public opinion seemed to be swayed after the release of SINK YOUR TEETH , their first release under the new company . shortly after sink your teeth’s release it was announced jihe would be going on hiatus after an overdose .
while he was on hiatus , the band once more came under fire for the member’s supposed drug use , before he himself had to issue an apology stating it was an accidental overdose on prescription medication . the hiatus would be short lived , however , as he would return not even two months later for the band’s release SHATTERED . while the group’s reputation is strained , leading to a decline in popularity compared to when they first emerged , heyday still manage to maintain a strong , steady fanbase – although it had been reported any and all new releases and comebacks are funded by the members themselves , as doellette seemingly views them a ‘waste of funds’ .
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⠀⠀⠀┄⠀⠀⠀% . THE OVERVIEW⠀⠀⠀
🎸 —— DEBUT DATE : MARCH 27 , 2017
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⠀⠀⠀┄⠀⠀⠀% . THE LINEUP⠀⠀⠀
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RHEO ISEUL ( 1999 ) , ELIAS SON ( 1998 ) , NAM GYUJIN ( 1998 ) , PARK JIHE ( 1999 ) , EVERETT JUNG ( 2000 )
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jinxquickfoot · 1 year
Marvel Fic Masterlist
Completed Projects:
Weaknesses (Whumptober 2022 Collection):
The One Where Natasha is Tony's Weakness (Day 1 Prompts: Unconventional Restraints/“This wasn’t supposed to happen”, Day 14 Prompts: Desperate Measures/Failed Escape/“I’ll be right behind you”, Day 20 Prompt: Fetal Position)
The One Where Clint is Wanda's Weakness (Day 2 Prompts: Cornered/Caged/Confrontation) 
The One Where Clint is Sam's Weakness (Day 4 Prompt: Waking Up Disorientated, Day 16 Prompt: “No one’s coming”, Day 24 Prompt: “I don’t want to do this anymore”, Day 31 Prompts: Comfort/Bedside Vigil/“You can rest now”)
The One Where Tony is Clint's Weakness (Day 5 Prompt: Running Out of Air, Day 11 Prompts: Sloppy Bandages/Self-Done First Aid/Makeshift Splint)
The One Where Scott is Sam's Weakness (Day 10 Prompt: Waterboarding) 
The One Where Yelena is Natasha's Weakness (Day 15 Prompts: Lies/New Scars/Breathing Through the Pain)
The One Where Sam is Bucky's Weakness (Day 21 Prompts: “You’re safe now”/“Take me instead”)
The One Where Peter is Kamala's Weakness (Day 22 Prompt: Allergic Reaction)
The One Where Peter is Peter's Weakness (co-written with @spagbol99​, Day 23 Prompts: Forced to Their Knees/Tied to a Table/”Hold them down”)
The One Where Sam is Clint's Weakness (Day 25 Prompts: Duct Tape/"You Better Start Talking")
The One Where Kate is Peter's Weakness (Day 26 Prompts: Separated/Rope Burns, Day 28 Prompts: Anger Born of Worry/Punching the Wall)
The One Where MJ is Peter's Weakness (for the @spideychellebigbang, art by @bignerdhours, Day 27 Prompts: Muffled Screams/Stumbling/Magical Exhaustion)
The One Where Marc is Steven’s Weakness (Day 29 Prompts: Defiance/"Better me than you")
The One Where Clint is Bucky’s Weakness (for the @winterhawkbigbang​, art by @rufferto9​, Day 30 Prompts: Manhandled/Hair Grabbing/“Please don’t touch me”)
The One Where Clint is Kate’s Weakness: (Day 3 Prompts: Say Goodbye/Gun to Temple, Day 7 Prompts: Shaking Hands/Silent Panic Attack, Day 17 Prompts: Breaking Point/Stress Positions/Reluctant Caretaker, Day 18 Prompts: “Just get it over with”/“Take my coat”, Day 19 Prompts: Knees Buckling/Repeatedly Passing Out/Head Lolling)
Mayday: A Civil War Fix-It that spans 2012-2017. No character bashing, no sides taken.
The One Where Rhodey is Steve's Weakness (Day 9 Prompts: Sleeping in Shifts/Tossing and Turning/Caught in a Storm) 
The One Where Steve is Sam’s Weakness (Day 6 Prompt: Ransom Video, Day 8 Prompts: Head Trauma/Back from the Dead, Day 13 Prompts: Fracture/Dislocation/“Are you here to break me out?")
The One Where Bucky is Tony’s Weakness (Day 12 Prompts: “Mayday, mayday!”)
Let’s Whump the Spider-Kid and Friends! (Whumptober 2021 Collection): A “Everybody Lives/No One Dies” AU set post-Endgame. One-shots featuring Peter Parker and the Avengers that lead into a larger story. TW: puns.
Down to the Wire (Peter & Tony, Day 1 Prompts: "You have to let go"/Barbed Wire/Bound)
You're One to Talk (Peter, Tony & Scott, Day 2 Prompt: Gagged)
Bully For You (Peter & Natasha, Day 3 Prompts: Taunting/Insults/"Who did this to you?")
Trust Fall (Peter & Tony, Day 4 Prompts: "Do you trust me?"/Taken Hostage)
Intruder Window (Peter & Sam, Day 5 Prompts: Misunderstanding/Broken Nose)
A Lot On Your Plate (Peter & Tony, Day 6 Prompt: Hunger)
Eye See What You Did There (Peter & Clint, Day 7 Prompts: Helplessness/Blindness)
That's Cold (Peter & Vision, Peter & Wanda, Wanda/Vision, Day 8 Prompts: "Definitely just a cold"/Exotic Illness)
Something Blue (Wanda/Vision, Day 9 Prompt: Tears, art by @jacketpotatoo​)
Shield (Peter & Bucky, Peter & Sam, Day 10 Prompt: Hospital)
Just When You Thought There Wasn’t a Pun for This One (Peter & Tony, Day 11 Prompts: Adrift/Dehydration)
Switch (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 12 Prompts: Torture/Made to Watch/Begging)
Not Cool (Peter & Rhodey, Day 13 Prompts: "This is gonna suck"/Burns/Cauterization)
Driven to Succeed (Peter & Happy, Day 14 Prompts: Crash Injuries/Beaten/Force)
Trip Hazard (Peter, Tony, Rhodey, Steve & Bucky, Day 15 Prompt: Delirium)
Scar. Scare? Scar. (Peter & Bruce, Day 16 Prompt: Scars)
You Game? (Peter, MJ, Ned, Flash, Betty, Shuri, Cassie, Lila, AJ & Harley, Day 17 Prompts: "Please don't move!"/Dread)
Frame-Up (Peter & Clint, Day 18 Prompts: "Now Smile for the Camera"/CPR)
Catastrophe (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 19 Prompts: Bitten/Bleeding)
You’re Suffocating Me (Peter & Shuri, Day 20 Prompts: Trunk/Trapped Underwater)
Stacked Odds (Peter, Tony, Sam & Bucky, Day 21 Prompt: Pressure)
I'm Your Biggest Fan! (Peter & Scott, Day 22 Prompt: Obsession)
Not Quite Sold (Peter & Bucky, Peter & Clint, Day 23 Prompt: Auction)
For the Record (Peter, Sam & Bucky, Day 24 Prompts: Self-induced Injuries to Escape/Revenge/Flashback)
In Hiding (Peter & Morgan, Peter & Cassie, Day 25 Prompt: Hiding)
It's Just A Stage I'm Going Through (Peter & Stephen, Peter & Ned, Day 26 Prompts: Trapdoor/Fallen)
Collapse (Peter/MJ, Peter & Pepper, Day 27 Prompts: Passing Out/Collapse)
In Your Dreams (Peter & Thor, Day 28 Prompts: "Good. You’re finally awake.”/Nightmare/Panic)
Mine (Peter & Steve, Day 29 Prompts: "You're Still Not Dead?"/Too Weak to Move/Overworked)
Didn’t Mean to Ghost You (Peter & Ben, Peter & Tony, Day 30 Prompts: Left for Dead/Ghosts)
Punstoppable (Peter & Tony, Peter/MJ, Peter & Avengers team, Day 31 Prompts: Hurt and Comfort/Disaster Zone/Prisoner/Trauma)
Bonus Chapter: Not Quite Sold Part 2 (Bucky & Natasha, Bucky & Steve, Febuwhump 2022 Day 20 Prompt: Caged)
Bonus Chapter: Not Quite Sold Part 3 (Peter & Tony, Febuwhump 2022 Day 27 Prompt: Shower Breakdown)
Whumptoberverse Fics (Whumptober 2020 Collection): A Civil War Fix-It that begins with Zemo kidnapping Tony and Peter in Siberia after the fight with Steve and Bucky. An attempt to consider all sides, perspectives, and mistakes made in Civil War with understanding rather than judgement. Currently being edited. 
'Til the Fight is Done (Peter & Tony, Day 1 Prompts: Waking Up Restrained/Shackled/Hanging)
What Makes A Captain (Steve & Bucky, Day 2 Prompts: "Pick Who Dies”/Collars/Kidnapped)
Not Your Sidekick (Rhodey & Sam, Day 3 Prompts: Held At Gunpoint/Manhandled)
Man in a Can (Tony & Rhodey, Day 4 Prompt: Buried Alive)
A Quiet Place (Natasha & Sam, Day 5 Prompts: On the Run/Failed Escape/Rescue)
Amendments (Tony & Bruce, Day 6 Prompts: “Get it Out”/No More/“Please…”)
Choices (Natasha & Bucky, Day 7 Prompts: Support/Enemy to Caretaker)
Dollhouse (Clint & Wanda, Day 8 Prompt: Isolation)
You're Always Spider-Man (Peter & Harley, Day 9 Prompts: "Run!"/"Take me instead")
There Will Be Blood (Peter & Bruce, Day 10 Prompts: Trail of Blood/Blood Loss)
Room 101 (Tony & Clint, Day 11 Prompts: Defiance/Struggling/Crying)
Safe Space (Rhodey & Steve, Day 12 Prompts: Broken Down/Broken Trust)
Hair is Everything (Tony & Natasha, Day 13 Prompts: Delayed Drowning/Chemical Pneumonia/Oxygen Mask)
We Didn't Start the Fire (Steve & Natasha, Day 14 Prompt: Fire)
Episode 15 AKA Mind Control (Clint & Bucky, Day 15 Prompts: Science Gone Wrong/Possession)
Budapest (Clint & Natasha, Day 16 Prompts: Forced to Beg/Hallucinations/Shoot the Hostage)
Project Cassandra (Bruce & Natasha, Day 17 Prompts: Dirty Secret/Wrongfully Accused)
We Forgot to Break Up (Tony & Steve, Day 18 Prompts: Paranoia/Panic Attacks)
Pile Up (Sam & Peter, Day 19 Prompts: Survivor's Guilt/Grief/Mourning Loved Ones)
Droney, I Have A Feeling We're Not in Queens Anymore (Peter & Wanda, Day 20 Prompts: Lost/Medieval)
Just A Little Stuck (Rhodey & Bucky, Day 21 Prompt: Chronic Pain)
Help (Sam & Tony, Day 22 Prompt: Drugged)
Mole (Peter & Natasha, Day 23 Prompts: Sleep Deprivation/Exhaustion)
On the Tip of My Tongue (Sam & Bucky, Day 24 Prompts: Blindfolds/Forced Mutism)
Original Weaknesses Series: A thirty-day writing challenge that helped me through COVID-19 and got way out of hand. Ranging from one-shots to multi-chapter fics to mini-series, these are stories where the Avengers and Guardians rescue each other from danger. OR: I just really liking writing hostage situations. 
The One Where Rhodey is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Bruce is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Wanda is Clint's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Thor is Loki's Weakness
The One Where Natasha is Clint's Weakness
The One Where Clint is Steve's Weakness (co-written with @16woodsequ)
The One Where Scott is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Thor's Weakness
The One Where Sam is Tony's Weakness
The One Where T'Challa is Shuri's Weakness (co-written with @fluencca​)
The One Where Clint is Natasha's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Stephen's Weakness
The One Where Bruce is Thor's Weakness (co-written with @onwardmeteors​)
The One Where Scott is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Peter is Thor's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Vision's Weakness
The One Where Groot is Rocket's Weakness
The One Where Tony is Bruce's Weakness
The One Where Wanda is Tony's Weakness
The One Where Brunnhilde is Carol's Weakness
The One Where Peter is Tony's Weakness
Cutting the Wire: A canon divergent retelling of 2014-2015 Avengers, as HYDRA comes after Steve to make him the new Winter Soldier.
The One Where Steve is Bucky's Weakness
The One Where Sam is Steve's Weakness
The One Where Bucky is Steve's Weakness (co-written with @usaonetwothree​)
The One Where Steve is Tony's Weakness
Heart of Stone: Currently features one Tony & Rhodey at MIT fic dealing with a stalker, Tiberius Stone, and an sequel set years later that kicks off a canon divergence from Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
The One Where Tony is Rhodey's Weakness
The One Where Clint is Tony's Weakness
The Fence and the Ambulance: Misunderstandings abound when Bucky is framed for Peter’s kidnapping, and both Tony and Steve rush to the rescue. Civil War Fix-It, canon divergent.
The One Where Peter is Bucky's Weakness
Whumping the Hawk: A collection of six horror/thriller stories focusing on Clint Barton. OR: I beat Clint up a lot in horrible and creative ways.
The Worst Thing
The One Where Natasha is Tony’s Weakness
The One Where Clint is Sam’s Weakness
The One Where Sam is Clint’s Weakness
Upcoming projects:
Team Iron Man (Current WIP): Isn’t it great to be the good guy who has never made a single mistake? How horrible and nasty are Team Cap for making poor Tony so sad and hurt. Well, at least he has Peter and Rhodey. They’re not acting weird. Don’t worry about it. Everything is perfect. This fic has been in my outline folder forever, and even though the time for it has probably passed, I think about often enough that I still want to write it. This is a Civil War Fix-It that’s intended to be a loving parody of the Irondad fandom, and a not-so-loving parody of the more extreme anti-Team Cap fics. No sides taken, no character bashing, happy ending.
Whumptoberverse Completion:
Barton Luck (Clint & Peter, Day 25 Prompts: Disorientation/Blurred Vision/Ringing Ears)
Seeing Red (Tony & Wanda, Day 26 Prompts: Migraine)
The Fine Print (Steve & Sam, Day 27 Prompts: Earthquake/Extreme Weather/Power Outage)
Untitled Wanda & Vision fic (Day 28 Prompts: Hunting Season)
Untitled Steve & Peter fic (Day 29 Prompts: Intubation/Reluctant Bedrest)
Untitled Bucky & Peter fic (Day 30 Prompts: Wound Reveal/Ignoring An Injury/Internal Organ Injury)
Untitled Tony & Bucky fic (Day 31 Prompts: Experiment/Left For Dead)
Heart of Stone Completion:
The One Where Phil is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Peter is Tony’s Weakness
The One Where Bucky is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Kate is Clint’s Weakness
The One Where Stephen is Tony’s Weakness
The Fence and the Ambulance Sequel to The One Where Peter is Bucky’s Weakness. When Steve and Tony fall into trouble, it’s Bucky and Peter’s turn to team up to rescue them.
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storm-breaker7 · 2 years
🌟 The Guide 🌟
If you do want to request then your in the right place. This is just some yeahs and nahs about what I'm willing to write.
Also, All my works can be found here (finished and in-progress work). Or you can use a tag I made to find them (#Storm7breaker posts OR #FishyMasterlists)!
* = I will only write this if someone requests it
Characters (I can/will write)
🌌Star Wars🌌
-Qui-Gon Jinn
-Obi-wan Kenobi
-Anakin Skywalker *
-Kanan Jarrus
-Luke Skywalker
-Darth Maul
-Cody, Fox, Wolffe, Howzer, Colt, Mayday
-Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, Tup
-Echo (Pre and post citadel)
-Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, Omega
(Not smut, spice or anything remotely close for omega.)
-Han Solo
-Din Djarin
-Alexsandr Kallus
-Thrawn *
G1 ⛰️
-Optimus, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, Wheeljack, Hound, Bumblebee, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Bluestreak, Mirage, Prowl, Grimlock, Skyfire
-Optimus Prime (& Orion Pax), Ratchet, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack
-Soundwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Dreadwing, Predaking
Bayverse🌎 *
-Optimus Prime, Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Sideswipe
-Bumblebee, Hot rod, Cheetor, Grimlock, Wheeljack, Perceptor, Chromia, Arcee, Kup
-Soundwave, Shockwave, Dead end
-Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Megatron, Ratchet, First Aid, Swerve, Skids, Tailgate, Chromedome, Rewind, Brainstorm, Perceptor, Fortress Maximus
-Soundwave, Cyclonus, Crankcase, Krok, Misfire, Spinister
Beast Wars 🏞️
-Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, Dinobot, Rattrap, Tigatron, Airazor
(No smut for Rhinox or Rattrap)
Rise of the Beasts 🏕️
-Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, Mirage
-Optimus Primal, Airazor, Cheetor, Rhinox
War for Cybertron 🌀
-Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Prowl, Mirage, Sideswipe, Red Alert, Wheeljack, Jetfire
-Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, Dinobot, Rattrap, Tigatron, Airazor
(Again no smut for Rhinox or Rattrap)
(I put them all in list format of; Autobot / Maximal, Factionless then Decepticon / Predicons) Btw if any soundwave is mentioned, his minibots count aswell 🧍
👔Criminal Minds👔
-Aaron Hotchner
-Derek Morgan
-Spencer Reid
🌋Pacific Rim🌋
-Chuck Hansen
-Raleigh Beckett
🌄Red Dead Redemption 2 🌄
-Arthur Morgan
-John Marston
-Charles Smith
-Javier Escuella
-Sean Mcguire
-Kieran Duffy
-Hosea Matthews
-Josiah Trelawny
(Strictly no smut for Kieran or Hosea.)
Rise 2018-2022
-Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikealangelo
-April O'Neil, Casey Jones
Rise 2012-2017
-Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Mikealangelo
📜🔦 Supernatural 🔦📜
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Castial (what's his last name...)
🥪🕊️ Team Fortress 2 🕊️🥪
(No smut or spice for pyro)
🗡️ Kingsman 🗡️
-Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin
-Harry Hart
(Strictly no smut for Merlin or Harry. Yea Sorry not sorry)
🪶 Assassin's Creed 🪶
-Ezio Auditore da Firenze
-Haytham Kenway
-Edward James Kenway
-Shay Patrick Cormac
-Arno Victor Dorian
-Jacob Frye
-Evie Frye
(No smut for Evie)
😵‍💫 Marvel 😵‍💫
Spider people 🕸️
-Miles Morales (1610 & 42)
-Hobie Brown
-Spiderman Noir
-Miguel O'Hara *
(I'll only write smut for e42 & e1610 miles if they are aged up (And Hobie if we assume he's 19. Google his age))
The Avengers 🦾 *
-Steve Rogers/Captain America
-Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier
-Tony Stark/Iron man
-Clint Barton/Hawkeye
-Sam Wilson/The Falcon
Others 🌃 *
-Matt Murdock/The Daredevil
💙 Detroit: Become Human 💙
-Hank Anderson
-Connor (RK800)
-Markus (RK200)
-Luther (TR400)
🍷 Stardew Valley 🍷
-Magnus (The Wizard)
(I can do anyone else in vanilla sdv but no smut for them)
📦🧩 Miscellaneous 👾📦
-Owen Grandy (From Juarrsic Park)
-John wick (From John Wick)
-Neo/Thomas Anderson (From The Matrix)
-Marty Mcfly (From Back to the Future)
-Ratchet (From Ratchet & Clank)
-Crash (From Crash Bandicoot)
-Graham Calloway/Gray aka Crackle (From Carmen Sandiego)
-Maximus Decimus Meridius (From Gladiator)
-Joel Miller (From The Last Of Us)
-Martin Riggs (From Lethal Weapon)
-Deacon st John (From Days Gone)
Do's & Don'ts
✅Do's ✅
-Sfw & Nsfw 💅
-Head canons, oneshots & twoshots I can do. I can do a series but I'd need time for that.
-Can do OCs (but I need a good description or I might have to make some shit up. OR if your really good to me, you'll link your OC if you've made a post ab them)
-I can do Gn, Male (tho I haven't done one yet), and Female Reader inserts
-Any Character from the universes above I can do plantonic fics if I know them
-I can do relativity Gorey stuff as long as it's for character development (Realistic situations (for said universe))... Nothing too graphic tho 🫣🥲
-I can do poly relationships it don't phase me.
-There is no way in hell I'm doing yandere. Nuh uh.
-Im not comfy with rape but I can mention it. Maybe touch on it but no scene. Hell nah.
-Im not doing pregnancy or pregnant inserts or OCs so say goodbye to that.
-No pale OCs or inserts. Ok no. I'll do any coloured insert but no inserts that are pale as a ghost. (Go touch some grass. This isn't twilight)
-Im sorry but no marriages or married insert X Character. Just no. (the exception being sdv)
-Im not doing Canon X Canon. I'm just not your guy for those requests
-I suck at writing gay smut soooo.... (My bad, I just don't want to horrify people with; my writing + gay smut)
⚠️Please follow these small tips, It will make my life easier⚠️
When requesting;
-I would like if you please be specific. I don't care if you write a whole paragraph, If I dunno what your going on about then I will probably decide what to do myself.
-If your not requesting and your just asking something, please mention that.
-Please be clear with what your asking. I'm not being mean just please make sure I can read it so I get your request right.
-You can keep your request open ended so I have most the reign, I don't mind as long as your good with what comes from it :)
I may add stuff later on if I come across something. Ty my lil goofy silly baba grills 🫶😘🧍💅
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kamidukki · 2 years
List of Favorite Event Stories
The end of February to the mid of March sees important developments of several franchises’ main stories unfolding. Specifically, I’m talking about Granblue Fantasy, which is in the middle of its 9th anniversary celebration and Twisted Wonderland, of its 3rd anniversary. Yumekuro celebrated its 1st anniversary in February, so there were a series of events and campaigns going on. In January, Akuneko released Episode 2.5 of the main story, which not only has a significant impact on the main storyline but also on the game's mechanics. Mahoyaku… well, it’s rolling out monthly updates on main story 2 as usual.
All the events in the game franchise I'm playing have inspired me to compile a list of stories (mainly events) that have left the most memorable impression on me. Needless to say, these are just my opinions.
1. Granblue Fantasy (GBF)
[All of title translations credit goes to the original game and gbf.wiki]
It's hard to pick just three favourite stories from a franchise that's been around for nine years. Not to mention the large cast, the rich and detailed world-building, and the rather complex ecosystem. So I'm going to cheat a little by choosing not an event title, but a series title.
The Archangel Saga is undoubtedly #1 for me. It consists of a trilogy that includes What Makes the Sky Blue, What Makes the Sky Blue II: Paradise Lost, and What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000. The series revolves around the relationship between former Supreme Primarch Lucifer and the archangel Sandalphon, and incorporates philosophical motifs into its plot. Given what happens at the end of the latest instalment, a continuation of the saga may be possible in the future (I hope).
The Dragon Knight series is next. Longer than the Archangel Saga, it contains 9 event stories, which are: Defender's Oath, Four Knights of a Fallen Land, Between Frost and Flame, Divergent Knighthoods, Welcome to the Bistro Feedranche, SIEGFRIED, The Saviour of Dalmore, The Strength to Wield, and To Each His Ideal. Loosely based on the Arthurian legend, the series has yet to reach its conclusion.
Romeo and Juliet series - in terms of intensity, this one is quite a leap from the previous two, but I still like it. The series consists of three event stories: So Close and Yet So Far, By Any Other Name, and Good Night Till It Be Morrow.
Special mention: Society and Foe, Kingdom of Levin, Kingdom of Irestill, and Alchemist. They're too good to be left out, even though they're not my top three, especially Society and Foe, which rivals Dragon Knight in greatness.
Precious, but unranked simply because I don’t know how to put them in order: Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies (8th anniversary event story), …And You (9th anniversary event story), Together in Song (sequel to the Selfira and Elta series), The Maydays (summer vacation 2019), Sincerely, Your Dearest Friend (summer vacation 2022), and finally, the one I will never have in my own archive because I hadn’t started playing GBF yet at the time, Katsugeki Touken Ranbu: Fate Horizon (collaborative event with TKRB in 2017).
2. Twisted Wonderland (TWST)
[All of title translations credit goes to Twisted Wonderland Unofficial English Wiki]
The most substantial story, in all the franchise listed here, is undeniably the main part. But for TWST, the veracity of the statement increases tenfold, if it weren’t for the Halloween event 2022. Before that, all the events in TWST give me the impression of being detached from the main story almost completely. This is not to say they’re not enjoyable, of course. It’s just none of them generates the same level of excitement with the main story, which, again, is simply my personal experience with the game. With that being said, my top 3 events from TWST are:
Glorious Masquerade ~Crimson Flowers and the Bell of Salvation~ When I said TWST events stories giving an impression of being detached from the main story, I guess I have to exclude this one because it includes a huge chunk of information that may or may not be related to the main story (if you know what happened in part 37 of Chapter 7, you’ll probably have a good guess of what this means). That, in itself, is highly intriguing to ponder about, which is why I pick it as my #1.
Ghost Marriage ~Proposal of Destiny~ I like the premise and chaos that surrounds the entirety chain of events. I don’t know if they’ll continue this event or make an entirely new one, but I hope we can see the entire casts with tuxedo someday.
Wish Upon a Star ~Dance and Wishes~ Less than the story itself, I’m putting it in the third place because of the outfits and the BGM. May not be fair given this is a list of my favorite stories, but hey, the music makes me enjoy the story so…?
Unranked: Happy Beans Day ~Seize the Golden Harp~ and Master Chef events
3. Mahoyaku (MHYK)
[All title translations are taken from MHYK Resource Masterlist. Credit goes to the respective translator]
Oh, no I’m not going to pick only three with this one. What I’m going to do is to run through the list of events and pick all of the events I think are my favorites. Excluding main story 1 & 2, anniversary 1-3, the events taking place after the 3rd anniversary, below is the result.
Prelude of the Festival of Desire ~Western & Eastern~
Etude of the Frog Taking Shelter from the Rain ~Southern & Northern~
Ballad of the Dreaming Pilot ~Western & Central~
Ballad of the Dog Tamer’s Prayer to the Northern Lights ~Central & Western~
Paradox Roid (April Fool 2021)
Rhapsody of the Yearning Seaside Town ~Western & Southern~
Rhapsody of the Snowy Town Where Prayers Bloom ~Northern & Western~
Rhapsody of the Clinic Where Flowers Take Root ~Southern & Eastern~
Up to No Good Under the New Moon (Halloween 2021)
A Curious Fairytale and Candy
The Hand Which the Chocolat Queen Takes (Valentine 2022)
Let Your Feelings Age With Wine
Fantasia of the Artisan of Yore ~Southern & Eastern~
It’s tempting to give a commentary on each, but nothing I want to say hasn’t been said by someone else in MHYK fandom. Additionally, there are many other scenes in events unlisted above that decimated me completely, for example Figaro and Shylock’s conversation in West Etude, Murr and Figaro’s (Walpurgis 2020), White(adult)’s remark to Olivia, etc. This also includes the interactions in various log-in stories of all events and/or campaigns.
4. Yumekuro (YMKR)
[All title translations credit goes to @/yumekuro_en on twitter]
Looking at the in-game events gallery, I’m surprised to see that I haven’t read the majority of them. Because of that, I’m not sure if I should include YMKR but well… I did. The first four ones earn their sport because they have my favorite characters and the last solely because it Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland-themed event.
Love Wrapped in Ribbons of Gratitude
Chef Cuit vs Chaos Cooking
Onsen Village Overflowing With Love
Make a Wish on This Holy Night
Wonder Tea Party
5. Akuneko (AKNK)
The easiest franchise to do. It didn’t even take more than five minutes, I think. Without further ado, here they are.
The Black Tea Party ― I seriously hope they’ll do some sort of continuation of this event. The premise is interesting and certainly has room for more complex development. Even better if they can tie it into the main story.
The Captive Dolls ― Probably because we don’t see Lato much in the main story, and precisely because we’re going to see him soon, this event becomes twice as intriguing to me.
Strawberry Garden & Rose Valentine (Valentine 2022) ― Simple but heartwarming and entertaining enough for me.
Additionally, Masquerade Jewel… though more because of the outfits rather than the story, haha.
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inamindfarfaraway · 8 months
😅🎢✨️🎉 for the ask game!!!
Tbh almost all of these are so good but I had to decide, gotta draw a line somewhere!
The ask game.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
There is of course When the Darkness Surrounds You, about a boy named Craphole Dikrats temporarily dying of dysentery. The story is completely compliant or at least compatible with canon. The Trail to Oregon! is just Like That. But while I am proud of my writing here on a technical level - some of my imagery, rewriting the comedic canon scene with a serious tone, capturing the narrative voice of this eccentric young child - yeah, the mere existence of this fic isn’t something I’d shout from the rooftops.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Mayday! was fun and definitely took me places I hadn’t expected at the start. It has such a simple premise, inspired by one of @writebackatya’s lighthearted polls speculating about a very minor loose thread in the DuckTales (2017) finale and my joking tags on it. Normally for a multichapter like this - ever since I published Lightning Bolts and Breaking Clouds with absolutely no plan, ran out steam as it got a huge following and have been feeling bad for leaving the readers hanging - I know how it’ll end from the start. Outlining the middle tends to the hardest part, but I have an idea of the destination. But this time, it took longer to figure out where I was going.
The title of ‘wildest ride’ may also go Sirens’ Night Out, where although I did outline the whole plot in detail, the process of writing was exciting and interesting. Getting to write from the POVs of Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn was a blast. They are very different characters, even if they may seem similar from the outside, and I took them to some deep, dark and dramatic places as well as very lighthearted and heartwarming ones, so it was a great exercise in tone variation. My answer depends on the definition of ‘wild’, I guess.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Disregarding the fear of sounding pretentious? Alright. I’m gonna say it: my writing can be really poetic. I can deftly employ imagery and emotive language, and decide on every words and the structure and length of each sentence with care to effectively convey profound ideas and feelings. Even in the fic about Craphole shitting himself to death. See, that was bathos!
I don’t use a beta reader most of the time because if I have a good enough idea of the story, I trust myself with the execution. Help with the plot and finer editing is usually what I want from a beta. But I do believe that I have a way with words.
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Good characterization, both faithful to canon (or at least my interpretation) and internally consistent; everyone’s behaviour should make sense to them. A cohesive, compelling story. Well-crafted writing. Having the intended emotional impact on the reader. I focus especially on character, emotions and themes - I try to make fics that you could write analytical essays about.
Thank you for the ask!
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dreamofstarlight · 1 year
and that movie has never been made lol. i find it interesting how many movies or series were supposed to be made about the kennedys but they either never happen at or get cancelled really quickly. i wonder if it's the family themselves who get these projects taken down or is it just simply hollywood.
Yeah I definitely feel like the family and their lawyers have gotten involved but with this one I don't really understand why they would because it's about PT 109 which would not portray JFK in a bad light since he was a hero. Also kind of glad it was never made considering the allegations against Ansel Elgort that came out.
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ptvflower · 1 year
Less than 20 days now until I see Mayday Parade and All Time Low with my boyfriend and I’m so excited. This will be my first concert since I saw Puffy AmiYumi at Anime Boston 2017 and my first emo concert (and also my second concert ever since the Puffy AmiYumi concert was the only concert I’ve ever been to haha) and it just. Feels great. I grew up without the money to ever go to concerts (not to mention I spent 80% of my teen years in inpatient) and now I live with my boyfriend and can go to concerts and have fun. Your 20s really are better than your teens.
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y’know thinking about my emo kid self, there’s such a difference in me in 2022/nearly 2023 at 27, where i can finally sing along to songs like therapy and remembering sunday by all time low, when it rains by paramore, the day i left the womb by (old school) escape the fate literally basically every mayday parade song ever, but most particularly i swear this time i mean it and a little bit of truth by you me at six… etc etc et al et al…. in the shower without choking back tears while sliding down the side of the shower.
like the day that i just started randomly singing therapy by atl and the day i left the womb by etf, for example, in the shower in like 2017 after not listening to them for a few years, bc both songs were randomly just stuck in my head…..
i knew i was feeling much better than i was at 15/16 in 2011, when i was going through my teen mental breakdown phase. i WAS screaming and choking out the lyrics to therapy and sick little games (along with the other songs mentioned above) in the shower in tears on the floor….. because i just fucking hated my life so much (lol, but not lol) and i thought i’d never leave my hometown (ok this is true and it’s fine) and it was also fucking shit because i couldn’t decide if i was depressed or not or anxious or not or i was just a big fucking fake *cue i’m a fake by the used here* and i wasn’t emo anymore and i had to be indie to sit with *echosmith voice* ~the cool kids~ when i changed schools.
like yeah. don’t get me wrong. there are times when the songs mentioned in this post make me cry (usually on my period tbh. lmao sorry for the tired joke)- like when the song/s really decides to hit me/i’ve actively looked them up on YT or spotify so i can have a good cry lol. but now i can sing these songs at any time without having an absolute snotty cry fest during any shower/bath i decide to sing these in. or just generally. like getting older rocks, in some aspects, and this is one of them.
because the songs that got you through what you thought at the time were your hardest times yet- you’ve got a huge storm coming in your mid20s, teen me- these songs will be your light instead of the pain, the utter angst and self-loathing you felt towards yourself on a daily basis as a teenager. yeah where’s that corny ass tumblr quote i used to post every fucking day of my life at 19- we all know it. but it really is. and yeah, there’s the thing that these songs are still emotional as all fuck, i still love them to this day. but i’m just not crying to them as much anymore. y’know what i mean??
anyway idek where this post was going. but growth is good and every current emo kid should know that it does get better. for the love of god it does. hang in there kids. because one day you’ll be 27, and whatever mid2000s or late 2010s emo song you’ve got on blast right now, because tiktok has been having a moment with them over the last couple of years…. will be a source of joy and not a source of self loathing and reason to cry every night in the shower. anyway. my point is, you won’t be “outdated, overrated” and you can still be “a dreamer for sure”- to quote the mayday parade song i mentioned earlier. you’ll just be a newer, hopefully happier, you. even when you’re “at bottom of the blackest hole” and want to “sleep enough to not see the sun anymore”. and that’s all you need.
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chungledown-bimothy · 2 years
How did the other ones age terribly, if you don't mind me asking?
I only have one tattoo at the moment! It's on my upper left arm and it's just a mountainscape with trees, a crescent moon, the constellation Cassiopeia, and swirling watercolor to make the sky look galaxy-like!
Honestly you're so valid. Also, I know it's never been confirmed bc they don't really talk about it past a passing joke, but I fully believe that Margaret Encino is a trans woman and I love that for her.
Ajdhd that is too much church for one day. I literally can't imagine growing up like that 😅 even going to church for an hour on Sundays (and on Wednesdays bc we went to church before CCD) was sooo boring as a kid. But honestly I never really believed in it 😂
My brother got irritated with me one day when I was 6 (he's 8 years older than me and never particularly liked me) and told me Santa wasn't real. I immediately went to my mom and asked for confirmation, and my mom sucks at lying so she told me the truth. I then immediately asked, "so then is the Easter bunny fake too? And the tooth fairy?" And when my mom answered yes to those, I apparently took a long pause and asked, 'is Jesus real?" 😂😂😂😂 My mom was so out of her depth
Those songs and that album are such good choices!!! FOB songs go hard and are honestly kind of underrated!!
It's honestly not that bad of a schedule! I've been doing it for almost 2 years now, and once you get used to it, it's actually great. Plus, when I take vacation, I get 3 weeks off instead of 2!!
What other bands/artists do you like?? If you have Spotify and don't mind sharing, who was your top artist of the year?
- 🪐
They're both from fandoms I've since completely separated myself from.
One of them is a BTS tattoo (their logo on my inner wrist) I got in 2018, and while I still listen to their music from time to time, I really don't pay any attention to them any more. The fandom as a whole fucking sucks, and it seemed to just be getting worse, so I bailed a couple years ago.
The other is a goddamn Sanders Sides tattoo I got in early 2017. Also not a big piece, and one that's aesthetically cool divorced from its source, so not a big deal there. The tldr on it aging poorly is that Thomas has been stringing along and fucking over his fans for the last few years, and it fucking sucks.
I have not learned from either of these experiences and will soon be getting a kingdom hearts tattoo and a d20 one (once i figure out what the fuck i'm actually gonna get lol)
Holy shit that sounds so beautiful!!
It definitely was a lot of church, but I was so devout, I truly didn't care. I also, as a freshman and sophomore in high school, did an additional scripture study class from 5:30 to 6:30 am every weekday 😅
That's fucking hilarious oh my god. I cannot imagine what my dad would have looked like or said if I'd asked him that lmfao
I'm glad the schedule works for you! 3 weeks definitely sounds great ^_^
My current favorite artist is Sig Figs Collective for sure. They were pretty much all I listened to from this past October to when they had to take their music off Spotify. I also listen to a lot of show tunes and other pop punk (mcr, green day, mayday parade)
I think my top artist last year, though, was, uh. Markiplier. I listened to one of the songs he released for In Space With Markiplier almost 500 times, and there were a few other songs he's done that were also in heavy rotation lol
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